HEWLETT* PACKARD Ky Surface Mount Zero Bias Schottky Detector Diodes Technical Data Features Surface Mount SOT-23/ SOT-143 Package High Detection Sensitivity: 40 mV/uW at 915 MHz 30 mV/uW at 2.45 GHz 22 mV/LW at 5.80 GHz Low Flicker Noise: -162 dBV/Hz at 100 Hz * Low FIT (Failure in Time) Rate* High and Low Profile Versions Tape and Reel Options Available * For more information see the Surface Mount Schottky Reliability Data Sheet. DC Electrical Specifications, T, = +25C, Single Diode Package Lead Code Identification Top View SINGLE, #0 SERIES, #2 30] 30) 4 LI 2 LI 1 LI 2 LI SINGLE, #1 UNCONNECTED PAIR, #5 iE + 1 a iT al HSMS-285X Series Description Hewlett-Packards HSMS-285X. family of low cost surface mount zero bias Schottky detector diodes have been designed and optim- ized for use from 915 MHz to 5.8 GHz and are ideal for RF/ID and RF Tag applications requiring zero bias signal detection, modu- lation, RF to DC conversion or voltage doubling. Available in various package con- figurations, the superior detection sensitivity and zero bias proper- ties of the HSMS-285X allow for easier, less costly, high volume RF Identification and RF Tag system (Passive or Active, Read Only or Read/Write) designs. Part Package Maximum Typical Number | Marking | Lead Forward Voltage Capacitance HSMS- | Codel!! | Code Configuration Vp (mV) Cy (pF) 2850 PQ 0 Single!?l 150 250 0.3 2851 Pl 1 Singlel2! 2852 P2 2 Series Pair!.4] 2855 P5 5 Unconnected Pair!.4) Test Ip=0.1mA | Ip=10mA] Vp=-0.5 V to -1.0 V, Conditions f= 1 MHz Notes: 1. Package marking code is in white. Package marking codes for low profile are designated by a suffix L. 2. Bateh Matching available upon request. AV, = 10 mV at 1.0 mA ACrp = 0.05 pF at -0.5 V. 3. AVp for diodes in pairs is 15.0 mV maximum at 1.0mA. 4. AOp for diodes in pairs is 0.05 pF maximum at -0.5 V. ESD WARNING: Handling Precautions Should Be Taken To Avoid Static Discharge.RF Electrical Parameters, T, = +25C, Single Diode Typical Part Typical Tangential Sensitivity Typical Voltage Sensitivity Video Number TSS (dBm) @ f= (mV/UW) @ f= Resistance HSMS.- 915MHz | 2.45GHz | 5.8GHz | 915MHz | 2.45GHz | 5.8GHz Ry (K22) 2850 -57.0 -56.0 -55.0 40.0 30.0 22.0 8.0 2851 2852, 2855 Test Video Bandwidth = 2 MHz Power in = -40 dBm, Conditions Ry, = 100 KQ, I bias = 0 Absolute Maximum Ratings, T, = +25C, Single Diode Symbol Parameter Absolute Maximum!) Py Total Device Dissipation!! 75 mW Pry Peak Inverse Voltage 2.0 V Ty Junction Temperature 150C Tsra Storage Temperature -65C to 150C Top Operating Temperature -65C to 150C Notes: 1. Operation in excess of any one of these conditions may result in permanent damage to the device. 2. CW Power Dissipation at Ti pap = +25C. Derate linearly to zero at maximum rated temperature.Equivalent Circuit Model Typical Input Impedance HSMS-2850, HSMS-2851:; at Pin = -40 dBm, HSMS-2850 Singles Freq. (GHz) ), (Mag.) ,, (Angle) 07 PF 0.25 0.989 -2.157 " 0.50 0.988 4.327 oom oka 0.75 0.988 6.525 Wy Sn 1.00 0.987 -8.765 1.25 0.986 -11.062 0.16 pF 1.50 0.984 13.432 " 1.75 0.982 -15.893 2.00 0.980 -18.465 2.25 0.977 21.170 Spice Parameters 2.50 0.974 24,032 Is =3.0x 10E-6 A Eg = 0.69 eV 375 0.970 37.079 Rg = 25 Q Cyo = 0.17 pF 3.00 0.965 -30.344 N = 1.055 Pa(Vq) = 0.35 V 3.25 0.959 -33.864 By = 3.8 V M=0.5 3.50 0.953 37.682 Ipyv=3.0x10E-4A | PAXTT) = 2.0 375 0.945 AL 848 4.00 0.936 46,423 4.25 0.925 51.474 4.50 0.912 57.081 4.75 0.898 63.337 5.00 0.880 -70.345 5.25 0.861 78.219 5.50 0.839 87.077 5.75 0.815 -97.031 6.00 0.790 -108.16Typical Parameters, Single Diode 10000 | * R, = 100KQ F Ry = 100 KQ L* 1000 aa 10 > E 2.45 GHz = r E L = L - 100 915 MHz E i 2.45 GHz --| = E 5 5 oa oa a mt) L Ww 2 10k @ e : Es r 5.8GHz & TF | a 03 DIODES TESTED IN FIXED-TUNED Lb DIODES TESTED IN FIXED-TUNED FR4 MIGROSTRIP CIRCUITS. osk FR4 MICROSTRIP CIRCUITS. -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 "-50 -40 30 POWER IN (dBm) POWER IN (dBm) Figure 1. +25C Output Voltage vs. Input Power. Figure 2. +25C Expanded Output Voltage vs. Input Power. 100- > F < r ae & oT on = ME = a Ff W ira L o 5 a Bo ab 5 a 3 o & E c = F 2 oc a Oo O1F 5 F iL t MADE USING A = | FR4 CIRCUIT. 0.01 0.9 0 0204 66 08 101.2 141618 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Ve FORWARD VOLTAGE () TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 3. +25C Forward Current vs. Forward Voltage. Figure 4. Output Voltage vs. Temperature.PASSIVATION ew PASSIVATION N-TYPE OR P-TYPE EPI\ LAYER HSMS-285X Appli- cations Information Introduction Hewlett-Packards family of HSMS-285X zero bias Schottky diodes have been developed specifically for low cost, high volume detector applications where bias current is not available. Schottky Barrier Diode Characteristics Stripped of its package, a Schottky barrier diode chip consists of a metal- semiconductor barrier formed by deposition of a metal layer on a semiconductor. The most common of several different types, the passivated diode, is shown in Figure 5, along with its equivalent circuit. METAL N < SCHOTTKY JUNCTION OF N-TYPE OR P-TYPE SILICON SUBSTRATE t CROSS-SECTION OF SCHOTTKY EQUIVALENT BARRIER DIODE CHIP CIRCUIT Figure 5. Schottky Diode Chip. Rg is the parasitic series resistance of the diode, the sum of the bondwire and leadframe resistance, the resistance of the bulk layer of silicon, etc. RF energy coupled into Reg is lost as heat - it does not contribute to the rectified output of the diode. Cy is parasitic junction capaci- tance of the diode, controlled by the thickness of the epitaxial layer and the diameter of the Schottky contact. Ry is the video resistance of the diode, a function of the total current flowing through it. zs Ry = 26,000 Is + I. where Iy = diode saturation current in pA I, = total external current in LA The external current I, is comprised of bias current and circulating current generated through the rectification of RF. Ig is a function of diode barrier height, and can range from picoamps for high barrier diodes to as much as 5 pA for very low barrier diodes. The Height of the Schottky Barrier The current-voltage character- istic of a Schottky barrier diode at room temperature is described by the following equation: I =I, (exp (*) -1) On a semi-log plot (as shown in the HP catalog) the current graph will be a straight line with inverse slope 2.8 X 0.026 = 0.060 volts per cycle (until the effect of Rg is seen in a curve that droops at high current). All Schottky diode curves have the same slope, but not necessarily the same value of current for a given voltage. This is deter- mined by the saturation current, Ig, and is related to the barrier height of the diode. Through the choice of p-type or n-type silicon, and the selection of metal, one can tailor the characteristics of a Schottky diode. Barrier height will be altered, and at the same time C; and Rg will be changed. In general, very low barrier height diodes (with high values of Ig, suitable for zero bias applica- tions) are realized on p-type silicon. Such diodes suffer from higher values of Rg than do the n-type. Thus, p-type diodes are generally reserved for detector applications (where very high values of Ry swamp out high Rg) and n-type diodes are used for mixer applications (where high L.O. drive levels keep Ry low). Measuring Diode Parameters The measurement of the five elements which make up the equivalent circuit for a pack- aged Schottky diode (see Figure 8, below) is a complex task. Various techniques are used for each element. The task begins with the elements of the diode chip itself. Rg is perhaps the easiest to measure accurately. The V-I curve is measured for the diode under forward bias, and the slope of the curve is taken at some relatively high value of current (such as 5 mA). This slope is converted into a resistance Ry. 0.026 Rg = Ry - I f Ry and C; are very difficult to measure. Consider the imped- ance of C; = 0.16 pF when measured at 1 MHz it is approximately 1 MQ. For a well designed zero bias Schottky, Ry is in the range of 5 to 25 kQ, and it shorts out the junction capacitance. Moving up to a higher frequency enables the measurement of the capaci- tance, but it then shorts out the video resistance. The best measurement technique is to mount the diode in series in a 50 microstrip test circuit andmeasure its insertion loss at low power levels (around -20 dBm) using an HP8753C network analyzer. The resulting display will appear as shown in Figure 6. -10 Tit TT 0.16 pF / 15 soo S 6 7 ao -25 = S J E J eS. Z | / nad Y ti aol 3 10 100 4000 3000 FREQUENCY (MHz) Figure 6. Measuring Cy and Ry. At frequencies below 10 MHz, the video resistance dominates the loss and can easily be calcu- lated from it. At frequencies above 300 MHz, the junction capacitance sets the loss, which plots out as a straight line when frequency is plotted on a log scale. Again, calculation is straightforward. Lp and Cp are best measured on the HP8753C, with the diode terminating a 50 line on the input port. The resulting tabulation of S,, can be put into a microwave linear analysis program having the five element equivalent circuit with Ry, Cy; and Rg fixed. The optimizer can then adjust the values of Lp and Cp until the calculated S,, matches the measured values. Note that extreme care must be taken to de-embed the parasitics of the 50 test fixture. Detector Circuits When DC bias is available, Schottky diode detector circuits can be used to create low cost RF and microwave receivers with a sensitivity of -55 dBm to -57 dBm."! Moreover, since external DC bias sets the video impedance of such circuits, they display classic square law response over a wide range of input power levels!2.2]. These circuits can take a variety of forms, but in the most simple case they appear as shown in Figure 7. Where DC bias is not available, a zero bias Schottky diode is used to replace the conventional Schottky in these circuits, and bias choke Lj is eliminated. The circuit then is reduced to a diode, an RF impedance matching network and (if required) a DC return choke and a capacitor. In the design of such detector circuits, the starting point is the equivalent circuit of the diode, as shown in Figure 8. Of interest in the design of the video portion of the circuit is the diodes video impedance - the other four elements of the equiv- alent circuit disappear at all reasonable video frequencies. In general, the lower the diodes video impedance, the better the design. DC BIAS Ly RF g_| Z-MATCH VIDEO AF IN [NETWORK OUT IN cl Figure 7. Basic Detector Circuits. Lp Ry A WY Rg a FOR THE HSMS-2850... I Cp = 0.08 pF Lp=2nH Cy = 0.16 pF Rg =20 0 Ry =9 KO Figure 8. Equivalent Circuit of a Schottky Diode. The situation is somewhat more complicated in the design of the RF impedance matching net- work, which includes the pack- age inductance and capacitance (which can be tuned out), the series resistance, the junction capacitance and the video resistance. Of these five elements of the diodes equiv- alent circuit, the four parasitics are constants and the video resistance is a function of the current flowing through the diode. Fay = 26.000 Ig + Ig where Ig = diode saturation current in pA Ic = circulating current in WA Dc BIAS NETWORK Ly VIDEO OUT 2-MATCH (WHewlett-Packard Application Note 923, Schottky Barrier Diode Video Detectors. [2]Hewlett-Packard Application Note 986, Square Law and Linear Detection. 3!Hewlett-Packard Application Note 956-5, Dynamic Range Extension of Schottky Detectors.Saturation current is a function of the diodes design,!4! and it is a constant at a given tempera- ture. For the HSMS-2850, it is typically 3 to 5 pA at 25C. The circulating current is that produced by rectification of the RF signal, and is a function of Ry, load resistance, RF input power, diode detection sensitiv- ity y and the degree of RF input impedance match. Thus, it can be seen that Ry will drop as the power of the applied signal (and, correspondingly, the magnitude of I.) is increased, resulting in a transfer charac- teristic which is not perfectly square-law.!4! See Figure 9. 10000 - F RL = 100K | - FREQUENCY = 2.45 GHz - a 7 z F SQUARE LAW. 9 A = | RESPONSE, & 100} ry S F a < 10} wo a r Ss , / 1 cf o3f FAXED-TUNED rE FRA MICROSTRIP CIRCUIT. 50 40 30 -20 10 a POWER IN (dBm) Figure 9. Transfer Characteristic of the HSMS-2850. Nevertheless, in most applica- tions where DC bias is not available, this approximation to square law response is quite satisfactory. The most difficult part of the design of a detector circuit is the input impedance matching network. For very broadband detectors, a shunt 60 resistor will give good input match, but at the expense of detection sensitivity. When maximum sensitivity is required over a narrow band of frequencies, a reactive matching network is optimum. Such net- works can be realized in either lumped or distributed elements, depending upon frequency, size constraints and cost limitations, but certain general design principals exist for all types.!! Design work begins with the RF impedance of the HSMS-2850, which is given in Figure 10. Figure 10. RF Impedance of the HSMS-2850 at -40 dBm. 915 MHz Detector Circuit Figure 11 illustrates a simple impedance matching network for a 915 MHz detector. 65nH HSMS-2850 RF VIDEO INPUT 7 OUT WIDTH = 0.050" LENGTH = 0.065" DS WIDTH = 0.015" LENGTH = 6.600" TRANSMISSION LINE DIMENSIONS ARE FOR MICROSTRIP ON 0.032 THICK FR-4. Figure 11.915 MHz Matching Network for the HSMS-2850. llHewlett-Packard Application Note 969, An Optimum Zero Bias Schottky Detector Diode. ElHewlett-Packard Application Note 963, Impedance Matching Techniques for Mixers and Detectors A 65 nH inductor rotates the impedance of the diode to a point on the Smith Chart where a shunt inductor can pull it up to the center. The short length of 0.065" wide microstrip line is used to mount the lead of the diodes SOT-23 package. A shorted shunt stub of length /@ CHIP capacirn 20 TO 100 pF Figure 17. Test Detector. uw uw z z as g& g 8 os or os #2-56 TAP 0.40 MIN., 4 PLACES 1.000 - o0.900 | - 0.670 I 0.330 0.100 o.00 REF, 0.00 REF. #2-56 TAP MATERIAL: THROUGH, 0.250" H.H. 4 PLACES BRASS PLATE FREQUENCY (GHz): 2.3-2.6 Figure 18. Input Impedance. A word of caution to the designer is in order. A glance at Figure 18 will reveal the fact that the circuit does not provide the optimum impedance to the diode at 2.45 GHz. The temptation will be to adjust the circuit elements to achieve an ideal single frequency match, as illustrated in Figure 20. This does indeed result in a very good match at midband, as shown in Figure 21. However, bandwidth is narrower and the designer runs the risk of a shift in the mid- band frequency of his circuit if0 oO ~ 5 PN | = -5E Lo foal a ~ fr ao t - 2 ; 3 5 8 L \ / & } / S -410 -1of - Y @ -15 Bi -15 i | | a 6 OB FREQUENCY (GHz): 2.3-2.6 FREQUENCY (GHz) FREQUENCY (GHz) Figure 19. Input Return Loss. Figure 20. Input bnpedance, Figure 21. Input Return Loss, Modified 2.45 GHz Circuit. Modified 2.45 GHz Circuit. there is any small deviation in Voltage Doublers circuit board or diode character- istics due to lot-to-lot variation or change in temperature. The matching technique illustrated in Figure 18 is much less sensitive to changes in diode and circuit board processing. To this point, we have restricted our discussion to single diode detectors. A glance at Figure 7, however, will lead to the suggestion that the two types of single diode detectors be combined into a two diode voltage doubler!l (known also 5.8 GHz Detector Cireuit as a full wave rectifier). Such a A possible design for a 5.8 GHz FREQUENCY (GHz}: 5.6-6.0 detector is shown in Figure 25. detector is given in Figure 22. Figure 23. Input bnpedance. HSMS-2850 REIN | Z-MATCH VIDEO RF VIDEO NETWORK OUT INPUT > OUT Stale 0016" Input return loss, shown in = N 20 pF Figure 24, exhibits wideband WIDTH = 0.045" match Figure 25. Voltage Doubler Circuit LENGTH = 0.073" . gure 25. Voltage Doubler cuit. " TRANSMISSION LINE 0 DIMENSIONS ARE FOR r MICROSTRIP ON i 0.032" THICK FR-4. F 5 a Lo Figure 22. 5.8 GHz Matching a i Network for the HSMS-2850. g 40 ws, fl 5 i \ / z L 2 L fe -15h \ f, As was the case at 2.45 GHz, L I iS the circuit is entirely po Lui Deda leel alae eelaeelelelanetanl decdlebeeleetentals distributed element, both low "5.6 a7 5.8 59 6.0 cost and compact. Input FREQUENCY (GHz) impedance for this network is (SlHewlett-Packard Application Note given in Figure 23. Figure 24. Input Return Loss. 956-4, Schottky Diode Voltage Doubler.Such a circuit offers several advantages. First the voltage outputs of two diodes are added in series, increasing the overall value of voltage sensitivity for the network (compared to a single diode detector). Second, the RF impedances of the two diodes are added in parallel, making the job of reactive matching a bit easier. Such a circuit can easily be realized using the two series diodes in the HSMS-2852. The Virtual Battery The voltage doubler can be used as a virtual battery, to provide power for the operation of an LC. or a transistor oscillator in a tag. [luminated by the CW signal from a reader or inter- rogator, the Schottky circuit will produce power sufficient to operate an LC. or to charge up a capacitor for a burst transmis- sion from an oscillator. Where such virtual batteries are employed, the bulk, cost, and limited lifetime of a battery are eliminated. Flicker Noise Reference to Figure 5 will show that there is a junction of metal, silicon, and passivation around the rim of the Schottky contact. It is in this three-way junction that flicker noise!l is generated. This noise can severely reduce the sensitivity of a crystal video receiver utilizing a Schottky detector circuit if the video frequency is below the noise corner. Flicker noise can be substantially reduced by the elimination of passivation, but such diodes cannot be mounted in non-hermetic packages. p-type silicon Schottky diodes have the least flicker noise ata given value of external bias (compared to n-type silicon or GaAs). At zero bias, such diodes can have extremely low values of flicker noise. For the HSMS- 2850, the noise temperature ratio is given in Figure 26. Noise temperature ratio is the quotient of the diodes noise power (expressed in dBV/Hz) divided by the noise power of an 15 \ 5 \ Nn NOISE TEMPERATURE RATIO (dB) 40 i100 FREQUENCY (Hz) 1000 10000 100000 Figure 26. Typical Noise Temperature Ratio. ideal resistor of resistance R = Ry. For an ideal resistor R, at 300K, the noise voltage can be computed from v = 1.287 X 10-19 VR volts/Hz which can be expressed as 20 login v dBV/Hz Thus, for a diode with Ry = 9 KQ, the noise voltage is 12.2 nV/Hz or -158 dBV/Hz. On the graph of Figure 26, -158 dBV/Hz would replace the zero on the vertical scale to convert the chart to one of absolute noise voltage vs. frequency. 10 Diode Burnout Any Schottky junction, be it an RF diode or the gate of a MESFET, is relatively delicate and can be burned out with excessive RF power. Many crystal video receivers used in RFID (tag) applications find themselves in poorly controlled environments where high power sources may be present. Examples are the areas around airport and FAA radars, nearby ham radio operators, the vicinity of a broadcast band transmitter, etc. In such environments, the Schottky diodes of the receiver can be protected by a device known as a limiter diode.!! Formerly available only in radar warning receivers and other high cost electronic warfare applications, these diodes have been adapted to commercial and consumer circuits. Hewlett-Packard offers a com- plete line of surface mountable PIN limiter diodes. Most notably, our HSMP-4820 (SOT- 23) can act as a very fast (nanosecond) power-sensitive switch when placed between the antenna and the Schottky diode, shorting out the RF circuit temporarily and reflecting the excessive RF energy back out the antenna. [7]Hewlett-Packard Application Note 965-3, Flicker Notse in Schottky Diodes. [8]Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1050, Low Cost, Surface Mount Power Limiters.11 Ordering Information Specify part number followed by option under. For example: H SMS-285X #X XX Le Bulk or Tape and Reel Option Profile: Standard = T, or Low = L Part Number Surface Mount Schottky Hewlett-Packard Package Dimensions Outline 23 (SOT-23) TOP VIEW 1.02 (0.040) | DBO 70.035) | be one END VIEW PACKAGE =e MARKIN CODE ~ Profile Option pon | fees seas | | eee Descriptions } a ol Standard Profile 1 u 2 2.04 (0.080 #T30 = Bulk ~ F707) AL } #T31 = 3K pe. Tape and Reel, Sas ora a ODSE (ODE Device Orientation SIDE VIEW Figure 1,3. 3.06 (0.120) #T32 = 3K pe. Tape and Reel, 28D (OTTO} . . . *STANDARD PROFILE OPTION: Device Orientation 0 nO 1d (0.0417 WITH MIN/MAX. OF : ES (0033) 0.85/1.20 MILLIMETERS, Figure 2,4. a" 0.033/0.047 INCHES. ' 0.10 (0.004) Low Profile 6.073 (0.0005) #L30 = Bulk #L31 = 3K pe. Tape and Reel, DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES) Device Orientation Outline 143 (SOT-143) 0.92 (0.038) Figure 1,3 i778 (037) #L32 = 3K pe. Tape and Reel, Device Orientation Figure 2,4. f Hoo pO ; 72000 210 (0.088) Tape and Reeling conforms to t Electronic Industries RS-481, Taping of Surface Mounted _ oon ON Oars via 2s Components for Automated 0.54 {oore} o2 1) 2.04 (0.080) Placement. or Soro aot 3.06 (0.120) 0.15 (0.006) sp ioaio) OUT TOUS) 4.08 (0.041 r y 0.85 (0.033) | 0.10 (0.004)"" _ 0.69 (0.027 COTS (0.0005) 0.45 (D076) | ae 0.178 "STANDARD PROFILE OPTION AVAILABLE FOR On DIODES: WITH MIN/MAX. OF 0.85/1.20 MILLIMETERS, : 0.035/0.047 INCHES; i. 1-753 STANDARD PROFILE OPTION AVAILABLE FOR (0.069) DIODES: WITH MIN/MAX. OF 0.10/0.25 MILLIMETERS, MAX. 0.004/0.010 INCHES. 2.642 (0.104) 27108 0. DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS (INCHES)HEWLETT* 2A PackaRo Package Characteristics Lead Material Alloy 42 Lead Finish Tin-Lead Max. Soldering Temp. 260C for 5 sec. Min. Lead Strength 2 pounds pull Typical Package Inductance 2 nH (opposite leads) Typical Package Capacitance 0.08 pF (opposite leads) Device Orientation USER DIRECTION OF FEED COUTA TAPE \ CARRIER: FEEL TOP VIEW 4mm | @ e @ S 3 8mm n O if woul! Figure 27. Options T31, L31, for SOT-23 Packages. END VIEW o co 0 0 a s Tr \ ASS ic . Figure 28. Options T32, L32 for SOT-23 Packages. TOP VIEW 4mm END VIEW a tT m S \ REE Gee & "AIG: EIST Figure 29. Options T31, L31 for SOT- Figure 30. Options T32, L32 for SOT- 143 Packages. 143 Packages. For more information: United States* Europe* Far East/Australasia: (65) 290-6305 Canada: (416) 206-4725 Japan: (81) 3 8381-6111 *Call your local HP sales office listed in your telephone directory. Ask for a Components representative. Data Subject to Change Copyright @ 1994 Hewlett-Packard Co. Obsoletes 5963-2333E (7/94) Printed in U.S.A. 5968-5030 (11/94)