CLC730033 Evaluation Boards Complete Schematic Figure 1 shows the complete evaluation circuit implemented on this board. The primary connections are shown with solid lines, while several optional circuit connections are shown with dashed lines. Shaded area is inside the device. 20093001 FIGURE 1. External Components & Amplifier Internal Block Diagram (c) 2004 National Semiconductor Corporation MS200930 CLC730033 Evaluation Boards February 2004 CLC730033 Basic Connection Figure 2 represents the simplest board configuration. The specific resistor values depicted here configure the device with a maximum gain of 9.9 V/V: 20093003 FIGURE 3. Summing a High-Speed Signal Into The Output Note that R6 can be used in either of two locations on this board. InFigure 3 R6 is positioned as part of the output op amp's inverting input (In2) termination. Alternatively, it can be positioned to pick off the wiper voltage of an offset-adjust pot (R14 Figure 1) which is to be fed into the inverting node of the output amplifier. Figure 4 shows this application where an output offset, independent of the gain adjustment stage, is introduced into the inverting node of the output amplifier. 20093002 FIGURE 2. Basic Connection The circuit of Figure 2 implements a non-inverting variablegain amplifier with a 50 input impedance (R1), a 50 output impedance (R8), and a maximum gain of 9.9 V/V (1.72*(R7/R3)). Recognizing the combination of the 50 series output resistor and the 50 load results in a voltage divider, the gain to this match load is one half of the maximum device gain setting, i.e. 4.9 V/V (13.9 dB). The inverting input (In-) is ground-referenced through 50 while the output amplifier's non-inverting input is ground-referenced at pin 9 through R11 (not shown, replace R11 on board with a short). Summing Signals and Offsets into the Output Stage The output amplifier's inverting node (pin 12) is available to introduce any additional signals or offsets into the output. Since pin 12 is a virtual ground, additional signals may be summed into the node without a substantial impact on the signal current flowing from the adjustable-gain path. Briefly, adding an additional impedance on the output amplifier will result in a slight bandwidth reduction of the output amplifier and an increase in the noise gain for the output amplifier's non-inverting input noise voltage. Refer to application note OA-13 for a more thorough discussion of current feedback amplifiers in inverting summing applications. Figure 3 shows an example of using the optional components on the board to sum in a high-speed signal with a gain of -2 to the output pin ( or -1 to the matched 50 load). 20093005 FIGURE 4. Summing in an Output DC Offset Nulling the Output DC Offset There are several factors contributing to the output offset voltage; the differential input buffer, the multiplier core and the output amplifier. The offsets produced by the input buffer and the output amplifier can be nulled with appropriate external circuitry. It will not be possible to completely null the offset effects of the multiplier core because of its non-linear nature. As a result, a small non-linear DC offset voltage gain over the adjustment range will always be present at the 2 (Continued) output of the device. Figure 5 shows the required external circuitry necessary to add the appropriate nulling offsets at both the input buffer and the output amplifier. Adjusting the input and the output stage offsets at the two gain extremes will hold the output DC error at a minimum at these two points in the gain range. If a more limited gain range is anticipated, the adjustments should be made at these operating points. The non-linear DC error introduced by the multiplier core will cause a residual, gain dependent, offset to appear at the output as the gain is swept from minimum to maximum. Also, neither the input nor the output offset adjustment described here will improve temperature drift effects. Printed Circuit Board Layout The CLC730033 was designed for evaluation of the CLC520 and CLC522 (obsoleted devices, replaced by the LMH6502 and LMH6503). There is silk-screen on the board referencing CLC520 and CLC522. Figure 6 shows both component and circuit side views (gray color depicts the circuit side). 20093004 FIGURE 5. Input and Output Stage DC Nulling The output stage offset should be trimmed prior to the input stage. With the gain adjust pin set at minimum gain (maximum attenuation), the output stage offset may be nulled independently from the input stage. R14 should be adjusted to yield the desired output error voltage (typically < 1 mV). Having corrected for the input offset voltage and bias current errors of the output amplifier, returning the gain adjust pin to the maximum gain voltage will allow the input buffer stage DC offset errors to be corrected. With no input signal present, but with matched source impedances at each of the two buffer inputs, R10 in Figure 5 can be adjusted to bring the output to within the desired error band. 20093006 FIGURE 6. CLC730033 (Component and Circuit Side) LIFE SUPPORT POLICY NATIONAL'S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF NATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein: 1. Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user. 2. A critical component is any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness. BANNED SUBSTANCE COMPLIANCE National Semiconductor certifies that the products and packing materials meet the provisions of the Customer Products Stewardship Specification (CSP-9-111C2) and the Banned Substances and Materials of Interest Specification (CSP-9-111S2) and contain no ``Banned Substances'' as defined in CSP-9-111S2. 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