NJM2211 FSK DEMODULATOR / TONE DECODER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJM2211 is a monolithic phase-locked loop (PLL) system especially designed for data communications. It is particularly well suited for FSK modem applications, and operates over a wide frequency range of 0.01Hz to 300kHz. It can accommodate analog signals between 2mV and 3V, and can interface with conventional DTL, TTL and ECL logic families. The circuit consists of a basic PLL for tracking an input signal frequency within the passband, a quadrature phase detector which provides carrier detection, and an FSK voltage comparator which provides FSK demodulation. External components are used to independently set carrier frequency, bandwidth, and output delay. FEATURES Wide Operating Voltage Wide frequency range DTL / TTL / ECL logic compatibility FSK demodulation with carrier-detector Wide dynamic range Adjustable tracking range Excellent temperature stability Package Outline Bipolar Technology (4.5V to 20V) (0.01Hz to 300kHz) PACKAGE OUTLINE NJM2211D NJM2211M (2mV to 3Vrms) (1% to 80%) (20ppm / C typical) DIP14, DMP14 APPLICATIONS FSK demodulation Data synchronization Tone decoding FM detection Carrier detection PIN CONFIGURATION NJM2211D NJM2211M Ver.2003-12-09 -1- NJM2211 BLOCK DIAGRAM ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS PARAMETER (Ta=25C) SYMBOL + RATINGS UNIT Supply Voltage V 20 V Input Signal Level VIN 3 Vrms Power Dissipation PD (DIP14) (DMP14) Operating Temperature Range Topr -40 to +85 C Storage Temperature Range Tstg -40 to +125 C -2- 700 300 mW mW Ver.2003-12-09 NJM2211 (V+=+12V, Ta=25C) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITION + Operating Voltage V Operating Current ICC R0 10k MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT 4.5 - 20 V - 5 11 mA - 1.0 - % - 20 - ppm / C Oscillator Frequency Accuracy f0 Frequency Stability Temp. Coefficient f0 / T R1= Power Supply Rejection PSRR V =121V + V =50.5V - 0.05 0.2 1.5 %/V %/V Upper Frequency Limit f0 MAX R0=8.2k, C0=400pF - 300 - kHz Lowest Operating Frequency f0 MIN R0=2M, C0=50F - 0.01 - Hz Operating Range 5 - 2000 k Recommended Range 15 - 100 k 100 200 300 A + Timing Resistor Timing Resistor R0 Loop Phase Detector Peak Output Current I0 Output Offset Current IOS - 2.0 - A Output Impedance Z0 - 1.0 - M Maximum Voltage Swing Meas. at pin 11 VOM Ref. to pin 10 4.0 5.0 - V IO Meas. at Pin 3 - 150 - A Output Impedance - 1.0 - M Maximum Voltage Swing - 11 - VP-P - 20 - k - 2 - mVrms - 2 - M - 100 - nA Quadrature Phase Detector Peak Output Current Input Preamp Input Impedance RIN Input Signal Voltage Required to Cause Limiting VIN Meas. at Pin 2 Voltage Comparator Input Impedance RIN Measure at Pin 3 & 8 Input Bias Current IB Voltage Gain GV RL=5.1k - 70 - dB Output Voltage Low VSAT 5, 6, 7PIN IC=3mA - 0.3 1.0 V Output Leakage Current ILEAK V0=12V - 0.01 11 A VREF Measure at Pin 10 4.75 5.30 5.85 V - 100 - Internal Reference Output Voltage Output Impedance Ver.2003-12-09 Z0 -3- NJM2211 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT CIRCUIT FUNCTION Signal Input (Pin 2) The input signal is AC coupled to this terminal. The internal impedance at pin 2 is 20k, Recommended input signal leveles in the range of 10mVrms to 3Vrms. Quadrature Phase Detector Output (Pin 3) This is the high-impedance output of the quadrature phase detector, and is internally connected to the input of lock-detect voltage comparator. In tone detection applications, pin 3 is connected to ground through a parallel combination of RD and CD (see Figure 1) to eliminate chatter at the lock-detect outputs. If this tone-detect section is not used, pin 3 can be left open circuited. Lock-Detect Output, Q (Pin 5) The output at pin 5 is at a "high" state when the PLL is out of lock and goes to a "low" or conducting state when the PLL is locked. It is an open collector type output and required a pull-up resistor, RL, to V+ for proper operation. In the "low" state it can sink up to 5mA of load current. Lock-Detect Complement, Q (Pin 6) The output at pin 6 is the logic complement of the lock-detect output at pin 5. This output is also an open collector type stage which can sink 5mA of load current in the low or "on" state. FSK Data Output (Pin 7) This output is an open collector logic stage which requres a pull-up resistor, RL, to V+ for proper operation. It can sink 5mA of load current. When decoding FSK signals the FSK data output will switch to a "high"or off state for low input frequency, and will switch to a "low" or on state for high input frequency. If no input signal is present, the logic state at pin 7 is indeterminate. FSK Comparator Input (Pin 8) This is the high-impedance input to the FSK voltage comparator. Normally, an FSK post-detection or data filter is connected between this terminal and the PLL phase-detector output (pin 11). This data filter is formed by RF and CF of Figure 1. The threshold voltage of the comparator is set by the internal reference voltage, VR, available at pin 10. -4- Ver.2003-12-09 NJM2211 Reference Voltage VR (Pin 10) This pin is internally biased at the reference voltage level, VR ; VR=V+ / 2-650mV. The DC voltage level at this pin forms an internal reference for the voltage levels at pin 3, 8, 11, and 12. Pin 10 must be bypassed to ground with a 0.1F capacitor. Loop Phase Detector Output (Pin 11) This terminal provides a high impedance output for the loop phase-detector. The PLL loop filter is formed by R1 and C1 connected to pin 11 (see Figure 1). With no input signal, or with no phase error within the PLL, the DC level at pin 11 is very nearly equal to VREF. The peak voltage swing available at the phase detector output is equal to VREF. Figure 1. FSK & Tone Detection VCO Control Input (Pin 12) VCO free-running frequency is determined by external timing resistor, R0, connected from this terminal to ground. The VCO free-running frequency, f0, is given by : 1 f0 (Hz ) = R0C0 where C0 is the timing capacitor across pins 13 and 14. For optimum temperature stability R0 must be in the range of 10k to 100k (see Typical Electrical Characteristics). This terminal is a low impedance point, and is internally biased at a DC level equal to VR. The maximum timing current drawn from pin 12 must be limited to 3mA for proper operation of the circuit. VCO Timing Capacitor (Pins 13 and 14) VCO frequency is inversely proportional to the external timing capacitor, C0, connected across these terminals. C0 must be non-polarized, and in the range of 200pF to 10F. VCO Frequency Adjustment VCO can be fine tuned by connecting a potentiometer, RX, in series with R0 at pin 12 (see Figure 2) VCO Free-Running Frequency, F0 The NJM2211 does not have a separate VCO output terminal. Instead, the VCO outputs are internally connected to the phase-detector sections of the circuit. However, for setup or adjustment purposes, the VCO free-running frequency can be measured at pin 3 (with CD disconnected) with no input and also pin 2 shorted to pin 10. Ver.2003-12-09 -5- NJM2211 DESIGN EQUATIONS See Figure 1 for Definitions of Components. 1. VCO Center Frequency, f0 : 1 f0 (Hz ) = R0C0 2. Internal Reference Voltage, VR (measured at pin 10) : + VS VR = - 650mV 2 3. Loop Lowpass Filter Time Constant, : =R1C1 4. Loop Damping, : C0 1 = C1 4 5. Loop Tracking Bandwidth, f/f0 : f/f0 =R0 / R1 6. FSK Date Filter Time Constant, F : F=RFCF 7. Loop Phase Detector Conversion Gain, K : (K is the differential DC voltage across pins 10 and 11, per unit of phase error at phase-detector input) : K (in volts per radian) = (- 2)(VREF ) 8. VCO conversion Gain, K0, is the amount of change in VCO frequency per unit of DC voltage change at pin 11 : K 0 (in Hertz per volt) = -1 C0R1VREF 9. Total Loop Gain K : KT (in radians per second per volt =2KK0 =4 / C0R1 10. Peak Phase-Detector Current, IA : V IA (mA ) = REF 25 -6- Ver.2003-12-09 NJM2211 APPLICATIONS FSK Decoding Figure 2 shows the basic circuit connection for FSK decoding. With reference to Figures 1 and 2, the functions of external components are defined as follows : R0 and C0 set the PLL center frequency. R1 sets the system bandwidth, and C1 sets the loop filter time constant and the loop damping factor. CF and RF from a one pole post-detection filter for the FSK data output. The resistor RB (=510k) from pin 7 to pin 8 introduces positive feedback across FSK comparator to facilitate rapid transition between output logic states. Recommended component values for some of the most commonly used FSK bauds are given in Table 1. Table 1. Recommended Value for FSK (Ref. Fig. 2) FSK Band Figure 2. FSK Decoding Component Values 300 Band C0=0.039F CF=0.005F F1 =1070Hz C1=0.01F R0=18k f2 =1270Hz R1=100k 300 Band C0=0.022F CF=0.005F f1=2025Hz C1=0.0047F R0=18k f2=2225Hz R1=200k 1200 Band C0=0.027F CF=0.0022F f1=1200Hz C1=0.01F R0=18k f2=2200Hz R1=30k Design Instructions The circuit of Figure 2 can be tailored for any FSK decoding application by the choice of five key circuit components ; R0, R1, C0, C1 and CF. For a given set of FSK mark and space frequencies. f1 and f2, these parameters can be calculated as follows : 1. Calculate PLL center frequency, f0 f +f f0 = 1 2 2 2. Chose a value of timing resistor R0 to be in the range of 10k to 100k. This choice is arbitary. The recommended value is R0 20k. The final value of R0 is normally fine-tuned with the series potentiometer, Rx. 3. Calculate value of C0 from Design Equation No.1 or from Typical Performance Characteristics : C0=1 / R0f0 4. Calculate R1 to give a f equal to the mark-space deviation : R1=R0 [f0 / (f1 - f2)] 5. Calculate C1 to set loop damping. (See Design Equation No.4.) Normally, 1 / 2 is recommended Then :C1=C0 / 4 for =1 / 2 6. Calculate Data Filter Capacitance, CF : For RF=100k. RB=510k, the recommended value of CF is : 3 CF (in F) = Band Rate Note : All calculated component values except R0 can be rounded off to the nearest standard value, and R0 can be varied to fine-tune center frequency through a series potentiometer, Rx (see Figure 2). Ver.2003-12-09 -7- NJM2211 Design Example 75 Band FSK demodulator with mark / space frequencies of 1110 / 1170Hz : Step 1 : Calculate f0 : f0=(1110+1170) (1 / 2)=1140Hz Step 2 : Choose R0=20k (18k fixed resistor in series with 5k potentiometer) Step 3 : Calculate C0 from VCO Frequency vs. Timing Capacitor : C0 =0.044F Step 4 : Calculate R1 : R1=R0 (1140 / 60) =380k Step 5 : Calculate C1 : C1=C0 / 4=0.011F Note : All values except R0 can be rounded off to nearest standard value. FSK Decoding With Carrier Detect The lock-detect section of the NJM2211 can be used as a carrier detect option for FSK decoding. The recommended circuit connection for this application is shown in Figure 3. The open-collector lock-detect output, pin 6, is shorted to the data output (pin 7). Thus, the data output will be disabled at "low" state, until there is a carrier within the detection band of the PLL, and the pin 6 output goes "high" to enable the data output. The Minimum value of the lock-detect filter capacitance CD is inversely proportional to the capture range, fc. This is the range of incoming frequencies over which the loop can acquire lock and is always less than the tracking range. It is further limited by C1. For most applications, fc