SIMATIC ET 200M IM 153-2 Interface Module
Technical specifications
ET 200M
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information
Safety Guidelines
Safety Guidelines
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safety alert
symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.
indicates that death or severe personal injury will result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death or severe personal injury may result if proper precautions are not taken.
with a safety alert symbol, indicates that minor personal injury can result if proper precautions are not taken.
without a safety alert symbol, indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that an unintended result or situation can occur if the corresponding information is not taken into
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will
be used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to
property damage.
Qualified Personnel
The device/system may only be set up and used in conjunction with this documentation. Commissioning and
operation of a device/system may only be performed by qualified personnel. Within the context of the safety notes
in this documentation qualified persons are defined as persons who are authorized to commission, ground and
label devices, systems and circuits in accordance with established safety practices and standards.
Prescribed Usage
Note the following:
This device may only be used for the applications described in the catalog or the technical description and only
in connection with devices or components from other manufacturers which have been approved or
recommended by Siemens. Correct, reliable operation of the product requires proper transport, storage,
positioning and assembly as well as careful operation and maintenance.
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We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software
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information in this publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent
Siemens AG
Automation and Drives
Postfach 48 48
Ordernumber: A5E01208335-01
Ⓟ 08/2007
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007.
Technical data subject to change
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 3
Table of contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Compatibilities between the versions of IM 153-2 .........................................................................7
2 Description................................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Increased module count.................................................................................................................9
2.2 Support for 64-channel DI/DO modules.........................................................................................9
2.3 Support for I/O modules with expanded input data......................................................................10
2.4 Time stamp of a maximum of 32 digital inputs per slot ...............................................................10
2.5 Diagnostics with the IM 153-2BAx2 .............................................................................................12
2.6 Parameter assignment/operation of HART field devices by means of PDM ...............................14
2.7 Configuring with a GSD file..........................................................................................................14
2.8 Supplement to Chapter 9.3.8 of the operating instructions .........................................................15
2.9 Additional details added to Chapter 9.3.10 of the operating instructions ....................................15
3 Technical specifications........................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 Supplement to Chapter 10.1 of the operating instructions ..........................................................17
3.2 Technical specifications of the IM 153-2BAx2.............................................................................18
Figure 2-1 Structure of data record 240 for parameter assignment..............................................................11
Figure 2-2 Supplement to slave diagnostics .................................................................................................13
Table of contents
IM 153-2 Interface Module
4 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
IM 153-2 Interface Module
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Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction
This Product Information supplements the
ET 200M IM Distributed I/O Device
Instructions (EWA-4NEB7806006-01 07), Edition 02/2006, and describes the new features of
the interface modules:
IM 153-2; order number 6ES7153-2BA02-0XB0
IM 153-2 (outdoor); order number 6ES7153-2BA82-0XB0
The following information applies equally to both interface modules. If differences exist, the
relevant module will be identified explicitly.
Changes compared to the predecessor modules
In comparison to their predecessors (6ES7153-2BAx1-0XB0), the interface modules
indicated above contain the following new features:
A maximum of 12 modules can be operated with the IM 153-2BAx2
Support for 64-channel DI/DO modules
Support for I/O modules with expanded input data
Time stamp for a maximum of 32 digital inputs per slot
1.1 Introduction
IM 153-2 Interface Module
6 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
Additional documentation
You will find the following supplementary documentation online at: with the corresponding entry ID
Name of manual Description
Operating Instructions
ET 200M Distributed I/O Device
Entry ID: 1142798
Assignment planning; installation; connecting;
commissioning; maintenance and service;
functions; interrupt, error, and system messages;
technical specifications
S7-300 Automation System
Module Data
Entry ID: 8859629
Function descriptions and technical specifications
for the power supply modules and the digital and
analog modules
Configuring Manual
ET 200M
Signal Modules for Process Automation
Entry ID: 7215812
Configuring, parameter assignment, diagnostics,
technical specifications
Automation Systems S7-300, ET 200M
IEx/O Modules
Entry ID: 1096709
Mechanical configuration, Ex digital modules,
Ex analog modules, HART analog modules
System Manual
Principles of Explosion Protection
Entry ID: 12521844
Product overview, planning, commissioning, repair
and maintenance
Automation System S7-300
Fail-Safe Signal Modules
Entry ID: 19026151
Product overview; configuration options;
configuring and parameter assignment;
addressing and installing; wiring; fault reactions
and diagnostics; digital, analog, and isolation
ET 200M Distributed I/O Device
HART Analog Modules
Entry ID: 22063748
Configuration, commissioning and operation;
parameters; diagnostics and interrupts; HART
analog modules; data record interface and user
Isochrone Mode
Entry ID: 15218045
Description of the "isochrone mode" system
Product Information
Reassigning parameters in RUN mode
Entry ID: 14835140
Requirements, steps, and specific details for
individual modules
1.2 Compatibilities between the versions of IM 153-2
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 7
1.2 Compatibilities between the versions of IM 153-2
Compatibility with predecessor versions
With regard to properties and features, the IM 153-2BAx2 interface module is fully
compatible with its predecessor versions. In addition, there are individual new features
available. You will find detailed information in the following table.
Interface module with order number 6ES7153-…
2AA.. 2BA.. 2AB..
Functions /
00 01 02 00 01/81 02/82 00 01 00
RS 485 interface x x x x x x
Fiber-optic interface x x x
12 modules can be operated after the
interface module
SYNC, FREEZE x x x x
Module change during operation x x x x x x x x x
Direct data exchange x x x x x x
Direct data exchange with F-modules x x
Expanded diagnostics
96-byte diagnostic frame x
as of
x x 3 x
as of
130-byte diagnostic frame x
Forwarding of parameter assignment data
from the PG/PC (e.g. for HART modules)
x x x x x x x x
Support for I/O modules with expanded
input data
Support for 64-channel DI/DO x
Parameterizable FM in an ET 200M x x x x x x x x
Time-of-day synchronization on the
x x x x x x x
Time-of-day synchronization on the I/O bus x x
Time stamping of input signals x x x x x x x
In case of redundancy as of
x x x as of
with 1 ms precision x x
outside of S7-400 x x
For maximum of 32 DI per slot x
Redundancy 1 x x x x - x x
Flying redundancy x x
System modification in RUN mode
In the redundant system x x x x x x
In the non-redundant system x x x x
Clock synchronism 1 x x x x
Identification and maintenance data (I&M) x
x x x
1.2 Compatibilities between the versions of IM 153-2
IM 153-2 Interface Module
8 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
Interface module with order number 6ES7153-…
Update via PROFIBUS DP x 2 x x x
Update via SIMATIC Micro Memory Card x x
RC network with 10 MΩ for unearthed
(1 MΩ)
as of
x x x x x x x
DPV1 mode as of
x x x as of
IQ-sense x
(as of
x x x
(as of
E = module version
1 SYNC, FREEZE should not be used for these functions.
2 not when operating with the bus module BM IM/IM 6ES7195-7HD00-0XA0
3 supports expanded diagnostics with the 96-byte diagnostic frame in the spare part scenario
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 9
Description 2
2.1 Increased module count
Module count
A maximum of 12 modules can be operated with the IM 153-2BAx2 interface module,
compared to 8 modules previously.
Configuration variants
The following configuration variants are available for the IM 153-2BAx2 with up to
12 modules:
Standard configuration with rail and bus connectors between the modules
Configuration with active bus modules for the "Module change during operation" and/or
"Redundancy" functions
The modules (up to a maximum of 12) are installed and connected according to the
description in the
ET 200M Distributed I/O Device ET 200M
Operating Instructions.
The modules (up to a maximum of 12) are configured as usual:
V5.4 + SP 3 or later
With a GSD file (SI04801E.GSG)
Use of the high-accuracy time stamp (1 ms accuracy) is only possible with 8 modules. In this
case, a maximum of 8 input modules can be inserted after the IM 153-2BAx2 interface
module in the ET 200M.
2.2 Support for 64-channel DI/DO modules
The IM 153-2BAx2 supports 64-channel DI/DO modules. For more detailed information, refer
to the documentation on the respective modules.
The 64-channel modules are configured the same as the other DI/DO modules.
2.3 Support for I/O modules with expanded input data
IM 153-2 Interface Module
10 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
2.3 Support for I/O modules with expanded input data
The IM 153-2BAx2 interface module supports I/O modules with expanded input data
(> 16 bytes). For more detailed information, refer to the documentation on the respective
Expanded output data are not supported.
For the ET 200M, this means that:
The I/O module in use must support provision of expanded input data.
The IM 153-2BAx2 supplies the substitute value "0" in the expanded input data of an I/O
module that is starting up or that has been removed.
The total amount of input data must not exceed the following values:
128 bytes per slot
244 bytes per IM 153-2BAx2. i.e., per ET 200M
These limits are checked during configuration.
"Standard" and expanded input data are internally consistent but not consistent relative to
each other.
The following figure illustrates this point.
The expanded input data are updated in longer time intervals than the "standard" input
2.4 Time stamp of a maximum of 32 digital inputs per slot
The IM 153-2BAx2 interface module supports time stamping of input signals from a
maximum of 32 digital inputs per slot. The existing limit of a maximum of 128 time-stamped
channels (DI) per ET 200M is retained.
2.4 Time stamp of a maximum of 32 digital inputs per slot
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 11
Within S7-400, the parameters for the digital inputs whose signals are to be time-stamped
are assigned the same as previously with
Outside S7-400, the parameter assignment is made using data record 240. The parameter
assignment data in data record 240 for assigning the time stamping parameters is structured
as follows:
    
      
      
 
9HUVLRQ,'  
1XPEHURIVORWVWR 
 
  ',
  ',
  ',
', ', ', ',
', ', ', ',
', ',
 ', ', ', ',
Figure 2-1 Structure of data record 240 for parameter assignment
2.5 Diagnostics with the IM 153-2BAx2
IM 153-2 Interface Module
12 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
2.5 Diagnostics with the IM 153-2BAx2
The IM 153-2 interface module (order number 6ES7153-2BAx2-0XB0 and higher) supplies
the same diagnostic information as the existing IM 153-2 interface module. The maximum
length of the diagnostics is now 130 bytes. Due to the 12 available slots, the IM 153-2BAx2
has a partially expanded diagnostic structure. In addition, the length of the diagnostic
interrupt has been expanded.
The following changes have been made in the diagnostics:
The identifier-related diagnostic information comprises 3 bytes, same as previously.
Byte 8 contains an additional 4 bits for the new slots (slots 12 to 15).
The module status is 1 byte longer and now comprises 8 bytes. Slots 12 to 15 now
contain 2 new bits each.
The diagnostic interrupt can have a maximum of 63 bytes.
For the meaning of the bits, refer to the
ET 200M Distributed I/O Device
Instructions, Chapter
Structure of the diagnosis
2.5 Diagnostics with the IM 153-2BAx2
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 13
%\WH %\WH
Figure 2-2 Supplement to slave diagnostics
2.6 Parameter assignment/operation of HART field devices by means of PDM
IM 153-2 Interface Module
14 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
2.6 Parameter assignment/operation of HART field devices by means of
Starting situation
For the HART field devices, the following starting situation exists:
The HART field devices are connected to HART input/output modules.
The HART input/output modules are distributed among 12 slots of an ET 200M with
IM 153-2BAx2.
Parameter assignment/operation
For the starting situation described above, the following requirements apply to parameter
assignment/operation of HART field devices:
EDD (for ET 200M) Version V1.1.8 or higher
EDD (Electronic Device Description) is required to set up HART field devices. It is
included on the
PDM Device Library
CD (as of Edition 2, dated 2007) supplied with PDM.
PDM V6.0 SP3
If an older PDM version is used together with the EDD indicated above, an error message
is not issued.
However, then HART field devices on HART input/output modules that plug into slots 12
to 15 cannot be operated.
2.7 Configuring with a GSD file
If you configure the ET 200M (IM 153-2BAx2) with a GSD file, the length of the parameter
assignment frame (maximum 244 bytes) can lead to limitations in the number of assignable
2.8 Supplement to Chapter 9.3.8 of the operating instructions
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 15
2.8 Supplement to Chapter 9.3.8 of the operating instructions
The following information is added to Chapter 9.3.8
Channel-specific diagnostics
Error type 31D in Table 9-9
Error type of channel-specific diagnostics - manufacturer-specific
has a new meaning.
Error type Error text Meaning Remedy
11111B 31
D Channel temporarily unavailable e.g., due to calibration, firmware
update, manual mode, etc.
Different, depending on the
e.g., wait until the initiated
(calibration, FW update) is
2.9 Additional details added to Chapter 9.3.10 of the operating instructions
The following details are added to Chapter 9.3.10
For the interrupt type (Figure 9-7):
Byte x+3, Bits 3 to 7: Interrupt sequence number, only relevant for S7-400H
For interrupt details (Figures 9-9 to 9-13):
Byte x+8, Bit 7 = 0: No additional channel type available in the diagnostics
Byte x+8, Bit 7 = 1: No additional channel type available in the diagnostics
2.9 Additional details added to Chapter 9.3.10 of the operating instructions
IM 153-2 Interface Module
16 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
IM 153-2 Interface Module
Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01 17
Technical specifications 3
3.1 Supplement to Chapter 10.1 of the operating instructions
The FM certification in Chapter 10.1
Standards and approvals
is supplemented with the
following warning notices:
Personal injury and material damage can be incurred.
In potentially explosive environments, there is a risk of injury or damage if you disconnect
any cable connections while the ET 200M is in operation.
When operating the ET 200M in potentially explosive environments, make sure that it is
deenergized before disconnecting the cable connections.
Explosion hazard
If components are swapped, the suitability for Class I, Div.2 can be become invalid.
This device is only suitable for use in Class I, Div. 2, Group A, B, C, D or in non-potentially
explosive areas.
Technical specifications
3.2 Technical specifications of the IM 153-2BAx2
IM 153-2 Interface Module
18 Product Information, 08/2007, A5E01208335-01
3.2 Technical specifications of the IM 153-2BAx2
The technical specifications for all functions of the IM 153-2BAx2 are provided in the
following table.
Technical specifications IM 153-2BAx2
Manufacturer ID 801EH
GSD file for DPV1 SI04801E.GSG
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 40 x 125 x 117
Weight, approx. 360 g
PROFIBUS DP interface
Baud rates Up to 12 MBaud
Baud rate detection Yes
Interface RS 485
FREEZE capability Yes
SYNC capability Yes
PROFIBUS addresses 1 to 125 permissible
System modification in RUN mode Yes
Time synchronization / time stamping Yes
Accuracy class 10 ms / 1 ms
Time resolution 466 ps
Number of digital input signals Max. 32 per slot
Max. 128 per ET 200M
Message buffer 15 message buffers with in each case max. 20 messages
Time interval for sending the message buffers when
there is a message 1 s
Time stamping Per digital input
Per digital input module
total ET 200M
Time stamp in the case of rising / falling edge as incoming or outgoing signal
Time format RFC 1119 Internet (ISP)
Voltages, currents, potentials
Rated voltage DC 24 V (DC 20.4 to 28.8 V)
Current consumption at 24 V Max. 0.6 A
Inrush current 3.0 A
Current on the I/O bus
(for supplying power to the I/O modules)
Max. 1.5 A
I2t 0.1 A2s
Recommended external fusing for supply lines In a configuration with grounded reference potential a fuse is
required for redundant interface modules
(recommendation: 2.5 A).
Power dissipation, typ. 5.5 W