1010 Tyco Electronics Corp.
Data Sheet
March 2005
dc-dc Converters; 36 to 75 Vdc Input, 3.3 Output; 33 W to 66 W
JAHW050F, JAHW075F, and JAHW100F Power Modules:
Safety Considerations
For safety-agency approval of the system in which the
power module is used, the power module must be
installed in complia nce with the spacing and separatio n
requirements of the end-use safety agency standard,
i.e., UL60950, CSA C22.2 No. 60950-00, and VDE
0805 (IEC60950, IEC950).
If the input source is non-SELV (ELV or a hazardous
voltage greater than 60 Vdc and less than or equal to
75 Vdc), for the module’s output to be considered
meeting the requ ire m en ts of safety extra-low voltage
(SELV), all of the follo wing must be true:
■The input source is to be provided with reinforced
insulation from any hazardous voltages, including the
ac mains.
■One VI pin and one VO pin are to be grounded, or
both the input and output pins are to be kept floating.
■The input pins of the module are no t operator acces-
■Another SELV reliability test is conducted on the
whole system, as requir ed by the saf ety agencies , on
the combination of supply source and the subject
module to verify that under a single fault, hazardous
voltages do not appear at the module’s output.
Note: Do not ground either of the input pins of the
module without g rounding one of the output pins.
This may allow a non-SELV voltage to appear
betwee n the output pin and ground.
The pow er modu le has extra -lo w v oltage (ELV) outputs
when all inputs are ELV.
The input to these un its is to be provided with a maxi-
mum 6 A nor m al- blow fuse in the ungrounded lead.
Feature Descriptions
Overcurrent Protection
To provide protection in an output overload condition,
the unit is provided with internal shutdown and auto-
restart mechanism .
At the instance of current-limit inception, the module
enters a "hiccup" mode of operation whereby it shuts
down and automatically attempts to restart. As long as
the fault pers ists, the mod ule rem a ins in this mo de.
The protecti on mechanism is such that the unit can
continue in this condition for a sufficient interval of time
until the fault is cleared.
A latch-off option is also available.
Remote On/Off
Two remote on/off op tions are available. Positive logic
remote on/off turns the module on during a logic-high
voltage on the ON/OFF pin, and off during a logic low.
Negative logic remote on/off turns the module off dur-
ing a logic high and on during a logic low. Negative
logic, device co de suffix “1,” is the factory-preferred
To turn the power module on and off, the user must
supply a switch to control the voltage between the
on/off terminal and the VI(–) terminal (Von/off). The
switch can be an open collector or equivalent (see
Figure 19). A logic low is Von/off = 0 V to 1.2 V. The
maximum Ion/off during a logic low is 1 mA. The switch
should maintain a logic-low voltage while sinking 1 mA.
During a logic high, the maximum Von/off generated by
the power module is 15 V. The maximum allowable
leakage current of the switch at Von/off = 15 V is 50 µA.
If not using the remote on/ off feature , do one of the
f ollowing to turn the unit on:
■F or negativ e logic, short ON/OFF pin to VI(–).
■For positive logic, leave ON/OFF pin open.
8-720 (F).c
Figure 19. Remote On/ Off Implementation
Remote Sense
Remote sense minimizes the effects of distribution
losses by re gulating the voltage at the remote-sense
connections. The voltage between the remote-sense
pins and the output terminals must not exceed the out-
put voltage sense r ange gi ven in the Feature Spe c ifica-
tions table, i.e .:
[VO(+) – VO(–)] – [SENSE(+) – SENSE(–)] ≤ 0.5 V
Ion/off ON/OFF