SPM TM FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module(SPM(R)) for Front-End Rectifier General Description Features FPAB20BH60B is an advanced smart power module (SPM(R)) of PFC(Power Factor Correction) that Fairchild has newly developed and designed mainly targeting mid-power application especially for an air conditioners. It combines optimized circuit protection and drive IC matched to high frequency switching IGBT. System reliability is futher enhanced by the integrated under-voltage lock-out and over-current protection function. * Low thermal resistance due to Al2O3-DBC substrate * 600V-20A Single phase IGBT PWM semi-converter including a drive IC for gate driving and protection * Typical switching frequency of 20kHz * Isolation rating of 2500Vrms/min. Applications * Home appliances application like air conditioner Fig. 1. (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) March 2010 * PFC converter for single-phase AC/DC power conversion (Please refer to Fig. 3) Integrated Drive, Protection and System Control Functions * For IGBT: Gate drive circuit, Overcurrent circuit protection (OC), Control supply circuit under-voltage (UV) protection * Fault signaling: Corresponding to a UV fault and OC fault * Input interface: 3.3/5V CMOS/LSTTL compatible, Schmitt trigger input Pin Configuration Top View 12.205 (21)P 18.345 (1)VCC (2)COM (3)COM (4)COM (5)IN (6)VFO (7)CFOD (8)CSC (22)P (23)N.C (9)RTH (10)VTH (24)L (11)N.C Case Temperature (TC) Detecting Point (12)N.C (25)PR (13)N (14)N (15)N (16)N (26)R (17)NR (18)NR DBC Substrate (19)NR (27)S (20)NR Fig. 2. Note : For the measurement point of case temperature(TC), please refer to Fig. 2. (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Integrated Power Functions FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Pin Descriptions Pin Number 1 Pin Name VCC 2,3,4 COM 5 IN Pin Description Common Bias Voltage for IC and IGBT Driving Common Supply Ground Signal Input for IGBT 6 VFO 7 CFOD Fault Output Capacitor for Fault Output Duration Time Selection 8 CSC Capacitor (Low-pass Filter) for Over Current Detection 9 R(TH) NTC Thermistor terminal 10 V(TH) NTC Thermistor terminal No Connection* 11,12 N.C 13~16 N 17~20 NR 21,22 P IGBT emitter Negative DC-Link of Rectifier Positive Rail of DC-Link 23 N.C 24 L No Connection 25 PR 26 R AC input for R-phase 27 S AC input for S-phase Reactor connection pin Positive DC-Link of Rectifier * 11th and 12th pins are cut. Please refer to package outline drawings for more detail. Internal Equivalent Circuit and Input/Output Pins (10) VTH NTC Thermistor (9) RTH (8) CSC CSC (7) CFOD CFOD (6) VFO VFO (5) IN IN (21,22) P (24) L (25) PR OUT (26) R (2~4) COM COM (1) VCC VCC (27) S (13~16) N (17~20) NR Fig. 3. Package Marking & Ordering Information Device Marking Device Package Reel Size Tape Width Quantity FPAB20BH60B FPAB20BH60B SPM27-IC - - 10 (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Unless Otherwise Specified) Converter Part Item Input Supply Voltage Symbol Vi Input Supply Voltage (Surge) V i(Surge) Applied between R-S 500 V VPN Applied between P- N 450 V VPN(Surge) Applied between P- N 500 V 600 V Output Voltage Output Voltage (Surge) Collector-emitter Voltage Condition Applied between R-S Rating 264 V CES Unit VRMS Each IGBT Collector Current IC TC = 25C, TJ < 150C 20 A Each IGBT Collector Current (peak) ICP TC = 25C, TJ < 150C Under 1ms pulse width 40 A PC TC = 25C per One IGBT 89 W Collector Dissipation Repititive Peak Reverse Voltage VRRM Peak Forward Surge Current IFSM Operating Junction Temperature 600 V 250 A -40 ~ 150 C Single half sine-wave TJ Control Part Item Control Supply Voltage Symbol Condition V CC Applied between VCC - COM Rating 20 Unit V V Input Signal Voltage VIN Applied between IN - COM -0.3~VCC +0.3 Fault Output Supply Voltage VFO Applied between VFO - COM -0.3~VCC +0.3 V Fault Output Current IFO Sink Current at VFO Pin 5 mA Current Sensing Input Voltage VSC Applied between CSC - COM -0.3~VCC +0.3 V Total System Item Storage Temperature Symbol TSTG Condition Rating -40 ~ 125 Unit C VISO 60Hz, Sinusoidal, AC 1 minute, Connection Pins to DBC 2500 Vrms Isolation Voltage Thermal Resistance Item Junction to Case Thermal Resistance (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Symbol Rq(j-c)Q Rq(j-c)F Rq(j-c)R Condition IGBT Min. Typ. - Max. 1.4 Unit C/W FRD - - 1.4 C/W Rectifier - - 2.1 C/W FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Absolute Maximum Ratings (TJ = 25C, Converter Part Item IGBT saturation voltage Symbol VCE(sat) Condition VCC =15V, V IN = 5V; IC =20A Min. - Typ. 2.3 Max. 3.0 Unit V V FRD forward voltage VFF IF = 20A - 1.8 2.5 Rectifier forward voltage VFR IF = 20A - 1.2 1.5 V Switching Times tON VPN = 400V, VCC = 15V, IC =20A VIN = 0V 5V, Inductive Load - 450 - ns - 200 - ns - 350 - ns - 80 - ns trr - 70 - ns Irr - 6 - A - - 250 mA tC(ON) tOFF (Note 1) tC(OFF) Collector - emitter Leakage Current ICES VCE = VCES Note 1. tON and tOFF include the propagation delay time of the internal drive IC. tC(ON) and t C(OFF) are the switching time of IGBT itself under the given gate driving condition internally. For the detailed information, please see Fig. 4 Electrical Characteristics Irr 120% of IC 100% of IC VCE IC 90% of IC 15% of VCE IC VIN 10% of IC VCE 15% of VCE 10% of IC VIN tON trr tC(ON) tC(OFF) tOFF (a) Turn-on (b) Turn-off Fig. 4. Switching Time Definition Control Part Item Symbol Condition Quiescent VCC Supply Cur- IQCCL VCC = 15V, IN = 0V VCC - COM rent Fault Output Voltage Min. - Typ. - Max. 26 Unit mA VFOH VSC = 0V, VFO Circuit: 4.7kW to 5V Pull-up 4.5 - - V VFOL VSC = 1V, VFO Circuit: 4.7kW to 5V Pull-up - - 0.8 V Over Current Trip Level VSC(ref) VCC = 15V 0.45 0.5 0.55 V Supply Circuit UnderVoltage Protection UVCCD Detection Level 10.7 11.9 13.0 V UVCCR Reset Level 11.2 12.4 13.2 V Fault-out Pulse Width tFOD CFOD = 33nF (Note 2) 1.4 1.8 2.0 ms Applied between IN - COM 2.8 - - V - - 0.8 V @ T TH = 25C (Note3, Fig. 9) - 47.0 - kW @ T TH = 100C (Note3, Fig. 9) - 2.9 - kW ON Threshold Voltage VIN(ON) OFF Threshold Voltage V IN(OFF) Resistance of Thermistor RTH Note 2. The fault-out pulse width tFOD depends on the capacitance value of CFOD according to the following approximate equation : CFOD = 18.3 x 10-6 x tFOD[F] 3. T TH is the temperature of thermister itselt. To know case temperature (T C), please make the experiment considering your application. (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Electrical Characteristics (TJ = 25C, Unless Otherwise Specified) Item Input Supply Voltage Symbol Condition Vi Applied between R-S Output Voltage VPN Applied between P-N Control Supply Voltage VCC Applied between VCC(L)- COM Control supply variation dVCC/dt PWM Input Frequency fPWM Allowable Input Current (Peak) Ii Min. 187 Typ. 220 Max. 253 Unit V 380 400 V 15 - 16.5 V 1 V/ms 13.5 -1 TJ 150C per IGBT 20 kHz TC < 95C, Vi=220V, VPN=380V VPWM=20KHz 20 A Mechanical Characteristics and Ratings Item Limits Condition Mounting Torque Mounting Screw: - M3 Device Flatness Note Fig. 5 Recommended 0.62N*m Weight Typ. 0.62 Max. 0.72 0 - +120 mm - 15.00 - g (+) (+) (+) Fig. 5. Flatness Measurement Position (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Units Min. 0.51 N*m FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Recommended Operating Condition In p u t S ig n a l In te r n a l IG B T G a te -E m itte r V o lta g e P3 C o n tr o l S u p p ly V o lta g e P2 UV re se t P5 UV d e te c t P6 P1 O u tp u t C u rr e n t P4 F a u lt O u tp u t S ig n a l P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 : Normal operation - IGBT ON and conducting current : Under voltage detection : IGBT gate interrupt : Fault signal generation : Under voltage reset : Normal operation - IGBT ON and conducting current Fig. 6. Under-Voltage Protection P5 In p u t S ig n a l P6 In te r n a l IG B T G a te - E m itte r V o lta g e O C D e t e c t io n P1 P4 P7 O u tp u t C u r re n t P2 O C R e fe re n c e V o lt a g e ( 0 . 5 V ) S e n s in g V o l ta g e R C F ilt e r D e la y F a u lt O u tp u t S ig n a l P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P3 : Normal operation - IGBT ON and conducting current : Over current detection : IGBT gate interrupt / Fault signal generation : IGBT is slowly turned off : IGBT OFF signal : IGBT ON signal - but IGBT cannot be turned on during the fault Output activation : IGBT OFF state : Fault Output reset and normal operation start Fig. 7. Over Current Protection (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation P8 FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Time Charts of SPMs Protective Function FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Fig. 8. Application Example R-T Curve 200 MIN TYP MAX 4 MIN TYP MAX Resistance RTH[kW] Resistance RTH[kW] 150 100 3 2 1 95 0 100 105 110 115 120 125 Temperature TTH[ ] 50 0 25 50 75 100 Temperature TTH[] Fig. 9. R-T Curve of the Built-in Thermistor (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation 125 (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Detailed Package Outline Drawings (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Detailed Package Outline Drawings (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation FPAB20BH60B Smart Power Module (SPM(R)) Detailed Package Outline Drawings TRADEMARKS The following are registered and unregistered trademarks Fairchild Semiconductor owns or is authorized to use and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all such trademarks. ACEx(R) Across the board. Around the world.TM ActiveArrayTM BottomlessTM Build it NowTM CoolFETTM CROSSVOLTTM CTLTM Current Transfer LogicTM DOMETM E2CMOSTM EcoSPARK(R) EnSignaTM FACT Quiet SeriesTM FACT(R) FAST (R) FASTrTM FPSTM FRFET (R) Power247(R) PowerEdgeTM PowerSaverTM PowerTrench(R) Programmable Active DroopTM QFET(R) QSTM QT OptoelectronicsTM Quiet SeriesTM RapidConfigureTM RapidConnectTM ScalarPumpTM SMART STARTTM SPM(R) STEALTHTM SuperFETTM SuperSOTTM-3 SuperSOTTM-6 SuperSOTTM-8 GlobalOptoisolatorTM GTOTM HiSeCTM i-LoTM ImpliedDisconnectTM IntelliMAXTM ISOPLANARTM MICROCOUPLERTM MicroPakTM MICROWIRETM MSXTM MSXProTM OCXTM OCXProTM OPTOLOGIC(R) OPTOPLANAR(R) PACMANTM POPTM Power220(R) SyncFETTM TCMTM The Power Franchise(R) TM TinyBoostTM TinyBuckTM TinyLogic(R) TINYOPTOTM TinyPowerTM TinyWireTM TruTranslationTM SerDesTM UHC(R) UniFETTM VCXTM WireTM DISCLAIMER FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE TO ANY PRODUCTS HEREIN TO IMPROVE RELIABILITY, FUNCTION, OR DESIGN. FAIRCHILD DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF THE APPLICATION OR USE OF ANY PRODUCT OR CIRCUIT DESCRIBED HEREIN; NEITHER DOES IT CONVEY ANY LICENSE UNDER ITS PATENT RIGHTS, NOR THE RIGHTS OF OTHERS. THESE SPECIFICATIONS DO NOT EXPAND THE TERMS OF FAIRCHILD'S WORLDWIDE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, SPECIFICALLY THE WARRANTY THEREIN, WHICH COVERS THESE PRODUCTS. LIFE SUPPORT POLICY FAIRCHILD'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. PRODUCT STATUS DEFINITIONS Definition of Terms Datasheet Identification Product Status Definition Advance Information Formative or In Design This datasheet contains the design specifications for product development. Specifications may change in any manner without notice. Preliminary First Production This datasheet contains preliminary data; supplementary data will be published at a later date. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to improve design. No Identification Needed Full Production This datasheet contains final specifications. Fairchild Semiconductor reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice to improve design. Obsolete Not In Production This datasheet contains specifications on a product that has been discontinued by Fairchild semiconductor. The datasheet is printed for reference information only. (c)2010 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation Rev. 00