Part Number 880365
1380 MHz BAW Filter
Data Sheet
Subject to change or obsolescence without notice Rev B September 2013 Page 5 of 5
Maximum Ratings
Operating Temperature Range T -40 +85
Storage Temperature Range T
-55 +100
• Electrostatic Sensitive Device (ESD)
• Avoid ultrasonic exposure
Triquint’s liability is limited only to the Bulk Acoustic Wave (BAW) component(s) described in this data sheet. Triquint does not accept any liability for
applications, processes, circuits or assemblies, which are implemented using any Triquint component described in this data sheet.
Contact Information
Phone: +1 (972) 994-8465
Fax: +1 (972) 994-8504
Email: custservbend@tqs.com
Web: www.triquint.com
Or contact one of our worldwide
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Representatives or distributors
63140 Britta St. Bldg. C
Bend, OR 97701