Avalon Photonics Ltd, Badenerstrasse 569
8048 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 1 498 1411 Fax: +41 1 498 1412
Email: vcsel@avap.ch
Internet: www.avalon-photonics.com
Electro-optical characteristics (for individual lasers)
Parameter Symbol Conditions Ratings Units
Min Typ Max
Threshold current Ith 2.0 2.5 3.5 mA
Threshold voltage Vth 1.8 V
Operating current Iop Pout = 0.5 mW 3 4 5 mA
Operating voltage Vop 2V
Emission wavelength* λlop = 1.5 x Ith 840 850 860 nm
Wavelength uniformity* ∆λ 2nm
Optical output power (MM) Pmax Iop = 10mA 1.5 2 4 mW
Slope efficiency ηlop = 1.5 x Ith 0.3 mW/mA
Beam divergence θFWHM 12 °
Bandwidth f3dB >3 GHz
MM = multi-mode; FWHM = full width half-maximum *Tighter wavelength specifications available on request (T=25°C)
The above specifications are subject to change
without notice
Parameter Symbol Ratings Units
Min Typ Max
Temperature tuning coefficient δλ/δT 0.06 nm/K
Threshold current variation 0 to +70°C
∆Ith 1.8 mA
Current tuning coefficient δλ/δI 0.3 nm/mA
Thermal characteristics
Parameter Symbol Rating Units
Optical output power Pmax 4mW
Peak forward current Imax 10 mA
Electrical power dissipation Ptot 30 mW/laser
Reverse voltage VR11 V
Operating temperature Top 0 to +70 °C
Storage temperature Tstg -40 to +100 °C
Absolute maximum ratings
850nm Single-