KMXP MR Position Sensor
KMXP www.meas-spec.com 2014-May
• AMR linear position sensor
• 2x6 DFN package, very compact
• Small wall thickness for large air gaps
• High operating temperature of 150°C
• On the edge soldering possible
Moving a KMXP sensor along a magnetic scale will produce a sine and a cosine output signal as a function of
its position. In order to deliver satisfying results, this will be achieved as long as the air gap between sensor
edge and magnetic scale surface does not exce ed ap proximately half of the pole pitch. As the sensor principle
is based on the anisotropic magneto resistance effect, the signal amplitudes are nearly independent on the
magnetic field streng th and theref ore air gap varia tion s do not ha ve a str ong eff ect on the accur acy. T he se nsor
detects a magnetic gradient field and is thus almost insensitive to homogenous stray fields.
Precise displacement values will be obtained by using an amplifier in combination with a microcontroller or
comm er cial s ine/cos i ne int erpol ator de vice. The m ax im al obtai nab le pr ecis i on d e pends strongly on the acc ur ac y
of the magnetic scale and on the distance sensor – magnetic scale. Precision values of <1% of the pole pitch
are common.
• Contactless angular position measurement
• Measurement of linear disp lac ements,
movements, velocities in dirty environments
• Low cost, low power
• Failure detection possible
• User has total control over signal evaluation
• Extended temperature range
• REACH, 3TG & ROHS compliant
• Very precise ang ul ar m easurement on the
circumference using pole wheels
• Torque measurement in harsh environment