Type Here to Search Products ARK Menu ... Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265 Compare Related Products Specifications Specifications I Essentials Networking Specifications Package Specifications Advanced Technologies Ordering/ sSpecs I Steppings + Intel* Wi-Fi Products Essentials Intel* Dual Band Wireless-AC 8000 Series Status Launched Launch Date Q1'16 Board Form Factor M.2 2230 or M.2 1216 Weight (in grams) 2.6 Quick links Expon Full Specifications > Operating Temperature Range O'C to 80'C Supponed Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 7". Microsoft Windows 8.1 ", Microsoft Windows 10*. Linux* (limited feature suppon). Android Warranty Period 1 yrs Antenna 2x2 Pro du ct Briel Link I PCN/MDDS Information Networking Specifications 2x2 Bands 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz Max Speed 867 Mbps Wi-Fi CERTIFIED" Yes Compliance FIPS, FISMA Integrated Bluetooth Yes System lntertace Type PCle, USB Package Specifications Package Size I Search Distributors > 946658: MODS 949399: MODS 951075: MODS 951076: MODS TX/RX Streams I Su pp on Overview > 22mm x 30mm x 2.4mm Advanced Technologies 1.n.t.e.1.~..V1f.i.r.e.1.e.s.s ..()is.Pl.ay Yes 4.(j V1fi IVlll)( V1f.i.r.e.1.e.s.s ..'fe.ch.n.0.1.a.ID'. No Supponed UndervPro Yes .1..nt.e.1.~ ..s1r1.a.rt.. connee1 ..'fe.ch.n.o.1.o.ID'. Yes All information provided is subject to change at anytime, '''ithout notice. Intel may make change; to manufacturing lifecycle,specifiations,and product de;criptions at any time, '''ithout notice. The information herein is provided ""as-is'" and Intel doe:; not make any repre;enta.tions or \Yarrantiei> '''hat:sower re,gardingaccuraq of the information. nor on the product featura..availability. functionality. or compatibility of the product:s listed. Plea.seconta.ctsy&tem vendor for more information on specific product:s orsy&tems. ""Intel classifications** consist of Export Control Classification Numbera IECCN) and Harmoniz.ed Tariff Schedule IHTS) numbera.Any use made of Intel classifications are\\1ithout recouraeto Intel and shall not be construed as a repre;entation or \Yarranty regarding the proper ECCN or HTS. Your company may be the eicporter of record.and as such. your company is re;ponsible for determining the correct classification of any item at the time of eicport. Refer to OatMheet for formal definitions of product propeniei> and feature;. ".Announced"" SKUs are not yet available. Please refer to the Launch Date for markaavailability. "Conflict free"" and "conflict-free"" means "ORCconflict free"". '''hich is de.fined by the U.S. Securitiei> and Exchange Commission rules to mean produ<:t::s that do not contain conflict minerals !tin. tantalum. tun~ten and for gold) that directly or indirectlyfinanceor benefit armed grouPG in the Democratic Republic of the Congo IDRq or adjoiningcountriei>. Intel also uses theterm ""conflict-free"" in a broader sense to refer to suppliera.supply chains.smeltera and refin era '''hose source; of conflict minerals do not finance conflict in the ORCor adjoiningcountriei>. Intel proce;sora manufactured before January 1. 201 3 are not confirmed conflict free. The conflict free designation refera only to product manufactured after that date. For Intel Boxed Proce;sora. the conflict free designation refera to the proce;soronly. not to any additional included acce;soriei>.such as heat::sink::sf<:oolera. 0 Company Information Newsroom f Send us your feedback' Our Commitment Communities Investor Relations Contact Us Jobs * 1n (c) Intel Corporation I You (C Terms of Use I 'Trademarks I Privacy I Cookies I Supply Chain Transparency I Site Map j