DATA SHEET MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PD168117A 7-CHANNEL H-BRIDGE DRIVER WITH A MICRO STEP FUNCTION SUPPORTING PULSE INPUT DESCRIPTION The PD168117A is a 7-channel H-bridge driver with a micro step function supporting pulse input that consists of a CMOS control circuit and a MOS output stage. It can reduce the current consumption and the voltage loss at the output stage compared with a conventional driver using bipolar transistors, thanks to employment of a MOS process. Moreover, at the PD168117A, micro step control of 128 divisions can perform stepping motor drive by the pulse input, and motor can be driven by low noise and low vibration. The package is a 64-pin FLGA that helps reduce the mounting area and height. The PD168117A can be used to drive two stepping motors, or two DC motors and one coil. FEATURES * Seven H-bridge circuits employing power MOS FET * Low-voltage driving VDD = 2.7 to 3.6 V VM = 2.7 to 5.5 V * Output on-state resistance: 1.0 TYP., 1.5 MAX. (sum of top and bottom stage, ch1 to ch4, and ch7) 1.5 TYP., 2.0 MAX. (sum of top and bottom stage, ch5 and ch6) * PWM output (ch1 to ch6), linear output (ch7) * Output current DC current: 0.4 A/ch (when each channel is used independently) Peak current: 0.7 A/ch (when each channel is used independently) DC current: 0.5 A/ch (when used independently) Peak current: 0.7 A/ch (when used independently) * Input logic frequency: 150 kHz supported * Under-voltage lockout circuit Shuts down the internal circuit at VDD = 1.7 V TYP. * Overheat protection circuit Operates at 150C or more and shuts down internal circuitry. * Mounted on 64-pin FLGA (6 mm, 0.65 mm pitch) ORDERING INFORMATION Part Number PD168117AFC-BA2-E1-A Note Package Packing Type 64-pin plastic FLGA (6 x 6) Embossed-type taping Note Pb-free (This product does not contain Pb in external electrode and other parts.) The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Before using this document, please confirm that this is the latest version. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information. Document No. S17486EJ1V0DS00 (1st edition) Date Published May 2005 NS CP(K) Printed in Japan 2005 PD168117A 1. PIN CONFIGURATION (Bottom View) Package: 64-pin plastic FLGA (6 x 6) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 N.C. OUT1B OUT1A PGND12 VM12 OUT2B OUT2A N.C. 14 39 40 41 42 43 44 23 OUT4A FIL3 FB2 FB1 VM12 FB3 IN6A OUT5B 13 38 55 56 57 58 45 24 OUT4B FB4 FIL2 FIL1 IN5A IN6B MODE2 VM56 12 37 54 63 64 59 46 25 VM34 VM34 FIL4 IN5B IN5B MODE3 MODE1 OUT5A 60 47 26 11 36 53 62 61 PGND34 VREF7 SEL7 IN5B IN5B 10 35 52 51 50 49 48 27 IN7A R7 IN5B CW1 CLK2/IN3B OUT6A OUT3A SELVREF7 9 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 IN7B FIL7 COSC OE1 CLK1 CW2/IN4A OUT6B 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FB7 VM7 OUT7A OUT7B VDD LGND N.C. N.C. G F E D C Cautions Be sure to connect all of the pins which have more than one. 2 7 6 5 4 OE2/IN3A MODE4/IN4B PGND56 OUT3B H 8 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS B A 3 2 1 PD168117A 2. PIN FUNCTIONS (1/2) Pin No. Pin Name Function 1 A1 N.C. - 2 B1 LGND Logic block GND pin 3 C1 VDD Logic block power supply pin 4 D1 OUT7B H-bridge 7 output pin B 5 E1 OUT7A H-bridge 7 output pin A 6 F1 VM7 H-bridge 7 power supply pin 7 G1 FB7 Current detection resistor connection pin 7 8 H1 N.C. - 9 H2 OUT3B H-bridge 3 output pin B 10 H3 OUT3A H-bridge 3 output pin A 11 H4 PGND34 H-bridge 3, H-bridge 4 GND pin 12 H5 VM34 H-bridge 3, H-bridge 4 power supply pin 13 H6 OUT4B H-bridge 4 output pin B 14 H7 OUT4A H-bridge 4 output pin A 15 H8 N.C. - 16 G8 OUT1B H-bridge 1 output pin B 17 F8 OUT1A H-bridge 1 output pin A 18 E8 PGND12 H-bridge 1, H-bridge 2 GND pin 19 D8 VM12 H-bridge 1, H-bridge 2 power supply pin 20 C8 OUT2B H-bridge 2 output pin B 21 B8 OUT2A H-bridge 2 output pin A 22 A8 N.C. - 23 A7 OUT5B H-bridge 5 output pin B 24 A6 VM56 H-bridge 5, H-bridge 6 power supply pin 25 A5 OUT5A H-bridge 5 output pin A 26 A4 PGND56 H-bridge 5, H-bridge 6 GND pin 27 A3 OUT6A H-bridge 6 output pin A 28 A2 OUT6B H-bridge 6 output pin B 29 B2 CW2/IN4A H-bridge 3, H-bridge 4 driving direction input pin/H-bridge 4 input pin A 30 C2 CLK1 H-bridge 1, H-bridge 2 CLK input pin 31 D2 OE1 H-bridge 1, H-bridge 2 output enable pin 32 E2 COSC Chopping frequency setting capacitor connection pin 33 F2 FIL7 Amplifier operation stabilizing filter connection pin 34 G2 IN7B H-bridge 7 input pin B 35 G3 SELVREF7 ch7 reference voltage setup selection pin 36 G4 VREF7 ch7 reference voltage external input pin 37 G5 VM34 H-bridge 3, H-bridge 4 power supply pin 38 G6 FB4 Current detection resistor connection pin 4 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 3 PD168117A (2/2) Pin No. 4 Pin Name Function 39 G7 FIL3 Filter capacitor connection pin 3 40 F7 FB2 Current detection resistor connection pin 2 41 E7 FB1 Current detection resistor connection pin 1 42 D7 VM12 H-bridge 1, H-bridge 2 power supply pin 43 C7 FB3 Current detection resistor connection pin 3 44 B7 IN6A H-bridge 6 input pin A 45 B6 MODE2 Mode selection pin 2 46 B5 MODE1 Mode selection pin 1 47 B4 MODE4/IN4B Mode selection pin 4/H-bridge 4 input pin B 48 B3 CLK2/IN3B H-bridge 3, H-bridge 4 CLK input pin/H-bridge 3 input pin B 49 C3 CW1 H-bridge 1, H-bridge 2 driving direction input pin 50 D3 IN5B H-bridge 5 input pin B 51 E3 R7 Amplifier operation stabilizing resistor connection pin 52 F3 IN7A H-bridge 7 input pin A 53 F4 SEL7 ch7 excitation mode selection pin 54 F5 FIL4 Filter capacitor connection pin 4 55 F6 FIL2 Filter capacitor connection pin 2 56 E6 FIL1 Filter capacitor connection pin 1 57 D6 IN5A H-bridge 5 input pin A 58 C6 IN6B H-bridge 6 input pin B 59 C5 MODE3 Mode selection pin 3 60 C4 OE2/IN3A H-bridge 3, H-bridge 4 output enable pin/H-bridge 3 input pin A 61 D4 IN5B H-bridge 5 input pin B 62 E4 IN5B H-bridge 5 input pin B 63 E5 IN5B H-bridge 5 input pin B 64 D5 IN5B H-bridge 5 input pin B Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM LGND VDD OE1 CLK1 CW1 MODE1 MODE3 MODE2 FB1 Current Sense 1 FB2 Current Sense 2 OSC Current Sense 3 VM12 OUT1A OUT1B OE2/ CLK2/ CW2/ MODE4/ IN3A IN3B IN4A IN4B Current Sense 4 FB4 VM34 ch1/ch2 Control ch3/ch4 Control OUT3A ch3 H-bridge OUT3B FIL1 OUT2B PGND34 Control and Pre-driver FIL3 ch2 H-bridge TSD UVLO FIL2 OUT4A ch4 H-bridge OUT4B 200 mV VREF7 VM56 PGND56 FB3 ch1 H-bridge PGND12 OUT2A COSC ch5 H-bridge OUT5A FIL4 IN7A ch6 H-bridge IN7B VM7 OUT5B ch7 H-bridge IN5A IN5B IN6A IN6B OUT6A OUT6B SELVREF7 R7 FIL7 FB7 OUT7A VREF7 SEL7 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS OUT7B 5 PD168117A 4. STANDARD CONNECTION EXAMPLE 8 CPU 10 F 3V VDD LGND FB1 Current Sense 1 FB2 Current Sense 2 MODE2 MODE3 OUT1A OUT1B 1000 pF OE2/ CLK2/ CW2/ MODE4/ IN3A IN3B IN4A IN4B OSC Current Sense 3 Current Sense 4 1000 pF VM34 ch1/ch2 Control ch3/ch4 Control OUT3A ch3 H-bridge OUT3B PGND34 Control and Pre-driver TSD 1000 pF OUT4A ch4 H-bridge UVLO OUT4B 200 mV VREF7 VM56 M FIL3 ch2 H-bridge FIL2 PGND56 5 k FB4 FIL1 OUT2B FB3 ch1 H-bridge PGND12 OUT2A COSC 100 pF VM12 5 k x 2 M OE1 CLK1 CW1 MODE1 ch5 H-bridge OUT5A FIL4 M 1000 pF IN7A ch6 H-bridge IN7B 3 to 5 V VM7 OUT5B ch7 H-bridge IN5A IN5B SELVREF7 IN6A IN6B OUT6A OUT6B VREF7 SEL7 R7 FIL7 FB7 OUT7A 22 F OUT7B 10 k M 10 k 150 pF 1 ex. 150 mV Cautions 1. Be sure to connect all of the pins which have more than one. 2. The constants shown in the above diagram are provided as examples only. Perform design based on thorough evaluation with the actual machine. 6 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 5. FUNCTION OPERATION TABLE 5.1 Power Save Function This IC can be placed in the power-save mode by making MODE1, MODE2, MODE3, and MODE4 high level. This function allows holding of the excitation position when the stepping motor mode is selected and the operation to be started from where the excitation position is held when the power-save mode is cleared. In the power-save mode, the current consumption is reduced to 20 A TYP. because the internal circuits other than UVLO are stopped. The operation modes of ch1 to ch4 can be set by a combination of MODE1 to MODE4. For the combination of the MODE pins, refer to Table 5-1. MODE Pin Truth Table. Table 5-1. Mode Pin Truth Table MODE1 MODE2 MODE3 MODE4 Operation Mode (/IN4B) ch1, ch2 ch3, ch4 2-phase excitation General-purpose driving H 1-2 phase excitation (current limiting) H L Micro step L H H L 2-phase excitation 2-phase excitation L H H H 1-2 phase excitation 1-2 phase excitation H L L L 2-phase excitation (current 2-phase excitation (current limiting) limiting) 1-2 phase excitation 1-2 phase excitation (current limiting) (current limiting) L L L L L L H L L IN4B input H H L H L 2-phase excitation Micro step H L H H 1-2 phase excitation Micro step H H L L Micro step 2-phase excitation H H L H Micro step 1-2 phase excitation H H H L Micro step Micro step H H H H Power save mode Remark H: High level, L: Low level Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 7 PD168117A 5.2 ch1, ch2 (Dedicated to Stepping Motor) CLK1 x CW1 OE1 Operation Mode L H Pulse progress, CW mode L H Pulse progress, CW mode H H Pulse progress, CCW mode H H Pulse progress, CCW mode x L Output Hi-Z (The internal follows the above-mentioned mode of operation) Remark x: High level or low level, Hi-Z: High impedance 5.3 ch3, ch4 (Selecting Stepping Motor, DC Motor and Coil Driving) CLK2 x CW2 OE2 Operation Mode L H Pulse progress, CW mode L H Pulse progress, CW mode H H Pulse progress, CCW mode H H Pulse progress, CCW mode x L Output Hi-Z (The internal follows the above-mentioned mode of operation) IN3A/IN4A IN3B/IN4B OUT3A/OUT4A OUT3B/OUT4B L L Z Z L H H L H H L H Note H H Note Operation Mode Stop Reverse L Forward H Brake Note When the PD168117A is used for constant-current driving (when a sense resistor is connected to the FB pin), chopping driving is performed. Remark Z: Output high impedance 8 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 5.4 ch5, ch6 IN5A/IN6A IN5B/IN6B OUT5A/OUT6A OUT5B/OUT6B L L Z Z Stop L H L H Reverse H L H L Forward H H H H Brake Forward Reverse VM ON Operation Mode OFF OFF LOAD B ON A Brake VM ON OFF LOAD ON LOAD A B OFF OFF GND VM OFF B ON GND Stop ON LOAD A OFF VM OFF A B OFF GND OFF GND Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 9 PD168117A 5.5 ch7 IN7A IN7B OUT7A OUT7B H-bridge Output State Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 L L Z Z OFF OFF OFF OFF L H L H OFF ON ON OFF (linear) H L H (linear) L ON OFF OFF (linear) H H H H ON ON OFF VM7 Q1 Q2 OUT7A OUT7B - + - + Q3 Q4 5.6 SEL7 Pin The current that flows into ch7 can be changed by setting the SEL7 pin. SEL7 10 ON (linear) Operation Mode L Weak excitation mode (Current 2/3 of the normal setting flows.) H Normal operation mode (Comparison operation with reference voltage) Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS OFF PD168117A 5.7 Reference Voltage Settings The external setting mode, in which the reference voltage is input to VREF7 externally, and the internal setting mode, in which the internal reference voltage is used, can be switched using the SELVREF7 pin. When using the external setting mode, the voltage which will become reference voltage must be applied to the VREF7 pin. The functions for the SEL7 pin will be enabled, regardless of the external/internal setting mode. The voltage (when external setting mode is set), and the 200 mV (when the internal setting mode is set) that are applied to the VREF7 pin are equivalent to normal operation mode (SEL7 = H). SELVREF7 Operation Mode L External setting mode (Voltage must be applied to VREF7) H Internal setting mode (200 mV setting) 6. COMMAND INPUT TIMING CHART Figure 6-1. In The Micro Step Mode Internal reset signal (Reset = L) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 CLK CW OE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 Pulse output Chopping pulse CW mode Output Hi-Z CW mode CCW mode Output Hi-Z Reset state Reset state Remark The motor excitation output is equivalent to the pulse output. The excitation position of the motor is changed by the rising edge timing of the pulse output (equals the rising or falling edges of CLK). Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 11 PD168117A 7. FUNCTIONAL DEPLOYMENT 7.1 Reset Function This whole IC can be changed into a reset state by setting all of MODE1 to MODE4 to H, and all of IN5A, IN5B, IN6A, IN6B, IN7A, and IN7B to L. In the state of reset, an output will be in Hi-Z state, and since it stops operation of an internal circuit, it can make self-consumption current below 1 A. Be sure to perform a reset operation. In the reset operation, the internal circuitry is stopped whenever possible, so that the self current consumption can be reduced. When the external input signal is stopped, the current consumption can be lowered to 1 A MAX. Immediately after release of reset, excitation is started from the position where the current of ch1 is 100% and the current of ch2 is 0%, in the micro step drive mode and 1-2 phase excitation drive mode. In the 2-phase excitation drive mode, excitation is started from the position where the currents of ch1 and ch2 are 100%. 7.2 2-phase Excitation Drive Mode and 1-2 Phase Excitation Drive Mode In the 2-phase excitation drive mode, current of 100% is allowed to flow into ch1 and ch2 simultaneously. In the 12 phase excitation drive mode, the motor can be driven at a higher torque by allowing a current to flow so that the synthesized torque of ch1 and ch2 is the same as the torque at phase 1 position. The 2-phase excitation, 1-2 phase excitation, and micro step driving modes are selected by the MODE1 to MODE4 pins. Note that 100% (= saturation drive mode) and a mode in which the current set by the sense resistor is used can be selected by the MODE pin. Current control is performed by chopping drive. 7.3 Micro Step Drive Mode of Stepping Motor The current flowing into the H-bridge is constant by using a vector value so that one period can be stopped in 1/128 steps. This function is provided to realize high-accuracy positioning control of a stepping motor. To realize this micro step driving, the following functions are internally realized by the driver. * Detection of current flowing into each channel by sense resistor as voltage value * Synthesizing half the dummy sine waveform generated by the internal D/A with PWM oscillation waveform for chopping operation * Driver stage performing PWM drive based on result of comparing detected voltage and synthesized waveform Because the internal dummy sine wave consists of 128 steps per period, it can be used to drive a stepping motor using 128 divisions. The micro step drive mode, 2-phase excitation drive mode, and 1-2 phase excitation drive mode can be selected by using external pins. 12 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A Figure 7-1. Concept of Micro Step Drive Operation + M A 7.4 Input Signals (CLK, OE and CW pins, stepping motor control methods) The motor is driven by the pulses input to the CLK1 (CLK2) pin. The pulses advance by one at the rising and falling edges of the CLK1 (CLK2) signal. When the CLK1 (CLK2) pin is fixed to low levels, the internal excitation positions do not progress, regardless of the input status of the OE1 (OE2) pin. Since 1 electrical angle cycle is divided by 128, it equals 1 electrical angle cycle because of the 64-clock input. Since both edges are used for control, the pulse intervals that are output rely on the pulse duty which is input. It is suggested that pulses with a duty of 50% should be input. The rotational direction of the motor is set by CW1 (CW2). In CW mode, the current for ch2 (ch4) is output delayed by a 90 phase in relation to the current for ch1 (ch3). In CCW mode, the current for ch2 (ch4) is output advanced by a 90 phase in relation to the current for ch1 (ch3). 7.5 Output Enable (OE) Pin The OE1 (OE2) pin can be used to forcibly stop pulse output of ch1 and ch2 (or ch3 and ch4). When OE1 (OE2) = L, the output is forcibly made to go into Hi-Z. Moreover, since an internal excitation position can make it go on also at OE1 (OE2) pin = L, an internal excitation position advances in inputting a pulse into CLK1 (CLK2) pin. The internal information will be held if OE1 (OE2) = L and CLK1 (CLK2) pin are fixed to low level. Motor position information is memorized unless it is reset. In performing stepping motor control, be sure to give as OE1 (OE2) = H. Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 13 PD168117A 7.6 Current Detection Resistor Connection (FB) Pin (1) ch1 to ch4 The current detection resistor is connected when current driving is necessary. It is used for micro step driving and solenoid driving. The peak value (at 100% current of ch1 (ch3) or ch2 (ch4)) of output current is decided by the resistance RFB linked to FB1 (FB3) and FB2 (FB4). This IC contains the reference power supply VREF for current value comparison (500 mV TYP.) in the internal, and performs the drive which makes the current value acquired from RFB and VREF an output current peak value. The current that flows into the output is {500 mV (reference voltage) /FB pin resistance x 1000}. Peak output current: IMAX (A) VREF (V) / RFB () x 1000 Example) Where FB = 4.7 k Output current = 500 (mV) /4.7 (k) x 1000 106.4 (mA) This means constant current driving of about 106.4 mA. When current driving is not performed, connect the FB pin to GND. (2) ch7 Connect the current detection circuit between the source of the driver low side and GND. Because the circuit is configured to detect current directly, connect a detection resistor of low resistance (1 maximum). The current that flows into the output is {200 mV (reference voltage) /FB7 pin resistance} (when SEL7 = H). Output current: IMAX (A) VREF (V) / RFB () Example) Where FB7 = 0.5 Output current = 200 (mV) /0.5 () = 400 (mA) This means constant current driving of 400 mA. Because only ch7 employs the linear drive mode and directly detects the output current, the current accuracy is determined only by the external resistor and the offset of the current control amplifier. The above example shows (SELVREF7 = H) using the internal reference voltage. When applying reference voltage externally, set SELVREF7 to L, then apply voltage to the VREF7 pin. The output current can be calculated by transposing 200 mV in the computational expression. 14 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 7.7 Selecting 2-phase Excitation/Micro Step Drive Mode The 2-phase excitation, 1-2 phase excitation, or micro step drive mode can be selected by using the MODE1 to MODE4 pins. Refer to Table 5-1. Mode Pin Truth Table for details. Immediately after release of reset, the IC is initialized. In the 1-2 phase excitation and micro step drive mode, excitation is started from the position where the output current of ch1 (ch3) is 100% and output current of ch2 (ch4) is 0%. In the 2-phase excitation drive mode, excitation is started from the position where the currents of both ch1 (ch3) and ch2 (ch4) are +100%. When the mode is changed from the micro step driving to the 2-phase excitation (or 1-2 phase excitation), the position of micro step is held until CLK is input. When the rotation direction does not change, pulse output is started by the first CLK input, the position is skipped to the 2-phase position of the next quadrant (or to the closest 1-2 phase position at the rotation direction destination), and driving is started. When the rotation direction changes, it is skipped to 2-phase position of the next quadrant, or 1-2-phase position to the direction which changed, and a drive is started. Figure 7-2. Concept of Change Operation, Micro Step Driving 2-phase Excitation (1-2 Phase Excitation) (4) Microstep stop position (example 1) 2-phase excitation stop position (1) Skipes to the next quadrant Microstep stop position (example 2) (3) (2) 7.8 Under-voltage Lockout (UVLO) Circuit This function is to forcibly stop the operation of the IC to prevent malfunctioning if VDD drops. When UVLO operates, the IC is in the reset status. If VDD drops abruptly in the order of several s, this function may not operate. 7.9 Overheat Protection (TSD) Circuit This function is to forcibly stop the operation of the IC to protect it from destruction due to overheating if the chip temperature of the IC rises. The overheat protection circuit operates when the chip temperature rises to 150C or more. When overheat is detected, all the circuits are stopped. When reset state or when UVLO is detected, the overheat protection circuit does not operate. 7.10 Power Up Sequence This IC has a circuit that prevents current from flowing into the VM pin when VDD = 0 V. Therefore, the current that flows into the VM pin is cut off 1 A MAX. when VDD = 0 V. Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 15 PD168117A 8. NOTE ON CORRECT USE 8.1 Transmitting Data Data input at reset state is ignored. 8.2 Pin Processing of Unused Circuit The input/output pins of an unused circuit must be processed as specified below. A VM power supply pin is provided for each output circuit. The current consumption of the internal circuit can be reduced by dropping the VM power of the unused circuit to GND. However, if there are multiple power supply pins, be sure to connect all of them to the same potential. Lower OE1, CLK1, and CW1. Open FIL1, FIL2, OUT1A, OUT1B, OUT2A, and OUT2B. Connect FB1 and FB2 to GND. Set the general-purpose drive mode. Lower OE2/IN3A, CLK2/IN3B, CW2/IN4A. Higher MODE4/IN4B. Open FIL3, FIL4, OUT3A, OUT3B, OUT4A, and OUT4B. Connect FB3 and FB4 to GND. Lower IN5A (IN6A) and IN5B (IN6B) . Open OUT5A (OUT6A) and OUT5B (OUT6B) . Lower SEL7, SELVREF7, IN7A, and IN7B. Open OUT7A and OUT7B. Connect VREF7, FIL7, FB7, and R7 to GND. 8.3 Input Pin Processing The signal input pins for this IC are not equipped with on-chip pull down/pull up resistors. When the VDD power is on, the logic for all of the input pins must be set to either H or L. 16 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 9. STEPPING MOTOR DRIVING WAVEFORM Figure 9-1. 2-phase Excitation Output Mode Figure 9-2. 1-2 Phase Excitation Output Mode Phase A current Phase A current 100% 100% 70% of a current setting 70% of a current setting -100% -100% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 Phase B current Phase B current 100% 100% 70% of a current setting 70% of a current setting -100% -100% 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 Remark Solid line: Output duty 100% drive, Dotted line: Current control drive (The current is in accordance with the current setting.) Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 17 PD168117A Figure 9-3. Micro Step Drive Mode RESET position 100 99.5 98.1 95.7 92.4 88.2 83.1 77.3 70.7 ch1 current 63.4 55.6 47.1 38.3 29.0 19.5 9.8 0 -9.8 -19.5 -29.0 -38.3 -47.1 -55.6 -63.4 -70.7 -77.3 -83.1 -88.2 -92.4 -98.1 -95.7 -100 -99.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 ch2 current 100 99.5 98.1 95.7 92.4 88.2 83.1 77.3 70.7 63.4 55.6 47.1 38.3 29.0 19.5 9.8 0 -9.8 -19.5 -29.0 -38.3 -47.1 -55.6 -63.4 -70.7 -77.3 -83.1 -88.2 -92.4 -98.1 -95.7 -100 -99.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 Remark The horizontal axis of the above charts indicates the number of steps. The above charts show an example in the CW (forward) mode. The current flowing into phases A and B is positive in the direction from OUT pin A to OUT pin B, and negative in the direction from OUT pin B to OUT pin A. Because the micro step drive mode is in 128 steps, it equals 1 electrical angle cycle. 18 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 10. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Absolute Maximum Ratings (TA = 25C, glass epoxy 4-layer board of 100 mm x 100 mm x 1.6 mm with copper foil area of 50%) Parameter Power supply voltage Symbol Condition Rating Unit VDD Control block -0.5 to +6.0 V VM Motor block -0.5 to +6.0 V -0.5 to VDD +0.5 V Input voltage VIN Output pin voltage VOUT Motor block 6.2 V DC output current (ch1 to 6ch) ID(DC) DC (during output independent operation) 0.4 A/ch DC output current (ch7) ID(DC) DC (during output independent operation) 0.5 A/ch Instantaneous output current ID(pulse) PW < 10 ms, Duty Cycle 20% 0.7 A/ch (during output independent operation) Power consumption PT 1.5 W Peak junction temperature Tch(MAX) 150 C Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +150 C Remark The overheat protection circuit operates at Tch > 150C. When overheat is detected, all the circuits are stopped. The overheat protection circuit does not operate at reset or on detection of ULVO. Caution Product quality may suffer if the absolute maximum rating is exceeded even momentarily for any parameter. That is, the absolute maximum ratings are rated values at which the product is on the verge of suffering physical damage, and therefore the product must be used under conditions that ensure that the absolute maximum ratings are not exceeded. Recommended Operating Conditions (TA = 25C, glass epoxy 4-layer board of 100 mm x 100 mm x 1.6 mm with copper foil area of 50%) Parameter Power supply voltage Symbol Condition MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VDD Control block 2.7 3.6 V VM Motor block 2.7 5.5 V 0 VDD V Input voltage VIN DC output current (ch1 to 6ch) ID(DC) DC (during output independent operation) -0.3 +0.3 A/ch DC output current (ch7) ID(DC) DC (during output independent operation) -0.4 +0.4 A/ch Instantaneous output current ID(pulse) PW < 10 ms, Duty Cycle 20% -0.6 +0.6 A/ch (during output independent operation) Capacitor capacitance ch7 reference voltage input COSC (during 300 kHz TYP. oscillation) VREF7 100 0.1 pF 0.7 V 150 kHz 75 C range Logic input frequency fIN Operating temperature range TA -10 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 19 PD168117A Figure 10-1. AC timing waveform 6.7 s MIN. 2.0 s MIN. 2.0 s MIN. CLK 0.1 s MIN. 0.1 s MIN. 0.1 s MIN. CW 0.1 s MIN. 0.1 s MIN. 0.1 s MIN. MODE (including reset) Electrical Characteristics (Unless otherwise specified, TA = 25C, VDD = 3.0 V, VM = 3.0 V) Parameter Symbol Condition MIN. TYP. MAX. Unit VDD pin current in standby mode IDD(STB) During reset 1.0 A VDD pin current in during operation IDD(ACT) During non-reset 5.0 mA High-level input current IIH VIN = VDD 1.0 A Low-level input current IIL VIN = 0 V High-level input voltage VIH Low-level input voltage VIL COSC oscillation frequency fOSC COSC = 150 pF 200 H-bridge on-state resistance Ron IM = 0.3 A, sum of upper and lower 1.0 1.5 Ron56 IM = 0.3 A, sum of upper and lower 1.5 2.0 1.0 A 1.7 2.5 V -1.0 A 0.7 x VDD V 0.3 x VDD V kHz stages (ch1 to ch4, and ch7) stages (ch5 and ch6) Output leakage current Note1 Low-voltage detection voltage Internal reference voltage Current detection ratio Note2 IM(off) Per VM pin, All control pin: low level VDDS VREF ch1 to ch4 450 500 550 mV VREF7 ch7, during SELVREF7 = H 180 200 220 mV IM = 0.1 A, with sense resistor of 5 k, 900 1000 1100 0.02 0.35 1.0 s 0.02 0.35 1.0 s Note2 ch1 to ch4 Output turn-on time ton Output turn-off time toff RL = 20 , ch1 to ch6 Notes 1. This IC has a circuit that prevents current from flowing into the VM pin when VDD = 0 V. 2. The accuracy of the output current for ch1 to ch4 depends upon the motor that is actually used, but the current fluctuations of the IC are determined by reference voltage and current detection ratios. Assume that the total of the reference voltage VREF and current sense circuit errors are equal to 10%. 20 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A 11. PACKAGE DRAWING 64-PIN PLASTIC FLGA (6x6) B 60x b D x M S AB ZD ZE w S B e 8 7 6 5 4.80 4 3 2 1 A E C D INDEX MARK y1 HG F EDCBA E 4.80 w S A A S S y DETAIL OF C PART S DETAIL OF D PART DETAIL OF E PART 0.60 0.75 (UNIT:mm) 0.60 0.60 0.75 0.60 b (Land pad) 0.45 (Aperture of solder resist) 0.75 0.60 0.60 0.60 R0.30 0.75 0.60 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS R0.375 ITEM D DIMENSIONS 6.000.10 E 6.000.10 w 0.20 e 0.65 A 0.910.07 b 0.350.05 x 0.08 y 0.10 y1 0.20 ZD 0.725 ZE 0.725 P64FC-65-BA2 21 PD168117A 12. RECOMMENDED SOLDERING CONDITIONS The PD168117A should be soldered and mounted under the following recommended conditions. For soldering methods and conditions other than those recommended below, contact an NEC Electronics sales representative. For technical information, see the following website. Semiconductor Device Mount Manual ( Type of Surface Mount Device PD168117AFC-BA2-E1-A Note1 : 64-pin plastic FLGA (6 x 6) Process Infrared reflow Conditions Symbol Package peak temperature: 260C, Time: 60 seconds MAX. (at 220C or higher) , Count: Three times or less, Exposure limit: 3 days Note2 IR60-103-3 (after that, prebake at 125C for 10 hours) , Flux: Rosin flux with low chlorine (0.2 Wt% or below) recommended. Products other than in heat-resistant trays (such as those packaged in a magazine, taping, or non-thermal-resistant tray) cannot be baked in their package. Notes 1. Pb-free (This product does not contain Pb in external electrode and other parts.) 2. After opening the dry pack, store it a 25C or less and 65% RH or less for the allowable storage period. Caution Do not use different soldering methods together (except for partial heating) . 22 Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS PD168117A NOTES FOR CMOS DEVICES 1 VOLTAGE APPLICATION WAVEFORM AT INPUT PIN Waveform distortion due to input noise or a reflected wave may cause malfunction. If the input of the CMOS device stays in the area between VIL (MAX) and VIH (MIN) due to noise, etc., the device may malfunction. Take care to prevent chattering noise from entering the device when the input level is fixed, and also in the transition period when the input level passes through the area between VIL (MAX) and VIH (MIN). 2 HANDLING OF UNUSED INPUT PINS Unconnected CMOS device inputs can be cause of malfunction. If an input pin is unconnected, it is possible that an internal input level may be generated due to noise, etc., causing malfunction. CMOS devices behave differently than Bipolar or NMOS devices. Input levels of CMOS devices must be fixed high or low by using pull-up or pull-down circuitry. Each unused pin should be connected to VDD or GND via a resistor if there is a possibility that it will be an output pin. All handling related to unused pins must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device. 3 PRECAUTION AGAINST ESD A strong electric field, when exposed to a MOS device, can cause destruction of the gate oxide and ultimately degrade the device operation. Steps must be taken to stop generation of static electricity as much as possible, and quickly dissipate it when it has occurred. Environmental control must be adequate. When it is dry, a humidifier should be used. It is recommended to avoid using insulators that easily build up static electricity. Semiconductor devices must be stored and transported in an anti-static container, static shielding bag or conductive material. All test and measurement tools including work benches and floors should be grounded. The operator should be grounded using a wrist strap. Semiconductor devices must not be touched with bare hands. Similar precautions need to be taken for PW boards with mounted semiconductor devices. 4 STATUS BEFORE INITIALIZATION Power-on does not necessarily define the initial status of a MOS device. Immediately after the power source is turned ON, devices with reset functions have not yet been initialized. Hence, power-on does not guarantee output pin levels, I/O settings or contents of registers. A device is not initialized until the reset signal is received. A reset operation must be executed immediately after power-on for devices with reset functions. 5 POWER ON/OFF SEQUENCE In the case of a device that uses different power supplies for the internal operation and external interface, as a rule, switch on the external power supply after switching on the internal power supply. When switching the power supply off, as a rule, switch off the external power supply and then the internal power supply. Use of the reverse power on/off sequences may result in the application of an overvoltage to the internal elements of the device, causing malfunction and degradation of internal elements due to the passage of an abnormal current. The correct power on/off sequence must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device. 6 INPUT OF SIGNAL DURING POWER OFF STATE Do not input signals or an I/O pull-up power supply while the device is not powered. The current injection that results from input of such a signal or I/O pull-up power supply may cause malfunction and the abnormal current that passes in the device at this time may cause degradation of internal elements. Input of signals during the power off state must be judged separately for each device and according to related specifications governing the device. Data Sheet S17486EJ1V0DS 23 PD168117A Reference Documents NEC Semiconductor Device Reliability/Quality Control System (C10983E) Quality Grades On NEC Semiconductor Devices (C11531E) * The information in this document is current as of May, 2005. The information is subject to change without notice. For actual design-in, refer to the latest publications of NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc., for the most up-to-date specifications of NEC Electronics products. Not all products and/or types are available in every country. Please check with an NEC Electronics sales representative for availability and additional information. * No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. * NEC Electronics does not assume any liability for infringement of patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of third parties by or arising from the use of NEC Electronics products listed in this document or any other liability arising from the use of such products. No license, express, implied or otherwise, is granted under any patents, copyrights or other intellectual property rights of NEC Electronics or others. * Descriptions of circuits, software and other related information in this document are provided for illustrative purposes in semiconductor product operation and application examples. The incorporation of these circuits, software and information in the design of a customer's equipment shall be done under the full responsibility of the customer. NEC Electronics assumes no responsibility for any losses incurred by customers or third parties arising from the use of these circuits, software and information. * While NEC Electronics endeavors to enhance the quality, reliability and safety of NEC Electronics products, customers agree and acknowledge that the possibility of defects thereof cannot be eliminated entirely. To minimize risks of damage to property or injury (including death) to persons arising from defects in NEC Electronics products, customers must incorporate sufficient safety measures in their design, such as redundancy, fire-containment and anti-failure features. * NEC Electronics products are classified into the following three quality grades: "Standard", "Special" and "Specific". The "Specific" quality grade applies only to NEC Electronics products developed based on a customerdesignated "quality assurance program" for a specific application. The recommended applications of an NEC Electronics product depend on its quality grade, as indicated below. Customers must check the quality grade of each NEC Electronics product before using it in a particular application. "Standard": Computers, office equipment, communications equipment, test and measurement equipment, audio and visual equipment, home electronic appliances, machine tools, personal electronic equipment and industrial robots. "Special": Transportation equipment (automobiles, trains, ships, etc.), traffic control systems, anti-disaster systems, anti-crime systems, safety equipment and medical equipment (not specifically designed for life support). "Specific": Aircraft, aerospace equipment, submersible repeaters, nuclear reactor control systems, life support systems and medical equipment for life support, etc. The quality grade of NEC Electronics products is "Standard" unless otherwise expressly specified in NEC Electronics data sheets or data books, etc. If customers wish to use NEC Electronics products in applications not intended by NEC Electronics, they must contact an NEC Electronics sales representative in advance to determine NEC Electronics' willingness to support a given application. (Note) (1) "NEC Electronics" as used in this statement means NEC Electronics Corporation and also includes its majority-owned subsidiaries. (2) "NEC Electronics products" means any product developed or manufactured by or for NEC Electronics (as defined above). M8E 02. 11-1