PC board connectors, rising cage clamp system Spacing: 5.00/5.08 mm WiIeCON PCB Rated cross sction 25-mn" Rated current 16BA Connection range: Bid = 0 mm sola without maulabng cate with mauliting plate, without liord bolts Ls 0.14 = 2.5 mm fine stranded me 250 V/4 kW - Overvoltage category Ill : "690 V/4 kV - Overvoltage category | 7000 Vid EVA -Overvoltage category | Salder am 0.9 = 09 mm dorahae @ 1am be Ma waneennn "pre BSD bo aiigtounded Merial oF emg teed ci , Ceevabype ad ky Type 8191 E/8291 E wire hornzontal to PC board Rated voltages VDE 0110 UL ratings fieltactory witing Ne 2F 2 AVG 300 SAVEO A CSA ratings No, 22 12 AWG 300 254 Approvals eBarnes | th = a 1 Pome | Partin Pari re j Pete Ari tc uinrriar hed Pride Keel uncvhal heel marked wartFeni! inaealwtirig wetTPec sy aresisl a tiryg With insulating plate wel sulting late Spacing: 5.00 mm pala tae planta saath tidy bedi woth fing beta 590 3,06 5 & | 25;176-5253.0 25.1 Te 02630 25 ee 25 tfeai52.0 so .05 ig B | 25, 17a 83530 25.178,0353.0 26,178 9959.0 25,178 4353.0 bh 23,05 16 B )75.176.5455.0 75.18 0453 th & 26.05 20 1 | 26.178 6543.0 25.178.0552.0 1 2106 25 12, | 2517856550 25. 118,0653.0 ot 25,06 40 ta |) 7517S 755.0 26:70, 0763.0 1 43.06 a5 16 | 25,178 6650 25.176,0853.0 8405 40 V | 26.176: 5964.0 25:173.0953.0 ' = =684.06 45 20 | 75.1 78.6043.0 25.178. 1052.0 i ee 60 22: | 28.1 78.6164.0 25.778. 1162.0 62.06 65 24 | FS 1A 25.778.1753.0 Spacing: 5.08 mm |. a | HF 1425 5.08 & ) 7617957556 25.179,0753.60 76,179. 52535 2m, 179 4753.0 S sae 31018 6. | 75.1 79.5953.0 26. 179.0352.0 76, 1/2520 25.179 4353,0 a AT | Pa B | 25.1 95453.0 25,179. 0453 0) i 7a4o 2002 1 | 25.178 -5553.0 25. 179.0553.0 fh aa BF 2540 12. | 25.175 bess: 0 25 179 0653.0 4 2865 2048 14 | 25,17 6750 25,1 79.0763,0 5. aR 635.56 16. | 25,179 6865.0 25.179.0853.0 50 488i Gd Te | 75,178 6545.0 6.179, 0953 0 1 SieS abe 20 | 25,175.6053.0 28.179, 1053.0 he BBS? BOO 22 | TE.17S 6164.0 26.179,1153.0 i 8666.06 68H 28 | 75-173 7596 25170, 17520 SG