30 V Buck-Boost Charger with
Integrated MOSFETs and OTG
Data Sheet Rev. 5.0, Sept. 9, 2019 | Subject to change without notice 32 of 95
0x0Bh. When VREG_OVERRIDE = 0, the Smart Diode
Selector is active. When VREG_OVERRIDE = 1, the
VREG input is determined by VREG_SELECT. When
VREG_SELECT = 0, the input is VIN. When VREG_SE-
LECT = 1, the input is VBAT.
If VREG LDO is overloaded or not within spec, the buck-
boost converter shuts down, and I2C fault bit
VREG_OC_UVLO in register 0x05h is set to 1.
Additionally, if VREG is held in current limit for more
than 90us, it shuts down for 100ms to prevent damage.
It tries to restart after 100ms. It continues this cycle until
the current limit condition is removed. VREG also con-
tains UVLO detection, which is set to 88% of the pro-
grammed output voltage.
If the VREG output is in current limit for 90usec, or the
VREG voltage is below the UVLO threshold while the IC
is in Charge mode, the charger state machine moves to
the FAULT state and stops charging. If in OTG mode,
the OTG state machine moves to the OTG_RST state.
In both cases, the buck-boost converter stops switching.
VREG can be programmed to ignore an overvoltage or
undervoltage fault with I2C bits DIS_CHG_VREG_FLT
in register 0x0Dh and DIS_OTG_VREG_FLT in register
0x10h. If these bits are set to 1, Charge or OTG mode
continue to operate through the fault condition.
VREG requires a high quality, low-ESR, ceramic output
capacitor. A 1uF is typically suitable, but this value can
be increased without limit. The output capacitor should
be a X5R, X7R, or similar dielectric. The effective output
capacitance must be greater than 0.7uF to ensure LDO
VREG contains a fixed 250us soft-start to reduce inrush
Interrupt Output Pin (nIRQ)
The nIRQ output pin can be used to signal a fault or
other system effects. The conditions below can assert
the nIRQ pin. All fault conditions can be individually
masked using the I2C nIRQ Control Registers 0x1Eh,
0x1Fh, and 0x20h. To clear the interrupt and de-assert
the nIRQ pin, write a 1 into I2C bit nIRQ_CLEAR in reg-
ister 0x05h. nIRQ_CLEAR is a self-clearing register bit.
nIRQ_CLEAR always returns a 0 when read, even after
it is set to 1.
General nIRQ Fault Conditions
1. Watchdog Expired - If the watchdog timer ex-
pires at any time, it asserts nIRQ. This is a level
sensitive function. The watchdog timer must be
reset or disabled and a 1 must be written into
nIRQ_CLEAR to de-asserted nIRQ.
2. VREG LDO Overcurrent or Under-voltage
Lockout - Any time the VREG LDO is in over-
current or under-voltage lockout, nIRQ is as-
serted. This is a level sensitive function. VREG
must be in regulation AND a 1 must be written
into nIRQ_CLEAR to deassert nIRQ. If the
VREG LDO is in the 100ms shutdown wait pe-
riod, it will not clear the nIRQ output. This fault
is detected in HIZ mode, Charge Mode, and
OTG Mode.
3. Battery voltage is lower than VBAT_GOOD – Any
time the VBAT pin voltage falls below the
VBAT_GOOD threshold, nIRQ is asserted. This is
an edge triggered function after a 16ms deglitch.
Write 1 to into nIRQ_CLEAR to deassert nIRQ.
VBAT_GOOD is not checked in HIZ mode, so nIRQ
is not triggered in HIZ mode. If VBAT is lower
than VBAT_GOOD in HIZ mode, nIRQ is not trig-
gered, but it is immediately triggered when the
IC moves into the Charge or OTG modes.
4. Over Temperature Shut Down - Any time the
die temperature exceeds the TSHUT (160°C)
threshold, nIRQ is asserted. This is a level sen-
sitive function. The die temperature must be be-
low the TSHUT_HYST AND a 1 must be written into
nIRQ_CLEAR to deassert nIRQ. Die TSD is
active in all modes.
5. FET Overcurrent Fault – If the IC is disabled
from switching because of a FET overcurrent
fault, nIRQ is asserted. This is a level sensitive
function. This fault is latched, so the latch must
cleared by manually going into HIZ Mode AND
a 1 must be written into nIRQ_CLEAR to deas-
sert nIRQ. This fault can only be triggered in
CHG or OTG mode.
6. ADC Data Ready – If the ADC is enabled, and
a conversion is completed, nIRQ is asserted.
This is an edge triggered event. A 1 must be
written into nIRQ_CLEAR to deassert nIRQ.
This is active in all modes when the ADC is en-
7. HIZ Enter – The ACT2861 asserts nIRQ when
it enters HIZ mode. This is an edge triggered
event. 1 must be written into nIRQ_CLEAR to
deassert nIRQ. The IC asserts nIRQ when en-