BEI Sensors
EX11 Series— Miniature Incremental
tical Encoder
Packaged in a glass filled polycarbonate housing with 1/8" stain less steel shaft and
precision bearings, the EX11 provides superior performance at a lower cost.
The EX11 Series was developed to provide a hig h precision, low cost en closed shaft
encoder for light duty applications. The EX11 offers benefits of the O pto-ASIC design
with 1024 line counts in a 1.1 inch diameter size.
The EX11 Series is capable of oper ating over a tem perature range of 0°C to +70°C
without degradation of signals.
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions: See Figure 1
Weight: 2.0 oz. (Approx.)
Shaft Diameter: 0.1247 +0.0000/-0.0003
Shaft Load: axial 2 lbs., Radial 1 lb.
Torque, starting: less than 0.4 oz. in.
running: less than 0.2 oz. in.
Inertia: 3.0 x 10-5 oz. in./sec
Motor Interface
Servo Mounting Holes: 4 places #2-56 @
90° on 0.75”B.C.
Servo Mount: designed to accommodate
motor mount cleat “PIC type” L2-2
Flange Mounting Holes: 4 places .100
dia. through holes
Shaft Coupling: must be flexible (do not
hard mount
Electrical Specifications
Code: incremental
Pulses per Revolution: see “Ordering
Supply Voltage: +5 volts ± 5% @ 80mA
Output Format : dual channel Quadrature
and index with complements (no index on
Output Type:
-EX116- Line driver 26LS31 or equivalent
should be terminated into a line receiver
-EX112/EX113- Buffer driver 74F365 and
74F368 or equivalent. (not open collector)
Rise Time: 1.0µsec. max.
Frequency Response: see graph: Fig 3
Environmental Specifications
Operating: 0°C to +°70C
Storage: -25°C to +90°C
Termination Type: 28 AWG flat ribbon
cable with 10 position connector FXI-Berg
P/N 6690-310 or equivalent
Mates with FCI-Berg P/N 65863-165 or
equivalent (mating connector not provided)
2 = Quadrature w/ complements
3 = Quadrature w/ index
6 = Quadrature w/ Index & com
200, 256, 500, 512, 1000,
EX11 Incremental Ordering Options for assista nce, call 800.350. 27 7 2
Use this diagram, working from left to right to construct your model number (example: EX113-500-2)
1 = Servo mount
2 = Flange mount
Proven design and Duncan Electronics' experience makes the EX11 perfectly suite d
for high volume OEM applications, including: robotics, process control and
Tel:805-968-0782 / 800-350-2727 | Fax: 805-968-3154 / 800-960-2726
7230 Hollister Ave., Goleta, CA 93117 | www.beisensors.com
Specification No. 02118-001 Rev. 06/11