General Description
Critical loads often employ parallel-connected power
supplies with redundancy to enhance system reliability.
The MAX8555/MAX8555A are highly integrated, inex-
pensive MOSFET controllers that provide isolation and
redundant power capability in high-reliability systems.
The MAX8555/MAX8555A are used in 0.5V to 3.3V sys-
tems, and have an internal charge pump to drive the
gates of the N-channel pass elements to VCS+ + 5V.
During startup, the MAX8555/MAX8555A monitor the
voltage drop across the external MOSFETs. Once VCS+
approaches or exceeds the bus voltage (VCS-), the
MOSFETs are turned on. The MAX8555/MAX8555A fea-
ture a dual-purpose TIMER input. A single external
resistor from TIMER to ground sets the turn-on speed of
the external MOSFETs. Optionally, the TIMER input can
be used as a logic enable input. Once the external
MOSFET is turned on, these controllers monitor the
load, protecting the bus against overvoltage, undervolt-
age, and reverse-current fault conditions. The
MAX8555 is available with a 40mV reverse-current
threshold, while the MAX8555A is available with a
20mV reverse-current threshold.
Overvoltage and undervoltage fault thresholds are
adjustable and can be disabled. The current-limit trip
points are set by the external MOSFETs’ RDS(ON),
reducing component count. An open-drain, logic-low
fault output indicates if an overvoltage, undervoltage, or
reverse-current fault occurs. The MAX8555 and the
MAX8555A can shut down in response to a reverse-
current fault condition as quickly as 200ns.
VDD is the power-supply input for the MAX8555/
MAX8555A and the input to the internal preregulator.
Bypass VDD to GND with a 0.01µF capacitor. The input
supply range for VDD is 8V to 13.25V. The internal
charge pump is disabled for input voltages above
14.4V (typ). For 3V to 5.5V input voltages, connect VDD
to VL.
VL is the regulated power supply for the
MAX8555/MAX8555A. The MAX8555/MAX8555A moni-
tor VL at all times. During startup the device turns on
when VL rises above VLOK (2.82V typ). After VVL
exceeds VLOK and VCS+ is typically greater than
(VCS- - 100mV), the charge pump turns on and drives
GATE high, turning on the external MOSFETs. For oper-
ation from 3V to 5.5V input supplies, connect VL
to VDD.
GATE is the output of the internal charge pump that
drives the external MOSFETS. During startup, the volt-
age at GATE ramps up according to the charge-pump
frequency. At 250kHz, the GATE drive current for the
MAX8555/MAX8555A is 12µA. Increasing the charge-
pump frequency increases the GATE drive current. To
change charge-pump frequency, change the value of
RTIMER. See the Selecting the TIMER Resistor section.
CS+, CS-
The voltage drop across the external MOSFETs is mea-
sured between the CS+ and CS- inputs. CS+ connects
to the positive side of the input voltage. CS- connects to
the positive side of the system bus. The MAX8555/
MAX8555A use the voltage drop across CS+ and CS- to
determine operating mode. IFORWARD is defined as
VCS+ - VCS- and must be greater than 0.01V (typ) to
properly detect an overvoltage fault condition. IREVERSE
is defined as VCS- - VCS+ and must be greater than
0.02V (MAX8555A) or 0.04V (MAX8555) (typ) for a
reverse-current fault. The IFORWARD and IREVERSE
thresholds can be effectively increased by placing an
external divider such as R8 and R9 as shown in Figure 4.
The values shown increase the thresholds by 50%. When
R8 and R9 are used, also add R10 (a parallel combina-
tion of R8 and R9) to eliminate any input offset errors
caused by impedance differences and input-bias-cur-
rent differences.
Fault Conditions
The MAX8555/MAX8555A have an open-drain FAULT
output that signals overvoltage, undervoltage, or
reverse-current fault conditions. During a fault condi-
tion, FAULT is pulled to GND, the charge pump shuts
down, and GATE discharges to CS- in 200ns (typ). See
Table 1 for fault modes.
Undervoltage Fault
The MAX8555/MAX8555A turn off the external
MOSFETs if VUVP falls below the UVP threshold (0.4V).
Connect UVP to the center of a resistor-divider from the
input supply to GND. Once VUVP rises above the UVP
rising threshold (0.5V), FAULT clears and GATE is dri-
ven high. FAULT is not latched. Connect UVP to VL to
disable the undervoltage-protection feature.
Overvoltage Fault
The MAX8555/MAX8555A are protected from overvolt-
age conditions using an adjustable overvoltage-protec-
tion input. A resistor-divider from the output bus to GND
with OVP connected to the center tap sets the overvolt-
age threshold. When VOVP exceeds the OVP threshold
(0.5V) and the device is in the IFORWARD condition
Low-Cost, High-Reliability, 0.5V to 3.3V ORing
MOSFET Controllers
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