Multi-Functional Protective
Relay with Local Control
Mounting and Commissioning
Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Disclaimer of liability
We have checked the contents of this manual against the hard-
ware and software described. However, deviations from the de-
scription cannot be completely ruled out, so that no liability can
be accepted for any errors or omissions contained in the informa-
tion given.
The information given in this document is reviewed regularly and
any necessary corrections will be included in subsequent edi-
tions. We appreciate any suggested improvements.
We reserve the right to make technical improvements without
Document version 04.64.01
Edition 07.2015
Copyright © Siemens AG 2015. All rights reserved.
Dissemination or reproduction of this document, or evaluation
and communication of its contents, is not authorized except
where expressly permitted. Violations are liable for damages. All
rights reserved, particularly for the purposes of patent application
or trademark registration.
Registered Trademarks
SIPROTEC, SINAUT, SICAM and DIGSI are registered trade-
marks of Siemens AG. Other designations in this manual might
be trademarks whose use by third parties for their own purposes
would infringe the rights of the owner.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Purpose of this
Manual This manual describes the functions, operation, installation, and commissioning of the
device 7SJ62/63/64. In particular, one will find:
Information on the Device Configuration an d a de scr ip tion of th e device fun ctio n s
and setting options Chapter 2;
Instructions for mounting and commissioning Chap ter 3;
List of technical da ta Chapter 4;
As well as a compilation of the most significant data for experienced users in Ap-
pendix A.
For general information on operation and configuration of SIPROTEC 4 devices,
please refer to the SIPROTEC System Description /1/.
Target Audience Protection en gin eer s, co mm iss i oning en gineers, personnel concerned with adjust-
ment, checking, and service of selective protective eq uipment, automatic and co ntrol
facilities, and personnel of electrical facilities and power plants.
Applicability of this
Manual This manual is valid for: SIPROTEC 4 Multi-Functional Protective Relay with Local
Control 7SJ62/63/64 firmware version V4.6 anf for 7SJ63 fir mware version V4.7.
The function a lity of the de vice s 7S J63 V4.6 and V4.7 is identical.
7SJ63 firmware versions V4.7 are actual maintenance versions.
Indication of Con-
This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Commu-
nities on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electro-
magnetic compatibility (EMC Council Directive 89/336/EEC) and concerning elec-
trical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive 73/23
This conformity has been proved by tests performed according to Article 10 of the
Council Directive in agreement with th e generic standards EN 61000-6-2 and
EN 61000-6-4 (for EMC directive) and with the standard EN 60255-6 (for Low
Voltage Directive) by Siemens. AG.
This device is designed and manufactured for application in industrial environ-
The product conforms with the international standards of IEC 60255 and the
German standard VDE 0435.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Additional Support Should further information on the System SIPROTEC 4 be desired or should particular
problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the
matter should be referred to the local Siemens representative.
Training Courses Individual course offerings may be found in our T raining Catalogue, or questions may
be directed to our training centre in Nuremberg.
Further standards IEEE Std C37.90-*
Instructions and
Warnings The warnings and notes cont ained in this manual serv e for your own safety and for
an appropriate lifetime of the device. Please observe them!
The following indicators and standard definitions are used:
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage will
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage can
result if proper precautions are not taken.
indicates that minor personal injury or proper ty damage can resu lt if proper pr ecau-
tions are not t aken. This particularly applies to damage on or in the device itself and
consequential damage thereof.
indicates information about the device or respective part of the instruction manual
which is essential to highlight.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
When operating an electrical device, cert ain parts of the device inevitably have dan-
gerous voltages.
Failure to observe these precautions can result in fatality, personal injury , or extensive
material damage.
Only qualified personnel shall work on and around this equipment. It must be thor-
oughly familiar with all warnings and safety notices of this manual as well as with the
applicable safety regulations.
The successful and safe operation of this device is dependent on pro per hand ling, in-
stallation , operation, and maintenance by qualified personnel under observance of al l
warnings and hints contained in this manual. In particular the general erection and
safety regulations (e.g. IEC, DIN, VDE, EN or other national and international stan-
dards) regarding the correct use of hoisting gear must be observed.
Deviations may be permitted in drawings and t ables when the type o f designato r can
be obviously derived from the illustration.
For the purpose of this instruction ma nual and p roduct labels, a qu alified person is
one who is familiar with the installation, construction and operation of the equipment
and the hazards involved. In addition, he has the following qualifications:
Is trained and author ized to energize, de-energize, clear, ground and tag cir cuits
and equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
Is trained in the proper care and use of protective equipment in accordance with
established safety practices.
Is trained in re nd e rin g firs t aid.
Typographic and
Graphical Conven-
To designate terms which refer in the text to information of the device or for the
device, the following fonts are used:
Parameter names
Designators of configuration or fun ction parameters which may appear word-for-
word in the display of the device or on the scr een of a pe rsonal compu ter (with op-
eration software DIGSI), ar e marked in bold letters of a monospace type style. This
also applies to header bars for selection menus.
Parameter addre sses have the same ch aracter style as p arameter names. Param-
eter addresses cont ain the suf fix A in the overview t ables if the p arameter can o nly
be set in DIGSI via the option Display additional settings.
Parameter Conditions
possible settings of text parameters, which may appear word-for-word in the display
of the device or on the screen of a personal computer (with operation software
DIGSI), are additionally written in it alics. This also applies to head er bar s for sele c-
tion menus.
Designators for information, which may be output by the relay or required from other
devices or from the switch gear, are marked in a monosp ace type style in quot ation
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following symbols are used in drawings:
Besides these, graphical symbols are used according to IEC 60617-12 and IEC
60617-13 or symbols derived from these standards. Some of the most frequently used
are listed below:
Device-internal logical input signal
Device-internal logical output signal
Internal input signal of an analog quantity
External binary input sign al with number (bin ary input, input
External binary output signal with number (device in dication)
External binary output signal with number (device indication)
used as input signal
Example of a parameter switch designated FUNCTION with
the address 1234 and the possible settings ON and OFF
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Input signal of an analog quantity
AND gate
OR gate
Exclusive–OR gate (antivalence): output is active, if only
one of the inputs is active
Equivalence: output is active, if both inputs are active or in-
active at the same time
Dynamic input s (edge–triggered ) above with positive, below
with negative edge
Formation of one analog output signal from a number of
analog input signals
Limit stage with setting address and parameter designa tor
Timer (pickup delay T, example adjustable) with setting
address and parameter designator (name)
Timer (dropout delay T, example non-adjusta ble)
Dynamic triggered pulse timer T (monoflop)
Static memory (RS-flipflop) with setting input (S), resetting
input (R), output (Q) and inverted output (Q)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.1 Overall Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.2 Application Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.3 Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2 Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.1.1 Functional Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.1.2 Device, General Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
2.1.3 Power System Data 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
2.1.4 Oscillographic Fault Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.1.5 Settings Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
2.1.6 Power System Data 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
2.1.7 EN100-Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Functional Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
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2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
2.2.2 Definit e High- C ur re n t Elem en ts 50-2, 50N-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.2.3 Definite Overcurrent Elem en ts 50-1, 50N- 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
2.2.4 Inverse Time Overcurrent Elements 51, 51N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.2.5 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.2.6 Inrush Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
2.2.7 Pickup Logic and Tripping Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
2.2.8 Two-Phase Time Over current Protection (non-directional only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.2.9 Busbar Protection by Use of Reverse Interlocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
2.2.10 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
2.2.11 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
2.2.12 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
2.3.2 Definite Time, Directional High-set Elements 67-2, 67N-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
2.3.3 Definite Time, Directional Overcurrent Elements 67-1, 67N-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
2.3.4 Inverse Time, Directional Overcurrent Protection Element s 67-TOC, 67N-TOC. . . . . . . . . 94
2.3.5 Interaction with the Fuse Failure Monitor (FFM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.3.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.3.7 Inrush Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.3.8 Determination of Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
2.3.9 Reverse Interlocking for Double End Fed Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
2.3.10 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
2.3.11 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
2.3.12 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
2.4.1 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
2.4.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2.4.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
2.4.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
2.5.1 Functional Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
2.5.2 High-impedance Ground Fault Unit Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
2.5.3 Tank Leakage Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
2.5.4 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
2.5.5 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
2.5.6 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
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2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
2.6.1 Measurement Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
2.6.2 Overvoltage Protection 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
2.6.3 Undervoltage Protection 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
2.6.4 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
2.6.5 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
2.6.6 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
2.7.1 Definite Time element 46-1, 46-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
2.7.2 Inverse Time element 46-TOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
2.7.3 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
2.7.4 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
2.7.5 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66). . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
2.8.1 Motor Starting Protection 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
2.8.2 Motor Restart Inhibit 66. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
2.8.3 Motor (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
2.9 Frequency Protection 81 O/U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
2.9.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
2.9.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
2.9.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
2.9.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
2.10.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
2.10.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
2.10.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
2.10.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
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2.11 Monitoring Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
2.11.1 Measurement Supervision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Hardware Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Software Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Monitoring of the Transfor mer Cir cuits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 Measurement Voltage Failure Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
2.11.2 Trip Circuit Supervision 74TC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
2.11.3 Malfunction Responses of the Monitoring Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
2.12.1 Voltage Element 64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
2.12.2 Current Elements 50Ns, 51Ns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
2.12.3 Determination of Direction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
2.12.4 Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2.12.5 Ground Fault Location (in isolated systems) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
2.12.6 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
2.12.7 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
2.12.8 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
2.13 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
2.13.1 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
2.13.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
2.13.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
2.13.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
2.14.1 Program Execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
2.14.2 Blocking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
2.14.3 Status Recognition and Monitoring of the Circuit Breaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
2.14.4 Controlling Protective Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
2.14.5 Zone Sequencing (not available for models 7SJ6***-**A**-) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
2.14.6 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
2.14.7 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
2.14.8 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
2.15 Fault Locator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
2.15.1 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
2.15.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
2.15.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
2.15.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
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2.16 Breaker Failure Protection 50BF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
2.16.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
2.16.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
2.16.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
2.16.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
2.17.1 Functional Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
2.17.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
2.17.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
2.17.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function. . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
2.18.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
2.18.2 Implementation of the Reverse-Power Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
2.18.3 Configuring the Reverse-Powe r Protection in DIGSI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
2.19.1 SYNC Function group 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Synchrocheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Synchronous / Asynchronous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287 De-energized Switching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Direct Command / Blocking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 SYNC Function Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Interaction with Control, AR and External Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
2.20 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
2.20.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
2.20.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
2.20.3 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
2.20.4 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
2.21 Phase Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
2.21.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
2.21.2 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311
2.22 Function Logic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.22.1 Pickup Logic for the Entire Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.22.2 Tripping Logic of the Entire Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
2.22.3 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
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2.23 Auxiliary Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
2.23.1 Commissionig Aids with Browser (7SJ64 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Functional Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
2.23.2 Message Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 LED Display and Binary Outputs (output relays). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Information on the Integrated Display (LCD) or Personal Computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 318 Information to a Substation Control Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
2.23.3 Statistics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 Circuit-Breaker Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
2.23.4 Measurement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Display of Measured Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 Transfer of Measured Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
2.23.5 Average Measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
2.23.6 Min/Max Measurement Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
2.23.7 Set Points for Measured Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
2.23.8 Set Points for Statistic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
2.23.9 Energy Metering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
2.23.10 Commissioning Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
2.24 Protection for Single-phase Voltage Transformer Connection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
2.24.1 Connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
2.24.2 Impact s on the Functionality of the Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
2.24.3 Setting Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
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2.25 Breaker Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
2.25.1 Control Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
2.25.2 Types of Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
2.25.3 Command Sequence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
2.25.4 Interlocking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
2.25.5 Command Logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362
3 Mounting and Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
3.1 Mounting and Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
3.1.1 Configuration Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
3.1.2 Hardware Modifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Disassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372 Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit Boards of Device 7SJ62. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit Boards of Device 7SJ63. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384 Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit Boards of Device 7SJ64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 Interface Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402 Reassembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
3.1.3 Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Panel Flush Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406 Rack Mounting and Cubicle Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Panel Surface Mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .411 Mounting with Detached Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412 Mounting without Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
3.2 Checking Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
3.2.1 Checking Data Connections of Serial Interfaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
3.2.2 Checking System Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 418
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3.3 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
3.3.1 Test Mode and Transmission Block. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
3.3.2 Checking the System (SCADA) Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421
3.3.3 Checking the Status of Binary Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
3.3.4 Tests for Circuit Breaker Failure Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
3.3.5 Checking User-Defined Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
3.3.6 Current, Voltage, and Phase Rotation Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
3.3.7 Test for High Impedance Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
3.3.8 Testing the Reverse Interlocking Scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
3.3.9 Direction Check with Load Current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
3.3.10 Polarity Check for Voltage Input V4 (only 7SJ64) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
3.3.11 Ground Fault Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
3.3.12 Polarity Check for Cu rrent Input IN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434
3.3.13 Checking the Temperature Measurement via RTD-Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
3.3.14 Measuring the Operating Time of the Circuit Breaker (only 7SJ64) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437
3.3.15 Trip/Close Tests for the Configured Operating Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
3.3.16 Creating Oscillographic Recordings for Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 439
3.4 Final Preparation of the Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
4 Technical Data. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
4.1 General Device Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
4.1.1 Analog Inputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
4.1.2 Auxiliary Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
4.1.3 Binary Inputs and Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
4.1.4 Communication Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
4.1.5 Electrical Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
4.1.6 Mechanical Stress Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
4.1.7 Climatic Stress Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
4.1.8 Service Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
4.1.9 Certifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
4.1.10 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
4.2 Definite Time Overcurrent Protection 50, 50N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
4.4 Directional Time Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
4.5 Inrush Restraint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
4.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
4.7 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
4.8 Voltage Protection 27, 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
4.9 Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
4.10 Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
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4.11 Motor Starting Protection 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
4.12 Motor Restart Inhibit 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
4.13 Frequency Protection 81 O/U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
4.14 Thermal Overload Protection 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
4.15 Ground Fault Detection 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
4.16 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
4.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
4.18 Fault Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
4.19 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 50BF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
4.20 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
4.21 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
4.22 RTD Boxes for Temperature Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
4.23 User-defined Functions (CFC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506
4.24 Additional Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .511
4.25 Breaker Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
4.26 Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
4.26.1 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size 1/3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
4.26.2 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size 1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
4.26.3 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size 1/1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
4.26.4 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size 1/3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
4.26.5 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size 1/2). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
4.26.6 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size 1/1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
4.26.7 Surface-moun ted Housing with Detached Operator Panel or without Operator Panel
(Housing Size 1/2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
4.26.8 Housing for Mounting with Detached Operator Panel or without Operator Panel
(Housing Size 1/1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
4.26.9 Detached Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
4.26.10 D-Subminiature Connector of Dongle Cable (Panel Flush or Cubicle Door Cutout). . . . . 526
A Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
A.1.1 Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
A.1.1.1 7SJ62 V4.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529
A.1.1.2 7SJ63 V4.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
A.1.1.3 7SJ64 V4.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
A.1.2 Accessories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
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A.2 Terminal Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
A.2.1 7SJ62 — Housing for panel flush mounting or cubicle installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
A.2.2 7SJ62 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
A.2.3 7SJ62 — Inte rf ace assignmen t on hous in g fo r panel surface mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
A.2.4 7SJ63 — Housing for panel flush mounting or cubicle installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
A.2.5 7SJ631/2/3 — Housing for panel surface mounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
A.2.6 7SJ63 1/ 2/ 3 — Int er fa c e assignm e nt on ho us ing for panel surface mounting . . . . . . . . . . 559
A.2.7 7SJ635/6 — Housing for panel surface mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
A.2.8 7SJ635/6 — Interface assignment on housing for panel surface mounting . . . . . . . . . . . 565
A.2.9 7SJ63 — Housing with detached operator panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
A.2.10 7SJ63 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting without Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
A.2.11 7SJ64 — Housing for Panel Flush Mounting or Cubicle Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
A.2.12 7SJ64 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 586
A.2.13 7SJ64 — Housing with Detached Operator Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
A.2.14 7SJ64 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting without Operator Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
A.2.15 Connector Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598
A.3 Connection Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
A.3.1 Connection Examples for 7SJ62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
A.3.2 Connection Examples for 7SJ63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 606
A.3.3 Connection Examples for 7SJ64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
A.3.4 Connection example for high-impedance groun d fault differential protection . . . . . . . . . . 625
A.3.5 Connection Examples for RTD-Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
A.4 Current Transformer Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
A.4.1 Accuracy limiting factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
A.4.2 Class conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
A.4.3 Cable core balance current transformer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
A.5 Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
A.5.1 LEDs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
A.5.2 Binary Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
A.5.3 Binary Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
A.5.4 Function Keys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
A.5.5 Default Display. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
A.5.6 Pre-defined CFC Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
A.6 Protocol-dependent Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
A.7 Functional Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
A.8 Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644
A.9 Information List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
A.10 Group Alarms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692
A.11 Measured Values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 693
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Literature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 698
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708
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SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The device family SIPROTEC 7SJ62/63/64 devices is introduced in this section. An
overview of the devices is pr esented in their application, char acteristics, and scope of
1.1 Overall Operation 21
1.2 Application Scope 25
1.3 Characteristics 28
1 Introduction
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1.1 Overall Operation
The SIPROTEC 7SJ62/63/64 are numerical, multi-functional, protective and control
devices equipped with a powerful microprocessor. All tasks are processed dig itally ex-
clusively , from acquisition of measured values up to commands to the circuit breakers.
Figure 1-1 illustrates the basic structure of the devices 7SJ62/63, Figure 1-2 illustrates
the basic structure of the device 7SJ64.
Analog Inputs The measuring inputs (MI) convert the currents a nd voltages coming from the instru-
ment transformers and a dapt them to the level appropriate for the internal processing
of the device. The device pr ovides four current inputs. Depending on the model, the
device is also equipped with three or four voltage inputs. Three current inputs serve
for input of the phase currents. Depending on the model, the fourth current input (IN)
may be used for measuring the gr ound fault curr ent IN (current transformer starpoint)
or for a separate ground current transformer (for sensitive ground fault detection INs
and directional determination of gr ound faults).
Figure 1-1 Hardware structure of the numerical mu lti-functional protection device 7SJ62
and 7SJ63
1.1 Overall Operation
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Volta ge input s can either be use d to meas ure the three ph ase-to -ground volt age s, or
two phase-to-phase volt ages and the displacement voltage (VN voltage). It is also pos-
sible to connect two phase-to-phase voltages in open-delta connection.
The four volt age tr ansforme rs of 7SJ64 can either be applied fo r the input o f 3 phase-
to-ground volt ages, one displacement vo ltage ( VN voltag e) or a further voltage for the
synchronizing function.
The analog input quantities are passed on to the input amplifiers (IA). The input am-
plifier IA stage provide s high-resistance term inations for the analog input quantities. It
consists of filters that are optimized for measured-value processing with regard to
bandwidth and proc essing speed.
The analog-to - dig ital (AD) stage consis ts of a multiplex or, an analog-to- dig ital (A/D)
converter and of memory components for the transmission of digit al sign als to the m i-
crocomputer system.
Figure 1-2 Hardware structure of the numerical multi-functional device 7SJ64
System Apart from processing the measur ed valu es, the micr ocomputer system ( μC) also ex-
ecutes the actual protection and control functions. They especially include:
Filtering and preparation of the measured quantities
Continuous monitoring of the measured quantities
1 Introduction
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Monitoring of the pic k up con d itio ns for the individual protective functions
Interrogation of limit values and sequences in time
Control of signals for the logic functions
Output of control commands for switching devices
Recording of messages, fault data and fault values for analysis
Management of the operating system and the associated functions such as data re-
cording, real-time clock, communication, interfaces, etc.
The information is provided via output amplifiers (OA).
Binary Inputs and
Outputs The com pu te r sys te m ob tains extern al info rm a tio n th ro ug h the bina ry inp u t/o ut pu t
modules (input s a nd ou tput s). T he comp uter system ob t ains the infor mation from the
system (e.g remote resetting) or the external equipment (e.g. blocking commands).
Outputs are, in particular, commands to the switchgear units and indications for
remote signalling of important events and statuses.
Front Elements With devices with integrated or detached operator panel, information such as messag-
es related to even ts, states, mea sur e d values and the functional status of the device
are provided via light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and a displa y screen (LCD) on the front
Integrated control and numeric keys in conjunction with the LCD facilitate interaction
with the remote device. Via these elements all information of the device such as con-
figuration and setting parameters, operating and fault messages, and measured
values can be accessed. Setting parameters may be changed in the same way.
In addition, control of circuit breakers and other equipment is possible from the front
panel of the device.
Serial Interfaces A serial PC inter face on the front pane l is provided for local communications with the
device through a personal computer using the operating program DIGSI.This facili-
tate s a comfortable handling of all device functions.
A separate service interface can be provided for remote communication with the
device via a personal computer using DIGSI. This interface is especially well suited for
dedicated connection of the devices to the PC or for ope ration via a modem. The
service interface can also be used to con nect an RTD box (= resista nce te mpera ture
detector) for entering external temperatures (e.g. for overload protection).
The additional interface (only 7SJ64) is designed exclusively for connection of a
RTD-Box (= resistance temperature detector) for entering external temperatures.
All data can be transferred to a central control center or monitoring system via the
serial system interface. This interface may be provided with various protocols and
physical transmission schemes to suit the particular application.
A further interface is provided for the time synchronization of the internal clock via
external synch ro ni zation sources.
Further communication protocols can be realized via additional interface modules.
Over the operating or service interface you can serve the device (only with 7SJ64)
from a distance or locally with a standard Browser . This can take place during the initial
start-up, examination and also during the operation with the devices. For this the
SIPROTEC 4 standard "Web monitor" is available.
1.1 Overall Operation
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Power Supply The before-mentioned function elements and their voltage levels are supplied with
power by a power supplying unit (Vaux or PS). Voltage dips may occur if the voltage
supply system (subst ation battery) becomes short-circu ited. Usually , th ey are bridged
by a capacitor (see also Technical Data).
1 Introduction
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1.2 Application Scope
The numerical, multi-functional SIPROTEC 4 7SJ62/63/64 are versatile devices de-
signed for protection, control and monitoring of busbar feeders. The devices can be
used for line protection in networks that are grounded, low-resistance grounded, un-
grounded, or of a compensated neutral point structure. They are suited for networks
that are radial or loo ped, and for lines with single or multi-terminal feeds. The devices
are equipped with motor protection applicable for asynchrono us machines of all sizes.
The devices include the functions that are necessary for protection, monitoring of
circuit breaker positions, and control of the circuit breakers in straight bus applications
or breaker-and-a-half configurations; therefore, the devices can be universally em-
ployed. The devices provide excellent backup facilities of differential protective
schemes of lines, transformers, genera tors, motors, and busbars of all voltage levels.
Protectiv e Func-
tions Non-directional overcurrent protection (50, 50N, 51, 51N) is the basis of the de vice.
There are two definite time overcurrent protective elements and one inverse time over-
current protective element for phase and ground current. For inverse time overcurrent
protective elements, several characte ristics of d ifferent standards a re p rovided. Alte r-
natively, user-defined characteristics can be programmed.
Depending on the version of the device that is ordered, the non-directional overcurrent
protection can be supplemented with directional overcurrent protection (67, 67N),
breaker failure protection (50BF), and sensitive ground fault detection for high-resis-
tance ground faults. The highly sensitive ground fa ult detection can be directional or
In addition to the fault protection functions alread y me nt ion ed , ot he r pr ot ective func-
tions are available. Some of them depen d on the ve rsion of the device that is ordered.
These additional functions include frequency protection (81O/U), overvoltage protec-
tion (59) and undervoltage protection (27) , negative sequence protection (46) and
overload protection ( 49) wi th st art in hibit for mo tors (66/68) and motor star ting protec-
tion (48), as well as automatic reclosing (79) which allows different reclosing cycles on
overhead lines. The automatic reclosing system may also be connected externally . To
ensure quick detection of the fault, the device is equippe d with a fault locator.
A protection feature can be ordered for the detection of intermittent ground faults
which detects and accumulates transient ground faults.
External detectors account for ambient temperatures or coolant temperatures ( by
means of an external RTD-box).
Before reclosing a fter thre e-pole tripping 7SJ64 can verify the validity of the reclosure
by voltage check and/or synchronous check. The synchronization function can also be
controlled externally.
Control Functions The device p rovides a control function which can be accom plished fo r activa tin g and
deactivating switchgears via the integrated operator panel, the system interface,
binary inputs, and the serial port using a personal computer with DIGSI.
The status of the primary equipment can be transmitted to the device via auxiliary con-
tact s connected to binary inp uts. The p resent sta tus (or position) of th e primary equip-
ment can be displayed on the device, and used for interlocking or plausibility monitor-
ing. The number of the operating equipment to be switched is limited by the binary
inputs an d outputs available in the device or th e binary inputs and output s allocated
for the switch position indications. De pending on the primary equipment being con-
1.2 Application Scope
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
trolled, one binary input ( single point indication) or two binary inputs (double point in-
dication) may be used for this process.
The capability of switching primary equipment can be restricted by a setting associat-
ed with switching auth or ity (Rem o te or Local), and by the operating mode (inter-
locked/non-interlocked, with or without password request).
Processing of interlocking conditions for switching (e.g. switchgear interlocking) can
be established with the aid of integrated, use r-configurable logic functions.
Messages and M ea-
sured Values; Re-
cording of Event
and Fault Data
The operating messages provide information about conditions in the power system
and the device. Measurement quantities and values that are calculated can be dis-
played locally and communicated via the serial interfaces.
Device messages can be assigned to a number of LEDs on the front cover (allocat-
able), can be externally processed via output contacts (allocatable), linked with user-
definable logic functions and/or issued via serial interfaces.
During a fault (system fault) import ant even ts and changes in con ditions are saved in
fault protocols (Event Log or Trip Log). Instantaneous fault values are also saved in
the device and may be analized subsequently.
Communication Serial interfaces are available for the communication with operating, control and
memory systems.
A 9-pole DSUB socket at the front panel is used for local communication with a per-
sonal computer. By means of the SIPROTEC operating sof tware DIGSI, all operation
and evaluation tasks can be executed via this user interface, such as specifying an d
modifying configuration parameters and settings, configuring user-specific logic func-
tions, retrieving operational messages and measured values, inquiring device condi-
tions and measured values, issuing control commands.
Depending on the in dividual o rder ing var iant, a ddi tional inter faces a re loca ted on the
rear side of the device. They serve to establish an extensive communication with other
digital operating, control and memory components:
The service interface can be op erated via electrical dat a lines or fiber optics and also
allows communication via modem. For this reason, remote operation is possible via
personal computer and th e DIGSI operating sof tware, e.g. to op erate several devices
via a central PC.
The additional port (only 7SJ64) is designed exclusively for connection of a R TD-Box
(= resistance tem perature detector) for enterin g external temperatures. It can also b e
operated via data lines or fibre optic cables.
The system interface ensures the central communication between the device and the
substation controller. It can also be operated via data lines or fibre optic cables. For
the data transfer S tandard Protocols according IEC 60870 870-5-103 are available via
the system port. The integration of the devices into the automation systems SINAUT
LSA and SICAM can also take place with this profile.
The EN-100-module allows the devices to be integrated in 100-Mbit-Ethernet commu-
nication networks in control and automation systems using protocols according to
IEC61850. Bes i des c ontr ol sys te m int eg ratio n, this inte rf ac e en a ble s DIG SI-commu-
nication and inter-relay communication via GOOSE.
Alternatively, a field bus coupling with PROFIBUS FMS is available for SIPROTEC 4.
The PROFIBUS FMS according to DIN 19245 is an open communication standard
that has particula rly wide acceptan ce in process control a nd automation engineering,
with especially high per formance. A p rofile has bee n defined fo r the PROFIBUS com-
1 Introduction
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
munication that covers all of the information types required for pr otective and process
control engineering. The integration of the devices into the power automation system
SICAM can also take place with this profile.
Besides the field-bus connection with PROFIBUS FMS, further couplings are possible
with PROFIBUS DP and the protocols DNP3.0 and MODBUS. These protocols do not
support all possibilities which are offered by PROFIBUS FMS.
1.3 Characteristics
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1.3 Characteristics
General Character-
istics Powerful 32-bit microprocessor system.
Complete digit al processing and contro l of measured va lues, from th e samp ling of
the analog input quantities to the initiation of outputs, for example, tripping or
closing circuit breakers or other switchgear devices.
Total electrical separation between the internal processing stages of the device and
the external transformer, control, and DC supply circuits of the system because of
the design of the binary inputs, outputs, and the DC or AC converters.
Complete set of functions necessary for the proper protection of lines, feeders,
motors, and busbars.
Easy device operation through an integrated operator pan el or by means of a con-
nected personal computer running DIGSI.
Continuous calculation and display of measured and metered values on the front of
the device.
Storage of min/max measured values (slave pointer function) and storage of long-
term mean values.
Recording of event and fault data for the last eight system faults (fault in a network)
with real-time information as well as instantaneous values for fault recording for a
maximum time range of 5 s.
Constant mo nitoring of the measurement quantities, as well as continuous self-di-
agnostics covering the hardware and software.
Communication with SCADA or substation controller equipment via serial interfaces
through the choice of data cable, modem, or optical fibers.
Battery-buffered clock that can be synchronized with an IRIG-B (via satellite) or
DCF77 signal, binary input signal, or system interface command.
Statistics: Recordin g of the nu m be r of tr ip signals instigated by the device and
logging of currents switched off last by the device, as well as accumulated short
circuit currents of each pole of the circuit breaker.
Operating Hours Counter: Tracking of operating hours of the equipment being pro-
Commissioning aids such as connection check, direction determination , status in-
dication of all binary input s an d outputs, easy check of system interface and influ-
encing of information of the system interface during test operation
Time Overcurrent
Protection 50, 51,
50N, 51N
T wo definite time overcurrent protective elements and one inverse time overcurrent
protective element for phase cu rrent and ground current IN or summation current
Two-phase operation of the overcurrent protection (IA, IC) possible;
Different curves of common standards are available for 51 and 51N, or a user-
defined characteristic;
Blocking capability e.g. for reverse interlocking with any element;
Instantaneous tripping by any overcurrent eleme nt upon switch onto fault is possi-
Second harmonic inrush restraint.
1 Introduction
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Ground Fault Pro-
tection 50 N, 51N T wo definite time overcurrent protective elements and one inverse time overcurrent
protective element for high-resistance ground faults in grounded systems;
Different curves of common standards are available for 51 and 51N, or a user-
defined characteristic;
Second harmonic inrush restraint;
Instantaneous tripping by any overcurrent element upon switch onto fault is possi-
Directional Time
Overcurrent Pro-
tection 67 , 67 N
Three directional time overcurrent elements for both phase protection and ground
protection operate in parallel to the non-directional time overcurrent elements. Their
pickup values and time delays can be set independently from the non-directional
time overcurrent elements.
Fault direction with cross-polarized voltages and voltage memory. Dynamically un-
limited direction sensitivity;
Fault direction is calculated phase-selectively and separately for phase faults ,
ground faults and summation current faults.
Dynamic Cold Load
Pick-up Function
50C, 50NC, 51C,
51NC, 67C, 67NC
Dynamic changeover of time overcurrent protection settings, e.g. when cold load
conditions are anticipated;
Detection of cold load condition via circuit breaker position or current threshold;
Activation via automatic reclosure (AR) possible;
Start also possible via binary input.
Single-Phase Over-
current Protection Evaluation of the measured current via the sensitive or insensitive ground current
Suitable as dif ferential protection that includes the neutral point current on a trans-
former side, a generator side or a motor side or for a grounded reactor set;
As tank leakage protection against illegal leakage currents between transformer
casing and grou n d.
Voltage Protection
27, 59 T wo under voltage element s 27-1 and 27-2 measuring positive seq uence voltage or
the smallest of the applying voltages;
Choice of current supervision for 27-1 and 27-2;
T wo overvoltage ele ments 59-1 a nd 59-2 for sep arate detection of ove rvoltages for
the largest volt age applied ; in addition, de tection of the n egative sequence comp o-
For a single-ph as e con n ec tio n, th e co nn ec te d sing le -p ha se pha se -t o- gr o un d or
phase-to-phase voltage is evaluated;
settable dropout ratio for all elements of the under voltage and overvoltage protec-
Negative Sequen ce
Protection 46 Evaluation of negative sequence component of the currents;
Two definite-time elements 46-1 and 46-2 and one inverse-time element 46-TOC;
curves of common standards are available for 46-TOC.
1.3 Characteristics
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Motor Starting Pro-
tection 48 Inverse time tripping characteristic based on an evaluation of the motor starting cur-
Definite time delay for blocked rotor.
Motor Start Inhibit
66, 86 Approximate replica of excessive rotor temperature;
Startup is permitted only if the rotor has sufficient thermal reserves for a complete
Disablin g of th e start inhibit is possib le if an eme r ge nc y startup is requir e d.
Frequency Protec-
tion 81 O/U Monitoring on undersho oting (f<) and/or overshooting (f>) with 4 frequency limits
and delay times that are independently adjustable;
Insensitive to harmonics and abrupt phase angle changes;
Adjustable undervoltage threshold.
Thermal Overload
Protection 49 Thermal profile of energy losses (overload protection has total memory capability);
True r.m.s. calculation;
Adjustable ther mal alarm level;
Adjustable alarm level based on current magnitude;
Additional time constant setting for motors to accommodate the motor at standstill;
Integration of ambient temperature or coolant temperature is possible via external
temperature sensors and RTD-Box.
Monitoring Func-
tions Availability of the device is greatly increased because of self-monitoring of the inter-
nal measurement circuits, power supply, hardware, and software;
Current transformer and voltage transformer secondary circuits are monitored
using summa tio n and sym m et ry chec k tech n iqu e s
Trip circuit monitoring;
Phase rotation c he ck.
Ground Fault De-
tection 50N(s),
51N(s), 67N(s),
Displacement voltage is measured or calculated from the three phase voltages;
Determination of a faulty phase on ungrounded or grounded networks;
Two-element Ground Fault Detection: 50Ns-1 and 50Ns-2;
High sensitivity (as low as 1 mA);
Overcurrent element with definite time or inverse time delay;
One user-defined and two logarithmic-inverse current/time curves are available for
inverse time O/C protection;
Direction determination with zero-sequence quantities (I0, V0), wattmetric ground
fault direction determination;
Any element can be set as directional or non-directional — forward sensing direc-
tional, or reve rse sensing directional;
Directional characteristic can be adjustable;
Optionally applicable as additional ground fault protection.
1 Introduction
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Intermittent Ground
Fault Protection Detects and accumulates intermittent ground faults;
Tripp in g after conf igu ra b le to tal time.
Automatic Reclos-
ing 79 Single-shot or multi-shot;
With separate dead times for the first and all succeeding shots;
Protective elements that initiate automatic reclosing are selectable. The choices
can be dif ferent for phase faults and ground faults;
Different programs for phase and ground faults;
Interaction to time overcurr ent protection element and ground fault elements. They
can be blocked in dependence of the reclosing cycle or released instantaneously;
Synchronous reclosing is possible (only 7SJ64) in conjunction with the integrated
synchronizing feature.
Fault Location Initiation by trip command, external command or dropout of pickup;
Fault distance is calcula ted a nd g ive n in secon dary ohm s and m iles, o r kilometr es.
Breaker Failure
Protection 50 BF Checking current flow and/or evaluation of the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts;
Initiated by the tripping of any integrated protective element that trips the circuit
Initiation possible via a binary input from an external protective device;
Initiation possible via the integrated contr ol function.
Flexible Protection
Functions (7SJ64
Up to 20 protection functions which can be set individually to operate in three-phase
or single-phase mode;
Any calculated or directly measured value can b e evaluated on principle;
Standard protection logic function with definite time characteristic;
Internal and configurable pickup and dropout delay;
Modifiable message texts.
Synchronism and
Voltage Check 25
(7SJ64 only)
V erification of th e synchronous conditions before reclosing after th ree-pole tripping;
Fast measuring of the voltage difference ΔV, the phase angle dif ference Δϕ and the
frequency difference Δf;
Alternatively, check of the de-energized state before reclosing;
Switching possible for asynchronous system conditions with prediction of the syn-
chronization time;
Settable minimum and maximum voltage;
Verification of the synchronous conditions or de-energized state also possible
before the manual closing of the circuit breaker, with separate limit values;
Measurement also possible via transformer without external intermediate matching
Measuring voltages optionally phase–to–phase or phase–to–ground.
1.3 Characteristics
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
RTD-Boxes Detection of any ambient te mperatur es or coolan t temper atures by means o f R TD-
Boxes and external temperature sensors.
Phase Rotation Selectable ABC or ACB by setting (static) or binary input (dynamic).
Maintenance S t atistical methods to help adjust maintenance intervals for CB contacts according
to their actual wear;
Several autonomous subfunctions are imlemented (ΣI procedure, ΣIx procedure
and 2P procedure); 7SJ64 also features the I2t pr oc ed u re );
Acquisition and conditioning of measured values for all subfunctions operates
phase-selective using one procedure-specific threshold per subfunction.
User Defined Func-
tions Internal and external signals can be logically combined to establish user-defined
logic functions;
All common Boolean operations are available for programming (AND, OR, NOT, Ex-
clusive OR, etc. );
Time delays and limit value interrogation;
Processing of measured values, including zero suppression, adding a knee curv e
for a transducer input, and live-zero monitoring;
CFC debugging via browser connection (7SJ64 only).
Breaker Control Circuit breakers can be opened and closed via specific process control keys
(models with graphic displays only), the programmable function keys on the front
panel, via the system interface (e.g. by or SCADA), or via the front PC interface
using a person al co mp u te r with DIGS I) ;
Circuit breakers are monitored via the breaker auxiliary contacts;
Plausibility monitoring of the circuit breaker position and check of interlocking con-
1 Introduction
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
This chapter describe s the various functions of the SIPROTEC 4 device 7SJ62/63/64.
It shows the setting options to each function in maximum configuration and provides
information on how to determine the setting values and, if required, formulas.
The following information al so allows you to specify which of the available functions to
2.1 General 36
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N 59
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N 87
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup 117
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection 123
2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59 134
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46 146
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66) 154
2.9 Frequency Protection 81 O/U 171
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49 175
2.11 Monitoring Functions 185
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s) 200
2.13 In termittent Ground Fault Protection 220
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79 228
2.15 Fault Locator 254
2.16 Br eaker Failure Protection 50BF 257
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only) 262
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function 274
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only) 283
2.20 Temperature De te ctio n via RTD Boxes 301
2.21 Ph ase Rotation 310
2.22 Function Logic 312
2.23 Auxiliary Functions 314
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.24 Protection for Single-phase Voltage Transformer Connection 345
2.25 Breaker Control 350
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1 General
The settings associated with the various device functions can be modified using the
operating or service interface in DIGSI on a PC. Some parameters may also be
changed using the controls on the fro nt panel of the de vice. The detailed procedure is
described in the SIPROTEC 4 System /1/.
2.1.1 Functional Scope
The 7SJ62/63/64 relay contains p rotection functions as well as many other functions.
The hardware and firmware is designed for this scope of functions. Additionally, the
control functions can be matched to the system requirements. Individual functions can
be enabled or disabled during the configuration procedure. The interaction of functions
may also be modified. Description
Configuration of
Functions Example for the configuration of functional scope:
A protected system consists of overhead lines and underground cables. Since auto-
matic reclosing is only needed for the overhead lines, the automatic reclosing function
is not configured or "Disabled" for the relays protecting the underground cables.
The available protection and additiona l functions must be configured as Enabled or
Disabled. For individual functions, a choice between several alternatives may be
presented, as described below.
Functions configured as Disabled are not processed by the 7SJ62/63/64 . There are
no messages, and corresponding settings (functions, limit values) are not queried
during configuration.
Availabl e functions and default settings depen d on the ordering code of the r elay (see
A.1 for details). Setting Notes
Setting of the F unc-
tional Scope Configuration settings can be entered using a PC and the software program DIGSI
and transferred via the fro nt serial port or th e rear service interf ace. The operation via
DIGSI is explaine d in the SIPR OT EC 4 Syst em Desc rip tio n.
For changing configuration parameters in the device, password no.7 is required (for
parameter set). Without the password, the settings may be read, but may not be mod -
ified and transm itted to the device.
The functional scope with the available optio ns is set in the Functional Scope dialog
box to match plant requirements.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Special Character-
istics Most settings are self-explanatory. However, special characteristics are described
If the setting group chan ge function has to be used, add ress 103 Grp Chge OPTION
must be set to Enabled. In service, simple and fast change over between up to four
different groups of settings is possible Only one setting group may be selected and
used if this option is Disabled.
For the relay elements associated with non-directional overcurrent protection (sepa-
rately for phase and ground), various tripping characteristics may be selected at ad-
dresses 112 Charac. Phase and 113 Charac. Ground. If only the definite time
characteristic is desired, then Definite Time should be selected. Additionally, de-
pending on the rela y typ e or de re d , var i ous in ve rse time characte rist ics, ba se d on
either IEC (TOC IEC) standards or ANSI (TOC ANSI) standards, or user-defined
characteristic are available for selection. The dr opout behavior of the IEC and ANSI
characteristics will be specified later with settings (addresses 1210 and 1310), how-
ever, for the user-defined characteristic you determine in address 112 and 113
whether to specify only the pickup characteristic (User Defined PU) or the pickup
and the reset time characteristic (User def. Reset).
The superimposed high-current element 50-2 or 50N-2 is available in all these cases.
Time overcurrent protection can be disabled by setting the function to Disabled.
For directional overcurrent protection, the same information that was entered for the
non-directional overcu rrent p rotecti on ca n be en tered at addre sses 115 67/67-TOC
and 116 67N/67N-TOC.
For (sensitive) ground fault detection, address 131 Sens. Gnd Fault is used to
specify whether this function should be enabled with definite time tripping characteris-
tics (Definite Time), a User Defined PU and two logarithmic invers e character-
istics or disabled by setting to Disabled.
For the intermittent ground fault protection specify in address 133 INTERM.EF the
measured quantity (with Ignd, with 3I0 or with Ignd,sens.) which is to be
used by this protection function.
For negative sequence cur rent protection, address 140 46 is used to specify whether
the tripping characteristics should be Definite Time, TOC ANSI or TOC IEC, or
whether the function is to be Disabled.
Set in address 142 49 for the overload protection whether ( With amb. temp.) or
not (No ambient temp) the thermal replica of the overload protection will account
for a coolant temperature or ambient temperature or whether the entire function is set
to Disabled.
The flexible protective functions (only 7S64) ca n be configured in parameter
FLEXIBLE FUNC.. You can create max. 20 functions. This can be done by marking
(setting ticks) the functions (see example in Section 2.18). If the marking (the tick) of
a function is removed, all t he settings and allocations prev iously made are lost. All the
settings and locations are located in the default setting when a new marking of the
function takes place. The se tting of the flexible function is performed in DIGSI under „
Parameter“, „Additional Functions“ and„ Settings“. The allocation is performed, as
usually, under „Parameter“ an d „Allo ca tio n“.
Up to four function groups are available for the synchronizing function. They are
enabled in addre ss 01 6x (x = 1 ... 4). Par ame te rs 161 25 Function 1 to 164 25
Function 4 indicate whether a synchronizing function is to be Disabled or
Enabled. The latter is determined by selecting the operating mode ASYN/SYNCHRON
(closing takes place for asynchronous and synchronous conditions) or
SYNCHROCHECK (corresponds to the classical synchro-check function). The function
groups which are configur ed to be enabled via ASYN/SYNCHRON or SYNCHROCHECK
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
are displayed when you select the synchronizing function; function groups set to
Disabled are hidden.
When using the trip circuit monitoring, there is the possibility to select at address 182
74 Trip Ct Supv if the trip circuit monitoring should work with two (2 Binary
Inputs) or only with one bina y input (1 Binary Input) or if the function will be con-
figured as Disabled.
If you want to detect an ambient tem perat ure or a coolant te mpera ture and e.g. send
the information to the overload protection, specify in address 190 RTD-BOX INPUT
the port to which the RTD-box is connected. In 7SJ62/63/64 port C (service port) is
used for this purpose, fo r 7SJ64 either port C (service port) or port D (additional port).
The number and transmission type of the temperature detectors (RTD = Resistance
Temperature Detector) can be specified in address191 RTD CONNECTION: 6 RTD
simplex or 6 RTD HDX (with one RTD- box) or 12 RTD HDX (with two RT D-boxe s).
Implement ation examples are given in the Appendix (und er "Connection Examp les").
The settings in address 191 have to comply with those at the RTD-box (see Subsec-
tion 2.20.2, under „RTD-box Settings“).
Several options ar e available at addres s 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT for CB mainte-
nance. This does in no way affect the basic functionality of summation current forma-
tion (ΣI procedure), which does not require any additional settings and sums up the
tripping curren ts of the trips initiated by the pr ot ection function.
The ΣIx procedure creates the sum of all tripping current powers and displays them
as reference quantity. The 2P procedure continuously calculates the CB's r emaining
The I2t procedure is only implemented in the 7SJ64. It forms the squared tripping cur-
rrent integrals over the arcing time and displays them as reference quantity.
Section 2.23.3 provides mor e detailed information on CB maintenance procedures. Settings
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
103 Grp Chge OPTION Disabled
Enabled Disabled Setting Group Change Option
104 OSC. FAULT REC. Disabled
Enabled Disabled Oscillographic Fault Records
112 Charac. Phase Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 50/51
113 Charac. Ground Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 50N/51N
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
115 67/67-TOC Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 67, 67-TOC
116 67N/67N-TOC Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 67N, 67N-TOC
117 Coldload Pickup Disabled
Enabled Disabled Cold Load Pickup
122 InrushRestraint Disabled
Enabled Disabled 2nd Harmonic Inrush Restraint
127 50 1Ph Disable d
Enabled Disabled 50 1Ph
131 Sens. Gnd Fault Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
Log. inverse A
Log. Inverse B
Disabled (sensitive) Ground fault
133 INTERM.EF Disabled
with Ignd
with 3I0
with Ignd,sens.
Disabled Intermittent earth fault protection
140 46 Disabled
Definite Time
Disabled 46 Negative Sequence Protection
141 48 Disabled
Enabled Disabled 48 Startup Supervision of Motors
142 49 Disabled
No ambient temp
With amb. temp.
Disabled 49 Thermal Overload Protection
143 66 #o f Starts Disabled
Enabled Disabled 66 Startup Counter for Motors
150 27/59 Disabled
Enabled Disabled 27, 59 Under/Overvoltage Protec-
154 81 O/U Disable d
Enabled Disabled 81 Over/Underfrequency Protec-
161 25 Fu nction 1 Disable d
Disabled 25 Function group 1
162 25 Fu nction 2 Disable d
Disabled 25 Function group 2
163 25 Fu nction 3 Disable d
Disabled 25 Function group 3
164 25 Fu nction 4 Disable d
Disabled 25 Function group 4
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170 50BF Disabled
Enabled Disabled 50BF Breaker Failure Protection
171 79 Auto Recl. Disabled
Enabled Disabled 79 Auto-Reclose Functio n
172 52 B.WEAR MONIT Disabled
Disabled 52 Breaker Wear Monitoring
180 Fault Locator Disabled
Enabled Disabled Fault Locator
182 74 Trip Ct Supv Disabled
2 Binary Inputs
1 Binary Input
Disabled 74TC T rip Circuit Supervision
190 RTD-BOX INPUT Disabled
Port C Disabled External Temperature Input
191 RTD CONNECTION 6 RTD simplex
6 RTD simplex Ext. Temperature Input Connec-
tion Type
- FLEXIBLE FUNC. 1..20 Flexible Function 01
Flexible Function 02
Flexible Function 03
Flexible Function 04
Flexible Function 05
Flexible Function 06
Flexible Function 07
Flexible Function 08
Flexible Function 09
Flexible Function 10
Flexible Function 11
Flexible Function 12
Flexible Function 13
Flexible Function 14
Flexible Function 15
Flexible Function 16
Flexible Function 17
Flexible Function 18
Flexible Function 19
Flexible Function 20
Please select Flexible Functions
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1.2 Device, General Settings
The device requires some general infor mation. This may be, for example, the type of
annunciation to be issued in the event a power system fault occurs. Description
dent Annunciations
"No Trip – No Flag"
The indication of messages masked to local LEDs, and the m aintenance of spontan e-
ous messages, can be made dependent on whethe r the device has issued a trip
signal. This information is the n not output if durin g a system disturba nce one or more
protection fun ct i on s ha ve pi cke d up, bu t no tripp in g by th e 7SJ 62 /6 3/ 64 res ult ed
because the fault was cleared by a different device (e.g. on another line). These mes-
sages are then limited to faults in the line to be protected.
The following figure illustrates the creation of the reset command for stored messages.
When the relay drop s off, st ationary conditions (f ault display Target on PU / Target on
TRIP; Trip / No Trip) decide whether the new fault will be stored or reset.
Figure 2-1 Creation of the reset command for the latched LED and LCD messages
Spontaneous An-
nunciations on the
You can determine whether or no t the most important dat a of a fault event is displayed
automatically after the fault has occur red (s ee also Secti on „Fau lt Event s“ in Ch apter
„Additional Functions“). Setting Notes
Fault Messages Pickup of a new protective function generally resets any previously set LED indica-
tions, so that only the latest fault is displayed at any time. It can be selected whether
the stored LED displays and the spont a neous messa ges on th e disp lay appea r upon
renewed pickup, or only after a renewed trip signal is issued. In order to select the
desired mode of display, select the submenu Device in the SETTINGS menu. The two
alternatives 610 or FltDisp.LED/LCD („No trip – no flag“) are selected at address
Target on PU Target on TRIP.
For devices with graphic display use parameter 611 Spont. FltDisp. to specify
whether (YES) or not (NO) a spontaneous fault message will appear automatically on
the display. For devices with text display such messages will appear after a system
fault by any means.
Selection of Default
Display Devices featuring 4-line display provide a number of predefined display pages. The
start pa ge of the default display, which will open after device st ar tup, can be selected
via parameter 640 Start image DD The available display pages ar e listed in the
Appendix A.5.
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Settings Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
610 FltDisp.LED/LCD Target on PU
Target on TRIP Target on PU Fault Display on LED / LCD
611 Spont. FltDisp. YES
NO NO Spontaneous display of flt.annun-
640 Start image DD image 1
image 2
image 3
image 4
image 5
image 6
image 1 Start image Default Display
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- >Light on SP >Back Light on
- Reset LED IntSP Reset LED
- DataStop IntSP Stop data transmission
- Test mode IntSP Test mode
- Feeder gnd IntSP Feeder GROUNDED
- HWTestMod IntSP Hardware Test Mode
- SynchClock IntSP_Ev Clock Synchronization
- Error FMS1 OUT Error FMS FO 1
- Error FMS2 OUT Error FMS FO 2
- Distur.C FC OUT Disturbance CFC
1 Not configured SP No Function configured
2 Non Existent SP Function Not Available
3 >Time Synch SP_Ev >Synchronize Internal Real Time Clock
5 >Reset LED SP >Reset LED
15 >Test mode SP >Test mo de
16 >DataStop SP >Stop data transmission
51 Device OK OUT Device is Operational and Protecting
52 ProtActive IntSP At Least 1 Protection Funct. is Active
55 Reset Device OUT Reset Device
56 Initial Start OUT Initial Star t of Device
67 Resume OUT Resume
68 Clock SyncError OUT Clock Synchronization Error
69 DayLightSavTime OUT Daylight Saving Time
70 Settings Calc. OUT Setting calcul ation is running
71 Settings Check OUT Settings Check
72 Level-2 change OUT Level-2 change
73 Local change OUT Local setting change
110 Event Lost OUT_Ev Event lost
113 Flag Lost OUT Flag Lost
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
125 Chatter ON OUT Chatter ON
140 Error Sum Alarm OUT Error with a summary alarm
144 Error 5V OUT Error 5V
145 Error 0V OUT Error 0V
146 Error -5V OUT Error -5V
147 Error PwrSupply OUT Error Power Supply
160 Alarm Sum Event OUT Alarm Summary Event
177 Fail Battery OUT Failure: Battery empty
178 I/O-Board error OUT I/O-Board Error
183 Error Board 1 OUT Error Board 1
184 Error Board 2 OUT Error Board 2
185 Error Board 3 OUT Error Board 3
186 Error Board 4 OUT Error Board 4
187 Error Board 5 OUT Error Board 5
188 Error Board 6 OUT Error Board 6
189 Error Board 7 OUT Error Board 7
191 Error Offset OUT Error: Offset
192 Error1A/5Awrong OUT Error:1A/5Ajumper different from setting
193 Alarm NO calibr OUT Alarm: NO calibration data available
194 Error neutralCT OUT Error: Neutral CT different from MLFB
220 CT Ph wrong OUT Error: Range CT Ph wrong
301 Pow.Sys.Flt. OUT Power System fault
302 Faul t Event OUT Faul t Event
303 sens Gnd flt OUT sensitive Ground fault
320 Warn Mem. Dat a OUT Warn: Limit of Memory Data exceeded
321 Warn Mem. Para. OUT W a rn: Limit of Memory Parameter exceeded
322 Warn Mem. Oper. OUT Warn: Limit of Memory Ope ra t i o n exceeded
323 Warn Mem. New OUT Warn: Limit of Memory New exceeded
502 Relay Drop Out SP Relay Drop Out
510 Relay CLOSE SP General CLOSE of relay
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1.3 Power System Data 1 Description
The device requires cert ain basic dat a regarding the protected equ ipment, so that the
device can adapt to its desired application. These may be, for instance, nominal power
system and transformer data, mea sured quantity polarities and their ph ysical connec-
tions, breaker properties (where applicable) etc. There are also certain parameters
that are common to all functions, i.e. n ot associated with a specific protection, control
or monitoring function. The following section discusses these data. Setting Notes
General This data can be entered directly on the device featuring an integrated or detached
operator p anel for p arameter s 209 PHASE SEQ., 210 TMin TRIP CMD, 211 TMax
CLOSE CMD and 212 BkrClosed I MIN. Select the MAIN MENU by pressing the
MENU key. Press the key to select SETTINGS and the X key to navigate to the set-
tings selection. To obtain the Power System Data display, select the P.System Data
1 in the SETTINGS menu.
In DIGSI double-click on Settings to display the relevant selection. A dialog box will
open under the optio n P.System Data 1 with the tabs Power system, CTs, VTs and
Breaker where you can configure the individual parameters. Thus the following Sub-
sections are structured accordingly.
Nominal Frequency The rated system frequency is set at address 214 Rated Frequency. The factory
presetting in accordance with the model number must only be chan ged if the device
will be employed for a purpose other than that which was planned when ordering.
Phase Rotation Re-
versal Address 209 PHASE SEQ. is used to change the default phase sequ ence (A B C for
clockwise rotation), if your power system permanently has an anti-clockwise phase se-
quence (A C B). A temporary reversal of rot a tion is also possible using binar y input s
(see Section 2.21.2).
Temperature Unit Address 276 TEMP. UNIT allows you to display the temperature values either in
degree Celsius or in degree Fahrenheit.
Polarity of Current
Transformers At address 201 CT Starpoint, the polarity of the wye-connected current transform-
ers is specified (the following figure a pplies correspondingly for two curren t transform-
ers). This setting dete rmines the measur ing direction of the device (for wards = line di-
rection). Modifying this setting also results in a polarity reversal of the ground current
inputs IN or INS.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-2 Polarity of current transformers
Voltage Connection Address 213 specifies how the voltage transformers are connected. VT Connect.
3ph = Van, Vbn, Vcn means that three phase volt ages in wye-co nnection are con-
nected, VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc, VGnd signifies that two phase-to-phase
voltages (V -connection) and VN are connected. The latter setting is also selected when
only two phase-to-phase voltage transformers are utilized or when only the displaced
voltage (zero sequence voltage) is connected to the device.
Device 7SJ64 contains 4 voltage measuring inputs which enable further options
besides the above-mentioned connection types: VT Connect. 3ph =
Van,Vbn,Vcn,VGn is selected if the three phase volt ages in wye-connection and VN
are connected to the fou rth vo ltage input of the device. Select VT Connect. 3ph =
Van,Vbn,Vcn,VSy in case the fourth voltage input is used for the synchronizing
function even if two phase-to-phase voltages (V-connection) are available on the
primary side (since the voltages are connected to the device such that the device mea-
sures phase-ground voltage s under symmetrical conditions).
If the synchronization function is used for the connectio n to two-phase-to-phase volt-
ages in V-connection (see above), the device cannot determine a zero sequence volt-
age. The function „Directional Time Overcurrent Ground Protection“, „Directional
Ground Fault Detection“ and „Fuse-Failure-Monitor (FFM)“ must be disabled.
Parameter 240 VT Connect. 1ph is set to specify that only one voltage transformer
is connected to the devices. In this case the user defines which primary voltage is con-
nected to which analog inpu t. If one of the available volt ages is selected, i.e. a setting
unequal NO, setting of address 213 is no more relevant. Only address 240 is to be set.
If parameter 240 VT Connect. 1ph is set to NO on the other hand, p ar ame te r 213
will apply.
With 7SJ64 and single-phase voltage transformer connection the voltage connected
to voltage input V4 is always interpreted as the voltage which is to be synchronized.
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Distance Unit Address 215 Distance Unit corresponds to the unit of le ngth (km or Miles) appli-
cable to fault locating. If a fault locator is not included with the device, or if the fault
locating function is disabled, this setting has no effect on operation of the device.
Changing the length unit will not result in an automatic conversion between the sys-
tems. Such conversions must be enter ed at the appropriate addresses.
ATEX100 Address 235 ATEX100 allows that the requirements for the protection of explosion-
protected motors with regard to thermal profiles is fulfilled. Set this parameter to YES
to save all thermal r eplicas of devices 7SJ62/63/64 in the event of a power su pply fail-
ure. After the supply voltage is restored the thermal profiles will resume operation
using the stored values. Set the para meter to NO to reset the calculated overtempera -
tures of all thermal profiles to zero if the power supply fails.
Two-phase Time
Overcurrent Pro-
tection (Power
System Data)
Two-phase time overcurrent protection is used in isolated or resonant-grounded
systems where three-phase devices are desir ed to coact with existing two-ph ase pro-
tection equipmen t. Parameter 250 50/51 2-ph prot can be set to specify whether
the overcurrent protection operates in two or three phases. If set to ON, threshold com-
parison uses always the value 0A instead of the measured value for IB, so that phase
B can not initiate a pick-up. All other functions operate however in three phases.
Ground Fault Pro-
tection With address 613 Gnd O/Cprot. w. define whether ground fault protection either
is to operate using measured values (Ignd (measured)) or the quantities calculated
from the thre e ph as e cu rre n ts (3I0 (calcul.)). In the first case, the measured
quantity at the fourth current input is evaluated. In the latter case, the summation
current is calcu lated fr om the three pha se curr ent input s . If the device fea tures a sen-
sitive ground curr en t inp ut (me a sur in g ra ng e starts at 1 mA), the grou n d fau lt pr otec-
tion always uses the calculated quantity 3I0. In this cas e, parameter 613 Gnd
O/Cprot. w. is not available.
Voltage Protection
(Switchover of
With three-phase con nection , the fundam ental harmonic component of the largest of
the three phase-to -phase voltages (Vphph) is supplied to the overvoltage protection
elements, or the negative sequence voltage (V2). With three-phase connection, und-
ervolt age p ro tectio n relie s ei th er on the p ositive seq uen ce voltage V1 or the smallest
of the phase-to-phase voltages Vphph. These specifications can be configured via pa-
rameter 614 OP. QUANTITY 59 and 615 OP. QUANTITY 27. If volt age transform-
ers are connecte d single-phase, there is a direct comp arison of measured value s and
thresholds, and the setting of characteristic values switchover is ignored.
Nominal Values of
Current Transform-
ers (CTs)
At addresses 204 CT PRIMARY and 205 CT SECONDARY, information is entered re-
garding the primary and secondary ampere ratings of the current transformers. It is im-
portant to ensure that the rated secondary current of the current transformers matches
the rated current of the device, otherwise the device will incorrectly calculate primary
data. At addresses 217 Ignd-CT PRIM and 218 Ignd-CT SEC, information is
entered regarding the primary and secondary ampe re rating of the current transform-
ers. In case of normal connection (st arpoint current connected to IN–transformer) 217
Ignd-CT PRIM and 204 CT PRIMARY must be set to the same value.
If the device features a sensitive ground current input, address 218 Ignd-CT SEC is
set to 1 A. In this case setting cannot be changed.
Nominal Values of
Volt age Transform-
ers (VTs)
At addresses 202 Vnom PRIMARY and 203 Vnom SECONDARY, information is entered
regarding the primary nominal voltage and secondary nominal voltage (phase-to-
phase) of the connected voltage transformers.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Ratio of Voltage
Transformers (VTs)
In address 206 Vph / Vdelta the adjustment factor betwee n phase voltage a nd dis-
placement voltage is commu nicated to the device. This information is relevant for the
detection of ground faults (in grounded systems and non-grounded systems), opera-
tional measured value VN and measured-quantity monitoring.
If the voltage transformer set provides open de lta windings, an d if these windings are
connected to the device, this must be specified accordingly in address 213 (see above
margin heading "V olt age Connection"). Since the voltage transformer ratio is normally
as follows:
The factor Vph/VN (secon dary voltage, a ddress 206 Vph / Vdelta) has the relation
to 3/ 3 = 3 = 1.73 which must be used if the VN voltage is connected. For other trans-
formation ratios, i.e. the formation of the displacement voltage via an interconnected
transformer set, the factor must be correcte d ac co rd ing ly.
Please take into consideration that also the calculated secondary VN-voltage is divided
by the value set in address 206 Vph / Vdelta. Thus, even if the VN-voltage is not
connected, address 206 Vph / Vdelta has an impact on the secondary operational
measured value VN.
Trip and Close
Command Dura-
tion (CB)
Address 210 TMin TRIP CMD is used to set the minimum time the tripping cont acts
will remain closed. This setting applies to all protective functions that initiate tripping.
Address 211 TMax CLOSE CMD is used to set the maximum time the closing cont acts
will remain closed. This setting applies to the integrated reclosing function This setting
must be long enough to allow the circuit breaker contacts to reliably en gage. An ex-
cessive duration causes no problem since the closing command is interrupted in the
event anothe r tr ip is initia ted by a pr ot ect i ve func tion.
Current Flow Moni-
toring (CB) Address 212 BkrClosed I MIN corresponds to the threshold value of the integrated
current flow monitoring system. This parameter is used by several protection functions
(e.g. voltag e protectio n with curr ent criteri on, br ea ker failur e pr otection, over loa d pr o-
tection, restart inhibit for motors and CB maintenance). If the configured current value
exceeds the setting, the circuit-breaker is considered closed.
The threshold value setting applies to all three phases, and must take into consider-
ation all used protective functions.
With regard to breaker failure pr otection, the threshold value must be set at a level
below the minimum fault current for which breaker failure protection must operate. A
setting of 10% below the minimum fault current for which breaker failure protection
must operate is recommended. The pickup value should not be set too low , otherwise,
the danger exists that transients in the current transformer secondary circuit could lead
to extended drop out times if extremely high currents are switched off.
When using the device for motor protection, overload protection and restart inhibit, the
protective relay can distinguish between a running motor and a stopped motor, as well
as take into account the dif ferent motor cool-down beha viour. For this application, the
set value must be lower than the minimum no-load current of the motor.
Circuit Break er
Maintenance (CBM) Parameters 260 to 267 are assigned to CB maintenance. The parameters and the dif-
ferent procedures are explained in the setting notes of this function (see Section
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
201 CT Starpoint towards Line
towards Busbar towards Line CT Starpoint
202 Vnom PRIMARY 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV Rated Primary Voltage
203 Vnom SECONDARY 100 .. 225 V 100 V Rated Secondary Voltage
204 CT PRIMARY 10 .. 50000 A 100 A CT Rated Primary Current
5A 1A CT Rated Secondary
206A Vph / Vdelta 1.00 .. 3.00 1.73 Matching ratio Phase-VT
To Open-Delta-VT
A C B A B C Phase Sequence
210A TMin TRIP CMD 0.01 .. 32.00 sec 0.15 sec Minimum TRIP Command
211A TMax CLOSE CMD 0.01 .. 32.00 sec 1.00 sec Maximum Close
Command Duration
212 BkrClosed I MIN 1A 0.04 .. 1.00 A 0.04 A Closed Breaker Min.
Current Threshold
5A 0.20 .. 5.00 A 0.20 A
213 VT Connect. 3ph Van, Vbn, Vcn
Vab, Vbc, VGnd
Van , Vbn, Vcn VT Connection, three-
214 Rated Frequency 50 Hz
60 Hz 50 Hz Rated Frequency
215 Distance Unit km
Miles km Distance measurement
217 Ignd-CT PRIM 1 .. 50000 A 60 A Ignd-CT rated primary
218 Ignd-CT SEC 1A
5A 1A Ignd-CT rated secondary
235A ATEX100 NO
YES NO Storage of th. Replicas w/o
Power Supply
240 VT Connect. 1ph NO
NO VT Connection, single-
250A 50/51 2-ph prot ON
OFF OFF 50, 51 Time Overcurrent
with 2ph. prot.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Information List
260 Ir-52 10 .. 50000 A 125 A Rated Normal Current (52
261 OP.CYCLES AT Ir 100 .. 1000000 10000 Switching Cycles at Rated
Normal Current
262 Isc-52 10 .. 100000 A 25000 A Rated Short-Circuit Break-
ing Current
263 OP.CYCLES Isc 1 .. 1000 50 Switch. Cycles at Rated
Short-Cir. Curr.
264 Ix EXPONENT 1.0 .. 3. 0 2.0 Exponent for the Ix-
265 Cmd.via control (Setting options depend
on configuration) None 52 B.Wear: Open Cmd. via
Control Device
266 T 52 BREAKTIME 1 .. 600 ms 80 ms Breaktime (52 Breaker)
267 T 52 OPENING 1 .. 500 ms 65 ms Opening Time (52 Break-
276 TEMP. UNIT Celsius
Fahrenheit Celsius Unit of temperature mea-
613A Gnd O/Cprot. w. Ignd (measured)
3I0 (calcul.) Ignd (measured) Ground Overcurrent pro-
tection with
614A OP. QUANTITY 59 Vphph
V2 Vphph Opera. Quantity for 59 Ov-
ervolt. Prot.
Vphph V1 Opera. Quantity for 27 Un-
dervolt. Prot.
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
5145 >Reverse Rot. SP >Reverse Phase Rotation
5147 Rotation ABC OUT Phase rotation ABC
5148 Rotation ACB OUT Phase rotation ACB
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1.4 Oscillographic Fault Records
The Multi-Functional Protection with Control 7SJ62/63/64 is equipped with a fault
record mem or y. The instantaneous values of the me asured quantitie s
iA, iB, iC, iN or iNS and vA, vB, vC, vN or 3 · v0 and vSYN (only 7SJ64)
(voltages in accordance with connection) are sampled at intervals of 1.25 ms (for
50Hz) and stored in a circulating buffer (16 samples per cycle). For a fault, the data
are stored for an adju stable peri od of tim e, but no t mo re tha n 5 se co nd s (up to 20
seconds for 7SJ64). Up to 8 fault records can be recorded in this buffer. The fault
record memor y is automatically u pdated with every new fault, so no acknowledgment
for previously recorded faults is required. The fault record buffer can also be started
with protec tio n pick up , via bin a ry inp u t and s eri al po rt . Description
The data can be retrieved via the serial interfaces by means of a personal computer
and evaluated with the protection da ta processing program DIGSI and the graphic
analysis software SIGRA 4. The latter graphically represents the data recorded during
the system fault and also calculates additional information from the measured values.
Currents and voltages can be presented as desired as prima ry or secondary values.
Signals are additionally recorded as binary tracks (marks) e.g. "pickup", "trip".
If the device has a serial system interface, the fau lt r e cor ding data can be passed on
to a central device via th is inte rface. T he eval uation of the dat a is do ne by applicable
programs in the central device. Currents and voltages are referred to their maximum
values, scaled to their rated values and prepared for graphic representation. Binary
signal traces (marks) of particular events e.g. ”fault detection", ”trip ping" are also rep-
In the event of transfer to a central device, the request for data transfer can be exe-
cuted automatically and ca n be selected to take place after each fault detection by the
protection, or only after a trip. Setting Notes
Configuration Fault recording (waveform capture) will only t ake place if address 104 OSC. FAULT
REC. is set to Enabled. Other settings pertaining to fault recording (waveform cap-
ture) are found under the Osc. Fault Rec. submenu of the SETTINGS menu. It
has to be distinguish for the fault recording between the trigger and the recording cri-
terion (address 401 WAVEFORMTRIGGER). Normally the trigger is the pickup of a pro-
tective element, i.e. when a protective elem ent picks up the time is 0. The criteri on for
saving may be both the device pi ckup (Save w. Pickup) or the device trip (Save
w. TRIP). A trip command issued by the device can also be used as trigger (Start
w. TRIP); in this case it is also the recording criterion.
A fault event starts with the pickup by any protective function and ends when the last
pickup of a protective function has dropped out. Usually this is also the extent of a fault
recording (add re ss 402 WAVEFORM DATA = Fault event). If automatic reclosures
are performed, the entire network fault — or with more automatic reclosures — can be
recorded up to a final clearing (address 402 WAVEFORM DATA = Pow.Sys.Flt.).
This facilitates the represent ation of the entire system fault history , but also consumes
storage cap acity during the auto-reclosure dead time(s).
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The actual storage time encompasses the pre-fault time PRE. TRIG. TIME (address
404) ahead of the reference inst ant, the normal recording time and the post-fault time
POST REC. TIME (address 405) after the storage criterion has reset. The maximum
length of a fault record MAX. LENGTH is entered in Address 403. The saving of each
fault record must not exceed five seconds. A total of 8 records can be saved. However ,
the total length of time of all fault records in th e bu ffer may not excee d 5 second s.
An oscillographic record can be triggered by a change in status of a binary input, or
through the operating inte rface via PC. Storage is then triggered dynamically. The
length of the fault recording is set in address 406 BinIn CAPT.TIME (maximum
length however is MAX. LENGTH, address 403). Pre-fault and post-fault times will be
included. If the binary input time is set for , then the length of the record equals the
time that the bina ry input is activated (st atic), or the MAX. LENGTH setting in address
403, whichever is shorter. Settings Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
RSave w. Pickup
Save w. TRIP
Start w. TRIP
Save w. Pickup Waveform Capture
402 WAVEFORM DATA Fault event
Pow.Sys.Flt. Fault event Scope of Waveform Data
403 MAX. LENGTH 0.30 .. 5.00 sec 2.00 sec Max. length of a Waveform
Capture Record
404 PRE. TRIG. TIME 0.0 5 .. 0.50 sec 0.25 sec Captured Waveform Prior to
405 POST REC. TIME 0.05 .. 0.50 sec 0.10 sec Captured Waveform after Event
406 BinIn CAPT.TIME 0 .10 .. 5.00 sec; 0.50 sec Capture Time via Binary Input
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- FltRecSta IntSP F ault Recording Start
4 >Trig.Wave.Cap. SP >Trigger Waveform Capture
203 Wave. deleted OUT_Ev Waveform data deleted
30053 Fault rec. run. OUT Fault recording is running
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1.5 Settings Groups
Four independent setting groups can be created for establishing the device's function
Applications Setting groups enables the user to save the corresponding settings for each appli-
cation so that they can be quickly called when required. All setting groups are stored
in the relay. Only one setting group may be active at a given time. Description
Changing Setting
Groups During operation the user can switch back and fourth between setting groups locally,
via the operato r panel, binary inputs (if so configured), the service interface using a
personal computer , or via the system interface. For reasons of safety it is not possible
to change between setting groups during a power system fault.
A setting group includes th e setting values for all functions that have been selected as
Enabled during configuration (see Section In 7SJ62/63/64 devices, four in-
dependent setting groups (A to D) are available. Whereas setting values may vary , the
selected functions of each setting group remain the same. Setting Notes
General If multiple setting groups are not required, group A is the default selection. Then, the
rest of this section is not applicable.
If multiple setting groups are desired, address Grp Chge OPTION must be set to
Enabled (addre ss 103). For the setting of the function parameters, you configure
each of the requ ired setting group s A to D, on e after the othe r . A maximum of 4 is pos-
sible. Please refer to the SIPROTEC 4 System Description, to learn how to copy
setting group s or reset them to their status a t delivery and also what yo u have to do to
change from one setting group to another.
Subsection 3.1 of this manual tells you how to ch ange between several setting groups
externally via binary inputs.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Settings Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
302 CHANGE Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Binary Input
Group A Chan ge to Another Setting Group
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- Group A IntSP Group A
- Group B IntSP Group B
- Group C IntSP Group C
- Group D IntSP Group D
7 >Set Group Bit0 SP >Setting Group Select Bit 0
8 >Set Group Bit1 SP >Setting Group Select Bit 1
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1.6 Power System Data 2 Description
The general protection data (P.System Data 2) includes settings associated with
all functions rather than a spec ific protection or moni toring fu nction. In cont rast to the
P.System Data 1 as discussed before, they can be changed over with the setting
Applications If the primary re ference voltage and the primary reference current of the protected
object are set, the device is able to calculate and output the percentage op erational
measured values.
For protection of motors th e motor st arting detection represents a n import ant feature.
Exceeding a configured current value serves as a criterion. Setting Notes
Definition of
Nominal Rated
At addresses 1101 FullScaleVolt. and 1102 FullScaleCurr., the primary ref-
erence voltage (phase-to-phase) and referen ce current (phase) of the protected
equipment is entered (e.g. motors). If these reference values match the primary VT
and CT rating, they correspond to the settings in address 202and 204 (Subsection They are generally used to show values referenced to full scale.
Ground Impeda nce
Ratios (only for
Fault Location)
The ground impedance ratio is only relevant for line fault location. At addr ess 1103,
resistance ratio RG/RL Ratio is entered, and at address 1104, the reactance ratio
XG/XL Ratio is entered. They are calculated separately, and do not correspond to
the real and imaginary compo nents of Z0/Z1. Therefore, no complex calculations are
necessary! The ratios are obtained from system data using the following formula:
R0– Zero sequence resistance of the line
X0 – Zero sequence reactance of the line
R1 – Positive sequence resistance of the line
X1 – Positive sequence reactance of the line
These values may either apply to the entire line length or be based on a per unit of line
length, as the qu o tien ts are indepe nd e nt of leng th .
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Calculation Example:
20 kV overhead line 120 mm2 with the following data:
R1/s = 0.39 Ω/mile Positive sequence resistance
X1/s = 0.58 Ω/mile Positive sequence reactance
R0/s = 1.42 Ω/mile Zero sequence resistance
X0/s = 2.03 Ω/mile Zero sequence reactance
For ground impedance ratios, the following result:
These values are se t at ad dr es se s 1103 and 1104 respectively.
Reactance Setting
(only for Fault Lo-
The reactance setting must only be entered if using the line fault location function. The
reactance setting enables the protective relay to indicate the fault location in terms of
The reactance value X' is entered as a value x' at address 1105 in Ω per mile if set
to distance unit Miles (address 215, see Section "Distance Unit") , or at
address 1106 in Ω per kilometer if set to distance unit km. If the setting of address 215
is modified after entry of a reactance value at address 1105 or 1106, the reactance
value must be modified and reentered accordingly.
When using the PC a nd DIGSI for configuration , these values can also be entered as
primary values. The following conversion to secondary values is then not relevant.
For calculation of pr imary values in terms of secondary values th e following applies in
Likewise, the following goes for the reactance setting of a line:
NCTR — Current transformer ratio
NVTR — Voltage transformer ratio
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Calculation Example:
In the following, the same line as used in the example for ground impedance ratios
(above) and additional data on the voltage transformers will be used:
Current transformer 500 A / 5 A
Voltage transformer 20 kV / 0.1 kV
The secondary reactance value is calculated as follows:
Recognition of
Running Condition
(only for motors)
When the configured current value at Address 1107 I MOTOR START is exceeded,
this will be interpreted as motor starting. This parameter is used by the start-up time
monitoring and overload protection functions.
For this setting the following should be considered:
A setting must be selected that is lower than the actual motor start-up current under
all load and voltage conditions.
During motor start-up the thermal profile of the overload protection is "frozen" i.e.,
kept at constant level. This threshold should not be set unnecessarily low since it
limits the operating range of the overload protection for high currents during opera-
Inversion of Mea-
sured Power Values
/ Metered Va lues
The directional values (power, power factor, work and related min., max. and mean
values), calculated in the operational measured values, are usually defined with pos-
itive direction towards the protected object. This requires that the connection polarity
for the entire device was configur ed accordingly in the P.System Data 1 (compare
also "Polarity of Current Transformers", address 201). It is also possible to apply dif-
ferent settings to the “forward“ direction for the protective functions and the positive
direction for the power etc., e.g. to have the active power supply (from the line to the
busbar) displayed p ositively. To do so, set address 1108 P,Q sign to reversed. If
the setting is not reversed (default), the positive direction for the power etc. corre-
sponds to the “forward“ direction for the protective functions. Chapter 4 provides a de-
tailed list of the values in question.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Settings
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer. Information List
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
1101 FullScaleVolt. 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV Measurem:FullScaleVolt-
1102 FullScaleCurr. 10 .. 50 000 A 100 A Measurem:FullScaleCur-
1103 RG/RL Ratio - 0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 RG/RL - Ratio of Gnd to
Line Resistance
1104 XG/XL Ratio -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 XG/XL - Ratio of Gnd to
Line Reactance
1105 x' 1A 0.0050 .. 15.0000 Ω/mi 0.2420 Ω/mi x' - Line Reactance per
length unit
5A 0.0010 .. 3.0 000 Ω/mi 0.0484 Ω/mi
1106 x' 1A 0.0050 .. 9.5000 Ω/km 0.1500 Ω/km x' - Line Reactance per
length unit
5A 0.0010 .. 1.9 000 Ω/km 0.0300 Ω/km
1107 I MOTOR START 1A 0.40 .. 10.00 A 2.50 A Motor Start Current (Block
49, Start 48)
5A 2.00 .. 50.00 A 12.50 A
1108 P,Q sign not reversed
reversed not reversed P,Q operational measured
values sign
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
126 ProtON/OFF IntSP Protection ON/OFF (via system port )
356 >Manual Close SP >Manual close signal
511 R elay TRIP OUT Relay GENERAL TRIP command
533 Ia = VI Primary fault current Ia
534 Ib = VI Primary fault current Ib
535 Ic = VI Primary fault current Ic
561 Man.Clos.Detect OUT Manual close signal detected
2720 >Enable ANSI#-2 SP >Enable 50/67-(N)-2 (override 79 blk)
4601 >52-a SP >52-a contact (OPEN, if bkr is open)
4602 >52-b SP >52-b contact (OPEN, if bkr is closed)
16019 >52 Wear sta rt SP >52 Breaker Wear Start Criteria
16020 52 OUT 52 Wear blocked by Time Setting Failure
16027 52WL.blk I PErr OUT 52 Breaker Wear Logic blk Ir-CB>=Isc-CB
16028 52WL.blk n PErr OUT 52 Breake r W.Log.blk SwCyc.Isc>=SwCyc.Ir
2.1 General
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.1.7 EN100-Module Functional Description
The EN100-Module enables integration of the 7SJ62/ 63/64 in 100-MBit communica -
tion networks in control and automation systems with the protocols according to IEC
61850 standard. This standard permits continuous communication of the devices
without gateways an d protocol conver ters. Even when inst alled in heterogene ous en-
vironments, SIPROTEC 4 relays therefore provide for open and interoperable opera-
tion. Besides control system integration, this interface enables DIGSI-communication
and inter-relay communication via GOOSE. Setting Notes
Interface Selection No special settings are required for operating the Ethernet system interface module
(IEC 1850, EN100-Module). If the ordered ve rsion of the device is equipped with
such a module, it is automatically allocated to the interface available for it, namely
Port B. Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
009.0100 Failure Modul IntSP Failure EN100 Modul
009.0101 Fail Ch1 IntSP Failure EN100 Link Channe l 1 (Ch1)
009.0102 Fail Ch2 IntSP Failure EN100 Link Channe l 2 (Ch2)
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
General time overcurrent protection is the main protective function of the 7SJ62/63/64
relay. Each phase curr ent and the ground curren t is provided with th ree element s. All
elements are independent of ea ch other and can be combined in any way.
If it is desired in isolated or resonant-grounded systems that three-phase devices
should work together with two-phase prot ection equipment, the time-overcurrent pro-
tection can be configured such that it allows two-phase operation besides three-phase
mode (see Section
High-current elemen t 50-2 and overcurren t element 50-1 alwa ys operate with definite
tripping time, th e thir d ele m en t 51 , op er ates always with inverse tripping time.
Applications The non-directional time overcurrent protection is suited for networks that are radial
and supplied from a single source or open looped networks or for backup protection
of differential protective schemes of all types of lines, transformers, generators,
motors, and busbars.
2.2.1 General
Depending on parameter 613 Gnd O/Cprot. w. the overcurrent protection for the
ground current can either operate with measured values IN or with the quantities 3I0
calculated from the three phase currents. Devices featuring a sensitive ground current
input, however, ge ne ra lly us e the calc ula te d quan tit y 3 I0.
All overcurrent ele ment enabled in the d evice may be blocked via the automatic reclo-
sure function (depending on the cycle) or via an external signal to the binary inputs of
the device. Removal of blocking during pickup will restart time delays. The Manual
Close signal is an exception. If a circuit breaker is manually closed onto a fault current,
it can be re-opened immediately. For overcurrent or high-set element the delay may
be bypassed via a Manual Close pulse, thus resulting in high speed tripping. This
pulse is extended up to at least 300 ms.
The automatic reclosure function 79 may also initiate immediate tripping for the over-
current and high-set elements depending on the cycle.
Pickup of the 50Ns elements can be stabilized by setting the dropout times. This pro-
tection comes into use in systems where intermittent faults occur . Combined with elec-
tromechanical relays, it allows different dropout responses to be adjus te d and a time
grading of digital and electromechanical relays to be implemented.
Pickup and delay settings may be quickly adapted to system requirements via
dynamic setting swapping (see Section 2.4).
Tripping by the 50-1, 51 elements (in phases), 50N-1 and 51N elements (in ground
path) may be blocked for inrush conditions by utilizing the inrush restraint feature.
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following table gives an overview of the interconnection to other functions of
Table 2-1 In terconnection to other functions
2.2.2 Definite High-Current Elements 50-2, 50N-2
Phase and ground currents are compared separately with the pickup values of the
high-set elements 50-2 and 50N-2. If the respective pickup value is exceeded this is
signalled. After the user-defined time delays 50-2 DELAY or 50N-2 DELAY have
elapsed, trip sig nals are issued. Signals are available for each element. The dropout
value is roughly e qual to 95 % o f the pickup va lue for cur rents greater than > 0.3 INom.
Pickup can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1215 50 T DROP-OUT or 1315 50N
T DROP-OUT. This time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the current falls
below the threshold. The function thus does not drop out instantaneously. The trip
delay time 50-2 DELAY or 50N-2 DELAY continues in the meantime. After the
dropout delay time has elap sed, th e pickup is reported OFF and the trip de lay time is
reset unless the thresho ld 50-2 PICKUP or 50N-2 PICKUP has been violated again. If
the threshold is exceeded again while the dropout delay time is still running, it will be
cancelled. The trip delay time 50-2 DELAY or 50N-2 DELAY continues in the mean-
time. If the threshold is still exceeded after the time has elapsed, a trip will be initiated
immediately. If the threshold violation then no longer exist s, there will be no response.
If the threshold is violated again after the trip command delay time has ela psed and
while the dropout delay time is still running, a trip will be initiated at once.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosure feature (AR).
Time Overcurrent
Elements Connection to Auto-
matic Reclosing Manual
CLOSE Dynamic Cold
Load Pickup Inrush Restraint
50-1 ••
50-2 ••
51 ••
50N-1 ••
50N-2 ••
51N ••
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The following figur es show the logi c diagra ms for the high-curr ent element s 5 0-2 and
Figure 2-3 Logic diagram of the 50-2 high-current element for phases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50-2 instant. and manual close detection
applies, the trip is initiated as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element
is blocked via binary input. The same applies to 79AR 50-2 instantaneous.
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-4 Logic diagram of the 50N-2 high-current element for ground
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50N-2 instant. and manual close detection
applies, the trip is initiated as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element
is blocked via binary input. The same applies to 79AR 50N-2 instantaneous.
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2.2.3 Definite Overcurrent Elements 50-1, 50N-1
Each phase and ground curren t is compared sep arately with the setting va lues of the
50-1 and 50N-1 relay elements and is signalled separately when exceeded. If the
inrush restraint feature (see below) is applied, eith er the normal pickup signals or the
corresponding inrush signals are output as long as inrush current is detected. After
user-configured time delays 50-1 DELAY and 50N-1 DELAY have elapsed, a trip
signal is issued if no inrush current is detected or inrush restraint is disabled. If the
inrush restraint feature is enabled, and an inrush condition exists, no tripping takes
place, but a message is recorded and displayed indicating when the overcurrent
element time delay elapses. Tripping signals and signals on the expiration of time
delay are available sep arately for each element. The dropout value is roughly equal to
95% of the pickup value for cu rrents greater than > 0.3 INom.
Pickups can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1215 50 T DROP-OUT or 1315
50N T DROP-OUT. This time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the
current falls below the threshold. The fun ction thus does not drop out instant aneously .
The trip delay time 50-1 DELAY or 50N-1 DELAY continues in the mean time. Af te r
the dropout delay time has elap sed, the pickup is reported OFF and the trip delay time
is reset unless the threshold 50-1 PICKUP or 50N-1 PICKUP has been violated again.
If the threshold is violated again while the dropout delay time is still running, it will be
cancelled. The trip delay time 50-1 DELAY or 50N-1 DELAY continues in the mean-
time. If the threshold is still exceeded after the time has elapsed, a trip will be initiated
immediately. If the threshold violation then no longer exists, there will be no response.
If the threshold is violated again after the trip command delay time has elapsed and
while the dropout delay time is still running, a trip will be initiated at once.
Pickup stabilization of the overcurrent elements 50-1 or 50N-1 by means of settable
dropout time is deactivated if an inrush pickup is present since an inrush does not rep-
resent an intermittent fault.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosure feature (AR).
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following figures show the logic diagra ms for the current elements 50-1 and 50N-
Figure 2-5 Logic diagram of the 50-1 current element for phases
The dropout delay only operates if no inrush was detected. An incoming inrush will
reset a running dropout delay time.
If para meter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50 -1 instant. and manual close detection
applies, the trip is initiated as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element
is blocked via binary input. Th e same applies to 79AR 50-1 instantaneous.
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Figure 2-6 Logic of the dropout delay for 50-1 phase current element
Figure 2-7 Logic diagram of the 50N-1 current element for ground
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 50N-1 instant. and manual close detection
applies, the trip is initiated as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element
is blocked via binary input. The same applies to 79AR 50N-1 instantaneous.
The pickup values of each element 50-1, 50- 2 for the phase current s and 50N-1, 50N-
2 for the ground curren t and the valid delay times for each e lement can be set in divid-
The dropout delay only operates if no inrush was detected. An arriving inrush will reset
an already running dropout delay time.
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-8 Logic of the dropout delay for 50N-1 ground current element
2.2.4 Inverse Time Overcurrent Elements 51, 51N
Inverse time ele m en ts are de pe n de n t on th e var ia nt or de r ed . Th ey ope ra te w ith an
inverse time characteristic ei ther according to the IEC- or the ANSI-standa rd or with a
user-defined characteristic. T he cha racterist ics an d associated fo rmu las ar e given in
the Technical Dat a. If inverse time characteristics have be en configured, definite time
elements 50-2 and 50-1 are al so enabled (see Sections "Definite Time High-Set Ele-
ments 50-2, 50N-2" and "Definite Time Overcurrent Elements 50-1, 50N-1").
Pickup Behaviour Each phase and ground current is sep arately compar ed with the pickup values of the
inverse time overcurrent protection element 51 and 51N. If a current exceeds 1.1
times the setting value, the corresponding element picks up and is signalled individu-
ally . If the inrush restraint feature is applied, either the normal pickup signals or the cor-
responding inrush signals are output as long as inrush current is detected. Pickup of
a relay element is based on the rms value of the fundame ntal harmonic. Whe n the 51
element picks up, the time delay of the trip signal is calculated using an integrated
measurement process. The calculated time delay is dependent on the actual fault
current flowing and the selected tripping characteristics. Once the time delay elapses,
a trip signal is issued assuming that no inru sh current is detected or inrush restraint is
disabled. If the inrush restraint feature is enabled and an inrush condition exists, no
tripping takes place, but a message is recorded and displayed indicating when the
overcurrent element time delay elapses.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosure feature (79).
For ground current e leme nt 51N the cha racteri stic may be selecte d indepe nde ntly of
the characteristic used for phase currents.
Pickup values of elements 51 (phases) and 51N (ground cur rent) and the associa ted
time multipliers may be individually set.
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The following two figures show the logic diagrams for the 51 and 51N protection.
Figure 2-9 Logic diagram of the 51 current element for phases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 51 instant. and manual close detection ap-
plies, the trip is initia ted a s soon as the pickup co nditions ar rive s, even if the ele ment
is blocked via binary input. The same applies to 79AR 51 instantaneous.
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-10 Logic diagram of the 51N current element for ground
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 51N instant. and manual close detection
applies, the trip is initiated as soon as the pickup conditions arrive, even if the element
is blocked via binary input. The same applies to 79AR 51N instantaneous.
Dropout Behaviour When using an ANSI or IEC curve select whether the dropout of an element is to occur
instantaneously after the threshold has been undershot or whether dropout is to be
performed by means of the disk emulation. "Instantaneously" means that pickup drops
out when the pickup value of approx. 95 % is undershot. For a new pickup the time
counter starts at zero.
The disk emula tio n evo ke s a dr op ou t pr oc ess (time counter is dec re me n tin g) which
begins after de-energization. This pro cess corresponds to the re set of a Ferraris-disk
(explaining it s d enomina tio n "disk em ulatio n"). In case several fault s occur in succes-
sion the "history" is taken into consideration due to the inertia of the Fer raris-disk and
the time response is adap ted. Reset begins as soon as 90% of the setting value is un-
dershot, in accordance to the dropout curve of the selected characteristic. In the range
between the dropout value (95% of the pickup value) and 90% of the setting value, the
incrementing and the decrementing processes are in idle state.
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Disk emulation offers advantages when the overcurrent relay elements must be coor-
dinated with conventional electromechanical overcurrent relays located toward the
User Defined
Curves When user defined characteristics are utilized, the tripping curve may be defined point
by point. Up to 20 pairs of values (current, time) may be entered. The de vice th en ap-
proximates the characteristic, using linear interpolation.
The dropout curve may be user-defined as well. See dropout for ANSI and IEC curves
in the function description. If no user-defined dropout curve is required, the element
drops ou t as soon as the respective cu rrent falls below approx. 95% of the set pickup
value. When a new pickup is evoked, the timer starts again at zero.
2.2.5 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function
It may be necessary to dynamically increase the pickup values if, during starting,
certain elements of the system show an increased power consumption after a long
period of zero voltage (e.g. air-conditioning systems, heating installations, motors).
Thus, a general raise of p ickup thresholds can be avoided taking such starting condi-
tions into consideration.
This dynamic pickup va lue changeove r is common to all o vercurrent elements and is
described in Section 2.4. The alternative pickup values can be set individually for each
element of the tim e ov er cu rr en t pr ote c t ion .
2.2.6 Inrush Restraint
When the multi-functional protective relay with local control 7SJ62/63/64 is installed,
for instance, to protect a power transformer , large magnetizing inrush currents will flow
when the transformer is energized. These inrush currents may be several times the
nominal transformer current, and, depending on the transformer size and design, may
last from several milliseconds to several seconds.
Although pickup of the relay elements is based only on the fundamental harmonic
component of the measured currents, false device pickup due to inrush is still a poten-
tial problem since, depending on the transformer size and design, the in rush current
also comprises a large component of the fundamental.
The 7SJ62/63/64 featur es an inte grated in rush restraint function. It p revent s the "no r-
mal" pickup of the 50-1 or 51 elemen ts (not 50-2) in the phases and the ground path
of the non-directional and directional time-overcurrent protection. T he same is true for
the alternative pickup thre sholds of the dynamic cold load pickup function. After detec-
tion of inrush currents above a pickup value special inrush signals are generated.
These signals also initiate fa ult annunciations and star t the associated trip delay time.
If inrush conditio ns are still pr es en t after the tripp i ng time de lay ha s ela psed, a corre -
sponding message („....Timeout.“) is output, but the overcurrent tripping is
blocked (see also logic diagrams of time overcurrent elements, Figures 2-5 to 2-10).
Inrush current contains a relatively large second harmonic component (twice the
nominal frequency) which is nearly ab sent dur ing a fault curre nt. The inr ush re straint
is based on the evaluation of the 2nd harmonic present in the inrush current. For fre-
quency analysis, digital filters are used to conduct a Fourier analysis of all three phase
currents and the ground current.
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Inrush current is recognized, if the following conditions are fulfilled at the same time:
the harmonic content is larger than the setting value 2202 2nd HARMONIC;
the currents do not exceed an up per limit value 2205 I Max;
an exceeding of a threshold value via an inrush restraint of the blocked element
takes place.
In this case an inrush in the af fected phase is recognized (annunciations 1840 to 1842
and 7558 „InRush Gnd Det“, see figure 2-11) and its blocking being carried out.
Since quantitative analysis of the harmonic components cannot be completed until a
full AC cycle has been measured, pickup will generally be blocked by then. Therefore,
assuming the inrush restraint feature is enabled, a pickup message will be delayed by
a full AC cycle if no closing process is present. On the other hand, trip delay times o f
the time overcurrent protection feature are started immediately even with the inrush
restraint being enabled. Time delays continue running with inrush currents present. If
inrush blocking drops out after the time delay has elapsed, tripping will occur immedi-
ately . Therefore, utilization of the inrush restraint feature will not result in any additional
tripping delays. If a relay element drops out during inrush blocking, the associated time
delay will reset.
Cross Blocking Since inrush restraint operates individually for each phase, protection is ideal when a
transformer is energized onto a single-phase fault and inrush currents are detected on
a different healthy phase. However , the protection feature can be configured to ensure
that not only this phase element, but also the remaining elements (including ground)
are blocked (the so-called CROSS BLOCK function, address 2203), if the permissible
harmonic component of the current is exceeded for only one phase.
Please take into consideration that inrush currents flowing in the ground path will not
cross-block tripping by the phase elements.
Cross blocking is reset if there is no mor e inrush in any phase. Furth ermore, the cross
blocking function may also be limited to a particular time interval (address 2204
CROSS BLK TIMER). After expiry of this time interval, the cross-blocking function will
be disabled, even if inrush current is still present.
The inrush rest raint h as an upper limit: Above this (via adjust able p arameter 2205 I
Max) curren t blocking is suppressed since a hi gh-current fault is assumed in this case.
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The following figure shows the inrush restraint influence on the time overcurrent ele-
ments including cross-blocking.
Figure 2-11 Logic diagram for inrush restraint
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.2.7 Pickup Logic and Tripping Logic
The pickup annunciations of the individual phases (or ground) and the individual ele-
ments are combined with each other such that the phase information and the element
that have picked up are issued.
Table 2-2 Pickup annuncia tions of the time overcurrent protection
Also for the tripping signals th e element is indicated wh ic h ha s initiated the tripping.
Internal Annunciati on Figure Output Annunciati on FNo.
50-2 Ph A PU (Phase A,
50-1 Ph A PU
51 Ph A PU
2-9 „50/51 Ph A PU“ 1762
50-2 Ph B PU
50-1 Ph B PU
51 Ph B PU
2-9 „50/51 Ph B PU“ 1763
50-2 Ph C PU
50-1 Ph C PU
51 Ph C PU
2-9 „50/51 Ph C PU“ 1764
50N-2 PU
50N-1 PU
51N PU
2-10 „50N/51NPickedup“ 1765
50-2 Ph A PU
50-2 Ph B PU
50-2 Ph C PU
50N-2 PU
„50-2 picked up“ 1800
50-1 Ph A PU
50-1 Ph B PU
50-1 Ph C PU
50N-1 PU
„50-1 picked up“ 1810
51 Ph A PU
51 Ph B PU
51 Ph C PU
51N PU
„51 picked up“ 1820
(All pickups) „50(N)/51(N) PU“ 1761
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.2.8 Two-Phase Time Overcurrent Protection (non-directional only)
Two-phase time overcurrent protection is used in isolated or resonant-grounded
systems where interaction with existing two-phase protection equipment is required.
Since an isolated or resonant-grounded system can still be operated with a ground
fault in one phase, this protection function detects double ground faults with high
ground fault currents. Only in the latter case, should a faulted feeder be shut down.
Measuring in two ph ases is sufficient to this end. Only phases A and C are monitor ed
in order to ensure selectivity of the protection in the network system.
If 250 50/51 2-ph prot (settable in P.System Data 1) is set to ON, IB is not used
for threshold comparison. If the fault is a simple ground fault in B, the element will not
pick up. Only after pickup on A or C a double ground fault is assumed, causing the
element to pick up and trip after the delay time has elapsed.
With inrush recognition activated and inrush only on B, no crossblocking will take place
in the other phases. On the other hand, if inrush with crossblocking is activated on A
or C, B will also be blocked.
2.2.9 Busbar Protection by Use of Reverse Interlocking
Example Each of the overcurrent elements can be blocked via binary inputs of the relay. A
setting parameter determines whether the b inary inpu t operates in the nor mally open
(i.e. actuated when energized) or the normally closed (i.e. actuated when de-ener-
gized) mode. This allows fast busbar prote ction to be applied in st ar systems o r open
ring systems by utilizing "reverse interlocking". This principle is often used, for exam-
ple, in distribution systems, auxiliary systems of power plants, and the like, where a
station supply transformer supplied from the transmission grid serves internal loads of
the generation station via a medium voltage bus with multiple feeders (Figure 2-12).
The reverse interlocking principle is based on the following: time overcurrent protec-
tion of the busbar feeder trip s with a short time delay 50-2 DELAY independent of the
grading times of the feeders, unless the pickup of the next load-side time overcurrent
protection element blocks the bus protect ion (Figure 2-12). Always the protection
element nearest to the fault will trip with the short time delay since this element cannot
be blocked by a protection element located behind the fault. Time elements 50-1
DELAY or 51 TIME DIAL are still effective as backup element. Pickup signals output
by the load-side protective relay are used as input message „>BLOCK 50-2“ via a
binary input at the feeder-side protective relay.
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-12 Reverse interlocking protection scheme
2.2.10 Setting Notes
General When selecting the time overcurrent protection in DIGSI a dialog box appears with
several tabs, such as General, 50, 51, 50N, 51N and InrushRestraint for setting indi-
vidual parameters. Depending on the functional scope specified during configuration
of the protective func tions in addresses 112 Charac. Phase and 113 Charac.
Ground the number of tabs can vary. If address FCT 50/51 was set to Definite
Time, or Charac. Ground to = Definite Time, then only the settings for the def-
inite time elements are available. The selection of TOC IEC or TOC ANSI makes avail-
able additional inverse characteristics. The superimposed high-set elements 50-2 and
50N-2 are availabl e in all these cases. Parameter 250 50/51 2-ph prot can also
be set to activate two- ph as e ov er cu rr en t pro te ct i on .
At address 1201 FCT 50/51 the phase time-overcurrent protection and at address
1301 FCT 50N/51N the ground time-overcurrent protection may be switched ON or
Pickup values, time delays, and characteristics for groun d protection are set se parate-
ly from the pickup values, time delays and characteristic curves associated with phase
protection. Because of this, relay coordination for ground faults is independent of relay
coordination for phase faults, and more sensitive settings can often be applied to di-
rectional ground protection.
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50-2 Element The pickup value of the relay elemen t 50-2 is set at address 1202, the assigned time
delay 50-2 DELAY at address 1203. This stage is often used for current grading in
view of impedances such as transformers, motors or generators. It is specified such
that it picks up for faults up to this impedance.
Example: Transformer used to distribution bus supply with the following data:
Based on the data above, the following fault currents are calculated:
The nominal current of the transformer is:
Due to the following definition
the following setting applies to the protection device: The 50-2 relay element must be
set higher than the maximum fault current, which is detected during a low side fault on
the high side. To reduce fault probability as much as possible even when fault power
varies, the following setting is selected in primary values: I>>/INom = 10, i.e. I>> =
1000 A.
Increased inrush currents, if the fundamental component exceeds the setting value,
are rendered ha rm le ss by dela y time s (a dd re ss 1203 50-2 DELAY).
For motor protection, the 50-2 relay element must be set smaller than the smallest
phase-to-phase fau lt cu rr ent and la rge r th an the largest m otor starting current. Since
the maximum appearing startup current is usually below 1.6 x the rated startup current
(even with unfavorable conditions), the following setting is adequate for fault current
stage 50-2:
1.6 x IStartup < 50-2 Pickup <Iϕϕ–Min
The potential increase in st arting current caused b y overvolt age conditions is a lready
accounted for by the 1.6 factor. The 50-2 element may be set with no delay (50-2
DELAY = 0.00 s) since, unlike with e.g. the transformer, no saturation of the shunt re-
actance occurs in a motor.
The principle of the "reverse interlocking" utilizes the multi-element function of the time
overcurrent protection: element 50–2 is used as accelerated busbar protection with a
Rated Power of the Transformer SNomT = 16 MVA
Transformer Impedance ZTX = 10 %
Primary Nominal Voltage VNom1 = 110 kV
Secondary Nominal Voltage VNom2 = 20 kV
Vector Groups Dy 5
Starpoint Grounded
Fault power on 110 kV–side 1 GVA
3-Phase High Side Fault Current at 110 kV = 5250 A
3-Phase Low Side Fault Current at 20 kV = 3928 A
Current flowing on the High Side at 110 kV = 714 A
INomT, 110 = 84 A (High side) INomT, 20 = 462 A (Low side)
Current Transformer (High Side) 100 A / 1 A
Current Transformer (Low Side) 500 A / 1 A
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
short safety delay 50-2 DELAY (e.g. 100 ms). For fault s on th e outgoing fe eders the
element 50-2 is blocked. Both elements 50-1 or 51 serve as backup protection. The
pickup values of both elements (50- 1 PICKUP or 51 PICKUP and 50-2 PICKUP) are
set equal. Delay time 50-1 DELAY or 51 TIME DIAL is set such that it overgrades
the delay for the outgoing feeders.
The selected time is an additio nal time de lay and does no t include the oper ating time
(measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the element
will then not trip. Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 50-2 element is not required
at all, then the pickup threshold 50-2 PICKUP should be set to . This setting pre-
vents tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
50N-2 Element The pickup and delay of element 50N-2 are set at addresses 1302 and 1303. The
same considerations apply for these settings as they did for phase currents discussed
The selected time is only an additional time delay and does not include the operating
time (measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the
element will then not trip. Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 50N-2 element is not
required at all, the pickup threshold 50N-2 PICKUP should be set to . This setting
prevent s tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
50-1 Element For setting the 50-1 relay element it is the maximum anticipated load current that must
be considered. Pickup due to overload should never occur, since the device, in this
mode, operates as fault protectio n with correspondingly short tripping times and not
as overload protection. For this reason, a setting equal to 20% is recommended for
line protection, and a setting equal to 40% of the expected peak load is recommended
for transformers and motors.
The settable time delay (address 1205 50-1 DELAY) results from the grading c oor-
dination chart defined for the network.
The selected time is an additio nal time de lay and does no t include the oper ating time
(measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the element
will then not trip. Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 50-1 element is not required
at all, then the pickup threshold 50-1 PICKUP should be set to . This setting prevents
tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
50N-1 Element The pickup value of the 50N-1 relay element should be set below the minimum antic-
ipated ground fault current.
If the relay is used to protect transformers or motors with large inrush currents, the
inrush restraint feature of 7SJ62/63/64 may be used for the 50N–1 relay element. It
can be enable d or disa ble d fo r bo th the ph as e curr en t an d th e gr ou n d curre n t in
address 2201 INRUSH REST.. The characteristic values of the inrush restraint are
listed in Subsection "Inrush Restraint".
The delay is set at addr ess 1305 50N-1 DELAY and should be b ased on system co -
ordination requirements. For ground currents in a grounded system a separate coor-
dination chart with short time delays is often used.
The selected time is an additio nal time de lay and does no t include the oper ating time
(measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the element
will then not trip. Pickup, however, will be signaled. If the 50N-1 element is not required
at all, the pickup thres ho ld 50 N- 1 PICKU P sho uld be set to . This setting prevents
tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
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Pickup Stabilization
(Definite Time) The dropout times 1215 50 T DROP-OUT or 1315 50N T DROP-OUT can be set to
implement a unifo rm dropout behaviour when using electromech anical relays. This is
necessary for a time grading. The dropout time of the electromechanical relay must be
known to this end. Subtract the dropout time of the 7SJ relay (see Technical Data) from
this value and enter the result in the parameters.
51 Element with IEC
or ANSI Character-
Having set address 112 Charac. Phase = TOC IEC or TOC ANSI when configuring
the protective functions (Section, the parameters for the inverse characteristic
will also be available.
If address 112 Charac. Phase = TOC IEC, you can specify the desired IEC–
characteristic (Normal Inverse, Very Inverse, Extremely Inv. or Long
Inverse) in address 1211 51 IEC CURVE. If address 112 Charac. Phase = TOC
ANSI, you can specify the desired ANSI–characteristic (Very Inverse, Inverse,
Short Inverse, Long Inverse, Moderately Inv., Extremely Inv. or
Definite Inv.) in address 1212 51 ANSI CURVE.
If the inverse time trip characteristic is sele cted, it must be noted that a safety factor
of about 1.1 has alrea dy been included between the pickup value and the setting
value. This means that a pickup will only occur if a current of about 1.1 times the
setting value is present. If Disk Emulation was selected at address 1210 51
Drop-out, reset will occur in accordance with the reset curve as described before.
The current value is set at address 1207 51 PICKUP. The setting is mainly deter-
mined by the maximum operating current. Pickup due to overload should never occur ,
since the device, in this mode, operates as fault protectio n with correspondingly short
tripping time s an d no t as over loa d pro te ctio n.
The corresponding element time multiplication factor for an IEC characteristic is set at
address 1208 51 TIME DIAL and in address 1209 51 TIME DIAL for an ANSI
characteristic. It must be coordinated with the time grading of the network.
The time multiplier can also be set to . After pickup the element will then not trip.
Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 51 element is not required at all, address 112
Charac. Phase should be set to Definite Time during protective function con-
figuration (see Section
51N Element with
IEC or ANSI Char-
Having set address 113 Charac. Ground = TOC IEC when configuring the protec-
tive functions (Section 2.1.1), the parameters for the inverse characteristics will also
be available. Specify in address 1311 51N IEC CURVE the desired IEC characteristic
(Normal Inverse, Very Inverse, Extremely Inv. or Long Inverse). If
address 113 Charac. Ground = TOC ANSI, you can specify the desired ANSI–
characteristic (Very Inverse, Inverse, Short Inverse, Long Inverse,
Moderately Inv., Extremely Inv. or Definite Inv.) in address 1312 51N
If the inverse time trip characteristic is sele cted, it must be noted that a safety factor
of about 1.1 has alrea dy been included between the pickup value and the setting
value. This means that a pickup will only occur if a current of about 1.1 times the
setting value is present. If Disk Emulation was selected at address 1310 51
Drop-out, reset will occur in accordance with the reset curve as described before.
The current value is set at address 1307 51N PICKUP. The most relevant for this
setting is the minimum appearing ground fault current.
The corresponding element time multiplication factor for an IEC characteristic is set at
address 1308 51N TIME DIAL and in add ress 1309 51N TIME DIAL for an ANSI
characterist ic. Th is ha s to be coord ina te d with the grading coordination chart of the
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
network. For ground and grounded cu rrents with grounded ne twork, you can often set
up a sepa rate grading coordination chart with shorter delay times.
The time multiplier can also be set to . After pickup the element will then not trip.
Pickup, however, will be signaled. If the 51N-TOC element is not required at all,
address 113 Charac. Ground should be set to Definite Time during protective
function configuration (see Section 2.1.1).
User Defined Char-
acteristics (Phases
and ground)
Having set address 112 Charac. Phase or 113 = Charac. Ground = User
Defined PU or User def. Reset when configuring the protective functions (Sec-
tion, the user specified curves will also be available. A maximum of 20 value
pairs (current and time) may be entered at address 1230 51/51N or 1330 50N/51N
in this case. This option allows point-by-point entry of any desired curve. If during con-
figuration of address 112 was set to User def. Reset or 113 was set to User
def. Reset, additional value pairs (current and reset time) may be entered in
address 1231 MofPU Res T/Tp or 1331 MofPU Res T/TEp to represent the reset
Since current values are rounded in a specific pattern before they are processed in the
device (see Tab le 2- 3) , we re co mm e n d to us e exa ct l y the sam e pr ef er re d curr en t
values you can find in this table.
The current and time value pairs are entered as multiples of addresses 1207 51
PICKUP and 1208 51 TIME DIAL for the phase currents and 1307 and 1308 for the
ground system. Therefore, it is recommend ed that these addresse s are initially set to
1.00 for simplicity. Once the curve is entered, the settings at addresse s 1207 or 1307
and/or 1208 or 1308 may be modified later on if necessary.
The default setting of current values is . The y ar e, th erefore , not e nab led — a nd no
pickup or tripping of these protective functions will occur.
The following must be observed:
The value pair s should be entered in increasing sequence. Fewer than 20 pairs is
also sufficient. In most cases, about 10 pairs is sufficient to define the characteristic
accurately. A value pair which will not be used has to be made invalid by entering
"∞© for the threshold! The user must ensure the value pairs produce a clear and
constant characteristic.
The current values entere d should be those from the following t able, along with th e
matching times. Deviating values MofPU (multiples of PU-values) are rounded.
This, however, will not be indicated.
Current flows less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to an exten-
sion of the tripping time. T he pickup curve (see Figure 2-13, right side) is parallel to
the current axis, up to the smallest current value point.
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not lead to a reduc-
tion of the tripping time. The pickup characteristic (see Figure 2-13, right side) is
parallel to the current axis, beginning with the greatest curve value point.
2 Functions
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Table 2-3 Preferential values of standardized currents for user-defined tripping curves
Figure 2-13 Using a user-defined curve
The value pairs are entered at add re ss 1231 MofPU Res T/Tp or 1331 MofPU
Res T/TEp to recreate the reset curve. The following must be observed:
The current values entered should be those from the following Table 2-4, along with
the matching times. Deviating values of MofPU are rounded. This, however , will not
be indicated.
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not lead to a pro-
longation of the reset time. The reset curve (see Figure 2-13, left side) is p arallel to
the current axis, beginning with the greatest curve value point.
Current flows which are less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to
a reduction of the reset time. The reset curve (see Figu re 2-13, lef t side) is para llel
to the current axis, beginning with th e smallest curve value point.
Table 2-4 Preferenti al values of standardized currents for user-defined reset curves
MofPU = 1 to 1.94 MofPU = 2 to 4.75 MofPU = 5 to 7.75 MofPU = 8 to 20
1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 15.00
1.06 1.56 2.25 3.75 5.25 6.75 9.00 16.00
1.13 1.63 2.50 4.00 5.50 7.00 10.00 17.00
1.19 1.69 2.75 4.25 5.75 7.25 11.00 18.00
1.25 1.75 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 12.00 19.00
1.31 1.81 3.25 4.75 6.25 7.75 13.00 20.00
1.38 1.88 14.00
1.44 1.94
MofPU = 1 to 0.86 MofPU = 0.84 to 0.67 MofPU = 0.66 to 0.38 MofPU = 0.34 to 0.00
1.00 0.93 0.84 0.75 0.66 0.53 0.34 0.16
0.99 0.92 0.83 0.73 0.64 0.50 0.31 0.13
0.98 0.91 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.47 0.28 0.09
0.97 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.61 0.44 0.25 0.06
0.96 0.89 0.78 0.69 0.59 0.41 0.22 0.03
0.95 0.88 0.77 0.67 0.56 0.38 0.19 0.00
0.94 0.86
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
When using DIGSI to modi fy settings, a dialog box is available to enter up to 20 value
pairs for a characteristic curve (see fig ure 2-14).
In order to represent the characteristic graphically, the user should click on
"characteristic". The previously entered characteristic will appear as shown in Figure
The characteristic curve show n in the graph can be modified later on. Placing the
mouse cursor over a point on the characteristic, the cursor changes to the shape of a
hand. Press and hold the lef t mouse button and drag the data item to the desired po-
sition. Releasing the mouse button will automatically update the value in the value
The respective upper limits for the va lue setting rang e are indicated by dotted lin es in
the right-hand and upper area of the system of coordinates. If the position of a data
point lies outside these limits, the associated value will be set to infinity.
Figure 2-14 Inputting and visualizing a user-defined trip curve with DIGSI – Example
Inrush Restraint When applying the protection device to transformers where high inrush currents are
to be expected, the 7SJ62/63/64 can make use of an inrush r estraint function for the
overcurrent elements 50–1, 51, 50N–1 and 51N as well as the non-directional over-
current elements.
Inrush restraint is only effective and accessible if address 122 InrushRestraint
was set to Enabled during configuration. If the function is not required Disabled is
to be set. In address 2201 INRUSH REST. the function is switched ON or OFF jointly
for the overcurrent elements 50–1, 51, 50N-1 and 51N.
The inrush restraint is based on the evaluation of th e 2nd harmonic present in the
inrush current. Upon delivery from the factory, a ratio I2f/If of 15 % is set. Under normal
circumstan ces, this setting wi ll not n eed to be chan ged. The settin g value is id entical
for all phases and ground. However, the component required for restraint may be ad-
justed to system conditions in address 2202 2nd HARMONIC. To provide more re-
straint in exceptional cases, where energizing conditions are particularly unfavour-
able, a smaller value can be set in the address before-mentioned, e.g. 12 %.
The effective duration of th e cro ss- b l ock ing 2203 CROSS BLK TIMER can be set to
a value between 0 s (harmonic restraint active for each phase individually) and a
maximum of 180 s (har monic restraint of a pha se also blocks the other phases for the
specified duration).
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
If the current exceeds the value set in address 2205 I Max, no further restraint will
take place for the 2nd harm o nic .
The lower operating limit of the restraining function amounts to 0.25 times the sec-
ondary nominal current of the fundamental harmonic (250 mA with 1 A sec. nominal
current). The blo ckin g is thus no t en ab led for lowe r cur re n ts. This also applie s to the
ground current and, if necessar y, should be taken into consideration during setting of
the pickup threshold of the ground stage.
Manual Close Mode
(Phases, ground) When a circuit breaker is closed onto a faulted line section, a high speed trip by the
circuit breaker is usually de sired. For overcu rrent or high-set elemen ts the delay may
be bypassed via a “Manual Close” signal, thus resulting in instant aneous tripping. The
internal "Manual close" sig nal is built from the binary input signal „>Manual Close“
(no. 561). The internal "Manual close" signal remains active as long as the binary input
signal „>Manual Close“ is active, but at lease for 300 ms (see the following logic
diagram).To enable the device to react properly on occurre nce of a fault in the pha se
elements after manual close, address 1213 MANUAL CLOSE has to be set accordingly .
Accordingly, address 1313 MANUAL CLOSE is considered for the ground path ad-
dress. Thus, the user determines for both elements, the phase and the ground ele-
ment, what pickup value is active with what delay when the circuit breaker is closed
Figure 2-15 Manual close feature
External Control
Switch If the manual closing signal is not from a 7SJ62/63/64 relay, that is, neither sent via
the built-in oper at or inte rf ace no r via a ser i es inte rfa ce , bu t, ra th er, dire ctly from a
control acknowledgment switch, this signal must be passed to a 7SJ62/63/64 binary
input, and configured accordingly („>Manual Close“), so that the element selected
for MANUAL CLOSE will be effective. Its alternative Inactive means that the element
operates as configured even with manual close.
Internal Control
Function The manual closing information must be allocated via CFC (interlocking task-level)
using the CMD_Information block, if the internal contr ol function is used (see Figure
Figure 2-16 Example for manual close feature using the internal control function
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
For an interaction between the automatic reclosure (AR) and the con trol function, an
extended CFC l ogic is necessary . See ma rgin heading „CLOSE command: Dire ctly or
via control“ in the Setting Notes of the AR function (Section 2.14.6).
Interaction with Au-
tomatic Reclos u re
Function (Phases)
When reclosing occurs, it is desirable to have high speed protection against faults with
50-2. If the fault still exists af ter the first reclosure, elements 50-1 or 51 will be initiated
with graded tripping times, that is, the 50-2 elements will be blocked. At address 1214
50-2 active, it can be specified whether (with 79 active) or not (Always) the
50-2 element s should be supervised by the status of an internal or external automatic
reclosing device. Address with 79 active determines that the 50-2 elements will
not operate unless automatic reclosing is not blocked. If not desired, then setting
Always is selected having the effect that the 50-2 elements will always operate, as
The integrated automatic reclosing function of 7SJ62/63/64 also provides the option
to individually determine for each time overcurrent element whether tripping or block-
ing is to be carried out instantaneously, unaffected by the AR with time delay (see
Section 2.14).
Interaction with Au-
tomatic Reclosing
Function (ground)
When reclosing is expected, it is desirable to have high speed protection against faults
with 50N-2. If the fault still exists af ter the first reclosure, elements 50N-1 or 51N must
operate with graded tripping times, that is, the 50N-2 elements will be blocked. At
address 1314 50N-2 active, it can be specified whether (with 79 active) or
not (Always) the 50N-2 element s should be supervised by the st atus of an internal or
external automatic reclosing device . Add ress with 79 active determines that the
50N-2 elements will only operate when automatic reclosing is not blocked. If not de-
sired, then setting Always is selected having the effect that the 50N-2 elements will
always operate, as configured.
The integrated automatic reclosing function of 7SJ62/63/64 also provides the option
to individually determine for each time overcurrent element whether tripping or block-
ing is to be carried out instantaneously, unaffected by the AR with time delay (see
Section 2.14).
2.2.11 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
1201 FCT 50/51 ON
OFF ON 50, 51 Phase Time Over-
1202 50-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 50-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 10.00 A
1203 50-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 50-2 Time Delay
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1204 50-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 1.00 A 50-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.0 0 A; 5.00 A
1205 50-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 50-1 Time Delay
1207 51 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1208 51 TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 51 T ime Dial
1209 51 TIME DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51 Time Dial
1210 51 Drop -out Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-out characteristic
1211 51 IEC CURVE Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1212 51 ANSI CURVE Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite Inv.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1213A MANUAL CLOSE 50-2 instant.
50 -1 instant.
51 instant.
50-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1214A 50-2 active Always
with 79 active Always 50-2 active
1215A 50 T DROP-OUT 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50 Drop-Out Time Delay
1230 51/51 N 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 51/51N
1231 MofPU Res T/Tp 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiple of Pickup <-> T/Tp
1301 FCT 50N/51N ON
OFF ON 50N, 51N Ground Time
1302 50N -2 PICKUP 1 A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.50 A 50N-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A; 2.50 A
1303 50N-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 s ec; 0.10 sec 50N-2 Time Delay
1304 50N -1 PICKUP 1 A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.20 A 50N-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A; 1.00 A
1305 50N-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 s ec; 0.50 sec 50N-1 Time Delay
1307 51N PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 0.20 A 51N Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 1.00 A
1308 51N TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.20 sec 51N Time Dial
1309 51N TIME DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51N Time Dial
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.2.12 Information List
1310 51N Drop-out Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-Out Characteristic
1311 51N IEC CURVE Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1312 5 1N ANSI CURVE Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite In v.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1313A MANUAL CLOSE 5 0N-2 instant.
50N-1 instant.
51N instant.
50N-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1314A 50N-2 active Always
With 79 Active Always 50N-2 active
1315A 50N T DROP-OUT 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50N Drop-Out Time Delay
1330 50N/51N 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 50N/51N
1331 MofPU Res T/TEp 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiple of Pickup <->
ON OFF Inrush Restraint
2202 2nd HARMONIC 10 .. 45 % 15 % 2nd. harmonic in % of fun-
YES NO Cross Block
2204 CROSS BLK TIMER 0.00 .. 180.00 sec 0.00 sec Cross Block Time
2205 I Max 1A 0.30 .. 25.00 A 7.50 A Maximum Current for
Inrush Restraint
5A 1.50 .. 125. 0 0 A 37.50 A
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
1704 >BLK 50/51 SP >BLOCK 50/51
1714 >BLK 50N/51N SP >BLOCK 50N/51N
1721 >BLOCK 50-2 SP >BLOCK 50-2
1722 >BLOCK 50-1 SP >BLOCK 50-1
1723 >BLOCK 51 SP >BLOCK 51
1724 >BLOCK 50N-2 SP >BLOCK 50N-2
1725 >BLOCK 50N-1 SP >BLOCK 50N-1
1726 >BLOCK 51N SP >BLOCK 51N
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1751 50/51 PH OFF OUT 50/51 O/C switched OFF
1752 50/51 PH BLK OUT 50/51 O/C is BLOCKED
1753 50/51 PH ACT OUT 50/51 O/C is ACTIVE
1756 50N/51N OFF OUT 50N/51N is OFF
1757 50N/51N BLK OUT 50N/51N is BLOCKED
1758 50N/51N ACT OUT 50N/51N is ACTIVE
1761 50(N)/51(N) PU OUT 50(N)/51(N) O/C PICKUP
1762 50/51 Ph A PU OUT 50/51 Phase A picked up
1763 50/51 Ph B PU OUT 50/51 Phase B picked up
1764 50/51 Ph C PU OUT 50/51 Phase C picked up
1765 50N/51NPickedup OUT 50N/51N picked up
1791 50(N)/51(N)TRIP OUT 50(N)/51(N) TRIP
1800 50-2 picked up OUT 50-2 picked up
1804 50-2 TimeOut OUT 50-2 Time Out
1805 50-2 TRIP OUT 50-2 TRIP
1810 50-1 picked up OUT 50-1 picked up
1814 50-1 TimeOut OUT 50-1 Time Out
1815 50-1 TRIP OUT 50-1 TRIP
1820 51 picked up OUT 51 picked up
1824 51 Time Out OUT 51 Time Out
1825 51 TRIP OUT 51 TRIP
1831 50N-2 picked up OUT 50N-2 picked up
1832 50N-2 TimeO ut OUT 50N-2 Time Out
1833 50N-2 TRIP OUT 50N-2 TRIP
1834 50N-1 picked up OUT 50N-1 picked up
1835 50N-1 TimeO ut OUT 50N-1 Time Out
1836 50N-1 TRIP OUT 50N-1 TRIP
1837 51N picked up OUT 51N picked up
1838 51N TimeOut OUT 51N Time Out
1839 51N TRIP OUT 51N TRIP
1840 PhA InrushDet OUT Phase A inrush detection
1841 PhB InrushDet OUT Phase B inrush detection
1842 PhC InrushDet OUT Phase C inrush detection
1843 INRUSH X-BLK OUT Cross blk: PhX blocked PhY
1851 50-1 BLOCKED OUT 50-1 BLOCKED
1852 50-2 BLOCKED OUT 50-2 BLOCKED
1866 51 Disk Pickup OUT 51 Disk emulatio n Pickup
1867 51N Disk Pickup OUT 51N Disk emulation picked up
7551 50-1 InRushPU OUT 50-1 InRush picked up
7552 50N-1 InRushPU OUT 50N-1 InRush picked up
7553 51 InRushPU OUT 51 InRush picked up
7554 51N InRushPU OUT 51N InRush picked up
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2.2 Overcurrent Protection 50, 51, 50N, 51N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7556 InRush OFF OUT InRush O FF
7557 InRush BLK OUT InRush BLOCKED
7558 InRush Gnd Det OUT InRush G round detected
7559 67-1 InRushPU OUT 67-1 InRush picked up
7560 67N-1 InRushPU OUT 67N-1 InRush picked up
7561 67-TOC InRushPU OUT 67-TOC InRush picked up
7562 67N-TOCInRushPU OUT 67N-TOC InRush picked up
7563 >BLOCK InRush SP >BLOCK InRush
7564 Gnd InRush PU OUT Ground InRush picked up
7565 Ia InRush PU OUT Phase A InRush picked up
7566 Ib InRush PU OUT Phase B InRush picked up
7567 Ic InRush PU OUT Phase C InRush picked up
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
With directional time overcurrent protection the phase currents and the ground current
are provided with three elements. All elements may be configur ed independently from
each other and combined according to the user's requirements.
High-current elements 67-2 and overcurrent element 67-1 always operate with definite
tripping time, th e thir d ele m en t 67 -TOC, oper a tes with inverse tripping ti me .
Applications The directional overcurrent protection allows the application of multifunctional pro-
tection devices 7SJ62/63/64 to systems where coordination protection depends on
knowing both the magnitude o f the fault current an d the d ire ction of ene rg y flow to
the fault location.
The time overcurrent protection (non-directional) described in Section 2.2 may
operate as overlapp ing backup pr otectio n o r may be disable d. Addi tionally, individ-
ual elements (e.g. 67-2 and/or 67N-2) may be interconnected with the directional
overcurrent protection.
For parallel lines or transformers supplied from a single source only directional
overcurrent protection allows selective fault detection.
For line sections supplied from two sources or in rin g-operated lines the time over-
current protection has to be supplemented by the directional criterion .
2.3.1 General
For parallel lines or transformers supplied from a single source (Figure 2-17), the
second feeder (II) is opened on occurre nce of a fault in the first feeder ( I) if tripping of
the breaker in the p arallel feeder is not prevente d by a directional measuring element
(at B). Therefore, whe re indi cated with an arro w (Figure 2-17) dir ectional overcurren t
protection is applied. Be careful that the "Forward" direction of the protective element
is in the direction of the line (or object to be protected). This is not necessarily identical
with the direction of the normal load flow, as shown in Figure 2-17.
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-17 Overcurrent protection for parallel transformers
For line sections sup plied from two sources or in ring-operated lines the time o vercur-
rent protection ha s to be supplemented by the directio nal criterion. Figure 2-18 shows
a ring system where both energy sources are merged to one single source.
Figure 2-18 Transmission lines with sources at each en d
Depending on th e setting of parameter 613 Gnd O/Cprot. w., the ground current
element can operate either with measured values IN or with the values 3I0 calculated
from the three phase currents. Devices featuring a sensitive ground current input,
however, use the calculated quantity 3I0.
For each element the time can be blocked via binary input or automatic reclosure
(cycle-dependent), thus suppressing the trip command. Removal of blocking during
pickup will restart time delays. The Manual C los e signal is an exception. If a circuit
breaker is manually closed onto a fault, it can be re-opened immediately. For overcur-
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
rent elements or high-set elements the delay may be bypassed via a Manual Close
pulse, thus resulting in high-speed tripping.
Furthermore, imme diate tripping may be initiated in conjunction with the a utomatic re-
closure function (cycle-dependent).
Pickup stabilization for the 67/67N element s of the directional time overcurrent protec-
tion can be accomplished by means of sett able dr opout times. Th is protection comes
into use in systems where intermittent faults occur . Combined with electromechanical
relays, it allows different dropout responses to be adjusted and a time grading of digital
and electromechanical relays to be implemented.
Pickup and delay settings may be quickly adjusted to system requirements via
dynamic setting swapping (see Section 2.4).
Utilizing the inrush restraint feature tripping may be blocked by the 67-1, 67-TOC,
67N-1, and 67N-TOC elements in phases and ground path when inrush current is de-
The following table gives an overview of the interconnection to other functions of
Table 2-5 Interconnection to other functions
Directional Time
Overcurrent Pro-
tection Elements
Connection to Auto-
matic Reclosing Manual
CLOSE Dynamic Cold
Load Pickup Inrush Restraint
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.3.2 Definite Time, Directional High-set Elements 67-2, 67N-2
Phase and ground current are compared separately with the pickup values 67-2
PICKUP and 67N-2 PICKUP of the respective relay elements. Currents above the
setting values are signalled separately when fault direction is equal to the direction
configured. After the user-defined time delays 67-2 DELAY, 67N-2 DELAY have
elapsed, trip sig nals are issued. Signals are available for each element. The dropout
threshold is roughly equal to 95% of the pickup value for current s greater than > 0.3
Pickup can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1518 67 T DROP-OUT or 1618 67N
T DROP-OUT. This time is started if the current falls below the threshold and maintains
the pickup condition. The function thus does not drop out instantaneously. The trip
delay time 67-2 DELAY or 67N-2 DELAY continues in the meantime. After the
dropout delay time has elap sed, th e pickup is reported OFF and the trip de lay time is
reset unless the threshold 67-2 PICKUP or 67N-2 PICKUP has been violated again.
If the threshold is exceeded again while the dropout delay time is still running, it will be
cancelled. The trip delay time 67-2 DELAY or 67N-2 DELAY continues in the mean-
time. If the threshold is still exceeded after the time has elapsed, a trip will be initiated
immediately. If the threshold violation then no longer exist s, there will be no response.
If the threshold is exceeded again after the trip command delay time ha s elapsed and
while the dropout delay time is still running, a trip will be initiated at once.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosure feature (AR).
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The following figure shows by way of example the logic diagram for the high-set
element 67-2 .
Figure 2-19 Logic diagram of the directional high-current element 67-2 for ph ases
If parameter MANUAL CLOSE is set to 67-2 instant. and manual close detection
applies, the pickup is tripped inst antaneou sly, also if the element is blocked via b inary
input. The same applies to 79 AR 67-2 instantaneous.
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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2.3.3 Definite Time, Directional Overcurrent Elements 67-1, 67N-1
Phase and ground current are comp ared separately with the setting values 67-1
PICKUP and 67N-1 PICKUP of the respective relay elements. Currents above the
setting values are signalled separately when fault direction is equal to the direction
configured. If the inrush restraint feature is applied, either the normal pickup signals or
the corresponding inrush signals are output as long as inrush current is detected.
When, af ter pickup without inrush re cognition, the relevant delay times 67-1 DELAY,
67N-1 DELAY have expired, a tripping command is issued. If the inrush restraint
feature is enabled, and an inrush condition exists, no tripping takes place, but a
message is record e d an d dis pla ye d ind ica tin g when the ove rcu rr en t elem en t tim e
delay elapses. Tripping signals and signals on the expiration of time delay are avail-
able separately for each element. The dropout value is roughly equal to 95% of the
pickup value for currents greater than > 0.3 INom.
In addition, pickups can be stabilized by setting dropout times 1518 67 T DROP-OUT
or 1618 67N T DROP-OUT. This time is started if the current falls below the threshold
and maintains the pickup condition. The function thus do es not drop ou t instanta-
neously. The trip delay time 67-1 DELAY or 67N-1 DELAY continues in the mean-
time. After the dropout delay time has elapsed, the pickup is reported OFF and the trip
delay time is reset unless the threshold 67-1 PICKUP or 67N-1 PICKUP has been
violated again. If the threshold is violated again while the dropout delay time is still run-
ning, it will be cancelled. The trip delay time 67-1 DELAY or 67N-1 DELAY continues
in the meantime. If the threshold is still exceeded after the time has elapsed, a trip will
be initiated immediately. If the threshold violation then no longer exists, there will be
no response. If the threshold is violated again after the trip command delay time has
elapsed and while the dropout delay time is still running, a trip will be initiated at once.
Pickup stabilization of the overcurrent elements 67-1 or 67N-1 by means of settable
dropout times is deactivated in the even t of an inrush pi ckup, since an inru sh is no in-
termittent fault.
These elements can be blocked by the automatic reclosure feature (AR).
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The following figure shows by way of an example the logic di agram for the dir ectional
overcurrent element 67-1.
Figure 2-20 Logic diagram for the directional overcurrent element 67-1 for phases
The dropout delay only operates if no inrush was detected. An arriving inrush will reset
an already running dropout delay time.
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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Figure 2-21 Logic of the dropout delay for 67 -1
2.3.4 Inverse Time, Directional Overcurrent Protection Elements 67-TOC, 67N- TOC .
Inverse time elements are dependent on the variant ordered . The y op er at e eith e r ac-
cording to the IEC - or the ANSI- standa rd or to a us er -d ef ine d ch ar ac te rist ic. Th e
curves and associated formulas are identical with those of the non-directional time
overcurrent protection and are given in the Technical Specifications. When the inverse
time curves are configure d, the definite time relay element s (67-2, 67-1) ar e available.
Pickup Behaviour Each phase and ground current is separately compared with the pickup values 67-
TOC PICKUP and 67N-TOC PICKUP of the respective relay elements. When a
current value exce eds the corresponding setting value by a factor of 1.1, the corre-
sponding phase picks up and a message is signalled phase-selectively assuming that
the fault direction is equal to the direction configured. If the inrush restraint feature is
applied, either the normal pickup signals or the corresponding inrush signals are
output as long as inrush current is detected. Pickup of a relay element is based on the
rms value of the fundamental harmonic. When the 67-TOC and 67N-TOC elements
pick up, the time delay of the trip signal is calculated using an integrating measure-
ment scheme. The calculated time delay is dependent on the actual fault current
flowing and the selected tripping curve. Once the time delay elapses, a trip signal is
issued assuming that no inrush current is detected or inrush restraint is disabled. If the
inrush restraint feature is enabled and an inrush condition exists, no tripping takes
place, but a message is recorded and displayed indicating when the overcurrent
element time delay elapses.
For ground current element 67N-TOC the characteristic may be selected independent-
ly of the characteristic used for phase currents.
Pickup values of element s 67-T OC and 67N-T OC and the associated time multipliers
may be individually set.
Dropout Behaviour When using an IEC or ANSI curve select whether the dropout of an element is to occur
instantaneously after the threshold has been undershot or whether dropout is to be
performed by means of the disk emulation. "Instantaneously" means that pickup drops
out when the pickup value of approx. 95 % of the set pickup value is undershot. For a
new pickup the tim e co un ter starts at zero.
The disk emula tio n evo ke s a dr op ou t pr oc ess (time counter is dec re me n tin g) which
begins after de-energization. This pro cess corresponds to the re set of a Ferraris-disk
(explaining it s d enomina tio n "disk em ulatio n"). In case several fault s occur in succes-
sion the "history" is taken into consideration due to the inertia of the Fer raris-disk and
the time response is adap ted. Reset begins as soon as 90% of the setting value is un-
dershot, in accordance to the dropout curve of the selected characteristic. In the range
between the dropout value (95% of the pickup value) and 90% of the setting value, the
incrementing and the decrementing processes are in idle state.
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Disk emulation offers advantages when the overcurrent relay elements must be coor-
dinated with conventional electromechanical overcurrent relays located toward the
Curves When user-defined characteristic are utilized, the tripping curve may be defined point
by point. Up to 20 value p airs (current, time) may be enter ed. The device then approx-
imates the characteristic, using linear interpolation.
The dropout curve may be user -defined as well. Th is is adva nta geous when the o ver-
current protection must be coordinated with conventional electromechanical overcur-
rent relays located toward the source. If no user-specified dropout curve is required,
the element pickup drops out as soon as the measured signal is less than approx. 95%
of the pickup setting. When a new pickup is evoked, the timer starts at zero again.
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following figure shows by way of an example the logic diagram for the 67-TOC
relay element of the directional inverse time overcurrent protection of the phase cur-
Figure 2-22 Logic diagram for the directional overcurrent protection: 67-TOC relay element
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2.3.5 Interaction with the Fuse Failure Monitor (FFM)
S purious trippin g can be caused by failur e of a measuring volt age due to short-circuit,
broken wire in the voltage transformer's secondary system or pickup of the voltage
transformer fuse. Failure of the measuring voltage in one or two poles can be detect-
ed, and the directional time overcu rrent element s (Dir Phase and Dir Ground) ca n be
blocked (see logic diagrams). Undervoltage protection, sensitive ground fault detec-
tion and synchronization are equally blocked in this case.
2.3.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function
It may be necessary to dynam ically incr ease the pickup va lues of the direction al time
overcurrent protection if, at starting, certain elements of the system show an increased
power consumption after a long period of zero volt age (e.g . air-conditioning systems,
heating installations, motors). Thus, a general raise of pickup thresholds can be
avoided taking into consideration such starting conditions.
This dynamic pickup va lue changeove r is common to all o vercurrent elements and is
described in Section 2.4. The alternative pickup values can be set individually for each
element of the directional and non-directional time overcurrent protection.
2.3.7 Inrush Restraint
The 7SJ62/63/64 featur es an inte grated in rush restraint function. It p revent s the "no r-
mal" pickup of all directional and non-directional overcurrent relay elements in the
phases and ground p ath, but not the high- set elements. Th e same is true for the alter-
native pickup thresholds of the dynamic cold load pickup function. After detection of
inrush currents above a pickup value special inrush signals are generated. These
signals also initiate fault annunciations and start the associated trip delay time. If
inrush conditions are still present after the tripping time delay has elapsed, a corre-
sponding message ("....TimeOut ") is output, but the overcurrent tripping is blocked
(for further information see "Inrush Restraint" in Section 2.2).
2.3.8 Determination of Direction
Determination of fault direction is performed independently for each of the four direc-
tional elements (three phases, ground or summation current 3I0).
Basically, the direction determination is performed by determining the phase angle
between the fa ult cu rr en t an d a re fe re nc e voltage.
Method of Direc-
tional Measurement Fo r the directiona l phase element s the shor t-circuit current of the af fe cted phase and
as reference volt age the unfaulted phase-to-phase voltage are used. The unfaulted
voltage also allows an unambiguous direction determination if the fault voltage has
collapsed severely (close-up fault). With phase-to-ground voltages connection, the
phase-to-phase voltages are calculated. With connection to two phase-to-phase volt-
ages and VN, the third phase-to-phase voltage is also calculated.
With three-pole faults, stored voltage values are used to clearly determine the direc-
tion if the measureme nt volt ages ar e not suf ficie nt. Af ter the expiration of th e storage
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
time period (2 cycles), the detected direction is saved, as long as no sufficient mea-
suring voltag e is available. When closing onto a fault, if no stor ed voltage values exist
in the buffer , the relay element will trip. In all other cases the volt age magnitude will be
suf ficient for determining the direction.
Two methods are available to determine the direction for the directional ground fault
Direction Determi-
nation with Zero-
Sequence System
or Ground Quanti-
For the direct ional gr ou n d fa ult ele m en ts, direction ca n be det er min e d by comparing
the zero sequence system quantitie s. In the current path, the IN current is valid, when
the transformer neutral current is connected to the device. Otherwise the device cal-
culates the ground current from the sum of the three ph ase currents. In the voltage
path, the di splacement voltage VN is used as refere nce voltage, if it is connected. Oth-
erwise the device calculates as reference voltage the zero-sequence voltage 3 · V0
from the sum of the three phase voltages. If the magnitude of VN or 3 · V0 is not suffi-
cient to determine direction, the direction is undefined. Then the directional ground el-
ements will not initiate a trip signal. If the current I0 cannot be determin ed , e. g.
because only two current transformers are utilized or the current transformers are con-
nected in an open delta configuration, then the directional ground elements will not be
able to function . The latter is only permitted in ungrounded systems.
Direction Determi-
nation with Nega-
tive Sequence
Here, the neg ative sequence current and as refer ence voltage the neg ative sequence
voltage are used for the direction determination. This is advan tageous if the zero se-
quence is influenced via a parallel line or if the zero voltage becomes very small due
to unfavorable zero impe dances. The negative sequence system is calculated from
the individual voltages and currents. As with the use of the zero sequence values, a
direction determination is carried out if the values necessary for the direction determi-
nation have exceeded a minimu m threshold. Otherwise the dir ection is undetermined.
Reference V olt ages
for Direction Deter-
A 2-pole short circuit is detected by two directional phase elements, i.e. the directional
phase element s associated with the faulte d phases. A single- pole fault (gr ound fault)
is detected by th e directional ground element, and may be detected by the directional
phase elements associated with the faulted phases if the magnitude of the fault current
is sufficient to pickup the directional element. For the directional ground fault elements,
naturally, pre-described connection requirements must be fulfilled.
For a phase-to-ground fault, the voltage (reference voltage) used by the directional
phase element of the faulted phase is 90° out of phase with the phase-to-ground
voltage of the faulted phase at the relay location (see Figure 2-23). With phase-to-
phase fault s, the angle between the unfaulted voltages (reference voltages) and the
fault volt ages can be between 90° (remote fault) and 60° (close-up fault) depending
on the degree of collapse of the fault voltages.
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Figure 2-23 Cross-polarized voltages for direction determination
The following table shows the assignment of measured values for the determination
of fault direction for various types of pickup s.
Table 2-6 Measured values for the determination of fault direction
1) or 3 · V0 = |VA + VB + VC|, depending on type of connection for the voltages
Direction Determi-
nation of Direction-
al Phase Elemen ts
As already mentioned, th e direction determination is performed by determining the
phase angle between the fault current and the reference voltage. In order to satisfy
different network conditions and applications, the reference voltage can be rotated
through an adjustable angle. In this way, the vector of the rotated reference voltage
can be closely adjus te d to th e ve cto r of th e fa ult cu rr en t in or de r to pr ov ide the bes t
possible result for the direction determination. Figure 2-24 clearly shows the relation-
ship for the directional phase elements based on a single-pole ground fault in Phase
A. The fault current IscA follows the fault voltage by the fault angle ϕsc. The reference
voltage, in this case VBC for the directional phase element A, is rotated through the
PICKUP Directional Element
Current Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage Current Voltage
AIAVB – VC——————
B—IBVC – VA————
C ————ICVAVB——
N ——————INVN1)
A, N IAVB – VC————INVN1)
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
setting value 1519 ROTATION ANGLE, positive counter-clockwise. In this case, a ro-
tation of +45°.
Figure 2-24 Rotation of the reference voltage, directional phase element
The rotated reference voltage defines the forward and backward area, see Figure 2-
25. The forward area is a range of ±86° around the rotated reference voltage Vref, rot.
If the vector of the fault curr ent is in this ar ea, the device d etect s forward direction. In
the mirrored area, the device detects backward direction. In the intermediate area, the
direction result is undefined.
Figure 2-25 Forward characteristic of the directional function, directional phase element
Direction Determi-
nation of Direction-
al Ground Element
with Ground Values
Figure 2-26 sho ws the trea tment of the refer ence voltage for the directional ground e l-
ement, also based on a single-pole ground fault in Phase A. Contrary to the directional
phase element s, which work with the un faulted voltage a s reference volt age, the fault
voltag e itself is the reference voltage for the directional ground element. Dependin g
on the connec tio n of the vo ltage tran sfo rm e r, this is the vo ltage 3V0 (as shown in
2 Functions
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Figure 2-26) or VN. The fault current -3I0 is in phase oposition to the fault current IscA
and follows the fault voltage 3V0 by the fault angle ϕsc. The reference voltage is rotated
through the setting value 1619 ROTATION ANGLE. In this case, a rotation of -45°.
Figure 2-26 Rotation of the reference voltage, directional ground element with zero se-
quence values
The forward area is also a range of ±86° around the rot ated refer ence volt age V ref, rot.
If the vector of the fault curren t -3I0 (or IN) is in this area, the device detects forward
Direction Determi-
nation of Direction-
al Ground Element
with Negative Se-
quence Values
Figure 2-27 shows the treatment of the reference voltage for the directional ground
element using the negative sequence values based on a single-pole ground fault in
Phase A. As reference voltage, the negative sequence system voltage is used, as
current for the direction determination, the negative sequence system current, in
which the fault current is displayed. The fault current -3I2 is in phase oposition to the
fault current IscA and follows the voltage 3V2 by the fault angle ϕsc. The reference
voltage is rotated through the setting value 1619 ROTATION ANGLE. In this case, a
rotation of -45°.
Figure 2-27 Rotation of the reference voltage, directional ground element with negative se-
quence values
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The forward area is a range of ±86° around the r otated reference volt age Vref, rot. If the
vector of the negative sequence system current -3I2 is in this area, the device detect s
forward direction.
2.3.9 Reverse Interlocking for Double End Fed Lines
Example The directionality featur e of the directiona l overcur rent protection enables the user to
perform reverse interlocking also on double end fed lines using relay eleme nt 67-1. It
is designed to selectively isolate a faulty line section (e.g. sections of rings) in high
speed, i.e. no long graded times will slow down the process. This scheme is feasible
when the distance between protective relays is not too great and when pilot wires are
available for signal transfer via an auxiliary voltage loop.
For each line, a separate data transfer p ath is required to facilitate signal transmission
in each direction. When implemented in a closed-circuit connection, disturbances in
the communication line are detected and signalled with time delay. The local system
requires a local interlocking bus wire similar to the one described in Subsection "Re-
verse Interlocking Bus Protection" for the directional overcurrent protection (Section
During a line fault, the device that detects faults in forward (line) direction using the
directional relay element 67-1 will block one of the non-directional overcurrent ele-
ments (50-1, 50-TOC) of devices in the reverse direction (at the same busbar) since
they should not trip (Figure 2-28). In addition, a message is generated regarding the
fault direction. "Forward" messages are issued when the current threshold of the di-
rectional relay element 67-1 is exceeded and directional determination is done. Sub-
sequently, "forward" messages are transmitted to the device located in reverse direc-
During a busbar fault, the device that detect s faults in reverse (busbar) direction using
the directional relay element 67-1 will block one of the non-directional overcurrent el-
ements (50 -1, 50-TOC) of devices at the opposite end of the same feeder . In addition,
a "Reverse" message is generated and transmitted via the auxiliary voltage loop to the
relay located at the opposite end of the line .
Figure 2-28 Reverse interlocking using dire ctional elements
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The directional overcurrent element providing normal time grading operates as selec-
tive backup protection.
The following figure shows the logic diagram fo r the generation of fault direction sig-
Figure 2-29 Logic diagram for the generation of fault direction signals.
2.3.10 Setting Notes
General When selecting the directional time overcurrent protection in DIGSI, a dialog box
appears with several tabs for setting the associated parameters. Depending on the
functional scope specified during configuration of the protective functions in addresses
115 67/67-TOC and 116 67N/67N-TOC, the number of tabs can vary.
If 67/67-TOC or 67N/67N-TOC = Definite Time is selected, then only the settings
for the definite time elements are available. If TOC IEC or TOC ANSI is selected, the
inverse characteristics are also a vailable. The superimposed d irectional element s 67-
2 and 67-1 or 67N-2 and 67N-1 apply in all these cases.
At address 1501 FCT 67/67-TOC, directional phase overcurrent protection may be
switched ON or OFF.
Pickup values, time delays, and characterist ic are set sep arately for phase protection
and ground protection. Because of this, relay coordination for ground faults is indepen-
dent of relay coordination for phase faults, and more sensitive settings can often be
applied to di rectional ground prote ction. Thus, at address 1601 FCT 67N/67N-TOC,
directional ground time overcurrent protection may be switched ON or OFF indepen-
dent of the directional phase time overcurrent protection.
Depending on the p aramete r 613 Gnd O/Cprot. w., the device can eith er operate
using measured values IN or the quantities 3I0 calculated from the three phase cur-
rents. Device s featuring a sensitive ground cu rrent input ge nerally use the calculated
quantity 3I0.
The direction determination of the function is affected by parameter 201 CT
Starpoint (see chapter 2.1.3).
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Direction Charac-
teristic The direction characteristic, i.e. the po sition of the ranges „forward“ and „backwa rd“ is
set for the phase directional elements under address 1519 ROTATION ANGLE and for
the ground directional element under address 1619 ROTATION ANGLE. The short-
circuit angle is generally inductive in a range of 30° to 60°. I.e., usually the default set-
tings of +45° for the phase directional elements and -45° for the ground directional
element can be maintained for the adjustment of the reference voltage, as they guar-
antee a safe direction result.
Nevertheless, the following contains some setting examples for special applications
(Table 2-7). The fo llowing must be observed: With the phase directional elements, the
reference voltage (fault-free voltage) for phase-ground-faults is vertical on the short-
circuit voltage. For this reason, the resulting setting of the angle of rot ation is (see also
Section 2.3.8):
Angle of rotation of ref. volt. = 90 - ϕsc phase directional element
(phase-ground fault)
With the gro und dir ectional ele men t, the reference voltage is the short-cir cuit voltage
itself. The resulting setting of the angle of rotation is then:
Angle of rotation of ref. volt. = -ϕsc ground directional element
(phase-ground fault)
It should also be noted for phase directional elements that with phase-to-phase faults,
the reference voltage is rotated between 0 ° (rem ote fault) and 30 ° (clo se-up faul t) de-
pending on the collapse of the faulty voltage. This can be taken into account with a
mean value of 15°:
Angle of rotation of ref. volt. = 90 - ϕsc -15°phase directiona l el em e nt
(phase-to- ph a se fa ult).
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Table 2-7 Setti ng example
1) Power flow direction
2) With the assumption that these are cable lines
Before Version V4.60, the direction characteristic could only be set in thr ee discrete
positions. In the following, the settings are specified which correspond to the old pa-
rameters 1515 and 1615.
1) Default Setting
Directional Orienta-
tion The directional orientation can be changed for the phase directional elements under
address 1516 67 Direction and for the ground direction al element under address
1616 67N Direction. Directional overcurrent protection normally operates in the
direction of the protected object (line, transformer). If the protection device is properly
connected in accordance with one of the circuit diagrams in Appendi x A.3, this is the
„forward“ direction.
Application ϕ
typical Phase directional
element setting
Ground directional
element setting
60°Range 30°...0°
30°Range 60°...30°
30°Range 60°...30°
Up to V4.60 As of V4.60
Addr. 1515 / 1615 Phase directiona l elements
Addr. 1519
Ground directional element
Addr. 1619
Inductive (135°)1) 45°1) –45°1)
Resistive (90°)90°0°
Capacitive (45°) 135°45°
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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Quantity Selection
for the Direction
Determination for
the Ground Direc-
tional Element
Parameter 1617 67N POLARIZAT. can be set to spe cify wh et he r dir ec tion de te rm i-
nation is accomplished from the zero sequence quantities, the ground quantities
(with VN and IN) or the negative sequence quantities (with V2 and I2) in the
ground directional element. The first option is the preferential setting; the latter should
be selected if there is the risk of the zero sequence voltage becoming extremel y small
due to unfavorable zero sequence impedance or a parallel line influencing the zero se-
quence system.
67-2 Directional
High-set Elem en t
The pickup and delay of element 67-2 are set at addresses 1502 and 1503. For set-
ting, the same considerations apply as did for the non-directional time overcurrent pro-
tection in Section 2.2.10.
The selected time is only an additional time delay and does not include the operating
time (measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the
element will then not trip. Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 67-2 element is not
required at all, the pickup value 67-2 PICKUP should be set to . For this setting,
there is neither a pickup signal gener ated nor a trip.
67N-2 Directional
High-set Elem en t
The pickup and delay of element 67N-2 are set at addresse s 1602 and 1603. The
same considerations appl y for these settings as did for phase curr ents discusse d ear-
The selected time is only an additional time delay and does not include the operating
time (measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the
element will then not trip. Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 67N-2 element is not
required at all, then the p ickup value 67N-2 PICKUP should be set to . This setting
prevent s from tripping and the gener ation of a pickup message.
67-1 Directional
Element (Phases)
The pickup value o f the 67-1 re lay element 1504 67-1 PICKUP should be set above
the maximum anticipated load current. Pickup due to overload should never occur,
since the device in this operating mode operates as short circuit protection with corre-
spondingly short tripping times and not as overload protection. For this reason, lines
are set to approx. 20% above the maximum expected (over)load and transformers and
motors to approx. 40%.
If the relay is used to protect transformers or motors with large inrush currents, the
inrush restraint feature of 7SJ62/63/64 may be used for the 67-1 relay element (for
more information see margin heading "Inrush Restraint").
The delay for directi onal elements (address 1505 67-1 DELAY) is usually set shorter
than the delay for non-directional elements (address 1205) since the non-directional
elements overlap the directional elements as backup protection. It should be based on
the system coordination requirements for directional tripping.
For parallel transformers supplied from a single sou rce (see "Usecases"), the delay of
elements 67-1 DELAY located on the load side of the transformers may be set to 0
without provoking negative impacts on selectivity.
The selected time is only an additional time delay and does not include the operating
time (measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the
element will then not trip. Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 67-1 element is not
required at all, the pickup value 67-1 PICKUP should be set to . This setting pre-
vents from tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
67N-1 Directional
Relay Element
The pickup value of the 67N-1 relay element should be set below the minimum antic-
ipated grou nd fault current.
If the relay is used to protect transformers or motors with large inrus h currents, the
inrush restrain t featur e of 7SJ62/63/64 may be used for the 67N-1 relay element (for
more information see margin heading "Inrush Restraint").
The delay is set at address 1605 67N-1 DELAY and should be based o n system co-
ordination requirements for directional tripping. Fo r ground currents in a grounded
system a separate coordination chart with short time delays is often used.
The selected time is only an additional time delay a nd does n ot include the op erating
time (measuring time, dropout time). The delay can be set to . After pickup the
element will then not trip. Pickup, however, will be signaled. If the 67N-1 element is not
required at all, the pickup value 67N-1 PICKUP should be set to . This setting pre-
vents from tripping and the generation of a pickup message.
Pickup Stabilization
(67/67N Directional) Pickup of the direction 67/67N elements can be stabilized by setting dropout times
1518 67 T DROP-OUT or 1618 67N T DROP-OUT.
67-TOC Directional
Element with IEC or
ANSI Curves (Phas-
Having set address 115 67/67-TOC = TOC IEC or TOC ANSI when configuring th e
protective functions (Section 2.1.1), the parameters for the inverse characteristics will
also be available.
If the relay is used to protect transformers or motors with large inrus h currents, the
inrush restraint feature of 7SJ62/63/64 may be used for the 67-TOC relay element (for
more information see margin heading "Inrush Restraint").
If the inverse time trip characteristic is sele cted, it must be noted that a safety factor
of about 1.1 has alrea dy been included between the pickup value and the setting
value. This means that a pickup will only occur if a current of about 1.1 times the
setting value is present.
The current value is set in address 1507 67-TOC PICKUP. The setting is mainly de-
termined by the maximum operating current. Pickup due to overload should never
occur, since the device in this operating mode operates as fault protection with corre-
spondingly short tripping times and not as overload protection.
The corresponding element time multiplication factor for an IEC characteristic is set at
address 1508 67 TIME DIAL and in address 1509 67 TIME DIAL for an ANSI
characteristic. It must be coordinated with the time grading of the network.
The time multiplier can also be set to . After pickup the element will then not trip.
Pickup, however , will be signaled. If the 67-TOC element is not required at all, address
115 67/67-TOC should be set to Definite Time during protective function config-
uration (see Sec tio n 2.1 .1 ).
If address 115 67/67-TOC = TOC IEC, you can specify the desired IEC–
characteristic (Normal Inverse, Very Inverse, Extremely Inv. or Long
Inverse) in address 1511 67- IEC CURVE. If address 115 67/67-TOC = TOC
ANSI you can specify the desired ANSI–characteristic (Very Inverse, Inverse,
Short Inverse, Long Inverse, Moderately Inv., Extremely Inv. or
Definite Inv.) in address 1512 67- ANSI CURVE.
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
67N-TOC Direction-
al Element with IEC
or ANSI Curves
Having set address 116 67N/67N-TOC = TOC IEC when configuring the protective
functions (Section 2.1.1), the parameters for the inverse characteristics will also be
available. Specify in address 1611 67N-TOC IEC the desired IEC characteristic
(Normal Inverse, Very Inverse, Extremely Inv. or Long Inverse). If
address 116 67N/67N-TOC = TOC ANSI, you can specify the desired ANSI–
characteristic (Very Inverse, Inverse, Short Inverse, Long Inverse,
Moderately Inv., Extremely Inv. or Definite Inv.) in address 1612 67N-
If the relay is used to protect transformers or motors with large inrush currents, the
inrush restraint feature of 7SJ62/63/64 may be used for the 67N-TOC relay element
(for more information see margin heading "Inrush Restraint").
If the inverse time trip characteristic is selected, it must be noted that a sa fety factor
of about 1.1 has already been included between the pickup value and the setting value
67N-TOC PICKUP. This means that a pickup will only occur if a current of about 1.1
times the setting value is present. If Disk Emulation was selected at address 1610
67N-TOC DropOut, reset will occur in accordance with the reset curve as for the ex-
isting non-directional time overcurrent protection described in Section 2.2.
The current value is set at address 1607 67N-TOC PICKUP. The minimum appearing
ground fault current is most relevant for this setting.
The corresponding element time multiplication factor for an IEC characteristic is set at
address 1608 67N-TOC T-DIAL and in address 1609 67N-TOC T-DIAL for an
ANSI characteristic. This ha s to be coordi nated with the system grading coordination
chart for directional tripping. For ground currents with grounded network, you can
mostly set up a separate grading coordination chart with shorter delay times.
The time multiplier can also be set to . After pickup the element will then not trip.
Pickup, however, will be signaled. If the 67N-TOC element is not required at all,
address 116 67N/67N-TOC should be set to Definite Time during protective func-
tion configuration (see Section 2.1.1).
characteristic (In-
verse Time Phases
and ground)
If address 115 or 116 were set to User Defined PU or User def. Reset during
configuration of the user -defined characteristic option, a maximum of 20 value pairs
(current and time) may be entered at address 1530 67 or 1630 M.of PU TD.
This option allows point-by-point entry of any desired curve.
If address 115 or 116 were se t to User def. Reset during configuration, additional
value pa irs (current and reset time) may be entered in address 1531 MofPU Res
T/Tp or 1631 I/IEp Rf T/TEp to represent the reset curve.
Entry of the value pair (c urrent and time) is a multiple of the settings of the values of
the addresse s 1507 67-TOC PICKUP or 1607 67N-TOC PICKUP and 1508 67
TIME DIAL or 1608. 67N-TOC T-DIAL. Therefore, it is recommended that param-
eter values are initially set to 1.00 for simplicity . Once the curve is entered, the settings
at addresses 1507 and 1607 or/and 1508 and 1608 may be modified later on if nec-
The default setting of current values is . The y ar e, th erefore , not e nab led — a nd no
pickup or tripping of these protective functions will occur.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following must be observed:
The value pairs should be entered in increasing sequence. If desired, fewer than 20
pairs may be entered. In most cases, about 10 pairs is sufficient to define the
characteristic accurately . A value p air which will not be used has to be made invalid
entering „“ for the threshold! The user must ensure the value pairs produce a clear
and constant characteristic.
The current values entered should be those from the following Table, along with the
matching times. Deviating values I/Ip are rounded. This, however, will not be indi-
Current flows less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to an exten-
sion of the tripping time. The pickup curve (see Figure 2-13, right side) goes parallel
to the current axis, up to the smallest current point.
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not lead to a reduc-
tion of the tripping time. The pickup characteristic (see Figure 2-13, right side) goes
parallel to the current axis, beginning with the greatest current point.
Table 2-8 Preferential values of standardized currents for user-defined tripping curves
The value p airs are entered at address 1531 MofPU Res T/Tp to recreate the reset
curve. The following must be observed:
The current values entered should be those from Table 2-8, along with the matching
times. Deviating values I/Ip are rounded. This, however, will not be indicated.
Current flows greater than the highest current value entered will not lead to a pro-
longation of the reset time. The reset curve (see Figure 2-13, left side) is p arallel to
the current axis, beginning with the largest current point.
Current flows which are less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to
a reduction of the reset time. The reset curve (see Figu re 2-13, lef t side) is para llel
to the current axis, beginning with the smallest current point.
I/Ip = 1 to 1.94 I/Ip = 2 to 4.75 I/Ip = 5 to 7.75 I/Ip = 8 to 20
1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 15.00
1.06 1.56 2.25 3.75 5.25 6.75 9.00 16.00
1.13 1.63 2.50 4.00 5.50 7.00 10.00 17.00
1.19 1.69 2.75 4.25 5.75 7.25 11.00 18.00
1.25 1.75 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 12.00 19.00
1.31 1.81 3.25 4.75 6.25 7.75 13.00 20.00
1.38 1.88 14.00
1.44 1.94
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-9 Preferential values of standardized currents for user-defined reset curves
Figure 2-30 Using a user-defined curve
Inrush Restraint When applying the protection device to transformers where high inrush currents are
to be expected, the 7SJ62/63/64 can make use of an inrush r estraint function for the
directional overcu rrent el ement s 67-1, 67-TOC, 67N-1 and 67N-TOC as well as the
non-directional overcurrent elements. The inrush restraint option is enabled or dis-
abled in 2201 INRUSH REST. (in the settings option non-directional time overcur-
rent protec tion ) . Th e chara ct er i stic value s of the inr us h restr ain t ar e alr ea d y listed in
the section discussing the non-directional time overcurrent (Section 2.2.10).
Manual Close Mode
(Phases, ground) When a circuit breaker is closed onto a faulted line, a high speed trip by the circuit
breaker is often desired. For overcurrent or high-set element the delay may be by-
passed via via a “Manual Close” signal, thus resulting in instantaneous tripping. The
internal "Manual close" signal is built from the binary input signal „>Manual Close“
(no. 561). The internal "Manual close" signal remains active as long as the binary input
signal „>Manual Close“ is active, but at lease for 300 ms (see the following logic
diagram). To enable the de vice to react properly on occurrence of a fault in the phase
elements after manual close, address 1513 MANUAL CLOSE has to be set accordingly.
Accordingly, address 1613 MANUAL CLOSE is consider ed for th e gr ou n d path ad-
dress. Thus, the user determines for both elemen ts, the ph a se an d the gr ou n d ele -
ment, what pickup value is active with what delay when the circuit breaker is closed
I/Ip = 1 to 0.86 I/Ip = 0.84 to 0.67 I/Ip = 0.66 to 0.38 I/Ip = 0.34 to 0.00
1.00 0.93 0.84 0.75 0.66 0.53 0.34 0.16
0.99 0.92 0.83 0.73 0.64 0.50 0.31 0.13
0.98 0.91 0.81 0.72 0.63 0.47 0.28 0.09
0.97 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.61 0.44 0.25 0.06
0.96 0.89 0.78 0.69 0.59 0.41 0.22 0.03
0.95 0.88 0.77 0.67 0.56 0.38 0.19 0.00
0.94 0.86
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-31 Manual close feature
External Control
Switch If the manual closing signal is not from a 7SJ62/63/64 relay, that is, neither sent via
the built-in oper at or inte rf ace no r via a ser i es inte rfa ce , bu t, ra th er, dire ctly from a
control acknowledgment switch, this signal must be passed to a 7SJ62/63/64 binary
input, and configured accordingly („>Manual Close“), so that the element selected
for MANUAL CLOSE will be effective. Inactive means that the element operates as
configured even with manual close.
Internal Control
Function The manual closing information must be allocated via CFC (interlocking task-level)
using the CMD_Information block, if the internal contr ol function is used.
Figure 2-32 Example for manual close feature using the internal control function
For an interaction between the automatic reclosure (AR) and the control function, an
extended CFC logic is necessary . See mar gin heading „CLOSE command: Directly or
via control“ in the Setting Notes of the AR function (Section 2.14.6).
Interaction with Au-
tomatic Reclosure
Function (Phases)
When reclosing occurs, it is desirable to have high speed protection against faults with
67-2. If the fault still exists after the first reclosure, elements 67-1 or 67-TOC w ill be
initiated with graded tripping times, i.e., the 67-2 element s will be blocked. At address
1514 67 active, it can be specified whether (with 79 active) or not (Always)
the 67-2 elements should be supervised by the status of an internal or external auto-
matic reclosing device. Address with 79 active determines that the 67-2 elements
will not operate unless automatic reclosing is not blocked. If not desired, then setting
Always is selected having the effect that the 67-2 elements will always operate, as
The integrated automatic reclosing function of 7SJ62/63/64 also provides the option
to individually determine for each time overcurrent element whether instantaneous
tripping, i.e. normal time delayed tripping unaffected by the automatic reclosing, or
blocking shall take place (see Section 2.14) .
Interaction with Au-
tomatic Reclosing
Function (ground)
When reclosing occurs, it is desirable to have high speed protection against faults with
67N-2. If the fault still exists af ter the firs t reclosure, element s 67N-1 or 67N-T OC will
be initiated with graded tripping times, i.e. the 67N-2 elements will be blocked. At
address 1614 67N active, it can be specified whether (with 79 active) or not
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
(Always) the 67N-2 element s should be supervised by the st atus of an internal o r ex-
ternal automatic reclosing device. Address with 79 active determines that the
67N-2 elements will not operate unless automatic reclosing is not block ed. If not de-
sired, then setting Always is selected having the effect that the 67N-2 elements will
always operate, as configured.
The integrated automatic reclosing function of 7SJ62/63/64 also provides the option
to individually determine for each time overcurrent element whether instantaneous
tripping, i.e. normal time delayed tripping unaffected by the automatic reclosing, or
blocking shall take place (see Section 2.1 4).
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.3.11 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can on ly be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
1501 FCT 67/67-TOC OFF
ON OFF 67, 67-TOC Phase Time
1502 67-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 67-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.0 0 A; 10.00 A
1503 67-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.10 sec 67-2 Time Delay
1504 67-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 1.00 A 67-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.0 0 A; 5.00 A
1505 67-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 67- 1Time Delay
1507 67-TOC PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 67-TOC Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1508 67 TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 67-TOC Time Dial
1509 67 TIME DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67-TOC Time Dial
1510 67-TOC Drop-out Instant aneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-Out Characteristic
1511 67- IEC CURVE Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1512 67- ANSI CURVE Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite Inv.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1513A MANUAL CLOSE 67-2 instant.
67-1 instant.
67-TOC inst ant.
67-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1514A 67 active with 79 active
always always 67 active
1516 67 Dire ction Forward
Reverse Forward Phase Direction
1518A 67 T DROP-OUT 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 67 Drop-Out Time Delay
1519A ROTATION ANGLE -180 .. 180 °45 °Rotation Angle of Refer-
ence Voltage
1530 67 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 67
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1531 MofPU Res T/Tp 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiple of Pickup <-> T/Tp
1601 FCT 67N/67N-TOC OFF
ON OFF 67N, 67N-TOC Ground
Time Overcurrent
1602 67N-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.50 A 67N-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 2.50 A
1603 67N-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.10 sec 67N-2 Time Delay
1604 67N-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.20 A 67N-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 1.00 A
1605 67N-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 67N-1 Time Delay
1607 67N-TOC PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 0.20 A 67N-TOC Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 1.00 A
1608 67N-TOC T-DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.20 sec 67N-TOC T ime Dial
1609 67N-TOC T-DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67N-TOC Time Dial
1610 67N-TOC DropOut Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-Out Characteristic
1611 67N-TOC IEC Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1612 6 7N-TOC ANSI Very In verse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite In v.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1613A MANUAL CLOSE 6 7N-2 instant.
67N-1 instant.
67N-TOC instant
67N-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1614A 67N active always
with 79 active always 67N active
1616 6 7N Direction Forward
Reverse Forward Ground Direction
1617 67N POLARIZAT. with VN and IN
with V2 and I2 with VN and IN Ground Polarization
1618A 67N T DROP-OUT 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 67N Drop-Out Time Delay
1619A ROTATION ANGLE -180 .. 180 °-45 °Rotation Angle of Refer-
ence Voltage
1630 M.of PU TD 1 .00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiples of PU Time-
1631 I/IEp Rf T/TEp 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 67N TOC
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.3.12 Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2604 >BLK 67/67-TOC SP >BLOCK 67/67-TOC
2614 >BLK 67N/67NTOC SP >BLOCK 67N/67N-TOC
2615 >BLOCK 67-2 SP >BLOCK 67-2
2616 >BLOCK 67N-2 SP >BLOCK 67N-2
2621 >BLOCK 67-1 SP >BLOCK 67-1
2623 >BLOCK 67N-1 SP >BLOCK 67N-1
2628 Phase A forward OUT Phase A forward
2629 Phase B forward OUT Phase B forward
2630 Phase C forward OUT Phase C forward
2632 Phase A reverse OUT Phase A reverse
2633 Phase B reverse OUT Phase B reverse
2634 Phase C reverse OUT Phase C reverse
2635 Ground forward OUT Ground forward
2636 Ground reverse OUT Ground reverse
2637 67-1 BLOCKED OUT 67-1 is BLOCKED
2642 67-2 picked up OUT 67-2 picked up
2646 67N-2 picked up OUT 67N-2 picked up
2647 67-2 Time Out OUT 67-2 Time Out
2648 67N-2 Time Out OUT 67N-2 Time Out
2649 67-2 TRIP OUT 67-2 TRIP
2651 67/67-TOC OFF OUT 67/67-TOC switched OFF
2652 67 BLOCKED OUT 67/67-TOC is BLOCKED
2653 67 ACTIVE OUT 67/67-TOC is ACTIVE
2655 67-2 BLOCKED OUT 67-2 is BLOCKED
2656 67N OFF OUT 67N/67N-TOC switched OFF
2658 67N ACTIVE OUT 6 7N/67N-TOC is ACTIVE
2659 67N-1 BLOCKED OUT 67N-1 is BLOCKED
2660 67-1 picked up OUT 67-1 picked up
2664 67-1 Time Out OUT 67-1 Time Out
2665 67-1 TRIP OUT 67-1 TRIP
2668 67N-2 BLOCKED OUT 67N-2 is BLOCKED
2670 67-TOC pickedup OUT 67-TOC picked up
2674 67-TOC Time Out OUT 67-TOC Time Out
2676 67-TOC DiskPU OUT 67-TOC disk emulation is ACTIVE
2679 67N-2 TRIP OUT 67N-2 TRIP
2681 67N-1 picked up OUT 67N-1 picked up
2682 67N-1 Time Out OUT 67N-1 Time Out
2683 67N-1 TRIP OUT 67N-1 TRIP
2.3 Directional Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2684 67N-TOCPickedup OUT 67N-TOC picked up
2685 67N-TOC TimeOu t OUT 67N-TOC Time Out
2687 67N-TOC Disk PU OUT 67N-TOC disk emulation is ACTIVE
2691 67/67N pickedup OUT 67/67N picked up
2692 67 A picked up OUT 67/67-TOC Phase A picked up
2693 67 B picked up OUT 67/67-TOC Phase B picked up
2694 67 C picked up OUT 67/67-TOC Phase C picked up
2695 67N picked up OUT 67N/67N-TOC picked up
2696 67/67N TRIP OUT 67/67N TRIP
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup
With the cold load pickup function, pickup and delay settings of directional and non-
directional time overcurrent protection can be changed over dynamically.
Applications It may be necessary to dynamically increase the pickup values if, during starting
and for a short time thereafter, certain elements of the system have an increased
power consumption after a long period of zero voltage (e.g. air-conditioning sys-
tems, heating installations, motors). Thus a raise of pickup thresholds can be
avoided by taking into consideration such starting conditions.
As a further option the pickup thresholds may be modified by an automatic reclo-
sure function in accordance with its re ady or not ready state.
Prerequisites Note:
Dynamic cold load pickup is not be confused with the changeover option of the 4
setting groups (A to D). It is an additional feature.
It is possible to change pickup thresholds and delay times.
2.4.1 Description
Effect There are two meth ods by which the device can determine if the protected equipment
is de-energized:
Via binary inputs, the device is informed of the position of the circuit breaker (ad-
dress 1702 Start Condition = Breaker Contact).
As a criterion a set current threshold is undershot (address 1702 Start
Condition = No Current).
If the device determines that the protected equipment is de-energized via one of the
above methods, a time, CB Open Time, is started and after its expiration the in-
creased thresholds take effect.
In addition, switching between parameters can be triggered by two further events:
by signal "79M Auto Reclosing ready" of the internal automatic reclosure function
(address 1702 Start Condition = 79 ready). Thus the protection thresholds
and the trippin g times ca n be cha nged if automatic reclosu re is re ady for reclosing
(see also Section 2.14).
Irrespective of the setting of parameter 1702 Start Condition the release of
cold load pickup may always be selected via the binary input „>ACTIVATE CLP“.
Figure 2-34 shows the logic diagram for dynamic cold load pickup function.
When the auxiliary contact or current criterion detects that the system is de-energized,
i.e. the circuit breaker is ope n, the CB o pen time CB Open Time is starte d. As so on
as it times out, the greater thre sholds are enabled. When the protected equipment is
re-energized (the device receives this information via the binary inputs or when thresh-
old BkrClosed I MIN is exceeded), a second time delay referr ed to as the Active
Time is initiated. Once it elapses, the pickup values of the relay elements return to
their normal settings. The time may be reduced when current values af ter startup, i.e.
after the circuit breaker is closed, fall below all normal pickup values for a set time,
Stop Time. The starting condition of the fast reset time is made up of an OR-combi-
nation of the configured drop out conditions of all non-d irectio nal time overcurrent ele-
ments. When Stop Time is set to or when binary input „>BLK CLP stpTim“ is
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
active, no comp arison is made with the "normal" thresholds. The function is inactive
and the fast reset time, if applied, is reset.
If overcurrent elements are picked up while time Active Time is running, the fault
generally prevails until pickup drops out, using the dyn amic settings. Only then the pa-
rameters are set back to "normal".
When the dynamic setting values are a ctivated via the binary input „>ACTIVATE
CLP“ or the signal "79M Auto Reclosing ready" and this causes drops out, the "nor-
mal" settings are restored immediately, even if a pick up is the resu lt.
When binary input „>BLOCK CLP“ is enabled, all triggered timers will be reset and,
as a consequence, all "normal" settings will be immediately restored. If blocking
occurs during an on-going fault with dynamic cold load pick-up functions enabled, the
timers of all non-directional overcurrent relay elements will be stopped, and may then
be restarted based on their normal duration.
During power up of the protective relay with an open circuit breaker , the time delay CB
Open Time is started, and is processed using the "normal" settings. Therefore, when
the circuit breaker is closed, the "normal" settings are effective.
Figure 2-33 illustrates the timing sequence. Figure 2-34 shows the logic diagram of
the dynamic cold load pickup feature.
Figure 2-33 Timing charts of the dynamic cold load pickup function
2 Functions
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Figure 2-34 Logic diagram of the dynamic cold load pickup function (50c, 50Nc, 51c, 51Nc, 67c, 67Nc)
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.4.2 Setting Notes
General The dynamic cold load pickup function can only be enabled if address 117 Coldload
Pickup was set to Enabled during configuration of the protective functions. If not re -
quired, this function should be set to Disabled. The function can be turned ON or OFF
under addr es s 1701 Coldload Pickup.
Depending on the condition that should initiate the cold load pickup function addr ess
1702 Start Condition is set to either No Current, Breaker Contact or to 79
ready. Naturally, the option Breaker Contact can only be selected if the device
receives information regarding the switching state of the circuit breaker via at least one
binary input. The option 79 ready modifies dynamically the pickup thresholds of the
directional and non- directional time overcurr ent protection when the automatic reclos-
ing feature is ready. To initiate the cold load pickup the automatic reclosing func tio n
provides the internal signal "79M Auto Reclosing ready". It is always active when auto-
reclosure is available, activated, unblocked and ready for a further cycle (see also
margin heading "Controlling Directional/Non-Directional Overcurrent Protection Ele-
ments via Cold Load Pickup" in Section 2.14.6).
Time Delays There are no specific procedures on how to set the time delays at addresses 1703 CB
Open Time, 1704 Active Time and 1705 Stop Time. These time delays must be
based on the specific loading charac te rist ics of th e eq u ipm e nt be in g pr ot ect ed , an d
should be set to allow for brief overloads associated with dynamic cold load condi-
50/51 Elements
The dynamic pickup values and time delays associated with non-directional time over -
current protection are set at address block 18 (50C.../51C...) for phase currents:
The dynamic pickup and delay settings for the 50N-2 element are set at addresses
1801 50c-2 PICKUP and 1802 50c-2 DELAY respectively; the dynamic pickup and
delay settings for the 50N- 1 element are set at addresse s 1803 50c-1 PICKUP and
1804 50c-1 DELAY respectively; and the pickup, time multiplier (for IEC curves or
user-defined curves), an d time dial (for ANSI curves) se ttings for the 51N element are
set at addresses 1805 51c PICKUP, 1806 51c TIME DIAL, and 1807 51c TIME
DIAL, respectively.
50N/51N Elements
The dynamic pickup values and time delays associated with non-directional time over -
current ground protection are set at address block 19 (50NC.../51NC...):
The dynamic pickup and delay settings for the 50N-2 element are set at addresses
1901 50Nc-2 PICKUP and 1902 50Nc-2 DELAY respectively; the dynamic pickup
and delay settings for the 50N-1 element are set at addresses 1903 50Nc-1 PICKUP
and 1904 50Nc-1 DELAY respectively; and the pickup, time multiplier (for IEC curves
or user-defined curves), and time dial (for ANSI curves) settings for the 51N element
are set at addresses 1905 51Nc PICKUP, 1906 51Nc T-DIAL, and 1907 51Nc T-
DIAL, respectively.
Directional 67/67–
TOC Elements
The dynamic pickup values and time delays associated with directional overcurrent
phase protection are set at address block 20 (g67C...):
The dynamic pickup and delay settings for the 67-2 element are set at addresses
2001 67c-2 PICKUP and 2002 67c-2 DELAY respectively; the dynamic pickup and
delay settings for the 67-1 element are set at addresses 2003 67c-1 PICKUP and
2004 67c-1 DELAY respectively; and the pickup, time multiplier (for IEC curves or
user-defined curves), and time dial (for ANSI curves) settings for the 67-TOC element
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
are set at addresses 2005 67c-TOC PICKUP, 2006 67c-TOC T-DIAL , and 2007
67c-TOC T-DIAL respectively.
Directional 67/67N
Elements (ground) The dynamic pickup values and time delays associated with directional overcurrent
ground protection are set at address block 21 (gU/AMZ E dynP.):
The dynamic pickup and delay settings for the 67N-2 element are set at addr es se s
2101 67Nc-2 PICKUP and 2102 67Nc-2 DELAY respectively; the dynamic pickup
and delay settings for the 67N-1 element are set at addresses 2103 67Nc-1 PICKUP
and 2104 67Nc-1 DELAY respectively; and the pickup, time multiplier (for IEC curves
or user-defined curves), and time dial (for ANSI curves) settings for the 67N-TOC
element are set at add resses 2105 67Nc-TOC PICKUP, 2106 67Nc-TOC T-DIAL,
2107 67Nc-TOC T-DIAL, respectively.
2.4.3 Settings
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
ON OFF Cold-Load-Pickup Func-
1702 Start Condition No Current
Breaker Contact
79 ready
No Current Start Condition
1703 CB Ope n Time 0 .. 21600 sec 3600 sec Circuit Breaker OPEN
1704 Acti ve Time 1 .. 21600 sec 3600 sec Active Time
1705 Stop Time 1 .. 600 sec; 600 sec Stop Time
1801 50c-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 10.00 A 50c-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.0 0 A; 50.00 A
1802 50c-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 50c-2 Time Delay
1803 50c-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 50c-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.0 0 A; 10.00 A
1804 50c-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 50c-1 Time Delay
1805 51c PIC KUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.50 A 51c Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 7.50 A
1806 51c TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 51c T ime dial
1807 51c TIME DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51c Time dial
1901 50N c-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 7.00 A 50 Nc-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A; 35.00 A
1902 50N c-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 50Nc-2 Time Delay
1903 50N c-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 1.50 A 50 Nc-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A; 7.50 A
1904 50N c-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 50Nc-1 Time Delay
2.4 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.4.4 Information List
1905 51Nc PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51Nc Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1906 51Nc T-DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 51Nc Time Dial
1907 51Nc T-DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51Nc Time Dial
2001 67c-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 10.00 A 67c-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 50.00 A
2002 67c-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 67c-2 Time Delay
2003 67c-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 67c-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 10.00 A
2004 67c-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 67c-1 Time Delay
2005 67c-T OC PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.50 A 67c Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 7.50 A
2006 67c-T OC T-DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 67c Time Dial
2007 67c-TOC T-DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67c Time Dial
2101 67Nc-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 7.00 A 67Nc-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 35.00 A
2102 67Nc-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 67Nc-2 Time Delay
2103 67Nc-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 1.50 A 67Nc-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 7.50 A
2104 67Nc-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 67Nc-1 Time Delay
2105 67Nc-TOC PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 67Nc-TOC Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
2106 67Nc-TOC T-DIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 67Nc-TOC Time Dial
2107 67Nc-TOC T-DIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67Nc-TOC Time Dial
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
1730 >BLOCK CLP SP >BLOCK Cold-Load-Pickup
1731 >BLK CLP stpTim SP >BLOCK Cold-Load-Pickup stop timer
1732 >ACTIVATE CLP SP >ACTIVATE Cold-Load-Pickup
1994 CLP OFF OUT Cold-Loa d-Pickup switched OFF
1995 CLP BLOCKED OUT Cold-Load-Pickup is BLOCKED
1996 CLP running O UT Cold-Load-Pickup is RUNNING
1997 Dyn set. ACTIVE OUT Dynamic settings are ACTIVE
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection
The single-phase overcurrent protection evaluates the current that is measured by the
sensitive INS- or the normal IN input. Which transformer is used depends on the device
version and the orde r number.
Applications Plain ground fault protection at a powe r transformer;
Sensitive tank leakage protection.
2.5.1 Functional Description
The single-phase tim e overcur rent fu nction yi elds the trip ping ch aracte ristic d epicted
in Figure 2-35. Numerical algorithms filter the current to be detected. A particular
narrow-band filter is used due to the possible high sensitivity. The current pickup
thresholds and tripping times can be set. The detecte d current is compared to the
pickup value 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP or 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP and reported if this is violat-
ed. The trip command is generated af ter the associated delay time 50 1Ph-1 DELAY
or 50 1Ph-2 DELAY has elapsed. The two elem ent s together form a two- st age pr o-
tection. The dropout value is roug hly equal to 95% of the pickup value for current s I >
0.3 · INom.
The current filter is bypassed if cu rrents ar e extremely high to achieve a short tripping
time. This will always happen automatically when the instantaneous current value
exceeds the setting value of the 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP element by at least factor 2 · 2.
Figure 2-35 Tw o-stage characteristic of the single-phase time-overcurren t protection
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the single-phase overcurrent protec-
Figure 2-36 Logic diagram of the single-phase time-overcurrent protection
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.5.2 High-impedance Ground Fault Unit Protection
Application Exam-
ples In the high-impedance procedure, all CT's operate at the limits of the protected zone
parallel on a common, relative ly high-resistive resistor R whose vo ltage is measured.
The CTs must be of th e same design a nd featur e at least a separate core for high-im-
pedance protection. In particular, they must have the same transform er ratios and ap-
proximately identical knee-point voltage.
With 7SJ62/63/64, the high-impedance principle is particularly well suited for detecting
ground fault s in ground ed networks at transformer s, generators, motors and shunt re-
Figure 2-37 shows an application example for a grounded transformer winding or a
grounded motor/generator . The right-hand example depicts an ungrounded transform-
er winding or an ungrounded motor/generator where the grounding of the system is
assumed somewhere else.
Figure 2-37 Ground fault protection according to the high-impedance principle
Function of the
The high-impedan ce principle is explained on the basis of a grounded transformer
No zero sequence current will flow during normal operation, i.e. the starpoint current
is ISP = 0 and the phase currents are 3 I0 = IA + IB + IC = 0.
With an external ground fault (Figure 2-38, left side), whose fault current is supplied
via the grounded starpoint, the same current flows through the transformer starpoint
and the phases. The corresponding secondary current s (all current transformers have
the same transfor mation ratio) co mpensate each other ; they are con nected in series.
Across resistor R only a small voltage is generated. It originates from the inner resis-
tance of the transformers and the connecting cables of the transformers. Even if any
current transformer experiences a partial saturation, it will become low-resistive for the
period of saturation and creates a low-resistive shunt to the high-resistive resistor R.
Thus, the high resistance of the resistor also has a restraining ef fe ct (the so-called re-
sistance restraint).
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-38 Principle of ground fault protection according to the high-impedance principle
When a ground fault o ccurs in th e protected zone (Figur e 2 -3 8 ri gh t) , ther e is a lwa ys
a starp oint curren t ISP. The grounding conditions in the r est of the network determine
how strong a zero sequence cu rrent from the system is. A secondary current which is
equal to the total fault current tries to pass through the resistor R. Since the latter is
high-resistive, a high voltage emerges immediately. Therefore, the current transform-
ers get saturated. The RMS vo ltage across the resistor approximately correspond s to
the knee-point voltage of the current transformers.
Resistance R is dimensioned such that, even with the very lowest ground fault current
to be detected, it generate s a secondary volt age which is equal to th e half knee-point
voltage of current transformers (see also notes on dimensioning in Section 2.5.4).
Protection with
With 7SJ6 2/63/64 the sensitive measuring input INS or alternatively the insensitive
measuring input IN is used for high-impedance protection. As this is a current input,
the protection detect s current through the resistor instead of the volt age across the re-
sistor R.
Figure 2-39 shows the connections diagram. The pr otection relay is connected in
series to resistor R and measures its current.
Varist or B limits the voltage when intern al fa ults occur. High voltage peak s em er gin g
with transformer saturation are cut by the varistor. At the same time, voltage is
smoothed without reduction of the mean value.
Figure 2-39 Connection diagram of the ground faul t differenti al protection according to the
high-impedance principle
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
For protection against overvoltages it is also important that the device is directly con-
nected to the grounde d side of the current transformers so that the high voltage at th e
resistor can be kept away from the device.
For generators, motors and shunt reactors high-impedance protection can be used
analogously. All current transformers at the overvoltage side, the undervolt age side
and the current transformer at the starpoint have to be connected in parallel when
using auto-transformers.
In principle, this scheme can be applied to every protected object. When applied as
busbar protection, for example, the device is connected to the parallel connection of
all feeder current transformers via the resistor.
2.5.3 Tank Leakage Protection
Example The tank leakage protection has the task to detect ground leakage — even high-resis-
tive — between a phase and the frame of a power tran sformer. The tank must be iso-
lated from ground. A conductor links the tank to ground, and the current through this
conductor is fed to a current input of the relay. When a tank leakage occurs, a fault
current (tank leakage current) will flow through the grounding conductor to ground.
This tank leakage current is detected by the single-phase overcurrent protection as an
overcurrent; an instantaneous or delayed trip command is issued in order to discon-
nect all sides of the transformer
A high-sensitivity single-phase cur rent input is normally used for tank leakage protec-
Figure 2-40 Principle of tank-leakage protection
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.5.4 Setting Notes
General Single-phase time overcurrent protection can be set ON or OFF at address 2701 50
The settings are based on the particular application. The setting ranges depend on
whether the curren t measuring input is a sens itive or a no rmal input tran sformer (see
also „Ordering Information“ in Appendix A.1).
In case of a normal input transformer, set the pickup value for 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP in
address 2702, the pickup value for 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP in address 2705. If only one
element is required, set the one not required to .
In case of a sensitive input transformer, set the pickup value for 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP
in address 2703, the pickup value for 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP in address 2706. If only
one element is require d, set the one not required to .
If you need a trip time delay for the 50-2 element, set it in address 2704 50 1Ph-2
DELAY, for the 50-1 element in address 2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY. With setting 0 s no
delay takes place.
The selected time s ar e ad dit ion a l time de la ys an d do not inclu de the opera tin g tim e
(measuring time, etc.) of the elements. The delay can also be set to ; the correspond-
ing element will then not trip after pickup, but the pickup is reported.
S pecia l notes are given in the following for the use as high-impeda nce unit protection
and tank leakage protection.
Use as High-imped-
ance Protection The use as high-impedance protection requires that starpoint current detection is pos-
sible in the system in ad dition to phase current detection (see example in figure 2-39).
Furthermore, a sensitive input transform er must be available at device input IN/INS. In
this case, only the pickup value for single-phase overcurrent protection is set at the
7SJ62/63/64 device for the current at input IN/INS.
The entire functio n of hi gh-impeda nce pr otection is, ho wever, dependent on the inter-
action of current transformer characteristics, external resistor R and voltage across R.
The following section gives information on this topic.
Current Transform-
er Data for High-im-
pedance Protection
All current transformers must have an identical transformation ratio and nearly equal
knee-point voltage. This is usually the case if they are of equal design and identical
rated data. The knee-point voltage can be approximately calculated from the rated
data of a CT as follows:
VKPV Knee-point voltage
RIInternal burden of the CT
PNom Rated power of the CT
INom Secondary nominal current of CT
ALF Rated accuracy limit factor of the CT
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The rated current, rated power and accuracy limit factor are normally stated on the
rating plate of the current transformer, e.g.
Current transformer 800/5; 5P10; 30 VA
The internal burden is often stated in the test report of the current transformer. If not,
it can be de rived from a DC measurement on the secondary winding.
Calculation Example:
CT 800/5; 5P10; 30 VA with Ri = 0.3 Ω
CT 800/1; 5P10; 30 VA with Ri = 5 Ω
Besides the CT data, the resistance of the longest connection lead between the CTs
and the 7SJ62/63/64 device must be known.
Stability with High-
impedance Protec-
The stability condition is based on the following simplified assumption: If there is an
external fault, one of the curr en t tra ns fo rm er s ge ts totally saturated. The other ones
will continue transmitting their (partial) currents. In theory, this is the most unfavorable
case. Since, in practice, it is also the saturated transformer which supplies current, an
automatic safety margin is guaranteed.
Figure 2-41 shows a simplified equivalent ci rcuit. CT1 and CT2 are assumed as ideal
transformers with their inner resistances R i1 and R i2. Ra are the resistances of the
connecting cables between current transformers and resistor R. They are multiplied
by 2 as they have a forward and a re turn lin e. Ra2 is the resist ance of th e longest con-
necting cable.
CT1 transmits current I1. CT2 shall be saturated. Because of saturation the transform-
er represents a low-resist ance shunt which is illustrated by a dashed short-circuit line.
R >> (2Ra2 + Ri2) is a further prerequisite.
Figure 2-41 Simplified equivalent circuit of a circulating current system for high-impedance
That means
INom = 5 A (from 800/5)
ALF = 10 (from 5P10)
PNom = 30 VA
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The voltage across R is then
a2 +R
i2 )
It is assumed that the pickup value of the 7SJ62/63/64 corresponds to half the knee-
point voltage of the current transformers. In the balanced case results
KPV /2
This results in a st ability limit ISL , i.e. the maximum through-fault curre nt below which
the scheme remains stable:
Calculation Example:
For the 5-A CT as above with VKPV =75VandR
longest CT connection lead 22 m (24.06 yd) with 4 mm2 cross-section; this corre-
sponds to Ra=0.1Ω
that is 15 × rated current or 12 kA primary.
For 1-A CT as above with VKPV = 350 V and Ri=5Ω
longest CT connection lead 107 m (117.02 yd) with 2.5 mm2 cross-secti on, results in
that is 27 × rated current or 21.6 kA primary.
Sensitivity with
The voltage p resent at the CT se t is forwar ded to the protective relay across a series
resistor R as proportional current for evaluation. The following considerations are rel-
evant for dimensioning the resistor:
As already mentioned, it is desired that the high -impedance protection sho uld pick up
at half the knee-point voltage of the CT's. The resistor R can calculated on this basis.
Since the device measures the current flowing thro ugh the re sistor, resistor and mea-
suring input of the device must be connected in series. Since, furthermore, the resis-
tance shall be high-resistance (condition: R >> 2Ra2 + Ri2, as above mentioned), the
inherent resistance of the measuring input can be neglected. The resistance is then
calculated from the pickup current Ipu an d th e half k nee -p oin t voltage:
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Calculation Example:
For 5-A CT as above
desired pickup value Ipu = 0.1 A (equivalent to 16 A primary)
For 1-A CT as above
desired pickup value Ipu = 0.05 A (equivalent to 40 A primary)
The required short-term power of the resistor is derived from the knee-point voltage
and the resistance:
As this power only appears during ground faults for a short period of time, the rated
power can be smaller by approx. factor 5.
Please bear in mind that when choosing a higher pickup value Ipu, the resistance must
be decreased and, in doing so, power loss will increase significantly.
The varistor B (see following figure) must be dimensioned such that it remains high-
resistive until reaching knee-point voltage, e.g.
approx. 100 V for 5 A CT,
approx. 500 V for 1 A CT.
Figure 2-42 Connection diagram of the ground fault differential protection according to the
high-impedance principle
Even with an unfavorable external circuit, the maximum voltage peaks should not
exceed 2 kV for safet y rea so ns .
2.5 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
If performance makes it necessary to switch several varistors in parallel, pr eference
should by given to types with a flat characteristic to avoid asymmetrical loading. We
therefore recommend the following types from METRSIL:
600A/S1/S256 (k = 450, β = 0.25)
600A/S1/S1088 (k = 900, β = 0.25)
The pickup value (0.1 A or 0.05 A in the example) is set in addr ess 2706 50 1Ph-1
PICKUP in the device. The 50-2 element is not required (address 2703 50 1Ph-2
The trip command of the element can be delayed in address 2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY.
This delay is normally set to 0.
If a higher number of CT's is connected in parallel, e.g. as busbar protection with
several feeders, the magnetizing currents of the transformers connected in parallel
cannot be neglecte d any more. In this case, the ma gnetizing currents at the half knee-
point voltage (corresponds to the setting value) have to be summed up. These mag-
netizing currents reduce the current through the resistor R. Therefore the actual
pickup value will be correspondingly higher.
Use as Tan k
Leakage Protection The use as tank leakage protection requires that a sensitive input transformer is avail-
able at the device input IN/INS. In this case, only the pickup value for single phase over-
current protection is set at the 7SJ62/63/64 device for the current at input IN/INS.
The tank leakage protection is a sensitive overcurrent protection which detect s the
leakage current between the isolated transformer tank and ground. Its sensitivity is set
in address 2706 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP. The 50-2 element is not required (address 2703
50 1Ph-2 PICKUP = ).
The trip command of the element can be delayed in address 2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY.
It is normally set to 0.
In the following Setting ov erview addresses 2703 and 2706 are valid for a highly sen-
sitive current measuring input independently of the nominal current.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.5.5 Settings
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
2.5.6 Information List
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
2701 50 1Ph OFF
ON OFF 50 1Ph
2702 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.50 A 50 1Ph-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A; 2.50 A
2703 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP 0.003 .. 1.500 A; 0.300 A 50 1Ph-2 Pickup
2704 50 1Ph -2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60 .00 sec; 0.10 sec 50 1Ph-2 Time Delay
2705 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.20 A 50 1Ph-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A; 1.00 A
2706 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP 0.003 .. 1.500 A; 0.100 A 50 1Ph-1 Pickup
2707 50 1Ph -1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60 .00 sec; 0.50 sec 50 1Ph-1 Time Delay
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
5951 >BLK 50 1Ph SP >BLOCK 50 1Ph
5952 >BLK 50 1Ph-1 SP >BLOCK 50 1Ph-1
5953 >BLK 50 1Ph-2 SP >BLOCK 50 1Ph-2
5961 50 1Ph OFF OUT 50 1Ph is OFF
5962 50 1Ph BLOCKED OUT 50 1Ph is BLOCKED
5963 50 1Ph ACTIVE OUT 50 1Ph is ACTIVE
5966 50 1Ph-1 BLK OUT 50 1Ph-1 is BLOCKED
5967 50 1Ph-2 BLK OUT 50 1Ph-2 is BLOCKED
5971 50 1Ph Pickup OUT 50 1Ph picked up
5972 50 1Ph TRIP OUT 50 1Ph TRIP
5974 50 1Ph-1 PU OUT 50 1Ph-1 picked up
5975 50 1Ph-1 TRIP OUT 50 1Ph-1 TRIP
5977 50 1Ph-2 PU OUT 50 1Ph-2 picked up
5979 50 1Ph-2 TRIP OUT 50 1Ph-2 TRIP
5980 50 1Ph I: VI 50 1Ph: I at pick up
2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59
Voltage protection has the function to protect electrical equipment against undervolt-
age and overvoltage. Both operational states are unfavourable as overvoltage may
cause, for example, insulation problems or undervoltage may cause stability prob-
Applications Abnormally high voltages often occur , e.g. in low loaded, long distance transmission
lines, in islanded systems when genera tor vol t age regula tion fails, or af ter full load
shutdown of a generator from the system.
The undervoltage protection function detects voltage collapses on transmission
lines and electrical machines and prevent s fro m inadmissible o perating states and
a possible loss of stability.
2.6.1 Measurement Principle
Connection The voltages supplied to the device may correspond to the three phase-to-ground volt-
ages VAN, VBN, VCN or two phase-to-phase voltages (VAB, VBC) and th e displace men t
voltag e (VN) or, in case of a single-phase connection, any phase-to-ground volt age or
phase-to-phase voltage. Relay 7SJ64 provides the option to detect three phase-
ground volt ages and the ground voltage in addition. With multiple-phase conn ection
the connection mode was specifie d during the configuration in address 213 VT
Connect. 3ph.
If there is only one voltage transformer, the device has to be informed of this fact
during configuration via address 240 VT Connect. 1ph (see also section 2.24).
With three-phase connection, the overvoltage protection requires the phase-to-
phase voltages and, if necessary, calculated from the phase-to-ground voltages. In
case of phase-to-phase connection, two voltages are measured and the third one is
calculated. Depending on the configured parameter setting (address 614 OP.
QUANTITY 59), the evaluation uses either the largest of the phase-to-phase volt ages
Vphph or the negative sequence component V2 of the voltages.
With three-phase connection, undervoltage protection relies either on the positive
sequence compo nent V1 or the smallest of the phase-to -phase voltage s Vphph. This
is configured by setting the parameter value in address 615 OP. QUANTITY 27.
The choice between phase–ground and phase–phase voltage allows voltage asym-
metries (e.g. caused by a ground fault) to be t aken into account (phase –ground) or to
be unconsidered (phase–phase).
With single-phase connection a phase-ground or phase-phase voltage is connected
and evaluated (see also Section 2.24) de pendent on the type of connection.
Current Supervi-
sion The primary voltage transformers are arranged, depending on the system, either on
the supply side or the load side of the associated circuit breaker. These different ar-
rangements lead to different behavior of the voltage protection function when a fault
occurs. When a tripping command is issued and a circuit breaker is opened, full
voltage remains on the supply side while the load side voltage becomes zero. When
voltage supply is absent, undervolt age protection, for inst ance, will remain picked up.
If pickup condition must reset, the current can be used as an additional criterion for
pickup of undervoltage pr otection (cur rent supervision CS). Undervolt ag e picku p can
only be maintained when the undervoltage criterion is satisfied and a settable
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minimum current level (BkrClosed I MIN) is exceeded. Here, the largest of the
three phase currents is used. When the current decreases below the minimum current
setting after the circuit breaker has opened, undervoltage protection will drop out.
Note: If parameter CURRENT SUPERV. is set to disabled in address 5120, the device
picks up when the undervoltage protection is enabled and no measured voltage is
present and the undervoltage protection function is in pickup. Apply measuring voltage
or block the voltage protection to continue with configuration. M oreover, you have the
option of setting a flag via device operation for blocking the voltage protection. This
initiates the reset of the pickup and device configuration can be resumed.
Preparation of Mea-
sured Data Using a Fourier analysis, the fundament al harmonic component of the th ree phase-to-
phase volt ages is filtered out and forwarded fo r further processing. Depending on con-
figuration, either the positive sequence component V1 of the voltages is supplied to
the undervoltage protection elements (multiplied by 3 because the treshold values
are set as phase-to-phase quantities) or the actual phase-to-phase voltage Vphph.
The largest of the three phase–phase voltages iVphph is evaluated accordingly for ov-
ervoltage protection or the negative sequence voltage V2 is calculated, whereas in
that case the thresholds should be set as phase-to-ground voltages.
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2.6.2 Overvoltage Protection 59
Application The overvolt age p rote ction ha s the task of protecting the transmission lin es and e lec-
trical machines against inadmissible overvoltage conditions that may cause insulation
Abnormally high volta ges often occur, e.g. on low loaded, long dist ance transmission
lines, in islanded systems when generator voltage regulation fails, or after full load
shutdown of a generator from the system.
Function With three-phase connection, the fundamental component of the largest of the three
phase-to-phase volt ages is supplied to the overvolta ge protection elements or, option-
ally, the negative sequence volt age.
If only one voltage transformer is connected, the function is provided with the phase-
to-ground or phase-phase fundamental component voltage in accordance with the
connection type.
The overvoltage protection has two elements. In case of a high overvoltage, tripping
switchoff is performed with a short-time delay, whereas in case of less severe over-
voltages, the switchoff is performed with a longer time delay. When one of the adjust-
able settings is exceeded, the 59 ele ment picks up, and trips after an adjustable time
delay elapses. Th e time delay is not dependent on the magnitude of the overvoltage.
The dropout ratio for the two over volt age eleme nts (= Vdropout va lue/Vpickup value) ca n be
The following figure shows the lo gic d iagr am of the o vervoltage protection for phase–
phase voltages.
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Figure 2-43 Logic diagram of the overvoltage protection
2.6.3 Undervoltage Protection 27
Application The undervoltage pro tectio n function dete cts voltage collapses o n transmission lin es
and electrical machines and prevents the persistance of inadmissible operating states
and a possible loss of stability.
Function With three-phase connection, undervoltage protection uses the positive sequence fun-
damental component or, optionally, also the actual phase-to-phase voltages. The
latter case applies th e sma lle st of the ph a se- to -ph ase voltages.
If only one voltage transform e r is con nec t ed, the function is provided with the phase-
to-ground or phase-phase fundamental component voltage in accordance with the
type of connection.
Undervoltage protection consists of two definite time elements (27-1 PICKUP and
27-2 PICKUP). Therefore, tripping can be time-graded depending on how severe
voltage collapses are. Voltage thresholds and time delays can be set individually for
both element s. The voltage limit values are configured as phase- to-phase quantities.
Thus, either the positive sequence system value V1 · 3 or, optionally , the smallest of
the phase-to-phase voltages is evaluated.
The dropout ratio for the two undervoltage elements (= Vdropout value/Vpickup valu e) can be
2.6 Voltage Protection 27, 59
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The undervoltage protection works in an additional frequency range. This ensures that
the protective function is preserved even when it is applied, e.g. as motor protection
in context with decelerating motors. However, the r.m.s. value of the positive-s e-
quence voltage component is considered too small when severe frequency deviations
exist. This function therefore exhibits an overfunction. If applications are anticip ated in
which the frequency range of fNom ± 10%, will be exceeded, the current criterion will
not return a co rrect result and must be switched off.
Figure 2-44 shows a typical voltage profile during a fault for source side conne ction of
the voltag e transformers. Because full voltage is pr esent after the circuit breaker is
opened the current supervision CS described above is not necessary in this case.
After the voltage drops below the pickup setting, tripping is initiated after time delay
27-1 DELAY. As long as the voltage remains be low the drop ou t setting, reclosing is
blocked. Only af ter the fault has been cleared , i.e. when the volt age incr eases above
the drop out level, the element drops out and allows reclosing of the circuit breaker.
Figure 2-44 Typical fault profile for source side connection of the voltage transformer (with-
out current supervision)
Figure 2-45 shows a fault profile for a load side connection of the voltage transformers.
When the circuit br eaker is open, the voltage disappears (the voltage remains below
the pickup setting), and current supervision is used to ensure that pickup drops out
after the circuit brea ke r ha s op en e d (BkrClosed I MIN).
After the voltage drops below the pickup setting, tripping is initiated after time delay
27-1 DELAY. When the circuit breaker opens voltage decreases to zero and under-
voltag e pickup is maintained. The current value also decre ases to zero so that current
supervision is reset a s soon as the release threshold (BkrClosed I MIN) is exceed-
ed. Thanks to the AND-combination of voltage and current criteria pickup of the pro-
tective function is also reset. As a consequence, energization is admitted a new when
the minimum command time elapsed.
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Figure 2-45 Typical fault profile for load side connection of the voltage transformers (with
current supervision)
Following closing of the circuit breaker, current supervision BkrClosed I MIN is
delayed for a shor t period of time. If volta ge criter ion drop s out duri ng this time p eriod
(about 60 ms), the protection function will not pick up. Thereby no fault record is gen-
erated when closing the CB in a healthy system. It is important to underst and, howev-
er, that if a low voltage condition exists on the load after the circuit breaker is closed
(unlike Figure 2-45), the desired pic kup of the element will be delayed by 60 ms.
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The following figure shows the logic diagram for the undervolta ge pr otection function.
Figure 2-46 Logic diagram of the undervoltage protection
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2.6.4 Set ting Notes
General Voltage protection is o nly in effect and accessible if address 150 27/59 is set to
Enabled during configuration of protective functions. If the fuction is not required,
Disabled is set.
The setting valu es refer to phase -phase voltages with three-phase volt a ge tran sform-
er connection and also with connection of only one phase-phase voltage if the evalu-
ation quantity for overvoltage protection was configured to phase-phase voltage at
address 614 OP. QUANTITY 59. They must be set as phase-to-ground voltages if
this parameter is configured to negative-sequence voltage V2.
In case of a single-phase connection of a phase-to-ground voltage, the threshold
values must be set as phase-to-ground voltages. The setting ranges depend on the
type of voltage transformer connection utilized (specified at address 213 VT
Connect. 3ph, three phase-to-ground voltages or two phase-to-phase voltages).
For voltage transformers connected in a ground-wye configuration, higher setting
values may be used because the voltage inputs are subjected only to phase-to-ground
voltage levels.
Overvoltage protection can be turned ON or OFF, or set to Alarm Only at address
5001 FCT 59.
Undervoltage protection can be turned ON, OFF, or Alarm Only at address 5101 FCT
With the protection functions activated (ON), tripping, the opening of a fault and fault
recording are initiated when the thresholds are exceeded and the set time delays have
With setting Alarm Only no trip command is given, no fault is recorded and no spon-
taneous fault annunciation is shown on the display.
Overvoltage Pro-
tection with Phase
The largest of the voltages applied is evaluated for the phase-to-phase or phase-to-
ground over vo ltage protec tio n. With thr ee -ph as e con n ec tion as well as with sing le -
phase connection of a phase-to-phase voltage the threshold is set as a phase-to-
phase quantity . With single phase-to-ground connection the threshold is set as phase–
to–ground voltage.
Overvoltage protection includes two elements. The pickup value of the lower threshold
is set at address 5002 or 5003, 59-1 PICKUP (depending on if the phase-to -ground
or the phase-to-phase voltages ar e connected), while time delay is set at address
5004, 59-1 DELAY (a longer time delay ). The pickup value of the upper element is
set at address 5005 or 5006, 59-2 PICKUP, while the time delay is set at address
5007,59-2 DELAY (a short time delay). There ar e no clear cut procedures o n how to
set the pickup values. However , since the overvoltage function is primarily intended to
prevent insulation damage on equipment and users, the setting value 5002 or 5003
59-1 PICKUP should be set between 1 10% and 1 15% of nominal voltage, and setting
value 5005 or 5006 59-2 PICKUP should be set to about 130% of nominal volt age.
Addresses 5002 and 5005 can be accessed if phase-to-ground voltages are connect-
ed to 7SJ62/63/64, whereas addresses 5003 and 5006 can be accessed if phase-to-
phase voltages are connected. The time delays of the overvoltage elements are
entered at addresse s 5004 59-1 DELAY and 5007 59-2 DELAY and should be se-
lected to allow the brief volt age spikes that are generated during switching operations
and to enable clearance of stationary overvoltages in time.
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Overvoltage Pro-
tection - Negative
Sequence System
The three-phase voltage transformer connection for the overvoltage protection can be
configured by mean s of par ameter 614 OP. QUANTITY 59. Either the la rgest o f the
phase-to-phase voltages (Vphph) or the negative system voltage (V2) ar e eval ua te d
as measured quantities. The negative system detects negative sequence reactance
and can be used for the stabilization of the time overcurrent protection. With backup
protection of transformers or generators, the fault curr ents lie, in some cases, only
slightly over the load currents. To obtain a pickup threshold of the definite time over-
current protection which should be as sensitive as possible, it is necessary to stabilize
the definite time overcurrent protection by the voltage protection.
Overvoltage protection includes two elements. Thus, with configuration of the negative
system, a longer time delay (address 5004, 59-1 DELAY) may be assigned to the
lower element (addr ess 5015, 59-1 PICKUP V2) and a shorter time delay (addre ss
5007, 59-2 DELAY) may be assigned to the upper element (address 5016, 59-2
PICKUP V2). There are no clear cut proced ures on how to set the picku p values 59-
1 PICKUP V2 or 59-2 PICKUP V2, as they depend on the respective station con-
figuration. Since the negative sequence voltage V2 corresponds to a phase-ground
voltage, their threshold value must be set as such.
The parameter 5002 59-1 PICKUP and 5005 59-2 PICKUP or 5003 59-1 PICKUP
and 5006 59-2 PICKUP are deleted during configuration of the negative sequence
voltage and the setting values are activated under the addresses 5015 59-1 PICKUP
V2 or 5016 59-2 PICKUP V2. Be aware that the parameter de vice 614 OP.
QUANTITY 59 is ignored with single-pole volt age transfor mer connection a nd the ac-
tivation of the threshold value for the phase-to-phase voltages takes place. The time
delays of the overvolt age elements are enter ed at addresses 5004 59-1 DELAY and
5007 59-2 DELAY and should be selected to allow the brief voltage spikes that are
generated during switching operatio ns and to enable clearance of stationary over volt-
ages in time.
Dropout Threshold
of the Overvoltage
The dropout thresholds of the 59-1 element and the 59-2 element can be set via the
dropout ratio r = Vdropout/Vpickup (5117 59–1 DOUT RATIO or 5118 59–2 DOUT
RATIO). In this, the following marginal condition always holds for r:
r · (configured pickup thr eshold ) 150 V with connection of pha se-to-phase volta ges
r · (configured pickup threshold ) 260 V with connection of phase-to-ground voltages.
The minimum hysteresis is 0.6 V.
Undervoltage Pro-
tection - Positive
Sequence System
The positive se qu en ce com p on en t (V1) is evaluated for the undervoltage protection.
Especially in case of stability problems, their acquisition is advantageous because the
positive sequence system is relevant for the limit of the stable energy transmission.
Concerning the pickup values, there are not clear cut pr ocedures on how to set them.
However , because the undervoltage protection function is primarily intended to protect
induction machines from voltage dips and to prevent stability problems, the pickup
values will usually be between 60% and 85% of the nominal voltage. Please note that
with frequency deviations of > 5 Hz of the calculated r . m. s value of the voltage will be
too small and the device will perform unwanted operations.
With a three-phase connection and a single-phase connection of a phase-to-phase
voltage the thresholds are set as phase-phase quantities. Since the positive sequence
component of the voltages corresponds to a phase-ground voltage, their threshold
value has to be multiplied with 3. With a single-phase phase-to-ground connection
the threshold is set as phase-ground voltage.
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The time delay settings should be set that tripping results when voltage dips occur,
which could lead to unstable operating conditions. On the other hand, the time delay
should be long enough to avoid tripping due to momentary voltage dips.
Undervolt age protection includ es two de fin ite time elem ents. The pickup value of the
lower threshold is set at address 5110 or 5111, 27-2 PICKUP (depending on the
voltage tra nsformer connection, phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase), while time
delay is set at address 5112, 27-2 DELAY (short time delay). The pickup value of the
upper element is set at address 5102 or 5103, 27-1 PICKUP, while the time delay
is set at address 5106, 27-1 DELAY (a somewhat longer time delay). Setting these
elements in this matter allows the undervoltage protection function to closely follow the
stability behaviour of the system.
Undervoltage Pro-
tection with Phase
The smallest of the phase-to-phase voltages Vphph can also be configured as mea-
sured quantity for the un dervoltage prote ction with three-phase connection by means
of parameter 615 OP. QUANTITY 27 instead of the positive sequence component
(V1). The threshold values have to be set as phase-phase quantities.
The time delay settings should be set that tripping results when voltag e dips occur
which could lead to unstable operating conditions. On the other hand, the time delay
should be long enough to permissable short voltage dips.
Undervolt age protection includ es two de fin ite time elem ents. The pickup value of the
lower threshold is set at address 5110 or 5111, 27-2 PICKUP (depending on the
voltage tra nsformer connection, phase-to-ground or phase-to-phase), while time
delay is set at address 5112, 27-2 DELAY (short time delay). The pickup value of the
upper element is set at address 5102 or 5103, 27-1 PICKUP, while the time delay
is set at address 5106, 27-1 DELAY (a somewhat longer time delay). Setting these
elements in this matter allows the undervoltage protection function to closely follow the
stability behaviour of the system.
Dropout Threshold
of the Undervoltage
The dropout thre sholds of the 27-1 element and the 27-2 element can be set via th e
dropout ratio r = Vdropout/Vpickup (5113 27–1 DOUT RATIO or 5114 27–2 DOUT
RATIO). In this, the following marginal condition always holds for r:
r · (configured pickup threshold ) 120 V with connection of p hase-to-phase vo ltages
r · (configured pickup threshold ) 210 V with connection of phase-to-ground voltages.
The minimum hysteresis is 0.6 V.
If a setting is selected such that the dropout threshold (= pickup threshold · dropout
ratio) results in a greater value than 120 V / 210 V, it will be limited automatically. No
error message occurs.
Current Criterion
for Undervoltage
The 27-2 and 27- 1 elements can be supervised by th e current flow monitoring setting.
If the CURRENT SUPERV. is switched ON at address 5120 (factory setting), the
release condition of the current criter ion must be fulfilled in addition to the corr espond-
ing undervoltage condition, which means that a configured min imum current
(BkrClosed I MIN, address 212) must be present to make sure that this protecti ve
function can pick up. Therefore, it is possible to achieve that pickup of undervoltage
protection drops out when the line is disconnected from voltage supp ly. Furthermore,
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this feature pr events an immediate ge ne r al pickup of the device when the device is
powered-up without measurement voltage being present.
If parameter CURRENT SUPERV. is set to disabled in address 5120, the device picks
up without meas u rem en t v oltage and th e un de rv oltage pr ot ect ion fun ctio n in pick u p.
Further configuration can be performed by pickup of measurement voltage or blocking
voltage protection. The latter can be initiated via device operation in DIGSI and via
communication from the control centre by means of a tagging command for blocking
voltage protection. This causes the dropout of the pickup and parameterization can be
Please note that pickup threshold BkrClosed I MIN is used in other protective func-
tions as well, including breaker failure protection, overload protectio n, and start inhibit
for motors.
2.6.5 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
5001 FCT 59 OFF
Alarm Only
OFF 59 Overvoltage Protection
5002 5 9-1 PICKUP 40 .. 260 V 110 V 59-1 Pickup
5003 5 9-1 PICKUP 40 .. 150 V 110 V 59-1 Pickup
5004 5 9-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 0.50 sec 59-1 Time Delay
5005 5 9-2 PICKUP 40 .. 260 V 120 V 59-2 Pickup
5006 5 9-2 PICKUP 40 .. 150 V 120 V 59-2 Pickup
5007 5 9-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 0.50 sec 59-2 Time Delay
5015 5 9-1 PICKUP V2 2 .. 150 V 30 V 59-1 Pickup V2
5016 5 9-2 PICKUP V2 2 .. 150 V 50 V 59-2 Pickup V2
5017A 59-1 DOUT RATIO 0.90 .. 0.99 0.95 59-1 Dropout Ratio
5018A 59-2 DOUT RATIO 0.90 .. 0.99 0.95 59-2 Dropout Ratio
5101 FCT 27 OFF
Alarm Only
OFF 27 Undervoltage Protection
5102 2 7-1 PICKUP 10 .. 210 V 75 V 27-1 Pickup
5103 2 7-1 PICKUP 10 .. 120 V 75 V 27-1 Pickup
5106 2 7-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 1.50 sec 27-1 Time Delay
5110 27-2 PICKUP 10 .. 210 V 70 V 27-2 Pickup
5111 2 7-2 PICKUP 10 .. 120 V 70 V 27-2 Pickup
5112 27-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 0.50 sec 27-2 Time Delay
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2.6.6 Information List
5113A 27-1 DOUT RATIO 1.01 .. 3.00 1.20 27-1 Dropout Ratio
5114A 27-2 DOUT RATIO 1.01 .. 3.00 1.20 27-2 Dropout Ratio
ON ON Current Supervision
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
234.2100 27 , 59 bl k IntSP 27, 59 bl o cked via operation
6503 >BLOCK 27 SP >BLOCK 27 undervoltage protection
6505 >27 I SUPRVSN SP >27-Switch current supervision ON
6506 >BLOCK 27-1 SP >BLOCK 27-1 Undervoltage protection
6508 >BLOCK 27-2 SP >BLOCK 27-2 Undervoltage protection
6513 >BLOCK 59-1 SP >BLOCK 59-1 overvoltage protection
6530 27 OFF OUT 27 Undervoltage protection switched OF F
6531 27 BLOCKED OUT 27 Unde rvoltage protection is BLOCKED
6532 27 ACTIVE OUT 27 Undervo ltage protection is ACTIVE
6533 27-1 picked up OUT 27-1 Undervoltage picked up
6534 27-1 PU CS OUT 27-1 Undervoltage PICKUP w/curr. superv
6537 27-2 picked up OUT 27-2 Undervoltage picked up
6538 27-2 PU CS OUT 27-2 Undervoltage PICKUP w/curr. superv
6539 27-1 TRIP OUT 27-1 Undervoltage TRIP
6540 27-2 TRIP OUT 27-2 Undervoltage TRIP
6565 59 OFF OUT 59-Overvoltage protection switched OFF
6566 59 BLOCKED OUT 59-Overvoltage protection is BLOCKED
6567 59 ACTIVE OUT 59-Overvoltage protection is ACTIVE
6568 59-1 picked up OUT 59 picked up
6570 59-1 TRIP OUT 59 TRIP
6571 59-2 picked up OUT 59-2 Overvoltage V>> picked up
6573 59-2 TRIP OUT 59-2 Overvoltage V>> TRIP
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46
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2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46
Negative sequence protection detects unbalanced loads on the system.
Applications The application of negative sequence protection to motors has a special signifi-
cance. Unbalanced loads create counter-rotating fields in three-phase induction
motors, which act on the rotor at double frequency. Eddy currents are induced on
the rotor surface, which causes local overheating in rotor end zones and the slot
wedges. This especially goes for motors which are tripped via vacuum contactors
with fuses connected in serie s. With sin gle phasin g du e to op erati on o f a fuse, the
motor only generates small and pulsing torques such that it soon is thermally
strained assuming that the torque requ ired by the machine remain s unchanged. In
addition, the unbalanced supply voltage introduces the risk of thermal overload.
Due to the small negative sequence reactance even small voltage asymmetries
lead to large negative sequence currents.
In addition, this protection function may be u sed to dete ct interrup tions, fa ult s, an d
polarity problems with current transformers.
It is also useful in detecting 1 pole and 2 pole faults with fault current lower than the
maximum load current.
Prerequisites In order to pre vent pickup chattering , the negative sequence protection becomes only
active when one ph ase current becomes larger than 0.1 x INom and all p hase current s
are smaller than 4 x INom.
2.7.1 Definite Time element 46-1, 46-2
The definite time characteristic consists of two elements. As soon as the fir st settable
threshold 46-1 PICKUP is reached, a pickup message is output and time element
46-1 DELAY is started. When the second element 46-2 PICKUP is started, an other
message is output and time element 46-2 DELAY is initiated. Once either time delay
elapses, a trip signal is initiated.
Figure 2-47 Definite time characteristic for negative sequence prote ction
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Settable Dropout
Times Pickup stabilization for the definite-time tripping characteristic 46-1, 46-2 can be ac-
complished by means of settable dropout times. This facility is used in power systems
with intermittent faults. Used together with electromechanical relays, it allows different
dropout pr ofiles to be adapte d and time gr ading of digit al and electromechanical com-
2.7.2 Inverse Time element 46-TOC
The inverse time element is dependent on the ordered device version. It operates with
IEC or ANSI characteristic tripping curves. The characteristics and associated formu-
las are given in the Technical Data. When programming the inverse time characteristic
46-TOC, also definite time elements 46-2 PICKUP and 46-1 PICKUP are available
(see previous section).
Pickup and Trip-
ping The negative sequence current I2 is compared with setting value 46-TOC PICKUP.
When negative sequence current exceeds 1.1 times the setting value, a pickup annun-
ciation is generated. The tripping time is calculated from the negative sequence
current according to the characteristic selected. After expiration of the time period a
tripping command is output. The characteristic curve is illustrated in the following
Figure 2-48 Inverse time characteristic for negative sequence protection
Drop Out for IEC
Curves The element drops out when the negative sequence current decreases to approx.
95% of the pickup setting. The time delay resets immediately in anticipation of another
Drop Out for ANSI
Curves When using an ANSI curve, select if dropout after pickup is instantaneous or with disk
emulation. "Instantaneous" means that pickup drops out when the pickup value of
approx. 95 % is undershot. For a new pickup the time delay starts at zero.
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46
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The disk emula tio n evo ke s a dr op ou t pr oc es s (tim er cou nt er is decr em e nted ) which
begins after de-energization. This process correspo nd s to the re set rotation of a Fer-
raris-disk (explaining its denomination "disk emulation"). In case several faults occur
successively the "history" is taken into consideration due to the inertia of the Ferraris-
disk and the timing response is correspondingly adapted. This ensures a proper sim-
ulation of the tem p er at ur e rise of the protected object even for extremely fluctuating
unbalanced load values. Reset begins as soon as 90 % of the setting value is under-
shot, in correspondence with the dropout curve of the selected characteristic. In the
range between the dropout value (95 % of the pickup value) and 90 % of the setting
value, the incrementing and the decrementing processes are in idle state.
Disk emulation offers advantages when the behaviour of the negative sequence pro-
tection must be coordi nated with other relays in the system based on electromagnetic
measuring principles.
Logic The following figure shows the logic diagram for the negative sequence protection
function. The protection may be blocked via a binary input. This resets pickup and time
stages an d clears measured values.
When the negative se quence protection operatin g range is left (i.e. all phase currents
below 0.1 x INom or at least one phase current is greater than 4 x INom), all pickups
issued by the negative sequen ce protection function are reset.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-49 Logic diagram of the unbalanced load protecti on
Pickup of the definite time elements can be stabilized by setting the dropout time 4012
46 T DROP-OUT. This time is started if th e current falls below the threshold and main-
tains the pickup condition. The function thus does not drop out instantaneously. The
trip delay time continues in the meantime. After the dropout delay time has elapsed,
the pickup is reported OFF and the trip delay time is reset unless the threshold has
been violated again. If the threshold is violated again while the dropout delay time is
still running, it will be cancelled. The trip delay time continues however . If the threshold
is still exceeded after the time has elapsed, a trip will be initiated immediately. If the
threshold violation then no longer exists, there will be no response. If the threshold is
violated again after the trip command delay time has elapsed and while the dropout
delay time is still running, a trip will be initiated at once.
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The settable dr opout times do not affect the trip times of the inverse time elements
since they depend dynamically on the measured current value. Disk emulation is
applied here to coordina te the dropout behavior with the electromech anical relays.
2.7.3 Setting Notes
General Nega tive sequence protection 46 is configured at address 140, (see Section
If only the defin ite time elements a re desired, address 46 should be set to Definite
Time. Selecting 46 = TOC IEC or = TOC ANSI in address 140 will additionally make
all the parameters relevant for inverse characteristics available. If the function is not
required Disabled is set.
The function can be turned ON or OFF in address 4001 FCT 46.
The default pickup settings and delay settings are generally sufficient for most appli-
cations. If data is available from the manufacturer regarding the permissable conti-
nous load imbalance and the permissable level of load imbalance per unit of time, then
this dat a should preferably be used. It is import ant to relate the manufacturer's dat a to
the primary values of the machine, for example, the maximum permissible continuous
inverse current relate d to the nominal machine curren t. For the settings on the pr otec-
tive relay , this information is converted to the secondary inverse current. The following
I2 perm pri m Permissible Thermal Inverse Current of the Motor
INom Motor Nominal Motor Current
ICT sec Secondary Nominal Current of the Current Transform-
ICT prim Primary Nominal Current of the Current Transformer
Definite Time Ele-
ments The unbalanced load protection function is composed of two elements. Therefore, the
upper element ( addr ess 4004 46-2 PICKUP) can be set to a short time delay 4005
46-2 DELAY) and the lower element (addre ss 4002 46-1 PICKUP) can be set to a
somewhat longer time delay (address 4003 46-1 DELAY). This allows the lower
element to act e.g. as an alarm while the upper element will cut the inverse
characteristic as soon as high inverse curr ents are present. If 46-2 PICKUP is set to
about 60 %, tripping is always performe d with the thermal characte ristic. On the other
hand, with more than 60% of unbalanced load, a two-phase fault can be assumed. The
delay time 46-2 DELAY must be coordin at ed with the sys tem gr ad in g of ph a se- to -
phase fault s. If power suppl y with cu rrent I is provid ed via just two phases, the follow-
ing applies to the inverse current:
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Motor with the following data:
When protecting feeder or cable systems, unbalanced load protection may serve to
identify low magnitude unsymmetrical fault s below the pickup values of the directional
and non-directiona l overcurrent elements.
Here, the following must be observed:
A phase-to-ground fault with current I corresponds to the following negative sequence
On the other hand, with more than 60% of unbalanced load, a phase-to-phase fault
can be assumed. The delay time 46-2 DELAY must be coordinated with the syste m
grading of pha se -to - phase faults.
For a power transformer, unbalanced load protection may be used as sensitive pro-
tection for low magnitude phase-to-ground and phase-to-phase faults. In particular,
this application is well suited for delta-wye transformers where low side phase-to-
ground faults do not generate high side zero sequence currents (e.g. vector group Dy).
Since transformers transform symmetrical currents according to the transformation
ratio "CTR", the relationship between negative sequence currents and total fault
current for phase-to-phase faults and phase-to-ground faults are valid for the trans-
former as long as the turns ratio "CTR" is taken into consideration.
Consider a transformer with the following data:
Nominal current INom Motor = 545 A
Continuously permissible neg-
ative sequence current I2 dd prim /INom Motor = 0.11 continuous
Briefly permissible neg ative
sequence current I2 long-term prim /INom Motor= 0.55 for T max = 1 s
Current Transformer CT = 600 A / 1 A
Setting value I2> = 0.11 · 545 A · (1/600 A) = 0.10 A
Setting value I2> = 0.55 · 545 A · (1/600 A) = 0.50 A
Base Transformer Rating SNomT = 16 MVA
Primary Nominal Voltage VNom = 110 kV
(TRV = 110/20)
Secondary Nominal Voltage VNom = 20 kV
Vector Groups Dy5
High Side CT 100 A / 1 A (CTI = 100)
2.7 Negative Sequence Protection 46
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following fault currents may be detected at the low side:
If 46-1 PICKUP on the high side of the device is set to = 0.1 A, then a fault current of
I = 3 · TRV · TRI · 46-1 PICKUP = 3 · 110/20 · 100 · 0.1 A = 165 A for single-phase
faults and 3 · TRV · TRI ·46-1 PICKUP = 95 A can be detected for two-phase fault s
at the low side. This corresponds to 36 % and 20 % of the transformer nominal current
respectively. It is important to note that load current is not taken into account in this
simplified ex am p le.
As it cannot be recognized reliably on which side the thus detected fault is located, the
delay time 46-1 DELAY must be coordinated with other downstream relays in the
Pickup Stabilization
(Definite Time) Pickup of the definite time elements can be stabilized by means of a configurable
dropout time. This dropout time is set in 4012 46 T DROP-OUT.
IEC Curves (Inverse
Time Tripping
The thermal behavior of a machine can be closely replicated due to negative se-
quence by means of an invers e time tripping curve. In address 4006 46 IEC CURVE,
select out of three IEC curves provided by the device the curve which is most similar
to the thermal unbalanced load curve provided by the manufacturer. The tripping
curves of the protective relay, and the formulas on which they are based, are given in
the Technical Data.
It must be noted that a safety factor of about 1.1 has already been included between
the pickup value and the setting value when an inverse time characteristic is selected.
This means that a pickup will only occur if an unbalanced load of about 1.1 times the
setting value 46-TOC PICKUP is present (address 4008). The dropout is performed
as soon as the value falls below 95% of the pickup value.
The associated time multiplie r is en te re d at add re ss 4010, 46-TOC TIMEDIAL.
The time multiplier can also be set to . After pickup the element will then not trip.
Pickup, however, will be signaled. If the inverse time element is not required at all,
address 140 46 should be set to Definite Time during the configuration of pr otec-
tive functions (Section
ANSI Curves (In-
verse Time Tripping
Behavior of a machine due to negati ve sequence curren t can be closely replicated by
means of an inverse time tripping curve. In address 4007 the 46 ANSI CURVE, select
out of four ANSI curves provided by the device the curve which is most similar to the
thermal unbalanced load curve provided by the manufacturer. The tripping curves of
the protective relay, and the formulas on which they are based, are given in th e Tech-
nical Data.
It must be noted that a safety factor of about 1.1 has already been included between
the pickup value and the setting value when an inverse time characteristic is selected.
This means that a pickup will only occur if an unbalanced load of about 1.1 times the
setting value is present. If Disk Emulation was selected at address 4011 46-TOC
RESET, reset will occur in accordance with the reset curve as described in the Func-
tional Descript ion .
The unbalanced load value is set at address 4008 46-TOC PICKUP. The correspond-
ing time multiplier is accessible via address 4009 46-TOC TIMEDIAL.
The time multiplier can also be set to . After pickup the element will then not trip.
Pickup, however, will be signaled. If the inverse time element is not required at all,
address 140 46 should be set to Definite Time during the configuration of pr otec-
tive functions (Section
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.7.4 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can on ly be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
2.7.5 Information List
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
4001 FCT 46 OFF
ON OFF 46 Negative Sequence
4002 46-1 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 3.00 A 0.10 A 46-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 15.00 A 0.50 A
4003 46-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 60 .00 sec; 1.50 sec 46-1 Time Delay
4004 46-2 PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 3.00 A 0.50 A 46-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 15.00 A 2.50 A
4005 46-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 60 .00 sec; 1.50 sec 46-2 Time Delay
4006 46 IEC CURVE Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Extremely Inv. IEC Curve
4007 46 ANSI CURVE Extremely Inv.
Moderately Inv.
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv. ANSI Curve
4008 46-TOC PICKUP 1A 0.10 .. 2.00 A 0.90 A 46-TOC Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 10.00 A 4.50 A
4009 46-TOC TIMEDIAL 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 46-TOC Time Dial
4010 46-TOC TIMEDIAL 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 46-TOC Time Dial
4011 46-TOC RESET Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Instantaneous 46-TOC Drop Out
4012A 46 T DROP-OUT 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 46 Drop-Out Time Delay
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
5143 >BLOCK 46 SP >BLOCK 46
5151 46 OFF OUT 46 switched OFF
5153 46 ACTIVE OUT 46 is ACTIVE
5159 46-2 picked up OUT 46-2 picked up
5165 46-1 picked up OUT 46-1 picked up
5166 46-TOC pickedup OUT 46-TOC picked up
5170 46 TRIP OUT 46 TRIP
5171 46 Dsk pickedup OUT 46 Disk emulation picked up
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart
Inhibit 66)
For protection of motors the devices 7SJ62/63/64 are provided with a motor star ting
time monitoring feature and a re start inhib it. The first feature me ntioned supp lement s
the overload protection (see Section 2.10) by p rotecting the motor from frequen t start-
ing or extended starting durations. The restart inhibit described prevents from a restart
of the motor , when starting might exceed the permissible time the rotor can suffer heat-
2.8.1 Motor Starting Protection 48
By application of de vices 7SJ62/63/64 to motors, the motor starting time monitoring
protects the motor from too long starting attempts and supplements the overload pro-
tection (see Section 2.10) Description
General In particular, rotor-critical high-voltage motors can quickly be heated above their
thermal limits when multiple st arting attempts occur in a short period of time. If the du-
rations of these starting attempts are lengthened e.g. by excessive voltage dips during
motor starting, by excessive load torques, or by blocked rotor conditions, a tripping
signal will be initiated by the device.
Motor starting is detected when a settable current threshold I MOTOR START is ex-
ceeded. Calculation of the tripping time is then initiated.
The protection function consists of one definite time and one inverse time tripping el-
Inverse Time Over-
current Element The inverse time overcurrent element is designed to operate only when the rotor is not
blocked. With decreased st arting current resulting from voltage d ips when starting the
motor, prolonged starting times are evaluated correctly and tripping with appropriate
time delay. The tripping time is calculated based on the following equation:
tTRIP – Actual tripping time for flowing current I
tSTARTUPmax – Tripping time for nominal st art-up current IA (address
I– Current actually flowing (measurement value)
ISTARTUP – Nominal starting current of the motor (address 4102,
IMOTOR START – Pickup value for recognition of motor starting (ad-
dress 1107I MOTOR START),
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-50 Inverse time tripping curve for motor starting current
Therefore, if the st artup current I actually measured is smaller (or larger) than the
nominal startup current ISTARTUP (p arame ter STARTUP CURRENT) entere d at address
4102, the actual tripping time tTrip is lengthened (or shortened) accordingly (see Figure
Definite Time Over-
current Tripping
(Locked Rotor
T ripping must be execu ted when the actual motor st arting time exceeds the ma ximum
allowable locked rotor time if the rotor is locked. The device can be informed about the
locked rotor condition via the binary input („>Rotor locked“), e.g. from an external
rpm-monitor. The motor startup condition is assumed when the current in any phase
exceeds the current threshold I MOTOR START. At this instant, the timer LOCK
ROTOR TIME is st arted. It should be noted that th is timer star ts every time the motor
is started. This is therefore a normal opera ting condition that is neither indicated in the
fault log nor causes the cre ation of a fault record. Only when the locked rotor time has
elapsed, is the trip command issued.
The locked rotor delay time (LOCK ROTOR TIME) is linked with the binary input
„>Rotor locked“ over an AND gate. If the binary input is picked up after the set
locked rotor time has expired, immediate tripping will take place regardless of whether
the locked rotor condition occurred before, during or after the timeout.
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Logic Motor st arting pro tection may be switche d on or of f. In a ddition, motor st ar ting protec-
tion may be blocked via a binary input which will reset timers and pickup annuncia-
tions. The following figure illustrates the logic of motor starting protection. A pickup
does not create messages in the trip log buffer. Fault recording is not st arted until a
trip command has bee n issued. When the function drop s out, all timers are reset. The
annunciations disappear and a trip log is terminated should it have been created.
Figure 2-51 Logic diagram of the Motor Starting Time Supervision
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
General Motor starting protection is only effective and accessible if address 141 48 = Enabled
is set. If the function is not required Disabled is set. The function can be turned ON
or OFF under address 4101 48.
Startup Parameter The device is informed of the startup current values under normal conditions at
address 4102 STARTUP CURRENT, the startup time at address 4103 STARTUP
TIME. At all times this enables timely tripping if the value I2t calculated in the protection
device is exceeded.
If the startup time is longer than the per missible blocked rotor time, an external rpm-
counter can initiate the definite-time tripping element via binary input („>Rotor
locked“). A locked rotor leads to a loss of ventilation and therefore to a reduced
thermal load capacity of the mach ine. For this reason the moto r st ar ting time mon itor
must issue a tripping command before reaching the thermal tripping characteristic
valid for normal operation.
A current above the threshold I MOTOR START (address 1107) is interpreted as a
motor st artup. Consequently, this value must be selected such that under all lo ad and
voltage conditions during motor startup the actual startup current safely exceeds the
setting, but stays below the setting in case of permissible, momentary overload.
Example: Motor with the following data:
The setting for address STARTUP CURRENT (ISTARTUP) as a secondary value is calcu-
lated as follows:
For reduced voltage, the startup current is also reduced almost linearly. At 80 %
nominal voltage, the startup current in this example is reduced to 0.8 · ISTARTUP = 2.5.
The setting for detection of a motor startup must lie above the maximum load current
and below the minimum start-up current. If no other influencing factors are present
(peak loads), the value for motor star tu p I MOTOR START set at address 1107 may
be an average value:
Rated Voltage VNom = 6600 V
Nominal Current INom = 126 A
Startup Current (primary) ISTARTUP = 624 A
Long-Term Current Rating Imax = 135 A
Startup Duration TSTARTUP = 8.5 s
Current Transformers INom CTprim/INom CTsec = 200 A /
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Based on the Long-Term Current Rating:
For ratios deviating from nominal conditions, the motor tripping time changes:
At 80% of nominal voltage (which corresponds to 80% of nominal starting current), the
tripping time is:
After the de lay time 4104 LOCK ROTOR TIME has elapsed, the locked rotor binary
input becomes effective and initiates a tripping signal. If the locked rotor time is set just
long enough that during normal startup the binary input „>Rotor locked“ (FNo.
6805) is reliably r eset during the delay time LOCK ROTOR TIME, faster tripping will be
available during motor starting under locked rotor conditions.
Overload protection characteristic curves are also effective during motor starting con-
ditions. However, thermal profile during motor starting is constant. The setting at
address I MOTOR START (1107) limits the operating range of the overload protection
with regard to larger currents.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.8.2 Motor Restart Inhibit 66
The restart inhibit prevents restarting of the motor when this restart may cause the per-
missible therma l limits of the rotor to be exce e de d. Description
General The rotor temperature of a motor generally remains well below its maximum admissi-
ble temperature during normal operation and also under increased load con ditions.
However, high startup currents required during motor startup increase the risk of the
rotor being thermally damaged rather the stator, due to the short thermal constant of
the rotor. To avoid that multiple starting attempts provoke tripping, a restart of the
motor must be inhibited, if it is apparent that the thermal limit of the rotor will be ex-
ceeded during this startup attempt. Therefore, the 7SJ62/63/64 relays feature the
motor start inhibi t which outputs a blocking command until a new motor st artup is per-
mitted for the deactivated motor (restarting limit). The blocking signal must be config-
ured to a binary output relay of the device whose cont act is inserted in the motor start-
ing circuit.
Determining the
Since the rotor current cannot be measured directly, the stator current must be used
to generate a thermal profile of the rotor. The r.m.s. values of the currents are utilized
for this. The rotor overtemperature ΘR is calculated using the largest of these three
currents. Therefore, it is assumed that the thermal limit values for the rotor winding are
based on the manufacturer's da ta regarding the nominal starting current, maximum
permissible starting time, and the number of starts permitted from cold (ncold) and
warm (nwarm) conditions. From this data, the device performs the necessary calcula-
tions to establish the thermal profile of rotor and issues a blocking signal until the
thermal profile of rotor decreases below the restarting limit at which point starting is
permitted anew.
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-52 Temperature curve at the rotor and the thermal profile during repeated start-up attempts
Although the heat distrib ution on the ro tor bars may sever ely dif f er dur ing motor st art-
ing, the different maximum temperatures in the rotor are not pertinant for motor restart
inhibit (see Figure 2-52). It is much more import ant to establish a thermal profile, af ter
a complete motor start, that is appropriate for the protection of the motor's thermal
condition. Figure 2-5 2 shows, as an example, the heatin g processes during repe ated
motor start s (three st art s from cold operating conditio n), as well as the thermal profile
in the protection relay.
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
R e s ta r t i n g L i m i t If the rotor temperature has exceeded the restart threshold, the motor cannot be re-
started. The blockin g signal is not lifted un less the rotor temperature has fallen below
the restarting limit, that is, when exactly one start becomes possible without exceeding
the excessive rotor temperature limit. Based on the specified motor parameters the
device calculates the normalized restarting limit ΘRestart:
The restar ting limit ΘRestart is displayed as operation al measured value in the ” thermal
measured values”.
Restart Time The motor manufacturer allows a maximum allowable cold (ncold) and warm (nwarm)
starting attempts. Afterwards the device must be allowed to cool off! A certain time
must elapse - restarting time tRestart - to ensure that the rotor has cooled off.
E q u i l i b r i u m Ti me This thermal beha vior is provided for in the pro tection as follows: Each time the motor
is shutdown, the timer st arts (address 4304 T Equal). It t akes into account the dif fer-
ent thermal conditions of the motor part s at the moment of shut down. During the equi-
librium time, the thermal profile of the rotor is not upd ated. It is maintained const ant to
replicate the equilization process in the rotor. Then the thermal model with the corre-
sponding time constant (rotor time constant x extension factor) cools down. During the
equilibrium time the motor cannot be restarted. As soon as the temperature sinks
below the restarting threshold, the next restart attempt can be made.
Minimum Inhibit
Time Regardless of thermal profiles, some motor manufacturers requ ire a minim um inhi bit
time after the maximum number of permissible starting attempts has been e xceeded.
The total duration of the inhibit signal depends on which of the times T Min Inhibit
or TRestart is longer.
Total Time TReclose The total waiting time TReclose, before the motor can be restarted, th erefore is com-
posed of the equilibrium time and the time TRestart calculated from the thermal profile,
and the value that is needed to drop below the limit for restarting. If the calculated tem-
perature rise o f the rotor is above th e restarting limit when the motor is shut down, the
minimum inhibit time will be started together with the equilibrium time.
ΘRestart = Temperature threshold below which restarting is possible
kR= k-factor for the rotor, calculated internally
IStart = Startup current
IB= Basic current
Tm= Maximum starting time
τR= Thermal time constant of the rotor, calculated intern ally
ncold = Permitted starts with cold motor
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Thus the total inhibit time TReclose can become equal to the min imum inhibit time if it is
longer than the sum of the two first mentioned times:
TReclose = TEqual + TRestart for TMin Inhibit < TEqual + TRestart
TReclose = TMin Inhibit for TMin Inhibit TEqual + TRestart, if th e ca lc ula te d exce s-
sive temperature > restarting limit
The operational measured value TReclose (visible in the thermal measured values) is
the remaining time until the next rest art is permissible. When the ro tor exce ssive tem-
perature is below the rest arting limit an d thus the next rest arting attempt is permitted,
the operational measured value for the waiting time has reached zero.
Extension of Cool
Down Time Con-
In order to properly account for the reduced heat exchange when a self-ventilated
motor is stopped, the cooling time const ants can be increased re lative to the time con-
stants for a running machine with the factor Kτ at STOP (address 4308). The criterion
for the motor stop is the undershooting of a set current threshold BkrClosed I MIN.
This understand s that the motor idle current is greater than this threshold. The pickup
threshold BkrClosed I MIN affect s also the thermal overload protection function
(see Section 2.10).
While the motor is running, the heating of the ther mal profile is mo deled with the time
constant τR calculated from the motor ratings, and the cool down calculated with the
time const ant τR x Kτ at RUNNING (address 4309). In this way, the protection caters
to the requirements in case of a slow cool down (slow temperature eq uilibrium).
For calculation of the restarting time TRestart the following applies:
kτ at STOP – extension factor for the time constant = Kτ at STOP,
address 4308
kτ at RUNNING – extension factor for the time constant = Kτ at
RUNNING, address 4309
Θpre – thermal replica at the instant the motor is switched off
(depends on operational condition)
τR– rotor time cons tant, calculated internally
Behavior in Case of
Power Supply
Depending on th e set tin g in ad dr ess 235 ATEX100 of Power System Data 1 (see
Section the value of the thermal replica is either reset to zero (ATEX100 = NO)
if the power supply voltage fails, or cyclically buffered in a non-volatile memory
(ATEX100 = YES) so that it is maintained in the event of auxiliary supply voltage failure.
In the latter case, the thermal replica uses the stored value for calculation and matches
it to the operating conditions. The first option is the default setting (see "Additional In-
formation on the Protection of Explosion-Protected Motors of Protection Type In-
creased Safety "e", C53000-B1174-C157"/5/). For further details, see /5/.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
E m e r g e n c y S t a r t If, for emergency reasons, motor starting that will exceed the maximum allowable rotor
temperature must take place, the motor start blocking signal can be terminated via a
binary input („>66 emer.start“), thus allowing a new starting attempt. The thermal
rotor profile ho we ve r contin ue s to func tio n an d th e ma xim u m allo wa ble rotor tem pe r-
ature will be exceeded. No motor shutdown will be initiated by motor start blocking, but
the calculated excessive temperature of the rotor can be observed for risk assess-
Blocking If the motor restart inhibit function is blocked via binary input „>BLOCK 66“ or
switched off, the thermal replica of the rotor overtemperature, the equilibrium time T
Equal and the minimum inhibit time T MIN. INHIBIT are reset. Thus any blocking
signal that is present or upcoming is disregarded.
Via another binary input („>66 RM th.repl.“) the thermal replica can be reset in-
dependently. This may be useful for testing and commissioning, and after a power
supply voltage failure.
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Logic There is no pickup annu nciation for the restar t inhibit and no trip log is produced. The
following figure shows the logic diagram for the restart inhibit.
Figure 2-53 Logic diagram of the Restart Inhibit
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
General Rest art inhibit is only ef fective and accessible if address 143 48 is set to Enabled. If
not required, this function is set to Disabled. The function can be turn ed ON or OFF
under address 4301 FCT 66..
When function settings of the restart inhibit are changed, the thermal profile of this
function is reset.
The restart inhibit acts on the starting process of a motor that is shut down. A motor is
considered shut down if its current consumption falls below the settable threshold 212
BkrClosed I MIN. Therefore, this threshold must set lowe r than the motor idle cu r-
Values Many of the variables needed to calculate the rotor temperature are supplied by the
motor manufacturer. Among these variables are the starting current ISTARTUP, the
nominal motor current IMOT. NOM, the maximum allowa ble st arting time T START MAX
(address 4303), the number of allowable starts from cold conditions (ncold), and the
number of allowable starts from warm conditions (nwarm).
The sta rting cu rr ent is e nter ed at a ddr ess 4302 IStart/IMOTnom , expressed as a
multiple of nominal motor curren t. In contrast, the nominal motor current is enter ed as
a secondary value, directly in amperes, at address 4305 I MOTOR NOMINAL. The
number of warm st arts al lowed is entered at add ress 4306 (MAX.WARM STARTS) and
the difference (#COLD-#WARM) between the number of allowable cold and warm starts
is entered at address 4307.
For motors without separate ventilation, the red uced co olin g a t motor sto p can b e ac-
counted for by en te rin g the facto r Kτ at STOP at address 4308. As soon as the
current no longer exceeds the setting value entered at address 212 BkrClosed I
MIN, motor standstill is detected and the time constant is increased by the extension
factor configured.
If no difference between the time constants is to be used (e.g. externally-ventilated
motors), then the extension factor Kτ at STOP should be set to 1.
The cooling with the m otor running is influe nced by the extension factor 4309 Kτ at
RUNNING. This factor considers that motor running under load and a stopped motor
do not cool down at the same speed. It becomes effective as soon as the current
exceeds the value set at address 212 BkrClosed I MIN. With Kτ at RUNNING =
1 the heating a nd the co olin g time constant are the same at oper ating con ditions ( I >
BkrClosed I MIN).
Example: Motor with the following data:
Nominal Voltage VNom = 6600 V
Nominal current INom = 126 A
Startup current ISTARTUP = 624 A
Startup Duration TSTARTUP = 8.5 s
Allowable Starts with Cold Motor ncold = 3
Allowable Starts with Warm Motor nwarm = 2
Current Transformer 200 A / 1 A
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
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The following settings are derived from these data:
The following settings are made:
IStart/IMOTnom = 4.9
T START MAX = 8.5 s
For the rotor temperature equilibrium time (address 4304), a settin g of. T Equal =
1 min has proven to be a good value. The value for the minimum inhibit time T MIN.
INHIBIT depends on the requirements set by the motor manufacturer, or by the
system conditions. It must in any case be higher than 4304 T Equal. In this example,
a value was chosen that reflects the thermal profile (T MIN. INHIBIT = 6.0 min).
The motor manufacturer's, or the requirements also determine also the extension
factor for the time constant during cool-down, especially with the motor stopped.
Where no other sp ecifications are made, the following settings are recommended: Kτ
at STOP = 5 and Kτ at RUNNING = 2.
For a proper functionin g, it is also important th at the CT values and the current thre sh-
old for distinction between stopped an d running motor (address 212 BkrClosed I
MIN, recommended setting 0.1 IMOT.NOM) have been set corre ctly . An overview of pa-
rameters and their default settings is generally given in the setting tables.
Temperature Be-
haviour during
Changing Operat-
ing States
For a better understanding of the above considerations several possible operating
ranges in two different operating areas will be discussed in the following paragraph.
Settings indicated above ar e to be used prevaling 3 cold and 2 warm st artup attempt s
have resulted in the restart limit reaching 66.7%.
A. Below the thermal restarting limit:
1. A normal startup brings the machine into a temperature range below the thermal
restarting limit and the machine is stopped. The stop launches the equilibrium time
4304 T Equal and gene r ate s th e me ss ag e „66 TRIP“. The equilibrium time
expires and the message „66 TRIP“ is cleared. During the time T Equal the
thermal model remains "frozen" (see Figure 2-54, to the left).
2. A normal startup brings the machine into a temperature range below the thermal
restarting limit, the machine is stopped and is started by an emergency startup
without waiting for expiry of the equilibrium time. The equilibrium time is reset and
the thermal profile is released and „66 TRIP“ is reported to be cleared (see
Figure 2-54, to the right).
2 Functions
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Figure 2-54 Startups according to examples A.1 and A.2
B. Above the thermal restarting limit:
1. A startup brings the machine from load operation into a temperature range far
above the thermal restarting limit and the machine is stopped. The minimum inhibit
time and the equilibrium time are started and „66 TRIP“ is reported. The tem-
perature cool-down below the restarting limit takes longer than 4310 T MIN.
INHIBIT and 4304 T Equal, so that the time passing until the temperature falls
below the temperature limit is the decisive factor for clearing the message „66
TRIP“. The thermal profile remains "frozen" while the time expires (see Figure 2-
55, to the left).
2. A startup brings the machine from load operation into a temperature range just
above the thermal restarting limit and the machine is stopped. The minimum inhibit
time and the equilibrium time are started and „66 TRIP“ is reported. Although
the temperature soon falls below the restarting limit, the blocking „66 TRIP“ is
preserved until the equilibrium time and the minimum inhibit time have expired
(see Figure 2-55, to the right).
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
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Figure 2-55 Starting up according to examples B.1 and B.2
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2.8.3 Motor (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
Functions Motor Starting Protection and Restart Inhibit for Motors associated with
motor protection are described in the prev ious two sections and contain information
concerning configuration. Settings
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
4101 FCT 48/66 OFF
ON OFF 48 / 66 Motor (Startup
4102 STARTUP CURRENT 1A 0.50 .. 16.00 A 5.00 A Startup Current
5A 2.50 .. 80.00 A 25.00 A
4103 STARTUP TIME 1.0 .. 180 .0 sec 10.0 sec Startup Time
4104 LOCK ROTOR TIME 0.5 .. 120.0 sec; 2.0 sec Permissible Locked Rotor
4301 FCT 66 OF F
ON OFF 66 Startup Counter for
4302 IStart/IMOTnom 1.10 .. 10.00 4.90 I Start / I Motor nominal
4303 T START MAX 3 .. 320 sec 10 sec Maximum Permissible
Starting Time
4304 T Equa l 0.0 .. 320.0 min 1.0 min Temperature Equal izaton
4305 I MOTOR NOMINAL 1A 0.20 .. 1.20 A 1.00 A Rated Motor Current
5A 1.00 .. 6.00 A 5.00 A
4306 MAX.WARM STARTS 1 .. 4 2 Maximum Number of
Warm Starts
4307 #COLD-#WARM 1 .. 2 1 Number of Cold Starts -
Warm Starts
4308 Kτ at STOP 0.2 .. 100.0 5.0 Extension of Time Con-
stant at Stop
4309 Kτ at RUNNING 0.2 .. 100.0 2.0 Extension of Time Con-
stant at Ru nn i ng
4310 T MIN. INHIBIT 0.2 .. 120.0 min 6.0 min Minimum Restart Inhibit
2.8 Motor Protection (Motor Starting Protection 48, Motor Restart Inhibit 66)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
4822 >BLOCK 66 SP >BLO CK Motor Startup counter
4823 >66 emer.start SP >Emergency start
4824 66 OFF OUT 66 Motor start protection OFF
4825 66 BLOCKED OUT 66 Motor start protection BLOCKED
4826 66 ACTIVE OUT 66 Motor start protection ACTIVE
4827 66 TRIP OUT 66 Motor start protection TR IP
4828 >66 RM th.repl. SP >66 Reset thermal memory
4829 66 RM th.repl. OUT 66 Reset thermal memory
6801 >BLK START-SUP SP >BLOCK Startup Supervision
6805 >Rotor locked SP >Rotor locked
6811 START-SUP OFF OUT Startup supervision OFF
6812 START-SUP BLK OUT Startup supervision is BLOCKED
6813 START-SUP ACT OUT Startup supervision is ACTIVE
6821 START-SUP TRIP OUT Startup supervision TRIP
6822 Rotor locked OUT Rotor locked
6823 START-SUP pu OUT Startup supervision Pickup
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2.9 Frequency Protection 81 O/U
The frequency prote ction function detects a bnormally high and low frequencies in the
system or in electrical machines. If the fre quency lies outside the allowable range, ap-
propriate actions are initiated, such as load shedding or separating a generator from
the system.
Applications •A decrease in system frequency occurs when the system expe riences an increase
in the real power demand, or wh en a malfunction occurs with a generator governo r
or automatic generation control (AGC) system. The frequency protection function is
also used for gen er at or s, wh ich (f or a certain time) ope r ate to an island ne two r k.
This is due to the fact that the reverse power protection cannot operate in case of
a drive power failure. The generator can be disconnected from the power system
using the frequency decrease protection.
•An increase in system freq uency occurs, e.g. when large blocks of load ( island net-
work) are removed from the system, or again when a malfunction occurs with a gen-
erator governor. This entails risk of self-excita tion for generators fee ding long lines
under no-load conditions.
2.9.1 Description
Detect io n of Fr e-
quency The frequency is detected from the phase–to–phase voltage VA-B applied to the
device. If the amplitude of this voltage is too small, one of the other phase–to–phase
voltages is used instead.
With the applications of filters and repea ted measurement s, the freq uency evaluation
is free from harmonic influences and very accur ate.
and Overfrequenc y
Frequency protection co nsists of four frequency elements. To make protection flexible
for different power system conditions, theses stages can be used alter natively for fr e-
quency decrease or increase separately, and can be independently se t to perform dif-
ferent control functions.
The parameter setting decides for what purpose the particular element will be used:
Set the pickup threshold lower than nomin al frequency if the element is to be used
for underfrequency protection.
Set the pickup threshold lower than nomin al frequency if the element is to be used
for overfrequency protection.
If the threshold is set equal to the nominal frequency, the element is inactive.
Operating Ranges The frequency can be determined if for thre e-pha se volt age transformer connection s
the positive frequency component of the voltages or for single-phase voltage trans-
former connections the correspondin g voltag e is present and o f suf ficient magnitude.
If the measured voltage drops below a settable value Vmin, the frequency protection
is blocked since a precise frequency value can no longer be calculated from the signal
under these conditions.
2.9 Frequency Protection 81 O/U
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Time Delays / Logic Each frequency element has an associated sett able time d elay. When the time delay
elapses, a trip sig nal is gen erated. When a frequency element dr op s ou t, the trippi ng
command is immediately term inated, but no t befor e the min imum command durati on
has elapsed.
Each of the four frequency elements can be blocked individually by binary inputs.
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the frequency protection function.
Figure 2-56 Logic diagram of the frequency protection
2.9.2 Setting Notes
General Frequency pro tection is only in ef fe ct and accessible if ad dress 154 81 O/U is set to
Enabled during configuration of protective functions. If the fuction is not required
Disabled is set. The function can be turned ON or OFF under address 5401 FCT 81
Minimum Voltage Address 5402 Vmin is used to set the minimum voltage. Frequency protection is
blocked as soon as the minimum voltage is undershot.
On all three-phase connections and single-phase connections of a phase-to-phase
voltage, the threshold mu st be set as a phase-to-phase value. With a single-phase
phase-to-ground connection the threshold is set as a phase-to-ground voltage.
Pickup Values The nominal system frequency is programmed in Power System Data 1, and the
pickup settings for each of the frequency elements 81-1 PICKUP to 81-4 PICKUP
determines whether the function will be used for overfrequency or underfrequency
protection. Set the pickup th reshold lower th an nominal fr equency if the el ement is to
2 Functions
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be used for underfrequency prote ction. Set the picku p threshold high er than no minal
frequency if the element is to be used for overfrequency protection.
If the threshold is set equal to the nominal frequency, the element is inactive.
If underfrequency protection is used for load shedding purposes, then the frequency
settings relative to other feeder relays are gene rally based on the priority of the cus-
tomers served by the protective relay. Normally a graded load shedding is required
that takes into account the importance of the consumers or consumer groups.
Further application examples exist in the field of power stations. The frequency values
to be set mainly depend, also in these cases, on the specifications of the power
system / power station operator. In this context, the frequency decrease protection
safeguards the power station's own demand by disconnecting it from the power
system on time. The turbo gover nor reg ulates the machine set to the nomina l speed.
Consequently , the station's own demands can be continuously supplied at nominal fre-
Under the assum p tio n th at th e ap parent pow er is redu ce d by the sam e de gr ee,
turbine-driven generators can, as a rule, be continuously operated down to 95% of the
nominal frequency. However, for inductive consumers, the frequency reduction not
only means an increase d cu rrent in put, bu t also endang ers stable operation. For this
reason, only a short-term frequency reduction down to about 48 Hz (for fN = 50 Hz) or
58 Hz (for fN = 60 Hz) is permissible.
A frequency increase can, for ex ample, occur due to a load shedding or malfunction
of the speed regulation (e .g. in an island network). In this way, the frequency increase
protection can, for example, be used as overspeed protection.
Time Delays The time delays (definite time) 81-1 DELAY to 81-4 DELAY entered at addresses
5405, 5408, 5411 and 5414 allow the device to prioritize or sort corrective actions
based on the degree to which the actual system frequency departs (upward or down-
ward) from the nominal system fre quency, e.g. for load shedding equipme nt. The se t
times are additional time delays not including the operating times (measuring time,
drop-out time) of the protective function.
2.9 Frequency Protection 81 O/U
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.9.3 Settings
2.9.4 Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
5401 FCT 81 O/U OFF
ON OFF 81 Over/Under Frequency Protec-
5402 Vmin 10 .. 150 V 65 V Minimum required voltage for op-
5403 81-1 PICKUP 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 49.50 Hz 81-1 Pickup
5404 81-1 PICKUP 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 59.50 Hz 81-1 Pickup
5405 8 1-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 60.00 sec 81-1 T ime Delay
5406 81-2 PICKUP 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 49.00 Hz 81-2 Pickup
5407 81-2 PICKUP 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 59.00 Hz 81-2 Pickup
5408 8 1-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 30.00 sec 81-2 T ime Delay
5409 81-3 PICKUP 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 47.50 Hz 81-3 Pickup
5410 81-3 PICKUP 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 57.50 Hz 81-3 Pickup
5411 81-3 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 3.00 sec 81-3 Time delay
5412 81-4 PICKUP 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 51.00 Hz 81-4 Pickup
5413 81-4 PICKUP 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 61.00 Hz 81-4 Pickup
5414 8 1-4 DELAY 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 30.00 sec 81-4 T ime delay
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
5203 >BLOCK 81O/U SP >BLO CK 81O/U
5206 >BLOCK 81-1 SP >BLOCK 81-1
5207 >BLOCK 81-2 SP >BLOCK 81-2
5208 >BLOCK 81-3 SP >BLOCK 81-3
5209 >BLOCK 81-4 SP >BLOCK 81-4
5211 81 OFF OUT 81 OFF
5214 81 Under V Blk OUT 81 Under Voltage Block
5232 81-1 picked up OUT 81-1 picked up
5233 81-2 picked up OUT 81-2 picked up
5234 81-3 picked up OUT 81-3 picked up
5235 81-4 picked up OUT 81-4 picked up
5236 81-1 TRIP OUT 81-1 TRIP
5237 81-2 TRIP OUT 81-2 TRIP
5238 81-3 TRIP OUT 81-3 TRIP
5239 81-4 TRIP OUT 81-4 TRIP
2 Functions
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2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49
The thermal overload protection is designed to prevent thermal overloads from dam-
aging the protected equipment. The protection function models a thermal profile of the
object being protected (overload protection with memory capability). Both the history
of an overload and the heat loss to the environment are taken into account.
Applications In particular, the thermal overload protection allows the thermal status of motors,
generators and transformers to be monitored.
If an additional thermal input is available, the thermal profile may take the actual
ambient or coo l an t tem p er at ur e int o con sid e ra tio n.
2.10.1 Description
Thermal Profile The device calculates the overtemperatures in accordance with a single-body thermal
model, based on the following differential equation:
ΘPresent overtemperatur e related to the final overtem-
perature at maximum allowed phase current k · INom Obj
τth Thermal time constant of the protected object's heating
IPresent rms value of phase current
k k–factor indicating the maximum permissible co nstant
phase current referred to the nominal current of the
protected object
INom Obj. Nominal cu rr en t of pr ot ected object
ΘuMeasured ambient temperature or coolant tempera-
ΘNom Temperature at object nominal current
If the ambient or coolant temperature is no t measured, a consta nt value of Θu = 40 °C
or 104°F is assumed so that Θu’= 0.
The protection feat ur e m od els a ther m al pr of ile of th e eq uip m en t be in g pr ote ct ed
(overload protection with memory capability). Both the history of an overload and the
heat loss to the environment are taken into account.
When the calculated overtemperature reaches the first settable threshold 49 Θ
ALARM, an alarm annunciation is issued, e.g. to allow time for the loa d reduction mea-
sures to take place. When the calculated overtemperature reaches the second thresh-
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49
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old, the protected equipment may be disconnected from the system. The highest over-
temperature calculated from the three phase currents is used as the criterion.
The maximum thermally-permissible continuous current Imax is described as a multiple
of the object nominal current INom Obj.:
Imax = k · INom Obj.
In addition to the k factor (parameter 49 K-FACTOR), the TIME CONSTANT τth and
the alarm temperature 49 Θ ALARM (in percent of the trip temperature Θ TRIP) must
be specified.
Overload protection also features a curre nt warning element (I ALARM) in addition to
the temperature warning st age. The curre nt warning element may re port an overload
current prema turely, even if the calculated oper ating temperature has not yet attained
the warning or tripping levels.
Coolant Tempera-
ture (Ambient Tem-
The device can account for external temper atur es. De pendin g on the type of applica -
tion, this may be a coolant or ambient temperature. The temperature can be measured
via a temperature detection unit (RTD-box). For this purpose, the required tempera-
ture detector is connected to detector input 1 of the first RTD-box (corresponds to RTD
1). If incorrect temperature values are measured or there are disturbances between
the RTD-box and the de vice, an alarm will be issued and the st andard temperature of
Θu = 104° F or 40° C is used for calculation with the ambient temperature detection
simply being ignored.
When detecting the coolant temperature, the maximum permissible current Imax is in-
fluenced by the temperature difference of the coolant (in comparison with the standard
value = 104° F or 40° C). If the ambient or coolant temperature is low, the protected
object can support a higher current than it does when the temperature is high.
Current Limiting In order to ensu re tha t ove r loa d pr ot ec tio n, on occurrence of high fault curr e nts (and
with small time constants), does not result in extremely short trip times thereby
perhaps affecting time grading of the short circuit protection , the thermal model is
frozen (kept constant) as soon as the current exceeds the threshold value
Extension of T ime
Constants When using the device to protect motors, the varying thermal response at standstill or
during rotation may be correctly evaluated. When running down or at standstill, a
motor without external cooling looses heat more slowly, and a longer thermal time con-
stant must be used for calculation. For a motor that is switched off, the 7SJ62/63/64
increases the time constant τ th by a programmable factor (kτ factor). The motor is con-
sidered to be off when the motor currents drop below a programmable minimum
current setting BkrClosed I MIN (refer to "Current Flow Monitoring" in Section
2.1.3). For externally-cooled motors, cables and transformers, the Kτ-FACTOR = 1.
Blocking The thermal memory may be reset via a binary input („>RES 49 Image“). The
current-re lated overtemperature value is reset to zero. The sa me is accomplished via
the binary input („>BLOCK 49 O/L“) ; in this case the en tir e ov er loa d protection is
blocked completely, including the current warning stage.
When motors must be started for emergency reasons, temperatures above the
maximum permissible overtemper ature can be allowed by blocking the tripping signal
via a binary input („>EmergencyStart“). Since the thermal profile may have ex-
ceeded the tripping temperature after initiation and drop out of the binary input has
taken place, th e protection function features a prog ramma ble run- on time inte rval (T
2 Functions
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EMERGENCY) which is started when the binary input drops out and continues sup-
pressing a trip signal. Tripping by the overload protection will be defeated until this
time interval elapses. The binary input affects only the tripping signal. There is no
effect on the trip log nor does the thermal profile reset.
Behaviour in Case
of Power Supply
Depending on the setting in address 235 ATEX100 of Power System Data 1 (see
Section 2.1.3) the value of the th er mal re plica is either re se t to zero (ATEX100 = NO)
if the power supply voltage fails, or cyclically buffered in a non-volatile memory
(ATEX100 = YES) so that it is maintained in the event of auxiliary supply voltage failure.
In the latter case, the thermal replica uses the stored value for calculation and matches
it to the operating conditions. The first option is the default setting (see /5/). For further
details, see /5/.
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49
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The following figure shows the logic diagram for the overload protection function.
Figure 2-57 Logic diagram of the overload protection
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.10.2 Set ting Notes
General The overload protection is only in effect and accessible if address 142 49 = No
ambient temp or = With amb. temp. during configuration. If the function is not
required Disabled is set.
Transformers and cable are prone to damage by overloads that last for an extended
period of time. Overloa ds cannot and should not be detected by fault prote ction. T ime
overcurrent protection should be set high enough to only detect faults since these
must be cleared in a short time. Short time delays, however, do neither allow mea-
sures to discharge overloade d eq uip ment no r do they pe rmit to take advantage of it s
(limited) overload capacity.
The protective relays 7SJ62/63/64 feature a t hermal overload protective fun ction with
a thermal tripping curve which may be adapted to the overload tolerance of the equip-
ment being protected (overload protection with memory capability).
Overload protection may be switched ON or OFF or Alarm Only at address 4201 FCT
49. If overload protection is ON, tripping, trip log and fault recording is possible.
When setting Alarm Only no trip command is given, no trip log is initiated and no
spontaneous fault annunciation is shown on the display.
Changing the function parameters resets the thermal replica. The thermal model is
frozen (kept constant) as soon as the current exceeds the threshold value 1107
Overload Parame-
ter k-fa ct o r The overload protection is set with quantities per un it. The nominal curr ent INom Obj. of
the protected object (motor, transformer, cable) is used as a b asis for overlo ad detec-
tion. The thermally permissible continuous current Imax prim allows to calculate a factor
The thermally-permissible continuous current for the equipment being protected is
known from the manu facturers specifications . This function is normally not applicable
to overhead lines since the current cap ability of overhead lines is generally not spec-
ified. For cables, the permissible continuous current is dependent on the cross-sec-
tion, insulating mate rial, design, and the ca ble ro uting, am ong other things. It may b e
taken from pertinent tables, or is specified by the cable manufactu re r. If no spe cific a-
tions are available, a value of 1.1 times the nominal current rating may be assumed.
The 49 K-FACTOR to be set in the device (address 4202) refers to the second ar y
nominal current of th e protective relay. The following data apply for the conversion:
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49
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Imax prim Permissible thermal primary current of the motor
INom Obj. Nominal current of the protected object
INom CT prim Nominal primary CT current
Example: Motor and transformer with the following data:
Time Cons tant τThe overload protectio n tracks overtemperature progression, employin g a thermal dif-
ferential equation whose steady state solution is an exponential function. The TIME
CONSTANT τth (set at address 4203) is used in the calculation to dete rmine the thresh-
old of overtemperature and thus, the tripping temperature.
For cable protection, the heat-gain time constant τ is determined by cable specifica-
tions and by the cable environment. If no time-constant specification is available, it
may be determined from the short-term load capability of the cable. The 1-sec current,
i.e. the maximum current permissible for a one-second period of time, is often known
or available from tables. Then, the time constant may be calculated with the formula:
If the short-term load capability is given for an interval other than one sec, the corre-
sponding short-te rm current is used in the above formula instead of the 1-sec current,
and the result is multiplied by the given duration. For example, if the 0.5-second
current rating is known:
It is important to note, however, that the longer the effective duration, the less accurate
the result.
Permissible Continuous Curr ent Imax prim = 1.2 · INom Obj.
Nominal Motor Current INom Obj. = 1100 A
Current Transformer 1200 A / 1 A
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Example: Cable and current transformer with the following data:
Permissible Continuous Current Imax = 500 A at Θu = 104 °F or 40 °C
Maximum current for 1 s I1s = 45 · Imax = 22.5 kA
Current Transformer 600 A / 1 A
Example: Cable and current transformer with the following data:
Thus results:
The settings are: 49 K-FACTOR = 0.83; TIME CONSTANT = 33.7 min
Warning Tempera-
ture Level By setting the thermal warning level 49 Θ ALARM at address 4204, a warning
message can be issued prio r to tripping, thus allowin g time for load curtailment proce-
dures to be implem ented. This warning level simultaneously represents the dropout
level for the tripping signal. Only when this threshold is undershot, the tripping
command is reset and the protected equipment may be returned to service.
The thermal warning level is given in % of the tripping temperature level.
A current warning level is al so a vailable (add re ss 4205 I ALARM). The setting corre-
sponds to secondary amperes, and should be set equal to, or slightly less than, per-
missible continuous current ( k · INom sec). It may be used in lieu of the thermal warning
level by setting the ther mal warning level to 100 % and thereby practically disabling it.
Extension of Time
Constants TIME CONSTANT set in address 4203 is valid for a running motor. When a motor
without external cooling is running down or at standstill, the motor cools down more
slowly. This behavior can be modeled by increasing the time constant by factor Kτ-
FACTOR, set at address 4207. Motor stop is detected if the current falls below the
threshold value BkrClosed I MIN of the current flow monitoring (see margin
heading "Current Flow Monitoring" in Section This assumes that the motor
idle current is greater than this threshold. The pickup threshold BkrClosed I MIN
affects also the following protection functions: breaker failure protection and restart
inhibit for motors.
If no diff eren tia tion of the time constants is necessa ry (e .g. e xterna lly-coo led motors,
cables, lines, etc.) the Kτ-FACTOR is set at 1 (default setting value).
Dropout Time after
Emergency Starting The dropout time to be entered at address 4208 T EMERGENCY must ensure that after
an emergency startup and after dropout of the binary input „>EmergencyStart“ the
trip command is blocked until the thermal replica is below the dropou t threshold again.
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Ambient or Coolant
Temperature The indications specified up to now are sufficient for a temperature rise replica. The
ambient or coola nt temperature, however , can also be processed. This has to be com-
municated to the device as digitalized measured value via the interface. During con-
figuration the parameter 142 49 must be set to With amb. temp..
If the ambient temperature detection is used, the user must be aware that the 49 K-
FACTOR to be set refers to an ambient temperature of 104°F or 40°C, i.e. it corre-
sponds to the maximum permissible current at a temperature of 104°F or 40°C.
All calculations are performed with standardized quantities. The ambient temperature
must also be standardized. The temperature with nominal current is used as st andard-
ized quantity. If the nominal current devia tes from the nomina l CT current, the temper -
ature must be adapted according to the following formula. In address 4209 or 4210
49 TEMP. RISE I the temperature adapted to the nominal transformer current is
set. This setting value is used as st andardization qua ntity of the ambient temperature
ΘNom sec Machine temperature with secondary nominal current
= setting at the protec tive rela y (a dd re ss 4209 or
ΘNom mach Machine temperature with nominal machine current
INom CT prim Nominal Primary CT Current
INom mach Nominal Current of the Machine
If the temperature inpu t is used, the trip times change if the coolant te mperature devi-
ates from the internal reference temperature of 104° F or 40°C. The following formula
can be used to calculate the trip time:
τth TIME CONSTANT (address 4203)
k49 K-FACTOR (address 4202)
INom Nominal device current in A
I Fault curren t thr ou g h ph as e in A
IPre Previous load current
ΘUt=0 Coolant temperature input in °C with t=0
ΘNom Temperature with Nominal Current INom(Address 4209
Θu Coolant temperature input (scaling with add ress 4209
or 4210)
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Machine: INom Mach = 483 A
Imax Mach=1.15 INom at ΘK = 104 °F or 40 °C
ΘNom Mach = 199.4° F or 93° C Temperature at INom Mach
τth = 600 s (thermal time constant of the machine)
Current transformer: 500 A / 1 A
Motor Starting Rec-
ognition The motor starting is detected when setting I MOTOR START at address 1107 is ex-
ceeded. Information o n h ow to perfor m the configu ratio n is gi ven u nde r "Recognition
of Running Conditio n (o nly for motors )" in Subsection2.1.3.2.
2.10 Thermal Overload Protection 49
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.10.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
2.10.4 Information List
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
4201 FCT 49 O FF
Alarm Only
OFF 49 Thermal overload pro-
4202 49 K-FACTOR 0.10 .. 4.00 1.10 49 K-Factor
4203 TIME CONSTANT 1.0 .. 999.9 min 100.0 min Time Constant
4204 49 Θ ALARM 50 .. 100 % 90 % 49 Thermal Alarm Stage
4205 I AL ARM 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A Current Overload Alarm
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
4207A Kτ-FACTOR 1.0 .. 10.0 1.0 Kt-FACTOR when motor
4208A T EMERGENCY 10 .. 15000 sec 100 sec Emergency time
4209 4 9 TEMP. RISE I 40 .. 200 °C100°C 49 Temperature rise at
rated sec. curr.
4210 4 9 TEMP. RISE I 104 .. 392 °F212°F 49 Temperature rise at
rated sec. curr.
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
1503 >BLOCK 49 O/L SP >BLOCK 49 Overload Protection
1507 >EmergencyStart SP >Emergency start of motors
1511 49 O / L OFF OUT 49 Overload Protection is OFF
1512 49 O/L BLOCK OUT 49 Overload Protection is BLOCKED
1513 49 O/L ACTIVE OUT 49 Overload Protection is ACTIVE
1515 49 O/L I Alarm OUT 49 Overload Current Alarm (I alarm)
1516 49 O/L Θ Alarm OUT 49 O ver load Alarm! Near Thermal Trip
1517 49 Winding O/L OUT 49 Winding Overload
1521 49 Th O/L TRIP OUT 49 Thermal Overload TRIP
1580 >RES 49 Image SP >49 Reset of Thermal Overload Image
1581 49 Image res. OUT 49 T hermal Overload Image reset
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.11 Monitoring Functions
The device is equipped with extensive monitoring capabilities - both for hardware and
software. In addition , the measured values are also const antly monitored for pla usibil-
ity, therefore, the current transformer and voltage transformer circuits are largely inte-
grated into the monitoring.
2.11.1 Measurement Supervision General
The device monito ring extends fr om the measu ring input s to the binar y output s . Mon-
itoring checks the hardware for malfunctions and impermissible conditions.
Hardware and sof tware monitoring d escribed in the followin g are enabled continuous-
ly . Settings (including the possibility to activate and deactivate the monitoring function)
refer to monitoring of external transformers circuits. Hardware Monitoring
Auxiliary and Re fer-
ence Voltages The processor voltage of 5 VDC is monitored by the hardware since if it goes below
the minimum value, the processor is no longer functional. Th e device is under such a
circumstance removed from operation. When the supply voltage returns, the proces-
sor system is restarted.
Failure of or switching off the supply voltage removes the device from operation and
a message is immediately generated by a normally closed contact. Brief auxiliary
voltage interr uptions of less than 50 ms do not disturb the readiness of the device ( for
nominal auxiliary voltage > 110 VDC).
The processor monitors the offset and refere nce voltage of the ADC (analog-digital
converter). The protection is suspended if the voltages deviate outside an allowable
range, and lengthy deviations are reported.
B u f fer B attery The buffer battery, which ensures operation of the internal clock and storage of
counters and messages if the auxiliary voltage fails, is periodically checked for charge
status. If it is less than an allowed minimum voltage, then the „Fail Battery“
message is issued.
Memory Comp o-
nents All working memories (RAMs) are checked during start-up. If a fault occurs, the start
is aborted and an LED starts flashing. During operation the memories are checked
with the help of their checksum. For the program memory, the cross sum is formed
cyclically and compared to the stored program cross sum.
For the settings memory , the cross sum is formed cyclically and compared to the cross
sum that is freshly generated each time a setting process takes place.
If a fault occurs the pr oc ess or syste m is restarted .
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Scanning Scanning and the synchronization between the internal buffer components are con-
stantly monitored. If any deviations cannot be removed by renewed synchronization,
then the processor system is restarted. Software Monitoring
Watchdog For continuous monitoring of the program sequences, a time monitor is provided in the
hardware (hardware watchdog) that expires upon failure of the processor or an inter-
nal program, and causes a complete restart of the processor system.
An additional software watchdog ensures that malfunctions during the processing of
programs are discovered. This also initiates a restart of the processor system.
If such a malfunction is not cleared by the restart, an additional restart attempt is
begun. After three unsuccessful restarts within a 30 second window of time, the device
automatically removes itself fr om service and the red „Error“ LED light s up. The readi-
ness relay drops out and indicates „device malfunction“ with its normally closed con-
O f f s e t M o n i t o r i n g This monitoring function checks all ring bu f fer d at a chan nels for corr upt of fset r eplica-
tion of the analog/digital transformers and the analog input paths using offset filters.
The eventu al offset errors ar e de te cte d using DC voltage filter s an d the associated
samples are corrected up to a specific limit. If this limit is exceeded an indication is
issued (191 „Error Offset“) that is part of the warn group annunciatio n (annunci-
ation 160). As increased offset values af fect the reliability of measurements taken, we
recommend to send the device to the OEM plant for corrective action if this annunci-
ation continuously occurs. Monitoring of the Transformer Circuits
Interruptions or short circuits in the secondary circuits of the current and voltage trans-
formers, as well as faults in the connections (important for commissioning!), are de-
tected and reported b y the device. The meas ured quantities are cyclically ch ecked in
the background for this purpose, as long as no system fault is present.
Measurement Value
Acquisition – Cur-
Up to four input current s are measured by the de vice. If the three ph ase current s and
the ground faul t current fr om the current tra nsformer st ar point or a se parated ground
current transformer of the line to be protected are connected to the device, their digi-
tised sum must be zero. Faults in the current circuit are recognised if
IF = | iA + iB + iC + kI · iN | > Σ I THRESHOLD · INom + Σ I FACTOR · Imax
The factor kI takes into account a possible difference in the neutral current transformer
ratio IN (e.g. toroidal current tran sformer see addresses 217, 218, 204 and 205):
Σ I THRESHOLD and Σ I FACTOR are programmable settings. Th e component Σ I
FACTOR · Imax takes into account the per missible cu rr en t propo rtion al ra tio err ors of
the input transfo rm e r whic h ar e particula rly prevalent during large short-circuit cur-
rents (Figure 2-58). The dropout ratio is about 97 %. This malfunction is reported as
„Failure Σ I“.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-58 Current sum monitoring
Current Symmetry During normal system operation, symmetry among the input currents is expected. The
symmetry is monitored in the device by magnitude comparison. The smallest phase
current is compared to the largest phase current. Asymmetry is detected if | Imin | / |
Imax | < BAL. FACTOR I as long as Imax / INom > BALANCE I LIMIT / INom is valid.
Thereby Imax is the largest of the three phase current s and Imin the smallest. The sym-
metry factor BAL. FACTOR I represents the allowable asymmetry of the phase cur-
rents while the limit value BALANCE I LIMIT is the lower limit of the operating range
of this monitoring (see Fig ure 2-59). Both p arameters can be set. The dropout ratio is
about 97%.
This malfunction is reported as Fail I balance“.
Figure 2-59 Current symmetry monitoring
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Voltage Symmetry During normal system operation (i.e. the absence of a short-circuit fault), symmetry
among the input voltages is expected. Because the phase-to-phase voltages are in-
sensitive to ground connections, the phase-to-phase voltages are used for the sym-
metry monitoring. If the device is connected to the phase-to-ground volta ges, then the
phase-to-phase volt ages are calculate d accordingly, whereas if the device is connect-
ed to phase-to-p hase voltages and the displacement volt age, then the th ird phase- to-
phase voltage is ca lculated accordingly. Whereas if the device is conn ected to phase-
to-phase voltages and the displacement voltage V0, then the third phase-to-phase
voltage is calculated accordingly. From the phase-to-phase voltages, the protection
generates the rectified average values and checks the symmetry of their absolute
values. The smallest phase volt age is compared with the largest phase voltage. Asym-
metry is recognized if:
| Vmin | / | Vmax | < BAL. FACTOR V as long as | Vmax | > BALANCE V-LIMIT. Where
Vmax is the highest of the three voltages and Vmin the smallest. The symmetry factor
BAL. FACTOR V is the measure for the asymmetry of the conductor voltages; the limit
value BALANCE V-LIMIT is the lower limit of the operating range of this monitoring
(see Figure 2-60). Both parameters can be set. The dropout ratio is about 97%.
This malfunction is reported as „Fail V balance“.
Figure 2-60 Voltage symmetry monitoring
Current and Voltage
P h a s e S e q u e n c e To detect swapped ph ase connections in the voltage and current input circuits, the
phase sequence of the phase-to-phase measured voltages an d the phase currents
are checked by monitoring the sequence of same polarity zero transitions of the volt-
Direction measurement with normal voltages, path selection for fault location, and
negative sequence detection all assume a phase sequence of "abc". Phase rotation
of measurement quantities is checked by verifying the phase sequences.
Voltages: VA before VB before VC and
Currents: IA before IB before IC.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Verification of the volt age phase rotation is done when each measured voltage is at
| VA|, |VB|, |VC| > 40 V/3.
Verification of the current phase rotation is done when each measured current is at
|IA|, |IB|, |IC| > 0.5 IN.
For abnormal phase sequences, the messages „Fail Ph. Seq. V“ or „Fail Ph.
Seq. I“ are issued, along with the switching of this message „Fail Ph. Seq.“.
For applications in which an opposite phase sequence is expected, the protective
relay should be adjusted via a binary input or a programmable setting. If the phase se-
quence is changed in the device, phases B and C internal to the relay are reversed,
and the positive and negative sequence currents are ther eby exchanged (see also
Section 2.21.2). The phase-related messages, malfunction values, and measured
values are not affected by th is. Measurement Voltage Failure Detection
Requirements The function measurement voltage failure detection, in given briefly „Fuse Failure
Monitor“ (FFM), only operates under the following condition.
Three phase-to-ground voltages are connected; with phase-phase voltages and VN
or single-phase connection, the function is disabled, as monitoring cannot occur.
Purpose of the
Fuse Fail ure
In case of a measuring voltage failure caused by a fault or a broken wire in the voltage
transformer secondary system, zero voltage may be "seen" by individual measuring
loops. The displacement voltage element of the sensitive ground fault detection, the
undervoltage prot ec tio n an d th e syn ch ro niz a tion function in the 7SJ64 can thereby
acquire incorrect measuring results.
In grounded systems, the function „Fuse Failure Monitor“ (FFM) can take effect,
unless three phase-to-groun d voltages a re connected to the device. Of co urse, super-
vision of the miniature circuit breaker and the Fuse Failure Monitor can be used at the
same time.
Functionality Depending on the settings and the MLFB, the FFM operates with th e measured or the
calculated values VN or IN. If zero seq ue n ce vo ltage occu rs with ou t a gr ou nd fau l t
current being registered simultaneously, then there is an asymmetrical fault in the sec-
ondary circuit of the voltage transformer. The disp lace m en t vo ltage elem en t of the
sensitive ground fault detection, the directional time overcurrent protection (phase and
ground function), the unde rvoltage protection and the synchronization function in the
7SJ64 are blocked. The latter, however is not blocked if Direct CO is selected and
therefore no measurement is required.
On systems where the ground fault current is very small or absent (e.g. ungrounded
supply transformers), fuse failure monitoring must not be used!
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The FFM will pick up on a ground voltage VN which is bigger than the threshold sp ec-
ified under 5302 FUSE FAIL 3Vo and on a grou nd cu rrent IN which is smaller than
the threshold specified under 5303 FUSE FAIL RESID.
Pickup will take place on the specified values. A hysteresis is integrated for dropout,
of 105% where IN or of 95% where VN. In case of a low-current asymmetrical fault in
the power system with weak infeed, the ground current caused by the fault might lie
below the pickup thr es ho ld of the Fus e Failur e Mon ito r. Ov er fu nct ion in g of th e Fu se
Failure Monitor can, however , cause the feeder protection equipment to fail since it will
block all protective functions that use voltage signals. Such an overfunction of the FFM
is avoided by additionally ch ecking the phas e curren t s. If at least one phase current s
lies above the pickup threshold of 5303 FUSE FAIL RESID, it can be assumed that
the zero current created by a short-cir cu it wou l d equa lly exceed this limit.
The following conditions hold to immedi atel y detect a fault existing af ter activation of
the FFM: If a ground current IN occurs within 10 seconds after the Fuse-Failure crite-
rion was detected, a fault is assumed and th e blockin g by the Fuse Failu re Monitor is
blocked for as long as the fault persists. If the voltage failure criterion applies for longer
than approx. 10 seconds, the blocking takes permanent effect. After the time has
elapsed it can be assumed that a Fuse Failure has actually occurred. The blocking is
lifted automatica lly 10 seconds af ter the volt age cr iterion has disappeare d as a result
of the secondary circuit fault being cleared, and the entire protection function is re-
The following figure shows the logic diagram of the Fuse Failure Monitor.
Figure 2-61 Logic diagram of the Fuse Failure Monitor
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
General Measured value monitoring can be turned ON or OFF at address 8101 MEASURE.
The fuse–failure monitor can be set ON or OFF at address 5301 FUSE FAIL MON..
On systems where the ground fault current is very small or absent (e.g. ungrounded
supply transformers), fuse failure monitoring must not be used!
Measured Value
Monitoring The sensitivity of the measured value monitor can be modified. Default values which
are sufficient in most cases are preset. If especially high operating asymmetry in the
currents and/or voltages are to be expected during operation, or if it becomes apparent
during operation that certain monitoring functions activate sporadically, then the
setting should be less sensitive.
Address 8102 BALANCE V-LIMIT determines the limit voltage (phase-to-phase),
above which the voltage symmetry monitor is ef fective. Address 8103 BAL. FACTOR
V is the associated symmetry factor; that is, the slope of the symmetry characteristic
Address 8104 BALANCE I LIMIT det er m in e s the limit cur re n t, ab ove which the
current symmetry monitor is effective. Address 8105 BAL. FACTOR I is the associ-
ated symmetry factor; that is, the slope of the symmetry characteristic curve.
Address 8106 Σ I THRESHOLD determines the limit current, above which the current
sum monitor is activated (absolute portion, only relative to IN). Th e relative portion (rel-
ative to the maximum con ductor curren t) fo r a ctivating the cu rr ent sum moni tor is set
at address 8107 Σ I FACTOR.
Current sum monitoring can operate properly only when the residual current of the
protected line is fed to th e fo ur th curr en t inp ut (IN) of the relay.
The connections of th e ground p aths and thei r adaption factor s were set wh en config-
uring the general st ation dat a. These settings must be correct for the measured value
monitoring to function properly.
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Fuse Failure
Monitor (FFM)
The settings for th e fus e failure monitor (address 5302 FUSE FAIL 3Vo) are to be
selected so that reliable activation occurs if a phase voltage fails, but not such that
false activation occurs during ground faults in a grou nded networ k. Corr espon dingly
address 5303 FUSE FAIL RESID must be set as sensitive as required (smalle r than
the smallest expected grou nd fault curr ent). The function may be disabled in address
5301 FUSE FAIL MON., e.g. when performing asymmetrical tests. Settings
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
OFF OFF Fuse Fail Monitor
5302 FUSE FAIL 3Vo 10 .. 100 V 30 V Zero Sequence Voltage
5303 FUSE FAIL RESID 1A 0.10 .. 1.00 A 0.10 A Residual Current
5A 0.50 .. 5.00 A 0.50 A
ON ON Measurement Supervi s ion
8102 BALANCE V-LIMIT 10 .. 100 V 50 V Voltage Threshold for
Balance Mo nitoring
8103 BAL. FACTOR V 0.58 .. 0.90 0.75 Balance Factor for Voltage
8104 BALANCE I LIMIT 1A 0.10 .. 1.00 A 0.50 A Current Threshold for
Balance Mo nitoring
5A 0.50 .. 5.00 A 2.50 A
8105 BAL. FACTOR I 0.10 .. 0.90 0.50 Balance Factor for Current
8106 Σ I THRESHOLD 1A 0.05 .. 2.0 0 A; 0.10 A Summated Current Moni-
toring Threshold
5A 0.25 .. 10.00 A; 0.50 A
8107 Σ I FACTOR 0.00 .. 0.95 0.10 Summated Cu rre nt Moni-
toring Factor
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Information List
2.11.2 Trip Circuit Supervision 74TC
Devices 7SJ62/63/64 are equipped with an integrated trip circuit supervision. Depend-
ing on the nu mber of available binary inputs (not connected to a common potential),
supervision with one or two binary inputs can be selected. If the allocation of the re-
quired binary input s does not match the selecte d supervision type, then a message to
this effect is generated („74TC ProgFail“).
Applications When using two binary input s, malfunctions in the trip circuit can be detected under
all circuit breaker conditions.
When only one binary input is used, ma lfunctions in the circuit breaker itse lf cannot
be detected.
Prerequisites A condition for the use of trip circuit supervision is that the control voltage for the circuit
breaker is at least twice the voltage drop across the binary input (VCTR > 2 · VBImin).
Since at least 19 V are needed for the binary input, the supe rvision can only be used
with a system control voltage of over 38 V.
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
161 Fail I Superv. OUT Failure: General Current Supervision
162 Failure Σ I OUT Failure: Current Summation
163 Fail I balance OUT Failure: Current Balance
167 Fail V balance OUT Failure: V o ltage Balance
169 VT FuseFail>10s OUT VT Fuse Failure (alarm >10s)
170 VT FuseFail OUT VT Fuse Failure (alarm instantaneous)
171 Fail Ph. Seq. OUT Failure: Phase Sequence
175 Fail Ph. Seq. I OUT Failure: Phase Sequence Current
176 Fail Ph. Seq. V OUT Failure: Phase Sequence Voltage
197 MeasSup OFF OUT Measurement Supervision is switched OFF
6509 >FAIL:FEEDER VT SP >Failure: Feeder VT
6510 >FAIL: BUS VT SP >Failure: Busbar VT
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Description
Supervision with
Two Binary Inputs When u sing two binar y inputs, the se are connecte d according to Figure 2-62, p arallel
to the associated trip contact on one side, and parallel to the circuit breaker auxiliary
contacts on the other.
Figure 2-62 Principle of the trip circuit monitoring with two binary inputs
Supervision with two binary inputs not only detect s interrupti ons in the tr ip circuit and
loss of control voltage, it also supervises the response of the circuit breaker using the
position of the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts.
Depending on the conditions of the trip contact and the circuit breaker, the binary
inputs are activated (logical condition "H" in Table 2-10) , or not activa te d (logical con-
dition "L").
In healthy trip circuits the condition that both binary inputs are not actuated (”L") is only
possible during a sh or t transition per iod (tr ip contact is closed, but the cir cuit br ea ke r
has not yet opened.) A continuous state of this condition is only po ssible when the trip
circuit has been interrupted, a short-circuit ex ists in the trip circuit, a loss of battery
voltage o ccurs, or malfunctio ns occur with the circuit b reaker me chanism. Ther efore,
it is used as monitoring criterion.
Table 2-10 Condition table for binary inputs, depending on RTC and CB position
No. Trip contact Circuit
breaker 52a Contact 52b Contact BI 1 BI 2
1 Open Closed Closed Open H L
2 Open Open Open Closed H H
3 Closed Closed Closed Open L L
4 Closed Open Open Closed L H
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The conditions of the two binary input s are checked periodicall y. A check take s place
about every 600 ms. If three consecutive conditional checks detect an abnormality
(after 1.8 s), an annunciation is reported (see Figure 2-63). The repeated measure-
ments deter mine the delay of the alarm message and avoid that an alarm is output
during short transition periods. After the malfunction in the trip circuit is cleared, the
fault annunciation is reset automatically after the same time period.
Figure 2-63 Logic diagram of the trip circuit supervision with two binary inputs
Supervision with
One Binary Input The binary input is connected according to the following figure in parallel with the as-
sociated trip contact of the protection relay. The circuit breaker auxiliary contact is
bridged with a bypass resistor R.
Figure 2-64 Trip circuit supervision with one binary input
During normal opera tion, the binary input is activa ted (logical condition "H") when the
trip contact is open and the trip circuit is intact, because the monitoring circuit is closed
by either the 52a circuit breaker auxiliary contact (if the circuit breaker is closed) or
through the bypass resistor R by the 52b circuit breaker auxiliary contact. Only as long
as the trip contact is closed, the binary input is short circuited and thereby de activated
(logical condition "L").
If the binary input is continuously deactivated during operation, this leads to the con-
clusion that there is an interruption in the trip circuit or loss of control voltage.
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The trip circuit monitor does not operate during system faults. A momentary closed
tripping cont act does not lead to a failure message. If, however, tripping cont acts from
other devices operate in paralle l in the trip circuit, then the fault ann unciation must be
delayed (see also Figure 2-65). The state of the binary input is therefore, checked 500
times before an annunciation is sent. The state check takes place about every 600 ms,
so that trip monitoring alarm is only issued in the event of an actual failure in the trip
circuit (after 300 s). After the malfunction in the trip circuit is cleared, the fault annun-
ciation is reset automatically after the same period.
Figure 2-65 Logic diagram for trip circuit monitoring with one binary inp ut
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the message that can be generated
by the trip circuit monitor, depending on the control settings and binary inputs.
Figure 2-66 Message logic for the trip circuit monitor
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
General The function is only in effect and accessible if address 182 was set to either 2 Binary
Inputs or to 1 Binary Input, and the appropriate number of binary inputs have
been allocated for this pur pose (refer to Section The function may be turn ed
ON at address 8201 FCT 74TC. If the allocation of the required binary inputs does not
match the selected monitoring type, then a message to this effect is generated („74TC
ProgFail“). If the trip circuit monitor is not to be used at all, then address 182
Disabled should be set. Further pa rameter s are n ot needed. T he message of a trip
circuit interruption is delayed by a fixed amount of time. For two binary inputs, the
delay is about 2 seconds, and for one binary input, the delay is about 300 s. Thus, it
is ensured that the lon gest duration o f a trip command is r eliably bridged for a cert ain
time and that an annunciation is only caused in case of a real fault occured within the
trip command.
Monitoring with
One Binary Input Note: When using only one binary input (BI) for the trip circuit monitor, malfunctions,
such as interruption of the trip circuit or loss of batte ry voltage are detected in general,
but trip circuit failures while a trip command is act ive ca nn o t be de te ct ed . Th er ef or e ,
the measurement must take place over a period of time that bridges the longest pos-
sible duration of a closed trip contact. This is ensured by th e fixed number of measure-
ment repetitions and the time between the state checks.
When using only one binary input, a resistor R is inserted into the circuit on the system
side, instead of the missing second binary inpu t. Through appropriate sizin g of the re-
sistor and depending on the system condition s, a lower control voltage can often be
Information for dimensioning resistor R is given in Chapter "Installation and Commis-
sioning" under configuratio n instructions in Section "Trip Circuit Monitoring" Settings Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
8201 FCT 74TC ON
OFF ON 74TC TRIP Circuit Supervision
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
6852 >74TC trip rel. SP >74T C Trip circuit superv.: trip relay
6853 >74TC brk rel. SP >74TC Trip circuit superv.: bkr relay
6861 74TC OFF OUT 74TC Tri p ci rcui t supervisio n OFF
6862 74TC BLOCKED OUT 74TC Trip circuit supervision is BLOCKED
6863 74TC ACTIVE OUT 74TC Trip circuit supervisio n i s ACTI VE
6864 74TC ProgFail OUT 74TC blocked. Bin. input is not set
6865 74TC Trip cir. OUT 74TC Failure Trip Circuit
2.11 Monitoring Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.11.3 Malfunction Responses of the Monitoring Functions
In the following malfunction responses of monitoring equipment are clearly listed. Description
Malfunction Re-
sponses Depending on the type of malfunction discovered, an annunciation is sent, a restart of
the processor system is initiated, or the device is taken out of service. After three un-
successful restart attempts, the device is taken out of service. The live st atus co nt act
operates to indicate the device is malfunctioning. In addition, if the internal auxiliary
supply is present, the red LED "ERROR" lights up on the front cover and the green
"RUN" LED goes out. If the internal power supply fails, then all LEDs are dark. Table
2-11 shows a summary of the monitorin g functions and the malfunction responses of
the relay.
Table 2-11 Summary of Malfunction Response s by the Protection Relay
Monitoring Possible Causes Malfunction
Response Message (No .) Outp ut
AC/DC supply voltage
loss External (aux. voltage) inter-
nal (power supply) Device shutdown All LEDs dark DOK2) drops out
Internal supply voltages Internal (power supply) Device shutdown LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Battery Internal (battery) Annunciation „Fail Battery“ (177)
Hardware Watchdog Internal (processor failure) Device shutdown 1) LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Software watchdog Internal (processor failure) Resta rt attempt 1) LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Working memory ROM Internal (hardware) Relay aborts restart,
Device shutdown LED blinks DOK2) drops out
Program memory RAM Internal (hardware) During boot sequence LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
During operation:
Restart attempt 1) LED ”ERROR"
Settings Internal (hardware) Restart attempt 1) LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Sampling frequency Internal (hardware) Device shutdown LED ”ERROR" DOK 2) drops out
Error in the I/O-board Internal (hardware) Device shutdown „I/O-Board error“ (178),
LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Module error Internal (hardwar e) Device shutdown „Error Board 1to „Error
Board 7“ (178 to 189),
DOK2) drops out
Internal auxiliary
voltage 5 V Internal (hardware) Device shutdown „Error 5V“ (144),
LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
0-V Monitoring Internal (hardware) Device shutdown „Error 0V“ (145),
LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Internal auxiliary
voltage –5 V Internal (hardware) Device shutdown „Error -5V“ (1 46),
LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Offset monitoring Internal (hardware) Device shutdown „Error Offset“ (191) DOK2) drops out
Internal supply voltages Internal (hardware) Device shutdown „Error PwrSupply“ (147),
LED ”ERROR" DOK2) drops out
Current Sum Internal (measured value ac-
quisition) Annunciation „Failure Σ I“ (162) As allocated
Current symmetry External (power system or
current transformer) Annunciation „Fail I balance“ (163) As allocated
Voltage symmetry External (power system or
voltage transformer) Annunciation „Fail V balance“ (167) As allocated
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) After three unsuccessful restarts, th e device is taken out of service.
2) DOK = "Device Okay" = Ready for service relay drops off, protection and control function are
Group Alarms Certain messa ges of the monitoring fu nctions are already comb ined to group al arms.
A listing of the group alarms and their composition is given in the Appendix A.10. In
this case, it must be noted that message 160 „Alarm Sum Event“ is only issued
when the measured value monitoring functions (8101 MEASURE. SUPERV) are
switched on.
Voltage phase se-
quence External (power system or
connection) Annunciation „Fail Ph. Seq. V“ (176) As allocated
Current phase se-
quence External (power system or
connection) Annunciation „Fail Ph. Seq. I“ (175) As allocated
Fuse Failure Monitor External (voltage transform-
ers) Annunciation „VT FuseFail>10s“ (169)
„VT FuseFail“ (170) As allocated
Trip circuit monitoring External (trip circuit or
control voltage) Annunciation „74TC Trip cir.“ (6865) As allocated
Calibration data fault Internal (hardware) Annunciation „Alarm NO calibr“ (193) As allocated
Monitoring Possible Causes Malfunction
Response Message (No.) Output
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
Depending on the variant, the fourth current input of the multi-functional protection
relays 7SJ62/63/64 is equipped e ither with a sensitive input transformer or a st andard
transformer for 1/5 A.
In the first case, the active pr otective function is designed for gr ound fault detection in
isolated or compensated systems due to its high sensitivity. It is not very suited for
ground fault detection with large ground currents since the linear range is transcended
at about 1.5 A at the sensitive ground fault detection relay terminals.
If the relay is equipped with standard transformers for 1/5 A, also large currents can
be detected correctly.
Applications Sensitive ground fa ult de tectio n ma y b e use d in isolated or compensate d systems
to detect ground faults, to determine phases affected by ground faults, and to
specify the direc tio n of gro un d fa ults.
In solidly or low-resistance grounded systems, sensitive ground fault detection is
used to detect high impedance groun d faults.
This function can also be used as supplementary ground fault protection.
2.12.1 Voltage Element 64
The voltage element relies on a pickup initia ted by the disp lacement volt age V0 or 3 ·
V0. Additionally, the faulty phase is de termined. The displacement voltage V0 ca n be
directly applied to the device, or the summa ry voltage 3 · V 0 can be calculated by the
device based on the th ree phase–to–ground voltages. In the latter case, the three
voltag e inputs must be connected to voltage tran sformers in a grounded -wye configu-
ration (see also address 213 VT Connect. 3ph in Section 2.1.3). If the device is
only provided with phase-to- phase voltages, it is not possible to calculate a displace-
ment voltage fro m them. In this case the direction cannot be determined.
If the displacement voltage is calculated, then:
3 · V0 = VA + VB + VC
If the displacement voltage is directly applied to the device, then V0 is the voltage at
the device terminals. It is not affected by parameter Vph / Vdelta (a dd re ss 206).
The displacement voltag e is used both to detect a ground fault and to determine direc-
tion. When the voltage element picks up, a preset time delay must ela pse before de-
tection of the displacement voltage is reported to ensure measurement free quantities.
The time delay can be configured (T-DELAY Pickup) and its factory setting is 1 s.
Pickup initiated by the displacement voltage can be delayed (64-1 DELAY) for trip-
It is important to note that the total tripping time consists of the displacement voltage
measurement time (about 60 ms) plus the pickup time delay (address 3111 T-DELAY
Pickup) plus the tripping time delay (address 3112 64-1 DELAY).
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Determination of
the Grounded
After the voltage element picks up due to detection of a displacement voltage, the
grounded phase is identified, if possible. To do this, the individual phase-to-ground
voltages are measured. Of course, this is only possible if three phase- to-ground volt-
ages are obt ained from volt age tran sformers connected in a gr ounded-wye configura-
tion. If the voltage magnitude for any given phase is below the setting value VPh min that
phase is detected as the grounded phase as long as the remaining phase-ground volt-
ages are simultaneously above the setting value VPh max.
The following figure shows the logic for determining the grounded phase.
Figure 2-67 Determination of Grounded Phase
2.12.2 Current Elements 50Ns, 51Ns
The current element s for ground fault s operate with the magn itudes of the ground cur-
rent. They only make sense where the magnitude of the ground current can be used
to specify the ground fault. This may be the case on grounded systems (solid or low-
resistance) or on ele ctrical machines which are directly connecte d to the busbar of an
isolated power system, when in case of a networ k ground fault the ma ch ine supplies
only a negligible ground fault current across the measurement location, which must be
situated between the machine terminals and the network, whereas in case of a
machine ground fault the higher g round fault curren t pr oduced by the tot a l netwo rk is
available. Ground current protection is mostly used as backup protection for high re-
sistance ground faults in solid or low re sistance grounded systems when main fault
protection does not pickup.
For ground fault detection, a two-step current/time characteristic can be set. Analog to
the time overcurrent protection, the high-set current element is designated as 50Ns-
2 PICKUP and 50Ns-2 DELAY and is provided with a definite time characteristic.
The overcurren t elemen t may be op era ted with ei ther a de fin ite time delay (50Ns-1
PICKUP and 50Ns-1 DELAY) or with a user-defined characteristic (51Ns PICKUP
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
and 51NsTIME DIAL). Additionally, a current element with logarithmic inverse char-
acteristic or logarithmic inverse characteristic with knee point is implemented. The
characteristics of these current elements can be configured. Each of these element s
may work directional or non-directional.
Settable Dropout
Times The pickup can be stabilized for ground fault protection with definite time curve by a
settable dropout time. This facility comes into use in systems where intermittent faults
occur. Combined with e lectromechanical rela ys, it allows dif feren t dropout r esponses
to be adjusted and a time g rading of numerical and electromechanical r elays to be im-
2.12.3 Determination of Direction
Characteristics When deter mining the sensitive ground fault direction it is not the current value that is
crucial, but that part of t he cur rent which is pe rp end icul ar to an a dju stable directional
characteristic (axis of symmetry). As a prer equisite for determining the direction, the
displacement voltage V0 must be exceeded as well as a configurable current part in-
fluencing the direction ( active or reactive component).
The following figure illustrates an example using a complex vector diagram in which
the displaceme nt vo ltage V0 is the reference magnitude of the real axis. The active
part 3I0real of current 3 I0 is calculated in reference to the displacement volta ge V0 and
compared with the setting value RELEASE DIRECT.. The example is therefore suited
for determining the ground fault dire ction in grounded systems where 3I0 · cos ϕ is rel-
evant. The directional limit lines are perpendicular to axis 3I0real.
Figure 2-68 Directional characteristic for cos–ϕ–measurement
The directional limit lines may be rotated by a correction angle (address PHI
CORRECTION) up to ± 45°. Therefore, in grounded systems it is possible, e.g. to in-
crease sensitivity in the resistive-inductive range with a rota tion of –45 °, or in ca se of
electric machines in busbar connection in the resistive-capacitive range with a rotation
of +45° (see the following Figure). Furthermore the directional limit lines may be
rotated by 90° to determine ground faults and their direction in isolated systems.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-69 Directional characteristic for cos–ϕ–measurement
Method of Direc-
tional Measurement Fault direction is calculated with the zero sequence values from the ground current 3I0
and displacement volt age V0 or 3 · V0. With these quantities, ground active power and
ground reactive power is calculated.
The used calculation algorithm filters th e measured values so that it is highly accura te
and insensitive to higher harmonics (particula rly th e 3r d an d 5t h ha rm o nic s – which
are often present in zero sequence currents). Direction determination relies on the
sign of active and reactive power.
Since active and reactive compone nts of the current - not the power - are relevant for
pickup, current components are calculated from the power components. When deter-
mining the grou nd fau lt dir ection the active or reactive components of the ground
current in reference to the displacement voltage as well as the direction of the active
and reactive power are evaluated.
For measurements sin ϕ the following applies
Ground fault (forward direction), if Q0 < 0 and 3 I0reactive > setting value (RELEASE
Ground fault (reverse direction), if Q0 > 0 and 3I0reactive > setting value (RELEASE
For measurements cos ϕ (for resonant-grounded systems) the following applies
Ground fault (forward direction), if P0 > 0 and 3I0reactive > setting value (RELEASE
Ground fault (r ev er se dire ctio n) , if P0 < 0 and 3I0reactive > setting value (RELEASE
If PHI CORRECTION unequal 0°, the angle of the symmet rie lines is calc ula te d by
adding up active and reactive power components.
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Application Instruc-
tions In systems with isolated starpoint, ground fault current flows as capacitive current from
healthy lines to the location of the ground fault via the measuring point. The capacitive
reactive power is thus relevant for the direction.
In networks with arc suppression coils , the Petersen coil superimposes a corre spond-
ing inductive current on the capacitive ground fault current when a ground fault occurs,
so that the capacitive current at the point of fault is compensated. Depending on the
measuring point in the system the resultant measured current may be inductive or ca-
pacitive. Therefore, the re active current is not suited for direction determination of the
ground current. In this case, only the ohmic (active) residual current which results from
the losses of the Petersen coil can be used for directio nal determination. The residual
current of the gr ound fault is only about some per cent of the capacitive ground fault
Please note that depending on the mounting location of the device, the real compo-
nent of the current may only be a small fraction of the reactive current component (in
extreme cases down to 1/50 th). The accuracy of the calculation algorithm which is ex-
tremely high is not sufficient if the instrument transformer is not able to transmit the
primary values accuratetly.
The measuring inpu t of the protection relay for high-sensitive groun d fault detection is
especially calibrated to these concerns and allows an extremely high sensitivity for the
direction determination of the residual wattmetric current. In order to make use of this
sensitivity, we recommend cable core balance current transformers for ground fault
detection in resonant grounded systems. Furthermore, the angle error of the cable
core balance curre nt transformer can be compe nsated in the device. Sin ce the angle
error is non-li near, this is achieved by entering two operating points of the angle error
curve of the transfo rmer. The device then calculates the erro r curv e with suff icient ac-
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.12.4 Logic
The following figure illustrates a state logic of the sensitive ground fault protection.
Ground fault detection can be switched ON or OFF or set to Alarm Only (addre ss
3101). When ground fault protection is ON, tripping is possible. The pickup of the dis-
placement voltage V0 starts the ground fault recording. As the pickup of the V0 element
drops out, fault recording is terminated. In mode Alarm Only, ground faults are re-
corded in a separate log file for ground faults. In this operating mode, the annunciation
303 „sens Gnd flt“ opens and closes the log file for ground fa ults and the present
fault number is included (see logic diagrams from Figures 2-71 and 2-72).
The entire function may be blocked via binary input. Switching off or blocking means
the measurement logic is deactivated. Therefore, time delays and pickup messages
are reset.
All stages can be bl ocked individually via binary input s. In this case pi ckup and, if pos-
sible, direction and grounded phase will still be reported, however, tripping does not
take place since the time elements are blocked.
Figure 2-70 Activation of the sensitive ground current protection
Generation of a pickup message, for both current elements, is dependent on the di-
rection selection for each element and the setting of parameters 3130 PU CRITERIA.
If the element is set to Non-Directional and parameter PU CRITERIA = Vgnd OR
INs, a pickup message is generated as soon as the current threshold is exceeded,
irrespective of the status of the V0 element. If, however, the setting of paramet er PU
CRITERIA is Vgnd AND INs, the V0–element must have picked up also for non-di-
rectional mode.
But, if a direction is programmed, the current element must be picked up and the di-
rection determination results must be present to gene rate a m essage . Once again, a
condition for valid direction determination is that the volt age element V0 be picked up.
Setting at address PU CRITERIA specifies, whether a fa ult is generated by means of
the AND-function or the OR-combination of displacement voltage and pickup of the
ground current. The former may be advantageous if the pickup setting of voltage
element V0 was chosen to be very low.
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-71 Logic di agram of the 64 element and determination of direction
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-72 Logic diagram of the INs elements
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Pickup of the definite time elements can be stabilized by setting the dropout time 3121
50Ns T DROP-OUT. This time is started and maintains the pickup condition if the
current falls below the threshold. Th e function thus does not drop out insta ntaneously.
The trip delay time continues in the meantime. After the dropout delay time has
elapsed, the picku p is reported OFF and the trip delay time is reset unless the thresh-
old has been violated again. If the threshold is exceeded again while the dropout delay
time is still running, it will be cancelled. The trip delay time continues however. If the
threshold is still exceeded after the time has elap sed, a trip will be initiated immediate-
ly. If the threshold violation then no longer exists, there will be no response. If the
threshold is exceeded again after the trip command delay tim e has elapsed and while
the dropout delay time is still running, a trip will be initiated at once.
2.12.5 Ground Fault Location (in isolated systems)
Example Directional determination can of ten be used to locate ground fault s. In radial systems,
locating the ground fault is relatively simple. Since all feed ers from a common busbar
(Figure 2-73) deliver a capacitive charging current, nearly the total ground fault current
of the system is available at the measuring point on the faulty line in the isolated
system. In resonant-grounded system it is the residual wattmetric current of the Pe-
tersen Coil that flows via the measuring point. Therefore, on the faulty cables a clear
"forward" decision is made whe reas in othe r feeder s either "reverse" dire ction is sent
back or no measurement is carried out in case ground current is too low . Definitely the
faulty line can be determined clearly.
Figure 2-73 Location of ground faults in a radial network
In meshed or ring systems, the measuring points of the faulty line also may detect the
maximum ground fault cu rrent (residual current). Only in this line, "forward" direction
is signaled at both ends (Figure 2-74). However, also the rest of the direction indica-
tions in the system may be useful for ground fault detection. Some indications may not
be output when ground current is too low.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-74 Determination of the ground fault location basing on directional indicators in the
meshed system
2.12.6 Set ting Notes
General Settings The operating mode of the protective function is configured at address 131 Sens.
Gnd Fault (see Section 2.1.1). If address Sens. Gnd Fault = Definite Time,
then only the settings for the definite-time elements are available. If the setting is
Sens. Gnd Fault = Log. inverse A, a logarithmic inverse characteristic is avail-
able. If the sett ing is Sens. Gnd Fault = Log. Inverse B, a logarithmic inve rse
characteristic with knee point is active. Alternatively, user-defined characteristic can
be used when setting Sens. Gnd Fault = User Defined PU. The superimposed
high-set element 50Ns-2 is available in all these cases. If the function is not required,
Disabled is set.
Address 213 VT Connect. 3ph specifies how the voltage transformers are connect-
ed (phase-ground or phase-phase). Furthermore , adaption factor Vph / Vdelta for
displacement voltage are properly set in address 206, primary and secondary nominal
transformer current in the ground path are properly set in addresses 217 and 218.
Sensitive ground fault detection may be switched ON or OFF or to Alarm Only in
address 3101 Sens. Gnd Fault. If sensitive ground faul t protection is switched ON,
both tripping and message reporting is possible.
The ground fault is detected and reported only when the displacement voltage was
present for at least the time T-DELAY Pickup (address 3111).
Address 3130 PU CRITERIA specifies whether ground fault detection is enabled only
for pickups of V0 and INs (Vgnd AND INs) or as soon as one of the two has picked
up (Vgnd OR INs).
A two-stage current/time chara cteristic may be set at addresses 3113 through 3120.
Each of these elements may be directional or non-directional. These elements operate
with the ground current magnitude. They only make sense where the magnitude of the
ground current and ma ybe the direction can be used to specify the groun d fault. This
may be the case on grounded systems (solid or low-resistant) or on electrical ma-
chines which are directly connected to the busbar of an ungrounded power system,
when in case of a network ground fault the machine supplie s only a negligible ground
fault current across the measurement location, which must be situated between the
machine terminals and the network, whereas in case of a machine ground fault the
total ground fault current produced by the total network is available.
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
50Ns–2 Element
(Definite Time) Similar to the time overcurrent protection function the high set element is named
50Ns-2 PICKUP (address 3113). It is delayed with 50Ns-2 DELAY (address 3114)
and may be set to genera te a message or to trip. The latter is only possible if address
3101 Sens. Gnd Fault is set to ON.
50Ns–1 Element
(Definite Time) The definite tripping characteristic 50Ns-1 is set with addresses 3117 and 3118 (ad-
dress 131 Sens. Gnd Fault = Definite Time).
Pickup Stabilization
(Definite Time) Pickup of the definite time elements can be stabilized by means of a configurable
dropout time. This dropout time is set in 3121 50Ns T DROP-OUT.
51Ns Element (In-
verse Time) Th e inve r se tr ippi ng chara ct er istic 51 N- TOC is set with addresses 3119 and 3120
(address 131 Sens. Gnd Fault = User Defined PU).
characteristic (In-
verse Time)
The logarithmic inverse characteristic (see Figure 2-75) is set in parameters 3119
51Ns PICKUP, 3141 51Ns Tmax, 3140 51Ns Tmin, 3142 51Ns TIME DIAL and
3143 51Ns Startpoint. 51Ns Tmin and 51Ns Tmax define the tripping time
range. The slope of the curve is defined in 3142 51Ns TIME DIAL. 51Ns PICKUP
is the reference value for all current values with 51Ns Startpoint representing the
beginning of the curve, i.e. the lower opera ting range on the current axis (related to
51Ns PICKUP). This factor is preset to the value 1.1, analogous to the other inverse
time curves. This factor can also be set to 1.0 since in logarithmic in verse cur ves th e
tripping time on a current value, which is identical to the specified pickup threshold,
does not go towards infinity, but has a finite time value.
Figure 2-75 Trip-time ch aracteristics of the inverse-time ground fault protection 51Ns with
logarithmic inverse characteristic
Logarithmic inverse t = 51Ns MAX. TIME DIAL - 51Ns TIME DIAL·ln(I/51Ns PICKUP)
Note: For I/51Ns PICKUP > 35 the time applies for I/51Ns PICKUP = 35
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
characteris tic with
Knee Point (inverse
The logarithmic inverse characteristic with knee point (see figure 2-76) is set by means
of the parameters 3119 51Ns PICKUP, 3127 51Ns I T min, 3128 51Ns I T
knee, 3132 51Ns TD, 3140 51Ns T min and 3141 51Ns T max. 51Ns T min
and 51Ns T max define the range of the tripping time where 51Ns T max is assigned
to the current threshold 51Ns PICKUP and 51Ns T min to the current threshold
51Ns I T min. The knee-point time 51Ns T knee specifies the tripping time in the
transition point of two characteristic segment s with different slope. The transition point
is defined by the current threshold 51Ns I T knee. 51Ns PICKUP is the minimum
pickup thresho l d for the gr ou nd - fa ult pickup current of the overcurrent element. The
tripping time will assume a constant value after reaching a maximum secondary
current of 1.4 A at the latest. The parameter 51Ns TD serves as time multiplier for the
tripping time.
Figure 2-76 Trip-time characteristics of the inverse-time ground fault protection 51Ns with
logarithmic inverse characteristic with knee point (example for 51Ns = 0.004 A)
User Defined
characteristics (In-
verse Time)
If a user-defined characteristic is configured at address 131, Sens. Gnd Fault
User Defined PU, it should be noted that there is a safety factor of 1.1 between
pickup and setting value - as is standard for inverse curves. This means that pickup
will only be initiated when current of 1.1 times the setting value flows.
Entry of the value pair (current and time) is a multiple of the settings at addresses
3119 51Ns PICKUP and 3120 51NsTIME DIAL. Therefore, it is recommended that
these addresses are initially set to 1.00 for simplicity. Once the curve is entered, the
settings at addresses 3119 and/or 3120 may be modified if necessary.
The default setting of current values is . They are, ther efore, not enable d — and no
pickup or tripping of these protective functions will occur.
Up to 20 pairs of values (current and time) may be entered at address 3131 M.of
PU TD. The device then approxim ates the characteristic, u sing li near interp olation.
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following must be observed:
The value pair s should be entered in increasing sequence. Fewer than 20 pairs is
also sufficient. In most cases, about 10 pairs is sufficient to define the characteristic
accurately. A value pair which will not be used has to be made invalid by entering
"” for the threshold! The user must ensure the value pairs produce a clear and con-
stan t characteristic.
The current values entered should be those from Table 2-3, along with the matching
times. Deviating values MofPU (multiples of PU-values) are roun ded . This, howev-
er, will not be indicated.
Currents less than the smallest current value entered will not lead to an extension
of the tripping time. The pickup curve (see Figure 2-77) continues, from the smallest
current point parallel to the current axis.
Current s gre ater than the h ighest current value entered will not lead to a reduction
of the tripping tim e. The pickup curve (see Fig ure 2-77) continues, fr om the largest
current point parallel to the current axis.
Table 2-12 Preferential values of standardized currents for user-defined tripping curves
Figure 2-77 Use of a user-defined characteristic
Determination of
The ground-fa ulted phase may be iden tifie d in an un gr oun de d or re so na nt-g rou nded
system, if the device is supplied by three volt age transformers co nnected in a ground-
ed-wye configuration . The phase in which the voltage lies below setting VPH MIN at
address 3106 is identified as the faulty phase as long as the other two phase volt ages
simultaneously exceed the setting VPH MAX at address 3107. The setting VPH MIN
must be set less than the mi nimum expecte d operation al phase-to- ground volt a ge. A
typical setting for this address would be 40 V. Setting VPH MAX must be greater than
MofPU = 1 to 1.94 MofPU = 2 to 4.75 MofPU = 5 to 7.75 MofPU = 8 to 20
1.00 1.50 2.00 3.50 5.00 6.50 8.00 15.00
1.06 1.56 2.25 3.75 5.25 6.75 9.00 16.00
1.13 1.63 2.50 4.00 5.50 7.00 10.00 17.00
1.19 1.69 2.75 4.25 5.75 7.25 11.00 18.00
1.25 1.75 3.00 4.50 6.00 7.50 12.00 19.00
1.31 1.81 3.25 4.75 6.25 7.75 13.00 20.00
1.38 1.88 14.00
1.44 1.94
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
the maximum expected operational phase-to-ground voltage, but less than the
minimum expected operational phase-to-phase voltage. For VNom = 100 V, approxi-
mately 75 V is a typical setting. These settings have no significance in a grounded
Voltage V0
Displacement voltage 64-1 VGND (address 3108 or 3109) or 64-1 VGND (address
3110) is used to pick up ground fault detection. At the same time, pickup of the voltage
element is a condition for initiation of directional determination. Depending on the
setting at address 213 VT Connect. 3ph, only the applicable threshold address
3108 64-1 VGND, 3109 64-1 VGND or 3110 64-1 VGND is accessible:
That is, if two phase-to-ph ase volt ages and the displace ment volt age V0 are supplied
to the device, the measured di splacement volt age is used directly for ground fault rec-
ognition. The threshold for V0 is set at address 3108 (7SJ62/63) or 3109 (7SJ64),
where a more sensitive setting can be made than with a calculated displacement volt-
age. The upper settin g threshold for 7SJ64 is higher than fo r 7SJ62/63 (see Technical
Data). Please note that with phase-to-phase voltage V0, the factor (in normal case =
1.73; see also Section specifie d with parameter 206 Vph / Vdelta is used.
For display of parameter 3108 64-1 VGND or 3109 64-1 VGND in primary values,
the following conversion formula applies:
If three phase-to-ground voltages are connected to the device, the displacement
voltage 3 · V0 is calculated from the momentary values of phase-to-ground voltages,
and address 3110 is where the threshold is to be set. For the display of the parame-
ters 3110 in primary values, the following applies:
If secondary values of (for example) parameter 3109 and 3110 are set the same, their
primary values differ by the adaptation factor Vph / Vdelta.
Parameter 202 Vnom PRIMARY = 12 kV
Parameter 203 Vnom SECONDARY = 100 V
Parameter 206 Vph / Vdelta = 1.73
Parameter 213 VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc, VGnd
Parameter 3109 64-1 VGND = 40 V
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
When changing to primary values, the following applies:
Motor with the parameterization:
When changing to primary values, the following applies:
With regard to a ground fault in a ungrounded or resonant-grounded system, nearly
the entire displacement volt age appe ars at the device termina ls, therefore the pickup
setting is not critical , and typically lies between 30 V and 60 V (for 64-1 VGND with a
standard V0-connection) or 50 V and 100 V (for 64-1 VGND). Large fault resistances
may require higher sensitivity (i.e. a lower pickup setting).
With reg ard to a ground ed system, a more sensitive (lower) pickup value may be set,
but it must be above the maximum anticipated displacement voltage during normal
(unbalanc ed ) sys te m op er a tion .
Trip Time Delay Pickup of just the voltage element may initiate time delayed tripping assuming that
ground fault detection is configured to perform tripping (address 3101 Sens. Gnd
Fault = ON) and moreover address 3130 PU CRITERIA is configured Vgnd OR
INs. The tripping delay is then set at address 3112 64-1 DELAY. It is important to
note that the total tripping time consists of the displacement voltage measurement
time (about 50 ms) plus the pickup time delay (address 3111 T-DELAY Pickup) plus
the tripping time delay (address 3112 64-1 DELAY).
Determination of
Direction Addresses 3115 to 3126 are for direction determination.
The direction of the definite high-set element 67Ns-2 is set at address 3115 67Ns-2
DIRECT and may be configured Forward or Reverse or Non-Directional, i.e. to
both directions. The d irection of the definite time hi gh-set elemen t 67Ns-1 can be set
at address 3122 67Ns-1 DIRECT. = Forward or Reverse or Non-Directional,
i.e. to both directions.
Current value RELEASE DIRECT. (address 3123) is the release threshold for direc-
tional determination. It is based on the current components which are perpendicular
to the directional limit lines. The position of the directional limit lines themselves are
based on the settings ente red at addresses 3124 and 3125.
The following is generally valid for determination of direction during ground faults: The
pickup current INs dir (=RELEASE DIRECT. addre ss 3123) must be set as high as
possible to avoid a false pickup of the device provoked by asymmetrical currents in
the system and by curren t transformers (especially in a Holmgreen-connectio n).
If direction determination is used i n conjunction with one of the current elements dis-
cussed above (50Ns-1 PICKUP, addresses 3117 or 51Ns PICKUP, addresses
3119 ff), a value for address RELEASE DIRECT. is only significant if it is less than or
equal to the pickup value mentioned above.
A corresponding message (reverse , forward, or undefined) is issue d upon direction
determination. To avoid chatter for this message resulting from sharply-varying ground
fault currents, a dropout delay RESET DELAY, entered at address 3126, is initiated
Parameter 213 VT Connect. 3ph = Van, Vbn, Vcn
Parameter 3110 64-1 VGND = 40 V
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
when directional determination drops out, and the message is held for this period of
When address 3124 PHI CORRECTION is set to 0.0°, then the setting in address
3125 signifies the following:
the resistive component of the ground current with respect to the displacement
voltage is most relevant for the current value RELEASE DIRECT. (3I0dir)
the reactive (capacitive) component of the ground current with respect to the dis-
placement voltage is most relevant fo r the current value RELEASE DIRECT.
(3I0dir) (s ee Fig ur e 2-78).
Figure 2-78 Directional characteristic for sin–ϕ–measurement
In address 3124 PHI CORRECTION the directional line, in this respect, may be
rotated within the range ± 45°. Figure "Directional characte ristic for cos-ϕ-measure-
ment" in the functional description of the sensitive ground fault detection gives an
example re ga rdin g this topic.
System In an ungrounded system with a ground fault on a cable, capacitive ground current s of
the galvanically connected system flow via the measuring point, apart from the ground
current generated on the faulty line , which flows dire ctly via the fau lt lo cation (i.e. not
via the measuring point). A setting equal to about half of this ground current is to be
selected. The measur ement type should be SIN ϕ, since capacitive ground current is
most relevant here.
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
ed System In a resonant-grounded system, directional determination on the occurrence of a
ground fault results more difficult since the small residual wattmetric current for mea-
surement is usually dwarfed b y a larger reactive curr ent (be it capacitive or indu ctive)
which is much larger . Therefore, depending on the system configuration and the posi-
tion of the arc-compen sating co il, the tot al grou nd curren t supp lied to th e device may
vary considerably in its values with regard to magnitude and phase angle. The relay,
however, must evaluate only the active component o f the ground faul t current, that is,
INs cos ϕ. This demands extremely high accuracy, particularly with regard to phase
angle measurement of all instrument transformers. Fur thermore, th e device must not
be set to operate to o sensitive. When applying this function in resonant-groun ded sys-
tems, a reliable direction determination can only be achieved by connecting cable core
balance current transformers. Here the following rule of thumb applies: Set pickup
values to about half of the expected measured current, thereby considering only the
residual wattmetric current. Residual wattmetric current is mainly due to losses of the
Petersen coil. Here, the COS ϕ measuring type is used since the resistive residual
wattmetric current is relevant.
Grounded System In grounded systems, a value is set below the minimum anticipated ground fault cur-
rent. It is important to note that INs dir (current value RELEASE DIRECT.) only detects
the current component that is perpendicular to the directional limit line defined at ad-
dresses 3124 and 3125. COS ϕ is the type of measuremen t used, and the correction
angle is set to –45°, since the ground fault current is typically resistive-inductive (right
section of Figure "Directional characteristic for cos-ϕ-measurement in the functional
description of the sensitive gr ound fault detection).
Electrical Machines One may set the value COS ϕ for the measurement type and use a correction angle
of +45° for electrical motors supplied from a busbar in an ungrounded system, since
the ground current is often composed of an overlap of the capacitive ground current
from the system and the resistive current of the load resistance (Figure "Directional
characteristic for cos-ϕ-mea su re m en t" in th e func t ion a l desc rip tio n of the se nsit ive
ground fault detection, left part).
Angular Error Com-
pensation (CTs) The high reactive component in a resonant grounded system and the inevitable air gap
of the cable core balance current transformer often require the angle error of the cable
core balance current tr ansformer to be compensated. In addr esses 3102 to 3105 the
maximum angle error CT Err. F1 and the associated secondar y current CT Err.
I1 as well as another operating point CT Err. F2/CT Err. I2 are set for the ac-
tually connected burden. The device thus approximates the transformation cha racter-
istic of the transformer with considerable accuracy. In ungrounded or grounded
systems angle compensation is not required.
Note Regardin g
Settings List for
Sensitive Ground
Fault Detection
In devices with sensitive ground fault input, which is independent of the nominal
current rating of the device, se ttings may in general also be entered as primary values
under consideration of the current transformer ratio. However, problems related to the
resolution of the pickup currents can occur when very small settings and small nominal
primary current s are given. The user is theref ore encour aged to enter settin gs for the
sensitive ground fault detection in secondary values.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.12.7 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can on ly be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
3101 Sens. Gnd Fault OFF
Alarm Only
OFF (Sensitive) Ground Fault
3102 CT Err. I1 0.001 .. 1.600 A 0.050 A Current I1 for CT Angle
3102 CT Err. I1 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Current I1 for CT Angle
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A
3103 CT Err. F1 0.0 .. 5.0 °0.0 °CT Angle Error at I1
3104 CT Err. I2 0.001 .. 1.600 A 1.000 A Current I2 for CT Angle
3104 CT Err. I2 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A Current I2 for CT Angle
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A 50.00 A
3105 CT Err. F2 0.0 .. 5.0 °0.0 °CT Angle Error at I2
3106 VPH MIN 10 .. 100 V 40 V L-Gnd Voltage of Faulted
Phase Vph Min
3107 VPH MAX 10 .. 100 V 75 V L-Gnd Voltage of Unfault-
ed Phase Vph Max
3108 64-1 VGND 1.8 .. 200.0 V 40.0 V 64-1 Ground Displace-
ment Voltage
3109 64-1 VGND 1.8 .. 170.0 V 40.0 V 64-1 Ground Displace-
ment Voltage
3110 64-1 VGND 10.0 .. 225.0 V 70.0 V 64-1 Ground Displ ace-
ment Voltage
3111 T-DELAY Pickup 0.04 .. 320.00 sec; 1.00 sec Time-DELAY Pickup
3112 64-1 DELAY 0.10 .. 40000.00 sec; 10.00 sec 64-1 Time Delay
3113 50Ns-2 PICKUP 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.300 A 50Ns-2 Pickup
3113 50Ns-2 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A 50Ns-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A 50.00 A
3114 50Ns-2 DELAY 0.00 .. 320.00 sec; 1.00 sec 50Ns-2 Time Delay
3115 67Ns-2 DIRECT Forward
Forward 67Ns-2 Direction
3117 50Ns-1 PICKUP 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.100 A 50Ns-1 Pickup
3117 50Ns-1 PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 2.00 A 50Ns-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.0 0 A 10.00 A
3118 50Ns-1 DELAY 0.00 .. 320.00 sec; 2.00 sec 50Ns-1 Time delay
3119 51Ns PICKUP 0.001 .. 1.400 A 0.100 A 51Ns Pickup
2.12 Ground Fault Protection 64, 67N(s), 50N(s), 51N(s)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3119 51Ns PICKUP 0.0 03 .. 0.500 A 0.004 A 51Ns Pickup
3119 51Ns PICKUP 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51Ns Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
3120 51NsTIME DIAL 0.10 .. 4.00 sec; 1.00 sec 51Ns Time Dial
3121A 50Ns T DROP-OUT 0 .00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50Ns Drop-Out Time
3122 6 7Ns-1 DIRECT. Forward
Forward 67Ns-1 Direction
3123 REL E ASE DIRECT. 0.001 .. 1.200 A 0.010 A Release directional
3123 RELEASE DIRECT. 1A 0.05 .. 30.00 A 0.50 A Release directional
5A 0.25 .. 150.00 A 2.50 A
3124 PHI CORRECTION -45.0 .. 45.0 °0.0 °Correction Angle for Dir.
SIN ϕCOS ϕMeasurement method for
3126 RESET DELAY 0 .. 60 sec 1 sec Reset Delay
3127 5 1Ns I T min 0.003 .. 1.400 A 1.33 3 A 51Ns Current at const.
Time Delay T min
3127 5 1Ns I T min 1A 0 .05 .. 20.00 A 15.00 A 51Ns Current at const.
Time Delay T min
5A 0.25 .. 100. 0 0 A 75.00 A
3128 5 1Ns I T knee 0.003 .. 0.650 A 0.04 0 A 51Ns Current at Knee
3128 5 1Ns I T knee 1A 0.05 .. 17.00 A 5.00 A 51Ns Current at Knee
5A 0.25 .. 85.00 A 25.00 A
3129 5 1Ns T knee 0.20 .. 100.00 sec 23.60 sec 51Ns Time Delay at Knee
Vgnd AND INs Vgnd OR INs Sensitive Ground Fault
PICKUP criteria
3131 M.o f PU TD 1.00 .. 20.00 MofPU;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiples of PU Time-
3132 5 1Ns TD 0 .0 5 .. 1.50 0.20 51Ns Time Dial
3140 5 1Ns Tmin 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 1.20 se c 51Ns Minimum Time
3140 5 1Ns T min 0.10 .. 30.00 sec 0.80 sec 51Ns Minimum Time
3141 5 1Ns Tmax 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 5.80 sec 51Ns Maximum Time
3141 5 1Ns T max 0.50 .. 200.00 sec 93.0 0 sec 51Ns Maximum Time
Delay (at 51Ns PU)
3142 51Ns TIME DIAL 0.05 .. 15.00 sec; 1.35 sec 51Ns Time Dial
3143 51Ns Startpoint 1.0 .. 4.0 1.1 51Ns Start Point of Inverse
Addr. Parameter C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.12.8 Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
1201 >BLOCK 64 SP >BLOCK 64
1202 >BLOCK 50Ns-2 SP >BLOCK 50Ns-2
1203 >BLOCK 50Ns-1 SP >BLOCK 50Ns-1
1204 >BLOCK 51Ns SP >BLOCK 51Ns
1207 >BLK 50Ns/67Ns SP >BLOCK 50Ns/67Ns
1211 50Ns/67Ns OFF OUT 50Ns/67Ns is OFF
1212 50Ns/67Ns ACT OUT 50Ns/67Ns is ACTIVE
1215 64 Pickup OUT 64 displacement voltage pick up
1217 64 TRIP OUT 64 displacement voltage element TRIP
1221 50Ns-2 Pickup OUT 50Ns-2 Pickup
1223 50Ns-2 TRIP OUT 50Ns-2 TRIP
1224 50Ns-1 Pickup OUT 50Ns-1 Pickup
1226 50Ns-1 TRIP OUT 50Ns-1 TRIP
1227 51Ns Pickup OUT 51Ns picked up
1229 51Ns TRIP OUT 5 1Ns TRIP
1230 Sens. Gnd block OUT Sensitive ground fault detection BLOCKED
1264 IEEa = VI Corr. Resistive Earth current
1265 IEEr = VI Corr. Reactive Earth current
1266 IEE = VI Earth current, absolute Value
1267 VGND, 3Vo VI Displacement Voltage VGND, 3Vo
1271 Sens.Gnd Pickup OUT Sensitive Ground fault pick up
1272 Sens. Gnd Ph A OUT Sensitive Ground fault picked up in Ph A
1273 Sens. Gnd Ph B OUT Sensitive Ground fault picked up in Ph B
1274 Sens. Gnd Ph C OUT Sensitive Ground fault picked up in Ph C
1276 SensGnd Forward OUT Sensitive Gnd fault in forward direction
1277 SensGnd Reverse OUT Sensitive Gnd fault in reverse direction
1278 SensGnd undef. OUT Sensitive Gnd fault direction undefined
16029 51Ns BLK PaErr OUT Sens.gnd.flt. 51Ns BLOCKED Setting Error
2.13 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.13 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection
A typical characteristic of intermittent ground faults is that they often disappear auto-
matically to strike again after some time. They can last between a few milliseconds
and several seconds. This is why such faults are not detected at all or not selectively
by the ordinary time overcurrent protection . If pulse durations are extremely short, not
all protection devices in a short-circuit p ath may pick up; sele ctive trippi ng is thus not
Due to the time delay of the overcurrent protection function such faults are too short
to initiate shutdown of the faulted cable. Only when they have become permanent
such ground faults can be removed selectively by the short-circuit protection.
But such intermittent ground fault s already bear the risk of causing thermal damage to
equipment. This is why de vices 7SJ62/63/64 f eature a protective function that is able
to detect such intermittent ground faults and accumulates their duration. If within a
certain time their sum reaches a settable value, the thermal load limit has been
reached. If the grou nd fault s are distributed over a long period of time or if the ground
fault goes off and does not re-ignite after some time, the equipment under load is ex-
pected to cool down. Tripping is not necessary in this case.
Applications Protection fro m intermittent ground fault s which occur, e.g. in cables due to poor in-
sulation or water ingress in cable joints.
2.13.1 Description
Acquisition of Mea-
sured Quantities The intermit te nt gr o un d fault can either be detec te d via th e or din ar y gr ou nd c ur ren t
input (IN), the sensitive ground current input (INS), or it is calculated from the sum of
the three phase currents (3 I0). Unlike the overcurrent protection which uses the fun-
damental wave, the intermittent ground fault protection creates the r .m.s. value of this
current and compares it to a settable threshold Iie>. This method accounts for higher
order harmonics contents (up to 400 Hz) and for the direct component since both
factors contribute to the thermal load.
Pickup/Tripping When the pickup thr eshold Iie> is exceed ed , a pick up me ssag e ( „IIE Fault
det“, see Figure 2-79) is issued. The pickups are also counted; as soon as the
counter content has reached the value of parameter Nos.det., the message
„Intermitt.EF“ is issued. A stabilized pickup is obtained by prolonging the pickup
message „IIE Fault det“ by a settable time T-det.ext.. This stabilization is
especially important for the coordination with existing st atic or electromechanical over-
current relays.
The duration of the stabilized pickups „IIE stab.Flt“ is summated with an inte-
grator T-sum det.. If the accumulated pickup time reaches a settable threshold
value, a corresponding message is generated („IEF Tsum exp.“). Tripping takes
place, however, only while a ground fault is present (messa ge „IEF Trip). The trip
command is maintained during the entire minimum tripping time specified for the
device, even if the ground fault is of short duration. After completion of the trippi ng
command all memori es are reset and the protection resumes normal condition.
The (much lon ge r ) res et tin g tim e T-sum det. (messa ge T-reset) is launched si-
multaneously with „IEF Tres run.“ when a ground fault occurs. Unlike T-sum
det. each new ground fault resets this time to its initial value and it expires anew. If
T-reset expires and no new ground fault is recorded dur ing that time , all memories
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
are reset and the protection returns to its quiescent state. T-reset thus determines
the time during which the next ground fault must occur to be processed yet as inter-
mittent ground fault in connection with the previous fault. A ground fault that occurs
later will be considered a new fault event.
The message „IIE Fault det“ will be entered in the fault log and reported to the
system interface only until the message „Intermitt.EF“ is issued. This prevents a
burst of messages. If the message is allocated to an LED or a relay , this limitation does
not apply. This is accomplished by doubling the message (message numbers 6924,
Interaction with th e
Automatic Reclo-
sure Function
Automatic reclosure is not an effective measure against intermittent ground faults as
the function only trips after repeated detection of a fault or after expiration of the sum-
mation monitoring time T-sum det. and besides this, its basic design is to prevent
thermal overload. Fo r these reasons, the interm ittent ground fault protection is not im-
plemented as starting feature of the automatic reclosing function.
Interaction with
Breaker Failure
A pickup that is present when the time de lay TRIP-Timer has expired is interpreted
by the breaker failure protection as a criterion for a tripping failure. Since permanent
pickup is not ensu red after a tripp ing command by the intermittent gr ound fault protec-
tion, cooperation with the breaker failure protection is not sensible. Therefore, this
function is not activated by the intermittent ground fault protection.
2.13 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Logic Diagram The following figure shows the logic diagram for the intermittent ground fault protection
Figure 2-79 Logic di agram of the intermittent ground fault protection – principle
Fault Logging A fault event and thus fault logging is initiated when the non-stabilized IN element
picks up for the first time. A message „IIE Fault det“ is produced. The message
„IIE Fault det“ is issued and entered in the fault log (and re ported to the system
interface) so often until the number of pickups „IIE Fault det“ has re ac he d th e
value set for parameter Nos.det.. When this happens, th e message
„Intermitt.EF“ is issued and „IIE Fault det“ is blocked for the fau lt log an d
the system interface. T his method ac counts for the fact that the IN ele ment may a lso
pick up for a normal short-circuit. In this case the pickup does not launch the alarm
Intermittent grou nd fault s may cause o ther time overcurrent ele ment s to pick up (e.g.
50-1, 50N-1, 50Ns-1) and produce a burst of messages. To avoid overflow of the fault
log, messages are not entered anymore in the fault log after detection of an intermit-
tent ground fault (message „Intermitt.EF“) unless they cause a tripping com-
mand. If an intermittent ground fault has been detected, the following pickup messag-
es of the time overcurrent protection will still be reported without restraint (see Table
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-13 Unrestricted Messages
FNo. Message Description
1800 „50-2 picked up“ 50-2 picked up
2642 „67-2 picked up“ 67-2 picked up
7551 „50-1 InRushPU“ 50-1 InRush picked up
7552 „50N-1 InRushPU“ 50N-1 InRush picked up
7553 „51 In RushPU“ 51 InRush picked up
7554 „51N In RushPU“ 51N InRush picked up
7559 „67-1 InRushPU“ 67-1 InRush picked up
7560 „67N-1 InRushPU“ 67N-1 InRush picked up
7561 „67-TOC InRushPU“ 67-TO C InRush picked up
7562 „67N-TOCInRushPU“ 67N-TOC InRush picked up
7565 „Ia InRush PU“ Phase A InRush picked up
7566 „Ib InRush PU“ Phase B InRush picked up
7567 „Ic InRush PU“ Phase C InRush picked up
7564 „Gnd InRush PU“ G round InRush picked up
2.13 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-14 shows all me ssages subject to a restraint mechan ism avoiding a message
burst during an intermittent ground fault:
Table 2-14 Buffered Messages
Before they are entered in the fault log (event buffer) and transmitted to the system
interface or CFC, the messages of table 2-14 are buffered (starting with the first pickup
message received after „Intermitt.EF“ was signalled ). Th e buffering does not
apply for signalling to relays a nd LEDs as it is required by time-graded protection
systems for reverse interlockin g. The intermediate buffer ca n store a maximum of two
status changes (the most recent ones) for each message.
Buffered messages are signalled to the fault log, CFC and to the system interface with
the original time flag only whe n a TRIP command is initiated by a pro tec tive functio n
other than the intermittent ground fault protection. This ascertains that a pickup, al-
though delayed, is always signalled in association with each TRIP command.
FNo. Message Explanation
1761 „50(N)/51(N) PU“ 50(N)/51(N) picked up
1762 „50/51 Ph A PU“ 50/51 Phase A picked up
1763 „50/51 Ph B PU“ 50/51 Phase B picked up
1764 „50/51 Ph C PU“ 50/51 Phase C picked up
1810 „50-1 picked up“ 50-1 picked up
1820 „51 picke d up“ 51 picked up
1765 „50N/5 1NPickedup“ 50N/51N picked up
1831 „50N-2 picked up 50N-2 picked up
1834 „50N-1 picked up 50N-1 picked up
1837 „51N picked up“ 51N picked up
2691 „67/67N pickedup“ 67/67N picked up
2660 „67-1 picked up“ 67-1 picked up
2670 „67-TOC pickedup“ 67-TOC picked up
2692 „67 A picked up“ 67/67-TOC Phase A picked up
2693 „67 B picked up“ 67/67-TOC Phase B picked up
2694 „67 C picked up“ 67/67-TOC Phase C picked up
2646 „67N-2 picked up 67N-2 picked up
2681 „67N-1 picked up 67N-1 picked up
2684 „67N-TOCPickedup“ 67N-TOC picked up
2695 „67N picked up“ 67N/67N—TOC picked up
5159 „46-2 picked up“ 46-2 picked up
5165 „46-1 picked up“ 46-1 picked up
5166 „46-TOC pickedup“ 46-TOC picked up
1215 „64 Pickup“ 64 displacement voltage pick up
1221 „50Ns-2 Pickup“ 50Ns-2 picked up
1224 „50Ns-1 Pickup“ 50Ns-1 picked up
1227 „51Ns Pickup 51Ns picked up
6823 „START-SUP pu“ Startup supervision Pickup
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
All pickup messages which usually do not occur during an intermittent ground fault are
not affected by this mechanism. Among others this includes the pickup and TRIP com-
mands of the following protective functions:
Breaker failure protection,
Overload protection,
Frequency protection and
Voltage protection.
The pickup signals of these functions will still be logged immediately. A TRIP
command of one of these protective functions will cause the buf fered messages to be
cleared since no connection e xists between tripping function and buffered message.
A fault event is cleared when the time T-reset has expired or the TRIP com m an d
„IEF Trip“ has been terminated.
Terminating a fault event for the intermittent ground fault protection thus is a special
case. It is the time T-reset that keeps the fa ult event opened and not the pickup.
2.13 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.13.2 Setting Notes
General The protection function for intermittent gr ound faults can only take effect and is only
accessible if the current to be evaluated (133, INTERM.EF or with Ignd) was con-
figured i n address with 3I0 with Ignd,sens.. If not required, this function is set
to Disabled.
The function can be turned ON or OFF under address 3301 INTERM.EF.
The pickup threshold (r .m.s. value) is set in address 3302 Iie>. A rather sensitive
setting is possible to respond also to short ground faults since the pickup time shortens
as the current in excess of the setting increases. The setting range depends on the
selection of the current to be evaluated at address 133 INTERM.EF.
The pickup time can be prolonged at address 3303 T-det.ext.. This pickup stabi-
lization is especially important for the coordination with existing analog or electrome-
chanical overcurrent relays. The time T-det.ext. can also be disabled (T-
det.ext. = 0).
The stabilized pickup start s the counter T-sum det.. This counter is stopp ed but not
reset when the picked up function drops out. Based on the last counter content the
counter resumes counting when the stabilized function picks up next. This sum of in-
dividual pickup times, which ar e to initiate tripping, is set at address 3304 T-sum
det.. It represents one of the four selectivity criteria (pickup value Iie>, detection ex-
tension time T-det.ext., counter T-sum det. and reset time T-reset) for coor-
dinating the relays on adjacent feeders and is comparable to the time grading of the
time overcurrent protection. The relay in the radial network which is closest to the in-
termittent fault and picks up, will have the shortest summation time T-sum det..
The reset time, after which the summation is reset in healthy operation and the pro-
tection resumes norma l status, is configured to T-reset at address 3305.
Figure 2-80 Example of selectivity criteria of the intermittent ground fault protection
Address 3306 Nos.det. specifies the number of pickups after which a ground fault
is considered intermittent.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.13.3 Settings
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
2.13.4 Information List
Addr. P arameter C Setting Options Def ault Setting Comments
ON OFF Intermittent earth fault pro-
3302 Ii e> 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Pick-up value of interm.
E/F stage
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A
3302 Ii e> 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Pick-up value of interm.
E/F stage
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A
3302 Iie> 0.005 .. 1.500 A 1.000 A Pick-up value of interm.
E/F stage
3303 T-det.ext. 0.00 .. 10.00 sec 0.10 sec Detection extension time
3304 T-sum det. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec 20.00 sec Sum of detection times
3305 T-reset 1 .. 600 sec 300 sec Reset time
3306 Nos.det. 2 .. 10 3 No. of det. for start of int.
E/F prot
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
6903 >IEF block SP >block inte rm. E/F prot.
6921 IEF OFF OUT Interm. E/F prot. is switched off
6922 IEF blocked OUT Interm. E/F prot. is blocked
6923 IEF enabled OUT Interm. E/F prot. is active
6924 IIE Fault det OUT Interm. E/F detection stage Iie>
6925 IIE stab.Flt OUT Interm. E/F stab detection
6926 IIE Flt.det FE OUT Interm.E/F det.stage Iie> f.Flt. ev.Prot
6927 Intermitt.EF OUT Interm. E/F detected
6928 IEF Tsum exp. OUT Counter of det. times elapsed
6929 IEF Tres run. OUT Interm. E/F: reset time running
6930 IEF Trip OUT Interm. E/F: trip
6931 Iie/In= VI Max RMS current value of fault =
6932 Nos.IIE= VI No. of detections by stage Iie>=
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
From experience, about 85 % of insulation faults associated with overhead lines are
arc short circuit s which a re temp orary in n ature and disa ppear when pr otection takes
effect. This mea ns that the line can be connected again. The reconnection is accom-
plished after a dead time via the automatic reclosing system.
If the fault still exists af ter automatic reclosure (arc has not disappeared, there is a me-
tallic fault), then the protective elements will re-trip the circ uit breaker. In some
systems several reclosing attempts are performed.
Applications The automatic reclosure system integrated in the 7SJ62/63/64 can also be con-
trolled by an external protection device (e.g. backup protection). For this applica-
tion, an output contact from the tripping relay must be wired to a binary input of the
7SJ62/63/64 relay.
It is also possible to allow the relay 7SJ62/63/64 to work in conjunction with an ex-
ternal reclosing device.
The automatic reclosure system ca n also oper ate in interaction with the integrated
synchronizing function (only 7SJ64) or with an external synchrocheck.
Since the automatic reclosing fu nction is not applied when the 7SJ62/63/64 is use d
to protect generators, motors, transformers, cables and reactors etc., it should be
disabled for this application.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.14.1 Program Execution
The 7SJ62/63/64 is equipped with three-pole , single-shot and multi-shot automatic re-
closure (AR). Figure 2-81 shows an example of a timing diagram for a successful
second reclosure.
Figure 2-81 Timing diagram showing two reclosing shots, first cycle unsuccessful, second
cycle successful
The following figure shows an example of a timing diagram showing for two unsuc-
cessful reclosing shots, with no additional reclosing of the circuit breaker.
The number of reclose commands initiated by the automatic reclosure function are
counted. A statistical counter is available for this purpose for the first and all subse-
quent reclosing commands.
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-82 Timing diagram showing two unsuccessful reclosing shots
Initiation Initiation of the automatic reclosin g function can be caused by internal protective func-
tions or externally using a binary input. The automatic reclosing system can be pro-
grammed such that any of the element s of Table 2-15 can initiate (Starts 79), not
initiate (No influence), or block reclosing (Stops 79):
Table 2-15 79 start
With the initiation th e automatic r eclosure f unction is informe d that a trip command is
output and the appropriate reclosing program is executed.
The binary input messages 2715 „>Start 79 Gnd“ and 2716 „>Start 79 Ph“
for starting an automatic reclosure program can also be activated via CFC (fast PLC
task processing). Automatic re closure can thus be initiated via any messages (e.g.
protective pickup) if address 7164 BINARY INPUT is set to Starts 79.
Non-directional Start Direction al Start Start Oth er
50-1 67-1 SENS. GROUND FLT (50Ns,
50N-1 67N-1 46
50-2 67-2 BINARY INPUT
50N-2 67N-2
51 67-TOC
51N 67N-TOC
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Action Time The action time serves for monitoring the time between a device pickup and the trip
command of a protective function configured as starter. The action time is launched
when pickup of any function is detected, which is set as source of the automatic reclo-
sure program. Protection functions which are set to Alarm Only or which in principle
should not start a reclosing program do not trigger the action time.
If a protective function configured as starter initiates a trip command during the action
time, the automatic reclosure program is started. Trip commands of a protective fun c-
tion configured as starter occurring in the time between expiration of the actio n time
and dropout of the device pickup cause the dynamic blocking of the automatic reclos-
ing program. Trip commands of protective functions which ar e not configured as
starter do not affect the action time.
If the automatic reclosure program interacts with an external protection device, the
device pickup for start of the operating time is communicated to the automatic reclos-
ing program via binary input 2711 „>79 Start“.
Delay of De ad Time
Start The initiation of the dead time can be delayed after a 79 start of the binary input
message 2754 „>79 DT St.Delay“. The dead time is not initiated as long as the
binary input is active. The initiation takes place only with dropout of the binary input.
The delay of the dead time start can be monitored at parameter 7118 T DEAD DELAY.
If the time elapses and the binary input is still active, the Automatic Reclosing
System 79 changes to the status of the dynamic blocking via (2785 „79
DynBlock“). The maximal time delay of the dead time start is logged by the annun-
ciation 2753 „79 DT delay ex.“.
Reclosing Pro-
grams Depending on the type of fault, two different reclo sing programs can be used. The fol-
lowing applies:
The single ph as e fa ult (ground fault) reclosing program applies when all fault pro-
tection functions, which initiate automatic reclosure, detected a phase-to-ground
fault. The following conditions must apply: only one phase, only one phas e an d
ground or only ground have picked up. This program can be started via a binary
input as well.
The multiple phase fault (phase fault program) reclosing program applies to all
other cases. That is, when elements associated with two or more phases pickup,
with or without the pickup of gr ound elem ent s, the phase reclosing pr ogram is exe-
cuted. In addition, when automatic reclosing is initiated by other functions, su ch as
negative sequence elements, this program is started. This program can be started
via a binary input as well.
The reclosure program evaluate s only element s during pick up as eleme nts dropping
out may corrupt the result if they drop out at different times when opening the circuit
breaker. Therefore, the ground fault reclosure program is executed only when the el-
ements associated with one particular phase pick up until the circuit breaker is
opened; all others conditions will initiate the phase fault program.
For each of the programs, up to 9 reclosing attempts can be separately programmed.
The first four reclosing attempts can be set differently for each of the two reclosing pro-
grams. The fifth and following automatic reclosures will correspond to the fourth dead
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Reclosing Before
Selectivity For the automatic reclosure sequence to be successful, faults on any part of the line
must be cleared from the feeding line end(s) within the same – shortest possible –
time. Usually, therefore, an instantaneous protection element is set to operate before
an automatic reclosure. Fast fault termination thus has priority over selectivity aspects
as the reclosing action aims at maintaining normal system operation. For this pu rpose
all protective functions which can initiate the automatic reclosure function are set such
that they may trip instantaneously or with a very small time delay before auto-reclo-
With the final r eclosing attem pt, i.e. when no automa tic reclosure is expected , protec-
tion is to trip with delay according to the grading coo rdination chart of the network,
since selectivity has priority. For details see also information at margin heading "Using
the Automatic Reclosure Function" which can be found with the setting notes of the
time overcurrent protection functions and the functiona l description of the intermittent
ground fault protection.
Single-shot Reclos-
ing When a trip signal is programmed to initiate the automatic reclosing system, the ap-
propriate automatic reclosing program will be executed. Once the circuit breaker has
opened, a dead time interval in accord ance with the type of fault is started (see also
margin headin g "Re clo sing Progr am s") . Once the dead time interval has elapsed, a
closing signal is issued to reclose the circuit breaker. A blocking time interval TIME
RESTRAINT is started at the same time. Within this restraint time it is checked whether
the automatic reclosure was performed successfully. If a new fault occurs before the
restraint time elapses, the automatic reclo sing system is dynamically blocked cau sing
the final tripping of the circuit breaker. The dead time can be set individually for each
of the two reclosing programs.
Criteria for opening the circuit breaker may either be the auxiliary contacts of the circuit
breaker or the dropout of the general device pickup if auxiliary contacts are not con-
If the fault is cleared (successful reclosing attempt), the blocking time expires and au-
tomatic reclosing is reset in anticipation of a future fault. The fault is cleared.
If the fault is not cleared (unsuccessful reclosing attempt), then a final tripping signal
is initiated by one or more protective element s.
Multi-shot Reclos-
ing 7SJ62/63/64 permits up to 9 reclosings. The number can be set differently for the
phase fault reclosing program and the ground fault reclosing program.
The first reclose cycle is, in principle, the same as the single-shot auto-reclosing. If the
first reclosing attempt is unsu ccessful, this does not result in a fin al trip, but in a reset
of the restraint time interval and start of the next reclose cycle with the next dead time.
This can be repeated until the set number of reclosing attempt s for the corresponding
reclose program has been reached.
The dead time intervals for the first four reclosing attempts can be set differently for
each of the two reclosing programs. The dead time intervals from the fifth cycle on will
be equal to that of the fourth cycle.
If one of the reclosing attempts is successful, i.e. the fault disappeared after reclosure,
the restraint time expir es and the au tomatic reclosing system is reset. The fault is ter-
If none of the reclosing attempt s is successful, then a final circuit breaker tr ip (accord-
ing to the grading coordination chart) will take place after the last allowable reclosing
attempt has been performed by the protection function. All reclosing attempts were un-
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
After the final circuit breaker trip, the automatic reclosing system is dynamically
blocked (see below).
Restraint Time The function of the restraint time has already been described in the paragraphs at side
title "Single-/Multi-Shot Reclosing". The restraint time can be prolonged when the fol-
lowing conditions are fulfilled.
The time 211 TMax CLOSE CMD defines the maximum time during which a close
command can apply. If a new trip command occurs before this time has run out, the
close command will be aborted. If the time TMax CLOSE CMD is set longer than the
restraint time TIME RESTRAINT, the restraint time will be extended to the remaining
close command duration after expiry!
A pickup from a protective function that is set to initiate the automatic reclosing system
will also lead to an extension of the restraint time should it occur during this time!
2.14.2 Blocking
Static Blocking Static blocking means tha t the automatic reclosing system is not ready to initiate re-
closing, and cannot initiate reclosing as long as the blocking signal is present. A cor-
responding message „79 is NOT ready“ (FNo. 2784) is generated. The static
blocking signal is also used internally to block the protection elements that are only
supposed to work when reclosing is enabled (s ee also side title "Reclosing Before Se-
lectivity" further above).
The automatic reclosing system is statically blocked if:
The signal „>BLOCK 79“ FNo.2703) is present at a binary input, as long as the
automatic reclosing system is not initiated (associated mess age: „>BLOCK 79“),
The signal „>CB Ready“ (FNo. 2730) indicates that the circuit breake r disappears
via the binary input, if the automatic reclosing system is not initiated (associated
message: „>CB Ready“),
The number of allowable r eclosing attempts set for b oth reclosing programs is zero
(associated message: „79 no cycle“),
No protective functions (parameters 7150 to 7163) or binary inputs are set to ini-
tiate the automatic reclosing system (associated message: „79 no starter“),
The circuit breaker position is reported as being "open" and no trip command
applies (associated message: „79 BLK: CB open“). This presumes that
7SJ62/63/64 is informed of the circuit breaker position via the auxiliary contacts of
the circuit break er.
Dynamic Blocking Dynamic blocking of the automatic reclosure program occurs in those cases where the
reclosure program is active and one of the conditions for blocking is fulfilled. The
dynamic blocking is signalled by the message „79 DynBlock“. The dynamic block-
ing is associated to the configurable blocking time SAFETY 79 ready. This blocking
time is usually started by a blocking conditio n that has been fulfilled. After the blocking
time has elapsed the device checks whether or not the blocking condition can be reset.
If the blocking condition is still present or if a new blocking condition is fulfilled, the
blocking time is rest arted. If, however, the blocking condition no longer holds af ter the
blocking time has elapsed, the dynamic blocking will be reset.
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Dynamic blocking is initiated if:
The maximum number of reclosure attempt s has been achieved. If a trip command
now occurs within the dynamic blocking time, the automatic reclosure program will
be blocked dynamically, (indicated by „79 Max. No. Cyc“).
The protection function has detected a three-phase fault and the device is pro-
grammed not to reclose after three-phase faults, (indicated by „79 BLK:3ph
When the maximal waiting time T DEAD DELAY for the delay of the dead time ini-
tiation by binary input s runs of f without that the binary input „>79 DT St.Delay“
during this time frame has become inactive.
The action time has elapsed without a TRIP command being issued. Each TRIP
command that occurs after the action time has expired and before the picked-up
element drops out, will initiate the dynamic blocking (indicated by „79 Tact
A protective function trips which is to block the automatic reclosure function (as con-
figured). Th is ap plie s irr esp ec tiv e of the status of the aut om a tic re clo sur e syste m
(started / not started) if a TRIP command of a blocking element occurs (indicated
by „79 BLK by trip“).
The circuit breaker failure function is initiated.
The circuit breaker does not trip within the configured time T-Start MONITOR
after a trip command was issued, thus leading to the assumption that the circuit
breaker has failed. (The br eaker failure monitoring is primaril y intended for commis-
sionnig purposes. Commissionnig safety checks are often conducted with the
circuit breaker disconnected. The breaker failure monitoring prevents unexpected
reclosing after the circuit breaker has been reconnected, indicated by „79 T-
Start Exp“).
The circuit breaker is not read y after the breaker monitoring time has el apsed, pro-
vided that the circuit breaker check has been activated (addr ess 7113 CHECK CB?
= Chk each cycle, indicated by „79 T-CBreadyExp“).
The circuit breaker is not ready after maximum extension of the dead time Max.
DEAD EXT.. The monitoring of the circuit breaker status and the synchrocheck may
cause undesired extension of the dead time. To prevent the automatic reclosure
system from assuming an undefined state, the extension of the dead time is moni-
tored. The extension time is started when the regular dead time has elapsed. When
it has elapsed, the automatic reclosure function is blocked dynamically and the lock-
out time launched. The automatic reclosure system resumes normal state when the
lock-out time has elapsed and new blocking conditions do not apply (indicated by
„79 TdeadMax Exp) .
Manual closing has been detected (externally) an d parameter BLOCK MC Dur. (T
= 0) was set such that the automatic reclosing system responds to manual closing,
Via a correspondingly masked binary input (FNo. 2703 „>BLOCK 79“). If the block-
ing takes places while the automatic recloser is in normal state, the latter will be
blocked statically („79 is NOT ready“). The blocking is terminated immediately
when the binary input ha s been cleared and the automatic reclosure function
resumes normal state. If the automatic reclosure function is already running when
the blocking arrives, the dynamic blocking takes effect („79 DynBlock“). In this
case the activation of the binary input starts the dynamic blocking time SAFETY 79
ready. Upon its expiration the device checks if the binary input is still activated. If
this is the case, the automatic reclosure program changes from dynamic blocking
to static blocking. If the binary input is no longer active when the time has elapsed
and if no new blocking conditions apply, the automatic reclosure system resumes
normal state.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.14.3 S tatus Recognition and Monitoring of the Circuit Breaker
Circuit Break er
Status The detection of the actual circuit breaker position is necessary for the correct func-
tionality of the auto reclose functio n. The breaker position is detected by the circuit
breaker auxiliary contacts and is communicated to the device via binary inputs 4602
„>52-b“ and 4601 „>52-a“.
Here the following applies:
If binary input 4601 „>52-a“ and binary input 4602 „>52-b“ are used, the au t o -
matic reclosure function can detect whether the circuit breaker is open, closed or in
intermediate position. If both auxiliary contacts detect that the circuit breaker is
open, the d ead time is started. If the circuit breaker is o pen or in inter mediate posi-
tion without a trip command being present, the automatic reclosure function is
blocked dynamically if it is already running. If the automatic reclosure system is in
normal state, it will be blocked statically. When checking whether a trip command
applies, all trip commands of the device are taken into account irrespective of
whether the function act s as starting or blocking elem ent on behalf of the automatic
reclosure progra m.
If binary input 4601 „>52-a“ alone is allocated, the circuit breake r is considered
open while the binary input is no t active. If the binar y input becomes ina ctive while
no trip command of (any) function applies, the automatic reclosure system will be
blocked. The blocking will be of static nature if the automatic reclosure system is in
normal state at this time. If the au tomatic reclosing system is already running, the
blocking will be a dynamic one. The dead time is started if the binary input becomes
inactive following the trip command of a starting element 4601 „>52-a“ = inactive).
An intermediate position of the circuit br eaker cannot be detected for this type of
If binary input 4602 „>52-b“ alone is allocated, the circuit breake r is considered
open while the binary input is a ctive. If the binary input becomes active while no trip
command of (any) function applies, the automatic reclosure system will be blocked
dynamically provided it is already running. Otherwise the blocking will be a static
one. The dead time is started if the binary input becomes active following the trip
command of a starting element. An intermediate position of the circuit breaker
cannot be detected for this type of allocation.
If neither binary input 4602 „>52-b“ no r 46 01 „>52-a“ are allocated, the auto-
matic reclosure program cannot detect the position of the circuit bre ake r. In this
case, the automatic reclosure system will be controlled exclusively via pickups and
trip commands. Monitoring for "52-b without TRIP" and starting the dead time in de-
pendence of the circuit breaker feedback is not possible in this case.
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Circuit Breaker
Monitoring The time needed by the circuit breaker to perform a complete reclose cycle can be
monitored by the 7SJ62/63/64. Breaker failure is detected:
A precondition for a reclosing attempt, following a trip command initiated by a protec-
tive relay element and subsequent initiation of the auto matic reclosing function, is that
the circuit breaker is ready for at least one TRIP-CLOSE-TRIP cycle. The readiness
of the circuit breaker is monitored by the device using a binary input „>CB Ready“.
In the case where this signal from the breaker is not available, the circuit breaker mon-
itoring feature should be disabled, otherwise reclosing attempts will remain blocked.
Especially whe n m ultiple reclo sin g at te mp ts are prog ra m m ed, it is a good ide a to
monitor the circuit breaker condition not only prior to the first but also to each reclos-
ing attempt. A reclosing attempt will be blocked until the binary input indicates that
the circuit breaker is ready to complete another CLOSE-TRIP cycle.
The time needed by the circuit- bre aker to re gain the r ead y state can be monitored
by the 7SJ62/63/64. T he monitoring time CB TIME OUT expires for as long as the
circuit breaker does not indicate that it is ready via binary input „>CB Ready“ (FNo.
2730). Meaning that as the binary input „>CB Ready“ is cleared, the monitoring
time CB TIME OUT is sta rted. If the binary input return s before the monitoring time
has elapsed, the monitoring time will be cancelled and the reclosure process is con-
tinued. If the monitoring time runs longer than the dead time, the dead time will be
extended accordingly. If the monitoring time elapses before the circuit breaker
signals its readiness, the automatic reclosure function will be blocked dynamically.
Interaction with the synchronism check may cause the dead tim e to extend inadmissi-
bly. To prevent the automatic re closure function from remaining in a n undefined state ,
dead time extension is monitored. The maximum extension of the dead time can be
set at Max. DEAD EXT.. The monitoring time Max. DEAD EXT. is started when the
regular dead time has elapsed. If the synchronism check responds before the time has
elapsed, the monitoring time will be stopped and the close command generated. If the
time expires before the synchronism check reacts, the automatic reclosure function
will be blocke d dy na m ically.
Please make sure that the above mentioned time is not shorter than the monitorin g
The time 7114 T-Start MONITOR serves for monitoring the response of the auto-
matic reclosure function to a breaker failure. It is activated by a trip command arriving
before or during a reclosing operation and marks the time that p asses between trip-
ping and opening of the circuit breaker. If the time elapses, the device assumes a
breaker failure and the automatic reclosure function is blocked dynamically. If param-
eter T-Start MONITOR is set to , the start monitoring is disabled.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.14.4 Controlling Protective Elements
Depending on the reclosing cycle it is possible to control elements of the directional
and non-directional overcurrent protection by means of the automatic reclosure
system (Protec tive Elem en ts Control). Th er e ar e th re e me ch a nis ms :
1. Time overcurrent elements may trip instantaneously depending on the automatic
reclosure cycle (T = 0), they may remain unaffected by the auto reclosing function
AR (T = T) or may be blocked (T = ). For further information see side title "Cyclic
2. The automatic reclosure states "79M Auto Reclosing ready" and "79M Auto Re-
closing not ready" can activate or deactivate the dynamic cold load pick-up func-
tion. This function is designed to influence time overcurrent elements (see also
Section 2.14.6 and Section 2.4) regarding thresholds and trip time delays.
3. The time overcurrent address 1x14A 50(N)-2 ACTIVE de fines whether th e 50(N)2
elements are to operate always or only with "79M Auto Reclosing ready" (see
Section 2.2).
Cyclic Control Control of the overcurrent protection elements takes effect by releasing the cycle
marked by the corresponding parameter. The cycle zone release is indicated by the
messages „79 1.CycZoneRel“ to „79 4.CycZoneRel“. If the automatic reclo-
sure system is in normal state, the settings for the starting cycle apply. These settings
always take ef fect when the automatic reclosure system assumes normal state.
The settings are released for each following cycle when issuing the close command
and startin g the blocking time. Following a successful auto reclosing operation (re-
straint time elapsed) or when res et after blocking, the automatic reclosure system
assumes normal state . Control of the protection is again a ssumed by the parameters
for the starting cycle.
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following figure illustrates the control of the protective stages 50-2 and 50N-2.
Figure 2-83 Control of protection elements for two-fold, successful auto-re cl o s ure
Example Before the first reclosure faults are to be eliminated quickly applying stages 50-2 or
50N-2. Fast fault termination thus has priority over selectivity aspects as the reclosing
action aims at maintaining normal system operation. If the fault prevails, a second trip-
ping is to take place instantaneously and subsequently, a second reclosure.
After the second reclosure, however, elements 50-2 or 50N-2 are to be blocked so the
fault can be eliminated applying elements 50-1 or 50N-1 according to the networks time
grading schedule giving priority to selectivity concerns.
Addresses 7202 bef.1.Cy:50-2, 7214 bef.2.Cy:50-2 and 7203
bef.1.Cy:50N-2 and 7215 bef.2.Cy:50N-2 are set to instant. T=0 to enable
the stages after the first reclosure. Addresses 7226 bef.3.Cy:50-2 and 7227
bef.3.Cy:50N-2, however , are set to blocked T= to ensure that elements 5 0-2
and 50N-2 are bl ocked when the se cond reclosu re applies. The back-up st age s e.g.,
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
50-1 and 50N-1 must obviously not be blocked (addresses 7200, 7201, 7212, 7213,
7224 and 7225).
The blocking applies only after reclosure according to the settings address. Hence, it
is possible to specify again other conditions for a third reclosure.
The blocking conditions are a lso valid for the zone sequen ce coordination, provided it
is available and activated (address 7140, see also margin heading "Zone Sequenc-
2.14.5 Zone Sequencing (not available for models 7SJ6***-**A**-)
It is the t ask of the zone sequence coordination to harmonize the automatic reclosure
function of this device with that of another device th at is part of the same pow er
system. It is a complementary function to the automatic reclosure program and allows
for example to perform group reclosing operations in radial systems. In case of multi-
ple reclosures, groups may also be in nested arrangement and furth er high-voltage
fuses can be overgraded or undergraded.
Zone sequencing works by blocking certain protective functions depending on the
reclose cycle. This is implemented by the protective stages control (see margin
heading "Controlling Protective Stages").
As a special feature, changing from o ne reclosing cycle to the next is possible without
trip command only via pickup/drop out of the 50-1 or 50N-1element.
The following figure shows an example of a group reclosure at feeder 3. Assume that
reclosure is performed twice.
For fault F1 at Tap Line #5, protection relays protecting the bus supply and Feeder #3
pickup. The time delay of the 50-2 element protecting Feeder #3 is set so that the
Feeder #3 circuit breaker will clear the fault before the fuse at Tap Line #5 is damaged.
If the fault was cleared, normal service is restored and all functions return to quiescent
after restraint time has expired. Thus the fuse has been protected as well.
If the fault continues to exist, a second reclosing attempt will follow in the same
High speed element 50-2 is now being blocked at relay protecting Feeder #3. If the
fault still remains, only element 50-1 continues being active in Feeder #3 which, how-
ever, overgrades the fuse with a time delay of 0.4 s. Af ter the fuse operated to clear
the fault, the relays nearer to the fault location will dr op out. If the fuse fails to clear the
fault, then the 50-1 element protecting Feeder #3 will operate as backup protection.
The 50-2 element at the busb ar relay is set with a delay of 0.4 seconds, since it sup -
posed to trip the 50-2 elements and the fuses as well. For the second reclosure, the
50-2 element also has to be blocked to give preference to the feeder relay (element
50-1 with 0.4 s). For this purpose, the device has to "know" that two reclosing attempts
have already been performed.
With this device, zone sequence coordination must be switched off: When pickup of
50-1 or 50N-2 drops out, zone seq uence coordination provokes that the reclosing at-
tempts are counted as well. If the fault still persist s after the second reclosure, the 50-
1 element, which is set for 0. 9 secon d s, wo uld serv e as backup protectio n .
For the busbar fault F2, the 50-2 ele ment at the bus would have cleared the fault in 0.4
seconds. Zone sequence coordination enables the user to set a relative short time
period for elem en t 50 -2 . elem en t 50-2 is only used as backup protection. If zone se-
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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quence coordination is not applied, element 50-1 is to be used only with the relative
long time period (0.9 s).
Figure 2-84 Zone sequencing with a fault occurring at Tap Line 2 and the busbar
2.14.6 Setting Notes
General Settings The internal automatic reclosure system will only be effective and accessible if
address 171 79 Auto Recl. is set Enabled during configuration. If not required,
this function is set to Disabled. The function can be turned ON or OFF under address
7101 FCT 79.
If no automatic reclosures are performed on the feeder for which the 7SJ62/63/64 is
used (e.g. cables, transformers, motors, etc.), the automatic reclosure function is dis-
abled by configuration . The automatic r eclosure function is then completely disabled,
i.e. the automatic r eclosure function is no t processed in the 7SJ62/63/64. No messag-
es exist for this purpose and binary inputs for the automatic reclosure function are ig-
nored. All parameters of block 71 are inaccessible and of no significance.
Blocking Duration
for Manual-CLOSE
Parameter 7103 BLOCK MC Dur. defin es the reaction of the au to m at ic reclosure
function when a manual closing signal is detected. The parameter can be set to
specify how long the auto reclose function will be blocked dynamically in case of an
external manual close-command being detected via binary input (356 „>Manual
Close“). If the setting is 0, the automatic reclosure system will not respond to a
manual close-signal.
Restraint Time and
Dynamic Blocking The blocking time TIME RESTRAINT (address 7105) defines the time that must
elapse, after a successful reclosing attempt, before the automatic reclosing function is
reset. If a protective function configured for initiation of the auto-reclosure function pro-
vokes a new trip before thi s time elapse s, the next recl osing cycle is st arted i n case of
multiple reclosures. If no further reclosure is allowed, the last reclosure will be classed
as unsuccessful.
In general, a few seconds are sufficient. In areas with frequent thunderstorms or
storms, a shorter bloc king time may be necessary to avoid feeder lockout due to se-
quential lightning strikes or flashovers.
A longer restraint time should be chosen if there is no possibility to monitor the circuit
breaker (see below) during multiple reclosing (e.g. because of missing auxiliary con-
tacts and and information on the circuit breaker ready status). In this case, the restraint
time should be longer than the time required for th e circuit breaker mechanism to be
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
If a dynamic bloc kin g of th e au to m atic recl osing system was initiated, then reclosing
functions remain blocked until the cause of the blocking has been cleared. The func-
tional description gives further information on this topic, see marginal heading "Dy-
namic Blocking". The dynamic blocking is associated with the configurable blocking
time SAFETY 79 ready. Dynamic blocking time is usually started by a blocking con-
dition that has picked up.
Circuit Break er
Monitoring Reclosing after a fault clearance presupposes that the circuit breaker is ready for at
least one TRIP-CLOSE-TRIP cycle at the time when the reclosing function is initiated
(i.e. at the beginning of a trip command):
The readiness of the circuit breaker is monitored by the device using a binary input
„>CB Ready“ (FNo. 2730).
It is possible to check the status of the circuit breaker before each reclosure or to
disable this option (address 7113, CHECK CB?):
CHECK CB? = No check, deactivates the circuit breaker check,
CHECK CB? = Chk each cycle, to verify the circuit breaker status before each
reclosing command.
Checking the status of the circuit breaker is usually recommended. Should the
breaker not provide such a signal, you can disable the circuit breaker check at
address 7113 CHECK CB? (No check), as otherwise auto-reclosure would b e im-
The status monitoring time CB TIME OUT can be configured at address 7115 if the
circuit breaker ch eck was enabled at address 7113. This time is set slightly higher
than the maximum recovery time of the circuit breaker following reclosure. If the
circuit breaker is not ready after the time has expired, reclosing is omitted and
dynamic blocking is initiated. Automatic reclosure thus is blocked.
Time Max. DEAD EXT. serves for monitoring the dead time extension. The extension
can be initiated by the circuit breaker monitoring time CB TIME OUT and the synchro-
nization function.
The monitoring time Max. DEAD EXT. is sta rted after the configured dead tim e has
This time must not be shorter than CB TIME OUT. When using the monitoring time CB
TIME OUT, the time Max. DEAD EXT. should be set to a value CB TIME OUT.
If the auto-reclose system is operated with a synchronization function (internal or ex-
ternal), Max. DEAD EXT. assures that the auto-reclose system does not remain in
undefined state when the synchronism check fails to check back.
If the synchronization is used as synchronism check (for synchronous systems), the
monitoring time may be configured quite short, e.g. to some seconds. In this case the
synchronizing function merely checks the synchronism of the power systems. If syn-
chronism prevails it switches in instantaneously, otherwise it will not.
If the synchronization is used for synchronous/asynchronous networks, the monitoring
time must grant suf ficient time for determi ning the time for switch ing in. This depends
on the frequency slip of the two subnetworks. A monitoring time of 100 s should be
sufficient to account for most applications for asynchronous networks.
Generally , the monitoring time should be longer than the maximum duration of the syn-
chronization process (parameter 6x12).
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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The breake r fa ilu r e mo n it or ing t ime 7114 T-Start MONITOR determines the time
between tripping (closing the trip cont act) and opening the circuit breake r (checkback
of the CB auxiliary contacts). This time is st arted each time a tripping operation t akes
place. When time has elapsed, the device assumes breaker failure and blocks the
auto-reclose system dynamically.
Action Time The action time monitors the time between interrogation of the device and trip
command of a protective function configured as starter while the auto-reclosure
system is ready but not yet running. A trip command issued by a protec tive fun ctio n
configured as starter occurring within the action time will st art the automatic reclosing
function. If this time differs from the setting value of T-ACTION (address 7117), the
automatic reclosing system will be blocked dynamically. The trip time of inverse trip-
ping characteristics is considerably determined by the fault location or fault resistance.
The action time prevent s reclosing in case of far remote or high-resistance faults with
long tripping time. Trip commands of protective functions which are not configured as
starter do not affect the action time.
Delay of Dead Time
Start The dead time start can be delayed by pickup of the binary input message 2754 „>79
DT St.Delay“. The maximu m tim e for this can be parameterized under 7118 T
DEAD DELAY. The binary input message must be dea ctivated again within this time in
order to start the dead time. The exact sequence is described in the functional descrip-
tion at margin heading "Delay of Dead Time Start".
Number of Reclos-
ing Attempts The number of reclosing attempt s ca n be set separately for the "phase program" (ad-
dress 7136 # OF RECL. PH) and "ground program" (address 7135 # OF RECL.
GND). The exact definition of the p rograms is described in the functional description at
margin headin g "Re clo sing Progr am s".
Close Command:
Direct or via
Address 7137 Cmd.via control can be set to either generate directly the close
command via the automatic reclosing function (setting Cmd.via control = none)
or have the closing initiated by the control function.
If the AR is to be intended to close via the control function, the Manual Close command
has to be suppressed dur ing an automatic reclose command. The example in Section
2.2.10 of a MANUAL CLOSE for commands via the integrated control function, has to
be extended in this case (see Fig. 2-85). It is detected via the annunciations 2878 „79
L-N Sequence“ and 2879 „79 L-L Sequence“ that the automatic reclosu re has
been started and a reclosure will be initiated after the dead time. The annunciations
set the flipflop and suspend the manual close signal until the AR has finished the re-
closure attempts. The flipflop is reset via the OR-combination of the annunciations
2784 „79 is NOT ready“, 2785 „79 DynBlock“ and 2862 „79 Successful“.
ManCl is initiated if a CLOSE command comes from the control fu nction.
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Figure 2-85 CFC Logic for ManCI with AR via Control
The selection list for parameter 7137 is created dynamically depending on the allocat-
ed switchgear components. If one of the switchgear components is selected, usually
the circuit breaker „52Breaker“, reclosure is accomplished via control. In this case,
the automatic reclosure function does not create a close command but issues a close
request. It is forwarded to the control which then takes over the switching. Thus, the
properties defined for the switchgear component such as interlocking and command
times apply. Hence, it is possible that the close command will not be carried out due
to an applying interlocking condition.
If this behavior is not desired, the auto-reclose function can also generate the close
command „79 Close“ directly which must be allocated to the associated contact.
The CFC Chart as in Figure 2-85 is not needed in this case.
Connection to In-
ternal Synchro-
check (only 7SJ64)
The auto-reclose function can interact with the internal synchronizing function of the
7SJ64 relay. If this is desired as well as the Manual Close functionality, the CFC chart
depicted in Figure 2-85 is ob ligatory since the synchronizing function alwa ys works to-
gether with the control function. In addition, one of the four synchronization groups
must be selected via parameter 7138 Internal SYNC. Thus, synchronization con-
ditions for automatic reclosing are specified. The selected synchroniza tion group
defines in that case the switchgear comp onent to be used (u sually the circuit brea ker
„52Breaker“). The switchgear component defined there and the one specified at
7137 Cmd.via control must be identical. Sync hr on o us re clo sin g via th e clos e
command „79 Close“ is not possible.
If interaction with the internal synchronization is not desired, the CFC Chart, as in
Figure 2-85, is not required and the parameter 7138 is set to none.
with External Syn-
Parameter 7139 External SYNC can be set to determine that the auto-r eclose func-
tion operates with external synchrocheck. External synchronization is possible if the
parameter is set to YES and 7SJ64 is linked to the external synchrocheck via the
message 2865 „79 Sync.Request“ and the binary input „>Sync.release“.
Note: The automatic reclosure function cannot be connected to the internal and exter-
nal synchrocheck at the same time !
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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Initiation and
Blocking of Auto-
reclosure by Pro-
tective Elements
At addresses 7150 to 7164, reclosing can be initiated or blocked for various types of
protective elements. They constitute the interconnection between protective element s
and auto-reclose function. Each address designates a protective function together
with its ANSI synonym e.g., 50-2 for the high-set e lement of the non-directio nal time
overcurrent protection (address 7152).
The setting options have the following meaning:
Starts 79 The protective element initiates the automatic reclosure via its trip com-
No influence the protective element does not start the automatic reclosure, it
may however be initiated by other functions;
Stops 79 the protective element blocks the automatic reclosure, it cannot be
started by other functions; a dynamic blocking is initiated.
Dead Times (1st
AR) Addresses 7127 and 7128 are used to determine the duration of the dead times of
the 1st cycle. The time defined by this parameter is started when the circuit breaker
opens (if auxiliary contacts are allocated) or when the pickup drops out following the
trip command of a st arter. Dead time before firs t auto-reclosure for reclosing pr ogram
"Phase" is set in address 7127 DEADTIME 1: PH, for reclosing program "ground" in
address 7128 DEADTIME 1: G. The exact definition of the p rograms is describe d in
the functional description at margin headi ng "Reclosing Progr ams". The length of the
dead time should relate to the type of application. With longer lines they should be long
enough to make sure that th e fault arc disappear s and that the air surrounding it is de -
ionized and auto-reclosure can successfully take place (usually 0.9 s to 1.5 s). For
lines supplied by more than one side, mostly system stability has priority. Since the de-
energized line cannot transfer synchronizing energy, only short dead times are al-
lowed. Standard values are 0.3 s to 0.6 s. In radial systems longer dead times are al-
Cyclic Control of
Protective Func-
tions via Automatic
Addresses 7200 to 7211 allow cyclic control of the various protective functions by the
automatic reclosing function. Thus protective el ements can be blocked selectively,
made to operate instantaneously or according to the configured delay times. The fol-
lowing options are available:
The following options are available:
Set value T=T The protective element is delayed as configured i.e., the auto-
reclose function does not effect this element;
instant. T=0 The protective element becomes instant aneous if the auto-reclose
function is ready to perform the mentioned cycle;
blocked T= The protective element is blocked if the auto-reclose function
reaches the cycle defined in the parameter.
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Dead Ti mes (2nd to
4th AR) If more than one r eclosing cycle was se t, yo u can now configure the individual reclos-
ing settings for the 2nd to 4th cycle. The same options are available as for the first
For the 2nd cycle:
For the 3rd cycle:
For the 4th cycle:
Fifth to Ninth Re-
closing Attempt If more than four cycles are configured, the dead times set for the fourth cycle also
apply to the fifth through to ninth cycle.
Blocking Three-
Phase Faults Regardless of wh ich reclo sin g pr ogra m is executed, automa tic reclo s ing can be
blocked for trips following three-phase faults (address 7165 3Pol.PICKUP BLK).
The pickup of all three phases for a specific ov ercurrent element is the criterion re-
Blocking of Auto-
reclose via Internal
The auto-reclose function can be blocked, if control commands are issued via the in-
tegrated control function of the device. Th e information must be routed via CFC (inter-
locking task-level) using the CMD_Information function block (see the following fig-
Figure 2-86 Blocking of the automatic reclose function using the internal control function
Address 7129 DEADTIME 2: PH Dead time for the 2nd reclosing attempt "Phase"
Address 7130 DEADTIME 2: G Dead time for the 2nd reclosing attempt ground
Addresses 7212 to 7223
allow cyclic control of the various protective func ti on s
by the 2nd reclosing attempt
Address 7131 DEADTIME 3: PH Dead time for the 3rd reclosing attempt "Phase"
Address 7132 DEADTIME 3: G Dead time for the 3th reclosing attempt ground
Addresses 7224 to 7235
allow cyclic control of the various protective func ti on s
by the 3rd reclos i n g attempt
Address 7133 DEADTIME 4: PH Dead time for the 4th reclosing attempt "Phase"
Address 7134 DEADTIME 4: G Dead time for the 4th reclosing attempt ground
Addresses 7236 to 7247
allow cyclic control of the various protective func ti on s
by the 4th reclo s i n g a tte mpt
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Zone Sequencing Not available for models 7SJ62/63/64**-**A**-
At address 7140 ZONE SEQ.COORD., the zone sequencing feature can be turned ON
or OFF.
If multiple reclosure s are performed and the zone sequencing function is d eactivated,
only those reclosing cycles are counted which the device has conducted after a trip
command. With the zone sequencing function switched on, an additional sequence
counter al so count s such auto-reclosur es which (in radial systems) are carried out by
relays connected on load side. This presupposes that the pickup of the 50-1/50N-1 el-
ements dr op s out without a trip command b eing issued by a protective function initiat-
ing the auto-reclose function. The p aramete rs at addresses 7200 through 7247 (see
paragr aph below at "Initiation and Blocking of Reclosing by Pr otective Functions" and
"Controlling Directional/Non-Directional Overcurrent Protection S t ages via Cold Load
Pickup") can thus be se t to determine which protective element s are active or blocked
during what dead time cycle s (for multiple reclosing atte mpts carried out b y relays on
the load side).
In the example shown in Figure 2-52 "Zone sequencing with a fault occurring at Tap
Line #5 and the busbar" in the functional description, the zone sequencing was applied
in the bus relay. Moreover, the 50-2 elements would have to be blocked after the
second reclosure, i.e. address 7214 bef.2.Cy:50-2 is to be set to blocked T=.
The zone sequencing of the feede r relays is switched off but the 50-2 element s must
also be blocked here after the second reclosing attempt. Moreover , it must be ensured
that the 50-2 eleme nts st art the auto matic reclosing function: addr ess 7152 50-2 set
to Starts 79.
Controlling Direc-
tional / Non-Direc-
tional Overcurrent
Protection Ele-
ments via Cold
Load Pickup
The cold load pickup function provides a further alternative to control the protection via
the automatic reclosing system (see also Section 2.4). This function provides the
address 1702 Start Condition It determines the starting conditions for the in-
creased setting va lue s of curr ent a nd time of the cold lo ad picku p tha t must app ly fo r
directional and non-directional overcurrent protection.
If address 1702 Start Condition = 79 ready, the directional and non-directional
overcurrent protection always employ the increased setting values if the automatic re-
closing system is ready . The auto-reclosure function provides the signal 79 ready for
controlling the cold load pickup. The signal 79 ready is always active if the auto-re-
closing system is available, active, unblocked and ready for another cycle. Control via
the cold load pickup function is non-cyclic.
Since control via cold load pickup and cyclic control via auto-reclosing system can run
simultaneously, the directional and non-directional overcurrent protection must coor-
dinate the input values of the two interfaces. In this context the cyclic auto-reclosing
control has the priority and thus overwrites the release of the cold load pickup function.
If the protective elements are controlled via the automatic reclosing function, changing
the control varia bles (e.g. by blocking) has no ef fect on element s that are a lready run -
ning. The elements in question are continued.
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Note Regarding
Settings List for Au-
tomatic Reclosure
The setting options of address 7137 Cmd.via control are generated dynamically
according to the current configuration.
Address 7138 Internal SYNC is only available for 7SJ64.
2.14.7 Settings
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
7101 FCT 79 OFF
ON OFF 79 Auto-Reclose Func tion
7103 BLOCK MC Dur. 0.50 .. 320.00 sec; 0 1.00 sec AR blocking duration after manual
7105 TIME RESTRAINT 0.50 .. 320.00 sec 3.00 sec 79 Auto Reclosing reset time
7108 SAFETY 79 ready 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Safety T ime until 79 is ready
7113 CHECK CB? No check
Chk each cycle No check Check circuit breaker before AR?
7114 T-Start MONITOR 0.01 .. 320.00 sec; 0.50 sec AR start-signal monitoring time
7115 CB TIME OUT 0.10 .. 320.00 sec 3.00 sec Circuit Breaker (CB) Supervision
7116 Max. DEAD EXT. 0.50 .. 1800.00 sec ; 100.00 sec Maximum dead time extension
7117 T-ACTION 0.01 .. 320.00 sec; ∞∞sec Action time
7118 T DEAD DELAY 0.0 .. 1800.0 sec; 1.0 sec Maximum Time Delay of Dead-
Time Start
7127 DEADTIME 1: PH 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead T ime 1: Phase Fault
7128 DEADTIME 1: G 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 1: Ground Fault
7129 DEADTIME 2: PH 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead T ime 2: Phase Fault
7130 DEADTIME 2: G 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 2: Ground Fault
7131 DEADTIME 3: PH 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead T ime 3: Phase Fault
7132 DEADTIME 3: G 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 3: Ground Fault
7133 DEADTIME 4: PH 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead T ime 4: Phase Fault
7134 DEADTIME 4: G 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 4: Ground Fault
7135 # OF RECL. GND 0 .. 9 1 Number of Reclosing Cycles
7136 # OF RECL. PH 0 .. 9 1 Number of Reclosing Cycles
7137 Cmd.via control (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Close command via control
7138 In ternal SYNC (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Internal 25 synchronisation
7139 Exte rnal SYNC YES
NO NO External 25 synchronisation
ON OFF ZSC - Zone sequence coordina-
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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7150 5 0-1 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50-1
7151 5 0N-1 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50N-1
7152 5 0-2 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50-2
7153 5 0N-2 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50N-2
7154 5 1 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 51
7155 5 1N No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 51N
7156 6 7-1 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67-1
7157 6 7N-1 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67N-1
7158 6 7-2 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67-2
7159 6 7N-2 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67N-2
7160 67 TOC No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67 TOC
7161 6 7N TOC No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67N TOC
7162 sens Ground Flt No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence (Sensitive) Ground Fault
7163 4 6 No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 46
7164 BINARY INPUT No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence Binary Input
NO NO 3 Pole Pickup blocks 79
7200 bef.1.Cy:50-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50-1
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
2 Functions
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7201 bef.1.Cy:5 0N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50N-1
7202 bef.1.Cy:5 0-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50-2
7203 bef.1.Cy:5 0N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50N-2
7204 bef.1.Cy:5 1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 51
7205 bef.1.Cy:5 1N Set value T= T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 51N
7206 bef.1.Cy:6 7-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67-1
7207 bef.1.Cy:6 7N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67N-1
7208 bef.1.Cy:6 7-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67-2
7209 bef.1.Cy:6 7N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67N-2
7210 bef.1.Cy:67 TOC Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67 TOC
7211 bef.1.Cy:67NTOC Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67N TOC
7212 bef.2.Cy:5 0-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50-1
7213 bef.2.Cy:5 0N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50N-1
7214 bef.2.Cy:5 0-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50-2
7215 bef.2.Cy:5 0N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50N-2
7216 bef.2.Cy:5 1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 51
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7217 bef.2.Cy:51N Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 51N
7218 bef.2.Cy:67-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67-1
7219 bef.2.Cy:67N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67N-1
7220 bef.2.Cy:67-2 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67-2
7221 bef.2.Cy:67N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67N-2
7222 b ef.2.Cy:67 TOC Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67 TOC
7223 bef.2.Cy:67NTOC Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67N TOC
7224 bef.3.Cy:50-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50-1
7225 bef.3.Cy:50N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50N-1
7226 bef.3.Cy:50-2 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50-2
7227 bef.3.Cy:50N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50N-2
7228 bef.3.Cy:51 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 51
7229 bef.3.Cy:51N Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 51N
7230 bef.3.Cy:67-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67-1
7231 bef.3.Cy:67N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67N-1
7232 bef.3.Cy:67-2 Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67-2
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7233 bef.3.Cy:6 7N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67N-2
7234 bef.3.Cy:67 TOC Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67 TOC
7235 bef.3.Cy:6 7NTOC Se t value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67N TOC
7236 bef.4.Cy:5 0-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50-1
7237 bef.4.Cy:5 0N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50N-1
7238 bef.4.Cy:5 0-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50-2
7239 bef.4.Cy:5 0N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50N-2
7240 bef.4.Cy:5 1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 51
7241 bef.4.Cy:5 1N Set value T= T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 51N
7242 bef.4.Cy:6 7-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67-1
7243 bef.4.Cy:6 7N-1 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67N-1
7244 bef.4.Cy:6 7-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67-2
7245 bef.4.Cy:6 7N-2 Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67N-2
7246 bef.4.Cy:67 TOC Set value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67 TOC
7247 bef.4.Cy:6 7NTOC Se t value T=T
instant. T= 0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67N TOC
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.14 Automatic Reclosing System 79
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.14.8 Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
127 79 ON/OFF IntSP 79 ON/OFF (via system port)
2701 >79 ON SP >79 ON
2702 >79 OFF SP >79 OFF
2703 >BLOCK 79 SP >BLOCK 79
2711 >79 Start S P >79 External start of interna l A/R
2715 >Start 79 Gnd SP >S tart 79 Ground program
2716 >Start 79 Ph SP >Start 79 Phase program
2722 >ZSC ON SP >Switch zone sequence coordination ON
2723 >ZSC OFF SP >Switch zone sequence coordination OFF
2730 >CB Ready SP >Circuit breaker READY for reclosing
2731 >Sync.release SP >79: Sync. release from ext. sync.-check
2753 79 DT delay ex. OUT 79: Max. Dead Time Start Delay expired
2754 >79 DT St.Delay SP >79: Dead Time Start Delay
2781 79 OFF OUT 79 Auto recloser is switched OFF
2782 79 ON IntSP 79 Auto recloser is switched ON
2784 79 is NOT ready OUT 79 Auto recloser is NOT ready
2785 79 DynBlock OUT 79 - Au to-reclose is dynamically BLOCKED
2788 79 T-CBreadyExp OUT 79: CB ready mo nitoring window expired
2801 79 in progress OUT 79 - in progress
2808 79 BLK: CB open OUT 79: CB open with no trip
2809 79 T-Start Exp OUT 79: Start-signal monitoring time expired
2810 79 TdeadMax Exp OUT 79: Maximum dead time expired
2823 79 no starter OUT 79: no starter configured
2824 79 no cycle OUT 79: no cycle configured
2827 79 BLK by trip OUT 79: blocking due to trip
2828 79 BLK:3ph p.u. OUT 79: blocking due to 3-phase pickup
2829 79 Tact expired OUT 79: action time expired before trip
2830 79 Max. No. Cyc OUT 79: max. no. of cycles exceeded
2844 79 1stCyc. run. OUT 79 1st cycle running
2845 79 2ndCyc. run. OUT 79 2nd cycle running
2846 79 3rdCyc. run. OUT 79 3rd cycle running
2847 79 4thCyc. run. OUT 79 4th or higher cycle ru nning
2851 79 Close OUT 79 - Close command
2862 79 Successful OUT 79 - cycle successful
2863 79 Lockout OUT 79 - Lockout
2865 79 Sync.Request OUT 79: Synchro-check request
2878 79 L-N Sequence OUT 79-A/R single phase reclosing sequence
2879 79 L-L Sequence OUT 79-A/R multi-phase reclosing sequence
2883 ZSC active OUT Zone Sequencing is active
2884 ZSC ON OUT Zone sequence coordination switched ON
2885 ZSC OFF O UT Zone sequence coordination switched OFF
2889 79 1.CycZoneRel OUT 79 1st cycle zone extension release
2890 79 2.CycZoneRel OUT 79 2nd cycle zone extension re lease
2891 79 3.CycZoneRel OUT 79 3rd cycle zone extension release
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2892 79 4.CycZoneRel OUT 79 4th cycle zone extension release
2899 79 CloseRequest OUT 79: Close request to Control Function
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2.15 Fault Locator
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.15 Fault Locator
The measurement of the distance to a fault is a supplement to the p rotection functions.
Applications Power transmission within the system can be increased when the fault is located
and cleared faster.
2.15.1 Description
Initiation Fault location is initiated if the directional or non-directional overcurrent relay elements
have initiated a trip signal. Once initiated, the fault locator determines the valid mea-
surement loop and measurement window . Sampled value pairs of short-circuit current
and short-circuit volt age, are stored in a buffer, and made available for th e impedance
calculations R (Resistance) and X (Reactance). Measured quantity filtering and the
number of impedan ce calculations are adjusted a utomatically to the number of stable
measured value pairs.
Fault location can also be initiated using a binary input. However, it is a prerequisite
that pickup of the time over current protection is performed at the same time (dire ction-
al or non-directional). This feature allows fault location calculations to pro ceed even if
another protective relay cleared the fault.
Process The evaluation of the measured quantities takes place after the fault has been cleared.
At least three result pairs of R and X are calculated from the stored and filtered mea-
sured quantities in accordance with the line equations. If fewer than three pairs of R
and X are calculated, then the fault location feature will generate no information.
Average and standard deviations are calculated from the result pairs. Af ter eliminating
"questionable results", which are recognized via a large variance from the standard
deviation, average values are calculated once again for X. This average is the fault
reactance, and is proportional to the fault distance.
No calculation of the fault locations is carried out if the vo ltages ar e connected phase-
Loop Selection Using the pickup of the overcurrent time ele ments (directio nal or non-directio nal), the
valid measurement loop s for the calculation of fault react ances are selected. The fault
reactances can, of course, only be calculated for phase -to-gr ound loops if the device
is connected to three current transformers connected in a grounded-wye configuration
and three voltage transformers connected in a grounded-wye configuration.
Table 2-16 sho ws th e assignment of the ev alu at ed loo ps to the possible picku p sce -
narios of the protective elements given that the device is supplied from three voltage
transformers connected in a grounded-wye configuration. If the voltage transformers
are connected in an open delta configuration, then Table 2-17 applies. Of course, no
phase-to-ground loops can be measured in this case.
In addition, loops are not available for further calculation if one of the two currents in
a loop is less than 10% of the other current in that loop, or if any currents in the loop
are less than 10% of the nominal device current.
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-16 Selection of the loops to be reported for wye-connected voltage transformers
Table 2-17 Selection of the loops to be reported for phase-phase connection of voltages
Result As result of the fault location, the following is output at the device display or obtained
using DIGSI 4:
One or more short-circuit loops from which the fault reactance was derived,
One or more reactances per phase in Ω secondary,
The fault dist ances, proportional to the reactances, in km or miles of line, converted
on the basis of the set line reactance (entered at address 1105 or 1106, see
Section .
Note: The distance result, in miles or kilometers, can only be accurate for homoge-
nous feeder sections. If the feeder is made up of several sections with different reac-
tances, e.g . overhead lin e - cable sections, th en the react ance der ived by the fault lo-
cation can be evaluated with a separate calculation to obtain the fault distance. For
transformers, reactors, electrical machines, only the reactance result, not the distance
result, is significant.
Pickup Possible Loop s Evaluated Loops Comments
A A–N, A–B, C–A A–N or A–N and least Ph–Ph If only one phase is picked up, then only the
appropriate phase-to-ground loop is dis-
played. If the reactance(s) of one or both Ph–
Ph loops is/are less than the Ph–N reactance,
the Ph–Ph loop with the least reactance is
also displayed.
B B–N, A–B, B–C B–N or B–N and least Ph–Ph
C C–N, C–A, B–C C–N or C–N and least Ph–Ph
N A–N, B–N, C–N least Ph–N Only the Ph–N loop with the least reactance is
A, N A–N A–N T he appropriate phase-to-ground loop is dis-
B, N B–N B–N
C, N C–N C–N
A, B A–B A–B The appropriate Ph–Ph loop is displayed.
B, C B–C B–C
A, C C–A C–A
A, B, N A–B, A–N, B–N A–B or A–B and A–N and B– N The appropriate Ph–Ph loop is always dis-
played; if the reactance differential between
the Ph–N loops is larger than 15% of the
larger Ph–N loop, both Ph–N loops are also
B, C, N B–C, B–N, C–N B–C or B–C and B–N and C–N
A, C, N C–A, A–N, C–N C–A or C–A and A–N and C–N
A, B, C A–B, B–C, C–A least Ph–Ph loop Only the least Ph–Ph loop is disp layed
A, B, C, N A–B, B–C, C–A least Ph–Ph loop
Pickup Possible Loop s Evaluated Loops Comments
A A–B, C–A least Ph–Ph The least Ph–Ph loop is displayed.
B A–B, B–C least Ph–Ph
C C–A, B–C least Ph–Ph
A, B A–B A–B The appropriate Ph–Ph loop is displayed.
B, C B–C B–C
A, C C–A C–A
A, B, C A–B, B–C, C–A least Ph–Ph loop The least Ph–Ph loop is displayed.
2.15 Fault Locator
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.15.2 Setting Notes
General The calculation of fault distance will only take place if address 180 is set to Fault
Locator = Enabled. If the fuction is not required Disabled is set.
Initiation of Mea-
surement Normally the fault loca tio n calculation is started when a protective element initia te s a
trip signal (address 8001 START = TRIP). However, it may also be initiated when
pickup drops out (address 8001 START = Pickup), e.g. when another protective
element clears the fault. Irrespective of this fact, calculation of the fault location can be
triggered from extern al via binary input (FNo. 1106 >Start Flt. Loc“).
Line Constants T o calculate the fault distance in miles or kilometers, the device needs the per distance
reactance of the line in Ω/mile or Ω/kilometer. These values were entered during
setting of the general prote ction dat a (Po wer System Dat a 2) under add ress 1105 or
1106 (see Section
2.15.3 Settings
2.15.4 Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
8001 START Pickup
TRIP Pickup Start fault locator with
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
1106 >Start Flt. Loc SP >Start Fault Locator
1118 Xsec = VI Flt Locator: secondary REACTANCE
1119 dist = VI Flt Locator: Distance to fault
1123 FL Loop AG OUT Fault Locator Loop AG
1124 FL Loop BG OUT Fault Locator Loop BG
1125 FL Loop CG OUT Fault Locator Loop CG
1126 FL Loop AB OUT Fault Locator Loop AB
1127 FL Loop BC OUT Fault Locator Loop BC
1128 FL Loop CA OUT Fault Locator Loop CA
1132 Flt.Lo c .i nvalid OU T Fau l t lo cation invalid
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.16 Breaker Failure Protection 50BF
The breaker failure protection function monitors the reaction of a circuit breaker to a
trip signal.
2.16.1 Description
General If af ter a programmable time delay, the circuit breaker has not ope ned, breaker failure
protection issues a trip signal via a superordinate circuit breaker (see Figure 2- 87, as
an example).
Figure 2-87 Function al principle of the breaker failure protection function
Initiation The breaker failure protection function can be initiated by two different sources:
Trip signals of internal protective functions of the 7SJ 62 /6 3/ 64,
External trip signals via binary inputs („>50BF ext SRC“).
For each of the two sources, a unique pickup message is generated, a unique time
delay is initiated, and a unique trip signal is generated. The setting values of current
threshold and delay time apply to both sources.
Criteria There are two criteria for breaker failure detection:
Checking whether the actual current flow effectively disappeared after a tripping
command had been issued,
Evaluate the circuit breaker auxiliary contact status.
The criteria used to determine if the circ uit breaker has operated is selectable and
should depend on the protective function th at initiated the breaker failure function.
When tripping without fault current, e.g. by voltage protection, the current is not a re-
liable indication as to whether the circuit breaker operated properly. In this case, the
position of the breaker auxiliary contact should be used to determine if the circuit
breaker properly operated. However , for protective functions that operate in response
to currents (i.e. all fault protection functions) both the current criterion and the criterion
2.16 Breaker Failure Protection 50BF
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
derived from the circuit breaker auxiliary contact must be fulfilled. Only in case the in-
formation retrieved by means of the auxiliary contact criterion is contradictory and
therefore erroneous, the current criterion will be used as unique criterion.
The current criterion is met if at least one of the three phase currents exceeds a set-
table threshold (BkrClosed I MIN) (see Section, margin heading "Current
Flow Monitoring"). This pickup threshold is also used by other protective functions.
Evaluation of the circuit breaker auxiliary contacts depends on the type of contacts,
and how they are connected to the binary inputs:
Auxiliary contacts for circuit breaker "open" and "closed" are allocated,
Only the auxiliary contact for circuit breaker "open" is allocated,
Only the auxiliary contact for circuit breaker "closed" is allocated,
No auxiliary contact is allocated.
Feedback information of the auxiliary contact(s) of the circuit breaker is evaluated, de-
pending on the allocation of binary inputs and auxiliary contacts . After a trip command
has been issued it is the aim to detect — if possible — by means of the feedback of
the circuit breaker's auxiliary contacts whether the breaker is open or in intermediate
position. If valid, this information can be used for a proper initiation of the breaker
failure protection function.
Logic If breaker failure protection is initiated, an al arm message is generate d and a settable
delay time is started. If once the time delay has elapsed, criteria for a pick-up are still
met, a trip signal is issued to a sup erordinate circuit breaker. Therefore, the trip sign al
issued by the circuit breaker failure protection is configured to one of the output relays.
The following figure shows the logic diagram for the breaker failure protection function.
The entire breaker failure protection function may be turned on or off, or it can be
blocked dynamically via binary inputs.
If one of the criteria (current value, auxiliary contacts) that caused the breaker failure
scheme to pickup is no lo nger met when time delay ela pses, pickup drops ou t and no
trip signal is issued by the breaker failure protection function.
To protect against spurious tripping due to excessive contact bounce, a stabilization of
the binary input s for external trip signals takes place. This external signal must be
present during the en tire pe riod of the dela y time, otherwise the tim er is reset an d no
tripping signal is issued.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-88 Logic diagram for breaker failure protection
2.16.2 Set ting Notes
General Breaker failure protection is only in effect and accessible if address 170 50BF is set
to Enabled during config u ra tio n of pr ot ec tive functions. If not required, this function
is set to Disabled. The function can be turned ON or OFF under addr ess 7001 FCT
2.16 Breaker Failure Protection 50BF
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Criteria Address 7004 Chk BRK CONTACT establishes whether or not a breaker auxiliary
contact is used, via a binary input, as criteria for pickup. If this address is set to ON,
then current criterion and/or the auxiliary contact criterion apply . This is important if the
current is smaller than the configured current threshold (BkrClosed I MIN, address
212) despite of the fact that the circuit breaker is closed. The latter may apply if pro-
tective tripping was caused by a vo ltage measurement ( e.g. 64 TRIP, 59–1 TRIP / 59–
2 TRIP, 27–1 TRIP / 27–2 TRIP). If these protective functions issue a trip command,
the criteria for current and auxiliary contacts are linked by a logical OR operation.
Without the auxiliary contact criterion the circuit breaker failure protection would not
be able to take effect in this case.
For all other protection functions the current and auxiliary contact criteria are com-
bined by logical AND as long as the address Chk BRK CONTACT is set to ON.
The pickup thr es ho ld BkrClosed I MIN setting of integrated current su pervision
(address 212) refers to all th ree phases. The threshold value must be set at a level
below the minimum fault cur rent for which the function must opera te. A setting of 10%
below the minimum fault current for which breaker failure protection must operate is
The pickup value should not be set too low , otherwise, the danger exists that switching
off tr ansients in the current transformer secon dary circuit could lead to extended drop
out times under conditions of extremely high current to be switched off.
In addition, it should be noted that other protection functions depend on the pickup
value BkrClosed I MIN as well (e.g. voltage protection, overload protection, and
restart inhibit for motors).
Time Delay The time delay is ente re d at add re ss 7005 TRIP-Timer. This setting should be
based on the maximum circuit breaker operating time plus the dropout time of the
current flow monitoring element plus a safety margin which takes into consideration
the toleranc e of th e tim e de lay. In case of an external start, the set time delay is
reduced automatically by 10 ms in or der to compe nsate the residual time of the exter-
nal start. Figure 2-89 illustrates the time sequences.
Figure 2-89 Timing for a Typical Breaker Failure Scenario
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.16.3 Settings
2.16.4 Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
7001 FCT 50BF O FF
ON OFF 50BF Breaker Failure Protection
ON OFF Check Breaker contacts
7005 TRIP-Timer 0.0 6 .. 60.00 sec; 0.25 sec TRIP-Timer
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
1431 >50BF ext SRC SP >50BF initiated externally
1451 50BF OFF OUT 50BF is switched OFF
1456 50BF int Pickup OUT 50BF (internal) PICKUP
1457 50BF ext Pickup OUT 50BF (external) PICKUP
1480 50BF int TRIP OUT 50BF (internal) TRIP
1481 50BF ext TRIP OUT 50BF (external) TRIP
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
The flexible protection function is a general function applicable for a variety o f pr otec-
tion principles depending on it s parameter settings. The user ca n create up to 20 flex-
ible protection functions. Each function can be used either as an auton omo us protec-
tion function, as an additional protective element of an existing protection function or
as a universal logic, e.g. for monitoring tasks.
2.17.1 Functional Description
General The function is a com bination of a stan dard protection logic and a characteristic (mea-
sured quantity o r der ived qua nt ity) that is adjustable via parameters. The characteris-
tics listed in table 2-18 and the deri ve d pr ot ec tio n fun ct ion s ar e ava ila ble .
Table 2-18 Possible Protection F unctions
Section 2.18 gives an application example of the function „reverse power protection“.
tic Group Characteristic / Measur ed Quanti-
ty Protective Function ANSI No. Operating Mode
3-phase 1-phase
Current I RMS value of fundamental
component - Time overcurrent protec-
tion 50, 50G X X
Irms True RMS (r.m.s. value) - Time overcurrent protec-
Overload protection
50, 50G X X
3I0Zero sequence system - T ime overcurrent protec-
tion, ground 50N X
I1 Positive sequence compo-
nent X
I2 Negative sequence compo-
nent - Negative sequence pro-
tection 46 X
Frequency f Frequency - Frequency protection 81U/O without phase refer-
df/dt Frequency change - Frequency change protec-
tion 81R
Voltage V RMS value of fundamental
component - Voltage protection
- Displacement voltage 27, 59, 59G X X
Vrms True RMS (r.m.s. value) - Voltage protection
- Displacement voltage 27, 59, 59G X X
3V0Zero-sequence system - Displacement voltage 59N X
V1Positive sequence compo-
nent - Voltage protection 27, 59 X
V2Negative sequence compo-
nent - Voltage asymmetry 47 X
Power P Active power - Reverse power protection
- Power protection 32R, 32, 37 X X
Q Reactive power - Power protection 32 X X
cos ϕPower factor - Power factor 55 X X
Binary input Binary input - External trip commands without phase refer-
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The maximum 20 configurable protection functions operate independently of each
other. The following description concerns one function; it can be applied accordingly
to all other flexible functions. The logic diagram 2-90 illustrates the description.
Function Logic The function can be switched ON and OFF or, it can be set to Alarm Only. In this
status, a pickup condition will neither initiate fault recording nor start the trip time delay .
Tripping is thus not possible.
Changing the Power System Dat a 1 after flexible functions have been configured may
cause these functions to be set incorrectly. Message (FNo. 235.2128 „$00
inval.set“) reports this condition. The function is inactive in this case and function's
setting has to be modified.
Blocking Functions The function can be bl ocked via binary input (FNo. 235.2110 „>BLOCK $00“) or via
local operating terminal („Control“ -> „Tagging“ -> „Set“). Blocking will reset the func-
tion's entire measurement l ogi c as well as all running tim es and indications. Blockin g
via the local operating terminal may be useful if the function is in a status of permanent
pickup which does not allow the function to be reset. In context with voltage-based
characteristics, the function can be blocked if one of the measuring voltages fails. Rec-
ognition of this st atus is either accomplished by the relay's internal „Fuse-Failure-Mon-
itor“ (FNo. 170 „VT FuseFail“; see chapter 2.11.1) or via auxiliary contacts of the
voltage transformer CB (FNo. 6509 „>FAIL:FEEDER VT“ and FNo. 6510 „>FAIL:
BUS VT“). This blocking mechanism can be en abled or disabled in the according pa-
rameters. The associated parameter Vol.Loss is only available if the charac-
teristic is based on a voltage measurement.
When using the flexible function for power protection or power monitoring, it will be
blocked if currents fall below 0.03 INom.
Operating Mode,
Measured Quantity ,
The flexible function can be ta ilored to assume a specific protective function for a con-
crete application in parameters OPERRAT. MODE, MEAS. QUANTITY, MEAS.
METHOD and PICKUP WITH. Parameter OPERRAT. MODE can be set to specify
whether the function works 3-phase, 1-phase or no reference, i.e. without a
fixed phase reference. The three-phase method evaluates all three phases in p arallel.
This implies that threshold evaluation, pickup indications and trip time delay are ac-
complished selectively for each phase and parallel to each other. This may be for
example the typical operating principle of a three-phase time overcurrent protection.
When operating single-ph ase, the function emp loys either a phase's me asured quan-
tity, which must be stated explicitly, (e.g. evaluating only the current in phase Ib), the
measured ground current In or the measured displacement voltage Vn. If the charac-
teristic relates to the frequency or if external trip commands are used, the operating
principle is without ( fixed) phase reference. Additional parameters can be set to
specify the used MEAS. QUANTITY and the MEAS. METHOD. The MEAS. METHOD
determines for current and voltage measured values whether the function uses the
rms value of the fundamental component or the normal r.m.s. value (true RMS) that
evaluates also harmonics. All other characteristics use always the rms value of the
fundamental component. Parameter PICKUP WITH moreover specifies whether the
function picks up on exceeding the threshold (>-element) or on falling below the
threshold (<-element).
Curve The function's characteristic cur ve is always „definite time“; this means that the delay
time is not affected by the measured quantity.
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Function Logic Figure 2-90 shows the logic diagram of a three-phase function. If the function operates
on one phase or without ph ase reference, phase selectivity and phase-specific indica -
tions are not relevant.
Figure 2-90 Logic diagram of the flexible protection functions
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The par ameters can be set to monitor either exceeding or dropping below of the
threshold. The configurable pickup delay time will be started once the threshold (>-
element) has been exceeded. Wh en the delay time has elapsed and the threshold is
still violated, the pickup of the phase (e.g. no. 235.2122 „$00 pickup A“)and of the
function (no. 235.2121 „$00 picked up“) is reported. If the pickup delay is set to
zero, the pickup will occur simultaneously with the detection of the threshold violation.
If the function is enabled, the pickup will start the trip delay time and the fault log. This
is not the case if set to "Alarm only". If the threshold violation persists after the trip
delay time has elapsed, the trip will be initiated upon its expiration (no. 235.2126 „$00
TRIP“). The timeout is reported via (no. 235.2125 „$00 Time Out“). Expiry of the
trip delay time can be blocked via binary input (no. 235.2113 „>$00 BLK.TDly“).
The delay time will not be started as long as the binary input is active; a trip can thus
be initiated. The delay time is started after the binary input has dropped out and the
pickup is still present. It is also possible to bypass the expiration of the delay time by
activating binary input (no. 235.2111 „>$00 instant.“). The trip will be launched
immediately when the pickup is presen t and the binary inpu t has been activated. The
trip command can be blocked via binary inputs (no. 235.2115 >$00 BL.TripA“)
and (no. 235.2114 „>$00 BLK.TRIP“). The phase-selective blocking of the trip
command is required for interaction with the inrush restraint (see „Interaction with
other functions“). The function's dropout ratio can be set. If the thresh old (>-element)
is undershot after the pickup, the dropout de lay time will be started. The pickup is
maintained during that time, a started trip delay time continues to count down. If the
trip delay time has elapsed while the dropout delay time is still during, the trip
command will only be given if the current threshold is exceeded. The element will only
drop out when the dropout delay time has elapsed. If the time is set to zero, the
dropout will be initiated immediately once the threshold is undershot.
External Trip Com-
mands The logic diagram does not explicitly depict the external trip commands since their
functionality is analogous. If the binary input is activated for external trip commands
(no. 235.2112 „>$00 Dir.TRIP“), it will be logically treated as threshold overshoot-
ing, i.e. once it has been activa ted, the pickup delay time is st arted. If the pickup delay
time is set to zero, the pickup condition will be reported immediately starting the trip
delay time. Otherwise, the logic is the same as depicted in Figure 2-90.
Interaction with
Other Functions Th e flexible prote ction functions interact with a number of other functio ns su ch as the
Breaker failu r e pr ot ect ion :
The breaker failure protection is started automatically if the function initiates a trip.
The trip will, however, only take place if the current criterion is met at this time, i.e.
the set minimum current threshold 212 BkrClosed I MIN (Power System Data
1) has been exceeded.
Automatic reclosing (AR):
The AR cannot be started directly . In order to interact with the AR, the trip command
of the flexible function needs be linked in CFC to bin ary input no. 2716 „>Start
79 Ph“ or no. 2715.„>Start 79 Gnd“. Using an operating time requires the
pickup of the flexible function to be linked to binary input no. 2711 „>79 Start“.
Fuse-Failure-Monitor (see description at „Blocking Functions“).
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Inrush restraint:
Direct interaction with the inrush restraint is not possible. In order to block a flexible
function by the inrush restraint, the blocking must be carried out in CFC. The flexible
function provides three binary inputs for blocking trip commands selectively for each
phase (no. 23 5.2115 to 235.2117). They have to be linke d with the phase-selective
indications for dete cting the inrush (no. 1840 to 1842 ). Activating a crossblock func-
tion requires the phase-selective inrush indications to be logically combined with
the binary input for blocking the function trip command (no. 235.2114 „>$00
BLK.TRIP“). The flexible function also needs to be delayed by at least 20 ms to
make sure that the inrush restraint picks up before the flexible function.
Entire relay logic:
The pickup signal of the flexible function is added to the general device pickup, the
trip signal is added to the ge neral device trip (see also Cha pter 2.22). All functions
associated with general device p ickup and tr ipping are thus also app lied to the flex-
ible function.
After the picked up element has dropped out, the trip signals of the flexible protec-
tion functions are held up at least for the specified minimum trip co mmand time 210
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.17.2 Set ting Notes
The Device Configuration allows the user to specify the number of flexible protection
functions to be used (see also chapter 2.1.1). If a flexible function is disabled in the
Device Configuration (removing the checkmark), all se ttings and configurations asso-
ciated with this function are deleted or reset to their default values.
General The „Gener al“ dialog box in DIGSI of fers p arameter FLEXIBLE FUNC. which can be
set to OFF, ON or Alarm Only. In Alarm Only mode, the function does not open
fault logs, initiate „Active“ indications or trip commands and nor does it influence the
breaker failur e prot ection. This operatin g m ode is therefore preferable if a flexible
function is not desired to work as protective function. Besides that the OPERRAT.
MODE can be configured:
3-phase – The functions evaluate the three-phase measuring system, i.e. all three
phases are covere d in para llel. A typical example is the three-phase time overcurrent
1-phase – The functions evaluate only the individual measured value. This may be an
individual phase value (e.g. VB) or a ground quantity (VN or IN).
If set to no reference, the measured values are evaluated ir respective of wheth er
current and vo ltage are co nn ec te d in on e or thr ee pha se s. Ta ble 2.1 7 pr ovides an
overview of which charac teristics can be operated in which mode.
Measured Quantity In the „Measured quantity“ dialog box, the user can select the measured value the pro-
tective function evaluates. This value may be calculated or measured directly. The
offered setting options depend on the type of measured value processing in parameter
OPERRAT. MODE (see following table).
Table 2-19 Parameters “Operating Mode” and “Measured Quantity”
Method The measurement methods listed in the following tables can be set for the measured
quantities of current, voltage and power. They also indicate how the available mea-
surement method, depend on the se lected oper ating mode and the me asured quanti-
Setting option
3-phase Current
P forward
P reverse
Q forward
Q reverse
Power factor
without reference Frequency
df/dt ris ing
df/dt falling
Binray Input
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-20 Paramete r s in dialog box “Measurement Method”, 3-phase operation
Mode Measured
Quantity Notes
3-phase Current,
Voltage Parameter
Setting Options
Fundamental wave Only the fundamental wave is evaluated, harmonics are sup-
pressed. This is the standard measurement method of the pro-
tection functions.
Attention: The voltage threshold value does not depend on the
parameter VOLTAGE SYSTEM and is always configured as
phase-to-phase voltage.
True RMS The "true" r.m.s value is determined, i.e. harmonics are evalu-
ated. This procedure is used for , example, if a simple overload
protection is realized on the basis of a current measurement
since harmonics contribute to thermal heating.
Attention: The voltage threshold value does not depend on the
parameter VOLTAGE SYSTEM and is always configured as
phase-to-phase voltage.
Positive sequence system,
Negative sequence system,
Zero-sequence system
In order to implement certain applications, it is possible to
enable either the positive or the negative sequence system as
measurement method. Examples are:
- I2 (negative sequence protection)
- V2 (voltage asymmetry)
If the zero sequence system is selected, additional zero-
current or zero-voltage functions can be implemented that work
independently of the ground quantities IN and VN measured di-
rectly via transformers.
Attention:The parameterization of the voltage threshold
depends on the parameter VOLTAGE SYSTEM:
- VOL TAGE SYSTEM = Phase-to-phase:sym. component * 3
- VOLTAGE SYSTEM = Phase-to-ground:sym. component * 3
Voltage Parameter
Setting option
Phase-to-ground If phase-to-ground voltages are connected to the device (see
setting 213 VT Connect. 3ph), the user can select whether a 3-
phase voltage function should evaluate the phase-to-ground or
the phase-to-phase voltages. If phase-to-phase is sele cted,
these values are calculated from the phase-to-ground voltag-
es. This selection is signi ficant, e.g. for single-phase faults. If
the faulted voltage breaks down to zero, the affected phase-to-
ground voltage is zero, whereas the affected phase-to-phase
voltages collapse to the amount of a phase-to-ground voltage.
The parameter is hidden if phase-to-phase voltages are con-
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The three-phase voltage protection with phase-to-phase quantities (measured or cal-
culated) offers a special behavior for phase-selective pickup messages since the
phase-selective pickup message “Flx01 Pickup ABC” is assigned to the corresponding
measured value channel “abc”.
Single-phase faults:
If, for exampl e, the voltage VA collapses to such an extent that the voltages VAB and
VCA fall below their thresholds, the device will report the messages “Flx01 Pickup A”
and “Flx01 Pickup C” since the undershooting was dete cted on the first and thir d mea-
sured value channel.
Two-phase faults:
If, for example, volt age VAB collapses to such an extent that it falls below it s threshold,
the device will report the pickup signal “Flx01 Pickup A” since the undershooting was
detected on the first measured value channel.
In three-phase voltage protection, the configured voltage threshold is always interpret-
ed as phase-to-phase quantity. This applies also if a phase-to-ground system is con-
nected in 213 VT Connect. 3ph (Po w e r Syst em Data 1) and the parame te r
VOLTAGE SYSTEM of the flexible function also evaluates the phase-to-ground system.
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-21 Paramete r in dialo g box “Measurement Method”, 1-phase operation
In single-phase voltage protection, the configured voltage threshold is always inter-
preted as voltage at the terminal. The setting in 213 VT Connect. 3ph (Power
System Data 1) is ignored in this case.
Forward direction of p ower quantities (P forwar d, Q forward) is in direction of the line.
The flexible function ignores parameter (1108 P,Q sign) for sign inversion of the
power display in the operational measured values.
Parameter PICKUP WITH specifies whether the function picks up on undershooting
or overshoo tin g of the co nf igu re d thresh old .
Mode Measured
Quantity Notes
1-phase Current,
Voltage Parameter
Setting option
Fundamental wave Only the fundamental wave is evaluated, harmonics are sup-
pressed. This is the standard measurement method of the protec-
tion functions.
T rue RMS The „true“ r .m.s value is determined, i.e. harmonics are evaluated.
This procedure is used for , example, if a simple overload protection
is realized on the basis of a current measurement since harmonics
contribute to thermal heating.
Current Parameter CURRENT
Setting option
It is determined which current measuring channel will be evaluated
by the function. According to device variant, either IN (normally
sensitive ground current input) or INs (sensitive ground curren t
input) are available.
Voltage Paramet er VOLTAGE
Setting option
It is determined which voltage measuring channel will be evaluated
by the function. When selecting a phase-to-phase voltage, the
threshold must be set as phase-to-phase value; when selecting a
phase-to-ground value as phase-to-ground voltage. The scope of
the function texts depends on the voltage transformer connection
(see address 213 VT Connect. 3ph).
P forward,
P reverse,
Q forward,
Q reverse
Parameter POWER
Setting option
Ia Vag
Ib Vbg
Ic Vcg
It is determined which power measuring channel (current and volt-
age) will be evaluated by the function. The parameter is hidden if
phase-to-phase voltages are connected (see address 213 VT
Connect. 3ph).
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Settings The pickup thresho lds, delay times and dropout ratios of the flexible protection func-
tion are set in the DIGSI „Settings“ dialog box.
The function's pickup threshold is set in par ameter P.U. THRESHOLD. The TRIP
delay time is set in parameter T TRIP DELAY. Both setting values must be selected
to suit the required application.
The pickup may be delayed via parameter T PICKUP DELAY. This parameter is
usually set to zero for protective applications (default) since a protective function is
desired to pick up as soon as possible. A setting other than zero may be useful if it is
not desired that a fault log is opened each time the pickup thre shold is briefly violated.
This is the case, for example, with line protec tion, or if the function is used not for pro-
tection but for monitoring purposes.
When setting small power th resholds, it must be observed th at a power calculation re-
quires at least a current of 0.03 INom. The power calculation is blocked for smaller cur-
Dropout of the pickup condition can be delayed in parameter T DROPOUT DELAY. This
setting, too, is set to zero by default. A setting other than zero may be use ful if the
device interacts with electro-mechanical devices whose dropout times are significantly
longer than those of the numerical protection device (see also section 2.2). When
using the dropout delay time, it is re co mmende d to set it shor ter than th e TRIP delay
time to avoid "race conditions" of the two times.
In parameter Vol.Loss, the user can specify whether a function, whose
measured quantity is ba sed on a voltage me asurement (voltage measured quantities,
P forward, P reverse, Q forwa rd, Q reverse a nd power factor), is blocked in the event
of a measuring volt age failure (setting Yes) or not (setting No).
The function's dropout ratio ca n be set in pa rameter DROPOUT RATIO. The standar d
dropout ratio of protective functions is 0.95 (default). When using the function as
power protection, the dropout ratio should be set to at least 0.9. The same applies
when using the symmetrical component s of current and volt age. If the dropout ratio is
reduced, it is recommended to test pickup of the function for any signs of "chattering".
Moreover , it is impor tant that no dropout ratio is configured for the measured values o f
frequency (f) and frequency cha nge (df/dt) since it em ploys a fixed dropout dif ference.
Renaming Messag-
es, Checking Allo-
After setting a flexible function, the following additional steps are necessary:
Open the Configuration Matrix in DIGSI.
Rename the neutral message texts to suit the application.
Check configurations for contacts and in operating and fault buffers or set according
to the requirements.
Additional Informa-
tion The following additional note must be observed:
Since the power factor is not capable of distinguishing between capacitive and in-
ductive, the sign of the reactive power may be used as an additional criterion by
means of CFC.
2.17 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.17.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
Alarm Only
OFF Flexible Function
0 OPERRAT. MODE 3-phase
no reference
3-phase Mode of Operation
0 MEAS. QUANTITY Please select
P forward
P reverse
Q forward
Q reverse
Power factor
df/dt rising
df/dt falling
Binray Input
Please select Selection of Measured Quantity
0 MEAS. METHOD Funda mental
True RMS
Positive seq.
Negative seq.
Zero sequence
Fundamental Selecti on of Meas urement
0 PICKUP WITH Exceeding
Droppi n g below Exceeding Pickup with
In sensitive
Ia Current
0 VOLTAGE Please select
Please select V o ltage
0POWER Ia Va-n
Ib Vb-n
Ic Vc-n
Ia Va-n Power
Phase-Earth Phase-Phase V oltage System
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 0.05 .. 35.00 A 2.00 A Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 0.05 .. 35.00 A 2.00 A Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.100 A Pickup Threshold
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.17.4 Information List
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 2.0 .. 260.0 V 110.0 V Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 2.0 .. 200.0 V 110.0 V Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 51.00 Hz Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 61.00 Hz Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 0.10 .. 20.00 Hz/s 5.00 Hz/s Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD 0.5 .. 10000.0 W 200.0 W Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD -0.99 .. 0.99 0.50 Pickup Threshold
0 T TRIP DELAY 0.0 0 .. 3600.00 sec 1.00 sec Trip Time Delay
0A T PICKUP DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec P ickup Time Delay
0A T DROPOUT DELAY 0.00 .. 60.00 s ec 0.00 sec Dropout Time Delay
0A Vol.Loss NO
YES YES Block in case of Meas.-Voltage
0A DROPOUT RATIO 0.70 .. 0.99 0.95 Dropout Ratio
0A DROPOUT RATIO 1.01 .. 3.00 1.05 Dropout Ratio
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
235.2110 >BLOCK $00 SP >BLOCK Function $00
235.2111 >$00 instant. SP >Function $00 instantaneous TRIP
235.2112 >$00 Dir.TRIP SP >Function $00 Direct TRIP
235.2113 >$00 BLK.TDly SP >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP Time Delay
235.2114 >$00 BLK.TRIP SP >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP
235.2115 >$00 BL.TripA SP >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP Phase A
235.2116 >$00 BL.TripB SP >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP Phase B
235.2117 >$00 BL.TripC SP >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP Phase C
235.2118 $00 BLOCKED OUT Functio n $00 is BLO CKED
235.2119 $00 OFF OUT Function $00 is switched OFF
235.2120 $00 ACTIVE OUT Function $00 is ACTIVE
235.2121 $00 picked up OUT Function $00 pi cked up
235.2122 $00 pickup A OUT Function $00 Pickup Phase A
235.2123 $00 pickup B OUT Function $00 Pickup Phase B
235.2124 $00 pickup C OUT Function $00 Pickup Phase C
235.2125 $00 Time Out OUT Function $00 TRIP Delay Time Out
235.2126 $00 TRIP OUT Function $00 TRIP
235.2128 $00 inva l.set OUT Function $00 has invalid settings
236.2127 BLK. Flex. Fct. IntSP BLOCK Flexible Function
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection
2.18.1 Description
General The flexible protection functions allow a single-element or multi-element directional
protection to be impl emented. Each directional eleme nt can be operated on one or on
three phases. The elements can optionally use the active power forward, active power
reverse, reactive power forward or reactive power reverse as measuring quantity . The
elements can pick up on undershooting or on overshooting of the threshold. Table 2-
22 shows possible applications for directional protection.
Table 2-22 Overvie w of directional protecti on applications
The following example depict s a typical application where th e flexible function act s as
reverse-power protection.
Disconnecting Fa-
cility The example in figure 2-91 shows an industrial subs tation with autonomous power
supply from the illustrated generator. All lines and the busbar have a three-phase
layout (with exception of the ground connections and the connection to the voltage
measurement at the generator). Feeder 1 and 2 supply the consumers on customer
side. Industrial customers usually obtain their power from the utility. The generator
runs only in synchronous operation without supplying power . If the utility can no longer
maintain the required supply quality , the substation is disconnected from the utility grid
and the generator assumes the autonomou s supply. In the example, the subst ation is
disconnected from the utility grid when the frequency leaves the nominal range (e.g.
1 to 2% deviation from the nominal frequency), the voltage exceeds or falls under a
certain preset value or the generator feeds back active power into the utility grid. De-
pending on the user's requirements, some of these criteria are linked further. This
would be implemented using CFC.
Type of Evaluation
Direction Overshooting Undershooting
P forward – Monitoring of the forward
power thresholds of equipment
(transformers, lines)
– detection of motors running at
reverse – protection of a local industrial
network against feeding energy
back into the ut il i t y grid
– detection of reverse energy
supply from motors
Q forward – monitoring of reactive power
thresholds of equipment (trans-
formers, lines)
– connecting a capacitor bank
for reactive power compensa-
reverse – monitoring of reactive power
thresholds of equipment (trans-
formers, lines)
– de-energizing a capacitor
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The example illustrates how a reverse-power protection is implemented by means of
the flexible protection functions. Frequency protection and voltage pr ot ec tion are de -
scribed in Sections 2.9 and 2.6.
Figure 2-91 Example of a substation with autonomous generator supply
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Substation Layout A 110-kV line connects the substation to the utility grid on high-voltage side. Circuit-
breaker CB1 belongs to the utility grid. The switch-disconnector separates the substa-
tion from the utility grid if necessary. The transformer with a ratio of 10:1 transforms
the voltag e level to 11 kV. On low-voltage side, transformer, generator and the two
feeders are co nnected on a busbar. The circuit-brea kers CB2 to CB5 disco nnect con-
sumers and equipment from the busbar.
Table 2-23 System data for the applicati on example
Protective Func-
tionality The 7SJ64 protective relay will disconnect the substation from the utility grid in case
the generator feeds back energy into the utility grid (protective function P rev>). This
functionality can be achieved using a flexible protection function. Disconnection will
also be initiated if frequency or voltage fluctuations occur in the utility grid (protective
functions 81, 27-1, 59-1, 67-1, 67N-1). The protective relay obtains the measured
values via a three-p hase curr ent and volt age transfor mer set and a single-phase con -
nection to the generator voltage transformer (for synchronization). Circuit-breaker
CB2 will be activated in case of disconnection.
The transforme r is protecte d by a di f fer ential protectio n and inve rse and d efinite time
overcurrent protection functions for the phase-to-phase currents. In the event of a
fault, circuit-breaker CB1 in the utility grid will be activated via a remote link. Circuit-
breaker CB2 is activated in addition .
Time overcurrent protective functions protect the feeders 1 and 2 against short-circuits
and overload caused by the conn ected consumers. The phase-to-phase cu rrents and
the zero currents of the feeders can be protected by inverse and definite time overcur-
rent protection elements. Circuit-breakers CB4 and CB5 are a ctivated in the e vent of
a fault.
In addition, the busbar could be equipped wi th the 7UT635 diff erential protective relay
for multiple ends. The current transformers required to this end are already included
in Figure 2-91.
Before Connecting
the Generator
In most cases, it is the power customer who is responsible for restoring normal system
operation after disconnection. The 7SJ64 relay tests whether the synchronous system
conditions are satisfied. After successful synchronization the generator is connected
to the busbar.
The voltag es required for synchronization are measured at the transformer an d at the
generator. The voltage at the transformer is measured in all three phases since they
are also necessary to determine the direction. A generator supplies the phase-to-
phase voltage Vca across a star-delta transformer to device input V4 (see Figure 2-
Power System Data
Generator nominal power SN,Gen = 38.1 MVA
Transformer no minal power SN,Transformer = 38.1 MVA
Nominal voltage of high-voltage side VNom = 110 kV
Nominal voltage of busbar side VNom = 11 kV
Nominal primary CT current on busbar side IN,prim = 2000 A
Nominal secondary CT curre nt on busbar side IN,sec = 1 A
Nominal primary VT voltage on busbar side VN,prim = 11 kV
Secondary primary VT voltage on busbar side VN,sec = 100 V
2 Functions
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Wiring Diagram,
Power Direction Figure 2-92 shows the wir ing of the device fo r reve rse-powe r protectio n and synchro-
nization. The power flow in positive or forward direction occurs from the high-voltage
busbar (not shown) via the transformer to the low-voltage busbar.
Figure 2-92 Wiring diagram for a 7SJ642 as reverse-power protection (flush-mounted case)
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.18.2 Implementation of the Reverse-Power Protection
General The names of the indications can be edited in DIGSI and were tailored to this example.
The parameter names are fixed.
Determination of
the Reverse Power The reverse-power protection evaluates the active power from the symmetrical funda-
mental components of voltages and currents. Evaluation of the positive-sequence
systems secures reverse-power detection against asymmetries occurring in the volt-
ages and currents and reflects the real load of the drive side. The calculated active
power value corresponds to the total active power. The relay measures the power in
direction of the busbar as being positive for the connection shown in the example.
Functional Logic The following logic diagram depicts the functional logic of the reverse-power protec-
Figure 2-93 Logic diagram of the reverse-power determina t i o n with flexible protection func-
The reverse-power protection picks up once the configured pickup threshold has been
exceeded. If the pickup condition persists during the equally sett able pickup delay , the
pickup message P.rev.PU is generated and starts the trip delay time. If the pickup con-
dition does not drop out while the trip delay time is counting down, the trip indication
P. rev. TRIP and the timeout indication P. rev. timeout are generated. The picked up
element drops out when the value falls below the dropout threshold. The blocking input
>P rev. block blocks the entire function, i.e. pickup, trip and running times are reset.
After the blocking has been released, the reverse power must exceed the pickup
threshold and both times must run out before the protective function trips.
Pickup Value,
Dropout Ratio The pickup value of the reverse-power protection is set to 10% of the generator
nominal output. In this example, the setting value is configured as secondary power in
watts. The following relationship exists between the primary and the secondary power:
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
On the basis of the indicated dat a, the pickup values are calculated considering P prim
= 3.81 MW (10% of 38.1 MW) on the primary level to
on the secondary level. The dropout ratio is set to 0.9. This yields a secondary dropout
threshold of Psec, dropout = 15.6 W. If the pickup threshold is redu ced to a value near the
lower setting limit of 0.5 W, the dropout ratio should equally be reduced to approxi-
mately 0.7.
Delay for Pickup,
Dropout and Trip The reverse-power protection does not require short tripping times as protection from
undesired power feedback. In the present example, it is useful to delay pickup and
dropout by about 0.5 s and the trip by approx. 1 s. Delaying the pickup will minimize
the number of fault logs which are opened when the reverse power oscillates around
the threshold.
When using the reverse-power protection to disconnect the switchgear quickly from
the utility grid if faults occur, it is useful to select a larger pickup value (e.g. 50% of
nominal power ) an d shor te r tim e de lays.
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.18.3 Configuring the Reverse-Power Protection in DIGSI
First create and open a 7SJ64x ( e.g. 7 SJ642) d evice in DIGSI Man ager. Configure a
flexible protection function (flexible function 01) for the present example in the Device
Configuration (figure 2-94).
Figure 2-94 Configuration of a flexible protection function
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Select „Additional functions“ in the „Parameters“ menu to view the flexible function
(figure 2-95).
Figure 2-95 The flexib le function appears in the function selection.
First activate the function at „Settings --> General“ and select the operating mode „3-
phase“ (figure 2-96):
Figure 2-96 Selection of the three-phase operating mode
Select „Active power reverse “ and „Overshooting“ in the menu items „Measured
Quantity“ and „Measurement Method“. Open the menu item „Settings“ and set a
checkmark in the box „Display additional settings“ to configure threshold, pickup delay
and trip delay (Figure 2-97). Since it is not possible to determine the power direction
during a failure of the measuring volt age, it is useful to activate a blocking in this case.
2.18 Reverse-Power Protection Application with Flexible Protection Function
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-97 Setting options of the flexible function
Allocating the
Protection in DIGSI
The DIGSI configuration matrix initially shows the following indications (after selecting
„Indications and commands only“ and „No filter“, Figure 2-98):
Figure 2-98 Indications prior to editing
Clicking the texts allows short text and long text to be edited as required by th e appli-
cation (Figure 2-99):
Figure 2-99 Indications after editing
The indications are allocated in the same way as the indications of other protective
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
The synchronization function is only available for device 7SJ64. It has configuration
options for four different synchronization functions. The function and operation is de-
scribed in the following using the SYNC Function group 1. The same applies to
function groups 2 to 4.
2.19.1 SYNC Function group 1
When connecting two sections of a power system, the synchronism check verifies that
the start does not endanger the stability of the power system.
Applications Typical applications are, for example, the synchronism check of a feeder and a
busbar (see Figure 2-100) or the synchronism check of two busbars via bus coupler
(see Figure 2-101).
Prerequisites The synchronism check is only available for 7SJ64. General
For comp aring the two volt ages the synchronism check uses the refer ence voltage V1
and an additional voltage to be connected V2.
If a transformer is connected between th e two voltag e transformers (Figure 2- 100), its
vector group can be adapted in the 7SJ64 relay so that externa l adaptors are not re-
Figure 2-100 Infeed
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-101 Bus coupler
The synchronism check of 7SJ64 usually cooperates with the integrated automatic re-
closing system and the control functions of the control function. It is also possible to
employ an external automatic reclosing system. In such a case signal exchange
between the devices is accomplished via binary inputs and outputs.
The configuration decides whether the synchronism check is carried out only for auto-
matic reclosing or only for cir cuit br eaker cont rol o r both. It is also possible to specify
differe nt release criteria for automatic close or control close. Synchron ous connection
is always accomplished via the in tegrated control.
The release command for closin g under satisfied synchronism conditions can be de-
activated by parameter 6x13 25 Synchron. The disabled closing release can , how-
ever, be activated via binary input („>25 synchr.“). It is intended for special appli-
cations (see„de-energized switching“).
Connection, Multi-
ple-phase For comparing the two voltages the synchronism check takes the reference voltage V1
and an additional voltage to be connected V2. The reference voltage V1 is derived from
the multi-phase system, usually the three phase-ground voltages. The voltage to be
synchronized V2 is assigned to the single-phase connection and may be any phase-
ground or phase-phase voltage.
The device can also be connected in V-connection using two phase-phase voltages.
In that case, a phase-to-phase voltage must be connected to the vo ltage to be syn -
chronized V2. Please observe also that a V-connection does not allow the zero se-
quence volt age to be determined. The functions „ Directional T ime Overcurrent Protec-
tion Ground“, „Directional Groun d Fault Detection“ an d „Fuse-Fail ure-M onitor (FFM)
must be disabled.
Connection, Single-
phase If there is only one primary voltage to represent the reference voltage V1, the device
can be informed of this fact via the power system data. Also in this case the synchro-
nism check can be fully applied.
Operating Modes The synchronism check can be operated in two modes:
Synchronous / Asynchronous
Synchrono us po we r sys tem s exhibit small differences rega rd in g phas e an gle an d
voltage magnitude. Before connection it is checked whether conditions are synchro-
nous or not. If synchronism prevails the system is energized, with asynchronous con-
2 Functions
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ditions it is not. The circuit breaker operating time is not taken into consideration. The
SYNCHROCHECK mode is used. It corresponds to the classic synchrocheck function.
On the other hand, asynchronous systems include bigger differences and the time
window for switching passes relatively quick. It is useful to consider the operating time
of the circuit breaker. The ASYN/SYNCHRON mode is used.
Functional Se-
quence The synchrocheck function only operates if it receives a measurement request. This
request may be issued by the control, the automatic reclosing function or externally
via binary input, e.g. from an external automatic reclosing system.
The measurement request performs certain pl ausibility checks (for further information
see „Plausibility Check“). If there is a condition which is not plausible, a message „25
Sync. Error“ is output. The measurement is then not carrie d out. If conditions a re
plausible, measurement is initia ted (message „25x meas.“; with x = 1..n, according
to the function group). Depending on the selected operating mode, the configured
release conditions are then checked (see margin headings „Synchrocheck“ / „Syn-
Each condition met is indicated explicitly (messages „25 Vdiff ok“, „25 fdiff
ok“, „25 αdiff ok“). Also conditions not fulfilled are indicated, for example, when
voltage differences (messages „25 V2>V1“, „25 V2<V1“), frequency differences
(messages „25 f2>f1“, „25 f2<f1“) or angle diff erences (messages „25
α2>α1“, „25 α2<α1“) lie outside the threshold values. For these messag es to be
sent, both voltages must lie within the operating range of the synchrocheck (see
margin heading „Operating Range“).
If these conditions are met, the synchrocheck function issues a release signal for
closing the breaker („25 CloseRelease“). This release signal is only available for
the configured du ration of the CLOSE command and is always processed by the con-
trol, which issues the actual CLOSE command for controlling the circuit breaker (see
also margin heading „Interaction with the control“). The annunciation „25
Synchron“ is applied as long as the synchronous conditions are fulfilled.
Measuring the synchronism conditions can be confined to a maximum monitoring time
T-SYN. DURATION. If the conditions are not fulfilled during T-SYN. DURATION, the
release is cancelled (message „25 MonTimeExc“). A new synchrocheck can only
be performed if a new measurement request is received.
Plausiblity Check /
SYNC Error A parameter plausibility check is carried out upon device startup. Message „25 Set-
Error“ is displayed if a fault is detected. If an implau sible condition is dete cted af ter
a measurement request, message „25 Sync. Error“ is generated. The measure-
ment is not initiated in that case.
The following plausibility checks are carried out:
Checking unique function group identification
Checking the configuration
Evaluation of monitoring functions
If one and the same SYNC function group has multiple selections, error message „25
FG-Error“ is output additionally. The synchrocheck cannot be bypassed via binary
Concerning configuration it is also checked if power system address 213 is set to
Van,Vbn,Vcn,VSy. Otherwise mess ag e „25 Sync. Error“ is output. Further-
more, specific thresholds and settings of the selected function group are checked. If
there is a condition wh ich is not plausible, error message „25 Set-Error“ is output
additionally. Here, please make sure that Addr ess 6x06 (threshold V1, V2 energized )
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
is smaller than Addre ss 6x03 (lower voltage limit Vmin). The synchrocheck cannot be
bypassed via binary input.
If the monitoring function Fuse-Failure-Monitor is used and if it has picked up at the
same time as the measurement of the synchr onizatio n was reques ted, the synchroni-
zation is not started eithe r (m es sa ge „25 Sync. Error“). The same applies, if a
voltage transformer failure (m.c.b. tripping) is communicated to the device via binary
inputs 65 09 „>FAIL:FEEDER VT“ or 6510 „>FAIL: BUS VT“. In this case, the syn-
chrocheck can be bypassed via binary input.
Operating Range The operating rang e of the syn chro check is de fi ned by th e con figur ed voltage thresh-
olds Vmin and Vmax, and the fixed frequency band fNom ± 3Hz.
If measurement is started and one or both voltages are outside the operating range,
or one voltage leaves the permissible range, corresponding messages indicate this
behaviour („25 f1>>“, „25 f1<<“, „25 V1>>“, „25 V1<<“, etc.).
Measured Values The measured va lues of the synchr ocheck are displayed in sep arate boxes for prima-
ry, secondary and percentage values. The measured values are displayed and
updated only while a synchrocheck is requested.
The following is displayed:
Value of reference voltage V1
Value of the voltage to be synchronized V2
Frequency values f1 and f2
Differences of Voltage, Frequency and Angle. Synchrocheck
Having selected opera ting mode SYNCHROCHECK the mode verifies the synchronism
before conn ecting the two system component s and cancels the co nnecting process if
parameters for synchronism lie outside the configured thresholds.
Before a release is granted, the following conditions are checked:
Is the reference voltage V1 above the setting value Vmin but below the maximum
voltage Vmax?
Is the voltage V2 to be synchronized above the setting value Vmin but below the
maximum voltage Vmax?
Is the voltage difference V2V1 within the permitted threshold dV SYNCHK V2>V1?
Is the voltage difference V1V2 within the permitted threshold dV SYNCHK V2<V1?
Are the two frequencies f1 and f2 within the permitted operating range fN± 3 Hz?
Is the frequency difference f2 – f1 within the permitted thr eshold df SYNCHK
Is the frequency difference f1 – f2 within the permitted thr eshold df SYNCHK
Is the angle dif fer ence α2α1 within th e permitte d threshold dα SYNCHK α2>α1?
Is the angle dif fer ence α1α2 within th e permitte d threshold dα SYNCHK α2<α1?
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Synchronous / Asynchronous
The operating mode ASYN/SYNCHRON uses the frequency slip of the two power
systems (parameter F SYNCHRON) to determine whether the power systems are asyn-
chronous to each other ("Switching under As ynchrono us System Conditio ns") or syn-
chronous ("Switching under Synchronous System Conditions"). If systems are asyn-
chronous, the time window for switching is passed relatively quickly. Therefore, it is
reasonable to take into account the operating time of the circuit br ea ke r. Thu s the
device can issue the ON comm and at a time where asynchronous cond itions prevail.
When the poles make contact the conditions will be synchronous.
It is also possible to generally take into accoun t the operating time of the circuit br eak-
er, i.e. also with synchronous conditions prevailing.
Switching under
System Conditions
Switching under synchronous conditions means that the ON command will be re-
leased as soon as the characteristi c data (voltage difference, angle difference) are
within the thresholds specified by configuration.
Before granting a relea se for closing under synchronous co nditions, the following con-
ditions are chec k ed :
Is the reference voltage V1 above the setting value Vmin but below the maximum
voltage Vmax?
Is the voltage V2 to be synchronized above the setting value Vmin but below the
maximum volta ge Vmax?
Is the voltage difference V2 – V1 within the permitted threshold dV SYNC V2>V1?
Is the voltage difference V1 – V2 within the permitted threshold dV SYNC V2<V1?
Are the two frequ encie s f1 and f2 within the permitted o perating range f Nom ± 3Hz?
Is the frequency difference smaller than the configured threshold frequency differ-
ence F SYNCHRON which defines the transition from synchr onous to asynchronous
Is the angle difference α2α1 within the permitted threshold dα SYNC α2> α1?
Is the angle difference α1α2 within the permitted threshold dα SYNC α2< α1?
As soon as all synchronism condition s are fulfilled, the message „25 Synchron“ is
Switching under
System Conditions
For switching under asynchronous system conditions the device determines the time
for issuing the ON command from the angle difference and the frequency difference
such that the voltages (o f busbar and feeder) are identical at the instant the poles
make cont act. For this purpose the device must be informed of the operating time of
the circuit breaker for closing.
Before a release is grante d, the following conditions are checked:
Is the reference voltage V1 above the setting value Vmin but below the maximum
voltage Vmax?
Is the voltage V2 to be synchronized above the setting value Vmin but below the
maximum volta ge Vmax?
Is the voltage difference V2 – V1 within the permitted threshold dV ASYN V2>V1?
Is the voltage difference V1 – V2 within the permitted threshold dV ASYN V2<V1?
Are the two frequ encie s f1 and f2 within the permitted o perating range f Nom ± 3Hz?
Is the frequency difference f2 – f1 within the permitted threshold df ASYN f2>f1?
Is the frequency difference f1 – f2 within the permitted threshold df ASYN f2<f1?
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
When the check has been terminated successfully, the device determines the next
instant at which the two systems are in phase from the angle difference and the fre-
quency difference. The ON command is issued at this instant minus the operating time
of the circuit breaker. De-energized Switching
Connecting two components of a power system is also possible if at least one of the
component s is de-energized and if the measured volt age is greater than the threshold
6106 V>. Thus, with a multiple-phase connection at side V1 all three voltages must
have a higher value than threshold V> so that side V1 is recognized as energized. With
single-phase connection, of course, only one voltage has to exceed the threshold
Besides release under synchrono us conditions, the following additional release con-
ditions can be selected for the check:
SYNC V1>V2< = Release on the condition that component V1 is ener-
gized and component V2 is de-energized.
SYNC V1<V2> = Release on the condition that component V1 is de-en-
ergized and component V2 is energized.
SYNC V1<V2< = Release on the cond ition stating that component V1
and component V2 are de-energized.
Each of these conditions can be enabled or disabled individually; combinations are
also possible (e.g., release if SYNC V1>V2< or SYNC V1<V2> are fulfilled).
Synchroniza tio n th us takes place by involving the additional parameter 6x13 25
Synchron (set to NO) also, e.g. for connecting a ground switch. In such a case, the
switch may only be connected if no voltage a pplies on load side, i.e. connection is not
permitted under synchronous conditions.
The release conditions can be configur ed individually either for automatic reclosing or
for manual closing via control comm ands. Y o u can, for example, allow manual closing
for synchronism or for de-energized feeder whereas before an automatic reclosing op-
eration, checking only de-energized conditions at one feeder termin al and af terwards
only synchronism at the other.
The threshold below which a power system component is considered as de-energized
is defined by parameter V<. If the measured voltage exceeds the threshold V>, a
power system component is energized. Thus, with a multiple-phase connection at side
V1 all three volt ages must have a higher value than threshold V> so that side V1 is rec-
ognized as energi zed. With single-phase co nnection, of cour se, only one volt age has
to exceed the threshold value.
Before granting a release for connecting the energized component V1 and the de-en-
ergized component V2, the following conditions are checked:
Is the reference voltage V1 above the setting value Vmin and V> but below the
maximum voltage Vmax?
Is the voltage to be synchronized V2 below the threshold V<?
Is the frequency f1 within the permitted operating range fNom ± 3 Hz?
After successful termination of the check the release is granted.
For switching the de-energized component 1 to the energized component 2 or con-
necting the de-energ ized component 1 to the equally de-energized component 2 the
conditions to be fulfilled correspond with those stated above.
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The associated messages indicating the release via the corresponding condition are
as follows: „25 V1> V2<“, „25 V1< V2>“ and „25 V1< V2<“.
Via binary input „>25 V1>V2<“, „>25 V1<V2>“ and „>25 V1<V2<“ release con-
ditions can be issue d ex ter n ally pr ov ide d the synchrocheck is controlled externally.
Parameter TSUP VOLTAGE (address 6111) can be set to configure a monitoring time
which requires above stated release conditions for de-energized conn ection to be ful-
filled at least this time before switching is allowed. Direct Command / Blocking
Parameter Direct CO can be set to gr ant a re lease witho ut performing any chec ks.
In this case switching is released immediately when initiating the synchrocheck. It is
obviously not reasonable to combine Direct CO with other release conditions.
If the synchrocheck fails, depending on the type of failure a direct command bypassing
any checks may be issued or not (also see "Plausibility check / SYNC Error").
Via binary input „>25direct CO“ this release can also be granted externally.
Blocking the entire synchrocheck is possible via binary input „>BLK 25-1“. The
message signaling this condition is made via „25-1 BLOCK“. When blocking the
measurement is terminated and the entire function is reset. A new me asurement can
only be performed with a new measurement request.
Via bi nary inp ut „>BLK 25 CLOSE“ it is possible to only block the release signal for
closing („25 CloseRelease“). When blocking is active, measurement continues.
The blocking is indicated by the message „25 CLOSE BLK“. When blocking is reset
and release conditions are fulfilled, the release signal for closing is issued. SYNC Function Groups
The 7SJ64 relay comprises 4 SYNC function groups (SYNC function group 1 to 4)
whereby each group contains all setting parameters required by a SYNC function. This
generally includes the switchgear component for which the SYNC function settings are
to be applied.
However, several SYNC function groups may be used for one point of synchroniza-
tion/switching object if synchronismn is to b e perfor me d with di fferent parameter s. Al-
location of switchgear component and SYNC function group must then be accom-
plished dynamically (whichever is the function group to operate with) via one of the
binary inputs from „>25-1 act“ to „>25-4 act“.
If the assignment to the SYNC groups is clear, the binary inputs are not required.
Selecting one SYNC function group several times, causes output of error message
(„25 FG-Error“).
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Interaction with Control, AR and External Control
With Control Basically, the synchrocheck interacts with the device control. The switchgear compo-
nent to be synchronized is selected via a p arameter . If an ON command is issued, the
control ta ke s into accou nt tha t the switchge ar com pon ent requir es synchron ism . The
control sends a measurement request („25 Measu. req.“) to the synchrochec k
which is then started. Having completed the check, the synchrocheck issues the
release message („25 CloseRelease“) to which the control responds by terminat-
ing the switching operation positively or negatively (see Figure 2-102).
Figure 2-102 Interaction of control and synchrocheck
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With AR The automatic reclosing (AR) function can also interact with the synchronizing func-
tion. They are linked via the device control. The selection is made via parameter
setting of the automatic reclosing function. The AR parameters (7138 Internal
SYNC) determin e wh ich SYNC function group (SYNC FG) is used. The applicable
switch is defined in the selected function group. The switch gear component indica ted
in the AR parameters (7137 Cmd.via control) and the selected SYNC fun ctio n
group should be identical. If their settings differ, the SYNC function group setting will
overwrite that of the AR function. If no SYNC function group is entered in the AR pa-
rameter, the close command of the auto reclose function is carried out in unsynchro-
nized form via the switchgear component indicated in the AR parameters. Equally, the
close command „79 Close“ (message 2851) allows only unsynchronized switching.
If e.g. circuit breaker Q0 is configured as component to be switched synchronized, a
CLOSE command of the AR function will address this breaker and assign it a CLOSE
command which will be processed by the control. As this breaker requires synchroni-
zation, the control l aunch es the synchr onizi ng function a nd await s release . If the co n-
figured conditions are fulfilled, the release is granted and the control issues the
CLOSE command (see Figure 2-103).
Figure 2-103 Connection of the automatic reclosi ng function to the synchrocheck
With External
Control As another option the synchronizing function can be activated via external measure-
ment request. The synchronizing function can b e started via binary in put using a mea-
surement request („>25 Measu. Only“ or pulse-like start and stop signals „>25
Start“ „>25 Stop“). After the synchronizing function has completed the check, it
issues a release message („25 CloseRelease“see Figure 2-104). Measurement
is finished as soon as the measurement request is reset via the binary input. In this
case there is no need to configure any control device to be synchronized.
Figure 2-104 Interaction of synchronizing function and external control
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
General The synchrocheck function is only included in the 7SJ64 relay with its four voltage
While setting the power system data 1 (see section the device was already
provided with dat a relevant for the measur ed values and the operating pr inciple of the
synchrocheck function. This concerns the following parameters:
202 Vnom PRIMARY primary nominal volt age of the voltage transformers V1 ( phase -
to-phase) in kV;
203 Vnom SECONDARY secondary nominal voltage of the voltage transformers V1
(phase-to-phase) in V;
213 VT Connect. 3ph defines the way voltage transformers are connected if there
is more than one voltage transformer at the primar y side.
When using the synchronization function, setting Van,Vbn,Vcn,VSy must always be
selected independen t of whether there are pha se-ground or phase-p hase voltages at
the primary side. Two phase-phase volt a ges are V-connected to the device (see also
connection examples for 7SJ64 in the Appendi xA.3). However, a zero sequence
voltag e cannot be determined in that case. The functions „Directional Time Overcur-
rent Protection Ground“, „Directional Ground Fault Detection“ and „Fuse-Failure-
Monitor (FFM) “ must be disabled.
240 VT Connect. 1ph specifies the voltage connected at side V1 if only one voltage
transformer is availab le at the primary side. If the parameter is set different from NO,
setting of address 213 is no more relevant. With single-phase connection the device
generally assumes the volt age at the fourth volt age transformer (V4) as the volt age V2
to be synchronized.
214 Rated Frequency the operating range of the synchrocheck refers to the
nominal frequency of the power system (fNom ±3Hz);
The synchrocheck function can only operate if at least one of the ad dres ses 161 25
Function 1 to 164 25 Function 4 is set to Enabled during configuration of the
functional scope (see section 2. 1.1.2). The operating mode can be preselected:
ASYN/SYNCHRON means that switching will take place under synchronous and asyn-
chronous conditions. SYNCHROCHECK corresponds to the classic synchrocheck func-
tion. If not required, this function is set to Disabled. A synchrocheck function group
thus rendered inef fective is disabled in the menu item Synchronization; other groups
in this menu are displa ye d.
Only the corresponding messages of SYNC Function Group 1 are pr e- a lloca te d for
IEC 60870–5–103 (VDEW). If other function group s (2 to 4) are configured and if their
messages are to be disposed of via VDEW , they must first be configured to the system
Selecting one of the displayed SYNC function groups in DIGSI opens a dialog box with
the tabs "General", "Power System Data", "asyn. operati on ", "syn. op er a tion " an d
"Synchrocheck" in which the individual settings fo r syn ch ro nis m ca n be mad e . For
SYNC function group x the following holds:
General Settings The general thresholds for the synchronizing function are set at addresses 6x01 to
Address 6x01 Synchronizing x can be set to switch the entire synchronizing func-
tion group x ON or OFF. If switched off, the synchronou s check does not verify the syn-
chronization conditions and release is not granted.
2 Functions
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Address 6x02SyncCB is used to select the switchgear component to which the syn-
chronizing settings will be applied. Select the option none to use the function as ex-
ternal synchronizing feature. It will then be triggered via binary input messages.
Addresses 6x03Vmin and 6x04Vmax set the upper and lowe r limits for the ope rating
voltage r ange V1 or V2 and thus determ ine the operating range for the synchronizing
function. If the values leave this band, a message will be output.
Address 6x05 V< indicates the voltage threshold below which the feeder or the busbar
can safely be considered switched off (for checking a de-energized feeder or busbar).
Address 6x06V> indicates the voltage threshold above which the feeder or busbar
can safely be considered energized (for checking an energized feeder or busbar). It
must be set below the anticipated operational undervoltage.
The setting for the vo ltage values mentioned above is made secondary in volts. When
using the PC and DIGSI for configuration, these values can also be entered as primary
values. Depending on the connection of the voltages these are phase-to-ground volt-
ages or phase-to-phase vo ltages.
Addresses 6x07 to 6x10 are set to specify the release conditions for the closing check.
6x07 SYNC V1<V2> = Component V1 must be de-energized, component V2 must be
energized (connection to reference without voltage, dead line);
6x08 SYNC V1>V2< = Component V1 must be energized, component V2 voltage value
must be de-energized (connection to feeder without voltage, dead bus);
6x09 SYNC V1<V2< = Component V1 and Component V2 must be de-energized (con-
nection when reference and feeder are de-energized, dead bus/dead bus);
6x10A Direct CO = Command is released without checks.
The possible release condition s are independent of each other and can be combined.
It is obviously not reasonable to combine Direct CO with other release conditions.
Parameter TSUP VOLTAGE (address 6x1 1A) can be set to configure a monitoring time
which requires above stated release conditions to be present for at least de-energized
switching before switching is allowe d. The preset value of 0.1 s accounts for transient
responses and ca n be app lie d with ou t mo d ifi ca tio n.
Release via synchronous check can be limited to a configurable synchronous moni-
toring time T-SYN. DURATION (address 6x12). The configured conditions must be
fulfilled within this time. Otherwise release is not granted and the synchronizing func-
tion is terminated. If this time is set to , the conditions will be checked until they are
For special applications (e.g. connecting a ground switch), the closing release under
satisfied synchronism conditions can be activa ted or deactivated in parameter 6x13A
25 Synchron.
Power System Data The power system data for the synchronizing function are set at addresses 6x20 to
The circuit breaker closing time T-CB close at address 6x20 is required if the device
is to close also under asynchronou s system conditions, no matter whether for manua l
closing, for automatic reclosing after three-pole tripping, or for both. The device will
then calculate the time for the close command such that the voltages are synchronous
the instant the breaker poles make contact. Please note that this should include the
operating time of the breaker as well as the operating time of an auxiliary relay that
may be connected in the closing circuit.
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The pa rameter Balancing V1/V2 (address 6x21) can be set to account for dif ferent
VT ratios of the two parts of the power system (see example in Figure 2-105).
If a transformer is located between the system parts to be synchronized, its vector
group can be accounted for by angle adjustment so that no exter na l ad just i ng me a-
sures are required. Parameter ANGLE ADJUSTM. (address 6x22A) is used to this end.
The phase angle from V1 to V2 is evaluated po sit iv ely.
Example: (see also Figure 2-105):
Busbar 400 kV primary; 110 V secondary
Feeder 220 kV primary; 100 V secondary
Transformer 400 kV/220 kV; vector group Dy(n)5
The transformer vector group is defined from the high side to the low side. In the ex-
ample, the reference voltage transformers (V1) are the ones of the transformer high
side, i.e. the setting angle is 5 x 30° (according to vector group), that is 150°:
Address 6x22A: ANGLE ADJUSTM. = 150°.
The reference voltage transformers supply 100 V secondary for primary operation at
nominal value while the feeder transformer supplies 110 V secondary. Therefore, this
difference must be balanced:
Address 6x21:Balancing V1/V2 = 100 V/110 V = 0.91.
Figure 2-105 Busbar voltage measured accross transformer
Connections 7SJ64 provides three volt age in put s for the connection of volt a ge V1 and one volt age
input for voltage V2 (see Figure 2-106 and Figure 2-105). According to definition, the
three-phase volt age is the re ference vo lt age V1. To compare the three-ph ase vo lt age
V1 with voltage V2 correctly , the connection type of voltage V2 must be signalled to the
device. Address CONNECTIONof V2 assumes this task (parameter 6x23).
If three phase-to-g round volt ages are con nected to side V 1, then any phase-phase or
phase-to-ground voltage can be used and configured as voltage to be synchronized
V2. If two phase-phase voltages are connected in V-connection to side V1, then the
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
voltage V2 to be synchronized must be a p hase- phase voltage. It must be connected
and configured.
Single-phase connection is also possible for side V 1. In Address 240 VT Connect.
1ph this information must be communicated to the device (see above). Setting of
address 213 is not relevant in that case. Compared to volt age of side 1 the volt age to
be synchronized must be equal in type and phase. Address 6x23 CONNECTIONof V2
is hidden for single-phase connection. Figure 2-107 shows an example for a single-
phase connection.
Figure 2-106 Connection of V1 and V2 at device
Figure 2-107 Single-phase connection (phase-ground) to side V 1
For the device to perform the intern al conversion to primary valu es, the primary rated
transformer voltage of the measured quantity V2 must be entered via parameter 6x25
VT Vn2, primary if a transformer is located between the system parts to be syn-
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Conditions The synchronizing function of the 7SJ64 can issue a close command also for asyn-
chronous power systems such that, considering the circuit breaker operating time (ad-
dress 6x20), the power systems are coupled when the phases are equal.
Parameters 6x30dV ASYN V2>V1 and 6x31 dV ASYN V2<V1 can be set to adjust
the permissible voltage differences asymmetrically.
Parameters 6x32df ASYN f2>f1 and 6x33 df ASYN f2<f1 limit the operating
range for asynchronous switching. The availability of two parameters enables an
asymmetrical range for closing to be set.
Synchronous Con-
ditions With address 6x40 SYNC PERMIS. a selection can be made to only check for syn-
chronism conditions when the frequency is below the threshold F SYNCHRON (YES) or
whether to operate with the asynchron ous conditions over the entire frequency ran ge
Address 6x41F SYNCHRON is an automatic threshold between synchronous and asyn-
chronous switching. If the frequency difference is below the specified threshold, the
power systems are considered to be synchronous and the conditions for synchronous
switching apply. If it is above the threshold, the switching is asynchronous with consid-
eration of the time left until the voltages are in phase.
Address 6x42dV SYNC V2>V1 and 6x43dV SYNC V2<V1 can be used to set the
permissible voltage differences asymmetrically.
Address 6x44dα SYNC α2> α1 and 6x45dα SYNC α2< α1 confine the operating
range for synchronous switching. These two para meters allow an asymmetrical
switching range to be configured (see Figure 2-108).
Moreover , the release time delay T SYNC-DELAY (address 6x46) can be set during
which all synchronous conditio ns must at least be fulfilled for the closing command to
be generated after expiration of this time.
Figure 2-108 Switching under synchronous system conditions
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-109 Operating range under synchronous and asynchronous conditions for voltage
(V) and frequency (f)
Synchrocheck Address 6x50dV SYNCHK V2>V1 and 6x51dV SYNCHK V2<V1 can be used to co n-
figure the permitted voltage difference also asymmetrically. The availability of two pa-
rameters enables an asymmetrical release range to be set.
Address 6x52df SYNCHK f2>f1 and 6x53df SYNCHK f2<f1 determ in e th e pe r-
missible frequency diff erences. The availability of two parameters enables an asym-
metrical release range to be set.
Addresses 6x54dα SYNCHK α2>α1 and 6x55dα SYNCHK α2<α1 confine the oper-
ating range for synchronous switching. The availability of two parameters enables an
asymmetrical release range to be set.
Settings and Infor-
mation The following tables only list settings and messages for function group 1. The settings
and messages of function groups 2 to 4 are the same type.
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
6101 Synchronizing ON
OFF OFF Synchronizing Function
6102 SyncCB (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Synchronizable circuit breaker
6103 Vmin 20 .. 125 V 90 V Minimum voltage limit: Vmin
6104 Vmax 20 .. 140 V 110 V Maximum voltage limit: Vmax
6105 V< 1 .. 60 V 5 V Threshold V1, V2 without voltage
6106 V> 20 .. 140 V 80 V Thresho ld V1, V2 with voltage
6107 SYNC V1< V2> YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2>
6108 SYNC V1> V2< YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1> and V2<
6109 SYNC V1< V2< YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2<
6110A Direct CO YES
NO NO Direct ON-Comma nd
6111A TSUP VOLTAGE 0.00 .. 60.00 se c 0.10 sec Supervision time of V1>;V2> or
6112 T-SYN. DURATION 0.01 .. 1200.00 sec; 30.00 sec Maximum duration of Synchroni-
6113A 25 Synchron YES
NO YES Switching at synchronous condi-
6120 T-CB close 0.01 .. 0.60 sec 0.06 sec Clo s ing (operating) time of CB
6121 Bal ancing V1/V2 0.50 .. 2.00 1.00 Balancing factor V1/V2
6122A ANGLE ADJUSTM. 0 .. 360 °0°Angle adjustment (transformer)
A-B Connection of V2
6125 VT Vn2, primary 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV VT nominal voltage V2, primary
6130 d V ASYN V2>V1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6131 d V ASYN V2<V1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6132 d f ASYN f2>f1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6133 d f ASYN f2<f1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 List
NO YES Switching at synchronous condi -
6141 F SYNCHRON 0.01 .. 0.04 Hz 0.01 H z Frequency threshold ASYN <-->
6142 dV SYNC V2>V1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6143 dV SYNC V2<V1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6144 dα SYNC α2> α1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6145 dα SYNC α2< α1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6146 T SYNC-DELAY 0 .00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 se c Release delay at synchron ous
6150 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6151 dV SYNCHK V2<V1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6152 df SYNCHK f2>f1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6153 df SYNCHK f2<f1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6154 dα SYNCHK α2>α1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6155 dα SYNCHK α2<α1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
170.0001 >25-1 act SP >25-group 1 activate
170.0043 >25 Measu. Only SP >25 Sync. Measurement Only
170.0049 25 CloseRelease OUT 25 Sync. Release of CLOSE Command
170.0050 25 Sync . Error OUT 25 Sync hronization Error
170.0051 25-1 BLOCK OUT 25-group 1 is BLOCKED
170.2007 25 Measu. req. SP 2 5 Sync. Measuring request of Control
170.2008 >BLK 25-1 SP >BLOCK 25-group 1
170.2009 >25direct CO SP >25 Direct Command output
170.2011 >25 Start S P >25 Start of synchronization
170.2012 >25 Stop SP >25 Sto p of synchronizatio n
170.2013 >25 V1>V2< SP >25 Switch to V1> and V2<
170.2014 >25 V1<V2> SP >25 Switch to V1< and V2>
170.2015 >25 V1<V2< SP >25 Switch to V1< and V2<
170.2016 >25 synchr. SP >25 Switch to Sync
170.2022 25-1 meas. OUT 2 5-group 1: measurement in progress
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.19 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.2025 25 MonTimeExc OUT 25 Monitoring time exceeded
170.2026 25 Synchron OUT 25 Synchronization conditions okay
170.2027 25 V1> V2< OUT 25 Condition V1>V2< fulfilled
170.2028 25 V1< V2> OUT 25 Condition V1<V2> fulfilled
170.2029 25 V1< V2< OUT 25 Condition V1<V2< fulfilled
170.2030 25 Vdi ff ok OUT 25 Voltage difference (Vdiff) okay
170.2031 25 fdiff ok OUT 25 Frequency difference (fdiff) okay
170.2032 25 αdiff ok OUT 25 Angle difference (alphadiff) okay
170.2033 25 f1>> OUT 25 Frequency f1 > fmax permissible
170.2034 25 f1<< OUT 25 Frequency f1 < fmin permissible
170.2035 25 f2>> OUT 25 Frequency f2 > fmax permissible
170.2036 25 f2<< OUT 25 Frequency f2 < fmin permissible
170.2037 25 V1>> OUT 25 Voltage V1 > Vmax permissible
170.2038 25 V1< < OUT 25 Voltage V1 < Vmin permissible
170.2039 25 V2>> OUT 25 Voltage V2 > Vmax permissible
170.2040 25 V2< < OUT 25 Voltage V2 < Vmin permissible
170.2050 V1 = MV V1 =
170.2051 f1 = MV f1 =
170.2052 V2 = MV V2 =
170.2053 f2 = MV f2 =
170.2054 dV = MV dV =
170.2055 df = MV df =
170.2056 dα = MV dalpha =
170.2090 25 V2>V 1 OUT 25 Vdiff too large (V2>V1)
170.2091 25 V2<V 1 OUT 25 Vdiff too large (V2<V1)
170.2092 25 f2>f1 OUT 25 fdiff too large (f2>f1)
170.2093 25 f2<f1 OUT 25 fdiff too large (f2<f1)
170.2094 25 α2>α1 OUT 25 alphadiff too large (a2>a1)
170.2095 25 α2<α1 OUT 25 alphadiff too large (a2<a1)
170.2096 25 FG-Error OUT 25 Multiple selection of func-groups
170.2097 25 Set-Erro r OUT 25 Setting error
170.2101 25-1 OFF OUT Sync-group 1 is switched OFF
170.2102 >BL K 25 CLOSE SP >BLOCK 25 CLOSE command
170.2103 25 CLOSE BLK OUT 25 CLOSE command is BLOCKED
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.20 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes
Up to two temperature detection units (RTD-boxes) with 12 measuring sensors in total
can be applied for temperature detection and are recognized by the protection device.
Applications In particular the RTDs enable the thermal status of motors, generators and trans-
formers to be monitored. Rotating machines are additionally monitored for a viola-
tion of the bearing temperature thresholds. The temperatures are measured in dif-
ferent locations of the protected object by employing temperature sensors (RTD =
Resistance Temperature Detector) and are tr ansmitted to the device via one or two
7XV566 RTD-boxes.
2.20.1 Description
RTD-box 7XV56 The RTD-box 7XV566 is an external device mounted on a standard DIN rail. It features
6 temperature inputs and one RS485 interface for communication with the protection
device. The RTD-box detects the coolant temperature of each measuring point from
the resistance value of the temperature detectors (Pt 100, Ni 100 or Ni 120) connected
via two- or three-wir es and convert s it to a numerical value. The numerical va lues are
made available at a ser ia l por t.
with the Protection
The protection device can employ up to two RTD-boxes via its service port (port C),
7SJ64 also via the additional port (port D).
Up to 12 temperature measuring points are available in this way . For greater distances
to the protection d evice the communication via fibre optic cables is recommended. Al-
ternative communication structures are shown in Appen dix A.3.
Processing Tem-
peratures The transmitted raw temperature data is converted to a temperature in degrees
Celsius or Fahrenheit. The conversion depends on the temperature sensor used.
For each temperature detector two threshold decisions can be performed which are
available for further processing. The user can make the corresponding allocations in
the configuratio n ma tr ix.
Each temperature input issues an alarm in case of a short-circuit or an interruption of
the sensor circuit or if a sensor is configured, but not assigned. Additionally, a group
annunciation is generated via all 6 temperature inputs of an R TD-box (14101 „Fail:
RTD“). In case of a communication fault, an alarm of the entire RTD-box is issued (264
„Fail: RTD-Box 1“ or 267 „Fail: RTD-Box 2“).
The following figure shows the logic diagram for temperature processing.
The manual supplied with the RTD-box contains a connection diagram and dimen-
sioned drawing.
2.20 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-110 Logic diagram of the temperature processing for RTD-box 1
2.20.2 Setting Notes
General The temperature detection function is only effective and accessible if it has been as-
signed to an interface during the configuration of the protection functions (Section
2.1.1). At address 190 RTD-BOX INPUT the RTD-box(es) is allocated to the interface
at which it will be operated (e.g. port C). The number of sensor inputs and the commu-
nication mode were set at address 191 RTD CONNECTION. The temperature unit (°C
or °F) was set in the Power System Data 1 at address 276 TEMP. UNIT.
Operating the RDT boxes in half-duplex mode requires „/CTS controlled by /RTS“ to
be enabled for CTS (Clear-To-Send) via plug-in jumper (see Section 3.1.2 in Chapter
„Mounting and Commissioning“).
Device Settings The settings are the same for each input and are here shown at the example of mea-
suring input 1.
Set the type of temperature dete ctor for RTD 1 (temperature sensor for measuring
point 1) at address 9011 RTD 1 TYPE. You can choose between Pt 100 Ω, Ni 120
Ω and Ni 100 Ω. If no temperature detecto r is available for RTD 1, set RTD 1 TYPE
= Not connected. This setting is only possible via DIGSI at "Additional Settings".
Address 9012 RTD 1 LOCATION informs the device on the mounting location of RTD
1. You can choose between Oil, Ambient, Winding, Bearing and Other. This
setting is only possible via DIGSI at Additional Set tings.
Furthermore, you can set an alarm temperature and a tripping temperature. Depend-
ing on the temperature unit selected in the Power System Data (Section in
address 276 TEMP. UNIT), the alarm temperatur e can be expressed in Celsius ( °C)
(address 9013 RTD 1 STAGE 1) or Fahrenheit (°F) (address 9014 RTD 1 STAGE
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1). The tripping temperature is set at address 9015 RTD 1 STAGE 2 in degrees
Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F) at address 9016 RTD 1 STAGE 2.
The settings for all temperature detectors connected are made accordingly.
RTD-box Settings If temperature detectors are used with two-wire connection, the line resistance (for
short-circuited temperature detector) must be measured and adjusted. For this pur-
pose, select mode 6 in the R TD-box and enter the resistance value for the correspond-
ing temperature de tector (range 0 to 50.6 Ω). If a 3-wire connection is used, no further
settings are required to this end.
A baudrate of 9 60 0 bi ts/s ensures communication. Parity is even. The factory setting
of the bus number 0. Modifications at the RTD-box can be made in mode 7. The fol-
lowing convention applies:
Table 2-24 Setting the bus address at the RTD-box
Further information is provided in the operating manual of the RTD-box.
Processing Mea-
sured Values and
The RTD-box is visible in DIGSI as part of the 7SJ62/63/64 protection devices, i.e.
messages and measured values appear in the configuration matrix just like those of
internal functions, and can be masked and processed in the same way . Messages and
measured values can thus be forwarded to the integrated user-defined logic (CFC)
and interconnected as desired. Pickup signals „RTD x St. 1 p.up“ and „RTD x
St. 2 p.up“, howe ve r, are ne ith er include d in th e gr ou p ala rms 50 1 „Relay
PICKUP“ and 511 „Relay TRIP“ nor do they trigger a trip log.
If it is desired that a me ssage should appear in the ev ent log, a cross must be entered
in the intersecting box of column/row.
Mode Number of RTD-boxes Address
simplex 1 0
half duplex 1 1
half duplex 2 1. RTD-box: 1
2. RTD-box: 2
2.20 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.20.3 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
9011A RTD 1 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Pt 100 ΩRTD 1: Type
Oil RTD 1: Location
9013 RTD 1 STAG E 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 1: Temp erature Stag e 1
9014 RTD 1 STAG E 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 1: Temperature Stage 1
9015 RTD 1 STAG E 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 1: Temp erature Stag e 2
9016 RTD 1 STAG E 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 1: Temperature Stage 2
9021A RTD 2 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 2: Type
Other RTD 2: Location
9023 RTD 2 STAG E 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 2: Temperature Stag e 1
9024 RTD 2 STAG E 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 2: Temperature Stage 1
9025 RTD 2 STAG E 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 2: Temp erature Stag e 2
9026 RTD 2 STAG E 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 2: Temperature Stage 2
9031A RTD 3 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 3: Type
Other RTD 3: Location
9033 RTD 3 STAG E 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 3: Temperature Stag e 1
2 Functions
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
9034 RTD 3 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 3: Temperature Stage 1
9035 RTD 3 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 3: Temperature Stage 2
9036 RTD 3 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 3: Temperature Stage 2
9041A RTD 4 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 4: Type
Other RTD 4: Locatio n
9043 RTD 4 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 4: Temperature Stage 1
9044 RTD 4 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 4: Temperature Stage 1
9045 RTD 4 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 4: Temperature Stage 2
9046 RTD 4 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 4: Temperature Stage 2
9051A RTD 5 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 5: Type
Other RTD 5: Locatio n
9053 RTD 5 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 5: Temperature Stage 1
9054 RTD 5 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 5: Temperature Stage 1
9055 RTD 5 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 5: Temperature Stage 2
9056 RTD 5 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 5: Temperature Stage 2
9061A RTD 6 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 6: Type
Other RTD 6: Locatio n
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.20 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
9063 RTD 6 STAG E 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 6: Temp erature Stag e 1
9064 RTD 6 STAG E 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 6: Temperature Stage 1
9065 RTD 6 STAG E 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 6: Temp erature Stag e 2
9066 RTD 6 STAG E 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 6: Temperature Stage 2
9071A RTD 7 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 7: Type
Other RTD 7: Location
9073 RTD 7 STAG E 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 7: Temperature Stag e 1
9074 RTD 7 STAG E 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 7: Temperature Stage 1
9075 RTD 7 STAG E 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 7: Temp erature Stag e 2
9076 RTD 7 STAG E 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 7: Temperature Stage 2
9081A RTD 8 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 8: Type
Other RTD 8: Location
9083 RTD 8 STAG E 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 8: Temperature Stag e 1
9084 RTD 8 STAG E 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 8: Temperature Stage 1
9085 RTD 8 STAG E 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 8: Temp erature Stag e 2
9086 RTD 8 STAG E 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 8: Temperature Stage 2
9091A RTD 9 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 9: Type
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Other RTD 9: Locatio n
9093 RTD 9 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 9: Temperature Stage 1
9094 RTD 9 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 9: Temperature Stage 1
9095 RTD 9 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 9: Temperature Stage 2
9096 RTD 9 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 9: Temperature Stage 2
9101A RTD10 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD10: Type
Other RTD10: Location
9103 RTD10 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD10: Temperature Stage 1
9104 RTD10 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD10: Temperature Stage 1
9105 RTD10 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD10: Temperature Stage 2
9106 RTD10 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD10: Temperature Stage 2
9111A RTD11 T Y PE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD11: Ty pe
Other RTD11: Location
9113 RTD11 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD11: Temperature Stage 1
9114 RTD11 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD11: Temperature Stage 1
9115 RTD11 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD11: Temperature Stage 2
9116 RTD11 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD11: Temperature Stage 2
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
2.20 Temperature Detection via RTD Boxes
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
9121A RTD12 TYPE Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD12: Type
Other RTD12: Location
9123 RTD12 STAGE 1 -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD12: Temperature Stage 1
9124 RTD12 STAGE 1 -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD12: Temperature Stage 1
9125 RTD12 STAGE 2 -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD12: Temperature Stage 2
9126 RTD12 STAGE 2 -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD12: Temperature Stage 2
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.20.4 Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
264 Fail: RTD-Box 1 OUT Failure: RTD-Box 1
267 Fail: RTD-Box 2 OUT Failure: RTD-Box 2
14101 Fail: RTD OUT Fail: RTD (broken wire/shorted)
14111 Fail: RTD 1 OUT Fail: RTD 1 (broken wire/shorted)
14112 RTD 1 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 1 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14113 RTD 1 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 1 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14121 Fail: RTD 2 OUT Fail: RTD 2 (broken wire/shorted)
14122 RTD 2 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 2 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14123 RTD 2 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 2 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14131 Fail: RTD 3 OUT Fail: RTD 3 (broken wire/shorted)
14132 RTD 3 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 3 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14133 RTD 3 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 3 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14141 Fail: RTD 4 OUT Fail: RTD 4 (broken wire/shorted)
14142 RTD 4 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 4 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14143 RTD 4 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 4 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14151 Fail: RTD 5 OUT Fail: RTD 5 (broken wire/shorted)
14152 RTD 5 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 5 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14153 RTD 5 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 5 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14161 Fail: RTD 6 OUT Fail: RTD 6 (broken wire/shorted)
14162 RTD 6 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 6 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14163 RTD 6 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 6 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14171 Fail: RTD 7 OUT Fail: RTD 7 (broken wire/shorted)
14172 RTD 7 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 7 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14173 RTD 7 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 7 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14181 Fail: RTD 8 OUT Fail: RTD 8 (broken wire/shorted)
14182 RTD 8 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 8 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14183 RTD 8 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 8 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14191 Fail: RTD 9 OUT Fail: RTD 9 (broken wire/shorted)
14192 RTD 9 St.1 p.up OUT RTD 9 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14193 RTD 9 St.2 p.up OUT RTD 9 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14201 Fail: RTD10 OUT Fail: RTD10 (broken wire/shorted)
14202 RTD10 St.1 p.up OUT RTD10 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14203 RTD10 St.2 p.up OUT RTD10 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14211 Fail: RTD11 OUT Fail: RTD11 (broken wire/shorted)
14212 RTD11 St.1 p.up OUT RTD11 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14213 RTD11 St.2 p.up OUT RTD11 Temperature stage 2 picked up
14221 Fail: RTD12 OUT Fail: RTD12 (broken wire/shorted)
14222 RTD12 St.1 p.up OUT RTD12 Temperature stage 1 picked up
14223 RTD12 St.2 p.up OUT RTD12 Temperature stage 2 picked up
2.21 Phase Rotation
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.21 Phase Rotation
A phase rotation fe ature via binary input and parameter is implemented in devices
Applications Phase rota tion ensures that all pr otective and monitori ng functions operate corr ect-
ly even with anti-clockwise rot ation, without the need for two phases to be re versed.
2.21.1 Description
General Various functions of the 7SJ62/63/64 only operate correctly if the phase rot ation of the
voltag es and currents is known. Among these functions are negative sequence pro-
tection, undervoltage protection (based only on positive sequence voltages), direction-
al overcurrent protection (direction with cross-polarized voltages), and measured
value monitors.
If an "acb" phase rot ation is n ormal, the app ropr iate setting is m ade du ring configura -
tion of the Power System Data.
If the phase rotation can change du ring operation (e. g. the dir ec tio n of a mo to r m ust
be routinely changed), then a changeover signal at the routed binary input for this
purpose is sufficient to inform the protective relay of th e ph a se ro tation rev er sa l.
Logic Phase rotation is permanently established at address 209 PHASE SEQ. (Power
System Data). V ia the exclusive-OR gate the binary input „>Reverse Rot.“ inverts
the sense of the phase rotation applied with setting.
Figure 2-111 Message logic of the phase-sequence reversal
Influence on Pro-
tective and Moni-
toring Functions
The swapping of phases directly impacts the calculation of positive and negative se-
quence quantities, as well as phase-to-phase voltages via the subtraction of one
phase-to-grou nd volt age from ano ther and vice versa. Therefore, this function is vital
so that phase de te ctio n mes sa ge s, fa ult values, and operating measurement values
are correct. As stated before, this function influences the negative sequence protec-
tion function, directional overcurrent pr otection function, and some of the monitoring
functions that issue messages if the defined and calculated phase rotations do not
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.21.2 Set ting Notes
Programming Set-
tings The normal phase sequen ce is set at 209 (see Section 2.1.3). If, on the system side,
phase rotatio n is reversed temporarily, then this is communicated to the protective
device using the binary input „>Reverse Rot.“ (5145).
2.22 Function Logic
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.22 Function Logic
The function logic coordinates the execution of protection and auxiliary functions, it
processes the resulting decisions and information received from the system. This in-
cludes in particular:
– Fault Detection / Pickup Logic
– Processing Tripping Logic
2.22.1 Pickup Logic for the Entire Device
General Pickup The pickup signals for all pr ot ec tive fun ctio ns in the de vic e ar e con n ec te d via an OR
logic, and lead to the gener al device pickup. It is initiated by the first function to pickup
and drops out when the last function drops out. As a consequence, the following
message is reported: 501 „Relay PICKUP“.
The general pickup is a prerequisite for a number of internal and external co nsequen-
tial functions. The following are among the internal functions controlled by general
device pickup:
Start of Trip Log: From general device pickup to general device drop out, all fault
messages ar e en te re d in the trip log .
Initialization of Oscillographic Records: The storage and maintenance of oscillo-
graphic values can also be made dependent on the general device pickup.
Exception: Apart from the settings ON orOFF, some protection functions can also be
set to Alarm Only. With setting Alarm Only no trip command is given, no trip log
is created, fault re cording is not in itiated and no spontaneous fault annunciations ar e
shown on the display.
External funct ion s ma y be con tro lle d via an outpu t co ntact. Exam ple s ar e:
Automatic reclose devices,
Starting of additional devices, or similar.
2.22.2 Tripping Logic of the Entire Device
General Tripping The trip s ign als for all pr ot ec tive fun cti ons are connected by OR and generate the
message 511 „Relay TRIP“.
This message can be configured to an LED or binary output, just as the individual trip-
ping messages can.
Terminating the
Trip Signal Once the trip command is output by the protection function, it is recorded as message
„Relay TRIP“ (see figure 2-112). At the same time, the minimum tr ip command du-
ration TMin TRIP CMD is started. This ensu res that the command is transmitted to
the circuit breaker for a suf ficient amount of time, even if th e function which issued the
trip signal drop s out quickly. The trip commands can be termina ted first when the last
protection function has dr opped out (no function is in pickup mode) AND the minimum
trip signal duration has expired.
Finally, it is possible to latch the trip signal until it is manually reset (lockout function).
This allows the circuit-breaker to be locked against reclosing until the cause of the fault
has been clarified and the lockout has been manually reset. The reset takes place
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
either by pressing the LED reset key or by activating an appropriately allocated binary
input („>Reset LED“). A precondition, of course, is that the circuit-breaker close coil
– as usual – remains blocked as lo ng as the trip signal is present, and that the trip coil
current is interrupted by the auxiliary contact of the circuit breaker.
Figure 2-112 Terminating the Trip Signal
2.22.3 Set ting Notes
Trip Signal Dura-
tion The minimum trip comman d duration TMin TRIP CMD was described alr eady in
Section 2.1.3. T his settin g applies to all protective functions that initiate tripping.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
Chapter Auxiliary Functions describes the general device functions.
2.23.1 Commissioning Aids with Browser (7SJ64 only) Functional Description
The device is provided with a comprehensive co mmissioning and monitoring tool th at
checks the whole protection system: the Web-Monitor . The documentation for this tool
is available on CD-ROM with DIGSI, and in the Internet under
To ensure a proper commun ication between the device and the PC browse r the trans-
mission speed must be equal for both . Furthermo re, the user must set an IP-address
so that the browser can ide ntify the device.
Thanks to the Web-Monitor the user is able to operate the device with the PC. On the
PC screen the front panel of the device is emulated, a fu nction that ca n al so be deac-
tivated by the settings. Th e actual oper atio n of the device ca n n ow be simula ted with
the mouse pointer. This possibility can be disabled.
If the device is equipped with an EN100 module, operation by DIGSI or the Web-
Monitor is also possible via Ethernet. All that has to be done is to set the IP configura-
tion of the device accordin gly . Par allel operation using DIGSI and W eb-Monitor via dif-
ferent inte r faces is possible.
Web-Monitor The Web-Monitor provides quick and easy access to the most important data in the
device. Using a personal computer equipped with a web browser, the Web-Monitor
offers a detailed illustration of the most important measured values and of the protec-
tion data required for directional checks.
The measured values list can be selected from the navigation toolbar. A list with the
desired information is displayed (see Figure 2-113).
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-113 Measured values in the Web-Monitor — examples for measured values
The currents, voltages and their phase angles derived from the primary and secondary
measured values, are gr aphically displayed as phasor diagrams (see Figure 2-114).
In addition to phasor diagrams of the measured values, numerical values as well as
frequency and device address are ind icated. Fo r details please refer to th e docume n-
tatio n provided for the Web-Monitor.
Figure 2-114 Phasor diag ram of the primary measured values — Example
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The followin g types of ind ica tio ns can be ret rieve d an d dis pla ye d with the Web-
Event Log (operational indications),
Trip Log (fault indications),
Earth Faults (Sensitive Earth Fault Log),
Spontaneous indications
Yo u can pr in t th ese lists with the „Print even t bu ffer“ butto n . Setting Notes
The para meters o f the Web-Monitor can be set sepa rate ly for th e fron t o per ator inter -
face and the service interface. The relevant IP addresses are those which relate to the
interface that is used for communication with the PC and the Web-Monitor.
Make sure that the 12-d igit IP addre ss valid for the br owser is se t correctly via DIGSI
in the format ***.***.***.***.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.2 Message Processing
After the occurrence of a system fault, data regarding the response of the protective
relay and the measured values are saved for future analysis. For this reason the
device is designed to perform message processing.
Applications LED Display and Binary Outputs (Output Relays)
Information via Display Fie ld or Personal Computer
Information to a Control Center
Prerequisites The SIPROTEC 4 System Description gives a detailed description of the configuration
procedure (see /1/). LED Display and Binary Outputs (output relays)
Important events and conditions are displayed, using LEDs at the front panel of the
relay. The device furthermore has output rela ys for remote indication. All LEDs and
binary outputs indicating specific messages can be freely configured . The rela y is d e-
livered with a default setting. The Appendix of this manual deals in detail with the de-
livery status and the allocation options.
The output relays and the LEDs may be operated in a latche d or unlatched mode
(each may be indiv idu a lly set) .
The latched conditions are protected against loss of the auxiliary voltage. They are
On site by pressing the LED key on the relay,
Remotely using a binary input configured for that purpose,
Using one of the serial interfa ces,
Automatically at the beginning of a new pickup.
State indication messages should not be latched. Also, they cannot be reset until the
criterion to be reported has reset. This applies to messages from monitoring functions,
or similar.
A green LED displays operational readiness of the relay ("RUN“), and cannot be reset.
It goes out if th e self-check feature of th e microprocessor recognizes an abnormal oc-
currence, or if the auxiliary voltage is lost.
When auxiliary voltage is present, but the relay has an internal malfunction, then the
red LED ("ERROR") lights up and th e pr oc ess or bloc ks the rela y.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Information on the Integrated Display (LCD) or Personal Computer
Events and conditions can be read out on the display at the front cover of the relay.
Using the front PC interface or the rear service interf ace, a personal computer can be
connected, to which the information can be sent.
The relay is equipped with several event buffers, for operational messages, circuit
breaker statistics, etc., which are protected against loss of the auxiliary voltage by a
buff er battery. These messages can be displayed on the LCD at any time by selection
via the keypad or transfe rred to a personal computer via the serial service or PC inter-
face. Readout of messages during operation is described in detail in the SIPROTEC
4 System Description.
Classification of
Messages The messages are categorized as follows:
Operational messages (event log); messages gene rated while the device is oper-
ating: Information regarding the status of device functions, measured data, power
system data, control command logs etc.
Fault messages (trip log): messages from the last 8 network faults that were pro-
cessed by the device.
Ground fault messages (when the device has sensitive ground fault detection).
Messages of "statistics"; they include a counter for the trip commands initiated by
the device, maybe reclose commands as well as values of interrupted curre nts and
accumulated fault currents.
A complete list of all message and output functions that can be generated by the
device with the m aximum functional scope can be found in the appendix. All functions
are associated with an information number (FNo). There is also an indication of where
each message can be sent to. If functions are not present in a not fully equipped
version of the device , or are configured to Disabled, then the associated indication s
cannot appear.
Operational Mes-
sages (Buffer:
Event Log)
The operational messages contain information that the device generates during oper-
ation and about operational conditions. Up to 200 operation al messages are recorded
in chronological order in the device. New messages are appended at the end of the
list. If the memory is used up, then the oldest message is scrolled out of the list by a
new message.
Fault Messages
(Buffer: Trip Log) After a fault on the syste m, for e xample , impor tant information about the progression
of the fault can be retrieved, such as the pickup of a protective element or the initiation
of a trip signal. The start of the fault is time stamped with the absolute time of the in-
ternal system clock. The progress of the disturbance is output with a relative time re-
ferred to the inst ant of fault detection, so that the duration of th e fault until tripping and
up to reset of the trip command can be ascertained. The resolution of the time infor-
mation is 1 ms
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Spontaneous Dis-
plays on the Device
For devices featuring a four-line text display the most relevant fault data appears
without further operating actions, automatically after a gen eral pickup of the device, in
the sequence shown in Figure 2-115.
If the device features a graphical display, these messages will only occur if they were
set at address 611 unlike the default setting to allow for spont aneous fault messages.
Figure 2-115 Display of spontaneous messages in the display – example
Retrieved Messag-
es The messages for the last eig ht network faults can b e retrieved and read out. The de f-
inition of a network fault is such that the time period from fault detection up to final
clearing of the disturbance is considered to be one network fault. If auto-reclosing
occurs, then the network fault ends after the last reclosing shot, which means after a
successful reclosing or lockout. Therefore the entire clearing process, including all re-
closing shots, occupies only one trip log buffer. Within a network fault, several fault
messages can occur (from the first pickup of a protective function to the last dropout
of a protective function). Without auto-reclosing each fault event represents a network
In total 600 in dications can be recorded. Oldest dat a are erased for newest d ata when
the buffer is full.
Ground Faults
(Sensitive Ground
Fault Log)
For ground faults, there are available special ground fault logs for devices with sensi-
tive ground fault detection. Messages are prov ided if the sensitive ground fau lt dete c-
tion function is not set to Alarm Only (address 3101 = Alarm Only). The pickup of
the 64 element (VN>) starts the ground fault log. The drop out of this pickup finishes
the ground fault log. The ground fault log starts by issuing the annunciation 303 „sens
Gnd flt“ (ON), the fu nct i on clos es by issuing the annun cia tion OF F.
Up to 45 ground fault messages can be recorded for the last 3 ground faults. If more
ground fault messages are generated, the oldest are deleted consecutively.
General Interroga-
tion The general inter rogation which can be retrieved via DIGSI ena bles the current status
of the SIPROTEC 4 device to be read out. All messages requiring general interroga-
tion are displayed with their present value.
Spontaneous Mes-
sages The spontaneous messages displayed using DIGSI reflect the present s tatus of in-
coming information. Each new incoming message appears immediately, i.e. the user
does not have to wait for an update or initiate one. Information to a Substation Control Center
If the device has a serial system interface, stored information may additionally be
transferred via this interface to a centralized control and storage device. Transmission
is possible via different transmission protocols.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.3 Statistics
The number of trips initiated by the 7SJ62/63/64, the number of close commands ini-
tiated by the AR and the operating hours under load are counted. An additional
counter allows the number of hours to be deter min e d in whic h th e circu it br ea ke r is
positioned in condition „open“. Further statistical data can be gain ed to optimize the
intervals for circu i t br ea ke r ma inte na n ce.
The counter and memory levels are secured against loss of auxiliary voltage. Description
Number of Trips In order to count the number of trips of the 7SJ62/63/64, the positio n of the cir cuit
breaker must be monitored via breaker auxiliary contacts and binary inputs of the
7SJ62/63/64. Hereby it is necessary that the internal pulse counter is allocated in the
matrix to a binary input that is controlled by the circuit breaker OPEN position. The
pulse count value "Number of TRIPs CB" can be found in the "Statistics" grou p if the
option "Measured an d Me te re d Values Only" was enabled in the co nfigur ation matr ix.
Number of Auto-
matic Reclosing
The number of reclo sin g co mm a nd s initia t ed by the automatic reclosing function is
summed up in separate co unters for the 1st and 2nd cycle.
Operating Hours The operating hours under load are also stored (= the current value in at leas t one
phase is greater than the limit value BkrClosed I MIN set under address 212).
Hours counter “Cir-
cuit breaker is
A counter can be implemented as CFC application which, similarly to the operating
hours counter, counts the hours in th e condition circu it breake r open “. T he univers al
hours counter is connected to a corresponding binary input and starts counting if the
respective binary input is active. Alternatively, the counter can be st arted when the pa -
rameter value 212 BkrClosed I MIN is undershot. The counter can be set or reset.
A CFC application example for such a counter is available on the Internet (SIPROTEC
Download Area).
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Circuit-Breaker Maintenance
General The proced ures aiding in CB maintenance allow maintenance intervals of the CB
poles to be carried out when thei r actual degree of wear makes it necessary. Saving
on maintenance and servicing costs is one of the main benefits this functionality offers.
The universal CB mainten ance accumula tes the tr ipping cur rent s of the tri p s initiated
by the protective functions and comprises the four following autonomous subfunc-
Summation tripping cur rent (ΣI-procedure)
Summation of tripping powe rs (ΣIx-procedure)
Two-point procedure for calculating the remaining lifetime (2P-procedure)
Summation of all squared tripping current integrals (I2t-procedure; only 7SJ64)
Measured value acquisition and preparation operates phase-selectively for all four
subfunctions. The three r esults are each evaluated using a thresh old which is specific
for each procedure (see Figure 2-116).
Figure 2-116 Diagram of CB maintenance proce dures
Being a basic functi on, the ΣI-proced ure is always enabled and active. The other pro-
cedures (ΣIx, 2P and I2t) can be selected by way of a shared configuration p arameter .
The I2t-procedure is only implemented in the 7SJ64.
Current level and duration during the actual switching operation including arc extinc-
tion are crucial to the lifetime of the CB. Therefore, major importance is attached to the
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
criteria for st art and end. The pr ocedures ΣIx, 2P and I2t make use of th e same criteria
for this purpose. Figur e 2-117 depicts the logic of the start and end criterion.
The start criterion is satisfied by the group indication “Relay TRIP” in the event of an
internal trip. T rips initi ated by the internal control function are take into account for CB
maintenance, provided parameter 265 Cmd.via control is set such that the rele-
vant command is genera ted. A trip command initiated from a n external source can be
considered if the indication „>52 Wear start“ is produced simultaneously via
binary input. A further criterion can be the edge of the going indication „>52-a“ in
order to signalize that the mechanical system of the CB has started moving to sepa-
rate the poles.
If the start criterion is satisfied, the configured CB operating time on tripping is
launched. It determines the instant in which the CB poles start going apart. As an ad-
ditional ex-manufacturer p ara meter, the CB operating time determine s the e nd of th e
tripping operation including arc extinction.
To prevent calculation procedures being corrupted in the event of CB failure, current
criterion 212 BkrClosed I MIN checks whether the current has really become zero
after two additional periods. If the current criterion satisfies the phase-selective logic
release, the calculation and evaluation procedures are triggered for each procedure.
Once they have been terminated, the end criterion of CB maintenance is satisfied and
it is ready for retrigger ing.
Please note that CB maintenance will be bloc ked if parameter settings are made in-
correctly. This condition is indicated by the message „52“,
„52WL.blk n PErr“ or „52WL.blk I PErr“ (see section, „Power System
Data 2“). The latter two indications can only take effect if the 2P-procedure was con-
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-117 Logic of the start and end criterion
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Σ I-Procedure Being a basic function, the ΣI-procedure is unaffected by the configuration and does
not require any proced ure-specific settings. All tripping currents occurring 1 1/2 periods
after a protective trip, are summed up for e ach phase. These tripping cur rents are rms
values of the fundamental harmonic.
The interrupted current in each pole is determined for each trip signal. The interrupted
fault current is indicated in the fault messages and is added up with previously stored
fault current values in the st atistic-counters. Measured values are indicated in primary
The ΣI method does not feature integrated threshold evaluation. But using CFC it is
possible to implement a threshold, which logically combines and evaluates the three
summation currents via an OR operation. Once the summation current exceeds the
threshold, a corresponding message will be triggered.
Σ Ix Procedure While the ΣI-procedure is always enabled and active, use of the ΣIx-procedure
depends on the CB maintenance configu ration. This procedure operates analogously
to the ΣI-procedure. The differences relate to the involution of the tripping currents and
their reference to the expo ne ntiated ra ted operating current of the CB. Due to the ref-
erence to Irx, the result is an approximation to the number of make-break operations
specified by the CB manufacturer. The displayed values can be interpreted as the
number of trips at rated operational current of the CB. They are displayed in the sta-
tistics values witho ut unit an d with two de cim a l place s.
The tripping currents used for calculation are a result of the rms values of the funda-
mental harmonic, which is recalculated each cycle.
If the start criterion is satisfied (as described in Section „General“), the rms values,
which are relevant af ter expiration of the opening time, are checked for each phase as
to whether they comply with the curre nt criterio n. If one of the val ues doe s not sa tisf y
the criterion, its predecessor will be used instead for calculation. If no rms value satis-
fies the criterion until the predecessor of the starting point, which is marked by the start
criterion, a trip has taken place which only affects the mechanical lifetime of the
breaker and is consequently not detected by this procedure.
If the current cr iterion grant s the logic r elease af ter the opening time has elap sed, the
recent primary tripping currents (Ib) are involuted and related to the exponentiated
rated operating current of the CB. These values are then added to the existing st atistic
values of the ΣIx-procedure. Subsequently, threshold comparison is started using
threshold ΣI^x>“, and the new related summation tripping current powers are
output. If one of the new statistic values lies above the threshold, the message
„Threshold ΣI^x>“ is generated.
2P-Procedure Availability of the two-point procedure for calculating the remaining lifetime depends
on the CBM configuration. The data supplied by the CB manufacturer are thus con-
verted that measurement of the tripping currents allows a reliable statement to be
made concerning the still possible make-break operations. This is based on the
double-logarithmic operating cycles diagrams of the CB manufacturers and the trip-
ping currents measured the moment the poles part. The tripping currents are deter-
mined analogously to the method described previously for the ΣIx-procedure.
The three results of the calculated remaining lifetime are represented as statistic
value. The results represent the number of still possible trips, if the tripping takes place
when the current reaches the rated operational current. They are displayed without
unit and without decimals.
As with the other procedures, a threshold logically combines the three „remaining life-
time results“ via an OR operation and evaluates them. It forms the „lower threshold“,
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
since the remaining lifetime is decremented with each trip by the corresponding
number of operating cycles. If one of the three phase values drops below the thresh-
old, a corresponding message will be triggered.
A double-logarithmic diagram provided by the CB manufacturer illustrates the relation-
ship of operating cycles and tripping current (see example in Figure 2-118). This
diagram allows the number of yet possible trips to be determined (for tripping with
equal tripping current). According to the example, approximately 1000 trips can yet be
carried out at a tripping current of 10 kA. The characteristic is determined by two ver-
tices and their connectin g line. Point P1 is determined b y the number o f permitted op-
erating cycles at r ated operatin g current Ir, point P2 by the ma ximum number of oper-
ating cycles at rated fault tripping current Isc. The associated four values can be
Figure 2-118 Diagram of operating cycles for the 2P procedure
Since figure 2-118 shows a double-logarithmic representation, the line connecting P1
and P2 can be described by means of the following exponential equation:
n = b·Ibm
where n is the number of ope rating cycles, b the operating cycles at Ib = 1A, Ib the trip-
ping current, and m the directional coefficient.
The general line equ ation for the double-logar ithmic representation can be derived
from the exponential function and leads to the coefficients b and m.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Since a directional coef ficient of m < -4 is technically irrelevant, but could theoretically
be the result of incorrect settings, it is limited to -4. If a coefficient is smaller than -4,
the exponential function in the operating cycles diagram is deactivated. The maximum
number of operating cycles with Isc (263 OP.CYCLES Isc) is used instead as the
calculation result for the current number of operating cycles, see Figure 2-119.
Figure 2-119 Value limitation of directional coefficient
With the characteristics description, you can calculate the actual remaining lifetime
after each tripping.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The index i characterize s the actual tripping. With the ratio of the maximum num ber of
switching cycles (nmax is n at Ir) to the actual calculated number of switching cycles,
you get the ratio of thes e co nce r nin g th e ma xim um nu m be r of poss ible sw itch in g
cycles in case of a tripping with rated operating current (Ir).
In the following example, the circuit breaker has tripped 100 times with rated operating
current, 2 times with rated short-circuit current, and 3 times with 10 kA.
The number of permissible trippings with rated operating current is calculated as fol-
RLT = Remaining lifetime
In the example, 9465 more trippings with r ated operating current are possible.
If the current criterion describe d in the Section „General“ grants the phase-selective
logic release, the present number of operating cycles is calculated based on the trip-
ping currents determined when the CB operating time on tripping has elapsed. They
are set off against the remaining lifetime allowing the present st atistic values to be dis-
played and the evaluation to be started using the specified threshold. If one of the new
values lies above the threshold, the message „Thresh.R.Endu.<“ is generated.
Three additional phase-selective statistic values are provided to determine the portion
of purely mechanical trips among the results of the remaining lifetime (e.g. for phase
A: „mechan.TRIP A=“). They act as counters which count only the trips whose trip-
ping currents are below the value of the current criterion.
I2t-Procedure The I2t-procedure depends on the CBM configu ration and is only implemented in the
7SJ64. The squared tripping cu rrent integral is summated phase-se lectively. The inte-
gral is calculated by means of the instantaneous values of the currents present during
CB arcing time. This yields:
T CB arc = (parameter 266 T 52 BREAKTIME) – (parameter 267 T 52 OPENING).
The three sums of the calculated integrals ar e represented as st atistic values referred
to the squared device nom inal cur rent (Inom2). As with the other procedures, a thresh-
old logically combines the three sums via an OR operation and evaluates them.
The calculated squared tripping currrent integrals are added to the existing statistic
values. Subsequently, threshold comparison is started using threshold ΣI^2t>“,
and the new statistic values are ou tp u t. If one of th e va lue s lies ab ov e th e thr e sho ld ,
the message „Thresh. ΣI^2t>“ is generated.
Commissioning No mea su re s ar e usually required fo r com m issioning. If the protective relay is re-
placed (i.e. old CB and new protective rela y), the initial values of the limit and st atistic
values must be determined by means of a switching statistics of the CB in question.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
The SIPROTEC 4 System Description describes how to read out the statistical
counters via the device front panel or DIGSI. Setting or resetting of these statistical
counters takes place under the menu item ANNUNCIATIONS —> STATISTIC by
overwriting the counter values displayed.
Maintenance One of the options ΣIx-procedure, 2P-procedure, I2t-procedure (only 7SJ64) or
Disabled can be selected for CB mainte nance at address 172.52 B.WEAR MONIT.
All relevant parameters for these functions are available in settings block P.System
Data 1 (see section 2. 1.3 ) .
The following setting values are important input values the subfunctions require in
order to oper a te co rr ec tly:
The CB T ripping T ime is a characteristic value provided by the manufacturer . It covers
the entire tripping process from the trip command (applying auxiliary power to the trip
element of the circuit breaker) up to arc extinction in all poles. The time is set at
address 266 T 52 BREAKTIME.
The CB Operating T ime T 52 OPENING is equally a characteristic value of the circuit
breaker. It covers the time span between the trip command (applying auxiliary power
to the trip elem ent of th e circui t br eaker) and sep aration of CB contacts in all poles. It
is entered at address 267 T 52 OPENING.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following diagram illustrates the relationship between these CB times.
Figure 2-120 Illustration of the CB times
Current flow monitoring 212 BkrClosed I MIN, which some protective functions rely
upon to detect a closed CB, is used as the cu rrent zero criterion. It should be set with
respect to the actually used device functions (see also margin heading „Current Flow
Monitoring (CB)“ in Section
Σ I Procedure Being the basic function of summation current formation, the ΣI-procedure is always
active and does not require any additional sett ings. This is irrespective of the configu-
ration in address 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT. This method does not offer integrated
threshold evaluation. The latter could, however, be implemented using CFC.
Σ Ix Procedure Parameter 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT can be set to activate the ΣIx procedure. In order
to facilitate evaluating the sum of all tripping current powers, the values are referred
to the involuted CB rated operational curr ent. This value is indicated in the CB data at
address 260 Ir-52 in the P.System Data 1 and can be set as primary va lue. This
reference allows the threshold of the ΣIx procedure to correspond to the maximum
number of make-break oper ations. For a circuit breaker, whose contact s have not yet
been worn, the maximum number of make-break operations can be entered directly
as threshold. The exponent for the involution of the rated operational current and of
the tripping current s is set at address 264 Ix EXPONENT. To meet different customer
requirements, this exponent 264Ix EXPONENT can be increased from 1.0 (default
setting = 2.0) to 3.0.
For the procedure to operate correctly, the time response of the circuit breaker must
be specified in parameters 266 T 52 BREAKTIME and 267 T 52 OPENING.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The summated values can be interpreted as the number of tripping operations at rated
operational current of the CB. They are displayed in the statistics values without unit
and with two decimal places.
2P-Procedure Parameter 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT can be set to activate the 2P-procedure. An op-
erating cycles diagram (see sample diagram in the functional description of the 2P-
procedure), provided by the manufacturer, shows the relationship of make-break op-
erations and tripping current. The two vertices of this characteristic in a double-loga-
rithmic scale are decisive for the setting of address 260 to 263:
Point P1 is determined by the number of permitted make-break operations (parameter
261 OP.CYCLES AT Ir) for rated operational current Ir (parameter 260 Ir-52)
Point P2 is determined by the maximum number of make-break operations (parameter
263 OP.CYCLES Isc) for rated fault tripping current Isc (parameter 262 Isc-52).
For the procedure to o perate cor r ectly, the time response of th e circuit br eake r m ust
be specified in parameters 266T 52 BREAKTIME and 267T 52 OPENING.
I2t-Procedure Parameter 172 52 B.WEAR MONIT is set to activate the I2t-procedure (only 7SJ64).
The squared tripping currrent integrals are referred to the squared nominal current of
the device. In order to calculate the arcing time, the device requires the CB tripping
time T 52 BREAKTIME and the CB operating time T 52 OPENING. The „current zero“
criterion is required to recognize the last zero crossing (arc extinction) of the current s
after a trip. Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- #of TRIPs= PMV Numbe r of TRIPs=
409 >BLOCK Op Count SP >BLOCK Op Counter
1020 Op.Hours= VI Counter of operating hours
1021 Σ Ia = VI Accumulation of interrupted current Ph A
1022 Σ Ib = VI Accumulation of interrupted current Ph B
1023 Σ Ic = VI Accumulation of interrupted current Ph C
2896 79 #Close1./3p= VI No. of 1st AR-cycle CLOSE commands,3pole
2898 79 #Close2./3p= VI No. of higher AR-cycle CLOSE commands,3p
16001 ΣI^x A= VI Sum Current Exponentiation Ph A to Ir^x
16002 ΣI^x B= VI Sum Current Exponentiation Ph B to Ir^x
16003 ΣI^x C= VI Sum Current Exponen tiation Ph C to Ir^x
16006 Resid.Endu. A= VI Residual Endurance Phase A
16007 Resid.Endu. B= VI Residual Endurance Phase B
16008 Resid.Endu. C= VI Residual Endurance Phase C
16011 mechan.TRIP A= VI Number of mechanical Trips Phase A
16012 mechan.TRIP B= VI Number of mechan ical Trips Phase B
16013 mechan.TRIP C= VI Number of mechanical Trips Phase C
16014 ΣI^2t A= VI Sum Squared Current Integral Phase A
16015 ΣI^2t B= VI Sum Squared Current Integral Phase B
16016 ΣI^2t C= VI Sum Squared Current Integral Phase C
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.4 Measurement
A series of measured values and the values derived fro m them are constantly avail-
able for call up on site, or for data transfer.
Applications Information on the actual status of the system
Conversion from secondary values into primary values and perce ntages
Prerequisites Except for secondary values, the device is able to indicate the primary val ues and per-
centages of the measured values.
A precondition for corre ctly displaying the primary and percent age values is complete
and correct entry of the nominal values for the transformers and the protected e quip-
ment as well as current and voltage transformer ratios in the ground paths when con-
figuring the device. The following table shows the formulas which are the ba sis for the
conversion from secondary values into primary values and percentages. Display of Measured Values
Table 2-25 Conversion formulae betwee n secondary values and primary/percentage
Measured Values second-
ary primary %
I1, I2
IN = 3 ·I0
(calculated) IN sec
IN = measured value
of IN input IN sec
INs sec.
V0, V1, V2,
VPh-N sec.
VA–B, VB–C, V C–A VPh-Ph sec.
VNVN sec.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-26 Leg end with conversion formulae
Depending on the type of device ordered and the device con nections, some of the op-
erational measured value s listed below may not be available. The phase–to–ground
voltag es are either measured directly, if the voltage inputs are connected phase–to–
ground, or they a re calcula ted from the phase–to–phase voltage s VA–B and V B–C and
the displaceme nt vo ltage VN.
The displacement voltage VN is either me asured directly or calculated from the phase-
to-ground voltages:
Please note that value V0 is indicated in the operational measured values.
P, Q, S (P and Q
phase-segregated) No secondary measured values
Power Factor
(phase-segregated) cos ϕcos ϕcos ϕ · 100 in %
Frequency Protec-
tion f in Hz f in Hz
Measured Values second-
ary primary %
Parameter Address Parameter Address
Vnom PRIMARY 202 Ignd-CT PRIM 217
Vnom SECONDARY 203 Ignd-CT SEC 218
CT PRIMARY 204 FullScaleVolt. 1101
CT SECONDARY 205 FullScaleCurr. 1102
Vph / Vdelta 206
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The ground curr ent IN is either measured dir ectly or calculated from the conductor cur-
In addition, the following may be available:
Θ/Θ Trip thermal measured value of overload protection value for stator in % of the
trip initiating overtemperature
Θ/Θ LTrip thermal measured value of restart inhibit (rotor winding)
Θ Restart restarting limit of restart inhibit
Reclose total time, before the motor can be restarted
ΘRTD 1 to ΘRTD 12 temperature values at the RTD-boxes.
The power and operating values upon delivery are set such that power in line direction
is positive. Active components in line direction and inductive reactive components in
line direction are also positive. The same ap plies to the power factor cosϕ. It is occa-
sionally desired to define the power draw from the line (e.g. as seen from the consum-
er) positively. Parameter 1108 P,Q sign allows the signs for these componenet s to
be inverted.
The calculation of the operational measured values is also performed during a fault.
The values are updated in intervals of > 0.3 s and < 1 s. Transfer of Measured Values
Measured values can be transferred via th e interfaces to a central control and storage
unit. Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
268 Superv.Pressure OUT Supervision Pressure
269 Superv.Temp . OUT Su pervision Temperature
601 Ia = MV Ia
602 Ib = MV Ib
603 Ic = MV Ic
604 In = MV In
605 I1 = MV I1 (positive se quence)
606 I2 = MV I2 (negative sequence)
621 Va = MV Va
622 Vb = MV Vb
623 Vc = MV Vc
624 Va-b= MV Va-b
625 Vb-c= MV Vb-c
626 Vc-a= MV Vc-a
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
627 VN = MV VN
629 V1 = MV V1 (positive sequence)
630 V2 = MV V2 (negative sequence)
632 Vsync = MV Vsync (synchronism)
641 P = MV P (active power)
642 Q = MV Q (reactive po wer)
644 Freq= MV Frequency
645 S = MV S (apparent power)
661 Θ REST. = MV Threshold of Restart Inhibit
701 INs Real MV Resistive ground current in isol systems
702 INs Reac MV Reactive ground curren t in iso l systems
805 Θ Rotor MV Temperature of Rotor
807 Θ/Θtrip MV Thermal Overload
809 T reclose= MV Time untill release of reclose-blocking
830 INs = MV INs Senstive Ground Fault Current
831 3Io = MV 3Io (zero sequence)
832 Vo = MV Vo (zero sequence)
901 PF = MV Power Factor
991 Press = MVU Pressure
992 Temp = MVU Temperature
996 Td1= MV Transducer 1
997 Td2= MV Transducer 2
1068 Θ RTD 1 = MV Temper ature of RTD 1
1069 Θ RTD 2 = MV Temper ature of RTD 2
1070 Θ RTD 3 = MV Temper ature of RTD 3
1071 Θ RTD 4 = MV Temper ature of RTD 4
1072 Θ RTD 5 = MV Temper ature of RTD 5
1073 Θ RTD 6 = MV Temper ature of RTD 6
1074 Θ RTD 7 = MV Temper ature of RTD 7
1075 Θ RTD 8 = MV Temper ature of RTD 8
1076 Θ RTD 9 = MV Temper ature of RTD 9
1077 Θ RTD10 = MV Temperature of RTD10
1078 Θ RTD11 = MV Temperature of RTD11
1079 Θ RTD12 = MV Temperature of RTD12
30701 Pa = MV Pa (active power, phase A)
30702 Pb = M V Pb (active power, phase B)
30703 Pc = MV Pc (active power, phase C)
30704 Qa = MV Qa (reactive power, phase A)
30705 Qb = MV Qb (reactive power, phase B)
30706 Qc = MV Qc (reactive power, phase C)
30707 PFa = MV Power Factor, phase A
30708 PFb = MV Power Factor, phase B
30709 PFc = MV Power Fa ctor, phase C
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.5 Average Measurements
The long-term averages are calculated and output by the 7SJ62/63/64. Description
Long-Term Averag-
es The long-term a verage s of the thr ee pha se cur rent s Ix, th e positive sequen ce compo-
nents I1 for the three ph ase curr ents, and the real power P, reactive power Q, and a p-
parent power S are calculated within a set period of time and indicated in primary
For the long-term avera ges mentione d ab ove, th e leng th of the time win dow for aver-
aging and the frequency with which it is updated can be set. Setting Notes
Average Calcula-
tion The selection of the time period for measured value averaging is set with parameter
8301 DMD Interval in the corresponding setting group from A to D under MEA-
SUREMENT. The first number specifies the averaging time window in minutes while
the second number gives the frequency of updates within the time window . 15 Min.,
3 Subs, for example, means: T ime average is generated for a ll measured values with
a window of 15 minutes. The output is updated every 15/3 = 5 minutes.
With address 8302 DMD Sync.Time, the starting time for the averaging window set
under address 8301 is determined. This setting specifies if the window should start on
the hour (On The Hour) or 15 minutes later (15 After Hour) or 30 minutes / 45
minutes after the hour (30 After Hour, 45 After Hour).
If the settings for averaging are changed, then the measured values stored in the
buffer are deleted, and new results for the average calculation are only available after
the set time period has passed. Settings
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
8301 DMD Interval 15 Min., 1 Sub
15 Min., 3 Subs
15 Min.,15 Subs
30 Min., 1 Sub
60 Min., 1 Sub
60 Min.,10 Subs
5 Min., 5 Subs
60 Min., 1 Sub Demand Calcula ti on Intervals
8302 DMD Sync.Time On The Hour
15 After Hour
30 After Hour
45 After Hour
On The Hour Demand Synchronization Ti me
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Information List
2.23.6 Min/Max Measurement Setup
Minimum and maximum values are calculated by the 7SJ62/63/64. Time and date of
the last update of the values can also be read out. Description
Minimum and
Maximum Values The minimum and maximum values for the three phase currents Ix, the three phase-
to-ground volt ages Vxg, the three phase-to-phase voltages Vxy, the positive sequence
compon en ts I1 and V1, the displacement voltage V0, the thermal meas ur ed value of
overload protection Θ/Θoff, the real power P, reactive power Q, and app arent power S,
the frequency; and the powe r factor cos ϕ are calculated as prima ry values (including
the date and time they were last updated).
The minimum and maximum values of the long-term mean values listed in the previ-
ous section are also calculated.
At any time the min/max values can be reset via binary inputs, via DIGSI or via the
integrated control panel. In addition, the reset can also take place cyclically, beginning
with a pre-selected point in time. Setting Notes
Minimum and
Maximum Values The tracking of minimum and maximum values can be reset automatically at a pro-
grammable point in time. To select this feature, address 8311 MinMax cycRESET
should be set to YES. The point in time when reset is to ta ke place (the minute of the
day in which reset will take place) is set at address 8312 MiMa RESET TIME. The
reset cycle in days is entered at address 8313 MiMa RESETCYCLE, and the beginning
date of the cyclical process, from the time of the setting procedure (in days), is entered
at address 8314 MinMaxRES.START.
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
833 I1 dmd= MV I1 (positive sequence) Demand
834 P dmd = MV Active Power Dema n d
835 Q dmd = MV Reactive Power Demand
836 S dmd = MV Apparent Power Demand
963 Ia dmd= MV I A demand
964 Ib dmd= MV I B demand
965 Ic dmd= MV I C demand
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Settings Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
8311 MinMax cycRESET NO
YES YES Automatic Cyclic Reset Function
8312 MiMa RESET TIME 0 .. 1439 min 0 min MinMax Reset Timer
8313 MiMa RESETCYCLE 1 .. 365 Days 7 Days MinMax Reset Cycle Period
8314 MinMaxRES.START 1 .. 365 Days 1 Days MinMax Start Reset Cycle in
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- ResMinMax IntSP_Ev Reset Minimum and Maximum counter
395 >I MinMax Reset SP >I MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
396 >I1 MiMaReset SP >I1 MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
397 >V MiMaReset SP >V MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
398 >VphphMiMaRes SP >Vphph MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
399 >V1 MiMa Reset SP >V1 MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
400 >P MiMa Reset SP >P MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
401 >S MiMa Reset SP >S MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
402 >Q MiMa Reset SP >Q MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
403 >Idmd MiMaReset SP >Idmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
404 >Pdmd MiMaReset SP >Pdmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
405 >Qdmd MiMaReset SP >Qdmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
406 >Sdmd MiMaReset SP >Sdmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
407 >Frq MiMa Reset SP >Frq. MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
408 >PF MiMaReset SP >Power Factor MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
412 > Θ MiMa Reset SP > Theta MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
837 IAdmdMin MVT I A Demand Minimum
838 IAdmdMax MVT I A Demand Maximum
839 IBdmdMin MVT I B Demand Minimum
840 IBdmdMax MVT I B Demand Maximum
841 ICdmdMin MVT I C Demand Minimum
842 ICdmdMax MVT I C Demand Maximum
843 I1dmdMin MVT I1 (positive sequence) Demand Minimum
844 I1dmdMax MVT I1 (positive sequence) Demand Maximum
845 PdMin= MVT Active Power Demand Minimum
846 PdMax= MVT Active Power Demand Maximum
847 QdMin= MVT Reactive Power Minimum
848 QdMax= MVT Reactive Power Maximum
849 SdMin= MVT Apparent Power Minimum
850 SdMax= MVT Apparent Power Maximum
851 Ia Min= MVT Ia Min
852 Ia Max= MVT Ia Max
853 Ib Min= MVT Ib Min
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
854 Ib Max= MVT Ib Max
855 Ic Min= MVT Ic Min
856 Ic Max= MVT Ic Max
857 I1 Min= MVT I1 (positive sequence) Minimum
858 I1 Max= MVT I1 (positive sequence) Maximum
859 Va-nMin= MVT Va-n Min
860 Va-nMax= MVT Va-n Max
861 Vb-nMin= MVT Vb-n Min
862 Vb-nMax= MVT Vb-n Max
863 Vc-nMin= MVT Vc-n Min
864 Vc-nMax= MVT Vc-n Max
865 Va-bMin= MVT Va-b Min
867 Va-bMax= MVT Va-b Max
868 Vb-cMin= MVT Vb-c Min
869 Vb-cMax= MVT Vb-c Max
870 Vc-aMin= MVT Vc-a Min
871 Vc-aMax= MVT Vc-a Max
872 Vn Min = MVT V neutral Min
873 Vn Max = MVT V neutral Max
874 V1 Min = MVT V1 (positive sequence) Voltage Minimum
875 V1 Max = MVT V1 (positive sequence) Voltage Maximum
876 Pmin= MVT Active Power Minimum
877 Pmax= MVT Active Power Maximum
878 Qmin= MVT Reactive Power Minimum
879 Qmax= MVT Reactive Power Maximum
880 Smin= MVT Apparent Power Minimum
881 Smax= MVT Apparent Power Maximum
882 fmin= MVT Frequency Minimum
883 fmax= MVT Frequency Maximum
884 PF Max= MVT Power Factor Maximum
885 PF Min= MVT Power Factor Minimum
1058 Θ/ΘTrpMax= MVT Overload Meter Max
1059 Θ/ΘTrpMin= MVT Overload Meter Min
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.7 Set Points for Measured Values
SIPROTEC devices allow limit values (set points) to be set for some measured and
metered values. If, during operation, a value reaches one of these limit values, the
device generates an alarm which is indicated as an operatio nal message. This can be
configured to LEDs and/or binary outputs, transferred via the ports and interconnected
in DIGSI CFC. In addition you can use DIGSI CFC to co nfigure limit values for further
measured and mete red values and alloca te these via the DIGSI device matr ix. In con-
trast to the actual protection functions the limit value monitoring function operates in
the background; therefore it ma y not pick up if measure d values are chan ged sponta-
neously in the even t of a fau lt and if pr ot ection fu nctions are pi cked up. Furtherm ore,
since a message is only issued whe n the limit va lue is repeatedly exceeded, the limit
value monitoring functions do not react as fast as protection functions trip signals.
Applications This monitoring program works with multiple measurement repetitions and lower
priority than the protection functions. For that reason, in the event of a fault it may
not respond to fast measured value changes before protection functions are started
and tripped. This monitoring program is not suitable for blocking protection func-
tions. Description
Limit Value Moni-
toring Ex works, the following individual limit value levels are configure d :
IAdmd>: Exceeding a preset maximum average value in Phase A.
IBdmd>: Exceeding a preset maximum average value in Phase B.
ICdmd>: Exceeding a preset maximum average value in Phase C.
I1dmd>: Exceeding a pr eset maximum average positive sequence current.
|Pdmd|> : Exceeding a preset maximum average active power.
|Qdmd|>: Exceeding a pr eset maximum average reactive power.
Sdmd>: Exceeding a preset maximum average value of reactive power.
Temp>: Exceeding a preset temperature (if measuring transducer available).
Pressure<: Exceeding a preset pressure (if measuring transducer available).
IL<: Falling below a preset current in any phase.
•|cosϕ |<: Falling below a preset power factor.
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Setting Notes
Limit Values for
Measured Values Setting is performed in the DIGSI Configuration Matrix un de r Settings, Masking I/O
(Configuration Matrix). Set the filter "Measured and Metered V alues Only" and select
the configuration group "Setpoints (LV)". Here, default settings may be changed or
new limit values defined.
Settings must be applied in percent and usually re fer to no mina l value s of the de vi ce . Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- I Admd> LV I A dmd>
- I Bdmd> LV I B dmd>
- I Cdmd> LV I C dmd>
- I1dmd> LV I1dmd>
- |Pdmd|> LV |Pdmd|>
- |Qdmd|> LV |Qdmd|>
- |Sdmd|> LV |Sdmd|>
- Press< LVU Pressure<
- Temp> LVU Temp>
- 37-1 LV 37-1 under current
- |PF|< LV |Power Factor|<
270 SP. Pressure< OUT Set Point Pressure<
271 SP. Temp> OUT Set Point Temp>
273 SP. I A dmd> OUT Set Point Phase A dmd>
274 SP. I B dmd> OUT Set Point Phase B dmd>
275 SP. I C dmd> OUT Set Point Phase C dmd>
276 SP. I1dmd> OUT Set Point positive sequence I1dmd>
277 SP. |Pdmd|> OUT Set Point |Pdmd|>
278 SP. |Qdmd|> OUT Set Point |Qdmd|>
279 SP. |Sdmd|> OUT Set Point |Sdmd|>
284 SP. 37-1 alarm OUT Set Point 37-1 Undercurrent alarm
285 SP. PF(55)alarm OUT Set Point 55 Power factor alarm
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.8 Set Points for Statistic Description
For the statistical co unter s, li mit values m ay be enter ed an d a message is ge nerated
as soon as they are reached. The message can be allocated to both output relays and
LEDs. Setting Notes
Limit V alu es for the
Statistic Counter Limit values for the statistic counter are entered in the DIGSI menu item Annunciation
Statistic into the submenu Limit Values for Statistic. Double-click to display the
corresponding content s in another window. By overwriting the previous value you ca n
change the settings (please refer to the SIPROTEC 4 System Description). Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- OpHour> LV Operating hours greater than
272 SP. Op Hours> OUT Se t Poin t Operating Hours
16004 ΣI^x> LV Threshold Sum Current Exponentiation
16005 Threshold ΣI^x> OUT Threshold Sum Curr. Exponent. exceeded
16009 Resid.Endu. < LV Lower Threshold of CB Residual Endurance
16010 Thresh.R.Endu.< OUT Dropped below Threshold CB Res.Endurance
16017 ΣI^2t> LV Threshold Sum Squared Current Integral
16018 Thresh. ΣI^2t> OUT Threshold Sum Squa. Curr. Int. exceeded
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.9 Energy Metering
Metered values for active and reactive energy are determined by the device. They can
be called up at the fr ont of the device , read out via the operating inte rface using a PC
with DIGSI, or transferred to a central maste r station via the sys tem inte r fac e. Description
Metered Values for
Active and Reactive
Metered values of the real power Wp and reactive power (Wq) are acquired in kilowatt,
megawatt or gigawatt hours primary or in kVARh, MVARh or GVARh primary, sepa-
rately according to the input (+) and output (–), or capacitive and inductive. The mea-
sured-value resolution can be configured. The signs of the measured values ap pear
as configured in address 1108 P,Q sign (see Section „Display of Measured Val-
ues“). Setting Notes
Setting of pa ram e-
ter for meter resolu-
Parameter 8315 MeterResolution can be used to maximize the resolution of the
metered energy values by Factor 10 or Factor 100 compared to the Standard
setting. Settings Information List
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Com ments
8315 MeterResolution Standard
Factor 10
Factor 100
Standard Meter resolutio n
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- Meter res IntSP_Ev Reset meter
888 Wp(puls) PMV Pulsed Energy Wp (active)
889 Wq(puls) PMV Pulsed Energy Wq (reactive)
916 WpΔ= - Increment of active energy
917 WqΔ= - Increment of reactive energy
924 WpForward MVMV Wp Forward
925 WqForward MVMV Wq Forward
928 WpReverse MVMV Wp Reverse
929 WqReverse MVMV Wq Reverse
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.23.10 Commissioning Aids
Device data sent to a centra l or master computer system during test mode or commis-
sioning can be influenced. There are tools for testing the system interface and the
binary inputs and outputs of the device.
Applications Test Mode
Test Messages to
the SCADA Inter-
face during Test
If the device is connected to a central or main computer system via the SCADA inter-
face, then the information that is transmitted can be influen ce d.
Depending on the type of protocol, all message s and measured values transferred to
the central control system can be identi fied with an added message "test operation"-
bit while the device is being tested on site (test mode). This identification pr events the
messages from being incorrectly interpreted as resulting from an actual power system
disturbance or event. As anot her option, all messages and measured values normally
transferred via the system interface can be blocked during the testing ("block data
Data transmission block can be accomplished by controlling binary inputs, by using
the operating panel on the device, or with a PC and DIGSI via the operator interface.
The SIPROTEC 4 System Description describes in detail how to activate and deacti-
vate test mode and blocked data transmission.
Checking the
System Inte rface If the device features a system port and uses it to communicate with the control centre,
the DIGSI device operation can be u sed to test if m essages a re tran sm itted cor rectly.
A dialog box shows the display texts of all messages which were allocated to the
system interface in the configuration matrix. In another column of the dialog box you
can specify a value for the messages you intend to test (e.g. ON/OFF). Having entered
password no. 6 (for hardware test menus) a message can then be ge nerated. The cor-
responding message is issued and can be read out either from the event log of the
SIPROTEC 4 device or from the substation control system.
The procedure is de scribed in detail in Chapter "Mounting and Commissioning".
Checking the
Binary Inputs and
The binary inputs, outputs, and LEDs of a SIPROTEC 4 device can be individually and
precisely controlled in DIGSI. This feature can be used, for example, to verify control
wiring from the device to substation equipment (operational checks), during commis-
A dialog box shows all binary input s and outputs and LEDs of the device with their
present status. The operating equipment, commands, or messages that are config-
ured (masked) to the hardware components are displayed also. After entering pass-
word no. 6 (for hardwa re test me nus), it is possible to switch to the o pposi te status in
another column of the dialog box. Thus, you can energize every single output relay to
check the wiring between protected device and the system without having to create
the alarm allocated to it.
The procedure is de scribed in detail in Chapter "Mounting and Commissioning".
2.23 Auxiliary Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Creating a Test Os-
cillographic Re-
During commissioning energization sequences should be carried out, to check the sta-
bility of the protection also during closing operations. Oscillographic event recordings
contain the maximum information about the behaviou r of the protection.
Along with the capability of storing fault recordings via pickup of the protection func-
tion, the 7SJ62/63/64 also has the capability of capturing the same data when com-
mands are given to the device via the service program DIGSI, the serial interface, or
a binary input. For the latter, event >Trig.Wave.Cap.“ must be allocated to a
binary input. Triggering for the oscillographic recording then occurs, for instance, via
the binary input when the protection object is energized.
An oscillographic recording that is externally triggered (that is, without a protective
element pickup or device trip) is processed by the device as a normal oscillographic
recording, and h as a number for establishing a sequence. However, these recordings
are not displayed in the fault log buffer in th e disp la y, as they are not netwo rk fau lt
The procedure is described in detail in Chapter "Mounting and Commissioning".
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.24 Protection for Single-phase Voltage Transformer Connection
Devices 7SJ62/63/64 may also be connected to only one primary voltage transformer.
Impacts on protective functions to be taken into consid e ra tion ar e de scr ib ed in this
Applications For some applications there is only one voltage transformer on th e primary volt age
side. Usually it is a phase voltage. However, it may also be a phase-to-phase volt-
age. Via configuration the device may be adapted for such an application.
2.24.1 Connection
The device may optionally be supplied with a phase-ground voltage (e.g. VA–N) or a
phase-phase volt age (e.g. VA–B). The connection mode has been specified during the
configuration (see Se ction in para meter 240 VT Connect. 1ph. The follow-
ing figure shows a co nnection example. Furthe r examples can be fo und in the Appen-
dix in Section A.3.
Figure 2-121 Connection example for single-phase voltage transformer for 7SJ62/63 with
phase-to-ground-voltage VC-N
2.24 Protection fo r Single-phase Voltage Transformer Connection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.24.2 Impacts on the Functionality of the Device
When a device is operated by only one voltage transformer, this will have an impact
on several device functions. The ones affected are described in the following. Further-
more, this type of connection is dealt with in the functional descriptions. Functions not
mentioned in the following are not affected by this type of connection.
Undervoltage Pro-
tection, Overvolt-
age Protection (27,
59 Elements)
Depending on the configuration in address 240 voltage protection is either operated
by a phase-ground or a pha se-phase voltage. Th erefore, if the device is connected to
a phase-ground voltage, set the phase voltage threshold. If connected to a phase-
phase voltage, set the phase-to-phase voltage threshold. In contrast, with three-phase
connection the threshold generally represents a phase-to-phase quantity. See also
section 2.6.4.
Functional logic, scope of settings and information o f this function are described in
Section 2.6.
Frequency Protec-
tion (81 Elem en ts) Depending on the configuration in address 240 frequency protection is either operat-
ed by a phase-ground or a phase-phase voltage. A minimum voltage may be config-
ured. If the value set is undershot, frequency protection is blocked. Therefore, if the
device is connected to a phase-ground voltage, set the phase voltage threshold. If
connected to a phase-phase voltage, set the phase-to-phase voltage threshold.
Functional logic, scope of settings and information o f this function are described in
Section 2.9.
Directional Time
Overcurrent Pro-
tection (67 and 6 7N
If the device is connected to only one voltage transformer , the function is set to inactive
and hidden.
Synchronism and
Voltage Check (25)
(7SJ64 only)
The synchronizing function can be applied without any restrictio ns. Connection exam-
ples are shown in the following figure and in the Appendix A.3.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 2-122 Connection example for single-phase voltage transformer for 7SJ64 (phase-to-
ground voltages)
If phases of voltages V1 and V2 differ, phase displacement may be adjusted in
address 6122 ANGLE ADJUSTM..
(Sensitive) Ground
Fault Detection (64,
50Ns, 67Ns)
The directional functionality and the displacement voltage element of this function
cannot be applied since there is no displacement voltage. Current elements of this
function, however, can be operated in non-directional mode
Except for the above-mentione d restriction t he functi onal logic, scope of settings and
information are described in Section 2.12.
Fault Location If the device is connected to only one voltage transformer, this function is set to inac-
tive and hidden.
Monitoring Func-
tions Voltage-measuring monitoring functions such as "Voltage symmetry" and "Fuse-
Failure-Monitor" cannot be applied. They are set inactive and are hidden.
Operational Mea-
sured Values Several operational measu red va lues canno t be calcul ated. If whole group s of oper a-
tional measured values are concerned, they will be hidden. If only part s of a group are
concerned, correspo nding operational measur ed values are set invalid (valu es are re-
placed by dashes) or reset.
2.24 Protection fo r Single-phase Voltage Transformer Connection
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.24.3 Setting Notes
Voltage Connection Address 240 VT Connect. 1ph is set to ensure that only one voltage transformer
is connected to th e device and to define the type of volt age transfor mer connected to
it. Thus, the user specifies which primary voltage is connected to which analog input.
If one of the voltag es offered is selected, i.e. a setting unequal NO, setting of addr ess
213 for multiple -phase connection is no more relevant. Only address 240 is to be set.
With 7SJ64 and single-phase voltage transformer connection the voltage connected
to voltage input V4 is always used for synchronization.
Nominal Values of
Volt age Transform-
In addresses 202 Vnom PRIMARY and 203 Vnom SECONDARY set, as usual, the
voltag e transformer nominal values defined as phase-to-phase quantities. This
depends on whether the device is connected to a phase volt age or phase-to-phase
Undervoltage Pro-
tection, Overvolt-
age Protection , Fre-
quency Protection
If phase-ground volt age connection is selected for address 240, voltage thresholds of
this function also have to be set as phase-ground voltages. If phase-phase voltage
connection is selected for address 240, also voltage thresholds of this function have
to be set as phase-phase voltages.
Sensitive Ground
Fault Detection All directional- and voltage-type settings (addresses 3102 to 3107, 3109 to 3112 and
3123 to 3126) are of no significance. Thus, their settings may not be modified.
Current el ements are to be set to Non-Directional in addresses 3115 and 3122.
Set address 3130 to Vgnd OR INs. Thus, current element s ar e operated indepen -
dent of VN.
Example: In a system with a primary nominal voltage of 138 kV and a secondary nominal voltage
of 115 V, single-phase voltage VA–N is connected (see Figure 2-123).
Threshold values for voltage protection are set as follows:
Overvoltage 59-1: to 120 % VNom
Undervoltage 27-1: to 60 % VNom
Figure 2-123 Example of a si ngle-phase voltage transforme r connection (Phase-ground)
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Apply the following settings to the device:
Address 202 Vnom PRIMARY = 138 kV
Address 203 Vnom SECONDARY = 115 V
Address 240 VT Connect. 1ph = Van
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.25 Breaker Control
A control command process is integrated in the SIPROTEC 7SJ62/63/64 to coordinate
the operation of circuit breakers and other equipment in the power system.
Control commands can originate from four command sources:
Local operation using the keyp ad of the device (except for varian t without operator
Operation using DIGSI
Remote op e ra tio n via ne tw or k con tr ol cen ter or substation controller (e.g. SICAM)
Automatic functions (e.g., using a binary input)
Switchgear with single and multiple busbars are supported. The number of switchgear
devices to be controlled is, basically, limited by the number of binary inputs and
outputs present. High security against inadvertent device operations can be ensured
if interlocking checks are enabled. A standard set of optional interlocking checks is
provided for each command issued to circuit breakers/switchgear.
2.25.1 Control Device
Devices with integrated or detached operator panel can control switchgear via the op-
erator panel of the device. It is also possible to control switchgear via the operating
port using a personal computer and via the serial port with a link to the substation
control equipment.
Applications Switchgears with single and double busbars
Prerequisites The number of switchgear devices to be controlled is limited by the
– binary inputs present
– binary outputs present Description
Operation Using
the Keypad with
Text Display
Using the navigation keys , , W, X, the control menu can be accessed and the
switching device to be operated selecte d. After entering a p assword, a new window is
displayed where multiple control actions (e.g. ON, OFF, ABORT) are available for se-
lection using the and keys. Thereafter a query for security reasons appears. After
the securi ty check is compl eted, the E
key must be pressed again to carry out the
command. If this release does not occur within one minute, the process is aborted.
Cancellation via the E
key is possible at any time before the control command is
Operation Using
the Keypad with
Graphic Display
Commands can be initiated using the keypad on the local user interface of the relay.
For this purpose, there ar e three independent keys located below the graphic display.
The key C
causes the control display to appear in the LCD. Controlling of switch-
gears is only possible within this control display, since the two control keys OPEN and
CLOSE only become active as long as the control display is present. The LCD must
be changed back to the default display for other, non-control, operational modes.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The navigation keys , , W, X are used to select the desired device in the Control
Display. The I key or the O key is then pressed to convey the intended control com-
Consequently , the switch icon in the control display flashes in setpoint direction. At the
lower display edge, the user is requested to confirm the switching operation via the
key. Thereafter a query for security reasons appears. After the security check is
completed, the E
key must be pressed again to carry out the command. If this con-
firmation is not performed within one minute, the setpoint flashing changes again to
the corresponding actual status. Cancellation via the E
key is possible at any time
before the control command is issued.
During normal pr ocessing, the control display indicates the new actual status after the
control command was executed and the message „command end“ at the lower
display edge. The indica tio n „FB reached“ is displayed briefly before the final indi-
cation in the case of switching commands with a feedback.
If the attempted command fails, b ecause an interlocking cond ition is not met, then an
error message appe ars in the display. The message indicates why the control
command was not accepted (se e also SIPROTEC 4 System Description). This
message must be acknowledged with E
before any further control commands can
be issued.
Operation Using
DIGSI Switchgear devices can be controlled via the operator control interface with a PC
using the DIGSI operating program. The procedure to do so is described in the
SIPROTEC 4 System Description (Control of Switchgear).
Operation Using
the System Inter-
Control of switching devices can be performed via the serial system interface and a
connection to the switchgear control system. For this the required peripherals physi-
cally must exist both in the device and in the power system. Also, a few settings for
the serial interfac e in the device ar e required (see SIPROTEC 4 System Description). Information List
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
- 52Breaker CF_D12 52 Breaker
- 52Breaker DP 52 Breaker
- Disc.Swit. CF_D2 Disconnect Switch
- Disc.Swit. DP Disconnect Switch
- G ndSwit. CF_D2 Ground Switch
- G ndSwit. DP Ground Switch
- 5 2 Open IntSP Interlocking: 52 Open
- 52 Close IntSP Interlocking: 52 Close
- D isc.O pen IntSP Interlocking: Disconnect switch Open
- Disc.Close IntSP Interlocking: Disconnect switch Close
- GndSw Open IntSP Interlocking: Ground switch Open
- GndSw Cl. IntSP Interlocking: Ground switch Close
- UnlockDT IntSP Unlock data transmission via BI
- Q2 Op/Cl CF_D2 Q2 Open/Close
- Q2 Op/Cl DP Q2 Op en/Close
- Q9 Op/Cl CF_D2 Q9 Open/Close
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.25.2 Types of Commands
In conjunction with the power system control several command types can be distin-
guished for the device: Description
Commands to the
System These are all commands that are directly output to the switchgear to change their
process state:
Switching commands for the control of circuit breakers (not synchronized), discon-
nectors and ground electrode
Step commands, e.g. raising and lowering transformer LTCs
Set-point commands with configurable time settings, e.g. to control Petersen coils
Internal / Pseudo
Commands They do not directly operate binary outputs. They serve to initiate internal functions,
simulate changes of state, or to acknowledge changes of state.
Manual overriding commands to manually update information on process-depen-
dent object s such as annunciations and sw itching states, e.g. if the communication
with the process is interrupted. M anually overridd en object s are flag ged as such in
the information status and can be displayed accordingly.
Tagging commands are issued to establish internal settings, e.g. deleting / preset-
ting the switching authority (remote vs. local), a parameter set changeover, data
transmission block to the SCADA interface, and measured value setpoints.
Acknowledgment and re setting commands for setting and re setting internal buffer s
or data states.
Information status command to set/reset the additional information "information
status" of a process object, such as:
Input blocking
Output Bloc king
- Q9 Op/Cl DP Q9 Open/Close
31000 Q0 OpCnt= VI Q0 operationcounter=
31001 Q1 OpCnt= VI Q1 operationcounter=
31002 Q2 OpCnt= VI Q2 operationcounter=
31008 Q8 OpCnt= VI Q8 operationcounter=
31009 Q9 OpCnt= VI Q9 operationcounter=
No. Information Type of In-
formation Comments
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.25.3 Command Sequence
Safety mechanisms in the command sequence ensure that a command can only be
released after a thorough check of preset criteria has been successfully concluded.
S t andard Interlocking checks are provided for each ind ividual control command. Addi-
tionally, user-defined interlocking co nditio ns can be pr og ra mmed separately for each
command. The actual execution of the command is also monitored afterwards. The
overall comma nd task procedu re is described in brief in the following list: Description
Check Sequence Please observe the following:
Command Entry, e.g. using the keypad on the local user inter face of the device
Check Password Access Rights
Check Switching Mode (interlocking activated/deactivate d) Selection of Deac-
tivated interlocking Recognition.
User configurable interlocking checks
Switching Authority
Device Position Check (set vs. actual comparison)
Interlocking, Zone Controlled (logic using CFC)
System Interlocking (centrally, using SCADA system or substation controller)
Double Operation (interlocking against parallel switching operation)
Protection Blocking (blocking of switching operations by protective functions).
Fixed Command Checks
Internal Process T ime (software watch dog which checks the time for pr ocessing
the control action between initia tion of the control and final close of the relay con-
Setting Modification in Process (if setting modification is in process, commands
are denied or delayed)
Operating equipment enabled as output (if an operating equipment component
was configured, but not configured to a binary input, the command is denied)
Output Block (if an output block has been programmed for the circuit breaker,
and is active at the moment the command is processed, then the command is
Board Hardware Error
Command in Progress (only one command can be processed at a time for one
operating equip m en t, obje ct- related Double Operation Block)
1-of-n-check (for schemes with multiple assignments, such as relays contact
sharing a common terminal a check is made if a command is alre ady active for
this set of output relays).
Monitoring the
Command Execu-
The following is monitored:
Interruption of a command because of a Cancel Command
Running Time Monitor (feedback message monitoring time)
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.25.4 Interlocking
System interlocking is executed by the user-defined logic (CFC). Description
Switchgear interlocking checks in a SICAM/SIPROTEC 4 system are normally divided
in the following groups:
System interlocking relies on the system data base in the substation or central
control system.
Bay interlocking relies on the object data base (feedbacks) of the bay unit.
Cross-bay interlocking via GOOSE messages directly between bay units and pro-
tection relays (with the introduction of IEC61850, V4.51; GOOSE information ex-
change will be accomplished via EN100-module).
The extent of the int er loc kin g che cks is determined by the configuration of the relay.
To obtain more information about GOOSE, please refer to the SIPROTEC System De-
scription /1/.
Switching object s that re quire system interlocking in a central contro l syste m ar e as -
signed to a specific parameter inside the bay unit (via configuration matrix).
For all commands, operation with interlocking (normal mode) or without interlocking
(Interlocking OFF) can be selected:
For local commands, by activation of "Normal/Test"-key switch,
For automatic commands, via command processing. by CFC and deactivated inter-
locking recognition,
For local / remote commands, using an additional interlocking disable command,
via Profibus.
terlocked Switch-
The configurable comma nd checks in the SIPROTEC 4 devices are also called "st an-
dard interlocking". These checks can be activated via DIGSI (interlocked switch-
ing/tagging) or deactivated (non-interlocked).
Deactivated interlock switching means the configured interlocking conditions are not
checked in the relay.
Interlocked switching means that all configured interlocking condition s are checked
within the command processing. If a condition is not fulfilled, the command is rejected,
marked with a minus sign (e.g. „CO–“), and a message to that effect is output.
The following table shows the possible types of commands in a switching device and
their corresponding annunciations. For the device the messages designated with *)
are displayed in the event logs, for DIGSI they appear in spontaneous messages.
Type of Com mand Control Cause Message
Control issued Switching CO CO+/–
Manual tagging (positive / nega-
tive) Manual tagging MT MT+/–
Information state command, Input
blocking Input blocking ST ST+/– *)
Information state command,
Output blocking Output Blocking ST ST+/– *)
Cancel command Cancel CA CA+/–
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The "plus" appearing in the message is a confirmation of the command execution. The
command execution was as expecte d, in other words positive. The minus sign means
a negative confirmation, the command was rejected. Possible command feedbacks
and their causes are dealt with in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description. The following
figure shows operational indica tions relating to command execution an d operation re-
sponse information for successful switching of the circuit breaker.
The check of interlocking can be programmed separately for all switching devices and
tags that were set with a tagging command. Other internal commands such as manual
entry or abort are no t ch eck ed , i.e . car rie d ou t ind epen d en t of th e int er loc king .
Figure 2-124 Example of an operational annunciation for switch ing circuit breaker 52 (Q0)
Standard Interlock-
ing Defaul ts (fixed
p r o g r a m m i n g )
The stand ard interlockings contain the following fixed programmed tests for each
switching device, which can be individually enabled or disabled using parameter s:
Device Status Check (set = actual): The switching command is rejected, and an
error indication is displayed if the circuit breaker is already in the set position. (If this
check is enabled, then it works whether interlocking, e.g. zone controlled, is activat-
ed or deactivated.) This condition is checked in both inter locked and non-inter-
locked status modes.
System Interlocking: To check the power system interlocking, a local command is
transmitted to the central unit with Switching Auth ority = LOCAL. A switching
device that is subject to system interlocking cannot be switched by DIGSI.
Zone Controlled / Bay Interlocking: Logic links in the device wh ich were created via
CFC are interrogated and considered during interlocked switching.
Blocked by Protection: A CLOSE-command is rejected as soon as one of the pro-
tective elements in the relay picks up. The OPEN-command, in contrast, can always
be executed. Please be aware, activation of thermal overload protection elements
or sensitive groun d fault detection can create and maintain a fault condition status,
and can therefore block CLOSE commands. If the interlocking is removed, consider
that, on the other hand, the restart inhibit for motors will not automatically reject a
CLOSE command to the motor . Restar ting would then have to be inter locked some
other way. One method would be to use a specific interlocking in the CFC logic.
Double Operation Block: Parallel switching operations are interlocked against one
another; while one co mmand is processed, a second cannot be carried out.
Switching Authority LOCAL: A control command from the user interface of the
device (command with command sour ce LOCAL) is o nly allowed if the Key Switch
(for devices without key switch via configuration) is set to LOCAL.
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Switching Authority DIGSI: Switching commands that are issued locally or remotely
via DIGSI (command with command source DIGSI) are on ly allowed if remote
control is admissible for the device (by key switch or configurat ion ). If a DIGSI- PC
communicates with the device, it deposits here its virtual device number (VD). Only
commands with this VD (when Switching Authority = REMOTE) will be accepted by
the device. Remote switching commands will be rejected.
Switching Authority REMOTE: A remote control command (command with
command source REMOTE) is only allowed if the Key Switch (for devices without
key switch via configuration) is set to REMOTE.
Figure 2-125 Standard interlockings
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following figure shows the configuration of the interlocking conditions using
Figure 2-126 DIGSI–dialog box for setting the interlocking condition s
For devices with operator panel the display shows the configured interlocking reasons.
They are marked by letters explained in the following table.
Table 2-27 Command types and corresponding messages
Interlocking Commands Abb rev. Message
Switching Authority L L
System interlocking S A
Zone controlled Z Z
SET = ACTUAL (switch directio n ch eck) P P
Protection blockage B B
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following figure shows all interlocking conditions (which usually appear in the
display of the device) for three switchgear items with the relevant abbreviations ex-
plained in the previous table. All parameterized int er loc king con dit ion s ar e ind ica te d.
Figure 2-127 Example of configured interlocking conditions
Control Logic using
CFC For the bay interlocking a control logic can be structured via the CFC. Via specific
release conditions the information “released” or “bay interlocked” are available (e.g.
object "52 Close" and "52 Open" with the data values: ON / OFF).
Switching Authori-
ty (for devices with
o p e r a t o r p a n e l )
The interlocking condition "Switching Authority" serves to determine the switching au-
thorization. It enables the user to select the authorized command source. For devices
with operator panel the following switching authority ranges are defined in the follow-
ing priority sequ e nc e:
The object "Switching Authority" ser ves to inter lock or enable LOCAL co ntrol against
remote or DIGSI commands. The devices in housing of size 1/2 or 1/1 are equipped with
key switches on the front p anel. The top switch is reserved for switching authority . The
position "LOCAL" allows local commands. The position "REMOTE" enables remote
control. For devices in housing of size 1/3 the switching authority can be cha ng ed
between "REMOTE" and "LOCAL" in the operator panel after having entered the pass-
word or by means of CFC also via binary input and function key.
The "Switching authority DIGSI" is used for interlocking and allows comm ands to be
initiated using DIGSI. Commands are allowed for both a remote and a local DIGSI con-
nection. When a (local or remote) DIGSI PC logs on to the device, it e nters it s V i rtual
Device Number (VD). The device only accepts commands having that VD (with
switching authority = OFF or REMOTE). When the DIGSI PC logs off, the VD is can-
Commands are checked for their source SC and the device settings, and compared
to the information set in the objects "Switching authority" and "Switching authority
Switching authority available y/n (create appropriate object)
Switching authority available DIGSI y/n (create appropriate object)
Specific device (e.g. switching
device) Switching authority LOCAL (check for Local
status): y/n
Specific device (e.g. switching
device) Switching authority REMOTE (check for
LOCAL, REMOTE, or DIGSI commands):
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 2-28 Interlocking logic
1) also "Allowed" for: ”switching authority LOCAL (check for Local status): is not marked
2) also "Allowed" for: ”Switching authority REMOTE (check for LOCAL, REMOTE, or DIGSI sta-
tus): is not marked"
3) SC = Source of command
SC = Auto SICAM:
Commands that are initiated internally (command processing in the CFC) are not
subject to switching au th ori ty an d ar e th erefore always "allow ed" .
Switching Authori-
ty (for devices
without operator
The dongle cable sets the switching authority of the device to "REMOTE". The speci-
fications of the previous section apply.
Switching Mode
(for devices with
o p e r a t o r p a n e l )
The switching mode determines whether selected interlocking conditions will be acti-
vated or deactivated at the time of the switching operation.
The following switching modes (local) are defined:
Local commands (SC = LOCAL)
interlocked (normal), or
non-interlocked switching.
The devices in housing of size 1/2 or 1/1 are eq uipped with key switches on the front
panel. The bottom switch is reserved for switching mode. The "Normal" position allows
interlocked switching while the "Interlocking OFF" position allows non-interlocked
switching. For devices in housing of size 1/3 the switching mode can be changed
between "interlocked (latched)" and "non-interlocked (unlatched)" in the op erator
panel af ter having entered the password or by means of CFC also via binary input and
function key.
Current Switch-
ing Authority
Command Issued
with SC3)=LOCAL Command Issued
from SC=LOCAL or
issued from
LOCAL Not checked Allowed Interlocked 2) -
"switching authority
"DIGSI not reg-
LOCAL Checked Allowed Interlocked 2) -
"switching authority
Interlocked 2) -
"switching au-
thority LOC A L"
REMOTE Not checked Interlocked 1) -
"switching authority
Allowed Interlocked
"DIGSI not reg-
REMOTE Checked Interlocked 1) -
"switching authority
Interlocked 2) -
"switching authority
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The following switching modes (remote) are defined:
Remote or DIGSI commands (SC = LOCAL, REMOTE, or DIGSI)
interlocked, or
non-interlocked switching. Here, dea ctivation of interlocking is accomplished via
a separate comma nd. The position of the key-switch is irrelevant.
for commands from CFC (SC = AUT O SICAM), please observe the notes in the
CFC manual (component: BOOL to command).
Switching Mode
(for devices without
operator panel)
The dongle cable sets the switching mode of the device to "Normal". The specifica-
tions of the previous section apply.
Zone Controlled /
Field Interlocking Zone controlled / field interlocking (e.g. via CFC) includes the verification that prede-
termined switchgear p osition conditio ns are satisfied to prevent switch ing errors ( e.g.
disconnector vs. ground switch, ground switch only if no voltage applied) as well as
verification of the state of other mechanical interlocking in the switchgear bay (e.g.
High Voltage compartment do o rs) .
Interlocking conditio ns can be program med separately, for each switching device, for
device control CLOSE and/or OPEN.
The enable information with the data "switching device is interlocked (OFF/NV/FL T) or
enabled (ON)" can be set up,
directly, using a single point or double point indication, key-switch, or internal indi-
cation (marking), or
by means of a control logic via CFC.
When a switching command is initiated, the actual status is scanned cyclically . The as-
signment is done via "Release object CLOSE/OPEN".
System Interlock-
ing Substation Controller (System interlocking) involves switchgear conditions of other
bays evaluated by a central control system.
Double Activation
Blockage Parallel switching operations are interlocked. As soon as the command has arrived all
command objects subject to the interlocking are checked to know whether a command
is being processed. Wh ile the command is being executed, i nterlocking is enabled for
other commands.
Blocking by Protec-
tion The pickup of protective elements blocks switching operations. Protective elements
are configured, separately for each switching component, to block specific switching
commands sent in CLOSE and TRIP direction.
When enabled, "Block CLOSE commands" blocks CLOSE commands, whereas
"Block TRIP commands" blocks TRIP signals. Switching operations in progress will
immediately be aborted by the pickup of a protective element.
Device Status
Check (set = actual) For switching commands, a check takes place whether the selected switching de vice
is already in the set/desired position (set/actual comparison). This means, if a circuit
breaker is already in the CLOSED position a nd an attempt is mad e to issue a closing
command, the command will be refused, with the operating message "set condition
equals actual condition". If the circuit breaker /switchgear device is in the intermediate
position, then this check is not performed.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Bypassing Inter-
locks Bypassin g configured interlocks at the time of the switching action happens device-
internal via interloc king recognition in the command job or globally via so-called
switching modes.
The switching modes "interlocked (latched)" or "non-interlocked (unlatched)" can
be set in housing sizes 1/2 or 1/1 (7SJ63, 7SJ61/2/5) via the key switch. The po-
sition "Interlocking OFF" correspon ds to non-interlocked switching and serves
the special purpose of unlocking the standard interlocks. For devices in hou sing
of size 1/3 the switching mode can be changed between "interlocked (latched)"
and "non-interlocked (unl atched) " in the oper ator p anel after having entered the
password or by means of CFC also via binary input and function key.
Commands issued by SICAM or DIGSI are unlocked via a global switching mode
REMOTE. A separate job order must be sent for the unlocking. The unlocking
applies only for one switching operation an d fo r c omm a nd cau se d by th e sam e
Job order: command to object "Switching mode REMOTE", ON
Job order: switching command to "switching device"
Derived command via CFC (automatic command, SC=Auto SICAM):
Behaviour configured in the CFC block ("BOOL to command").
2.25 Breaker Control
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2.25.5 Command Logging
During the processing of the commands, independent of the furthe r message routing
and processing, command and process feedback information are sent to the message
processing centre. These messages contain information on the cause. With the cor-
responding allocation (configuration) these messages are entered in the event list,
thus serving as a report.
Prerequisites A listing of possible operat ing me ssa ge s and th eir mea n ing as well as th e co mm and
types needed for tripping and closing of the switchgear or for raising and lowering of
transformer taps are described in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description. Description
of Commands to
the Device Front
All messages with the source of command LOCAL are transformed into a cor respond-
ing response and shown in the display of the device.
of commands to
Local / Remote /
The acknowledgement of messages with source of command Lo cal/ Remote/DIGSI
are sent back to the initiating point independent of the routing (configuration on the
serial digital interface).
The acknowledgemen t of commands is therefore not executed by a response indica-
tion as it is done with the local command but by ordinary command and feedback in-
formation recording.
Monitoring of Feed-
back Information The processing of commands monitors the command execution and timing of feed-
back information for all commands. At the same time the command is sent, the moni-
toring time is started (monitoring of the command execution). This time controls
whether the device achi eves the required final result within the monitoring time. The
monitoring time is stopped as soon as the feedback information arrives. If no feedback
information arrives, a response "T imeout comman d monitoring time" appears and the
process is terminated.
Commands and informatio n feedback are also recorded in the event list. Normall y the
execution of a command is terminated as soon as the feedback information (FB+) of
the relevant switchgear a rrives or, in case of commands without process feedba ck in-
formation, the command output resets and a message is output.
The "plus" sign appearing in a feedb ack informa t ion confirms that th e co mma nd was
successful. The command was as expe cted, in other words p ositive. The "minus" is a
negative confirmation and means that the command was not executed as expected.
Command Output
and Switching
The command types needed for tripping and closing of the switchgear or for raising
and lowering of transformer taps are described in the configuration section of the
SIPROTEC 4 System Description /1/.
2 Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Mounting and Commissioning
This chapter is intended for experienced commissionin g staf f. The staf f must be famil-
iar with the commissioning of protection and control systems, with the management of
power systems and with the re levan t safety rules and guideline s. Har dware mo difica -
tions that might be needed in certain cases are explained. The primary tests require
the protected object (line, transformer, etc.) to carry load.
3.1 Mounting and Connections 365
3.2 Checking Connections 415
3.3 Commissioning 420
3.4 Final Preparation of the Device 440
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.1 Mounting and Connections
Warning of improper transport, storage, installation, and application of the
Failure to observe these precautions can result in death, personal injury, or serious
material damage.
Trouble free and safe use of this device depends on proper transport, storage, instal-
lation, and application of the device according to the warnings in this instruction
Of particu lar importa nce are the general inst allation and safety re gulations for work in
a high-voltage environment (for example, ANSI, IEC, EN, DIN, or other national and
international regulations). These regulations must be observed.
3.1.1 Configuration Information
Prerequisites For installation and connections the following conditions must be met:
The rated device dat a has been teste d as recommended in the SIPROTEC 4 System
Description and their compliance with these data is verified with the Power System
General Diagrams Gene ral diagrams for the 7SJ62/63 /64 device range are shown in Appendix A.2. Con-
nection examples for the current and voltage transformer circuits are given in the Ap-
pendix . The setting configur ation of the Power System Data 1, Section 2.1. 3, should
be checked to ensure that they correspond to the connections to the device.
Connection Exam-
ples for 7SJ62 Connection examples for current and voltage transformer ci rcu its are prov ide d in Ap-
pendix A.3. The device can either be connected with three phase–ground voltages
(connection mode VT Connect. 3ph = Van, Vbn, Vcn), or with two phase–phase
voltages and Vdelta (also called the displacement volt age) from open delta VTs as (con-
nection mode VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc, VGnd). For the latter, only two
phase–phase voltages or the displacement voltage Vdelta can be connected. In the
device settings the ap p ro pr iat e vo ltage connection must be ente red un de r add re ss
213, in P.System Data 1.
As the voltage inputs of the 7SJ62 device have an operating range from 0 to 170 V,
this means that phase-to-phase volt a ges can be assessed in conn ection of phase-to-
ground voltages up to 3 · 170 V = 294 V, in the latter case up to 170 V.
If there is only one voltage transformer on the system side, wiring is performed accord-
ing to examples on single-phase connection. For this case, address 240 VT
Connect. 1ph in the P.System Data 1 specifies to the device which primary
voltage is connected to which analog input.
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Connection Ex am-
ples for 7SJ63 Connection examples for current and voltage transformer circuits are provided in Ap-
pendix A.3. The device can either be connected with three phase–ground voltages
(connection mode VT Connect. 3ph = Van, Vbn, Vcn), or with two phase–phase
voltages and Vdelta (also called the displacement voltage) from open delt a VTs as (con-
nection mode VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc, VGnd). For the latter, only two
phase–phase voltages or the displacement voltage Vdelta can be connected. In the
device settings the appropriate voltage connection must be entered under address
213, in P.System Data 1.
As the voltage inputs of the 7SJ63 device have an operating range from 0 to 170 V,
this means that phase-to-phase voltages can be assessed in connection of phase-to-
ground volt ages up to 3 · 170 V = 294 V, in the latter case up to 170 V.
If there is only one voltage transformer on the system side, wiring is performed accord-
ing to examples on single-phase connection. For this case, address 240 VT
Connect. 1ph in the P.System Data 1 specifies to the device which primary
voltag e is connected to which analog input.
Connection Ex am-
ples for 7SJ64 Connection examples for current and voltage transformer circuits are provided in Ap-
pendix A.3.
For the normal connection the 4th voltage measuring input is not used. Correspond-
ingly the address 213 must be set to VT Connect. 3ph = Van, Vbn, Vcn. The
factor in address 206Vph / Vdelta must however be set to 1.73 (this factor is used
internally for the conversion of measurement and fault recording values).
Also an additional connection example of an e-n-win ding of the voltage transformer is
shown. Here address 213 must be set to VT Connect. 3ph = Van,Vbn,Vcn,VGn.
The factor ad dr es s 206 Vph / Vdelta depends on the transformation ratio of the
e–n-winding. For additional hints, please refer to sec tio n 2. 1.3 .2 un de r „Transforma-
tion Ratio“.
Another figure shows an example of a connection of the e–n winding of a set of voltage
transformers, in this case, ho wever of a central set of transformers at a busbar. For
more information refe r to the previous paragraph.
Another figure shows an example of the connection of a different voltage, in this case
the busbar voltage (e.g. for the synchronization function). For the synchronization
function address 213 must be set to VT Connect. 3ph = Van,Vbn,Vcn,VGn.
Balancing V1/V2, address 6X21 is always equal to 1 unless the feeder VT and bus-
barside VT have a different transformation ratio. The factor in address 206Vph /
Vdelta must however be set to 1.73 (this factor is used internally for the conversion
of measurement and fault recording values).
Also two phase–phase voltages or the displacement volt age Vdelta can be connected
to the device. Here address 213 must be set to VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc,
VGnd. For the latter , only two phase–phase voltages or the displacement voltage Vdelta
can be connected.
As the voltage inputs of the 7SJ64 device have an operating range from 0 to 200 V,
this means that when connecting to the device phase-to-ground voltages, the phase-
to-phase voltages can be assessed up to 3 · 200 V = 346 V , with connection of phase-
to-phase vo ltages up to 200 V.
If there is only one voltage transformer on the system side, wiring is performed accord-
ing to examples on single-phase connection. For this case, address 240 VT
Connect. 1ph in the P.System Data 1 specifies to the device which primary
voltag e is connected to which analog input.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
With 7SJ64 and single-phase voltage transformer connection the voltage connected
to voltage input V4 is always interpreted as the voltage which is to be synchronized.
Binary Inputs and
Outputs for
The configuration of the binary in- and outputs, i.e. the individual adaptation to the
plant conditions, is described in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description. The connec-
tions to the plant are dependent on this actual configuration. The presettings of the
device are listed in Appe ndix A, Sectio n A.5. Check also whether the labelling corre-
sponds to the allocated annunciation functions.
Changing Setting
Groups If binary inputs are used to switch setting groups, please observe the following:
Two binary inputs must be dedicated to the purpose of changing setting groups
when four groups are to be switched. One binary input must be set for „>Set
Group Bit0“, the other input for „>Set Group Bit1“. If either of these input
functions is not assigned, then it is considered as not controlled.
To control two setting gro ups, one binary input se t for „>Set Group Bit0“ is suf-
ficient since the binary input „>Set Group Bit1“, which is not assigned, is con-
sidered to be not controlled.
The status of the signals controlling the binary inputs to activate a particular setting
group must remain constant as long as that particular group is to remain active.
The following t able shows th e allocation of the binary inp uts to the setting gr oups A to
D and a simplified connection diagram for the two binary inputs is illustrated in the fol-
lowing figure. The figure illustrates an example in which both Set Group Bits 0 and 1
are configured to be controlled (actuated) when the associated binary input is ener-
gized (high).
no = not energized or not connected
yes = energized
Table 3-1 Changing setting groups using binary inputs
Figure 3-1 Connection diagram (examp le) for setting group switching using binary inputs
Binary Input Active Group
>Set Group Bit
0>Set Group Bit
No No Group A
Yes No Group B
No Yes Group C
Yes Yes Group D
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Trip Circuit Super-
vision for
7 S J 6 2 / 6 3 / 6 4
Please note that two binar y inputs or one bi nary input and one byp ass resistor R must
be connected in series. The pick-up threshold of the binary inputs must therefore be
substantially below half the rated control DC voltage.
If two binary inputs are used for the trip circuit supervision, these binary inputs must
be volt-free i.o.w. not be commoned with each other or with another binary input.
If one binary input is used, a bypass resistor R must be employed (refer to the follow-
ing figure). The resistor R is inserted into the circuit of the 52b circuit breaker auxiliary
contact, to facilitate the detection of a malfunction also when the 52a circuit breaker
auxiliary contact is open and the trip contact has dropped out. The value of this resistor
must be such that in the circuit breaker op en condition (therefore 52a is open and 52b
is closed) the circuit breaker trip coil (52TC) is no longer picked up and binary input
(BI1) is still picked up if the command relay contact is open.
Figure 3-2 Trip circuit supervision with one binary input
This results in an upper limit for the resist ance dimension, Rmax, and a lower limit Rmin,
from which the optimal value of the arithmetic mean R should be selected :
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
In order that the minimum voltage for controlling the binary input is ensured, Rmax is
derived as:
So the circuit breaker trip coil does not remain energized in the above case, Rmin is
derived as:
If the calculation results that Rmax < Rmin, then the calculation must be repeated, with
the next lowest switching threshold VBI min, and this thresh old must be implemented in
the relay using plug-in jumpers (see Section „Hardware Modifications“).
For the power consumption of the resistance:
IBI (HIGH) Constant current with activated BI ( = 1.8 mA)
VBI min Minimum control voltage for BI (= 19 V for delivery setting for nominal
voltage of 24/48/60 V; 88 V for delivery setting for nominal voltage of
110/125/220/250 V)
VCTR Control Voltage for Trip Circuit
RCBTC DC resistance of circuit breaker trip coil
VCBTC (LOW) Maximum voltage on the circuit breaker trip coil that does not lead to trip-
IBI (HIGH) 1.8 mA (SIPROTEC 4 7SJ62/63/64)
VBI min 19 V for delivery setting for nominal voltage 24/48/60 V (from
7SJ62/63/64)88 V for delivery setting for nominal voltage
110/125/220/250 V) (from 7SJ62/63/64)
VST 110 V (system / release circuit)
RCBTC 500 Ω (from system / trip circuit)
VCBTC (LOW) 2 V (system / release circuit)
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The closest standard value of 39 kΩ is selected; the power is:
3.1.2 Hardware Modifications General
Hardware modifications concerning, for instance, nominal currents, the control voltage
for binary input s or termination of serial interfaces mig ht be necessary. Follow the pro-
cedure described in this section, whenever hardware modifications are done.
Since construction of modules varies from de vice to devi ce , de tailed information con-
cerning hardware modifications on devices 7SJ62, 7SJ63 and 7SJ64 is specified sep-
Auxiliary Voltage There are different power supply voltage ranges for the auxiliary voltage (refer to the
Ordering Information in Appendix A.1). The power supplies of the variants for DC
60/110/125 V and DC 110/125/220 V, AC 115/230 V are largely interchangeable by
modifying the position of the jumpers. The assignment of these jumpers to the nominal
voltage ranges and their spatial arrangement on the PCB for devices 7SJ62, 7SJ63
and 7SJ64 are describe d separately in th e following sections. Location and ra tings of
the miniature fuse and the buffer battery are also shown. When the relays are deliv-
ered, these jumpers are set a ccording to the name-plate sti cker . Generally, they need
not be altered.
Live Status Contact The live contacts of devices 7SJ62/ 63 /6 4 ar e ch an ge o ve r con tacts. With devices
7SJ63 and 7SJ64 either the NC contact or the NO contact is be connected to two
device connections via a plug-in jumper (X40). Th e a ssig nme nt o f th e p lug -in jum per
to the contact mode and the spatial arrangement of the jumper are described for
devices 7SJ63 and 7SJ64 in the following sections.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Nominal Currents The input transformers of the devices are set to a nominal current of 1 A or 5 A with
jumpers. The position of the jumpers are set according to the nam e-plate sticker. The
assignment of the plug -in jumpers to the nominal curren t and the spa tial arrangement
of the jumpers are describe d separately for devices 7SJ63 and 7 SJ64 in the following
Jumpers X61, X62 and X63 m ust be set for the same nominal current, i.e . there must
be one jumpe r for ea ch input tra n s fo rm e r, and th e com m o n jum p er X 60.
With standard 1/5 A-jumpers jumper X64 for the ground path is set to 1 A or 5 A irre-
spective of other jumper positions and dep ending on the ordered variant.
With models equipped with a sensitive ground fault current input of setting range 0.001
to 1.500 A there is no jumper X64.
If nominal current ratings are changed exceptionally , then the new ratings must be reg-
istered in addresses 205 CT SECONDARY/218 Ignd-CT SEC in the Power System
Data (see Subsection
Control Voltage for
Binary Inputs When the device is delivered from the factory , the b inary inputs are set to oper ate with
a volt age that corresponds to the rated DC volt age of the po wer supply. In general, to
optimize the operation of the input s, the pick-up volt age of the input s should be set to
most closely match the actual control voltage being used.
A jumper position is changed to adjust the pick-up voltage of a binary input. The as-
signment of the jumpers to the binary inputs and their spatial arrangement are de-
scribed separately for devices 7SJ63 and 7SJ64 in the following sections.
If binary inputs are used for trip circuit monitoring, note that two binary inputs (or a
binary input and a replace ment resistor) are connected in series. The switching
threshold must lie clearly below one half of the rated control voltage.
Contact Mode for
B i n a r y O u t p u ts Input/output modules can have relays that are equipped with changeover contacts.
Therefore it is necessary to rearrange a jumper . To which relays of which modules this
applies is described s eparately f or devices 7SJ63 an d 7SJ64 in the following sections.
Replacing Interfac-
es Only serial interfaces of devices for panel and cubic le flu sh mo u nt ing as well as of
mounting devices with detached op erator panel or without operator p anel are replace-
able. In the following section under margin heading „Exchanging Interface Modules“ it
is described which interfaces can be exchanged, and how this is done.
Terminating of
S e r i a l I n t e r f a c e s If the device is equipped with a serial RS485 interface or PROFIBUS, they must be
terminated with resistors at the last device on the bus to ensur e reliable data transmi s-
sion. For this purpose termination resistors are provided on the PCB of the CPU pro-
cessor module and on the RS485 or PROFIBUS interface module which can be con-
nected via jumpers. Here, only one option must be selected. The physical
arrangem en t of th e jum p er s on p. c.b . of the corresponding processor board CPU is
described in the following sections under side title „Processor Board CPU“. The ar-
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
rangement of the jumpers on the interface modules is described under side title
„RS485/RS232“ and „Profibus Interface (FMS/DP) DNP3.0/Modbus“. Both jumpers
must always be plugged in the same way.
As delivered from the factory, the resistors are switched out.
Spar e P arts Spare p arts can be the buffer batter y that p rovides for storage of the data in the
battery-buffered RAM when the supply voltage fails, and the miniature fuse of the in-
ternal power supply. Their spatial position is shown in the figures of the processor
boards. The ratings of the fuse are printed on the board next to the fuse itself. When
exchanging the fuse, please observe the hints given in the SIPROTEC 4 System De-
scription in the Chapter „Maintenance“ and „Corrective Action / Repairs“. Disassembly
Work on the Printed
Circuit Boards
It is assumed for the following steps that the device is not operative.
Caution when ch anging jumper settings that affect nominal values of the device
As a consequence, the ordering number (MLFB) and the ratings that are stated on the
nameplate do no longer match the actual device properties.
If such changes are necessary, the changes should be clearly and fully noted on the
device. Self adhesive stickers are available that can be used as replacement name-
To perform work on the printed circuit boards, such as checking or moving switching
elements or exchanging modules, proceed as follows:
Prepare working area. Provide a grounded mat for protecting components subject
to damage from electrostatic discharges (ESD). The following equipment is
screwdriver with a 5 to 6 mm wide tip,
a Philips screwdriver size 1,
5 mm socket or nut driver.
Unfasten the screw-posts of the D-subminiature connectors on the back panel at
location „A“ and „C“.(7SJ64). This is not necessary if the device is designed for
surface mounting.
If the device has more co mmunication interfaces at locations „A“, „C“ and/or „B“ „D“
on the rear, the screws located diagonally to the interfa ces must be re moved. This
is not necessary if the device is designed for surface mounting.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Remove the four or six cap s on the front cover and loosen the screws that become
Carefully take off the front cover. With device versions with a detached operator
panel it is possible to rem ove the front cover of the device right after having un-
screwed all screws.
Work on the Plug
Mind electro s tatic discharge s
Non–observance can result in minor personal injury or material damage.
When handling with plug connectors, electrostatic discharges may emerge by previ-
ously touching an earthed metal surfa ce must be avoided.
Do not plug or withdraw in terface connections under power!
Here, the following must be observed:
Disconnect the ribbon cable between the front cover and the CPU board (No. 1 in
Figures 3-3 and 3-8) at the front cover side. Press the top latch of the plug connector
up and the bottom latch down so that the plug connector of the ribbon cable is
pressed out. This action does not apply to the device version with detached opera-
tor panel. However, on the central processor unit CPU (No. 1) the 7-pole plug con-
nector X16 behind the D-subminiture connector and the plug connector of the
ribbon cable ( connected to the 68-pole plug con nector on the rear side) must be re-
Disconnect the ribbon cables between the CPU unit (No. 1) and the input/output
printed circuit boards I/O (No. 2), (No. 3) and (No. 4).
Remove the boards and set them on the grounded mat to protect them from ESD
damage. In the case of the device variant for panel surface mounting please be
aware of the fact a certain amount of force is required in order to remove the CPU
board due to the existing plug connector.
Check the jump e rs ac co rd ing to figu re s 3- 9 to 3-20 an d th e follo win g infor m at ion .
Change or remove the jumpers if necessary.
The arrangement of modules for device types and housing sizes are shown in Figures
3-3 to 3-8.
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Module Arrange-
ment 7SJ62 The arrangement of modules for device 7SJ62 is illustrated in the following figure.
Figure 3-3 Front view of 7SJ62 after removal of the front cover (simplified and scaled down)
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Module Arrange-
ment 7SJ63 The following figure shows the arrangement of the modules for device 7SJ63 with
housing size 1/2. The subsequencing figure illustrates housing size 1/1.
Figure 3-4 Front view of the 7SJ63 with housing size 1/2 after removal of the front cover (simplified and scaled down)
Figure 3-5 Front view of the 7SJ635 and 7SJ636 with housing size 1/1 after removal of the front cover (simplified and
scaled down )
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Module Arrange-
ment 7SJ64 The following figure shows the arrangement of the modules for device 7SJ64 with
housing size 1/3. The subsequencin g figures illustrates housing size 1/2 and 1/1.
Figure 3-6 Front view with housing size 1/3 after removal of the front cover (simplified and scaled down)
Figure 3-7 Front view of the 7SJ64 with housing size 1/2 after removal of the front cover (simplified and scaled down)
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-8 Front view of the 7SJ645 with housing size 1/1 after removal of the front cover (simplified and scaled down)
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit Boards of Device 7SJ62
Processor Board
A–CPU for
There are two different releases available of the A–CPU board. The following figure
depicts the layout of the printed circuit board fo r th e AB-C PU boa rd for devices up to
the release 7SJ6*.../DD, the subsequencing figure for devices of release .../EE and
higher. The location and ratings of the miniature fuse (F1) and of the buffer battery
(G1) are shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-9 Processor printed circuit board A–CPU for devices up to release .../DD with jumpers settings required for
the board configuration
The provided nominal voltage of the integrated power supply is controlled according
to Table 3-2, the selected control volt ages of the binary inputs BI1 to BI7 according to
Table 3-3.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Power Supply
Table 3-2 Jumper settings for the nominal voltage of the integrated power supply on the
processor board A–CPU for 7SJ62.../DD
Pickup Voltages of
BI1 to BI3
T able 3-3 Jumper settings of control voltages of binary inputs BI1 to BI3 on the processor
board A–CPU for 7SJ62.../DD
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 1 10 VDC to 220 VDC and 1 15/230
Jumper Rated Voltage
60 to 125 VDC 110 to 250 VDC
115 VAC
24/48 VDC 230 VAC
X51 1-2 2-3 Jumpers X51 to X53 are not usedX52 1-2 and 3-4 2-3
X53 1-2 2-3
interchangeable cannot be changed
Binary Inp uts Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI1 X21 L H
BI2 X22 L H
BI3 X23 L H
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Processor Board
A–CPU for
The following figure depicts the layout of the printed circuit board for devices with
release .../EE. The location and ratings of the miniature fuse (F1) and of the buffer
battery (G1) are shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-10 Processor printed circuit board A–CPU for devices .../EE and higher with jumpers settings required for the
board configuration
The preset nominal voltage of the integrated power supply is checked according to
Table 3-4, the pickup voltages of the binary inputs BI1 to BI3 are checked according
to Table 3-5, and the contact mode of the binary outputs (BO1 and BO2) is checked
according to Table 3-6.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Power Supply
Table 3-4 Jumper settings for the nominal voltage of the integrated power supply on the
processor board A–CPU for 7SJ62.../EE
Pickup Voltages of
BI1 to BI3
Table 3-5 Jumper settings for the pickup voltages of the binary inputs BI1 to BI3 on the
processor printed circuit board A–CPU for 7SJ62.../EE
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 1 10 VDC to 220 VDC and 1 15/230
Contact Mode for
Binary Outputs
BO1 and BO2
Table 3-6 Jumper settings for the cont act mode of the binary inputs BI1 to BI3 on the pro-
cessor printed circuit board A–CPU for 7SJ62.../EE
Jumper Nominal Voltage
24/48 VDC 60 to 125 VDC 110 to 250 VDC
115 to 230 VAC
X51 Not used 1-2 2-3
X52 Not used 1-2 and 3-4 2-3
X53 Not used 1-2 2-3
cannot be changed interchangeable
Binary Inp uts Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI1 X21 L H
BI2 X22 L H
BI3 X23 L H
for Jum per Open in quiescent
state (NO) Closed in quiescent
state (NC) Presetting
BO1 X41 1-2 2-3 1-2
BO2 X42 1-2 2-3 1-2
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Input/Output Board
A–I/O-2 for 7SJ62 The layout of the printed circuit board for the input/output board A–I/O-2 is illustrated
in the following Figu re. The set nominal curr ents of the current inp ut transformers and
the selected operating voltage of binary inputs BI4 to BI11 are checked.
Figure 3-11 Input/o utput board A–I/O-2 with representation of the jumper settings required
for the board configuration
The jumpers X60 to X63 must all be set to the same rated current, i.e. one jumper (X61
to X63) for each input transformer and in addition the common jumper X60. The
jumper X64 dete rmines the rated curr ent for the inpu t IN and may thus have a settin g
that deviates from that of the phase currents. In models with sensitive ground fault
current input there is no jumper X64.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Pickup Voltages of
BI4 to BI11
Table 3-7 Jumper settings for pickup v oltages of binary inputs BI4 to BI11 on the A–I/O-
2 board
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 1 10 VDC to 220 VDC and 1 15/230
Binary Inp uts Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI4 X21 L H
BI5 X22 L H
BI6 X23 L H
BI7 X24 L H
BI8 X25 L H
BI9 X26 L H
BI10 X27 L H
BI 11 X28 L H
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit Boards of Device 7SJ63
Processor Board
B–CPU for
There are two different releases available of the B–CPU board with a different ar-
rangement and setting of the jumpers. The following figure depicts the layout of the
printed circuit board B-CPU for device s up to release .../DD. The locati on and ratings
of the miniature fuse (F1) and of the buffer battery (G1) are shown in the following
Figure 3-12 Processor printed circu it board B–CPU for devices up to release.../DD with jumpers settings required for
the board configuration
For devices up to release 7SJ63.../DD check the provided nominal voltage of the inte-
grated power supply ac co rd ing to Table 3-8, the quiescent state of the life con tact ac-
cording to Table 3-9 a nd the selected pickup voltages of the binary inputs BI1 through
BI7 according to Table 3-10.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Power Supply Ther e is no 230 V AC power supply available for 7SJ63.../DD
Table 3-8 Jumper settings for the nominal voltage of the integrated power supply on the
processor board B–CPU for 7SJ63.../DD
Live Status Contact
Table 3-9 Jumper setting for the quiescent state of the life contact on the processor
printed circuit board B-CPU for devices 7SJ63.../DD
Pickup Voltages of
BI1 to BI7
Table 3-10 Jumper settings for pickup voltages of binary inputs BI1 to BI7 on the proces-
sor printed circuit board B–CPU for 7SJ63.../DD
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 1 10 VDC to 220 VDC and 1 15 V AC
Jumper Nominal Voltage
60 to 125 V DC 110 to 250 VDC, 115 VAC 24/48 VDC
X51 1-2 2- 3 Jumpers X51 to X53 are not
X52 1-2 and 3-4 2-3
X53 1-2 2-3
interchangeable cannot be changed
Jumper Open in the quiescent
state Closed in the quiescent
state Presetting
X40 1-2 2-3 2-3
Binary Inp uts Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI1 X21 L H
BI2 X22 L H
BI3 X23 L H
BI4 X24 L H
BI5 X25 L H
BI6 X26 L H
BI7 X27 L H
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Processor Board
B–CPU for
The following figure depicts the layout of the printed circuit board for devices up to
release .../EE. The location and ratings of the miniature fuse (F1) and of the buffer
battery (G1) are shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-13 Processor printed circuit board B–CPU for devices .../EE and higher with jumpers settings required for the
board configuration
For devices up to release 7SJ63.../EE check the provided nominal voltage of the inte-
grated power supply according to Table 3-11, the quiescent state of the life co ntact ac-
cording to Table 3-12 and the selected pickup voltages of the binary inputs BI1 through
BI7 according to Table 3-13.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Power Supply
Table 3-1 1 Jumper settings for the nominal voltage of the integrated power supp ly on the
processor board B–CPU for 7SJ63.../EE
Live Status Contact
Table 3-12 Jumper setting for the quiescent state of the live st atus contact on the proces-
sor printed circuit board B-CPU for devices 7SJ63.../EE
Pickup Voltages of
BI1 to BI7
Table 3-13 Jumper settings for pickup voltages of binary inputs BI1 to BI7 on the proces-
sor printed circuit board B–CPU for 7SJ63.../EE
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 220/250 VDC and 115/230 VAC
Jumper Nominal Voltage
60/110/125 VDC 220/250 VDC
115/230 VAC
24/48 VDC
X51 1-2 2-3 1-2
X52 1-2 and 3-4 2-3 none
X53 1-2 2-3 none
interchangeable cannot be changed
Jumper Open in the quiescent
state Closed in the quiescent
state Factory Setting
X40 1-2 2-3 2-3
Binary Inp uts Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI1 X21 L H
BI2 X22 L H
BI3 X23 L H
BI4 X24 L H
BI5 X25 L H
BI6 X26 L H
BI7 X27 L H
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Input/Output Board
B I / O - 1 ( 7 S J 6 3 ) The layout of the printed circuit board for the input/output board B–I/O-1 is illustrated
in the following figure.
Figure 3-14 Input/output board B–I/O-1 with representation of the jumper settings required
for the board configuration
The set nominal curr ents of the curre nt input transformers and the selecte d operating
voltage o f binary inputs BI21 to BI24 according to Table 3-14 are checked. All jumpe rs
must be set for one nomina l current, i.e. one jumper ( X61 to X64) for each input trans-
former and additionally the common jumper X60. The jumper X64 determines the
rated current for the input IN and may thus have a setting that deviates from that of the
phase current s. In mod els with sensitive grou nd fault current input ther e is no jumper
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Pickup Voltages of
BI21 to BI24
Table 3-14 Jumper settings for the pickup vo ltages of the binary inputs BI21 through BI24
on the B–I/O-1 board
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 220/250 VDC and 115/230 VAC
Bus Address Jumpers X71, X72 and X73 on the input/output module B-I/O-1 serve to set up the
Bus Address. The jumpers must not be changed. T he following table list s the jumper
Table 3-15 Jumper Settings Input/Output Board B-I/O-1
Binary Inp uts Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI21 X21 L H
BI22 X22 L H
BI23 X23 L H
BI24 X24 L H
Jumper Housing size 1/2 and 1/1
X71 L
X72 H
X73 L
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Input/Output Board
B–I/O-2 (7SJ63) The layout of the PCB for the input/output module B–I/O–2 is illustrated in figure 3-15
Figure 3-15 Input/output board B-I/O-2 with representation of the jumper settings required
for the board configuration
The selected pickup voltages of the binary inputs BI8 to BI20, and BI25 to BI37 are
checked according to Tabl e 3-16.
Figures 3-4 and 3-5 illustrate the assignment of the binary inputs to the module slot.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Pickup Voltages of
Binary Inputs BI8 to
BI20, BI25 to BI37
Table 3-16 Jumper settings for pickup volt ages of the binary inputs BI8 to BI20 and BI25
to BI37 on the input/outp ut board B–I/O-2
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 220/250 VDC and 115/230 VAC
Bus Address Jumpers X71, X72 and X73 on the B–I/O-2 board serve to set up the Bus Address.
The jumpers must not be changed. The following table lists the jumper presettings.
Table 3-17 Jumper Settings Input/Output Board B-I/O-2
Binary Input Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
BI8 BI25 X21 1-2 2-3
BI9 BI26 X22 1-2 2-3
BI10 BI27 X23 1-2 2-3
BI 11 BI28 X24 1-2 2-3
BI12 BI29 X25 1-2 2-3
BI13 BI30 X26 1-2 2-3
BI14 BI31 X27 1-2 2-3
BI15 BI32 X28 1-2 2-3
BI16 BI33 X29 1-2 2-3
BI17 BI34 X30 1-2 2-3
BI18 BI35 X31 1-2 2-3
BI19 BI36 X32 1-2 2-3
BI20 BI37 X33 1-2 2-3
Jumper Housin g size 1/2Housing size 1/1
Mounting location
19 Mounting loc ation
33 Mounting
location 33 (lef t) Mounting
location 19 (right)
X71 1–2 1–2 1-2 1-2
X72 2–3 1–2 2-3 1-2
X73 2–3 2–3 2-3 2-3
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit Boards of Device 7SJ64
Processor Printed
Circuit Board C–
CPU-2 (7SJ64)
The layout of the printed circuit board for the C–CPU–2 board is illustrated in the fol-
lowing figure. The location and ratings of the miniature fuse (F1) and of the buffer
battery (G1) are shown in the following figure.
Figure 3-16 Processor printed circuit board C–CPU-2 with jumpers settings required for the board configuration
The set nominal vo ltage of the integrate d power supply is checked according to Table
3-18, the quiescent state of the life contact a ccording to Table 3-19 and the selected
control voltages of the binary inputs BI1 to BI5 according to Table 3-20 and the inte-
grated interface RS232 / RS485 according to Table 3-21 to 3-23.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Power Supply
Table 3-18 Jumper setting of the nominal voltage of the integrated power supply on th e C-
CPU-2 processor printed circuit board
1) 230 VAC only possible with release 7SJ64**-.../CC and higher
Live Status Contact
Table 3-19 Jumper position of the quiescent state of the live status contact on the C-CPU-
2 processor printed circuit board
Pickup Voltages of
BI1 to BI5
Table 3-20 Jumper settings of the Pickup V oltages (DC voltage) of the binary inputs BI1 to
BI5 on the C-CPU-2 processor board
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 110 to 250 VDC and 115 VAC or
115 to 230 VAC
3) Use only with picku p voltages 220 or 250 VDC
RS232/RS485 The service interface (Port C) can be converted into an RS232 or RS485 interface by
modifying the setting of the appropriate jumpers.
Jumpers X105 to X110 must be set to the same position !
The presetting of the jumpers corresponds to the configuration ordered.
Table 3-21 Jumper settings of th e integrated RS232/RS485 Interface on the C–CPU-2
With interface RS232 jumper X111 is needed to activate CTS which enables the com-
munication with the modem.
Jumper Nominal Voltage
24 to 48 VDC 60 to 125 VDC 110 to 250 VDC
115V to 230VAC 1)
X51 Not used 1-2 2-3
X52 Not used 1-2 and 3-4 2-3
X53 Not used 1-2 2-3
X55 Not used Not used 1-2
cannot be changed interchangeable
Jumper Open in the quiescent
state Closed in the quiescent
state Presetting
X40 1-2 2-3 2-3
Binary Inputs Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2) 176 VDC Pickup 3)
BI1 X21 1-2 2-3 3-4
BI2 X22 1-2 2-3 3-4
BI3 X23 1-2 2-3 3-4
BI4 X24 1-2 2-3 3-4
BI5 X25 1-2 2-3 3-4
Jumper RS232 RS485
X103 and X104 1-2 1-2
X105 to X110 1-2 2-3
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
CTS (Clear to Send)
Table 3-22 Jumper setting for CTS on the C-CPU-2 board
1) Presetting
Jumper settin g 2- 3: The co nne ctio n to the mode m is us ually established with a star
coupler or fiber-optic converter. Therefore the modem control signals according to
RS232 standard DIN 66020 are not available. Modem signals are not required since
the connection to the SIPROTEC 4 devices is always operated in the half-duplex
mode. Please use connection cable with order number 7XV5100-4
The jumper setting 2-3 is also necessary when using the RTD-box in half duplex op-
Jumper setting 1-2: This setting makes the modem signals available, i.e. for a direct
RS232 connection between the SIPROTEC 4 device and the modem this setting can
be selected optionally. We recommend to use a standard RS232 modem connection
cable (converter 9-pin to 25-pin).
For a direct connection to DIGSI with interfa ce RS2 32 ju mper X111 must be plugged
in position 2-3.
If there are no external matchin g resistors in the system, the last devices on a RS485
bus must be configured using jumpers X103 and X104.
Terminating Resis-
Table 3-23 Jumper settings of the Terminating Resistors of interface RS485 on the C-
CPU-2 processor board
Note: Both jumpers must always be plugged in the same way !
Jumper X90 has currently no function. The factory setting is 1-2.
The terminatin g re sist or s c an also be co nn ec te d ext er n ally (e .g . to the c onn ect ion
module). In this case, the terminating resistors located on the RS485 or PROFIBUS
interface module or dire ctly on the PCB of the 7SJ64 processor board C- CPU-2 must
be de-energized.
Jumper /CTS from In terface RS232 /CTS triggered by /RTS
X111 1-2 2-3 1)
Jumper Terminating resistor
closed Terminating resistor open Presetting
X103 2-3 1-2 1-2
X104 2-3 1-2 1-2
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-17 Termination of the RS485 interface (external)
Input / Output
Board C–I/O-11
Figure 3-18 C-I/O-11 input/output board with representation of jumper settings required for
checking configuration settings
The set nominal current of the current input transformers are checked on the input/out-
put board C-I/O-11. The jumpers X60 to X63 must all be set to the same rated current,
i.e. one jumper (X61 to X63) fo r each input transformer of the phase currents and in
addition the common jumper X60. The jumper X64 determines the rated current for
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
the input IN and may thus have a setting that devia tes from that of the phase currents.
In models with sensitive ground fault current input there is no jumper X64.
For normal ground current inputs the jumper X65 is plugged in position „IE“ and for
sensitive ground curr ent inputs in position „IEE“.
Pickup Voltages of
BI6 to BI7
Table 3-24 Jumper settings for Pickup Voltages of the binary inputs BI6 and BI7 on the in-
put/output board C-I/O-11
1) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 110 to 250 VDC and 115 VAC or
115 to 230 VAC
3) Use only with pickup voltages 220 or 250 VDC
Jumpers X71, X72 and X73 on the input/output board C-I/O-1 1 are used to set the bus
address and must not be changed. The following table lists the jumper presettings.
Mounting loc at ion :
with housing size 1/3Serial no. 2 in Figure 3-6, slot 19
with housing size 1/2Serial no. 2 in Figure 3-7, slot 33
with housing size 1/1Serial no. 2 in Figure 3-8, slot 33 on right side
Bus Address
Table 3-25 Jumper Settings of Bus Addre sses of Input/Output Board C–I/O-11 for 7SJ64
Binary Input Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup
2) 176 VDC Pickup
BI6 X21 L M H
BI7 X22 L M H
Jumper Presetting
X71 1-2 (H)
X72 1-2 (H)
X73 2-3 (L)
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Input/Output Board
B-I/O-2 (7SJ64) The layout of the PCB for the input/output module B–I/O–2 is illustrated in figure 3-19.
Figure 3-19 Input/output board B-I/O-2 with representation of the jumper settings required
for the board configuration
The selected pickup voltages of the binary inputs BI8 to BI20 (with housing size 1/2)
are checked according to Table 3- 26. BI8 to BI33 (with housing size 1/1) are checked
according to Table 3-27.
Figures 3-7 and 3-8 illustrate the assignment of the binary inputs to the module slot.
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Pickup Voltages of
BI8 to BI20 for
Table 3-26 Jumper settings for the pickup volt ages of the binary inputs BI8 to BI20 on the
B–I/O-2 board for model 7SJ642*-... (housi ng size 1/2)
1) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 110 to 220 VDC and 115 VAC or
115 to 230 VAC
Pickup Voltages of
BI8 to BI33 for
Table 3-27 Jumper settings for the pickup volt ages of the binary inputs BI8 to BI33 on the
B–I/O-2 board for model 7SJ645*-... (housi ng size 1/1)
1) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with power supply voltages of 110 to 220 VDC and 115 VAC or
115 to 230 VAC
Jumpers X71, X72 and X73 on the input/output module B-I/O-2 serve to set up the
Bus Address. The jumpers must not be changed. The following two tables list the
jumper presettings.
Binary Inputs Jumper 19 VDC Picku p 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
Slot 19
BI8 X21 1-2 2-3
BI9 X22 1-2 2-3
BI10 X23 1-2 2-3
BI 11 X24 1-2 2-3
BI12 X25 1-2 2-3
BI13 X26 1-2 2-3
BI14 X27 1-2 2-3
BI15 X28 1-2 2-3
BI16 X29 1-2 2-3
BI17 X30 1-2 2-3
BI18 X31 1-2 2-3
BI19 X32 1-2 2-3
BI20 X33 1-2 2-3
Binary Inputs Jumper 19 VDC Pickup 1) 88 VDC Pickup 2)
Slot 33 lef t
side Slot 19 right
BI8 BI21 X21 1-2 2-3
BI9 BI22 X22 1-2 2-3
BI10 BI23 X23 1-2 2-3
BI11 BI24 X24 1-2 2-3
BI12 BI25 X25 1-2 2-3
BI13 BI26 X26 1-2 2-3
BI14 BI27 X27 1-2 2-3
BI15 BI28 X28 1-2 2-3
BI16 BI29 X29 1-2 2-3
BI17 BI30 X30 1-2 2-3
BI18 BI31 X31 1-2 2-3
BI19 BI32 X32 1-2 2-3
BI20 BI33 X33 1-2 2-3
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The mounting locations are shown in Figures 3-7 and 3-8.
Bus Addresses
Table 3-28 Jumper settings of the Bus Addresses of the input/output modules B-I/O-2 for
7SJ64 housing size 1/2
Table 3-29 Jumper settings of the Bus Addresses of the input/output boards B-I/O-2 for
7SJ64 housing size 1/1
Jumper Mo un ting Location
Slot 19
X71 1-2
X72 2-3
X73 1-2
Jumper Mounting Location
Slot 19 right side Slot 33 left side
X71 1-2 2-3
X72 2-3 1-2
X73 1-2 1-2
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Input / Output
Board C–I/O-1
(7 S J64 )
Figure 3-20 Input/output board C-I/O-1 with representation of the jumper settings re quired
for the board configuration
The selected control voltages of binary inputs BI8 to BI15 are checked according to
Table 3-30. Jumper settings for the contact mode of binary output BO6 are checked
according to Table 3-31.
Figure 3-7 illustrates the assignment of the binary inputs to the mounting location.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Pickup Voltages of
BI8 to BI15 for
Table 3-30 Jumper settings for the pickup voltages of th e binary input s BI8 to BI1 5 on the
C–I/O-1 board for model 7SJ641*-
1) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 24 VDC to 125 VDC
2) Factory settings for devices with powe r sup ply voltages of 110 to 220 VDC and 115 VAC or
115 to 230 VAC
3) Use only with picku p voltages 220 or 250 VDC
Contact Mode With models 7SJ641 binary output BO6 can be changed from normally open to nor-
mally closed operation. The following table sh ows the setting of jumper X40 r egarding
the contact mode.
Table 3-31 Jumper settings for contact mode of the binary output BO6 on the C–I/O-1
PCB Addresses Jumpers X71, X72 and X73 on the input/output board C-I/O-1 are used to set the bus
address and must not be changed. The following table lists the jumper presettings.
The slots of the boards are shown in Figure 3-7.
Table 3-32 Jumper Settings of Mod ule Add resses of C–I/O-1 board for 7SJ64
Binary Inputs Jumper 19 VDC Pickup
1) 88 VDC Pickup
2) 176 VDC Pickup 3)
BI8 X21/X22 L M H
BI9 X23/X24 L M H
BI10 X25/X26 L M H
BI11 X27/X28 L M H
BI12 X29/X30 L M H
BI13 X31/X32 L M H
BI14 X33/X34 L M H
BI15 X35/X36 L M H
Jumper Open in quiescent state
(NO) Closed in quiescent state
(NC) Presetting
X40 1-2 2-3 1-2
Jumper Presetting
X71 H
X72 L
X73 H
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Interface Modules
Exchanging Inter-
face Modules The following figure shows the processor board CPU and arrangement of the mod-
Figure 3-21 Processo r board CPU with interface modules
The interface modules ar e located on the pro cessor printed cir cuit boards CPU ( No.1
in Figure 3-3 to 3-8) of the devices 7SJ62/63/64.
Please note the following:
Only interface modules of devices for panel and cubicle flush mounting as well as
of mounting devices with det ached operator panel or without operator p anel are re-
placeable. Interface modules of devices in surf ace mounting housings with two-tier
terminals must be exchanged in our manufacturing centre.
Use only interface modules that can be ordered in our facilities (see also Appendix
For interfaces with bus capability, ensure that the bus termination is correct (if ap-
plicable); see margin heading „Termination“.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 3-33 Exchan geable interface modules
1) for 7SJ64 Port C / service port is fix, it is not a plug-in module
The order numb ers of the exchange modules can be found in the Appendix in Section
A.1, Accessories.
RS232 Interface Interface RS232 can be modified to interfac e RS485 and vice versa (see Figures 3-22
and 3-23).
Figure 3-21 shows the printed circuit board C–CPU and the interface modules.
The following figure shows the location of the jumpers of interface RS232 o n the inter-
face module.
Devices in surface mounting housing with fiber optics connection have their fiber
optics module housed in the console housing. The fiber optics module is controlled via
a RS232 interface module at the associated CPU interface slot. For this application
type the jumpers X12 and X13 on the RS232 module are plugged in position 2-3.
Interface Moun t ing Location / Port Exchange Module
System Interf ace
(7SJ62/63/64) B
FO 820 nm
Profibus FMS RS485
Profibus FMS double ring
Profibus FMS single ring
Profibus DP RS485
Profibus DP double ring
Modbus RS485
Modbus 820 nm
DNP 3.0 RS 485
DNP 3.0 820 nm
IEC 61850, Ethernet elec trical
DIGSI / Modem Interface /
RTD-box (7SJ62/63) 1) CRS232
FO 820 nm
Additional Interface / RTD-
box (7SJ64) DRS485
FO 820 nm
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-22 Location of the jumpers for configuration of RS232
Terminating resistors are not required. They are permanently disconnected.
Jumper X11 enables the CTS feature (Cl ear to Send - flow control) , which is impor-
tant for modem communication.
Table 3-34 Jumper setting for CTS (Clear to Send) on the interface module
1) Default setting
Jumper setting 2-3: The connection to the modem is usually established with star
coupler or fiber-optic converter. Therefore the modem control signals according to
RS232 standard DIN 66020 are not available. Modem signals are not required since
the connection to the SIPROTEC 4 devices is always operated in the half-duplex
mode. Please use connection cable with order number 7XV5100-4.
Jumper setting 2-3 is equally re quired when using th e RTD bo xes in half-du plex oper-
Jumper setting 1-2: This sett ing makes the modem sig nals available, i. e. for a direct
RS232 connection between the SIPROTEC 4 device and the modem. This setting can
be selected optionally. We recommend to use a standard RS232 modem connection
cable (converter 9-pin to 25-pin).
For a direct connection to DIGSI with interface RS232, jumper X11 must be plugged
in position 2-3.
RS485 Interface The following figure shows the location of the jumpers of interface RS485 on the inter-
face module.
Interface RS485 can be modified to interface RS232 and vice versa, according to
Figure 3- 22 .
Jumper /CTS from interface RS23 2 /CTS controlled by /RTS
X11 1-2 2-31)
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-23 Position of terminating resistors and the plug-in jumpers for configuration of the
RS485 interface
Profibus (FMS/DP)
Figure 3-24 Position of the plug-in jumpers for the configuration of the terminating resistors at the Profibus (FMS and
DP), DNP 3.0 and Modbus interfaces.
IEC 61850 Ethernet
(EN 100) The interface module does not feature any jump ers. Its use does not require any har d-
ware adaptations.
Termination For bus-cap able interfaces a termination is necessa ry at the bus for each last device,
i.e. termination resistors must be connected. With 7SJ62/63/64, this applies to vari-
ants with an RS485 or Profibus interface.
The terminating resistors are located on th e RS485 o r Profibus interface module that
is mounted to the processor input/output board CPU (serial no. 1 in Figures 3-3 to 3-8).
With default setting the jumpers are set such that the termination resistors are discon-
nected. Both jumpers of a board must always be plugged in the same way.
The terminating resistors can also be connected externally (e.g. to the terminal block),
see Figure 3-17. In th is case, the terminating resistors located on the RS485 or
PROFIBUS interface module must be switched off.
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Reassembly
To reassemb le th e de vice , pr oc ee d as follows:
Carefully insert the boards into the case. The mounting locations are shown in
Figures 3-3 to 3-8. For the model of the device designed for surface mounting, use
the metal lever to insert the processor circuit board CPU board. The installation is
easier with the lever.
First plug the plug connectors of the ribbon cable into the input/output boards I/O
and then onto the processor module CPU. Do not bend any connector pins ! Do not
use force !
Insert the plug connector of the ribbon c ab le be tw ee n th e pr ocessor module CPU
and the front cover into the socket of the front cover. This action does not apply to
the device version with det ached opera tor panel . Instead the plug conne ctor of the
ribbon cable connected to a 68-pole plug connector on the rear side of the device
must be plugged into th e plug connector of the processor circuit board CPU. The 7-
pole X16 connector belonging to the ribbon cable must be plugged behind the D-
subminiature female connector. The plugging position is not rele vant in this context
as the connection is protected against polarity reversal.
Press the latches of the plug connectors together.
Replace the front cover and secure to the housing with the screws.
Mount the covers.
Re-fasten the interfaces on the rear of the device housing. This activity is not nec-
essary if the device is designed for surface mounting.
3.1.3 Installation Panel Flush Mounting
Depending on the version, the device housing can be 1/3, 1/2 or 1/1. For housing size
1/3 or 1/2 (Figure 3-25 an d Figure 3-26) there are 4 covers and 4 holes for securi ng the
device, with housing size 1/1 (Figure 3-27) there are 6 covers and 6 securing holes.
Remove th e 4 covers at the corner s of the front cove r, fo r size 1/1 the 2 covers
located centrally at the top and bottom also have to be removed. Thus the 4 re spec-
tively 6 elongated h oles in th e mounting flang e are reve aled and can b e a ccessed.
Insert the device into the panel cut-out and fasten it with four or six screws. For di-
mensions refer to Section 4.26.
Mount the four or six covers.
Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the
panel. Usin g at least one M4 screw. The cross-section of the line, here used, must
correspond to the maximal connected cross-section, at least 2.5 mm2.
Connections use the pl ug plug ter minals or scre w term inal s on the re ar side of the
device in accordance to the circuit diagram. When using forked lugs for direct con-
nections or screw terminal, the screws, before having inserted the lugs and wires,
must be tightened in such a way that the screw heads are even with the terminal
block. A ring lug must be centered in the connection cham b er, in such a way that
the screw threa d fits in the hole of the lug. The SIPROTEC 4 System Description
provides information on wire size, lugs, bending radii, etc. which must be observed.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-25 Panel flush mounting of a 7SJ62 and 7SJ640 (housing size 1/3), as example
Figure 3-26 Panel flush mounting of a 7SJ632 and 7SJ641 (housing size 1/2), as exam pl e
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-27 Panel flush mounting of a 7SJ635 and 7SJ645 (housing size 1/1). as example Rack Mounting and Cubicle Mounting
To install the device in a rack or cubicle, two mounting brackets are required. The or-
dering codes are stated in Appendix, Section A.1
For housing size 1/3 ( Figure 3-28) and 1/2 (Figure 3-29) there are 4 covers and 4 holes
for securing the device, with housing size 1/1 (Figure 3-30) there are 6 covers and 6
securing holes.
Loosely screw the two mounting brackets in the rack or cubicle with four screws.
Remove th e 4 covers at the corner s of the front cove r, fo r size 1/1 the 2 covers
located centrally at the top and bottom also have to be removed. Thus the 4 re spec-
tively 6 elongated h oles in th e mounting flang e are reve aled and can b e a ccessed.
Fasten th e de vice t o the mo un tin g brackets with four or six screws.
Mount the four or six covers.
Tighten the mounting brackets to the rack or cubicle using eight screws.
Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the
panel. Usin g at least one M4 screw. The cross-section of the line, here used, must
correspond to the maximum connected cross-section, at least 2.5 mm2.
Connections use the plug terminals or screw terminals on the rear side of the device
in accordance to the circuit diagram. When using forked lugs for direct connections
or screw terminal, the screws, before having inserted the lugs and wires, must be
tightened in such a way that the screw heads are even with the terminal block. A
ring lug must be centered in the connection cha mber, in such a way that the screw
thread fit s in the ho le of the lug . The SIPROTEC 4 System Description provide s in-
formation on wire size, lugs, bending radii, etc. which must be observed.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-28 Installing a 7SJ62 and 7SJ640 in a rack or cubicle (housing size 1/3), as example
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-29 Installing a 7SJ632 and 7SJ641 in a rack or cubicle (housing size 1/2), as
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-30 In stalling a 7SJ635 an d 7SJ645 in a rack or cubicle (housing size 1/1), as example Panel Surface Mounting
For installation proceed as follows:
Screw down the device to the panel with four screws. For dimensions see for the
Technical Data, Section 4.26.
Connect the ground terminal of the device with the protective g round of the control
panel. The cross-se ction of the line, here used, must correspond to the maximum
connected cross-section, at least 0.10 in2.
Connect solid, low-impedance operational grounding (cross-sectional area = 0.10
in2) to the grounding surface o n the side. Use at lea st one M4 screw for the device
Connections according to the circuit diagram via screw terminals, connections for
optical fibres and electrica l communication modules via the inclined housings. The
SIPROTEC 4 System Description has pertinent information regarding wire size,
lugs, bending radii, etc.
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Mounting with Detached Operator Panel
Be careful when removing or plugging the connector between dev ice and de-
tached operator panel
Non–observance of the followi ng measure can result in property damage. Without the
cable the device is not re ad y fo r op er at ion !
Do never pull or plug the connector between the device and the detached operator
panel during operation while the device is alive!
For mounting the device proceed as follo ws:
Fasten device of housing size 1/2 with 6 screws and device of housin g size 1/1 wi th
10 screws. For dimensions see for the Technic al Data, Sectio n 4.2 6 .
Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the
panel. Usin g at least one M4 screw. The cross-section of the line, here used, must
correspond to the maximum connected cross-section, at least 2.5 mm2.
Connections are rea lized via the pl ug terminals o r screw terminals on the rear side
of the device in accordance to the circuit diagram. When using forked lugs for direct
connections or screw terminal, the screws, before having inserted the lugs and
wires, must be tightened in such a way that the screw heads are even with the ter-
minal block. A ring lug must be center ed in the conn ection chamber, in such a way
that the screw thread fits in the hole of the lug. The SIPROTEC 4 System Descrip-
tion provides information on wire size, lugs, bending radii, etc. which must be ob-
For mounting the operator panel please observe the following:
Remove the 4 covers on the corners of the front plate. Thus, 4 respectively elongat-
ed holes in the mounting bracket are revealed and can be accessed.
Insert the operator panel into the panel cut-out and fasten with four screws. For di-
mensions see Technical Data.
Replace the 4 covers.
Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the
panel. Usin g at least one M4 screw. The cross-section of the line, here used, must
correspond to the maximum connected cross-section, at least 2.5 mm2.
Connect the operator panel to the device. Furthermore, plug the 68-pin connector
of the cable belonging to the operator panel into the corresponding connection at
the rear side of the device (see SIPROTEC 4 System Description).
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015 Mounting without Operator Panel
For mounting the device proceed as follows:
Fasten device of h ousing size 1/2 with 6 screws a nd device of ho using size 1/1 with
10 screws. For dimensions see for the Technical Data, Section 4.26.
Connect the ground on the rear plate of the device to the protective ground of the
panel. Using at least one M4 screw. The cross-section of the line , here used, must
correspond to the maximum connected cross-section, at least 2.5 mm2.
Connections are r ealized via the plug terminals or screw terminals on th e rear side
of the device in accordance to the circuit diagram. When using forked lugs for direct
connections or screw terminal, the screws, before having inserted the lugs and
wires, must be tightened in such a way that the screw heads are even with the ter-
minal block. A ring lug m ust be centere d in the connection ch amber, in such a way
that the screw thread fits in the hole of the lug. The SIPROTEC 4 System Descrip-
tion provides information on wire size, lugs, bending radii, etc. which must be ob-
For mounting the D-subminiature connector of the dongle cable please observe
the following:
Plug the 9-pin connector of the dongle cable with the connecting parts into the
control panel or the cubicle door according to the following figure. For dimensions
of the panel flush or cubicle door cutout see Technical Data, Section 4.26.
Plug the 68-pin connector of the cable into the corresponding connection at the rear
side of the device.
Be careful with pulling or plugging the dongle cable
Non–observance of the following measures can result in minor personal injury or prop-
erty damage :
Never pull or plug the dongle cable while the device is alive! Without the cable the
device is not ready for operation!
The connector of the do ngle cable at the devi ce must always be plugge d in during op-
3.1 Mounting an d Co nn ections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-31 Plugging the subminiature connector of the dongle cable into the control panel
or cabinet door (example housing size 1/2)
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.2 Checking Connections
3.2.1 Checking Data Connections of Serial Interfaces
Pin Assignments The following tables illustrate the pin assignment s of the various serial device interfac-
es and of the time synchronization interface. The position of the connections can be
seen in the following figure.
Figure 3-32 9-pin D-subminiature female con nectors
Figure 3-33 Ethernet connection
Operator Interface When the recommended communication cable is used, correct connection between
the SIPROTEC 4 device and the PC is automatically ensured. See the Appendix fo r
an ordering description of the cable.
Ser vic e In ter fac e Check the data connection if the service (port C) is used to communicate with the
device via fix wiring or a modem. If the service port is used as input for one or two RTD-
boxes, verify the interconnection accordin g to one of the connection exam p l es given
in the Appendix A.3.
S y s t e m I n t e r f a c e When a serial interface of the device is connected to a central substation control
system, the data con nection must be checked. A visual check of the transmit channel
and the receive channel is import ant. With RS232 and fiber optic interfaces, each con-
nection is dedicated to one transmission direction. Th erefore the output of one device
must be connected to the input of the other device and vice versa.
3.2 Checking Connections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
With data cables, the connections are designate d according to DIN 66020 and ISO
TxD = Data output
RxD = Data input
= Request to send
= Clear to send
GND = Signal/Chassis Ground
The cable shield is to be grounded at both ends. For extremely EMC-prone environ-
ments, the GND may be connected via a separate individually shielded wire pair to
improve immunity to interference.
Additional Interface
(only 7SJ64) The additional interface available only for 7SJ64 (port D) serves for signal injection of
one or two RTD-boxes. The connection is performed according to one of the connec-
tion examples given in the Appendix A.3.
Table 3-35 Assi gnments of the connectors to the various interfaces
1) Pin 7 also carries the RTS signal with RS232 level when operated as RS485 Interface. Pin 7
must therefore not be connected!
Termination The RS485 interface is capable of half-duplex service with the signals A/A' and B/B'
with a common relative potential C/C' (GND). Verify that only the last device on the bus
has the terminating resistors conne cted, and that the other devices on the bus do not.
The jumpers for the terminating resistors are on the interface module RS485 (see
Figure 3-22) or on the Profibu s RS485 (see Figure 3-24) or with the 7SJ64 directly on
the C–CPU-2 (see Figur e 3-16 and Table 3-23). The terminating re sistors can also be
connected externally (e.g. to the connection module as illustrated in Figure 3-17). In
this case, the terminating resistors located on the module must be disconnected.
If the bus is extended, make sure again that only the last device on the bus has the
terminating resistors switched-in, and that all other devices on the bus do not.
Time Synchroniza-
tion Interface It is optionally possible to process 5 V-, 12 V- or 24 V- time synchronization signals,
provided that they are carried to the inputs named in the following table.
Pin No. RS232 RS485 PROFIBUS FMS Slave,
RS485 Modbus RS485 Ethernet
EN 100
RS485 DNP3.0 RS485
1 Shield (with shield ends electrically connected) Tx+
2RxD Tx
3 TxD A/A’ (RxD/TxD-N) B/B’ (RxD/TxD-P) A Rx+
4 CNTR-A (TTL) RTS (TTL level)
5 GND C/C’ (GND) C/C’ (GND) GND1
6 +5 V (max. load < 100 mA) VCC1 Rx–
7RTS 1) ––
B/B’ (RxD/TxD-P) A/A’ (RxD/TxD-N) B
9 not available
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table 3-36 D-SUB socket assignment of the time synchronization interface
1) assigned, but not used
O p t i cal Fiber s
Laser injection!
Do not look directly into the fiber-optic elements!
Signals transmitted via optical fibers are unaffected by interference. The fibers guar-
antee electrical isolation between the connections. T ran smit and receive connectio ns
are represented by symbols.
The character id le state fo r the optical fibe r interface is „Light of f“. If the character idle
state is to be changed, use the o perating prog ram DIGSI, as described in the SIPRO-
TEC 4 System Description.
RTD-Box (Resis-
tance Temperature
If one or two 7X V566 temperature meters are connected, check their connections to
the port (port C or D).
Verify also the termination: The terminating resistors must be connected to
7SJ62/63/64 (see margin heading „Termination“).
For further information refer to the operating manual of 7XV566. Check the transmis-
sion settings at the temperature meter. Besides the baudrate and the parity observe
also the bus number.
For connection of RTD-box(es) proceed as follows:
For connection of 1 RTD-box 7XV566: bus number = 0 (to be set at 7XV566).
For connection of 2 RTD-boxes 7XV566: bus number = 1 for the 1st RTD-box (to
be set at 7XV566 for RTD 1 to 6), bus number = 2 for the 2nd RTD-box (to be set
at 7XV566 for RTD 7 to 12).
Please observe that detector input 1 (RTD1) of the first RTD-box is assigned for
ambient or coolant temperature of the overload protection.
Pin No. D escription Signal Meaning
1 P24_TSIG Input 24 V
2 P5_TSIG Input 5 V
3 M_TSIG Return Line
1) 1)
5 SHIELD Shield Pote ntial
7 P12_TSIG Input 12 V
1) Input 24 V 1)
9 SHIELD Shield Pote ntial
3.2 Checking Connections
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.2.2 Checking System Connections
Warning of dangerous volt ages
Non-observan ce of the foll owing measures c an result in death, personal injury or sub-
stantial pr operty damage.
Therefore, only qualified people who are familiar with and adhere to the safety proce-
dures and precautionar y measures should perform the inspection steps.
Take care when operating the device without a battery on a battery charger
Non-observance of the following measures can lead to unusually high voltages and
consequently, the destruction of the device.
Do not operate the device on a battery charger without a connected battery. (For limit
values see also Technical Data, Section 4.1).
If undervolt age protection is configure d and en abled in the de vice and if, at th e same
time, the current criterion is disabled, the device picks up right after auxiliary voltage
has been connected, since no measuring voltage is available. To make the device con-
figurable, pickup is to be stopped, i.e. the measuring voltage is connected or voltage
protection is blocked. This can performed by operation.
Before the device is energized for the first time, it should be in the final operating en-
vironment for at least 2 hours to equalize the temperature, to minimize humidity and
to avoid condensation. Connections are checked with the device at its final location.
The plant must first be switched off and grounded.
Proceed as follows in order to check the system connections:
Protective switches for the power supply and the measured voltages must be
Check the continuity of all current and volt age transformer conne ctions against the
system and connection diagr ams:
Are the current transformers grounded properly?
Are the polarities of the current transformers the same?
Is the phase relationship of the current transformers correct?
Are the voltage transformers grounded properly?
Are the polarities of the voltage transformers correct?
Is the phase relationship of the voltage transformers correct?
Is the polarity for current input I4 correct (if used)?
Is the polarity for voltage input V4 correct (only with 7SJ64 and if used, e.g. for
broken delta winding or busbar voltage)?
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Check the functions of all test switches that are installed for the purposes of sec-
ondary testing and isolatio n of the device. Of particular import ance are „test switch-
es “ in curren t tr ansformer circuits. Be sure these switches short-circuit the curre nt
transformers when they are in the test mode.
The short-circuit feat ure of the current circuit s of the device are to be checked. This
may be performed with an o hmme ter or other test equ ipment for ch eckin g contin u-
ity. Make sure that terminal continuity is not wrongly simulated in reverse direction
via current transformers or their short-circuiters.
Remove the front panel of the device
Remove the ribbon cable connected to the I/O board with the measure d current
inputs (on the front side it is the ri ght printed circuit boa rd). Furthermore, remove
the printed circuit board so that there is no more con tact anymore with the plug-
in terminal of the housing.
At the terminals of the device, check continuity for each p air of terminals tha t re-
ceives current from the CTs.
Firmly re-insert the I/O board. Carefully connect the ribbon cable. Do not bend
any connector pins ! Do not use force !
At the terminals of the device, again check continuity for each pair of terminals
that receives current from the CTs.
Attach the front panel and tighten the screws.
Connect an ammeter in the supply circuit of the power supply. A range of about 2.5
A to 5 A for the meter is appropriate.
Switch on m.c.b. for auxiliary voltage (supply protection), check the voltage level
and, if applicable, the polarity of the voltage at the device terminals or at the con-
nection modules.
The current input shou ld correspond to the power input in neutral position of the
device. The measured steady state current should be insig nificant. Transient move-
ment of the ammeter merely indicates the charging curren t of capacitors.
Remove the voltage from the power supply by opening the protective switches.
Disconnect the measuring test equipment; restore the normal power supply con-
Apply voltage to the power supp ly.
Close the protective switches for the voltage transformers.
Verify that the voltage phase rotation at the device terminals is correct.
Open the protective switches for the voltage transformers and the power supply.
Check the trip and close circuits to the power system circuit breakers.
Verify that the control wiring to and from other devices is correct.
Check the signalling connections.
Close the protective switches.
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.3 Commissioning
Warning of dangerous voltages when operating an electrical device
Non-observan ce of the foll owing measures c an result in death, personal injury or sub-
stantial pr operty damage.
Only qualified people sh all work on a nd around this device. They must b e thorough ly
familiar with all warnings and safety notices in this instruction manual as well as with
the applicable safety steps, safety regulations, and precautionary measures.
The device is to be grounded to the substation ground before any other connections
are made.
Hazardous voltages can exist in the power supply and at the connections to current
transformers, volt age transformers, and test circuits.
Hazardous vo ltages can b e present in the device even afte r the power supply volt age
has been removed (capacitors can still be charged).
After removing voltage from the power supply, wait a minimum of 10 seconds before
re-energizing the power supply. This wait allows the initial conditions to be firmly es-
tablished before the device is re-energized.
The limit values given in Technical Data (Chapter 4) must not be exceeded, neither
during testin g no r durin g comm is sion in g.
When testing the de vice with secondary test equipment, make sure that no other mea-
surement quantities are connected and that the trip and close circuits to the circuit
breakers an d ot he r pr im ar y switch e s are disconnected from the device.
Hazardous voltages during inte rrupt ions in s eco nda ry circuits of current trans -
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury
or substantial property damage.
Short-circuit the current transformer secondary circui t s before curr ent connections to
the device are opened.
Switching operations have to be carried out during commissioning. A prerequisite for
the prescribed tests is that these switching op er a tion s ca n be ex e cu ted wi th out
danger. They are accordingly not meant for operational checks.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Warning of dangers evolving from improper primary tests
Non-observance of the following m easures can result in death, personal injury or sub-
stantial property damage.
Primary tests are only allowed to be carr ied out by qualified personn el, who are famil-
iar with the commiss ion i ng of pr ot ect ion syste m s, th e op er a tion of th e pla nt and the
safety rules and regulations (switching, grounding, etc.).
3.3.1 Test Mode and Transmission Block
Activation and De-
activation If the device is connected to a central or main computer system via the SCADA inter-
face, then the information that is transmitte d ca n be influen ce d. This is only possib le
with some of the protocols available (see Table „Protocol-dependent functions“ in the
Appendix A.6).
If Test mode is set ON, then a message sent by a SIPROTEC 4 device to the main
system has an additional test bit. This bit allows the message to be recognized as r e-
sulting from testing and not an actual fault or p ower system event. Furthermore it can
be determin ed by activating th e Transmission block that no annunciations a t all are
transmitted via the system interface during te st mode.
The SIPROTEC 4 System Description describes in detail how to activate and deacti-
vate test mode and blocked data transmission. Note that when DIGSI is being used,
the program must be in the Online operating mode for the test features to be used.
3.3.2 Checking the System (SCADA) Interface
Prefacing Remarks If the device features a system interface and uses it to communicate with the control
center, the DIGSI device operation can be used to test if messages are transmitted
correctly. This test option should however definitely not be used while the device is in
service on a live system.
Danger evolving from operating the equipment (e.g. circuit breakers, discon-
nectors) by means of the test function
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury
or substantial property damage.
Equipment used to allow switching such as circuit breakers or disconnectors is to be
checked only during commissioning. Do not under any circumstances check them by
means of the test function during real operation by transmitting or receiving messages
via the system interface.
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
After termination of the system interface test the device will reboot. Thereby , all annun-
ciation buffers are erased. If required, these buffers should be extracted with DIGSI
prior to the test.
The interface test is carried out using DIGSI in the Online operating mode:
Open the Online directory by double-clicking; the operating functions for the device
Click on Test; the function selection appears in the right half of the screen.
Double-c lick on Generate Annunciations shown in the list view. The dialog box
Generate Annunciations opens (refer to the following figure).
Structure of the
Test Dialog Box In the colum n Indication the display texts of all indications are displayed which were
allocated to th e system interface in the matrix. In the column SETPOINT Status the
user has to define the value for the messages to be tested. Depending on annuncia-
tion type, several input fields ar e offered (e.g. message „ON“ / message „OFF“). By
clicking on one of the fields you can select the desire d value from the pull-do wn menu.
Figure 3-34 System interface test with dialog box: Generate an nunciations — example
Changing the Oper-
ating State When clicking one of the buttons in the column Action for the first time, you will be
prompted for the p asswor d no. 6 (fo r hardware test men us). Af ter corr ect entr y of the
password, individual annunciations can be initiated. To do so, click on the button Send
on the corr esponding line. The correspondi ng message is issued and can be read out
either from the event log of the SIPROTEC 4 device or from the substation control
As long as the window is open, further tests can be performed.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Test in Message Di-
rection For all information that is transmitted to the central station, test the options in the list
which appears in SETPOINT Status:
Make sure that each checking proces s is carrie d out car efully withou t caus ing any
danger (see above and refer to DANGER!)
Click on Send in the functio n to be tested and check whether the transmitted infor-
mation reaches the ce ntral station and show s the desired reactio n. Data which are
normally linked via binary inputs (first characte r „>“) are likewise indicated to the
central power system with this procedure. The function of the binary inputs itself is
tested separately.
Exiting the Test
Mode To end the System Interface Test, click on Close. The device is briefly out of service
while the start-up routine is executed. The dialog box closes.
Test in Command
Direction The information transmitted in command direction must be indicated by the central
station. Check whether the reaction is correct.
3.3.3 Checking the Status of Binary Inputs and Outputs
Prefacing Remarks The binary inputs, outputs, and LEDs of a SIPROTEC 4 device can be individually and
precisely controlled in DIGSI. This feature is used to verify control wiring from the
device to plant equipment (operational checks), during commissioning. This test
option should however definitely not be used while the device is in service on a live
Danger evolving from operating the equipment (e.g. circuit breakers, discon-
nectors) by means of the test function
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury
or substantial property damage.
Equipment used to allow switching such as circuit breakers or disconnectors is to be
checked only during commissioning. Do not under any circumstances check them by
means of the test function during real operation by transmitting or receiving messages
via the system interface.
After finishing the hardware test, the device will make an initial st artup. Thereby , all an-
nunciation buffers are erased. If required, these buffers should be extracted with
DIGSI prior to the test.
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The hardware test can be carried out using DIGSI in the Online operating mode:
Open the Online directory by double-clicking; the operating functions for the device
Click on Test; the function selection appears in the right half of the screen.
Double-click in the list view on Hardware Test. The dialog box of the same name
opens (see the following figure).
Structure of the
Test Dialog Box The dialog box is classified into three groups: BI for binary inputs, REL for output
relays, and LED for light-emitting diodes. On the left of each of these groups is an ac-
cordingly labelle d button. By double-clickin g a button, inform ation regarding the asso -
ciated group can be shown or hidden.
In the column Status the present (physical) state of the hardware component is dis-
played. Indication is made by symb ols. The physical actual st ates of the binary inpu ts
and output s are indicated by an open or closed switch symbo l, the LEDs by a dark or
illuminated LED symbol.
The opposite state of each element is displayed in the column Scheduled. The display
is made in plain text.
The right-most co lumn indicates the commands or messages that are configured
(masked) to the hardware components.
Figure 3-35 Test of the bina ry inputs and outputs — example
Changing the Oper-
ating State To change the condition of a ha rdware component, click on the associated button in
the Scheduled column.
Password No. 6 (if activated during configuration) will be requested before the first
hardware modification is allowed. After entry of the correct password a condition
change will be executed. Further condition changes remain possible while the dialog
box is open.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Test of the Output
Relays Each individual o utput relay can be energized allowing a check of the wiring between
the output relay of the 7SJ62/63/64 and the plant, without having to generate the
message that is assign ed to the relay. As soon as the first change of st ate for any one
of the output relays is initiated, all output relays are sepa rated from the internal device
functions, and can only be operated by the hardware test function. This means, that
e.g. a TRIP command coming from a protection function or a control command from
the operator panel to an output relay cannot be executed.
Proceed as follows in order to check the output relay :
Ensure that the switching of the output relay can be executed without danger (see
above under DANGER!).
Each output relay must be tested via the corresponding Scheduled-cell in the
dialog box.
Finish the testing (see margin title below „Exiting the Test Mode“), so that during
further testings no unwanted switchings are initiated.
Test of the Binary
Inputs To test the wiring between the plant and the binary input s of the 7SJ62/63/64 th e con-
dition in the plant which initiates the binar y input must be generated and the respon se
of the device checked.
To do so, the dialog box Hardware Test must again be opened to view the physical
state of the binary inputs. The password is not yet required.
Proceed as follows in order to check the binary inputs:
Each state in the plant which causes a bin a ry input to pick up must be generated .
Check the reaction in the Status column of the dialog box. To do this, the dialog box
must be updated. The optio ns may be found belo w under the margin headi ng „Up-
dating the Display“.
Finish the testing (see margin heading below „Exiting the Test Mode“).
If ,however, the effect of a binary input must be checked without carrying out any
switching in the plant, it is possible to trigger individual binary inputs with the hardware
test function. As soon as the first sta te change of any binary input is trigger ed and the
password No. 6 h as been entered , a ll bina ry inputs are separated from the plant and
can only be activated via the hardware test function.
Test of the LEDs The LEDs may be tested in a similar manner to the other input/output component s. As
soon as the first st ate change of any LED has been triggered , all LEDs are sep arated
from the internal device functionality and can only be controlled via the hardware test
function. This means e.g. that no LED is illuminated anymore by a protection function
or by pressing the LED reset button.
Updating the
Display Dur ing the o pen ing of the dia log bo x Hardware Test the operating states of th e har d-
ware components which are current at this time are read in and displayed.
An update is made:
for each hardware component, if a command to change the condition is successfully
for all hardware components if the Update button is clicked,
for all hardwa re component s with cyclical updating ( cycle time is 20 seconds) if the
Automatic Update (20sec) field is marked.
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Exiting the Test
Mode To end the hardware test, click on Close. The dialog box closes. The device becomes
unavailable for a brief start-up period immediately after this. Then all hardware com-
ponents ar e returned to the operating conditions determined by the plant settings.
3.3.4 Tests for Circuit Breaker Failure Protection
General If the de vice provides a breaker failure pr otection and if this is used, the integra tion of
this protection function in the system must be tested under practical conditions.
Due to the variety of application options and the a vailable system configur ations, it is
not possible to make a detailed description of the necessary tests. It is important to
observe local conditions and protection and system drawings.
Before starting the circuit breaker tests it is recommended to isolate the circuit breaker
of the tested feeder at both ends, i.e. line isolators and busbar isolators should be
open so that the breaker can be operated without risk.
Also for tests on the local circuit breaker of the feeder a trip command to the surround-
ing circuit breakers can be issued for the busbar.
Non–observance of th e following m easure can re sult in minor person al injury or prop -
erty damage.
Therefore, primarily it is recommended to interrupt the tripping commands to the ad-
jacent (busbar) breakers e.g. by inrupting the corresponding pickup voltage supply.
Before the breaker is finally closed for normal operation, the trip command of the
feeder protection routed to the circuit breaker must be disconnected so that the trip
command can only be initiated by the breaker failure protection.
Although the following lists do not claim to be complete, they may also cont a in point s
which are to be ignored in the current application.
Auxiliary Contacts
of the CB The circuit breaker auxiliary contact(s) form an essential part of the breaker failure pro-
tection system in case they have been connected to the device. Make sure the correct
assignment has been checked.
External Initiation
Conditions If the breaker failure protection can be started by external protection devices, the ex-
ternal start conditions must be checked.
In order for the b reaker failure protection to be st arted, a current mu st flow at least via
the monitored phase. This may be a secondary injected current.
Start by trip command of the external protection: binary input functions „>50BF
ext SRC“ (FNo 1431) (in spontaneous or fault annunciations).
After every start, the message „50BF ext Pickup“ (FNo 1457) must appear in
the spont aneous or fault annunciations.
After time expiration TRIP-Timer (address 7005) tripping command of the circuit
breaker failure protection.
Switch off test current.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
If start is possible without current flow:
Closing the circuit breaker to be monitored to both sides with the disconnector
switches open.
Start by trip command of the external protection: Binary input functions „>50BF
ext SRC“ (FNo 1431) (in spontaneous or fault annunciations).
After every start, the message „50BF ext Pickup“ (FNo 1457) must appear in
the spontaneous or fault annunciations.
After time e xpiration TRIP-Timer (address 7005) tripping command of the circuit
breaker failur e pr ot ec tio n.
Open the circuit brea ker again.
Busbar Tripping For testing the distribution of the trip commands in the substation in the case of
breaker failures it is important to check that the trip commands to the adjacent circuit
breakers is correct.
The adjacent circuit breakers are those of all feeders which must be tripped in order
to ensure inte rruption of the fault current should the local breaker fail. These are there-
fore the circuit breakers of all feeders which feed the busbar or busbar section to which
the feeder with the fault is connected.
A general detailed test guide cannot be specified because the layout of the adjacent
circuit breakers largely depends on the system topology.
In particular with multiple busbars, the trip distribution logic for the adjacent circuit
breakers must be checked. Here it should be checked for every busbar section that all
circuit breakers which are conne cted to the sam e busbar section as the feeder cir cuit
breaker under ob servation are tripped, and no other breakers.
Tripping of the
Remote End If the trip command of the circuit breaker failure protection must also trip the circuit
breaker at the remote end of the feeder under observation, the transmission ch annel
for this remote trip must also be checked.
Termination All temporary measures taken for testing must be undone, e.g. especially switching
states, interrupted trip commands, changes to setting values or individually switched
off protection functions.
3.3.5 Checking User-Defined Functions
CFC Logic The device has a vast capability for allowing functions to be defined by the user, es-
pecially with the CFC logic. Any special function or logic added to the device must be
A general procedure cannot in the nature of things be specified. Configuration of these
functions and the set value conditions must be actually known beforehand and tested.
Possible interlocking conditio ns of switching devices (circuit breakers, disconnectors,
earth switch) are of particular importance. They must be considered and tested.
3.3.6 Current, Voltage, and Phase Rotation Testing
10 % of Load
Current The connections of the current and voltage transformers are tested using primary
quantities. Secondary load current of at least 10 % of the nominal current of the device
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
is necessary. The line is energized and will remain in this state during the measure-
With proper connections of the measuring circuits, none of the measured-values su-
pervision elements in the device should pi ck u p. If an element dete cts a proble m, the
causes which provoked it may be viewed in the Event Log. If current or voltage sum-
mation errors occur, then check the matching factors.
Messages from the symmetry monitoring could occur because there actually are
asymmetrical conditions in the network. If these asymmetrical conditions are normal
service conditions, the corresponding monitoring functions should be made less sen-
Current and Voltage
Values Currents and volt ages can be seen in the display field on the front of the device or the
operator interface via a PC. The y can be comp ared to the quantitie s measured by an
independent source, as primary and secondary quantities.
If the measured values are not plausible, the connection must be checked and correct-
ed after the line has been isolated and the current transformer circuits have been
short-circuited. The measurements must then be repeated.
Phase Rotation The phase rotation must correspond to the configured phase rotation, in general a
clockwise phase rotation. If the system has an anti-clockwise phase rotation, this must
have been considered when the power system data was set (address 209 PHASE
SEQ.). If the phase rotation is incorrect, the alarm Fail Ph. Seq.“ (FNo 171) is
generated. The measured value phase allocation must be checked and corrected, if
required, after the line has been isolated and current transformers have been short-
circuited. The measurement must then be repeated.
Volt age Transform-
er Miniature Circuit
B r e a k e r ( V T m c b )
The VT mcb of the feeder (if used) must be opened. The measured volt ages in the op-
erational measured value s ap pea r with a value clo se to ze ro (sma ll measur ed voltag-
es are of no consequence).
Check in the spontaneous annunciations that the VT mcb trip was entered (annunci-
ation „>FAIL:FEEDER VT“ „ON“ in the spontaneous annunciations). Beforehand it
has to be assured that the position of the VT mcb is connected to the device via a
binary input.
Close the VT mcb again: The above messages appear under the spontaneous mes-
sages as „OFF“, i.e. „>FAIL:FEEDER VT“ „OFF“ .
If one of the events does not appear, the connection and allocation of these signals
must be checked.
If the „ON“-state and „OFF“–state are swapped, the conta ct type (H–active or L–
active) must be checked and remedied.
Only 7SJ64 If with 7SJ64 a busbar volta ge is used for input V 4 (for volt age or synchr onism check)
and the assigned VT mcb is con nected to the device, the following function must also
be checked: If the VT mcb is open the annunciation „>FAIL: BUS VT“ „ON“ ap-
pears, if it is closed the annunciation „>FAIL: BUS VT“ „OFF“ is displayed.
If the VT mcb is open the annunciation „>FAIL: BUS VT“ „ON“ appears, if it is closed
the annunciation „>FAIL: BUS VT“ „OFF“ is displayed.
Switch off the protected power line.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.3.7 Test for High Impedance Protection
Polarity of Trans-
formers When the device is used for high-impedance protection, the current at IN or INS is
equivalent to the fault current in the protecte d object. It is essential in this case tha t all
current transformers feed ing th e resistor whose curr ent is meas ured at IN(S) have the
same polarity. The test currents used for this are through currents. Each CT must be
included in a measurement. The current at IN(S) may never exceed half th e pic kup
value of the single-phase time overcurrent protection.
3.3.8 Testing the Reverse Interlocking Scheme
(only if used) Testing reverse interlocking is available if at least one of the binary inputs available is
configured for this purpose (e.g. presetting of binary input BI1 „>BLOCK 50-2“ and
„>BLOCK 50N-2“ to open circuit system). Tests can be performed with phase cur-
rent s or ground current. For ground current the corresponding groun d current settings
Please note that the blocking function can eithe r be configured for the pickup current
connected (open circuit system) or the pickup current missing (closed circuit system).
For open circuit system the following tests are to be proceeded:
The feeder pro tection rela ys of all as sociated feeders must be in oper ation. At th e be-
ginning no auxiliary voltage is fed to the reverse interlocking system.
A test current higher th an the pickup values of 50-2 PICKUP and 50-1 PICKUP or
51 PICKUP is set. As a result of the missing blocking signal, the protection function
trips after (short) time delay 50-2 DELAY.
Tests with currents that exceed more than 4 times the nominal device current
cause an overload of the input circuits.
Perform test only for a short time (see Technical Data, Section 4.1). Afterwards the
device has to cool off !
The auxiliary voltage for reverse interlocking is now switched to the line. The prece-
dent test is repeated, the result will be the same.
Subsequently, at each of the protection devices of the feeders, a pi ckup is simulated.
Meanwhile, another fault is simulated for the protection function of the infeed, as de-
scribed before. Tripping is performed within time 50-1 DELAY (longer time period)
(with definite time overcurrent protection) or according to characteristic (with inverse
time overcurr en t pr otection).
These tests also check the proper functioning of the wiring for reverse interlocking.
3.3.9 Direction Check with Load Current
10 % of Load
Current The correct connection of the current and volt age transfor mers are tested via the pro-
tected line using the load current. For this p urpose, connect the line. The load current
the line carries must be at least 0.1 · INom. The load current should be in-phase or
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
lagging the voltage (resis tive or re sist iv e- ind u ctive load). The directio n of the loa d
current must be known. If there is a doubt, network or ring loops should be opened.
The line remains energized during the test.
The direction can be derived directly from the operational measured values. Initially
the correlation of the mea sured load direction with the actual direction of load flow is
checked. In this case the normal situation is assumed whereby the forward direction
(measuring direction) extends from the busbar towards the line
P positive, if active power flows into the line,
P negative, if active power flows towards the busbar,
Q positive, if reactive power flows into the line,
Q negative, if reactive power flows toward the busbar.
Figure 3-36 Apparent Load Power
All signs of powers may be inverted deliberately. Check whether polarity is inverted in
address 1108 P,Q sign in the P.System Data 2. In that case the signs for active
and reactive power are inverse as well.
The power measurement provides an initial indication as to whether the measured
values have the correct polarity. If both the active power and the reactive power have
the wrong sign and 1108 P,Q sign is set to not reversed, the polarity accordin g
to address 201 CT Starpoint must be checked and corrected.
However , power measurement itself is not able to detect all connection errors. For this
reason, directional messages should be generated by means of the directional over-
current protection. Therefore, pickup thresholds must be reduced so that the available
load current causes a continuou s pickup of the eleme nt. The direction re ported in the
messages, such as „Phase A forward“ or „Phase A reverse“ must correspond
to the actual power flow. Be careful that the „Forward“ direction of the protective
element is in the direction of the line (or object to be protected). This is not necessarily
identical with the direction of the normal the power flow. For all three phases, the di-
rectional messages to the power flow must be r eported properly.
If all directions differ from each other, individual phases in current or volt age transform-
er connections are interchanged, not connected properly or phase assignment is in-
correct. After isolation of the line and short-circuiting of the current transformers the
connections must be checked and corrected. The measurements must then be re-
Finally, switch off the protected power line.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Important! Make sure that pickup values that have been changed for testing are set
back to the valid settings!
3.3.10 Polarity Check for Voltage Input V
(only 7SJ64)
Only 7SJ64 Depending on the application of the volt age measuring input V4 of a 7SJ6 4, a polarity
check may be necessary. If no measuring voltage is connected to this input, this sub-
section is irrelevant.
If input V4 is used for measuring the Displace ment Voltage UN (Power System Data
1 address 213 VT Connect. 3ph = Vab, Vbc, VGnd or Van,Vbn,Vcn,VGn), the
polarity is checked together with the test of current input I4 (see further down).
Only for Synchro-
nism and Voltage
Check in 7SJ64
If the input V4 is used for measuring a voltage for synchronism check (Power System
Data 1, address 213 VT Connect. 3ph = Van,Vbn,Vcn,VSy), the following is to
be observed:
The single-phase voltage V2 needed for synchronization is to be connected to input
The polarity must be checked as follows using the synchronism check function:
The device must be equ ipped with th e synchronism and volt a ge ch eck which is to be
configured in address 16x SYNC Funktion x = SYNCHROCHECK.
Voltage V2 needed for synchronization is to be set correctly in address 6x23
If a transformer is located betwe en the mea suring po ints of reference voltage V1 and
the voltage to be synchronized V2, its phase rot ation must be taken into consideration.
For this purpose an an gle corresponding to the transfo rmer vector group is entered in
address 6x22 ANGLE ADJUSTM.. The angle is set in direction busbar viewed from
the feeder. An example is shown in Subsection 2.19.1.
If necessary diff erent tr ansformation ra tios of the tr ansformer s on the busb ar and the
feeder may have to be considered under address Balancing V1/V2.
The synchronism and voltage check must be switched 6x01 Synchronizingx = ON.
An additional help for the connection control are the annunciations 170.2090 „25
V2>V1“, 170.2091 „25 V2<V1“, 170.2094 „25 α2>α1“ and 170.2095 „25
α2<α1“ in the spontaneous annunciations.
Circuit breaker is open. The feeder is is olated (zero vol t age). Th e VT mcb's of both
voltage transformer circ uits must be close d.
For the synchrocheck the program Direct CO is set to YES (address 6x10A); the
other progr am s (a dd re ss es 6x07 to 6x09) are set to NO.
Via bina ry input (2906 „>25 Measu. Only“) initiate the measuring request. The
synchronism check must release closing (message „25 CloseRelease“, 2951).
If not, check all relevant parameters again (synchrocheck configured and enabled
correctly, see Sections 2.1.1 and 2.19.1).
Set address 6x10 Direct CO to NO.
Then the circuit breaker is closed while the line isolator is open (see Figure 3-37).
Both voltage transformers therefore measure th e same voltage.
For the synchrocheck the program SYNC-Functional Groups X is set to
ASYN/SYNCHRON (add r ess 016x).
3.3 Commissioning
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Via bina ry input (1 70.0 043 „>25 Measu. Only“) initiate the measuring request.
The synchronism check must release closing (message „25 CloseRelease“,
If not, first check whether one of the aforenamed messages 170.2090 25 V2>V1“
or 170.2091 „25 V2<V1“ or 170.2094 „25 α2>α1“ and 170.2095 „25 α2<α1“
is available in the spontaneous messages.
Messages „25 V2>V1“ or „25 V2<V1“ indicate that the magnitude (ratio) adap-
tation is incorrect. Check address 6x21 Balancing V1/V2 and recalculate the
adapta tion factor.
The message „25 α2>α1“ or „25 α2<α1“ indicate that the phase relation of the
busbar voltage does not match the setting under address CONNECTIONof V2 (see
Section2.19.1). When measuring via a transformer, address 6x22 ANGLE
ADJUSTM. must also be checked. This must adapt the vector group. If these are
correct, ther e is probably a re verse polarity of the voltag e transformer termina ls V1.
For the synchrocheck the program SYNC V1>V2< is set to YES (address 6x08)
and SYNC Funktion X = ASYN/SYNCHRON (address 16x).
Open the VT mcb of the busbar voltage.
Via bina ry input (1 70.0 043 „>25 Measu. Only“) initiate the measuring request.
There is no close re lease. If there is, the VT mcb for the busbar voltage is not allo-
cated. Check whether this is the required state, alternatively check the binary input
„>FAIL: BUS VT“ (6510).
Close the VT mcb of the busbar voltage is to be closed again.
Open the circuit breaker.
For the synchrocheck the program SYNC V1<V2> is set to YES (address 6x07) and
SYNC V1>V2< to NO (address 6x08).
Via bina ry input (1 70.0 043 „>25 Measu. Only“) initiate the measuring request.
The synchronism check must release closing (message „25 CloseRelease“,
170.0049). Otherwise check all volt age connectio ns and the correspo nding p aram-
eters again carefully as described in Section 2.19.1.
Open the VT mcb of the feeder voltage.
Via bina ry input (1 70.0 043 „>25 Measu. Only“) initiate the measuring request.
No close release is given.
Close the VT mcb of the feeder voltage again.
Addresses 6x07 to 6x10 must be restored as they we re change d for the test. If the
routing of the LEDs or signal relays was changed for the test, this must also be re-
3 Mounting and Commissioning
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-37 Measuring voltages for the synchro-check
3.3.11 Ground Fault Check
Systems The grou nd fault test is only necessary if the device is connected to an isolated or res-
onant-grounded system and the ground fault detectio n is applied.
The device must thus have been preset during configuration of the device functions to
Gnd Fault
) not equal to
If none of this is the case, this sub-
section is not relevant.
The primary check serves to find out the correct polarity of the transformer connec-
tions for the determination of the ground fault direction.
Energized equipment of the power system ! Capacitive coupled voltages at discon-
nected equipment of the power system !
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury
or substantial property damage.
Primary measurements must only be carried out on disconnected and grounded
equipment of the power system !
Using the primary ground fault method a most reliable test result is guaranteed. There-
fore please proceed as follows:
Isolate the line an d ground it on b oth ends. Dur ing the wh ole testing pro cedure the
line must be open at the remote end.
Make a test connection between a single phase and ground. On overhead lines it
can be connected anywhere, however, it must be located behind the current trans-
formers (looking from the busbar of the feeder to be checked). Cables are grounded
on the remote end (sealing end).
Remove the protective grounding of the line.
Connect a circuit breaker to the line end that is to be tested.
Check the direction indication (LED if allocated)
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
The faulty phase (FNo 1272 for A or 1273 for B or 1274 for C) and the direction of
the line, i.e. „SensGnd Forward“ (FNo 1276) must be indicated in the ground
fault protocol.
The active and reactive components of the ground current are also indicated („INs
Reac“, FNo. 702). The reactive current „INs Real“, FNo. 701) is the most rele-
vant for isolated systems. If the display shows the message „SensGnd Reverse“
(FNo. 1277), either the curren t or voltage transformer termina ls are swopped in the
neutral path. If message „SensGnd undef.“ (FNo 1278) appears, the ground
current may be too low.
Deenergize and ground the line.
The test is then finished.
3.3.12 Polarity Check for Current Input I
General If the st andard connection of th e device is used whereby current input IN is connected
in the starpoint of the set of current transforme rs (r efe r also to the co nn e ctio n circ uit
diagram in the Appendix A.3), then the correct polarity of the ground current path in
general automatically results.
If, however , current IN is derived from a separate summation CT (see e.g. a connection
circuit diagram in the Appendix A.3), an additional direction check with this current is
If the device is provided with the sensitive current input IN and it is connected to an
isolated or resonant-gro unded system, the polarity check for IN was already carried
out with the ground fault check according to the previous section. Then this section
can be ignored.
Otherwise the test is done with a di sconnected trip circuit and pr imary load current. It
must be noted that during all simulations that do not exactly correspond with situations
that may occur in practice, the non-symmetry of measured values may cause the mea-
sured value monitoring to pick up. This must therefore be ignored during such tests.
Hazardous voltages during inte rrupt ions in s eco nda ry circuits of current trans -
Non-observance of the following measure will result in death, severe personal injury
or substantial property damage.
Short-circuit the current transformer secondary circui t s before curr ent connections to
the device are opened.
Directional Testing
for Grounded
The check can either be carried out with function „directional ground fault protection“
(address 116) or function „groun d fa ult de te ct ion “ (a dd re ss 131), which can be oper-
ated as additional fault protection.
In the following the check is described using the „directional ground fault protection“
function (address 116) as an example.
To generate a displacement voltage, the e–n winding of one phase in the voltage
transformer set (e.g. A) is bypassed (refer to Figure 3-38). If no connection on the e–
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
n windings of the voltage transformer is foreseen, the co rrespondi ng pha se is disco n-
nected on the secondary side (see Figure 3-39). Only the current of the transformer
which is not provided with volta ge in its volt age p ath is fed into the current p ath. If the
line carries resistive-inductive load, the protection is in principle subjected to the same
conditions that exist during a ground fault in line direction.
The direction al gr ou nd fau lt pr ot ec tion mu st be con fig ur ed to en ab le d an d ac tiva te d
(address 116 or 131). Its pickup threshold must be below the load current of the line;
if necessary the pickup threshold must be reduced. The parameters that have been
changed, must be noted.
After switching the line on and off again, the direction indication must be checked: In
the fault log the messages „67N picked up“ and „Ground forward“ must at
least be present. If the directional pickup is not present, either the ground current con-
nection or the displacement voltage connection is incorrect. If the wrong direction is
indicated, either the direction of load flow is from the line toward the busbar or the
ground current p ath has a swapped polarity. In the latter case, the connection must be
rectified after the line has been isolated and the current transformers short-circuited.
If the pickup message is missing, the measured ground (residual) current or the dis-
placement volt age emerged may be too small. This can checked via operational me a-
sured values.
Important! If parameters were changed for this test, they must be returned to their
original state after completion of the test !
Figure 3-38 Polarity testing for IN, example with current transformers configured in a
Holmgreen-connectio n (VTs with broken delta connection -- e-n windi ng)
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3- 39 Polarity testing for IN, example with current transformers configured in a
Holmgreen-connection (VTs Wye-connected)
3.3.13 Checking the Temperature Measurement via RTD-Box
After the termination o f th e RS485 port a nd the setting o f the b us address have bee n
verified according to Section 3.2, the measured temperature values and thresholds
can be checked.
If temperature sensors are used with 2-phase connection you must first determine the
line resistance for the temperature detector being short-circuited. Select mode 6 at the
RTD-Box and enter the re sistance value you have determined for the corresponding
sensor (range: 0 to 50.6 Ω).
When using the preset 3-phase connection for the temperature detectors no further
entry must be made.
For checking the measured temperature values, the temperature detectors are re-
placed by adjustable resistors (e.g. precision resistance decade) and the correct as-
signment of the resistance value and the displayed temperature for 2 or 3 temperature
values from the following table are verified.
Table 3-37 Assignment of the resistance value and the temperature of the sensors
Temperature in
°CTemperature in
°FNi 100 DIN 43760 Ni 120 DIN 34760 Pt 100 IEC 60751
–50 –58 74.255 89.106 80.3062819
–40 –40 79.1311726 94.9574071 84.270652
–30 –22 84.1457706 100.974925 88.2216568
–20 –4 89.2964487 107.155738 92.1598984
–10 14 94.581528 113.497834 96.085879
0 32 100 120 100
10 50 105.551528 126.661834 103.902525
20 68 111.236449 133.483738 107.7935
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Temperature thresholds that are configured in the protection device can be checked
by slowly approaching the resistance value.
3.3.14 Measuring the Operating Time of the Circuit Breaker (only 7SJ64)
Only for Synchro-
nism Check If device 7SJ64 is equipped with the function for synchronism and volt age check an d
it is applied, it is necessary – under asynchronous syste m co nd itio ns – that the ope r-
ating time of the circuit breaker is measured and set correctly when closing. If the syn-
chronism check function is not used or only for closing under synchronous system
conditions, this subsection is irrelevant.
For measuring th e operating time a setup as shown in Figure 3-40 is recommended.
The timer is set to a range of 1 s and a graduation of 1 ms.
The circuit brea ker is co nnected manually. At the same time the timer is st arted . Afte r
closing the poles of the circuit breaker, the voltage VLine appears and the timer is
stopped. The time displayed by the time r is the real circuit breaker closing time.
If the timer is not stopped due to an unfavourable closing moment, the attempt will be
It is particularly favourable to calculate the mean value from several (3 to 5) successful
switching attempts.
In address 6X20 set this time to T-CB close (under Power System Data of the syn-
chronism check). Select the next lower settable value.
30 86 117.055771 140.466925 111.672925
40 104 123.011173 147.613407 115.5408
50 122 129.105 154.926 119.397125
60 140 135.340259 162.408311 123.2419
70 158 141.720613 170.064735 127.075125
80 176 148.250369 177.900442 130.8968
90 194 154.934473 185.921368 134.706925
100 212 161.7785 194.1342 138.5055
110 230 168.788637 202.546364 142.292525
120 248 175.971673 211.166007 146.068
130 266 183.334982 220.001979 149.831925
140 284 190.88651 229.063812 153.5843
150 302 198.63475 238.3617 157.325125
160 320 206.58873 247.906476 161.0544
170 338 214.757989 257.709587 164.772125
180 356 223.152552 267.783063 168.4783
190 374 231.782912 278.139495 172.172925
200 392 240.66 288.792 175.856
210 410 249.79516 299.754192 179.527525
220 428 259.200121 311.040145 183.1875
230 446 268.886968 322.664362 186.835925
240 464 278.868111 334.641733 190.4728
250 482 289.15625 346.9875 194.098125
Temperature in
°CTemp erature in
°FNi 100 DIN 43760 Ni 120 DIN 34760 Pt 100 IEC 60751
3.3 Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 3-40 Measuring the circuit breaker closing time
3.3.15 Trip/Close Tests for the Configured Operating Devices
Control by Local
Command If the configured operating devices were not switched suf ficiently in the hardware test
already described, all configured switchin g devices must be switched on and of f fro m
the device via the integrated control element. The feedback information of the circuit
breaker position injected via binar y inputs is read out at the de vice and compared with
the actual breaker position. For device s with graphic display this is easy to do with the
control display.
The switching procedure is describe d in the SIPROTEC 4 System Description. The
switching authority must be set in correspondence with the source of commands used.
With the switch mode it is possible to select between interlocked an d non-interlocked
switching. Note that non-interlocked switching constitutes a safety risk.
Control by Protec-
tive Functions For OPEN-commands sent to the circuit breaker please take into considera tion that if
the internal or external automatic reclosure function is used a TRIP-CLOSE test cycle
is initiated.
A test cycle successfully started by the automatic reclosure function can lead
to the closing of the circuit breaker !
Non-observance of the following statement will result in death, severe personal injury
or substantial property damage.
Be fully aware that OPEN-commands sent to the circuit breaker can result in a trip-
close-trip event of the circuit breaker by an external reclosing device.
Control from a
Remote Control
If the device is connected to a remote substation via a system interface, the corre-
sponding switching tests may also be checked from the substation. Please also take
into consideration that the switching authority is set in correspondence with the source
of commands used.
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.3.16 Creating Oscillographic Recordings for Tests
General In order to be able to test the stability of the protection during switchon procedures
also, switchon trials can also be carried out at the end. Oscillographic records obtain
the maximum information about the behaviour of the protection.
Requirements To be able to trip an oscillographic recording, parame ter OSC. FAULT REC. must be
configured to Enabled in the Functional Scope. Along with the cap ability of storing
fault recordings via pickup of the protection function, the 7SJ62/63/64 also has the ca-
pability of capturing the same data when commands are given to the device via the
service program DIGSI, the serial interface, or a binary input. For the latter, event
„>Trig.Wave.Cap.“ must be allocated to a binary input. Triggering for the oscillo-
graphic recording then occurs, for instance, via the binary input when the protection
object is energized.
Those that are externally triggered (that is, without a protective element pickup) are
processed by the device as a normal oscillographic record. For each oscillographic
record a fault record is created which is given its individual number to ensure that as-
signment can be made properly. However, these recordings are not displayed in the
fault indication buffer, as they are no t fau lt ev en ts.
Triggering Oscillo-
graphic Recording To trigger test measurement recording with DIGSI, click on Test in the left part of the
window. Double click the en tr y Test Wave Form in the list of the window.
Figure 3-41 Triggering oscillographic recording with DIGSI
Oscillographic recording is started immediately. During recording, a report is given in
the left part of the status bar. Bar segments additionally indicate the progress of the
The SIGRA or the Comtrade Viewer program is required to view and analyse the os-
cillographic data.
3.4 Final Prepara tion of th e Dev ice
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3.4 Final Preparation of the Device
Firmly tighten all screws. Tighten all terminal screws, including those that are not used.
Inadmissable Tightening Torques
Non–observance of th e following m easure can re sult in minor person al injury or prop -
erty damage.
The tightening torques must not be exceeded as the threads and terminal chambers
may otherwise be damaged!
The setting values should be checked again, if they were changed during the tests.
Check if protection, control and auxiliary functions to be found with the configuration
parameters are set correctly (Section 2.1.1, Fun ctio nal Scope). All desired elements
and functions must be set ON. Keep a copy of all of the in-service settings on a PC.
Check the internal clock of the device. If necessary, set the clock or synchronize the
clock if the element is not automatically synchronized. For assistance, refer to the
SIPROTEC 4 System Description.
The annunciation buffers are deleted under MAIN MENU Annunciations
Set/Reset, so that future information will only apply for actual events and states (see
also SIPROTEC 4 System Description). The counters in the switching statistics should
be reset to the values that were existing prior to the testing (see also SIPROTEC 4
System Description).
Reset the counters of the operational measured values (e.g. operation counter, if
available) under MAIN MENU Measured Value Reset (see also SIPROTEC 4
System Description).
Press the E
key (several times if necessary), to return to the default display. Th e
default display appears in the display box (e.g. the display of operational measured
Clear the LEDs on the front panel of the device by pressing the LED key, so that they
show only real event s and st ates in the future. In this context, also output relays prob-
ably memorized are reset. Pressing the LED key also serves as a test for the LEDs on
the front panel because they should all light when the button is pushed. Any LEDs that
are lit after the clearing attempt are displaying actual conditions.
The green „RUN“ LED must light up, whereas the red „ERROR“ must not light up.
Close the protective switches. If test switches are available, then these must be in the
operating position.
The device is now read y fo r op erat ion .
3 Mounting and Commissioning
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Technical Data
This chapter provides the technical data of the device SIPROTEC 7SJ62/63/64 and
its individual functions, including the limit values that under no circumst ances may be
exceeded. The electrical and functional data for the maximum functional scope are fol-
lowed by the mecha nic al spe cif ications with dimensional diagrams.
4.1 General De vice Data 444
4.2 Definite Time Overcurrent Protection 50, 50N 459
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N 461
4.4 Directional Time Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N 473
4.5 Inrush Restraint 475
4.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function 476
4.7 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection 50 477
4.8 Voltage Protection 27, 59 478
4.9 Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2 480
4.10 Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC 481
4.11 Motor Starting Protection 48 487
4.12 Motor Restart Inhibit 66 488
4.13 Frequency Protection 81 O/U 489
4.14 Thermal Overload Protection 49 490
4.15 Ground Fault Detection 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns 493
4.16 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection 497
4.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79 498
4.18 Fault Location 499
4.19 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 50BF 500
4.20 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only) 501
4.21 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only) 503
4.22 RTD Boxes for Temperature Detection 505
4.23 User-defined Functions (CFC) 506
4.24 Additional Functions 511
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.25 Breaker Control 517
4.26 Dimensions 518
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.1 General Device Data
4.1.1 Analog Inputs
Current Inputs
1) only in models with input for sensitive ground fault detection (see ordering data in Appendix
Voltage Inputs
Measuring Transducer Inputs (7SJ63 only)
Nominal Frequency fNom 50 Hz or 60 Hz (adjustable)
Nominal Current INom 1A or 5A
Ground Current, Sensitive INs linear range 1.6 A 1)
Burden per Phase and Ground Path
- at INom = 1 A
- at INom = 5 A
- for sensitive ground fault detection at 1 A
Approx. 0.05 VA
Approx. 0.3 VA
Approx. 0.05 VA
Current overload capability
- Thermal (rms)
- Dynamic (peak value)
100· INom for 1 s
30· INom for 10 s
INom continuous
250· INom (half-cycle)
Current overload capability for high-sensitivity input INs 1)
- Thermal (rms)
- Dynamic (peak value)
300 A for 1 s
100 A for 10 s
15 A continuous
750 A (half-cycle)
Nominal Voltage 100 V to 225 V (adjustable)
Measuring Range 0 V to 170 V
0 V to 200 V (7SJ64 onl y)
Burden at 100 V Approx. 0.3 VA
AC Voltage Input Overload Capacity
– thermal (rms) 230 V continuous
Input Current 0 mA DC to 20 mA DC
Input Resistance 10 Ω
Power Consumption 5.8 mW at 24 mA
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.1.2 Auxiliary Voltage
DC Voltage
AC Voltage
Voltage Supply via Integrated Converter
Rated auxiliary DC VAux 24/48 VDC 60/110/125 VDC
Permissible Voltage Ranges 19 to 58 VDC 48 to 150 VDC
Rated auxiliary DC VAux 110/125/220/250 VDC
Permissible Voltage Ranges 88 to 300 VDC
AC Ripple Voltage,
Peak to Peak, IEC 60255-11 15 % of the auxi liary voltage
Power Input Quiescent Energized
7SJ622 Approx. 4 W Approx. 7 W
7SJ631 Approx. 4 W Approx. 10 W
7SJ633 Approx. 5.5 W Approx. 16 W
7SJ636 Approx. 7 W Approx. 20 W
7SJ640 Approx. 5 W Approx. 9 W
7SJ641 Approx. 5.5 W Approx. 13 W
7SJ642 Approx. 5.5 W Approx. 12 W
7SJ645 Approx. 6.5 W Approx. 15 W
Bridging Ti me for Failure/Short-Circuit,
IEC 60255–11
(in not energized operation)
50 ms at V 110 V
20 ms at V 24 V–
Voltage Supply via Integrated Converter
Nominal Auxiliary Voltage AC VAux 115 VAC 230 VAC
Permissible Voltage Ranges 92 to 132 VAC 184 to 265 VAC
Power input (at 115 VAC / 230 VAC) Quiescent Energized
7SJ622 Approx. 3 VA Approx. 9 VA
7SJ631 Approx. 3 VA Approx. 12 VA
7SJ633 Approx. 5 VA Approx. 18 VA
7SJ636 Approx. 7 VA Approx. 23 VA
7SJ640 Approx. 7 VA Approx. 12 VA
7SJ641 Approx. 9 VA Approx. 19.5 VA
7SJ642 Approx. 9 VA Approx. 18.5 VA
7SJ645 Approx. 12 VA Approx. 23 VA
Bridging Time for Failure/Short-Circuit (in not
energized operation) 200 ms
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.1.3 Binary Inputs and Outputs
Binary Inputs
Variant Number
7SJ621*- 8 (configurable)
7SJ622*- 11 (configurable)
7SJ631*- 11 (configurable)
7SJ632*- 24 (configurable)
7SJ633*- 20 (configurable)
7SJ635*- 37 (configurable)
7SJ636*- 33 (configurable)
7SJ640*- 7 (configurable)
7SJ641*- 15 (configurable)
7SJ642*- 20 (configurable)
7SJ645*- 33 (configurable)
Rated Voltage Range 24 VDC to 250 VDC, bipolar
7SJ62 – – – BI1 ... BI 11
7SJ63 BI1....6; BI8....19;
BI25....36 BI7; BI20 ... 24; BI37
7SJ640 – – – BI1 ... 7
7SJ641 – – – BI1 ... 15
7SJ642 BI8... 19 BI1 ... BI7; BI20
7SJ645 BI8... 19; BI21...32 BI1...7; BI20; BI33
Current Consumption (independent of the
control voltage) approx. 0.9 mA approx. 1.8 mA
Pickup Times approx. 9 ms approx. 4 ms
Secured switching threshold Switching Thresholds, adjustable voltage range
with jumpers
for Nominal Voltages 24/48/60/110/125 VDC V high 19 VDC
V low 10 VDC
for Nominal Voltages 110/125/220/250 VDC V high 88 VDC
V low 44 VDC
for Nominal Voltages
(only for modules with 3 switching thresh-
220/250 VDC and
115/230 VAC V high 176 VDC
V low 88 VDC
Maximum Permissible Voltage 300 V DC
Impulse Filter on Input 220 nF at 220 V with recovery time > 60 ms
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Output Relays
Output Relay for Commands/Annunciations, Alarm Relay *)
High-duty Relay **) 2)
Number and Information According to the order variant (allocatable);
Values in (): up to release .../DD
Order Variant NO contact*) NO/NC, switch
selectable*)High-duty Relay **) 2)
7SJ621*- 6 (8) 3 (1)
7SJ622*- 4 (6) 3 (1)
7SJ631*- 8 1
7SJ632*- 11 1 4
7SJ633*- 11 1 4
7SJ635*- 14 1 8
7SJ636*- 14 1 8
7SJ640*- 5 1
7SJ641*- 12 2
7SJ642*- 8 1 4
7SJ645*- 11 1 8
Switching Capability MAKE 1000 W/VA
Switching Capability MAKE 30 VA 40 W resistive 25 W
at L/R 50 ms
Switching Voltage 250 VDC / VAC 250 VDC / VAC
admissible current per contact ( contin-
uous) 5 A
admissible current per contact (close
and hold) 30 A for 0.5 s (Closer)
Permissible Total Current on common
path 5 A continuous, 30 A for 0.5 s
max. switching capability for 30 s
At 48 V to 250 V
At 24 V
1000 W
500 W
Permissible relative closing time 1 %
AC Load
(it has to be taken into consideration for the dimensions of external circuits)
Value of the ANSI capacitor:
4,70· 10-9 F ± 20% Frequency Impedance
50 Hz 6,77· 105 Ω ± 20%
60 Hz 5,64· 105 Ω ± 20%
*) UL–listed with the Following Nominal Values:
120 VA C Pilot duty, B300
240 VA C Pilot duty, B300
240 VAC 5 A G eneral Purpose
24 VDC 5 A General Purpose
48 VDC 0.8 A General Purpose
240 VDC 0.1 A General Purpose
120 VA C 1/6 hp (4.4 FLA1))
240 VA C 1/2 hp (4.9 FLA1))
**) UL–listed with the Following Nominal Values:
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) FLA = “Full Load Ampere”
2) High-duty relays are used for the direct activation of motor-dr iven switches. The high-duty
relays operate in an interlocked mode, i.e. only one binary output of each pair of switches is
activated, thus avoiding a short-circuit of the power supply. When used as a standard relay,
only one binary output of a pair can be used. Permanent operation is not specified.
4.1.4 Communication Interfaces
Operator Interface
240 VDC 1.6 FLA1)
120 VDC 3.2 FLA1)
60 VDC 5.5 FLA1)
Connection Front side, non-isolated, RS232, 9-pin DSUB port for
connecting a personal computer
Operation With DIGSI
Transmission Speed min. 4,800 Baud; max. 38,400 Baud; for 7SJ63/64:
max. 11,200 Baud; Factory Setting: 38,400 Baud;
Parity: 8E1
Maximum Distance of Transmission 49.2 feet (15 m)
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Service / Modem Interface
1) not for 7SJ64
Connection isolated interface for data transfer
Operation With DIGSI
Transmission Speed min. 4,800 Baud; max. 38,400 Baud;
for 7SJ63/64: max. 115,2 00 Baud;
Factory setting 38,400 Baud
RS232/RS485 RS232/RS485 according to the order-
ing variant
Connection for flush
mounting housing Rear panel, mounting location „C“, 9-
pin D-SUB miniature connector
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom;
shielded data cable
Test Voltage 500 VAC
RS232 Maximum Distance of
Transmission 49.2 feet (15 m)
RS485 Maximum Distance of
Transmission 3,280 feet (1,000 m)
Fiber Optical Link (FO) 1)
FO connector type ST connector
Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „C
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Optical W avelength λ = 820 nm
Laser Class 1 according to
EN 60825-1/-2 using gla ss fiber 50/125 μm or using
glass fiber 62.5/125 μm
Permissible Optical Link
Signal Attenuation max. 8 dB, with glass fiber 62.5/125
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
Character Idle State Configurable: factory setting „Light off“
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Additional Interface (only 7SJ64)
Connection isol ated interface for data transfer
with RTD-boxes
T ransmission S peed min. 4,800 Baud; max. 115,200 Baud;
Factory setting 38,400 Baud
RS485 Connection for flush mount-
ing case Rear panel, mounting location „D“ 9-
pin D-SUB miniature connecti on
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing bottom;
shielded data cable
Test Voltage 500 VAC
Maximum Distance of
Transmission 3,280 feet (1,000 m)
Fiber Optica l Li n k (FO) FO connector type ST connector
Connection for flush-
mounted case Rea r panel, mounting location „D“
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Optical Wavelength λ = 820 n m
Laser Class 1 according to
EN 60825-1/-2 using glass fiber 50/125 μm or using
glass fiber 62.5/125 μm
Permissible Optical Link
Signal Attenuation max. 8 dB, with glass fiber 62.5/125
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
Character Idle State Configurable: factory setting „Light
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
System Interface
IEC 60870-5-103 RS232/RS485/FO accord-
ing to the ordering variant isolated interface for data transfer to a
master terminal
RS232 Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „B“, 9-
pin D-SUB miniature connector
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Test Voltage 500 VAC
Tran smission Speed min. 4,800 Baud; max. 38,400 Baud;
Factory setting 9600 Baud
Maximum Distance of
Transmission 49.2 feet (15 m)
RS485 Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „B“, 9-
pin D-SUB miniature connector
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Test Voltage 500 VAC
Tran smission Speed min. 4,800 Baud; max. 38,400 Baud;
Factory setting 9600 Baud
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.62 miles (1 km)
Fiber Optical Link (FO) FO connector type ST connector
Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting loca tion „B“
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Optical Wavelength λ = 820 nm
Laser Class 1 according to
EN 60825-1/-2 using glass fiber 50/12 μm or using
glass fiber 62.5/125 μm
Permissible Optical Link
Signal Attenuation max. 8 dB, with glass fiber 62.5/125
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
Character Idle St ate Configurable: factory setting „Light off“
(FMS and DP) Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting loca tion „B“ 9-
pin D-SUB miniature connector
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Test Voltage 500 VAC
Tran smission Speed up to 1.5 MBd
Maximum Distance of
Transmission 3,280 ft or 1,00 0 m at 93.75 kBd
500 m or 1,640 ft at 187.5 kBd
200 m or 330 ft at 1.5 MBd
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
(FMS and DP) FO connector type ST connector
Single ring / double ring according to
the order for FMS; for DP only double
ring available
Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „B“
Connection for surface
mounting housing in console housing on the case bottom
via RS485 and external RS485/optical
Transmission Speed up to 1.5 MBd
recommended: > 500 kBd with normal casing
57 600 Bd at detached operator
Optical Wavelength λ = 820 nm
Laser Class 1 according to
EN 60825-1/-2 using glass fiber 50/125 μm or using
glass fiber 62.5/125 μm
Permissible Optical Link
Signal Attenuation max. 8 dB, with glass fiber 62.5/125
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
RS485 Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „B“, 9-
pin D-SUB miniature connector
Connection for surface
mounting housing at the housing mounted case on the
case bottom
Test Voltage 500 VAC
Transmission Speed up to 19,200 Bd
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.62 miles (1 km)
DNP3.0 / MODBUS Fiber
Optical Link FO connector type ST–Connector Receiver/Transmitter
Connection for flush-
mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „B“
Connection for surface
mounting housing not available
Transmission Speed up to 19,200 Bd
Optical Wavelength λ = 820 nm
Laser Class 1 according to
EN 60825-1/-2 using glass fiber 50/125 μm or using
glass fiber 62.5/125 μm
Permissible Optical Link
Signal Attenuation max. 8 dB, with glass fiber 62.5/125
Maximum Distance of
Transmission max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Time Synchronization Interface
Ethernet electrical
(EN 100) for IEC61850
and DIGSI Connection for
flush- mounted case rear side, mounting loca ti on „B“
2 x RJ45 socket contact
100BaseT acc. to IEEE802.3
Connection for panel
surface-mounted housing in console housing at case bottom
Test voltage (reg. socket) 500 V; 50 Hz
Tran smission speed 100 MBit/s
Bridgeable distance 65.62 feet (20 m)
Ethernet optical
(EN 100) for IEC61850
and DIGSI Connection for
flush- mounted case rear panel, slot position "B",
duplex LC,
100BaseT acc. to IEEE802.3
Connection for panel
surface-mounted housing (not available)
Tran smission speed 100 Mbit/s
Optical wavelength 1300 nm
bridgeable distance max. 0.93 miles (1.5 km)
Time Synchronization DCF 77 / IRIG B Signal
Connection for flush-mounted case Rear panel, mounting location „A“
9-pin D-subminiature female connector
Connection for surface mounting
housing at the double-deck terminal on the case bottom
Signal Nominal Voltages selectable 5 V, 12 V or 24 V
Test Voltag e 500 V; 50 Hz
Signal Levels and Burdens
Nominal Signal Voltage
5 V 12 V 24 V
VIHigh 6.0 V 15.8 V 31 V
VILow 1.0 V at IILow =
0.25 mA 1.4 V at IILow = 0.25 mA 1.9 V at IILow = 0.25 mA
IIHigh 4.5 mA to 9.4 mA 4.5 mA to 9.3 mA 4.5 mA to 8.7 mA
RI890 at VI = 4 V 1930 at VI = 8.7 V 3780 at VI = 17 V
640 at VI = 6 V 1700 at VI = 15.8 V 3560 at VI = 31 V
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.1.5 Electrical Tests
Insulation Test
EMC Tests for Immunity (Type Tests)
Standards: IEC 60255 (product standards)
ANSI/IEEE Std C37.90.0/.1/.2
UL 508
DIN 57435 Part 303
for more standards see also individual functions
Standards: IEC 60255-5 and IEC 60870-2-1
High Voltage Test (routine test) All circuits
except power supply, Binary Inputs, Com-
munication Interface and Time Synchroniza-
tion Interfaces
2.5 kV (rms), 50 Hz
High voltage test (routine test). Auxiliary
voltage and binary inputs 3.5 kV–
High Voltage Test (routine test). Only Isolat-
ed Communication and Time Synchroniza-
tion Interfaces
500 V (rms), 50 Hz
Impulse Voltage Test (type test). All Circuits
Except Communication and Time Synchro-
nization Interfaces, Class III
5 kV (peak value); 1.2/50 μs; 0.5 J;
3 positive and 3 negative impulses at intervals of
Standards: IEC 60255-6 and -22 (product stan-
EN 50082-2 (Generic standard)
DIN 57435 Part 303
High Frequency Test
IEC 60255-22-1, Class III and VDE 0435 Part 303,
Class III
2.5 kV (Peak); 1 MHz; τ = 15 μs; 400
surges per s; test duration 2 s; Ri =
200 Ω
Electrostatic Discharge
IEC 60255-22-2, Class IV and IEC 61000-4-2, Class IV 8 kV contact discharge; 15 kV air dis-
charge, both polarities; 150 pF; Ri =
330 Ω
Irradiation with HF field, pulse modula ted
IEC 60255-22-3 (report), Class III 10 V/m; 27 MHz to 500 MHz
Irradiation with HF field, amplitude modulated
IEC 61000-4-3, Class III 10 V/m; 80 MHz to 1000 MHz; 80 %
AM; 1 kHz
Irradiation with HF field, pulse modul a te d
IEC 61000-4-3/ENV 50204, Class III 10 V/m; 900 MHz: repetition frequen-
cy 200 Hz: duty cycle of 50 %
Fast Transient Disturbance Variables / Burst
IEC 60255-22-4 and IEC 61000-4-4, Class IV 4 kV; 5/5 0 ns; 5 kHz; burst len gth =
15 ms; repetition rate 300 ms; both
polarities; R i = 50 Ω; Test Duration
High Energy Surge Voltages (SURGE),
IEC 61000-4-5 Installation Class 3 Impulse: 1.2/50 μs
Auxiliary voltage common mode: 2 kV; 12 Ω; 9 μF
diff. mode:1 kV; 2 Ω; 18 μF
Measuring Inputs, Binary Inputs,
Relay Outputs common mode: 2 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 μF
diff. mode: 1 kV; 42 Ω; 0.5 μF
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
EMC Tests For Noise Emission (Type Test)
4.1.6 Mechanical Stress Tests
Vibration and Shock Stress During Operation
HF on lines, amplitude-mod ulated
IEC 61000-4-6, Class III 10 V; 150 kHz to 80 MHz; 80 % AM;
Power System Frequency Magnetic Field
IEC 61000-4-8; class IV
IEC 60255-6
30 A/m continuous; 300 A/m for 3 s;
50 Hz 0.5 mT; 50 Hz
Oscillatory Surge Withstand Capability
IEEE Std C37.90.1 2.5 kV (peak value); 1 MHz; τ = 15 μs;
400 surges per s; T est Duration 2 s; Ri
= 200 Ω
Fast Tr ansient Surge Withstand Cap.
IEEE Std C37.90.1 4 kV ; 5/50 ns; repetition rate 300 ms;
both polarities; T est Duration 1 min; Ri
= 50 Ω
Radiated Electromagnetic Interference
IEEE Std C37.90.2 35 V/m; 25 MHz to 1000 MHz
Damped Oscillations
IEC 60694, IEC 61000-4-12 2.5 kV (Peak Value), polarity alte rn a t-
ing 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz and
50 MHz, Ri = 200 Ω
Standard: EN 50081-* (technical generic standard)
Radio noise voltage to lines, only auxiliary
150 kHz to 30 MHz
Limit Class B
Interference field strength
IEC-CISPR 22 30 MHz to 1000 MHz Limit Class B
Harmonic Currents on the Network Lead at
230 VAC
IEC 61000-3-2
Device is to be assigned Class D (applies only
for devices with > 50 VA power consumption)
Voltage fluctuations and flicker on the
network incoming feeder at 230 VAC
IEC 61000-3-3
Limits are observed
Standards: IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068
IEC 60255-21-1, Class II;
IEC 60068-2-6
10 Hz to 60 Hz: ± 0.075 mm Amplitude; 60 Hz to
150 Hz: 1 g acceleration
frequency sweep rate 1 Octave/min 20 cycles in
3 orthogonal axes.
IEC 60255-21-2, Class I;
IEC 60068-2-27
5 g acceleration, duration 11 ms, each 3 shocks
(in both directions of the 3 axes)
Seismic Vibration
IEC 60255-21-3, Class I;
IEC 60068-3-3
1 Hz to 8 Hz: ± 3.5 mm amplitude (horizontal vec-
1 Hz to 8 Hz: ± 1.5 mm Amplitude (vertical axis)
8 Hz to 35 Hz: 1 g acceleration (horizontal axis)
8 Hz to 35 Hz: 0.5 g acceleration (vertical axis)
frequency sweep rate 1 octave/min,
1 cycle in 3 orthogonal axes
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Vibration and Shock Stress During Transport
4.1.7 Climatic Stress Tests
Standards: IEC 60255-21 and IEC 60068
IEC 60255-21-1, Class II;
IEC 60068-2-6
5 Hz to 8 Hz: ±7.5 mm amplitude;
8 Hz to 150 Hz: 2 g acceleration
frequency sweep 1 octave/min
20 cycles in 3 orthogonal axes
IEC 60255-21-2, Class I;
IEC 60068-2-27
15 g acceleration, duration 11 ms,
each 3 shocks (in both directions of the 3 axes)
Continuous Shock
IEC 60255-21-2, Class I;
IEC 60068-2-29
10 g acceleration, duration 16 ms,
each 1000 shocks (in both directions of the 3
Standards: IEC 60255-6
Type tested (acc. IEC 60086-2-1 and -2, T est
Bd, for 16 h) 13 °F to +185 °F or -25.00 °C to +85 °C
Permissib l e te mp orary operating tempera-
ture (tested for 96 h) – 4.00 °F to +158 °F or –20 °C to +70 °C (legibil-
ity of display may be restricted from +131 °F or
+55 °C)
Recommended for permanent operation (ac-
cording to IEC 60255-6) +23 °F to +131 °F or -5 °C to +55 °C
Limiting Temperatures for Storage –13 °F to +131 °F or -25 °C to +55 °C
Limiting temperatures for transport –13 °F to +158 °F or -25 °C to +70 °C
1) UL–certified according to Standard 508 (Industrial Control Equipment):
Limiting temperatures for normal operation
(i.e. output relays not energized) –4 °F to +158 °F or -20 °C to +70 °C
Limiting temperatures with maximum load
(max. cont. permissible en ergization of
inputs and outputs)
+23 °F to +131 °F or –5 °C to +55 °C for 7SJ62
+23 °F to +104 °F or –5 °C to +40 °C for
Permissible humidity Mean value per year 75 % relative humidity;
on 56 days of the year up to 93 % relative hu-
midity; condensation must be avoided!
Siemens recommends that all devices be installed such that they are not exposed to direct sun-
light, nor subject to large fluctuations in temperature that may cause condensation to occur .
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.1.8 Service Conditions
4.1.9 Certifications
4.1.10 Design
The protective device is designed for use in an ind ustrial environment and an electrical utility
environment. Proper installation procedures should be followed to ensure electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC).
In addition, the following is re commended:
All contacts and relays that operate in the same cubicle, cabinet, or relay panel as the nu-
merical protective device should, as a rule, be equipped with suitable surge suppression
For substations with operating voltages of 100 kV and above, all external cables should be
shielded with a conductive shield gro unded at both ends. For substations with lower oper-
ating voltages, no special measures are normally required.
Do not withdraw or insert individual modules or boards while the protective device is ener-
gized. In withdrawn condition, some components are electrostatically endangered; during
handling the ESD standards (for Electrostatic Sensitive Devices) must be ob se rve d. They
are not endangered when inserted into the case.
UL Listing UL recognition
Models with threaded
Models with plug–in
7SJ63**-*B***-**** 7SJ63**-*A***-****
7SJ63**-*C***-**** 7SJ63**-*D***-****
7SJ64**-*B***-**** 7SJ64**-*A***-****
7SJ64**-*C***-**** 7SJ64**-*D***-****
7SJ64**-*E***-**** 7SJ64**-*G***-****
Case 7XP20
Dimensions see dimensional drawings, Section 4.26
Variant Case Size Weight
7SJ62**-*B in surface mounting housing
1/38.8 lb or
4.5 kg
7SJ62**-*D/E in flush mounting housing 1/38.8 lb or
7SJ631/2/3*-*B in surface mounting housing 1/215.4 lb or
7.5 kg
7SJ635/6*-*B in surface mounting housing 1/133.07 lb or
15 kg
7SJ631/2/3*-*D/E in flus h mounting housing 1/213.22 lb or
6.5 kg
4.1 General Device Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7SJ63/5/6*-*D/E in flush mounti ng housing 1/128.66 lb or
13 kg
7SJ631/2/3*-*A/C in housing for detached operator panel 1/217.4 lb or
7SJ63/5/6*-*A/C in housing for detached operator panel 1/133.07 lb or
15 kg
7SJ631/2/3*-*F/G in housing without operator panel 1/217.4 lb or
7SJ63/5/6*-*F/G in housing without operator panel 1/133.07 lb or
15 kg
7SJ640*-*B in surface mounting housing 1/317.4 lb or
7SJ641/2*-*B in surface mounting housing 1/224.25 lb or
11 kg
7SJ645*-*B in surface mounting housing 1/133.07 lb or
15 kg
7SJ641/2*-*A/C in housing for detached operator panel 1/217.4 lb or
7SJ645*-*A/C in housing for detached operator panel 1/126.45 lb or
12 kg
7SJ641/2*-*F/G in housing without operator panel 1/217.4 lb or
7SJ645*-*F/G in housing without operator panel 1/126.45 lb or
12 kg
7SJ640*-*D/E in flush moun ting housing 1/311.02 lb or
7SJ641/2*-*D/E in flush mounting housing 1/213.23 lb or
7SJ645*-*D/E in flush moun ting housing 1/122.05 lb or
10 kg
Detached operator panel 5.51 lb or
2.5 kg
International Prote ction Under IEC 60529
for equipment of the surface mounting
housing IP 51
in flush mounted case and in model with de-
tached operator panel
Front IP 51
Rear IP 50
For personal protection IP 2x with cover cap
UL-certification conditions „For use on a Flat Surface of a Type 1 Enclo-
Variant Case Size Weight
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.2 Definite Time Overcurrent Protection 50, 50N
Operating Modes
Setting Ranges / Increments
Dropout Ratio
Influencing Variables for Pickup and Dropout
Three-phase Standard
Two-phase Phases A and C
Pickup current 50–1, 50–2 (phases) for INom = 1 A 0.10 A to 35.00 A or
(disabled) Increments
0.01 A
for INom = 5 A 0.50 A to 175.00 A or
Pickup current 50N–1, 50N–2
(ground) for INom = 1 A 0.05 A to 35.00 A or
(disabled) Increments
0.01 A
for INom = 5 A 0.25 A to 175.00 A or
Delay times T 0.00 s to 60.00 s or
(disabled) Increments 0.01
Dropout delay times 50 T DROP-OUT, 50N T
DROP-OUT 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments
0.01 s
Pickup times (without inrush restraint, with restraint add 10 ms)
50-1, 50-2, 50N-1, 50N-2
– Current = 2 x Pickup Value
– Current = 10 x Pickup Value
approx. 30 ms
approx. 20 ms
Dropout Times
50-1, 50-2, 50N-1, 50N-2 approx. 40 ms
Dropout ratio approx. 0.95 for I/INom 0.3
Pickup current 2 % of set value or 10 mA with INom = 1 A
or 50 mA with INom = 5 A
Delay times T 1 % or 10 ms
Power supply direct voltage in range 0.8
VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperatur e in range
–5 °C Θamb 55 °C0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
4.2 Definite Time Overcurrent Protection 50, 50N
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Up to 10 % 3r d ha rmo nic
Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
Transient overreach for τ > 100 ms (with
complete asymmetry) <5 %
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
Operating Modes
Setting Ranges / Increments
Trip Time Curves acc. to IEC
Three-phase Standard
Two-phase Phases A and C
Pickup current 51 (phases) for INom = 1 A 0.10 A to 4.00 A Incremen t s
0.01 A
for INom = 5 A 0.50 A to 20.00 A
Pickup current 51N
for INom = 1 A 0.05 A to 4.00 A Incremen t s
0.01 A
for INom = 5 A 0.25 A to 20.00 A
Time multipliers T for 51, 51N
IEC curves 0.05 s to 3.20 s or
0.01 s
Time multipliers D for 51, 51N
ANSI curves 0.50 s to 15.00 s or
(disabled) Increments
0.01 s
Acc. to IEC 60255-3 or BS 142, Section 3.5.2 (see also Figure 4-1 and 4-2)
The tripping time s for I/Ip 20 are identical with those for I/Ip = 20.
For zero-sequence current read 3I0p instead of Ip and T3I0p instead of Tp;
for ground fault read IEp instead of Ip and TIEp instea d of Tp
Pickup Threshold approx. 1.10 · Ip
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Dropout Ti me Characteristics with Disk Emulation acc. to IEC
Dropout Setting
Influencing Variables for Pickup and Dropout
Ass. to IEC 60255-3 or BS 142, Section 3.5.2 (see also Figures 4-1 and 4-2)
The dropout time curves apply for the range 0.05 (I/Ip) 0.90
For zero-sequence current read 3I0p instead of Ip and T3I0p instead of Tp;
for ground fault read IEp instead of Ip and TIEp instead of Tp
IEC without Disk Emulation approx. 1.05 · set value Ip for Ip/INom 0.3,
corresponds to approx. 0.95 · pickup threshold
IEC with Disk Emulation approx. 0.90 · set value Ip
Pickup/dropout thresholds Ip, IEp 2 % of set value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA for INom = 5 A
Pickup time for 2 I/Ip20 5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 %
current tolerance, respectively 30 ms
Dropout ratio for I/Ip0.90 5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 %
current tolerance, respectively 30 ms
Power supply direct voltage in range 0.8
VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θ amb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
Tran sient overreach for τ > 100 ms (with com-
plete asymmetry) <5 %
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 4-1 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to IEC
4 Technical Data
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Figure 4-2 Dropout time and trip time curves of the invers e ti me ov ercurrent protection, acc. to IEC
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Trip T ime Curves acc. to ANSI
Acc. to ANSI/IEEE (see also Figures 4-3 to 4-6)
The trippin g time s for I/Ip 20 are identical with those for I/Ip = 20.
For zero-sequence current read 3I0p instead of Ip and T3I0p instead of Tp;
for ground fault read IEp instead of Ip and TIEp instead of Tp
Pickup Threshold approx. 1.10 · Ip
4 Technical Data
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Dropout Time Characteristics with Disk Emulat ion acc. to ANSI/IEEE
Dropout Setting
Acc. to ANSI/IEEE (see also Figures 4-3 to 4-6)
The dropout time curves apply for the range (I/Ip) 0.90
For zero-sequence current read 3I0p instead of Ip and T3I0p instead of Tp;
for ground fault read IEp instead of Ip and TIEp instea d of Tp
IEC without Disk Emulation approx. 1.05 · set value Ip for Ip/INom 0.3;
corresponds to approx. 0.95 · pickup
ANSI with Disk Emulation approx. 0.90 · set valu e Ip
Pickup/dropout thresholds Ip, IEp 2 % of set value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA for INom = 5 A
Pickup tme for 2 I/Ip 20 5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 %
current tolerance, respectively 30 ms
Dropout time for I/Ip 0.90 5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 %,
respectively 30 m s
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Influencing Variables for Pickup and Dropout
Power supply direct voltage in range 0.8
VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- up to 10 % 5th harmonic 1%
Transient overreach for τ > 100 ms (with complete
asymmetry) <5 %
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 4-3 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse ti me overcurrent protection, ac c. to AN SI/ IEEE
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 4-4 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to ANSI/IEEE
4 Technical Data
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Figure 4-5 Dropout time and trip time curves of the inverse ti me overcurrent protection, ac c. to AN SI/ IEEE
4.3 Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N
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Figure 4-6 Dropout time and tri p time curve of the inverse time overcurrent protection, acc. to ANSI/IEEE
4 Technical Data
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4.4 Directional Time Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
Time Overcurrent Elemen ts
Determination of Direction
For Phase Faults
For Ground Faults
The same specifications and characteri stics apply as for non-directional time overcurrent pro-
tection (see previous Sections).
Moreover, the following data apply for determining the fault dire ction:
Polarization With cross-polarized voltages;
With voltage memory (memory duration is 2
cycles) for measurement voltages that are too
Forward Range Vref,rot ± 86°
Rotation of the reference voltage Vref,rot –180° to +180°
Increments 1°
Dropout difference 2°
Directional sensitivity Unlimited for single and two phase faults
For three phase faults, dynamically unlimited,
steady-state approx. 7 V phase-to-phase.
Polarization with zero sequence quantities 3V0, 3I0
Forward Range Vref,rot ± 86°
Rotation of the reference voltage Vref,rot –180° to +180°
Increments 1°
Dropout difference 2°
Directional Sensitivity V0 2.5 V zero voltage, measured
3V0 5 V zero voltage, calculated
Polarization with negative sequence qu antities 3V2, 3I2
Forward Range Vref,rot ± 86°
Rotation of the reference voltage Vref,rot –180° to +180°
Increments 1°
Dropout difference 2°
Directional Sensitivity 3V2 5 V negative sequence voltage
3I2 45 mA negative sequence current with
INom = 1 A
3I2 225 mA negative sequence current with
INom = 5 A
Pickup times (without inrush restraint, with restraint add 10 ms)
4.4 Directional Time Overcurrent Protection 67, 67N
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Influencing Variables
50-1, 50-2, 50N-1, 50N-2
– Current = 2 times pi cku p val u e
– Current = 10 ti mes pickup valu e
approx. 45 ms
approx. 40 ms
Dropout Times
50-1, 50-2, 50N-1, 50N-2
approx. 40 ms
Angle faults for phase and ground faults ±3° electrical
Frequency Influence
– With no memory voltage
approx.1° in range 0.95 < f/fNom < 1.05
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4.5 Inrush Restraint
Controlled Elements
Setting Ranges / Increments
Functional Limits
Time Overcurrent Elements 50-1, 50N-1, 51, 51N , 67 -1, 67N-1
Stabilization factor I2f/I10 % to 45 % Incremen ts 1 %
lower function limit phases a t least one phase current 0,25 * IN
lower function limit ground Ear th current 0,25 * IN
upper function limit, config-
urable for INom = 1 A 0.30 A to 25.00 A (increment 0.01 A)
for INom = 5 A 1.50 A to 125.00 A (increment 0.01 A)
Crossblock IA, IB, ICON/OFF
4.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function
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4.6 Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function
Timed Changeover of Settings
Setting Ranges / Increments
Controlled Elements Directional and non-directional time overcurrent
protection elements (segregated into phase and
ground settings)
Initiation Criteria Current Criteria „BkrClosed I MIN“
Interrogation on the circuit breaker positi on
Automatic reclosing function ready
Binary Input
Timing 3 time levels
(TCB Open, TActive, TStop)
Current Control Current threshold „BkrClosed I MIN“ (reset on
current falling below threshol d: monitoring with
Current Control „BkrClosed I
MIN“ for INom = 1 A 0.04 A to 1.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom = 5 A 0.20 A to 5.00 A
Time Until Changeover To Dynamic Settings
0 s to 21600 s (= 6 h) Increments 1 s
Period Dynamic Settings are Effective After a
Reclosure TActive
1 s to 21600 s (= 6 h) Increments 1 s
Fast Reset T ime TStop 1 s to 600 s (= 10 min) or
(fast reset inactive) Increments 1 s
Dynamic Settings of Pickup Currents and T ime
Delays or Time Multipl iers Adjustable with in the same ranges and with
the same increments as the directional and
non-directional time overcurrent protection
4 Technical Data
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4.7 Single-Phase Overcurrent Protection 50
Current Elements
Operating Times
Dropout Ratios
Influencing Variables for Pickup Values
High-set current elements 50-2 0.05 A to 35.00 A 1)
0.003 A to 1.500 A 2)
or (element disabled)
Increments 0.01 A
0.001 A
T50-2 0.00 s to 60.00 s
or (no trip) Increments 0.01 s
Definite-Time Current Element 50-1 0.05 A to 35.00 A 1)
0.003 A to 1.500 A 2)
or (element disabled)
Increments 0.01 A
0.001 A
T50-1 0.00 s to 60.00 s
or (no trip) Increments 0.01 s
The set times are pure delay times.
1) Secondary values for INom = 1 A; with INom = 5 A multiply currents by 5
2) Secondary values for „sensitive“ measurin g input, independent of nominal device current
Pickup/Dropout Times
Frequency Pickup Time 50 Hz 60 Hz
minimum 14 ms 13 ms
maximum 35 ms 35 ms
Dropout time approx. 25 ms 22 ms
Current Elements approx. 0.95 for I/INom 0.5
Current s 3 % of settin g value or 1 % o f nomi na l current
at INom = 1A or 5A
5 % of setting value or 3 % of nominal current
at INom = 0.1 A
Times 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Power supply direct voltage in range 0.8
VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θ amb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- up to 10 % 5th harmonic
4.8 Voltage Protection 27, 59
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4.8 Voltage Protection 27, 59
Setting Ranges / Increments
1) r = Vdropout/Vpickup
Undervoltage 27-1, 27-2 Measured quantity used
With three-phase connec-
tion: Positive sequence
component of phase-
to-phase voltages
With three-phase connec-
tion Smallest of the
phase-to-phase volt-
ages or positive se-
quence component
with single-phase connec-
tion Single-phase phase-
ground or phase-
phase voltage con-
- Connection: Phase–to–Ground V oltages 10 V to 210 V Increments 1V
- Connection: Phase–to–Phase Voltages 10 V to 120 V Increments 1V
- Connection: Single-phase for 27-1, 27-2 10 V to 120 V Increments 1V
Dropout ratio r for 27-1, 27 -2 1 .0 1 to 3.00 Increments 0.01
Dropout Threshold for (r ·27-1 pickup ) or
(r · 27-2 pickup) max. 120 V for phase–to–phase voltage
max. 210 V for phase–to–ground voltage
Minimum hysteresi s 0.6 V
Time Delays 27-Delay 0.00 s to 100.00 s or
(disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Current Criteria „Bkr
Closed I MIN“ for INom = 1 A 0.04 A to 1.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom = 5 A 0.20 A to 5.00 A
Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2 Measured quantity used
With three-phase connec-
tion Largest voltage of the
three phase-to-phase
With three-phase connec-
tion Negative sequence
voltage component or
largest voltage of the
three phase-to-phase
with single-phase connec-
tion Single-phase phase-
ground or phase-
phase voltage con-
- Connection: Phase-to-ground voltages
and evaluation of the largest voltage 40 V to 260 V Increments 1V
- Connection: Phase-to-phase voltages
and evaluation of the largest voltage 40 V to 150 V Increments 1V
- Connection: Single-phase for 59-1, 59-2 40 V to 150 V Increments 1V
- with evaluation of the negative sequence
components 2V to 150V Increments 1 V
Dropout ratio r for 59-1, 59-2 1) 0.90 to 0.99 Increments 0.01 V
Dropout threshold for (r · 59-1 pickup) or
(r · 59-2 pickup) max. 150 V for phase–to–phase voltage
max. 260 V for phase–to–ground voltage
Minimum hysteresi s 0.6 V
Time delay 59-Delay 0 .0 0 s to 100.00 s Increments 0.01 s
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Influencing Variables
Pickup Times
- Undervoltage 27-1, 27-2, 27-1 V1, 27-2 V1
- Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2
- Overvoltage 59-1 V2, 59-2 V2
Approx. 50 ms
Approx. 50 ms
Approx. 60 ms
Dropout Times
- Undervoltage 27-1, 27-2, 27-1 V1, 27-2 V1
- Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2
- Overvoltage 59-1 V2, 59-2 V2
Approx. 50 ms
Approx. 50 ms
Approx. 60 ms
Pickup Voltage Limits 3 % of setting value or 1 V
Delay times T 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0.8 VH/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/1 0 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
Frequency out of Range
fNom ± 5 Hz Increased tolerances, tending to overfunction
with undervoltage protection
- Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
4.9 Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.9 Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2
Setting Ranges / Increments
Functional Limit
Dropout Ratio
Influencing Variables for Pickup Values
Unbalanced load tripping
element 46-1,46-2 for INom =
1A 0.10 A to 3.00 A or (disabled) Increments 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 0.50 A to 15.00 A or (dis-
Delay Times 46-1, 46-2 0.00 s to 6 0.00 s or (disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Dropout Delay Times 46 T DROP-OUT 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Function a l Limit for INom =
1A All phase currents 4 A
for INom =
5A All phase currents 20 A
Pickup Times
Dropout Times Approx. 35 ms
Approx. 35 ms
Characteristic 46-1, 46-2 Approx. 0.95 for I2/INom 0.3
Pickup values 46-1, 46-2 3 % of set value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A or
50 mA for INom = 5 A
Time Delays 1 % or 10 ms
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0,8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
Transient overreach for τ > 100 ms (with
complete asymmetry) <5 %
4 Technical Data
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4.10 Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC
Setting Ranges / Increments
Functional Limit
Trip Time Curves acc. to IEC
Pickup value 46-TOC for INom =
1A 0.10 A to 2.00 A Increme nts 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 0.50 A to 10.00 A
Time Multiplier T I2p (IEC) 0.05 s to 3.20 s or (disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Time Multiplier D I2p (ANSI) 0.50 s to 15.00 s or (dis abled) Increments 0.01 s
Functional Limit for INom =
1A All phase currents 4A
for INom =
5A All phase currents 20 A
See also Figure 4-7
The trip times for I2/I2p 20 are identical to those for I2/I2p = 20.
Pickup Threshold Approx. 1.10· I2p
4.10 Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Trip T ime Curves acc. to ANSI
It can be selected one of the represented trip time characteristic curves in the figures 4-8 and
4-9 each on the right side of the figure.
The trip times for I2/I2p 20 are identical to those for I2/I2p = 20.
Pickup Threshold Approx. 1.10· I2p
Pickup Threshold I2p 3 % of setting value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA with INom = 5 A
Time for 2 I/I2p 20 5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 % current
tolerance, respectively 30 ms
4 Technical Data
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Dropout Time Curves with Disk Emulation acc. to ANSI
Dropout Value
Influencing Variables for Pickup Values
Representation of the possible dropout time curves, see figure 4-8 and 4-9 each on the left side
of the figure
The dropout time constants apply for the range (I2/I2p) 0.90
IEC and ANSI (without Disk Emulation) Approx. 1.05 · I2p setting value, which is approx.
0.95 · pickup threshold I2
ANSI with Disk Emulation Approx. 0.90 · I2p setting value
Pickup threshold I2p
Time for I2/I2p 0.90
2 % of set value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA for INom = 5 A
5 % of reference (calculated) value + 2 %
current tolerance, respectively 30 ms
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0.8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperatur e in range
23 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
T ransient overreach for τ > 100 ms (with com-
plete asymmetry) <5 %
4.10 Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC
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Figure 4-7 Trip time characteristics of the inverse time negative sequence element 46-TOC, acc. to IEC
4 Technical Data
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Figure 4-8 Dropout time and trip time characteristics of the inverse time unbalanced load stage, acc. to ANSI
4.10 Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC
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Figure 4-9 Dropout time and trip time characteristi c s of the inverse time unbalanced load stage, acc. to ANSI
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4.11 Motor Starting Protection 48
Setting Ranges / Increments
Trip Curve
Dropout Ratio
Influencing Variables
Motor Starting Current
for INom =
1A 0.50 A to 16.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 2.50 A to 80.00 A
Pickup Threshold
for INom =
1A 0.40 A to 10.0 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 2.00 A to 50.00 A
Permissible Starting Time
1.0 s to 180.0 s Increments 0.1 s
Permissible Blocked Rotor Time
0.5 s to 120.0 s or (dis-
abled) Increments 0.1 s
Dropout ratio Approx. 0.95
Pickup Threshold 2 % of set value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA for INom = 5 A
Time Delay 5 % or 30 ms
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0,8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperatur e in range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131.00 °F (55
0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
4.12 Motor Restart Inhibit 66
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4.12 Motor Restart Inhibit 66
Setting Ranges / Increments
Restart Threshold
Influencing Variables
Motor starting current relative to Nominal
Motor Current
1.1 to 10.0 Increments 0.1
Nominal Motor Current
IMotor Nom
for INom =
1A 0.20 A to 1.20 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 1.00 A to 6.00 A
Max. Permissible Starting Time
TStart Max
3 s to 320 s Increments 1 s
Equilibrium Time
0.0 min to 320.0 min Increments 0.1 min
Minimum Inhibit Time
0.2 min to 120.0 min Increments 0.1 min
Maximum Permissible Number of W a rm
1 to 4 Increments 1
Difference between Cold and W arm Starts
nCold – nWarm
1 to 2 Increments 1
Extension K-Factor for Cooling Simula-
tions of Rotor at Rest
kτ at STOP
0.2 to 100.0 Incremen ts 0.1
Extension Factor for Cooling Time Con-
stant with Motor Running kτRUNNING
0.2 to 100.0 Incremen ts 0.1
Where: ΘRestart = Temperature limit below which restart-
ing is possible
kR = k-factor for rotor
IStart = Startup current
IB = Basic current
Tstart max = Max. startup time
τR = Thermal rotor time constant
ncold = Max. number of cold starts
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0,8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range fN ± 5 Hz 1 %
Frequency out of Range
fNom ± 5 Hz
Increased Tolerances
4 Technical Data
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4.13 Frequency Protection 81 O/U
Setting Ranges / Increments
Dropout Frequency
Dropout Ratio
Influencing Variables
Number of Frequency Elements 4; each can be set f> or f<
Pickup Frequency f> or f<
with fNom = 50 Hz 45.50 Hz to 54.50 Hz Increments 0.01 Hz
Pickup Frequency f> or f<
with fNom = 60 Hz 55.50 Hz to 64.50 Hz Increments 0.01 Hz
Delay times T 0.00 s to 100.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
Undervoltage Blocking
with Three-phase Connection: Positive Se-
quence Componen t V1
with Single-phase Connection : single-phase
phase-ground or phase-phase voltage
10 V to 150 V Increments 1V
Pickup times f>, f< approx. 150 ms (7SJ62/63)
approx. 80 ms (7SJ64)
Dropout times f>, f< approx. 150 ms (7SJ62/63)
approx. 80 ms (7SJ64)
Δf = I Pickup value - Dropout value Iapprox. 20 mHz
Dropout Ratio for Undervoltage Blocking approx. 1.05
Pickup Frequencies 81/O or 81U
Undervoltage Blocking
Time Delays 81/O or 81/U
10 mHz (with V = VNom, f = fNom)
3 % of setting value or 1 V
1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0.8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
4.14 Thermal Overload Protection 49
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4.14 Thermal Overload Protection 49
Setting Ranges / Increments
Trip Characteri st ic
Dropout Ratios
K-Factor per IEC 60255-8 0 .10 to 4.00 Increments 0.01
Time Constant τth 1.0 min to 999.9 min Increments 0.1 min
Thermal Alarm ΘAlarm/ΘTrip 50% to 100% of the trip ex-
cessive temp erature Increments 1 %
Current Overload IAlarm for INom =
1A 0.10 A to 4.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 0.50 A to 20.00 A
Extension kτ Factor when Machine
Stopped 1.0 to 10.0 relative to the
time constant for the
machine running
Increments 0.1
Emergency Time TEmergency 10 s to 15000 s Increments 1 s
Nominal Overtemperature (for INom)40 °C to 200 °C = –13 °F to
+185 °FIncrements 1 °C
Drops out with ΘAlarm
Approx. 0.99
Approx. 0.97
Referring to k · INom
Referring to Trip Time
2 % or 10 mA for INom = 1 A, or 50 mA for INom =
2 % class according to IEC 60255-8
3% or 1s for I/(k ·INom) > 1.25;
3 % class according to IEC 60255-8
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Influencing Variables Referring to k · INom
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0.8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range fN ± 5 Hz 1 %
Frequency out of Range
fNom ± 5 Hz Increased Tolerances
4.14 Thermal Overload Protection 49
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure 4-10 Trip time curves for the thermal overload protection (49)
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.15 Ground Fault Detection 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns
Displacement Voltage Element Characteristics - For all Types of Ground Faults
Phase Detection for Ground Faults on an Ungrounded System
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Definite Time Characteristic)
Displacement Voltage, Measure d VN> 1.8 V to 170.0 V
VN> 1.8V to 200.0V
Increments 0.1V
Displacement Voltage, Cal c ulated 3V0> 10.0 V to 225.0 V Increments 0.1V
Pickup delay T-DELAY Pickup 0.04 s to 320.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
Additional pickup delay 64-1 DELAY 0.10 s to 40000.00 s or
(disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Operating Time App r ox. 60 ms
Dropout Value 0.95 or (pickup value – 0.6 V)
Measurement Tolerance
VN> (measured)
3V0> (calculated)
3 % of setting value or 0.3 V
3 % of setting value or 3 V
Operating Time Tolerances 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Measuring Principle voltage measurement (phase-to-ground)
VPHASE MIN (Ground Fault Phase) 10 V to 100 V Incremen ts 1V
VPHASE MAX (Healthy Phase) 10 V to 100 V Increments 1V
Measurement Tolerance acc. to VDE 0435,
Part 303 3 % of setting value or 1 V
Pickup current 50Ns-2 PICKUP
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.001 A to 1.500 A
0.05 A to 35.00 A
0.25 A to 175.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Time Delay 50Ns-2 DELAY 0.00 s to 320.00 s or
(disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Pickup current 50Ns-1 PICKUP
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.001 A to 1.500 A
0.05 A to 35.00 A
0.25 A to 175.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Time Delay 50Ns-1 DELAY 0.00 s to 320.00 s or
(disabled) Increments 0.01 s
Dropout Time Delay 50Ns T DROP-OUT 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Operating Time 60 ms (non-directional)
80 ms (directional)
Dropout Ratio Approx. 0.95 for 50Ns >50 mA
Measurement Tolerance 2 % of setting value or 1 mA
Operating Time Tolerance 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
4.15 Ground Fault Detection 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Inverse Time Characteristic)
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Inverse Time Characteristic Logarithmic inverse)
Ground Fault Pickup for All Types of Ground Faults (Inverse Time Characteristic Logarithmic Inverse
with Knee Point)
User-defined Curve (defined by a maximum of 20 valu e pairs of current and time delay)
Pickup Current 51Ns
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.001 A to 1.400 A
0.05 A to 4.00 A
0.25 A to 20.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Time mu ltiplier T51Ns 0.10 s to 4.00 s or (dis-
abled) Increments 0.01 s
Pickup Threshold Approx. 1.10 · I51Ns
Dropout ratio Approx. 1.05 · I51Nsp for I51Ns > 50 mA
Measurement Tolerance 2 % of setting value or 1 mA
Operating Time Tolerance in Linear Range 7 % of reference value for 2 I/I51Ns 20 + 2 %
current toleranc e , or 70 ms
Pickup Current 50Ns
For sensitive transformer
For normal 1-A transformer
For normal 5-A transformer
0.001 A to 1.400 A
0.05 A to 4.00 A
0.25 A to 20.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Starting current factor 51Ns Startpoint 1.0 to 4.0 Increments 0.1
Time factor 51Ns TIME DIAL 0.05 s to 15.00 s; Increments 0.01 s
Maximum time 51Ns Tmax 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Minimum time 51Ns Tmin 0.00 s to 30.00 s Incre me nts 0.01 s
Characteristics see Figure 4-11
Times inv. 5 % ± 15 ms for 2 I/I51Ns 20 and 51Ns TIME DIAL
1 s
def. 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Pickup Current 50Ns
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.003 A to 0.500 A
0.05 A to 4.00 A
0.25 A to 20.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Minimum time 51Ns T min 0.10 s to 30.00 s Increme nts 0.01 s
Current threshold 51Ns I T min
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.003 A to 1.400 A
0.05 A to 20.00 A
0.25 A to 100.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Knee-point time 51Ns T knee 0.20 s to 100.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Current threshold 51Ns I T knee
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.003 A to 0.650 A
0.05 A to 17.00 A
0.25 A to 85.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Maximum time 51Ns T max 0.00 s to 30.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Time factor 51Ns TD 0.05 s to 1.50 s Increments 0.01 s
Characteristics see Figure 4-12
Times inv. 5 % ± 15 m s
def. 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Influencing Variables
Direction Determination for All Types of Ground Faults
Angle Correction
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0.8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
Note: When using the sensitive transformer , the linear range of the measuring input for the sen-
sitive ground fault detection is from 0.001 A to 1.6 A. The function is however still preserved for
greater curr en ts.
Direction Measurement IN and VN measured
– 3 · I0 and 3 · V0 calculated
Measuring Principle Real/reactive power measurement
Measuring release IRELEASE DIR.
(current component perpendicular (90°) to
direction phasor)
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.001 A to 1.200 A
0.05 A to 30.00 A
0.25 A to 150.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Dropout ratio approx. 0.80
Measurement method cos ϕ and sin ϕ
Direction Phasor ϕCorrection –45.0° to +45.0°Increment s 0.1°
Dropout Delay TReset Delay 1 s to 60 s Increments 1 s
Angle correction for cable converter in two operating points F1/I1 and F2/I2:
Angle correction F1, F2
(for resonant-grounded system) 0.0° to 5.0°Increments 0.1°
Current value I1, I2 for the angl e correction
for sensitive transformer
for normal 1-A transformer
for normal 5-A transformer
0.001 A to 1.600 A
0.05 A to 35.00 A
0.25 A to 175.00 A
Increments 0.001 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.05 A
Measurement Tolerance 2 % of setting value or 1 mA
Angle Tole rance 3°
Note: Due to the high sensitivity the linear range of the measuring input IN with integrated sen-
sitive input transformer is from 0.001A to 1.6 A. For currents greater than 1.6 A, correct direc-
tionality can no longer be guarantee d.
4.15 Ground Fault Detection 64, 50Ns, 51Ns, 67Ns
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Logarithmic inverse trip time characteristic
Figure 4-11 Trip time characteristics of inverse time ground fault protection with logarithmic
inverse characteristic
Logarithmic inverse t =51Ns Tmax51Ns TIME DIAL ·ln(I/51Ns PICKUP)
Note: For I/51Ns PICKUP > 35 the time applies for I/51Ns PICKUP = 35; for t < 51Ns Tmin
the time 51Ns Tmin applies.
Logarithmic in ve rse trip time ch a rac te ris tic wit h kne e p oi nt
Figure 4-12 Trip-time ch aracteristics of the inverse-time ground fault protection 51Ns with
logarithmic inverse characteristic with knee point (example for 51Ns = 0.004 A)
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.16 Intermittent Ground Fault Protection
Setting Ranges / Increments
Influencing Variables
Pickup Threshold
with IN
with 3I0
with INs
for INom = 1 A
for INom = 5 A
for INom = 1 A
for INom = 5 A
0.05 A to 35.00 A
0.25 A to 175.00 A
0.05 A to 35.00 A
0.25 A to 175.00 A
0.005 A to 1.500 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.01 A
Increments 0.001 A
Pickup extension time Tv0.00 s to 10.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Ground Fault Accumulatio n Time Tsum 0.00 s to 100.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Reset Time for Accumulation Tres 1 s to 600 s Increments 1 s
Number of Pickups for Intermittent
Ground Fault 2 to 10 Increments 1
Pickup Times
– Current = 1.25 x Pickup Value
– for 2 · Pickup Value
Dropout Time (without extension time)
Approx. 30 ms
Approx. 22 ms
Approx. 22 ms
Pickup threshold I
Times TV, Tsum, Tres
3 % of set value or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA for INom = 5 A
1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Power Supply DC Voltage in Range
0.8 VPS/VPSNom 1.15 <1 %
Temperature in Range
0°C Θamb 40 °C<0.5 %/ K
Frequency in range 0.98 f/fN 1.02 <5% relating to the set time
4.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.17 Automatic Reclosing System 79
Number of Reclosures 0 to 9 (segregated into phase and ground settings)
Cycles 1 to 4 can be adjusted individually
The following Protective Functions initiate
the AR 79 (no 79 start / 79 start / 79
50-1, 50-2, 51, 67-1, 67-2, 67-TOC, 50N-1, 50N-2,
51N, 67N-1, 67 N-2, 67N-TOC, sensitive ground
fault detection, unbalanced load 46-1, 46-2, 46-
TOC, binary inputs
Blocking of 79 by Pick up of protective elements for which 79 block-
ing is set (see above)
three phase pickup (optional)
Binary input
Last trip command after the reclosing cycle is com-
plete (unsuccessful reclosing)
Trip command from the breaker fail u re
Opening the circuit breaker without 79
External CLOSE Command
Breaker failure monitoring
Dead T ime TDead
(separate for phase and ground and indi-
vidual for shots 1 to 4)
0.01 s to 320.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Extension of Dead Time Using binary input with time monitoring
Blocking Duration for Manual-CLOSE De-
tection TBlk Manual Close
0.50 s to 320.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
Blocking Duration after Manual Close
TBlocking Time
0.50 s to 320.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Blocking Duration after Dynamic Blocking
TBlk Dyn
0.01 s to 320.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Start Signal Monitoring Time TStart Monitor 0.01 s to 320.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
Circuit Breaker Monitoring Time TCB Monitor 0.10 s to 320.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Maximum Dead Time Extension TDead Exten 0.50 s to 32 0.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
Start delay of dead time using binary input with time monitoring
Max. start delay of dead time TDead delay 0.0 s to 1800.0 s or Increments 1.0 s
Operating time TOperat 0.01 s to 320.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
The following protection functions can be
influenced by the automatic reclosing func-
tion individually for the cycles 1 to 4 (setting
value T=T/ instantaneous T=0/ blo cke d
50-1, 50-2, 51, 67-1, 67-2, 67-TOC, 50N-1, 50N-2,
51N, 67N-1, 67 N-2, 67N-TOC
Additional Functions Lockout (Final Trip)
Circuit breaker monitoring using breaker auxiliary
Synchronous closing (optionally with integrated or
external synchrocheck, 7SJ64 only)
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.18 Fault Location
1) Homogeneous lines are assumed when the fault distance is given in miles or km !
Units of Distance Measurement secondary in Ω
in km or miles line 1)
Trigger trip command,
Dropout of an Element, or
External command via binary input
Reactance Setting (second-
ary) for INom =
1A 0.0050 to 9.5000 Ω/km Increments 0.0001
0.0050 to 15.0000 Ω/mile Increments 0.0001
for INom =
5A 0.0010 to 1.9000 Ω/km Increments 0.0001
0.0010 to 3.0000 Ω/mile Increments 0.0001
Measurement Tolerance acc. to VDE
0435, Part 303 for Sinusoidal Me asure-
ment Quantities
2.5% fault location (without intermediate infeed)
30° ϕK 90° and VK/VNom 0.1 and IK/INom 1.0
4.19 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 50BF
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.19 Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 50BF
Setting Ranges / Increments
Influencing Variables for Pickup Values
1) A further delay for the current may be caused by compensation in th e CT secondary circuit.
Pickup of Element 50,
„BkrClosed I MIN“ for INom =
1A 0.04 A to 1.00 A Increments 0.01 A
for INom =
5A 0.20 A to 5.00 A
Time Delay TRIP-Timer 0.06 s to 60.00 s or Increments 0.01 s
Pickup Times
– On Internal Start
– Using Controls
– For external Start
Dropout Time
included in time d elay
included in time d elay
included in time d elay
Approx. 25 ms 1)
Pickup of Element 50, „BkrClosed I MIN“ 2 % of setting value;
or 10 mA for INom = 1 A
or 50 mA for INom = 5 A
Time Delay TRIP-Timer 1 % or 20 ms
Power supply direct voltage in range 0.8
VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23 °F (–5 °C) Θamb 131 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
- Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
- Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.20 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
Measured Quantities / Operating Modes
Setting Ranges / Increments
Functional Limits
Three-phase I, IN, INs, 3I0, I1, I2, V, VN, 3V0, V1, V2,
P, Q, cosϕ
Single-phase I, IN, INs, V, VN, P, Q, cosϕ
Without fixed phase reference f, df/dt, binary input
Measuring procedure for I, V Fundamental wave,
r.m.s. value (true rms),
positive sequence system,
negative sequence system
Pickup on exceeding thre sh ol d or
falling below threshold value
Pickup Thresholds:
Current I, I1, I2, 3I0, IN INom = 1 A 0.05 to 35.00 A Increments 0.01 A
INom = 5 A 0.25 to 175.00 A
Sensitive ground current INs 0.001 to 1.500 A Incre ments 0.001 A
Voltage V, V1, V2, 3V02.0 to 260.0 V Incre ments 0.1V
Displacement voltage VN2.0 to 200.0 V Increments 0.1V
Power P, Q for INom = 1 A 0.5 to 10000 W Increments 0.1 W
for INom = 5 A 2.5 to 50000 W
Power factor cosϕ-0.99 to +0.99 Increments 0.01
Frequency for fNom = 50 Hz
for fNom = 60 Hz 45.5 to 54.5 Hz
55.5 to 64.5 Hz Increments 0.1 Hz
Increments 0.1 Hz
Frequency Change df/dt 0.10 to 20.00 Hz/s Increments 0.01 Hz/s
Dropout ratio > element 1.01 to 3.00 Increments 0.01
Dropout ratio < element 0.70 to 0.99 Increments 0.01
Dropout difference f 0.03 Hz
Dropout difference df/dt 0.1 Hz/s
Pickup delay 0.00 to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Command delay time 0.00 to 3600.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Dropout delay 0.00 to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Power measurement 3-phase for INom = 1 A With current system > 0.03 A
for INom = 5 A With current system > 0.15 A
Power measurement 1-phase for INom = 1 A Phase current > 0.03 A
for INom = 5 A Phase current > 0.15 A
Pickup times:
Current, voltage (phase quantities)
= 2 times pickup value
= 10 times pickup v alue approx. 30 ms
approx. 20 ms
4.20 Flexible Protection Functions (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Influencing Variables for Pickup Values
Current, voltage (symmetrical components)
= 2 times pickup value
= 10 times pickup value approx. 40 ms
approx. 30 ms
maximum (small signals and thresholds) approx. 120 ms
approx. 350 ms
Power Factor 300 to 600 ms
Frequency approx. 100 ms
Frequency Change for 1.25 time s pickup value approx. 220 ms
Binary input approx. 20 ms
Dropout times:
Current, voltage (phase quantities) <20 ms
Current, voltage (symmetrical components) <30 ms
maximum <50 ms
<350 ms
Power Factor <300 ms
Frequency <100 ms
Frequency Change <200 ms
Binary input <10 ms
Pickup Threshold s:
Current INom = 1 A 1% of setting value or 10 mA
INom = 5 A 1% of setting value or 50 mA
Current (symmetrical components) INom = 1 A 2% of setting value or 20 mA
INom = 5 A 2% of setting value or 100 mA
Voltage 1% of setting value or 0.1 V
Voltage (symmetrical components) 2% of setting value or 0.2 V
Power 1% of setting value or 0.3 W
(for nominal values)
Power Fact or 2°
Frequency 10 mHz
Frequency Change 5% of setting value or 0.05
Times 1% of setting value or 10 ms
Power supply direct voltage in range 0.8
VPS/VPSNom 1.15 1%
Temperature in Range
23.00 °F (–5 °C) Θ amb 131.00 °F (55 °C) 0.5 %/10 K
Frequency in Range 0.95 f/fNom 1.05 1 %
– Up to 10 % 3rd harmonic
– Up to 10 % 5th harmonic
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.21 Synchronism and Volt age Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
Operating Modes
Additional Release Conditions
Permissible Difference
Circuit breaker
Threshold ASYN / SYN
- Synchrocheck
- Asynchronous / Synchronous
- Live bus / dead line,
- Dead bus / live line,
- Dead bus and dead line
- Bypassing
Maximum operating voltage Vmax 20 V to 140 V (phase-to-
phase) Increments 1 V
Minimum operating voltage Vmin 20 V to 125 V (phase-to-
phase) Increments 1 V
V< for dead line / dead bus check V<
V> for live line V> 1 V to 60 V (phase-to-
20 V to 140 V (phase-to-
Increments 1 V
Increments 1 V
Primary transformer rated voltage V2N 0.10 kV to 800.00 kV Increments 0.01 kV
Tolerances 2 % of pickup value or 2 V
Dropout Ratios approx. 0.9 (V>) or 1.1 (V<)
Voltages differences V2>V1; V2<V1
Tolerance 0.5 V to 50.0 V (phase-to-
1 V
Increments 0.1 V
Frequency Difference f2>f1; f2<f1
Tolerance 0.01 Hz to 2.00 Hz
15 mHz Increments 0.01 Hz
Angle Difference α2 > α1; α2 < α12° to 80°Increments 1°
Tolerance 2°
Max. angle error 5° for Δf 1Hz
10° for Δf > 1 Hz
Circuit breaker operating time 0.01 s to 0.60 s Increments 0.01 s
Frequency Difference FSynchronous 0.01 Hz to 0.04 Hz Increments 0.01 Hz
4.21 Synchronism and Voltage Check 25 (7SJ64 only)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Measured Values of the Synchronism and Voltage Check
1) at nominal frequency
Vector group matching via angle 0° to 360 °Increments 1°
Different voltage transformer V1/V2 0.50 to 2.00 Increments 0.01
Minimum Measuring Time Approx. 80 ms
Maximum Duration TSYN DURATION 0.01 s to 1200.00 s
or Increments 0.01 s
Monitoring T ime TSUP VOLTAGE 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Closing time of CB TCB close 0.00 s to 60.00 s Increments 0.01 s
Tolerance of All Timers 1 % of setting value or 10 ms
Reference voltage V1
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
in kV primary, in V secondary or in % of VNom
10 % to 120 % of VNom
1 % of measured value, or 0.5 % of VNom
Voltage to be synchronized V2
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
in kV primary, in V secondary or in % of VNom
10 % to 120 % of VNom
1 % of measured value, or 0.5 % of VNom
Frequency of voltage V1
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
f1 in Hz
fNom ± 5 Hz
20 mHz
Frequency of voltage V2
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
f2 in Hz
fNom ± 5 Hz
20 mHz
Voltage differences V2-V1
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
in kV primary, in V secondary or in % of VNom
10 % to 120 % of VNom
1 % of measured value, or 0.5 % of VNom
Frequency difference f2-f1
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
in mHz
fNom ± 5 Hz
20 mHz
Angle difference λ2-λ1
- Range
- Tolerance 1)
in °
0 to 180°
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.22 RTD Boxes for Temperature Detection
Temperature Detectors
Operational Measured Values
Thresholds for Indications
Connectable RTD-boxes 1 or 2
Number of temperature detectors pe r RTD-
box Max. 6
Measuring method Pt 100 Ω or Ni 100 Ω or Ni 120 Ω
selectable 2 or 3 phase connection
Mounting identification „Oil“ or „Ambient“ or „Stator“ or „Bearing“ or
Number of measuring points Maximal of 12 temperature measuring
Temperature Unit °C or °F, adjustable
Measuring Range
– for Pt 100
– for Ni 100
– for Ni 120
–199 °C to 800 °C (–326 °F to 1472 °F)
–54 °C to 278 °C (–65 °F to 532 °F)
–52 °C to 263 °C (–62 °F to 505 °F)
Resolution 1 °C or 1 °F
Tolerance ± 0.5 % of measured value ±1 digit
For each measuring point
Stage 1 –58°F to 482°F
–58 °F to 482 °F
or (no indication)
(in increments of 1°
(in increments of
Stage 2 –58°F to 482°F or – 50 °C
to 250 °C
–58°F to 482 °F or –50 °C
to 250 °C
or (no indication)
(in increments of
(in increments of
4.23 User-defined Functions (CFC)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.23 User-defined Functions (CFC)
Function Modules and Possible Assignments to Task Levels
Function Module Explanation Task Level
ABSVALUE Magnitude Calculation X
ADD Addition X X X X
ALARM Alarm clock X X X X
AND AND - Gate X X X X
FLASH Blink block X X X X
BOOL_TO_CO Boolean to Control
(conversion) —X X
BOOL_TO_DL Boolean to Double
Point (conversion) —X XX
BOOL_TO_IC Bool to Internal SI,
Conversion —X XX
BUILD_DI Create Double Point
Annunciation —X XX
CMD_CANCEL Command cancelled X X X X
CMD_CHAIN Switching Sequence X X
CMD_INF Command Information X
COMPARE Metered value compar-
ison XXXX
CONNECT Connection — X X X
D_FF D- Flipflop X X X
D_FF_MEMO Status Memory for
Restart XXXX
DI_TO_BOOL Double Point to
Boolean (conversion) —X XX
DIV Division X X X X
DM_DECODE Decode Double Point X X X X
DYN_OR Dynamic OR X X X X
INT_TO_REAL Conversion X X X X
LIVE_ZERO Live-zero, non-linear
Curve X—
LONG_TIMER Timer (max.1193h) X X X X
LOOP Feedback Loop X X X
MUL Multiplication X X X X
NEG Negator X X X X
NOR NOR - Gate X X X X
OR OR - Gate X X X X
REAL_TO_INT Conversion X X X X
4 Technical Data
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
General Limits
Device-specific Limits
RISE_DETECT Rise detector X X X X
RS_FF RS- Flipflop X X X
SQUARE_ROOT Root Extractor X X X X
SR_FF SR- Flipflop X X X
SUB Substraction X X X X
TIMER_SHORT Simple timer X X
X_OR XOR - Gate X X X X
ZERO_POINT Zero Supression X
Function Module Explanation Task Level
Description Limit Comments
Maximum number of all CFC charts
considering all task levels 32 When the limit is exceeded, an error message
is output by the device. Consequently, the
device starts monitoring. The red ERROR-
LED lights up.
Maximum number of all CFC charts
considering one task level 16 Only Error Message
(record in device fault log, evolving fault in
processing procedure)
Maximum number of all CFC inputs
considering all charts 400 When the limit is exceeded, an error message
is output by the device. Consequently, the
device starts monitoring. The red ERROR-
LED lights up.
Maximum number of reset-resistant
350 When the limit is exceeded, an error message
is output by the device. Consequently, the
device starts monitoring. The red ERROR-
LED lights up.
Description Limit Comments
Maximum number of synchronous
changes of chart inputs per task level 50 When the limit is exceeded, an error message
is output by the device. Consequently, the
device starts monitoring. The red ERROR-
LED lights up.
Maximum number of chart outputs per
task level 150
4.23 User-defined Functions (CFC)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Additional Limits
1) When the limit is exceeded, an error me ssage is output by the device. Consequentl y, the
device starts monitoring. The red ERROR-LED lights up.
2) The following condition applies for the maximum number of timers: (2 · number of TIMER +
number of TIMER_SHORT) < 30. TIMER and TIMER_SHORT hence share the available
timer resources within the frame of this inequation. The limit does not apply to the
3) The time values for the blocks TIMER and TIMER_SHORT must not be selected shorter than
the time resolution of the device, as the blocks will not then start with the starting pulse.
Maximum Number of TICKS in the Task Levels
1) When the sum of TICKS of all blocks exceeds the limit s before-mentioned, an error message
is output by CFC.
Processing Times in TICKS Required by the In dividual Elem en ts
Additional limits 1) for the following 4 CFC blocks:
Task Level Maximum Number of Mo dules in the Task Levels
PLC1_BEARB 15 30 20
Task L evel Limit in TICKS 1)
7SJ62 7SJ63 7SJ64
MW_BEARB (Measured Value Processing) 2536 2536 10000
PLC1_BEARB (Slow PLC Processing) 2 55 300 2000
PLC_BEARB (Fast PLC Processing) 130 130 400
SFS_BEARB (Interlocking) 2173 2173 10000
Individual Element Number of TICKS
Block, basic requirement 5
Each input more than 3 inputs for generic modules 1
Connection to an input signal 6
Connection to an output signal 7
Additional for each chart 1
Arithm etic ABS_VALUE 5
ADD 26
SUB 26
MUL 26
DIV 54
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Basic logic AND 5
OR 5
X_OR 5
Information status SI_GET_STATUS 5
Memory D_FF 5
Control commands BOOL_TO_CO 5
Type converter BOOL_TO_DI 5
Comparison COMPARE 12
Metered value COUNTER 6
Individual Element Number of TICKS
4.23 User-defined Functions (CFC)
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Configurable in Matrix
Time and clock pulse TIMER 5
Individual Element Number of TICKS
In addition to the defined preassignments, indications and measured values can be freely
configured to buffers, preconfigurations can be removed.
For the device 7SJ64 a CFC-Debugging is possible via a Browser connection. For more de-
tailed information refer to the SIPROTEC System Description.
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.24 Additional Functions
Operational Measured Values
Positive sequence component I1
Negative sequence component I2
IN or 3I0
in A (kA) primary and in A secondary or in % INom
Tolerance 1) 10 % to 200 % INom
1 % of measured value, or 0.5 % INom
Phase-to-ground voltages
Phase-to-phase voltages
VN or V0
Positive Sequence Component V1
Negative Sequence Component V 2
in kV primary, in V secondary or in % of VNom
Tolerance 1) 10 % to 120 % of VNom
1 % of measured value, or 0.5 % of VNom
S, apparent power in kVAr (MVAr or GVAr) primary and in % of SNom
Tolerance 1) 0 % to 120 % SNom
1 % of SNom
for V/VNom and I/INom = 50 to 120 %
P, active power with sign, total and phase-segregated in kW (MW or
GW) primary and in % SNom
Tolerance 1)
for 7SJ62/63
for 7SJ64
0 % to 120 % SNom
2 % of SNom
for V/VNom and I/INom = 50 to 120 % and | cos ϕ| =
0.707 to 1
with SNom =3 · VNom · INom
1% of SNom
For V/VN and I/IN = 50 to 120 %
With SNom =3 · VNom · INom
Q, reactive power with sign, total and phase-segregated in kVAr (MVAr
or GVAr) primary and in % SNom
Tolerance 1)
for 7SJ62/63
for 7SJ64
0 % to 120 % SNom
2 % of SNom
for V/VNom and I/INom = 50 to 120 % and | sin ϕ| =
0.707 to 1
with SNom =3 · VNom · INom
1 % of SNom
For V/VN and I/IN = 50 to 120 %
With SNom =3 · VNom · INom
cos ϕ, power factor2) total and phase-segregated
Tolerance 1)
for 7SJ62/63
for 7SJ64
–1 to +1
3 % for | cos ϕ | 0. 7 07
2 % for | cos ϕ | 0.707
Frequency f in Hz
Tolerance 1) fNom ± 5 Hz
20 mHz
4.24 Additional Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) At nominal frequency
2) Display of cos ϕ in case I/INom and V/VNom greater than 10%
Long-term Averages
Temperature Overload Protection
in %.
Tolerance 1) 0 % to 400 %
5% class accuracy per IEC 60255-8
Temperature Restart Inhibit
ΘL /ΘL Trip
in %.
Tolerance 1) 0 % to 400 %
5% class accuracy per IEC 60255-8
Restart Threshold
ΘRestart/ΘL Trip
in %.
Reclose Time TReclose in min
Currents of Sensitive Ground Fault De-
tection (total, real, and reactive current)
INs, INs real; INS reactive
in A (kA) primary and in mA secondary
Tolerance 1) 0 mA to 1600 mA
2 % of measured value or 1 mA
Measuring transducer (7SJ63 only)
Operating Range
Accuracy Range
Tolerance 1)
0 mA to 24 mA
1 mA to 20 mA
1.5%, relative to nominal value of 20 mA
For S tandard Usage of the Measurement Transducer for Pressure and Temperature
Operating Measured Value
Pressure Pressure in hPa
Operating Range (Preset-
ting) 0 hPa to 1200 hPa
Operating Measured Value
Temperature Temp in °F / °C
Operating Range (Preset-
ting) 32 °F to 464 °F or 0 °C to 240 °C
Operating Range (Preset-
ting) 32 °F to 464 °F or 0 °C to 240 °C
RTD-Box See Section (RTD-Boxes for Temperature Detection)
Synchronization Function and Voltage
Check (25) see Section (Synchronization Function and Voltage
Time Window 5, 15, 30 or 60 minutes
Frequency of Updates adjustable
Long-Term Averages
of Currents
of Real Power
of Reactive Power
of Apparent Power
IAdmd; IBdmd; ICdmd; I1dmd in A (kA)
Pdmd in W (kW, MW)
Qdmd in VAr (kVAr, MVAr)
Sdmd in VAr (kVAr, MVAr)
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Min / Max Report
Fuse Fail ure Mo ni to r
Local Measured Values Monitoring
Storage of Measured Values with date and time
Reset automatic Time of day adjustable (in minutes, 0 to 1439 min)
Time frame and starting time adjustable (in days, 1
to 365 days, and )
Manual Reset Using binary input
Using keypad
Via communication
Min/Max Values for Current IA; IB; IC;
I1 (positive sequence component)
Min/Max Values for Voltages VA-N; VB-N; VC-N;
V1 (Positive Sequence Component);
Min/Max Values for Power S, P; Q, cos ϕ; frequency
Min/Max Values for Overload Protection Θ/ΘTrip
Min/Max Values for Mean Values IAdmd; IBdmd; ICdmd;
I1 (positive sequence component);
Sdmd; Pdmd; Qdmd
Setting range of displacement voltage 3V0
above which voltage failure is detected 10 - 100 V
Setting range of ground current above
which voltage failure is assumed 0.1 - 1 A
Operation of the fuse failure monitor Depending on the settings and the MLFB, the
FFM operates with the measured or the calculat-
ed values VN and IN.
Current Asymmetry Imax/Imin > balance factor, for I > Ibalance limit
Voltage Asymmetry Vmax/Vmin > balance factor, for V > Vlim
Current Sum | iA + iB + iC + kI · iN | > limit value, with 1 %
Current Phase Sequence Clockwise (ABC) / counter-clockwise (ACB)
Voltage Phase Sequence Clockwise (ABC) / counter-clockwise (ACB)
Limit Value Monitoring IA > limit value IAdmd>
IB > limit value IBdmd>
IC > limit value ICdmd>
I1 > limit value I1dmd>
IL< limit value IL<
cos ϕ < lower limit value |cos ϕ |<
P > limit value of real power |Pdmd | >
Q > limit value of reactive power | Qdmd | >
S > limit value of apparent power Sdmd >
Pressure < lower limit value Press<
Temperature > limit value Temp>
4.24 Additional Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Fault Recording
Time Stamping
Fault Recording
1) At nominal frequency
Recording of indications of the last 8 power system faults
Recording of indications of the last 3 power system ground faults
Resolution for Event Log (Operational An-
nunciations) 1 ms
Resolution for Trip Log (Fault Annuncia-
tions) 1 ms
Maximum T ime Deviation (Internal Clock) 0.01 %
Battery Lithium battery 3 V/1 Ah, type CR 1/2 AA
Message „Battery Fault“ for insufficient battery
Maximum 8 fault records saved, Me mory maintained by buffer battery in case of loss of power
Recording Time
- 7SJ62/63
- 7SJ64 Total 5 s
Total 20 s
Pre-event and post-event recording and memory
time adjustable
Sampling Rate for 50 Hz
Sampling Rate for 60 Hz 1 sample/1.25 ms (16 sam/cyc)
1 sample/1.04 ms (16 sam/cyc)
Meter Values for Ene rgy
Wp, Wq (real and reactive energy) in kWh (MWh or GWh) and in kVARh (MVARh or
Tolerance 1)
28 bit or 0 to 2 68 435 455 decimal for IEC 60870-
5-103 (VDEW protocol) 31 bit or 0 to 2 147 483 647
decimal for other protocols (other than VDEW)
5% for I > 0.5 INom, V > 0. 5 VNom and
|cosϕ| 0.707
Saved Number of Trips Up to 9 digits
Number of Automatic Reclosing Com-
(segregated according to 1st and 2nd
Up to 9 digits
Accumulated Interrupted Current (segregat-
ed according to pole) Up to 4 digits
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Operating Hours Counter
Circuit-Breaker Maintenance
Trip Circuit Monitoring
Commissioning Aids
Display Range Up to 7 digits
Criterion Overshoot of an adjustable current threshold (ele-
ment 50-1, BkrClosed I MIN)
Calculation methods with rms values: ΣI, ΣIx, 2P;
with instantaneous values: I2t (only 7SJ64)
Acquisition/conditioning of measured
values phase-selective
Evaluation one threshold per subfunction
Number of saved statistic values up to 13 digits
With one or two binary inputs.
Phase Rotation Field Check
Operational Measured Values
Circuit Breaker / Switching Device Test
Creation of a Test Measurement Report
Time Synchronization DCF 77/IRIG B-Signal (telegram format IRIG-
Binary Input
Operating Modes for Time Tracking
No. Operating Mode Explanations
1 Internal Internal synchronization using RTC (presetting)
2 IEC 60870-5-103 External synchronization using system interface
(IEC 60870-5-103)
3 PROFIBUS FMS External synchronization using PROFIBUS inter-
4 Time signal IRIG B External synchro nization using IRIG B
5 Time signal DCF77 External synchronization using DCF 77
6 Time signal Sync. Box External synchronization via the time signal
7 Pulse via binary input External synchronization with pulse via bi nary
8 Field bus (DNP, Modbus) External synchronization using field bus
9 NTP (IEC 61850) External synchronization using system interface
(IEC 61850)
4.24 Additional Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Setting Group Switchover of the Function Parameters
IEC 61850 GOOSE (inter-relay communication)
Number of Available Setting Groups 4 (parameter group A, B, C and D)
Switchover Perf orm ed Using the keypad
DIGSI using the front PC port
with protocol via system (SCADA) interface
Binary Input
The communication service GOOSE of IEC 61850 is qualified for switchgear interlocking.
Since the transmission time of GOOSE messages in the 7SJ62/63 V4.6 relays depends on
both the number of IEC 61850 clients and the relay's pickup condition, GOOSE is not gen-
erally qualified for protection-releva nt applications. The protective application must be
checked with regard to the required operating times and coordinated with the manufacturer.
The communication service GOOSE of IEC 61850 is qualified for switchgear interlocking.
The transmission time of GOOSE messages in the 7SJ64 relay that has picked up depends
on the number of the connected IEC 61850 clients. For relay version V4.6, applications with
protective functions must be checked as to their required operating time. The requirements
must be coordinated with the manufactu r er in each case to ensure a safe app lication.
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.25 Breaker Control
Number of Controlled Switching Devices Depends on the number of binary inputs and
outputs available
Interlocking Freely programmable interlocking
Messages Feedback messages; closed, open, intermediate
Control Commands Single command / double command
Switching Command to Circuit Breaker 1-, 11/2 - and 2-pole
Programmable Logic Controller PLC logic, graphic input tool
Local Control Control via menu control
assignment of function keys
Remote Control Using Communication Interfaces
Using a substation automation and control
system (e.g. SICAM)
Using DIGSI (e.g. via Modem)
4.26 Dimensions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26 Dimensions
4.26.1 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size
Figure 4-13 Dimensio nal drawing of a 7SJ62 or 7SJ64 for panel flush and cubicle mounting (housing size
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.2 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size
Figure 4-14 Dimens ional drawing of a 7SJ63 or 7SJ64 for panel flush and cubicle mounting (housing size
4.26 Dimensions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.3 Panel Flush and Cubicle Mounting (Housing Size
Figure 4-15 Dimensio nal drawing of a 7SJ63 or 7SJ64 for panel flush and cubicle mounting (housing size
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.4 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size
Figure 4-16 Dimen s ional drawing of a 7SJ62 or 7SJ64 for panel flush mounting (housing size
4.26.5 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size
Figure 4-17 Dimen s ional drawing of a 7SJ63 or 7SJ64 for panel flush mounting (housing size
4.26 Dimensions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.6 Panel Surface Mounting (Housing Size
Figure 4-18 Dimensio nal drawing of a 7SJ63 or 7SJ64 for panel flush mounting (housing size
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.7 Surface-mounted Housing with Det ached Operator Panel or without Operator
Panel (Housing Size
Figure 4-19 Dimensional drawing of a 7SJ63 or 7SJ64 (housing size
1/2)) for mounting with detached operator panel or
without operator panel
4.26 Dimensions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.8 Housing for Mounting with Detached Operator Panel or without Operator
Panel (Housing Si ze
Figure 4-20 Dimensions 7SJ63 or 7SJ64 for mounting with detached operator panel or without operator panel
(housing size
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.9 Detached Operator Panel
Figure 4-21 Dimensions of a detached operator panel for a 7SJ63 or a 7SJ64 device
4.26 Dimensions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4.26.10 D-Subminiature Connector of Dongle Cable (Panel Flush or Cubicle Door
Figure 4-22 Dimensions of panel flush or cubicle door cutout of D-subminiature connector of
dongle cable for a 7SJ63 or a 7SJ64 device without integrated operator panel
4 Technical Data
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
This appendix is primarily a re ference for th e experienced user. This section provides
ordering information for the models of this device. Connection diagrams indicating the
terminal connectio ns of the models of this device are inclu ded. Followin g the gener al
diagrams are diagrams that show the proper connections of the devices to primary
equipment in many typical power system configurations. Tables with all settings and
all information available in this device equipped with all o ptions ar e p rovided . De fault
settings are also given.
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories 529
A.2 Terminal Assignments 543
A.3 Connection Examples 599
A.4 Current Transformer Requiremen ts 627
A.5 Default Settings 630
A.6 Protocol-dependent Functions 640
A.7 Functional Scope 641
A.8 Settings 644
A.9 Information List 665
A.10 Group Alarms 692
A.11 Measured Values 693
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.1 Ordering Information and Accessories
A.1.1 Ord ering Information
A.1.1.1 7SJ62 V4.6
Multi-Functiona l Pro-
tective Relay with
Local Control
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Supplemen-
7SJ62 ––+
Number of Bina ry Inputs and Outputs Pos.
tion) 6
8 Binary Inputs, 8 Binary Outputs, 1 Live Status Contact 1
11 Binary Inputs, 6 Binary Outputs, 1 Live Status Contact 2
Measuring Inputs (3 x V, 4 x I)Pos. 7
IPh = 1 A, IN = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A); 15th position only with C, E, G 1
IPh = 1 A, IN = sensitive (min. = 0.001 A); 15th position only with B, D, F, H 2
IPh = 5 A, IN = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A); 15th position only with C, E, G 5
IPh = 5 A, IN = sensitive (min. = 0.001 A); 15th position only with B, D, F, H 6
IPh = 5 A, IN = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A); 15th position only with C, E, G 7
Power Supply, Binary Input Pickup Threshold Setting Pos. 8
24 to 48 VDC, Binary Input Threshold 19 VDC 2
60 to 125 VDC, Binary Input Threshold 19 VDC 4
110 to 250 VDC, 115 to 230 VAC, Binary Input Threshold 88 VDC 5
Construction Pos. 9
Surface-mounting case for panel, 2 tier terminals top/bottom B
Flush mounting case with plug-in terminals (2/3 pin connector) D
Flush mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs) E
Region-specifi c Defau lt / La ngu a ge Setti ng s and Function Versions Pos. 10
Region DE, 50 Hz, IEC, Language German (Language can be changed) A
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, Language English (Language can be changed) B
Region US, 60 Hz, ANSI, Language American English (Language can be changed) C
Region FR, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, La nguage French (Language can be chan ged) D
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, Language Spanish (Language can be changed) E
System Interface (Rear Side, Port B) Pos. 11
No system interface 0
IEC-Protocol, electrical RS232 1
IEC-Protocol, electrical RS485 2
IEC-Protocol, optical, 820 nm, ST-Connector 3
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) Cannot be delivered in connection with 9th digit = "B". If the optical interface is required you
must order the following: 11th digit = 4 (RS485) and in addition, the associated converter
2) Cannot be delivered in connection with 9th digit = "B".
3) In the surface mounting case with 2 tier terminal s as of January 2005
4) Deliverable as of April 2005
1) The converter requires an operating voltage of 24 VDC. If the available operating voltage is
> 24 VDC the additional power supply 7XV5810– 0BA00 is required.
1) RTD- bo x 7XV5662–*AD10
2) If you want to run the RTD-Box at an optical interface, you need also the RS485–FO–con-
verter 7XV5650–0*A00.
Profibus FMS Slave, electrical RS485 4
Profibus FMS Slave, optical, Single Ring, ST-Connector 1) 5 1)
Profibus FMS Slave, optical, Double Ring, ST-Connector 1) 6 1)
For further interface options see Additional Information in the following 9
System Interface (Rear Side, Port B) Pos. 11
Additional information to fu rther system interfaces (device rear, port B) Supple-
Profibus DP Slave, RS485 + L 0 A
Profibus DP Slave, 820 nm, optical Doubl e Ring, ST–Connector 1) + L 0 B 1)
Modbus RS485 + L 0 D
Modbus, 820 nm, optical, ST–Connector 2) + L 0 E 2)
DNP3.0, RS485 + L 0 G
DNP3.0, 820 nm, optical, ST–Connector 2) + L 0 H 2)
IEC 61850, Ethernet electrical (EN 100)3), + L 0 R, 3)
IEC 61850, Ethernet optical, double, LC-connector (EN 100)2), 4) + L 0 S2), 4)
Converter Order No. Use
SIEMENS OLM1) 6GK1502–2CB10 For single ring
SIEMENS OLM1) 6GK1502–3CB10 For double ring
DIGSI/Modem Interface (Rear Side, Port C) Pos. 12
No DIGSI interface at the back 0
DIGSI/Modem, electrical RS232 1
DIGSI/Modem/RTD box 1), electrical RS485 2
DIGSI/Modem/RTD box 1), optical 820 nm, ST connector 2) 3
Measuring/Fault Recording Pos. 13
With fault recording 1
With fault recording, average values, min/max va lues 3
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Designati on ANSI no. Descriptio n
Basic Elements (included in all ver-
sions) Control
50/51 Time overcurrent protection ph ase 50-1, 50-2, 51,
reverse interlocking
50N/51N Time overcurrent protection ground
50N-1, 50N-2, 51N
50N/51N Insensitive time overcurrent protection ground via the in-
sensitive DGFD function: 50Ns-1, 50Ns-2, 51Ns 2)
49 Overload protection (with 2 time constants)
46 Negative Sequence Protection
37 Undercurrent monitoring
47 Pha s e Rotation
59N/64 Displacement Voltage
50BF Circuit breaker failure protection
74TC Trip Circuit Monitoring
Cold-load pickup (dynamic setting changes) 50c, 51c,
50Nc, 51Nc, 67c, 67Nc
Inrush restraint
86 Lock out
V, f 27/59
81O/U Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Under/Overfrequency F E
IEF V, f 27/59
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Intermittent ground fault
Dir 67/67N Directional overcurrent protection F C
Dir V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Dir IEF 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Intermittent ground fault P C
DGFD Dir 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
F D 1)
DGFD Dir IEF 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Intermittent ground fault
P D 1)
87N Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection F B 1)
DGFD Motor V, f 67Ns
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
H F 1)
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) for isolated/compensated networks, only for sensitive ground current transformer if 7th digit
= 2, 6
2) only for non-sensitive ground current transformer if 7th digit = 1, 5, 7
DGFD Motor Dir V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
H H 1)
DGFD Motor Dir IEF V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Intermittent ground fault
R H 1)
Motor Dir V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
DGFD = Directional ground fault detection
IEF = Intermittent ground (earth) fault protection
Dir = Directional Time Overcurrent Protection (67 and 67N Elements)
V, f = Voltage protection, frequency protection
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Automatic Reclosing (79) / Fault Locator Pos. 16
No 79, no fault locator 0
79 With 79 1
21FL With fault locator 2
79, 21FL With 79 and fault locator 3
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.1.1.2 7SJ63 V4.6
Multi-Functiona l Pro-
tective Relay with
Local Control
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Supplemen-
7SJ63 ––+
Housing, Binary Inputs and Outputs, Measuring Transducer Pos. 6
Housing 1/2 19'', 11 BI, 8 BO, 1 Live Status Contact 1
Housing 1/2 19'', 24 BI, 11 BO, 2 High-duty relays (4 Contacts), 1 Live Status Contact 2
Housing 1/2 19'', 20 BI, 11 BO, 2 TD, 2 High-duty relays (4 Contacts), 1 Live Status Contact 3
Housing 1/1 19'', 37 BI, 14 BO, 4 High-duty relays (8 Contacts), 1 Live Status Contact 5
Housing 1/1 19'', 33 BI, 14 BO, 2 TD, 4 High-duty relays (8 Contact s), 1 Live Status Contact 6
Measuring Inputs (3 x V, 4 x I)Pos. 7
IPh = 1 A, IN = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A); 15th position only with A, C, E, G 1
IPh = 1 A, IN = sensitive (min. = 0.001 A); 15th position only with B, D, F, H 2
IPh = 5 A, IN = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A); 15th position only with A, C, E, G 5
IPh = 5 A, IN = sensitive (min. = 0.001 A); 15th position only with B, D, F, H 6
IPh = 5 A, IN = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A); 15th position only with A, C, E, G 7
Power Supply, Binary Input Pickup Threshold Setting Pos. 8
24 to 48 VDC, Binary Input Threshold 19 VDC 2
60 to 125 VDC, Binary Input Threshold 19 VDC 4
110 to 250 VDC, 115 to 230 VAC, Binary Input Threshold 88 VDC 5
Construction Pos. 9
Surface-mounting case, plug-in terminals, detached operator panel Installation in a low-voltage compartment A
Surface-mounting case for panel, 2 tier terminals top/bottom B
Surface-mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs), detached operator
panel, insta llation in a low-voltage C
Flush mounting case with plug-in terminals (2/3 pin connector) D
Flush mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs) E
Surface-mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs), without operator panel,
installation in a low-voltage F
Surface-mounting case, plug-in terminals, without operator panel Installation in a low-voltage compartment G
Region-specifi c Defau lt / La ngu a ge Setti ng s and Function Versions Pos. 10
Region DE, 50 Hz, IEC, Language German (Language can be changed) A
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, language English (language can be changed) B
Region US, 60 Hz, ANSI, Language American English (Language can be changed) C
Region FR, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, La nguage French (Language can be chan ged) D
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, Language Spanish (Language can be changed) E
System Interface (Rear Side, Port B) Pos. 11
No system interface 0
IEC-Protocol, electrical RS232 1
IEC-Protocol, electrical RS485 2
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) Cannot be delivered in connection with 9th digit = "B". If the optical interface is required you
must order the following: 11th digit = 4 (RS485) and in addition, the associated converter
2) Cannot be delivered in connection with 9th digit = "B".
3) In the surface mounting case with 2 tier terminal s as of January 2005
4) Deliverable as of April 2005
1) The converter requires an operating voltage of 24 VDC. If the available operating voltage is
> 24 VDC the additional power supply 7XV5810– 0BA00 is required.
1) RTD- bo x 7XV5662–*AD10
2) If you want to run the RTD-Box at an optical interface, you need also the RS485–FO–con-
verter 7XV5650–0*A00.
IEC-Protocol, optical, 820 nm, ST-Connector 3
Profibus FMS Slave, electrical RS485 4
Profibus FMS Slave, optical, Single Ring, ST-Connector 1) 5 1)
Profibus FMS Slave, optical, Double Ring, ST-Connector 1) 6 1)
For further interface options see Additional Information in the following 9
System Interface (Rear Side, Port B) Pos. 11
Additional information to further sys tem interfaces (device rear, port B) Supp le-
Profibus DP Slave, RS485 + L 0 A
Profibus DP Slave, 820 nm, optical Doubl e Ring, ST–Connector 1) + L 0 B 1)
Modbus RS485 + L 0 D
Modbus, 820 nm, optical, ST–Connector 2) + L 0 E 2)
DNP3.0, RS485 + L 0 G
DNP3.0, 820 nm, optical, ST–Connector 2) + L 0 H 2)
IEC 61850, Ethernet electrical (EN 100)3), + L 0 R, 3)
IEC 61850, Ethernet optical, double, LC-connector (EN 100)2), 4) + L 0 S2), 4)
Converter Order No. Use
SIEMENS OLM1) 6GK1502–2CB10 For single ring
SIEMENS OLM1) 6GK1502–3CB10 For double ring
DIGSI/Modem Interface (Rear Side, Port C) Pos. 12
No DIGSI interface at the back 0
DIGSI/Modem, electrical RS232 1
DIGSI/Modem/RTD box 1), electrical RS485 2
DIGSI/Modem/RTD box 1), optical 820 nm, ST connector 2) 3
Measuring/Fault Recording Pos. 13
With fault recording, average values, min/max va lues 3
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Designation ANSI no. Description F A
Basic Elements (included in all ver-
sions) Control
50/51 Time overcurrent protection phase 50-1, 50-2, 51,
reverse interlocking
50N/51N Time overcurrent protection ground 50N-1, 50N-2, 51N
50N/51N Insensitive time overcurrent protection ground via the
insensitive DGFD function: 50Ns-1, 50Ns-2, 51Ns 2)
49 Overload protection (with 2 time constants)
46 Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2, 46-TOC
37 Undercurrent monitoring
47 Phase Rotation
59N/64 Displacement voltage
50BF Circuit breaker failure protection
74TC Trip Circuit Monitoring
Cold-loa d pickup (dynamic setting changes) 50C-1,
50C-2, 50NC-1, 50NC-2, 51NC
Inrush restraint
86 Lock out
V, f 27/59
81O/U Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Under/Overfrequency F E
IEF V, f 27/59
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Intermittent ground fault
Dir 67/67N Directional overcurrent protection F C
Dir V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Dir IEF 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Intermittent ground fault P C
DGFD Dir 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
F D 1)
DGFD Dir IEF 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Intermittent ground fault
P D 1)
87N Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection F B 1)
DGFD Motor V, f 67Ns
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
H F 1)
DGFD Motor Dir V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
H H 1)
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) for isolated/compensated networks, only for sensitive ground current transformer if 7th digit
= 2, 6
2) only for non-sensitive ground current transformer if 7th digit = 1, 5, 7
DGFD Motor Dir IEF V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Intermittent ground fault
R H 1)
motor Dir V, f 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit
motor 48/14
66/86 Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors H A
DGFD = Directional ground fault detection
IEF = Intermittent ground (earth) fault protection
Dir = Directional Time Overcurrent Protection (67 and 67N Elements)
V, f = Voltage protection, frequency protection
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Automatic Reclosing (79) / Fault Locator Pos. 16
No 79, no fault locator 0
79 With 79 1
21FL With fault locator 2
79, 21FL With 79 and fault locator 3
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.1.1.3 7SJ64 V4.6
1) 230 VAC only possible with release 7SJ64**...../CC and higher
Multi-Functiona l Pro-
tective Relay with
Local Control
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Supplemen-
7SJ64 ––+
Housing, Binary Inputs and Outputs, Measuring Transducer Pos. 6
Housing 1/3 19'', 4-line Display, 7 BI, 5 BO, 1 Live Status Contact; 9th position only with: B, D, E 0
Housing 1/2 19'', Graphic Displ ay, 15 BI, 13 BO, 1 Live Status Contact 1
Housing 1/2 19'', Graphic Display, 20 BI, 8 BO, 2 High-duty relays (4 Contacts), 1 Live Status Contact 2
Housing 1/1 19'', Graphic Display, 33 BI, 11 BO, 4 High-duty relays (8 Contacts), 1 Live Status Contact 5
Measuring Inputs (4 x V, 4 x I)Pos. 7
IPh = 1 A, IN = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A); 15th position only with A, C, E, G 1
IPh = 1 A, IN = sensitive (min. = 0.001 A); 15th position only with B, D, F, H 2
IPh = 5 A, IN = 5 A (min. = 0.25 A); 15th position only with A, C, E, G 5
IPh = 5 A, IN = sensitive (min. = 0.001 A); 15th position only with B, D, F, H 6
IPh = 5 A, IN = 1 A (min. = 0.05 A); 15th position only with A, C, E, G 7
Power Supply, Binary Input Pickup Threshold Setting Pos. 8
24 to 48 VDC, Binary Input Threshold 19 VDC 2
60 to 125 VDC, Binary Input Threshold 19 VDC 4
110 to 250 VDC, 115 to 230 VAC 1), Binary Input Threshold 88 VDC 5
Construction Pos. 9
Surface-mounting case, plug-in terminals, detached operator panel Installation in a low-voltage compartment A
Surface-mounting case for panel, 2 tier terminals top/bottom B
Surface-mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs), detached operator
panel, insta llation in a low-voltage C
Flush mounting case with plug-in terminals (2/3 pin connector) D
Flush mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs) E
Surface-mounting case, screw-type terminals (direct connection / ring and spade lugs), without operator panel,
installation in a low-voltage F
Surface-mounting case, plug-in terminals, without operator panel Installation in a low-voltage compartment G
Region-specifi c Defau lt / La ngu a ge Setti ng s and Function Versions Pos. 10
Region DE, 50 Hz, IEC, Language German (Language can be changed) A
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, language English (language can be changed) B
Region US, 60 Hz, ANSI, Language American English (Language can be changed) C
Region FR, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, La nguage French (Language can be chan ged) D
Region World, 50/60 Hz, IEC/ANSI, Language Spanish (Language can be changed) E
System Interface (Rear Side, Port B) Pos. 11
No system interface 0
IEC-Protocol, electrical RS232 1
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) Cannot be delivered in connection with 9th digit = "B". If the optical interface is required you
must order the following: 11th digit = 4 (RS485) and in addition, the associated converter
2) Cannot be delivered in connection with 9th digit = "B".
3) In the surface mounting case with 2 tier terminal s as of January 2005
4) Deliverable as of April 2005
1) The converter requires an operating voltage of 24 VDC. If the available operating voltage is
> 24 VDC the additional power supply 7XV5810– 0BA00 is required.
1) RTD- bo x 7XV5662–*AD10
1) RTD- bo x 7XV5662–*AD10
2) If you want to run the RTD box on an optical port, you will also need the RS485 optical con-
verter 7XV5650–0*A00.
IEC-Protocol, electrical RS485 2
IEC-Protocol, optical, 820 nm, ST-Connector 3
Profibus FMS Slave, electrical RS485 4
Profibus FMS Slave, optical, Single Ring, ST-Connector 1) 5 1)
Profibus FMS Slave, optical, Double Ring, ST-Connector 1) 6 1)
For further interface options see Additional Information in the following L9
System Interface (Rear Side, Port B) Pos. 11
Additional information L to further sy stem in terfaces (device rear, port B) Supple-
Profibus DP Slave, RS485 + L 0 A
Profibus DP Slave, 820 nm, optical Doubl e Ring, ST–Connector 1) + L 0 B 1)
Modbus RS485 + L 0 D
Modbus, 820 nm, optical, ST–Connector 2) + L 0 E 2)
DNP3.0, RS485 + L 0 G
DNP3.0, 820 nm, optical, ST–Connector 2) + L 0 H 2)
IEC 61850, Ethernet electrical (EN 100)3), + L 0 R3)
IEC 61850, Ethernet optical, double, LC-connector (EN 100)2), 4) + L 0 S2), 4)
Converter Order No. Use
SIEMENS OLM1) 6GK1502–2CB10 For single ring
SIEMENS OLM1) 6GK1502–3CB10 For double ring
DIGSI/Modem Interface (Rear Side, Port C) Pos. 12
DIGSI/Modem, electrical RS232 1
DIGSI/Modem/RTD box 1), electrical RS485 2
For further interface options see Additional Information M9
Additional Informatio n M, Service and Additional Interface (Port C and Port D)
Port C: DIGSI/Modem, electrical RS232 M 1 *
Port C: DIGSI/Modem/RTD box 1), electrical RS485 M 2 *
Port D: RTD box 1), optical 820 nm, 2), ST connector M * A
Port D: RTD-Box 1), electrical RS485 M * F
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Measuring/Fault Recording Pos. 13
With fault recording 1
With fault recording, average values, min/max values 3
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Designation ANSI no. Description F A
Basic Elements (included in all ver-
sions) Control
50/51 Time overcurrent protection phase 50-1, 50-2, 51,
reverse interlocking, independen t of phase sequence
50N/51N Time overcurrent protection ground 50N-1, 50N-2, 51N
50N/51N Insensitive time overcurrent protection ground via the
insensitive DGFD function: 50Ns-1, 50Ns-2, 51Ns 2)
50/50N Flexible Protection Functions (current parameters): Ad-
ditive overcurrent time protection 50-3, 50-4
49 Overload protection (with 2 time constants)
46 Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2, 46-TOC
37 Undercurrent monitoring
47 Phase Rotation
64/59N Displacement voltage
50BF Circuit breaker failure protection
74TC Trip Circuit Monitoring
Cold-loa d pickup (dynamic setting changes) 50C-1,
50C-2, 50NC-1, 50NC-2, 51NC
Inrush restraint
86 Lock out
V, f, P 27/59
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
IEF V, f, P 27/59
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
Intermittent ground fault
Dir 67/67N Directional overcurrent protection F C
Dir V, f, P 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
Dir IEF 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Intermittent ground fault P C
DGFD Dir 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
F D 1)
DGFD Dir IEF 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Intermittent ground fault
P D 1)
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1) for isolated/compensated networks, only for sensitive ground current transformer if 7th digit
= 2, 6
2) only for non-sensitive ground current transformer if 7th digit = 1, 5, 7
87N Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection F B 1)
DGFD Motor V, f, P 67Ns
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
H F 1)
DGFD Motor Dir V, f, P 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
H H 1)
DGFD Motor Dir IEF V, f, P 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Directional sensitive ground fault detection
High-impedance ground fault differential protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit for Motors
Under/Overvoltage 59-1, 59-2, 27-1, 27-2
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
Intermittent ground fault
R H 1)
Motor Dir V, f, P 67/67N
Directional overcurrent protection
Motor starting supervision, locked rotor
Restart Inhibit
Flexible Protection Functions (current and voltage pa-
rameters): Protective function for voltage, power , power
factor, frequency change
DGFD = Directional ground fault detection
IEF = Intermittent ground (earth) fault protection
Dir = Directional Time Overcurrent Protection (67 and 67N Elements)
V, f, P = Voltage protection, frequency protection, power protection
Functions Pos. 14
and 15
Automatic Reclosin g (79 ) / Fau lt Lo ca to r / Synchronization Pos. 16
Without 0
79 With 79 1
21FL With fault locator 2
79, 21FL With 79 and fault locator 3
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3) with V4.6 in 01/2005
A.1.2 Accessories
Exchangeable in-
terface modules Name Order No.
RS232 C53207-A351-D641-1
RS485 C73207-A351-D642-1
FO 820 nm C73207-A351-D643-1
Profibus FMS RS485 C53207-A351-D603-1
Profibus FMS double ring C53207-A351-D606-1
Profibus FMS single ring C53207-A351-D609-1
Profibus DP RS485 C53207-A351-D611-1
Profibus DP double ring C53207-A351-D613-1
Modbus RS485 C53207-A351-D621-1
Modbus 820 nm C53207-A351-D623-1
DNP 3.0 RS 485 C53207-A351-D631-1
DNP 3.0 820 nm C53207-A351 -D6 3 3- 1
Ethernet electrical (EN 100) C53207–A351–D675–1
(Resistance Tem-
perature Detector)
Name Order No.
RTD-box, Vaux = 24 to 240 V AC/DC 7XV5662-6AD10
RS485/F ib r e Op ti c
Converter RS485/Fibre Optic Converter Order No.
820 nm; FC–Connector 7XV5650–0AA00
820 nm, with ST–Connector 7XV5650–0BA00
Terminal Block
Covering Caps Covering cap for terminal block type Order No.
18-pin voltage terminal, 12-pin current terminal C73334-A1-C31-1
12-terminal voltage, 8-terminal current block C73334-A1-C32-1
25 With Synchr onization 4
25, 79, 21FL With synchronization, 79 and fault locator 7
Automatic Reclosing (79) / Fault Locator / Synchronization Pos. 16
A.1 Ordering Inform a tio n an d Acce ss or ies
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Short Circuit Links Short circuit links for terminal type Order No.
Voltage terminal, 18-terminal, or 12-terminal C73334-A1-C34-1
Current terminal,12-terminal, or 8-terminal C73334-A1-C33-1
Female Plugs Connector Type Order No.
2-pin C73334-A1-C35-1
3-pin C73334-A1-C36-1
Mounting Rail for
19"-Racks Name Order No.
Angle Strip (Mounting Rail) C73165-A63-C200-3
Battery Lithium battery 3 V/1 Ah, type CR 1/2 AA Order No.
VARTA 6127 101 301
Interface Cable Interface cable between PC or SIPROTEC device Order No.
Cable with 9-pin male/female connections 7XV5100–4
Varistor Voltage-limiting resistor for high-impedance differential protection
Name Order number
125 Veff, 600 A, 1S/S256 W73028-V3125-A1
240 Veff, 600 A, 1S/S1088 W73028-V3300-A2
Dongle cable Cable for the operation of the device without operator
panel and for leading the PC interface out Order number
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2 Terminal Assignments
A.2.1 7SJ62 — Housing for panel flush mounting or cubicle installation
Figure A-1 General diagram for 7SJ621*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-2 General diagram for 7SJ622*–*D/E (panel flush mounted or cubicle mounted)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.2 7SJ62 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting
Figure A-3 General diagram for 7SJ621*–*B (panel surface mounted)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-4 General diagram for 7SJ622*–*B (panel surface mounted)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.3 7SJ62 — Interface assignment on housing for panel surface mounting
7SJ621/2*-*B (up to
release ... /CC)
Figure A-5 General diag ram for 7SJ621/2 *–*B up to release ... /CC (panel surface mount-
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7SJ621/2*-*B (re-
lease ... /DD and
Figure A-6 General diagram fo r 7SJ621/2*–*B, release ... /DD and higher (panel surface
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.4 7SJ63 — Housing for panel flush mounting or cubicle installation
Figure A-7 General diag ram for 7SJ631*–*D/E (panel flush mounted or cubicle mounted)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-8 General diagram fo r 7SJ632*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-9 General diag ram for 7SJ633*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-10 General diagram for 7SJ635*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting),
part 1
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-1 1 General diagram for 7SJ635*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting),
part 2
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-12 General diagram for 7SJ636*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting),
part 1
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-13 General diagram for 7SJ636*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting),
part 2
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.5 7SJ631/2/3 — Housing for panel surface mounting
Figure A-14 General diagram for 7SJ631*-*B (panel surface mounting)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-15 General diagram for 7SJ632*-*B (panel surface mounted)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-16 General diagram for 7SJ633*-*B (panel surface mounting)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.6 7SJ631/2/3 — Interface assignment on housing for panel surface mounting
7SJ631/2/3*-*B (up
to release ... /CC)
Figure A-17 General diagram 7SJ631/2/3*-*B up to release ... /CC (panel surface mounting)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7SJ631/2/3 *-*B (re-
lease ... /DD and
Figure A-18 General diagram for 7SJ631/2/3*–*B, release ... /DD and higher (panel surface
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.7 7SJ635/6 — Housing for panel surface mounting
Figure A-19 G eneral diagram for 7SJ635*-*B (panel surface mounting), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-20 General diagram for 7SJ635*-*B (panel surface mounting), part 2
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-21 G eneral diagram for 7SJ636*-*B (panel surface mounting), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-22 General diagram for 7SJ636*-*B (panel surface mounting), part 2
A Appendix
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.8 7SJ635/6 — Interface assignment on housing for panel surface mounting
7SJ635/6*-*B (up to
release ... /CC)
Figure A-23 General diagram for 7SJ635/6*-*B up to release ... /CC (panel surface mount-
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7SJ635/6*-*B (re-
lease ... /DD and
Figure A-24 General diagram for 7SJ635/6*-*, release ... /DD and higher (panel surface
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.9 7SJ63 — Housing with detached operator panel
Figure A-25 General diagram 7SJ6 31*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-26 General diagram 7SJ632*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel)
A Appendix
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-27 General diagram 7SJ6 33*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-28 General diagram 7SJ635*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel), part 1
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-29 General diagram 7SJ6 35*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel), part 2
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-30 General diagram 7SJ636*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel), part 1
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-31 General diagram 7SJ6 36*-*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel), part 2
A.2 Terminal Assignments
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.10 7SJ63 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting without Operator Panel
Figure A-32 General diagram 7SJ631*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
erator panel)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-33 General diagram 7SJ632*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
eration unit)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-34 General diagram 7SJ633*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
eration unit)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-35 General diagram 7SJ635*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
eration unit), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-36 General diagram 7SJ635*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
eration unit), part 2
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-37 General diagram 7SJ636*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
erator panel), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-38 General diagram 7SJ636*-*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without op-
erator panel), part 2
A Appendix
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.11 7SJ64 — Housing for Panel Flush Mounting or Cubicle Installation
Figure A-39 General diagram for 7SJ640*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-40 General diagram for 7SJ641*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicl e mounting)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-41 General diagram for 7SJ642*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-42 General diagram for 7SJ645*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting),
part 1
A Appendix
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-43 General diagram for 7SJ645*–*D/E (panel flush mounting or cubicle mounting),
part 2
A.2 Terminal Assignments
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.12 7SJ64 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting
Figure A-44 General diagram for 7SJ640*–*B (panel surface mounted)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-45 General diagram for 7SJ641*–*B (panel surface mounting)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-46 General diagram for 7SJ642*–*B (panel surface mounting)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-47 General diagram for 7SJ645*–*B (panel surface mounting), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-48 General diagram for 7SJ645*–*B (panel surface mounting), part 2
A Appendix
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.13 7SJ64 — Housing with Detached Operator Panel
Figure A-49 General diagram 7SJ641*–*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-50 General diagram 7SJ642*–*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-51 General diagram 7SJ645*–*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-52 General diagram 7SJ645*–*A/C (panel surface mounting with detached opera-
tor panel), part 2
A Appendix
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C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.2.14 7SJ64 — Housing for Panel Surface Mounting without Operator Panel
Figure A-53 General diagram 7SJ641*–*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without
operation unit)
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-54 General diagram 7SJ642*–*F/G (panel surface mounting without operator
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-55 General diagram 7SJ645*–*F/G (devices for panel surface mounting without
operator panel), part 1
A.2 Terminal Assignments
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-56 General diagram 7SJ645*–*F/G (devi ce s for panel surface mounting without
operator panel), part 2
A.2.15 Connector Assignment
On the Ports
On the time Syn-
chronization Port
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.3 Connection Examples
A.3.1 Connection Examples for 7SJ62
Figure A-57 7SJ6 2: Current connection s to three current transformers with a starpoint con-
nection for ground current (grounded-Wye connection with residual 3I0 neutral
current), normal circuit layout appropriate for all networks
Figure A-58 7SJ62: Current connections to two current transformers - only for ungrounded
or compensated networks
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-59 7SJ62: Current connections to three current transformers and a core balance
neutral current transformer for ground current – preferred for effectively or low-
resistance grounded networks
Figure A-60 7SJ62: Current connections to two current transforme rs and core balance
neutral current transformer for sensitive ground fault detection - only for un-
grounded or compensated networks
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-61 7SJ6 2: Current connection s to three current transformers – core balance
neutral current transformers for sensitive ground fault detection.
Figure A-62 7SJ62: Current and voltage connections to three current transformers and three
voltage transformers (phase-ground), normal circuit layout – appropriate for all
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-63 7SJ62: Current and voltage connections to three current transformers, two
voltage transformers (phase-phase) and o pen delta VT for VG, appropriate for
all networks
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-64 7SJ62: Current and voltage connections to two current transformers and two
voltage transformers, for ungrounded or compensated networks, if no ground
protections is needed
Figure A-65 7SJ62: Connection (grounded-Wye connection), two voltage transformers, for
ungrounded or compensated networks; no directional ground protection, since
displacement voltage cannot be calculated
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-66 7SJ62: Current and voltage connections to three current transformers, core
balance neutral current transformers and open delta voltage transformers,
maximum precision for sensitive ground fault detection
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-67 7SJ62: Connection circuit for single-phase voltage transformers with phase-to-
ground voltages
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.3.2 Connection Examples for 7SJ63
Figure A-68 7SJ63: Current connections to three current transformers with a starpoint con-
nection for ground current (Grounded-Wye Connection with residual 3I0 Neutral
Current), normal circuit layout \endash appropriate for all networks
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-69 7SJ63: Current connections to two current transformers - only for ungrounded
or compensated networks
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-70 7SJ63: Current connections to three current transformers and a core balance
neutral current transformer for ground current – preferred for effectively or low-
resistance grounded networks
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-71 7SJ63: Current connections to two current transformers and core balance
neutral current transformer for sensitive ground fault detection - only for un-
grounded or compensated networks
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-72 7SJ63: Current and voltage connections to three current transformers and three
voltage transformers (phase-ground), normal circuit layout – appropriate for all
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-73 7SJ6 3: Curre nt and voltage connections to three current transformers, two
voltage transformers (phase-phase) and open delta VT for VG, appropriate for
all networks
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-74 7SJ63: Current and voltage connections to two current transforme rs and two
voltage transformers, for ungrounded or compensated networks, if no direction-
al ground protections is needed
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-75 7SJ6 3: Curre nt and voltage connections to three current tran sformers, core
balance neutral current transfor mers and open delta voltage transformers,
maximum precision for sensitive ground fault detection
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-76 7SJ63: Connection circuit for single-phase voltage transformers with phase-to-
ground voltages
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.3.3 Connection Examples for 7SJ64
Figure A-77 7SJ6 4: Current connection s to three current transformers with a starpoint con-
nection for ground current (residual 3I0 neutral current), normal circuit layout
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-78 7SJ64: Current connections to three current transformers with separate ground
current transformer (summation current transformer or cable core balance
current transformer)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-79 7SJ64: Current connections to two current transformers and core balance
neutral current transformer for sensitive ground fault detection - only for un-
grounded or compensated networks
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-80 7SJ64: Voltage connections to three Wye-connected voltage transformers
(normal circuit layout)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-81 7SJ64: Voltage connections to three Wye-connected voltage transformers with
additional open-delta windings (da–dn–winding)
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-82 7SJ64: Voltage connections to three Wye-connected voltage transformers with
additional open-delta windings (da–dn–winding) from the busbar
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-83 7SJ64: Vo ltage connections to three Wye-connected voltage transformers and
additionally to any phase-to-phase voltage (for synchronism check for example)
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-84 7SJ64: Two phase-to-phase voltages to three Wye-connected voltage trans-
formers with additional open-delta windings (da–dn–winding)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-85 7SJ64: V oltage connections to two voltage transformers and additionally to any
phase-to-phase voltage (for synchronism check for example) With this type of
connection it is not possible to determine the zero sequence voltage V0. Func-
tions that use the zero sequence voltage must be hidden or disabled.
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-86 7SJ64: Connection circuit for single-phase voltage transformers with phase-to-
phase voltages
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.3.4 Connection example for high-impedance ground fault differential protection
Figure A-87 High-impedance differential protection for a grounded transfo rme r winding
(showing the partial connection for the high-impedance differential protection)
A.3.5 Connection Examples for RTD-Box
Figure A-88 Simplex operation with one RTD-Box, above: optical design (1 FO); below:
design with RS 485
Figure A-89 Half-duplex operation with one RTD-Box, above: optical design (2 FOs); below:
design with RS 485
A.3 Connection Examples
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-90 Half-duplex operation with two RTD-Boxes, above: optical design (2 FOs);
below: design with RS 485
Alternatively to the above figures, whe n 7SJ64 uses a converter it must be
connected to Port D otherwise Port C or D can be used.
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.4 Current Transformer Requirements
The requirements for phase current transformer s ar e usually de te rm ined by the over-
current time prot ection, particularly by the high-current element settings. Besides,
there is a minimum requirement based on experience.
The recommenda tions are given according to the standard IEC 60044-1.
The sta ndards IEC 60044-6, BS 3938 and ANSI/IEEE C 57.13 are refe rred to for con-
verting the requirement into the knee-point voltage and other transformer classes.
A.4.1 Accuracy limiting factors
Effective and Rated
Accuracy Limiting
example according
to IEC 60044–1
Required minimum effective accu-
racy limiting factor
but at least 20
KALF’ Minimum effective accuracy limit ing
50-2PU Primary pickup value of the high-current
IpNom Primary nominal transformer current
Resulting rated accuracy limiting
KALF Rated accuracy limiting factor
RBC Connected burden resistance
(device and cables)
RBN Nominal burden resistance
RCt Tran sformer internal burden resistance
IsNom = 1 A
KALF’ = 20
RBC = 0.6 Ω (device and cab les)
RCt = 3 Ω
RBN = 5 Ω (5 VA) KALF set to 10,
so that: 5P10, 5 VA
IsNom = secondary transformer nominal current
A.4 Current Tr an sf or me r Re qu irem en ts
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.4.2 Class conversion
Table A-1 Conversion into other classes
British Standard BS 3938
ANSI/IEEE C 57.13, class C
sNom = 5 A (typical value)
IEC 60044-6 (transient response),
class TPS
Classes TPX, TPY, TPZ
K 1
Calculated as in Chapter A.4.1 where:
TP depending on power system and specified closing
VkKnee-point voltage
RCt Internal burden resistance
RBN Nominal burden resistance
IsNom secondary nominal transformer current
KALF Rated accuracy limiting factor
Vs.t.max sec. terminal volt. at 20 IpNom
Val sec. magnetization limit voltage
K Dimensioning factor
KSSC Factor symmetr. Rated fault current
TPPrimary time constant
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.4.3 Cable core balance current transformer
General The requirements to the cable core balance current transformer are determined by the
function „sensitive ground fault detection“.
The recommendations are given according to the standards IEC 60044-1 and
Requirements to
the cable core
balance current
transformer ac -
cording to
IEC 60044-1 and
Class accuracy
Table A-2 Minimum required class accuracy depending on neutral grounding and function
operating principle
Note that the class accuracy according to IEC 61869-2 below 5% Irated (< 50 mA
secondary) is not defined in general. For very sensitive directional measurements,
Siemens recommends the classes 0.5S or 0. 1S that define the class accu racy via an
extended current range (up to 1% Irated) (see chapter, IEC 61869-2).
Another possibility is to correct the phase-angle error of the transformer on the device,
if this error is known (see function description Sensitive ground-fault detection).
Transformation ratio, typical
It may be necessary to select a different transformation ratio to
suit the specific power system and thus the corresponding
amount of the maximum ground fault current.
60 / 1
Accuracy limiting factor FS = 10
Power 1 to 4 times the connected
burden (device input plus
Notes concerni n g the p ow e r:
The burden of the sensitive ground-current input is very low (0.05 VA or 0.1 VA). Thus, an un-
derburden of more than factor 4 is probable. In this case, clarify the suitability of the class ac-
curacy concerning an important underburden with the transformer manufacturer . If necessary,
request the accuracy for the range from 0 VA to the rated burden. This specification is then
outside the standard, but in practice, it is possible in most cases.
(Relevant standard: IEC 61869-2, Chapter Extended burden range. There, the range
1 VA to rated burd en is specified for rated burdens smaller than 15 VA.)
Starpoint isolated compensated high-resis-
tance grounded
Function direc-
tional Class 1 Class 1 Class 1
Function non-di-
rectional Class 3 Class 1 Class 3
A.5 Default Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.5 Default Settings
When the device leaves th e fa ctor y, a large number of LED indications, binary inputs
and output s as well a s function keys a re alr ead y pres et. T hey are sum marized in th e
following table.
A.5.1 LEDs
Table A-3 Preset LED disp l a ys
A.5.2 Binary Input
Table A-4 Binary input presettings for all devices and ordering variants
LEDs Default function Function No. Description
LED1 Relay TRIP 511 Relay GENERAL TRIP command
LED2 50/51 Ph A PU 1762 5 0/51 Phase A picked up
67 A picked up 2692 67/67-TOC Phase A picked up
LED3 50/51 Ph B PU 1763 5 0/51 Phase B picked up
67 B picked up 2693 67/67-TOC Phase B picked up
LED4 50/51 Ph C PU 1764 50/51 Phase C picked up
67 C picked up 2694 67/67-TOC Phase C picked up
LED5 50N/51NPickedup 1765 50N/51N picked up
67N picked up 2695 67N/67N-TOC picked up
LED6 Failure Σ I 162 Failure: Current Summation
Fail I balance 163 Failure: Current Balance
Fail V balance 167 Failure: Voltage Balance
Fail Ph. Seq. I 175 F ailure: Phase Sequence Current
Fail Ph. Seq. V 176 Failure: Phase Sequence Voltage
LED7 Not configured 1 No Func tion configured
LED9 >Door open >Cabinet door open
LED10 >CB wait >CB waiting for Spring charged
LED11 Not configured 1 No Function configured
LED12 Not config ured 1 N o Function configured
LED13 Not config ured 1 N o Function configured
LED14 Not config ured 1 N o Function configured
Binary Input Default function Function No. Description
BI1 >BLOCK 50-2 1721 > B LOCK 50-2
>BLOCK 50N-2 1724 >BLOCK 50N-2
BI2 >Reset LED 5 >Reset LED
BI3 >Light on >Back Light on
BI4 >52-b 4602 >52-b contact (OPEN, if bkr is
52Breaker 52 Breaker
BI5 >52-a 4601 >52-a contact (OPEN, if bkr is open)
52Breaker 52 Breaker
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table A-5 Further binary input presettings for 7SJ631*-
Table A-6 Further binary input presettings for 7SJ632*- 7SJ633*- 7SJ635*- 7SJ636*- as
well as 7SJ641* 7SJ642*- 7SJ645*-
A.5.3 Binary Output
Table A-7 Further Outpu t Rel ay Presettings for all 7SJ62**- and 7SJ63**-
Table A-8 Further Output Relay Presettings for 7SJ62**-
Table A-9 Further Output Relay Presettings for 7SJ63**-
Binary Input Default function F unction No. Description
BI6 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BI7 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BI21 GndSwit. Ground Switch
BI22 GndSwit. Ground Switch
BI23 >CB ready >CB ready Spring is charged
BI24 >DoorClose >Door closed
Binary Input Default function F unction No. Description
BI6 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BI7 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BI8 GndSwit. Ground Switch
BI9 GndSwit. Ground Switch
BI11 >CB ready >CB ready Spring is charged
BI12 >DoorClose >Door closed
Binary Output Default function Function No. Description
BO1 Relay TRIP 511 Relay GENERAL TRIP command
52Breaker 52 Breaker
BO2 52Breaker 52 Breaker
79 Close 2851 79 - Close command
BO3 52Breaker 52 Breaker
79 Close 2851 79 - Close command
Binary Output Default function Function No. Description
BO4 Failure Σ I 162 Failure: Current Summation
Fail I balance 163 Failure: Current Balance
Fail V balance 167 Failure: Voltage Balance
Fail Ph. Seq. I 175 Failure: Phase Sequence Current
Fail Ph. Seq. V 176 Failure: Phase Sequen ce Voltage
BO7 Relay PICKUP 501 Relay PICKUP
Binary Output Default function Function No. Description
BO11 GndSwit. Ground Switch
BO12 GndSwit. Ground Switch
BO13 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BO14 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BO15 Failure Σ I 162 Failure: Current Summation
Fail I balance 163 Failure: Current Balance
Fail V balance 167 Failure: Voltage Balance
Fail Ph. Seq. I 175 Failure: Phase Sequence Current
Fail Ph. Seq. V 176 Failure: Phase Sequen ce Voltage
A.5 Default Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Table A-10 Further Output Relay Presettings for 7SJ632*-, 7SJ633*-, 7SJ635*- 7SJ636*-
Table A-11 Further Output Relay Presettings for 7SJ64**-
Table A-12 Further Output Relay Presettings for 7SJ641*-, 7SJ642*- and 7SJ645*-
A.5.4 Function Keys
Table A-13 Applies to All Devices and Ordered Variants
A.5.5 Default Display
Devices featuring 4-line display provide a number of predefined measured value
pages. The start page of the default display, which will open after device startup, can
be selected via parameter 640 Start image DD
Devices featuring a graphic display have a default display that provides a graphical
representation of the current operating status and/or selected measured values. The
displayed parameters are selected during configuration.
Binary Output Default function Function No. Description
BO10 Relay PICKUP 501 Relay PICKUP
Binary Output Default function Function No. Description
BO3 Re lay TRIP 511 Relay GENERAL TRIP command
52Breaker 52 Breaker
BO4 52Breaker 52 Breaker
79 Close 2851 79 - Close command
BO5 52Breaker 52 Breaker
79 Close 2851 79 - Close command
Binary Output Default function Function No. Description
BO1 G ndSwit. Ground Switch
BO2 G ndSwit. Ground Switch
BO10 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
BO11 Disc.Swit. Disconnect Switch
Function Keys Default function Function No. Description
F1 Display of opera-
tional indications --
F2 Display of the
primary operational
measured values
F3 An overview of the
last eight network
F4 Not allocated - -
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4-Line Display of
Figure A-91 Defau l t di sp l ay fo r con fi g urations without extended measured values (13th po-
sition of MLFB = 0 or 1)
A.5 Default Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-92 Default display for configurations with extended measured values (13th position
of MLFB = 2 or 3)
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4-Line Display of
Figure A-93 Default display of the 4-line display 7SJ6 40*-)
A.5 Default Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Graphic Display of
7SJ63 and
Figure A-94 Default displays for graphic display
Spontaneous Fault
Indication of the 4
Line Display
The spontaneous annunciations on devices with 4–line display serve to display the
most important data about a fault. They appear automatically in the display after
general interrogation of the device, in the sequence shown in the following figure.
Figure A-95 Display of spontaneous annunciations in the 4–line display of the device
Spontaneous Fault
Indication of the
Graphic Display
All devices featuring a g raphic d isp lay a llow to select wh ether o r n ot to vie w autom at-
ically the most import ant fa ult data on the display af ter a gener al interrogation. Th e in-
formation corresponds to those of Figure A-95.
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.5.6 Pre-defined CFC Charts
Some CFC Charts are already supplied with the SIPROTEC device. Depending on the
variant the following charts may be implemented:
Device and System
Logic The NEGATOR block assigns the input signal „Dat aS top “ directly to an output. Th is is
not directly possibl e without the interconnection of this block.
Figure A-96 Logical links between input and output
Setpoints MV Using modules on the running se quence ”mea sured value pr ocessing", a low curr ent
monitor for the three phase curr ent s is implem ented. The output messag e is set high
as soon as one of the three phase currents falls below the set threshold:
Figure A-97 Undercurrent monitoring
Blocks of the task level "MW_BEARB" (measured value processing) are used to im-
plement the overcurrent monitoring and the power monitoring.
A.5 Default Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Figure A-98 Overcurrent monitoring
Figure A-99 Power monitoring
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Interlocking with
7SJ63/64 Standard interlocking for three switching devices (52, Disc. and GndSw):
Figure A-100 Standard interlocking for circuit breaker, disconnector and ground switch
A.6 Protocol-dependent Functions
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.6 Protocol-dependent Functions
Protocol IEC 60870-5-
103 IEC 61850
Ethernet (EN
al Inter-
face (op-
Operational Mea-
sured Values Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Metered values Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Fault Recording Y es Y es No. Only via addi-
tional service in-
Y es No. Only via addi-
tional service in-
Remote relay
setting No. Only via ad-
ditional service
Y es No. Only via addi-
tional service in-
Y es No. Only via addi-
tional service in-
User-defined mes-
sages and switching
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Time Synchroniza-
tion Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Messages with time
stamp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Commissioning aids
Measured value in-
dication blocking Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Creating test mes-
sages Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Physical mode Asynchronous Synchronous Asynchronous Asynch ronous Asynchron ous
Tran smission Mode Cyclically/Event Cyclical-
ly/Event Cyclically Cyclically/Event Cyclical-
Baud rate 9600, 19200 Up to 100
MBaud Up to 1.5 MBaud Up to 1.5 MBaud 2400 to 19200 4800 to
Type - RS232
- RS485
- Fiber-optic
Ethernet TP - RS485
- Optical fiber
(Double ring)
- RS485
- Optical fiber
(Single ring,
Double ring)
- RS 485
- Optical fiber - RS232
- RS485
- Optical
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.7 Functional Scope
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
103 Grp Chge OPTION Disabled
Enabled Disabled Setting Group Change Option
104 OSC. FAULT REC. Disabled
Enabled Disabled Oscillographic Fault Records
112 Charac. Phase Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 50/51
113 Charac. Ground Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 50N/51N
115 67/67-TOC Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 67, 67-TOC
116 67N/67N-TOC Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
User def. Reset
Definite Time 67N, 67N-TOC
117 Coldload Pickup Disabled
Enabled Disabled Cold Load Pickup
122 InrushRestraint Disabled
Enabled Disabled 2nd Harmonic Inrush Restraint
127 50 1Ph Disabled
Enabled Disabled 50 1Ph
131 Sens. Gnd Fault Disabled
Definite Time
User Defined PU
Log. inverse A
Log. Inverse B
Disabled (sensitive) Ground fault
133 INTERM.EF Disabled
with Ignd
with 3I0
with Ignd,sens.
Disabled Intermitten t earth fault protection
140 46 Disabled
Definite Time
Disabled 46 Negative Sequence Protection
141 48 Disabled
Enabled Disabled 48 Startup Supervision of Motors
142 49 Disabled
No ambient temp
With amb. temp.
Disabled 49 Thermal Overload Protection
A.7 Functional Scope
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
143 66 #of Starts Disabled
Enabled Disabled 66 Startup Counter for Motors
150 27/59 Disabled
Enabled Disabled 27, 59 Under/Overvoltage Protec-
154 81 O/U Disabled
Enabled Disabled 81 Over/Underfrequency Protec-
161 25 Function 1 Disabled
Disabled 25 Function group 1
162 25 Function 2 Disabled
Disabled 25 Function group 2
163 25 Function 3 Disabled
Disabled 25 Function group 3
164 25 Function 4 Disabled
Disabled 25 Function group 4
170 50BF Disabled
Enabled Disabled 50BF Breaker Fai lure Protection
171 79 Auto Recl. Disab led
Enabled Disabled 79 Auto-Reclose Function
172 52 B.WEAR MONIT Disabled
Disabled 52 Breaker Wear Monitoring
180 Fault Locator Disabled
Enabled Disabled Fault Locator
182 74 Trip Ct Supv Disabled
2 Binary Inputs
1 Binary Input
Disabled 74TC Trip Circuit Supervision
190 RTD-BOX INPUT Disabled
Port C Disabled External Temperature Input
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
191 RTD CONNECTION 6 RTD simplex
6 RTD simplex Ext. Temperature Input Connec-
tion Type
- FLEXIBLE FUNC. 1..20 Flexible Function 01
Flexible Function 02
Flexible Function 03
Flexible Function 04
Flexible Function 05
Flexible Function 06
Flexible Function 07
Flexible Function 08
Flexible Function 09
Flexible Function 10
Flexible Function 11
Flexible Function 12
Flexible Function 13
Flexible Function 14
Flexible Function 15
Flexible Function 16
Flexible Function 17
Flexible Function 18
Flexible Function 19
Flexible Function 20
Please select Flexible Functions
Addr. Parameter Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.8 Settings
Addresses which have an appended "A" can only be changed with DIGSI, under "Dis-
play Additional Settings".
The table indicates region-specific default settings. Column C (configuration) indicates
the corresponding secondary nominal current of the current transformer.
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
201 CT Starpoint P.System Data 1 towards Line
towards Busbar towards Line CT Starpoint
202 Vnom PRIMARY P.System Data 1 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV Rated Primary Voltage
203 Vnom SECONDARY P.System Data 1 100 .. 225 V 100 V Rated Secondary Voltage (L-L)
204 CT PRIMARY P.System Data 1 10 .. 50000 A 100 A CT Rated Primary Current
205 CT SECONDARY P.System Data 1 1A
5A 1A CT Rated Secondary Current
206A Vph / Vdelta P.System Data 1 1.00 .. 3.00 1.73 Matching ratio Phase-VT To
209 PHASE SEQ. P.System Data 1 A B C
A C B A B C Phase Sequence
210A TMin TRIP CMD P.System Data 1 0.01 .. 32.00 sec 0.15 sec Minimum TRIP Command Dura-
211A TMax CLOSE CMD P.System Data 1 0.01 .. 32.00 sec 1.00 sec Maximum Close Command Du-
212 BkrClosed I MIN P.System Data 1 1A 0.04 .. 1.00 A 0.04 A Closed Breaker Min. Current
5A 0.20 .. 5.00 A 0.20 A
213 VT Connect. 3ph P.System Data 1 Van, Vbn, Vcn
Vab, Vbc, VGnd
Van, Vbn, Vcn VT Connection, three-phase
214 Rated Frequency P.System Data 1 50 Hz
60 Hz 50 Hz Rated Frequency
215 Distance Unit P.System Data 1 km
Miles km Distance measurement unit
217 Ignd-CT PRIM P.System Data 1 1 .. 50000 A 60 A Ignd-CT rated primary current
218 Ignd-CT SEC P.System Data 1 1A
5A 1A Ignd-CT rated secondary current
235A ATEX100 P.System Data 1 NO
YES NO Storage of th. Replicas w/o
Power Supply
240 VT Connect. 1ph P.System Data 1 NO
NO VT Connection, single-phase
250A 50/51 2-ph prot P.System Data 1 ON
OFF OFF 50, 51 Time Overcurrent with
2ph. prot.
260 Ir-52 P.System Data 1 10 .. 50000 A 125 A Rated Normal Current (52 Break-
261 OP.CYCLES AT Ir P.System Data 1 100 .. 1000000 10000 Switching Cycles at Rated
Normal Current
262 Isc-52 P.System Data 1 10 .. 100000 A 25000 A Rated Short-Circuit Breaking
263 OP.CYCLES Isc P.System Data 1 1 .. 1000 50 Switch. Cycles at Rated Short-
Cir. Curr .
264 Ix EXPONENT P.System Data 1 1.0 .. 3.0 2.0 Exponent for the Ix-Method
265 Cmd.via control P.System Data 1 (Setting opt ions depend
on configu r a ti o n) None 52 B.Wear: Open Cmd. via
Control Device
266 T 52 BREAKTIME P.System Data 1 1 .. 600 ms 80 ms Breaktime (52 Breaker)
267 T 52 OPENING P.System Data 1 1 .. 500 ms 65 ms Opening Time (52 Breaker)
276 TEMP. UNIT P.System Data 1 Celsius
Fahrenheit Celsius Unit of temperature measure-
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
302 CHANGE Change Group Group A
Group B
Group C
Group D
Binary Input
Group A Change to Another Setting
401 WAVEFORMTRIGGER Osc. Fault Rec. Save w. Pickup
Save w. TRIP
Start w. TRIP
Save w. Pickup Waveform Capture
402 WAVEFORM DATA Osc. Fault Rec. Fault event
Pow.Sys.Flt. Fault event Scope of Waveform Data
403 MAX. LENGTH Osc. Fault Rec. 0.30 .. 5.00 sec 2.00 sec Max. length of a Waveform
Capture Record
404 PRE. TRIG. TIME Osc. Fault Rec. 0.05 .. 0.50 sec 0.25 sec Captured Waveform Prior to
405 POST REC. TIME Osc. Fault Rec. 0.05 .. 0.50 sec 0.10 sec Captured Waveform after Event
406 BinIn CAPT.TIME Osc. Fault Rec. 0.10 .. 5.00 sec; 0.50 sec Capture Time via Binary Input
610 FltDisp.LED/LCD Device, General Target on PU
Target on TRIP Target on PU Fault Display on LED / LCD
611 Spont. FltDisp. Device, General YES
NO NO Spontaneous display of
613A Gnd O/Cprot. w. P.System Data 1 Ignd (measured)
3I0 (calcul.) Ignd (measured) Ground Overcurrent protec tion
614A OP. QUANTITY 59 P.System Data 1 Vphph
V2 Vphph Opera. Quantity for 59 Overvolt.
615A OP. QUANTITY 27 P.System Data 1 V1
Vphph V1 Opera. Quantity for 27 Undervolt.
640 Start image DD Device, General image 1
image 2
image 3
image 4
image 5
image 6
image 1 Start image Default Display
1101 FullScaleVolt. P.System Data 2 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV Measurem:FullScaleVolt-
1102 FullScaleCurr. P.System Data 2 10 .. 50000 A 100 A Measurem:FullScaleCur-
1103 RG/RL Ratio P.System Data 2 -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 RG/RL - Ratio of Gnd to Line Re-
1104 XG/XL Ratio P.System Data 2 -0.33 .. 7.00 1.00 XG/XL - Ratio of Gnd to Line Re-
1105 x' P.System Data 2 1A 0.0050 .. 15.0000 Ω/mi 0.2420 Ω/mi x' - Line Reactance per length
5A 0.0010 .. 3.0000 Ω/mi 0.0484 Ω/mi
1106 x' P.System Data 2 1A 0.0050 .. 9.5000 Ω/km 0.1500 Ω/km x' - Line Reactance per length
5A 0.0010 .. 1.9000 Ω/km 0.0300 Ω/km
1107 I MOTOR START P.System Data 2 1A 0.40 .. 10.00 A 2.50 A Motor Start Current (Block 49,
Start 48)
5A 2.00 .. 50.00 A 12.50 A
1108 P,Q sign P.System Data 2 not reversed
reversed not reversed P,Q operational measured
values sign
1201 FCT 50/51 50/51 Overcur. ON
OFF ON 50, 51 Phase Time Overcurrent
1202 50-2 PICKUP 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 50-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 10.00 A
1203 50-2 DELAY 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 50-2 Time Delay
1204 50-1 PICKUP 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 1.00 A 50-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 5.00 A
1205 50-1 DELAY 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 50-1 Time Delay
1207 51 PICKUP 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1208 51 TIME DIAL 50/51 Overcur. 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 51 Time Dial
1209 51 TIME DIAL 50/51 Overcur. 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51 Time Dial
1210 51 Drop-out 50/51 Overcur. Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-out characteristic
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1211 51 IEC CURVE 50/51 Overcur. Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely In v.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1212 51 ANSI CURVE 50/51 Overcur. Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately In v.
Extremely In v.
Definite Inv.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1213A MANUAL CLOSE 50/51 Overcur. 50-2 instant.
50 -1 instant.
51 instant.
50-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1214A 50-2 active 50/51 Overcur. Always
with 79 active Always 50-2 active
1215A 50 T DROP-OUT 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50 Drop-Out Time Delay
1230 51/51N 50/51 Overcur. 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 51/51N
1231 MofPU Res T/Tp 50/51 Overcur. 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiple of Pickup <-> T/Tp
1301 FCT 50N/51N 50/51 Overcur. ON
OFF ON 50N, 51N Ground Time Overcur-
1302 50N-2 PICKUP 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.50 A 50N-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 2.50 A
1303 50N-2 DELAY 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.10 sec 50N-2 Time Delay
1304 50N-1 PICKUP 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.20 A 50N-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 1.00 A
1305 50N-1 DELAY 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 50N-1 Time Delay
1307 51N PICKUP 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 0.20 A 51N Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 1.00 A
1308 51N TIME DIAL 50/51 Overcur. 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.20 sec 51N Time Dial
1309 51N TIME DIAL 50/51 Overcur. 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51N Time Dial
1310 51N Drop-out 50/51 Overcur. Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-Out Characteristic
1311 51N IEC CURVE 50/51 Overcur. Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely In v.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1312 51N ANSI CURVE 50/51 Overcur. Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately In v.
Extremely In v.
Definite Inv.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1313A MANUAL CLOSE 50/51 Overcur. 50N-2 instant.
50N-1 instant.
51N instant.
50N-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1314A 50N-2 active 50/51 Overcur. Always
With 79 Active Always 50N-2 active
1315A 50N T DROP-OUT 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50N Drop-Out Time Delay
1330 50N/51N 50/51 Overcur. 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 50N/51N
1331 MofPU Res T/TEp 50/51 Overcur. 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiple of Pickup <-> T/TEp
1501 FCT 67/67-TOC 67 Direct. O/C OFF
ON OFF 67, 67 - TOC Ph ase Time Over-
1502 67-2 PICKUP 67 Direct. O/C 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 67-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 10.00 A
1503 67-2 DELAY 67 Direct. O/C 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.10 sec 67-2 Time Delay
1504 67-1 PICKUP 67 Direct. O/C 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 1.00 A 67-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 5.00 A
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1505 67-1 DELAY 67 Direct. O/C 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 67-1Time Delay
1507 67-TOC PICKUP 67 Direct. O/C 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 67-TOC Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1508 67 TIME DIAL 67 Direct. O/C 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 67-TOC Time Dial
1509 67 TIME DIAL 67 Direct. O/C 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67-TOC Time Dial
1510 67-TOC Drop-out 67 Direct. O/C Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-Out Characteristic
1511 67- IEC CURVE 67 Direct. O/C Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1512 67- ANSI CURVE 67 Direct. O/C Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite Inv.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1513A MANUAL CLOSE 67 Direct. O/C 67-2 instant.
67-1 instant.
67-TOC instant.
67-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1514A 67 active 67 Direct. O/C with 79 active
always always 67 active
1516 67 Direction 67 Direct. O/C Forward
Reverse Forward Pha se Direction
1518A 67 T DROP-OUT 67 Direct. O/C 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 67 Drop-Out Time Delay
1519A ROTATION ANGLE 67 Direct. O/C -180 .. 180 °45 °Rotation Angle of Reference
1530 67 67 Direct. O/C 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 67
1531 MofPU Res T/Tp 67 Direct . O/C 0.05 .. 0.95 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiple of Pickup <-> T/Tp
1601 FCT 67N/67N-TOC 67 Direct. O/C OFF
ON OFF 67N, 67N-TOC Ground Time
1602 67N-2 PICKUP 67 Direct. O/C 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.50 A 67N-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 2.50 A
1603 67N-2 DELAY 67 Direct. O/C 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.10 se c 67N -2 Time Delay
1604 67N-1 PICKUP 67 Direct. O/C 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.20 A 67N-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 1.00 A
1605 67N-1 DELAY 67 Direct. O/C 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 67N-1 Time Delay
1607 67N-TOC PICKUP 67 Direct. O/C 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 0.20 A 67N-TOC Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 1.00 A
1608 67N-TOC T-DIAL 67 Direct. O/C 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.20 sec 67N-TOC Time Dial
1609 67N-TOC T-DIAL 67 Direct. O/C 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67N-TOC Time Dial
1610 67N-TOC DropOut 67 Direct. O/C Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Disk Emulation Drop-Out Characteristic
1611 67N-TOC IEC 67 Direct. O/C Normal Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv.
Long Inverse
Normal Inverse IEC Curve
1612 67N-TOC ANSI 67 Direct. O/C Very Inverse
Short Inverse
Long Inverse
Moderately Inv.
Extremely Inv.
Definite Inv.
Very Inverse ANSI Curve
1613A MANUAL CLOSE 67 Direct. O/C 67N-2 instant.
67N-1 instant.
67N-TOC instant
67N-2 instant. Manual Close Mode
1614A 67N active 67 Direct. O/C always
with 79 acti ve always 67N active
1616 67N Direction 67 Direct. O/C Forward
Reverse Forward Ground Direction
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1617 67N POLARIZAT. 67 Direct. O/C with VN and IN
with V2 and I2 with VN and IN Ground Polarization
1618A 67N T DROP-OUT 67 Direct. O/C 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 67N Drop-Out Time Delay
1619A ROTATION ANGLE 67 Direct. O/C -180 .. 180 °-45 °Rotation Angle of Refer ence
1630 M.of PU TD 67 Dire ct. O/C 1.00 .. 20.00 I/Ip;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiples of PU Time-Dial
1631 I/IEp Rf T/TE p 67 Direct. O/ C 0.05 .. 0 .95 I/Ip ;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD 67N TOC
ON OFF Cold-Load-Pickup Function
1702 Start Condition ColdLoadPickup No Current
Breaker Contact
79 ready
No Current Start Condition
1703 CB Open Time ColdLoadPickup 0 .. 21600 sec 3600 sec Circuit Breaker OPEN Time
1704 Active Time ColdLoadPickup 1 .. 21600 sec 3600 sec Active Time
1705 Stop Time ColdLoadPickup 1 .. 600 sec; 600 sec Stop Time
1801 50c-2 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 10.00 A 50c-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 50.00 A
1802 50c-2 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 50c-2 T i me Delay
1803 50c-1 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 50c-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 10.00 A
1804 50c-1 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 50c-1 T i me Delay
1805 51c PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.50 A 51c Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 7.50 A
1806 51c TIME DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 51c Time dial
1807 51c TIME DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51c Time dial
1901 50Nc-2 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 7.00 A 50Nc-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 35.00 A
1902 50Nc-2 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 50Nc-2 Time Delay
1903 50Nc-1 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 1.50 A 50Nc-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 7.50 A
1904 50Nc-1 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 50Nc-1 Time Delay
1905 51Nc PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51Nc Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
1906 51Nc T-DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 51Nc Time Dial
1907 51Nc T-DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 51Nc Time Dial
2001 67c-2 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 10.00 A 67c-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 50.00 A
2002 67c-2 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 67c-2 Time Delay
2003 67c-1 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.10 .. 35.00 A; 2.00 A 67c-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 175.00 A; 10.00 A
2004 67c-1 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 67c-1 T i me Delay
2005 67c-TOC PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.50 A 67c Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 7.50 A
2006 67c-TOC T-DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 67c Time Dial
2007 67c-TOC T-DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67c Time Dial
2101 67Nc-2 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 7.00 A 67Nc-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 35.00 A
2102 67Nc-2 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.00 sec 67Nc-2 Time Delay
2103 67Nc-1 PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 1.50 A 67Nc-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 7.50 A
2104 67Nc-1 DELAY ColdLoadPickup 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.30 sec 67Nc-1 Time Delay
2105 67Nc-TOC PICKUP ColdLoadPickup 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 67Nc-TOC Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
2106 67Nc-TOC T-DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 67Nc-TOC Time Dial
2107 67Nc-TOC T-DIAL ColdLoadPickup 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 67Nc-TOC Time Dial
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2201 INRUSH REST. 50/51 Overcur. OFF
ON OFF Inrush Restraint
2202 2nd HARMONIC 50/51 Overcur . 10 .. 45 % 15 % 2nd. harmonic in % of fun damen-
2203 CROSS BLOCK 50/51 Overcur. NO
YES NO Cross Block
2204 CROSS BLK TIMER 50/51 Overcur. 0.00 .. 180.00 sec 0.00 sec Cross Block Time
2205 I Max 50/51 Overcur. 1A 0.30 .. 25.00 A 7.50 A Maximum Current for Inrush Re-
5A 1.50 .. 125.00 A 37.50 A
2701 50 1Ph 50 1Ph OFF
ON OFF 50 1Ph
2702 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP 50 1Ph 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.50 A 50 1Ph- 2 Pi cku p
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 2.50 A
2703 50 1Ph-2 PICKUP 50 1Ph 0.003 .. 1.500 A; 0.300 A 50 1Ph-2 Pickup
2704 50 1Ph-2 DELAY 50 1Ph 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.10 sec 5 0 1 Ph-2 Time Delay
2705 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP 50 1Ph 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A; 0.20 A 50 1Ph- 1 Pi cku p
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A; 1.00 A
2706 50 1Ph-1 PICKUP 50 1Ph 0.003 .. 1.500 A; 0.100 A 50 1Ph-1 Pickup
2707 50 1Ph-1 DELAY 50 1Ph 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 0.50 sec 5 0 1 Ph-1 Time Delay
3101 Sens. Gnd Fault Sens. Gnd Fault OFF
Alarm Only
OFF (Sensitive) Ground Fault
3102 CT Err. I1 Sens. Gnd Fault 0.001 .. 1.600 A 0.050 A Current I1 for CT Angle Error
3102 CT Err. I1 Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Current I1 for CT Angle Error
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A
3103 CT Err. F1 Sens. Gnd Fault 0.0 .. 5.0 °0.0 °CT Angle Error at I1
3104 CT Err. I2 Sens. Gnd Fault 0.001 .. 1.600 A 1.000 A Current I2 for CT Angle Error
3104 CT Err. I2 Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A Current I2 for CT Angle Error
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 50.00 A
3105 CT Err. F2 Sens. Gnd Fault 0.0 .. 5.0 °0.0 °CT Angle Error at I2
3106 VPH MIN Sens. Gnd Fault 10 .. 100 V 40 V L-Gnd Voltage of Faulted Phase
Vph Min
3107 VPH MAX Sens. Gnd Fault 10 .. 100 V 75 V L-Gnd Voltage of Unfaulted
Phase Vph Max
3108 64-1 VGND Sens. Gnd Fault 1.8 .. 200.0 V 40.0 V 64-1 Ground Displacement
3109 64-1 VGND Sens. Gnd Fault 1.8 .. 170.0 V 40.0 V 64-1 Ground Displacement
3110 64-1 VGND Sens. Gnd Fault 10.0 .. 225.0 V 70.0 V 64-1 Ground Displacement
3111 T-DELAY Pickup Sens. Gnd Fault 0.04 .. 320.00 sec; 1.00 sec Time-DELA Y Pickup
3112 64-1 DELAY Sens. Gnd Fault 0.10 .. 40000.00 sec; 10.00 sec 64-1 Time Delay
3113 50Ns-2 PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.300 A 50Ns-2 Pickup
3113 50Ns-2 PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 10.00 A 50Ns-2 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 50.00 A
3114 50Ns-2 DELAY Sens. Gnd Fault 0.00 .. 320.00 sec; 1. 00 se c 50N s- 2 Time Delay
3115 67Ns-2 DIRECT Sens. Gnd Fault Forward
Forward 67Ns-2 D i re ct i on
3117 50Ns-1 PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.100 A 50Ns-1 Pickup
3117 50Ns-1 PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 2.00 A 50Ns-1 Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 10.00 A
3118 50Ns-1 DELAY Sens. Gnd Fault 0.00 .. 320.00 sec; 2. 00 se c 50N s- 1 Time delay
3119 51Ns PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 0.001 .. 1.400 A 0.100 A 51Ns Pickup
3119 51Ns PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 0.003 .. 0.500 A 0.004 A 51Ns Pickup
3119 51Ns PICKUP Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A 51Ns Pickup
5A 0.25 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
3120 51NsTIME DIAL Sens. Gnd Fault 0.10 .. 4.00 sec; 1.00 sec 51Ns Time Dial
3121A 50Ns T DROP-OUT Sens. Gnd Fault 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 50Ns Drop-Out Time Delay
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
3122 67Ns-1 DIRECT. Sens. Gnd Fault Forward
Forward 67Ns-1 Direction
3123 RELEASE DIRECT. Sens. Gnd Fault 0.001 .. 1.200 A 0.010 A Release directional element
3123 RELEASE DIRECT. Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 30.00 A 0.50 A Release directional element
5A 0.25 .. 150.00 A 2.50 A
3124 PHI CORRECTION Sens. Gnd Fault -45.0 .. 45.0 °0.0 °Correction Angle for Dir. Deter-
3125 MEAS. METHOD Sens. Gnd Fault COS ϕ
SIN ϕCOS ϕMeasurement method for Direc-
3126 RESET DELAY Sens. Gnd Fault 0 .. 60 sec 1 sec Reset Delay
3127 51Ns I T min Sens. Gnd Fault 0.003 .. 1.400 A 1.333 A 51Ns Current at const. Time
Delay T min
3127 51Ns I T min Sens. Gnd F ault 1A 0.05 .. 20.00 A 15.00 A 51Ns Current at const. Time
Delay T min
5A 0.25 .. 100.00 A 75.00 A
3128 51Ns I T knee Sens. Gnd Fault 0.003 .. 0.650 A 0.040 A 51Ns Current at Knee Point
3128 51Ns I T knee Sens. Gnd Fault 1A 0.05 .. 17.00 A 5.00 A 51Ns Current at Knee Point
5A 0.25 .. 85.00 A 25.00 A
3129 51Ns T knee Sens. Gnd Fault 0.20 .. 100.00 sec 23.60 sec 51Ns Time Delay at Knee Point
3130 PU CRITERIA Sens. Gnd Fault Vgnd OR INs
Vgnd AND INs Vgnd OR INs Sensitive Ground Fault PICKUP
3131 M.of PU TD Sens. Gnd Fault 1.00 .. 20.00 MofPU;
0.01 .. 999.00 TD Multiples of PU Time-Dial
3132 51Ns TD Sens. Gnd Fault 0.05 .. 1.50 0.20 51Ns Time Dial
3140 51Ns Tmin Sens. Gnd F ault 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 1.20 sec 51Ns Minimum Time Delay
3140 51Ns T min Sens. Gnd Fault 0.10 .. 30.00 sec 0.80 sec 51Ns Minimum Time Delay
3141 51Ns Tmax Sens. Gnd Fault 0.00 .. 30.00 sec 5.80 sec 51Ns Maximum Time Delay
3141 51Ns T max Sens. Gnd Fault 0.50 .. 200.00 sec 93.00 sec 51Ns Maximum Time Delay (at
51Ns PU)
3142 51Ns TIME DIAL Sens. Gnd Fault 0.05 .. 15.00 sec; 1.35 sec 51Ns Time Dial
3143 51Ns Startpoint Sens. Gnd Fault 1.0 .. 4.0 1.1 51 Ns Start Point of Inverse
3301 INTERM.EF Intermit. EF OFF
ON OFF Intermittent earth fault protection
3302 Iie> Intermit. EF 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Pick-up value of interm. E/F
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A
3302 Iie> Intermit. EF 1A 0.05 .. 35.00 A 1.00 A Pick-up value of interm. E/F
5A 0.25 .. 175.00 A 5.00 A
3302 Iie> Intermit. EF 0.005 .. 1.500 A 1.000 A Pick-up value of interm. E/F
3303 T-det.ext. Intermit. EF 0.00 .. 10.00 sec 0.10 sec Detection extension time
3304 T-sum det. Intermit. EF 0.00 .. 100.00 sec 20.00 sec Sum of detection times
3305 T-reset Intermit. EF 1 .. 600 sec 300 sec Reset time
3306 Nos.det. Intermit. EF 2 .. 10 3 No. of det. for start of int. E/F prot
4001 FCT 46 46 Negative Seq OFF
ON OFF 46 Negative Sequence Protec-
4002 46-1 PICKUP 46 Negative Seq 1A 0.10 .. 3.00 A 0.10 A 46-1 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 15.00 A 0.50 A
4003 46-1 DELAY 46 Negative Seq 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 1.50 sec 46-1 Time Delay
4004 46-2 PICKUP 46 Negative Seq 1A 0.10 .. 3.00 A 0.50 A 46-2 Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 15.00 A 2.50 A
4005 46-2 DELAY 46 Negative Seq 0.00 .. 60.00 sec; 1.50 sec 46-2 Time Delay
4006 46 IE C CU RVE 46 Negati ve Seq N or m a l Inverse
Very Inverse
Extremely In v.
Extremely Inv. IEC Curve
4007 46 AN S I C U RVE 46 Negative Seq Extr emely Inv.
Moderately In v.
Very Inverse
Extremely Inv. ANSI Curve
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
4008 46-TOC PICKUP 46 Negative Seq 1A 0.10 .. 2.00 A 0.90 A 46-TOC Pickup
5A 0.50 .. 10.00 A 4.50 A
4009 46-TOC TIMEDIAL 46 Negative Seq 0.50 .. 15.00 ; 5.00 46-TOC Time Dial
4010 46-TOC TIMEDIAL 46 Negative Seq 0.05 .. 3.20 sec; 0.50 sec 46-TOC Time Dial
4011 46-TOC RESET 46 Negative Seq Instantaneous
Disk Emulation Instantaneous 46-TOC Drop Out
4012A 46 T DROP-OUT 46 Negative Seq 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec 46 Drop-Out Time Delay
4101 FCT 48/66 48/66 Motor OFF
ON OFF 48 / 66 Motor (Startup Moni-
4102 STARTUP CURRENT 48/66 Motor 1A 0.50 .. 16.00 A 5.00 A Startup Current
5A 2.50 .. 80.00 A 25.00 A
4103 STARTUP TIME 48/66 Motor 1.0 .. 180.0 sec 10.0 sec Startup Time
4104 LOCK ROTOR TIME 48/66 Motor 0.5 .. 120.0 sec; 2.0 sec Permissible Locked Rotor Time
4201 FCT 49 49 Th.Overload OFF
Alarm Only
OFF 49 Thermal overload protection
4202 49 K-FACTOR 49 Th.Overload 0.10 .. 4.00 1.10 49 K-Factor
4203 TIME CONSTANT 49 Th.Overload 1.0 .. 999.9 min 100.0 min Time Constant
4204 49 Θ ALARM 49 Th.Overload 50 .. 100 % 90 % 49 Thermal Alarm S tage
4205 I ALARM 49 Th.Overload 1A 0.10 .. 4.00 A 1.00 A Current Overload Alarm Setpoint
5A 0.50 .. 20.00 A 5.00 A
4207A Kτ-FACTOR 49 Th.Overload 1.0 .. 10.0 1.0 Kt-FACTOR when motor stops
4208A T EMERGENCY 49 Th.Overload 10 .. 15000 sec 100 sec Emergency time
4209 49 TEMP. RISE I 49 Th.Overload 40 .. 200 °C100°C 49 Temperature rise at rated sec.
4210 49 TEMP. RISE I 49 Th.Overload 104 .. 392 °F212°F 49 Temperature rise at rate d sec.
4301 FCT 66 48/66 Motor OFF
ON OFF 66 Startup Counter for Motors
4302 IStart/IMOTnom 48/66 Motor 1.10 .. 10.00 4.90 I Start / I Motor nominal
4303 T START MAX 48/66 Motor 3 .. 320 sec 10 sec Maximum Permissible Starting
4304 T Equal 48/66 Motor 0.0 .. 320.0 min 1.0 min Temperature Equalizaton Time
4305 I MOTOR NOMINAL 48/66 Motor 1A 0.20 .. 1.20 A 1.00 A Rated Motor Current
5A 1.00 .. 6.00 A 5.00 A
4306 MAX.WARM STARTS 48/66 Motor 1 .. 4 2 Maximum Number of Warm
4307 #COLD-#WARM 48/66 Motor 1 .. 2 1 Number of Cold Starts - Warm
4308 Kτ at STOP 48/66 Motor 0.2 .. 100.0 5.0 Extension of Time Constant at
4309 Kτ at RUNNING 48/66 Motor 0.2 .. 100.0 2.0 Extension of Time Constan t at
4310 T MIN. INHIBIT 48/66 Motor 0.2 .. 120.0 min 6.0 min Minimum Restart Inhibit Time
5001 FCT 59 27/59 O/U Volt. OFF
Alarm Only
OFF 59 Overvoltage Protection
5002 59-1 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 40 .. 260 V 110 V 59-1 Pickup
5003 59-1 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 40 .. 150 V 110 V 59-1 Pickup
5004 59-1 DELAY 27/59 O/U Volt. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 0.50 sec 59-1 Time Delay
5005 59-2 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 40 .. 260 V 120 V 59-2 Pickup
5006 59-2 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 40 .. 150 V 120 V 59-2 Pickup
5007 59-2 DELAY 27/59 O/U Volt. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 0.50 sec 59-2 Time Delay
5015 59-1 PICKUP V2 27/59 O/U Volt. 2 .. 150 V 30 V 59-1 Pickup V2
5016 59-2 PICKUP V2 27/59 O/U Volt. 2 .. 150 V 50 V 59-2 Pickup V2
5017A 59-1 DOUT RATIO 27/59 O/U Volt. 0.90 .. 0.99 0.95 59-1 Dropout Ratio
5018A 59-2 DOUT RATIO 27/59 O/U Volt. 0.90 .. 0.99 0.95 59-2 Dropout Ratio
5101 FCT 27 27/59 O/U Volt. OFF
Alarm Only
OFF 27 Undervoltage Protection
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
5102 27-1 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 10 .. 210 V 75 V 27-1 Pickup
5103 27-1 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 10 .. 120 V 75 V 27-1 Pickup
5106 27-1 DELAY 27/59 O/U Volt. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 1.50 sec 27-1 Time Delay
5110 27-2 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 10 .. 210 V 70 V 27-2 Pickup
5111 27-2 PICKUP 27/59 O/U Volt. 10 .. 120 V 70 V 27-2 Pickup
5112 27-2 DELAY 27/59 O/U Volt. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 0.50 sec 27-2 Time Delay
5113A 27-1 DOUT RATIO 27/59 O/U Volt. 1.01 .. 3.00 1.20 27-1 Dropout Ratio
5114A 27-2 DOUT RATIO 27/59 O/U Volt. 1.01 .. 3.00 1.20 27-2 Dropout Ratio
5120A CURRENT SUPERV. 27/59 O/U Volt. OFF
ON ON Current Supervision
5301 FUSE FAIL MON. Measurem.Superv ON
OFF OFF Fuse Fail M on i tor
5302 FUSE FAIL 3Vo Measurem.Superv 10 .. 100 V 30 V Zero Sequence Voltage
5303 FUSE FAIL RESID Measurem.Superv 1A 0.10 .. 1.00 A 0.10 A Residual Current
5A 0.50 .. 5.00 A 0.50 A
5401 FCT 81 O/U 81 O/U Freq. OFF
ON OFF 81 Over/Under Frequency Pro-
5402 Vmin 81 O/U Freq. 10 .. 150 V 65 V Minimum required voltage for op-
5403 81-1 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 49.50 Hz 81-1 Pickup
5404 81-1 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 59.50 Hz 81-1 Pickup
5405 81-1 DELAY 81 O/U Freq. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 60.00 sec 81-1 Time Delay
5406 81-2 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 49.00 Hz 81-2 Pickup
5407 81-2 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 59.00 Hz 81-2 Pickup
5408 81-2 DELAY 81 O/U Freq. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 30.00 sec 81-2 Time Delay
5409 81-3 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 47.50 Hz 81-3 Pickup
5410 81-3 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 57.50 Hz 81-3 Pickup
5411 81-3 DELAY 81 O/U Freq. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 3.00 sec 81-3 Time delay
5412 81-4 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 51.00 Hz 81-4 Pickup
5413 81-4 PICKUP 81 O/U Freq. 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 61.00 Hz 81-4 Pickup
5414 81-4 DELAY 81 O/U Freq. 0.00 .. 100.00 sec; 30.00 sec 81-4 Time delay
6101 Synchronizing SYNC function 1 ON
OFF OFF Synchronizing Function
6102 SyncCB SYNC function 1 (Setting options depend
on configu r a ti o n) None Synchronizable circuit breaker
6103 Vmin SYNC function 1 20 .. 125 V 90 V Minimum voltage limit: Vmin
6104 Vmax SYNC function 1 20 .. 140 V 110 V Maximum voltage limit: Vmax
6105 V< SYNC function 1 1 .. 60 V 5 V Threshold V1, V2 witho ut volt age
6106 V> SYNC function 1 20 .. 140 V 80 V Threshold V1, V2 with voltage
6107 SYNC V1<V2> SYNC function 1 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2>
6108 SYNC V1>V2< SYNC function 1 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1> and V2<
6109 SYNC V1<V2< SYNC function 1 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2<
6110A Direct CO SYNC function 1 YES
NO NO Direct ON-Command
6111A TSUP VOLTAGE SYNC function 1 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.10 sec Supervision time of V1>;V2> or
6112 T-SYN. DURATION SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 1200.00 sec; 30.00 sec Maximum duration of Synchroni-
6113A 25 Synchron SYNC function 1 YES
NO YES Switching at synchronous condi-
6120 T-CB close SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 0.60 sec 0.06 sec Closing (operating) time of CB
6121 Balancing V1/V2 SYNC function 1 0.50 .. 2.00 1.00 Balancing factor V1/V2
6122A ANGLE ADJUSTM. SYNC function 1 0 .. 360 °0°Angle adjustment (transformer)
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
6123 CONNECTIONof V2 SYNC function 1 A-G
A-B Connection of V2
6125 VT Vn2, primary SYNC function 1 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV VT nominal voltage V2, primary
6130 dV ASYN V2>V1 SYNC function 1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6131 dV ASYN V2<V1 SYNC function 1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6132 df ASYN f2>f1 SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6133 df ASYN f2<f1 SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6140 SYNC PERMIS. SYNC function 1 YES
NO YES Switching at sync hronous condi-
6141 F SYNCHRON SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 0.04 Hz 0.01 Hz Frequency threshold ASYN <-->
6142 dV SYNC V2>V1 SYNC function 1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage diffe rence
6143 dV SYNC V2<V1 SYNC function 1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage diffe rence
6144 dα SYNC α2> α1 SYNC function 1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6145 dα SYNC α2< α1 SYNC function 1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6146 T SYNC-DELAY SYNC function 1 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec Release delay at synchronous
6150 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 SYNC function 1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6151 dV SYNCHK V2<V1 SYNC function 1 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6152 df SYNCHK f2>f1 SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6153 df SYNCHK f2<f1 SYNC function 1 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6154 dα SYNCHK α2>α1 SYNC function 1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6155 dα SYNCHK α2<α1 SYNC function 1 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6201 Synchronizing SYNC function 2 ON
OFF OFF Synchronizing Function
6202 SyncCB SYNC function 2 (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Synchronizable circuit breaker
6203 Vmin SYNC function 2 20 .. 125 V 90 V Minimum voltage limit: Vmin
6204 Vmax SYNC function 2 20 .. 140 V 110 V Maximum voltage limit: Vmax
6205 V< SYNC function 2 1 .. 60 V 5 V Threshold V1, V2 without voltage
6206 V> SYNC function 2 20 .. 140 V 80 V Threshold V1, V2 with volt age
6207 SYNC V1<V2> SYNC function 2 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2>
6208 SYNC V1>V2< SYNC function 2 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1> and V2<
6209 SYNC V1<V2< SYNC function 2 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2<
6210A Direct CO SYNC function 2 YES
NO NO Direct ON-Command
6211A TSUP VOLTAGE SYNC function 2 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.10 sec Supervision time of V1>;V2> or
6212 T-SYN. DURATION SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 1200.00 sec; 30.00 sec Maximum duration of Synchroni-
6213A 25 Synchron SYNC function 2 YES
NO YES Switching at sync hronous condi-
6220 T-CB close SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 0.60 sec 0.06 sec Closing (operating) time of CB
6221 Balancing V1/V2 SYNC function 2 0.50 .. 2.00 1.00 Balancing factor V1/V2
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
6222A ANGLE ADJUSTM. SYNC function 2 0 .. 360 °0°Angle adjustment (transformer)
6223 CONNECTIONof V2 SYNC function 2 A-G
A-B Connection of V2
6225 VT Vn2, primary SYNC function 2 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV VT nominal voltage V2, primary
6230 dV ASYN V2>V1 SYNC function 2 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Max i mum voltage difference
6231 dV ASYN V2<V1 SYNC function 2 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Max i mum voltage difference
6232 df ASYN f2>f1 SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6233 df ASYN f2<f1 SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6240 SYNC PERMIS. SYNC function 2 YES
NO YES Switching at synchronous condi-
6241 F SYNCHRON SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 0.04 Hz 0.01 Hz Frequency threshold ASYN <-->
6242 dV SYNC V2>V1 SYNC function 2 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6243 dV SYNC V2<V1 SYNC function 2 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6244 dα SYNC α2> α1 SYNC function 2 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6245 dα SYNC α2< α1 SYNC function 2 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6246 T SYNC-DELAY SYNC function 2 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec Release delay at synchronous
6250 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 SYNC function 2 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6251 dV SYNCHK V2<V1 SYNC function 2 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6252 df SYNCHK f2>f1 SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6253 df SYNCHK f2<f1 SYNC function 2 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6254 dα SYNCHK α2>α1 SYNC function 2 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle diff erence
6255 dα SYNCHK α2<α1 SYNC function 2 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle diff erence
6301 Synchronizing SYNC function 3 ON
OFF OFF Synchronizing Function
6302 SyncCB SYNC function 3 (Setting options depend
on configu r a ti o n) None Synchronizable circuit breaker
6303 Vmin SYNC function 3 20 .. 125 V 90 V Minimum voltage limit: Vmin
6304 Vmax SYNC function 3 20 .. 140 V 110 V Maximum voltage limit: Vmax
6305 V< SYNC function 3 1 .. 60 V 5 V Threshold V1, V2 witho ut volt age
6306 V> SYNC function 3 20 .. 140 V 80 V Threshold V1, V2 with voltage
6307 SYNC V1<V2> SYNC function 3 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2>
6308 SYNC V1>V2< SYNC function 3 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1> and V2<
6309 SYNC V1<V2< SYNC function 3 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2<
6310A Direct CO SYNC function 3 YES
NO NO Direct ON-Command
6311A TSUP VOLTAGE SYNC function 3 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.10 sec Supervision time of V1>;V2> or
6312 T-SYN. DURATION SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 1200.00 sec; 30.00 sec Maximum duration of Synchroni-
6313A 25 Synchron SYNC function 3 YES
NO YES Switching at synchronous condi-
6320 T-CB close SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 0.60 sec 0.06 sec Closing (operating) time of CB
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
6321 Balancing V1/V2 SYNC function 3 0.50 .. 2.00 1.00 Balancing factor V1/V2
6322A ANGLE ADJUSTM. SYNC function 3 0 .. 360 °0°Angle adjustment (transformer)
6323 CONNECTIONof V2 SYNC function 3 A-G
A-B Connection of V2
6325 VT Vn2, primary SYNC function 3 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV VT nominal voltage V2, primary
6330 dV ASYN V2>V1 SYNC function 3 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6331 dV ASYN V2<V1 SYNC function 3 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6332 df ASYN f2>f1 SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6333 df ASYN f2<f1 SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6340 SYNC PERMIS. SYNC function 3 YES
NO YES Switching at sync hronous condi-
6341 F SYNCHRON SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 0.04 Hz 0.01 Hz Frequency threshold ASYN <-->
6342 dV SYNC V2>V1 SYNC function 3 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage diffe rence
6343 dV SYNC V2<V1 SYNC function 3 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage diffe rence
6344 dα SYNC α2> α1 SYNC function 3 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6345 dα SYNC α2< α1 SYNC function 3 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6346 T SYNC-DELAY SYNC function 3 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec Release delay at synchronous
6350 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 SYNC function 3 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6351 dV SYNCHK V2<V1 SYNC function 3 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6352 df SYNCHK f2>f1 SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6353 df SYNCHK f2<f1 SYNC function 3 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6354 dα SYNCHK α2>α1 SYNC function 3 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6355 dα SYNCHK α2<α1 SYNC function 3 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6401 Synchronizing SYNC function 4 ON
OFF OFF Synchronizing Function
6402 SyncCB SYNC function 4 (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Synchronizable circuit breaker
6403 Vmin SYNC function 4 20 .. 125 V 90 V Minimum voltage limit: Vmin
6404 Vmax SYNC function 4 20 .. 140 V 110 V Maximum voltage limit: Vmax
6405 V< SYNC function 4 1 .. 60 V 5 V Threshold V1, V2 without voltage
6406 V> SYNC function 4 20 .. 140 V 80 V Threshold V1, V2 with volt age
6407 SYNC V1<V2> SYNC function 4 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2>
6408 SYNC V1>V2< SYNC function 4 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1> and V2<
6409 SYNC V1<V2< SYNC function 4 YES
NO NO ON-Command at V1< and V2<
6410A Direct CO SYNC function 4 YES
NO NO Direct ON-Command
6411A TSUP VOLTAGE SYNC function 4 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.10 sec Supervision time of V1>;V2> or
6412 T-SYN. DURATION SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 1200.00 sec; 30.00 sec Maximum duration of Synchroni-
6413A 25 Synchron SYNC function 4 YES
NO YES Switching at sync hronous condi-
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
6420 T-CB close SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 0.60 sec 0.06 sec Closing (operating) time of CB
6421 Balancing V1/V2 SYNC function 4 0.50 .. 2.00 1.00 Balancing factor V1/V2
6422A ANGLE ADJUSTM. SYNC function 4 0 .. 360 °0°Angle adjustment (transformer)
6423 CONNECTIONof V2 SYNC function 4 A-G
A-B Connection of V2
6425 VT Vn2, primary SYNC function 4 0.10 .. 800.00 kV 12.00 kV VT nominal voltage V2, primary
6430 dV ASYN V2>V1 SYNC function 4 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Max i mum voltage difference
6431 dV ASYN V2<V1 SYNC function 4 0.5 .. 50.0 V 2.0 V Max i mum voltage difference
6432 df ASYN f2>f1 SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6433 df ASYN f2<f1 SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6440 SYNC PERMIS. SYNC function 4 YES
NO YES Switching at synchronous condi-
6441 F SYNCHRON SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 0.04 Hz 0.01 Hz Frequency threshold ASYN <-->
6442 dV SYNC V2>V1 SYNC function 4 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6443 dV SYNC V2<V1 SYNC function 4 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6444 dα SYNC α2> α1 SYNC function 4 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6445 dα SYNC α2< α1 SYNC function 4 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle difference
6446 T SYNC-DELAY SYNC function 4 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec Release delay at synchronous
6450 dV SYNCHK V2>V1 SYNC function 4 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6451 dV SYNCHK V2<V1 SYNC function 4 0.5 .. 50.0 V 5.0 V Maximum voltage difference
6452 df SYNCHK f2>f1 SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6453 df SYNCHK f2<f1 SYNC function 4 0.01 .. 2.00 Hz 0.10 Hz Maximum frequency difference
6454 dα SYNCHK α2>α1 SYNC function 4 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle diff erence
6455 dα SYNCHK α2<α1 SYNC function 4 2 .. 80 °10 °Maximum angle diff erence
7001 FCT 50BF 50BF BkrFailure OFF
ON OFF 50BF Breaker Failure Protection
7004 Chk BRK CONTACT 50BF BkrFailure OFF
ON OFF Check Breaker contacts
7005 TRIP-Timer 50BF BkrFailure 0.06 .. 60.00 sec; 0.25 sec TRIP-Timer
7101 FCT 79 79M Auto Recl. OFF
ON OFF 79 Auto-Reclose Function
7103 BLOCK MC Dur. 79M Auto Recl. 0.50 .. 320.00 sec; 0 1.00 sec AR blocking duration after
manual close
7105 TIME RESTRAINT 79M Auto Recl. 0.50 .. 320.00 sec 3.00 sec 79 Auto Reclosing reset time
7108 SAFETY 79 ready 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Safety Time until 79 is ready
7113 CHECK CB? 79M Auto Recl. No check
Chk each cycle No check Check circuit breaker before AR?
7114 T-Start MONITOR 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec; 0.50 sec AR start-signal monitoring time
7115 CB TIME OUT 79M Auto Recl. 0.10 .. 320.00 sec 3.00 sec Circuit Breaker (CB) Supervision
7116 Max. DEAD EXT. 79M Auto Recl. 0.50 .. 1800.00 sec; 100.00 sec Maximum dead time extension
7117 T-ACTION 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec; ∞∞sec Action time
7118 T DEAD DELAY 79M Auto Recl. 0.0 .. 1800.0 sec; 1.0 sec Maximum Time Delay of Dead-
Time Start
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7127 DEADTIME 1: PH 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 1: Phase Fault
7128 DEADTIME 1: G 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 1: Ground Fault
7129 DEADTIME 2: PH 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 2: Phase Fault
7130 DEADTIME 2: G 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 2: Ground Fault
7131 DEADTIME 3: PH 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 3: Phase Fault
7132 DEADTIME 3: G 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 3: Ground Fault
7133 DEADTIME 4: PH 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 4: Phase Fault
7134 DEADTIME 4: G 79M Auto Recl. 0.01 .. 320.00 sec 0.50 sec Dead Time 4: Ground Fault
7135 # OF RECL. GND 79M Auto Recl. 0 .. 9 1 Number of Reclosing Cycles
7136 # OF RECL. PH 79M Auto Recl. 0 .. 9 1 Number of Reclosing Cycles
7137 Cmd.via control 79M Auto Recl. (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Close command via control
7138 Internal SYNC 79M Auto Recl. (Setting options depend
on configuration) None Internal 25 synchronisation
7139 External SYNC 79M Auto Recl. YES
NO NO External 25 synchronisation
7140 ZONE SEQ.COORD. 79M Auto Recl. OFF
ON OFF ZSC - Zone sequence coordina-
7150 50-1 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50-1
7151 50N-1 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50N-1
7152 50-2 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50-2
7153 50N-2 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 50N-2
7154 51 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 51
7155 51N 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 51N
7156 67-1 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67-1
7157 67N-1 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67N-1
7158 67-2 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67-2
7159 67N-2 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67N-2
7160 67 TOC 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67 TOC
7161 67N TOC 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 67N TOC
7162 sens Ground Flt 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence (Sensitive) Ground Fault
7163 46 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence 46
7164 BINARY INPUT 79M Auto Recl. No influence
Starts 79
Stops 79
No influence Binary Input
7165 3Pol.PICKUP BLK 79M Auto Recl. YES
NO NO 3 Pole Pickup blocks 79
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7200 bef.1.Cy:50-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50-1
7201 bef.1.Cy:50N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50N-1
7202 bef.1.Cy:50-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50-2
7203 bef.1.Cy:50N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 50N-2
7204 bef.1.Cy:51 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 51
7205 bef.1.Cy:51N 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 51N
7206 bef.1.Cy:67-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67-1
7207 bef.1.Cy:67N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67N-1
7208 bef.1.Cy:67-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67-2
7209 bef.1.Cy:67N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67N-2
7210 bef.1.Cy:67 TOC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67 TOC
7211 bef.1.Cy:67NTOC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 1. Cycle: 67N TOC
7212 bef.2.Cy:50-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50-1
7213 bef.2.Cy:50N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50N-1
7214 bef.2.Cy:50-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50-2
7215 bef.2.Cy:50N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 50N-2
7216 bef.2.Cy:51 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 51
7217 bef.2.Cy:51N 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 51N
7218 bef.2.Cy:67-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67-1
7219 bef.2.Cy:67N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67N-1
7220 bef.2.Cy:67-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67-2
7221 bef.2.Cy:67N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67N-2
7222 bef.2.Cy:67 TOC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67 TOC
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7223 bef.2.Cy:67NT OC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 2. Cycle: 67N TOC
7224 bef.3.Cy:50-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50-1
7225 bef.3.Cy:50N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50N-1
7226 bef.3.Cy:50-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50-2
7227 bef.3.Cy:50N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 50N-2
7228 bef.3.Cy:51 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 51
7229 bef.3.Cy:51N 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 51N
7230 bef.3.Cy:67-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67-1
7231 bef.3.Cy:67N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67N-1
7232 bef.3.Cy:67-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67-2
7233 bef.3.Cy:67N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67N-2
7234 bef.3.Cy:67 T OC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67 TOC
7235 bef.3.Cy:67NT OC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 3. Cycle: 67N TOC
7236 bef.4.Cy:50-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50-1
7237 bef.4.Cy:50N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50N-1
7238 bef.4.Cy:50-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50-2
7239 bef.4.Cy:50N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 50N-2
7240 bef.4.Cy:51 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 51
7241 bef.4.Cy:51N 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 51N
7242 bef.4.Cy:67-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67-1
7243 bef.4.Cy:67N-1 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67N-1
7244 bef.4.Cy:67-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67-2
7245 bef.4.Cy:67N-2 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67N-2
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7246 bef.4.Cy:67 TOC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67 TOC
7247 bef.4.Cy:67NTOC 79M Auto Recl. Set value T=T
instant. T=0
blocked T=
Set value T=T before 4. Cycle: 67N TOC
8001 START Fault Locator Pickup
TRIP Pickup Start fault locator with
8101 MEASURE. SUPERV Measurem.Superv OFF
ON ON Measurement Supervision
8102 BALANCE V-LIMIT Measurem.Superv 10 .. 100 V 50 V Voltage Threshold for Balance
8103 BAL. FACTOR V Measurem.Superv 0.58 .. 0.90 0.75 Balance Factor for Voltage
8104 BALANCE I LIMIT Measurem.Superv 1A 0.10 .. 1.00 A 0.50 A Current Threshold for Balance
5A 0.50 .. 5.00 A 2.50 A
8105 BAL. FACTOR I Measurem.Superv 0.10 .. 0.90 0.50 Balance Factor for Current
8106 Σ I THRESHOLD Measurem.Superv 1A 0.05 .. 2.00 A; 0.10 A Summated Current Monitoring
5A 0.25 .. 10.00 A; 0.50 A
8107 Σ I FACTOR Measurem.Superv 0.00 .. 0.95 0.10 Summated Current Monitoring
8201 FCT 74TC 7 4TC TripCirc. ON
OFF ON 74TC TRIP Circuit Supervision
8301 DMD Interval Demand meter 15 Min., 1 Sub
15 Min., 3 Subs
15 Min.,1 5 S ub s
30 Min., 1 Sub
60 Min., 1 Sub
60 Min.,1 0 S ub s
5 Min., 5 Sub s
60 Min., 1 Sub Demand Calculation Intervals
8302 DMD Sync.Time Demand meter On The Hour
15 After Hour
30 After Hour
45 After Hour
On The Hour Demand Synchronization Time
8311 MinMax cycRESET Min/Max meter NO
YES YES Automatic Cyclic Reset Function
8312 MiMa RESET TIME Min/Max meter 0 .. 1439 min 0 min MinMax Reset Timer
8313 MiMa RESETCYCLE Min/Max meter 1 .. 365 Days 7 Days MinMax Reset Cycle Period
8314 MinMaxRES.START Min/Max meter 1 .. 365 Days 1 Days MinMax Start Reset Cycle in
8315 MeterResolution Energy Standard
Factor 10
Factor 100
Standard Meter resolution
9011A RTD 1 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Pt 100 ΩRTD 1: Type
Oil RTD 1: Location
9013 RTD 1 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 1: Temperature Stage 1
9014 RTD 1 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 1: Temperature Stage 1
9015 RTD 1 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 1: Temperature Stage 2
9016 RTD 1 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 1: Temperature Stage 2
9021A RTD 2 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 2: Ty pe
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Other RTD 2: Location
9023 RTD 2 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 2: Temperature Stage 1
9024 RTD 2 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 2: Temperature Stage 1
9025 RTD 2 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 2: Temperature Stage 2
9026 RTD 2 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 2: Temperature Stage 2
9031A RTD 3 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 3: Type
Other RTD 3: Location
9033 RTD 3 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 3: Temperature Stage 1
9034 RTD 3 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 3: Temperature Stage 1
9035 RTD 3 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 3: Temperature Stage 2
9036 RTD 3 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 3: Temperature Stage 2
9041A RTD 4 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 4: Type
Other RTD 4: Location
9043 RTD 4 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 4: Temperature Stage 1
9044 RTD 4 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 4: Temperature Stage 1
9045 RTD 4 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 4: Temperature Stage 2
9046 RTD 4 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 4: Temperature Stage 2
9051A RTD 5 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 5: Type
Other RTD 5: Location
9053 RTD 5 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 5: Temperature Stage 1
9054 RTD 5 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 5: Temperature Stage 1
9055 RTD 5 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 5: Temperature Stage 2
9056 RTD 5 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 5: Temperature Stage 2
9061A RTD 6 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 6: Type
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Other RTD 6: Location
9063 RTD 6 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 6: Temperature Stage 1
9064 RTD 6 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 6: Temperature Stage 1
9065 RTD 6 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 6: Temperature Stage 2
9066 RTD 6 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 6: Temperature Stage 2
9071A RTD 7 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 7: Ty pe
Other RTD 7: Location
9073 RTD 7 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 7: Temperature Stage 1
9074 RTD 7 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 7: Temperature Stage 1
9075 RTD 7 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 7: Temperature Stage 2
9076 RTD 7 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 7: Temperature Stage 2
9081A RTD 8 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 8: Ty pe
Other RTD 8: Location
9083 RTD 8 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 8: Temperature Stage 1
9084 RTD 8 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 8: Temperature Stage 1
9085 RTD 8 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 8: Temperature Stage 2
9086 RTD 8 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 8: Temperature Stage 2
9091A RTD 9 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD 9: Ty pe
Other RTD 9: Location
9093 RTD 9 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD 9: Temperature Stage 1
9094 RTD 9 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD 9: Temperature Stage 1
9095 RTD 9 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD 9: Temperature Stage 2
9096 RTD 9 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD 9: Temperature Stage 2
9101A RTD10 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD10: Type
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Other RTD10: Location
9103 RTD10 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD10: Temperature Stage 1
9104 RTD10 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD10: Temperature Stage 1
9105 RTD10 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD10: Temperature Stage 2
9106 RTD10 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD10: Temperature Stage 2
9111A RTD11 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD11: Type
Other RTD11 : L ocation
9113 RTD11 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD11: Temperature Stage 1
9114 RTD11 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD11: Temperature Stage 1
9115 RTD11 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD11: Temperature Stage 2
9116 RTD11 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD11: Temperature Stage 2
9121A RTD12 TYPE RTD-Box Not connected
Pt 100 Ω
Ni 120 Ω
Ni 100 Ω
Not connected RTD12: Type
Other RTD12: Location
9123 RTD12 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 100 °C RTD12: Temperature Stage 1
9124 RTD12 STAGE 1 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 212 °F RTD12: Temperature Stage 1
9125 RTD12 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -50 .. 250 °C; 120 °C RTD12: Temperature Stage 2
9126 RTD12 STAGE 2 RTD-Box -58 .. 482 °F; 248 °F RTD12: Temperature Stage 2
Alarm Only
OFF Flexible Function
0 OPERRAT. MODE Flx 3-phase
no reference
3-phas e Mode of O p er a t ion
0 MEAS. QUANTITY Flx Please select
P forward
P reverse
Q forward
Q reverse
Power factor
df/dt rising
df/dt falling
Binray Input
Please select Selection of Measured Quantity
0 MEAS. METHOD Flx Fundamental
Tr ue RM S
Positive seq.
Negative seq.
Zero sequence
Fundamental Selection of Measurement
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A.8 Settings
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
0 PICKUP WITH Flx Exceeding
Dropping below Exceeding Pickup with
In sensitive
Ia Current
0 VOLTAGE Flx Please select
Please select Voltage
0POWER Flx Ia Va-n
Ib Vb-n
Ic Vc-n
Ia Va-n Power
0 VOLTAGE SYSTEM Flx Phase-Phase
Phase-Earth Phase-Phase Voltage System
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 0.05 .. 35.00 A 2.00 A Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 0.001 .. 1.500 A 0.100 A Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 2.0 .. 260.0 V 110.0 V Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 2.0 .. 200.0 V 110.0 V Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 45.50 .. 54.50 Hz 51.00 Hz Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 55.50 .. 64.50 Hz 61.00 Hz Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 0.10 .. 20.00 Hz/s 5.00 Hz/s Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx 0.5 .. 10.000 W 200.0 W Pickup Threshold
0 P.U. THRESHOLD Flx -0.99 .. 0.99 0.50 Pickup Threshold
0 T TRIP DELAY Flx 0.00 .. 3600.00 sec 1.00 sec Trip Time Delay
0A T PICKUP DELAY Flx 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec Pickup Time Delay
0A T DROPOUT DELAY Flx 0.00 .. 60.00 sec 0.00 sec Dropout Time Delay
0A Vol.Loss Flx NO
YES YES Block in case of Meas.-Voltage
0A DROPOUT RATIO Flx 0.70 .. 0.99 0.95 Dropout Ratio
0A DROPOUT RATIO Flx 1.01 .. 3.00 1.05 Dropout Ratio
Addr. Parameter Function C Setting Options Default Setting Comments
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.9 Information List
Indications for IEC 60 870-5-103 are always reported ON / OFF if they are subject to
general interrogation for IEC 60 870-5-103. If not, they are reported only as ON.
New user-defined indications or such reassi gned to IEC 60 870-5-103 are set to ON /
OFF and subjected to general interrogation if the information type is not a spontane-
ous event („.._Ev“). Further information on messages can be found in detail in the
SIPROTEC 4 System Description, Order No. E50417-H1176-C151.
In columns „Event Log“, „Trip Log“ and „Ground Fault Log“ the following applies:
UPPER CASE NOTATION “ON/OFF”: definitely set, not allocatable
lower case notation “on/off”: preset, allocatable
*: not preset, allocatable
<blank>: neither preset nor allocatable
In column „Marked in Oscill.Record“ the following applies:
UPPER CASE NOTATION “M”: definitely set, not allocatable
lower case notation “m”: preset, allocatable
*: not preset, allocatable
<blank>: neither preset nor allocatable
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/OFF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Number
Data Unit
General Interrogation
- >Back Light on (>Light on) Device, General SP On
- Reset LED (Reset LED) Device, General IntSP on * * LED BO 160 19 1 No
- Stop data transmission (DataS-
top) Device, General IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 20 1 Yes
- Test mode (Test mode) Device, Gener al IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 21 1 Yes
- Feeder GROUNDED (Feeder
gnd) Device, General IntSP * * * LED BO
- Breaker OPENED (Brk
OPENED) Device, General IntSP * * * LED BO
- Hardware Te st M o de (H W Test-
Mod) Device, General IntSP On
- Clock Synchronization (Synch-
Clock) Device, General IntSP
_Ev ** *
- Error FMS FO 1 (Error FMS1) Device, General OUT On
Off * LED BO
- Error FMS FO 2 (Error FMS2) Device, General OUT On
Off * LED BO
- Disturbance CFC (Distur.CFC) Device, General OUT On
Off * LED BO
- Fault Recording Start (FltRecSta) Osc. Fault Rec. IntSP On
- Group A (Group A) Change Group IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 23 1 Yes
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
- Group B (Group B) Change Group IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 24 1 Yes
- Group C (Group C) Change Group IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 25 1 Yes
- Group D (Group D) Change Group IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 26 1 Yes
- Control Authority (Cntrl Auth) Cntrl Authority DP On
Off * LED BO 101 85 1 Yes
- Controlmode LOCAL (ModeLO-
CAL) Cntrl Authority DP On
Off * LED BO 101 86 1 Yes
- Controlmode REMOTE (ModeR-
EMOTE) Cntrl Authority IntSP On
Off * LED BO
- Control Authority (Cntrl Auth) Cntrl Authority IntSP On
Off * LED BO
- Controlmode LOCAL (ModeLO-
CAL) Cntrl Authority IntSP On
Off * LED BO
- 52 Breaker (52Breaker) Control Device CF_D
12 On
Off LED BO 240 160 20
- 52 Breaker (52Breaker) Control Device DP On
Off BI CB 240 160 1 Yes
- Disconnect Switch (Disc.Swit.) Control Device CF_D
Off LED BO 240 161 20
- Disconnect Switch (Disc.Swit.) Control Device DP On
Off BI CB 240 161 1 Yes
- Ground Switch (GndSwit.) Control Device CF_D
Off LED BO 240 164 20
- Ground Switch (GndSwit.) Control Device DP On
Off BI CB 240 164 1 Yes
- Interlocking: 52 Open (52 Open) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Interlocking: 52 Close (52 Close) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Interlocking: Disconnect switch
Open (Disc.Open) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Interlocking: Disconnect switch
Close (Disc.Close) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Interlocking: Ground switch Open
(GndSw Open) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Interlocking: Ground switch Close
(GndSw Cl.) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Unlock data transmission via BI
(UnlockDT) Control Device IntSP * LED BO
- Q2 Open/Close (Q2 Op/Cl) Control Device CF_D
Off LED BO 240 162 20
- Q2 Open/Close (Q2 Op/Cl) Control Device DP On
Off BI CB 240 162 1 Yes
- Q9 Open/Close (Q9 Op/Cl) Control Device CF_D
Off LED BO 240 163 20
- Q9 Open/Close (Q9 Op/Cl) Control Device DP On
Off BI CB 240 163 1 Yes
- Fan ON/OFF (Fan ON/OFF) Control Device CF_D
Off LED BO 240 175 20
- Fan ON/OFF (Fan ON/OFF) Control Device DP On
Off BI CB 240 175 1 Yes
- >CB ready S pring is charged
(>CB ready) Process Data SP * * * LED BI BO CB
- >Door closed (>DoorClose) Process Data SP * * * LED BI BO CB
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
- >Cabinet door open (>Door
open) Process Data SP On
Off **LEDBIBOCB10111Yes
- >CB waiting for Spring charged
(>CB wai t) Process Data SP On
Off **LEDBIBOCB10121Yes
- >No Volt age (Fuse blown) (>No
Volt.) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 160 38 1 Yes
- >Error Motor V oltage (>Err Mot
V) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 240 181 1 Yes
- >Error Control Voltage (>ErrCntr-
lV) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 240 182 1 Yes
- >SF6-Loss (>SF6-Loss) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 240 183 1 Yes
- >Error Meter (>Err Meter) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 240 184 1 Yes
- >Transformer Temperature (>Tx
Temp.) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 240 185 1 Yes
- >Transformer Danger (>Tx
Danger) Process Data SP On
Off * * LED BI BO CB 240 186 1 Yes
- Reset Minimum and Maximum
counter (ResMinMax) Min/Max meter IntSP
_Ev ON
- Reset meter (Meter res) Energy IntSP
- Error Systeminterface (SysIn-
tErr.) Protocol IntSP On
Off ** LED BO
- Threshold Value 1 (ThreshVal1) Thresh.-Switch IntSP On
1 No Function configured (Not con-
figured) Device, General SP * *
2 Function Not A vailable (Non Exis-
tent) Device, General SP * *
3 >Synchronize Internal Real Time
Clock (>T ime Synch) Device, General SP_E
v* * LED BI BO 135 48 1 Yes
4 >Trigger Waveform Capture
(>Trig.Wave.Cap.) Osc. Fault Rec. SP * * m LED BI BO 135 49 1 Yes
5 >Reset LED (>Reset LED) Device, General SP * * * LED BI BO 135 50 1 Yes
7 >Setting Group Select Bit 0 (>Set
Group Bit0) Change Group SP * * * LED BI BO 135 51 1 Yes
8 >Setting Group Select Bit 1 (>Set
Group Bit1) Change Group SP * * * LED BI BO 135 52 1 Yes
009.0100 Failure EN100 Modul (Failure
Modul) EN100-Modul 1 IntSP On
009.0101 Failure EN100 Link Channel 1
(Ch1) (Fail Ch1) EN100-Modul 1 IntSP On
009.0102 Failure EN100 Link Channel 2
(Ch2) (Fail Ch2) EN100-Modul 1 IntSP On
15 >Test mode (>Test mode) Device, General SP * * * LED BI BO 135 53 1 Yes
16 >Stop data transmission
(>DataStop) Device, General SP * * * LED BI BO 135 54 1 Yes
51 Device is Operational and Pro-
tecting (Device OK) Device, General OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 81 1 Yes
52 At Least 1 Protection Funct. is
Active (ProtActive) Device, General IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 18 1 Yes
55 Reset Device (Reset Device) Device, General OUT on * *
56 Initial Start of Device (Initial Start) Device, General OUT on * * LED BO 160 5 1 No
67 Resume (Resume) Device, General OUT on * * LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
68 Clock Synchronization Error
(Clock SyncError) Device, Genera l OUT On
69 Daylight Saving Time (DayLight-
SavTime) Device, Genera l OUT On
70 Setting calculation is running
(Settings Calc.) Device, General OUT On
Off * * LED BO 160 22 1 Yes
71 Settings Check (Settings Chec k) Device, General OUT * * * LED BO
72 Level-2 change (Level-2 change) Device, General OUT On
110 Event lost (Event Lost) Device, General OUT_
Ev on * LED BO 135 130 1 No
113 Flag Lost (Flag Lost) Device, General OUT on * m LED BO 135 136 1 Yes
125 Chatter ON (Chatter ON) Device, General OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 145 1 Yes
126 Protection ON/OFF (via system
port) (ProtON/OFF) P.System Data 2 IntSP On
127 79 ON/OFF (via system port) (79
ON/OFF) 79M Auto Recl. IntSP On
140 Error with a summary alarm
(Error Sum Alarm) Devi ce, General OUT On
Off * * LED BO 160 47 1 Yes
144 Error 5V (Error 5V) Device, General OUT On
145 Error 0V (Error 0V) Device, General OUT On
146 Error -5V (Error -5V) Device, General OUT On
147 Error Power Supply (Error Pwr-
Supply) Devi ce, General OUT On
160 Alarm Summary Event (Alarm
Sum Event) Device, General OUT On
Off * * LED BO 160 46 1 Yes
161 Failure: General Current Supervi-
sion (Fail I Superv.) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 160 32 1 Yes
162 Failure: Current Summation (Fail-
ure Σ I) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 182 1 Yes
163 Failure: Current Balance (Fail I
balance) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 183 1 Yes
167 Failure: Voltage Balance (Fail V
balance) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 186 1 Yes
169 VT Fuse Failure (alarm >10s) (VT
FuseFail>10s) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 188 1 Yes
170 VT Fuse Failure (alarm instanta-
neous) (VT FuseFail) Measurem.Superv OUT On
170.0001 >25-group 1 activate (>25-1 act) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0001 >25-group 2 activate (>25-2 act) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0001 >25-group 3 activate (>25-3 act) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0001 >25-group 4 activate (>25-4 act) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0043 >25 Sync. Measurement Only
(>25 Me asu. Only ) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0043 >25 Sync. Measurement Only
(>25 Me asu. Only ) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0043 >25 Sync. Measurement Only
(>25 Me asu. Only ) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.0043 >25 Sync. Measurement Only
(>25 Measu. Only) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.0049 25 Sync. Release of CLOSE
Command (25 CloseRelease) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 201 1 Yes
170.0049 25 Sync. Release of CLOSE
Command (25 CloseRelease) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0049 25 Sync. Release of CLOSE
Command (25 CloseRelease) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0049 25 Sync. Release of CLOSE
Command (25 CloseRelease) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0050 25 Synchronization Error (25
Sync. Error) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 202 1 Yes
170.0050 25 Synchronization Error (25
Sync. Error) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0050 25 Synchronization Error (25
Sync. Error) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0050 25 Synchronization Error (25
Sync. Error) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0051 25-group 1 is BLOCKED (25-1
BLOCK) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 204 1 Yes
170.0051 25-group 2 is BLOCKED (25-2
BLOCK) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0051 25-group 3 is BLOCKED (25-3
BLOCK) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.0051 25-group 4 is BLOCKED (25-4
BLOCK) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2007 25 Sy nc. Measuring request of
Control (25 Measu. req.) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off *LED
170.2007 25 Sy nc. Measuring request of
Control (25 Measu. req.) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off *LED
170.2007 25 Sy nc. Measuring request of
Control (25 Measu. req.) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off *LED
170.2007 25 Sy nc. Measuring request of
Control (25 Measu. req.) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off *LED
170.2008 >BLOCK 25-g roup 1 (>BLK 25-1) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2008 >BLOCK 25-g roup 2 (>BLK 25-2) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2008 >BLOCK 25-g roup 3 (>BLK 25-3) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2008 >BLOCK 25-g roup 4 (>BLK 25-4) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2009 >25 Direct Command output
(>25direct CO) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2009 >25 Direct Command output
(>25direct CO) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2009 >25 Direct Command output
(>25direct CO) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2009 >25 Direct Command output
(>25direct CO) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2011 >25 S t art of synchroniza tion (>25
Start) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2011 >25 S t art of synchroniza tion (>25
Start) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2011 >25 S t art of synchroniza tion (>25
Start) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.2011 >25 Start of synchronization (>25
Start) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2012 >25 Stop of synchronization (>25
Stop) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2012 >25 Stop of synchronization (>25
Stop) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2012 >25 Stop of synchronization (>25
Stop) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2012 >25 Stop of synchronization (>25
Stop) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2013 >25 Switch to V1> and V2< (>25
V1>V2<) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2013 >25 Switch to V1> and V2< (>25
V1>V2<) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2013 >25 Switch to V1> and V2< (>25
V1>V2<) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2013 >25 Switch to V1> and V2< (>25
V1>V2<) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2014 >25 Switch to V1< and V2> (>25
V1<V2>) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2014 >25 Switch to V1< and V2> (>25
V1<V2>) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2014 >25 Switch to V1< and V2> (>25
V1<V2>) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2014 >25 Switch to V1< and V2> (>25
V1<V2>) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2015 >25 Switch to V1< and V2< (>25
V1<V2<) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2015 >25 Switch to V1< and V2< (>25
V1<V2<) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2015 >25 Switch to V1< and V2< (>25
V1<V2<) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2015 >25 Switch to V1< and V2< (>25
V1<V2<) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2016 >25 Switch to Sync (>25 synchr.) SYNC fun ct i on 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2016 >25 Switch to Sync (>25 synchr.) SYNC fun ct i on 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2016 >25 Switch to Sync (>25 synchr.) SYNC fun ct i on 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2016 >25 Switch to Sync (>25 synchr.) SYNC fun ct i on 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2022 25-group 1: measurement in
progress (2 5 - 1 m e as.) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 203 1 Yes
170.2022 25-group 2: measurement in
progress (2 5 - 2 m e as.) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2022 25-group 3: measurement in
progress (2 5 - 3 m e as.) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2022 25-group 4: measurement in
progress (2 5 - 4 m e as.) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2025 25 Monitoring time exceeded (25
MonTimeExc) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 205 1 Yes
170.2025 25 Monitoring time exceeded (25
MonTimeExc) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2025 25 Monitoring time exceeded (25
MonTimeExc) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.2025 25 Monit oring time exceede d (25
MonTimeExc) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2026 25 Synchronization conditions
okay (25 Synchron) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 206 1 Yes
170.2026 25 Synchronization conditions
okay (25 Synchron) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2026 25 Synchronization conditions
okay (25 Synchron) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2026 25 Synchronization conditions
okay (25 Synchron) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2027 25 Cond ition V1>V2< ful filled (25
V1> V2<) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2027 25 Cond ition V1>V2< ful filled (25
V1> V2<) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2027 25 Cond ition V1>V2< ful filled (25
V1> V2<) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2027 25 Cond ition V1>V2< ful filled (25
V1> V2<) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2028 25 Cond ition V1<V2> ful filled (25
V1< V2>) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2028 25 Cond ition V1<V2> ful filled (25
V1< V2>) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2028 25 Cond ition V1<V2> ful filled (25
V1< V2>) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2028 25 Cond ition V1<V2> ful filled (25
V1< V2>) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2029 25 Cond ition V1<V2< ful filled (25
V1< V2<) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2029 25 Cond ition V1<V2< ful filled (25
V1< V2<) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2029 25 Cond ition V1<V2< ful filled (25
V1< V2<) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2029 25 Cond ition V1<V2< ful filled (25
V1< V2<) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2030 25 V ol tage differe nce (Vdiff) okay
(25 Vdiff ok) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 207 1 Yes
170.2030 25 V ol tage differe nce (Vdiff) okay
(25 Vdiff ok) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2030 25 V ol tage differe nce (Vdiff) okay
(25 Vdiff ok) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2030 25 V ol tage differe nce (Vdiff) okay
(25 Vdiff ok) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2031 25 Frequency difference (fdiff)
okay (25 fd iff ok) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 208 1 Yes
170.2031 25 Frequency difference (fdiff)
okay (25 fd iff ok) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2031 25 Frequency difference (fdiff)
okay (25 fd iff ok) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2031 25 Frequency difference (fdiff)
okay (25 fd iff ok) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2032 25 Angle difference (alphadiff)
okay (25 αdiff ok) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 209 1 Yes
170.2032 25 Angle difference (alphadiff)
okay (25 αdiff ok) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2032 25 Angle difference (alphadiff)
okay (25 αdiff ok) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.2032 25 Angle difference (alphadif f)
okay (25 αdiff ok) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2033 25 Frequency f1 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f1>>) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2033 25 Frequency f1 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f1>>) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2033 25 Frequency f1 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f1>>) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2033 25 Frequency f1 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f1>>) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2034 25 Frequency f1 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f1<<) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2034 25 Frequency f1 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f1<<) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2034 25 Frequency f1 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f1<<) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2034 25 Frequency f1 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f1<<) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2035 25 Frequency f2 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f2>>) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2035 25 Frequency f2 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f2>>) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2035 25 Frequency f2 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f2>>) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2035 25 Frequency f2 > f max permissi-
ble (25 f2>>) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2036 25 Frequency f2 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f2<<) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2036 25 Frequency f2 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f2<<) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2036 25 Frequency f2 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f2<<) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2036 25 Frequency f2 < fmin permissi-
ble (25 f2<<) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2037 25 Voltage V1 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V1>>) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2037 25 Voltage V1 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V1>>) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2037 25 Voltage V1 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V1>>) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2037 25 Voltage V1 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V1>>) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2038 25 V oltage V1 < Vmin permissible
(25 V1<<) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2038 25 V oltage V1 < Vmin permissible
(25 V1<<) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2038 25 V oltage V1 < Vmin permissible
(25 V1<<) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2038 25 V oltage V1 < Vmin permissible
(25 V1<<) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2039 25 Voltage V2 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V2>>) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2039 25 Voltage V2 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V2>>) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2039 25 Voltage V2 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V2>>) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.2039 25 Voltage V2 > Vmax permissi-
ble (25 V2>>) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2040 25 V oltage V2 < Vmin permissible
(25 V2<<) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2040 25 V oltage V2 < Vmin permissible
(25 V2<<) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2040 25 V oltage V2 < Vmin permissible
(25 V2<<) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2040 25 V oltage V2 < Vmin permissible
(25 V2<<) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2090 25 Vdiff too large (V2>V1) (25
V2>V1) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2090 25 Vdiff too large (V2>V1) (25
V2>V1) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2090 25 Vdiff too large (V2>V1) (25
V2>V1) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2090 25 Vdiff too large (V2>V1) (25
V2>V1) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2091 25 Vdiff too large (V2<V1) (25
V2<V1) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2091 25 Vdiff too large (V2<V1) (25
V2<V1) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2091 25 Vdiff too large (V2<V1) (25
V2<V1) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2091 25 Vdiff too large (V2<V1) (25
V2<V1) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2092 25 f diff too large (f2>f1) (25 f 2>f1) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2092 25 f diff too large (f2>f1) (25 f 2>f1) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2092 25 f diff too large (f2>f1) (25 f 2>f1) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2092 25 f diff too large (f2>f1) (25 f 2>f1) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2093 25 f diff too large (f2<f1) (25 f 2<f1) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2093 25 f diff too large (f2<f1) (25 f 2<f1) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2093 25 f diff too large (f2<f1) (25 f 2<f1) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2093 25 f diff too large (f2<f1) (25 f 2<f1) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2094 25 alphadiff too large (a2>a1) (25
α2>α1) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2094 25 alphadiff too large (a2>a1) (25
α2>α1) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2094 25 alphadiff too large (a2>a1) (25
α2>α1) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2094 25 alphadiff too large (a2>a1) (25
α2>α1) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2095 25 alphadiff too large (a2<a1) (25
α2<α1) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2095 25 alphadiff too large (a2<a1) (25
α2<α1) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2095 25 alphadiff too large (a2<a1) (25
α2<α1) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
170.2095 25 alphadiff too large (a2<a1) ( 25
α2<α1) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2096 25 Multiple selection of func-
groups (25 FG-Error) SYNC function 1 OUT On
170.2096 25 Multiple selection of func-
groups (25 FG-Error) SYNC function 2 OUT On
170.2096 25 Multiple selection of func-
groups (25 FG-Error) SYNC function 3 OUT On
170.2096 25 Multiple selection of func-
groups (25 FG-Error) SYNC function 4 OUT On
170.2097 25 Setting error (25 Set-Error) SYNC function 1 OUT On
170.2097 25 Setting error (25 Set-Error) SYNC function 2 OUT On
170.2097 25 Setting error (25 Set-Error) SYNC function 3 OUT On
170.2097 25 Setting error (25 Set-Error) SYNC function 4 OUT On
170.2101 Sync-group 1 is switched OFF
(25-1 OFF) SYNC function 1 OUT On
Off * LED BO 41 36 1 Yes
170.2101 Sync-group 2 is switched OFF
(25-2 OFF) SYNC function 2 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2101 Sync-group 3 is switched OFF
(25-3 OFF) SYNC function 3 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2101 Sync-group 4 is switched OFF
(25-4 OFF) SYNC function 4 OUT On
Off * LED BO
170.2102 >BLOCK 25 CLOSE command
(>BLK 25 CLOSE) SYNC function 1 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2102 >BLOCK 25 CLOSE command
(>BLK 25 CLOSE) SYNC function 2 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2102 >BLOCK 25 CLOSE command
(>BLK 25 CLOSE) SYNC function 3 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2102 >BLOCK 25 CLOSE command
(>BLK 25 CLOSE) SYNC function 4 SP On
Off * LED BI
170.2103 25 CLOSE command is
Off * LED BO 41 37 1 Yes
170.2103 25 CLOSE command is
Off * LED BO
170.2103 25 CLOSE command is
Off * LED BO
170.2103 25 CLOSE command is
Off * LED BO
171 Failure: Phase Sequence (Fail
Ph. Seq.) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 160 35 1 Yes
175 Failure: Phase Sequence Current
(Fail Ph. Seq. I) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 191 1 Yes
176 Failure: Phase Sequence V oltage
(Fail Ph. Seq. V) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 192 1 Yes
177 Failure: Battery empty (Fail Bat-
tery) Device, Gen eral OUT On
178 I/O-Board Error (I/O-Board error) Device, General OUT On
183 Error Board 1 (Error Board 1) Device, General OUT On
184 Error Board 2 (Error Board 2) Device, General OUT On
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
185 Error Board 3 (Error Board 3) Device, General OUT On
186 Error Board 4 (Error Board 4) Device, General OUT On
187 Error Board 5 (Error Board 5) Device, General OUT On
188 Error Board 6 (Error Board 6) Device, General OUT On
189 Error Board 7 (Error Board 7) Device, General OUT On
191 Error: Offset (Error Offset) Device, General OUT On
192 Error:1A/5Ajumper dif ferent from
setting (Error1A/5Awrong) Device, General OUT On
Off *
193 Alarm: NO calibration data avail-
able (Alarm NO calibr) Device, General OUT On
194 Error: Neutral CT different from
MLFB (Error neutralCT) Device, General OUT On
Off *
197 Measurement Supervision is
switched OFF (MeasSup OFF) Measurem.Superv OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 197 1 Yes
203 Waveform data deleted (Wave.
deleted) Osc. Fault Rec. OUT_
Ev on * LED BO 135 203 1 No
220 Error: Range CT Ph wrong (CT
Ph wrong) Device, General OUT On
Off *
234.2100 27, 59 blocked via operation (27,
59 blk) 27/59 O/U Volt. IntSP On
235.21 10 >BLOCK Function $00 (>BLOCK
$00) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2111 >Function $00 instantaneous
TRIP (>$00 instant.) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2112 >Function $0 0 Direct TRIP (>$00
Dir.TRIP) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2113 >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP
Time Delay (>$00 BLK.TDly) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2114 >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP
(>$00 BLK.TRIP) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2115 >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP
Phase A (>$00 BL.TripA) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2116 >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP
Phase B (>$00 BL.TripB) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2117 >Function $00 BLOCK TRIP
Phase C (>$00 BL.TripC) Flx SP On
Off On
235.2118 Function $00 is BLOCKED ($00
Off On
Off **LED BO
235.2119 Function $00 is switched OFF
($00 OFF) Flx OUT On
Off * * * LED BO
235.2120 Function $00 is ACTIVE ($00
Off * * * LED BO
235.2121 Fun ction $00 picked up ($00
picked up) Flx OUT On
Off On
Off **LED BO
235.2122 Function $00 Pickup Phase A
($00 pickup A) Flx OUT On
Off On
Off **LED BO
235.2123 Function $00 Pickup Phase B
($00 pickup B) Flx OUT On
Off On
Off **LED BO
235.2124 Fun ction $00 Pickup Phase C
($00 pickup C) Flx OUT On
Off On
Off **LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
235.2125 Function $00 TRIP Delay Time
Out ($00 Time Out) Flx OUT On
Off On
Off **LED BO
235.2126 Function $00 TRIP ($00 TRIP) Flx OUT On
Off on * * LED BO
235.2128 Function $00 has invalid settings
($00 inval.set) Flx OUT On
Off On
Off **LED BO
236.2127 BLOCK Flexible Function (BLK.
Flex.Fct.) Device, General IntSP On
Off * * * LED BO
264 Failure: RTD-Box 1 (Fail: RTD-
Box 1) RTD-Box OUT On
267 Failure: RTD-Box 2 (Fail: RTD-
Box 2) RTD-Box OUT On
268 Supervision Pressure (Su-
perv.Pressure) Measurement OUT On
269 Supervision Temperature (Su-
perv.Temp.) Measurement OUT On
270 Set Point Pressure< (SP. Pres-
sure<) Set Points(MV) OU T On
271 Set Point Temp> (SP. Temp>) Set Points(MV) OUT On
272 Set Point Operating Hours (SP.
Op Hours>) SetPoint(Stat) OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 229 1 Yes
273 Set Point Phase A dmd> (SP. I A
dmd>) Set Points(MV) OU T On
Off * * LED BO 135 230 1 Yes
274 Set Point Phase B dmd> (SP. I B
dmd>) Set Points(MV) OU T On
Off * * LED BO 135 234 1 Yes
275 Set Point Phase C dmd> (SP. I C
dmd>) Set Points(MV) OU T On
Off * * LED BO 135 235 1 Yes
276 Set Point positive sequence
I1dmd> (SP. I1dmd>) Set Points(MV) OU T On
Off * * LED BO 135 236 1 Yes
277 Set Point |Pdmd|> (SP. |Pdmd|>) Set Points(MV) OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 237 1 Yes
278 Set Point |Qdmd|> (SP. |Qdmd|>) Set Points(MV) OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 238 1 Yes
279 Set Point |Sdmd|> (SP. |Sdmd|>) Set Points(MV) OUT On
Off * * LED BO 135 239 1 Yes
284 Set Point 37-1 Undercurrent
alarm (S P. 37 - 1 al ar m) Set Po in ts(MV) O UT On
Off * * LED BO 135 244 1 Yes
285 Set Point 55 Power factor alarm
(SP. PF(55)alarm) Se t Po ints(M V) O UT On
Off * * LED BO 135 245 1 Yes
301 Power System fault
(Pow.Sys.Flt.) Device, Genera l OUT On
Off On
Off 135 231 2 Yes
302 Fault Event (Fault Ev ent) D evice, General OUT * on 135 232 2 Yes
303 sensitive Ground fault (sens Gnd
flt) Device, General OUT On
Off * ON 135 233 1 Yes
320 Warn: Limit of Memory Data ex-
ceeded (Warn Mem. Data) Device, General OUT On
321 Warn: Limit of Memory Parame-
ter exceeded (Warn Mem. Para.) Device, General OUT On
322 Warn: L imit of Memory Oper ation
exceeded (Warn Mem. Oper.) Device, General OUT On
323 Warn: Limit of Memory New ex-
ceeded (Warn Mem. New) Device, General OUT On
356 >Manual close signal (>Manual
Close) P.System Data 2 SP * * * LED BI BO 150 6 1 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
395 >I MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>I
MinMax Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
396 >I1 MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>I1
MiMaReset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
397 >V MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>V
MiMaReset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
398 >Vphph MIN/MAX Buff er Reset
(>VphphMiMaRes) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
399 >V1 MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>V1
MiMa Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
400 >P MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>P
MiMa Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
401 >S MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>S
MiMa Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
402 >Q MIN/MAX Buffer Reset (>Q
MiMa Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
403 >Idmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
(>Idmd MiMaReset) Min/Max meter S P on * * LED BI BO
404 >Pdmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
(>Pdmd MiMaReset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
405 >Qdmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
(>Qdmd MiMaReset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
406 >Sdmd MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
(>Sdmd MiMaReset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
407 >Frq. MIN/MAX Buffer Reset
(>Frq MiMa Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
408 >Power Factor MIN/MAX Buffer
Reset (>PF MiMaReset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
409 >BLOCK Op Counter (>BLOCK
Op Count) Statistics SP On
412 >Theta MIN/MAX Buff er Reset (>
Θ MiMa Reset) Min/Max meter SP on * * LED BI BO
501 Relay PICKUP (Relay PICKUP) P.System Data 2 OUT ON m LED BO 150 151 2 Yes
502 Relay Drop Out (Relay Drop Out) Device, General SP * *
510 General CLOSE of relay (Relay
CLOSE) Device, General SP * *
51 1 Relay GENERAL TRIP command
(Relay T R IP ) P.System Data 2 OUT ON m LED BO 150 161 2 Yes
533 Primary fault current Ia (Ia =) P.System Data 2 VI On
Off 150 177 4 No
534 Primary fault current Ib (Ib =) P.System Data 2 VI On
Off 150 178 4 No
535 Primary fault current Ic (I c =) P.System Data 2 VI On
Off 150 179 4 No
561 Manual close signal detected
(Man.Clos.Detect) P.System Data 2 OUT On
916 Increment of active energy
(WpΔ=) Energy -
917 Increment of reactive energy
(WqΔ=) Energy -
1020 Counter of operating hours
(Op.Hours=) Statistics VI
1021 Accumulation of interrupted
current Ph A (Σ Ia =) Statistics VI
1022 Accumulation of interrupted
current Ph B (Σ Ib =) Statistics VI
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1023 Accumulation of interrupted
current Ph C (Σ Ic =) Statistics VI
1106 >Start Fault Locator (>Start Flt.
Loc) Fault Locator SP on * * LED BI BO 151 6 1 Yes
1118 Flt Locator: secondary REAC-
TANCE (Xsec =) F ault Locator VI On
Off 151 18 4 No
1119 Flt Locator: Distance to fault (dist
=) Fault Locator VI On
Off 151 19 4 No
1123 Fault Locator Loop AG (FL Loop
AG) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1124 Fault Locator Loop BG (FL Loop
BG) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1125 Fault Locator Loop CG (FL Loop
CG) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1126 Fault Locator Loop AB (FL Loop
AB) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1127 Fault Locator Loop BC (FL Loop
BC) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1128 Fault Locator Loop CA (FL Loop
CA) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1132 Fault location invalid (
valid) Fault Locator OUT * on * LED BO
1201 >BLOCK 64 (>BLOCK 64) Sens. Gnd Fault SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 151 101 1 Yes
1202 >BLOCK 50Ns-2 (>BLOCK
50Ns-2) Sens. Gnd Fault SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 151 102 1 Yes
1203 >BLOCK 50Ns-1 (>BLOCK
50Ns-1) Sens. Gnd Fault SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 151 103 1 Yes
1204 >BLOCK 51Ns (>BLOCK 51Ns) Sens. Gnd Fault SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 151 104 1 Yes
1207 >BLOCK 50Ns/67Ns (>BLK
50Ns/67Ns) Sens. Gnd Fault SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 151 107 1 Yes
1211 50Ns/67Ns is OFF (50Ns/67Ns
OFF) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off * * LED BO 151 111 1 Yes
1212 50Ns/67Ns is ACTIVE
(50Ns/67Ns ACT) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off * * LED BO 151 112 1 Yes
1215 64 displacement voltage pick up
(64 Pickup) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * On
Off * LED BO 151 115 2 Yes
1217 64 displacement voltage element
TRIP (64 TRIP) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * on m LED BO 151 117 2 Yes
1221 50Ns-2 Pickup (50Ns-2 Pickup) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * On
Off * LED BO 151 121 2 Yes
1223 50Ns-2 TRIP (50Ns-2 TRIP) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * on m LED BO 151 123 2 Yes
1224 50Ns-1 Pickup (50Ns-1 Pickup) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * On
Off * LED BO 151 124 2 Yes
1226 50Ns-1 TRIP (50Ns-1 TRIP) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * on m LED BO 151 126 2 Yes
1227 51Ns picked up (51Ns Pickup) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * On
Off * LED BO 151 127 2 Yes
1229 51Ns TRIP (51Ns TRIP) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * on m LED BO 151 129 2 Yes
1230 Sensitive ground fault detection
BLOCKED (Sens. Gnd block) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 151 130 1 Yes
1264 Corr. Resistive Earth current
(IEEa =) Sens. Gnd Fault VI On
1265 Corr. Reactive Earth current
(IEEr =) Sens. Gnd Fault VI On
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1266 Earth current, absolute Value
(IEE =) Sens. Gnd Fault VI On
1267 Displacement Voltage VGND,
3Vo ( VG N D , 3Vo) Sens. Gnd Fault VI On
1271 Sensitive Ground fault pick up
(Sens.Gnd Pickup) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT * * * 151 171 1 Yes
1272 Sensitive Ground fault picked up
in Ph A (Sens. Gnd Ph A) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off on On
Off * LED BO 160 48 1 Yes
1273 Sensitive Ground fault picked up
in Ph B (Sens. Gnd Ph B) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off on On
Off * LED BO 160 49 1 Yes
1274 Sensitive Ground fault picked up
in Ph C (Sens. Gnd Ph C) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off on On
Off * LED BO 160 50 1 Yes
1276 Sensitive Gnd fault in forward di-
rection (SensGnd Forward) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off on On
Off * LED BO 160 51 1 Yes
1277 Sensitive Gnd fault in reverse di-
rection (SensGnd Reverse) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off on On
Off * LED BO 160 52 1 Yes
1278 Sensitive Gnd fault direction un-
defined (SensGnd undef.) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
Off on On
Off * LED BO 151 178 1 Yes
1403 >BLOCK 50BF (>BLOCK 50BF) 50BF BkrFailure SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 166 103 1 Yes
1431 >50BF initiated externally
(>50BF ext SRC) 50BF BkrF ailu re SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 166 104 1 Yes
1451 50BF is switched OFF (50BF
OFF) 50BF BkrFailure OUT On
Off * * LED BO 166 151 1 Yes
1452 50BF is BLOCKED (50BF
BLOCK) 50BF BkrFailure OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 166 152 1 Yes
1453 50BF is ACTIVE (50BF ACTIVE) 50BF BkrFailure OUT On
Off * * LED BO 166 153 1 Yes
1456 50BF (internal) PICKUP (50BF int
Pickup) 50BF BkrFailure OUT * On
Off * LED BO 166 156 2 Yes
1457 50BF (external) PICKUP (50BF
ext Pickup) 50BF BkrFailu re OUT * On
Off * LED BO 166 157 2 Yes
1471 50BF TRIP (50BF TRIP) 50BF BkrFailure OUT * on m LED BO 160 85 2 No
1480 50BF (internal) TRIP (50BF int
TRIP) 50BF BkrFailure OUT * on * LED BO 166 180 2 Yes
1481 50BF (external) TRIP (50BF ext
TRIP) 50BF BkrFailure OUT * on * LED BO 166 181 2 Yes
1503 >BLOCK 49 Overload Protection
(>BLOC K 49 O/L) 49 Th.Overload SP * * * LED BI BO 167 3 1 Yes
1507 >Emergency start of motors
(>EmergencyStart) 49 Th.Overload SP On
Off **LEDBIBO16771Yes
1511 49 Overload Protection is OFF
(49 O / L OFF) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
Off * * LED BO 167 11 1 Yes
1512 49 Overload Protection is
BLOCKED (49 O/L BLOCK) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 167 12 1 Yes
1513 49 Overload Protection is
ACTIVE (49 O/L ACTIVE) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
Off * * LED BO 167 13 1 Yes
1515 49 Overload Current Alarm (I
alarm) (4 9 O/ L I Al a r m ) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
Off * * LED BO 167 15 1 Yes
1516 49 Overload Alarm! Near
Thermal Trip (49 O/L Θ Alarm) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
Off * * LED BO 167 16 1 Yes
1517 49 Winding Overload (49 Winding
O/L) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
Off * * LED BO 167 17 1 Yes
1521 49 Thermal Overload TRIP (49
Th O/L TRIP) 49 Th.Overload OUT * on m LED BO 167 21 2 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1580 >49 Reset of Thermal Overload
Image (>RES 49 Image) 49 Th.Overload SP On
1581 49 Thermal Overload Image reset
(49 Image res.) 49 Th.Overload OUT On
1704 >BLOCK 50/51 (>BLK 50/51) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO
1714 >BLOCK 50N/51N (>BLK
50N/51N) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO
1721 >BLOCK 50-2 (>BLOCK 50-2) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO 60 1 1 Yes
1722 >BLOCK 50-1 (>BLOCK 50-1) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO 60 2 1 Yes
1723 >BLOCK 51 (>BLOCK 51) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO 60 3 1 Yes
1724 >BLOCK 50N-2 (>BLOCK 50N-2) 50/51 Overcur . SP * * * LED BI BO 60 4 1 Y es
1725 >BLOCK 50N-1 (>BLOCK 50N-1) 50/51 Overcur . SP * * * LED BI BO 60 5 1 Y es
1726 >BLOCK 51N (>BLOCK 51N) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO 60 6 1 Yes
1730 >BLOCK Cold-Load-Pickup
(>BLOCK CLP) ColdLoadPickup SP * * * LED BI BO
1731 >BLOCK Cold-Load-Pickup stop
timer (>BLK CLP stpTim) ColdLoadPickup SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 60 243 1 Yes
1732 >ACTIVATE Cold-Load-Pickup
(>ACTIVATE CLP) ColdLoadPickup SP On
1751 50/51 O/C switched OFF (50/51
PH OFF) 50/51 Overcur . OUT On
Off **LEDBO60211Yes
1752 50/51 O/C is BLOCKED (50/51
PH BLK) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 22 1 Yes
1753 50/51 O/C is ACTIVE (50/51 PH
ACT) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off **LEDBO60231Yes
1756 50N/51N is OFF (50N/51N OFF) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off **LEDBO60261Yes
1757 50N/51N is BLOCKED (50N/51N
BLK) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 27 1 Yes
1758 50N/51N is ACTIVE (50N/51N
ACT) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off **LEDBO60281Yes
1761 50(N)/51(N) O/C PICKUP
(50(N)/51(N) PU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off m LED BO 160 84 2 Yes
1762 50/51 Phase A picked up (50/51
Ph A PU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off m LED BO 160 64 2 Yes
1763 50/51 Phase B picked up (50/51
Ph B PU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off m LED BO 160 65 2 Yes
1764 50/51 Phase C picked up (50/51
Ph C PU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off m LED BO 160 66 2 Yes
1765 50N/51N picked up
(50N/51NPickedup) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off m LED BO 160 67 2 Yes
1791 50(N)/51(N) TRIP
(50(N)/51(N)TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 160 68 2 No
1800 50-2 picked up (50-2 picked up) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 75 2 Yes
1804 50-2 Time Out (50-2 TimeOut) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * * * LED BO 60 49 2 Yes
1805 50-2 TRIP (50-2 TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 160 91 2 No
1810 50-1 picked up (50-1 picked up) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 76 2 Yes
1814 50-1 Time Out (50-1 TimeOut) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * * * LED BO 60 53 2 Yes
1815 50-1 TRIP (50-1 TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 160 90 2 No
1820 51 picked up (51 picked up) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 77 2 Yes
1824 51 Time Out (51 Time Out) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * * * LED BO 60 57 2 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
1825 51 TRIP (51 TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 60 58 2 Yes
1831 50N-2 picked up (50N-2 picked
up) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 59 2 Yes
1832 50N-2 Time Ou t (50N-2 TimeOut) 50/51 Overcur . OUT * * * LED BO 60 60 2 Yes
1833 50N-2 TRIP (50N-2 TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 160 93 2 No
1834 50N-1 picked up (50N-1 picked
up) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 62 2 Yes
1835 50N-1 Time Ou t (50N-1 TimeOut) 50/51 Overcur . OUT * * * LED BO 60 63 2 Yes
1836 50N-1 TRIP (50N-1 TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 160 92 2 No
1837 51N picked up (51N picked up) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 64 2 Yes
1838 51N Time Out (51N TimeOut) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * * * LED B O 60 65 2 Yes
1839 51N TRIP (51N TRIP) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * on m LED BO 60 66 2 Yes
1840 Phase A inrush detection (PhA
InrushDet) 50/51 Ov ercu r. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 101 2 Yes
1841 Phase B inrush detection (PhB
InrushDet) 50/51 Ov ercu r. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 102 2 Yes
1842 Phase C inrush detection (PhC
InrushDet) 50/51 Ov ercu r. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 103 2 Yes
1843 Cross blk: PhX blocked PhY
(INRUSH X-BLK) 5 0 /51 Ov ercu r. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 104 2 Yes
1851 50-1 BLOCKED (50-1
BLOCKED) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 105 1 Yes
1852 50-2 BLOCKED (50-2
BLOCKED) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 106 1 Yes
1853 50N-1 BLOCKED (50N-1
BLOCKED) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 107 1 Yes
1854 50N-2 BLOCKED (50N-2
BLOCKED) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 108 1 Yes
1855 51 BLOCKED (51 BLOCKED) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 109 1 Yes
1856 51N BLOCKED (51N BLOCKED) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 110 1 Yes
1866 51 Disk emulation Pickup (51
Disk Pickup) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * * * LED BO
1867 51N Disk emulation picked up
(51N Disk Pickup) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * * * LED BO
1994 Cold-Load-Pickup switched OFF
(CLP OFF) ColdLoadPickup OUT On
Off * * LED BO 60 244 1 Yes
1995 Cold-Load-Pickup is BLOCKED
(CLP BLOCKED) ColdLoadPickup OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 245 1 Yes
1996 Cold-Load-Pickup is RUNNING
(CLP running) ColdLoadPickup OUT On
Off * * LED BO 60 246 1 Yes
1997 Dynamic settings are ACTIVE
(Dyn set. ACTIVE) ColdLoadPickup OUT On
Off * * LED BO 60 247 1 Yes
2604 >BLOCK 67/67-TOC (>BLK
67/67-TOC) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO
2614 >BLOCK 67N/67N-TOC (>BLK
67N/67NTOC) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO
2615 >BLOCK 67-2 (>BLOCK 67-2) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO 63 73 1 Yes
2616 >BLOCK 67N-2 (>BLOCK 67N-2) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO 63 74 1 Y es
2621 >BLOCK 67-1 (>BLOCK 67-1) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO 63 1 1 Yes
2622 >BLOCK 67-TOC (>BLOCK 67-
TOC) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO 63 2 1 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2623 >BLOCK 67N-1 (>BLOCK 67N-1) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO 63 3 1 Y es
67N-TOC) 67 Direct. O/C SP * * * LED BI BO 63 4 1 Yes
2628 Phase A forward (Phase A for-
ward) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 81 1 Yes
2629 Phase B forward (Phase B for-
ward) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 82 1 Yes
2630 Phase C forward (Phase C for-
ward) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 83 1 Yes
2632 Phase A reverse (Phase A re-
verse) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 84 1 Yes
2633 Phase B reverse (Phase B re-
verse) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 85 1 Yes
2634 Phase C reverse (Phase C re-
verse) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 86 1 Yes
2635 Ground forward (Ground forward ) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 87 1 Y es
2636 Ground reverse (Ground reverse) 67 Direct. O/C OUT on * * LED BO 63 88 1 Yes
2637 67-1 is BLOCKED (67-1
BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 91 1 Yes
2642 67-2 picked up (67-2 picked up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 67 2 Yes
2646 67N-2 picked up (67N-2 picked
up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 62 2 Yes
2647 67-2 Time Out (67-2 Time Out) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO 63 71 2 Yes
2648 67N-2 Time Out (67N-2 Time
Out) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO 63 63 2 Yes
2649 67-2 TRIP (67-2 TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 72 2 Yes
2651 67/67-TOC switched OFF (67/67-
TOC OFF) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off **LEDBO63101Yes
2652 67/67-TOC is BLOCKED (67
BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 11 1 Yes
2653 67/67-TOC is ACTIVE (67
ACTIVE) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off **LEDBO63121Yes
2655 67-2 is BLOCKED (67-2
BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 92 1 Yes
2656 67N/67N-TOC switched OFF
(67N OFF) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off **LEDBO63131Yes
2657 67N/67N-TOC is BLOCKE D
(67N BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 14 1 Yes
2658 67N/67N-TOC is ACTIVE (67N
ACTIVE) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off **LEDBO63151Yes
2659 67N-1 is BLOCKED (67N-1
BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 93 1 Yes
2660 67-1 picked up (67-1 picked up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 20 2 Yes
2664 67-1 Time Out (67-1 Time Out) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO 63 24 2 Yes
2665 67-1 TRIP (67-1 TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 25 2 Yes
2668 67N-2 is BLOCKED (67N-2
BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 94 1 Yes
2669 67-TOC is BLOCKED (67-TOC
BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 95 1 Yes
2670 67-TOC picked up (67-TOC
pickedup) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 30 2 Yes
2674 67-TOC T i me O ut (6 7-TOC Time
Out) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO 63 34 2 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2675 67-TOC TRIP (67-TOC TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 35 2 Yes
2676 67-TOC disk emulation is
ACTIVE (67-TO C DiskPU) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO
2677 67N-TOC is BLOCKED (67N-
TOC BLOCKED) 67 Direct. O/C OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 63 96 1 Yes
2679 67N-2 TRIP (67N-2 TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 64 2 Yes
2681 67N-1 picked up (67N-1 picked
up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 41 2 Yes
2682 67N-1 Time Out (67N-1 Time
Out) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO 63 42 2 Yes
2683 67N-1 TRIP (67N-1 TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 43 2 Yes
2684 67N-TOC picked up (67N-
TOCPickedup) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 44 2 Yes
2685 67N-TOC Time Out (67N-TOC
TimeOut) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO 63 45 2 Yes
2686 67N-TOC TRIP (67N-TOC TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 46 2 Yes
2687 67N-TOC disk emulation is
ACTIVE (67N-TOC Disk PU) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * * * LED BO
2691 67/67N picked up (67/67N
pickedup) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off m LED BO 63 50 2 Yes
2692 67/67-TOC Phase A picked up
(67 A picked up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 51 2 Yes
2693 67/67-TOC Phase B picked up
(67 B picked up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 52 2 Yes
2694 67/67-TOC Phase C picked up
(67 C picked up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 53 2 Yes
2695 67N/67N-TOC picked up (67N
picked up) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * On
Off * LED BO 63 54 2 Yes
2696 67/67N TRIP (67/67N TRIP) 67 Direct. O/C OUT * on m LED BO 63 55 2 Yes
2701 >79 ON (>79 ON) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO4011Yes
2702 >79 OFF (>79 OFF) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO4021Yes
2703 >BLOCK 79 (>BLOCK 79) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO4031Yes
271 1 >79 External st art of internal A/R
(>79 Start) 79M Auto Recl. SP * On
2715 >Start 79 Ground program
(>Start 79 Gnd) 79M Auto Recl. SP * on * LED BI BO 40 15 2 Yes
2716 >Start 79 Phase program (>Start
79 Ph) 79M Auto Recl. SP * on * LED BI BO 40 16 2 Yes
2720 >Enable 50/67-(N)-2 (override 79
blk) (>Enable ANSI#-2) P.System Data 2 SP On
Off **LEDBIBO40201Yes
2722 >Switch zone sequence coordi-
nation ON (>ZSC ON) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
2723 >Switch zone sequence coordi-
nation OFF (>ZSC OFF) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
2730 >Circuit breaker READY for re-
closing (>CB Ready) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO40301Yes
2731 >79: Sync. release from ext.
sync.-check (>Sync.release) 79M Auto Recl. SP * on * LED BI BO
2753 79: Max. Dead Time Start Delay
expired (79 DT delay ex.) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2754 >79: Dead T ime Start Delay (>7 9
DT St.Delay) 79M Auto Recl. SP On
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2781 79 Auto recloser is switched OFF
(79 OFF) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO 40 81 1 Yes
2782 79 Auto recloser is switched ON
(79 ON) 79M Auto Recl. IntSP On
Off * * LED BO 160 16 1 Yes
2784 79 Auto recloser is NOT ready
(79 is NOT ready) 79M Auto Recl. OUT On
Off * * LED BO 160 130 1 Yes
2785 79 - Auto-reclose is dynamically
BLOCKED (79 DynBlock) 79M Auto Recl. OUT On
Off on * LED BO 40 85 1 Yes
2788 79: CB ready monitoring window
expired (79 T-CBreadyExp) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2801 79 - in progress (79 in progress) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO 40 101 2 Yes
2808 79: CB open with no trip (79 BLK:
CB open) 79M Auto Recl. OUT On
2809 79: Start-signal monitoring time
expired (79 T-Start Exp) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2810 79: Maximum dead time expired
(79 TdeadMax Exp) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2823 79: no starter configur ed (79 no
starter) 79M Auto Recl. OUT On
2824 79: no cycle configured (79 no
cycle) 79M Auto Recl. OUT On
2827 79: blocking due to trip (79 BLK
by trip) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2828 79: blocking due to 3-phase
pickup (79 BLK:3ph p.u.) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2829 79: action time expired before tr ip
(79 Tact expired) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2830 79: max. no. of cycles exceeded
(79 Max. No. Cyc) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2844 79 1st cycle running (79 1stCyc.
run.) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO
2845 79 2nd cycle running (79 2ndCyc.
run.) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO
2846 79 3rd cycle running (79 3rdCyc.
run.) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO
2847 79 4th or higher cycle running (79
4thCyc. run.) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO
2851 79 - Close command (79 Close) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on m LED BO 160 128 2 No
2862 79 - cycle successful (79 Suc-
cessful) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on on * LED BO 40 162 1 Yes
2863 79 - Lockout (79 Lockout) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on on * LED BO 40 163 2 Yes
2865 79: Synchro-check request (79
Sync.Request) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO
2878 79-A/R single phase reclosing se-
quence (79 L-N Sequence) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO 40 180 2 Yes
2879 79-A/R multi-phase reclosing se-
quence (79 L-L Sequence ) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO 40 181 2 Yes
2883 Zone Sequencing is active (ZSC
active) 79M Auto Recl. OUT On
Off on * LED BO
2884 Zone sequence coordination
switched ON (ZSC ON) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2885 Zone sequence coordination
switched OFF (ZSC OFF) 79M Auto Recl. OUT on * * LED BO
2889 79 1st cycle zone extension
release (79 1.CycZoneRel) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * * * LED BO
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
2890 79 2nd cycle zone extension
release (79 2.CycZoneRel) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * * * LED BO
2891 79 3rd cycle zone extension
release (79 3.CycZoneRel) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * * * LED BO
2892 79 4th cycle zone extension
release (79 4.CycZoneRel) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * * * LED BO
2896 No. of 1st AR-cycle CLOSE com-
mands,3pole (79 #Close1./3p=) Statistics VI
2898 No. of higher AR-cycle CLOSE
commands,3p (79 #Close2./3p=) Statistics VI
2899 79: Close request to Control
Function (79 C loseRequest) 79M Auto Recl. OUT * on * LED BO
4601 >52-a contact (OPEN, if bkr is
open) (>52-a) P.System Data 2 SP On
4602 >52-b contact (OPEN, if bkr is
closed) (>52-b) P.System Data 2 SP On
4822 >BLOCK Motor Startup counter
(>BLO CK 66) 48/66 Motor SP * * * LED BI BO
4823 >Emergency start (>66 em-
er.start) 48/66 Motor SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 168 51 1 Yes
4824 66 Motor start prot ection OFF (66
OFF) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off * * LED BO 168 52 1 Yes
4825 66 Motor start protection
BLOCKED (66 BLOC KED) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 168 53 1 Yes
4826 66 Motor start prot ection ACTIVE
(66 ACTIVE) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off * * LED BO 168 54 1 Yes
4827 66 Motor start protection TRIP
(66 TRIP) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off * * LED BO 168 55 1 Yes
4828 >66 Reset thermal memory (>66
RM th.repl.) 48/66 Motor SP On
4829 66 Reset thermal memory (66
RM th.repl.) 48/66 Motor OUT On
5143 >BLOCK 46 (>BLOCK 46) 46 Negative Seq SP * * * LED BI BO 70 126 1 Yes
5145 >Reverse Phase Rotation (>Re-
verse Rot.) P.System Data 1 SP On
5147 Phase rotation ABC (Rotation
ABC) P.System Data 1 OUT On
Off * * LED BO 70 128 1 Yes
5148 Phase rotation ACB (Rotation
ACB) P.System Data 1 OUT On
Off * * LED BO 70 129 1 Yes
5151 46 switched OFF (46 OFF) 46 Negative Seq OUT On
Off * * LED BO 70 131 1 Yes
5152 46 is BLOCKED (46 BLOCKED) 46 Negative Seq OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 70 132 1 Yes
5153 46 is ACTIVE (46 ACTIVE) 46 Negative Seq OUT On
Off * * LED BO 70 133 1 Yes
5159 46-2 picked up (46-2 picked up) 46 Negative Seq OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 138 2 Yes
5165 46-1 picked up (46-1 picked up) 46 Negative Seq OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 150 2 Yes
5166 46-TOC picked up (46-TOC
pickedup) 46 Negative Seq OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 141 2 Yes
5170 46 TRIP (46 TRIP) 46 Negative Seq OUT * on m LED BO 70 149 2 Yes
5171 46 Disk emulation picked up (46
Dsk pickedup) 46 Negative Seq OUT * * * LED BO
5203 >BLOCK 81O/U (>BLOCK
81O/U) 81 O/U Freq. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 70 176 1 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
5206 >BLOCK 81-1 (>BLOCK 81-1) 81 O/U Freq. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 70 177 1 Yes
5207 >BLOCK 81-2 (>BLOCK 81-2) 81 O/U Freq. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 70 178 1 Yes
5208 >BLOCK 81-3 (>BLOCK 81-3) 81 O/U Freq. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 70 179 1 Yes
5209 >BLOCK 81-4 (>BLOCK 81-4) 81 O/U Freq. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 70 180 1 Yes
5211 81 OFF (81 OFF) 81 O/U Freq. OUT On
Off * * LED BO 70 181 1 Yes
5212 81 BLOCKED (81 BLOCKED) 81 O/U Freq. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 70 182 1 Yes
5213 81 ACTIVE (81 ACTIVE) 81 O/U Freq. OUT On
Off * * LED BO 70 183 1 Yes
5214 81 Under Voltage Block (81
Under V Blk) 81 O/U Freq. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 70 184 1 Yes
5232 81-1 picked up (81-1 picked up) 81 O/U Freq. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 230 2 Yes
5233 81-2 picked up (81-2 picked up) 81 O/U Freq. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 231 2 Yes
5234 81-3 picked up (81-3 picked up) 81 O/U Freq. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 232 2 Yes
5235 81-4 picked up (81-4 picked up) 81 O/U Freq. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 70 233 2 Yes
5236 81-1 TRIP (81-1 TRIP) 81 O/U Freq. O UT * on m LED BO 70 234 2 Yes
5237 81-2 TRIP (81-2 TRIP) 81 O/U Freq. O UT * on m LED BO 70 235 2 Yes
5238 81-3 TRIP (81-3 TRIP) 81 O/U Freq. O UT * on m LED BO 70 236 2 Yes
5239 81-4 TRIP (81-4 TRIP) 81 O/U Freq. O UT * on m LED BO 70 237 2 Yes
5951 >BLOCK 50 1Ph (>BLK 50 1Ph) 50 1Ph SP * * * LED BI BO
5952 >BLOCK 50 1Ph-1 (>BLK 50
1Ph-1) 50 1Ph SP * * * LED BI BO
5953 >BLOCK 50 1Ph-2 (>BLK 50
1Ph-2) 50 1Ph SP * * * LED BI BO
5961 50 1Ph is OFF (50 1Ph OFF) 50 1Ph OUT On
5962 50 1Ph is BLOCKED (50 1Ph
Off On
Off * LED BO
5963 50 1Ph is ACTIVE (50 1Ph
5966 50 1Ph-1 is BLOCKED (50 1Ph-1
BLK) 50 1Ph OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO
5967 50 1Ph-2 is BLOCKED (50 1Ph-2
BLK) 50 1Ph OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO
5971 50 1Ph picked up (50 1Ph
Pickup) 50 1Ph OUT * On
Off * LED BO
5972 50 1Ph TRIP (50 1Ph TRIP) 50 1Ph OUT * on * LED BO
5974 50 1Ph-1 picked up (50 1Ph-1
PU) 50 1Ph OUT * On
Off * LED BO
5975 50 1Ph-1 TRIP (50 1Ph-1 TRIP) 50 1Ph OUT * on * LED BO
5977 50 1Ph-2 picked up (50 1Ph-2
PU) 50 1Ph OUT * On
Off * LED BO
5979 50 1Ph-2 TRIP (50 1Ph-2 TRIP) 50 1Ph OUT * on * LED BO
5980 50 1Ph: I at pick up (50 1Ph I:) 50 1Ph VI * On
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
6503 >BLOCK 27 undervoltage pro-
tection (>BLOCK 27) 27/59 O/U Volt. SP * * * LED BI BO 74 3 1 Yes
6505 >27-Switch current supervision
ON (>27 I SUPRV SN) 27/59 O/U Volt. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO7451Yes
6506 >BLOCK 27-1 Undervoltage pro-
tection (>BLOCK 27-1) 27/59 O/U Volt. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO7461Yes
6508 >BLOCK 27-2 Undervoltage pro-
tection (>BLOCK 27-2) 27/59 O/U Volt. SP On
Off **LEDBIBO7481Yes
6509 >Failure: Feeder VT
(>FAIL:FEEDER VT) Measurem.Superv SP On
Off **LEDBIBO7491Yes
6510 >Failure: Busbar VT (>F AIL: BUS
VT) Measurem.Superv SP On
Off **LEDBIBO74101Yes
6513 >BLOCK 59-1 overvoltage pro-
tection (>BLOCK 59-1) 27/59 O/U Volt. SP * * * LED BI BO 74 13 1 Yes
6530 27 Undervoltage protection
switched OFF (27 OFF) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT On
Off **LEDBO74301Yes
6531 27 Undervoltage protection is
BLOCKED (27 BLOC KED) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 74 31 1 Yes
6532 27 Undervoltage protection is
ACTIVE (27 ACTIVE) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT On
Off **LEDBO74321Yes
6533 27-1 Undervoltage picked up
(27-1 picked up) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 74 33 2 Yes
6534 27-1 Undervoltage PICKUP
w/curr. superv (27-1 PU CS) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 74 34 2 Yes
6537 27-2 Undervoltage picked up
(27-2 picked up) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 74 37 2 Yes
6538 27-2 Undervoltage PICKUP
w/curr. superv (27-2 PU CS) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 74 38 2 Yes
6539 27-1 Undervoltage TRIP (27-1
TRIP) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * on m LED BO 74 39 2 Yes
6540 27-2 Undervoltage TRIP (27-2
TRIP) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * on * LED BO 74 40 2 Yes
6565 59-Overvoltage protection
switched OFF (59 OFF) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT On
Off **LEDBO74651Yes
6566 59-Overvoltage protection is
BLOCKED (59 BLOC KED) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 74 66 1 Yes
6567 59-Overvoltage protection is
ACTIVE (59 ACTIVE) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT On
Off **LEDBO74671Yes
6568 59 picked up (59-1 picked up) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 74 68 2 Yes
6570 59 TRIP (59-1 TRIP) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * on m LED BO 74 70 2 Yes
6571 59-2 Overvoltage V>> picked up
(59-2 picked up) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * On
Off * LED BO
6573 59-2 Overvoltage V>> TRIP (59-2
TRIP) 27/59 O/U Volt. OUT * on * LED BO
6801 >BLOCK Startup Supervision
(>BLK START-SUP) 48/66 Motor SP * * * LED BI BO
6805 >Rotor locked (>Rotor locked) 48/66 Motor SP * * * LED BI BO
6811 Startup supervision OFF
(START- S U P OFF) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off * * LED BO 169 51 1 Yes
6812 St artup su pervision is BLOCK ED
(START-SUP BLK ) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 169 52 1 Yes
6813 Startup supervision is ACTIVE
(START-SUP AC T ) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off * * LED BO 169 53 1 Yes
6821 Startup supervision TRIP
(START- SUP TRIP) 48/66 Motor OUT * on m LED BO 169 54 2 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
6822 Rotor locked (Rotor locked) 48/66 Motor OUT * on * LED BO 169 55 2 Yes
6823 Startup supervision Pickup
(START-SUP pu) 48/66 Motor OUT On
Off * * LED BO 169 56 1 Yes
6851 >BLOCK 74TC (>BLOCK 74TC) 74TC TripCirc. SP * * * LED BI B O
6852 >74TC Trip circuit superv.: trip
relay (>74TC trip rel.) 74TC TripCirc. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 170 51 1 Yes
6853 >74TC Trip circuit superv.: bkr
relay (>74TC brk rel.) 74TC TripCirc. SP On
Off * * LED BI BO 170 52 1 Yes
6861 74TC Trip circuit supervision OFF
(74TC OFF) 74TC TripCirc. OUT On
Off * * LED BO 170 53 1 Yes
6862 74TC Trip circuit supervision is
Off On
Off * LED BO 153 16 1 Yes
6863 74TC Trip circuit supervision is
Off * * LED BO 153 17 1 Yes
6864 74TC blocked. Bin. input is not
set (74TC ProgFail) 74TC TripCirc. OUT On
Off * * LED BO 170 54 1 Yes
6865 74TC Failure Trip Circuit (74TC
Tr ip c ir. ) 74TC TripCirc. OUT On
Off * * LED BO 170 55 1 Yes
6903 >block interm. E/F prot. (>IEF
block) Intermit. EF SP * * * LED BI BO 152 1 1 Yes
6921 Interm. E/F prot. is switched off
(IEF OFF) Inte r m it . EF OU T O n
Off * * LED BO 152 10 1 Yes
6922 Interm. E/F prot. is blocked (IEF
blocked) I n te r m it. EF O U T On
Off On
Off * LED BO 152 11 1 Yes
6923 Interm. E/F prot. is active (IEF en-
abled) Intermit . EF OU T On
Off * * LED BO 152 12 1 Yes
6924 Interm. E/F detection stage Iie>
(IIE Fault det) Intermit. EF OUT * * * LED BO
6925 Interm. E/F stab detection (II E
stab.Flt) Intermit. EF OUT * * * LED BO
6926 Interm.E/F det.stage Iie> f.Flt.
ev.Prot (IIE F l t.d e t FE) Intermit. EF OUT * on * 152 13 2 No
6927 Interm. E/F detected (Inter-
mitt.EF) In te r m it. EF O UT * On
Off * LED BO 152 14 2 Yes
6928 Counter of det. times elapsed
(IEF Tsum exp.) Intermit. EF OUT * on * LED BO 152 15 2 No
6929 Interm. E/F: reset time running
(IEF Tres run.) Inte r m it . EF OU T * On
Off * LED BO 152 16 2 Yes
6930 Interm. E/F: trip (IEF Trip) Intermit. EF OUT * on * LED BO 152 17 2 No
6931 Max RMS current value of fault =
(Iie/In=) Intermit. EF VI On
Off * 152 18 4 No
6932 No. of detections by stage Iie>=
(Nos.IIE=) Intermit. EF VI On
Off * 152 19 4 No
7551 50-1 InRush picked up (50-1 In-
RushPU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 80 2 Yes
7552 50N-1 InRush picked up (50N-1
InRushPU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 81 2 Yes
7553 51 InRush picked up (51 InRush-
PU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 82 2 Yes
7554 51N InRush picked up (51N In-
RushPU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 83 2 Yes
7556 InRush OFF (InRush OFF) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off **LEDBO60921Yes
7557 InRush BLOCKED (InRush BLK) 50/51 Overcur. OUT On
Off On
Off * LED BO 60 93 1 Yes
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
7558 InRush Ground detected (InRush
Gnd Det) 50 /5 1 Ov ercur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 94 2 Yes
7559 67-1 InRush picked up (67-1 In-
RushPU) 50/51 Overcur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 84 2 Yes
7560 67N-1 InRush picked up (67N-1
InRushPU) 50/51 Overcu r. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 85 2 Yes
7561 67-TOC InRush picked up (67-
TOC InRushPU) 5 0/5 1 Ov ercur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 86 2 Yes
7562 67N-TOC InRush picked up
(67N-TOCInRushPU) 5 0 /51 Ov ercu r. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 87 2 Yes
7563 >BLOCK InRush (>BLOCK
InRush) 50/51 Overcur. SP * * * LED BI BO
7564 Ground InRush picked up (Gnd
InRush PU) 50 /5 1 Ov ercur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 88 2 Yes
7565 Phase A InRush picked up (Ia
InRush PU) 50 /5 1 Ov ercur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 89 2 Yes
7566 Phase B InRush picked up (Ib
InRush PU) 50 /5 1 Ov ercur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 90 2 Yes
7567 Phase C InRush picked up (Ic
InRush PU) 50 /5 1 Ov ercur. OUT * On
Off * LED BO 60 91 2 Yes
14101 Fail: RTD (broken wire/shorted )
(Fail: RTD) RTD-Box OUT On
141 1 1 Fail: RTD 1 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 1) RTD-Box OUT On
14112 RTD 1 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 1 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14113 RTD 1 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 1 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14121 Fail: RTD 2 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 2) RTD-Box OUT On
14122 RTD 2 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 2 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14123 RTD 2 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 2 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14131 Fail: RTD 3 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 3) RTD-Box OUT On
14132 RTD 3 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 3 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14133 RTD 3 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 3 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14141 Fail: RTD 4 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 4) RTD-Box OUT On
14142 RTD 4 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 4 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14143 RTD 4 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 4 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14151 Fail: RTD 5 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 5) RTD-Box OUT On
14152 RTD 5 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 5 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14153 RTD 5 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 5 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14161 Fail: RTD 6 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 6) RTD-Box OUT On
14162 RTD 6 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 6 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.9 Information List
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
14163 RTD 6 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 6 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14171 Fail: RTD 7 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 7) RTD-Box OUT On
14172 RTD 7 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 7 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14173 RTD 7 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 7 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14181 Fail: RTD 8 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 8) RTD-Box OUT On
14182 RTD 8 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 8 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14183 RTD 8 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 8 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14191 Fail: RTD 9 (broken wire/shorted)
(Fail: RTD 9) RTD-Box OUT On
14192 RTD 9 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD 9 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14193 RTD 9 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD 9 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14201 Fail: RTD10 (broken wire/short-
ed) (Fail: RTD10) RTD-Box OUT On
14202 RTD10 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD10 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14203 RTD10 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD10 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14211 Fail: RTD11 (broken wire/short-
ed) (Fail: RTD11) RTD-Box OUT On
14212 RTD11 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD11 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14213 RTD11 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD11 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14221 Fail: RTD12 (broken wire/short-
ed) (Fail: RTD12) RTD-Box OUT On
14222 RTD12 Temperature stage 1
picked up (RTD12 St.1 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
14223 RTD12 Temperature stage 2
picked up (RTD12 St.2 p.up) RTD-Box OUT On
16001 Sum Current Exponentiat ion Ph
A to Ir^x (ΣI^x A=) Statistics VI
16002 Sum Current Exponentiat ion Ph
B to Ir^x (ΣI^x B=) Statistics VI
16003 Sum Current Exponentiat ion Ph
C to Ir^x (ΣI^x C=) Statistics VI
16005 Threshold Sum Curr. Exponent.
exceeded (Threshold ΣI^x>) SetPoint(Stat) OUT On
16006 Residual Endurance Phase A
(Resid.Endu. A=) Statistics VI
16007 Residual Endurance Phase B
(Resid.Endu. B=) Statistics VI
16008 Residual Endurance Phase C
(Resid.Endu. C=) Statistics VI
16010 Dropped below Threshold CB
Res.Endurance (Thresh.R.En-
SetPoint(Stat) OUT On
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
16011 Number of mechanical Trips
Phase A (mechan.TRIP A=) Statistics VI
16012 Number of mechanical Trips
Phase B (mechan.TRIP B=) Statistics VI
16013 Number of mechanical Trips
Phase C (mechan.TRIP C=) Statistics VI
16014 Sum Squared Current Integral
Phase A (ΣI^2t A=) Statistics VI
16015 Sum Squared Current Integral
Phase B (ΣI^2t B=) Statistics VI
16016 Sum Squared Current Integral
Phase C (ΣI^2t C=) Statistics VI
16018 Threshold Sum Squa. Curr. Int.
exceeded (Thresh. ΣI^2t>) SetPoint(Stat) OUT On
16019 >52 Breaker Wear Start Criteria
(>52 Wear start) P.System Data 2 SP On
16020 52 Wear blocked by T i me Setting
Failure (52 We P.System Data 2 OUT On
16027 52 Breaker Wear Logic blk Ir-
CB>=Isc-CB (52WL.blk I PErr) P.System Data 2 OUT On
16028 52 Breaker W.Log.blk
SwCyc.Isc>=SwCyc.Ir (52WL.blk
n PErr)
P.System Data 2 OUT On
16029 Sens.gnd.flt. 51Ns BLOCKED
Setting Error (51Ns BLK PaErr) Sens. Gnd Fault OUT On
30053 Fault recording is running (Fault
rec. run.) Osc. Fault Rec. OUT * * * LED BO
31000 Q0 operationcounter= (Q0
OpCnt=) Control Device VI *
31001 Q1 operationcounter= (Q1
OpCnt=) Control Device VI *
31002 Q2 operationcounter= (Q2
OpCnt=) Control Device VI *
31008 Q8 operationcounter= (Q8
OpCnt=) Control Device VI *
31009 Q9 operationcounter= (Q9
OpCnt=) Control Device VI *
No. Description Function Type
of In-
Log Buffers Configurable in Matrix IEC 60870-5-103
Event Log ON/OFF
Trip (Fault) Log ON/O FF
Ground Fault Log ON/OFF
Marked in Oscill. Record
Binary Input
Function Key
Chatter Suppression
Information Num ber
Data Unit
General Interrogation
A.10 Group Alarms
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.10 Group Alarms
1) The allocation of the individual alarms to the group alarms indicated here appli es starting from firmware version V4.62.
No. Description Function No.1) Description1)
140 Error Sum Alarm 144
Error 5V
Error 0V
Error -5V
Error PwrSupply
Fail Battery
I/O-Board error
Error Board 1
Error Board 2
Error Board 3
Error Board 4
Error Board 5
Error Board 6
Error Board 7
Error Offset
Alarm NO calibr
160 Alarm Sum Event 162
Failure Σ I
Fail I balance
Fail V balance
Fail Ph. Seq. I
Fail Ph. Seq. V
Fail: RTD-Box 1
Fail: RTD-Box 2
161 Fail I Superv. 162
163 Failure Σ I
Fail I balance
171 Fail Ph. Seq. 175
176 Fail Ph. Seq. I
Fail Ph. Seq. V
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
A.11 Measured Values
No. Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix
Information Number
Data Unit
Control Display
Default Displ a y
- I A dmd> (I Admd>) Set Points (MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- I B dmd> (I Bdmd>) Set Points (MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- I C dmd> (I Cdmd>) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- I1dmd> (I1dmd>) Set Points(M V) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- |Pdmd|> (|Pdmd|>) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- |Qdmd|> (|Qdmd|>) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- |Sdmd|> (|Sdmd|>) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- Pressure< (Press<) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- Temp> (Temp>) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- 37-1 under current (37-1) Set Points(MV) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- |Power Fa ct o r |< (| PF |<) Set Po i n ts(M V ) - - - - - CFC CD DD
- Number of TRIPs= (#of TRIPs=) Statistics - - - - - CFC CD DD
- Operating hours greater than (OpHour>) SetPoint(Stat) - - - - - CFC CD DD
170.2050 V1 = (V1 =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
170.2050 V1 = (V1 =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
170.2050 V1 = (V1 =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
170.2050 V1 = (V1 =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
170.2051 f1 = (f1 =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
170.2051 f1 = (f1 =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
170.2051 f1 = (f1 =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
170.2051 f1 = (f1 =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
170.2052 V2 = (V2 =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
170.2052 V2 = (V2 =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
170.2052 V2 = (V2 =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
170.2052 V2 = (V2 =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
170.2053 f2 = (f2 =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
170.2053 f2 = (f2 =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
170.2053 f2 = (f2 =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
170.2053 f2 = (f2 =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
170.2054 dV = (dV =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
170.2054 dV = (dV =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
170.2054 dV = (dV =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
170.2054 dV = (dV =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
170.2055 df = (df =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
170.2055 df = (df =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
170.2055 df = (df =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
170.2055 df = (df =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
170.2056 dalpha = (dα =) SYNC function 1 130 1 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
170.2056 dalpha = (dα =) SYNC function 2 130 2 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
170.2056 dalpha = (dα =) SYNC function 3 130 3 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
170.2056 dalpha = (dα =) SYNC function 4 130 4 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
601 Ia (Ia =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
602 Ib (Ib =) Measurement 160 145 Yes 3 1 CFC CD DD
134 137 No 9 2
A.11 Measured Values
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
603 Ic (Ic =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
604 In (In =) Measuremen t 134 137 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
605 I1 (positive sequence) (I1 =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
606 I2 (negative sequence) (I2 =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
621 Va (Va =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
622 Vb (Vb =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
623 Vc (Vc =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
624 Va-b (Va-b=) Measurement 160 145 Yes 3 2 CFC CD DD
134 137 No 9 8
625 Vb-c (Vb-c=) Measurement 134 137 No 9 9 CFC CD DD
626 Vc-a (Vc-a=) Measurement 134 137 No 9 10 CFC CD DD
627 VN (VN =) Measurement 134 118 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
629 V1 (positive sequence) (V1 =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
630 V2 (negative sequence) (V2 =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
632 Vsync (synchronism) (Vsync =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
641 P (active power) (P =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 11 CFC CD DD
642 Q (reactive power) (Q =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 12 CFC CD DD
644 Frequency (Freq=) Measurement 134 137 No 9 13 CFC CD DD
645 S (apparent power) (S =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
661 Threshold of Restart Inhibit (Θ REST. =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
701 Resistive ground current in isol systems (INs
Real) Measurement 134 137 No 9 15 CFC CD DD
702 Reactive ground current in isol systems (INs
Reac) Measurement 134 137 No 9 16 CFC CD DD
805 Temperature of Rotor (Θ Rotor) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
807 Thermal Overload (Θ/Θtrip) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
809 Time untill release of reclose-blocking (T re-
close=) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
830 INs Senstive Ground Fault Current (INs =) Measurement 134 118 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
831 3Io (zero sequence) (3Io =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
832 Vo (zero sequence) (Vo =) Measurement 134 118 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
833 I1 (positive sequence) Demand (I1 dmd=) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
834 Active Power Demand (P dmd =) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
835 Reactive Power Demand (Q dmd =) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
836 Apparent Power Demand (S dmd =) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
837 I A Demand Minimum (IAdmdMin) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
838 I A Demand Maximum (IAdmdMax) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
839 I B Demand Minimum (IBdmdMin) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
840 I B Demand Maximum (IBdmdMax) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
841 I C Demand Minimum (ICdmdMin) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
842 I C Demand Maximum (ICdmdMax) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
843 I1 (positive sequence) Demand Minimum
(I1dmdMin) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
844 I1 (positive sequence) Demand Maximum
(I1dmdMax) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
845 Active Power Demand Minimum (PdMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
846 Active Power Demand Maximum (PdMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
847 Reactive Power Minimum (QdMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
848 Reactive Power Maximum (QdMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
849 Apparent Power Minimum (SdMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
No. Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix
Information Number
Data Unit
Control Display
Default Displ a y
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
850 Apparent Power Maximum (SdMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
851 Ia Min (Ia Min=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
852 Ia Max (Ia Max=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
853 Ib Min (Ib Min=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
854 Ib Max (Ib Max=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
855 Ic Min (Ic Min=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
856 Ic Max (Ic Max=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
857 I1 (positive sequence) Minimum (I1 Min=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
858 I1 (positive sequence) Maximum (I1 Max=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
859 Va-n Min (Va-nMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
860 Va-n Max (Va-nMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
861 Vb-n Min (Vb-nMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
862 Vb-n Max (Vb-nMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
863 Vc-n Min (Vc-nMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
864 Vc-n Max (Vc-nMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
865 Va-b Min (Va-bMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
867 Va-b Max (Va-bMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
868 Vb-c Min (Vb-cMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
869 Vb-c Max (Vb-cMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
870 Vc-a Min (Vc-aMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
871 Vc-a Max (Vc-aMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
872 V neutral Min (Vn Min =) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
873 V neutral Max (Vn Max =) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
874 V1 (positive sequence) V oltage Minimum (V1
Min =) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
875 V1 (positive sequence) Voltage Maximum
(V1 Max =) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
876 Active Power Minimum (Pmin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
877 Active Power Maximum (Pmax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
878 Reactive Power Minimum (Qmin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
879 Reactive Power Maximum (Qmax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
880 Apparent Powe r M i n im u m (Smin=) Min/Max m e te r - - - - - CD DD
881 Apparent Power Maximum (Smax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
882 Frequency Minimum (fmin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
883 Frequency Maximum (fmax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
884 Power Factor Maximum (PF Max=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
885 Power Factor Minimum (PF Min=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CD DD
888 Pulsed Energy Wp (active) (Wp(puls)) Energy 133 55 No 205 - CFC CD DD
889 Pulsed Energy Wq (reactive) (Wq(puls) ) Energy 133 56 No 205 - CFC CD DD
901 Power Factor (PF =) Measurement 134 137 No 9 14 CFC CD DD
924 Wp Forward (WpForward) Energy 133 51 No 205 - CFC CD DD
925 Wq Forward (WqForward) Energy 133 52 No 205 - CFC CD DD
928 Wp Reverse (WpReverse) Energy 133 53 No 205 - CFC CD DD
929 Wq Reverse (WqReverse) Energy 133 54 No 205 - CFC CD DD
963 I A demand (Ia dmd=) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
964 I B demand (Ib dmd=) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
965 I C demand (Ic dmd=) Demand meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
991 Pressure (Press =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
992 Temperature (Temp =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
No. Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix
Information Number
Data Unit
Control Display
Default Displ a y
A.11 Measured Values
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
996 Transducer 1 (Td1=) (not for 7SJ64) Measurement 134 137 No 9 0 CFC CD DD
997 Transducer 2 (Td2=) (not for 7SJ64) Measurement 134 136 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
1058 Overload Meter Max (Θ/ΘTrpMax=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
1059 Overload Meter Min (Θ/ΘTrpMin=) Min/Max meter - - - - - CFC CD DD
1068 Temperature of RTD 1 (Θ RTD 1 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 1 CFC CD DD
1069 Temperature of RTD 2 (Θ RTD 2 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 2 CFC CD DD
1070 Temperature of RTD 3 (Θ RTD 3 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 3 CFC CD DD
1071 Temperature of RTD 4 (Θ RTD 4 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 4 CFC CD DD
1072 Temperature of RTD 5 (Θ RTD 5 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 5 CFC CD DD
1073 Temperature of RTD 6 (Θ RTD 6 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 6 CFC CD DD
1074 Temperature of RTD 7 (Θ RTD 7 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 7 CFC CD DD
1075 Temperature of RTD 8 (Θ RTD 8 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 8 CFC CD DD
1076 Temperature of RTD 9 (Θ RTD 9 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 9 CFC CD DD
1077 Temperature of RTD10 (Θ RTD10 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 10 CFC CD DD
1078 Temperature of RTD11 (Θ RTD11 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 11 CFC CD DD
1079 Temperature of RTD12 (Θ RTD12 =) Measurement 134 146 No 9 12 CFC CD DD
16004 Threshold Sum Current Exponentiation
(ΣI^x>) SetPoint(Stat) - - - - - CFC CD DD
16009 Lower Threshold of CB Residual Endurance
(Resid.Endu. <) SetPoint(Stat) - - - - - CFC CD DD
16017 Threshold Sum Squared Current Integral
(ΣI^2t>) SetPoint(Stat) - - - - - CFC CD DD
30701 Pa (active power, phase A) (Pa =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30702 Pb (active power, phase B) (Pb =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30703 Pc (active power, phase C) (Pc =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30704 Qa (reactive power, phase A) (Qa =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30705 Qb (reactive power, phase B) (Qb =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30706 Qc (reactive power, phase C) (Qc =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30707 Power Factor, phase A (PFa =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30708 Power Factor, phase B (PFb =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
30709 Power Factor, phase C (PFc =) Measurement - - - - - CFC CD DD
No. Description Function IEC 60870-5-103 Configurable in Matrix
Information Number
Data Unit
Control Display
Default Displ a y
A Appendix
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
/1/ SIPROTEC System Manual; E50417-H1176-C151-A5
/2/ SIPROTEC DIGSI, Start UP; E50417-G1176-C152-A2
/3/ DIGSI CFC, Manual; E50417-H1176-C098-A5
/4/ SIPROTEC SIGRA 4, Manual; E50417-H1176-C070-A3
/5/ Additional Information on the Protection of Explosion-Protected Motors of Pro-
tection Type Increased Safety “e”; C53000–B1174–C157
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Battery The buf fer battery ensures that specified data areas, flags, timer s and counters are re-
tained retentively.
Bay controllers Bay controllers are devices with control and monitoring functions without protective
Bit pattern indica-
tion Bit pattern indication is a processing function by means of which items of digital
process information applying across sever al inputs can be detected together in p aral-
lel and processed further. The bit pattern length can be specified as 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes.
BP_xx Bit pattern indication (Bit string Of x Bit), x designates the length in bits (8, 16, 24 or
32 bits).
C_xx Command without feedback
CF_xx Command with feedback
CFC Continuous Function Chart. CFC is a graphics editor with which a program can be
created and configured by using ready-made blocks.
CFC blocks Blocks are p arts of the user program d elimited by their function, their structure or their
Chatter blocking A rapidly intermittent input (for example, due to a relay contact fault) is switched off
after a configurable monitoring time and can thus not generate any further signal
changes. The function prevents overloading of the system when a fault arises.
devices Combination device s ar e ba y device s w ith pr otection functions and a control display.
Combination matrix DIGSI V4.6 and higher allows up to 32 comp atible SIPROTEC 4 devices to communi-
cate with each other in an inter-relay communication network (IRC). The combination
matrix defines which devices exch ange which information.
branch A communications b ranch corresponds to the configuratio n of 1 to n users which com-
municate by means o f a common bus.
reference CR The communication reference describes the type and version of a station in commu-
nication by PROFIBUS.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Component view In addition to a topological view , SIMATIC Manager offers you a compo nent view . The
component view does not offer any overview of the hierarchy of a project. It does, how-
ever, provide an ove rv iew of all the SIPR OT EC 4 de vices with in a pr oje ct .
COMTRADE Common Format for Transient Data Exchange, format for fault records.
Container If an object can contain other objects, it is called a container. The object Folder is an
example of such a container.
Control display The image which is displayed on de vices with a large (graphic) di splay af ter pressing
the control key is called control display. It contains the switchgear that can be con-
trolled in the feeder with status display. It is used to perform switching operations. De-
fining this diagram is part of the configuration.
Data pane The right-hand area of the project window displays the contents of the area selected
in the navigation window, for example indications, measured values, etc. of the in-
formation lists or the function selection for the device configuration.
DCF77 The extremely precise official time is determined in Germany by the "Physikalisch-
Technischen-Bundesan st al t P TB" in Braun schweig. Th e atomic clo ck unit of the PTB
transmits this time via the long-wave time-signal transmitter in Mainflingen near Frank-
furt/Main. The emitted time signal can be received within a radius of appr ox. 1,500 km
from Frankfurt/Main.
Device container In the Component View, all SIPROTEC 4 devices are assigned to an object of type
Device container. This object is a special object of DIGSI Manager. However, since
there is no component view in DIGSI Manager , this object only becomes visible in con-
junction with STEP 7.
Double command Double commands are process outputs which indicate 4 process states at 2 outputs:
2 defined (for example ON/OFF) and 2 undefined states (for example inter mediate po-
Double-point indi-
cation Double-point indications are items of process information which indicate 4 process
states at 2 inputs: 2 defined (for example ON/OFF) and 2 undefined states (for
example int er me d iat e po sitio ns).
DP Double-poin t indic at ion
DP_I Double point indication, intermediate position 00
Drag-and-drop Copying, moving and linking function, used at graphics user interfaces. Objects are
selected with the mouse, held and moved from one data area to another.
compatibility Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of an electrical apparatus to function
fault-free in a specified environment without influencing the environment unduly.
EMC Electromagnetic compatibility
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
ESD protection ESD protection is the total of all the means and measures used to protect electrostatic
sensitive devices.
ExBPxx External bit pattern indicat i on via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific Bit
pattern indication
ExC External command without feedback via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
ExCF External command with feedback via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
ExDP External double point indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
Double-point indication
ExDP_I External double-p oint indication via an ETHERNET conn ection, intermediate position
00, Double-point indication
ExMV External metered value via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific
ExSI External single-p oin t ind ica tio n via an ETHERNET connection, de vice -s pe cif ic
Single-point indication
ExSI_F External single point indication via an ETHERNET connection, device-specific,
Fleeting indication, Single-point indication
Field devices Generic term for all devices assigned to the field level: Protection devices, combina-
tion devices, bay controllers.
Floating Without electrical connection to the ground.
FMS communica-
tion branch Within an FMS communication branch the users communicate on the basis of the
PROFIBUS FMS protocol via a PROFIBUS FMS network.
Folder This object type is used to create the hierarchical structure of a project.
General interroga-
tion (GI) During the system start- up the state of all the process inputs, of the status and of th e
fault image is sampled. This information is used to update the system-end process
image. The current process state can also be sampled after a data loss by means of
a GI.
GOOSE message GOOSE messages (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) according to IEC
61850 are dat a p ackets which are cyclic transferred eve nt-controlled via the Etherne t
communication system. They serve for direct information exchange among the relays.
This mechanism implements cross-communication between bay units.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
GPS Global Positioning System. Satellites with atomic clocks on board orbit the earth twice
a day in dif ferent part s in approx. 20,000 km. They transmit signals which a lso contain
the GPS universal time. The GPS receiver determines its own position from the
signals received. From its positi on it can derive the running time of a satellite and thus
correct the transmitted GPS universal time.
Ground The conductive grou nd whose electr ic potential can be set equal to zero in any point.
In the area of ground electrodes th e ground can h ave a potential deviating from zero.
The term "Ground reference plane" is often used for this state.
Grounding Grounding means that a conductive part is to connect via a grounding system to
Grounding Grounding is the to tal of all means and measured used for grounding.
Hierarchy leve l Within a structure with higher-level and lower-level objects a hierarchy level is a con-
tainer of equivalent objects.
HV field description The HV project description file contains details of fields which exist in a ModPara
project. The actual field information of each field is memorized in a HV field description
file. Within the HV project description file, each field is allocate d such a HV field de-
scription file by a referenc e to the file name.
HV project descrip -
tion All data are exported once the configuration and parameterization of PCUs and sub-
modules using ModPara has been completed. This data is split up into several files.
One file contains details about the fundamental project structure. This also includes,
for example, information detailing which fields exist in this proj ect. This file is called a
HV project description file.
ID Internal double-point indication Double-point indication
ID_S Internal double point indication intermediate position 00 Double-point indication
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC Address Within an IEC bus a unique IEC address has to be assigned to each SIPROTEC 4
device. A total of 254 IEC addresses are available for each IEC bus.
IEC communication
branch Within an IEC communication branch the users communicate on the basis of the
IEC60-870-5-103 protocol via an IEC bus.
IEC61850 Wor ldwide co mmu nication standard for communication in substations. This standard
allows devices from different manufacturers to interoperate on the station bus. Data
transfer is accomplished through an Ethernet network.
Initialization string An initialization string comprises a range of modem-specific commands. These are
transmitted to the modem within the framework of modem initialization. Th e com-
mands can, for example, force specific settings for the modem.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Inter relay commu-
nication IRC combination
IRC combination Inter Relay Communication , IRC, is used for directly exchan ging process information
between SIPROTEC 4 devices. You require an object of type IRC combin ation to con-
figure an Inter Relay Communication. Each user of the combination and all the neces-
sary communication p arameters a re defined in this ob ject. The type and sco pe of the
information exchanged among the users is also stored in this object.
IRIG-B Time signal code of the Inter-Range Instrumentation Group
IS Internal single-point indication Single-point indication
IS_F Internal indication fleeting Fleeting indication, Single-point indication
ISO 9001 The ISO 9000 ff range o f sta ndards d efines measures use d to ensure the qu ality of a
product from the development to the manufacturing.
Link address The link address gives th e ad dr e ss of a V3/ V2 de vice .
List view The right pane of the project window displays the names and icons of objects which
represent the contents of a container selected in the tree view. Because they are dis-
played in the form of a list, this area is called the list view.
LV Limit value
LVU Limit value, user-defined
Master Masters may send data to other users and request data from other users. DIGSI op-
erates as a master.
Metered value Metered values are a processing function with which the total number of discrete
similar events (counting pulses) is determined for a period, usually as an integrated
value. In power supply comp anies the electrical work is usually recorded as a metered
value (energy pu rchase/supply, energy transportation).
MLFB MLFB is the acronym of "MaschinenLesbare FabrikateBezeichnung" (machine-read-
able product designation). It is equivalent to the order number. The type and version
of a SIPROTEC 4 device are coded in the order nu mber.
Modem connection This object type contains information on both partners of a modem connection, the
local modem and the remote modem.
Modem profile A modem profile consists of the name of the profile, a modem driver and may also
comprise several initialization commands and a user address. You can create several
modem profiles for one physical modem. To do so you need to link various initialization
commands or user addresses to a modem driver and its properties and save them
under different nam es .
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Modems Modem profi les for a modem connection are saved in this object type.
MV Measured value
MVMV Metered value which is formed from the measured value
MVT Measured value with time
MVU Measured value, user-defined
Navigation pane The left pane of the project window displays the names and symbols of all cont ainers
of a project in the form of a folder tree.
Object Each element of a project structure is called an object in DIGSI.
Object properties Each object has properties. These might be general properties that are common to
several objects. An object can also have specific properties.
Off-line In offline mode a link with the SIPROTEC 4 device is not necessary. You work with
data which are stored in files.
OI_F Output indication fleeting Transient information
On-line When wo rking in online m ode, there is a physical link to a SIPROTEC 4 device which
can be implemented in various ways. This link can be impl emented as a direct con-
nection, as a modem connection or as a PROFIBUS FMS connec tion.
OUT Output indication
Parameter set The parameter set is the set of all parameters that can be set for a SIPROTEC 4
Phone book User addresses for a modem connection are saved in this object type.
PMV Pulse metered value
Process bus Devices featuring a process bus interface can communicate directly with the SICAM
HV modules. The process bus interface is equipped with an Ethernet module.
PROFIBUS PROcess FIeld BUS, the German process and field bus st andard , as specified in the
standard EN 50170, Volume 2, PROFIBUS. It defines the functional, electrical, and
mechanical propertie s for a bit-serial field bus.
Address Within a PROFIBUS network a unique PROFIBUS address has to be assigned to
each SIPROTEC 4 device. A total of 254 PROFIBUS addresses are available for each
PROFIBUS network.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Project Content-wise, a project is the image of a real power supply system. Graphically, a
project is represented by a number of objects which are integrated in a hierarchical
structure. Physica lly, a project consists of a series of folders and files containing
project data.
Protection devices All devices with a protective function and no control display.
Reorganizing Frequent addition and deletion of objects creates memory areas that can no longer be
used. By cleaning up projects, you can release these memory areas. However , a clean
up also reassigns th e VD ad dres ses. As a consequence, all SIPROTEC 4 devices
need to be reinitialized.
RIO file Relay data Interchange format by Omicron.
RSxxx-interface Serial interfaces RS232, RS422/485
SCADA Interface Rear serial interface on the devices for connecting to a control system via IEC or
Service port Rear serial interface on the devices for connecting DIGSI (for example, via modem).
Setting parameters General term for all adjustments made to the device. Parameterization jobs are exe-
cuted by means of DIGSI or, in some cases, directly on the device.
SI Single point indication
SI_F Single-point indication fleeting Transient information, Single-point indication
SICAM SAS Modular substation automation system based on the substation controller SICAM
SC and the SICAM WinCC operator control and monitoring system.
SICAM SC Substation Controller . Modularly substation control system, based on the SIMA TIC M7
automation system.
SICAM WinCC The SICAM WinCC operator control and monitoring system displays the condition of
your network graphically , visualizes alarms and indications, archives the network data,
allows to intervene manually in the process and manages the system rights of the in-
dividual employee.
Single command Single commands are process outputs which indicate 2 process states (for example,
ON/OFF ) at on e ou tp u t.
Single point indica-
tion Single indications are items of process information which indicate 2 process states (for
example, ON/OFF) at one output.
SIPROTEC The registered trademark SIPROTEC is used for devices implemented on system
base V4.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4 device This object type represent s a rea l SIPROTEC 4 device with a ll the setting values an d
process data it contains.
variant This object type represen ts a variant of an object of type SIPROTEC 4 device. Th e
device data of this variant may we ll differ from the device data of the source object.
However, all variants derived from the source object have the same VD address as
the source object. For this reason, they always correspond to the same real SIPRO-
TEC 4 device as the source object. Objects of type SIPROTEC 4 variant have a variety
of uses, such as documenting dif ferent o perating st ates when entering p arameter set-
tings of a SIPROTEC 4 device.
Slave A slave may only exchange data with a master after being prompted to do so by the
master. SIPROTEC 4 devices operate as slaves.
Time stamp Time stamp is the assignment of the real time to a process event.
Topological view DIGSI Manager always displays a project in the topological view. This shows the hier-
archical structure of a project with all available objects.
Transformer Tap In-
dication Transformer tap indication is a processing function on the DI by means of which the
tap o f the transformer t ap changer can be detected together in p arallel and processed
Transient informa-
tion A transient information is a brief transient single-point indication at which only the
coming of the process signal is detected and processed imm ediately.
Tree view The left pane of the project window displa ys the names and symbo ls of all cont ainer s
of a project in the form of a folder tree. This area is called the tree view.
TxTap Transformer Tap Indication
User address A user address comprises the name of the station, the national code, the area co de
and the user-specific phone number.
Users DIGSI V4.6 and higher a llows up to 32 comp atible SIPROTEC 4 devices to communi-
cate with each other in an inter-relay communication network. The individual partici-
pating devices are called users.
VD A VD (Virtual Device) includes all communication obj ects and their properties and
states that are used by a communication us er through services. A VD can be a phys-
ical device, a module of a device or a software module.
VD address The VD addr ess is assigned automatically by DIGSI Manager. It exists only once in
the entire project and thus serves to identify unambiguously a real SIPROTEC 4
device. The VD address assigned by DIGSI Manager must be transferred to the
SIPROTEC 4 device in order to allow communication with DIGSI Device Editor.
VFD A VFD (Virtual Field Device) includes all communication objects and their properties
and states that are used by a communication user throug h services.
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
AC Voltage 445
Action time 231
Additional Inte rfac e 450
Ambient temperature 176
Analog Inputs 444
ATEX100 162, 177
Automatic Reclosing System 79 498
Automatic Reclosure 228
Automatic Reclosure Function 228
Auxiliary Voltage 370, 445
Auxiliary voltage 378
Binary Inputs 446
Binary Outputs 446
Breaker Control 517
Buffer Battery 185
Bus Address 398
Busbar protection 127
Certifications 457
Changing Setting Groups 52
Check: Checking the Binary Inputs and
Outputs 423
Check: Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 426
Check: Current and voltage connection 427
Check: Direction 429
Check: Polarity for Current Input IN434
Check: Polarity for Voltage Input V4 431
Check: Temperature Measurement 436
Check: Tripping/Closing for the Configured Operat-
ing Devices 438
Checking: Additional Interface 416
Checking: Operator Interface 415
Checking: Phase Rotation 428
Checking: Protective Switches for the Voltage
Transformers 428
Checking: Service Interface 415
Checking: System Connections 418
Checking: System Interface 415
Checking: Termination 416
Checking: Time Synchronization Interface 416
Checking: User-Defined Functions 427
Circuit Breaker Failure Protection 50BF 500
Circuit Breaker Monitoring 236
Circuit Breaker Status Recognition 235
Circuit-Breaker Maintenance 515
Climatic Stress Tests 456
Clock 515
Commissioning Aids 515
Communication Interfaces 448
Construction: Panel Surface Mounting 411
Contac t Mode for Binary Outputs 371
Control Voltage for Binary Inputs 371
Controlling Protective Elements 237
Coolant temperature 176
Cross Blocking 70
CT Knee-point voltage 126, 130
CTS (Clear to Send) 404
Cubicle installation 408
Cubicle mounting 519, 520
Cubicle Mounting Panel Flush Mounting 518
Current Inputs 444
Current sum monitoring 186
Current Supervision 134
Current Symmetry Monitoring 187
Current transformer
Knee-point voltage 125
DC Voltage 445
Dead time start delay 231
Definite Time Overcurrent Protection 50, 50N 459
Design 457
Detached Operator Panel 523, 525
Determination of Direction 97
Determination of the Grounded Phase 201
Dir-Blocking by FFM 97
Direction Check with Load Current 429
Directional Time Overcurrent Protection 67,
67N 87, 473
Dongle Cable 413
Dynamic blocking 233
Dynamic Cold Load Pick-up Function 50C 50NC
51NC 67C 67NC 117
Dynamic Cold Load Pickup Function 476
Electrical Tests 454
EMC Tests for Immunity (Type Tests) 454
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
EMC Tests For Noise Emission (Type Test) 455
Emergency Start 163
Interface Selection 58
Energy 514
Equilibrium Time 161
Fault Location 254, 499
Fault Messages
Setting Note 41
Fault Recording 50, 514, 514
Final Preparation of the Device 440
Flexible Protection Functions 501
Frequency pr otection 171
Frequency Protection 81 O/U 489
Function Modules 506
Fuse Failure Monitoring 189
General Diagrams 543
General Pickup 312
General Tripping 312
Ground Fault 125
Ground fault 126
Ground Fault Check 433
Ground Fault Protection 64, 67Ns, 50Ns,
51Ns 200, 493
Hardware Monitoring 185
High-impedance differential protection
Sensitivity 130
Stability conditions 129
High-impedance protection 128
Hours counter “Circuit breaker is open”. 320
Humidity 456
Input / Output Board C–I/O-1 (7SJ64) 400
Input/Output Board B-I/O-2 (7SJ64) 397
Inrush Restraint 69, 97
Installation: For Detached Operator Panel 412
Insulation Test 454
Interlocked switching 354
Intermittent Ground Fault Protection 220, 497
Inverse time overcurrent protection 66
Inverse Time Overcurrent Protection 51, 51N 461
Inverse Time, Directional Overcurrent
Protection 94
Limits for CFC blocks 507
Limits for User Defined Functions 507
Live Status Contact 370
Local Measured Values Monitoring 513
Long-term Averages 512
Loop Selection 254
Malfunction Responses of the Monito ring
Functions 198
Measured Values Monitoring 185
Measurement Voltage Failure Detection 189
Measuring the Operating Time of the Circuit
Breaker 437
Measuring Transducer Inputs 444
Mechanical Stress Tests 455
Min / Max Report 513
Minimum Inhibit Time 161
Motor Restart Inhibit 66 488
Motor Starting Protection 48 487
Mounting with Detached Operator Panel 412
Mounting without Operator Panel 413
Negative Sequence Protection 46-1, 46-2 146
Negative Sequence Protection 46-TOC 481
Nominal Currents 371
Non-interlocked switching 354
Offset Monitoring 186
Operating Hours Counter 515
Operating Time of the Circuit Breaker 437
Operational Measured Values 505, 511
Operator Interface 448
Optical Fibers 417
Ordering Information 529, 533, 537
Output Relays Binary Outputs 447
Overcurrent Protection
Single-phase 128, 477
Overcurrent protection 59
Overcurrent protection ground current
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Frequency 477
Overcurren t pr otection single- p ha se
Current ele ments 477
Dropout ratios 477
Frequency 477
Overvoltage Protection 59 136
Panel Flush Mounting 519, 520
Panel Surface Mounting 521
Phase Rotation 310
Phase sequence supervision 188
Pickup Logic 312
Pickup Voltage 378, 383, 384, 392
Pickup voltages of BI1 to BI3 378
Pickup voltages of BI1 to BI7 384, 392
Pickup voltages of BI21 to BI24 (7SJ63) 388
Pickup voltages of BI25 to BI37 (7SJ63) 390
Pickup Voltages of BI4 to BI11 (7SJ62) 383
Pickup voltages of BI8 to BI20 390
Polarity Check for Current Input IN434
Power Supply 445
Rack mounting 408
Reclosing Programs 231
Recordings for Tests 439
Replacing Interfaces 371
Restart Time 161
Restarting Limit 161
Restraint time 233
Reverse Interlocking 73
RTD Boxes for Temperature Detectio n 301, 505
RTD-Box 417
Selection of Default Display
Starting Pa ge 41
Service / Modem Interface 449
Service Conditions 457
Setting Group Switchover of the Function
Parameters 516
Setting Groups: Changing; Changing Setting
Groups 367
Software Monitoring 186
Specifications 454
Standard Interlocking 355
Static Blocking 233
Statistics 514
Supply Voltage 445
Switchgear Control 350
Switching Authority 358
Switching Elements on the Printed Circuit
Boards 392
Switching Mode 359
SYNC Function Groups 289
Synchrocheck 286
Synchronism and Voltage Check 283
Synchronization Function 503
System Interface 451
Tank Leakage Protection 127, 132
Tank leakage protection
Delay time 132
Sensitivity 132
Temperature Detection 301
Temperature Detectors 505
Temperatures 456
Terminal Assignment 543
Terminating of Serial Interfaces 371
Terminating the Trip Signal 312
Termination 416
Test: System (SCADA) interface 421
Thermal overload protection 175
Thermal Overload Protection 49 490
Thermal Profile 175
Thresholds for Temperature Indications 505
Time overcurrent protection
Pickup value 128, 132
Time delay 128, 132
Tran sfo r me r da ta 128
Time Stamping 514
Time Synchronization 515
Time Synchronization Interface 416
Total Time 161
Triggering Oscillographic Recording 439
Trip Circuit Monitoring 193, 368, 515
Trip/Close Tests for the Configured Operating
Devices 438
Tripping Logic 312
Tripping Test with Circuit Breaker 438
Two-phase time overcurrent protection 73
Undervoltage Protection 27 137
User-defined Functions 506
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
Vibration and Shock Stress During Operation 455
Vibratio n and Shock St ress During Transport 456
Voltage Inputs 444
Voltage limitation 127
Voltage Protection (27, 59) 134
Voltage Protection 27, 59 478
Voltage symmetry monitoring 188
Watchdog 186
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015
SIPROTEC 4, 7SJ62/63/64 Handbuch
C53000-G1140-C147-A, Edition 07.2015