Display 8" color LCD, TFT display , 800×600 pixels
Channel 4
Max record length
When four channels are turned on, the max record length is 10M; and max
20M for two channels; max 40M for one channel.
Sampling rate / relay
time accuracy
±2.5 ppm max (Ta = +25℃)
Input coupling DC, AC, Ground
Input impedance 1MΩ±2%,in parallel with 15pF±5pF
Max input voltage 400 V (DC + AC Peak)
DC gain accuracy
1 mV ±4%
≥ 2 mV ±3%
8 bits mode 1 mV ±4%
≥ 2 mV ±3%
12 bits mode
14 bits mode
1 mV ±3%
≥ 2 mV ±2%
1 mV ±3%
≥ 2 mV ±2%
8 bits mode 1 mV ±3%
≥2 mV ±2%
12 bits mode
14 bits mode
1 mV ±3%
≥2 mV ±2%
Vertical sensitivity 1 mV/div - 10 V/div
Trigger type Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Runt, Windows, Timeout, Nth Edge, Logic, I2C,
SPI, RS232, CAN (optional)
Decoding Ty pe
RS232, I2C, SPI, CAN
Trigger mode Auto, Normal, Single
Line/field frequency
Support standard NTSC, PAL and SECAM
Period, Frequency, Mean, PK-PK, RMS, Max, Min, Top, Base, Amplitude,
Overshoot, Preshoot, Rise Time, Fall Time, +Pulse Width, -Pulse Width,
+Duty Cycle, -Duty Cyc le, Delay A→B , Delay A→B , Cycl e RMS,
Cursor RMS, Screen Duty, Phase A→B , Phase A→B , +Pulse Count,
-Pulse Count, Rise Edge Count, Fall Edge Count, Area, and Cycle Area.
Waveform math +, -, *, / ,FFT, FFTrms, Intg, Diff, Sqrt, User Defined Function,
digital filter (low pass, high pass, band pass, band reject)
Waveform storage 100 waveforms
USB host, USB device, Trig Out (Pass/Fail), LAN
Printer compatibility PictBridge
Power supply 100V - 240 VACRMS, 50/60 Hz, CAT Ⅱ
2 A, T class, 250 V
Battery (optional) 3.7V, 13200mAh
Touch screen (optional) Multi-touch capacitive touc h screen
* For XDS3064(A)E and XDS3104(A)E, Max Sa mple rate (real time) for Dual CH should
meet either following c ondition:
CH1&CH2 on, CH3&CH4 off;
CH1&CH2 off, CH3&CH4 on.