This is information on a product in full production.
May 2015 DocID027367 Rev 3 1/22
Adaptive synchronous rectification controller for LLC resonant
Datasheet - production data
Secondary side synchronous rectification
controller optimized for LLC resonant converter
Dual gate driver for N-channel MOSFETs
Adaptive turn-off logic
Turn-on logic with adaptive masking time
Auto-compensation of parasitic inductance
Low consumption mode: 50 µA quiescent
VCC operating voltage range 4.5 to 32 V
High voltage drain-to-source Kelvin sensing for
Operating frequency up to 500 kHz
35 ns total delay at turn-off
Protection against current reversal
Safe management of load transient, light-load
and startup conditions
Intelligent automatic sleep mode at light-load
with user programmable enter/exit load levels,
with soft transitions and function disable
Programmable exit load levels from burst mode
Compatible with standard and logic level
MOSFETs: SRK2001 and SRK2001L
SSOP10 package
AC-DC adapters
All-in -one PC
High-end flat panel TV
80+/85+ compliant ATX SMPS
90+/92+ compliant SERVER SMPS
Industrial SMPS
The SRK2001 controller implements a control
scheme specific for secondary side synchronous
rectification in LLC resonant converters that use a
transformer with center tap secondary winding for
full wave rectification.
It provides two high current gate drive outputs,
each capable of driving one or more N-channel
power MOSFETs. Each gate driver is controlled
separately and an interlock logic circuit prevents
the two synchronous rectifier MOSFETs from
conducting simultaneously.
The control scheme in this IC provides for each
synchronous rectifier being switched on as the
corresponding half-winding starts conducting and
switched off as its current goes to zero.
The innovative turn-on logic with adaptive
masking time and the adaptive turn-off logic
allows maximizing the conduction time of the SR
MOSFETs eliminating the need of the parasitic
inductance compensation circuit.
The low consumption mode of the device allows
to meet the most stringent requirement for
converter power consumption in light-load/no load
A noticeable feature is the very low external
component count required.
Table 1. Ordering codes
Package Packing Standard gate
Logic gate
Tube SRK2001 SRK2001L
and reel SRK2001TR SRK2001LTR
Contents SRK2001
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1 Block diagrams and pin connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Maximum ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Typical application schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4 Electrical characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
5 Operation description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.1 Drain voltage sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.2 Turn-on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.3 Turn-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
5.4 ZCD comparator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
5.5 Gate drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.6 Intelligent automatic sleep mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.7 EN and PROG pins: function and usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
5.7.1 Automatic sleep mode function enabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
5.7.2 Automatic sleep mode function disabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
5.8 Layout guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6 Package information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
SSOP10 package information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
7 Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
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SRK2001 Block diagrams and pin connections
1 Block diagrams and pin connections
Figure 1. Internal block diagram
Figure 2. Typical system block diagram
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21 ±7,0(
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Block diagrams and pin connections SRK2001
4/22 DocID027367 Rev 3
Figure 3. Pin connections (top view)
Table 2. Pin functions
No. Name Function
Supply voltage of the device. A bypass capacitor to GND, located as close to IC's pins as possible,
helps to get a clean supply voltage for the internal control circuitry and acts as an effective energy
buffer for the pulsed gate drive currents.
Return of the device bias current and return of the gate drive currents. Route this pin to the common
point where the source terminals of both synchronous rectifier MOSFETs are connected.
Gate driver output for section 1 (2). Each totem pole output stage is able to drive power MOSFETs
with high peak current levels. To avoid excessive gate voltages in case the device is supplied with
a high VCC, the high level voltage of these pins is clamped to about 11 V or 5.5 V (typ. value),
depending on the selected part number, to allow for the proper driving of standard or logic level
MOSFETs. The pin has to be connected directly to the SR MOSFET gate terminal.
Source voltage sensing for section 1 (2): it is the reference voltage of the corresponding drain
sensing signal on the DVS1, 2 pin. These pins have to be connected directly to the respective source
terminals of the corresponding synchronous rectifier MOSFET.
Drain voltage sensing for section 1 (2). These pins have to be connected to the respective drain
terminals of the corresponding synchronous rectifier MOSFET using a series resistor at least of
100 .
Programming pin for conduction duty cycle at sleep mode entering/exiting. A resistor connected from
this pin to GND, supplied by an internal precise current source, sets a voltage VPROG; depending on
this voltage level, during the startup phase, the user can chose, according to the application
requirements, the proper sleep mode or burst mode exiting the conduction duty cycle among the
ones contained into two internal lookup tables (the values are predefined inside Table 6 on page 15,
Table 7 on page 16 and Table 8 on page 16). See Tabl e 5 or the proper choice of resistor value.
10 EN
Enable pin function with internal pull-up and current source capability:
Automatic sleep mode function enable/disable: the sleep mode is disabled if the pin voltage is
detected above an internal threshold (VSM_off) during the startup phase.
Remote ON/OFF: during run the mode, when the pin voltage is sensed below the internal
threshold VEN_OFF
, the controller stops operating and enters a low consumption state; it resumes
the operation if the pin voltage surpasses the threshold VEN_ON.
During the startup phase, the pin voltage level allows to select the predefined conduction duty
cycle for sleep mode entering. A resistor connected from this pin to GND, supplied by an internal
precise current source allows the user for this choice (two predefined values). See the Table 5 for
the proper choice of resistor value.
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SRK2001 Maximum ratings
2 Maximum ratings
Stressing the device above the rating listed in Table 3 may cause permanent damage to the
device. Exposure to absolute maximum rated conditions may affect device reliability.
Table 3. Absolute maximum ratings
Symbol Pin Parameter Value Unit
VCC 1 DC supply voltage -0.3 to VCCZ V
ICCZ 1 Internal Zener maximum current (VCC = VCCZ)25mA
VPROG 10 PROG pin voltage rating -0.3 to 3.3 V
VEN 9 EN pin voltage rating -0.3 to 3.3 V
DVS1, 2 5, 6 Drain sense voltage referred to source SVS1, 2 -3 to 90 V
SVS1, 2 4, 7 Source sense voltage referred to GND -3 to 3 V
Table 4. Thermal data
Symbol Parameter Value Unit
Rth j-amb Max. thermal resistance, junction to ambient(1)
1. With the pin 2 soldered to a dissipating copper area of 25 mm2, 35 µm thickness (PCB material FR4
1.6 mm thickness).
Rth j-case Max thermal resistance, junction to case top(1) 10
Ptot Power dissipation at Tamb = 50 °C 0.75 W
TjJunction temperature operating range -40 to 150 °C
Tstg Storage temperature -55 to 150 °C
Typical application schematic SRK2001
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3 Typical application schematic
Figure 4. Typical application schematic
'96 '96
65 65
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SRK2001 Electrical characteristics
4 Electrical characteristics
Table 5. Electrical characteristics (Tj = -25 to 125 °C, VCC = 12 V, CGD1 = CGD2 = 4.7 nF,
REN = 100 k; RPG = 0 ; unless otherwise specified; typical values refer to Tj = 25 °C)
Symbol Parameter Test condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Supply section
VCC Operating range After turn-on 4.5 32 V
VCC_On Turn-on supply voltage See(1) 4.25 4.5 4.75 V
VCC_Off Turn-off supply voltage See(1) 44.254.5 V
Hys Hysteresis 0.25 V
VCCZ Clamp voltage ICCZ = 20 mA 33 36 39 V
Current consumption in run
After turn-on (excluding SR MOS gate
capacitance charging/discharging) at 100 kHz 700 µA
ICC Operating supply current At 300 kHz 35 mA
IqQuiescent current
Low consumption mode operation,
with DVS1, 2 pins not switching(2),
Tj = -25 °C to 85 °C
50 65 µA
Drain-source sensing INPUTS and SYNCH functions
Drain-to-source sensing
operating voltage 90 V
VTH_A Arming voltage Positive-going edge 1.4 V
VTH_PT Pre-triggering voltage Negative-going edge 0.7 V
VTH_ON Turn-on threshold Negative-going edge -130 -100 -70 mV
Body diode residual
conduction time after turn-off 75 ns
TD_On_min Minimum turn-on delay 100 ns
TD_On_max Maximum turn-on delay At 100 kHz 2 µs
Enable pin remote ON/OFF function
VEN_OFF Disable threshold (1)Negative-going edge during run mode 0.25 0.3 0.35 V
VEN_ON Enable threshold (1)Positive-going edge during run mode 0.45 0.62 0.82 V
IEN_run Sourced current During run mode 4 6 8 µA
Automatic sleep mode programming
Min. operating duty cycle to
enter sleep mode
REN = 100 k 1% 40
REN = 180 k 1% 25
Restart duty cycle from
sleep mode with
REN = 100 k 1%
RPG = 0 80
RPG = 100 k 1% 75
RPG = 180 k 1% 65
RPG open 60
Electrical characteristics SRK2001
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Restart duty cycle from
sleep mode with
REN = 180 k 1%
RPG = 0 75
RPG = 100 k 1% 70
RPG = 180 k 1% 60
RPG open 55
Burst mode exiting programming
Restart duty cycle with EN
pin open at startup during
primary burst mode
RPG = 0 80
RPG = 100 k 1% 75
RPG = 180 k 1% 65
RPG open 0
IPROG Sourced current (1)At VCC startup 9 10 11 µA
Gate drivers
Isource_pk Output source peak current See(3) -0.35 A
Max. output sink peak
current ZCD comparator triggered turn-off (3) 4A
trRise time 140 ns
tfFall time (OFF comparator) OFF comparator triggered turn-off 80 ns
tf_ZCD Fall time (ZCD comparator) ZCD comparator triggered turn-off 30 ns
VGDclamp Output clamp voltage
IGD = -5 mA; VCC = 20 V; SRK2001/TR 9 11 13 V
IGD = -5 mA; VCC = 20 V; SRK2001L/LTR 5.5 V
VGDL_UVLO UVLO saturation VCC = 0 to VCC_On, Isink = 5 mA 1 1.3 V
1. Parameters tracking each other.
2. The low consumption mode is one of the following: the automatic sleep mode, converter burst mode detect or the EN pin
pulled low.
3. Parameter guaranteed by design.
Table 5. Electrical characteristics (Tj = -25 to 125 °C, VCC = 12 V, CGD1 = CGD2 = 4.7 nF,
REN = 100 k; RPG = 0 ; unless otherwise specified; typical values refer to Tj = 25 °C) (continued)
Symbol Parameter Test condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
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SRK2001 Operation description
5 Operation description
The device block diagram is shown in Figure 1 on page 3. The SRK2001 can be supplied
through the VCC pin by the same converter output voltage, within a wide voltage range
(from 4.5 V to 32 V), internally clamped to VCCZ (36 V typical). An internal UVLO
(undervoltage lockout) circuit with hysteresis keeps the device switched off at supply voltage
lower than the turn-on level VCC_On, with reduced consumption. After the startup, the
operation with VCC floating (or disconnected by supply voltage) while pins DVS1, 2 are
already switching is not allowed: this in order to avoid that a dV/dt on the DVS pin may
cause a high flowing current with possible damage of the IC.
The core of the device is the control logic block, implemented by asynchronous logic: this
digital circuit generates the logic signals to the output drivers, so that the two external power
MOSFETs are switched on and off, depending on the evolution of their drain-source
voltages, sensed on the DVS-SVS pin pairs through the comparators block.
The logic that controls the driving of the two SR MOSFETs is based on two gate driver state
machines working in parallel in an interlocked way to avoid switching on both gate drivers at
the same time. A third state machine manages the transitions from the normal operation to
the sleep mode and vice versa.
5.1 Drain voltage sensing
The SRK2001 basic operation is such that each synchronous rectifier MOSFET is switched
on whenever the corresponding transformer half-winding starts conducting (i.e.: when the
MOSFET body diode, or an external diode in parallel, starts conducting) and it is then
switched off when the flowing current approaches zero. To understand the polarity and the
level of this current, the IC is provided with two pairs of pins (DVS1 - SVS1 and DVS2 -
SVS2) that sense the drain-source voltage of either MOSFET (Kelvin sensing). In order to
limit dynamic current injection in any condition, at least 100 resistors in series to DVS1, 2
pins must be used.
Referring to the typical waveforms in Figure 5, there are three significant voltage thresholds:
the first one, VTH_A (= 1.4 V), sensitive to positive-going edges, arms the opposite gate
driver (interlock function); the second one VTH_PT (= 0.7 V), sensitive to negative-going
edges provides a pre-trigger of the gate driver; the third one VTH-ON is the (negative)
threshold that triggers the gate driver as the body diode of the SR MOSFET starts
5.2 Turn-on
The turn-on logic is such that each SR MOSFET is switched on when the sensed drain-
source voltage goes below the VTH_ON threshold: to avoid false triggering of the gate driver,
an adaptive masking delay TD_On is introduced. This delay assumes a minimum value at the
high load and increases with decreasing load levels. The aim of TD_On is to avoid
a premature turn-on at lower load conditions, triggered by capacitive currents (due to
secondary side parasitic) and not really related to the current flowing through the body
Operation description SRK2001
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Figure 5. Typical waveforms
Figure 6 shows the effect of this parasitic capacitance: in case at the reduced load
a capacitive current spike should trigger the turn-on, there would be a current inversion
(flowing from the output capacitor toward the SR MOSFET) causing a discharge of the
output capacitor and consequently a necessary increase of the rms rectified current, in
order to balance that discharge and this, in turn, would impair efficiency too. Therefore, the
adaptive turn-on delay is aimed to maximize the efficiency in each load operating condition.
Figure 7 shows the turn-on at the full load with minimum delay (TD_On_min) and at the
reduced load with increased delay (up to TD_On.max equal to 40% of the clock cycle).
Figure 6. Capacitive current spike effect at turn-on
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SRK2001 Operation description
Figure 7. Full load and light-load turn-on
At the start-up and on sleep mode exiting, the control circuit starts with a turn-on delay set to
30% of the clock cycle and progressively adapts it to the proper value. This allows reducing
system perturbation both during the start-up and while exiting the sleep mode during a fast
zero to full load transition. After the turn-on, a blanking time (equal to 50% of the clock
period) masks an undesired turn-off due to the drain-source voltage drop, consequent to
MOSFET switch on (flowing current passes from the body diode to MOSFET channel
5.3 Turn-off
The SR MOSFET turn-off may be triggered by an adaptive turn-off mechanism (two slope
turn-off) or by the ZCD_OFF comparator (fast turn-off, see Section 5.4).
Due to the stray inductance in series with the SR MOSFET RDS(on) (mainly the package
stray inductance), the sensed drain-source signal is not really equal to the voltage drop
across the MOSFET RDS(on), but it anticipates the time instant where the current reaches
zero, causing a premature MOSFET turn-off.
To overcome this problem (without adding any stray inductance compensation circuit), the
device uses a turn-off mechanism based on an adaptive algorithm that turns off the SR
MOSFET when the sensed drain voltage reaches zero adapting progressively the turn-off to
the maximum conduction period.
Operation description SRK2001
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Figure 8. Adaptive turn-off
Figure 8 shows this adaptive algorithm: cycle-by-cycle the conduction time is maximized
allowing in a steady-state the maximum converter efficiency.
During the start-up and on sleep mode exiting, the control circuit turns off the SR MOSFET
at 50% of the clock cycle and progressively adapts this delay in order to maximize the SR
MOSFET conduction time. This helps reducing system perturbations.
5.4 ZCD comparator
The IC is equipped with a ZCD comparator that is always ready to quickly turn-off the SR
MOSFETs, avoiding in this way current inversion, that would cause SR MOSFETs failure
and even half bridge destruction, in case of the primary controller not equipped with proper
The ZCD (zero current detection) comparator acts during fast load transitions or the short-
circuit operation and when the above resonance operation occurs. It senses that the current
has reached the zero level and triggers the gate drive circuit for a very fast MOSFET turn-off
(with a total delay time TD_Off).
The ZCD comparator threshold is not fixed but self-adaptive.
In the steady-state load operation and in case of slow load transitions, the turn-off is
prevalently managed by the adaptive mechanism (characterized by the two slope turn-off
driving). Instead, during fast transitions or during above resonance operation, the ZCD_OFF
comparator will take over, causing a fast MOSFET switch-off that prevents undesired
current inversions.
The ZCD_OFF comparator is blanked for 450 ns after the turn-on.
Depending on SR MOSFET choice, some premature turn-off triggered by the ZCD_OFF
comparator may be found due to the noise present on the drain-source sensed signal: this is
worse with lower RDS_ON (due to worse signal to noise ratio) and lower stray inductance of
the MOSFET package. Normally the load level where this may happen is such that the
circuit has already entered a low consumption state (for example in burst mode from primary
controller); if this is not the case, some noise reduction may be helpful, for example by using
RC snubbers across the SR MOSFETs drain-source.
7Q 7Q 7QN
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SRK2001 Operation description
5.5 Gate drive
The IC is provided with two high current gate drive outputs, each capable of driving one or
more N-channel power MOSFETs in parallel.
According to the selected part number, it is possible to drive both standard and logic level
MOSFETs: the high level voltage provided by the driver is clamped at VGDclamp (11 V typ. for
the SRK2001 and 5.5 V typ. for the SRK2001L) to avoid excessive voltage levels on the
gate in case the device is supplied with a high VCC, thus minimizing the gate charge
provided in each switching cycle.
The two gate drivers have a pull-down capability that ensures the SR MOSFETs cannot be
spuriously turned on even at low VCC: in fact, the drivers have a 1 V (typ.) saturation level at
VCC below the turn-on threshold.
As described in the previous paragraphs, either the SR MOSFET is switched on after the
current starts flowing through the body diode, when the drain-source voltage is already low
(equal to VF); therefore there is no Miller effect nor switching losses at the MOSFET turn-on,
in which case the drive doesn't need to provide a fast turn-on. Also at the turn-off, during
steady-state load conditions, when the decision depends on the adaptive control circuitry,
there is no need to have a very fast drive with hard pull-down, because the current has not
yet reached zero and the operation is far from the current inversion occurrence. Moreover,
slow transitions also help reducing the perturbation introduced into the system that arise
due to the MOSFET turn-on and turn-off, contributing to improve the overall behavior of the
LLC resonant converter.
On the other side, during very fast load transitions or the short-circuit operation, when the
turn-off decision is taken by ZCD logic, the MOSFET turn-off needs to be very fast to avoid
current inversion: therefore the two gate drivers are designed to guarantee for a very short
turn-off total delay TD_Off.
In order to avoid current inversions, SRK2001 stops driving SR MOSFETs during any
operating condition where the converter enters deeply into the below resonance region
(i.e.: switching frequency gets lower than 60% of resonance frequency).
5.6 Intelligent automatic sleep mode
A unique feature of this IC is its intelligent automatic sleep mode. The logic circuitry is able
to detect a light-load condition for the converter and stop gate driving, reducing also IC's
quiescent consumption. This improves converter's efficiency at the light-load, where the
power losses on the rectification body diodes (or external diodes in parallel to the
MOSFETs) become lower than the power losses in the MOSFETs and those related to their
driving. The IC is also able to detect an increase of the converter's load and automatically
restarts gate driving.
The algorithm used by the intelligent automatic sleep mode is based on a dual time
measurement system: the duration of the half-switching period (i.e.: the clock cycle in
Figure 5 on page 10) and the duration of the conduction time of the synchronous rectifier.
The duration of a clock cycle is measured from the falling edge of a clock pulse to the rising
edge of the subsequent clock pulse; the duration of the SR MOSFET conduction is
measured from the moment its body diode starts conducting (drain-source voltage falling
below VTH-ON) to the moment the gate drive is turned off, in case the device is operating, or
to the moment the body diode ceases to conduct (drain-to-source voltage going above VTH-
ON) during the sleep mode operation. While at the full load the SR MOSFET conduction time
Operation description SRK2001
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occupies almost 100% of the half-switching cycle, as the load is reduced, the conduction
duty cycle is reduced and, as it falls below DOFF (see data in Table 5 on page 7), the device
enters the sleep mode. To prevent wrong decisions, the sleep mode condition must be
confirmed for 512 consecutive clock cycles.
Once in the sleep mode, SR MOSFET gate driving is re-enabled when the conduction duty
cycle of the body diode (or the external diodes in parallel to the MOSFET) exceeds DON: the
number of clock cycles needed to exit the sleep mode is proportional to the difference
between the body diode conduction duty cycle and the programmed DON threshold. This
allows a faster sleep-out in case of the heavy load transient low-to-high.
Furthermore, in order to reduce the perturbation introduced by a sudden sleep mode state
entering, a soft-sleep transition procedure is adopted, that progressively decreases the
conduction time before entering the sleep mode state.
After entering the sleep mode, timing is ignored for 8 switching cycles respectively to let the
resulting transient in the output current fade-out, then the timing check is enabled.
The automatic sleep mode function can be disabled by the EN pin (see Section 5.7): this
may be beneficial to the overall system behavior in case of conflict with the burst mode
operation of the half bridge converter driven by the primary controller.
5.7 EN and PROG pins: function and usage
The EN pin and PROG pin allow the user to configure two different operating modes:
Automatic sleep mode function enabled (described in Section 5.6)
Automatic sleep mode function disabled
The configuration choice is done during the startup phase (when the supply voltage reaches
the turn-on level VCC_On) and internally stored as long as VCC is within the supply range.
During the run mode the EN pin can be used as remote on-off input as well (both operating
modes), using a small signal transistor connected to the pin as shown in Figure 9: when the
switch is closed, the pin voltage goes below the VEN_OFF threshold, the controller stops
operating and enters a low consumption state; it resumes the operation when the switch is
opened and the pin voltage surpasses the VEN_ON threshold. The small signal transistor has
to be open during the startup phase.
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SRK2001 Operation description
Figure 9. EN - PROG pin configurations
5.7.1 Automatic sleep mode function enabled
Only two resistors (REN - RPG) are used, connected from each of the two pins (EN-PROG)
and GND (see Figure 9): during the startup phase, an internal current generator IEN is
enabled, the sourcing current to the EN pin that sets the voltage across the external resistor
REN: by using a resistor value below or equal to 180 k, the voltage across this resistor
stays below an internal threshold and the controller enables automatic sleep mode function;
this configuration is internally stored and, afterward, the current generator value is
decreased to IEN_run.
At the same time, during the startup, a second current generator IPROG sourcing the current
to the PROG pin sets the voltage across the external resistor RPG: depending on this
voltage level, the sleep mode entering/exiting the conduction duty cycle is set, among those
contained into the two internal lookup tables (Table 6 and Table 7). After internal storing, the
current generator IPROG is disabled.
Either the lookup table is addressed depending on the value of the resistor REN. Table 6 and
Tabl e 7 show the allowed duty cycle combinations depending on REN and RPG resistor
values (1% tolerance).
$8720$7,&6/((3 02'(&21),*
65. 65.
12$8720$7,&6/((3 02'(&21),*
Table 6. Lookup table I: REN = 100 k
80% RPG = 0
75% RPG = 100 k
65% RPG = 180 k
60% RPG open
Operation description SRK2001
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5.7.2 Automatic sleep mode function disabled
The EN pin is open and only a resistor is connected to the PROG pin, as indicated in
Figure 9: at the startup (with the external switch open) an internal pull-up allows the EN pin
voltage to increase above an internal threshold, where the automatic sleep mode function is
disabled and the configuration is internally stored. In this way the controller does not enter
the low consumption state when the conduction duty cycle reduces consequently to the
light-load operation.
It is worth noticing that, with automatic sleep mode function disabled, the SR controller can
still enter the low consumption mode, when it detects a half bridge converter stop
(i.e.: primary controller burst mode operation) or when the EN pin is pulled down by the user
(through a npn transistor like in Figure 9). After the primary side switching restarts or the EN
pin goes back high, the controller resumes the operation when it detects that the conduction
duty cycle has increased above the values in Table 8: the user can select the desired value
(internally stored during the startup phase) by a proper choice of the RPG resistor.
5.8 Layout guidelines
The GND pin is the return of the bias current of the device and the return for gate drive
currents: it should be routed to the common point where the source terminals of both
synchronous rectifier MOSFETs are connected. When laying out the PCB, care must be
taken in keeping the source terminals of both SR MOSFETs as close to one another as
possible and routing the trace that goes to GND separately from the load current return
path. This trace should be as short as possible and be as close to the physical source
terminals as possible. Doing the layout as more geometrically symmetrical as possible will
help make the circuit operation as much electrically symmetrical as possible.
Also drain-source voltage sensing should be done as physically close to the drain and
source terminals as possible in order to minimize the stray inductance involved by the load
current path that is in the drain-to-source voltage sensing circuit.
Table 7. Lookup table II: REN = 180 k
75% RPG = 0 k
70% RPG = 100
60% RPG = 180 k
55% RPG open
Table 8. Lookup table III: REN = open
80% RPG = 0
75% RPG = 100 k
65% RPG = 180 k
0% RPG open
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SRK2001 Operation description
The usage of bypass capacitors between VCC and GND is recommended. They should be
the low ESR, low ESL type and located as close to the IC pins as possible. Sometimes,
a series resistor (in the tens ) between the converter's output voltage and the VCC pin,
forming an RC filter along with the bypass capacitor, is useful to get a cleaner VCC voltage.
Package information SRK2001
18/22 DocID027367 Rev 3
6 Package information
In order to meet environmental requirements, ST offers these devices in different grades of
ECOPACK® packages, depending on their level of environmental compliance. ECOPACK
specifications, grade definitions and product status are available at:
ECOPACK is an ST trademark.
DocID027367 Rev 3 19/22
SRK2001 Package information
SSOP10 package information
Figure 10. SSOP10 package outline
8140761 rev. A
Package information SRK2001
20/22 DocID027367 Rev 3
Table 9. SSOP10 package mechanical data
Dimensions (mm)
Min. Typ. Max.
A 1.75
A1 0.10 0.25
A2 1.25
b 0.31 0.51
c 0.17 0.25
D 4.80 4.90 5
E 5.80 6 6.20
E1 3.80 3.90 4
e 1
h 0.25 0.50
L 0.40 0.90
K 0°
DocID027367 Rev 3 21/22
SRK2001 Revision history
7 Revision history
Table 10. Document revision history
Date Revision Changes
16-Jan-2015 1 Initial release.
09-Feb-2015 2 Updated Table 5 on page 7 (updated “VGDclamp” - SRK2001L/LTR -
removed “RGATE = 5.6 ”, removed min. and max. values).
12-May-2015 3 Updated Section 5.5 on page 13.
Minor modifications throughout document.
22/22 DocID027367 Rev 3
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Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or
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Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document.
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