Black 5000 Se ries I.D.PR Plus Printer Ribbon - #
QTY/UOM: 1/Each
CA TA LOG #: R5300
PRODUCT #: 33951
Des cription for Black 5000 Series I.D.PRO® Plus Pr int er Ribbo n
Blac k Hig h-Perf ormance for PermaSleev e® and DuraSleev e. D arker print, m ore sm ear resistant.
Specification Of Black 5000 Series I.D.PR Plus Printer R ibbon
Color: Black
S afety Catalog : pg. 126
Ribbon Series: 5000
Printer Compatibility: I.D. PRO Plus
RoHS Compatibility: Compli ant wi th RoHS D i rective. N OTE: All statements concerni ng RoHS D i recti ve compl i ance refer to 2005/618/EC M CV amendment to RoHS
D i rective 2002/95/EC. Product compl iance i s based upon informati on provid ed by suppliers of the raw materi als u sed by Brady to manufacture these
products, or by i ndependent l aboratory testing of these products. As such, Brady m akes no independent representations or warranties, exp re ss or
im plied, and assum es no liability in connection with the use of this inform ation.
QTY/UOM: 1/Each…/… 1/1