MLXSPI Programming kit
390129080401 Page 3 of 9 User’s Guide
Rev. 002 Mar/03
3. General Description
The MLXSPI-1 programmer was specifically
designed to program the Melexis family of kitparts
using the SPI interf ac e.
The programmer is a combination of hardware
and software. The hardware needs to be
connected to the parallel port of a standard pc to
operate. There is no need for an additional
supply. It is advised that, when connecting the
programmer to a pc, no other hardware (like
printer, software key, …) is connected to the
same parallel port.
The hard ware will gen er ate the correc t le vels and
signals required for reading and writing to the
Melexis SPI devices.
The software will generate the timing for all
signals, but also gives a user-friendly interface to
define all parameters for all different Melexis SPI
kitparts. In this way the MLXSPI-01 is a tool
which helps to define the behavior of the
production de vic e.
4. Communication
The MLXSPI uses a customized interface to be
connected to a parallel port of a pc.
Communication in both dire c tions is done, and
also the power supply for the MLXSPI
programmer and the connected kitpart is taken
from the parallel port. It is therefore advised not
to connect any other hardware (like printer,
software key, …) to the same parallel port when
using the MLXS PI progr amm er.
5. Installation
The installation is very easy:
First connect the programmer box to your pc via
a standard parallel printer cable to a parallel port.
Copy the MLXSPI executable to your hard disk.
You need 1MB of free disk space.
MLXSPI hardware installation
parallel interface cable
MLXSPI hardware
When running under Windows NT also copy the
file IOPORT.SYS to the
This makes the installation complete.
6. Hardware description
The hardware consists of a box having:
1. A standard connector to connect to a parallel
port of a pc.
2. A zif socket to plug in the Melexis SPI device
to be programmed. The device must be
plugged in such that pin 1 of the chip is at the
side of the handle of the socket.
3. A led. When the box is connected to the pc,
the software is running and succeeded in
making connection with the box, this led is
blinking as long as the software is in idle
mode. While accessing the SPI kitpart (for
reading or writ ing) the led stops blinking and
is led continuously.
7. Software description
When starting the MLXSPI software an interface
window is activated on the screen. This interface
window consists of:
1. Title bar
The title bar indicates the program name and
has a sy stem menu.
2. General interface
This part of the interface contains the
command buttons. Following commands are
read SPI file
write SPI file
evaluate par am eters
program parameters to kitpart
read parameters from kitpart
exit program
select parallel port
3. General interface
Parameter definition interface.
This part of the program interface is specific
to the different kitpart versions and therefore
consists of several pages, which can be
selected by clicking the tabs at the top side.
4. Status bar.
The status bar indicates the software version,
the source of the parameters that were
imported most recently, and the program