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Photoelectric Sensors
August 2007
E58 Harsh Duty Series
E58 Harsh Duty Series
Physical Attributes
Rugged physical construction
The E58 Harsh Duty Series was
designed from the ground up to be
the most rugged sensor family avail-
able. The strong metal housing,
mechanical seals and surface mount
electronics withstand heavy shock
and vibration. The tempered glass
lens cover provides protection in
abrasive environments, and the
sturdy cable is physically clamped to
the sensor body.
Exceptional environmental
protection and chemical resistance
The E58 Harsh Duty Series was
designed to be used in the Automo-
tive, Food Processing and Forest
Products industries. It is also well
suited for applications in related
industries such as Pulp and Paper,
Car Wash and Steel. These indus-
tries are all physically demanding on
equipment and that’s why we
designed and tested these sensors
to extreme levels of shock and
Many sensor failures, however, are
actually due to chemical attack so
we had to make them stand up to
constant chemical exposure — day
in and day out. To ensure resistance
to the widest possible range of
chemicals, we conducted extensive
studies of the chemical agents com-
monly used in these industries. We
then selected only those materials
that could withstand exposure to
these chemicals without failure in
the design of the E58 Harsh Duty
Series. In addition, we eliminated
adhesives in favor of more reliable
Viton compression seals. Some of
the more common chemicals
against which this sensor has been
tested are listed in the resistance
This resistance chart reflects testing
of the 303 stainless steel body used
on the standard E58 Harsh Duty
Series sensors. Additional chemical
resistance for food industry applica-
tions is available using sensors with
the optional 316 stainless steel body
and hard-coated polycarbonate (or
acrylic on reflex models) lens cover.
The E58 Harsh Duty Series was
designed to resist the chemicals shown
in this table under normal use and con-
ditions. Extremes of environmental fac-
tors such as temperature, pressure,
concentration, duration of exposure,
ultraviolet sunlight and chemical inter-
actions combined with the presence of
these chemicals could result in prema-
ture material failure. For these cases,
testing the sensor in the specific appli-
cation is recommended.
E58 Harsh Duty Series
Chemical Resistance Chart
Sensing Modes
Perfect Prox
This is a unique type of diffuse
reflective sensor that combines
extremely high sensing power
(called “excess gain”) with a sharp
optical cutoff to ignore backgrounds.
This allows the sensor to reliably
detect targets regardless of varia-
tions in color, reflectance, contrast or
surface shape, while ignoring
objects just slightly outside the tar-
get range. With Perfect Prox
, the
E58 Harsh Duty Series can act just
like an inductive prox sensor — but
with up to 20 times the range for
mounting away from a moving tar-
get so you can avoid damage and
downtime. 18 mm and 30 mm sizes,
2-, 3- and 4-wire circuits, and cable,
micro and mini connector termina-
tions mean quick and easy replace-
ment of damaged proximity sensors.
A visible sensing beam lets you
quickly confirm the sensor is aligned
correctly in the application.
The 18 mm Perfect Prox
has a
sensing range of 2 or 4 inches (50 or
100 mm), and the 30 mm version
has a range of 6 or 11 inches (150 or
280 mm).
This simplified application example
shows the power of the Perfect
If the hole is If the hole is present in
the gear, the sensor will shine
through the hole and ignore the belt
— no detection event will occur.
If the hole in the gear is missing, the
sensor will detect the surface of the
gear and reject the part.
This sensing mode is available in
the 30 mm models. Rated sensing
range is 800 feet, among the long-
est ranges available on the market.
This provides extremely high
excess gain when the source and
detector are positioned at closer,
optimum ranges to see through
high levels of contamination. A visi-
ble red sensing beam and wide
field-of-view mean quick and easy
installation and alignment.
Polarized Reflex
Another sensing mode available in
the 30 mm models is polarized
reflex. In this mode, the sensing
beam is reflected from a retroreflec-
tor back to the sensor. The maxi-
mum range of 34 feet is also among
the longest available on the sensor
market. The polarizing filter built into
the sensor ensures only light
reflected off a corner cube retrore-
flector is recognized by the sensor.
This allows reliable detection of
shiny targets that could reflect light
back to the sensor and be missed by
a non-polarized version. As in all
models, a visible sensing beam is
featured for easy installation and
Chemical Category Commonly Found In:
Oils, Cutting Fluids, Aqueous
Forest Industry
Vegetable and Mineral Oil Automotive,
Forest Industry
Surfactants Automotive,
Food Processing
Dilute Acids Food Processing
Dilute Bases Food Processing
Sanitizers Food Processing