HFBR-1506AMZ/HFBR-2506AMZ Fiber Optic SMA Transmitters and Receivers for 16 MBd SERCOS Applications Data Sheet Description Features SERCOS, an acronym for SErial Realtime COmmunications Systems, is a standard digital interface for communication in industrial CNC applications. SERCOS is a European (EN 61491) and international standard (IEC 61491). The optical interface allows data rates of 2,4,8 and 16 MBd and data transfer between numerical controls and drives via fiber-optic rings, with voltage isolation and noise immunity. The HFBR-1506AMZ and HFBR-2506AMZ products have a guaranteed performance up to 16 MBd. RoHS-Compliant Meets Industrial SERCOS 16MBd standard SMA ports 650 nm wavelength Metal coated, plastic packaging Specified for use with 1 mm POF and 200 m HCS DC - 16 MBd data rate Applications Industrial Control Data Links Factory Automation Data Links Voltage Isolation Applications Package Information Recommended Chemicals for Cleaning/Degreasing The RoHS-compliant transmitters and receivers are housed in a low-cost, dual-in-line package that is made of high strength, heat resistant, chemically resistant and UL 94V-O (UL file # E121562) flame retardant plastic. Both the transmitter and receiver are coated with a layer of conductive alloy for better air discharge (ESD) performance. The package is designed for auto insertion and wave soldering so it is ideal for high volume production applications. Alcohols: methyl, isopropyl, isobutyl. Aliphatics: hexane, heptane. Other: soap solution, naphtha. Do not use partially halogenated hydrocarbons such as 1,1,1 trichloroethane, ketones such as MEK, acetone, chloroform, ethyl acetate, methylene dichloride, phenol, methylene chloride or N-methylpyrolldone. Also, Avago Technologies does not recommend the use of cleaners that use halogenated hydrocarbons because of their potential environmental harm. Handling and Design Information When soldering, it is advisable to leave the protective cap on the unit to keep the optics clean. Good system performance requires clean port optics and cable ferrules to avoid obstructing the optical path. Clean compressed air often is sufficient to remove particles of dirt; methanol on a cotton swab also works well. CAUTION: The small junction size inherent in the design of these components increases the components' susceptibility to damage from electrostatic discharge (ESD). It is advised that normal static precautions be taken in handling and assembly of these components to prevent damage and/or degradation which may be induced by ESD. Link Performance Specification 0 C to +70 C unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Condition Reference Link distance with HFBR-1506AMZ/2506AMZ I 0.1 0.1 45 200 m m POF HCS Note 1, 2, 4, 6 Note 1, 3, 5, 6 Notes: 1. 60 mA nominal drive current. 2. POF HFBR-ExxyyyZ 0.23 dB/m worst case attenuation. 3. HCS 10 dB/km worst case attenuation. 4. Including a 3 dB optical safety margin accounting for link service lifetime. 5. Including a 2 dB optical safety margin accounting for link service lifetime. 6. Signaling rate dc to 16 MBd. 2 HFBR-1506AMZ Transmitter 4 5 PIN 6 The HFBR-1506AMZ transmitter incoporates a 650nm LED in a metal-coated, plastic housing. The high light output power enables the use of both plastic optical fiber (POF) and Hard Clad Silica (HCS). This transmitter can operate up to 16MBd using a simple driver circuit. The HFBR-1506AMZ is compatible with SMA connectors. 1 4 5 6 7 8 7 1 8 BOTTOM VIEW, HFBR-1506AMZ FUNCTION CONNECTED TO PIN 4 CONNECTED TO PIN 1 GND GND CATHODE ANODE SEE NOTE 6 Figure 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Storage and Operating Temperature TS, O -40 +85 C Peak Forward Input Current IF, PK 90 mA Average Forward Input Current IF, AVG 60 mA Reverse Input Voltage VR 3 V Lead Soldering Cycle Temp Time TSOL TSOL 260 10 C s Notes 1 2, 8 Electrical Characteristics Table 0 C to +70 C unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Optical Power Temperature Coefficient PT/T Min Typ1 Max -0.02 1.8 2.1 Unit Condition Notes dB/C 2.65 V Forward Voltage VF Forward Voltage Temperature Coefficient VF/T Breakdown Voltage VBR Peak Emission Wavelength lPK Full Width Half Max FWHM Diode Capacitance CO 60 Thermal Resistance qJC 140 Rise Time (10% to 90%) tr 15 ns Fall Time (90% to 10%) tf 15 ns IF, dc = 60 mA Figure 2 -1.8 mV/C 3.0 13 V 640 650 660 nm Figure 4 21 30 nm Figure 4 pF Figure 2 IF, dc = -10 A VF = 0 V, f = 1 MHz C/W Notes 4, 5 10% to 90% IF = 60 mA Figure 6 Figure 6 Peak Output Power 0 C to +70 C unless otherwise noted. Model Number Symbol Min Max Unit Condition Reference HFBR-1506AMZ Pr -6.0 -18.0 -2.0 -10.0 dBm POF, IF, dc = 60 mA HCS(R), IF, dc = 60 mA Note 7 Figure 3 Notes: 1. For I F_PK > 60 mA, the duty factor must maintain I F_AVG <= 60 mA and pulse width <= 1 s. 2. 1.6 mm below seating plane. 3. Typical data are at +25 C 4. Thermal resistance is measured with the transmitter coupled to a connector assembly and fiber, and mounted on a printed circuit board. 5. To further reduce the thermal resistance, the cathode trace should be made as large as is consistent with good RF circuit design. 6. Pins 1 and 4 are for mounting and retaining purposes, but are electrically connected, pins 5 and 6 are electrically isolated. It is recommended that pins 1, 4, 5 and 6 all be connected to ground to reduce coupling of elecrical noise. 7. Optical power measured at the end of 1 meters of 1 mm diameter plastic or 200 m hard/plastic clad silica optical fiber with a large area detector. 8. Moisture sensitivity level (MSL) is 3. 3 10 2.5 25 C 70 C 2.1 1.9 85 C 1.7 1.5 1 10 100 I F,DO - TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRENT - mA Figure 2. Typical Forward Voltage vs Drive Current 0 25 C -10 85 C -20 -30 -40 1 100 I F,DO - TRANSMITTER DRIVE CURRENT - mA Figure 3. Typical Normalized Optical Power vs Drive Current Figure 5. Recommended drive circuit according to SERCOS An17 (Ifnom ~ 35 mA) 4 10 NORMALIZED SPECTRAL OUTPUT POWER V F - FORWARD VOLTAGE - V 2.3 P T - NORMALIZED OUTPUT POWER - dB 0 C -40 C 1.4 -40 C -40 C 1.2 0 C 1.0 25 C 0.8 70 C 0.6 85 C 0.4 0.2 0 610 630 650 670 WAVELENGTH - nm Figure 4. Typical Normalized Optical Spectra 690 HFBR-2506AMZ Receiver 4 The HFBR-2506AMZ receiver is housed in a metal-coated, plastic package, consists of a silicon PIN photodiode and digitizing IC to produce a logic compatible output. The IC includes a unique circuit to correct the pulse width distortion of the first bit after a long idle period. This enables operation from DC to 16MBd with low PWD for arbitrary data patterns. 5 PIN FUNCTION 1 4 5 6 7 8 CONNECTED TO PIN 4 CONNECTED TO PIN 1 NO CONNECT VCC GND VO Notes 6 7 1 8 BOTTOM VIEW, HFBR-2506AMZ SEE NOTE 4 Figure 6. The receiver is a "push-pull" stage compatible with TTL and CMOS logic. The HFBR-2506AMZ is compatible with SMA connectors. Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Storage and Operating Temperature TS, O -40 +85 C Supply Voltage VCC -0.5 5.5 V Average Output Current IO, AVG 16 mA Output Power Dissipation POD 80 mW Lead Soldering Cycle Temp Time TSOL TSOL 260 10 C s 1, 5 Electrical Characteristics Table 0 C to +70 C C, 4.75 V < VCC < 5.25 V, VP-P Noise < = 100 mV unless otherwise noted. Parameter Symbol Peak Input Power Level Logic HIGH PRH Peak Input Power Level Logic LOW PRL Supply Current ICC High Level Output Voltage VOH Low Level Output Voltage VOH Pulse Width Distortion PWD Propagation Delay Time TP_HL or _LH Min Typ1 -20 -22 27 4.2 Unit Condition -42 -44 dBm 1 mm POF 200 m HCS -2 -10 dBm 1 mm POF 200 m HCS |PWD| < 19 ns 45 mA VO = Open 4.7 0.22 -19 Max V IO = 40 A 0.4 V IO = 1.6 mA 19 ns 150 ns Notes 3 Notes: 1. 1.6 mm below seating plane. 2. Typical data are at +25 C, VCC = 5.0 V 3. BER <= 10E-9, includes a 10.8 dB margin below the receiver switching threshold level (signal to noise ratio =12) 4. Pins 1 and 4 are electrically connected to the metal coated housing and are also used for mounting and retaining purposes. It is recommended that pins 1 and 4 to be connected to ground to maintain housing shield effectiveness. 5. Moisture sensitivity level (MSL) is 3. 5 30 RECEIVER PWD - ns 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -22 -18 -14 -10 -6 -2 PRL - RECEIVER OPTICAL INPUT POWER - dBm 2 Figure 7. Typical POF receiver pulse width distortion vs optical power HP808 2A PULSE GENERATOR BCP MODEL 300 500 Mhz BANDWIDTH SILICON AVALANCHE PHOTODIODE HFBR-1506AMZ 50 OHM LOAD RESISTOR HP54002A 50 OHM BNC INPUT POD Figure 8. Test Circuit for Measuring Unpeaked Rise and Fall Times 6 HP54100A OSCILLOSCOPE Mechanical Dimensions HFBR-1506AMZ/HFBR-2506AMZ For product information and a complete list of distributors, please go to our web site: www.avagotech.com Avago, Avago Technologies, and the A logo are trademarks of Avago Technologies in the United States and other countries. Data subject to change. Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Avago Technologies. All rights reserved. Obsoletes AV01-0302EN AV02-1507EN - November 4, 2011