Isolated Synchronous Flyback Controller with Integrated iCoupler ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM APPLICATIONS Isolated dc-to-dc or ac-to-dc power conversion Telecom, industrial Small cell PoE powered device Enterprise switches and routers Rev. B SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER FLYBACK TOPOLOGY INPUT OPTIONAL START-UP CIRCUITRY OUTPUT BIAS WINDING ADP1071-1/ ADP1071-2 15626-001 Current mode controller for flyback topology ADP1071-1: programmable LLM or CCM for high VIN applications ADP1071-2: forced CCM operation Programmable slope compensation Integrated 5 kV isolation (wide body SOIC package) or 3.0 kV (LGA package) rated dielectric isolation voltage with Analog Devices, Inc., patented iCoupler technology Wide voltage supply range Primary VDD: up to 60 V (ADP1071-2 only) Secondary VDD2: up to 36 V Integrated 1 A primary side MOSFET driver Integrated 1 A secondary side MOSFET drivers for synchronous rectification Integrated error amplifier and <1% accurate reference voltage Programmable frequency range: 50 kHz to 600 kHz Duty cycle clamp limit 85% Programmable soft start and soft start from precharged load Protection features such as short circuit, output overvoltage, and overtemperature protection Power saving LLM using MODE pin (ADP1071-1only) Cycle by cycle input overcurrent protection Precision enable UVLO with hysteresis Frequency synchronization Safety and regulatory approvals (pending) UL recognition 5000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577 (for wide body SOIC package) 3000 V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577 (for LGA package) CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A VDE certificate of conformity DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-12 VIORM = 849 V peak (for wide body SOIC package) VIORM = 565 V peak (for LGA package) CQC certification per GB4943.1-2011 Available in 16-lead SOIC_W package and 24 terminal LGA package Figure 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 are pulse-width modulation (PWM) current mode fixed frequency synchronous flyback controllers designed for isolated dc-to-dc power supplies. Analog Devices proprietary iCouplers(R) are integrated in the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 to eliminate the bulky signal transformers and optocouplers that transmit signals over the isolation boundary. Integrating the iCouplers reduces system design complexity, cost, and component count and improves overall system reliability. With the integrated isolators and metal-oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) drivers on both the primary and the secondary side, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 offer a compact system level design and yield a higher efficiency than a diode rectified flyback converter at heavy loads. Output regulation is achieved by sensing the output voltage on the secondary side, where the feedback and the PWM signals are transmitted between the primary and secondary sides through the iCouplers. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 are offered in a 16-lead SOIC_W package with an isolation voltage rating of 5 kV rms. The ADP1071-2 is designed for isolated dc-to-dc applications typically with an input voltage less than 36 V, and the ADP1071-1 targets high input voltage applications, in which the dc input voltage can exceed 60 V. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 offer features such as input current protection, output overvoltage protection (OVP), undervoltage lockout (UVLO), precision enable with adjustable hysteresis, overtemperature protection (OTP), and power saving light load mode (LLM). Document Feedback Information furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: 781.329.4700 (c)2018-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Technical Support ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet TABLE OF CONTENTS Features .............................................................................................. 1 Temperature Sensing ................................................................. 19 Applications ....................................................................................... 1 Frequency Setting (RT Pin) ...................................................... 19 Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1 Maximum Duty Cycle ............................................................... 19 General Description ......................................................................... 1 Frequency Synchronization ...................................................... 19 Revision History ............................................................................... 2 Synchronous Rectifier (SR) Driver .......................................... 20 Specifications..................................................................................... 3 Output Overvoltage Protection (OVP) ................................... 20 Insulation and Safety Related Specifications ............................ 6 SR Dead Time ............................................................................. 20 Regulatory Information ............................................................... 7 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................ 8 Light Load Mode (LLM) and Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) .......................................................................................... 20 Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 8 Soft Stop ....................................................................................... 21 ESD Caution .................................................................................. 8 OCP/Feedback Recovery .......................................................... 21 Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions ........................... 9 Output Voltage Tracking ........................................................... 21 Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 12 Remote System Reset ................................................................. 21 Theory of Operation ...................................................................... 14 OCP Counter .............................................................................. 22 Detailed Block Diagram ............................................................ 15 External Start-Up Circuit .......................................................... 23 Primary Side Supply, Input Voltage, and LDO ........................... 16 Insulation Lifetime ..................................................................... 23 Secondary Side Supply and LDO ............................................. 16 Layout Guidelines....................................................................... 24 Precision Enable ......................................................................... 16 Applications Information .............................................................. 25 Soft Start Procedure ................................................................... 17 Typical Application Circuits ..................................................... 25 Output Voltage Sensing and Feedback .................................... 18 Outline Dimensions ....................................................................... 26 Loop Compensation and Steady State Operation .................. 18 Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 27 Slope Compensation .................................................................. 18 Input/Output Current-Limit Protection..................................... 18 REVISION HISTORY 4/2019--Rev. A to Rev. B Added 44-Terminal LGA Section ..................................... Universal Changes to Features Section............................................................ 1 Changes to Table 2 ............................................................................ 6 Change to Regulatory Information Section .................................. 7 Added Table 3 Title and Table 4; Renumbered Sequentially ........... 7 Changes to Table 6 and Table 7 ....................................................... 8 Added Table 8.................................................................................... 8 Change to Figure 2 Caption, Figure 3 Caption, and Table 9 Title ....................................................................................... 9 Added Figure 4; Renumbered Sequentially, Figure 5, and Table 10 ............................................................................................ 10 Changes to Insulation Lifetime Section ....................................... 23 Updated Outline Dimensions ....................................................... 26 Changes to Ordering Guide .......................................................... 27 11/2018--Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Frequency Setting (RT Pin) Section ........................ 17 9/2018--Revision 0: Initial Version Rev. B | Page 2 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 SPECIFICATIONS ADP1071-1: VREG1 = 9 V, VDD2 = 12 V, TA = -40C to +125C, unless otherwise noted. ADP1071-2: VIN = 24 V, VDD2 = 12 V, TA = -40C to +125C, unless otherwise noted. Table 1. Parameter ADP1071-1 SUPPLY (PRIMARY) Supply Voltage Quiescent Supply Current Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit VREG1 IVREG1 1 F capacitor from VREG1 to AGND1 VREG1 > VREG1 UVLO, GATE pin unloaded 4.7 8 12.5 V IVREG1 VREG1 Start-Up Current VREG1 UVLO UVLO Hysteresis ADP1071-2 SUPPLY (PRIMARY) Supply Voltage Quiescent Supply Current IVREG1_STARTUP VIN IVIN VIN Shutdown Current UVLO Hysteresis SWITCHING TIME Time from EN High to GATE Output Switching Time from EN Low to GATE Output Stops Switching 3.8 4.6 6.8 mA mA mA 5.5 10 16.6 mA mA mA A V V V 160 4.7 4 0.19 IVIN VIN and VREG1 Start-Up Current VIN UVLO At 100 kHz At 300 kHz At 600 kHz VREG1 > VREG1 UVLO, GATE pin loaded with 2.2 nF At 100 kHz At 300 kHz At 600 kHz VEN < 1.2 V VREG1 rising VREG1 falling IVIN_STARTUP 4.7 F capacitor from VIN to AGND1, 1 F capacitor from VREG1 to AGND1 VIN > VIN UVLO, GATE pin unloaded 4.7 At 100 kHz At 300 kHz At 600 kHz VIN > VIN UVLO, GATE pin loaded with 2.2 nF At 100 kHz At 300 kHz At 600 kHz EN pin voltage (VEN) < 1.2 V, VREG1 = 0 V, VIN = 60 V VEN < 1.2 V, VREG1 = 12 V, VIN = 12 V 24 60 V 3.8 4.4 6.8 mA mA mA 5.5 11 22 55 mA mA mA A 160 A 4.7 0.19 V V V VEN > 1.2 V, 1 F capacitor on VREG1 1 ms VEN < 1.0 V, 1 F capacitor on VREG1 1 s VIN rising VIN falling 4 Rev. B | Page 3 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Parameter SUPPLY (SECONDARY) Supply Voltage Quiescent Supply Current Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit VDD2 4.7 F capacitor from VDD2 to AGND2, 1 F capacitor from VREG2 to AGND2 SR unloaded 4.5 12 36 V IDD2 IDD2 VDD2 UVLO Threshold UVLO Hysteresis Secondary UVLO Hiccup Time OSCILLATOR Switching Frequency (fS) VREG1 PIN VREG1 Voltage Clamp VREG1 Clamp Series Resistance GATE DRIVERS (PRIMARY) GATE High Voltage Gate Short-Circuit Peak Current 1 GATE Rise Time GATE Fall Time GATE Source Resistance GATE Sink Resistance GATE Maximum Duty Cycle GATE Minimum On Time SR DRIVER (SECONDARY) SR High Voltage SR Short Circuit Peak Current1 SR Rise Time SR Fall Time SR Minimum On Time SR Source Resistance SR Sink Resistance DEAD TIME SETTING (GATE TO SR) Data Sheet At 100 kHz At 300 kHz At 600 kHz SR loaded with 2.2 nF At 100 kHz At 300 kHz At 600 kHz VDD2 rising VDD2 falling 5.3 5.5 5.6 mA mA mA 6.4 8.7 12.1 3.55 mA mA mA V V mV ms 3 145 200 RON_SOURCE RON_SINK RT resistance (RRT) = 480 k (1%) 50 - 10% 50 50 + 10% kHz RRT = 240 k (1%) RRT = 120 k (1%) RRT = 80 k (1%) RRT = 60 k (1%) RRT = 40 k (1%) 100 - 10% 200 - 10% 300 - 10% 400 - 10% 600 - 10% 100 200 300 400 600 100 + 10% 200 + 10% 300 + 10% 400 + 10% 600 + 10% kHz kHz kHz kHz kHz VREG1 current (IVREG1) = 3 mA, VEN < 1.2 V VREG1 forced current of 5 mA and 10 mA 13.5 14.3 16 15.2 V IVREG1 = 20 mA, VIN > 9 V (ADP1071-2 only) 8 V on VREG1 7.8 8 1.0 8.2 V A GATE loaded with 2.2 nF, 10% to 90% GATE loaded with 2.2 nF, 90% to 10% Source = 100 mA Sink = 100 mA 17 15 4 2 84 ns ns % At 300 kHz, includes blanking time 175 ns IVREG2 = 15 mA, VDD2 > 5.5 V 5 V on VREG2 RON_SR_SOURCE RON_SR_SINK SR loaded with 2.2 nF, 10% to 90% SR loaded with 2.2 nF, 90% to 10% At 300 kHz Source = 100 mA Sink = 100 mA Dead time between SR falling and GATE rising Dead time between GATE falling and SR rising Rev. B | Page 4 of 27 4.9 5 1.0 5.1 V A 13 10 462 3 1.5 30 ns ns ns ns 52 ns Data Sheet Parameter CURRENT-LIMIT SENSE (PRIMARY) CS Limit Threshold CS Leading Edge Blanking Time Current Source di/dt for Slope Compensation Overcurrent Protection (OCP) Comparator Delay Time in OCP Before Entering Hiccup Mode OCP Hiccup Time FB PIN AND ERROR AMPLIFIER Feedback Accuracy Voltage Temperature Coefficient FB Input Bias Current Transconductance Output Current Clamp Minimum Maximum COMP Clamp Voltage Maximum Minimum Open-Loop Gain Output Shunt Resistance Gain Bandwidth Product PRECISION ENABLE THRESHOLD EN Threshold EN Hysteresis EN Hysteresis Current LIGHT LOAD MODE (ADP1071-1 ONLY) LLM Current Source TEMPERATURE Thermal Shutdown Hysteresis SOFT START Open Loop Soft Start Time on Primary SS2 Current Source SS2 Discharging Current ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min VCS_LIM Overcurrent sense limit threshold 120 150 mV ns Switching period (tS) = 1/fS 20 A per tS 40 ns 1.5 ms 40 ms See the Input/Output Current-Limit Protection section VFB tSS1 Max Unit TJ = -40C to +85C -0.85% +1.2 +0.85% V TJ = -40C to +125C -1.25% +1.2 +1.25% 76 V ppm/C -100 230 1 250 +100 270 nA S gm VEN Typ -57 43 A A 2.52 0.7 80 5 1 V V dB G MHz EN rising VEN < 1.2 V VEN > 1.2 V 1.14 1.2 4 1 3 1.26 V A A A Resistor from MODE to AGND1 5.5 6.5 7.5 A 155 -15 C C GATE resistor = 10 k 16 x 775 tS GATE resistor = 22 k GATE resistor = 47 k GATE resistor = 100 k During startup During a fault condition or soft stop 64 x 775 256 x 775 4 x 775 20 30 tS tS tS A A Rev. B | Page 5 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Parameter SYNC PIN Synchronization Range Input Pulse Width Number of Cycles Before Synchronization Input Voltage Low High Leakage Current iCOUPLER DELAY COMP Signal Delay Through iCoupler OVP PIN THRESHOLDS OVP Pin OV Threshold OVP Pin OV Hysteresis OVP Comparator Delay (Includes iCoupler Delay) OVP Pin Leakage Current OVP Hiccup 1 Data Sheet Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ 100 100 Max Unit 600 kHz ns Cycles 0.4 V V A 7 3 1 600 Overvoltage (OV) threshold for OVP pin 1.3 Time before entering OVP hiccup mode Hiccup time trigged by OVP event ns 1.36 36 320 1.42 V mV ns 1 A 200 200 ms ms Short-circuit duration is less than 1 s. Average power must conform to the limit shown in the Absolute Maximum Ratings section. INSULATION AND SAFETY RELATED SPECIFICATIONS Table 2. Parameter WIDE BODY SOIC iCOUPLER Rated Dielectric Insulation Voltage Minimum External Air Gap (Clearance) Minimum External Air Gap (Creepage) Minimum Internal Gap (Internal Clearance) Tracking Resistance (Comparative Tracking Index) Isolation Group LAND GRID ARRAY (LGA) iCOUPLER Rated Dielectric Insulation Voltage Minimum External Air Gap (Clearance) Minimum External Air Gap (Creepage) Minimum Internal Gap (Internal Clearance) Tracking Resistance (Comparative Tracking Index) Isolation Group Symbol Test Conditions/Comments Min 1 minute duration Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance through air Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance path along body Insulation distance through insulation Typ 5 7.6 mm 0.030 mm >400 V II 1 minute duration 2.5 Material Group (DIN VDE 0110, 1/89, Table 1) Rev. B | Page 6 of 27 kV mm Material Group (DIN VDE 0110, 1/89, Table 1) CTI Unit 7.6 CTI Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance through air Measured from input terminals to output terminals, shortest distance path along body Insulation distance through insulation Max kV 4 mm 4 mm 0.030 mm >400 V I Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 REGULATORY INFORMATION See Table 3, Table 4, and the Insulation Lifetime section for details regarding recommended maximum working voltages for specific cross isolation waveforms and insulation levels. Table 3. Regulatory Information for Wide Body SOIC Package UL (Pending) Recognized Under UL 1577 Component Recognition Program1 Single Protection, 5000 V rms Isolation Voltage CSA (Pending) Approved under CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A VDE (Pending) Certified according to DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-122 CSA 60950-1-07+A1+A2 and IEC 60950-1, second edition, +A1+A2: Basic insulation at 780 V rms (1103 V peak) Reinforced insulation at 390 V rms (552 V peak) Reinforced insulation, VIORM = 849 peak, VIOTM = 8000 V peak CQC (Pending) Certified by CQC11-471543-2012, GB4943.1-2011: Basic insulation at 780 V rms (1103 V peak) Reinforced insulation at 389 V rms (552 V peak), tropical climate, altitude 5000 meters File 2471900-4880-0001 File (pending) IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.1: Basic insulation (1 means of patient protection (1 MOPP)), 490 V rms (686 V peak) Reinforced insulation (2 MOPP), 238 V rms (325 V peak) CSA 61010-1-12 and IEC 61010-1 third edition: Basic insulation at 300 V rms mains, 780 V secondary (1103 V peak) File E214100 1 2 File 205078 In accordance with UL 1577, each product is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage 6000 V rms for 1 sec. In accordance with DIN V VDE V 0884-10, each product is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage 1592 V peak for 1 sec (partial discharge detection limit = 5 pC). The * marking branded on the component designates DIN V VDE V 0884-10 approval. Table 4. Regulatory Information for LGA Package UL (Pending) Recognized Under UL 1577 Component Recognition Program1 Single Protection, 3000 V rms Isolation Voltage CSA (Pending) Approved under CSA Component Acceptance Notice 5A VDE (Pending) Certified according to DIN V VDE V 0884-10 (VDE V 0884-10):2006-122 CQC (Pending) Certified by CQC11-471543-2012, GB4943.1-2011: CSA 60950-1-07+A1+A2 and IEC 60950-1, second edition, +A1+A2: Reinforced insulation, VIORM = 565 V peak, VIOTM = 4242 V peak impulse voltage = 4242 V peak Basic insulation at 400 V rms (565 V peak) Reinforced insulation at 200 V rms (283 V peak), tropical climate, altitude 5000 meters Basic insulation at 400 V rms (565 V peak) Reinforced insulation at 200 V rms (283 V peak) IEC 60601-1 Edition 3.1: Basic insulation (1 means of patient protection (1 MOPP)), 250 V rms (354 V peak) CSA 61010-1-12 and IEC 61010-1 third edition: Basic insulation at 300 V rms mains, 400 V secondary (565 V peak) File (pending) 1 2 File (pending) File (pending) File (pending) In accordance with UL 1577, each product is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage 3000 V rms for 1 sec. In accordance with DIN V VDE V 0884-10, each product is proof tested by applying an insulation test voltage 1059 V peak for 1 sec (partial discharge detection limit = 5 pC). The * marking branded on the component designates DIN V VDE V 0884-10 approval. Rev. B | Page 7 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Table 6. Thermal Resistance1 Table 5. Parameter VIN, EN VDD2 VREG1 VREG2 GATE RT, CS, SYNC, SS2, FB, COMP, OVP, MODE, SR AGND1, AGND2 Operating Temperature Range Common-Mode Transients1 Junction Temperature Peak Solder Reflow Temperature SnPb Assemblies (10 sec to 30 sec) RoHS Compliant Assemblies (20 sec to 40 sec) Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Charged Device Model (CDM) Human Body Model (HBM) 1 Rating 66 V 42 V 16 V 6V -0.3 V to +16 V 6.5 V 0.3 V -40C to +125C 50 kV/s 150C 240C 260C Package Type RW-16 (Wide Body SOIC) CC-24-6 (LGA) 1 JC 44.6 43 Unit C/W C/W Thermal impedance simulated values are based on JEDEC 2S2P thermal test board. See JEDEC JESD-51. Table 7. Maximum Continuous Working Voltage Wide Body SOIC1 Parameter Waveform AC Voltage Bipolar Unipolar DC Voltage 1 250 V 1 kV JA 79.3 62.1 Max Unit Constraint 565 1131 1131 V peak V peak V peak 50-year minimum lifetime 50-year minimum lifetime 50-year minimum lifetime Refers to continuous voltage magnitude imposed across the isolation barrier. See the Insulation Lifetime section for more details. Table 8. Maximum Continuous Working Voltage, LGA1 Refers to common-mode transients across the insulation barrier. Commonmode transients exceeding the absolute maximum rating can cause latch up or permanent damage. Stresses at or above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the product. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the product at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this specification is not implied. Operation beyond the maximum operating conditions for extended periods may affect product reliability. Parameter Waveform AC Voltage Bipolar Unipolar DC Voltage 1 Max Unit Constraint 565 909 565 V peak V peak V peak 50-year minimum lifetime Limited by creepage Limited by creepage Refers to continuous voltage magnitude imposed across the isolation barrier. See the Insulation Lifetime section for more details. ESD CAUTION THERMAL RESISTANCE Thermal performance is directly linked to printed circuit board (PCB) design and operating environment. Careful attention to PCB thermal design is required. Rev. B | Page 8 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 PIN CONFIGURATIONS AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS 16 SR 15 AGND2 MODE 4 ADP1071-1 EN 5 14 VREG2 13 VDD2 11 FB TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 12 OVP CS 6 16 SR 15 AGND2 VREG1 3 14 VREG2 VIN 4 EN 5 RT 7 10 COMP SYNC 8 9 SS2 15626-002 VREG1 3 GATE 1 AGND1 2 ADP1071-2 13 VDD2 TOP VIEW (Not to Scale) 12 OVP CS 6 11 FB RT 7 10 COMP SYNC 8 9 SS2 15626-003 GATE 1 AGND1 2 Figure 3. ADP1071-2 SOIC_W Pin Configuration Figure 2. ADP1071-1 SOIC_W Pin Configuration Table 9. Pin Function Descriptions, Wide-Body SOIC Pin No. ADP1071-1 ADP1071-2 1 1 Mnemonic GATE 2 3 2 3 AGND1 VREG1 4 Not applicable MODE Not applicable 4 VIN 5 5 EN 6 6 CS 7 8 7 8 RT SYNC 9 9 SS2 10 10 COMP 11 11 FB 12 12 OVP 13 13 VDD2 14 14 VREG2 15 16 15 16 AGND2 SR Description Driver Output for the Main Power MOSFET on the Primary Side. GATE is a multiple function pin. Connect a resistor from GATE to AGND1 to set up the open loop soft start time. Ground for the Primary Side. 8 V Regulated Low Dropout (LDO) Output for the MOSFET Driver. Connect 1 F or greater from VREG1 to AGND1. Light Load Mode Pin. ADP1071-1 Only. This pin sets the light load mode threshold. Connect MODE to AGND1 to enable forced continuous conduction mode (CCM), or to a high logic (2.5 V or higher) to force an LLM operation, or to a resistor to set up an LLM threshold voltage. Input Voltage (ADP1071-2 Only). See the Primary Side Supply, Input Voltage, and LDO section. Connect a 4.7 F capacitor to this pin. The size of this capacitor can be reduced if the input voltage to this pin is guaranteed stable. Reference this pin to AGND1. Precision Enable Input. The controller is enabled when EN is above the EN threshold voltage. This pin also has a programmable EN hysteresis. This pin is referenced to AGND1. Input Current Sensing. This pin senses the input PWM current. Place a current sense resistor between the source terminal of the power MOSFET and AGND1. This current sense resistor sets up the input current limit. This pin is also used for the external slope compensator. Connect a resistor from CS to the current sense resistor to generate a voltage ramp for the slope compensation. Reference this pin to AGND1. Connect a 33 pF to 100 pF capacitor at this pin to act as a resistor capacitor (RC) filter along with the slope compensation resistor in noisy environments. Switching Period Resistor. Connect a resistor from RT to AGND1 to set the oscillator frequency. Frequency Synchronization. Connect an external clock to the SYNC pin to synchronize the internal oscillator to this external clock frequency. Connect SYNC to AGND1 if this feature is not used. It is recommended that the SYNC frequency be within 10% of the frequency set by the RT pin. Soft Start on the Secondary Side. Connect a capacitor from SS2 to AGND2 to set up the soft start time on the secondary side. Compensation Node on the Secondary Side. This pin is the output of the transconductance (gm) amplifier. Reference this pin to AGND2. Feedback Node on the Secondary Side. Set up the resistive divider from the output voltage such that the nominal voltage, when the power supply is in regulation, is 1.2 V. Reference this pin to AGND2. Output Overvoltage Protection. The OVP threshold is set at 1.36 V. Connect a resistive divider from OVP to the output and AGND2. Input Supply on the Secondary Side. Connect VDD2 to the output voltage of the power supply for a self driven configuration. Connect a 4.7 F capacitor from VDD2 to AGND2. The size of this capacitor can be reduced if the input voltage to VDD2 is guaranteed to be stable. 5 V Regulated LDO Output for Internal Bias and Powering of the Drivers of the Synchronous Rectifiers. Do not use VREG2 as a reference or load. Connect a 1 F capacitor from VREG2 to AGND2. Analog Ground on Secondary Side. Driver Output for Synchronous Rectifier MOSFET. Rev. B | Page 9 of 27 AGND1 4 VREG1 5 MODE 6 EN 7 CS RT 22 ADP1071-1 21 AGND2 AGND1 4 20 VREG2 VREG1 5 NC 23 NC NC 24 SR NC 1 GATE SR 2 NC GATE 3 NC NC Data Sheet NC ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 3 2 1 24 23 22 ADP1071-2 21 AGND2 20 VREG2 19 VDD2 18 OVP 19 VDD2 VIN 6 18 OVP EN 7 8 17 FB CS 8 17 FB 9 16 COMP RT 9 16 COMP Figure 4. ADP1071-1 LGA Pin Configuration 14 NC 13 NOTES 1. NC = NO CONNECT. 2. EPAD1 AND EPAD2 ARE INTERNALLY TIED TO AGND1 AND AGND2, RESPECTIVELY. 15 SS2 12 NC 11 15626-005 15626-004 NOTES 1. NC = NO CONNECT. 2. EPAD1 AND EPAD2 ARE INTERNALLY TIED TO AGND1 AND AGND2, RESPECTIVELY. 10 15 EPAD2 NC 14 EPAD1 SYNC NC 13 NC 12 NC NC 11 SYNC 10 EPAD2 SS2 EPAD1 TOP VIEW (TERMINAL SIDE DOWN) Not to Scale NC TOP VIEW (TERMINAL SIDE DOWN) Not to Scale Figure 5. ADP1071-2 LGA Pin Configuration Table 10. Pin Function Descriptions, LGA Pin No. ADP1071-1 ADP1071-2 1 1 Mnemonic GATE 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 Not applicable NC NC AGND1 VREG1 MODE Not applicable 6 VIN 7 7 EN 8 8 CS 9 9 RT 10 10 SYNC 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 15 NC NC NC NC SS2 16 16 COMP 17 17 FB Description Driver Output for the Main Power MOSFET on the Primary Side. GATE is a multifunction pin. Connect a resistor from the GATE pin to AGND1 to set up the open loop soft start time. No Connect. No Connect. Ground for the Primary Side. 8 V Regulated LDO Output for the MOSFET Driver. Connect 1 F or greater from VREG1 to AGND1. Light Load Mode Pin (ADP1071-1 Only). This pin sets the light load mode threshold. Connect the MODE pin to either AGND1 to enable forced continuous conduction mode (CCM), or to a high logic (2.5 V or higher) to force an LLM operation, or to a resistor to set up an LLM threshold voltage. Input Voltage (ADP1071-2 Only). See the Primary Side Supply, Input Voltage, and LDO section. Connect a 4.7 F capacitor to the VIN pin. The size of this capacitor can be reduced if the input voltage to the VIN pin is guaranteed stable. Reference the VIN pin to AGND1. Precision Enable Input. The controller is enabled when EN is above the EN threshold voltage. The EN pin also has a programmable EN hysteresis. The EN pin is referenced to AGND1. Input Current Sensing. The CS pin senses the input PWM current. Place a current sense resistor between the source terminal of the power MOSFET and AGND1.The current sense resistor sets up the input current limit. This pin is also used for the external slope compensator. Connect a resistor from the CS pin to the current sense resistor to generate a voltage ramp for the slope compensation. Reference the CS pin to AGND1. Connect a 33 pF to 100 pF capacitor at the CS pin to act as a resistor capacitor (RC) filter along with the slope compensation resistor in noisy environments. Switching Period Resistor. Connect a resistor from the RT pin to AGND1 to set the oscillator frequency. Frequency Synchronization. Connect an external clock to the SYNC pin to synchronize the internal oscillator to this external clock frequency. Connect the SYNC pin to AGND1 if this feature is not used. The SYNC frequency is recommended to be within 10% of the frequency set by the RT pin. No Connect. No Connect. No Connect. No Connect. Soft Start on the Secondary Side. Connect a capacitor from SS2 to AGND2 to set up the soft start time on the secondary side. Compensation Node on the Secondary Side. This pin is the output of the transconductance (gm) amplifier. Reference the COMP pin to AGND2. Feedback Node on the Secondary Side. Set up the resistive divider from the output voltage such that the nominal voltage, when the power supply is in regulation, is 1.2 V. Reference the FB pin to AGND2. Rev. B | Page 10 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 18 18 OVP 19 19 VDD2 20 20 VREG2 21 22 23 24 21 22 23 24 AGND2 NC NC SR EPAD1 EPAD2 Output Overvoltage Protection. The OVP threshold is set at 1.36 V. Connect a resistive divider from the OVP pin to the output and AGND2. Input Supply on the Secondary Side. Connect VDD2 to the output voltage of the power supply for a self driven configuration. Connect a 4.7 F capacitor from VDD2 to AGND2. The size of this capacitor can be reduced if the input voltage to VDD2 is guaranteed to be stable. 5 V Regulated LDO Output for Internal Bias and Powering of the Drivers of the Synchronous Rectifiers. Do not use VREG2 as a reference or load. Connect a 1 F capacitor from VREG2 to AGND2. Analog Ground on Secondary Side. No Connect. No Connect. Driver Output for Synchronous Rectifier MOSFET. Exposed Pad 1. Exposed pad is internally tied to AGND1. Exposed Pad 2. Exposed pad is internally tied to AGND2. Rev. B | Page 11 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 8.08 5.05 8.06 5.04 5.03 VREG2 VOLTAGE (V) 8.02 8.00 7.98 7.96 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 7.94 5.01 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 4.97 -40 15626-104 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 6. VREG1 Voltage vs. Temperature Figure 9. VREG2 Voltage vs. Temperature 1.23 1.204 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 1.16 1.15 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) 1.202 1.200 1.196 1.194 1.192 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 7. Rising EN Threshold Accuracy vs. Temperature Figure 10. FB Threshold vs. Temperature 6.9 MODE PIN CURRENT ACCURACY (A) 125 120 115 110 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) 15626-106 105 100 -40 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 1.198 15626-108 FB THRESHOLD ACCURACY (V) 1.22 15626-105 EN THRESHOLD ACCURACY, RISING (V) -20 15626-107 4.98 TEMPERATURE (C) CS COMPARATOR ACCURACY, RISING (mV) MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 5.00 4.99 7.92 7.90 -40 5.02 Figure 8. Rising CS Comparator Accuracy vs. Temperature 6.8 6.7 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 6.6 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.2 6.1 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 11. MODE Pin Current Source Accuracy vs. Temperature Rev. B | Page 12 of 27 15626-109 VREG1 VOLTAGE (V) 8.04 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 4.20 56 4.15 EN PIN HYSTERESIS CURRENT (A) 58 52 50 48 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 46 44 42 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 4.05 4.00 3.95 3.90 3.85 3.80 3.75 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) 3.70 -40 15626-110 40 -40 4.10 -20 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 12. GATE Delay vs. Temperature (GATE Falling to SR Rising) Figure 15. EN Pin Hysteresis Current vs. Temperature, EN < 1.2 V 160 45 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 158 156 40 MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM BLANKING TIME (ns) GATE DELAY (ns) 0 15626-113 GATE DELAY (ns) 54 35 40 25 154 152 150 148 146 144 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 13. GATE Delay vs. Temperature (GATE Falling to SR Rising) MAXIMUM MEAN MINIMUM 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 TEMPERATURE (C) 15626-112 EN PIN HYSTERESIS CURRENT (A) 1.10 0.98 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 TEMPERATURE (C) Figure 16. Blanking Time vs. Temperature 1.12 1.08 140 -40 Figure 14. EN Pin Hysteresis Current vs. Temperature, EN > 1.2 V Rev. B | Page 13 of 27 100 120 15626-114 20 -40 15626-111 142 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet THEORY OF OPERATION The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 are PWM, current mode, fixed frequency, synchronous flyback controllers designed for isolated dc-to-dc power supplies. Analog Devices iCouplers are integrated in the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 to eliminate the bulky signal transformers and optocouplers that transmit signals over the isolation boundary. Integrating the iCouplers reduces system design complexity, cost, and component count and improves overall system reliability. With the integrated isolators and MOSFET drivers on both the primary and the secondary side, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 offer a compact system level design and yield a higher efficiency than a diode rectified flyback converter at heavy loads. The PWM controls are performed on the primary side by sensing the input peak current cycle by cycle with a sense resistor at the source of the main switching MOSFET. The output of the converter is sensed by the secondary circuitry, which sends the feedback and PWM signals to the primary side via the 5 kV integrated isolators for a complete control loop solution. Traditionally in a forward or flyback converter, a discrete optocoupler is used in the feedback path to transmit the signal from the secondary to the primary side, and an external transformer is used for transmitting the PWM signal from the primary to the secondary side for synchronous rectification. However, the current transfer ratio (CTR) of the optocouplers degrades over time and over temperature and so the optocoupler must be replaced every 5 to 10 years, depending on the manufacturing quality and optocoupler grade that determines the initial CTR. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 eliminate the use of an optocoupler and signal transformer, thus reducing system cost, PCB area, and complexity, while improving system reliability without the issue of CTR degradation of the optocouplers. The secondary circuitry includes the feedback compensation, a 5 V LDO regulator, an internal reference, two MOSFET drivers for synchronous rectification, and a dedicated pin for overvoltage protection. Additionally, the secondary side features differential output voltage sensing and a programmable LLM setting. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 controllers offer a complete solution for an isolated dc-to-dc power supply by integrating the 5 kV isolators and the primary and secondary control circuitries in one package. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 also offer features such as input current protection, OVP, UVLO, precision enable with adjustable hysteresis, OTP, LLM, and tracking. The primary circuitry in the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 includes an 8 V LDO, input current sensing, bias circuit, and MOSFET drivers including an active clamp reset driver, slope compensation, external frequency synchronization, PWM generator, and a programmable maximum duty cycle setting. The primary side also has pins for differential sensing of the current sense signal. The integrated iCouplers carry out the communications between the primary and secondary sides by transmitting the feedback signal and the PWMs over the isolation barrier. The feedback signal and timing of synchronous rectifier PWMs are transmitted between the primary and the secondary sides, or between the secondary and primary sides, through the iCouplers using a proprietary transmission scheme. Rev. B | Page 14 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 DETAILED BLOCK DIAGRAM Figure 17 shows a detailed block diagram of the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2. 5V ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 VDD2 5V LDO VIN/MODE1 8V LDO RCLM VREG2 VREF2 VREG1 BIAS VREF 1.2V 14V 1.36V OV 1.2V EN OVP LOGIC 1A RT 4A THERMAL LIMIT INTERNAL SOFT START PRIMARY TO SECONDARY HANDOVER LOGIC fOSC DC COMP VREG2 SS2 OSCILLATOR OV DETECT SYNC gm COMP OCP RECOVERY AMPLIFIER 1.2VREF FB Tx COMP RAMP SLOPE RAMP SLOPE COMP VREG GATE S DRV RSOFT START LOGIC AND DEAD TIME CTRL SR VREG2 Q SR R LOGIC Tx LOGIC DRV PWM COMPARATOR AGND2 OV OCP CONTROL OV OCP THRESHOLD CS LUM CONTROL AGND1 1THIS 15626-015 VMODE PIN IS VIN ON THE ADP1071-2, AND MODE ON THE ADP1071-1 Figure 17. Detailed Block Diagram Rev. B | Page 15 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet PRIMARY SIDE SUPPLY, INPUT VOLTAGE, AND LDO PRECISION ENABLE The voltage at the VREG1 pin powers the internal circuitry, primary side iCouplers, housekeeping circuits, and the primary MOSFET driver at the GATE pin. The enable threshold at the EN pin is precision voltage referenced at 1.2 V. In the ADP1071-1, power must be supplied to the VREG1 using an external start-up circuit. In the ADP1071-2, a high voltage LDO regulator is connected to the VIN pin and has a regulated output of 8 V at VREG1. In the ADP1071-2, to reduce power consumption in the LDO for input voltages higher than approximately 30 V, an auxiliary winding on the transformer of the active clamp forward topology can be used to power VREG1. This auxiliary supply voltage must be higher than the regulated output at VREG1 so that the LDO shuts off during normal operation. In both the ADP1071-1 and ADP1071-2, the recommended auxiliary voltage is from 8.5 V to 12.5 V because an internal 14 V Zener diode is connected at VREG1. SECONDARY SIDE SUPPLY AND LDO In the ADP1071-1, the soft start procedure commences immediately when VIN is above the UVLO voltage (typically 4.5 V) and the voltage at the EN pin rises above 1.2 V. In the ADP1071-2, the soft start procedure commences after a small delay when VIN is above the UVLO voltage (typically 4.5 V) and the voltage at the EN pin rises above 1.2 V. This delay comprises the time taken to charge the capacitor at the VREG1 pin through the internal 8 V LDO. After the internal biasing is finished, the soft start procedure initiates. Connect a resistive divider between EN and VIN to set up the input start-up voltage (see Figure 18). An internal current source at EN allows the user to program the UVLO start-up voltage with a desirable hysteresis. To calculate the start-up voltage with hysteresis, use the superposition theorem or nodal analysis to obtain the EN pin voltage, as follows: VEN = VIN x Two pins on the secondary side are supply pins: VDD2 and VREG2. The secondary side is typically powered by the output rail of the converter by connecting it to the VDD2 pin. The UVLO for the secondary side is typically 3.55 V, at which the secondary side starts up. For output voltages less than the secondary UVLO voltage, a third winding is required to generate an auxiliary voltage to power the secondary circuitry. The internal 5 V LDO regulator at the VREG2 pin powers the MOSFET drivers, secondary side iCouplers, and housekeeping circuits. When VDD2 is less than 5 V, the LDO regulator operates in dropout mode. For output voltages higher than 24 V, connecting the output voltage directly to VDD2 can result in significant power dissipation in the LDO. For instance, at 24 V and with the total driver current at 10 mA, the power dissipated in the LDO is 0.19 W (10 mA x 19 V). It is recommended to power VDD2 with an auxiliary voltage in the 8 V to 12 V range. R2 - I EN x (R1 || R2 + R H ) R1 + R2 where: VEN is the EN pin voltage. IEN is the current source at the EN pin (1 A for turn on and 4 A for turn off). The user can adjust the R1, R2, and RH resistors such that VEN 1.2 V and obtain the desired hysteresis. An internal 1 A pull-down current is always on, and the 3 A current is active only when the VEN is below the EN threshold and becomes inactive when VEN is above the EN threshold. In general, a higher input voltage requires a larger hysteresis. It is recommended to keep a capacitor on the EN pin to AGND1 to provide a low impedance path that prevents any noise, which toggles the EN pin when the input voltage hovers at the threshold. VIN ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 VIN R1 8V LDO VREF 1.2V LOGIC RH EN R2 3A HYSTERESIS GENERATOR 15626-016 1A Figure 18. Precision EN with Adjustable Hysteresis When the EN pin is less than the threshold, the system enables the soft stop procedure. SR takes up to a maximum of two switching periods to terminate. See the Soft Start Procedure section for more details. Rev. B | Page 16 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 SOFT START PROCEDURE The following procedure assumes that the VDD2 pin is powered directly from the output voltage of the power supply. To ensure a smooth output voltage ramp during startup, the soft start sequence is controlled by two soft start control circuits, one in the primary (for open-loop soft start using the GATE pin) and the other in the secondary (for closed-loop soft start, using the SS2 pin). Proper handshaking between the primary side and the secondary side is needed prior to the secondary side taking control. The open-loop soft start time is determined by the resistor on the GATE pin prior to startup. The primary peak current is increased gradually every switching period. The slew rate of the increase in peak current is determined by selecting the GATE resistor prior to startup. The current increases from a minimum of 0 A to a maximum of 120 mV/RSENSE. This rate is the openloop soft start. Four speeds are available: 4 x 775, 16 x 775, 64 x 775, and 256 x 775 switching periods for resistors 100 k, 10 k, 22 k, and 47 k, respectively. During this time, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 start firing the PWM pulses and the output voltage continues to build up slowly if the average current on the secondary side exceeds the load current. Because the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 are current mode controllers, the output capacitor starts charging only when the primary current limit exceeds the load current requirement. The handshaking process is as follows. When VDD2 reaches the UVLO of approximately 3.5 V, the internal circuitry on the secondary side is activated and the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 initiate the following two processes: 1. 2. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 make the voltage on the SS2 pin equal to the value on the FB pin, with an SS2 pin current, at 10 times the nominal current source of 20 A on the SS2 pin. Simultaneously, the current limit on the primary side is transferred over to the secondary side and the voltage on the COMP pin is made equal to the instantaneous current limit of 100 mV. There is a timeout for this process, which is 1.5 ms after the VDD2 UVLO threshold is crossed. When this process is satisfied, the transmission of the COMP signal occurs from the secondary to the primary side. The ADP1071-1/ ADP1071-2 transmit the COMP signal by continuously sampling the analog signal at the COMP pin. The sampled value is then transmitted using a proprietary scheme to the primary side where the instantaneous value of the CS pin is compared to the COMP level to determine the falling edge of the GATE pulse. The COMP signal is, therefore, a representation of the primary current limit. After COMP transmission begins, the primary side receives the signal and control is completely handed over to the secondary side when either the received level of COMP on the primary side is within 100 mV or up to 128 switching periods (typically 8) have passed, starting from the first pulse being transmitted to the primary side. Then, after the control is handed over to the secondary side, the closed-loop soft start begins, where the SS2 capacitor is charged at a nominal rate of 20 A. The output voltage then rises to the regulation voltage based on the SS2 pin voltage. The voltage on the SS2 pin continues to rise to 1.2 V, that is, the steady state voltage on the FB pin. At this stage, the power supply is in regulation, and the output voltage is at its target value. At the end of the soft start process, the voltage on the SS2 pin continues to rise to approximately 1.4 V. In steady state, the FB pin (that is, the reference voltage) is 1.2 V. The SR1 and SR2 synchronous drivers begin to pulse after VDD2 crosses the UVLO threshold. If the voltage at the VDD2 pin is greater than the UVLO voltage, such as a soft start from the precharged output, or if the VDD2 pin is powered by an external supply, the secondary side assumes control from the moment the EN pin is enabled, and only SS2 is used for the soft start procedure. When initiating a soft start from the precharged output, the SS2 pin tracks the FB pin and then initiates a soft start. This process eliminates any glitches in the output voltage. When soft starting into a precharged output, the SR gate is prevented from turning on until the SS2 voltage reaches the precharged voltage at the FB pin. This soft start scheme prevents the output from being discharged, and it prevents reverse current. Under abnormal situations, such as a shorted load or a transient condition on the load during the soft start process, FB may not be able to track SS2 accurately. If this condition occurs before the VDD2 UVLO threshold is crossed, the open loop soft start is in effect. If it occurs after the VDD2 UVLO threshold is crossed, SS2 tracks the FB pin and then continues with the soft start process until the regulation voltage is reached. In all conditions, control is handed over to the secondary side if FB 1.2 V. When the secondary VDD2 is directly powered by the output of the converter, the minimum output voltage required is higher than the secondary UVLO voltage. For output voltages less than the secondary UVLO voltage, a third winding is needed to generate an auxiliary voltage to power the secondary side circuitry. Alternately, in most cases, a diode resistor capacitor combination from the switch node can provide the voltage to VDD2. Rev. B | Page 17 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet OUTPUT VOLTAGE SENSING AND FEEDBACK INPUT/OUTPUT CURRENT-LIMIT PROTECTION The output voltage of the converter is set by a resistive divider to the FB pin. The resistive divider must be set in a manner such that the voltage at the FB pin is 1.2 V in steady state. The output voltage must be differentially sensed using the FB pin and the AGND2 pin. There is no direct current-limit sensing circuit in the secondary side, but the output current limit is indirectly set by sensing the input primary peak current cycle by cycle. A leading edge blanking time is added after the rising edge of the GATE signal to avoid picking up any unwanted noise or ringing at the CS pin at the start of the switching period. LOOP COMPENSATION AND STEADY STATE OPERATION The FB pin feeds into the negative terminal of a transconductance amplifier (or gm amplifier) with a gain of approximately 250 A/V. The positive input terminal of the gm amplifier is connected to SS2, which provides the reference setpoint voltage. The output of the gm amplifier is connected to the COMP pin. The voltage on the COMP pin is representative of the current peak limit required to sustain regulation. This pin is continuously sampled, and the signal is transmitted to the primary side, where it is compared to the sensed primary current using a comparator. When the comparator trips, it causes GATE to terminate. Typically, an RC network in series is connected between the COMP pin and AGND2 for compensation. A high frequency pole in the form of a capacitor can also be added in parallel to the RC network. The output of the gm amplifier is clamped to a minimum and maximum current of approximately +40 A and -65 A, respectively. The COMP node is clamped to a lower and higher level of approximately 0.7 V and 2.52 V, respectively. This is representative of the CS range from 0 mV to 120 mV. SLOPE COMPENSATION For a peak current mode controller with a duty cycle higher than 50%, slope compensation is necessary for a stable operation. To set up an external compensation in the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2, connect the external RRAMP resistor (see Figure 30) between CS and the current sense resistor, RSENSE, to set up the slope voltage ramp for the control signal. It is important to sense the signal differentially. See the Layout Guidelines section for more details. An internal ramp current starts from 0 A at the minimum duty cycle (that is, the beginning of the switching period) and increases linearly toward a maximum of 20 A at the end of the switching period. The slope of the voltage ramp is the ramp current times RRAMP. RRAMP is sized using the following equation: RRAMP k VOUT N 2 RSENSE x x x tS L N 1 20 A where: k = 0.5 for nominal cases and k = 1 for deadbeat control. VOUT is the desired output voltage. L is the output inductor. N1 and N2 are the primary and secondary turns of the transformer. tS is the switching period. The input peak current limit is set by connecting a sense resistor, RSENSE, from the source of the main MOSFET to AGND1, and the sensed voltage appears at the CS pin. To generate the slopecomp ramp, insert the slope compensation resistor, RRAMP, between CS and RSENSE. The CS current limit, VCSLIM, is internally set to 120 mV. Calculate the RSENSE value by RSENSE = VCS _ LIM - RRAMP x 20 A I PKPRI where: VCS_LIM is the CS current limit. IPKPRI is the primary peak current. When the sensed input peak current is above the CS limit threshold, the controller operates in the cycle by cycle constant current limit mode for 1.5 ms. Then, the controller immediately shuts down the primary and secondary drivers. The controller then enters hiccup mode for the next 40 ms and restarts the soft start sequence after this timeout period. The slope ramp can affect the accuracy of the current-limit threshold because the voltage drop across RRAMP contributes to the inaccuracy of the peak current limit. For instance, if the added slope ramp voltage is 20% of the current-limit threshold, the actual input peak current limit can be off by as much as 20% depending on where the peak current-limit threshold is tripped during the on cycle. In the event of an output short circuit, the controller treats this condition as an overcurrent event and enters the 40 ms hiccup mode. Under certain situations, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 exit OCP hiccup mode. In this condition, even though the COMP pin is at the maximum clamp level, the device does not enter hiccup mode. It is guaranteed that the PWMs are terminated whenever the CS maximum threshold is reached. The conditions under which this can occur are as follows. Under certain conditions, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 exit OCP hiccup mode. In these conditions, the COMP pin is at the maximum clamp level, but the device does not enter hiccup mode. However, it is guaranteed that the PWMs are terminated whenever the CS maximum threshold is reached. The condition under which the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 skip entering hiccup mode is when VDD2 is powered through an auxiliary winding, and an output short circuit occurs that results in the FB pin having a voltage that is less than 300 mV. This event is more prominent at high temperatures (>85C) and can be exacerbated at higher temperatures. Rev. B | Page 18 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 The root cause of the device exiting hiccup mode is due to the effect that the OCP hiccup mode feature has on the SS2 pin. During OCP recovery, the SS2 pin tracks the FB pin and attempts a soft start from the precharge sequence. During this time that SS2 tracks FB, the SS2 pin voltage can be less than the FB pin voltage for a short interval, which causes the COMP pin (output of the gm amplifier) to momentarily fall below the maximum COMP pin clamp level. This event means that the current limit required for the next few switching periods is less than the maximum threshold and puts the device out of hiccup mode because the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 fail to register 1.25 ms worth of consecutive overcurrent cycles and fails to enter OCP hiccup mode. ALTERNATE OPTION The following scenarios guarantee OCP hiccup mode based on the configuration of the VDD2 power supply: * * When VDD2 is powered directly from the output voltage, if a short circuit on the output terminals of the load occurs after steady state regulation is achieved, the VDD2 pin voltage is less than the UVLO threshold, and the device enters hiccup mode for 200 ms, similar to the hiccup time described in the Remote System Reset section. When VDD2 is powered through auxiliary winding or another configuration, when a short circuit occurs on the output terminals, the auxiliary winding is not shorted and maintains a positive voltage above the VDD2 UVLO threshold. To enter hiccup mode, the following circuit is recommended, as shown in Figure 19. The circuit operates as follows: when the output voltage goes low due to a short circuit, the D1 diode turns on, which pulls the base of the bipolar junction transistor (BJT) low, shutting off VDD2. The system then enters hiccup mode, as described in the Remote System Reset section. R3 is sized to bias the Zener diode and R4 is sized such that (VZENER - 1)/R4 > IZENER, where VZENER is the voltage of the diode and IZENER is the biasing current of the diode. This sizing ensures that the impedance of the resistor is less than the impedance of the diode, which causes the voltage of the diode to drop, and allows VDD2 to enter UVLO. If the output voltage is <5 V, the same procedure can be used to size the R4 resistor. If a discrete LDO is not used, a simple resistor and diode connector to the output voltage is sufficient. In this case, the R4 resistor is sized to limit the current through the D1 diode when the output voltage is 0 V during a short circuit event. Because the bandwidth of the system is high, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 are able to maintain voltage regulation at the proper voltage level, even if the auxiliary winding voltage is higher than the output voltage. The soft start and soft start from precharge conditions is met with the addition of this circuit due to the bandwidth of the overall system. VOUT R4 100 D1 VDD2 FROM AUXILIARY WINDING ~10V D1 VOUT R4 100 ~6.3V ZENER AGND2 15626-118 R3 500 Figure 19. Recommended Circuit to Guarantee Hiccup Mode TEMPERATURE SENSING The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 have an internal temperature sensor that shuts down the controller when the internal temperature exceeds the OTP limit. At this time, the primary and secondary MOSFET drivers (GATE and SR) are held low. When the temperature drops below the OTP hysteresis level, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 restart with a soft start sequence. FREQUENCY SETTING (RT PIN) The switching frequency can be programmed in a range of 50 kHz to 600 kHz by connecting a resistor from RT to AGND1. A small current flows out of the RT pin and the voltage across it sets up the internal oscillator frequency. The value of this pin is approximately 1.224 V in steady state. Use the following equation to determine the resistor (in ) for a particular switching frequency (in kHz): f S (kHz) = 1 1 x -12 41.67 x 10 x R 1000 where: fS is the switching frequency. R is the resistor on the RT pin. MAXIMUM DUTY CYCLE To prevent the transformer core from saturating in the event of high current or extreme load transient, a maximum duty cycle clamp is internally set to 85%. As an added protection feature to prevent open-loop conditions, the maximum duty cycle is also applicable during soft start. If the controller reaches the maximum duty cycle during soft start for three consecutive switching periods, the 40 ms hiccup timer is initiated. FREQUENCY SYNCHRONIZATION The switching frequency of the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 can be synchronized to an external clock at the SYNC pin. When an external clock rising edge is first detected, it takes approximately seven to ten periods for the internal clock to lock in the SYNC clock frequency. In between the time that the SYNC clock is detected and the time that it is locked in, the controller continues to operate with the internal oscillator frequency. The SYNC frequency must be within 10% of the internal oscillator frequency set by the RT pin. Otherwise, synchronization does not take place. Rev. B | Page 19 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet LIGHT LOAD MODE (LLM) AND CONTINUOUS CONDUCTION MODE (CCM) A clock signal can be applied to SYNC on the fly or prior to the soft start sequence. A dithered clock can also be applied to SYNC to reduce the peak electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise in the converter output and switch node. The internal clock is able to lock onto the dithered clock cycle by cycle. The ADP1071-1 has a power saving mode feature in which the LLM threshold is programmable by connecting a resistor from the MODE pin to AGND1. A current source flowing through this resistor directly sets up the LLM threshold, which is compared to the COMP voltage on the primary side. The SR driver is turned off when the COMP voltage on the primary is below the LLM threshold, and conduction current continues to flow through the body diode of the SR MOSFET. However, the primary gate driver continues to operate in full PWM mode. When the COMP voltage moves above the LLM threshold, the controller operates in forced CCM. It is recommended to connect the SYNC pin to AGND1 if this feature is not used. SYNCHRONOUS RECTIFIER (SR) DRIVER There is a synchronous rectifier driver on the secondary side for driving the synchronous switch. VDD2 is the front end of the LDO at VREG2. The 5 V internal LDO at VREG2 powers the SR drivers and all internal circuits on the secondary side. The recommended power supply range at VDD2 is from 6 V to 36 V. However, at 36 V input to VDD2, the power dissipation in the LDO can be significant. If VDD2 is less than 5 V, the LDO operates in the dropout region, where VREG2 and the driver output are less than 5 V. In this case, it is recommended to supply VDD2 with an auxiliary power supply greater than 5 V. When the COMP voltage rises above the LLM threshold (that is, the MODE pin voltage), the SR PWMs gradually increase (or phase in) from the duty cycle at light load to the steady state duty cycle at the SR phase in rate. The SR phase in rate moves the SR edges every 1.5 ns per s. Without the phase in sequence, a dip in the output voltage can occur if the SR PWMs transition from zero to full duty cycle instantaneously. VDD2 can be directly connected to the converter output or an auxiliary power supply, by using a third winding of the main transformer. For additional drive strength, SR can be fed into an external MOSFET driver such as the ADP3624 or the ADP3654. In a load dump situation, for example, when the load is stepped from full load to light load, that is, from continuous conduction mode (CCM) to discontinuous conduction mode (DCM) operation, the duty cycles of the SR PWMs gradually phase out at the SR phase out rate, which has the same numerical value of the SR phase in rate. The phase out sequence of the SR PWMs prevents reverse current in the secondary side, and at the same time, optimizes the dynamic performance of the output response. Note that the level of COMP is still above the minimum COMP clamp level at this point, and the ADP1071-1 outputs duty cycles with minimum on time. OUTPUT OVERVOLTAGE PROTECTION (OVP) When the output voltage exceeds the OVP threshold of 1.36 V, the controller immediately shuts off the drivers (GATE and SR) on both the primary and secondary side. When the voltage at the OVP drops below the OV hysteresis level, the controller resumes switching in the next switching period with the primary drivers, followed by the phasing in of SR. The OVP feature causes the system to enter hiccup for 200 ms if the voltage on the OVP pin exceeds 1.36 V for a sustained period of 200 s. If the load is further reduced and the COMP pin voltage becomes equal to the minimum COMP clamp level, the ADP1071-1 enters pulse skip mode. SR DEAD TIME To maximize efficiency and avoid cross conduction between the primary and secondary sides, a fixed dead time between GATE and SR is provided, as shown in Figure 20. Note that when the system enters light load mode, the synchronous rectifiers terminate at the falling edge of GATE, which prevents termination at a negative current. GATE Use the following formula to set up the LLM threshold: SR DEAD TIME 50ns FIXED SR Figure 20. Gate to SR Dead Time R MODE = 15626-017 SR DEAD TIME 30ns FIXED I PEAK _ LLM x CSGAIN + 0.8 I MODE where: IPEAK_LLM is the peak primary current at the particular no load condition. CSGAIN = 12.5. IMODE is the current flowing out of the MODE pin. For full time CCM operation, connect MODE to AGND1. The ADP1071-2 does not have an LLM and always operates in forced CCM. Pulse skipping is not available in the ADP1071-2. Rev. B | Page 20 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 SOFT STOP OUTPUT VOLTAGE TRACKING The ADP1071-2 employs a soft stop feature that brings the output voltage gradually down to zero by using the SS2 pin as a reference. During the soft stop procedure, the SS2 pin is discharged to zero by a current sink of approximately 1.5 times the value during closedloop soft start. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 offer a tracking feature. During steady state, the FB pin is at 1.2 V. At this time, the SS2 pin voltage is at 1.4 V. Using an external digital-to-analog converter (DAC), the voltage on the SS2 pin can modulate the output voltage. It is recommended that the SS2 pin voltage be changed only after the VDD2 UVLO point is crossed, and control is handed over to the secondary side, or else the handover process does not occur smoothly, resulting in glitches in the output voltage. When the voltage at EN drops below the EN threshold, the SR secondary driver shuts off immediately, and the primary GATE pulse width gradually decreases the duty cycle from the last known condition to the minimum pulse width and down to zero, causing the output voltage to decrease. The soft stop feature prevents any reverse current when the controller is shut down. When the output voltage decreases below the VDD2 UVLO threshold, there is no transmission of the COMP signal to the primary side. Therefore, the output voltage continues to decrease at the rate at which the load current discharges the output capacitor. When the load is at a minimum or at no load, the output voltage does not discharge because any reduction in duty cycle or current limit does not discharge the output voltage linearly. OCP/FEEDBACK RECOVERY During steady state, the FB pin is at 1.2 V. At this time, the SS2 pin voltage is 1.4 V. Under abnormal situations, such as an overload condition, the output voltage can dip severely. In such an event, the current limit is at the maximum level, and the COMP pin voltage is at its clamp level. If the two conditions of the COMP pin voltage being clamped and VFB < (1.2 V - 100 mV) are satisfied, the controller discharges the SS2 pin using a fast current sink (200 A) to make the SS2 pin equal to the FB pin. The controller then attempts to perform a soft start from this precharged condition, that is, from the last known value of the output voltage. This process is how the OCP/feedback recovery feature operates. However, if at any time the voltage on the COMP pin is above the maximum clamp voltage for a period greater than 1.5 ms, the system enters hiccup mode. The SS2 voltage must be brought down from 1.4 V to 1.2 V, and it must be brought down even further to effect any change in the output voltage. The rate at which the output tracks the SS2 pin is dependent upon the overall system bandwidth. REMOTE SYSTEM RESET For a remote (secondary side) system shutdown, an open-drain general-purpose input/output (GPIO) of an external microcontroller can be used to force the SS2 pin to 0 V. This pull-down causes the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 to regulate to 0 V, and the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 enter pulse skip mode or output a minimum duty cycle because the SS2 pin offsets because of the finite resistance of the GPIO. When the VDD2 is charged from the output bus, this setup is equivalent to a system shutdown because when VDD2 < VDD2 UVLO, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 enter a special hiccup mode of 200 ms, (instead of the standard 40 ms hiccup). When VDD2 is powered using auxiliary winding, the system regulates to the voltage proportional to the voltage on the SS2 pin and eventually enters the special hiccup mode previously mentioned, after the auxiliary rail decays below the VDD2 UVLO threshold. Therefore, the SS2 pin can achieve output tracking as well as a secondary side shutdown, also known as remote system reset, as shown in Figure 21. During the soft start from precharge, the output voltage rises at the same rate as determined by the capacitor on the SS2 pin. The SS2 pin voltage determines the current limit during this period. If, however, there is a detrimental fault in the power stage that prevents the rise of the output voltage, VFB does not track SS2 and when SS2 > (VFB + 100 mV), the COMP pin voltage increases to the clamp level and the system again enters the OCP/feedback recovery mode. Rev. B | Page 21 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet VDD2 DEPENDS ON VDD2 CAPACITOR AND I DD2 CONSUMPTION (5mA TYPICAL) VDD2 UVLO (3.5V) SS2 (1.4V) VFB (1.2V) DEPENDS ON SYSTEM BANDWIDTH SS2 CAPACITOR SS1 CAPACITOR TIME HANDOVER TIME FROM PRIMARY TO SECONDARY (128 x tS) 15626-018 200ms HICCUP COUNTER PWM SWITCHING Figure 21. Remote Software Reset with 200 ms Hiccup OCP COUNTER VDD2 VDD2_UVLO 3.1V SS2 = 1.4V DEPENDS ON LOOP BANDWIDTH DEPENDS ON LOOP BANDWIDTH TIME Figure 22. Tracking with SS2 Pin 15626-019 VFB = 1.2V During overload conditions when the peak sensed currents exceed the OCP threshold voltage of 120 mV on the CS pin, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 immediately terminate the remainder of the PWM pulse. If the peak sense current continues to exceed the threshold every switching period for 1.5 ms, the system enters hiccup mode, by which it shuts down for approximately 40 ms and then soft starts. During an exceeded overcurrent situation, such as a dead short, it is likely that the programmed slope compensation is not enough, and therefore, the system enters subharmonic oscillation. If this is the case, the system cannot enter hiccup mode because the OCP threshold is crossed every alternate switching period, and the 1.5 ms hiccup counter resets. To prevent this scenario, the ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 latch the last known state, whereby if an OCP condition registered as a 1 in one switching period and as a 0 in the next switching period, it is still counted as a 1. In this manner, the system can enter Rev. B | Page 22 of 27 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 hiccup mode even in subharmonic oscillation. Missing two OCP thresholds consecutively resets the hiccup counter. VIN VIN ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 VIN R1 FROM AUXILIARY WINDING VAUX = 8V TO 13V 8V LDO VREF 1.2V ADP1071-1/ ADP1071-2 R1 <60mW LOGIC RH EN Q1 VIN D1 8.7V TO 11V R2 3A C1 2.2F R2 EN R3 Figure 23. Precision EN with Adjustable Hysteresis EXTERNAL START-UP CIRCUIT Figure 25. Fast Start-Up Circuit For input voltages higher than 36 V, in which the power dissipation in the internal 8 V LDO can be significant, the use of an external start-up circuit is recommended. (See Figure 24 for an example.) In this case, the VIN and VREG1 pins are shorted together and connect to the output of the start-up circuit. Because the input pre-enable bias current, the VIN and VREG1 start-up current, is approximately 160 A, the output of the start-up circuit must be able to provide this level of current in order to soft start. The auxiliary winding then provides the bias voltage, shutting off the start-up circuit after soft start completes. INSULATION LIFETIME All insulation structures eventually break down when subjected to voltage stress over a sufficiently long period. The rate of insulation degradation is dependent upon the characteristics of the voltage waveform applied across the insulation. In addition to the testing performed by the regulatory agencies, Analog Devices carries out an extensive set of evaluations to determine the lifetime of the insulation structure within the ADP1071-1/ ADP1071-2. Analog Devices performs accelerated life testing using voltage levels higher than the rated continuous working voltage. Acceleration factors for several operating conditions are determined. These factors allow calculation of the time to failure at the actual working voltage. VAUX1 VIN ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 START-UP VREG_UVLO CIRCUIT VIN 8V LDO VREG1 The values shown in Table 7 and Table 8 summarize the peak voltage for 50 years of service life for a bipolar ac operating condition. In many cases, the approved working voltage is higher than the 50-year service life voltage. Operation at these high working voltages can lead to shortened insulation life in some cases. VREF 1.2V R1 LOGIC EN R2 1A 14V 15626-022 HYSTERESIS GENERATOR 15626-020 1A LDO VREG1 4A 15626-021 HYSTERESIS GENERATOR Figure 24. Precision EN Circuit Connection with an External Start-Up Circuit A fast start-up circuit is shown in Figure 25. This circuit requires two components: a Zener diode, which sets up the start-up voltage at the VIN and VREG1 pin, and a negative positive negative (NPN) transistor, which sets up a fast current path for charging up the start-up capacitor, C1. The start-up current through R1 must be more than 160 A, which is the minimum specified start-up current, and the start-up voltage at VREG1 and VIN must be approximately 8 V to 13 V. The auxiliary winding then provides the bias voltage, shutting off the NPN transistor after the soft start completes. The ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 insulation lifetime depends on the voltage waveform type imposed across the isolation barrier. The iCoupler insulation structure degrades at different rates depending on whether the waveform is bipolar ac, unipolar ac, or dc. Figure 26, Figure 27, and Figure 28 show these different isolation voltage waveforms. A bipolar ac voltage environment is the worst case for the iCoupler products yet meets the 50-year operating lifetime recommended by Analog Devices for maximum working voltage. In the case of unipolar ac or dc voltage, the stress on the insulation is significantly lower. The low stress allows operation at higher working voltages while still achieving a 50-year service life. Treat any cross insulation voltage waveform that does not conform to Figure 27 or Figure 28 as a bipolar ac waveform, and limit its peak voltage to the 50-year lifetime voltage value listed in Table 7 and Table 8. Note that the voltage presented in Figure 27 is shown as sinusoidal for illustration purposes only. It is meant to represent Rev. B | Page 23 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet any voltage waveform varying between 0 V and some limiting value. The limiting value can be positive or negative, but the voltage cannot cross 0 V. 3. RATED PEAK VOLTAGE 4. 15626-023 0V Figure 26. Bipolar AC Waveform RATED PEAK VOLTAGE 15626-024 5. 0V The layout guidelines for the secondary side are as follows: Figure 27. Unipolar AC Waveform 1. RATED PEAK VOLTAGE 2. 15626-025 0V Figure 28. DC Waveform 3. LAYOUT GUIDELINES The layout guidelines for the primary side are as follows: 1. 2. resistor. Do not cross the CS and AGND1 traces for current sensing across any switch nodes. Place a capacitor (33 pF to 470 pF typical) close to the CS pin, connected to AGND1. Place resistors (1 to 5 typical) in series with GATE and the main power MOSFET. These resistors aid in eliminating any ringing on the drive voltages. Use a 100 nF capacitor on the MODE pin if LLM is used in noisy environments. Ensure that RT pin resistor is Kelvin connected to AGND1 and not to a ground plane to avoid noise pickup. Ground all the capacitors to their respective grounds. For example, ground the VREG1 capacitor to AGND1. Use the CS pin and the AGND1 pin to differentially sense the primary current measurement through the sense 4. Rev. B | Page 24 of 27 Ground all the capacitors to their respective grounds. For example, ground the SS2 capacitor to AGND2. Place resistors (1 to 5 ) in series with SRx and the synchronous MOSFET. These resistors aid in eliminating any ringing on the drive voltages. The ground plane on the secondary side must be connected to AGND2. The negative terminal of the output voltage must be Kelvin connected to the AGND2 pin. Use the FB pin and the AGND2 pin to remotely differentially sense the output voltage by connecting AGND2 to the negative terminal of the output voltage using a 0 resistor. Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION TYPICAL APPLICATION CIRCUITS VIN (385V DC) AUXILIARY PS VOUT EMI FILTER AND RECTIFIER 90V TO 264V AC RSTARTUP RRAMP SR GATE ZENER ADP1071-1 VDD2 MODE EXTERNAL STARTUP CIRCUIT AGND2 VREG2 VREG1 EN OVP CS FB RT COMP SS2 SYNC 15626-026 AGND1 Figure 29. ADP1071-1 Typical Application with External Start-Up Circuit and Auxiliary Power VIN = 4.5V TO 60V VOUT RSTARTUP RRAMP SR GATE AGND1 VREG1 AGND2 ADP1071-2 VREG2 VIN VDD2 EN OVP CS FB RT COMP SS2 15626-027 SYNC Figure 30. ADP1071-2 Low Input Voltage Flyback Application Circuit Rev. B | Page 25 of 27 ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 Data Sheet OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 10.50 (0.4134) 10.10 (0.3976) 9 16 7.60 (0.2992) 7.40 (0.2913) 1 1.27 (0.0500) BSC 0.30 (0.0118) 0.10 (0.0039) COPLANARITY 0.10 10.65 (0.4193) 10.00 (0.3937) 8 0.51 (0.0201) 0.31 (0.0122) 0.75 (0.0295) 45 0.25 (0.0098) 2.65 (0.1043) 2.35 (0.0925) SEATING PLANE 8 0 1.27 (0.0500) 0.40 (0.0157) 0.33 (0.0130) 0.20 (0.0079) 03-27-2007-B COMPLIANT TO JEDEC STANDARDS MS-013-AA CONTROLLING DIMENSIONS ARE IN MILLIMETERS; INCH DIMENSIONS (IN PARENTHESES) ARE ROUNDED-OFF MILLIMETER EQUIVALENTS FOR REFERENCE ONLY AND ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR USE IN DESIGN. Figure 31. 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] Wide-Body (RW-16) Dimensions shown in millimeters and (inches) 6.50 BSC 2.25 BSC 0.50 BSC PIN 1 CORNER INDICATOR 22 1 24 3 4 21 4.10 4.00 3.90 1.775 BSC *EXPOSED PAD 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.25 BSC 1.20 MAX COPLANARITY 0.08 0.28 REF 1.15 2.825 BSC 3.78 BSC *FOR PROPER CONNECTION OF THE EXPOSED PADS, REFER TO THE PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS SECTION OF THIS DATA SHEET. Figure 32. 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] (CC-24-6) Dimensions shown in millimeters Rev. B | Page 26 of 27 10 BOTTOM VIEW 0.35 0.30 0.25 PKG-005313 SEATING PLANE 0.75 REF SIDE VIEW 2.80 9 16 15 TOP VIEW 2.50 BSC *EXPOSED PAD 10-30-2018-B PIN 1 INDICATOR 8.10 8.00 7.90 Data Sheet ADP1071-1/ADP1071-2 ORDERING GUIDE Model 1 ADP1071-1ARWZ ADP1071-1ARWZ-RL ADP1071-1ARWZ-R7 ADP1071-1ACCZ ADP1071-1ACCZ-RL ADP1071-1ACCZ-R7 ADP1071-2ARWZ ADP1071-2ARWZ-RL ADP1071-2ARWZ-R7 ADP1071-2ACCZ ADP1071-2ACCZ-RL ADP1071-2ACCZ-R7 ADP1071-1EVALZ ADP1071-2EBZ12.1V 1 Temperature Range -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C -40C to +125C Package Description 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 16-Lead Standard Small Outline Package [SOIC_W] 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] 24-Terminal Land Grid Array [LGA] ADP1071-1 Evaluation Board with Wide-Body IC ADP1071-2 Evaluation Board with Wide-Body IC Z = RoHS Compliant Part. (c)2018-2019 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. D15626-0-4/19(B) Rev. B | Page 27 of 27 Package Option RW-16 RW-16 RW-16 CC-24-6 CC-24-6 CC-24-6 RW-16 RW-16 RW-16 CC-24-6 CC-24-6 CC-24-6