CCD area image sensor
S7033/S7034 series
■ Electrical characteristics (Ta=25 °C)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Signal output frequency fc - - 1 MHz
Charge transfer efficiency *2CTE 0.99995 0.99999 - -
DC output level *3Vout 12 15 18 V
Output impedance *3Zo - 3 - kΩ
Power consumption *3 *4P-15-mW
*2: Charge transfer efficiency per pixel, measured at half of the full well capacity.
*3: The values depend on the load resistance. (Typical, VOD=20 V, Load resistance=22 kΩ)
*4: Power consumption of the on-chip amplifier.
■ Electrical and optical characteristics (Ta=25 °C, unless otherwise noted)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Saturation output voltage Vsat - Fw × Sv - V
Vertical 150,000 300,000 -
Full well capacity Horizontal Fw 1,350,000 2,700,000 -e-
CCD node sensitivity Sv 0.5 0.6 - µV/e-
25 °C-4,000 12,000
Dark current *5
(MPP mode) 0 °CDS -200 600 e-/pixel/s
Readout noise *6Nr - 30 - e- rms
Line binning 22,500 90,000 -
Dynamic range *7
Area scanning DR 2,500 10,000 --
Photo response non-uniformity *8PRNU - ±3 ±10 %
Spectral response range λ-200 to 1100 -nm
*5: Dark current nearly doubles for every 5 to 7 °C increase in temperature.
*6: Operating frequency is 150 kHz.
*7: Dynamic range (DR)=Full well/Readout noise.
*8: Measured at the half of the full well capacity output.
■ Absolute maximum ratings (Ta=25 °C)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Operating temperature Topr -50 - +30 °C
Storage temperature Tstg -50 -+70 °C
OD voltage VOD -0.5 - +25 V
RD voltage VRD -0.5 -+18 V
ISV voltage VISV -0.5 - +18 V
ISH voltage VISH -0.5 -+18 V
IGV voltage VIG 1V, VIG 2V -10 - +15 V
IGH voltage VIG1H , VIG 2H -10 -+15 V
SG voltage VSG -10 - +15 V
OG voltage VOG -10 -+15 V
RG voltage VRG -10 - +15 V
TG voltage VTG -10 -+15 V
Vertical clock voltage VP1V, VP2V -10 - +15 V
Horizontal clock voltage VP1H, VP2H -10 -+15 V
■ Operating conditions (MPP mode, Ta=25 °C)
Parameter Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Output transistor drain voltage VOD 18 20 22 V
Reset drain voltage VRD 11.5 12 12.5 V
Output gate voltage VOG 135V
Substrate voltage VSS - 0 - V
Test point (vertical input source) VIS V -V
Test point (horizontal input source) VISH - V RD - V
Test point (vertical input gate) VIG 1V, VIG 2V -8 0 - V
Test point (horizontal input gate) VIG1H , VIG 2H -8 0 - V
High VP1VH, VP2VH 468
Vertical shift register
clock voltage Low VP1VL, VP2VL -9 -8 -7 V
High VP1HH, VP2HH 4 6 8
Horizontal shift register
clock voltage Low VP1HL, VP2HL -9 -8 -7 V
High VSGH 468
Summing gate voltage Low VSGL -9 -8 -7 V
High VRGH 4 6 8
Reset gate voltage Low VRGL -9 -8 -7 V
High VTGH 468
Transfer gate voltage Low VTGL -9 -8 -7 V
Fixed pattern noise (peak to peak)
Signal × 100
Photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) [%]