EngineerZone AnalogDialogue Log In Wiki Resources and Tools Education Content Wiki Help Wiki Tools search wiki This version (21 Feb 2019 20:43) was approved by chadw. The Previously approved version (16 Jan 2019 14:29) is available. SHARC Audio Module Main Board Table of Contents The SHARC Audio Module uses the ADSP-SC589 SHARC processor along with an ADAU1761 SigmaDSP audio codec and an AD2425W A2B transceiver in a compact form for audio development. SHARC Audio Module Main Board Schematics, PCB Layout, Bill of Materials ADSP-SC589 SHARC DSP DDR3 2x 2Gb 512Mb SPI Flash 10/100/1000 Ethernet USB Type A Host Port and USB MicroAB Host/Device/OTG Port Expansion Port P4 Expansion Port P5 FTDI Header (P8) Automotive Audio Bus (A2B) Interface Duraclick (P6, P7) SigmaDSP ADAU1761 Audio Codec 3.5mm Audio In/Out Jacks (J1, J2) SPDIF In/Out Jacks (J4, J5) The SHARC Audio Module Main Board USBi Connector (P2) +12v Input Power Jack (P3) MicroSD Card Slot (J6) JTAG Interface (P1) Boot Mode Jumper (JP1) Pushbuttons (PB1, PB2) Reset Button (RESET) GPIO LEDs (LED10, LED11, LED12) TWI Switch Block Diagram of the SHARC Audio Module Main Board Schematics, PCB Layout, Bill of Materials SHARC Audio Module Main Board Rev 1.4 Design and Integration Files Schematics Bill of Materials Fabrication and Assembly Files ADSP-SC589 SHARC DSP The SHARC Audio Module is powered by the Analog Devices, Inc. and Dual SHARC+ cores running at 450 MHz. ADSP-SC589 SHARC DSP. The ADSP-SC589 contains an ARM Cortex-A5 DDR3 2x 2Gb There are two DDR3 channels on the SHARC Audio Module, each with a 2Gbit DDR3 module. In the default SHARC Audio Module configuration, one DDR3 module is used for Linux and the other used by the SHARC+ cores for audio processing. 512Mb SPI Flash A 512Mbit SPI Flash on the SHARC Audio Module contains a preloaded uBoot application that will launch the SHARC Audio Module Linux distribution off the MicroSD card. 10/100/1000 Ethernet The SHARC Audio Module has a 10/100/1000 Ethernet module to provide network and internet access to the board. The default IP address for this board, while running the official SHARC Audio Module Linux OS is USB Type A Host Port and USB MicroAB Host/Device/OTG Port The USB Type A port is Host mode only, and is for USB WiFi, Bluetooth and USB memory devices. The USB MicroAB can be a Host/Device or OTG connection. This interface can be used for USB Audio, along with the USBi Emulator. Expansion Port P4 +12v 1 2 +12v GND 3 4 GND TWI1_SCL 5 6 PB_00 TWI1_SDA 7 8 PB_01 GND 9 10 PB_02 DAI0_PIN13 11 12 PB_03 DAI0_PIN14 13 14 GND DAI0_PIN15 15 16 PB_04 GND 17 18 PB_05 DAI0_PIN16 19 20 PD_14 DAI0_PIN17 21 22 PD_15 DAI0_PIN18 23 24 GND +3.3v 25 26 PE_00 GND 27 28 PE_01 HADC0_VIN0 29 30 PE_02 HADC0_VIN1 31 32 PE_03 GND 33 34 GND HADC0_VIN2 35 36 PE_04 HADCO_VIN3 37 38 PE_05 GND 39 40 PE_06 HADC0_VIN4 41 42 PE_07 HADC0_VIN5 43 44 PE_08 GND 45 46 GND HADC0_VIN6 47 48 PE_09 HADC0_VIN7 49 50 PE_10 GND 51 52 PE_11/SPI1_SEL3 PD_12/UART2_TX 53 54 PE_12/SPI1_SEL4 PD_13/UART2_RX 55 56 PE_13/SPI1_CLK TWI2_SCL 57 58 PE_14/SPI1_MISO TWI2_SDA 49 60 PE_15/SPI1_MOSI PB_11 61 62 PB_13 PB_12 63 64 PB_14 Expansion Port P5 DAI1_PIN01 1 2 DAI1_PIN11 DAI1_PIN02 3 4 DAI1_PIN12 DAI1_PIN03 5 6 DAI1_PIN13 GND 7 8 GND DAI1_PIN04 9 10 DAI1_PIN14 DAI1_PIN05 11 12 DAI1_PIN15 DAI1_PIN06 13 14 DAI1_PIN16 GND 15 16 GND DAI1_PIN07 17 18 DAI1_PINI17 DAI1_PIN08 19 20 DAI1_PIN18 DAI1_PIN09 21 22 DAI1_PIN19 DAI1_PIN10 23 24 DAI1_PIN20 GND 25 26 GND PD_04 27 28 PD_06 PD_05 29 30 PD_07 PC_07/CAN0_RX 31 32 PB_09/CAN1_TX PC_08/CAN0_TX 33 34 PB_10/CAN1_RX PC_09/SPI0_CLK 35 36 PC_00 PC_10/SPI0_MISO 37 38 PB_15 PC_11/SPI1_MOSI 39 40 GND PC_12/SPI1_SEL3 41 42 +3.3v PG_00 43 44 PF_14 PG_01 45 46 PF_15 PG_02 47 48 PG_03 TWI0_SCL 49 50 PG_04 TWI0_SDA 51 52 PG_05 GND 53 54 GND ADAU1761_RAUX 55 56 ADAU1761_RHP GND 57 58 GND ADAU1761_LAUX 49 60 ADAU1761_LHP PD_08 61 62 PD_10 PD_09 63 64 PD_11 FTDI Header (P8) This connector is compatible with most FTDI 3.3v UART to USB adapters. 1 GND 2 PD_00/UART0_CTS 3 N/C 4 PC_14/UART0_RX 5 PC_13/UART0_TX 6 PC_15/UART0_RTS Automotive Audio Bus (A2B) Interface Duraclick (P6, P7) The A2B bus uses crossover cables to connect nodes to each other. P6 connects to upstream towards the Master Node in the network and P7 connects downstream to the next slave in the network. The SHARC Audio Module uses the AD2425W IC. BLCK is connected to DAI0_PIN07 SYNC is connected to DAI0_PIN08 DTX0 is connected to DAI0_PIN09 DTX1 is connected to DAI0_PIN10 DRX0 is connected to DAI0_PIN11 DRX1 is connected to DAI0_PIN12 SigmaDSP ADAU1761 Audio Codec The ADAU1761 is a low power, stereo audio codec with integrated digital audio processing that supports stereo 48 kHz record and playback. The stereo audio ADCs and DACs support sample rates from 8 kHz to 96 kHz as well as a digital volume control. The SigmaDSP(R) core features 28-bit processing (56-bit double precision). The processor allows system designers to compensate for the realworld limitations of microphones, speakers, amplifiers, and listening environments, resulting in a dramatic improvement in the perceived audio quality through equalization, multiband compression, limiting, and third-party branded algorithms. The ADAU1761 is connected to the DAI ports on the ADSP-SC589 as follows: DAC_SDATA is connected to DAI0_PIN01 ADC_SDATA is connected to DAI0_PIN02 BCLK is connected to DAI0_PIN03 LRCLK is connected to DAI0_PIN04 3.5mm Audio In/Out Jacks (J1, J2) The 3.5mm Audio In/Out jacks are connected to the ADAU1761 SigmaDSP. The impedance of the 3.5mm signals is 16 ohms. The HP output pins to the expansion connectors are also 16 ohms. SPDIF In/Out Jacks (J4, J5) The SPDIF jacks are connected to the DAI ports on the ADSP-SC589. SPDIF Input is connected to DAI0_PIN19 . SPDIF Output is connected to DAI0_PIIN20 . USBi Connector (P2) The USBi Connector on the SHARC Audio module allows for the use of the USBi adapter for bare metal programming. +12v Input Power Jack (P3) The SHARC Audio Module was design for a 12V DC input, but can operated from 10v to 20v input to the barrel jack. A 12v 1.5A DC power supply is recommended. The barrel connector on the SHARC Audio Module can handle up to 3A current. MicroSD Card Slot (J6) The MicroSD card slot on the SHARC Audio Module is used for the MicroSD card that contains the SHARC Audio Module Linux OS. uBoot is flashed to the onboard SPI Flash unit and by default will boot into the Linux OS stored on the MicroSD card. JTAG Interface (P1) The JTAG interface allows for programming and debugging of the ADSP-SC589 using an CrossCore Embedded Studio. ICE-1000 or an ICE-2000 emulator and Boot Mode Jumper (JP1) The ADSP-SC589 has multiple boots modes. This jumper allows for three of the supported boot modes on the DSP, depending on jumper setting. Jumper on Pins Boot Mode 1-2 SPI Boot 2-3 UART Boot None No Boot Pushbuttons (PB1, PB2) Two GPIO pushbuttons are provided on the SHARC Audio Model. They are connected as follows: PB1 is connected to PF_00 PB2 is connected to PF_01 Reset Button (RESET) The Reset button resets all the hardware on the SHARC Audio Module. It will not reset anything on connected to the expansion connectors. GPIO LEDs (LED10, LED11, LED12) There are three GPIO controlled LEDs on the SHARC Audio Module. They are connected as follows: LED10 is connected to PD_01 LED11 is connected to PD_02 LED12 is connected to PD_03 TWI Switch The SHARC Audio Module has a TWI switch the can connect TWI0 or TWI1 on the ADSP-SC589 to the A2B and ADAU1761 on the board. This allows either the ARM core or the SHARC+ cores to access the A2B and ADAU1761 TWI control lines. PB_08 controls the switch. PB_08 Connection Low TWI0 High TWI1 Navigation - SHARC Audio Module Prev.: Hardware Reference Up: Hardware Reference Next.: Audio Project Fin resources/tools-software/sharc-audio-module/hardware/main-board.txt * Last modified: 21 Feb 2019 20:43 by chadw Ahead of What's Possible 15,000 4,700+ 125,000 50+ Problem Solvers Patents Worldwide Customers Years Analog Devices. Dedicated to solving the toughest engineering challenges. SOCIAL QUICK LINKS Analog Devices is a global leader in the design and manufacturing of analog, mixed signal, and DSP integrated circuits to help solve the toughest engineering challenges. See the Innovations LANGUAGES NEWSLETTERS Interested in the latest news and articles about ADI products, design tools, training and events? Choose from one of our 12 newsletters that match your product area of interest, delivered monthly or quarterly to your inbox. 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