Publication# 21582 Rev: BAmendment/0
Issue Date: May 1998
This document contains information on a product under development at Advanced Micro Devices. The information
is intended to help you e valuate this product. AMD reserves the right to change or discontinue work on this proposed
product without notice.
er to AMD’s Website
or the latest in
Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit
Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device
Application Note
This document is intended to assist customers in using AMD’s Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer
de vices . Details concerning application inf ormation, circuit design, PCB lay out, and component se-
lection are provided to help ensure first-pass success in implementing a functional design which has
optimized signal quality.
This document is applicable to the Am79761
GigaPHY-SD product. This document should be used
in conjunction with the product data sheet. An elemen-
tary knowledge of Ethernet and high speed printed cir-
cuit layout techniques is assumed. Contact your local
AMD Field Applications Engineer or Sales Office to dis-
cuss any questions and concerns you may have.
One of the most important aspects of the design is gen-
eration of the REFCLK signal. This input provides the
reference clock for the internal PLL which is multiplied
by 10x or 20x to generate the baud rate clock.The ris-
ing edge of REFCLK is continuously phase compared
to the internal baud rate clock so that the PLL will
speed up or slow do wn the VCO in order to keep these
two signals aligned. It is therefore important that the
REFCLK be as jitter-free as possible in order to mini-
mize jitter introduced into the PLL and its baud rate
clock. It is also desirable to have fast rising edges on
this clock to minimize the time in which the signal tran-
sitions from a LOW level to a HIGH level. A fast edge
will reduce edge-detection ambiguity in the input buffer
and therefore reduce jitter in the PLL.
The rising edge of this clock also latches the data
on the transmit bus into the input latch so care must be
taken to ensure that the transmit data bus meets the
setup and hold time requirements of the transmitter.
The most desirable solution for generating REFCLK is
to have a crystal oscillator drive the input to an En-
coder/Decoder that interfaces to the GigaPHY-SD or
MAC device. In some cases, this oscillator will also
have to drive a clock input to the Encoder/Decoder.
Care must be tak en to ensure that good quality signals
are present at all inputs (GigaPHY-SD and Encoder/
Decoder), and that the proper phase relationship is
maintained between the GigaPHY-SD device and En-
coder/Decoder chip, since the GigaPHY-SD device
latches data on the rising edge of this clock. The Giga-
PHY-SD device pro vides a TTL input buff er which does
not support AC-coupling of the REFCLK signal.
Although oscillators provide the cleanest source for
REFCLK, oscillators over 100 MHz often cost more
than may be acceptable for a specific design. In this
case, customers have used clock generator chips to
provide REFCLK at a lo w er cost than an oscillator. Un-
f ortunately, the cost reduction is accompanied by a sig-
nificant increase in REFCLK jitter, which adds jitter to
the transmitted serial data resulting in a reduction in the
maximum transmission distance.
Another configuration is to generate the REFCLK in the
Encoder/Decoder chip. This is desirable where the
REFCLK is used to latch incoming transmit data, since
it may be easier to meet the setup/hold time require-
ments of the transmitter , especially when using a 10-bit
interface at 125 MHz. When the oscillator drives
REFCLK and the Encoder/Decoder chip, the clock-to-
output delay of the Encoder/Decoder chip impacts the
setup/hold time of the data bus with respect to the REF-
CLK. When the Encoder/Decoder chip gener ates REF-
CLK, the output buff er f or REFCLK and the output latch
f or transmit data trac k each other and thereb y increase
setup time. However, the penalty for this scheme is in-
creased jitter added by the Encoder/Decoder chip to
the REFCLK. The two configurations for REFCLK gen-
eration are shown in Figure 1.
Where possible, it is recommended to let the oscillator
drive both the Encoder/Decoder chip and the GigaPHY-
SD de vice in order to pro vide the cleanest REFCLK.
2 Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device
Figure 1. Common REFCLK versus Separate REFCLK
The differential high speed outputs of the transmitter
(TX+ and TX-) are PECL outputs , which require unique
termination to ensure proper operation and optimize
signal quality. Since these signals are clocked at 1.25
GHz and transmit 8B/10B encoded data, they carry
digital signals between 125 MHz and 625 MHz. Careful
design and la yout of the terminations and traces are re-
quired to maximize transmission distance and mini-
mize signal degradation. The multiple media choices
further complicate the use of these circuits. F or the pur-
poses of this discussion, four applications will be de-
scribed for both the transmitter outputs (TX
) and the
receiver inputs (RX
Single-Ended/Diff erential Coaxial Cable using 50-
SMA connectors for test equipment connectivity.
Single Ended, 75-
Coaxial Cable using BNC/TNC
connectors for Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ether net
Differential, 150-
Duplex Twinax Cable using DB-
9 connectors for Fibre Channel and Gigabit Ether-
net compatibility.
Fiber Optic Module interface at 50-
The transmitter outputs (TX
) are PECL outputs which
are capable of sourcing current but not sinking it.
Therefore a pull-down resistor (traditionally to VDD -
2.0 V) is required to drive a LOW on the output when
the output FET is turned off. The resistance of this pull-
down is determined by the parametrics of the part and
impedance of the signal trace. Since VDD -2.0 V is usu-
ally not present in the system, the output should be ter-
minated to ground (VSS) for convenience. Also, PECL
outputs do not confor m to ECL input levels, therefore,
all high speed I/O should be AC-coupled to eliminate
mismatches in signal levels.
The receiver inputs (RX
) are differential PECL inputs
which include resistor dividers to set the bias point of
the input (usually at VDD/2). Normally, the user sup-
plies resistors to terminate the transmission line and
minimize reflections. An AC-coupling capacitor is pro-
vided to isolate the PECL input from the transmission
line to let the input buffer set its own DC bias point.
Lastly, a mechanism may be added to provide a DC off-
set, so that if the input is open, the input buffer will not
oscillate. The following sections describe the designs
of various termination schemes which provide some,
but certainly not all, of the options open to the user.
Single-Ended, 50-
This application is ideal f or connecting to test equipment
such as oscilloscopes and BER Ts but does not conf orm
to the Gigabit Ethernet specification. On the transmitter
outputs, a 182-
pull-down resistor is located near the
pin of the de vice in order to pull the signal to a LOW le vel
when the output FET is turned off. The v alue of 182
used with 50-
impedance traces/cables. An AC-cou-
pling capacitor (usually 0.01
F) is added in series to
eliminate the DC component of the output signal allow-
ing general-purpose connectivity.
On the receiver inputs, a 51.1-
line termination resis-
tor is provided to match the impedance of the trace and
coaxial cable to reduce reflections and optimize signal
quality. An AC-coupling capacitor is added in series to
allow the input buffer to establish the optimal DC-level
provided by its internal resistor dividers. This will re-
store signal levels to meet the input requirements of the
high speed buffer. The unused receiver input is AC-
coupled to ground to reduce noise susceptibility, but
keeps the input at the internal bias point. The 50-
axial cable would normally be connected using SMA
connectors for ease of use with test equipment. The
shells of the SMA connectors are grounded. The typical
circuit for this application is shown in Figure 2.
125 MHz
±100 ppm Less Jitter
Worse Setup/Hold Time
Encoder/Decoder GigaPHY-SD
More Jitter
Better Setup/Hold Time
Encoder/Decoder GigaPHY-SD
Oscillator Oscillator
125 MHz
±100 ppm
Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device 3
Figure 2. Termination Example: 50-
Single-Ended, 75-
This is a Gigabit Ethernet-compatible application which
is similar to the previous example. However, in this ex-
ample, the pull down resistors R1=R2=267
of 182
to match the 75-
transmission lines. Also,
the coaxial cabling and connectors are different in
order to meet the 75-
impedance required by Gigabit
Ethernet. The connector of the transmit side is a 75-
BNC (female on the board, male on the cable). The
connector on the receive side is a 75-
TNC (female on
the board, male on the cable). The shell of the BNC is
grounded, but the TNC shell is left open. These mis-
matched connectors provide built-in polarization. The
typical circuit for this application is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Termination Example: 75-
Differential, 150-
Twinax Termination
A more popular Gigabit Ethernet-compatible applica-
tion is for 150-
differential signals using 9-pin D-
Subminiature connectors (also known as DB-9) and
duple x twinax cab le . This pro vides better signal quality,
longer transmission distance, and reduced emissions
as compared to single-ended configurations. Both out-
puts from the transmitter are terminated with 267-
downs. One percent components are used to maintain
a balanced load between the two differential outputs.
On the receive side , a single 150-
line termination re-
sistor is used for impedance matching. This is located
on the receiver side of the AC-coupling capacitors
since this resistor will not aff ect the DC bias circuit. The
connector f or this application is a 9-pin D-Subminiature
(female on the board, male on the cable) with TX+ on
pin 1, TX- on pin 6, RX+ on pin 5, and RX- on pin 9. The
shield of the cable is connected to chassis ground on
both ends to provide a low impedance grounded shield.
A cost-eff ective duple x twinax cable ha ving an eff ective
shielding scheme that reduces emissions to the point
that systems pass the FCC-B and CISPR EMI le v els is
available from W. L. Gore. The typical circuit f or this ap-
plication is shown in Figure 4.
R1=R2=182 , 1% R3=51.1 , 1%
C1=C2=C3=C4=0.01 µF
50- Coax
(Female) TNC
(Female) C3
R1=R2=267 , 1% R3=75 , 1%
C1=C2=C3=C4=0.01 µF
75- Coax
4 Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device
Figure 4. Termination Example: 150-
Fiber Optic Module Termination
Many customers wish to use Gigabit Ethernet over fiber
optic cable for increased distance, reduced EMI, or
other reasons. In general, this is a 50-
However, each vendor of fiber optic transceivers may
have slightly unique interfacing requirements, so it is
recommended that the user contact the vendor prior to
design. For the purposes of this example, a circuit
which interfaces to Finisar’s FTR-8510 and Methode’s
MTR-8510 800 nm transceiver module is described.
No A C-coupling capacitors are required on the transmit
side, so only 180-
pull-down resistors are provided.
This application example assumes shor t traces (less
than 2 inches), so that termination resistors are not re-
quired at the end of the traces on the transmit side . On
the receive side, the normal 51.1-
and AC-coupling
capacitor is provided. This is illustrated in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Termination Example: Fiber Optic Transceiver
Since a link can be disconnected or a transmitter can
be disabled, there are times when the receiver’s in-
puts might not carr y a valid signal. In the absence of
a signal, both inputs of the receiver (RX
) will be at
their internally determined bias points which are, by
design, identical. When a differential input buffer’s in-
puts are identical, the buffer is susceptible to oscilla-
tions which could cause noise within the receiver.
AMD’s input buffers do not oscillate normally; how-
e ver , in a noisy en vironment oscillations ma y occur . To
prevent this problem, a Thevenin-equivalent resistor
pair is used to both terminate the transmission line
and provide a small DC offset to the receiv er. This off-
set is kept as lo w as possible so as not to introduce an
offset under normal conditions, which might add to the
input jitter seen by the receiver. An example of this is
shown in Figure 6 with values f or both 50-
and 75-
impedance applications.
Unused Inputs
In many applications the receiver inputs might not be
used. In this situation, it is important to terminate the in-
puts so that they will not oscillate . In a single-ended ap-
plication, the unused receiver input is AC-coupled to
ground to reduce noise susceptibility, but the input at
the internal bias point is kept. If the differential inputs
are not used, then the circuit shown below is recom-
mended. A variety of useful circuits may be used for
this purpose, but two considerations are as follows: (1)
provide a DC-offset and (2) provide a low-impedance
noise attenuation path.
150- Twinax
R1=R2=267 , 1% R3=150 , 1%
C1=C2=C3=C4=0.01 µF
R1=R2=182 , 1% R3, R4=51.1 , 1%
C1=C2 = 0.01 µF
O/E Module
Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device 5
Figure 6. Termination Example: Preventing Oscillation
In the circuit shown in Figure 7, 47K
external resis-
tors are added in parallel with the internal 3 K
This results in a 50-mV offset. The capacitor across
the inputs provides a low-impedance path to reduce
noise susceptibility.
Figure 7. Termination Example: Unused Inputs
Generating 3.3 V from a Linear Regulator
AMD’s Gigabit Ethernet PHYs operate with a 3.3 V
5% power supply. Although the migration to 3.3 V
logic power supplies is underway, many systems do
not hav e an a vailab le 3.3 V supply. The easiest, small-
est, and cheapest way to convert from a 5 V power
supply to a 3.3 V level is through the use of a linear
regulator. Conver ting from a +12 V supply to a 3.3 V
supply is more difficult due to the additional power dis-
sipation in the regulator that must be handled cor-
rectly. At 5 V
10%, the power dissipated in the
regulator is calculated as (5.25 V - 3.3 V)*IDD(max).
The advantage of a linear regulator is that it provides
a very quiet output that is isolated from the noise on
the 5 V supply. Since signal jitter is sensitive to power
supply noise, the clean outputs of the linear regulator
contribute to improved signal quality.
A readily available, multiple-sourced linear regulator
is the Linear Technology LT1086CM-3.3, which is a
fix ed 3.3 V output voltage regulator that pro vides up to
1.5 A output current. This is more than adequate to
power the GigaPHY-SD device. A simple application
circuit is shown in Figure 8. Minimum values of input
and output capacitance are required to provide stabil-
ity to the regulator. Additional bypass capacitors must
be added for additional power supply filtering at the
pins of the chip . Similar linear regulators with diff erent
current limits are the LT1117CST-3.3 (800 mA, SOT-
223) and the LT1586CM-3.3 (4A, TO-220), both from
Linear Technology.
Generating 3.3 V from a DC/DC Converter
The limitation of a linear regulator is that it is not effi-
cient, therefore, heat is generated. In applications
where e xcessive heat is not acceptab le, a DC/DC Con-
verter may be used to convert either the 5 V or 12 V
supplies into a 3.3 V supply. The DC/DC converters
available for the current levels needed in this applica-
tion have excellent efficiency, between 85% and 95%,
which reduces heat generation. However, the DC/DC
converters are more expensive, require more real es-
tate, require more components, are not trivial to use,
and add noise to the 3.3 V supply. The noise is a con-
cern since power supply noise will couple into the PLL
circuits and buffers of the transmitter and receiver,
thereby, increasing jitter generation in the transmitter
and reducing jitter tolerance in the receiv er. If a DC/DC
conv erter is used, e xtra care should be taken to reduce
output noise.
R1 R2 +30 mV
–30 mV
R1=R4=97.6 , 1% R2=R3=102 , 1% for 50 impedance, [72 mV offset]
R1=R4=147 , 1% R2=R3=154 , 1% for 75 impedance, [76 mV offset]
C1=C2=0.01 µF
R1 +50 mV
–50 mV
R1=R2=47K , 5%
C1=0.01 µF21582B-7
6 Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device
Figure 8. 5 V to 3.3 V Conversion using a Linear Regulator
A DC/DC Conv erter that is appropriate for powering the
GigaPHY-SD device is the Linear Technology, LT1256
1.5A part. The DC/DC converter circuit is not shown
here since excellent application notes are provided by
the manufacturer.
The method in which bypass capacitors are used to fil-
ter the power supply to the GigaPHY-SD device has a
significant impact upon signal quality. First, it is manda-
tory that the design include a power plane for VSS
(Ground) which is at least 1 oz. copper. Secondly, a
similar power plane for VDD (3.3 V) is strongly recom-
mended. To reduce inductance, vias used to connect to
these planes should not include thermal cut-outs simi-
lar to those f ound on VDD/VSS connections to through-
hole components. It is strongly suggested that each
power and ground pin be supplied from their own vias.
Bypass capacitors are more effective when located on
the same side of the PCB as the GigaPHY-SD device.
Of course, the capacitors
be located as closely as
possible to the VDD and VSS pins of the chips. Further-
more, it is recommended that the capacitor be located
between the pin and the via to the plane. The preferred
method for the layout of the bypassing capacitors is
shown in Figure 9. Since AMD’s GigaPHY-SD device
has roughly constant power supply current, there is no
need f or exotic b ypassing methods (i.e., tw o capacitors
in parallel aimed at the s witching frequency of the inter-
nal circuit). It is also recommended that the power and
ground planes remain intact rather than attempting to
steer current paths through sculpted planes. Most cus-
tomers who have tried to isolate the planes for the
transmitters and receiv ers usually produce more noise,
rather than reduce noise.
The GigaPHY-SD has internal PLLs which are powered
from separate supply pins usually called AVDD/AVSS
where the “A” denotes analog. These pins are particu-
larly sensitive to noise, so additional care must be
taken to filter out noise. It is recommended that AVDD
pass through a ferrite bead (i.e., TDK CB50-1206) to a
bypass capacitor (at least one 0.1
F) and the power
pin. The layout shown in Figure 9 indicates the pre-
ferred method for layout of this circuit.
Figure 9. Bypassing Layout Example
10 µF 10 µF 0.1 µF
5 V 3.3 V
0.1 µF
0805 0.1 µF
Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device 7
When implementing a 1-Gbps serial communications
link, the importance of the layout cannot be over-
stressed. However, following general, simple-to-use
guidelines will ensure success and prove easier than
most designers anticipate. The prioritization of signals
is as follows:
High speed serial I/O lines
REFCLK traces
Power supplies and bypass capacitors
Control signals
Data busses
Careful placement of components and the use of pas-
sives on both the top and bottom sides will generally
ensure optimal la yout. As mentioned pre viously, a solid
ground and power plane are quite useful in distributing
clean power.
High Speed Serial I/O Layout
These signals contain digital data at frequencies be-
tween 125 MHz to 625 MHz and require excellent fre-
quency and phase response up to at least the 3rd
harmonic, if not the 7th harmonic. Improv ed signal qual-
ity and longer practical transmission distances will re-
sult when the designer f ollows the general rules below:
Keep traces as shor t as possible. Initial component
placement should be very carefully considered.
The impedance of the traces must match that of the
termination resistors, connectors, and cable in order
to reduce reflections due to impedance mismatches.
Impedance matching termination resistors (i.e.,
, 75
or 150
) should be located as close
as possible to the input pin of the receiver to mini-
mize stub length. Since an AC-coupling capacitor is
often inser ted between the pin and the termination
resistor, this is sometimes difficult to optimize.
Differential impedance must be maintained in a
differential application. Routing two 75-
traces is
adequate. The two tr aces must be sep-
arated b y enough distance to maintain 150-
diff er-
ential impedance. A good rule of thumb is that the
trace separation should be at least 2.5 times the
trace width.
When routing differential pairs, keep the trace
length identical between the two tr aces. Diff erences
in trace lengths translate directly into signal skew.
When separations occur, the differential impedance
may be affected so take care when this is done.
K eep diff erential pair tr aces on the same side of the
PCB to minimize impedance discontinuities.
Place any impedance discontinuities close to the
transmitter or receiver and locate them together.
This will minimize their impact on signal quality.
Eliminate or reduce stub lengths.
Reduce, if not eliminate, vias to minimize imped-
ance discontinuities.
Use rounded corners rather than 90° or 45° corners.
Keep signal traces far from other signals which
might capacitively couple noise into the signals.
This includes the other trace of a differential pair.
Do not route digital signals from other circuits
across the area of the transmitter and receiver.
Do not cut up the power or ground planes in an ef-
fort to steer current paths. This usually produces
more noise, not less.
The most difficult issue with regard to the REFCLK is
that the signal goes to multiple inputs which all require
an extremely clean clock with f ast edges. This becomes
a clock distribution challenge . Of course, from an emis-
sions point of view, the goal is to eliminate the high-fre-
quency harmonics in order to reduce radiated
emissions. Therefore, a system developer may have
contradictory goals requiring a compromise position.
Power Supply Layout
These issues have been discussed previously and will
not be detailed here. Vias used to connect the power
planes to the DVDD and D VSS pins of the chips should
be at least 0.010 inches in diameter, pref er ab ly with no
thermal relief and plated closed with copper or solder.
Also, the via should be located on the opposite side of
the bypass capacitor from the pin.
Control Signal Layout
There are no time-critical control signals on the
GigaPHY-SD device. However, it is impor tant to route
control lines to the chips in such a way as to avoid
crosstalk and noise injection.
Data Bus Layout
The problem with the data b usses is that there are a lot
of signals in a small area. The only consideration here
is to keep the traces roughly the same length as the
clock used to latch them, so that trace length differ-
ences do not reduce the setup/hold times of the chips.
Following the general guidelines described in this de-
sign guide will help ensure that customers integrating
Gigabit Ethernet components experience first-time
success. Contact your local Field Applications Engi-
neer who will be happy to work with customers in any
way to promote the success of their designs, including
providing schematic and layout reviews.
8 Design Considerations for the Am79761 Gigabit Ethernet Physical Layer GigaPHY™-SD Device
The following table is a list of vendors who supply
components of interest to Gigabit Ethernet custom-
ers. Where applicable, a part number and description
have been provided for key components required for
specific applications.
Copyright © 1998 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
AMD, the AMD logo, and combinations thereof are trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
GigaPHY is a trademark of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Product names used in this publication are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Component Supplier List
Copper Cable Assemblies
AMP (800) 52A-MP52 High Frequency Coax, Twinax & Quad Cable Assemblies
Berg (717) 764-7200 Cable Assemblies
Trompeter Electronics (818) 707-2020 Coaxial Cable Assemblies
W. L. Gore (302) 368-2575 Quad Cable, P/N FCN1008-xx, where xx is distance in meters
AMP (800) 52A-MP52 RF, Coax, DB-9 & Fibre Channel specific (HSSDC) connectors.
E. F. Johnson (800) 247-8256 RF, Coaxial connectors
Fiber Optic Modules
AMP/Lytel (800) 52A-MP52 O/E Modules
BCP (407) 984-3671 51T Transmitter & 51R Receiver
Finisar (415) 691-4000 Gbps O/E Modules at 800 nm, FTR-8510
Force Electronics (703) 382-0462 2684T Transmitter and 2684R Receiver
Fujikura Technology (408) 748-6991 O/E Modules
Methode Electronics (708) 867-9600 Gbps transceivers at 800 nm, MTR-8510.
Fiber Optic Cable
3M Fiber Optics (908)544-9119
Alcoa/Fujikura (800)866-3953
Methode Electronics (800)323-6858
Coilcraft (800) 322-2654 Transformers for Line interfacing
Technitrol (215) 426-9105 Active and Passive Equalizer/Buffers
Connor-Winfield (708) 851-4722
Fox (888) GET-2FOX
Motorola Semiconductor (800) 441-2447 PLLs and Clock Distribution ICs
Pletronics (206) 776-1880 A variety of oscillators, spectrum analyzers, etc.
Saronix (415) 856-6900
Valpey Fisher (508) 435-6831 X607
Clock Generators
IC Works (408) 922-0202 Clock Synthesizer