Information Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 / page 1-4/ Description: ITW Pancon will deliver an enhanced version of their .156" (3.96mm) centerline MAS -CON(R) headers. - The enhancements include a higher temperature rated plastic material that is black in colour. - Plating specifications will not be affected. - The locking versions MLSS & MLAS pole numbers 2 to 12 will be replaced by versions with solid backwall (same as with our .100 / 2.54mm series). The designation is MTSS & MTAS. - The polarized versions MPSS & MPAS will be replaced by versions with solid backwall. The designation is MTSS & MTAS. " Consequences: " There will be a change in certain existing part numbers as follows: " MFSS156 & MFAS156 ==> no change MLSS156 & MLAS156 pole numbers 13 to 24 ==> no change MLSS156 & MLAS156 pole numbers 2 to 12 ==> change to MTSS156 & MTAS156 MPSS & MPAS ==> replaced by MTSS156 & MTAS156 for poles sizes 2-14 and by MLSS156 & MLAS156 for pole size 13 to 24 3 2 1 0 REV 091215 090505 081016 080722 DATE Correction page 4 page 4 (product nos) added pages 2 & 3 added issued NOTE rok rok rok rok NAME Pancon GmbH, Siemensstrasse 7, 61267 Neu-Anspach Te l : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 0 , F a x : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 2 0 1 , Information / Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 MAS-CON 156 Product Line Refurbishement Information Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 / page 2-4/ ITW Pancon will deliver an enhanced version of their .156" (3.96mm) centerline MASCON(R) headers. * The enhancements include a higher temperature rated plastic material that is black in colour. * Plating specifications will not be affected. * There will not be a change in existing part numbers. MFSS156 & MFAS156: * This series of the product line will not include any physical geometry changes, but will utilize the higher temperature rated plastic material. .156" (3.96mm) Mascon flat Header 2 to 24 position MFXS156-XX old new Pancon GmbH, Siemensstrasse 7, 61267 Neu-Anspach Te l : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 0 , F a x : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 2 0 1 , Information / Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 MAS-CON 156 Product Line Refurbishement Information Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 / page 3-4/ ITW Pancon will deliver an enhanced version of their .156" (3.96mm) centerline MAS(R) CON headers 4 The enhancements include a higher temperature rated plastic material that is black in color. 4 Plating specifications will not be affected. There will be a change in the part numbers as follows: 4 MLSS156-xx & MLAS156-xx: 4 polnumbers 2 through 12 are being replaced by MTSS156-xx & MTAS156-xx 4 polnumbers 13 through 24 are not changed 4 MPSS156-xx & MPAS156-xx: 4 These products are being replaced by the new ML-types as stated above. .156" (3.96mm) Mascon Tab Polarized & Locking Header 2 to 24 position MPxS156-xx & MLxS156-xx new (black color) old Straight Version MLSS156-13 to MLSS156-24 -- breakable backwall -- MPSS156-xx white color MLSS156-xx white color MTSS156-02 to MTSS156-12 -- solid backwall -- Angled Version MLAS156-13 to MLAS156-24 -- breakable backwall -MPAS156-xx white color MLAS156-xx white color MTAS156-02 to MTAS156-12 -- solid backwall -- Pancon GmbH, Siemensstrasse 7, 61267 Neu-Anspach Te l : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 0 , F a x : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 2 0 1 , Information / Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 MAS-CON 156 Product Line Refurbishement Information Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 / page 4-4/ Alt / Old / Ancien Artikelnummer / Code / Order No. Bezeichnung / Description / Description Neu / New / Nouveaua Artikelnummer / Kommentar / Comment / Commentaire Code / Order No. MLAS156-2-D MTAS156-2-D MLAS156-3-D MTAS156-3-D MLAS156-4-D MTAS156-4-D MLAS156-5-D MLAS156-6-C MLAS156-7-C MTAS156-5-D MESSERLEISTE, ABGEW. MIT VERRIEGEL. / Angled Locking & Polarization / Coude avec verrouilage et detrompage MTAS156-6-C MTAS156-7-C MLAS156-8-C MTAS156-8-C MLAS156-9-C MTAS156-9-C MLAS156-10-C MTAS156-10-C MLAS156-12-C MTAS156-12-C MLAS156-13-C MLAS156-15-C MLAS156-16-C MESSERLEISTE, ABGEW. MIT VERRIEGEL. / Angled Locking & Polarization / Coude avec verrouilage et detrompage MLAS156-13-C MLAS156-15-C MLAS156-16-C MLAS156-24-C MLAS156-24-C MLSS156-2-D MTSS156-2-D MLSS156-3-D MTSS156-3-D MLSS156-4-D MTSS156-4-D MLSS156-5-D MLSS156-6-C MLSS156-7-C MLSS156-8-C MTSS156-6-C MTSS156-7-C MTSS156-9-C MTSS156-10-C MLSS156-11-C MTSS156-11-C MLSS156-12-C MTSS156-12-C MLSS156-13-C MLSS156-13-C MLSS156-14-C MLSS156-14-C MLSS156-15-C MLSS156-15-C MLSS156-16-C MLSS156-19-C MLSS156-16-C MESSERLEISTE, GERADE MIT VERRIEGEL. / Straight Locking & Polarization / Droit avec verrouilage et detrompage MLSS156-17-C MLSS156-18-C MLSS156-20-C MLSS156-21-C MLSS156-21-C MLSS156-22-C MLSS156-22-C MLSS156-24-C MLSS156-24-C MPAS156-2-D MTAS156-2-D MPAS156-3-D MTAS156-3-D MPAS156-4-D MTAS156-4-D MPAS156-5-D MTAS156-5-D MPAS156-6-C MTAS156-6-C MPAS156-7-C MTAS156-7-C MPAS156-9-C MESSERLEISTE, ABGEW. MIT POLARI. / Angled & Polarization / Coude avec detrompage MTAS156-8-C MTAS156-9-C MPAS156-10-C MTAS156-10-C MPAS156-11-C MTAS156-11-C MPAS156-12-C MTAS156-12-C MPAS156-13-C MLAS156-13-C MPAS156-16-C MLAS156-16-C MPAS156-20-C MLAS156-20-C MPAS156-24-C MLAS156-24-C MPSS156-2-D MTSS156-2-D MPSS156-3-D MTSS156-3-D MPSS156-4-D MTSS156-4-D MPSS156-5-D MTSS156-5-D MPSS156-6-C MTSS156-6-C MPSS156-7-C MTSS156-7-C MPSS156-8-C MTSS156-8-C MPSS156-9-C MTSS156-9-C MPSS156-10-C MPSS156-11-C MPSS156-12-C Keine Anderung der Artikelbezeichnung / No change of article numbers / pas de changement du code MLSS156-19-C MLSS156-20-C MPAS156-8-C Anderung der Artikelbezeichnung / Change of article numbers / changement du code MTSS156-8-C MLSS156-10-C MLSS156-18-C Keine Anderung der Artikelbezeichnung / No change of article numbers / pas de changement du code MTSS156-5-D MESSERLEISTE, GERADE MIT VERRIEGEL. / Straight Locking & Polarization / Droit avec verrouilage et detrompage MLSS156-9-C MLSS156-17-C Anderung der Artikelbezeichnung / Change of article numbers / changement du code Anderung der Artikelbezeichnung / Change of article numbers / changement du code MTSS156-10-C MESSERLEISTE, GERADE. MIT POLARI. / Straight & Polarization / Droit avec detrompage MTSS156-11-C MTSS156-12-C MPSS156-13-C MLSS156-13-C MPSS156-14-C MLSS156-14-C MPSS156-15-C MLSS156-15-C MPSS156-16-C MLSS156-16-C MPSS156-18-C MLSS156-18-C MPSS156-19-C MLSS156-19-C MPSS156-20-C MLSS156-20-C Anderung der Artikelbezeichnung / Change of article numbers / changement du code Pancon GmbH, Siemensstrasse 7, 61267 Neu-Anspach Te l : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 0 , F a x : 0 6 0 8 1 - 9 6 4 - 2 0 1 , Information / Technical Information / Technical Information / Technical Tech-Info-080722 MAS-CON 156 Product Line Refurbishement