|| SEMTECH CORPORATION 652 Mitchell Road, Newbury Park, California 91320 (805) 498-2111, (213) 628-5392 / TWX: 910-336-1264 SLIMPAC HIGH VOLTAGE-HIGH CURRENT SILICON RECTIFIERS The Semtechs Slimpac is a new high density high voltage high current silicon rectifier for use in industrial and military applications which require small, light- weight rectifiers without compromise on the required high reliability criteria, De- signed and tooled to be efficiently mass produced, Slimpac can be used eco- nomically in existing applications. The rectifier can be utilized in all standard, single and polyphase rectifier circuits. Designed to be corona free, the unit is H-46 & H-47 TYPES capable of meeting stringent electrical, mechanical, and environmental specifi- cations. S H Qo wo N a S$CH5000 | 5000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 7 1.125 | H46 ~ ScH7500 | 7500 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 10 1.625 | H46 Ly | $CH10000 | 10000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 14 2.000 | H46 Ty SCH12500 | 12500 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 17 2.375 | H46 o SCH15000 | 15000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 20 2.750 | H46 8 $CH20000 } 20000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 27 3/500 | H46 a SCH25000 | 25000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 33 4.250 | H46 " <x A MEDIUM RECOVERY **(t--) 1 MICROSECOND 5 SCHF5000 | 5000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 7 1.125 | H47 051 DIA. SCHF7500 | 7500 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 10 1.625 | H47 003 (16 GA.) SCHF10000| 10000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 14 2.000 | H47 2 MIN. [> SCHF12500] 12500 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 17 2.375 | HA7 SCHF15000] 15000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 20 2.750 | H47 SCHF20000} 20000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 27 3.500 | H47 SCHF25000] 25000 5 33 50 25 0.1 15 33 4.250 | H47 FAST RECOVERY **(t..) 150 NANOSECONDS scF2500 | 2500 5 33 25 | 12.5 0.1 15 6 1,125 Ha7 scr5o00 | 5000 5 33 2 | 12.5 0.1 15 12 2.000 H47 SCF7500 | 7500 5 33 25 1125 0.1 15 18 2.750 H47 s$cF10000 {10000 5 133 25 | 12.5 0.1 15 24 3.500 Ha7 SCF12500 | 12500 5 33 25 | 12.5 0.1 15 30 4.250 Ha7 **Trr Reverse Recovery is measured on each junction prior to manufacture of assembly. 0.5 Amp forward current to 1.0 Amp reverse current. Recovery time measured when rectifier recovers to .25 Amp. Operating and storage temperature 55C to +150C SLIMPAC SR. ALSO AVAILABLE IN FAST RECOVERY 7 -250 + .02 .040 DIA. + .003 | 38 + .01 ny 037 +____- = 2 _| = SCHS15000 2 Glee eeT + - o Operating and storage temperature 55C to +1500C 2 + H z ~ SLIMPAC JR. @ 50 MA | SCHJ15K 15000 -050 -030 4 2 0.1 25 20 1.5 Hag S SCHJ22.5K | 22500 .050 -030 4 2 0.1 25 30 2 H49 ss 4 SCHJ30K 30000 -050 .030 4 2 0.1 25 40 2.5 H49 * o S$CHJ37.5K } 37500 -050 .030 4 2 0.1 25 50 3 H49 4H re) SCHJ45K 45000 -050 -030 4 2 0.1 25 60 3.6 H49 . 3 Operating and storage temperature 55C to +150C Sg 2 MIN. ae 88 H _ H-48 TYPE H-49 TYPE Semtech reserves the right to change specifications without notice. 20