CS8952T Advanced Product Databook FEATURES ! Single-Chip IEEE 802.3 Physical Interface IC for 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T ! Adaptive Equalizer provides Extended Length Operation with Superior Noise Immunity and NEXT Margin ! Extremely Low Transmit Jitter (<400 ps) ! Low Common Mode Noise on TX Driver for Reduced EMI Problems ! Integrated RX and TX Filters for 10BASE-T ! Compensation for Back-to-Back "Killer Packets" ! Digital Interfaces Supported -- Media Independent Interface (MII) for 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T -- Repeater 5-bit code-group interface (100BASE-X) -- 10BASE-T Serial Interface ! ! ! ! Register Set Compatible with DP83840A IEEE 802.3 Auto-Negotiation with Next Page Support Six LED drivers (LNK, COL, FDX, TX, RX, and SPD) Low power (135 mA Typical) CMOS design operates on a single 5 V supply CrystalLANTM100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver DESCRIPTION The CS8952T uses CMOS technology to deliver a high-performance, low-cost 100BASE-X/10BASE-T Physical Layer (PHY) line interface. It makes use of an adaptive equalizer optimized for noise and near end crosstalk (NEXT) immunity to extend receiver operation to cable lengths exceeding 160 m. In addition, the transmit circuitry has been designed to provide extremely low transmit jitter (<400 ps) for improved link partner performance. Transmit driver common mode noise has been minimized to reduce EMI for simplified FCC certification. The CS8952T incorporates a standard Media Independent Interface (MII) for easy connection to a variety of 10 and 100 Mb/s Media Access Controllers (MACs). ORDERING INFORMATION CS8952T-CQ 0 to 70 C 100-pin TQFP CS8952T-IQ -40 to 85 C 100-pin TQFP CDB8952 Evaluation Board CS8952T 10BaseT/100Base-X Transceiver 10/100 Manchester Encoder TX_EN 10BaseT Filter TXD[3:0] 4B/5B Encoder MDIO CRS COL RX_ER/RXD4 Scrambler TX+/- Slew Rate Control 10/100 MUX MDC MII_IRQ Media Independent Interface (MII) TX_CLK MLT-3 Encoder MUX TX_ER/TXD4 4B/5B Decoder Descrambler RX_DV MLT-3 Decoder 100BaseT Slicer Adaptive Eq. & Baseline Wander Compensation Manchester Decoder 10BaseT Slicer 10BaseT Filter Timing Recovery Auto Negotiation LED Drivers RX+/- RXD[3:0] RX_CLK RX_EN MII Control/Status Registers Link Management LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 Copyright Cirrus Logic, Inc. 2001 (All Rights Reserved) OCT `01 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4 High Performance Analog ....................................................................................................... 4 Low Power Consumption ........................................................................................................ 4 Application Flexibility ............................................................................................................... 4 Typical Connection Diagram ................................................................................................... 4 PIN DESCRIPTIONS ...................................................................................................................... 6 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................... 17 Digital System Interface ......................................................................................................... 17 Major Operating Modes .......................................................................................................... 17 100BASE-TX Nibble Mode ........................................................................................... 17 100BASE-X Symbol Modes .........................................................................................20 10BASE-T MII Application ............................................................................................ 21 - 10BASE-T Serial Application ..................................................................................... 22 - Auto-Negotiation .................................................................................................................. 22 - Auto-Negotiation Configuration ..................................................................................23 - Auto-Negotiation Operation ........................................................................................ 23 Reset Operation ..................................................................................................................... 24 LED Indicators ........................................................................................................................ 24 MEDIA INDEPENDENT INTERFACE .......................................................................................... 25 - MII Frame Structure ............................................................................................................. 25 - MII Receive Data ................................................................................................................. 26 MII Transmit Data ................................................................................................................... 26 MII Management Interface ..................................................................................................... 27 MII Management Frame Structure .........................................................................................27 CONFIGURATION ....................................................................................................................... 29 Configuration At Power-up/Reset Time ..................................................................................29 Configuration Via Control Pins ...............................................................................................29 Configuration via the MII ........................................................................................................ 29 CS8952T REGISTERS ................................................................................................................. 30 Basic Mode Control Register - Address 00h .......................................................................... 31 Basic Mode Status Register - Address 01h ........................................................................... 33 PHY Identifier Register, Part 1 - Address 02h ........................................................................ 35 PHY Identifier Register, Part 2 - Address 03h ........................................................................ 36 Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register - Address 04h ....................................................... 37 Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register - Address 05h ................................................ 38 Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register - Address 06h ............................................................. 39 Auto-Negotiation Next-Page Transmit Register - Address 07h .............................................. 40 Interrupt Mask Register - Address 10h ..................................................................................41 Interrupt Status Register - Address 11h ................................................................................. 44 Disconnect Count Register - Address 12h ............................................................................. 47 False Carrier Count Register - Address 13h .......................................................................... 48 Scrambler Key Initialization Register - Address 14h .............................................................. 49 Receive Error Count Register - Address 15h ......................................................................... 50 Descrambler Key Initialization Register - Address 16h .......................................................... 51 PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register - Address 17h .......................................................... 52 Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register - Address 18h .................................. 55 Self Status Register - Address 19h ........................................................................................ 58 10BASE-T Status Register - Address 1Bh ............................................................................. 60 10BASE-T Configuration Register - Address 1Ch ................................................................. 61 DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................................................63 Twisted Pair Interface ............................................................................................................63 Internal Voltage Reference .................................................................................................... 63 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 2 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Clocking Schemes .................................................................................................................63 Recommended Magnetics .....................................................................................................64 Power Supply and Decoupling ...............................................................................................64 General Layout Recommendations ........................................................................................64 SPECIFICATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS ...........................................................................67 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS..........................................................................................67 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS .....................................................................67 QUARTZ CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS..................................................................................67 DC CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................68 DC CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) .........................................................................................69 SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS.........................................................................................70 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..............................................................................................82 Package Dimensions .............................................................................................................82 Recommended PCB Footprint ...............................................................................................83 REVISION HISTORY ...................................................................................................................84 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 3 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver INTRODUCTION The CS8952T is a complete physical-layer transceiver for 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T applications. It provides a Physical Coding Sub-layer for communication with an external MAC (Media Access Controller), a complete Physical Medium Attachment layer, and a 100BASE-TX and 10BASET Physical Medium Dependent layer. High Performance Analog The highly integrated mixed-signal design of the CS8952T eliminates the need for external analog circuitry such as transmit or receive filters. The CS8952T builds upon Cirrus Logic's experience in pioneering the high-volume manufacturing of 10BASE-T integrated circuits with "true" internal filters. The CS8952T, CS8920, CS8904, and CS8900 include fifth-order, continuous-time Butterworth 10BASE-T transmit and receive filters, allowing those products to meet 10BASE-T wave shape, emission, and frequency content requirements without external filters. low-power modes are provided to make the CS8952T ideal for power sensitive applications. Application Flexibility The CS8952T's digital interface and operating modes can be tailored to efficiently support a wide variety of applications. For example, the Media Independent Interface (MII) supports 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T NIC cards, switches and routers. Additionally, the low-latency "repeater" interface mode minimizes data delay through the CS8952T, facilitating system compliance with overall network delay budgets. To support 10BASE-T applications, the CS8952T provides a 10BASE-T serial port (Seven-wire ENDEC interface). Typical Connection Diagram Figure 1 illustrates a typical MII to CS8952T application with twisted-pair interfaces. Refer to the Design Considerations section for detailed information on power supply requirements and decoupling, crystal and magnetics requirements, and twisted-pair transceiver connections. Low Power Consumption The CS8952T is implemented in low power CMOS, consuming only 135 mA typically. Three CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 4 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver VDD_MII 4.7K 1.5K 4.7K CS8952 4 MII Interface 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 MDIO MDC TXD[3:0] TX_ER/TXD[4] TX_EN TX_CLK RXD[0] RXD[1]/PHYAD[1] RXD[2] RXD[3]/PHYAD[3] RX_ER/RXD[4]/PHYAD[4] RX_DV/MII_DRV RX_CLK COL/PHYAD0 CRS/PHYAD[2] Transformer RJ-45 TX+ 0.1F 1 2 3 TX- 4.7K 5 Control Interface RX_EN MII_IRQ LPSTRT PWRDN REPEATER BP4B5B BPALIGN LPBK ISODEF 10BT_SER RESET 4 51 5 6 51 7 51 8 NC RX+ VDD_MII 51 SHLD 7 RX49.9 1% 49.9 1% 0.1F SHLD 75 75 51 51 0.01F 2KV XTAL_I 25MHz XTAL_O 680 SPEED10 680 SPEED100 VDD_MII 680 LED1 680 LED2 680 LED3 680 LED4 680 TXSLEW0 TXSLEW1 NC AN0 AN1 NC NC LED5 TEST0 TEST1 TCM VDD_MII 3 3 + 10F 10V NC VDD_MII VSS 4.99K VDD 0.1F 11 VDD 10V 0.1F 19 1% VSS 11 + 10F RES RSVD 7 VSS Figure 1. Typical Connection Diagram CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 5 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PIN DESCRIPTIONS CS8952 100-pin TQFP (14 mm x 14 mm) 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RSVD RSVD LED5 LED4 LED3 LED2 LED1 SPD10 SPD100 VDD_MII VSS PWRDN ISODEF VSS TXSLEW1 TXSLEW0 TCM AN1 AN0 BP4B5B VSS VDD VSS BPALIGN LPBK MII_IRQ MDIO MDC RXD3/PHYAD3 RXD2 RXD1/PHYAD1 RXD0 RX_DV/MII_DRV VDD_MII VSS RX_CLK RX_ER/RXD4/PHYAD4 TX_ER/TXD4 VSS VDD VSS TX_CLK TX_EN TXD0 TXD1 TXD2 TXD3 COL/PHYAD0 CRS/PHYAD2 LPSTRT VSS VDD VSS NC NC NC NC NC NC VSS VDD VSS VSS RX_EN RESET REPEATER CLK25 VSS VDD VSS VDD_MII VSS 10BT_SER TEST1 TEST0 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 VDD RSVD RSVD XTAL_O XTAL_I VSS VDD VSS RXRX+ VSS VDD VDD VSS RES VSS RSVD VSS VDD TXTX+ VDD VSS RSVD RSVD Pin Diagram CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 6 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver MII Interface Pins COL/PHYAD0 - Collision Detect/PHY Address 0. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 48. Asserted active-high to indicate a collision on the medium during half-duplex operation. In full-duplex operation, COL is undefined and should be ignored. When configured for 10 Mb/s operation, COL is also used to indicate a Signal Quality Error (SQE) condition. At power-up or at reset, the logic value on this pin is latched into bit 0 of the PHY Address field of the Self Status Register (address 19h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (~ 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. NOTE: Silicon revisions A and B included a weak internal pull-up rather than a pull-down. CRS/PHYAD2 - Carrier Sense/PHY Address 2. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 49. The operation of CRS is controlled by the REPEATER pin as follows: REPEATER pin high low low DUPLEX mode don't care full duplex half duplex CRS Indicates receive activity only receive activity only receive or transmit activity At power-up or at reset, the logic value of this pin is latched into bit 2 of the PHY Address Field of the Self Status Register (address 19h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. MDC - Management Data Clock. Input, Pin 28. Input clock used to transfer serial data on MDIO. The maximum clock rate is 16.67 MHz. This clock may be asynchronous to RX_CLK and TX_CLK. MDIO - Management Data Input/Output. Bi-Directional, Pin 27. Bi-directional signal used to transfer management data between the CS8952T and the Ethernet controller. In order to conform with Annex 22B of the IEEE 802.3u specification, the MII_DRV pin should be pulled high during power-up or reset, and the MDIO pin should have an external 1.5 K pull-up resistor. MII_IRQ - MII Interrupt. Open Drain Output, Pin 26. Asserted low to indicate the status corresponding to one of the unmasked interrupt status bits in the Interrupt Status Register (address 11h) has changed. It will remain low until the ISR is read, clearing all status bits. This open drain pin requires a 4.7 k pull-up resistor. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 7 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver RX_CLK - Receive Clock. Tri-State Output, Pin 36 Continuous clock output used as a reference clock for sampling RXD[3:0], RX_ER, and RX_DV. RX_CLK will have the following nominal frequency: Speed 100 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10BT_SER pin n/a low (parallel) high (serial) Nominal frequency 25 MHz 2.5 MHz 10 MHz In order to conform with Annex 22B of the IEEE 802.3u specification, the MII_DRV pin should be pulled high during power-up or reset, and the RX_CLK pin should have an external 33 series resistor. For systems not required to drive external connectors and cables as described in the IEEE802.3u specification, the external series resistor may not be necessary. RX_DV/MII_DRV - Receive Data Valid/MII Drive Strength. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 33. Asserted high to indicate valid data nibbles are present on RXD[3:0]. At power-up or at reset, this pin is used as an input to determine the drive strength of the MII output drivers. When the pin is low, all MII output drivers will be standard 4 mA CMOS drivers. When high, additional drive strength will be added to the MII output drivers. This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. In order to conform with Annex 22B of the IEEE 802.3u specification, this pin should be pulled high during power-up or reset and should have an external 33 series resistor. For systems not required to drive external connectors and cables as described in the IEEE802.3u specification, it may be possible to reduce overall power consumption by pulling the pin low at power-up or reset, and the external series resistor may not be necessary. RX_EN - Receive Enable. Input, Pin 14. When high, signals RXD[3:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, and RX_ER are enabled. When low, these signals are tri-stated. RX_EN allows the received data signals of multiple PHY transceivers to share the same MII bus. This pin includes a weak internal pull-up (> 150 K), or the value may be set by an external 10 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. RX_ER/PHYAD4/RXD4 - Receive Error/PHY Address 4/Receive Data 4. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 37. During normal MII operation, this pin is defined as RX_ER (Receive Error). When RX_DV is high, RX_ER asserted high indicates that an error has been detected in the current receive frame. When RX_DV is low and RXD[3:0] = "1110", RX_ER high indicates a False Carrier condition. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 8 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver If either BPALIGN or BP4B5B is asserted, then this pin is re-defined as RXD4 (Receive Data 4), the most-significant bit of the received five-bit code-group. If the 4B5B encoder is being bypassed, receive data is present when RX_DV is asserted. If alignment is being bypassed, data reception is continuous. At power-up or at reset, the logic value on this pin is latched into bit 4 of the PHY Address field of the Self Status Register (address 19h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. In order to conform with Annex 22B of the IEEE 802.3u specification, the MII_DRV pin should be pulled high during power-up or reset, and the RX_ER pin should have an external 33 series resistor. For systems not required to drive external connectors and cables as described in the IEEE802.3u specification, the external series resistor may not be necessary. RXD3/PHYAD3 - Receive Data 3/PHY Address 3. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 29. RXD2 - Receive Data 2. Tri-State Output, Pin 30. RXD1/PHYAD1 - Receive Data 1/PHY Address 1. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 31. RXD0 - Receive Data 0. Tri-State Output, Pin 32. Receive data output. Receive data is present when RX_DV is asserted. RXD0 is the leastsignificant bit. For MII modes, nibble-wide data (synchronous to RX_CLK) is transferred on pins RXD[3:0]. In 10 Mb/s serial mode, pin RXD0 is used as the serial output pin, and RXD[3:1] are ignored. When either BP4B5B or BPALIGN is selected, pin RXD4 contains the most-significant bit of the five-bit code-group. At power-up or at reset, the value on RXD1/PHYAD1 is latched into bit 1 of the PHY Address field of the Self Status Register (address 19h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. At power-up or at reset, the logic value on RXD3/PHYAD3 is latched into bit 3 of the PHY Address field of the Self Status Register (address 19h). This pin includes a weak internal pulldown (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. In order to conform with Annex 22B of the IEEE 802.3u specification, the MII_DRV pin should be pulled high during power-up or reset, and the RXD[3:0] pins should have external 33 series resistors. For systems not required to drive external connectors and cables as described in the IEEE802.3u specification, the external series resistors may not be necessary. TX_CLK - Transmit Clock. Input/Tri-State Output, Pin 42. Continuous clock signal used by the CS8952T as a reference clock to sample TXD[3:0], TX_ER, and TX_EN. TX_CLK can be referenced either internally (Output Mode) or externally (Input Mode) based upon the value of the TCM pin at power-up or at reset. TCM pin high floating low TX_CLK mode TX_CLK is input TX_CLK is input TX_CLK is output CLK25 status CLK25 pin is an output CLK25 is disabled CLK25 is disabled CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 9 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver When the TCM pin is high on power-up or reset, the CLK25 pin may be used as a source for the TX_CLK pin. When the TCM pin is floating on power-up or reset, TX_CLK must be supplied externally. TX_CLK should have the following nominal frequency: Speed 100 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10BT_SER pin low (nibble) low (nibble) high (serial) Nominal frequency 25 MHz 2.5 MHz 10 MHz TX_EN - Transmit Enable. Input, Pin 43. Asserted high to indicate valid data nibbles are present on TXD[3:0]. When BPALIGN is selected, TX_EN must be pulled up to VDD_MII. TX_ER/TXD4 - Transmit Error Encoding/Transmit Data 4. Input, Pin 38. When high, TX_ER indicates to the CS8952T that a transmit error has occurred. If TX_ER is asserted simultaneously with TX_EN in 100 Mb/s mode, the CS8952T will ignore the data on the TXD[3:0] pins and transmit one or more 100 Mb/s HALT symbols in its place. In 10 Mb/s mode, TX_ER has no effect on the transmitted data. If BP4B5B or BPALIGN are set, TX_ER/TXD4 is used to transmit the most-significant bit of the five-bit code group. TXD[3:0] - Transmit Data. Input, Pins 47, 46, 45, and 44. Transmit data input pins. For MII modes, nibble-wide data (synchronous to TX_CLK) must be presented on pins TXD[3:0] when TX_EN is asserted high. TXD0 is the least significant bit. In 10 Mb/s serial mode, pin TXD0 is used as the serial input pin, and TXD[3:1] are ignored. When either BP4B5B or BPALIGN is selected, pin TXD4 contains the most significant bit of the five-bit code-group. Control and Status Pins 10BT_SER - 10 Mb/s Serial Mode Select. Input, Pin 23. When asserted high during power-up or reset and 10 Mb/s operation is selected, serial data will be transferred on pins RXD0 and TXD0. When low during power-up or reset and 10 Mb/s operation is selected, data is transferred a nibble at a time on RXD[3:0] and TXD[3:0]. This pin is ignored during 100 Mb/s operation. 10 Mb/s serial mode may also be entered under software control through bit 9 of the 10BASET Status Register (address 1Bh). At power-up or at reset, the value on this pin is latched into bit 9 of the 10BASE-T Status Register (address 1Bh). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 10 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver AN[1:0] - Auto-Negotiate Control. Input, Pins 58 and 57. These three-level input pins are sampled during power-up or reset. They control the forced or advertised auto-negotiation operating modes. If either of these pins is left unconnected, internal logic pulls its signal to a mid-range value, designated as 'M' in the following table. Either pin may also be connected to a 5 to 25 MHz TTL-level clock source, designated as 'C' in the following table. A minimum of 8 rising edges of the clock are required while RESET is asserted for the AN[1:0] input logic to interpret the input as 'C'. AN1 pin 0 1 M M C M C M 0 0 1 1 C C 1 0 AN0 pin M M 0 1 M C C M 0 1 0 1 1 0 C C Forced/Auto Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Speed 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100/10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100/10 Mb/s 100/10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 10 Mb/s Full/Half Duplex Half Full Half Full Full (Note 1) Full (Note 2) Half (Note 3) Full/Half Half Full Half Full Full Half Full/Half Full/Half 1. The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register will be modified to advertise 100 Mb/s Full/Half. 2. The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register will be modified to advertise 100/10 Mb/s Full. 3. The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register will be modified to advertise 100/10 Mb/s Half. Auto-Negotiation may also be enabled and the advertised capabilities modified under software control through bit 8 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h), and bits 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h). These pins are pulled to `M' through weak internal resistors (> 150 K). Other values may be set by tying them directly to VDD_MII, VSS, or a clock source, or through external 10 K pull-up or pull-down resistors. BP4B5B - Bypass 4B5B Coders. Input, Pin 56. When driven high during power-up or reset, the transmit 4B5B encoder and receiver 5B4B decoder are bypassed. Five-bit code groups are output and input on pins RXD[4:0] and TXD[4:0]. The 4B5B Coders may also be bypassed under software control through bit 14 of the Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h). CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 11 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver At power-up or at reset, the value on this pin is latched into bit 14 of the Loopback, Bypass and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. BPALIGN - Bypass Symbol Alignment. Input, Pin 52. When driven high during power-up or reset, the following blocks are bypassed: 4B5B encoder, 5B4B decoder, scrambler and descrambler. Five-bit code groups are output and input on pins RXD[4:0] and TXD[4:0]. The receiver will output five-bit data with no attempt to identify code-group boundaries; therefore, the data in one RXD[4:0] word may contain data from two code groups. Symbol alignment may also be bypassed under software control through bit 12 of the Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h). At power-up or at reset, the value on this pin is latched into bit 12 of the Loopback, Bypass and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. ISODEF - Isolate Default. Input, Pin 63. When asserted high during power-up or reset, the MII will power-up electrically isolated except for the MDIO and MDC pins. When low, the part will exit reset fully electrically connected to the MII. The MII may also be isolated under software control through bit 10 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h). At power-up or at reset, the value on this pin is latched into bit 10 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. LED1 - Transmit Active LED. Open Drain Output, Pin 69. This active-low output indicates transmit activity. It contains a pulse stretcher to insure that the transmit events are visible when the pin is used to drive an LED. The definition of this pin may be modified to indicate Disconnect Detection (bit 5 of the Self Status Register (address 19h)) by setting bit 2 of the PCS Sub-layer Configuration Register (address 17h). This pin can be simultaneously connected to an LED and to a TTL-compatible, CMOS input pin. LED2 - Receive Activity LED. Open Drain Output, Pin 70. This active-low output indicates receive activity. It contains a pulse stretcher to insure that the receive events are visible when the pin is used to drive an LED. This pin can be simultaneously connected to an LED and to a TTL-compatible, CMOS input pin. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 12 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver LED3 - Link Good LED. Open Drain Output, Pin 71. This active-low output indicates the CS8952T has detected a valid link. This pin can be simultaneously connected to an LED and to a TTL-compatible, CMOS input pin. LED4 - Polarity/Full Duplex LED. Open Drain Output, Pin 72. This active-low output indicates: 1) for 100 Mb/s operation, the CS8952T is in full-duplex operation, 2) for 10 Mb/s operation, either good polarity exists or full duplex is selected (see bit 1 in the PCS Sub-layer Configuration Register (address 17h)). This pin can be simultaneously connected to an LED and to a TTL-compatible, CMOS input pin. LED5 - Collision/Descrambler Lock LED. Open Drain Output, Pin 73. This active-low output is asserted when either the CS8952T detects a collision (bit 11 of the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h) is clear), or the 100BASE-TX descrambler is synchronized (bit 11 of the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h) is set). It contains a pulse stretcher to insure that the collision events are visible when the pin is used to drive an LED. This pin can be simultaneously connected to an LED and to a TTL-compatible, CMOS input pin. LPBK - Loopback Enable. Input, Pin 51. When this pin is asserted high and the CS8952T is operating in 100 Mb/s mode, the CS8952T will perform a local loopback inside the PMD block. The loopback includes all CS8952T 100 Mb/s functionality except the MLT-3 coders and the analog line interface blocks. When asserted high and the CS8952T is operating in 10 Mb/s mode, the CS8952T will perform a local ENDEC loopback. LPSTRT - Low Power Start. Input, Pin 50. When this active-low input is asserted during power-up or reset, the CS8952T will exit reset in a low power configuration, where the only circuitry enabled is that necessary to maintain the media impedance. The CS8952T will remain in a low power state until RESET pin is asserted or the MDC pin toggles. This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 13 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PWRDN - Power Down. Input, Pin 64. When this pin is asserted high, the CS8952T powers down all circuitry except that circuitry needed to maintain the network line impedance. This is the lowest power mode possible. The CS8952T will remain in low power mode until the PWRDN pin is deasserted. A slightly higher power power-down mode may also be entered under software control through bit 11 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h). REPEATER - REPEATER Mode Select. Input, Pin 16. This pin controls the operation of the CRS (Carrier Sense) pin as shown below: REPEATER pin high low low DUPLEX mode don't care full duplex half duplex CRS Indicates receive activity only receive activity only receive or transmit activity At power-up or at reset, the value on this pin is latched into bit 12 of the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h). This pin includes a weak internal pull-down (> 20 K), or the value may be set by an external 4.7 K pull-up or pull-down resistor. SPD10 - 10 Mb/s Speed Indication. Output, Pin 68. This pin is asserted high when the CS8952T is configured for 10 Mb/s operation. This pin can be used to drive a low-current LED to indicate 10 Mb/s operation. SPD100 - 100 Mb/s Speed Indication. Output, Pin 67. This pin is asserted high when the CS8952T is configured for 100 Mb/s operation. This pin can be used to drive a low-current LED to indicate 100 Mb/s operation. TCM - Transmit Clock Mode Initialization. Input, Pin 59. The logic value on this three-level pin during power-up or reset determines whether TX_CLK is used as an input or an output, and whether an external 25 MHz clock reference is provided on the CLK25 output pin. TCM pin high floating low TX_CLK mode TX_CLK is input TX_CLK is input TX_CLK is output CLK25 status CLK25 pin is an output CLK25 is disabled CLK25 is disabled TEST[1:0] - Factory Test. Input, Pins 24 and 25. These pins are for factory test only. They include weak internal pull-downs (> 20 K), and should be tied directly to VSS for normal operation. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 14 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver TXSLEW[1:0] - Transmit Slew Rate Control. Input, Pins 61 and 60. These three-level pins allow adjustment to the rise and fall times of the 100BASE-TX transmitter output waveform. The rise and fall times are symmetric. TXSLEW0 pin low low low floating floating floating high high high TXSLEW1 mode low floating high low floating high low floating high Rise/Fall time 0.5 ns 1.0 ns 1.5 ns 2.0 ns 2.5 ns 3.0 ns 3.5 ns 4.0 ns 4.5 ns Media Interface Pins RX+, RX- - 10/100 Receive. Differential Input Pair, Pins 91 and 92. Differential input pair receives 10 or 100 Mb/s data from the receive port of the transformer primary. TX+, TX- - 10/100 Transmit. Differential Output Pair, Pins 80 and 81. Differential output pair drives 10 or 100 Mb/s data to the transmit port of the transformer primary. General Pins CLK25 - 25 MHz Clock. Tristate Output, Pin 17. A 25 MHz Clock is output on this pin when the CS8952T is configured to use an external reference transmit clock in TX_CLK IN MASTER mode. See the pin description for the Transmit Clock Mode Initialization pin (TCM) for more information on TX_CLK operating modes. CLK25 may also be enabled regardless of the TCM pin state by clearing bit 7 of the PCS Sublayer Configuration Register (address 17h). RES - Reference Resistor. Input, Pin 86. This input should be connected to ground with a 4.99 k +/-1% series resistor. The resistor is needed for the biasing of internal analog circuits. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 15 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver RESET - Reset. Input, Pin 15. This active high input initializes the CS8952T, and causes the CS8952T to latch the input signal on the following pins: COL/PHYAD0, CRS/PHYAD2, RX_ER/PHYAD4/RXD4, 10BT_SER, BP4B5B, BPALIGN, BPSCR, ISODEF, REPEATER, RXD1/PHYAD1, and RXD3/PHYAD3. XTAL_I - Crystal Input, Pin 96. XTAL_O - Crystal Output, Pin 97. A 25 MHz crystal should be connected across pins XTAL_I and XTAL_O. If a crystal is not used, a 25 MHz CMOS level clock may be connected to XTAL_I and XTAL_O left open. NOTE: The XTAL_I pin capacitive load may be as high as 35pF. Any external clock source connected to this pin must be capable of driving larger capacitive loads. RSVD - Reserved. Pins 74, 75, 76, 77, 84, 98, and 99. These seven pins are reserved and should be tied to VSS. VDD_MII - I/O Pad Power. Pins 21, 34, and 66. These pins provide power to all CS8952T digital I/O pads. Typically VDD_MII will be either +5V or +3.3V. VDD - Core Power. Pins 2, 11, 19, 40, 54, 79, 82, 88, 89, 94, and 100. These pins provide power to the CS8952T core. Typically, VDD should be +5V. VSS - Pins 1, 3, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 22, 35, 39, 41, 53, 55, 62, 65, 78, 83, 85, 87, 90, 93, and 95. These pins provide a ground reference for the CS8952T. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 16 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Interface, most fundamental functions can be set at power-up and reset time through external pins. Digital System Interface The primary digital interface to the CS8952T is an enhanced IEEE 802.3 Media Independent Interface (MII). The MII supports parallel data transfer, access to the CS8952T Control and Status registers, and several status and control pins. For 100BASE-X applications, the digital data interface can be either 4-bit parallel (nibbles) or 5-bit parallel (symbols). For 10BASE-T applications, the digital data format can be either 4-bit parallel (nibbles) or one-bit serial. While the CS8952T can be fully controlled through configuration registers via the MII Management Operating Mode 100BASE-TX Nibble 10BASE-T Nibble 100BASE-TX Symbol 10BASE-T Serial Major Operating Modes The following sections describe the four major operating modes of the CS8952T: - 100BASE-TX Nibble Mode - 100BASE-X Symbol Modes - 10BASE-T Nibble Mode - 10BASE-T Serial Mode The digital interface mode (nibble, symbol, or serial) is selected through input pins 10BT_SER, BPALIGN and BP4B5B as shown in Table 1. 10BT_SER 0 BPALIGN 0 BP4B5B 0 0 0 1 0 1 Don't Care 1 Don't Care Don't Care Table 1. Operating Mode Selection The choice of operating speed and duplex mode is made using the auto-negotiation input pins (AN0, AN1) and/or the auto-negotiation MII registers. Both speed and duplex modes can either be forced or negotiated with the link partner as shown in Table 5 on page 23. 100BASE-TX Nibble Mode In 100BASE-TX nibble mode, the CS8952T provides an IEEE 802.3-compliant MII interface. Data is transferred across the MII in four-bit nibbles. TX_CLK and RX_CLK are nominally 25 MHz. Symbol Encoding and Decoding Four-bit nibble transmit data is encoded into fivebit symbols for transmission onto the media as shown in Tables 2 and 3. While this encoding causes the symbol rate transmitted across the wire (125 symbols/second) to be greater than the actual data rate of the system (100 symbols/second), it is necessary to allow data and control symbols to be sent consecutively along the same media transparent to the MAC layer. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 17 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver DATA and CONTROL Codes (RX_ER = 0 or TX_ER = 0) 5-bit Symbol 4-bit Nibble Comments Name DATA (Note 1) 0 11110 1 01001 2 10100 3 10101 4 01010 5 01011 6 01110 7 01111 8 10010 9 10011 A 10110 B 10111 C 11010 D 11011 E 11100 F 11101 CONTROL (Note 2) I 11111 J 11000 K 10001 T 01101 R 00111 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 0101 0101 0101 0000 0000 IDLE (Note 3) First Start of Stream Symbol Second Start of Stream Symbol First End of Stream Symbol Second End of Stream Symbol 1. DATA code groups are indicated by RX_DV = 1 2. CONTROL code groups are inserted automatically during transmission in response to TX_EN. They are not generated through any combination of TXD[3:0] or TX_ER. 3. IDLE is indicated by RX_DV = 0. Table 2. 4B5B Symbol Encoding/Decoding CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 18 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Code Violations (RX_ER = 1 or TX_ER = 1) Error Report Mode 4-bit Normal Mode 4-bit Nibble Nibble Name 5-bit Symbol CONTROL (Note 1) I 11111 0000 J 11000 0000 K 10001 0000 T 01101 0000 R 00111 0000 CODE VIOLATIONS H 00100 0000 V0 00000 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V1 00001 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V2 00010 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V3 00011 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V4 00101 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V5 00110 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V6 01000 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V7 01100 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V8 10000 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) V9 11001 0110 or 0101 (Note 2) 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 Comments This portion of the table relates received 5-bit symbols to received 4-bit nibbles only. The control code groups may not be transmitted in the data portion of the frame. 0000 0001 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111 1. CONTROL code groups become violations when found in the data portion of the frame. 2. Invalid code groups are mapped to 5h unless the Code Error Report select bit in the Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h) is set, in which case invalid code groups are mapped to 6h. Table 3. 4B5B Code Violation Decoding Carrier Sense Operation The CRS pin (Carrier Sense) is asserted when either the transmitter is active or the receiver detects at least two non-contiguous ZEROS within any 10 bits in the received data stream. Once asserted, it will remain asserted until the transmitter has gone idle or the receiver detects 10 consecutive ONES. CRS is not synchronous to RX_CLK. It may transition at any time. Link Integrity Monitor valid signal levels for at least 1 ms. If the signal levels fall below the minimum for more than 350 us, the Link Status bit in the Basic Mode Status Register (address 01h) is cleared, the Link Status Change bit in the Interrupt Status Register (address 11h) is set, and the Disconnect Count Register (address 12h) is incremented. When auto-negotiation is enabled, the link will be further qualified by the detection 100BASE-X mode and 12 consecutive IDLE code groups. Collision Detection The link integrity monitor determines whether the underlying receive channel is providing reliable data. For half duplex, a collision is detected when the receiver and transmitter are active simultaneously. Collisions are reported by asserting the COL pin. When auto-negotiation is disabled, the link is considered to be stable when the receiver has detected CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 19 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver COL is not synchronous to RX_CLK. It may transition at any time. False Carrier Detection A false carrier condition is detected when the receiver has asserted CRS but a valid /J/K code group sequence is not received. When this condition is detected, the CS8952T will assert RX_ER and place 1110 on the RXD[3:0] pins until either the receiver detects at least two consecutive IDLE code groups. In addition, the False Carrier Count Register (address 13h) will be incremented. 100 Mb/s Loopback The CS8952T includes two 100 Mb/s loopback modes. Local loopback redirects the TXD[3:0] input data to RXD[3:0] data outputs through the 4B5B coders and scramblers. Local loopback is selected by asserting pin LPBK, by setting the LPBK bit (bit 14) in the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h) or by setting bits 8 and 11 in the Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h) as shown in Table 4. Remote loopback redirects the analog line interface inputs to the analog line driver outputs. Remote loopback is selected by setting bit 9 in the Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h) as shown in Table 4. Remote PMD Loopback Loopback (bit 9) (bit 8) Function 0 0 No Loopback 0 1 Local Loopback (toward MII) 1 0 Remote Loopback (toward line) 1 1 Operation is undefined Table 4. Loopback Mode Selection When changing between local and non-loopback modes, the data on RXD[3:0] will be undefined for approximately 330 s. 100BASE-X Symbol Modes The CS8952T provides two low latency modes for 100BASE-X repeater applications. These are selected by asserting either pin BPALIGN or BP4B5B. Both pins have the effect of bypassing the 4B5B encoder and decoder. Bypassing the coders decreases latency, and uses a 5-bit wide parallel code group interface on pins RXD[4:0] and TXD[4:0] instead of the 4-bit wide MII nibble interface on pins RXD[3:0] and TXD[3:0]. In repeater mode, pin RX_ER is redefined as the fifth receive data bit (RXD4), and pin TX_ER is redefined as the fifth transmit data bit (TXD4). BPALIGN can also be selected by setting bit 12 in Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h). BP4B5B can be selected by setting bit 14 of the same register. Pin BPALIGN causes more of the CS8952T to be bypassed than the BP4B5B pin. BPALIGN also bypasses the scrambler/descrambler (see Figure 1). Asserting the REPEATER pin or setting bit 12 in the PCS Sublayer Configuration Register (address 17h) redefines the function of the CRS (carrier sense) pin to be asserted only on receive activity. The REPEATER pin is also used to enable the Carrier Integrity Monitor feature by default. For repeater applications, the RX_EN pin can be used to gate the receive data pins (RXD[4:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, COL, and CRS) onto a shared, external repeater system bus. Carrier Integrity Monitor The Carrier Integrity Monitor function allows a repeater to protect the attached network from some transient fault conditions that would disrupt network communications. The CS8952T contains a self-interrupt capability to prevent a segment's CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 20 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver spurious carrier activity from propagating through the repeater to other attached segments. The false carrier detection logic described earlier is used to increment a false carrier counter. When two consecutive false carrier events are detected, the CS8952T will deassert the Link OK bit in the Self Status Register (address 19h), set the Link Status Change bit in the Interrupt Status Register (address 11h), increment the Disconnect Count Register (address 12h), stop propagating received data to the MII, and ignore any transmit data from the MII. The receiver will continue to monitor the received data stream for valid IDLE symbols. Once disabled, the receiver and transmitter will remain disabled until the Link Integrity Monitor has determined the link has again stabilized. The Carrier Integrity Monitor may be disabled through the CIM Disable bit in the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h). It is enabled by default when the REPEATER pin is asserted on reset or power-up. 10BASE-T MII Application The digital interface used in this mode is the same as that used in the 100BASE-X nibble modes except that TX_CLK and RX_CLK are nominally 2.5 MHz. The CS8952T includes a full-featured 10BASE-T interface, as described in the following sections. Duplex operation The CS8952T supports both 10BASE-T full and half duplex operation as determined by pins AN[1:0] and/or the corresponding MII register bits. (See Table 5 on page 23). Carrier Detection The carrier detect circuit informs the MAC that valid receive data is present by asserting the Carrier Sense signal (CRS) as soon it detects a valid bit pattern (1010b or 0101b for 10BASE-T). During normal packet reception, CRS remains asserted while the frame is being received, and is de-asserted within 2.3 bit times after the last low-to-high transition of the End-of-Frame (EOF) sequence. Whenever the receiver is idle (no receive activity), CRS is de-asserted. Collision Detection If half duplex operation is selected, the CS8952T detects a 10BASE-T collision whenever the receiver and transmitter are active simultaneously. When a collision is present, the collision is reported on pin COL. Collision detection is undefined for full-duplex operation. Jabber The jabber timer monitors the transmitter and disables the transmission if the transmitter is active for greater than approximately 105 ms. The transmitter stays disabled until approximately 406 ms after the internal transmit request is no longer enabled. Link Test Pulses To prevent disruption of network operation due to a faulty link segment, the CS8952T continually monitors the 10BASE-T receive pair (RXD+ and RXD-) for packets and link pulses. After each packet or link pulse is received, an internal LinkLoss timer is started. As long as a packet or link pulse is received before the Link-Loss timer finishes (between 50 and 100 ms), the CS8952T maintains normal operation. If no receive activity is detected, the CS8952T disables packet transmission to prevent "blind" transmissions onto the network (link pulses are still sent while packet transmission is disabled). To reactivate transmission, the receiver must detect a single packet (the packet itself is ignored), or two normal link pulses separated by more than 6 ms and no more than 50 ms. In the absence of transmit packets, the transmitter generates link pulses in accordance with CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 21 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Section of the Ethernet standard. Transmitted link pulses are positive pulses, one bit time wide, typically generated at a rate of one every 16 ms. The 16 ms timer also starts whenever the transmitter completes an End-of-Frame (EOF) sequence. Thus, a link pulse will be generated 16 ms after an EOF unless there is another transmitted packet. Link Polarity Detection The CS8952T automatically checks the polarity of the receive half of the twisted pair cable. To detect a reversed pair, the receiver examines received link pulses and the End-of-Frame (EOF) sequence of incoming packets. If it detects at least one reversed link pulse and at least four frames in a row with negative polarity after the EOF, the receive pair is considered reversed. If the polarity is reversed and the Polarity Disable bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is clear, the CS8952T automatically corrects a reversal. SQE (Heartbeat) Test Function When SQE is enabled, the CS8952T will assert the COL pin for approximately 10 bit times within 1 s after the transmission of each packet. The SQE function is disabled by default when the REPEATER pin is deasserted on reset or powerup. It may be enabled through the SQE Enable bit in the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch). Receiver Squelch The 10BASE-T squelch circuit determines when valid data is present on the RXD+/RXD- pair. Incoming signals passing through the receive filter are tested by the squelch circuit. Any signal with amplitude less than the squelch threshold (either positive or negative, depending on polarity) is rejected. 10BASE-T Loopback When Loopback is selected, the TXD[3:0] pins are looped back into the RXD[3:0] pins through the Manchester Encoder and Decoder. Selection is made via: - setting bit 14 in the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h) or - setting bits 8 and 11 in the Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register (address 18h) or - asserting the LPBK pin. 10BASE-T Serial Application This mode is selected when pin 10BT_SER is asserted during power-up or reset, and operates similar to the 10BASE_T MII mode except that data is transferred serially on pins RXD0 and TXD0 using a 10 MHz RX_CLK and TX_CLK. Receive data is framed by CRS rather than RX_DV. Auto-Negotiation The CS8952T supports auto-negotiation, which is the mechanism that allows the two devices on either end of an Ethernet link segment to share information and automatically configure both devices for maximum performance. When configured for auto-negotiation, the CS8952T will detect and automatically operate full-duplex at 100 Mb/s if the device on the other end of the link segment also supports full-duplex, 100 Mb/s operation, and auto-negotiation. The CS8952T auto-negotiation capability is fully compliant with the relevant portions of section 28 of the IEEE 802.3u standard. The CS8952T can auto-negotiate both operating speed (10 versus 100 Mb/s), duplex mode (half duplex versus full duplex), and flow control (pause frames), or alternatively can be set not to negotiate. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 22 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Auto-Negotiation Configuration At power-up and reset times, the auto-negotiation mode is selected via the auto-negotiation input pins (AN[1:0]). These three-level input pins are sampled during power-up or reset. If either of these pins is left unconnected, internal logic pulls its signal to a mid-range value, designated as 'M' in the following table. Either pin may also be connected to a 5 to 25 MHz TTL-level clock source, designated as `C' in the following table. A minimum of 8 rising edges of the clock are required while RESET is asserted for the AN[1:0] input logic to interpret the input as `C'. Auto-Negotiation may also be enabled and the advertised capabilities modified under software control through bit 8 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h), and bits 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 of AN1 pin 0 1 M M C M C M 0 0 1 1 C C 1 0 AN0 pin M M 0 1 M C C M 0 1 0 1 1 0 C C the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h). Auto-Negotiation Operation Auto-Negotiation encapsulates information within a burst of closely spaced Link Integrity Test Pulses, referred to as a Fast Link Pulse (FLP) Burst. The FLP Burst consists of a series of Link Integrity Pulses which form an alternating clock / data sequence. Extraction of the data bits from the FLP Burst yields a Link Code Word which identifies the capability of the remote device. In order to support legacy 10 and 100 Mb/s devices, the CS8952T also supports parallel detection. In parallel detection, the CS8952T monitors activity on the media to determine the capability of the link partner even without auto-negotiation having occurred. Forced/Auto Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced Forced Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Auto-Neg Speed 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100/10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 100/10 Mb/s 100/10 Mb/s 100 Mb/s 10 Mb/s Full/Half Duplex Half Full Half Full Full (Note 1) Full (Note 2) Half (Note 3) Full/Half Half Full Half Full Full Half Full/Half Full/Half Table 5. Auto-negotiation Mode Selection 1. The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register will be modified to advertise 100 Mb/s Full/Half. 2. The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register will be modified to advertise 100/10 Mb/s Full. 3. The Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register will be modified to advertise 100/10 Mb/s Half. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 23 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Reset Operation Reset occurs in response to six different conditions: 1) There is a chip-wide reset whenever the RESET pin is high for at least 200 ns. During a chip-wide reset, all circuitry and registers in the CS8952T are reset. 2) When power is applied, the CS8952T maintains reset until the voltage at the VDD supply pins reaches approximately 3.6 V. The CS8952T comes out of reset once VDD is greater than approximately 3.6 V and the crystal oscillator has stabilized. 3) There is a chip-wide reset whenever the RESET bit (bit 15 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h)) is set. 4) Digital circuitry is reset whenever bit 0 of the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h) is set. Analog circuitry is unaffected. 5) Analog circuitry is reset and recalibrated whenever the CS8952T enters or exits the powerdown state, as requested by pin PWRDN. 6) Analog circuitry is reset and recalibrated whenever the CS8952T changes between 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s modes. After a reset, the CS8952T latches the signals on various input pins in order to initialize key registers and goes through a self configuration. This includes calibrating on-chip analog circuitry. Time required for the reset calibration is typically 40 ms. External circuitry may access registers internal to the CS8952T during this time. Reset and calibration complete is indicated when bit 15 of the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h) is clear. LED Indicators The LEDx, SPD100, and SPD10 output pins provide status information that can be used to drive LEDs or can be used as inputs to external control circuitry. Indication options include: receive activity, transmit activity, collision, carrier sense, polarity OK, descrambler synchronization status, autonegotiation status, speed (10 vs. 100), and duplex mode. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 24 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver MEDIA INDEPENDENT INTERFACE The Media Independent Interface (MII) provides a simple interconnect to an external Media Access Controller (MAC). This connection may be chip to chip, motherboard to daughterboard, or a connection between two assemblies attached by a limited length of shielded cable and an appropriate connector. The CS8952T's MII interface is enhanced beyond IEEE requirements by register extensions and the addition of pins for MII_IRQ, RX_EN, and ISODEF signals. The MII_IRQ pin provides an interrupt signal to the controller when a change of state has occurred in the CS8952T, eliminating the need for the system to poll the CS8952T for state changes. The RX_EN signal allows the receiver outputs to be electrically isolated. The ISODEF pin controls the value of register bit ISOLATE in the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h) which in turn electrically isolates the CS8952T's MII data path. The MII interface uses the following pins: STATUS Pins - COL - Collision indication, valid only for half duplex modes. - CRS - Carrier Sense indication SERIAL MANAGEMENT Pins - MDIO - a bi-directional serial data path - MDC - clock for MDIO (16.7 MHz max) - MII_IRQ - Interrupt indicating change in the Interrupt Status Register (address 11h) RECEIVE DATA Pins - RX_EN - Can be used to tri-state receiver output pins TRANSMIT DATA Pins - TXD[3:0] - Parallel data input path - TX_CLK - Transmit clock - TX_EN - Indicates when transmit data is present and valid - TX_ER - Request to transmit a 100BASET HALT symbol, ignored for 10BASE-T operation. The interface uses TTL signal levels, which are compatible with devices operating at a nominal supply voltage of either 5.0 or 3.3 volts. It is capable of supporting either 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s data rates transparently. That is, all signaling remains identical at either data rate; only the nominal clock frequency is changed. MII Frame Structure Data frames transmitted through the MII have the following format: Preamble (7 Bytes) Start of Frame Delimiter (1 Byte) Data End of Frame Delimiter Each frame is preceded by an inter-frame gap. The inter-frame gap is an unspecified time during which no data activity occurs on the media as indicated by the de-assertion of CRS for the receive path and TX_EN for the transmit path. The Preamble consists of seven bytes of 10101010. - RXD[3:0] - Parallel data output path The Start of Frame Delimiter consists of a single byte of 10101011. - RX_CLK - Recovered clock output Data may be any number of bytes. - RX_DV - Indicates when receive data is present and valid - RX_ER - Indicates presence of error in received data The End of Frame Delimiter is conveyed by the deassertion of RX_DV and TX_EN for receive and transmit paths, respectively. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 25 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Transmission and/or reception of each byte of data is done one nibble at a time in the following order: MAC's Serial Bit Stream First Bit LSB D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 MSB First Nibble LSB MII Nibble Stream MSB Second Nibble D0 D1 D2 D3 Receive errors are indicated during frame reception by the assertion of RX_ER. It indicates that an error was detected somewhere in the frame currently being transferred across the MII. RX_ER will transition synchronously with respect to the RX_CLK, and will be held high for one cycle for each error received. It is up to the MAC to ensure that a CRC error is detected in that frame by the Logical Link Control. Figure 2 illustrates reception without errors, and Figure 3 illustrates reception with errors. MII Transmit Data MII Receive Data The presence of recovered data on the RXD[3:0] bus is indicated by the assertion of RX_DV. RX_DV will remain asserted from the beginning of the preamble (or Start of Frame Delimiter if preamble is not used) to the End of Frame Delimiter. Once RX_DV is asserted, valid data will be driven onto RXD[3:0] synchronously with respect to RX_CLK. TX_EN is used by the MAC to signal to the CS8952T that valid nibbles of data are being presented across the MII via TXD[3:0]. TX_EN must be asserted synchronously with the first nibble of preamble, and must remain asserted as long as valid data is being presented to the MII. TX_EN must be de-asserted within one TX_CLK cycle after the last nibble of data (CRC) has been presented to the CS8952T. When TX_EN is not asserted, data on TXD[3:0] is ignored. RX_CLK RX_DV RXD[3:0] Preamble SFD SFD Data Data Data Data Data CRC RX_ER Figure 2. Reception without errors RX_CLK RX_DV RXD[3:0] Preamble SFD SFD Data Data Data Error XX XX XX RX_ER Figure 3. Reception with errors CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 26 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver TX_CLK TX_EN TXD[3:0] Preamble Data Data Data Data Data Data Data CRC TX_ER Figure 4. Transmission without errors TX_CLK TX_EN TXD[3:0] Preamble Data Data Data Data XX TX_ER Figure 5. Transmission with errors Transmit errors should be signaled by the MAC by asserting TX_ER for one or more TX_CLK cycles. TX_ER must be synchronous with TX_CLK. This will cause the CS8952T to replace the nibble with a HALT symbol in the frame being transmitted. This invalid data will be detected by the receiving PHY and flagged as a bad frame. Figure 4 illustrates transmission without errors, and Figure 5 illustrates transmission with errors. MII Management Interface The CS8952T provides an enhanced IEEE 802.3 MII Management Interface. The interface consists of three signals: a bi-directional serial data line (MDIO), a data clock (MDC), and an optional interrupt signal (MII_IRQ). The Management Interface can be used to access status and control registers internal to the CS8952T. The CS8952T implements an extended set of 16-bit MII registers. Eight of the registers are defined by the IEEE 802.3 specification, while the remaining registers provide enhanced monitoring and control capabilities. As many as 31 devices may share a single Management Interface. A unique five-bit PHY address is associated with each device, with all devices responding to PHY address 00000. The CS8952T determines its PHY address at power-up or reset through the PHYAD[4:0] pins. MII Management Frame Structure Frames transmitted through the MII Management Interface have the format shown in Table 6 on page 28. When the management interface is idle, the MDIO signal will be tri-stated, and the MAC is required to keep MDIO pulled to a logic ONE. At the beginning of each transaction, the MAC will typically send a sequence of 32 contiguous logic ONE bits on MDIO with 32 corresponding clock cycles on MDC to provide the CS8952T with a pattern that it can use to establish synchronization. Optionally, the CS8952T may be configured to op- CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 27 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver erate without the preamble through bit 9 of the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h). Preamble (32 bits) Start of Frame (2 bits) Opcode (2 bits) PHY Address (5 bits) Register Address (5 bits) Turnaround (2 bits) Data (16 bits) Idle Table 6. MII Management Interface Frame Format The Start of Frame is indicated by a 01 bit pattern. A read transaction is indicated by an Opcode of 10 and a write by 01. The PHY Address is five bits, with the most significant bit sent first. If the PHY address included in the frame is not 00000 or does not match the PHYAD field of the Self Status Register (address 19h), the rest of the frame is ignored. The register address is five bits, with the most significant bit sent first, and indicates the CS8952T register to be written to/read from. The Turnaround time is a two bit time spacing between when the MAC drives the last register ad- dress bit onto MDIO and the data field of a management frame in order to avoid contention during a read transaction. For a read transaction, the MAC should tri-state the MDIO pin beginning on the first bit time, and the CS8952T will begin driving the MDIO signal to a logic ZERO during the second bit time. During write transactions, since the MDIO direction does not need to be reversed, the MAC will drive the MDIO to a logic ONE for the first bit time and a logic ZERO for the second. The data field is always 16 bits in length, with the most significant bit sent first. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 28 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver CONFIGURATION Configuration Via Control Pins The CS8952T can be configured in a variety of ways. All control and status information can be accessed via the MII Serial Management Interface. Additionally, many configuration options can be set at power-up or reset times via individual control lines. Some configuration capabilities are available at any time via individual control lines. The following pins are for dedicated control signals and can be used at any time to configure the CS8952T. Configuration At Power-up/Reset Time At power-up and reset time, the following pins are used to configure the CS8952T. Pin Name 10BT_SER AN[1:0] BP4B5B BPALIGN ISODEF LPSTRT PHYAD[4:0] REPEATER Function Select 10BASE-T serial mode Select auto-negotiation mode Bypass 4B5B coders Bypass 4B5B coders and scramblers Electrically isolate MII after reset Start in low power mode Set MII PHY address Control definition of CRS pin, enable carrier integrity monitor and SQE function MII_DRV Set MII driver strength TCM Set TX_CLK mode TXSLEW[1:0] Set 100BASE-TX transmitter output slew rate Pin Name LPBK PWRDN RESET Function Enter loopback mode Enter power-down mode Reset Table 8. Dedicated Control Pins Configuration via the MII The CS8952T supports configuration by software control through the use of 16-bit configuration and status registers accessed via the MDIO/MDC pins (MII Management Interface). The first seven registers are defined by the IEEE 802.3 specification. Additional registers extend the register set to provide enhanced monitoring and control capabilities. Table 7. Reset Configuration Pins CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 29 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver CS8952T REGISTERS The CS8952T register set is comprised of the 16bit status and control registers described below. A detailed description each register follows. Register Address 0h 1h 2h 3h 4h 5h 6h 7h 8h through Fh 10h 11h 12h 13h 14h 15h 16h 17h 18h 19h 1Ah 1Bh 1Ch 1Dh through 1Fh Description Basic Mode Control Register Basic Mode Status Register PHY Identifier #1 PHY Identifier #2 Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register Reserved by IEEE 802.3 Working Group Interrupt Mask Register Interrupt Status Register Disconnect Count Register False Carrier Count Register Scrambler Key Initialization Register Receive Error Count Register Descrambler Key Initialization Register PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register Loopback, Bypass and Receiver Error Mask Register Self-Status Register Reserved 10BASE-T Status Register 10BASE-T Configuration Register Reserved Type Read/Write Read-Only Read-Only Read-Only Read/Write Read-Only Read-Only Read/Write Read/Write Read-Only Read-Only Read-Only Read/Write Read-Only Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read-Only Read/Write - Table 9. CS8952T Register Set CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 30 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Basic Mode Control Register - Address 00h 15 Software Reset 14 Loopback 7 Collision Test 6 BIT NAME 15 Software Reset 14 Loopback 13 Speed Selection 12 Auto-Neg Enable 11 Power Down 10 Isolate 13 Speed Selection 12 Auto-Neg Enable 5 4 TYPE Read/Set RESET 0 Read/Write 0 11 10 Power Down Isolate 3 Reserved 2 9 Restart Auto-Neg 1 8 Duplex Mode 0 DESCRIPTION Setting this bit performs a chip-wide reset. All status and control registers are set to their default states, and the analog circuitry is re-calibrated. This bit is an Act-Once bit which is cleared once the reset and recalibration have completed. This bit will also be set automatically while the analog circuitry is reset and re-calibrated during mode changes. When set, the CS8952T is placed in a loop back mode. Any data sent on the transmit data path is returned on the receive data path. Loopback mode is entered regardless of whether 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s operation has been configured. This bit will be set upon the assertion of the LPBK pin, and will be automatically cleared upon its deassertion. Read/Write If auto-negotiation When bit 12 is clear, setting this bit configures the is enabled via the CS8952T for 100 Mb/s operation. Clearing this bit AN[1:0] pins, reset sets the configuration at 10 Mb/s. When bit 12 is set, this bit is ignored. to 1; otherwise, reset to 0 Read/Write If auto-negotiation Setting this bit enables the auto-negotiation process. is enabled via the When this bit is set, bits 13 and 8 have no affect on AN[1:0] pins, reset the link configuration. The link configuration is determined by the auto-negotiation process. Clearing this to 1; otherwise, bit disables auto-negotiation. reset to 0 Read/Write 0 When this bit is set, the CS8952T enters a low power consumption state. Clearing this bit allows normal operation. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. Read/Write If PHYAD = 00000, Setting this bit causes the MII data path to be electrireset to 1; other- cally isolated by tri-stating all data outputs (i.e. wise reset to the TX_CLK, RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD[3:0], COL, value on the ISO- and CRS). In addition the CS8952T will not respond to the TXD[3:0], TX_EN, and TX_ER inputs. It will, DEF pin however, respond to MDIO and MDC. Clearing this bit allows normal operation. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 31 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Basic Mode Control Register - Address 00h (Cont.) 9 BIT NAME Restart Auto-Neg TYPE Read/Set 8 Duplex Mode R/W 7 Collision Test R/W 6:0 Reserved Read Only RESET DESCRIPTION Setting this bit causes auto-negotiation to be restarted. It is an Act-Once bit which is cleared once auto-negotiation has begun. Clearing this bit has no effect on the auto-negotiation process. If auto-negotiation When bit 12 is clear, this bit controls the Fullis enabled via the Duplex/Half-Duplex operation of the part. When set, AN[1:0] pins, reset the part is configured for Full-Duplex operation, and when clear the part is configured for Half Duplex to 0; otherwise, operation. The setting of this bit is superseded by reset to 1 auto-negotiation, and thus has no effect if bit 12 is set. 0 When set, the COL pin will be asserted within 10 bit times in response to the assertion of TX_EN. Upon the deassertion of TX_EN, COL will be deasserted within 4 bit times. When Collision Test is clear, COL functions normally. 000 0000 0 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 32 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Basic Mode Status Register - Address 01h 15 14 13 100BASE-TX/ 100BASE-TX/ 100BASE-T4 Full Duplex Half Duplex 7 Reserved 6 MF Preamble Suppression 5 Auto-Neg Complete 12 10BASE-T/ Full Duplex 11 10BASE-T/ Half Duplex 10 4 3 Auto-Neg Ability 2 1 Link Status Jabber Detect Remote Fault BIT NAME 15 100BASE-T4 TYPE Read Only 0 14 100BASE-TX/Full Duplex Read Only 1 13 100BASE-TX/Half Duplex Read Only 1 12 10BASE-T/Full Duplex Read Only 1 11 10BASE-T/Half Duplex Read Only 1 10:7 6 Reserved Read Only MF Preamble Sup- Read Only pression 0000 1 5 Auto-Neg Complete Read Only 0 4 Remote Fault 0 Read Only RESET 9 8 Reserved 0 Extended Capability DESCRIPTION The CS8952T does not support 100BASE-T4 operation, so this bit will always read 0. When this bit is set, it indicates that the CS8952T is capable of 100BASE-TX Full-Duplex operation. This bit reflects the status of the 100BASE-TX/Full-Duplex bit in the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h). When this bit is set, it indicates that the CS8952T is capable of 100BASE-TX Half-Duplex operation. This bit reflects the status of the 100BASE-TX/Half Duplex bit in the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h). When this bit is set, it indicates that the CS8952T is capable of 10BASE-T Full-Duplex operation. This bit reflects the status of the 10BASE-T/Full Duplex bit in the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h). When this bit is set, it indicates that the CS8952T is capable of 10BASE-T Half-Duplex operation. This bit reflects the status of the 10BASE-T/Half Duplex bit in the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h). When set, this bit indicates that the CS8952T is capable of accepting management frames regardless of whether they are preceded by the preamble pattern. When clear, it indicates that the management frame must be preceded by the preamble pattern to be considered valid. This bit reflects the status of the MR Preamble Enable bit in the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h). This bit is set to a 1 when the auto-negotiation process has completed. This is an indication that data is valid in the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h), the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (address 05h), and the Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (address 06h). When auto-negotiation is enabled, this bit is set if the Remote Fault bit is set in the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (address 05h). When autonegotiation is disabled, this bit will be set when a FarEnd Fault Indication for 100BASE-TX is detected. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 33 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Basic Mode Status Register - Address 01h (Cont.) 3 BIT NAME Auto-Neg Ability TYPE Read Only 1 RESET 2 Link Status Read Only 0 1 Jabber Detect Read Only 0 DESCRIPTION This bit indicates that the CS8952T has auto-negotiation capability. It will always read back a value of 1. When set, this bit indicates that a valid link has been established. Upon a link failure, this bit is cleared and latched. It will remain cleared until this register is read. In 10BASE-T mode, if the last transmission is longer than 105 ms, then the packet output is terminated by the jabber logic and this bit is set. If JabberiE (Interrupt Mask Register (address 10h), bit 3) is set, an MII Interrupt will be generated. This bit is implemented with a latching function so that the occurrence of a jabber condition causes it to become set until it is cleared by a read to this register, a read to the Interrupt Status Register (address 11h), or a reset. 0 Extended Capability Read Only 1 No jabber detect function has been defined for 100BASE-TX. This bit indicates that an extended register set may be accessed (registers beyond address 01h). This bit always reads back a value of 1. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 34 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PHY Identifier Register, Part 1 - Address 02h 15 14 13 12 11 10 Organizationally Unique Identifier: Bits[3:10] 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 Organizationally Unique Identifier: Bits[11:18] 1 0 BIT NAME 15:0 Organizationally Unique Identifier (bits 3:18) TYPE RESET Read/Write 001Ah DESCRIPTION This identifier is assigned to PHY manufacturers by the IEEE. Its intention is to provide sufficient information to support 10/100 Management as defined in Clause 30.1.2 of the IEEE 802.3 specification. This register contains bits [3:18] of the OUI. Bit 3 of the OUI is located in bit 15 of the PHY Identifier, bit 4 of the OUI is in bit 14, and so on. Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 35 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PHY Identifier Register, Part 2 - Address 03h 15 14 13 12 11 Organizationally Unique Identifier - Bits[19:24] 10 6 2 1 Revision Number 7 5 4 TYPE RESET Read/Write 00 1000 8 Part Number 3 Part Number BIT NAME 15:10 Organizationally Unique Identifier (bits 19:24) 9 0 DESCRIPTION This identifier is assigned to PHY manufacturers by the IEEE. Its intention is to provide sufficient information to support 10/100 Management as defined in Clause 30.1.2 of the IEEE 802.3 specification. This register contains bits [19:24] of the OUI. Bit 19 of the OUI is located in bit 15 of this register, bit 20 of the OUI is in bit 14, and so on. 9:4 3:0 Part Number Revision Number Read/Write 10 0000 Read/Write Revision x Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. These bits indicate the CS8952T part number. It has been set to a value of 100000. Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. These bits indicate the CS8952T part revision. Rev. A Rev. B etc. 0000 0001 Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 36 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register - Address 04h 15 Next Page 7 14 Acknowledge 13 Remote Fault 6 Technology Ability Field BIT NAME 15 Next Page 14 Acknowledge 13 Remote Fault 12:5 Technology Ability Field 5 TYPE Read/Write 0 12 11 10 Technology Ability Field 9 8 4 3 2 Protocol Selector Field 1 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, this bit enables the ability to exchange Next-Pages with the link partner. This bit should be cleared if it is not desired to engage in Next Page exchange. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. Read Only 0 When set, this bit indicates consistent reception of the link partner's data. Read/Write 0 This bit may be used to indicate a fault condition to the link partner. Setting this bit will signal to the link partner that a fault condition has occurred. This field determines the advertised capabilities of Read/Write Reset value is dependent on the the CS8952T as shown below. When the bit is set, the corresponding technology will be advertised durstatus of the AN[1:0] pins (See ing auto-negotiation. Table 5). BIT Capability 12 4:0 Protocol Selector Field Read/Write 0 0001 Reserved 11 Reserved 10 PAUSE operation for full duplex links. 9 8 100BASE-T4 (Note: this technology is not supported and can not be set.) 100BASE-TX Full Duplex 7 100BASE-TX Half Duplex 6 10BASE-T Full Duplex 5 10BASE-T Half Duplex This field is used to identify the type of message being sent by auto-negotiation. This field defaults to a value of "00001" for IEEE 802.3 messages. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 37 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register - Address 05h 15 Next Page 7 14 Acknowledge 13 Remote Fault 6 Technology Ability Field 5 12 11 10 Technology Ability Field 9 8 4 3 2 Protocol Selector Field 1 0 BIT NAME 15 Next Page TYPE Read Only 0 14 Acknowledge Read Only 0 13 Remote Fault Read Only 0 12:5 Technology Ability Field Read Only 0000 0000 4:0 Protocol Selector Field Read Only RESET 0 0000 DESCRIPTION When set, this bit indicates that the link partner is capable of participating in the Next Page exchange. When set, this bit indicates that the link partner has received consistent data from the CS8952T. This bit indicates that a fault condition occurred on the far end. When this bit is set and auto-negotiation is enabled, the Remote Fault bit in the Basic Mode Status Register (address 01h) will also be set. This field indicates the advertised capabilities of the link partner as shown below. When the bit is set, the corresponding technology has been advertised during auto-negotiation. BIT Capability 12 Reserved 11 Reserved 10 PAUSE operation for full duplex links. 9 100BASE-T4 8 100BASE-TX Full Duplex 7 100BASE-TX Half Duplex 6 10BASE-T Full Duplex 5 10BASE-T Half Duplex This field is used to identify the type of message being received during auto-negotiation. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 38 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register - Address 06h 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 3 Link Partner Next Page Able 2 1 0 Next Page Able Page Received Link Partner Auto-Neg Able Reserved 7 6 5 4 Parallel Detection Fault Reserved BIT NAME 15:5 Reserved 4 Parallel Detection Fault TYPE Read Only Read Only RESET 000 0000 0000 0 3 Read Only 0 2 Link Partner Next Page Able Next Page Able Read Only 1 1 Page Received Read Only 0 0 Link Partner AutoNeg Able Read Only 0 DESCRIPTION When set, this bit indicates an error condition in which both the 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX links came up valid, or that one of the technologies established a link but was unable to maintain the link. This bit is self-clearing. When set, this bit indicates that the link partner is capable of Next Page exchange. This bit is a status bit which indicates to the Management Layer that the CS8952T supports Next Page capability. When set, this bit indicates that a valid word of autonegotiation data has been received and its integrity verified. The first page of data will consist of the Base Page, and all successive pages will consist of Next Page data. This bit is self-clearing. When set, this bit indicates that the link partner has auto-negotiation capability. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 39 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Auto-Negotiation Next-Page Transmit Register - Address 07h 15 14 Next Page Acknowledge 7 6 BIT NAME 15 Next Page 13 Message Page 5 12 Acknowledge 2 TYPE Read/Write 0 Acknowledge Read Only 13 Message Page Read/Write 1 Acknowledge 2 RESET 0 Read/Write 0 Read Only Toggle 4 3 Message/Unformatted Code Field 14 12 11 11 Toggle 0 10:0 Message/Unformat- Read/Write 000 0000 0001 ted Code Field 10 9 8 Message/Unformatted Code Field 2 1 0 DESCRIPTION When set, this bit indicates that more Next Pages follow. When clear, the current page is the last page of data to be sent. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. This bit is used for Link Code Word verification. When set, it indicates that consistent data has been successfully read from the link partner. When set, this bit indicates that the data in the Message/Unformatted Code Field is one of the predefined message pages. When low, the data is unformatted data. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, this bit indicates to the link partner that the CS8952T can comply with the last received message. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. This bit is used to maintain synchronization with the link partner during Next Page exchange. This field contains the 11 bit data for the Message or Unformatted Page. It defaults to the Null Message. Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 40 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Interrupt Mask Register - Address 10h 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Remote Loopback Fault CIM Link Unstable Link Status Change Descrambler Lock Change Premature End Error DCR Rollover FCCR Rollover RECR Rollover 7 6 5 3 2 1 0 Reset Complete Jabber Detect Auto-Neg Complete 4 Parallel Detection Fault Parallel Fail Remote Fault Page Received Reserved This register indicates which events will cause an interrupt event on the MII_IRQ pin. Each bit acts as an enable to the interrupt. Thus, when set, the event will cause the MII_IRQ pin to be asserted. When clear, the event will not affect the MII_IRQ pin, but the status will still be reported via the Interrupt Status Register (address 11h). BIT NAME 15 CIM Link Unstable 14 13 12 TYPE Read/Write 0 Link Status Change Read/Write 1 Descrambler Lock Change Premature End Error Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, an interrupt will be generated if an unstable link condition is detected by the Carrier Integrity Monitor function. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated each time the CS8952T detects a change in the link status. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated each time the 100BASE-TX receive descrambler loses or regains synchronization with the far-end. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated when two consecutive IDLES are detected in a 100BASE-TX frame without the End-of-Stream-Delimiter sequence. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 41 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Interrupt Mask Register - Address 10h (Cont.) BIT NAME 11 DCR Rollover 10 9 8 7 6 FCCR Rollover RECR Rollover Remote Loopback Fault Reset Complete Jabber Detect TYPE Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 Read/Write 1 Read/Write 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, an interrupt will be generated if the MSB in the DCR counter becomes set. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated if the MSB in the FCCR counter becomes set. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated if the MSB in the RECR counter becomes set. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated if the elastic buffer in the PMA is under-run or over-run during Remote Loopback. This should not occur for normal length 802.3 frames. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated once the digital and analog sections have been reset, and a calibration cycle has been performed. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated when a Jabber condition is detected by the 10BASE-T MAU. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 42 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Interrupt Mask Register - Address 10h (Cont.) BIT 5 4 3 2 1 NAME TYPE Auto-Neg Complete Read/Write 0 Parallel Detection Fault Parallel Fail Remote Fault Page Received Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, an interrupt will be generated once autonegotiation has completed successfully. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated if auto-negotiation determines that unstable legacy link signaling was received. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated when parallel detection has occurred for a technology that is not currently advertised by the local device. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt will be generated if a remote fault condition is detected either by auto-negotiation or by the Far-End Fault Detect state machine. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, an interrupt is generated each time a page is received during auto-negotiation. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. 0 Reserved Read Only 0 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 43 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Interrupt Status Register - Address 11h 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Remote Loopback Fault CIM Link Unstable Link Status Change Descrambler Lock Change Premature End Error DCR Rollover FCCR Rollover RECR Rollover 7 6 5 3 2 1 0 Reset Complete Jabber Detect Auto-Neg Complete 4 Parallel Detection Fault Parallel Fail Remote Fault Page Received Reserved This register indicates which event(s) caused an interrupt event on the MII_IRQ pin. All bits are self-clearing, and will thus be cleared upon readout. BIT NAME 15 CIM Link Unstable TYPE Read Only 0 RESET 14 Link Status Change Read Only 0 13 Descrambler Lock Change Read Only 0 12 Premature End Error Read Only 0 11 DCR Rollover Read Only 0 10 FCCR Rollover Read Only 0 9 RECR Rollover Read Only 0 DESCRIPTION When set, this bit indicates that an unstable link condition was detected by the Carrier Integrity Monitor function. When set, this bit indicates that a change has occurred to the status of the link. The Self Status Register (address 19h) may be read to determine the current status of the link. When set, this bit indicates that a change has occurred in the status of the descrambler. The Self Status Register (address 19h) may be read to determine the current status of the scrambler lock. This bit is set when a premature end of frame is detected for 100 Mb/s operation. A premature end is defined as two consecutive IDLE patterns detected in a frame prior to the End of Stream Delimiter. This bit is set when the MSB of the Disconnect Count Register (address 12h) becomes set. This should provide ample warning to the management layer so that the DCR may be read before rolling over. This bit is set when the MSB of the False Carrier Count Register (address 13h) becomes set. This should provide ample warning to the management layer so that the FCCR may be read before saturating. This bit is set when the MSB of the Receive Error Count Register (address 15h) becomes set. This should provide ample warning to the management layer so that the RECR may be read before rolling over. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 44 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Interrupt Status Register - Address 11h (Cont.) BIT 8 NAME Remote Loopback Fault TYPE Read Only RESET 0 7 Reset Complete Read Only 0 6 Jabber Detect Read Only 0 DESCRIPTION When set, this bit indicates that the Elastic Buffer has detected an over-run or an under-run condition. In any case, the frame generating this fault will be terminated. This should never happen since the depth of the elastic buffer (10 bits) is greater than twice the maximum number of bit times the receive and transmit clocks may slip during a maximum length packet assuming clock frequency tolerances of 100 ppm or less. When set, this bit indicates that the internal analog calibration cycle has completed, and all analog and digital circuitry is ready for normal operation. In 10BASE-T mode, if the last transmission is longer than 105 ms, then the packet output is terminated by the jabber logic and this bit is set. This bit is implemented with a latching function so that the occurrence of a jabber condition causes it to become set until it is cleared by a read to this register, a read to the Basic Mode Status Register (address 01h), or a reset. No jabber detect function has been defined for 100BASE-TX. 5 4 3 Auto-Neg Complete Read Only Parallel Detection Fault Parallel Fail Read Only Read Only 0 0 0 This bit is the same as in the Basic Mode Status Register (address 01h). This bit is set when the auto-negotiation process has completed. This is an indication that the Auto-Negotiation Advertisement Register (address 04h), the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (address 05h), and the Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (address 06h) are valid. This bit is the same as in the Basic Mode Status Register (address 01h). When set, this bit indicates an error condition in which auto-negotiation has detected that unstable 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX link signalling was received. This bit is self-clearing. This bit is the same as in the Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (address 06h) When set, this bit indicates that a parallel detection has occurred for a technology that is not currently advertised by the local device. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 45 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Interrupt Status Register - Address 11h (Cont.) 2 BIT NAME Remote Fault TYPE Read Only 0 RESET 1 Page Received Read Only 0 DESCRIPTION When auto-negotiation is enabled, this bit is set if the Remote Fault bit is set in the Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register (address 05h). When autonegotiation is disabled, this bit will be set when the Far-End Fault Indication for 100BASE-TX is detected. When set, this bit indicates that a valid word of autonegotiation data has been received and its integrity verified. The first page of data will consist of the Base Page, and all successive pages will consist of Next Page data. This bit is self-clearing. This bit is the same as in the Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register (address 06h). 0 Reserved Read Only 0 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 46 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Disconnect Count Register - Address 12h 15 14 13 12 11 Disconnect Counter 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Disconnect Counter 2 1 0 BIT NAME TYPE RESET 15:0 Disconnect Counter Read/Write 0000h DESCRIPTION This field contains a count of the number of times the CS8952T has lost a Link OK condition. This counter is cleared upon readout and will roll-over to 0000h. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 47 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver False Carrier Count Register - Address 13h 15 14 13 12 11 False Carrier Counter 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 False Carrier Counter 2 1 0 BIT NAME 15:0 False Carrier Counter TYPE Read Only RESET 0000h DESCRIPTION This field contains a count of the number of times the CS8952T has detected a false-carrier -- that is, the reception of a poorly formed Start-of-Stream Delimiter (SSD). The counter is incremented at the end of such events to prevent multiple increments. This counter is cleared upon readout and will saturate at FFFFh. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 48 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Scrambler Key Initialization Register - Address 14h 15 Load 14 7 6 13 12 11 10 Reserved BIT NAME 15 Load 5 TYPE Read/Set 4 3 Scrambler Initialization Key 9 8 Scrambler Initialization Key 2 1 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When this bit is set, the scrambler will be loaded with the value in the Scrambler Initialization Key field. When the load is complete, this bit will clear automatically. 14:11 Reserved Read Only 0000 These bits should be read as don't cares and, when written, should be written to 0. This field allows the Scrambler to be loaded with a 10:0 Scrambler Initializa- Read/Write Reset value is tion Key dependent on the user-definable key sequence. A value of 000h has PHY Address field the effect of bypassing the scrambler function. of the Self Status Register (address This is valuable for testing purposes to allow a deterministic response to test stimulus without a synchro19h). nization delay. 0 Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 49 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Receive Error Count Register - Address 15h 15 14 13 12 11 Receive Error Counter 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Receive Error Counter 2 1 0 BIT NAME 15:0 Receive Error Counter TYPE Read Only RESET 0000h DESCRIPTION This counter increments for each packet in which one or more receive errors is detected that is not due to a collision event. This counter is cleared upon readout and will roll-over to 0000h. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 50 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Descrambler Key Initialization Register - Address 16h 15 Load 14 7 6 13 12 11 Reserved BIT NAME 15 Load 5 TYPE Read/Set 4 3 Descrambler Initialization Key 10 9 8 Descrambler Initialization Key 2 1 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When this bit is set, the descrambler will be loaded with the value in the Descrambler Initialization Key field. When the load is complete, this bit will clear automatically. 14:11 Reserved Read Only 0000 These bits should be read as don't cares and, when written, should be written to 0. This register allows the Descrambler to be loaded 10:0 Descrambler Initial- Read/Write Reset value is ization Key dependent on the with a user-definable key sequence. A value of 000h PHY Address field has the effect of bypassing the descrambler function. of the Self Status Register (address This is valuable for testing purposes to allow a deterministic response to test stimulus without a synchro19h). nization delay. 0 Note: This field is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 51 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register - Address 17h 15 Reserved 7 CLK25 Disable 14 Time-Out Select 13 Time-Out Disable 12 Repeater Mode 6 5 Enable LT/100 CIM Disable BIT NAME 15 Reserved 14 Time-Out Select 13 Time-Out Disable 12 Repeater Mode 11 LED5 Mode 10 Unlock Regs TYPE Read/Write 1 Read/Write 0 11 10 9 MR Preamble Enable 8 LED5 Mode Unlock Regs 4 3 2 1 0 Tx Disable Rx Disable LED1 Mode LED4 Mode Digital Reset Fast Test DESCRIPTION This bit is reserved and should be cleared to 0. When this bit is set, the time-out counter in the receive descrambler is set to time-out after 2 ms without IDLES. When clear the counter is set to time-out after 722 ms without IDLES. Read/Write 0 When this bit is set, the time-out counter in the receive descrambler is disabled. When this bit is clear, the time-out counter is enabled. Read/Write Reset to the value This bit defines the mode of the Carrier Sense (CRS) on the REPEATER signal. When this bit is set, CRS is asserted due to pin. receive activity only. When this bit is clear, CRS is asserted due to either transmit or receive activity. Read/Write 0 This bit defines the mode of Pin LED5. When this bit is set, pin LED5 indicates the synchronization status of the 100BASE-TX descrambler. When this bit is clear, LED5 indicates a collision. Read/Write 0 RESET Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, this bit unlocks certain read only control registers for factory testing. Leave clear for proper operation. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 52 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register - Address 17h (Cont.) BIT 9 8 NAME MF Preamble Enable Fast Test TYPE Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 7 CLK25 Disable Read/Write 6 Enable LT/100 Read/Write 5 CIM Disable Read/Write 4 Tx Disable Read/Write RESET DESCRIPTION When set, this bit will force all management frames (via MDIO, MDC) to be preceded by a 32 bit preamble pattern of contiguous ones to be considered valid. When cleared, it allows management frames with or without the preamble pattern. The status of this register is (inversely) reflected in the MF Preamble bit in the Basic Mode Status Register (address 01h). Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When set, internal timers are sped up significantly in order to facilitate production test. Leave clear for proper operation. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. When TCM pin is Setting this bit will disable (tri-state) the CLK25 output low, reset to 1; oth- pin, reducing digital noise and power consumption. erwise, reset to 0 1 When set, normal link status checking is enabled. When clear, this bit forces the link status to Link OK (at 100 Mb/s), and will assert the LINK_OK LED. Reset to the logic When set, this bit forces the Carrier Integrity Monitor function to be disabled. When low, the Carrier Integinverse of the rity Monitor function is enabled, and detection of an value on the REPEATER pin. unstable link will disable the receive and transmit functions. 0 When set, this bit forces the 10 Mb/s and 100 Mb/s outputs to be inactive. When clear, normal transmission is enabled. If Tx Disable is set while a packet is being transmitted, transmission is completed and no subsequent packets are transmitted until Tx Disable is cleared again. Also, if Tx Disable is cleared while TX_EN is high, the transmitter will remain disabled until TX_EN is deasserted. This prevents fragments from being transmitted onto the network. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 53 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register - Address 17h (Cont.) BIT 3 NAME Rx Disable TYPE Read/Write 0 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, the receiver is disabled and no incoming packets pass through the receiver. The link will remain established and, if operating at 100 Mb/s, the descrambler will remain locked. When clear, the receiver is enabled. If Rx Disable is set while a packet is being received, reception is completed and no subsequent receive packets are allowed until Rx Disable is cleared again. Also, if Rx Disable is cleared while a packet is being received, the receiver will remain disabled until the end of the incoming packet. This prevents fragments from being sent to the MAC. 2 LED1 Mode Read/Write 0 1 LED4 Mode Read/Write 0 0 Digital Reset Read/Write 0 Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. This bit defines the mode of Pin LED1. When this bit is set, pin LED1 indicates Carrier Integrity Monitor status as determined by the CIM Status bit in the Self Status Register (address 19h). When this bit is clear, LED1 indicates 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s transmission activity. This bit defines the mode of Pin LED4. When this bit is set, pin LED4 indicates full duplex mode for 10 Mb/s or 100 Mb/s. When this bit is clear, LED4 indicates Polarity in 10 Mb/s mode or full-duplex in 100 Mb/s mode. When set, this bit will reset all digital logic and registers to their initial values. The analog circuitry will not be affected. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 54 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register - Address 18h 15 14 13 Bad SSD Enable Bypass 4B5B Reserved 7 6 Strip Preamble Alternate FDX CRS 5 Loopback Transmit Disable BIT NAME 15 Bad SSD Enable 12 Bypass Symbol Alignment Bypass 4B5B Read/Write 13 12 Reserved Bypass Symbol Alignment Read/Write Read/Write 11 ENDEC Loopback Read/Write 10 9 Reserved Remote Loopback Read/Write Read/Write 10 9 8 ENDEC Loopback Reserved Remote Loopback Reserved 4 3 2 1 0 Premature Code Error Link Error Packet Error Code Error End Error Report Select Report Enable Report Enable Report Enable Report Select TYPE Read/Write 1 14 11 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, this bit enables the reporting of a bad SSD (False-Carrier event) on the MII. These events will be reported by setting RX_ER=1, RX_DV=0, and RXD[3:0]=1110. If the 4B5B encoders are being bypassed, this event will be reported by setting RX_DV=0 and RXD[4:0]=11110. If symbol alignment is bypassed, the CS8952T does not detect carrier, and thus will not report bad SSD events. Reset to the value When set, this bit causes the receive 5B4B decoder on the BP4B5B and the transmit 4B5B encoder to be bypassed. pin. Reset to 0. Reserved bit, should remain at zero. Reset to the value When set, this bit causes the following functions to be on the BPALIGN bypassed: receiver descrambling, symbol alignment and decoding, transmit symbol encoding, and transpin. mit scrambling. 0 When set, the 10BASE-T internal Manchester encoder output is connected to the decoder input. When clear, the CS8952T is configured for normal operation. 0 This bit is reserved. 0 When set, data received from the link is looped back at the MII and sent back out to the link. Received data will be presented on the MII pins. Transmit data at the MII will be ignored. Note: Setting Remote Loopback and PMD Loopback simultaneously will cause neither loopback mode to be entered, and should not be done. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 55 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register - Address 18h (Cont.) BIT 8 7 NAME Reserved Strip Preamble TYPE Read/Write 0 Read/Write 0 6 Alternate FDX CRS Read/Write 0 5 Loopback Transmit Read/Write 1 Disable 4 Code Error Report Select Read/Write 0 RESET DESCRIPTION This bit is reserved. When set this bit causes the 7 bytes of MAC preamble to be stripped off of incoming 100 Mb/s frames. The data received across the MII will begin with the 1 byte Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD). Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. This bit changes the behavior of the CRS pin only in the full-duplex (FDX) mode of operation. When set, CRS will be asserted for transmit data only. When clear, CRS will be asserted only for receive data. This bit controls whether loopback data is transmitted onto the network. When set, any data transmitted during PMD or ENDEC loopback mode will NOT be transmitted onto the network. When clear, data will be transmitted on the TX+/- pins as well as looped back onto the MII pins. When set, this bit causes code errors to be reported by a value of 5h on RXD[3:0] and the assertion of RX_ER. When clear, this bit causes code errors to be reported by a value of 6h on RXD[3:0] and the assertion of RX_ER. This bit is superseded by the Code Error Report Enable bit. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 56 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Loopback, Bypass, and Receiver Error Mask Register - Address 18h (Cont.) BIT 3 NAME TYPE Premature End Read/Write 0 Error Report Select RESET DESCRIPTION When set, this bit causes premature end errors to be reported by a value of 4h on RXD[3:0] and the assertion of RX_ER. When clear, this bit causes premature end errors to be reported by a value of 6h on RXD[3:0] and the assertion of RX_ER. 2 Link Error Report Enable Read/Write 0 1 Packet Error Report Read/Write 0 Enable 0 Code Error Report Enable Read/Write 0 A premature end error is caused by the detection of two IDLE symbols in the 100 Mb/s receive data stream prior to the End of Stream Delimiter. When set, this bit causes link errors to be reported by a value of 3h on RXD[3:0] and the assertion of RX_ER. When clear, link errors are not reported across the MII. When set, this bit causes packet errors to be reported by a value of 2h on RXD[3:0] and the assertion of RX_ER. When clear, packet errors are not reported across the MII. When set, code errors are reported and transmitted on RXD[3:0]. When clear, this bit enables the Code Error Report values on RXD[3:0] as selected by the Code Error Report Select bit and also causes the assertion of TX_ER to transmit a HALT code group. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit of the 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 57 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Self Status Register - Address 19h 15 Link OK 7 Full Duplex 14 Power Down 13 Receiving Data 12 Descrambler Lock 11 Disable CRS on Time-out 10 Auto-Neg Enable Status 6 10BASE-T Mode 5 4 3 2 CIM Status 9 8 PAUSE FEFI Enable 1 0 PHY Address BIT NAME 15 Link OK TYPE Read Only RESET 0 14 Power Down Read Only 0 13 Receiving Data Read Only 0 12 Descrambler Lock Read Only 0 11 Disable CRS on Time-out Read/Write Reset to the logic inverse of the value on the REPEATER pin. 10 Auto-Neg Enable Status Read Only 9 PAUSE Read Only 8 FEFI Enable Read/Write 0 7 Full Duplex Read Only 6 10BASE-T Mode Read Only If auto-negotiation is enabled via the AN[1:0] pins, reset to 1; otherwise, reset to 0. 0 DESCRIPTION When set, this bit indicates that a valid link connection has been detected. The type of link established may be determined from bits 6, 7, and 9. When clear, this bit indicates that a valid link connection does not exist. This bit may be used to determine the current status of the link. When high, this bit indicates that the CS8952T is in a low power state. This bit is high whenever the CS8952T is receiving valid data. It is a direct copy of the state of the RX_DV pin accessible by software. When high, this bit indicates that the descrambler has successfully locked to the scrambler seed of the farend transmitter and is able to descramble received data. This bit controls the state of the CRS pin upon a descrambler time-out. When set, CRS will be forced low upon a descrambler time-out, and will not be released until the descrambler has re-acquired synchronization. This bit reflects the value of bit 12 in the Basic Mode Control Register (address 00h). When set, it indicates that auto-negotiation has been enabled. When clear, this bit indicates that the mode of the CS8952T has been forced to that indicated by bits 6, and 7. When set, this bit indicates that the Flow-Control PAUSE function has been negotiated. This indicates that both the local device and the link partner have advertised this capability. This bit controls the Far-End Fault Generate and Detect state machines. When this bit is set and autonegotiation is disabled (bit 10 is clear), both state machines are enabled. When clear, this bit disables both state machines. When set, this bit indicates that the CS8952T has been configured for Full-Duplex operation. If a full duplex mode is enabled via the AN[1:0] pins, reset to 1; otherwise, reset to 0. 0 When set, this bit indicates that the CS8952T has been configured for 10 Mb/s operation. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 58 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Self Status Register - Address 19h (Cont.) BIT 5 4:0 NAME CIM Status TYPE Read Only RESET DESCRIPTION When clear, this bit indicates that a stable link connection has been detected. When an unstable link is detected and the Carrier Integrity Monitor Disable bit in the PCS Sub-Layer Configuration Register (address 17h) is clear, this bit is set and latched. It will remain set until this register is read. PHY Address Field Read/Write Reset to the val- The value on pins PHYAD[4:0] are latched into this ues on the field at power-up or reset. These bits define the PHY PHYAD[4:0] pins. address used by the management layer to address the PHY. The external logic must know this address in order to select this particular CS8952T's registers individually via the MDIO and MDC pins. 0 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 59 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver 10BASE-T Status Register - Address 1Bh 15 14 13 12 11 Reserved 7 6 5 10 Polarity OK 4 3 2 9 10BASE-T Serial 1 8 Reserved 0 Reserved BIT NAME 15:11 Reserved 10 Polarity OK 9 10BASE-T Serial 8:0 Reserved TYPE Read Only Read Only RESET 0 0000 0 DESCRIPTION When high, the polarity of the receive signal (at the RXD+/RXD- inputs) is correct. If clear, the polarity is reversed. If the Polarity Disable bit of 10BASE-T Configuration Register (address 1Ch) is clear, then the polarity is automatically corrected, if needed. The Polarity OK status bit shows the true state of the incoming polarity independent of the Polarity Disable bit. Read/Write Reset to the value When set, this bit selects 10BASE-T serial mode. on the 10BT_SER When low, this bit selects 10BASE-T nibble mode. pin. This bit will only affect the CS8952T if it has been configured for 10 Mb/s operation. Read Only 0 0000 0000 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 60 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver 10BASE-T Configuration Register - Address 1Ch 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Reserved 7 National Compatibility Mode 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 LED3 Blink Enable Enable LT/10 SQE Enable Reserved Low Rx Squelch Polarity Disable Jabber Enable BIT NAME TYPE RESET 15:8 Reserved Read Only 0000 0000 7 National Compatibil- Read/Write 1 ity Mode 6 5 LED3 Blink Enable Read/Write 0 Enable LT/10 4 SQE Enable 3 Reserved 2 Low Rx Squelch 1 Polarity Disable Read/Write 1 DESCRIPTION When set, registers and bits that are not compatible with the National DP83840 are disabled and writes to these registers are ignored. When set, LED3 will blink during auto-negotiation and will indicate Link Good status upon completion of auto-negotiation. When clear, LED3 indicates Link Good status only. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit (bit 7) is set. When set, this bit enables the transmission of link pulses. When clear, link pulses are disabled and a good link condition is forced. If link pulses are disabled during 100 Mb/s operation with auto-negotiation enabled, the CS8952T will go into 10 Mb/s mode. If operating in 100 Mb/s mode with no auto-negotiation, then clearing this bit has no effect. Read/Write Reset to the logic When set, and if the CS8952T is in half-duplex mode, this bit enables the 10BASE-T SQE function. When inverse of the the part is in repeater mode, this bit is cleared and value on the REPEATER pin. may not be set. Read Only 1 This bit should be read as a don't care and, when written, should be written to 1. Read/Write 0 When clear, the 10BASE-T receiver squelch thresholds are set to levels defined by the ISO/IEC 8802-3 specification. When set, the thresholds are reduced by approximately 6 dB. This is useful for operating with "quiet" cables that are longer than 100 meters. Read/Write 0 The 10BASE-T receiver automatically determines the polarity of the received signal at the RXD+/RXDinput. When this bit is clear, the polarity is corrected, if necessary. When set, no effort is made to correct the polarity. Polarity correction will only be performed during 10BASE-T packet reception. Note: This bit is disabled, and writes to this bit are ignored when the National Compatibility Mode bit (bit 7) is set. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 61 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver 10BASE-T Configuration Register - Address 1Ch (Cont.) BIT 0 NAME Jabber Enable TYPE Read/Write 1 RESET DESCRIPTION When set, the jabber function is enabled. When clear, and if the CS8952T is in 10BASE-T full-duplex or 10BASE-T ENDEC loopback mode, the jabber function is disabled. Note: When the National Compatibility Mode bit (bit 7) is set, the Jabber function may also be disabled for 10BASE-T half-duplex, although this is not recommended. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 62 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Internal Voltage Reference The CS8952T is a mixed-signal device containing the high-speed digital and analog circuits required to implement Fast Ethernet communication. It is important the designer adhere to the following guidelines and recommendations for proper and reliable operation of the CS8952T. These guidelines will also benefit the design with good EMC performance. A 4.99 k 1% biasing resistor must be connected between the CS8952T RES pin and ground. This resistor biases the internal analog circuits of the CS8952T and should be placed as close as possible to RES pin. Connect the other end of this resistor directly to the ground plane. Connect the adjacent CS8952T ground pins (pins 85 and 87) to the grounded end of the resistor forming a "shield" around the RES connection. Twisted Pair Interface The recommended connection of the twisted-pair interface is shown if Figure 6. The unused cable pairs are terminated to increase the common-mode performance. Common-mode performance is also improved by connecting the center taps of the RX and TX input circuits to the DC-isolated ground plane. The 0.01 F capacitor C1 must provide 2KV (1,500 Vrms for 60 seconds) of isolation to meet 802.3 requirements. If a shielded RJ45 connector is used (recommended), the shield should be connected to chassis ground. CS8952 VSS RES VSS 87 86 85 4.99K 1% Via to Ground Plane Figure 7. Biasing Resistor Connection and Layout Clocking Schemes . The CS8952T may be clocked using one of three possible schemes: using a 25 MHz crystal and the T1 TG22-3506 CS8952 TX+ 80 0.1F TXRX+ RX- 81 91 92 16 10 14 12 15 3 2 11 51 4 6 51 5 6 5 51 7 7 51 8 1 RJ-45 1 2 3 SHLD SHLD 49.9 1% 49.9 1% 0.1F 75 75 51 51 0.01F 2KV Figure 6. Recommended Connection of Twisted-Pair Ports (Network Interface Card) CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 63 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver internal oscillator, using an external oscillator supplied through the XTAL_I pin, or using an external clock source supplied through the TX_CLK pin. When a 25 MHz crystal is used, it should be placed within one inch of the XTAL_I and XTAL_O pins of the CS8952T. The crystal traces should be short, have no vias, and run on the component side. Table 10 lists examples of manufacturers of suitable crystals. The designer should evaluate their crystal selection for suitability in their specific design. Alternately, an external CMOS clock source may be connected to the XTAL_I pin, with XTAL_O left open. The input capacitance of the XTAL_I pin is larger than the other inputs (a maximum of 35pF), since it includes the additional load capacitance of the crystal oscillator. Care should be taken to assure any external clock source attached to XTAL_I is capable of driving higher capacitive loads. The clock signal should be 25 MHz 0.01% with a duty cycle between 45% and 55%. The third alternative is to supply a TTL-level clock to both a MAC and the CS8952T's TX_CLK pin. In this case the XTAL_I pin should be left unconnected, and the TCM pin should be left unconnected or pulled high. The clock skew between the TX_CLK input and the TXD[4:0] pins is tightly controlled, assuring data is latched correctly. Recommended Magnetics The CS8952T requires an isolation transformer with a 1:1 turns ratio for both the transmit and receive signals. Table 10 lists examples of manufacturers with transformers meeting these requirements. However, the designer should evaluate the magnetics for suitability in their specific design. Power Supply and Decoupling The CS8952T supports connection to either a 3.3 V or 5.0 V MII. When connected to a +5.0 V MII, all power pins should be provided +5.0 V +/- 5%, and all digital signal inputs should be referenced to +5.0V. When interfaced with a 3.3 V MII, VDD_MII power pins should be provided +3.3 V +/- 5%, VDD power pins should be provided +5.0 V +/- 5%, and all signal inputs, with the exception of XTAL_I, should be referenced to +3.3 V. Component Manufacturer Raltron Electronics Corp. Crystal Part Number AS-25.000-15-FEXT-SMD-TRCIR 10651 NW 19th St. Miami, FL 33172 (305) 593-6033 www.raltron.com TG22-3506ND Transformer Halo Electronics, Inc. P.O. Box 5826 Redwood City, CA 94063 USA (650) 568-5800 www.haloelectronics.com Bel Fuse, Inc. S5558-5999-46 198 Van Vorst Street Jersey City, NJ 07302 USA (201) 432-0463 www.belfuse.com Pulse Engineering PE-68515 12220 World Trade Drive San Diego, CA 92128 USA (619) 674-8100 www.pulseeng.com Table 10. Support Component Manufacturers Each CS8952T power pin should be connected to a 0.1 F bypass capacitor and then to the power plane. The bypass capacitors should be located as close to its corresponding power pin as possible. Connect ground pins directly to the ground plane. General Layout Recommendations The following PCB layout recommendations will help ensure reliable operation of the CS8952T and good EMC performance. * Use a multilayer Printed Circuit Board with at least one ground and one power plane. A typical +5V MII application would be as follows: Layer 1: (top) Components and first choice signal routing Layer 2: Ground Layer 3: Power (+5V) CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 64 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver * * * * * Layer 4: (bottom) Second choice signal routing, bypass components Place transformer T1 as close to the RJ45 connector as possible with the secondary (network) side facing the RJ45 and the primary (chip) side facing the analog side (pins 76-100) of CS8952T. Place the CS8952T in turn as close to T1 as possible. Use the bottom layer for signal routing as a second choice. You may place all components on the top layer. However, bypass capacitors are optimally placed as close to the chip as possible and may be best located underneath the CS8952T on the bottom layer. Termination components at the RJ-45 and fiber transceiver may also be optimally placed on the bottom layer. * Avoid routing traces other than the TX and RX signals under transformer T1 and the RJ45 connector. Signals may run on the bottom side underneath the CS8952T as long as they stay away from critical analog traces. * Connect all CS8952T ground and power pins directly to the ground and power planes, respectively. Note: The VDD_MII power pins may need their own power plane or plane segment in +3.3 V MII applications. * Depending on the orientation and location of the transformer, the CS8952T, and the RJ-45, and on whether the application is for a NIC or a switch, the RX and TX pairs may need to cross. This should be done by changing layers on a pair by pair basis only, using the minimum number of vias, and making sure that each trace within a pair "sees" the same path as its peer. Connect a 0.1 F bypass capacitor to each CS8952T VDD and VDD_MII pin. Place it as close to its corresponding power pin as possible and connect the other lead directly to the ground plane. The 4.99K reference resistor should be placed as close to the RES pin as possible. Connect the other end of this resistor to the ground plane using a via. Connect the adjacent VSS pins (pins 85 and 87) to the grounded end of the resistor forming a shield as illustrated in Figure 7. Controlled impedance is necessary for critical signals TX+/- and RX+/-. These should be run as microstrip transmission lines (100 differential, 50 single-ended). The MII signals should be 68 microstrip transmission lines. (For short MII signal paths one may standardize on a given trace width for all traces without significant degradation in signal integrity.) Figure 6 shows the CS8952T in a NIC or adapter configuration. It may be configured for a hub or repeater application by changing the wiring to the RJ-45 as shown in Table 11. * Differential pair transmission lines should be routed close together (one trace width spacing edge-to-edge) and kept at least two trace widths away from other traces, components, etc. TX and RX pairs should be routed away from each other and may use opposite sides of the PCB as necessary, Each member of the differential pair should "see" the same PCB terrain as its peer. * Unused spaces on the signal layers should be filled with ground fill (pour). Vias should connect the ground patches to the ground plane. This is especially recommended (symmetrical- CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 65 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver ly) on both sides of the TX+/- traces. CS8952T Pin Assignment 91 (RX+) 92 (RX-) 81 (TX-) 80 (TX+) T1 Primary Pin T1 Secondary Assignment Pin Assignment 1 (RX+) 7 (RX+) 2 (RX-) 6 (RX-) 16 (TX-) 10 (TX-) 15 (TX+) 11 (TX+) RJ-45 Pin Assignment Adapter/NIC Hub/Repeater Configuration Configuration 3 (RD+) 1 (RD+) 6 (RD-) 2 (RD-) 2 (TD-) 6 (TD-) 1 (TD+) 3 (TD+) Table 11. RJ-45 Wiring * * No signal current carrying planes, i.e. no ground or power plane, should be present underneath the region between the transformer secondary (network) side and the RJ-45. However, a chassis plane may be added in this region to pick up the metal tabs of a shielded RJ45. This chassis plane should be separated from the ground and power planes by at least 50 mils. That is, all other ground and power planes should be "cookie cuttered" so they are voided in the area of the chassis plane. Generally speaking, parts should not cross the moat except for the transformer. Proper termination practices must be used with all transmission lines, especially if sending/receiving high speed signals. Series terminations must be kept close to the source and load termi- nations close to the load. * Locate the crystal as close to the CS8952T as possible, running short traces on the component side in order to reduce parasitic load capacitance. * Add bulk capacitance at each connector where power may be supplied. For example, MII power may be provided at the MII connector and at a separate connector for test purposes. If so, and the two connectors are not adjacent, then the bulk capacitors should be duplicated in each locations. * Use wide traces to connect the unused pairs termination resistors at T1 and the RJ-45 to the 2 KV capacitor or capacitors in order to minimize their lead inductance. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 66 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SPECIFICATIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (AVSS, DVSS = 0 V, all voltages with respect to 0 V.) Parameter Power Supply Core MII Input Current Input Voltage Symbol VDD VDD_MII Except Supply Pins Output Voltage Max 6.0 6.0 Unit V -0.3 +/-10.0 VDD_MII + 0.3 VDD_MII + 0.3 +125 +150 mA V -0.3 Ambient Temperature Storage Temperature WARNING: Min -0.3 -0.3 Power Applied -55 -65 V C C Operation at or beyond these limits may result in permanent damage to the device. Normal operation is not guaranteed at these extremes. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS (AVSS, DVSS = 0 V, all voltages with respect to 0 V.) Parameter Power Supply Core MII Operating Ambient Temperature Symbol VDD VDD_MII Min 4.75 3.0 Max 5.25 5.25 Unit V V TA 0 70 C Typ 25.0 15 0.021 - Max +50 +40 18 7 Unit MHz ppm ppm pF pF pF QUARTZ CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS (If a 25 MHz quartz crystal is used, it must meet the following specifications.) Parameter Parallel Resonant Frequency Resonant Frequency Error (CL = 15 pF) Resonant Frequency Change Over Operating Temperature Crystal Load Capacitance Motional Crystal Capacitance Series Resistance Shunt Capacitance Min -50 -40 - CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 67 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver DC CHARACTERISTICS (Over recommended operating conditions) Parameter Power Supply Power Supply Current 100BASE-TX (Note 1) 10BASE-T (Note 1) Hardware Power-Down (Note 1) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit IDD 135 80 900 145 - mA IDDHPDN - Software Power-Down (Note 1) IDDSPDN - 20 - mA Low Power Power-Up (Note 1) IDDSLPUP - 900 - A Oscillator XTAL_I Input Low Voltage VIXH -0.3 - 0.2 V XTAL_I Input High Voltage VIXH 3.0 - VDD + 0.3 V XTAL_I Input Low Current IIXL -40 - - A XTAL_I Input High Current IIXH - - 40 A XTAL_I Input Capacitance CL 35 - pF XTAL_I Input Cycle Time tIXC 39.996 - 40.004 ns XTAL_I Input Low Time tIXL 18 - 22 ns XTAL_I Input High Time tXH 18 - 22 ns IOL = 4.0mA - - 0.4 IOL = 10.0mA - - 0.4 Digital I/O Output Low Voltage CLK25, MII_IRQ, SPD10, SPD100 LED[4:0] V VOL Output Low Voltage (MII_DRV = 1) COL, CRS, MDIO, RXD[3:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, TX_CLK IOL = 4.0mA VDD_MII = 5V; IOL = 43.0mA VDD_MII = 3.3V, IOL = 26.0mA VOL Output Low Voltage (MII_DRV = 0) COL, CRS, MDIO, RXD[3:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, TX_CLK VOL V - IOL = 4.0mA A - 0.4 3.05 2.1 V - - 0.4 1. With digital outputs connected to CMOS loads. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 68 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver DC CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter Digital I/O (cont.) Output High Voltage CLK25, SPD10, SPD100 IOH = -4.0mA Output High Voltage (MII_DRV = 1) COL, CRS, MDIO, RXD[3:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, TX_CLK IOH= -4.0mA VDD_MII = 5V; IOH = -20.0mA VDD_MII = 3.3V, IOH = -20.0mA Symbol Output High Voltage (MII_DRV = 0) COL, CRS, MDIO, RXD[3:0], RX_CLK, RX_DV, RX_ER, TX_CLK IOH = -4.0mA Input Low Voltage All Inputs Except AN[1:0], TCM, TXSLEW[1:0], XTAL_I Input High Voltage All Inputs Except AN[1:0], TCM, TXSLEW[1:0], XTAL_I Tri-Level Input Voltages AN[1:0], TCM, TXSLEW[1:0] VOH Input Low Current MDC, TXD[3:0], TX_CLK, TX_EN, TX_ER MDIO Input High Current MDC, TXD[3:0], TX_CLK, TX_EN, TX_ER MDIO Input Leakage Current All Other Inputs Min Typ Max 2.4 - - VOH V V VOH 2.4 1.1 1.1 - V VIL 2.4 - - 0.8 VIH 2.0 - VDD_MII + 0.3 V VIL - - 1/3 VDD_MII - 20% V VIM 1/3 VDD_MII + 20% - 2/3 VDD_MII - 20% VIH 2/3 VDD_MII + 20% - - VI = 0.0V VI = 0.0V V A IIL -20 - - -3800 - A IIH VI = 5.0V - - 200 VI = 5.0V - - 20 -10 - +10 A ILEAK 0<=V<=VDD Unit CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 69 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS Parameter 10BASE-T Interface Transmitter Differential Output Voltage (Peak) Symbol Min Typ Max Unit VOD 2.2 - 2.8 V Receiver Normal Squelch Level (Peak) VISQ 300 - 525 mV Receiver Low Squelch Level (LoRxSquelch bit set) 100BASE-TX Interface Transmitter Differential Output Voltage (Peak) VSQL 125 - 290 mV VOP 0.95 - 1.05 V Transmitter Signal Amplitude Symmetry VSYM 98 - 102 % Transmitter Differential Output Impedance ZOUT - 100 - ohms Transmit Rise/Fall Time tRF 3.0 - 5.0 ns Transmit Rise/Fall Symmetry tRFS - - 0.5 ns Transmit Duty Cycle Distortion tDCD - - +/-0.5 ns Transmit Overshoot/Undershoot tOS - - 5 % Transmit Jitter tJT - 400 1400 ps - - 1.0 Vp-p 0.2 - - Vp-p - - 1000 350 s s Receive Signal Detect Assert Threshold Receive Signal Detect De-assert Threshold Receive Signal Detect Assert Time Receive Signal Detect De-assert Time CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 70 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10BASE-T Serial Mode Transmit Timing TX_CLK Period Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tTCP - 100 - ns tTCH, tTCL - 50 - ns Transmit Data Setup to TX_CLK tTDS 10 - - ns Transmit Data Hold from TX_CLK tTDH 10 - - ns Transmit Throughput Delay tTPD - - 500 ns TX+/- Pair Jitter into 100 Load tTXJ - - 8 ns TX+/- Pair Positive Hold Time at End of Packet tTXH 250 - - ns TX+/- Pair Return to 50 mV after Last Positive Transition tTXOFF - - 4.5 s TX_CLK Pulse Width tTCP In/Out TX_CLK tTCH tTCL In TX_EN tTDH tTDS TXD0 In tTPD tTXH Out TX+/TXtTXJ tTXOFF CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 71 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10BASE-T Serial Mode Receive Timing Allowable Received Jitter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tRXJ - - +/-13.5 ns Carrier Sense Assertion Delay tRCRSA 300 - 600 ns Carrier Sense Deassertion Delay tRCRSD - - 400 ns Collision Assertion Delay tRCOLA 300 - 600 ns Collision Deassertion Delay tRCOLD - - 400 ns tRCP - 100 - ns tRCH, tRCL - 50 - ns Carrier Sense Hold from RX_CLK tRCRSH 35 - - ns RX_CLK Rising Edges After Carrier Sense Deasserted Receive Data Throughput Delay tRCYC 6 - - # tRLAT - - 250 ns Receive Data Setup to RX_CLK tRDS 35 - - ns Receive Data Hold from RX_CLK tRDH 50 - - ns RX_CLK Period RX_CLK Pulse Width RX+/RXtRCRSA tRXJ tRCRSD CRS tRCOLA tRCOLD COL tRCP tRCYC tRCSRH RX_CLK tRLAT tRDS tRCH tRCL tRDH RXD0 CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 72 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10Base-T Jabber/Unjabber Timing Maximum Transmit Time Unjabber Time Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tJAB - 105 - ms tUNJAB - 406 - ms TX_EN In tJAB TX+/TX- Out tUNJAB COL Out Parameter 10Base-T SQE (Heartbeat) Timing COL (SQE) Delay after TX_EN off COL (SQE) Pulse Width Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tSQED - 1.4 - s tSQEP - 1.3 - s TX_CLK In/Out tTES TX_EN In tSQED tSQEP COL Out CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 73 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter Auto-negotiation and Fast Link Pulses Clock/Data Pulse Width Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tLPW 80 100 130 ns Clock Pulse to Data Pulse Time tLCDW 55.5 64 69.5 s Clock Pulse to Clock Pulse Time tLCCW 111 128 139 s Fast Link Pulse (FLP) Burst Width tFLW - 2 - ms FLP Burst to FLP Burst Time tLPP 15 16 17 ms 17 - 33 Fast Link Pulses per Burst 10BASE-T Link Integrity First Transmitted Link Pulse after Last Transmitted Packet Minimum Received Link Pulses Separation tLN1 15 16 17 ms tLN4 - - 7 ms Maximum Received Link Pulse Separation tLN5 50 - - ms Last Receive Activity to Link Fail (Link Loss Timer) tLN6 50 52 150 ms Clock Pulse Data Pulse Clock Pulse Fast Link Pulses tLPW tLCDW tLCCW FLP Bursts tFLW tLPP Normal Link Pulses tLPW CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 74 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 100BASE-X MII Receive Timing "Start of Stream" to CRS asserted Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tRCRSA - 10 11 BT "End of Stream" to CRS de-asserted tRCRSD - - 21 BT "Start of Stream" to COL asserted tRCOLA - - 11 BT "End of Stream" to COL de-asserted tRCOLD - - 21 BT tRCP - 40 - ns tRCL, tRCH - 20 - ns tRLAT 15 - 19 9 - BT tRDS 12 5 10 tRDH 10 - - ns tREN - - 60 ns tRDIS - - 60 ns RX_CLK Period RX_CLK Pulse Width "Start of Stream" to RXD latency Aligned Alignment Bypassed RXD[3:0],RX_ER/RXD4,RX_DV setup to rising edge of RX_CLK RXD[3:0],RX_ER/RXD4,RX_DV hold from rising edge of RX_CLK RX_EN asserted to RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD[3:0] valid RX_EN de-asserted to RX_DV, RX_ER, RXD[3:0], RX_ER/RXD4 tristated RX+/RX- ns In tRCRSD tRCRSA CRS Out tRCOLD tRCOLA COL Out tRCP RX_CLK Out tRLAT tRCL tRCH RX_DV Out tRDS tRDH RXD[4:0], RX_ER Out RX_EN In tREN RXD[4:0], RX_DV, RX_ER tRDIS Out CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 75 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 100BASE-X MII Transmit Timing TX_CLK Period Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tTCP - 40 - ns TX_CLK Pulse Width tTCL, tTCH - 20 - ns TXD[3:0], TX_ER, TX_EN Setup to TX_CLK High tTDS 10 - - ns TXD[3:0], TX_ER, TX_EN Hold after TX_CLK High TX_CLK to CRS asserted latency tTDH 0 - - ns tTCRSA - - 8 BT TX_CLK to CRS de-asserted latency tTCRSD - - 8 BT tTPD 6 - 7 6 8 7 BT TX_CLK to TX+/- output (TX Latency) Aligned Alignment Bypassed tTCP TX_CLK In/Out tTCL tTCH TX_EN In tTDS tTDH TXD[4:0], TX_ER In tTCRSD tTCRSA CRS Out tTPD Out TX+/TX- CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 76 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10BASE-T MII Receive Timing RX+/- preamble to CRS asserted Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tRCRSA - 5 7 BT RX+/- end of packet to CRS de-asserted tRCRSD 2.5 3 BT RX+/- preamble to COL asserted tRCOLA 0 - 7 BT RX+/- end of packet to COL de-asserted tRCOLD - - 3 BT tRCP - 400 - ns tRCL, tRCH - 200 - ns "Start of Stream" to RXD latency tRLAT - 13 17 BT RXD[3:0], RX_ER, RX_DV setup to rising edge of RX_CLK RXD[3:0], RX_ER, RX_DV hold from rising edge of RX_CLK RX_EN asserted to RX_DV, RXD[3:0], RX_ER valid RX_EN de-asserted to RX_DV, RXD[3:0]. RX_ER in high impedance state tRDS 30 - - ns tRDH 30 - - ns tREN - - 60 ns tRDIS - - 60 ns RX_CLK Period RX_CLK Pulse Width RX+/RX- In tRCRSD tRCRSA CRS Out tRCOLD tRCOLA COL Out tRCP RX_CLK Out tRLAT tRCL tRCH RX_DV Out tRDS tRDH RXD[3:0], RX_ER Out RX_EN In tREN RXD[4:0], RX_DV, RX_ER tRDIS Out CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 77 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10BASE-T MII Transmit Timing TX_CLK Period Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tTCP - 400 - ns TX_CLK Pulse Width tTCL, tTCH - 200 - ns TXD[3:0], TX_EN, TX_ER Setup to TX_CLK High tTDS 10 - - ns TXD[3:0], TX_EN, TX_ER Hold after TX_CLK High TX_CLK to CRS asserted latency tTDH 0 - - ns tTCRSA 0 - 4 BT TX_CLK to CRS de-asserted latency tTCRSD 0 - 16 BT TX_CLK to TX+/- output (TX Latency) tTPD 6 - 14 BT TX+/- hold at end of packet tTXH 250 - - ns tTXOFF - - 4.5 s TX+/- return to idle (<= 50 mV) tTCP TX_CLK In/Out tTCL tTCH TX_EN In tTDS tTDH TXD[3:0], TX_ER In tTCRSA tTCRSD CRS Out tTPD tTXH Out TX+/TXtTXOFF CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 78 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10BASE-T Serial Receive Timing Allowable receive jitter at bit cell center Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tRXJ - - +/- 13.5 ns RX+/- active to CRS active tRCRSA - - 600 ns CRS de-asserted after RX+/- inactive tRCRSD - - 400 ns RX+/- active to COL active tRCOLA - - 600 ns COL de-asserted after RX+/- inactive tRCOLD - - 400 ns tRCP - 400 - ns tRCL, tRCH - 200 - ns CSR hold from RX_CLK tRCSRH 5 - - ns RX_CLK hold after CRS off tRCYC 5 - - cycles RXD[0] throughput delay tRLAT - - 1200 ns RXD[0] setup from RX_CLK tRDS 35 - - ns RXD[0] hold from RX_CLK tRDH 50 - - ns RX_CLK Period RX_CLK Pulse Width RX+/RX- In tRCRSA tRXJ tRCRSD CRS Out tRCOLA tRCOLD COL Out tRCP tRCYC tRCSRH RX_CLK Out tRLAT tRDS tRCH tRCL tRDH RXD0 Out CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 79 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter 10BASE-T Serial Transmit Timing TX_CLK Period Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tTCP - 400 - ns TX_CLK Pulse Width tTCL, tTCH - 200 - ns TXD[0], TX_EN Setup from TX_CLK tTDS 10 - - ns TXD[0], TX_EN Hold after TX_CLK tTDH 10 - - ns Transmit throughput delay tTPD - - 500 ns TXD+/- jitter tTPD - - +/- 8 ns TX+/- hold at end of packet tTXH 250 - - ns tTXOFF - - 4.5 s TX+/- return to idle (<= 50 mV) tTCP In/Out TX_CLK tTCH tTCL In TX_EN tTDH tTDS TXD0 In tTPD tTXH Out TX+/TXtTXJ tTXOFF CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 80 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (CONT.) Parameter Serial Management Interface MDC Period Symbol Min Typ Max Unit tMDCP 60 - - ns tMDCL,tMDCH 40 - 60 % MDIO Setup to MDC (MDIO as input) tMDIS 10 - - ns MDIO Hold after MDC (MDIO as input) tMDIH 10 - - ns MDC to MDIO valid (MDIO as output) tMDO 0 - 40 ns MDC Pulse Width tMDCP In MDC tMDIS MDIO (Input) tMDIH tMDCH tMDCL Valid Data In tMDO MDIO (Output) Valid Data Out CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 81 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS Package Dimensions E E1 D D1 1 e B A A1 L DIM A A1 B D D1 E E1 e (Note 1) L Min 0.05 0.17 15.70 13.90 15.70 13.90 0.40 0.45 0.00 Max 1.60 0.15 0.27 16.30 14.10 16.30 14.10 0.60 0.75 7.00 Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm degrees 1. Nominal pin pitch is 0.50 mm. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 82 DS206TPP2 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver Recommended PCB Footprint C E D G Z Y X DIM C D E G X Y Z Min 13.80 0.30 16.80 Typ 15.40 12.00 0.50 1.60 - Max 14.00 0.40 17.00 Unit mm mm mm mm mm mm mm CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK DS206TPP2 83 CS8952T CrystalLANTM 100BASE-X and 10BASE-T Transceiver REVISION HISTORY Revision PP1 PP2 PP3 Changes - Initial publication. - Added electrical and timing specifications. - Reformatted register information. - Changed order of pin description and electrical specifications sections. - Changed VDD_MII pin description to make it clear it powers all I/O pads except XTAL_I, not just MII. - Added VIH max specification in DC Characteristics section. - Changed XTAL_I input capacitance specification from max to typ since it is not actually measured at test. - Moved electrical specification and pin description sections back where they were in PP1. - Added XTAL_I pin to VIL and VIH exception lists. - Fixed pin diagram figure to reverse RX_NRZ+/- and TEST0/1. - Added typical PCB footprint in mechanical section. - Changed XTAL_I electrical specification to reflect the fact it is referenced to VDD instead of VDD_MII. - Added more verbiage to Functional Description. CIRRUS LOGIC ADVANCED PRODUCT DATABOOK 84 DS206TPP2 * Notes *