OTPDR2001-LR | 4
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MKT-DS-0215 Rev.001 03/01 Printed in Canada
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Sample: OTPDR2001-LR-00-62-PIN- SON-LC
Code Connectors
Code Reach
LR Long reach
Code Power Level
00 0 dBm output (TDM or DWDM)
03 3 dBm output (TDM or DWDM)
07 7 dBm output (TDM only)
Code ReceiverType
PIN PIN receiver
APD APD receiver
Code Data Rate
SON Sonet
ETH Ethernet
FEC Forward Error Correction
-- --
Code Frequency (GHz) Wavelength (nm) Code Frequency (GHz) Wavelength (nm)
16 191600 1564.68 40 194000 1545.32
17 191700 1563.86 41 194100 1544.53
18 191800 1563.05 42 194200 1543.73
19 191900 1562.23 43 194300 1542.94
20 192000 1561.42 44 194400 1542.14
21 192100 1560.61 45 194500 1541.35
22 192200 1559.79 46 194600 1540.56
23 192300 1558.98 47 194700 1539.77
24 192400 1558.17 48 194800 1538.98
25 192550 1557.36 49 194900 1538.19
26 192600 1556.55 50 195000 1537.40
27 192700 1555.75 51 195100 1536.61
28 192800 1554.94 52 195200 1535.82
29 192900 1554.13 53 195300 1535.04
30 193000 1553.33 54 195400 1534.25
31 193100 1552.52 55 195500 1533.47
32 193200 1551.72 56 195600 1532.68
33 193300 1550.92 57 195700 1531.90
34 193400 1550.12 58 195800 1531.12
35 193500 1549.32 59 195900 1530.33
36 193600 1548.51 60 196000 1529.55
37 193700 1547.72 61 196100 1528.77
38 193800 1546.92 62 196200 1527.99
39 193900 1546.12
Frequencies are accurate values, wavelengths are dependent on the media properties