Features Regulated Converters Description 4:1 Wide Input Voltage Range 15 Watts Regulated Output Power 1.6kVDC Isolation Over Current and Over Voltage Protection Six-Sided Shield No Derating to 65C Standard 2" x 1" Package and Pinning Efficiency to 86 % POWERLINE DC/DC-Converter with 3 year Warranty 15 Watt 2" x 1" Single & Dual Output The RP15-FW series wide range input DC/DC converters are certified to UL 60950-1 and to cUL 60950-1. This makes them ideal for all telecom and industrial applications where approved safety standards are required. The industry standard 2" x 1" package meets military standards for thermal shock and vibration tolerance. Selection Guide 24V and 48V Wide Input Types Part Number Input (4,5) Efficiency (6) Capacitive (7) Current Load max. mA % F Input Range VDC Output Voltage VDC Output Current mA RP15-243.3SFW 9-36 3.3 4500 60/773 84 14750F RP15-2405SFW 9-36 5 3000 60/777 86 7200F RP15-2412SFW 9-36 12 1250 75/771 85 1250F RP15-2415SFW 9-36 15 1000 75/762 86 800F RP15-483.3SFW 18-75 3.3 4500 30/422 84 14750F RP15-4805SFW 18-75 5 3000 30/381 86 7200F RP15-4812SFW 18-75 12 1250 40/385 85 1250F RP15-4815SFW 18-75 15 1000 40/381 86 800F RP15-2405DFW 9-36 5 1500 85/801 82 3600F RP15-2412DFW 9-36 12 625 100/771 85 625F RP15-2415DFW 9-36 15 500 100/762 86 400F RP15-4805DFW 18-75 5 1500 45/400 82 3600F RP15-4812DFW 18-75 12 625 50/385 85 625F RP15-4815DFW 18-75 15 500 50/381 86 400F RoHS 2011/65/EU 6/6 UL-60950-1 Certified E196683 RP15-FW * add /P for CTRL function with Positive Logic (1=ON, 0=OFF) * add /N for CTRL function with Negative Logic (0=ON, 1=OFF) * add suffix -HC for premounted heatsink and clips Derating Graph (Ambient Temperature) Ordering Examples RP15-2405SFW/P = 24V 4:1 Input, 5V Output, Positive Logic CTRL pin fitted RP15-4805DFW-HC = 48V 4:1Input, 5V Output, No CTRL pin, Heatsink fitted RP15-4805SFW 125 100 Output Power (%) 75 50 75Vin Natural Convection Nom Vin 25 0 -40 -25 -10 0 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 75 Ambient Temperature Range (C) Derating graphs are valid only for the shown part numbers. If you need detailed derating information about a part number not shown here please contact our technical customer service at info@recom-development.at Please Read Application Notes www.recom-international.com REV:0/2014 P-53 RP15-S_DFW Series POWERLINE DC/DC-Converter Specifications (typical at nominal input and 25C unless otherwise noted) Input Voltage Range 24V nominal input 9-36VDC 48V nominal input 18-75VDC Input Filter Pi Type Input Surge Voltage (100 ms max.) 24V Input 50VDC 48V Input 100VDC Input Reflected Ripple (nominal Vin and full load) 20mAp-p Start Up Time (nominal Vin and constant resistor load) 20ms typ. Remote ON/OFF (1) Remote OFF input current DC-DC ON Open or 3.0V < Vr < 12V DC-DC OFF Short or 0V < Vr < 1.2V Nominal input Output Power 15W max. Output Voltage Accuracy (full Load and nominal Vin) 1% Minimum Load 0% Line Regulation (low line, high line at full load) Load Regulation (0% to 100% full load) 0.2% Single 0.5% Dual 1% Cross Regulation Dual Output (asymmetrical 25% <>100%load) Dual 5% Ripple and Noise (20MHz bandwith, with 1F MLCC on output) 3.3, 5.0V 50mVp-p (measured with a 104pF ceramic across the output) 12, 15, 5, 12, 15V 75mVp-p Temperature Coefficient 0.02%/C max. Transient Response (25% load step change) RP15-FW 2.5mA Input Voltage Variation, dv/dt 250s complies with ETS300 132, part 4.4 Over Load Protection (% of full load at nominal Vin) 5V/ms 150% typ Overvoltage Protection (Single) Zener Diode Clamp Undervoltage Protection See Application Notes Short Circuit Protection Continuous, automatic recovery Efficiency see Selection Guide" table Isolation Voltage (rated for one minute) In to Out and I/O to case 1600VDC min. Isolation Resistance 10 G min. Isolation Capacitance 1500pF max. Operating Frequency 400kHz typ. Operating Temperature Range 5.1, 12, 15, 12, 15V -40C to +75C 3.3, 5V -40C to +65C with derating -40C to +105C Maximum Case Temperature +105C Storage Temperature Range -55C to +125C Thermal Impedance (8) Natural convection 12C/Watt with Heatsink 10C/Watt Case Material Nickel plated copper Base Material Non-conductive black plastic Potting Material Epoxy (UL94-V0) Weight 27g continued on next page P-54 REV: 0/2014 www.recom-power.com RP15-S_DFW Series POWERLINE DC/DC-Converter Specifications (typical at nominal input and 25C unless otherwise noted) Packing Quantity Refer to App Notes for tube dimensions onducted Emissions (3) Radiated Emissions (3) ESD Radiated Immunity Fast Transient (3) Surge (3) Conducted Immunity EN55022 EN55022 EN61000-4-2 EN61000-4-3 EN61000-4-4 EN61000-4-5 EN61000-4-6 9 pcs per TubeC Class A Class A Perf. Critera B Perf. Critera A Perf. Critera B Perf. Critera B Perf. Critera A Thermal Shock MIL-STD-810D Vibration 10-55Hz, 10G, 30 Min. along X, Y and Z Relative Humidity 5% to 95% RH MTBF (2) 2350 x 103 hours Bellcore-TR-NWT-000332 Notes : Package Style and Pinning (mm) 2" x 1" Package Style 50.80 25.40 10.20 dia. 1.0 5.6 2.50 5.10 20.30 15.20 Pin Connections Pin # Single 1 +Vin 2 -Vin 3 +Vout 4 No Pin 5 -Vout 6* CTRL* * Optional. See Note 1. 3 1 Bottom View 2 6 10.20 4 Pin Pitch Tolerance 0.35 mm 10.20 5 Dual +Vin -Vin +Vout Com -Vout CTRL* 12.70 The product information and specifications are subject to change without prior notice. All products are designed for non-safety critical commercial and industrial applications. The Buyer agrees to implement safeguards that anticipate the consequences of any failures that might cause harm, loss of life and/or damage property. www.recom-international.com REV 01/2014 P-55 RP15-FW 1. The ON/OFF control function can be positive or negative logic. The pin voltage is referenced to negative input. Positive logic ON/OFF is marked with suffix-P (eg. RP15-2405SFW/P) Negative logic ON/OFF is marked with suffix-N (eg. RP15-2405SFW/N). If no suffix is specified, the control pin will be omitted. 2. BELLCORE TR-NWT-000332. Case l: 50% Stress, Temperature at 40C (Ground fixed and controlled environment). 3. RP15-24xxW meets Class A. RP15-48xxW requires 1F MLCC across input to meet Class A. An external capacitor (220F/Low ESR) is required to meet EN61000-4-4 and -5 See application notes for Class B commom mode filter suggestion. 4. Typical value at nominal input voltage and no load. 5. Maximum value at nominal input voltage and full load 6. Typical value at nominal input voltage and full load. 7. Test by minimum Vin and constant resistor load. 8. Optional Heatsink Part Number 7G-0020-C. Powerline DC/DC Converters can be ordered with pre-mounted heatsinks including antivibration fixing clips (add suffix -HC). See Application Notes for heatsink details. Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: RECOM: RP15-2405DFW/P RP15-2405SFW/P RP15-2412DFW/P RP15-2412SFW/P RP15-2415DFW/P RP15-2415SFW/P RP15-243.3SFW/P RP15-4805DFW/P RP15-4805SFW/P RP15-4812DFW/P RP15-4812SFW/P RP15-4815DFW/P RP15-4815SFW/P RP15-483.3SFW/P