PK(PD)160FG40/80/120/160 IT(AV) = 160A, VRRM = 400 - 1600V
SanRex Thyristor/Thyristor modules (PK series), Thyristor/
Diode modules (PD series) are designed for general purpose
high voltage applications such as motor controls, temperature
controls, lighting controls and UPS.
* Glass-passivated junctions Features
* High Surge Current
* Low loss (VTM=1.5V)
Typical Applications
* Motor Controls
* Temperature Controls
* Lighting Controls
< Maximum Ratings > (Tj = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Item PK160FG40 PK160FG80 PK160FG120 PK160FG160 Unit
VRRM Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 400 800 1200 1600 V
VRSM Non-Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage 480 960 1300 1700 V
VDRM Repetitive Peak Off-state Voltage 400 800 1200 1600 V
I T(AV) Average On-state Current T C = 84°C 160 A
I T(RMS) R.M.S. On-state Current T C = 84°C 251 A
I TSM Surge On-state Current 1/2 cycle, 50Hz/60Hz, Peak value,
Non-repetitive 5000/5400 A
I 2 t I 2 t (for fusing) Value for one cycle surge current 125000 A2 s
PGM Peak Gate Power Dissipation 10 W
PG(AV) Average Gate Power Dissipation 3W
I FGM Peak Gate Current 3A
VFG M Peak Gate Voltage (Forward) 10 V
VRG M Peak Gate Voltage (Reverse) 5V
di/dt Critical Rate of Rise of On-state Current I G=100mA, VD=1/2VDRM, dig/dt=0.1A/Fs200 A/Fs
V ISO Isolation Breakdown Voltage A.C. 1 minute 2500
Tj Operating Junction Temperature -40 to +125 °C
T s t g Storage Temperature -40 to +125 °C
Mounting M6 Recommended Value 2.5 to 3.9 4.7
Torque Terminals M6 Recommended Value 2.5 to 3.9 4.7 N*m
Mass Typical Value 210 g
< Electrical Characteristics > (Tj = 25°C unless otherwise noted)
Symbol Item Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
I DRM Repetitive Peak Off-state Current Tj = 125°C, VD = VDRM 35 mA
I RRM Repetitive Peak Reverse Current Tj = 125°C, VR = VRRM 35 mA
VTM Peak On-State Voltage I T = 480A 1.5 V
IGT Gate Trigger Current VD=6V, IT=1A 100 mA
VGT Gate Trigger Voltage VD=6V, IT=1A 3V
VG D Non-Trigger Gate Voltage Tj = 125°C, VD=1/2VDRM 0.25 V
dv/dt Critical Rate of Rise of Off-state Voltage Tj = 125°C, VD=2/3VDRM 500 V/Fs
Rth(j-c) Thermal Resistance Junction to case 0.18 °C/W
SanRex 50 Seaview Blvd. Port Washington, NY 11050-4618 PH.(516) 625-1313 FAX(516) 625-8845 E-mail:
PK series
PD series