SMD Programmable Linear Hall Sensor IC
Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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Features and Benefits
Surface mounted device
Analog ratiometric output
Measurement range from 6mT to 650mT
bipolar full scale
Digital IIR filtering for accurate bandwidth
Offset trimming possible outside output range
st and 2nd order magnet TC compensation
Reverse polarity and overvoltage protection
Extensive diagnostic features
Application Examples
Rotary position sensor
Linear position sensor
Proximity sensor
Ordering Information
Part No. Temperature Code Package Code Option code
MLX90288 L (-40°C to 150°C) DC (SOIC-8) -
1 Functional Diagram
Figure 1: Block diagram of the MLX90288
SMD Programmable Linear Hall Sensor IC
Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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2 Table of Contents
1 Functional Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................. 2
3 General Description .......................................................................................................................................... 3
4 Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................................ 3
5 Specification ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings ....................................................................................................................... 3
5.2 Electrical Specification ............................................................................................................................... 4
5.3 Timing Specification ................................................................................................................................... 5
5.4 Transfer Characteristic Specification ......................................................................................................... 5
5.5 Accuracy Specification ............................................................................................................................... 6
5.6 Diagnostic Specification ............................................................................................................................. 7
5.7 Startup, Undervoltage, Overvoltage and Reset Specification ................................................................... 7
5.8 EMC/ESD Specification ............................................................................................................................. 8
6 EEPROM Mapping ........................................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 EEPROM Description ................................................................................................................................ 9
6.2 Melexis Programmable Parameters .......................................................................................................... 9
6.3 End User Programmable Parameters ..................................................................................................... 11
7 Thermal Sensitivity Drift Compensation ......................................................................................................... 13
7.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 13
7.2 Linear Compensation (1st Order) ............................................................................................................. 13
7.3 Quadratic Compensation (2nd Order) ....................................................................................................... 13
7.4 Additional Information .............................................................................................................................. 14
8 Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products with different soldering processes .. 14
9 Package Specification .................................................................................................................................... 15
9.1 Package Dimensions ............................................................................................................................... 15
9.2 Package Marking ..................................................................................................................................... 15
9.3 Pinout ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
10 Recommended Application Diagram ............................................................................................................ 17
11 Disclaimer ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
SMD Programmable Linear Hall Sensor IC
Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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3 General Description
The MLX90288 is a cost-effective monolithic programmable linear Hall sensor which provides an analog
ratiometric output signal proportional to the magnetic flux density that is applied perpendicular to the die
surface. The MLX90288 is fully programmable (offset, sensitivity, clamping levels, magnet temperature drift,
digital IIR filtering …) through the connector, using the PTC-04 programming tool. It supports both linear and
quadratic magnet TC compensation.
4 Glossary of Terms
Tesla (T) Unit for the magnetic flux density, 1 mT = 10 Gauss
TC Temperature Coefficient (in ppm/°C)
IC Integrated Circuit
SMD Surface Mounted Device
N/C Not Connected
ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter
DAC Digital-to-Analog Converter
PTC Programming Through Connector
ECU Engine Control Unit
POR Power on Reset
INL Integral Non Linearity
DNL Differential Non Linearity
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
ESD Electro-Static Discharge
EMC Electro-Magnetic Compatibility
OBD On-Board Diagnostics
5 Specification
5.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Item Symbol Rating
Supply Forward-Voltage VDDFWD
+ 30 V (continuous)
(Breakdown at + 40 V)
Supply Forward-Current IDDFWD + 20 mA
Supply Reverse-Voltage VDDREV
– 14.5 V (continuous)
(Breakdown at – 19 V)
Supply Reverse-Current IDDREV – 2 mA
Output Forward-Voltage VOUTFWD + 18 V
Output Forward-Current IOUTFWD – 60 mA
Output Reverse-Voltage VOUTREV – 14 V
Output Reverse-Current IOUTREV + 20 mA
Storage Temperature Range (Non Operating) TS -55°C to +165°C
Operating Ambient Temperature Range TA -40°C to +150°C
Junction Temperature TJ +165°C
Package Thermal Resistance RTH 100 K/W
Maximum Flux Density BMAX 2T
Table 1: Absolute Maximum Rating s
SMD Programmable Linear Hall Sensor IC
Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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Exposing a part to absolute maximum ratings for extended periods of time may affect device reliability.
5.2 Electrical Specification
Operating parameter valid for TA = – 40°C to + 150°C & VDD = + 4.5V to + 5.5V (unless specified otherwise).
Item Symbol Remark Min Typ Max Unit
Supply Voltage VDD Guaranteed spec operation 4.5 5 5.5 V
Supply Current IDD Worst case (min RPD, max
VDD) - 8.8 10 mA
Regulated Voltage VREG Internal voltage 3.0 3.3 3.6 V
Reset Voltage VPORRISE Output is high impedant for
2.5 3.4 V
VPORFALL 2.4 3.3 V
Undervoltage Threshold VUNDERRISE Operating if VDD > VUNDER 3.4 4.4 V
Programming Voltage(1) VPROGRISE Device not locked 6.2 7.2 V
Overvoltage Threshold
OVER Disconnect VPROT from VDD 8.4 14 V
Load Resistance Range RPD Pull-down to GND 8 10 330 k
Load capacitor range CL Between OUT and GND 47 1000 nF
Output Saturation
VSATHI Including RPD 96 100 %VDD
VSATLO Including RPD 0 2 %VDD
Output Current
IOUTLIMGND Output amplifier sourcing
strength 2 5 8 mA
IOUTLIMVDD Output amplifier sinking
strength 2 5 8 mA
Supply Current
Limitation IVDDLIM Same condition as above 5 18 mA
Output Diagnostic Band
Leakage Current(5) IDIAGLO Leakage current over TA
VDD=5V 500 nA
Output Diagnostic Level VDIAGLO Leakage current over TA
and VDD span
Table 2: Electrical Specification
(1) The programming voltage defines the threshold at which the ASIC goes into PTC mode, where the
output pin becomes bidirectional. Write access is eventually defined by the locking bits as described
in Section 6.1
(2) The overvoltage threshold will disconnect all internal supplies (Vana, Vdig & Vprot) from VDD; the
output becomes high impedant.
(3) The saturation voltage is the rail voltage the output amplifier can reach actively with RPD connected.
(4) The maximum current the output stage can deliver to keep its DC value, in case the output is pulled
to one of the rails by means of an external power supply, while VDD = 5V.
(5) The leakage current is in fact the current sourced by the output in case of an OBD detection (broken
ground), where the output goes into high-Z mode. For better contacting at the connectors over
lifetime and bigger rail-to-rail operation, the smaller pull-down resistors from this specification are
recommended at ECU side.
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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5.3 Timing Specification
Operating parameter valid for TA = – 40°C to + 150°C & VDD = + 4.5V to + 5.5V (unless specified otherwise).
Item Symbol Remark Min Typ Max Unit
Power Supply Slew Rate VDDSR External supply VDD 5e-6 5 V/µs
Startup time
STARTUP 200 500 800 µs
Main Oscillator Frequency FOSC Tolerance
10% 900 1000 1100 kHz
Conversion Rate
tCONV Acquisition of Hall and
Temperature signals
(no digital filtering)
130 144 158 µs
fCONV 6.33 7 7.7 kHz
Programmable Filtering
BW Tempsensor enabled 0.004 1.114 kHz
Output Amplifier Rise Time
(10%-90%)(3) tRISEPP RL = 8 k
to Ground
CL = 330 nF to Ground 300 µs
Output Amplifier Fall Time
(90%-10%)(3) tFALLPP RL = 330 k
to Ground
CL = 330 nF to Ground 200 µs
Calibration Time(4) t
EE Full Erase + Write 6 ms
EE Full Read 180 ms
RAM Write 3 ms
Table 3: Timing Specification
(1) Startup time is defined as the time between crossing the POR level and having the first DAC output
update. It includes loading of the parameters from EEPROM, checking the CRC validity, initializations
and the signal latency between the first Hall plate acquisition and the DAC output update.
(2) Filtering is programmable with the FILTCODE parameter in EEPROM. The filter consists of an IIR
filter in the digital. For more details about the corresponding bandwidths, see Section 6.3.3.
(3) Rise and fall times are measured for worst case conditions, hence the difference in Rload for both
parameters. These specifications are only defined by the output amplifier and its load. The output
amplifier (Gain=2) is given a step response at the input from 5%VDD to 45%VDD and the rise/fall times
are measured as the time between reaching 10% and 90% of the step response DC output voltages
(10%VDD to 90%VDD).
(4) Calibration times measured at room temperature with PTC-04 and DB-HALL03 daughterboard,
FIR090288AAMLX firmware loaded onto the PTC-04 and on a MLX90288 in the recommended
application diagram from Section 10 at 10kbit/s.
5.4 Transfer Characteristic Specification
Operating parameter valid for TA = – 40°C to + 150°C & VDD = + 4.5V to + 5.5V (unless specified otherwise).
Item Symbol Remark Min Typ Max Unit
Output Clamping Range CLAMPLO 9 bits
0 50 %VDD
CLAMPHI 10 bits
0 100 %VDD
Output Quiescent (Offset)
Voltage Range VOQ 14 bits (YA setting) (1)200 200 %VDD
Sensitivity Range S RG[2] = 1
For full-scale output(2) 0.04 0.4 %VDD/G
Table 4: Transfer Characteristic Specification
(1) Please refer to Section 6.2 for more detailed information.
(2) The full-scale output corresponds to 100%Vdd output range. This corresponds to 100% of the ADC
range when FINEGAIN is set to 1 (1024LSB) in a bipolar application.
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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5.5 Accuracy Specification
Operating parameter valid for TA = – 40°C to + 150°C & VDD = + 4.5V to + 5.5V (unless specified otherwise).
Item Symbol Remark Min Typ Max Unit
Output DAC Resolution LSBDAC 12 bits 0.0244 %VDD
Output DAC Linearity DNLDAC – 1 + 1 LSBDAC
Ratiometric Error(1) OUTratiom with TEMPTC=0 – 0.1 + 0.1 %VDD
with TEMPTC=128 – 0.2 + 0.2 %VDD
Output Noise(2) OUTnoise
RG = 4, FG = 800
FILTCODE = 4 0.12 0.18 mVRMS
RG = 7, FG = 800
FILTCODE = 4 0.13 0.2 mVRMS
RG = 4, FG = 4095
FILTCODE = 4 0.75 1.1 mVRMS
RG = 7, FG = 4095
FILTCODE = 4 1 1.5 mVRMS
Thermal Output Quiescent
(Offset) Drift ΔT VOQ
RG = 4 – 10 + 10 LSBDAC
RG = 5 – 10 + 10 LSBDAC
RG = 6 – 15 + 15 LSBDAC
RG = 7 – 20 + 20 LSBDAC
Thermal Sensitivity Drift(3) ΔT S
No magnet TC – 150 0 + 150 ppm/°C
Using 1s
and 2n
order magnet TC – 200 0 + 200 ppm/°C
Sensitivity Thermal
Hysteresis ΔH S After full thermal
excursion – 0.5 0.2 + 0.5 %
Table 5: Accuracy Specification
(1) Ratiometric performance of the IC is measured as a difference in output voltage (expressed as
%VDD) between the nominal case with VDD = 5V and the limits of the supply ratiometric operating
range (4.5V and 5.5V). The difference between TEMPTC = 0 (or TEMPSENSOR disabled altogether)
and TEMPTC = 128 originates in the fact that the on-chip temperature is also a function of the supply
voltage. Since the TEMPTC changes the gain of the IC to compensate for the magnet TC, and it
relies on the fact that the on-chip temperature is the same as the magnet temperature, an extra error
occurs compared to TEMPTC = 0 case.
(2) The noise measurements are performed on the recommended application diagram depicted under
Section 10, with a supply voltage of 5V at room temperature. Increased capacitance values
compared to the recommended application diagram, contribute to lower output noise. For peak-to-
peak values, the RMS value is typically multiplied by a factor of 6.
(3) The Sensitivity Thermal Drift is within these boundaries for all ICs with the default setting for gain
compensation i.e. fixed to 1, which is obtained by setting TEMPTC to 0, but leaving the
TEMPSENSOR bit set (see Section 7). If the value is not fixed to 1, the sensitivity of the IC will
exhibit a sensitivity thermal drift curve such as the one shown in Figure 3 (if SECONDORDERTC is
set) or with a linear temperature coefficient (if SECONDORDERTC is cleared) depending on the
setting of TEMPTC, but 150ppm/°C. The total system sensitivity drift is specified as 200ppm/°C to
cover resolution errors and non-linearities.
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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5.6 Diagnostic Specification
Operating rating valid for TA = – 40°C to + 85°C & VDD = + 4.5V to + 5.5V (unless specified otherwise).
Item Symbol Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
ADC Clipping Signaling(1) DIAGCLIP DIAGINFAULT = 0 - - VSATLO %VDD
ADC Clipping Criterion(1) N
CLIP ADC clipping count
before Diagnostic is set - 4 - Count
CRC Fail Criterion NCRC CRC Fail count before
Diagnostic is set - 3 - Count
Broken VSS
OUTbrVSS Over RPD range - - VDIAGLO %VDD
Broken VDD
OUTbrVDD Over RPD range - - VDIAGLO %VDD
Table 6: Diagnostic Specification
(1) ADC clipping is only flagged if the FAULTONCLIP bit in EEPROM is set. If the bit is cleared, the ADC
will clamp at either the maximum code or the minimum code, depending on the clipping condition.
Reporting after 4 sequential clipping conditions is required for an EMC robust design. Clipping
reporting does not apply to ADC values of the temperature signal.
(2) Diagnostics that are the result of a passive settling because the output stage becomes high impedant
(such as broken wire) are governed by the RC time constant of the capacitive load on the output and
the RPD resistor at ECU side. The OBD detection time is negligible in comparison to the settling time
in case of a broken wire. The settling time should be taken as 4 times the RC time constant. E.g. with
a load of 330nF and 330kOhm, the RC time constant equals 109ms. Settling time then corresponds
to 4 RC time constants, i.e. 436ms.
5.7 Startup, Undervoltage, Overvoltage and Reset Specification
During power-up (supply rising from 0V upwards) the MLX90288 remains in a zone where the output is
undefined (grey triangular area in the plot) because there is no active circuitry putting the output stage in a
specific condition. Most likely the output remains close to the low rail because of the passive external pull-
down, but it can not be predicted what happens exactly inside the IC at this point. This is also depicted in the
signal waveforms of Figure 2.
The POR phase is the phase where the supply is still below VPORRISE, but above the undefined region. In this
case the digital is in a reset state, which puts all flip-flops in a known state, and the output is high impedant.
Due to the external pull-down resistive load, the output is at the low rail.
When the supply rises above the VPORRISE threshold (which has built-in hysteresis: for the falling edge,
VPORFALL), an initialization occurs which includes loading all EEPROM settings into RAM. After this
initialization phase, the chip will start its FSM program and provide a valid output signal, for as long as the
supply voltage is above the VUNDERRISE threshold (which has built-in hysteresis: for the falling edge,
VUNDERFALL). If the supply is below this threshold, the output remains in high impedant state, corresponding to
an output voltage at the low rail.
Whenever the MLX90288 goes from normal operation to undervoltage or via undervoltage to reset state, and
vice versa, the output has a settling time which is a function of both the output load and the driving capability.
On top of this, there is a startup time (tSTARTUP) in case the chip comes out of reset.
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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INIT ratiometric normal operation (RNO) underV (uV) RNO INITPOR
uVundefined POR
Figure 2: Operating, undervoltage and reset functionality
In case the supply is raised above the VPROGRISE threshold (which has built-in hysteresis: for the falling edge,
VPROGFALL), but below the VOVER threshold, the IC goes in programming mode: the output becomes high
impedant and after proper commands coming from the programming unit (PTC04), the IC can respond on the
output pin as well. The communication protocol on the output (PTC-04 communication) is bi-directional. If the
supply is higher than the VOVER threshold, the internal regulated supply is disconnected from the external
supply, as are most blocks of the IC. A reset will be the result when the supply is restored.
5.8 EMC/ESD Specification
Operating parameter valid for TA = – 40°C to + 150°C & VDD = + 4.5V to + 5.5V (unless specified otherwise).
Item Symbol Remarks Min Typ Max Unit
Micro-interrupt without reset
µI - - 0.1 µs
ESD Human Body Model
ESD Charged Device Model
Table 7: EMC/ESD Specification
(1) If the digital regulated voltage drops below POR level, the ASIC will reset nearly immediately; this is a
necessity from a DFMEA point of view. The only way to make the ASIC immune for longer micro-
interrupts is to have external components (Rseries and Csupply) filtering these micro-interrupts for
the ASIC. Introducing an Rseries in the supply line will have a negative impact on ratiometricity.
(2) ESD HBM test performed on all pins according to JEDEC-22-A-114 standard.
(3) ESD CDM test performed on all pins according to AEC-Q100-011 standard.
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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6 EEPROM Mapping
6.1 EEPROM Description
All calibration parameters on the MLX90288 are stored in a 32 x 16bit non-volatile EEPROM.
The EEPROM parameters from the first 29 addresses are stored with triple redundancy, to correct if any
EEPROM bit would loose its content, by using majority voting. Consequently, an EEPROM word in this part
of EEPROM only holds the information of 5 calibration bits + 1 locking bit at index 15. The EEPROM word
stored at address 0 thus looks like this:
If bit index 15 is set, the EEPROM word is permanently locked, making it impossible to overwrite the given
address in PTC mode.
ID bits from the last 3 addresses are not stored with redundancy. The MLXID is not programmable in PTC
mode, hence guaranteeing traceability of the parts.
There are no constraints on the EEPROM readout in PTC mode.
6.2 Melexis Programmable Parameters
6.2.1 OSCTRIM [4:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Trims oscillator frequency around 1 MHz
6.2.2 TRIMCTAT [4:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Trims PTAT and CTAT to have both current sources at the same level at 25°C
This calibration is necessary to allow correct TC1 trimming with a single measurement at either hot or
The calibration compensates mismatch in both PTAT and CTAT current sources
6.2.3 ITRIM[2:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Trims the current reference used throughout the analog part to a predefined value
6.2.4 IPLATE[3:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Defines the current through the Hall plates, impacting the total gain
6.2.5 TC1ST[6:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Programming first order sensitivity temperature drift compensation
Piecewise linear compensation between hot and cold temperatures = TC1ST
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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6.2.6 TC2ND[5:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Programming piecewise linear sensitivity temperature drift compensation
It is like an additional TC1 starting at 25 °C +/-30 °C
Piecewise linear compensation for hot temperatures = TC1ST + TC2ND
6.2.7 TC3RD[2:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Programming piecewise linear sensitivity temperature drift compensation
It is like an additional TC1 starting at - 5 °C
Piecewise linear compensation for cold temperatures = TC1ST + TC2ND + 2*TC3RD
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Changes the polarity of the Hall plates, inverting the sensing nodes
Changing the plate polarity will make the MLX production calibration void
Changing the polarity of the output signal is recommended to be achieved by changing the
6.2.9 OFFCST[4:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Residual offset calibration (at Integrator stage) to make sure that the ADC input is at half of the ADC
span when no field is applied
Analog compensation, sign magnitude number
6.2.10 OFFDRIFT[5:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Compensates linearly for residual offset temperature drift at the Integrator stage
Analog compensation, sign magnitude number
6.2.11 ROUGHGAIN[2]
Set by default to 1 by Melexis
6.2.12 XA[13:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Gain-dependent offset, should not be modified after calibration
Removes the residual offset of the ADC output when no field is applied
6.2.13 MLXID[31:0]
Melexis ID bits for traceability
Can no be overwritten in PTC mode
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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6.2.14 CRC[9:0]
Standard CRC10 for data integrity
Polynomial is x10+x9+x5+x4+x1+1
EEPROM data is fed LSB first, per address (5bits, after majority voting) sequentially
The CRC integrity will be preserved by the PSF software when using the PTC04. It could not be
changed manually.
6.3 End User Programmable Parameters
Enable error reporting if ADC is clipping for 4 or more successive times
The diagnostic side for this error is defined by DIAGINFAULT
Defines to which side the output will go in case of an active error such as CRC fail or ADC clipping,
the latter only in case FAULTONCLIP is set
The thresholds are specified under Section 5.6
6.3.3 FILTCODE[3:0]
The digital IIR filter offers noise reduction and low pass filtering with programmable cut off frequency
FILTCODE[3:0] Cut-off frequency [Hz]
0 1114
1 557
2 279
3 139
4 70
5 35
6 17
7 9
8 4
Table 8: Filter cut-off frequencies
For Filter code from 9 to 15, the rounding error becomes too high versus the resolution so those
codes are not to be used.
This table only applies in case the temperature sensor is enabled, otherwise the cut-off frequency
should be multiplied by a factor of 2 since no more temperature ADC’s are performed anymore.
Enables digital gain compensation over temperature (GainMag)
Requires proper calibration of TEMPOFF and TEMPTC, as well as the SECONDORDERTC
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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Chooses between linear gain compensation over temperature (cleared) and ROM based 2nd order
compensation (set) as described under Section 5.5
6.3.6 TEMPOFF[9:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Defines the offset of the GainMag temperature compensation as described under Section 5.5
6.3.7 TEMPTC[7:0]
Will be calibrated at MLX production
Defines the slope of the GainMag temperature compensation as described under Section 5.5
6.3.8 CLPLow[8:0]
Low clamp level programmability range from 0% to 50% of VDD
Resolution is 1/4th of the outDAC resolution, i.e. 0.098% of VDD
6.3.9 CLPHigh[9:0]
High clamp level programmability range from 0% to 100% of VDD
Resolution is 1/4th of the outDAC resolution, i.e. 0.098% of VDD
6.3.10 ROUGHGAIN[1:0]
These 2 bits control the gain of the MAIN AMPLIFIER
6.3.11 ATTN2P5
Enables the attenuation in the analog chain by a factor of 4.5
6.3.12 FINEGAIN[12:0]
Sign-magnitude 13bit digital fine gain (not 2’s complement!)
The code 1024 (400h) corresponds to a gain of 1
The code 5120 (1400h) corresponds to a gain of -1
The MSB is a sign bit
FINEGAIN range is therefore from -4095 (1FFFh) to +4095 (FFFh), which corresponds to a gain
range of -3.999 to +3.999
6.3.13 YA[13:0]
Output offset programming, not gain dependent
Defines the offset on the output in case no field is applied, inside a range of -200%Vdd to +200%
Vdd with the 12-bit resolution of the output DAC, i.e. 0.0244% of VDD
6.3.14 CSTID[15:0]
Customer ID bits for traceability
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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7 Thermal Sensitivity Drift Compensation
7.1 Introduction
The embedded temperature sensor is digitized via the main path ADC before each analog amplified Hall
sensor voltage ADC in case TEMPSENSOR is enabled. This temperature information is used to generate
either an address for a ROM Look-up Table in order to obtain a quadratic temperature compensation
(SECONDORDERTC=1), or a value proportional to the temperature that allows a linear IC gain
compensation (SECONDORDERTC=0). Both compensations rely on the TEMPOFF and TEMPTC
7.2 Linear Compensation (1st Order)
The conventional linear temperature compensation proves to be adequate for small application temperature
ranges and/or small magnet temperature coefficients. In such cases the error induced by the linear approach
are limited and prove to be good enough for the desired system sensitivity drift.
7.3 Quadratic Compensation (2nd Order)
This look up table is stored in ROM and contains the inverse transfer function of a specific magnetic flux
density over temperature. It should be used for magnets with temperature coefficients lower than -1500
ppm/degC, as is typically the case for plastic bonded magnets. Such magnet temperature coefficients can not
optimally be compensated by the linear method (see Application Note “Temperature Compensation for Linear
Programmable Hall effect sensors” on the Melexis webpage). By multiplying the output of the ROM table with
the amplified magnetic flux density signal in the digital domain, the magnet temperature drift is compensated
for, resulting in a (nearly) temperature independent sensitivity of the whole system (magnet + IC).
Figure 3: ROM table - 2nd order gain compensa tion
G ai n com pensa t i on
-50.00 -30.00 -10.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 70.00 90.00 110.00 130.00 150.00
Temperature [Degree]
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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The factory calibration performed by Melexis targets a specific magnet TC, which serves as accurate basis
for any delta calibration that should be performed when using a magnet with a different TC. This is performed
via the solver software provided by Melexis. The TEMPOFF parameter defines for which temperature the
gain compensation should be 1 (i.e. no compensation), whereas the TEMPTC parameter defines which
temperature range of the curve presented in Figure 3 is mapped onto the application temperature range.
Higher TEMPTC codes will use a bigger range, which corresponds to more gain compensation and thus
bigger magnet temperature coefficients.
7.4 Additional Information
Please refer to the application note “Thermal Sensitivity Drift Compensation on MLX90288” on (coming soon).
8 Standard information regarding manufacturability of Melexis products
with different soldering processes
Our products are classified and qualified regarding soldering technology, solderability and moisture sensitivity
level according to following test methods:
Reflow Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices)
Moisture/Reflow Sensitivity Classification for Nonhermetic Solid State Surface Mount Devices
(classification reflow profiles according to table 5-2)
Preconditioning of Nonhermetic Surface Mount Devices Prior to Reliability Testing
(reflow profiles according to table 2)
Wave Soldering SMD’s (Surface Mount Devices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices)
Resistance of plastic- encapsulated SMD’s to combined effect of moisture and soldering heat
EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B106 and EN60749-15
Resistance to soldering temperature for through-hole mounted devices
Solderability SMD’s (Surface Mount Dev ices) and THD’s (Through Hole Devices)
EIA/JEDEC JESD22-B102 and EN60749-21
For all soldering technologies deviating from above mentioned standard conditions (regarding peak
temperature, temperature gradient, temperature profile etc) additional classification and qualification tests
have to be agreed upon with Melexis.
The application of Wave Soldering for SMD’s is allowed only after consulting Melexis regarding assurance of
adhesive strength between device and board.
Melexis is contributing to global environmental conservation by promoting lead free solutions. For more
information on qualifications of RoHS compliant products (RoHS = European directive on the Restriction Of
the use of certain Hazardous Substances) please visit the quality page on our website:
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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9 Package Specification
9.1 Package Dimensions
Package Type: SOIC-8 (8-pin Small Outline Integrated Circuit Package)
Die placement accuracy is ± 2 mils = ± 50 microns.
Figure 4: Package Dimensions
9.2 Package Marking
The package is labelled for traceability purposes, as depicted in Figure 5.
The first line is reserved for the project number at Melexis, 90288 followed by the ASIC silicon version. The
line below refers to the wafer fab. The bottom line is the date code indicating when the bare dies were
packaged at the assembly house. The black dot indicates the position of pin #1.
MXXXXX = 5-digit lot number (M = wafer fab)
YYWW = last 2 digits of the year, followed by the calendar week
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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Figure 5: Package markings
9.3 Pinout
Pin # Name Direction Type
1 VDD POWER Supply
2 VSS GND Ground
3 N/C / Not connected
4 OUT OUT/IN Analog + PTC communication
7 MUST0 IN Test
8 MUST1 IN Test
Table 9: Pinout
The pinout of the MLX90288 of the global pins is identical to that of the MLX90291 (PWM output), making
drop-in replacements possible for multi-protocol applications. Both ICs have differences in architecture, apart
from the protocol only.
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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10 Recommended Application Diagram
Figure 6: Recommended Application Diagram
The testpins (#5, #6, #7, #8) need to be grounded to avoid the risk of the chip going into testmode because of
RF/noise entering the test controller on these pins. The test input pins have an internal pull-down resistor.
The recommended application diagram is not a mandatory design guide. For better ESD and EMC
performance external components can be modified for as long as the electrical specifications are followed
under Section 5.2. For good EMC performance the components should be placed as close as possible to the
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Featuring Analog Ratiometric Output
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11 Disclaimer
Devices sold by Melexis are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its
Term of Sale. Melexis makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the
information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement.
Melexis reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior
to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with Melexis for current information. This
product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature
range, unusual environmental requirements, or high reliability applications, such as military, medical life-
support or life-sustaining equipment are specifically not recommended without additional processing by
Melexis for each application.
The information furnished by Melexis is believed to be correct and accurate. However, Melexis shall not be
liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property
damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interrupt of business or indirect, special incidental or consequential
damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical
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