Shutdown Mode
Drive SHDN high to enter low-power shutdown mode. In
shutdown mode, the MAX9918/MAX9919/MAX9920 draw
0.5µA (typ) of quiescent current.
Adjustable Gain (MAX9918/MAX9920)
The MAX9918/MAX9920 feature externally adjustable
gain set by a resistive-divider network circuit using resis-
tors R1 and R2 (see the Functional Diagram). The gain
frequency compensation is set for a minimum gain of
30V/V for the MAX9918 and 7.5V/V for the MAX9920.
The gain G for the MAX9918/MAX9920 is given by the
following equation:
G 1 (for MAX9918)
G (for MAX9920)
= +
Applications Information
Component Selection
Ideally, the maximum load current develops the full-scale
sense voltage across the current-sense resistor. Choose
the gain needed to yield the maximum output voltage
required for the application:
where VSENSE is the full-scale sense voltage, 50mV for
the MAX9918/MAX9919, or 200mV for the MAX9920 and
G is the gain of the device. G is externally adjustable for
the MAX9918/MAX9920. The MAX9919 has a fixed gain
version of 45V/V (MAX9919F) or 90V/V (MAX9919N).
In unidirectional applications (VREFIN = 0V), select the
gain of the MAX9918/MAX9920 to utilize the full output
range between GND and VCC. In bidirectional applica-
tions (VREFIN = VCC/2), select the gain to allow an output
voltage range of ±VCC/2. VOUT must be at least 100mV
from either rail to achieve the rated gain accuracy.
Sense Resistor, RSENSE
Choose RSENSE based on the following criteria:
Accuracy: A high RSENSE value allows lower currents
to be measured more accurately. This is because off-
sets become less significant when the sense voltage
is larger. In the linear region (100mV < VOUT < VCC
- 100mV), there are two components to accuracy: input
offset voltage (VOS) and gain error (GE). Use the linear
equation to calculate total error:
VOUT = (G ± GE) x (VSENSE ± VOS)
For best performance, select RSENSE to provide approxi-
mately 50mV (MAX9918/MAX9919) or 200mV (MAX9920)
of sense voltage for the full-scale current in each applica-
tion. Sense resistors of 5mΩ to 100mΩ are available with
1% accuracy or better.
Eciency and Power Dissipation
At high current levels, the I2R losses in RSENSE can be
significant. Take this into consideration when choosing the
resistor value and its power dissipation (wattage) rating.
Also, the sense resistor’s value might drift if it is allowed to
heat up excessively. The precision VOS of the MAX9918/
MAX9919/MAX9920 allows the use of small sense resis-
tors to reduce power dissipation and reduce hot spots.
Inductance: Keep inductance low if ISENSE has a large
high-frequency component by using resistors with low
inductance value.
Power-Supply Bypassing and Grounding
Bypass the MAX9918/MAX9919/MAX9920’s VCC to
ground with a 0.1µF capacitor. Grounding these devices
requires no special precautions; follow the same caution-
ary steps that apply to the rest of the system. High-current
systems can experience large voltage drops across a
ground plane, and this drop may add to or subtract from
VOUT. Using a differential measurement between OUT
and REFIN prevents this problem. For highest current-
measurement accuracy, use a single-point star ground.
Connect the exposed pad to a solid ground to ensure
optimal thermal performance.
www.maximintegrated.com Maxim Integrated
MAX9918/MAX9919/MAX9920 -20V to +75V Input Range,
Precision Uni-/Bidirectional,
Current-Sense Ampliers