SANYO Transistors for Very HighDefinition CRT Display Video Output Use Our transistors for CRT display use are fabricated using our original process technology. They are designed to meet the characteristic requirements for CRT use. a Features * Adoption of FBET process * Less parasitic capacitance = Reduction (1/2 reduction compared with predecessors)in Cob (output capacitance), Cre (reverse transfer capacitance) * Increase in effective area of chip = Increase (30% increase) in Ic(current capacity) * Ideal pattern formation, fast switching time, high energy handling capability, excellent HF characteristic %* Complementary PNP and NPN types (Case out! ine:FLP, TO-126, TO-126ML, TP, TO-220, TO220ML) ac Use * Wide-band amp(Video band up to 100MHz) BLOCK DIAGRAM FBET STRUCTURE Case Outlines(unit:mm) SANYO: FLP CC Base electrode Emilter4 1:Emitter, 2:Collector, [ electrode 3: Base VB Video IN Collector electrode Second-layer electrode First-layer electrode Gsecaneely insulation film SANYO: TO-126 1:E, 2:C, 3:B * :Tc=25. @:Tc=50C. For PNP, (-)sign is omitted. o dL Absolute, Maxigua Electrical Characteristics/Ta=25C Type No. Ratings/Tas25% 12, 22, ap, SANYO!T0-126ML Package) Yeso) ceol 'c | *c fi] ce: ch ce pc (| ce |e tie is a PNP/NPN a | ba [an fawdstan ao] ab (PF) | (VY) * 4 25A1402/25C3596 80} 60/ 0.3] 8] 700] 10; 100] 3.0/2.3 | 2.3/1.8 | 30 | 40-320 falas 25A1403/25C3597 gol 60 0.5] 10] 800] 10) 100[ 5.2/3.4 | 4.6/2.9 | 30 | 40-320 ' t 25A1404/28C3598 120] 120[ 0.2] s8[ Soo] 10) 50] 2,772.0 | 2.1/1.6 [ 30 | 40-320 1 25A1405/25C3599 120[ 120] 0.3] 8] 500] 10/ 50[ 4.372.9 | 3.8/2.5 [ 30 | 40~320 : 4 25A1406/2SC3600 | TO-126[ 200[ 200] 0.1] 7] 400] 30) 30] 2.3/1.8 [1.7/1.4 | 30 [ 40~320] 2{[ EF: = =~-- 25A1407/2SC3601 200[ 200] 0.15) 7] 400/30] 50] 3.0/2.5 | 2,572.0 | 30 [ 40~320 3 25A1723 30{ 20] 0.3[ %5][ 1500] 5] 100 5.8 5.0 10 | 15~100 SANYO: TP 2804271 30[ 20] 0.3[ 5] 2200] 5] 50[ 3.9 3.2 10 [ 40~200] 1:B, 2:C, 3:E, 4C 28C3595 30[ 20] 0.57 s5]{ 2000] 5] 100] 6.0 4.6 10 [ 40-200] & 2504821 30] 20] 0.5] 1.3] 2000] 5] 100] 6.0 4.6 10 [40-200] + . 2SA1848/2SC4822 go] 70{ 0.3] 1.3] 600] 10] 100] 3.1/2.4 | 2.4/1.9 | 30 | 60-320 ~ 25A1849/2SC4823 so] 70[ 0.5] 1.3] 700, 107 100[ 5.473.6 | 4.873.1 | 30 | 60-320 t . 25A1850/2SC4824 FLP 120] 120[ 0.2] 1.3] 400] 10/- 50] 2.8/2.1 | 2.2/1.7 [ 30 | 60-320 he 25A1851/25C4825 120] 120[ 0.3] 1.3] 400[ 10; 50]-4.473.1 | 4,072.7 | 30 | 60-320 25A1852/2504826 200] 200] 0.1] 1.3] 300] 30{ 30] 2.4/1.9 [ 2.0/1.5 | 30 | 60~320 2SA1853/2SC4827 200] 200] 0.2) 1.3] 300/ 30) SO] 3.2/2.6 | 2.7/2.2 | 30 | 60-320 28A1536/2SC3951 so] 70{ 0.3, %8] 600] 10] 100[ 3.172.4 [ 2.471.9 [| 30 | 40~320 25A1537/2SC3952 sof 70{ 0.5{ 10] 700[ 10] 100] 5.4/3.6 | 4.8/3.1 | 30 | 40-320], ., 9.0 3.p SANYO:T0-220 2$A1538/28C3953 120] 120] 0.27 mat 400[ 10] 5] 2.8/2.1 [2.2/1.7 [30 | 40-320] 0% Lo 25A1539/25C3954 120; 120[ 0.3] s] 400] 10! 5[ 4.473.1 | 4,072.7 [30 | 40-320 is , 27 28A1540/2SC3955 Joo. jog | 200] 200] 0.1] 7] 300] 30] 30] 2.4/1.9 | 1.8/1.5 | 30 | 40-320 ea | TT 2SA1541/2503956 wp 200] 200] 0.2] 7] 300] 301 50] 3.2/2.7 | 2.7/2.2 | 30 | 40-320 fg jo 2] 25A1749/2S8C4564 200[ 200] 0.3] 10] 400[ 30] 100] 5.0/4.2 | 4.2/3.4 | 30 | 40-320] 3 *+ Pars 2SA1750/28C4565 140[ 140] 0.5] 10] 500] 30; 100] 5.9/5.0 | 5.3/4.4 | 30 [ 40-320 ory ae - 2SA1777/29C4623 250[ 250] 0.3] *10[ 400[ 30/100] 5.0/4.2 | 4.2/3.4 [30 | 40-200] | cee ar 28C3950 30] 20] +0.5] 5] 2000[ 5] 100] 6.0 4.6 10 | 40~200 Wet FSA 2804563 100] 80[_0.5[ 10] 1200] 10! 100] 4.4 3.8 30 | 30-200] = 25C4660 30] 20[ 0.3] 8] 2200] 5] 100] 3.9 3.2 10 | 40~200 SANYO: T0=220ML 2SA1875/2S8C4976 TP 200] 200] 0.3] s12f 400] 10{ 100] 5.0/4.2 | 4.2/3.4 [30 [60-320] 1.2 oc ap 28A1474/2SC3780 80 60] 0.8] #15] 800] 10] 100] 5.3/3.5 | 4.7/3.0 [ 30 | 40~320 0 tee 2 25A1475/28C3781 120/120] 0.4{ @ 15] 500; To; 50] 4.4/3.0 | 3.972.6 | 30 | 40-320] as} 22 =| " 25A1476/28C3782 | ro yon{ 200] 200] 0.2] @i5| 400] 30; 50] 3.1/2.6 | 2.6/2.1 [30 | 40-320] FB] :% 25A1751/2SC4566 200[ 200] 0.3] 20] 400] 301 100] 5.0/4.2 | 4.2/3.4 | 30 | 40-320] 3 2 te 28A1752/25C4567 140/ 140[ 0.5] %20] 500) 30} 100] 5.9/5.0 | 5.374.4 | 30 [ 40-320] |_ PI is 2504411 100; Bo, 0.5/ 15] 1200] 10! 100] 4.4 3.8 30 | 30-200 ma 25A1696/25C4473 |TO-220 120] 120] 0.4[ @10[ 400] 10] 50] 4,473.1 [ 4.0/2.7 [30 | 40-320 THEE = 25A1697/2904474 ML{ 200] 200[ 0.2[ $10] 300] 30! So] 3.2/2.7 | 2.7/2.2 [30 | 40-320|~* eL = These specifications are subject to change without notice. SANYO Electric Co.,Ltd. Semiconductor Business Headquarters, TR Division. MT941221TR 36