General Description
The MAX4810 evaluation kit (EV kit) provides a proven
design to evaluate the MAX4810 high-voltage digital
The MAX4810 EV kit PCB comes with a MAX4810CTN+
installed. Contact the factory for free samples of the
pin-compatible MAX4811CTN+ or MAX4812CTN+
Warning: Use caution when using this EV kit due to the
high voltage involved.
oOn-Board Charge-Pump Voltage Inverter
oLead-Free and RoHS Compliant
oFully Assembled and Tested
Evaluates: MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812
MAX4810 Evaluation Kit
Maxim Integrated Products
19-4300; Rev 0; 10/08
Component List
For pricing, delivery, and ordering information, please contact Maxim Direct at 1-888-629-4642,
or visit Maxim’s website at
Ordering Information
Component Suppliers
C1–C4 4
4700pF ±10%, 250V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0805)
Murata GRM21AR72E472K
C5, C6 2
4700pF ±10%, 25V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71H472K
C7–C11, C18 6
0.1μF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R71C104K
C12C15 4
0.1μF ±10%, 250V X7R ceramic
capacitors (1206)
Murata GRM31CR72E104K
C16, C17 2
10μF ±10%, 16V X7R ceramic
capacitors (1206)
Murata GRM31CR71C106K
C19C22 4
10μF ±20%, 160V aluminum
electrolytic capacitors (G13)
Panasonic EEVEB2C100Q
C23, C24 2
220pF ±10%, 250V X7R ceramic
capacitors (0603)
Murata GRM188R72E221KW07D
J1J4 4 2-pin headers
JU2, JU4, JU5,
JU6, JU8,
JU10, JU11
7 3-pin headers
JU12JU16 5 2-pin headers
R1, R2 2 1k ±5%, 1W chip resistors (2512)
Panasonic ERJ1TYJ102U
U1 1
High-voltage digital pulser
(56 TQFN-EP*)
Maxim MAX4810CTN+
U2 1
Charge-pump voltage inverter (8 SO)
Maxim ICL7662CBA+
— 12 Shunts
1 PCB: MAX4810 Evaluation Kit+
Murata Electronics North America, Inc. 770-436-1300
Panasonic Corp. 800-344-2112
Denotes lead-free and RoHS compliant.
EP = Exposed pad.
Note: Indicate that you are using the MAX4810, MAX4811, or MAX4812 when contacting these component suppliers.
Evaluates: MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812
MAX4810 Evaluation Kit
2 _______________________________________________________________________________________
f = 5MHz
PRF = 1kHz
Figure 1. Data Generator Outputs
Quick Start
Recommended Equipment
Before beginning, the following equipment is needed:
MAX4810 EV kit
One +100V, 200mA power supply
One -100V, 200mA power supply
One +12V, 200mA power supply
One +3.3V, 200mA power supply
One data generator
One electronic load
One 4-channel oscilloscope
The MAX4810 EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation.
Caution: Do not turn on the power supply or the
electronic load until all connections are completed.
1) Verify that the jumpers are in their default positions,
as described in Table 1.
2) Connect the +100V power supply to the EV kit
VPP1 pad and connect the ground of the +100V
power supply to the EV kit left GND pad.
3) Connect the -100V power supply to the EV kit VNN1
pad and connect the ground of the -100V power
supply to the EV kit left GND pad.
4) Connect the +12V power supply to the EV kit VCC
pad and connect the ground of the +12V power
supply to the EV kit top GND pad.
5) Connect the +3.3V power supply to the EV kit VDD
pad and connect the ground of the +3.3V power
supply to the EV kit top GND pad.
6) Set the electronic load in constant resistance mode
at 100Ω. Connect the electronic load positive termi-
nal to the EV kit OUT1 pad. Connect the electronic
load negative terminal to the EV kit left GND pad.
7) Connect the oscilloscope channel 1 to capture the
INP1 signal (on the EV kit J1 connector).
8) Connect the oscilloscope channel 2 to capture the
INN1 signal (on the EV kit J2 connector).
9) Connect the oscilloscope channel 3 to capture the
OUT1 signal (on the EV kit OUT1 pad).
10) Set the data generator to generate two outputs.
Each output has three pulses in every pulse repeat-
ing period, as shown in Figure 1. Set the pulse
amplitude to +3.3V. Disable the outputs.
11) Connect the data generator output 1 to the INP1
logic input (on the EV kit J1 connector). Connect
the data generator output 2 to the INN1 logic input
(on the EV kit J2 connector). Connect the ground of
the data generator to the EV kit top GND pad.
12) Turn on the power supplies.
13) Enable the data generator outputs.
14) Verify that the signal on the OUT1 pad is similar to
the waveform shown in Figure 2.
Evaluates: MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812
MAX4810 Evaluation Kit
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
f = 5MHz
PRF = 1kHz
Figure 2. MAX4810 OUT1 Waveform
Detailed Description of
The MAX4810 IC generates high-voltage/high-frequen-
cy unipolar or bipolar pulses from low-voltage logic
inputs. These dual pulsers feature independent logic
inputs, independent high-voltage pulser outputs with
active clamps, and independent high-voltage supply
The MAX4810 has three logic inputs per channel to
control the positive and negative pulses and active
clamp. Also included are two independent enable
inputs. Disabling EN ensures that the output MOSFETs
are not accidentally turned on during fast power-supply
ramping. This allows for faster ramp times and smaller
delays between pulsing modes. A low-power shutdown
mode reduces power consumption. All digital inputs
are CMOS compatible.
The MAX4810 EV kit has a total of nine logic input sig-
nals. SHDN controls power-up and down of the device.
There are two sets of INP_, INN_, INC_, and EN_ sig-
nals with one for each channel. INP_ controls the on
and off states of the high-side FET, INN_ controls the
on and off states of the low-side FET, INC_ controls the
active clamp, and EN_ controls the gate-to-source
short. These signals give complete control of the output
stage of each driver. See Table 1 for the EV kit jumper
Power Supplies
The MAX4810 high-side positive power supply is con-
nected to the VPP1 pad or the VPP2 pad. The negative
power supply is connected to the VNN1 pad or the
VNN2 pad. Close JU12 to share VPP1 and VPP2. Close
JU13 to share VNN1 and VNN2.
The MAX4810 gate drive positive power supply is con-
nected to the VCC pad and the negative power supply
is connected to the VEE pad. Set the shunt on JU11
across pins 2-3 to provide the negative power supply
through the on-board charge-pump voltage inverter, U2
(Maxim ICL7662). When the VCC input voltage is in the
4.5V to 10V range, place a shunt across JU16 pins 1-2.
When VCC is above 10V, leave JU16 open.
The MAX4810 logic power supply is connected to the
VDD pad.
The same power-supply connections can be made
when evaluating the MAX4811 or MAX4812.
INP_ and INN_ Logic Inputs
Refer to the MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812 IC data
sheet for the logic input requirements. INP1 is connect-
ed to header J1, INN1 is connected to header J2, INP2
is connected to header J3, and INN2 is connected to
header J4.
Evaluates: MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812
MAX4810 Evaluation Kit
4 _______________________________________________________________________________________
Table 1. MAX4810 EV Kit Jumper Descriptions
1-2* Channel 1 clamp turned on
JU2 (INC1) 2-3 Channel 1 clamp turned off
1-2* Channel 1 output enabled
JU4 (EN1) 2-3 Channel 1 output disabled
1-2* MAX4810 power-up
JU5 (SHDN)2-3 MAX4810 power-down
1-2* Channel 2 output enabled
JU6 (EN2) 2-3 Channel 2 output disabled
1-2* Channel 2 clamp turned on
JU8 (INC2) 2-3 Channel 2 clamp turned off
1-2* Substrate voltage VSS connected to VNN1
JU10 2-3 Substrate voltage VSS connected to VNN2
1-2 VEE connected to the external power supply
JU11 2-3* VEE generated by the on-board voltage inverter
1-2* VPP2 connected to VPP1
JU12 Open VPP2 independent of VPP1
1-2* VNN2 connected to VNN1
JU13 Open VNN2 independent of VNN1
1-2* OUT1 connected to the on-board weak load
JU14 Open OUT1 open
1-2* OUT2 connected to the on-board weak load
JU15 Open OUT2 open
1-2 On-board voltage inverter input is below 10V
JU16 Open* On-board voltage inverter input is above 10V
Default position.
Evaluates: MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812
MAX4810 Evaluation Kit
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 5
Figure 3. MAX4810 EV Kit Schematic
Maxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are
implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.
Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600
© 2008 Maxim Integrated Products is a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
Evaluates: MAX4810/MAX4811/MAX4812
MAX4810 Evaluation Kit
Figure 4. MAX4810 EV Kit Component Placement Guide—
Component Side
Figure 5. MAX4810 EV Kit PCB Layout—Component Side
Figure 6. MAX4810 EV Kit PCB Layout—Solder Side
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