Name CLL022-1204A5-303M1A2
(1) 1. Handling with care for this product
-Both the light emitting area and white dam over the light emitting area is composed of resin materials.
Please avoid the resin area from being pressed, stressed, rubbed, come into contact with sharp metal nail
(e.g. edge of reflector part) because the function, performance and reliability of this product
are negatively impacted.
-Please be aware that this product should not come into contact with any other parts
while incorporating in your lighting apparatus or your other products.
(2) Countermeasure against static electricity
-Handling of this product needs countermeasures against static electricity
because this is a semiconductor product.
-Please take adequate measures to prevent any static electricity being produced
such as the wearing of a wristband or anti-static gloves when handling this product.
-Every manufacturing facility in regard to the product (plant, equipment, machine, carrier machine
and conveyance unit) should be connected to ground and please avoid the product to be electric-charged.
-ESD sensitivity of this product is over 1000V (HBM, based on JEITA ED-4701/304).
-After assembling the LEDs into your final product(s), it is recommended to check
whether the assembled LEDs are damaged by static electricity (electrical leak phenomenon) or not.
-It is easy to find static damaged LED dies by a light-on test with the minimum current value.
(3) Caution of product assembly
-Regarding this product assembling on the heat sink, it is recommended to use M3 screw.
It might be good for screw tightening on the heat sink to do temporary tightening and final tightening.
In addition, please don’t press with excess stress on the product.
-The condition of the product assembling on the heat sink and the control of screw tightening torque
needs to be optimized according to the specification of the heat sink.
-Roughness, unevenness and burr of surface negatively impact thermal bonding
between the product and heat sink and increase heat thermal resistance between them.
Confidence of thermally and mechanical coupling between the product and heat sink are confirmed
by checking the mounting surface and measuring the case temperature of the product.
-In order to reduce the thermal resistance at assembly, it might be good to use
TIM (Thermal Interface Material) on whole contact surface of the product.
In case of using thermal grease for the TIM, it might be good to apply uniformly
on the contact surface of the product. In case of using thermal sheet for the TIM,
it might be good to make sure that the product is NOT strained by stress
when the screws are tightened for assembly.
Ref.CE-P2265 03/13 R1(1013)