MLXSPI Programming kit
390129080401 Page 1 of 9 User’s Guide
Rev. 002 Mar/03
Features and Benefits
Compatible with nearly any pc running
windows 95, 98 or NT
Uses the standard parallel port
No additional supplies required
Easy to use software included
Supports all Melexis kitparts using the SPI
Lab and prototype use.
Used to program all Melexis devices
using the SPI interface
Ordering I nformation
Part No. Description
MLXSPI-01 Melexis SPI Programmer unit including software
Part No. Description
MLX90804 kitpart Kitpart for the MLX90804 speed regulator for universal motors
MLX90805 kitpart Kitpart for the MLX90805 intelligent triac controller
1. Functional Diagram
parallel interface to
MLXSPI device
to pc parallel port
2. Description
The MLXSPI programmer is designed to have a
flexible and low cost programming tool for all
Melexis devices using the SPI interface.
The MLXSPI-01 programmer contains its own
programmable power supply which can be driven
by nearly all standard parallel ports on IBM
compatible PC’s.
The MLXSPI programmer needs to be controlled
with the accompanying software, running under
windows 95, windows 98 or windows NT. The PC
requires no custom configuration.
MLXSPI Programming kit
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Rev. 002 Mar/03
FEATURES AND BENEFIT S........................................................................................................................1
1. FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAM......................................................................................................................1
2. DESCRIPTION.......................................................................................................................................1
3. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................................................3
4. COMMUNICATION ................................................................................................................................3
5. INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................................3
6. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................3
7. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................3
8. GENERAL INTERFACE ........................................................................................................................4
9. PARAMETER DEFINITION INTERFACE..............................................................................................5
10. MLX90804 DEFINITION INTERFACE...................................................................................................6
11. MLX90805 DEFINITION INTERFACE...................................................................................................7
12. SPI FILE SYNTAX .................................................................................................................................8
MLXSPI Programming kit
390129080401 Page 3 of 9 User’s Guide
Rev. 002 Mar/03
3. General Description
The MLXSPI-1 programmer was specifically
designed to program the Melexis family of kitparts
using the SPI interf ac e.
The programmer is a combination of hardware
and software. The hardware needs to be
connected to the parallel port of a standard pc to
operate. There is no need for an additional
supply. It is advised that, when connecting the
programmer to a pc, no other hardware (like
printer, software key, …) is connected to the
same parallel port.
The hard ware will gen er ate the correc t le vels and
signals required for reading and writing to the
Melexis SPI devices.
The software will generate the timing for all
signals, but also gives a user-friendly interface to
define all parameters for all different Melexis SPI
kitparts. In this way the MLXSPI-01 is a tool
which helps to define the behavior of the
production de vic e.
4. Communication
The MLXSPI uses a customized interface to be
connected to a parallel port of a pc.
Communication in both dire c tions is done, and
also the power supply for the MLXSPI
programmer and the connected kitpart is taken
from the parallel port. It is therefore advised not
to connect any other hardware (like printer,
software key, …) to the same parallel port when
using the MLXS PI progr amm er.
5. Installation
The installation is very easy:
First connect the programmer box to your pc via
a standard parallel printer cable to a parallel port.
Copy the MLXSPI executable to your hard disk.
You need 1MB of free disk space.
MLXSPI hardware installation
parallel interface cable
MLXSPI hardware
When running under Windows NT also copy the
file IOPORT.SYS to the
This makes the installation complete.
6. Hardware description
The hardware consists of a box having:
1. A standard connector to connect to a parallel
port of a pc.
2. A zif socket to plug in the Melexis SPI device
to be programmed. The device must be
plugged in such that pin 1 of the chip is at the
side of the handle of the socket.
3. A led. When the box is connected to the pc,
the software is running and succeeded in
making connection with the box, this led is
blinking as long as the software is in idle
mode. While accessing the SPI kitpart (for
reading or writ ing) the led stops blinking and
is led continuously.
7. Software description
When starting the MLXSPI software an interface
window is activated on the screen. This interface
window consists of:
1. Title bar
The title bar indicates the program name and
has a sy stem menu.
2. General interface
This part of the interface contains the
command buttons. Following commands are
read SPI file
write SPI file
evaluate par am eters
program parameters to kitpart
read parameters from kitpart
exit program
select parallel port
3. General interface
Parameter definition interface.
This part of the program interface is specific
to the different kitpart versions and therefore
consists of several pages, which can be
selected by clicking the tabs at the top side.
4. Status bar.
The status bar indicates the software version,
the source of the parameters that were
imported most recently, and the program
MLXSPI Programming kit
390129080401 Page 4 of 9 User’s Guide
Rev. 002 Mar/03
MLXSPI interface
specific to
8. General interface
The general interface contains the command
buttons. The execution of most of the commands
depends on the kitpart version that is selected in
the parameter definition interface. Following
commands are available:
1. Read SPI file:
This command will read all parameters of the
kitpart type as selected in the parameter
definition interface from the selected file. This
file m ust have been writ ten prev iously with
the ‘write SPI file’ command. As the file is a
normal ascii file, it can also be edited
manually. The syntax of the SPI file is
explained at the end of this document.
The values as read from the file are directly
reflected in the parameter definition interface.
Parameters that are not present in the file are
not updated. The status bar indicates the file
name that has been read most recently.
2. Write SPI file:
This command will write all parameters, as
they are present in the para meter definitio n
interface to the selected file. If the file already
exists, the command will write into this file,
eventually overwriting the parameters stored
before in this file for the same kitpart. This
means that, if a file contains a set of
parameters for MLX90804 and for
MLX90805, on l y that part wil l be over writt en
that corresponds to the version in the
parameter definition interface.
The status bar indicates the file name that
has been written most recently.
3. Program:
This command will send the parameters as
defined in the parameter definition interface
to the MLXSPI programmer. This will be done
in several steps:
At first a consistency check is done on the
parameters. This check verifies that the set of
parameter values that is selected is possible
to program, or that the chosen combination
does not introduce an unpredictable behavior
of the kitpart. For more information see the
section des cr ibi ng the par a meter definitio n
Then all parameters are read and
transformed to values to be programmed in
the kitpart. Most of the times this will
introduce rounding errors because not all
parameters can be programmed at the
resolution as present in the parameter
definition interface. For more information see
the section describing the parameter
definition interface.
MLXSPI Programming kit
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Rev. 002 Mar/03
The calculated values are now sent to the
MLXSPI programmer to be written into the
At the end all parameters are read back from
the kitpart to verify the programming cycle.
Note that the system does not check whether
the correct version of the kitpart is plugged
into the MLXSPI programmer.
4. Read:
The read command will read the values back
from the kitpart, will recalculate and display
the corresponding parameters in the
parameter definition interface.
The status bar indicates that the displayed
parameters correspond to the kitpart.
5. Evaluate:
The evaluate command is very similar to the
combination of the program and read
command, but it skips the connection to the
MLXSPI programmer.
The command starts with a consistency
check, it transforms the parameters to
program ming values and then rec alc ulates
and redisplays the corresponding parameters
in the parameter definition interface.
The result corresponds exactly to the values
that should have been programmed and
shows the result of the rounding process.
6. Exit:
This command exits the program.
7. Select parallel port:
This command gives the software the
possibility to connect to parallel port LPT1 or
9. Parameter definition interface
This part of the program interface is specific to
the different kitpart versions and therefore
consists of several pages, which can be selected
by clicking the tabs at the top side.
In this interface the values of all parameters are
defined. It is therefore the interface where the
behavior of the programmed kitpart is created.
The following sections will explain how to use the
parameter definition interface for the different
types of k itparts . It will however not ex pl ain in
detail how to define the parameters to obtain a
certain behavior. For this the datasheets and
application notes corresponding to the production
version of the kitpart should be consulted.
MLXSPI Programming kit
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Rev. 002 Mar/03
10. MLX90804 definition interface
This interface contains all parameters as are
described in application note MLX90804AN3
‘manual for definition of the options’. Use this
document as a guide to define all values.
Note that all speed settings are in RPM. The unit
for the minimum and maximum firing angle is
0.01*msec. This means that a value of 800
corresponds to 8 msec.
The parameter MAP is calculated and updated
automatically by the program.
During the consistency check a lot of verifications
are done. A few examples are:
1. Are the low speed limitation, the number of
poles and the SPD multiplier coefficient
consistent with the requirement as described in
2. Is the maximum speed limitation higher then
the speed settings on all potentiometer
During the transformation of the parameters to
programming values rounding errors can be
introduced. As an example, the maximum speed
limitation can only be programmed with a
resolution of 5 bits.
The box, indicating ‘chip version’, is used to
distinguish possible future versions of the kitpart.
The value can currently not be changed.
MLXSPI Programming kit
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Rev. 002 Mar/03
11. MLX90805 definition interface
This interface contains all parameters as are
described in datasheet MLX90805 ‘intelligent triac
controller’. Use this document as a guide to define
all values.
Note that the unit for all delay settings is
0.01*msec. This means that a value of 800
corresponds to 8 msec.
The soft start duration is defined by a value
between 0 and 31, but the program automatically
calculates and displays the corresponding value in
During the consistency check a lot of verifications
are done. A few examples are:
1. Is the phase delay defined for each
potentiometer setting smaller then the
maximum delay time?
2. Is the phase delay defined for each
potentiometer setting smaller then half the
period of the line frequency?
During the transformation of the parameters to
programming values small rounding errors can be
The box, indicating ‘chip version’, is used to
distinguish possible future versions of the kitpart.
The value can currently not be changed.
MLXSPI Programming kit
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Rev. 002 Mar/03
12. SPI file syntax
The sy ntax of the SPI file is very similar to the
syntax used in the initialization files used by the
operating systems.
The file can contain several groups, with each
group having a number of records. The groups
correspond to the kitpart type, and each record
contains a parameter. Following is a dump of an
SPI file containing the default values of all
parameters for both MLX90804 and 90805.
MLXSPI Programming kit
390129080401 Page 9 of 9 User’s Guide
Rev. 002 Mar/03
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QS9000, VDA6.1 and ISO14001 Certified