For more information www.linear.com/LTC2480
While in this sleep state, power consumption is reduced
by two orders of magnitude. The part remains in the sleep
state as long as CS is HIGH. The conversion result is held
indefinitely in a static shift register while the converter is
in the sleep state.
Once CS is pulled LOW, the device exits the low power
mode and enters the data output state. If CS is pulled HIGH
before the first rising edge of SCK, the device returns to
the low power sleep mode and the conversion result is
still held in the internal static shift register. If CS remains
LOW after the first rising edge of SCK, the device begins
outputting the conversion result. Taking CS high at this
point will terminate the data input and output state and
start a new conversion. The conversion result is shifted
out of the device through the serial data output pin (SDO)
on the falling edge of the serial clock (SCK) (see Figure 2).
The LTC2480 includes a serial data input pin (SDI) in
which data is latched by the device on the rising edge of
SCK (Figure 2). The bit stream applied to this pin can be
used to select various features of the LTC2480, including
an on-chip temperature sensor, programmable GAIN, line
frequency rejection and output data rate. Alternatively,
this pin may be tied to ground and the part will perform
conversions in a default state. In the default state (SDI
grounded) the device simply performs conversions on
the user applied input with a GAIN of 1 and simultaneous
rejection of 50Hz and 60Hz line frequencies.
Through timing control of the CS and SCK pins, the LTC2480
offers several flexible modes of operation (internal or
external SCK and free-running conversion modes). These
various modes do not require programming configuration
registers; moreover, they do not disturb the cyclic operation
described above. These modes of operation are described
in detail in the Serial Interface Timing Modes section.
Easy Drive Input Current Cancellation
The LTC2480 combines a high precision delta-sigma ADC
with an automatic differential input current cancellation
front end. A proprietary front-end passive sampling
network transparently removes the differential input
current. This enables external RC networks and high
impedance sensors to directly interface to the LTC2480
without external amplifiers. The remaining common
mode input current is eliminated by either balancing
the differential input impedances or setting the common
mode input equal to the common mode reference (see
the Automatic Input Current Cancellation section). This
unique architecture does not require on-chip buffers
enabling input signals to swing all the way to ground
and up to VCC. Furthermore, the cancellation does
not interfere with the transparent offset and full-scale
auto-calibration and the absolute accuracy (full-scale
+ offset + linearity) is maintained even with external
RC networks.
Accessing the Special Features of the LTC2480
The LTC2480 combines a high resolution, low noise ∆Σ
analog-to-digital converter with an on-chip selectable
temperature sensor, programmable gain, programmable
digital filter and output rate control. These special features
are selected through a single 8-bit serial input word during
the data input/output cycle (see Figure 2).
The LTC2480 powers up in a default mode commonly
used for most measurements. The device will remain in
this mode as long as the serial data input (SDI) is low.
In this default mode, the measured input is external, the
GAIN is 1, the digital filter simultaneously rejects 50Hz
and 60Hz line frequency noise, and the speed mode is 1x
(offset automatically, continuously calibrated).
A simple serial interface grants access to any or all special
functions contained within the LTC2480. In order to change
the mode of operation, an enable bit (EN) followed by up
to 7 bits of data are shifted into the device (see Table 1).
The first 3 bits (GS2, GS1, GS0) control the GAIN of the
converter from 1 to 256. The 4th bit (IM) is used to select
the internal temperature sensor as the conversion input,
while the 5th and 6th bits (FA, FB) combine to determine
the line frequency rejection mode. The 7th bit (SPD) is
used to double the output rate by disabling the offset auto