Data Manual January 2006 Digital Audio Solutions SLES166 IMPORTANT NOTICE Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI's terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment. TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI's standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty. Except where mandated by government requirements, testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed. TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components. To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications, customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. TI does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any TI patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination, machine, or process in which TI products or services are used. Information published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement thereof. Use of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party, or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI. Reproduction of information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties, conditions, limitations, and notices. Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for such altered documentation. Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice. TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements. Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions: Products Applications Amplifiers Audio Data Converters Automotive DSP Broadband Interface Digital Control Logic Military Power Mgmt Optical Networking Microcontrollers Security Telephony Video & Imaging Wireless Mailing Address: Texas Instruments Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265 Copyright 2006, Texas Instruments Incorporated Contents Section 1 2 3 Title Page Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.1 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1.2 Terminal Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 1.3 Hardware Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 1.4 Functional Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 1.5 Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 1.6 Terminal Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5 1.7 Operational Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 1.7.1 Terminal-Controlled Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 1.7.2 I2C Bus-Controlled Modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11 Hardware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 2.1 Input and Output Serial Audio Ports (SAPs) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2.1.1 SAP Configuration Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2.1.2 Processing Flow--SAP Input to SAP Output . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 2.2 DPLL and Clock Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14 2.2.1 TAS3103A Sample-Rate Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15 2.2.2 The Microprocessor Clock and I2C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 2.3 Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 2.3.1 8051 Microprocessor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 2.3.2 I2C Bus Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18 2.4 Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Arithmetic Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 2.5 Reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2.6 Power Down . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 2.7 Watchdog Timer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 2.8 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Ports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2.8.1 GPIO Functionality--I2C Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2.8.2 GPIO Functionality--I2C Slave Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-28 Firmware Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.1 I2C Coefficient Number Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.1.1 28-Bit 5.23 Number Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3.1.2 48-Bit 25.23 Number Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3.2 Input Crossbar Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 3.3 3D Effects Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 3.3.1 CH1/CH2 Effects Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 3.3.2 CH3 Effects Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 3.4 Biquad Filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 3.5 Bass and Treble Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11 3.5.1 Treble and Bass Processing and Concurrent I2C Read Transactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16 iii 3.6 4 iv Soft Volume/Loudness Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 3.6.1 Soft Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18 3.6.2 Loudness Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 3.6.3 Time Alignment and Reverb Delay Processing . . . . . . . . . . 3-27 3.7 Dynamic Range Control (DRC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 3.7.1 DRC Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-32 3.7.2 Compression/Expansion Coefficient Computation Engine Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-34 3.7.3 DRC Compression/Expansion Implementation Examples 3-36 3.8 Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-46 3.9 Dither . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-48 3.9.1 Dither Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-49 3.9.2 Dither Mix Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 3.9.3 Dither Gain Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-51 3.9.4 Dither Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 3.10 Output Crossbar Mixers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-55 Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Temperature Ranges . . 4-1 4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 4.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 4.4 TAS3103A Timing Characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4.4.1 Master Clock Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4.4.2 Control Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4.4.3 Serial Audio Port Slave-Mode Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4.4.4 Serial Audio Port Master-Mode Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 4.4.5 Characteristics of the SDA and SCL I/O Stages for F/S-Mode I2C-Bus Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 4.4.6 Characteristics of the SDA and SCL I/O Stages for F/S-Mode I2C-Bus Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 A.1 I2C Subaddress Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 A.2 TAS3103A Firmware Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-19 A.3 TAS3103A Simplified Application Schematic Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . A-20 List of Illustrations Figure Title Page 2-1 TAS3103A Detailed Hardware Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 2-2 Discrete Serial Data Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-3 Four-Channel TDM Serial Data Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 2-4 SAP Configuration Subaddress Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 2-5 Recommended Procedure for Issuing SAP Configuration Updates . . . . . . . 2-5 2-6 Format Options: Input Serial Audio Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7 2-7 TDM Format Options: Output Serial Audio Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8 2-8 Discrete Format Options: Output Serial Audio Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 2-9 Word-Size Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9 2-10 8-CH TDM Format Using SAP Modes 0101 and 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 2-11 6-CH Data, 8-CH Transfer TDM Format Using SAP Modes 0101 and 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10 2-12 SAP Input-to-Output Latency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11 2-13 SAP Input-to-Output Latency for I2S Format Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12 2-14 Load Coefficient and Restore Volume Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16 2-15 DPLL and Clock Management Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17 2-16 I2C Slave-Mode Communication Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-19 2-17 I2C Subaddress Access Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-20 2-18 DAP Arithmetic Unit Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-23 2-19 DAP Arithmetic Unit Data Word Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-24 2-20 DAP ALU Operation With Intermediate Overflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2-21 TAS3103A Reset Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25 2-22 External Power-Good Reset-Control Circuit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-26 2-23 GPIO Port Circuitry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27 2-24 Volume Adjustment Timing--Master I2C Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-29 3-1 5.23 Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-2 Conversion Weighting Factors--5.23 Format to Floating Point . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 3-3 Alignment of 5.23 Coefficient in 32-Bit I2C Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-4 25.23 Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 3-5 Alignment of 5.23 Coefficient in 32-Bit I2C Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-6 Alignment of 25.23 Coefficient in Two 32-Bit I2C Words . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 3-7 Serial Input Port to Processing Node Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 3-8 Input Mixer and Effects Block Topology--Internal Processing Nodes A, B, C, D, E, and F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 v 3-9 Input Mixer Topology--Internal Processing Nodes G and H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 3-10 TAS3103A 3D Effects Processing Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 3-11 Biquad Filter Structure and Coefficient Subaddress Format . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10 3-12 Tone Control Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-12 3-13 Bass and Treble Filter Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 3-14 Bass and Treble Application Example--Subaddress Parameters . . . . . . . 3-15 3-15 I2C Bass/Treble Activity Monitor Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17 3-16 Soft Volume and Loudness Compensation Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19 3-17 Loudness Compensation Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-25 3-18 Detailed Block Diagram--Soft Volume and Loudness Compensation . . . 3-26 3-19 Delay-Line Memory Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-28 3-20 Maximum Delay-Line Lengths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-29 3-21 DRC Positioning in TAS3103A Processing Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-30 3-22 DRC Transfer Function Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-31 3-23 DRC Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-33 3-24 DRC Input Word Structure for 0-dB Channel Processing Gain . . . . . . . . . 3-37 3-25 DRC Transfer Curve--Example 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-39 3-26 DRC Transfer Curve--Example 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-41 3-27 DRC Transfer Curve--Example 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-43 3-28 DRC Transfer Curve--Example 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-45 3-29 Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-47 3-30 Logarithmic Number Conversions--Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter . . . . . . 3-48 3-31 Dither Data Block Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-50 3-32 Dither Data Magnitude (Gain = 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-52 3-33 Triangular Dither Statistics, Case 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-53 3-34 Triangular Dither Statistics, Case 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-54 3-35 Processing Node to Serial Output Port Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-56 3-36 Output Crossbar Mixer Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-57 4-1 Master Clock Signals Timing Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 4-2 Control Signals Timing Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 4-3 Serial Audio Port Slave-Mode Timing Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 4-4 Serial Audio Port Master-Mode Timing Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 4-5 I2C Start and Stop Conditions Timing Waveforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 vi List of Tables Table Title 2-1 TAS3103A Throughput Latencies vs MCLK and LRCLK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Sample Rate and CLK Ratios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 TAS3103A Clock Default Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4 I2C EEPROM Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Four-Byte Read Exceptions--Reserved and Factory-Test I2C Subaddresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6 GPIO Port Functionality--I2C Master Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Biquad Filter Breakout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Bass Shelf Filter Indices for 1/2-dB Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Treble Shelf Filter Indices for 1/2-dB Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4 Volume Adjustment Gain Coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 DRC Example 2 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6 DRC Example 3 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 DRC Example 4 Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8 Mixer Gain Setting for LSB Dither Data Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2-13 2-15 2-18 2-21 2-22 2-28 3-10 3-15 3-16 3-21 3-40 3-42 3-46 3-51 vii viii 1 Introduction The TAS3103A is a fully configurable digital audio processor that preserves high-quality audio by using a 48-bit data path, 28-bit filter coefficients, a single-cycle 28 x 48-bit multiplier and a 76-bit accumulator. Because of the coefficient-configurable fixed-program architecture of the TAS3103A, a complete set of user-specific audio processing functions can be realized, with short development times, in a small, low-power, low-cost device. A personal computer (PC) GUI-based software development package and a comprehensive evaluation board provide additional facilities to further reduce development times. The TAS3103A uses 1.8-V core logic with 3.3-V I/O buffers, and requires only 3.3-V power. The TAS3103A is available in a 38-pin TSSOP package. 1.1 Features * Audio Input/Output - Four Serial Audio Input Channels - Three Serial Audio Output Channels - 8-kHz to 96-kHz Sample Rates Supported - 15 Stereo/TDM Data Formats Supported - Input/Output Data Format Selections Independent - 16-, 18-, 20-, 24-, and 32-Bit Word Sizes Supported * Serial Master/Slave I2C Control Channel * Three Independent Monaural Processing Channels - Programmable Four-Stereo-Input Digital Mixer - 3D Effect and Reverberation (Reverb) Structure and Filters - Programmable 12-Band Digital Parametric Equalization - Programmable Digital Bass and Treble Controls - Programmable Digital Soft Volume Control (24 dB to - dB) - Soft Mute/Unmute - Programmable Dither - Programmable Loudness Compensation - VU Meter and Spectral Analysis I2C Output - Programmable Channel Delay (Up to 42 ms at 48 kHz) - 192-dB Dynamic Range (Supports Up to 32-Bit Audio Data) - Dual Threshold Dynamic Range Compression/Expansion * Electrical and Physical - Single 3.3-V Power Supply - 38-Pin TSSOP Package - Low-Power Standby 1-1 1.2 Terminal Assignments DBT PACKAGE (TOP VIEW) SCLKIN PWRDN REGULATOR_EN XTALI (1.8-V logic) XTALO (1.8-V logic) AVDD_BYPASS_CAP A_VDDS (3.3 V) AVSS MCLKI TEST MICROCLK_DIV I2C_SDA I2C_SCL SDIN1 SDIN2 SDIN3 SDIN4 GPIO0 GPIO1 1-2 1 38 2 37 3 36 4 35 5 34 6 33 7 32 8 31 9 30 10 29 11 28 12 27 13 26 14 25 15 24 16 23 17 22 18 21 19 20 LRCLK ORIN SCLKOUT2 SCLKOUT1 MCLKO SDOUT3 SDOUT2 VDDS (3.3 V) SDOUT1 DVDD_BYPASS_CAP DVSS I2CM_S RST CS1 CS0 PLL1 PLL0 GPIO3 GPIO2 1.3 Hardware Block Diagram SDIN1 SDIN2 SDIN3 SDIN4 SDOUT1 SDOUT2 SDOUT3 28 64 64 Serial Audio Port SCLKOUT2 SCLKOUT1 MCLKO LRCLK SCLKIN TEST PWRDN PLL1 PLL0 XTALO XTALI RST Digital Audio Processor 64 64 64 64 64 48 76-Bit ALU Controller Oscillator and PLL External Data RAM Code ROM COEF RAM Data Path Data RAM 48 Memory Interface 54 Delay Memory (4K x 16) Internal Data RAM 8051 MCU (8-Bit) Code ROM Volume Update Control Registers I2C Serial Interface 8 4 I2C_SDA I2C_SCL CS1 CS0 I2CM_S GPIO[3:0] 1-3 1-4 SDIN4 SDIN3 SDIN2 SDIN1 XTALO MCLKI XTALI MultiMode Serial to PCM Input Port Input Crossbar Mixer Oscillator PLL0 MultiMode 3D Effects Block PLL and Dividers CH3 CH2 CH1 I2C_ SDA PLL1 MICROCLK _DIV 1.4 Functional Block Diagram 12 Biquad Filters 12 Biquad Filters 12 Biquad Filters I2C_ SCL CS0 Microprocessor RST LRCLK Treble and Bass Treble and Bass Treble and Bass SCLKIN TEST Loudness Compensation Loudness Compensation Loudness Compensation CS1 SCLKOUT1 I2CM_S DRC Ganged DRC SCLKOUT2 MCLKO Delay Delay Programmable Dither Programmable Dither Programmable Dither CH3 CH2 Center CH1 Output Crossbar Multiplexer A_VDDS AVDD_ BYPASS_ CAP AVSS Voltage Regulation DVSS DVDD_ BYPASS_ CAP Delay VU Meter or Spectrum Analyzer PWRDN I2S Clock Input/Generation Soft Volume Soft Volume Soft Volume 3 Mono Processing Channels GPIO[3:0] VDDS Multimode PCM to Serial Output Port SDOUT3 SDOUT2 SDOUT1 ORIN 1.5 Ordering Information TA PLASTIC 38-PIN TSSOP (DBT) 0C to 70C TAS3103ADBT 1.6 Terminal Functions TERMINAL NAME NO. I/O TYPE(1) DESCRIPTION PULLUP/ DOWN(2) A_VDDS (3.3 V) 7 PWR The PWR pin is used to input 3.3-V power to the DPLL and clock oscillator. This pin can be connected to the same power source used to drive the DVSS power pin. To achieve low DPLL jitter, this pin should be bypassed to AVSS with a 0.47-F capacitor (low-ESR preferable). None AVDD_BYPASS_CAP 6 PWR AVDD_BYPASS_CAP is a pinout of the internally regulated 1.8-VDC power used by the DPLL and crystal oscillator. This pin should be connected to pin 8 with a 0.47-F capacitor (low-ESR preferable). This pin must not be used to power external devices. None AVSS 8 PWR None CS0 24 I D CS1 25 I D AVSS is the ground reference for the internal DPLL and oscillator circuitry. This pin needs to reference the same ground as DVSS power pin. To achieve low DPLL jitter, ground noise at this pin must be minimized. The availability of the AVSS pin allows a designer to use optimizing techniques such as star ground connections, separate ground planes, or other quiet ground distribution techniques to achieve a quiet ground reference at this pin. CS0 is the LSB of a 2-bit code used to generate part of an I2C device address that makes it possible to address four TAS3103A ICs on the same bus without additional chip select logic. The pulldowns on the inputs select 00 as a default when neither CS0 nor CS1 is connected. CS1 is the MSB of a 2-bit code used to generate part of an I2C device address that makes it possible to address four TAS3103A ICs on the same bus without additional chip select logic. DVDD_BYPASS_CAP 29 DVSS 28 GPIO0 18 I/O D GPIO1 19 I/O GPIO2 20 GPIO3 I2CM_S Pulldown Pulldown PWR DVDD_BYPASS_CAP is a pinout of the internally regulated 1.8-V power used by all internal digital logic. This pin must not be used to power external devices. A ceramic capacitor of at least 4.7 F should be placed as close to the device as possible between this pin and pin 28. A 0.01 F should be connected in parallel for high-frequency decoupling. None PWR DVSS is the digital ground pin. None GPIO0 is a general-purpose I/O, controlled by the internal microprocessor through I2C commands. When in the I2C master mode, GPIO0 serves as a volume-up command for CH1/CH2. Pullup D GPIO1 is a general-purpose I/O, controlled by the internal microprocessor through I2C commands. When in the I2C master mode, GPIO1 serves as a volume-down command for CH1/CH2. Pullup I/O D GPIO2 is a general-purpose I/O, controlled by the internal microprocessor through I2C commands. When in the I2C master mode, GPIO2 serves as a volume-up command for CH3. Pullup 21 I/O D GPIO3 is a general-purpose I/O, controlled by the internal microprocessor through I2C commands. When in the I2C master mode, GPIO3 serves as a volume-down command for CH3. Pullup 27 I D I2CM_S is a non-latched input that determines whether the TAS3103A acts as an I2C master or slave. Logic high, or no connection, sets the TAS3103A as an I2C master device. A logic low sets the TAS3103A as an I2C slave device. As a master I2C device, the TAS3103A I2C port must have access to an external EEPROM for input. Pullup 1-5 TERMINAL PULLUP/ DOWN(2) NO. I/O TYPE(1) DESCRIPTION I2C_SCL 13 I/O D I2C_SCL is the I2C clock pin. When the TAS3103A I2C port is a master, I2C_SCL is (1/2N) x (1/(M+1)) x 1/10 times the microprocessor clock, where N and M are set to 2 and 8, respectively. When the TAS3103A I2C port is a slave, input clock rates up to 400 kHz can be supported. This pin must be provided an external pullup (2 k is recommended for most applications). External pullup required I2C_SDA 12 I/O D I2C_SDA is the I2C bidirectional data pin. The TAS3103A I2C port can support data rates up to 400 kbps. This pin must be provided an external pullup (2 k is recommended for most applications). External pullup required LRCLK 38 I/O D LRCLK is either an input or an output, depending on whether the TAS3103A is in a master or slave serial audio port mode, which is determined by bit 22 of subaddress 0xF9. Pulldown MCLKI 9 I D MCLKI is a master clock input that provides an alternative to using a fixed crystal frequency. In DPLL modes, the input frequency of this clock can range from 2.8 MHz to 24.576 MHz. In PLL bypass mode, frequencies up to 136 MHz can be used. Whenever MCLKI is not used and XTALI/XTALO provide the master clock input, MCLKI must be grounded. None MCLKO 34 O D MCLKO is the master output clock pin. It is produced by dividing MCLKI/XTALI by 1, 2, or 4 (depending on the setting of a subaddress control field). MCLKO is provided to interconnect, without the need for additional glue logic, the TAS3103A interfaces with chips that require different multiples of the audio sample rate (Fs) as a master clock. None MICROCLK_DIV 11 I D MICROCLK_DIV sets the division ratio between the digital audio processing clock and the internal microprocessor clock. The audio-processing clock is the DPLL output clock if PLL_bypass is not enabled. The audio-processing clock is MCLKI/XTALI master clock if PLL_bypass is enabled. Logic high on this pin sets the microprocessor clock equal to the audio-processing clock. A logic low sets the microprocessor clock to 1/4 the digital audio-processing clock. MICROCLK_DIV must be set low if the audio processing clock is > 36 MHz. MICROCLK_DIV must be set high if the audio processing clock is 36 MHz. Pulldown ORIN 37 I D ORIN allows the processing of a multichannel signal set through two TAS3103As without any additional components. One use of ORIN would be to fully emulate a 6-channel audio processor at speeds up to a 96-kHz sample rate with only two TAS3103As and no glue logic. Pulldown NAME The two-chip configuration is accomplished by wiring the SDOUT1 port of one of the two TAS3103A chips to the ORIN port of the second TAS3103A. Internal to the chip, the ORIN input is ORed with internal SDOUT1 data to generate the resulting output data on channel SDOUT1. For TDM output formats, the SDOUT1 outputs of the two chips differ in phasing in both the left and right channels to arrive at the proper composite output. For discrete outputs, one chip contributes the left channel of the composite SDOUT1, and the other chip contributes the right channel of the composite SDOUT1. If not used, ORIN must be connected to ground. PLL0 22 I D PLL0 is the LSB of a 2-bit code used to select four different modes of DPLL multiplexer/input divider operation. PLL[1:0] values of 00, 01, and 10 select the DPLL input clock to be MCLKI/XTALI divided by 1, 2, and 4, respectively. A value of 11 results in MCLKI/XTALI being substituted for the DPLL output. The pullup/pulldown combination provides a default of 01 when neither PLL0 nor PLL1 is connected. Pullup PLL1 23 I D PLL1 is the MSB of a 2-bit code used to select four different modes of DPLL multiplexer/input divider operation. PLL[1:0] values of 00, 01, and 10 select the DPLL input clock to be MCLKI/XTALI divided by 1, 2, and 4, respectively. A value of 11 results in MCLKI/XTALI being substituted for the DPLL output. The pullup/pulldown combination provides a default of 01 when neither PLL0 nor PLL1 is connected. Pulldown 1-6 TERMINAL PULLUP/ DOWN(2) NO. I/O TYPE(1) DESCRIPTION PWRDN 2 I D PWRDN powers down all logic and stops all clocks whenever logic high is applied. However, the coefficient memory remains stable through a power-down cycle, as long as a reset is not sent after a power-down cycle. Pulldown REGULATOR_EN 3 I D REGULATOR_EN is only used in factory tests. This pin should always be tied to ground. None RST 26 I D RST is the master reset input. Applying a logic low to this pin generates a master reset. The master reset results in all coefficients being set to their power-up default state, all data memories being cleared, and all logic signals being returned to their default values. Pullup SCLKIN 1 I D SCLKIN is the serial audio port (SAP) input data clock. This clock is only used when the SAP is a slave. In master mode, SCLKOUT1 internally provides the serial input clock (SCLKOUT1 from a given TAS3103A must not be connected to SCLKIN on the same TAS3103A chip). Pulldown SCLKOUT1 35 O D SCLKOUT1 is one of two serial output bit clocks. It is divided from MCLKI/XTALI in master mode, and SCLKIN in slave mode. Subaddress control fields determine the divide ratio in both cases. When the serial audio port is in master mode, SCLKOUT1 is used to receive incoming serial data and should be wired to the data source(s) providing data to the SDIN inputs. None SCLKOUT2 36 O D SCLKOUT2 is one of two serial output bit clocks. It is divided from MCLKI/XTALI in master mode, and SCLKIN in slave mode. Subaddress control fields determine the divide ratio in both cases. SCLKOUT2 is always used to clock out serial data from the three serial SDOUT output data channels. SCLKOUT2 is provided separately from SCLKOUT1 to allow discrete-in to TDM-out and TDM-in to discrete-out data format conversions without the use of external glue logic. Output SDIN1 14 I D SDIN1, SDIN2, SDIN3, and SDIN4 are the four TAS3103A serial data input ports. All four input ports support four discrete (stereo) data formats. SDIN1 is the only data input port that also supports 11 time division multiplexed data formats. All four ports are capable of receiving data with bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. Pulldown SDIN2 15 I D SDIN2 is one of the four TAS3103A serial data input ports. SDIN2 supports four discrete (stereo) data formats, and is capable of receiving data with bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. Pulldown SDIN3 16 I D SDIN3 is one of the four TAS3103A serial data input ports. SDIN4 supports four discrete (stereo) data formats, and is capable of receiving data with bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. Pulldown SDIN4 17 I D SDIN4 is one of the four TAS3103A serial data input ports. SDIN4 supports four discrete (stereo) data formats, and is capable of receiving data with bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. Pulldown SDOUT1 30 O D SDOUT1, SDOUT2, and SDOUT3 are the three TAS3103A serial data output ports. All three output ports support four discrete (stereo) data formats. SDOUT1 is the only data output port that also supports 11 time division multiplexed data formats. All three ports are capable of outputting data at bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. None SDOUT2 32 O D SDOUT2 is one of the three serial data output ports. SDOUT2 supports four discrete (stereo) data formats, and is capable of outputting data at bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. None SDOUT3 33 O D SDOUT3 is one of the three serial data output ports. SDOUT3 supports four discrete (stereo) data formats, and is capable of outputting data at bit rates up to 24.576 MHz. None TEST 10 I D TEST is only used in factory tests. This pin must be left unconnected or grounded. Pulldown NAME 1-7 TERMINAL PULLUP/ DOWN(2) NO. I/O TYPE(1) DESCRIPTION VDDS (3.3 V) 31 - PWR VDDS is the 3.3-V pin that powers (1) the 1.8-V internal power regulator used to supply logic power to the chip and (2) the I/O ring. It is recommended that this pin be bypassed to DVSS (pin 28) with a low-ESR capacitor of 47 F or greater. A 0.1-f ceramic capacitor should be placed in parallel with the 47-f capacitor to provide high-frequency decoupling. None XTALI (1.8-V logic) 4 I A XTALO and XTALI provide a master clock for the TAS3103A via use of an external fundamental-mode crystal. XTALI is the 1.8-V input port for the oscillator circuit. See Note 3 for recommended crystal type and accompanying circuitry. This pin should be grounded when the MCLKI pin is used as the source for the master clock. None XTALO (1.8-V logic) 5 O A XTALO and XTALI provide a master clock for the TAS3103A via use of an external fundamental-mode crystal. XTALO is the 1.8-V output drive to the crystal. XTALO can support crystal frequencies between 2.8 MHz and 20 MHz. See Note 3 for recommended crystal type and accompanying circuitry. This pin should be left unconnected in applications using an external clock input to MCLKI. None NAME NOTES: 1. TYPE: A = analog; D = 3.3-V digital; PWR = power/ground/decoupling 2. All pullups are 20-A weak pullups and all pulldowns are 20-A weak pulldowns. The pullups and pulldowns are included to ensure proper input logic levels if the pins are left unconnected (pullups => logic 1 input; pulldowns => logic 0 input). Devices that drive inputs with pullups must be able to sink 20 while maintaining a logic 0 drive level. Devices that drive inputs with pulldowns must be able to source 20 A while maintaining a logic 1 drive level. 3. Crystal type and recommended circuit: TAS3103A C1 OSC Circuit rd XO C2 XI AVSS * Crystal type = parallel-mode, fundamental-mode crystal * rd = drive level control resistor--vendor specified * CL = Crystal load capacitance (capacitance of circuitry between the two terminals of the crystal) * CL = (C1 x C2) / (C1 + C2) + CS (where CS = board stray capacitance ~2 pF) - Example: Vendor recommended CL = 18 pF, CS = 3 pF C1 = C2 = 2 x (18 - 3) = 30 pF The TAS3103A crystal should comply with the following minimum specifications: 1-8 * Operation mode: fundamental * Frequency tolerance: 100 ppm at 25C * Frequency temperature characteristics: 100 ppm, -20C to 70C * Aging: 10 ppm/year, maximum 1.7 Operational Modes The TAS3103A operation is governed by I/O terminal voltage level settings and register/coefficient settings within the TAS3103A. The terminal settings are wholly sufficient to address all external environments, allowing the remaining configuration settings to be determined by either I2C commands or by the content of an I2C serial EEPROM (when the I2C master mode is selected). 1.7.1 Terminal-Controlled Modes Clock Control MCLKI PLL1 PLL0 DAP CLOCK 0 0 11 x MCLK 0 1 (11 x MCLK)/2 (default) 1 0 (11 x MCLK)/4 1 1 MCLK (PLL bypass) MICROCLK_DIV MICROPROCESSOR CLOCK 0 DAP clock/4 (default) 1 DAP clock XTALI PLL0 PLL1 MICROCLK_DIV MCLK Reference Divider Microprocessor Scaler PLL y 11 / 11 Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Clock 1400 y Fs 3 DAP Clock 3 136 MHz Microprocessor Clock < 36 MHz I2C Bus Setup I2CM_S SLAVE ADDRESS CS1 CS0 0x68/69 (default) 0 0 0x6A/6B 0 1 0x6C/6D 1 0 0x6E/6F 1 1 I2C BUS MODE 0 Slave 1 Master (default)--EEPROM device ID = 0xA0 1-9 TAS3103A I2C Slave Address II II II II II II IIII II II II II II II II IIII II SDA a6 = 0 a5 = 1 a4 = 1 a3 = 0 a2 = 1 a1=CS1 a0=CS0 SCL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Start Power-Down/Sleep Selection 1-10 PWRDN POWER STATUS 0 Active 1 Power down/sleep R/W 8 ACK 9 1-11 Slave Addr S Slave Addr Slave Addr S Slave Addr Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack m s xxxxxxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack m Ack 0000 s xxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack Ack Ack Ack xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack Ack Ack Ack xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0x4E CH3 m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b 0x4D CH2 Subaddr 0x4C xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx CH1 Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Subaddress Reverb Block Gains xxxxxxxx Ack Reverb Block Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx l s b l s b l s b l s b l s b b0 b1 Ack Ack G0 G1 Ack Ack b2 a2 Ack Ack a1 Ack Ack Ack l xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b Ack l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b xxxxxxxx Effects Block Biquad Filter Coefficients 0x34-0x4B Subaddr Output Mixer 28-Bit Gain Coefficients 0x84 - 0xA1 Input Mixer 28-Bit Gain Coefficients 0x01 - 0x33 Subaddr SUBADDRESS(es) 0x00 - Starting I2C Check Word 0xFC - Ending I2C Check Word I2C Bus-Controlled Modes S S 1.7.2 Node 48 48 48 28 28 b2 b1 76 76 76 76 76 76 a2 48 48 28 28 a1 Magnitude Truncation 48 48 Reverb Block Reverb Delay 28 48 48 Gain Coefficient G1 (Format = 5.23) 28 Gain Coefficient G0 (Format = 5.23) NOTE: All gain coefficients 5.23 numbers. z-1 z-1 28 b0 32 or 48 28 (Format = 5.23) Gain Coefficient z-1 z-1 48 Node 48 PARAMETER(s) 2 S Check words apply to I C master mode only S In master I2C mode, the two check words are compared after EEPROM download. If comparison fails, a second attempt is made. If the second comparison fails, the parameters default to the slave default values. S In slave I2C mode, the default value for both check words is: 0x81_42_24_18 1-12 S Ack Slave Addr Slave Addr S xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack Ack CH3 = 0x75 CH2 = 0x74 CH1 = 0x73 Ack Ack xxxxxxxx l s b l s b l s b l s b l s b b0 b1 Ack Ack b2 a2 Ack Ack a1 Ack Ack Inline Gain Ack Bypass Gain Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx Ack xxxxxx l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Bass and Treble Gain Coefficients xxxxxxxx Ack 0x67-0x72 CH3 Subaddr 0x5B-0x66 CH2 Subaddr Ack 0x4F-0x5A CH1 m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b Subaddress MAIN FILTER BLOCK Cascaded (Twelve/Channel) Main Filter Biquads SUBADDRESS(es) z-1 z-1 48 48 28 28 b2 b1 28 76 76 76 76 76 76 a2 Bass Shelf Filter 48 48 z-1 z-1 28 Bypass Gain Coeeficient (Format = 5.23) 28 Inline Gain Coefficient (Format = 5.23) Bass and Treble Block Treble Shelf Filter 48 28 28 a1 Magnitude Truncation NOTE: All gain coefficients 5.23 numbers 48 b0 PARAMETER(s) 1-13 CH3 CH2 Ack Subaddr 0x7B = Mix n to m 0x78 = Mix w to m 0x7A = Mix l to k 0x77 = Mix v to k 0x79 = Mix j to i 0x76 = Mix u to i Slave Addr CH1 S Ack xxxxxxxx CH3 Bass and Treble Block Mix_w_to_m CH2 Bass and Treble Block w CH3 Soft Volume j l Mix_l_to_k n Mix_n_to_m Subaddr o DRC_bypass_3 q Mix_n_to_q_via_DRC_mult DRC_bypass_2 p Mix_l_to_p_via_DRC_mult CH3 CH2 CH1 m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b Mix_j_to_o_via_DRC_mult DRC_bypass_1 S Slave Addr Ack Mix_j_to_i Dynamic Range Control Loudness m Ack Dynamic Range Control Loudness k i Loudness l Ack xxxxxx s b Mix_v_to_k CH2 Soft Volume CH1 Soft Volume xxxxxxxx v u Ack Dynamic Range Control (DRC) Mixer Coefficients Mix_u_to_i CH1 Bass and Treble Block m Ack 0000 s xxx b xxxxxxxx Ack Ack Ack CH1- 0x7E CH2- 0x7D CH1- 0x7C xxxxxxxx Ack l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b Ack Ack Word2 Word1 Word 2 = Mix n to q - Bypass Word 1 = Mix n to q - Inline Word 2 = Mix l to p - Bypass Word 1 = Mix l to p - Inline Word 2 = Mix j to o - Bypass Word 1 = Mix j to o - Inline xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 1-14 Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Ack l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b CH3 to CH1 and CH2 Mix Gain Coefficients Ack 0x82 = Mix CH3 Output to o - 28-Bit Coefficient 0x83 = Mix CH3 Output to p - 28-Bit Coefficient Slave Addr CH1 CH2 S Ack 0x7F = Mix Dither 1 to o - 28-Bit Coefficient 0x80 = Mix Dither 2 to p - 28-Bit Coefficient 0x81 = Mix Dither 3 to q - 28-Bit Coefficient Slave Addr CH1 CH2 CH3 S Dither Mix Gain Coefficients SUBADDRESS(es) Node q Node p Node o CH3 Loudness / Soft Volume Processed Output Dynamic Range Control CH2 Loudness / Soft Volume Processed Output Dynamic Range Control CH1 Loudness / Soft Volume Processed Output 32-Bit Truncate Mix-Delay3_to_p 32-Bit Truncate Mix-Delay3_to_o 32-Bit Truncate q p o Dither 1 Dither-Processed Audio Out--CH1 Delay 3 Delay 2 Delay 1 CH3 Processed Audio CH2 Processed Audio CH1 Processed Audio Dither-Processed Audio Out--CH3 Dither 3 Mix_Dither3_to_q Dither-Processed Audio Out--CH2 Dither 2 Mix_Dither2_to_p Mix_Dither1_to_o PARAMETER(s) 1-15 Volume Commands I2C Bus Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0xF2 CH1 S S xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx CCC Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxx HHH Ack 321 Ack Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b ttransition Commanded Volume 48 AUDIO IN = x16 BoostMAX Volume Command = 1/223 Cut MAX (LSB) (5.23 Precision) = Zero Output For 0x0000000 Volume Control Slave Addr m Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Mute Command = 1 => 0x0000000 Volume Control CH1 = 0xF2 CH2 = 0xF3 Volume CH3 = 0xF4 Command Ack Subaddr Ack Original Volume Note: Negative Volume Commands Result in Audio Polarity Inversion. Slave Addr v Ack xxxxxxx s Ack xxxxxxxx Ack c 28 VSC S 28 a2 28 28 a1 Ack xxxxxxxx m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b 48 48 48 l xxxxxx s Ack b Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack z-1 z-1 b2 b1 l xxxxxx s Ack b b0 l xxxxxx s Ack b a2 a1 l xxxxxx s Ack b l xxxxxx s Ack b l xxxxxx s Ack b AUDIO OUT Loudness Compensation All biquad gain coefficients 5.23 numbers. 28 b2 b1 28 b0 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx ( ) LG m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b m Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Biquad Coefficients CH1 = 0xA6 CH2 = 0xAB CH3 = 0xB0 Ack LG LG Is A 5.23-Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx CH1 = 0xA2 CH2 = 0xA7 CH3 = 0xAC m Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Commanded 5.23 Volume Command z-1 z-1 Ack Slave Addr Slaveaddr S NOTE: The value of the VSC bit is not correctly reported when the register is read. VSC behaves like a write-only bit. SOFT VOLUME Ack xxxxxxxx 0xF1 0xF4 VSC = 0 ttransition = 2048/FS VSC = 1 ttransition = 4096/FS xxxxxxxx 0xF3 Mute / Unmute Command 0xF0 I2C Slave Mode I2C Master Mode Volume Commands - GPIO Terminals GPIO0 - Volume Up - CH1 / CH2 GPIO1 - Volume Down - CH1 / CH2 GPIO2 - Volume Up - CH3 GPIO3 - Volume Down - CH1 / CH2 S Volume Command Parameter Subaddress CH2 CH3 Volume Command S Mute/Unmute = 0xF0 S Volume Slew-Rate Command = 0xF1 Soft Volume Soft Volume and Loudness Subaddress O G 2LO S S S Slave Addr Slave Addr Slave Addr LOUDNESS Ack Ack Ack xxxxxxxx 00000000 Subaddr Ack xxxxxxxx 00000000 0xB0 0xAF 0xAE 0xAD 0xAC Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b LO LSBs LO MSBs l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b O Is A 25.23 Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx m Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack b CH1 = 0xA5 CH2 = 0xAA CH3 = 0xAF G Is A 5.23 Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx CH1 = 0xA4 CH2 = 0xA9 CH3 = 0xAE 0 LSBs 0 MSBs G LO Is A 25.23 Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx m Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack b CH1 = 0xA3 CH2 = 0xA8 CH3 = 0xAD 0xAB 0xAA 0xA9 0xA8 0xA7 Subaddress CH2 CH3 m Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Subaddr Ack 0xA5 0xA6 Biquad 0xA4 0xA3 0xA2 CH1 O G LO LG Parameter Loudness 1-16 Audio Input CH2 Audio Input CH1 or CH3 5.23 Format RMS Voltage Estimator 32 Comparator T2-LSBits T2-MSBits T1-LSBits T1-MSBits 25.23 Format 1-ae ae O1 { T1 O2 T2 { tWindow -1/[FS x ln(1-ae)] Where FS = Audio Sample Frequency CH1/CH2 = 0xB4 CH3 = 0xB9 CH1/CH2 = 0xB3 CH3 = 0xB8 25.23 Format CH1/CH2 = 0xB5 CH3 = 0xBA td ta -1/[FS x ln(1-aa)] td -1/[FS x ln(1-ad)] Cut Attack / Decay Control ta l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b Volume 5.23 Format m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b 5.23 Format K2 K1 K0 m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b m 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b NOTE: Compression / Expansion / Compression Displayed K0 K1 Compression / Expansion Coefficient Computation K2 ae and (1-ae) Set Time Window Over Which RMS Value is Computed Applies to DRC Servicing CH1/CH2 Only RMS Voltage Estimator 32 Ack Ack Ack Ack m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b b m l 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b b l m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b b m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b CH1/CH2 = 0xB1 CH3 = 0xB6 xxxxxxxx Ack 00000000 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack m 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b m 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxx s b CH1/CH2 = 0xB2 CH3 = 0xB7 Subaddress -- Dynamic Range Control (DRC) Block 1-aa ad 1-ad Ack Ack Ack 5.23 Format 28 aa DRC-Derived Gain Coefficient O2-LSBits O2-MSBits O1-LSBits O1-MSBits Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack 1-17 Slave Addr Ack Subaddr m Ack 0000 s b m 0000 s b m 0000 s b m 0000 s b m 0000 s b xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxx Ack xxx Ack xxx Ack xxx Ack xxx Ack Slave Addr Ack Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx Ack b m 0000 s xxx Ack b S VU Meter Output = 0xFE S Slave Addr Slave Addr Ack Ack Subaddr Subaddr Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack xxxxxxxx Spectrum Analyzer Output Subaddress = 0xFD S RMS Window Time Constant Subaddress = 0xBB S Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter Biquad 1 to 10 Subaddresses = 0xBC to 0xC5 Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack VU Meter Output 1 (Biquad 6) VU Meter Output 1 (Biquad 5) Biquad 10 Biquad 9 Biquad 8 Biquad 7 Biquad 6 Biquad 5 Biquad 4 RMS Voltage Estimator RMS Voltage Estimator RMS Voltage Estimator Log Log Log Log RMS Voltage Estimator tWindow -1/[FS x ln(1 - asa)] Where FS = Audio Sample Frequency asa and (1 - asa) Set Time Window Over Which RMS Value Is Computed Biquad 10 Biquad 9 Biquad 8 Biquad 7 Log Log Log Log Log Log RMS Voltage Estimator RMS Voltage Estimator RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 4 Biquad 5 RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 3 Biquad 3 t s RMS Voltage Estimator RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 2 Biquad 1 Spectrum Analyzer / VU Meter Biquad 6 1-asa asa b2 b1 b0 a2 a1 Biquad 2 Biquad 1 l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b l Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxxx s b Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter Subaddress Decode coderr I2C Bus 1-18 Dither 1 Dither 2 Dither 3 Slave Addr Slave Addr Subaddr Ack Ack xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack Subaddr Ack St6 St5 St4 St3 St2 St 1 p 00000000 Sampler xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx 0.5 Ack 0xC7 0.25 00000000 L O G I C Condensed LFSR1 Seed LFSR2 Dither Seed Distribution 2 Mix Distribution 1 Mix m l l m Ack s xxxxxx s Ack s xxxxxx s Ack b b b b Condensed LFSR2 Seed Seed Build Logic - W 0 +W Output LFSR1 l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b Linear Feedback Shift Register Block LFSR1 Mix and LFSR2 Mix Are 5.23-Format Coefficients Ack NOTE: W = 16.0 => 0x000008000000 in 25.23 Format S S m Ack 0000 s xxx Ack b m 0000 s xxx Ack b 0xC6 Dither Block 1-19 LRCLK Subaddr 0xEF Microprocessor D D D Q Q Q Q 15 Sample Logic Decode 0 Down Counter S Slave Addr Ack READ Microprocessor EN Bus D 16 8 7 0 Subaddr LD Reset S Slave Addr Ack Reset 31 24 23 0xEE 16 15 Watchdog Counter Microprocessor Control 8 23 16 15 8 7 0 7 0 3 2 1 0 Ack 4 3 GPIO_in_out Microprocessor Clock 1 (Default State) Disables Watchdog Timer Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack 0000000x Ack Decode 216 Subaddr 0xEB 31 24 Determines How Many Consecutive Logic 0 Samples (Where Each Sample Is Spaced by GPIOFSCOUNT LRCLKs) Are Required to Read a Logic 0 on a GPIO Input Port Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack 0000 I2C Master Mode Read I2C Slave Mode and I2C Master Mode Write DATA PATH SWITCH Microprocessor Firmware GPIODIR Ack GPIOFSCOUNT Ack GPIO_samp_int Ack 3 2 1 0 23 20 19 Ack 00000000 Ack 0000 24 Reserved (see Note 1) 0xD2-0xEA (1) Do not write to factory test or reserved I2C subaddresses. GPIO3 GPIO2 GPIO1 GPIO0 PWRDN S Slave Addr Ack 31 SDIN4 Input Mixers CH1/CH2 to CH3 After Effects Mixers 0xD0-0xD1 0xC8-0xC9 0xCA-0xCF PARAMETER(S) Factory Test Subaddresses (see Note 1) SUBADDRESS(ES) GPIO and Watchdog Timer Subaddresses 1-20 S Slave Addr Ack 0xF2-0xF4--See Subaddress 0xA2 tTransition = TBLC[7:0] x 1/LRCLK 0xF1 Ack Bass Filter Set N Subaddr 24 00000000 31 Ack 16 8 xxxxxxxx 0 Ack CH1-CH3 Volume CMDS tTransition = TBLC[7:0] x 1/LRCLK Treble and Bass Slew Rate TBLC[7:0] v Ack 0000000 s Ack c 15 Treble Filter Set N 00000000 23 7 Master Mute/Unmute 0xF0--See Subaddress 0xA2 0xF1--Also See Subaddress 0xA2 and Subaddress 0xF5 Reserved/Factory Test Subaddresses GPIO Port I/O Values and GPIO Parameters 0xEC-0xED PARAMETER(S) 0xEE-0xEF--See Subaddress 0xEB SUBADDRESS(ES) Subaddress--Bass and Treble Shelf Filter Parameters Treble/Bass Slew Rate Selection S 0xF1 Slave Addr Ack Subaddr CH3 7 Ack CH2 00000000 Ack 00000000 V Ack 0000000 S Ack C S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx xxxxxxxx Ack Treble/Bass Slew Rate = TBLC (Slew Rate = TBLC/Fs, Where Fs = Audio Sample Rate) CH1 Bass Filter Set Selection 0xF5 0 Ack CH2 CH3 CH1 Treble Filter Set Selection S 0xF7 Slave Addr Ack CH3 Subaddr Ack CH2 00000000 Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx Ack CH1 Bass Shelf Selection (Filter Index) 0xF6 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack CH3 CH1 CH2 Treble Shelf Selection (Filter Index) 0xF8 BASS FILTER 5 BASS FILTER 3 S Slave Addr Ack BASS FILTER 1 Subaddr MAX BOOST SHELF Ack 00000000 TREBLE FILTER 5 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx TREBLE FILTER 3 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack TREBLE FILTER 1 MID-BAND BASS FILTER 4 MAX CUT SHELF BASS FILTER 2 TREBLE FILTER 4 TREBLE FILTER 2 FREQUENCY Treble and Bass Filter Set Commands 0 => No Change 1 - 5 => Filter Sets 1 - 5 6 - 7 => Illegal (Behavior Indeterminate) Treble and Bass Filter Shelf Commands 0 => Illegal (Behavior Indeterminate) 1 - 150 => Filter Shelves 1 - 150 1 => +18-dB Boost 150 => -18-dB Cut 151 - 255 => Illegal (Behavior Indeterminate) 3-dB CORNERS (kHz) Fs (LRCLK) FILTER SET 5 FILTER SET 4 FILTER SET 3 FILTER SET 2 FILTER SET 1 BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE BASS TREBLE BASS 96 kHz 0.25 6 0.5 12 0.75 18 1 24 1.5 TREBLE 36 88.4 kHz 0.23 5.525 0.46 11.05 0.691 16.575 0.921 22.1 1.381 33.15 64 kHz 0.167 4 0.333 8 0.5 12 0.667 16 1 24 48 kHz 0.125 3 0.25 6 0.375 9 0.5 12 0.75 18 44.1 kHz 0.115 2.756 0.23 5.513 0.345 8.269 0.459 11.025 0.689 16.538 32 kHz 0.083 2 0.167 4 0.25 6 0.333 8 0.5 12 24 kHz 0.063 1.5 0.125 3 0.188 4.5 0.25 6 0.375 9 22.05 kHz 0.057 1.378 0.115 2.756 0.172 4.134 0.23 5.513 0.345 8.269 16 kHz 0.042 1 0.083 2 0.125 3 0.167 4 0.25 6 12 kHz 0.031 0.75 0.063 1.5 0.094 2.25 0.125 3 0.188 4.5 11.025 kHz 0.029 0.689 0.057 1.378 0.086 2.067 0.115 2.756 0.172 4.134 1-21 /32 /64 /128 /192 /256 /384 /512 Ack 0 1 x11 PLL SCLKOUT1 Ack 29 MUX 0 1 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /2 /4 /8 /16 /32 XTALI SCLKIN MUX 0 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MUX 22 IMS 23 32-bit 16-bit (default) 18-bit 20-bit 24-bit 32-bit 32-bit 32-bit Word Size 15 16 7 8 IM[3:0] DWFMT 15 8 0 0 Mode Ack OM[3:0] IOM Discrete, left-justified Discrete, left-justified (default) Discrete, right-justified Discrete, I2S Discrete, 16-bit packed TDM_LJ_8 TDM_LJ_6 TDM_LJ_4 TDM_I2S_8 TDM_I2S_6 TDM_I2S_4 TDM_20Bit_6 6-CH, single-chip, crystal (LJ) 6-CH, single-chip (LJ) 6-CH, single-chip, crystal (I2S) 6-CH, single-chip, 20-bit 3 7 Input and output mode selections are independent. IM3/OM3 IM2/OM2 IM1/OM1 IM0/OM0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 4 Ack OW[2:0] 11 10 IW[2:0] 13 Serial Audio Port (AP) Mode Code Ack AB 14 DWFMT (Data Word Format) Input and output word sizes are independent. Word Size Code IW2/OW2 IW1/OW1 IW0/OW0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 AB assigns TDM time slots for those TDM outputs involving two TAS3103As. For these output formats, one of the TAS3103A chips must be defined as AB = 0. The other TAS3103A chip must be defined as AB = 1. z[2:0] 19 18 MCLKI x[2:0] 21 /2 /4 /8 /16 /32 OSC XTALO ICS 0xF9 Ack /2 /4 24 y[2:0] 0 1 2 3 MUX 27 26 w[1:0] 28 /2 /4 MUX 000 31 PLL BYPASS MUX 1 0 Subaddr MUX SCLKOUT2 Slave Addr MUX 0 1 2 3 PLL[1:0] MCLKO CRYSTAL NOTE: See Section 2.1.1 for a detailed discussion of restrictions regarding updating of the 0xF9 register. I2S MASTER/SLAVE bit LRCLK MUX 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S I2C Block Digital Audio Processor Clock PLL1 PLL0 DIGITAL AUDIO FORMAT AND CLOCK MANAGEMENT I 1-22 1-23 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 0xFB /10 Ack I2C Master SCL 00000000 I2C Module I2C_SDA 00000000 1/(M+1) Ack n[2:0] 0 0xxxxxxx 3 2 1 0 /4 MUX MICROCLK_DIV m[3:0] 6 Microprocessor Clock I2C Sampling Clock /2N I2C_SCL I2C M AND N ASSIGNMENTS I2C M AND N ASSIGNMENTS Ack Digital Audio Processor Clock I2C Block Delay/Reverb Assignments 0xFA Delay S Delay CH1 = 2 x {D1[11:0] + 1} Delay CH2 = 2 x {D2[11:0] + 1} Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Reverb m l m l Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack D1 and R1 b b b b l m l m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack D2 and R2 b b b b l m l m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxx s Ack D3 and R3 b b b b Note: 2 x (D1 + D2 + D3) + 3 x (R1 +R2 +R3) 4076 Delay CH3 = 2 x {D3[11:0] + 1} Reserved Reverb CH1 = 2 x {R1[11:0] + 1} Reverb CH2 = 2 x {R2[11:0] + 1} Reverb CH3 = 2 x {R3[11:0] + 1} Reserved 1-24 NOTE: Changes in reverb and delay assignments can result in unpleasant and extended audio artifacts. It is recommended that the TAS3103A always be muted before making reverb and delay changes. See Section 3.6.3 for a detailed discussion of this restriction. SUBADDRESS(ES) 0xFC--See Subaddress 0x00 PARAMETER(S) Ending I2C Check Word 0xFD-0xFE--See Subaddress 0xBB Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter Outputs 0xFF--Volume Busy Flag Volume Flag S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000000x S S Volume Flag = 0 No volume commands are active. Volume Flag = 1 One or more volume commands are active. Ack 1-25 1-26 2 Hardware Architecture Figure 2-1 depicts the hardware architecture of the chip. The architecture consists of five major blocks: * Input serial audio port (SAP) * Output serial audio port (SAP) * DPLL and clock management * Controller * Digital audio processor (DAP) 2-1 SCLKIN MCLKI XTALI XTALO MCLKO /2 PLL1 PLL0 SCLKOUT1 /2 M U X MCLK /Z M U X /2 M U X PLL (x11) /4 M U X M U X /X M U X /Y SDIN1 MICROCLK_DIV SCLKOUT2 M U X OSC /2 LRCLK ORIN PLL and Clock Management 32 Bits 32 Bits 4K x 16 Delay Line RAM 32 Bits Dual Port Data RAM SDOUT1 Coefficient RAM Program ROM 256 Bits 32 Bits Arithmetic Engine SDIN2 DAP Instruction Decoder/Sequencer SDOUT2 76-Bit Adder 32 Bits SDIN3 Regs Regs Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Arithmetic Unit 64 Bits SDOUT3 32 Bits Controller SDIN4 64 Bits Volume Update 2K x 8 Data RAM 32 Bits 16K x 8 Program ROM Reg Reg INPUT SAP OUTPUT SAP 1/2N I2C Master/Slave Controller I2C_SDA I2C_SCL CS0 CS1 Oversample Clock Master SCL I2CM_S /10 1/(M+1) 256 x 8 Data RAM 8-Bit WARP 8051 Microprocessor GPIO0 Figure 2-1. TAS3103A Detailed Hardware Block Diagram 2-2 GPIO1 GPIO2 GPIO3 2.1 Input and Output Serial Audio Ports (SAPs) The TAS3103A accepts data in various serial data formats including left-/right-justified and I2S, 16 through 32 bits, discrete, or time-division multiplex (TDM). Sample rates from 8 kHz through 96 kHz are supported. Each TAS3103A has four input serial ports and three output serial ports, labeled SDIN[4:1] and SDOUT[3:1], respectively. All ports accommodate stereo data formats, and SDIN1 and SDOUT1 also accommodate TDM data formats. The formats are selectable via I2C commands. All input channels are assigned the same format and all output channels are assigned the same format; the two formats need not be the same. The TAS3103A can accommodate system architectures that require data format conversions without the need for additional glue logic. If a TDM format is selected for the input port, only SDIN1 is active; the other three input channels cannot be used. If a TDM format is selected for the output port, only SDOUT1 is active; the other two channels cannot be used. 2.1.1 SAP Configuration Options The TAS3103A serial interface data format options for discrete (stereo) data are detailed in Figure 2-2. Left-/RightJustified LRCLK I2S SCLK Bit 0 Bit 31 Left-Justified MSB LSB+1 MSB-1 LSB Bit 31 MSB Bit 0 LSB MSB-1 Bit 31 MSB MSB-1 SCLK Bit 31 Bit 0 Right-Justified MSB MSB-1 LSB+1 Bit 31 Bit 0 LSB MSB MSB-1 Bit 31 LSB LSB+1 SCLK Bit 0 I2S Bit 31 MSB Bit 0 MSB-1 LSB LSB+1 Bit 31 MSB Bit 0 MSB-1 LSB LSB+1 Bit 31 MSB Figure 2-2. Discrete Serial Data Formats When the TAS3103A is transmitting serial data, it uses the negative edge of SCLK to output a new data bit. The TAS3103A samples incoming serial data on the rising edge of SCLK. The TDM modes on the TAS3103A only provide left-justified and I2S formats, and each word in the TDM data stream adheres to the bit placement shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-3 illustrates the output data stream for a 4-channel TDM mode. Two cases are illustrated; an I2S data format case (SAP output mode 1010) and a left-justified data format case (SAP output mode 0111). LRCLK Left CH1 LeftJustified Data MSB MSB-1 Left CH2 LSB MSB MSB-1 Right CH1 LSB MSB MSB-1 Right CH2 LSB MSB MSB-1 LSB MSB LRCLK I2S Left CH1 Data MSB MSB-1 Left CH2 LSB MSB MSB-1 Right CH1 LSB MSB MSB-1 Right CH2 LSB MSB MSB-1 LSB Figure 2-3. Four-Channel TDM Serial Data Formats 2-3 A 16-bit field contained in the 32-bit word located at I2C subaddress 0xF9 configures both the input and output serial audio ports. Figure 2-4 illustrates the format of this 16-bit field. The data is shown in the transmitted I2C protocol format, and thus, in addition to the data, the start bit S, the slave address, the subaddress, and the acknowledges required by every byte are also shown. Output Port TDM Alignment I 0xF9 15 14 AB 31 24 23 16 Input Port Word Size 13 Output Port Word Size 11 10 8 IW[2:0] OW[2:0] 15 8 DWFMT (Data Word Format) 7 0 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack DWFMT Ack IOM Ack 7 4 3 0 IM[3:0] OM[3:0] Input Port Format Output Port Format Figure 2-4. SAP Configuration Subaddress Fields Commands to reconfigure the SAP cannot be issued as stand-alone commands, but must accompany mute and unmute commands. The reason for this is that an SAP configuration change while a volume, bass, or treble update is taking place can cause the update not to be completed properly. Figure 2-5 shows the recommended procedure for issuing SAP configuration update commands. After a reset, ensure that 0xF9 is written before volume, treble, or bass. 2-4 Enter Yes Vol Busy No Issue Mute Command Yes Vol Busy No Issue SAP Configuration Change Command Issue Unmute Command Yes Vol Busy No Mute Command = 0x00000007 at subaddress 0xF0 Unmute command = 0x00000000 at subaddress 0xF0 SAP configuration subaddress = 0xF9 Volume busy flag = LSB of subaddress 0xFF. Logic 1 = busy Exit Figure 2-5. Recommended Procedure for Issuing SAP Configuration Updates Figure 2-6, Figure 2-7, and Figure 2-8 tabularize the formatting and word size options available for the input SAP and output SAP. In these figures, data formats are paired when the only difference between the pair is whether the word placement within the LRCLK period is left-justified or I2S. The TDM formats available include single-chip TDM output formats (SDOUT1chipA or SDOUT1chipB) and two-chip TDM output formats (SDOUT1chipA ORed with SDOUT1chipB). For two-chip TDM output formats, the ORing operation is accomplished by routing SDOUT1 from one of the two TAS3103A chips to ORIN of the other TAS3103A chip. The AB bit also comes into play for two-chip TDM formats; AB must be set to 1 on one of the two TAS3103A chips and set to 0 on the other TAS3103A chip. For a given connection of SDOUT1 to ORIN, it does not matter which TAS3103A is set up as chip AB = 1 and which chip is set up as chip AB = 0. However, the routing of the processed data to the output registers in the TAS3103A depends on which chip is chip AB = 0 and which chip is chip AB = 1. Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11 illustrate this dependence. 2-5 In Figure 2-10 and Figure 2-11, the paired TDM output formats 0101 and 1000 are unique in that each format, in effect, services two distinct industry formats. For these two modes, if register Y in chip AB = 1 is set to zero (by appropriate output mixer coefficient settings), the resulting format is a standard 8-CH TDM format. This option is illustrated in Figure 2-7. 2-6 2-7 All options valid All options valid except 32-bit 8-CH transfer, leftjustified 8-CH transfer, I2S(5) 0101 1000 All options valid All options valid except 32-bit IW[2:0] = 011 All options valid All options valid except 32-bit 4-CH, I2S(5) 6-CH, 20-bit 6-CH data, 8 CH transfer, left-justified 6-CH data, 8 CH transfer, I2S(5) 1010 1011/1111(4) 1100 1110 All options valid except 32-bit 4-CH, left-justified 6-CH, I2S(5) 0111 1001(3) All options valid IW[2:0] = 001 16-bit packed 0100 6-CH, left-justified All options valid except 32-bit I2S(5) 0011 0110/1101 (2)(3) All options valid Right-justified 0010 All options valid WORD SIZE Left-justified FORMAT 000X(1) IM[3:0] E C 32 E 32 20 20 L C 32 E E 32 G 32 L C 32 A L 32 A 20 A 32 4 A 32 C L 32 32 32 C L 32 32 F 32 H 16 16 A B R B R 20 F SCLKs F 32 D R 32 R 20 D R 32 B 32 D R R SCLKs 32 D 32 F 32 A L 32 A L SDIN1 D 32 B 32 B 20 B SCLKs 32 SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs 32 B 32 32 D R Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available 32 C L SDIN2 32 F R Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available 32 E L SDIN3 DATA DISTRIBUTION: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H = INPUT MIXER INPUTS Figure 2-6. Format Options: Input Serial Audio Port NOTES: 1. Left-justified, stereo is the default input format. 2. IM[3:0] modes 0110 and 1101 are identical for the input SAP. OM[3:0] modes 0110 and 1101 do produce different results in the output SAP (see Figure 2-7). 3. If a 6 CH input format is selected, the output format must also be set to 6 CH. When in a 6 CH mode, data format selections--I2S and left-justified--for the 6 CH input SAP can be made independent of the data format selections--I2S and left-justified--made for the 6 CH output SAP. 4. IM[3:0] modes 1011 and 1111 are identical for the input SAP. OM[3:0] modes 1011 and 1111 do produce different results in the output SAP (see Figure 2-7). 5. LRCLK for the I2S format is L R . TIMEDIVISION MULTIPLEX (TDM) DISCRETE INPUT TYPE 2-8 All options valid All options valid All options valid except 32-bit 6-CH, 2-chip, leftjustified 6-CH, 2-chip, I2S(2) 4-CH, left-justified 4-CH, I2S(2) 0110(1) 1001(1) 0111 1010 6-CH, 20-bit 1111 1110 OW[2:0] = 011 All options valid 6-CH data, All options valid except 32-bit 8-CH transfer, I2S(2) 1100 1101(1) All options valid 6-CH data, 8-CH transfer, left-justified 6-CH, left-justified OW[2:0] = 011 6-CH, 2-chip, 20-bit 1011 All options valid except 32-bit 8-CH, 2-chip, I2S(2) 1000 All options valid except 32-bit All options valid WORD SIZE 8-CH, 2-chip, leftjustified FORMAT 0101 OM[3:0] AB = 0 AB = 1 AB = 0 AB = 1 AB = 0 L U V 20 L W 20 20 20 W 32 32 L V V 20 32 U L 32 U 32 U 20 V 20 4 32 W 32 4 4 V 32 U 32 32 L 32 U 20 32 32 U 32 32 V 32 L 32 V 32 U 32 20 AB = 1 AB = 0 32 32 32 U V U 32 L 20 X W R 32 R 32 20 R 32 Y 20 V 20 Y Y X 32 32 Y 32 R 32 W 32 X 32 X 20 20 W 32 R 32 32 W 32 32 W SDOUT1 32 W 32 32 Y 32 X 32 Z 32 Z 20 W 20 4 SCLKs 20 Z R R 32 SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs 4 4 SCLKs SCLKs SCLKs 32 X 32 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available SDOUT2 Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available SDOUT3 DATA DISTRIBUTION: U, V, W, X, Y, Z = OUTPUT MIXER OUTPUTS Figure 2-7. TDM Format Options: Output Serial Audio Port NOTES: 1. If a 6-CH output format is selected, the input format must also be set to 6-CH. When in a 6-CH mode, data format selections--I2S and left-justified--for the output SAP can be made independent of the data format selections--I2S and left-justified--that are made for the input SAP 2. LRCLK for the I2S format is L R . TIMEDIVISION MULTIPLEX (TDM) OUTPUT TYPE 2-9 OW[2:0] = 001 0011 16-bit packed All options valid except 32-bit I2S(2) 0100 All options valid Right-justified 0010 All options valid WORD SIZE Left-justified FORMAT 000X(1) OM[3:0] V 16 16 R L U 32 V R 32 U L SDOUT1 SCLKs SCLKs 0 0 1 1 1 1 18 Bit 20 Bit 24 Bit 32 Bit (32) (32) 0 0 (32) 16 Bit 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 IW1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 IW0 INPUT IW[2:0] IW2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 OW1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 OW0 OUTPUT OW[2:0] OW2 Figure 2-9. Word-Size Settings (32) Reserved for future family members. Selection of 000, 110, or 111 in the TAS3103A selects a 32-bit sample size. DEFAULT SAMPLE SIZE 32 X R Not available 32 W L SDOUT2 32 Z R Not available 32 Y L SDOUT3 DATA DISTRIBUTION: U, V, W, X, Y, Z = OUTPUT MIXER OUTPUTS Figure 2-8. Discrete Format Options: Output Serial Audio Port NOTES: 1. Left-justified, stereo is the default input format. 2. LRCLK for the I2S format is L R . DISCRETE OUTPUT TYPE TAS3103A SDOUT1 U1 (AB = 1) LRCLK L LRCLK R L R ORIN U2 U 32 V 32 32 W 32 32 X SDOUT1U1 32 32 32 W 0 X 32 32 32 SCLKs UU2 UU1 VU2 VU1 WU2 WU1 XU2 XU1 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 SCLKs 32 SCLKs TAS3103A SDOUT1 U1 U 32 V 32 32 32 32 SCLKs U2 (AB = 0) ORIN Figure 2-10. 8-CH TDM Format Using SAP Modes 0101 and 1000 TAS3103A SDOUT1 U1 (AB = 0) LRCLK L LRCLK R L R ORIN U1 U V 32 32 32 32 W 32 32 32 32 0 32 SDOUT1U1 32 32 32 W Y 0 32 32 32 32 SCLKs UU1 UU2 VU1 32 32 32 32 WU1 WU2 YU2 32 32 32 TAS3103A SDOUT1 U2 U 0 SCLKs U2 (AB = 1) ORIN Figure 2-11. 6-CH Data, 8-CH Transfer TDM Format Using SAP Modes 0101 and 1000 For these same two modes, if register X in chip AB = 0 is set to zero, and registers V and X in chip AB = 1 are set to zero, the resulting format is a 6-CH data, 8-CH transfer format. This option is shown in Figure 2-11. The data output format in Figure 2-11 is identical to that realized using data output formats 1100 and 1110 in Figure 2-7. The difference is that SAP modes 1010 and 1000 provide six independent monaural channels to process the data, whereas SAP modes 1100 and 1110 provide only three independent monaural channels to process the data. 2.1.2 Processing Flow--SAP Input to SAP Output All SAP data format options other than I2S result in a two-sample delay from input to output, as illustrated in Figure 2-12. Figure 2-12 is also relevant if I2S formatting is used for both the input SAP and the output SAP (the polarity of LRCLK in Figure 2-12 must be inverted in this case). However, if I2S format conversions are performed between input and output, the delay becomes either 1.5 samples or 2.5 samples, depending on the processing clock frequency selected for the digital audio processor (DAP) relative to the sample rate of the incoming data. The input-to-output delay for an I2S input format and a non-I2S output format is illustrated in Figure 2-13(a), and Figure 2-13(b) illustrates the delay for a non-I2S input format and an I2S output format. In each case, two distinct input-to-output delay times are shown: a 1.5-sample delay time if the processing time in the DAP is less than half the sample period, and a 2.5-sample delay time if the processing time in the DAP is greater than half the sample period. The departure from the two-sample input-to-output processing delay when I2S format conversions are performed is due to the use of a common LRCLK. The I2S format uses the falling edge of LRCLK to begin a sample period, whereas all other formats use the rising edge of LRCLK to begin a sample period. This means that the input SAP and digital audio processor (DAP) operate on sample windows that are 180 out of phase with respect to the sample window used by the output SAP. This phase difference results in the output SAP outputting a new data sample at the midpoint of the sample period used by the DAP to process the data. If the processing cycle completes all processing tasks before the midpoint of the processing sample period, the output SAP outputs this processed data. However, if the processing time extends past the midpoint of the processing sample period, the output SAP outputs the data processed during the previous processing sample period. In the former case, the delay from input to output is 1.5 samples. In the latter case, the delay from input to output is 2.5 samples. 2-10 2-11 SDIN4 SDIN3 SDIN2 SDIN1 SDIN4 SDIN3 SDIN2 SDIN1 G E C A Serial Input Rx Holding Regs Regs H F D B Input Holding Regs H F D B Input Holding Regs Sample Time N G E C A Serial Input Rx Holding Regs Regs Sample Time N SDIN1 Sample Time N G E C H F D CH3 CH2 CH3 CH2 CH1 Z Y X W V SDIN4 SDIN3 SDIN2 G E C H F D B Input Holding Regs Figure 2-12. SAP Input-to-Output Latency SDOUT3 SDOUT2 A Serial Input Rx Holding Regs Regs CH3 CH2 CH1 Sample Time N + 1 SDOUT1 SDIN4 SDIN3 SDIN2 B CH1 Sample Time N + 2 Sample Time N + 2 SDOUT3 SDOUT2 A Sample Time N + 1 U Z Y X W V U SDIN1 Sample Time N + 1 CH3 CH2 CH1 SDOUT1 Input Holding Regs Sample Time N + 1 Serial Input Rx Holding Regs Regs 2nd Half - Sample Time N Sample Time N Sample Time N + 1 Sample Time N + 2 1st Half - Sample Time N Z Y X W V U Z Y X W V U Sample Time N + 2 Sample Time N + 2 SDOUT3 SDOUT2 SDOUT1 SDOUT3 SDOUT2 SDOUT1 LRCLK SDIN L2 R3 L4 L2, R2 R4 L3, R3 Load Output Holding Registers Holding Register Output Serial Registers L0 SDOUT Processing Cycle 1.5Cycle Delay L3 L1, R1 Processing Cycle 2.5Cycle Delay R2 L1, R1 R0 L1 R1 L2 L3, R3 L2, R2 Load Output Holding Registers Holding Register Output Serial Registers SDOUT R0 L1 R1 L2 R2 L3 (a) Left-Justified Input / I2S Output LRCLK SDIN Processing Cycle 2.5Cycle Delay L2 L3 L1, R1 R3 L2, R2 L4 R4 L3, R3 Load Output Holding Registers Holding Register Output Serial Registers L0 SDOUT Processing Cycle 1.5Cycle Delay R2 L1, R1 R0 L1 R1 L2 L3, R3 L2, R2 Load Output Holding Registers Holding Register Output Serial Registers SDOUT R0 L1 R1 L2 R2 L3 (b) I2S Input / Left-Justified Output Figure 2-13. SAP Input-to-Output Latency for I2S Format Conversions The delay from input to output can thus be either 1.5 or 2.5 sample times when data format conversions are performed that involve the I2S format. However, which delay time is obtained for a particular application is determinable and fixed for that application, providing care is taken in the selection of MCLKI/XTALI with respect to the incoming sample clock LRCLK. 2-12 Table 2-1 lists all viable clock selections for a given audio sample rate (LRCLK). The table only includes those clock choices that allow enough processing throughput to accomplish all tasks within a given sample time (Ts = 1/LRCLK). For each entry in the table, the DAP processing time is given in terms of whether the time is greater than 0.5 Ts (resulting in an input-to-output delay of 2.5 Ts), or less than 0.5 Ts (resulting in an input-to-output delay of 1.5 Ts). Table 2-1 is valid for both master and slave I2S modes (bit IMS at subaddress 0xF9 determines I2S master/slave selection--see DPLL and Clock Management, Section 2.2). For all applications, MCLK must be 128 LRCLK (Fs). In the I2S master mode, MCLK, SCLK (I2S bit clock), and LRCLK are all harmonically related. Furthermore, in the I2S master mode, if a master clock value given in Table 2-1 is used, the latency realized in performing I2S format conversions, 1.5 samples or 2.5 samples, is stable and fixed over the duration of operation. However, greater care must be taken for the I2S slave mode. In this mode, the device has the proper operational throughput to perform all required computations as long as MCLK is 128 LRCLK. But there is not a requirement that MCLK be harmonically related to SCLK and LRCLK. Values of MCLK could be chosen such that the output dithers between latencies of 1.5 and 2.5 sample times. There may be cases where part of the data stream output exhibits sample time latencies of 1.5 Ts and the other portion of the output data stream exhibits sample time latencies of 2.5 Ts. To ensure that such cases do not happen in the I2S slave mode, the relationships between MCLK and LRCLK given in Table 2-1 should be followed for data format conversions involving the I2S format. The MCLKI/XTALI frequencies given in Table 2-1 (if set to within 5% of the nominal value shown) ensure that the DAP processing time falls above 0.5 Ts or below 0.5 Ts with enough margin to ensure that there is no race condition between the outputting of data and the completion of the processing tasks. Table 2-1. TAS3103A Throughput Latencies vs MCLK and LRCLK AUDIO SAMPLE RATE (LRCLK) 96 kHz 88.2 kHz 48 kHz 44.1 kHz 32 kHz 24 kHz 22.05 kHz 8 kHz DAP(1) CLOCK (PLL_OUTPUT) DAP CLOCK CYCLES/LRCLK DAP PROCESSING TIME THROUGHPUT DELAY 24.576 MHz, 12.288 MHz 135.168 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 22.5792 MHz, 11.2896 MHz 124.1856 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 24.576 MHz, 12.288 MHz 135.168 MHz 2816 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts MASTER CLOCK(2) (MCLKI/XTALI) 24.576 MHz, 12.288 MHz, 6.144 MHz 67.584 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 22.5792 MHz, 11.2896 MHz 124.1856 MHz 2816 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 22.5792 MHz, 11.2896 MHz, 5.6448 MHz 62.0928 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 16.384 MHz, 8.192 MHz 90.112 MHz 2816 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 16.384 MHz, 8.192 MHz, 4.096 MHz 45.056 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 24.576 MHz, 12.2858 MHz 135.168 MHz 5632 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 24.576 MHz, 12.2858 MHz, 6.144 MHz 67.584 MHz 2816 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 12.288 MHz, 6.144 MHz, 3.072 MHz 33.792 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 22.5792 MHz, 11.2896 MHz 124.1856 MHz 5632 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 22.5792 MHz, 11.2896 MHz, 5.6448 MHz 62.0928 MHz 2816 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 11.2896 MHz, 5.6448 MHz, 2.8224 MHz 31.0464 MHz 1408 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts 24.576 MHz, 12.288 MHz 135.168 MHz 16896 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 24.576 MHz, 12.288 MHz, 6.144 MHz 67.584 MHz 8448 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 12.288 MHz, 6.144 MHz, 3.072 MHz 33.792 MHz 4224 < Ts/2 1.5 Ts 6.144 MHz, 3.072 MHz, 1.536 MHz 16.896 MHz 2112 > Ts/2 2.5 Ts NOTES: 1. DAP clock is the internal digital audio processor clock. It is equal to 11 x MCLK1/XTALI, 11/2 x MCLKI/XTALI, or 11/4 x MCLKI/XTALI (as determined by a bit field in I2C subaddress 0xF9). The DAP clock must always be greater than or equal to 1400 Fs (LRCLK). 2. Unless in PLL bypass, MCLKI must be 20 MHz. 3. XTALI must always be 20 MHz. 2-13 2.2 DPLL and Clock Management Clock management for the TAS3103A consists of two control structures: * Master clock management: oversees the selection of the clock frequencies for the microprocessor, the I2C controller, and the digital audio processor (DAP). The master clock (MCLKI or XTALI) serves as the source for these clocks. In most applications, the master clock is input to an on-chip digital phase-locked loop (DPLL), and the DPLL output is used to drive the microprocessor and DAP clocks. A DPLL bypass mode can also be used, in which case the master clock is used to drive the microprocessor and DAP clocks. * Serial audio port (SAP) clock management: oversees SAP master/slave mode, the settings of SCLKOUT1 and SCLKOUT2, and the setting of LRCLK in the SAP master mode. Figure 2-15 illustrates the clock circuitry in the TAS3103A. The bold lines in Figure 2-15 highlight the default settings at power turnon, or after a reset. Inputs MCLKI and XTALI source the master clock for the TAS3103A. Within the TAS3103A, these two inputs are combined by an OR gate, and thus only one of these two sources can be active at any one time. The source that is not active must be set to logic 0. In normal operation, the master clock is divided by 1, 2, or 4 as determined by the logic levels set at input pins PLL0 and PLL1 (the state of PLL0, PLL1, and MICROCLK_DIV should only be changed while the TAS3103A RST is held LOW) and then multiplied by 11 in frequency by the on-chip DPLL. The DPLL output (or MCLKI/XTALI if the DPLL is bypassed) is the processing clock used by the digital audio processor (DAP). The DAP processing clock can also serve as the clock for the on-chip microprocessor, or the DAP clock can be divided by four prior to sending it to the microprocessor. The input pin MICROCLK_DIV makes this clock choice. A logic 1 input level on this pin selects the DAP clock for the microprocessor clock; a logic 0 input level on this pin selects the DAP clock/4 for the microprocessor clock. Table 2-2 lists the primary clock modes of the TAS3103A. 2-14 Table 2-2. Sample Rate and CLK Ratios Sample Rate DAP Cycles Req'd MCLK RATIO 768 512 384 256 192 128 PLL[1:0] = 00 96 134,400 135.168 88.1 123,340 124.0448 48 67,200 44.1 61,740 32 44,800 135.168 135.168 101.376 67.584 124.1856 93.1392 62.0928 90.112 67.584 45.056 24 33,600 135.168 101.376 67.584 50.688 33.792 22.1 30,940 124.4672 93.3504 62.2336 46.6752 31.1168 8 11,200 45.056 33.792 22.528 16.896 96 134,400 135.168 88.1 123,340 124.0448 67.584 PLL[1:0] = 01 48 67,200 135.168 101.376 67.584 44.1 61,740 124.4672 93.1392 62.0928 32 44,800 135.168 90.112 67.584 45.056 24 33,600 101.376 67.584 50.688 33.792 22.1 30,940 93.3504 62.2336 46.6752 31.1168 8 11,200 33.792 22.528 16.896 PLL[1:0] = 10 96 134,400 88.1 123,340 48 67,200 44.1 61,740 32 44,800 67.584 62.0928 67.584 45.056 24 33,600 50.688 33.792 22.1 30,940 46.6752 31.1168 8 11,200 16.896 11.264 2.2.1 TAS3103A Sample-Rate Changes The TAS3103A supports dynamic sample rate changes when a fixed-frequency master clock is provided. During dynamic sample-rate changes, the TAS3103A remains in normal operation and the register contents are preserved. To avoid producing audio artifacts during sample-rate changes, the volume or mute control may be included in the application firmware that can mute the output signal during the sample-rate change. The fixed-frequency clock can be provided by a crystal attached to XTLI and XTLO, or an external fixed-frequency master clock attached to MCLKI. When the TAS3103A is used in a system in which the master clock frequency can change, then any time MCLK is stopped or the frequency is changed, reset should be applied. If the system master clock frequency changes or stops, reset should be applied. In these cases, the following procedures should be used (see Figure 2-14). 2-15 Enable Mute These two steps ensure that the device does not produce audible artifacts during the sample rate changes Yes Vol Busy No Set RST Low Change Sample Rate No Are Clocks Stable? Yes Set RST High Wait 5 ms Set Clock and SAP Parameters Wait 1 ms Restore Volume Settings Figure 2-14. Load Coefficient and Restore Volume Settings 2-16 2.2.2 The Microprocessor Clock and I2C The selected microprocessor clock is also used to drive the clocks used by the I2C control block. Two parameters, N and M, define the clocks used by the I2C control block. The I2C control block sampling frequency is set by 1/2N, where N can range in value from 0 to 7. A 1/(1 + M) divisor followed by a 1/10 divisor generates the data bit clock (SCL). This derived SCL clock is only used when the I2C control block is set to master mode (input pin I2CM_S = 1). The default value for the I2C parameter N depends on whether the I2C controller is in slave mode (I2CM_S = 0) or master mode (I2CM_S = 1). In the I2C master mode, N = 2 (2N = 4), which ensures that a 100-kHz I2C data clock (SCL) can be generated when the digital audio processor (DAP) is running at its maximum frequency of 135 MHz. In the I2C slave mode, N = 0 (2N = 1), which ensures the I2C controller an adequate oversampling clock when the DAP is running at the minimum clock frequency required to process 8-kHz audio data (approximately 11.2 MHz). In I2C master mode, the values for M and N are fixed and cannot be changed. SCLKIN MCLKI XTALI MCLKO XTALO /2 PLL1 PLL0 SCLKOUT1 /2 MCLK M U X /2 / Z = 2DEFAULT MICROCLK_DIV SCLKOUT2 M U X OSC /2 LRCLK M U X PLL (x11) M U X /4 M U X M U X / X = 1DEFAULT M U X /Y = 64DEFAULT PLL and Clock Management Input SAP Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Output SAP Microprocessor and I2C Bus Controller I2C Master/Slave Controller I2C_SDA I2C_SCL N = 0 (I2C Slave Default) = 2 (I2C Master Default) 1/2N Oversample Clock Master SCL /10 1/(M+1) 8-Bit WARP 8051 Microprocessor I2CM_S Figure 2-15. DPLL and Clock Management Block Diagram 2-17 When the SAP is in the master mode, it uses the MCLKI/XTALI master clock to drive the serial port clocks SCLKOUT1, SLCKOUT2, and LRCLK. When the SAP is in the slave mode, LRCLK is an input and SCLKOUT2 and SCLKOUT1 are derived from SCLKIN. As shown in Figure 2-15, SCLKOUT1 clocks data into the input SAP and SCLKOUT2 clocks data from the output SAP. Two distinct clocks are required to support TDM-to-discrete and discrete-to-TDM data format conversions. Such format conversions also require that SCLKIN be the higher valued bit clock frequency. For TDM-in/discrete-out format conversions, SCLKIN must be equal to the input bit clock. For discrete-in/TDM-out format conversions, SCLKIN must be equal to the output bit clock. The frequency settings for SCLKOUT1, SCLKOUT2, and LRCLK in the SAP master mode, as well as the SAP master/slave mode selection, are all controlled by I2C commands. Table 2-3 lists the default settings at power turnon or after a received reset. Table 2-3. TAS3103A Clock Default Settings CLOCK DEFAULT SETTING SCLKOUT1 SCLKIN SCLKOUT2 SCLKIN LRCLK Input MCLKO MCLKI or XTALI DAP processing clock Set by pins PLL0 and PLL1 Microprocessor clock I2C sampling clock Set by pin MICROCLK_DIV I2C master mode Microprocessor clock/4 I2C slave mode Microprocessor clock I2C sampling clock/90 I2C master SCL The selections provided by the dedicated TAS3103A input pins and the programmable settings provided by I2C subaddress commands give the TAS3103A a wealth of clocking options. Table 2-1, in the section describing the SAP, lists typical clocking selections for different audio sampling rates. However, the following clocking restrictions must be adhered to: * MCLKI or XTALI 128 Fs (NOTE: For some TDM modes, MCLKI or XTALI must be 256 Fs) * DAP clock 1400 x Fs * DAP clock < 136 MHz * Microprocessor clock/20 I2C SCL clock * Microprocessor clock 35 MHz * XTALI 20 MHz * MCLKI 25 MHz, unless PLL is bypassed As long as these restrictions are met, all other clocking options are allowed. 2.3 Controller The controller serves as the interface between the DAP, the asynchronous I2C bus interface, and the four general-purpose I/O (GPIO) pins. Included in the controller block is an industry-standard 8051 microprocessor and an I2C master/slave bus controller. 2.3.1 8051 Microprocessor The 8051 microprocessor receives and distributes I2C write data, retrieves and outputs to the I2C bus controller the required I2C read data, and participates in most processing tasks requiring multiframe processing cycles. The microprocessor also controls the flow of data into and out of the GPIO pins, which includes volume control when in the I2C master mode. The microprocessor has its own data RAM for storing intermediate values and queuing I2C commands, and a fixed program ROM. The microprocessor program cannot be altered. 2-18 I2C Bus Controller 2.3.2 The TAS3103A has a bidirectional, two-wire, I2C-compatible interface. Both 100-kbps and 400-kbps data transfer rates are supported, and the TAS3103A controller can serve as either a master I2C device or a slave I2C device. Master/slave operation is defined by the logic level input into pin I2CM_S (logic 1 = master mode, logic 0 = slave mode). If the voltage input level to I2CM_S is changed, the TAS3103A must be reset. In the I2C master mode, data rate transfer is fixed at 100 kHz, assuming MCLKI or XTALI = 12.288 MHz, PLL0 = PLL1 = 0, and MICROCLK_DIV = 0. In the I2C slave mode, data rate transfer is determined by the master device. However, the setting of I2C parameter N at subaddress 0xFB (see DPLL and Clock Management, Section 2.2) does play a role in setting the data transfer rate. In the I2C slave mode, bit rates other than (and including) the I2C-specific 100-kbps and 400-kbps bit rates can be obtained, but N must always be set so that the oversample clock into the I2C master/slave controller is at least a factor of 20 higher in frequency than SCL. The I2C communication protocol for the I2C slave mode is shown in Figure 2-16. Start (By Master) Read or Write (By Master) Stop (By Master) Slave Address (By Master) S 0 1 1 0 1 Data Byte (By Transmitter) C C R A S S / C 1 0 W K M S B Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) I2C_SDA MSB MSB-1 MSB-2 Data Byte (By Transmitter) L S B A C K M S B Acknowledge (By Receiver) L S B A C K S Acknowledge (By Receiver) LSB I2C_SCL Stop Condition Start Condition I2C_SDA While I2C_SCL = 1 I2C_SDA While I2C_SCL = 1 Bits CS1 and CS0 in the TAS3103A slave address are compared to the logic levels on pins CS0 and CS1 for address verification. This provides the ability to address up to four TAS3103A chips on the same I2C bus. Figure 2-16. I2C Slave-Mode Communication Protocol In the slave mode, the I2C bus is used to: * Update coefficient values and output data to those GPIO ports configured as output. * Read status flags, input data from those GPIO ports configured as inputs and retrieve spectrum analyzer/VU meter data. In the master mode, the I2C bus is used to download a user-specific configuration from an I2C compatible EEPROM. In the slave mode only, specific registers and memory locations in the TAS3103A are accessible with the use of I2C subaddresses. There are 256 such I2C subaddresses. The protocol required to access a specific subaddress is presented in Figure 2-17. As shown in Figure 2-17, a read transaction requires that the master device first issue a write transaction to give the TAS3103A the subaddress to be used in the read transaction that follows. This subaddress assignment write transaction is then followed by the read transaction. For write transactions, the subaddress is supplied in the first byte of data written, and this byte is followed by the data to be written. For write transactions, the subaddress must always 2-19 be included in the data written. There cannot be a separate write transaction to supply the subaddress, as was required for read transactions. If a subaddress assignment only write transaction is followed by a second write transaction supplying the data, erroneous behavior results. The first byte in the second write transaction is interpreted by the TAS3103A as another subaddress replacing the one previously written. I2C Read Transaction Start (By Master) S TAS3103A Subaddress (By Master) Write (By Master) TAS3103A Address 7-Bit Slave Address (By Master) W ACK Stop Start (By Master) (By Master) ACK Subaddress Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) S S Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Read (By Master) TAS3103A Address 7-Bit Slave Address (By Master) R Data (By TAS3103A) ACK Data Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Stop (By Master) Data (By TAS3103A) ACK Data Acknowledge (By Master) ACK NAK S Acknowledge (By Master) No Acknowledge (By Master) I2C Write Transaction Start (By Master) S Write (By Master) TAS3103A Address 7-Bit Slave Address (By Master) W ACK TAS3103A Subaddress (By Master) Subaddress Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Data (By Master) ACK Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Data Stop (By Master) Data (By Master) ACK Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Data ACK ACK S Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Acknowledge (By TAS3103A) Figure 2-17. I2C Subaddress Access Protocol I2C Master Mode Operation The TAS3103A uses the master mode to download an operational configuration. The I2C in master mode is only used to download initialization parameters from EEPROM following reset or power down. The configuration downloaded must contain data for all 256 subaddresses, with spacer data supplied for those subaddresses that are GPIO subaddresses, read-only subaddresses, factory-test subaddresses, or unused (reserved) subaddresses. The spacer data must always be assigned the value zero. Table 2-4 organizes the 256 subaddresses (and their corresponding EEPROM addresses) into sequential blocks, with each block containing either valid data or spacer data. Table 2-4 also illustrates that the subaddresses and their corresponding EEPROM memory addresses do not directly correlate. This is because many subaddresses are assigned more than one 32-bit word. For example, there is a unique subaddress for each biquad filter in the TAS3103A, but each subaddress is assigned five 32-bit coefficients--resulting in 20 bytes of memory being assigned to each biquad subaddress. The TAS3103A, in the I2C master mode, can execute a complete download without requiring any wait states. After the TAS3103A has downloaded all 2367 bytes of coefficient and spacer data, the I2C bus is disabled and cannot be used to update coefficient values or retrieve status or spectrum/VU meter data. Volume control is available in the master mode via the four GPIO pins. In I2C master mode, the watchdog timer must not be enabled. When programming the EEPROM, make sure that the starting I2C check word (subaddress 0x00) and ending I2C check word (subaddress 0xFC) are identical. 2-20 Table 2-4. I2C EEPROM Data (1)(2) DATA TYPE Starting I2C check word--must match ending check word Valid data EEPROM BYTE ADDRESSES SUBADDRESS(ES) 0x000-0x003 0x00 Input mixers--set 1 0x004-0x0CF 0x01-0x33 Effects block biquads 0x0D0-0x2AF 0x34-0x4B Reverberation (reverb) block mixers 0x2B0-0x2C7 0x4C-0x4E CH1 biquads 0x2C8-0x3B7 0x4F-0x5A CH2 biquads 0x3B8-0x4A7 0x5B-0x66 CH3 biquads 0x4A8-0x597 0x67-0x72 Bass and treble inline/bypass mixers 0x590-0x5AF 0x73-0x75 DRC mixers 0x5B0-0x5DF 0x76-0x7E Dither input mixers 0x5E0-0x5EB 0x7F-0x81 CH3 (subwoofer) to CH1/CH2 (L/R) mixers 0x5EC-0x5F3 0x82-0x83 Spectrum analyzer/VU meter mixers 0x5F4-0x60B 0x84-0x89 Output mixers 0x60C-0x66B 0x8A-0xA1 CH1 loudness parameters 0x66C-0x697 0xA2-0xA6 CH2 loudness parameters 0x698-0x6C3 0xA7-0xAB CH3 loudness parameters 0x6C4-0x6EF 0xAC-0xB0 CH1/CH2 DRC parameters 0x6F0-0x733 0xB1-0xB5 CH3 DRC parameters 0x734-0x777 0xB6-0xBA Spectrum analyzer parameters 0x778-0x847 0xBB-0xC5 Dither output mixers 0x848-0x84F 0xC6 Dither speed 0x850-0x853 0xC7 0x854-0x85F 0xC8-0xC9 0x860-0x87F 0xCA-0xD1 Factory Test Data (EEPROM Spacer Data) - Zeros Valid data Input mixers--set 2 0x880-0x8E3 0xD2-0xEA Valid data Watchdog timer enable--must be disabled = 00 00 00 01 0x8E4-0x8E7 0xEB Factory Test Data (EEPROM Spacer Data) - Zeros 0x8E8-0x8EF 0xEC-0xED (3) GPIO port parameters 0x8F0-0x8F7 0xEE-0xEF Volume parameters 0x8F8-0x90B 0xF0-0xF4 Bass/treble filter selections I2S command word 0x90C-0x91R 0xF5-0xF8 0x91C-0x91F 0xF9 Delay/reverb settings I2C M and N 0x920-0x92B 0xFA 0x92C-0x92F 0xFB Ending I2C check word--must match starting check word 0x930-0x933 0xFC 0x934-0x941 0xFD-0xFF Spacer Data Valid data Read Only Data (EEPROM Spacer Data) NOTES: 1. EEPROM organization must be big-endian--MS byte of data word allocated to the lowest address in memory. 2. EEPROM device ID = A0. 3. For subaddresses 0xEC and 0xED, the EEPROM byte space does not coincide. The I2C master mode also uses the starting and ending I2C check words to verify a proper EEPROM download. The first 32-bit data word received from the EEPROM, the starting I2C check word at subaddress 0x00, is stored and compared against the 32-bit data word received for subaddress 0xFC, the ending I2C check word. These two data words must be equal as stored in the EEPROM. If the two words do not match when compared in the TAS3103A, the TAS3103A conducts another parameter download from the EEPROM. If the comparison check again fails, the TAS3103A discards all downloaded parameters and sets all parameters to the default values listed in the subaddress table presented in Appendix A. In the I2C slave mode, these default values are used to initialize the TAS3103A at power turnon or after a reset. 2-21 I2C Slave Mode Operation The I2C slave mode permits configuration parameters (other than volume via the GPIO pins for the I2C master mode) to be changed. The TAS3103A can detect and reset the I2C interface when an invalid I2C command is received. This feature is enabled by setting the I2C configuration control value N to zero. This feature is also enabled by the default setting, 0x0000 0040, of the I2C configuration control register 0xFB. The I2C slave mode provides read access to the spectrum analyzer and VU meter outputs. Configuration downloads from a master device can be used to replace the I2C master mode EEPROM download. For I2C read commands, the TAS3103A responds with data, a byte at a time, starting at the subaddress assigned, as long as the master device continues to respond with acknowledges. If a given subaddress does not use all 32 bits, the unused bits are read as logic 0. I2C write commands, however, are treated in accordance with the data assignment for that address space. If a write command is received for a biquad subaddress, the TAS3103A expects to see five 32-bit words. If fewer than five data words have been received when a stop command (or another start command) is received, the data received is discarded. If a write command is received for a mixer coefficient, the TAS3103A expects to see only one 32-bit word. Supplying a subaddress for each subaddress transaction is referred to as random I2C addressing. The TAS3103A also supports sequential I2C addressing. For example, for write transactions, if a subaddress is issued followed by data for that subaddress and the fifteen subaddresses that follow, a sequential I2C write transaction has taken place, and the data for all 16 subaddresses is successfully received by the TAS3103A. For I2C sequential write transactions, the subaddress then serves as the start address, and the amount of data subsequently transmitted, before a stop or start is transmitted, determines how many subaddresses are written to. As was true for random addressing, sequential addressing requires that a block of data be transmitted. If only a partial set of data is written to the last subaddress, the data for the last subaddress is discarded. However, all other data written is accepted; just the incomplete data is discarded. The GPIO subaddresses require the downloading of four bytes of zero-valued spacer data in order to proceed to the next subaddress. The TAS3103A can always receive sequential I2C addressing write data without issuing wait states. Do not write to reserved and factory-test subaddresses. The TAS3103A also supports sequential read transactions. When an I2C subaddress assignment write transaction is followed by a read transaction, the TAS3103A outputs the data for that subaddress, and then continues to output data for the subaddresses that follow as long as the master continues to issue data received acknowledges. With only two exceptions, the TAS3103A outputs four bytes of zero-valued data for reserved and factory-test subaddresses. The subaddresses of the exceptions and the number of bytes supplied by the TAS3103A for each exception are given in Table 2-5. If a GPIO port is assigned as an output port, a logic 0 bit value is supplied by the TAS3103A for this GPIO port in response to a read transaction at subaddress 0xEE. CAUTION: Sequential write transactions must be in ascending subaddress order. The TAS3103A does not wrap around from subaddress 0xFF to 0x00. Sequential read transactions wrap around from subaddress 0xFF to 0x00. Table 2-5. Four-Byte Read Exceptions--Reserved and Factory-Test I2C Subaddresses SUBADDRESS NUMBER BYTES SUPPLIED BY TAS3103A 0xC9 8 0xED 8 NOTE: Table 2-5 does not include read-only subaddresses and thus does not include subaddresses 0xFD, 0xFE, and 0xFF. When read, these read-only subaddresses output 10, 2, and 1 byte, respectively. Thus, for all reserved and factory-test subaddresses, except subaddresses 0xC9 and 0xED, the master device must issue four data-received acknowledges for the four bytes of zero-valued data. For subaddresses 0xC9 and 0xED, the master device must issue eight data-received acknowledges for the eight bytes of zero-valued data. Sequential read transactions do not have restrictions on outputting only complete subaddress data sets. If the master does not issue enough data-received acknowledges to receive all the data for a given subaddress, the master device 2-22 simply does not receive all the data. If the master device issues more data-received acknowledges than required to receive the data for a given subaddress, the master device simply receives complete or partial sets of data, depending on how many data-received acknowledges are issued from the subaddress(es) that follow. I2C read transactions, both sequential and random, can impose wait states. For the standard I2C mode (SCL = 100 kHz), typical wait state time for an 8-MHz microprocessor clock is on the order of 1 s. For the fast I2C mode (SCL = 400 kHz) and the same 8-MHz microprocessor clock, typical wait state times are extended up to 4 s in duration. Increasing the microprocessor clock frequency lowers the wait state times and for the standard I2C mode, a higher microprocessor clock can totally eliminate the presence of wait states. For example, increasing the microprocessor clock to 33 MHz results in no wait states for the standard (100-kHz) I2C mode. For the fast I2C mode, higher microprocessor clocks shorten the wait state times encountered, but do not totally eliminate their presence. 2.4 Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Arithmetic Unit The DAP arithmetic unit is a fixed-point computational engine consisting of an arithmetic unit and data and coefficient memory blocks. Figure 2-18 is a block diagram of the arithmetic unit. 4K x 16 Delay Line RAM Dual-Port Data RAM Coefficient RAM Program ROM Arithmetic Engine DAP Instruction Decoder/Sequencer 76-Bit Adder Regs Regs Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Arithmetic Unit Figure 2-18. DAP Arithmetic Unit Block Diagram The DAP arithmetic unit is used to implement all firmware functions--soft volume, loudness compensation, bass and treble processing, dynamic range control, channel filtering, 3D effects, input and output mixing, spectrum analyzer, VU meter, and dither. Figure 2-19 shows the data word structure of the DAP arithmetic unit. Eight bits of overhead or guard bits are provided at the upper end of the 48-bit DAP word and 8 bits of computational precision or noise bits are provided at the lower end of the 48-bit word. The incoming digital audio words are all positioned with the most-significant bit abutting the 8-bit overhead/guard boundary. The sign bit in bit 39 indicates that all incoming audio samples are treated as signed data samples. CAUTION: Audio data into the TAS3103A is always treated as sign-extended 2s-complement data. 2-23 47 S S S S 40 S 39 S 32 31 Overhead/Guard Bits 16-Bit Audio 18-Bit Audio 24 23 22 21 20 19 20-Bit Audio 24-Bit Audio 32-Bit Audio 16 15 8 7 Precision/Noise Bits 0 Figure 2-19. DAP Arithmetic Unit Data Word Structure The arithmetic engine is a 48-bit (25.23-format) processor consisting of a general-purpose 76-bit arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and function-specific arithmetic blocks. Multiply operations (excluding the function-specific arithmetic blocks) always involve 48-bit DAP words and 28-bit coefficients (usually I2C programmable coefficients). If a group of products is to be added together, the 76-bit product of each multiplication is applied to a 76-bit adder, where a DSP-like multiply-accumulate (MAC) operation takes place. Biquad filter computations use the MAC operation to maintain precision in the intermediate computational stages. To maximize the linear range of the 76-bit ALU, saturation logic is not used. Intermediate overflows are then permitted in multiply-accumulate operations, but it is assumed that subsequent terms in the multiply-accumulate computation flow corrects the overflow condition. The biquad filter structure used in the TAS3103A is the direct form-I structure and has only one accumulation node. With this type of structure, intermediate overflow is allowed as long as the designer of the filters has ensured that the final output is bounded and does not overflow. Figure 2-20 shows a bounded computation that experiences an intermediate overflow condition. For ease of illustration, 8-bit arithmetic is used. The DAP memory banks include a dual-port data RAM for storing intermediate results, a coefficient RAM, a 4K x 16 RAM for implementing the delay stages, and a fixed program ROM. Only the coefficient RAM, accessible via the I2C bus, is available to the user. 2-24 8-Bit ALU Operation (Without Saturation) Rollover 10110111 (-73) -73 + 11001101 (-51) + -51 10000100 (-124) -124 + 11010011 (-45) + -45 01010111 (57) + 00111011 (59) 10010010 (-110) -169 + 59 -110 Figure 2-20. DAP ALU Operation With Intermediate Overflow The DAP processing clock is set by pins PLL0 and PLL1, with the source clock XTALI or MCLKI. The DAP operates at speeds up to 136 MHz, which is sufficient to process 96-kHz audio. 2.5 Reset The reset circuitry in the TAS3103A is shown in Figure 2-21. A reset is initiated by inputting logic 0 on the reset pin, RST. A reset is also issued at power turnon by the internal 1.8-V regulator subsystem. VDDS A_VDDS 1.8-V Regulator Subsystem PWR GOOD RST CLR Enable MCLKI Reset Timer Chip Reset Lock DPLL XTALI dpll_clk Figure 2-21. TAS3103A Reset Circuitry When the VDDS and A_VDDS voltage rise times from 0.1 V to 3.0 V are 5 ms or less, the internal 1.8-V regulator subsystem holds the TAS3103A in reset at power on until regulation is reached. The duration of this signal permits the TAS3103A to complete all power-on initialization without external control or circuitry. When the VDDS and A_VDDS voltage rise times from 0.1 V to 3.0 V are greater than 5 ms, the TAS3103A must be reset once VDDS and A_VDDS have reached a minimum of 3.0 V. This reset can be performed in one of two ways. * * A valid RST can be applied by an external controller once VDDS and A_VDDS are at 3.0 volts or higher. An external circuit can be employed to hold RST LOW until VDDS and A_VDDS are 3.0 volts or higher. An RC circuit implementation of this is shown in Figure 2-22. The values for R and C should be chosen to ensure that RST is held low until VDDS and A_VDDS have reached 3.0 volts or higher. The values of R and C in this figure provide a delay of approximately 20 ms. 2-25 3.3 V TAS3103A SN74LVC1G07 10 k 26 RST RST 2 F Figure 2-22. External Power-Good Reset-Control Circuit Note that RST implements an asynchronous clear. This control can respond to narrow negative signal transitions. Some applications, therefore, might require a high-frequency capacitor on the RST pin to remove unwanted noise excursions. 2.6 Power Down Power down requires stable and accurate clocks during the transition from the operational state to the power-down state, and during the transition for the power-down state to the operational state. If a clock error occurs during either of these transitions, then the operation of the TAS3103A can be compromised and a reset may be required to restore operation. Setting the PWRDN pin to logic 1 enables power down. Power down stops all clocks in the TAS3103A, but preserves the state of the TAS3103A. When PWRDN is deactivated (set to logic 0) after a period of activation, the TAS3103A resumes the processing of audio data on receiving the next LRCLK (indicating a new sample of audio data is available for processing). The configuration of the TAS3103A and all programmable parameters are retained during power down. A time lag occurs between setting PWRDN to logic 1 and entering the power-down state. PWRDN is sampled every GPIOFSCOUNT LRCLK periods (see subaddress 0xEF in Appendix A; Watchdog Timer, Section 2.7; and General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Ports; Section 2.8). This means that a time lag as great as GPIOFSCOUNT(1/LRCLK) could exist between the activation of PWRDN (setting to logic 1) and the time at which the microprocessor recognizes that the PWRDN pin has been activated. Normally, on recognizing that the PWRDN pin has been activated, the TAS3103A enters the power-down state approximately 80 microprocessor clock cycles later. However, if a soft volume update is in progress, the TAS3103A waits until the soft volume update is complete before entering the power-down state. For this case then, the worst-case time lag between recognizing the activation of pin PWRDN and entering the power-down state would be 4096 LRCLK periods, assuming a volume slew rate selection (bit VSC of I2C subaddress 0xF1) of 4096 and the issuance of a volume update immediately preceding the reading of pin PWRDN. The worst-case time lag between setting PWRDN to logic 1 and entering the power-down state is then: 80 power-down-time lag Worst*Case + 4096 ) GPIOFSCOUNT ) LRCLK Microprocessor * Clock A time lag also between deactivating PWRDN (setting PWRDN to logic 0) and exiting the power-down state. This time lag is set by the time it takes the internal digital PLL to stabilize, and this time, in turn, is set by the master clock frequency (MCLKI or XTALI) and the PLL output clock frequency. For a 135-MHz PLL output clock and a 24.576 MCLKI, the time lag is approximately 25 s. For an 11.264-MHz PLL output clock and a 1.024-MHz MCLKI, the time lag is approximately 360 s. Power consumption in the power-down state is approximately 12 mW. 2.7 Watchdog Timer A watchdog timer in the TAS3103A monitors the microprocessor activity. If the microprocessor ever ceases to execute its stored program, the watchdog timer fires and resets the TAS3103A. This capability was included in the TAS3103A for factory test purposes and has little use in applications. The program structure used in the microprocessor ensures that the microprocessor always executes its stored program unless a hardware failure occurs. 2-26 The watchdog timer is governed by the parameter GPIOFSCOUNT in subaddress 0xEF and the LSB of the 32-bit word at subaddress 0xEB. The default value of the LSB of the 32-bit word at subaddress 0xEB is 1, and this value disables the watchdog timer. The GPIOFSCOUNT is also used in other functions and balancing the needs of these other functions regarding GPIOFSCOUNT with the requirements of the watchdog timer is an involved process. For this reason, it is strongly recommended that the LSB of the 32-bit word at subaddress 0xEB remain a 1. If an application does require use of the watchdog timer, it is requested that the user contact an application engineer in the Digital Audio Department of Texas Instruments for details in properly using this feature. 2.8 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Ports The TAS3103A has four general-purpose I/O (GPIO) ports. Figure 2-23 is a block diagram of the GPIO circuitry in the TAS3103A. 0xEF 31 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr 24 23 20 19 Ack 00000000 Ack 0000 16 15 8 7 0 GPIODIR Ack GPIOFSCOUNT Ack GPIO_samp_int Ack 3 2 1 0 Determines How Many Consecutive Logic-0 Samples (Where Each Sample Is Spaced by GPIOFSCOUNT LRCLKs) are Required to Read a Logic 0 on a GPIO Input Port Microprocessor Microprocessor Firmware Down Counter LRCLK LD Decode 0 DATA PATH SWITCH GPIO0 D GPIO1 D GPIO2 D GPIO3 D Q Q I2C Slave Mode and I2C Master Mode Write Sample Logic I2C Master Mode Read Q Microprocessor Control Q S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack 0000 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 3 2 1 0 Ack GPIO_in_out 4 3 0 0xEE Figure 2-23. GPIO Port Circuitry GPIO Functionality--I2C Master Mode 2.8.1 In the I2C master mode, the GPIO ports are strictly input ports and are used to control volume. Table 2-6 lists the functionality of each GPIO port in the I2C master mode. Bit field GPIOFSCOUNT (15:8) of I2C subaddress 0xEF governs the rate at which the GPIO pins are sampled for a volume update. The sample rate is: GPIO_Port + LRCLK GPIOFSCOUNT 2-27 Table 2-6. GPIO Port Functionality--I2C Master Mode GPIO PORT FUNCTION GPIO0 (pin 18) Volume up--CH1 and CH2 GPIO1 (pin 19) Volume down--CH1 and CH2 GPIO2 (pin 20) Volume up--CH3 GPIO3 (pin 21) Volume down--CH3 GPIOFSCOUNT also governs the rate at which the power-down pin PWRDN is sampled and the rate at which the watchdog counter is reset. GPIOFSCOUNT then cannot be independently used to tune the volume adjustment. For this reason, bit field GPIO_samp_int of the same I2C subaddress (0xEF) is included to provide the ability to adjust the responsiveness (or sluggishness) of the volume switches. Each GPIO port has a weak pullup to VDDS. A volume control switch then typically switches the signal line to the GPIO port between ground and an open circuit. The parameter GPIO_samp_int sets how many consecutive GPIO port samples must be logic 0 before a logic 0 is read. A read logic 0 on a given GPIO port is interpreted as a command to increase or decrease volume. If a logic 0 is read, and the signal level into the GPIO port remains at logic 0 for another GPIO_samp_int consecutive samples, a second logic 0 value is read. For each logic 0 read, the volume is increased or decreased 0.5 dB. After two consecutive logic 0 readings, each logic 0 reading that follows results in the volume level increasing or decreasing 5 dB instead of 0.5 dB. Figure 2-24 shows an example of activating a volume switch. For the example in Figure 2-24, GPIOFSCOUNT is set to 3 and GPIO_samp_int is set to 2. It is also noted in Figure 2-24 that the parameter GPIO_samp_int only comes into play on logic 0 valued samples. As soon as the GPIO sample goes to logic 1, the audio updating ceases. 2.8.2 GPIO Functionality--I2C Slave Mode In the I2C slave mode, the GPIO ports can be used as true general-purpose ports. Each port can be individually programmed, via the I2C bus, to be either an input or an output port. The default assignment for all GPIO ports, in the I2C slave mode, is an input port. When a given GPIO port is programmed as an output port, by setting the appropriate bit in the bit field GPIODIR (19:16) of subaddress 0xEF to logic 1, the logic level output is set by the logic level programmed into the appropriate bit in bit field GPIO_in_out (3:0) of subaddress 0xEE. The I2C bus then controls the logic output level for those GPIO ports assigned as output ports. When a given GPIO port is programmed as an input port by setting the appropriate bit in bit field GPIODIR (19:16) of subaddress 0xEF to logic 0, the logic input level into the GPIO port is written to the appropriate bit in bit field GPIO_in_out (3:0) of subaddress 0xEE. The I2C bus can then be used to read bit field GPIO_in_out to determine the logic levels at the input GPIO ports. Whether a given bit in the bit field GPIO_in_out is a bit to be read via the I2C bus or a bit to be written to via the I2C bus is strictly determined by the corresponding bit setting in bit field GPIODIR. In the I2C slave mode, the GPIO input ports are read every GPIOFSCOUNT LRCLKs, as was the case in the I2C master mode. However, parameter GPIO_samp_int does not have a role in the I2C slave mode. If a GPIO port is assigned as an output port, a logic 0 bit value is supplied by the TAS3103A for this GPIO port in response to a read transaction at subaddress 0xEE. If the GPIO ports are left in their power turnon default state, they are input ports with a weak pullup on the input to VDSS. 2-28 2-29 GPIO Reads GPIO Data Samples LRCLK GPIO Pin Input Read = 1 Read = 1 Adjust 0.5 dB Adjust 5 dB Read = 0 GPIO_samp_int = 2 Read = 0 Adjust 5 dB Read = 0 Read = 1 Read = 1 Figure 2-24. Volume Adjustment Timing--Master I2C Mode Adjust 0.5 dB Read = 0 GPIOFSCOUNT = 3 Adjust 0.5 dB Read = 0 Adjust 0.5 dB Read = 0 2-30 3 Firmware Architecture 3.1 I2C Coefficient Number Formats The firmware for the TAS3103A is housed in ROM resources within the TAS3103A and cannot be altered. However, mixer gain, level offset, and filter tap coefficients, which can be entered via the I2C bus interface, provide a user with the flexibility to set the TAS3103A to a configuration that achieves the system-level goals. The firmware is executed in a 48-bit signed fixed-point arithmetic machine. The most-significant bit of the 48-bit data path is a sign bit, and the 47 lower bits are data bits. Mixer gain operations are implemented by multiplying a 48-bit signed data value by a 28-bit signed gain coefficient. The 76-bit signed output product is then truncated to a signed 48-bit number. Level offset operations are implemented by adding a 48-bit signed offset coefficient to a 48-bit signed data value. In most cases, if the addition results in overflowing the 48-bit signed number format, saturation logic is used. This means that if the summation results in a positive number that is greater than 0x7FFF FFFF FFFF (the spaces are used to ease the reading of the hexadecimal number), the number is set to 0x7FFF FFFF FFFF. If the summation results in a negative number that is less than 0x8000 0000 0000, the number is set to 0x8000 0000 0000. There are exceptions to the use of saturation logic for summations that overflow--see Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Arithmetic Unit, Section 2.4. 3.1.1 28-Bit 5.23 Number Format All mixer gain coefficients are 28-bit coefficients using a 5.23 number format. Numbers formatted as 5.23 numbers means that there are 5 bits to the left of the decimal point and 23 bits to the right of the decimal point. This is shown in the Figure 3-1. 2-23 Bit 2-4 Bit 2-1 Bit 20 Bit 23 Bit Sign Bit S_xxxx.xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx Figure 3-1. 5.23 Format The decimal value of a 5.23-format number can be found by following the weighting shown in Figure 3-2. If the most-significant bit is logic 0, the number is a positive number, and the weighting shown yields the correct number. If the most-significant bit is a logic 1, then the number is a negative number. In this case every bit must be inverted, a 1 added to the result, and then the weighting shown in Figure 3-2 applied to obtain the magnitude of the negative number. 23 Bit 22 Bit 20 Bit 2-1 Bit 2-4 Bit 2-23 Bit (1 or 0) y 23 + (1 or 0) y 22 + ... + (1 or 0) y 20 + (1 or 0) y 2-1 + ... + (1 or 0) y 2-4 + ... + (1 or 0) y 2-23 Figure 3-2. Conversion Weighting Factors--5.23 Format to Floating Point 3-1 Gain coefficients, entered via the I2C bus, must be entered as 32-bit binary numbers. The format of the 32-bit number (4-byte or 8-digit hexadecimal number) is shown in Figure 3-3. Fraction Digit 6 Sign Bit Integer Digit 1 u u u u Coefficient Digit 8 S x x x Coefficient Digit 7 Fraction Digit 1 x. x x x Coefficient Digit 6 Fraction Digit 2 x x x x Coefficient Digit 5 Fraction Digit 3 x x x x Coefficient Digit 4 Fraction Digit 4 x x x x Coefficient Digit 3 Fraction Digit 5 x x x x Coefficient Digit 2 0 x x x x Coefficient Digit 1 u = unused or don't care bits Digit = hexadecimal digit Figure 3-3. Alignment of 5.23 Coefficient in 32-Bit I2C Word As Figure 3-3 shows, the hexadecimal value of the integer part of the gain coefficient cannot be concatenated with the hexadecimal value of the fractional part of the gain coefficient to form the 32-bit I2C coefficient. The reason is that the 28-bit coefficient contains 5 bits of integer, and thus the integer part of the coefficient occupies all of one hexadecimal digit and the most-significant bit of the second hexadecimal digit. In the same way, the fractional part occupies the lower 3 bits of the second hexadecimal digit, and then occupies the other five hexadecimal digits (with the eighth digit being the zero-valued most-significant hexadecimal digit). 3.1.2 48-Bit 25.23 Number Format All level adjustment and threshold coefficients are 48-bit coefficients using a 25.23 number format. Numbers formatted as 25.23 numbers means that there are 25 bits to the left of the decimal point and 23 bits to the right of the decimal point. This is shown in Figure 3-4. 2-23 Bit 2-10 Bit 2-1 Bit 20 Bit 216 Bit 222 Bit 223 Bit Sign Bit S_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx.xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxxx_xxx Figure 3-4. 25.23 Format 3-2 Figure 3-5 shows the derivation of the decimal value of a 48-bit 25.23-format number. 223 Bit 222 Bit 20 Bit 2-1 Bit 2-23 Bit (1 or 0) y 223 + (1 or 0) y 222 + ... + (1 or 0) y 20 + (1 or 0) y 2-1 + ... + (1 or 0) y 2-23 Figure 3-5. Alignment of 25.23 Coefficient in 32-Bit I2C Word Two 32-bit words must be sent over the I2C bus to download a level or threshold coefficient into the TAS3103A. The alignment of the 48-bit, 25.23-formatted coefficient in the 8-byte (two 32-bit words) I2C word is shown in Figure 3-6. Integer Digit 4 (Bits 211 - 29) Sign Bit Integer Digit 1 u u u u Coefficient Digit 16 u u u u Coefficient Digit 15 u u u u Coefficient Digit 14 u u u u Coefficient Digit 13 S x x x Coefficient Digit 12 Integer Digit 2 x x x x Coefficient Digit 11 Integer Digit 3 x x x x Coefficient Digit 10 x Word 1 (MostSignificant Word) x Fraction Digit 6 Integer Digit 5 x x Coefficient Digit 9 Integer Digit 4 (Bit 28) x x x x Coefficient Digit 8 Integer Digit 6 x x x x Coefficient Digit 7 Fraction Digit 1 x. x x x Coefficient Digit 6 Fraction Digit 2 x x x x Coefficient Digit 5 Fraction Digit 3 x x x x Coefficient Digit 4 Fraction Digit 4 x x x x Coefficient Digit 3 Fraction Digit 5 x x x x Coefficient Digit 2 0 x x x x Word 2 (LeastSignificant Word) Coefficient Digit 1 u = unused or don't care bits Digit = hexadecimal digit Figure 3-6. Alignment of 25.23 Coefficient in Two 32-Bit I2C Words 3-3 3.2 Input Crossbar Mixers The TAS3103A has four serial input ports--SDIN1, SDIN2, SDIN3, and SDIN4. SDIN1, SDIN2, and SDIN3 provide the input resources to process 5.1-channel audio in two TAS3103A chips. SDIN4 provides the capability to multiplex between a full 5.1-channel system and a stereo source or an information/warning audio message as might be found in an automotive application. Each serial input port is assigned two internal processing nodes. The mixers following these internal processing nodes serve to distribute the input audio data to various processing nodes within the TAS3103A. Figure 3-7 shows the assignment of the internal processing nodes to the serial input ports. Two cases are shown in Figure 3-7-- discrete mode and TDM mode. The input crossbar mixer topology for internal processing nodes A, B, C, D, E, and F is shown in Figure 3-8. Each of the six nodes is assigned six mixers. These six mixers provide the ability to route the incoming serial port data on SDIN1, SDIN2, and SDIN3 to: * Processing node d--bypassing effects block and directly feeding monaural CH1 * Processing node e--bypassing effects block and directly feeding monaural CH2 * Processing node f--directly feeding the section of the effects block assigned to monaural CH3 * Processing nodes a and b--directly feeding paths that contain the reverberation (reverb) delay elements assigned to CH1 and CH2 * Processing node c--directly feeding an effects block path assigned to CH1 and CH2 that bypasses all reverb delay elements. The ability to route all input nodes to the same set of processing nodes fully decouples the input order (what audio components are wired to which serial input ports) from the processing flow. As is seen in the discussion of the output crossbar mixers, the output serial ports are fully decoupled from the three monaural channels (any monaural channel output can be routed to either the left or the right side of any output port). The TAS3103A thus provides full flexibility in the routing of audio data into and out of the chip. The mixer topology for internal processing nodes g and h is shown in Figure 3-9. Nodes g and h are each assigned three mixers. The mixers provide the ability to route the incoming data on serial port SDIN4 to: 3-4 * Output processing nodes to facilitate input-to-output pass-through * CH1/CH2 effects block input nodes that bypass reverb delay * CH3 effects block input node SDIN1 LRCLK L Internal Processing Nodes Internal Processing Nodes R A A L B B R time SDIN2 LRCLK L Internal Processing Nodes R time R C C L D D Internal Processing Nodes Internal Processing Nodes R E E L F F Internal Processing Nodes Internal Processing Nodes R G G L H H SDIN3 LRCLK L R time SDIN4 LRCLK L time Internal Processing Nodes SDIN1 R (a) Discrete Mode - For I2S Format, Polarity of LRCLK Opposite That Shown (b) TDM Mode Figure 3-7. Serial Input Port to Processing Node Topology 3-5 3-6 Input Crossbar Mixers f b h c g a 4 Biquad Filters 4 Biquad Filters 4 Biquad Filters 4 Biquad Filters 4 Biquad Filters 4 Biquad Filters Reverb Delay Reverb Delay Reverb Delay 3D Effects Block e d aa Figure 3-8. Input Mixer and Effects Block Topology--Internal Processing Nodes A, B, C, D, E, and F Processing Node F Processing Node E Processing Node D Processing Node C Processing Node B Processing Node A Monaural CH3 Monaural CH2 Monaural CH1 3-7 f h Monaural CH3 Monaural CH2 Monaural CH1 Figure 3-9. Input Mixer Topology--Internal Processing Nodes G and H Monaural channels consist of 12 biquad filters, followed by bass and treble processing, followed by volume and loudness processing, followed by dynamic range control, followed by dither processing. See the TAS3103A Firmware Block Diagram in Appendix A. Processing Node H Processing Node G g Effects Block (See Figure 3-10) Output Crossbar Mixer (See Figure 3-36) Z Y X W V U 3.3 3D Effects Block The 3D effects block, shown in Figure 3-10, performs the first suite of processing tasks conducted on the incoming serial audio data streams. The TAS3103A has three monaural channels--CH1, CH2, and CH3. CH1 and CH2 share the same effects block, as well as the same dynamic range compression block. CH3 has its own effects block and its own dynamic range compression block. In typical two-TAS3103A-chip configurations for processing 5.1 audio, monaural channels CH1 and CH2 are used to process left/right front and left/right surround audio components, and CH3 is used to process the subwoofer and center audio components. To support such a processing structure, the effects block for CH1/CH2 offers more options for inserting audio effects into the audio data stream than does the effects block for CH3. 3.3.1 CH1/CH2 Effects Block This block consists of five signal flow paths, starting at processing nodes a, b, c, g, and h. All five paths contain four programmable biquad filters, and paths a and b contain reverb delay lines as well. Nodes a, b, and c can be sourced by any of the input nodes A, B, C, D, E, and F (SDIN1, SDIN2, SDIN3). Nodes g and h can be sourced by input nodes G and H, respectively (SDIN4) and/or by weighted replicas of the data on nodes A and B, respectively. Nodes g and h can also be sourced by the same weighted replica of the data on node f. Node c can also be sourced by weighted replicas of the data on both node a and node b. 3D effects processing typically consists of installing sound direction effects. Sound direction effects are typically created by the use of three major components. * Time differentiation * Loudness differentiation * Spectral differentiation Time differentiation is achieved by using the paths containing the reverb delay elements. Loudness differentiation is achieved both by the mixers feeding the five paths and the two mixers located at the output of each of the five paths. Spectral differentiation is achieved using the four biquad filters located in each path. 3.3.2 CH3 Effects Block This block, starting at node f, typically processes center and subwoofer audio components. Time and spectral differentiation with respect of CH1 and CH2 can be realized via the reverb delay line and the four biquad filters. Loudness differentiation can be achieved by adjusting the volume level of CH3. Weighted replicas of the effects block output for CH1 and CH2 can also be summed into the output of the CH3 effects block. This capability is typically used when processing the center channel audio component. 3-8 3-9 Mixer Gain Coefficient Subaddress Format Node H Processing Node G Processing A, B, C, D, E, F Processing Nodes Reverb Mixers f 0x33 b 0x28 h 0x26 c 0x25 g 0x27 a 4 Biquad Filters 0x48 - 0x4B 4 Biquad Filters 0x38 - 0x3B 4 Biquad Filters 0x40 - 0x43 4 Biquad Filters 0x44 - 0x47 4 Biquad Filters 0x3C - 0x3F 4 Biquad Filters 0x34 - 0x37 0x30 0x2F 0x32 0x31 0x2E 0x2D g1 Reverb Delay 0xFA Delay Line g0 g0/g1 = 0x4E 0xFA Delay Line g0 g1 Reverb Delay g1 Reverb Delay g0/g1 = 0x4C 0xFA Delay Line g0 g0/g1 = 0x4D 3D Effects Block Figure 3-10. TAS3103A 3D Effects Processing Block m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack g0 b b m l 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack g1 b b Reverb Mixer Coefficients Subaddress Format l m l m 0xFA S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack D1 & R1 b b b b l m l m 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack D2 & R2 b b b b l m l m 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack D3 & R3 b b b b Delay Ack b2 Ack b1 Ack b0 Ack a2 Ack a1 Input Crossbar l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs b Reverb and Delay Assignments Subaddress Format m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000s xxx b m 0000s xxx b m 0000s xxx b m 0000s xxx b m 0000s xxx b Biquad Filter Coefficients Subaddress Format m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack b b 0x2C 0x2B 0x2A 0x29 e d 0xD1 aa 0xD0 CH3 Monaural CH2 Monaural CH1 Monaural 3.4 Biquad Filters The TAS3103A has 73 biquad filters . The breakout of the biquad filters per functional element is given in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. Biquad Filter Breakout BIQUAD FILTERS SUBADDRESS 3D effects block FUNCTION 24 0x34-0x4B Monaural channel CH1 12 0x4F-0x5A Monaural channel CH2 12 0x5B-0x66 Monaural channel CH3 12 0x67-0x72 Loudness processing 3 0xAB-CH2 Spectrum analyzer/VU meter 10 0xBC-0xC5 0xA6-CH1 0xB0-CH3 All 73 biquad filters are second-order direct-form I structures. A block diagram of the structure of the biquad filter is shown in Figure 3-11. Biquad Filter Structure b0 28 48 76 76 Magnitude Truncation a1 b1 28 z-1 48 48 28 76 b2 z-1 48 76 a2 28 z-1 48 28 76 76 z-1 48 NOTE: All gain coefficients 5.23 numbers. Biquad Filter Coefficient Subaddress Format S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b Ack a1 Ack a2 Ack b0 Ack b1 Ack b2 NOTE: Each biquad filter has one subaddress which contains the mixer gain coefficients a1, a2, b0, b1, b2 Figure 3-11. Biquad Filter Structure and Coefficient Subaddress Format The transfer function for the biquad filter is given by: b ) b 1z -1 ) b 2z -2 + 0 V IN(z) 1 * a 1z -1 * a 2z -2 V OUT(z) Note that the signs of an coefficients are opposite from Matlab-generated coefficients. 3-10 The direct-form I structure provides a separate delay element and mixer (gain coefficient) for each node in the biquad filter. Each mixer output is a signed 76-bit product of a signed 48-bit data sample (25.23-format number) and a signed 28-bit coefficient (5.23-format number). A 76-bit ALU in the TAS3103A allows the 76-bit resolution to be retained when summing the mixer outputs (filter products). This is an important factor, as it removes the need to carefully tailor the order of addition for each filter implementation to minimize the effects of finite-precision arithmetic. Intermediate overflows are allowed while summing the biquad terms to further minimize the effects of finite-precision arithmetic. See Digital Audio Processor (DAP) Arithmetic Unit, Section 2.4, for more discussion on intermediate overflow. 3.5 Bass and Treble Processing The TAS3103A has three fully independent bass and treble adjustment blocks--one for each of the three monaural channels. Adjustments in bass and treble are accomplished by selecting a bass filter set and a treble filter set, and then selecting a shelf filter within each filter set. The filter set selected, of which there are five sets for treble and five sets for bass to select from, determines the frequency at which the bass and treble adjustments take effect. The shelf filters determine the gain to be applied to the bass and treble components of the incoming audio. All selections are independent of one another--any bass filter set can be combined with any treble filter set and any shelf filter can be selected in a given filter set. Figure 3-13 shows the bass and treble selections available, their I2C subaddresses, and the data fields in each subaddress used to make the selections. Each bass filter set has 150 low-pass shelf filters to choose from, with the shelves ranging from a cut (attenuation) of 18 dB to a boost (gain) of 18 dB. A shelf selection of 0 dB effectively removes bass processing. All 150 filters in a given filter set have the same 3-dB frequency, as measured from the shelf. The only difference in the 150 filters in a given bass filter set is the gain of the shelf. Each treble filter set has 150 high-pass shelf filters to choose from, with the shelves again ranging from a cut (attenuation) of 18 dB to a boost (gain) of 18 dB. A shelf selection of 0 dB effectively removes treble processing. All 150 filters in a given filter set have the same 3-dB frequency, as measured from the shelf. The only difference in the 150 filters in a given treble filter set is the gain of the shelf. The three tone controls of the TAS3103A are enabled by registers 0x73, 0x74 and 0x75, shown in Figure 3-12. Commands to adjust the bass and treble levels within a given filter set (by commanding the selection of different shelf filters) results in a soft adjustment to the newly commanded levels. The filters are labeled 1 through 150, with filter #1 implementing the maximum cut (18 dB) and filter #150 implementing the maximum boost (18 dB). If a command is received to change a shelf setting, the transition is made by stepping through each filter, one at a time, until the shelf filter commanded is reached. A soft transition is achieved by residing at each step (or shelf filter) for a period determined by the programmable parameter TBLC (bit field 7:0 of subaddress 0xF1). The time period set by TBLC is TBLC/Fs (where Fs is the audio sample rate). For an audio sample rate of 48 kHz and a TBLC setting of 64, the dwell time on each shelf filter is approximately 1.33 ms. The transition time then depends on the number of shelves separating the current and commanded shelf values. For 48-kHz audio and a TBLC setting of 64, a maximum transition time of approximately 198 ms is required to transition from shelf #1 to shelf #150 and a minimum time of approximately 1.33 ms is required to transition from shelf x to shelf x + 1. 3-11 Reverb Block Gains S S Slave Addr Slave Addr Ack Ack Subaddr Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b Reverb Block Subaddress CH1 0x4C CH2 0x4D CH3 0x4E Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b l Ack xxxxxx s b Ack G0 Ack G1 Ack G0 Ack G1 Gain Coefficient G0 (Format = 5.23) 28 48 48 48 Gain Coefficient G1 (Format = 5.23) 28 Reverb Delay 48 Reverb Block Figure 3-12. Tone Control Registers 3-12 Treble/Bass Slew Rate Selection S 0xF1 Slave Addr Ack 7 Subaddr Ack CH2 CH3 00000000 Ack V Ack 0000000 C Ack S 00000000 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx Ack Ack Treble/Bass Slew Rate = TBLC (Slew Rate = TBLC/Fs, Where Fs = Audio Sample Rate) CH1 Bass Filter Set Selection 0xF5 0 xxxxxxxx 00000xxx Ack CH2 CH3 CH1 Treble Filter Set Selection S 0xF7 Slave Addr Ack CH3 Subaddr Ack CH2 00000000 Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx Ack 00000xxx Ack CH1 Bass Shelf Selection (Filter Index) 0xF6 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack CH2 CH3 CH1 Treble Shelf Selection (Filter Index) 0xF8 BASS FILTER 5 BASS FILTER 3 S Slave Addr Ack BASS FILTER 1 Subaddr Ack MAX BOOST SHELF 00000000 Ack TREBLE FILTER 5 xxxxxxxx Ack TREBLE FILTER 3 xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack TREBLE FILTER 1 MID-BAND BASS FILTER 4 MAX CUT SHELF BASS FILTER 2 TREBLE FILTER 4 TREBLE FILTER 2 FREQUENCY Treble and Bass Filter Set Commands 0 => Reserved 1 - 5 => Filter Sets 1 - 5 6 - 7 => Reserved Treble and Bass Filter Shelf Commands 0 => Reserved 1 - 150 => Filter Shelves 1 - 150 1 => +18-dB Boost 150 => -18-dB Cut 151 - 255 => Reserved 3-dB CORNERS (kHz) Fs (LRCLK) FILTER SET 5 BASS TREBLE FILTER SET 4 (Default) BASS TREBLE FILTER SET 3 BASS TREBLE FILTER SET 2 BASS TREBLE FILTER SET 1 BASS TREBLE 96 kHz 0.25 6 0.5 12 0.75 18 1 24 1.5 36 88.4 kHz 0.23 5.525 0.46 11.05 0.691 16.575 0.921 22.1 1.381 33.15 64 kHz 0.167 4 0.333 8 0.5 12 0.667 16 1 24 48 kHz 0.125 3 0.25 6 0.375 9 0.5 12 0.75 18 44.1 kHz 0.115 2.756 0.23 5.513 0.345 8.269 0.459 11.025 0.689 16.538 38 kHz 0.099 2.375 0.198 4.75 0.297 7.125 0.396 9.5 0.594 14.25 32 kHz 0.083 2 0.167 4 0.25 6 0.333 8 0.5 12 24 kHz 0.063 1.5 0.125 3 0.188 4.5 0.25 6 0.375 9 22.05 kHz 0.057 1.378 0.115 2.756 0.172 4.134 0.23 5.513 0.345 8.269 16 kHz 0.042 1 0.083 2 0.125 3 0.167 4 0.25 6 12 kHz 0.031 0.75 0.063 1.5 0.094 2.25 0.125 3 0.188 4.5 11.025 kHz 0.029 0.689 0.057 1.378 0.086 2.067 0.115 2.756 0.172 4.134 Figure 3-13. Bass and Treble Filter Selections 3-13 CAUTION: No soft transition is implemented when changing bass and treble filter sets; soft transitions only apply when adjusting gains (shelves) within a given filter set. The variable TBLC should be set so that the dwell time at each shelf is never less than 32 audio sample periods; otherwise, audio artifacts could be introduced into the audio data stream. It is recommended that these registers be written before the bass/treble bypass values (subaddresses 0x73, 0x74, and 0x75) are set to pass audio through the bass/treble filters. Figure 3-13 summarizes the bass and treble adjustments available within each monaural channel. As noted in Figure 3-13, the 3-dB frequency for the bass filter sets decreases in value as the filter set number is increased, whereas the 3-dB frequency for the treble filter set increases in value as the filter set number is increased. The valid selection for bass and treble sets ranges from 1 to 5. Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 list, respectively, the bass and treble filter shelf selections for all 1/2-dB settings between 18-dB cut and 18-dB boost. The treble and bass selections are not the same, and the delta in the selection values between 1/2-dB points is not constant across the 36-dB range. Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 do not list all 150 filter shelf selections, but all 150 selection values for both bass and treble are valid, allowing the use of linear potentiometer or GUI-based sliders. Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 are provided for those applications requiring the adjustment of bass and treble in 1/2-dB steps. CAUTION: Filter set selections 6 and 7 are reserved. Filter shelf selections 0 and 151 through 255 are reserved. Programming a reserved value could result in erratic and erroneous behavior. As an example, consider the case of a 44.1-kHz audio sample rate. For this audio rate it is desired to have, for all three monaural channels * * * * A 3-dB bass shelf corner frequency of 100 Hz A bass shelf volume boost of 9 dB A 3-dB treble shelf corner frequency of 8.1 kHz A treble shelf volume cut of 4 dB Bass and treble filter set selections can be made by referring to Figure 3-13. For a 44.1-kHz audio sample rate, filter set 5 provides a 3-dB bass corner frequency at 115 Hz, and filter set 3 provides a 3-dB treble corner frequency at 8.269 kHz. These corner frequencies are the closest realizable corner frequencies to the specified 100-Hz bass and 8.1-kHz treble corner frequencies. Table 3-2 provides the indices for achieving specified bass volume levels. An index of 0x55 yields a bass shelf gain of 9 dB, which matches the specified shelf volume boost of 9 dB. Table 3-3 provides the indices for achieving specified treble volume levels. An index of 0x7A yields a treble shelf cut of 4 dB (-4-dB gain), which matches the specified shelf volume cut of 4 dB. Figure 3-14 presents the resulting subaddress entries required to implement the parameters specified in the bass and treble example. 3-14 CH3 CH2 CH1 Bass Filter Set Selection 0xF5 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000101 Ack CH3 00000101 Ack CH2 00000101 Ack Filter Set 5 Selected Ack Filter Set 3 Selected Ack Filter Shelf 0x55 Selected CH1 Treble Filter Set Selection 0xF7 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000011 Ack CH3 00000011 Ack CH2 00000011 CH1 Bass Shelf Selection (Filter Index) 0xF6 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 01010101 Ack CH3 01010101 Ack CH2 01010101 CH1 Treble Shelf Selection (Filter Index) 0xF8 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 01111010 Ack 01111010 Ack 01111010 Ack Filter Shelf 0x7A Selected Figure 3-14. Bass and Treble Application Example--Subaddress Parameters Table 3-2. Bass Shelf Filter Indices for 1/2-dB Adjustments ADJUSTMENT (dB) INDEX(1) ADJUSTMENT (dB) INDEX(1) ADJUSTMENT (dB) INDEX(1) 18 0x01 5.5 0x63 -7 0x80 17.5 0x08 5 0x64 -7.5 0x81 17 0x10 4.5 0x66 -8 0x82 16.5 0x16 4 0x67 -8.5 0x83 16 0x1D 3.5 0x69 -9 0x84 15.5 0x23 3 0x6A -9.5 0x85 15 0x28 2.5 0x6B -10 0x86 14.5 0x2D 2 0x6D -10.5 0x87 14 0x32 1.5 0x6E -11 0x88 13.5 0x37 1 0x6F -11.5 0x89 13 0x3B 0.5 0x71 -12 0x8A 12.5 0x3F 0 0x72 -12.5 0x8B 12 0x42 -0.5 0x73 -13 0x8C 11.5 0x46 -1 0x74 -13.5 0x8D 11 0x49 -1.5 0x75 -14 0x8E 10.5 0x4C -2 0x76 -14.5 0x8F 10 0x4F -2.5 0x77 -15 0x90 9.5 0x52 -3 0x78 -15.5 0x91 9 0x55 -3.5 0x79 -16 0x92 8.5 0x58 -4 0x7A -16.5 0x93 8 0x5A -4.5 0x7B -17 0x94 7.5 0x5C -5 0x7C -17.5 0x95 -18 0x96 7 0x5E -5.5 0x7D 6.5 0x60 -6 0x7E 6 0x62 -6.5 0x7F (1) CH1 index is subaddress 0xF6, bit field 7:0. CH2 index is subaddress 0xF6, bit field 15:8. CH3 index is subaddress 0xF6, bit field 23:16. 3-15 Table 3-3. Treble Shelf Filter Indices for 1/2-dB Adjustments ADJUSTMENT (dB) INDEX(1) ADJUSTMENT (dB) INDEX(1) ADJUSTMENT (dB) INDEX(1) 18 0x01 5.5 0x63 -7 0x80 17.5 0x09 5 0x65 -7.5 0x81 17 0x10 4.5 0x66 -8 0x82 16.5 0x16 40 0x68 -8.5 0x83 16 0x1C 3.5 0x69 -9 0x84 15.5 0x22 3 0x6B -9.5 0x85 15 0x28 2.5 0x6C -10 0x86 14.5 0x2D 2 0x6D -10.5 0x87 0x88 14 0x31 1.5 0x6F -11 13.5 0x35 1 0x70 -11.5 0x89 13 0x3A 0.5 0x71 -12 0x8A 12.5 0x3E 0 0x72 -12.5 0x8B 12 0x42 -0.5 0x73 -13 0x8C 11.5 0x45 -1 0x74 -13.5 0x8D 11 0x49 -1.5 0x75 -14 0x8E 10.5 0x4C -2 0x76 -14.5 0x8F 10 0x4F -2.5 0x77 -15 0x90 9.5 0x52 -3 0x78 -15.5 0x91 9 0x55 -3.5 0x79 -16 0x92 8.5 0x57 -4 0x7A -16.5 0x93 8 0x5A -4.5 0x7B -17 0x94 7.5 0x5C -5 0x7C -17.5 0x95 7 0x5E -5.5 0x7D -18 0x96 6.5 0x60 -6 0x7E 6 0x62 -6.5 0x7F (1) CH1 index is subaddress 0xF8, bit field 7:0. CH2 index is subaddress 0xF8, bit field 15:8. CH3 index is subaddress 0xF8, bit field 23:16. 3.5.1 Treble and Bass Processing and Concurrent I2C Read Transactions I2C read transactions at subaddresses 0x01 through 0xD1 are not allowed during: (1) transitions between filter shelves within a given bass or treble filter set or (2) transitions between filter sets. This means that after issuing an I2C command to change treble or bass filter shelves or filter sets, time must be allowed to complete the bass/treble activity before proceeding to read subaddresses 0x01 through 0xD1. No subaddress is available to monitor bass/treble activity directly. However, the state of bass/treble activity can be probed via the factory test subaddresses 0xEC and 0xED. If it is required to read subaddress data that falls in the subaddress range of 0x01 through 0xD1 after issuing an I2C command to change treble or bass filter shelves or filter sets, the procedure presented in Figure 3-15 can be used to monitor bass/treble activity. As Figure 3-15 shows, six readings must be taken to verify that none of the three monaural channels have ongoing bass or treble activity. If all six readings show the value zero in the 8th or least significant byte of the 8-byte data word output at subaddress 0xED, then all commanded bass/treble activity has completed and it is safe to resume I2C read transactions at subaddresses 0x01 through 0xD1. 3-16 Start Write 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xCD subaddress 0xEC Read 8-byte output from subaddress 0xED No 8th Byte = 0 CH1 Treble Yes Write 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xD1 subaddress 0xEC Read 8-byte output from subaddress 0xED No 8th Byte = 0 CH1 Bass Yes Write 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xCE subaddress 0xEC Read 8-byte output from subaddress 0xED No 8th Byte = 0 CH2 Treble Yes Write 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xD2 subaddress 0xEC Read 8-byte output from subaddress 0xED No 8th Byte = 0 CH2 Bass Yes Write 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xD5 subaddress 0xEC Read 8-byte output from subaddress 0xED No 8th Byte = 0 CH3 Treble Yes Write 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0xD3 subaddress 0xEC Read 8-byte output from subaddress 0xED No Bass / Treble Processing Active 8th Byte = 0 CH3 Bass Yes Bass / Treble Processing Inactive Figure 3-15. I2C Bass/Treble Activity Monitor Procedure 3-17 3.6 Soft Volume/Loudness Processing Each of the three monaural channels in the TAS3103A has dedicated soft volume control and loudness compensation. Volume level changes are issued by I2C bus commands in the I2C slave mode and by setting the appropriate GPIO pin to logic 0 in the I2C master mode. Commanded changes in volume are implemented softly, using a smooth S-curve trajectory to transition the volume to the newly commanded level. Volume commands are formatted as signed 5.23 numbers. The maximum volume boost then is 24 dB (4 bits x 6 dB/bit); the maximum volume cut is with a volume command of zero. The maximum finite volume cut is 138 dB (23 bits x 6 dB/bit). The resolution of the volume adjustment is not fixed over all gain settings. For large gains, the resolution of the volume adjustment is fine, and the resolution of the volume adjustment decreases as the volume gain decreases. As an example, at maximum gain, the volume level can be adjusted to a resolution of 0.000001 dB [(138 + 24) dB adjustment range/227 adjustment steps]. At the other end of the gain scale, if the volume setting is at the maximum finite cut (volume command = 0x0000001) and is increased by one count (volume command = 0x0000002), a 6-dB adjustment is realized. If an additional volume command is sent, the TAS3103A saves the last command entered. Each monaural channel volume control is also assigned a separate mute command, which has the same effect as issuing a zero-valued volume command. If loudness is enabled, disabling it by setting the parameter G to zero is necessary to obtain a total cut (- dB). This requirement is further discussed in the paragraphs that follow. Loudness compensation tracks the volume control setting to allow spectral compensation. An example of loudness compensation would be a boost in bass frequencies to compensate for weak perceived bass at low volume levels. Both linear and log control laws can be implemented for volume gain tracking, and a dedicated biquad filter can be used to achieve spectral discernment. 3.6.1 Soft Volume Figure 3-16 is a simplified block diagram of the implementation of soft volume and loudness compensation. A volume level change (either via an I2C-bus-issued command in the I2C slave mode, or a GPIO-issued command in the I2C master mode) initiates a transition process that ensures a smooth transition to the newly commanded volume level without producing artifacts such as pops, clicks, and zipper noise. The transition time, or volume slew rate, can be selected to occupy a time window of either 2048 or 4096 audio sample periods. The value of VSC (bit 8 of register 0xF1) is not correctly reported when the register is read. VSC behaves like a write-only bit. For 48-kHz audio, for example, this equates to a transition time of 42.67 ms or 85.34 ms. It is anticipated that 42.67 ms is the transition time of choice for most applications, and the 4096 sample transition option is primarily included to yield the same 42.67-ms transition time for 96-kHz audio. The slope of the S-curve (and its implementation) is proprietary and cannot be altered. If additional volume commands for a given monaural channel are received, while a previously commanded volume change is still active, the last command received overwrites previous commands and is used. When the previously commanded transition completes, the volume command last received while the transition was taking place is acted on and a new transition to this volume level initiated. For example, assume three volume commands are sequentially issued, via the I2C bus, to adjust the volume levels of the three monaural channels in the TAS3103A. The first command received immediately triggers the start of a soft volume transition to the newly commanded level. The other two volume commands are received and queued to await the completion of the currently active soft volume transaction. When the first soft volume transition completes, and assuming no further volume commands have been received to replace the other two volume commands received, the next two volume commands are activated, and soft volume transitions on both monaural channels takes place. The total time then, for a 48-kHz audio sample rate and a transition selection of 2048 Fs cycles is 2 x 42.67 ms or 85.34 ms. If, during the first soft volume transition, a second volume command is received for this same monaural channel, the second soft volume transition period would have soft volume transitions taking place on all three monaural channels. It is also noted that the soft volume transition time is independent of the magnitude of the adjustment. All volume commands take 2048 or 4096 Fs cycles, regardless of the magnitude of the change. In the I2C slave mode, the status of a commanded soft volume transition can be found by reading bit 0 of the 32-bit data word retrieved at subaddress 0xFF. If this bit is set to logic 1, one or more monaural channels are actively transitioning their volume setting. If a volume transition is taking place on one of the monaural channels in the 3-18 TAS3103A, volume commands received for the other two monaural channels are not acted on until the active volume transition completes. When the active volume transition does complete, the latest volume command received for the three monaural channels during the previous soft volume transition time are serviced. LRCLK should not be stopped during a volume transition. Soft Volume 2048 Sample Transition 4096 Sample Transition Microprocessor I2C Volume Commands GPIO Volume Commands I2C Slave Mode VSCSubaddress 0xF1 = 0 VSCSubaddress 0xF1 = 1 Soft Volume Gain Control volume_setting I2C Master Mode Loudness Compensation f (Volume) Programmable Biquad Filter Channel-Processed Audio Volume-Adjusted Audio Figure 3-16. Soft Volume and Loudness Compensation Block Diagram Figure 3-15 is a more detailed block diagram of soft volume and loudness compensation, and includes the I2C subaddress commands that control volume and loudness compensation. Volume control is accomplished using three I2C subaddresses--volume control, mute/unmute control, and volume slew rate control. Volume control in the TAS3103A applies a linear gain. The volume commands issued via I2C subaddresses 0xF2, 0xF3, and 0xF4 (monaural channels 1, 2, and 3, respectively) are signed 5.23-format numbers. These commands are applied to mixers, whose other input port is the audio data stream. The mixer output is the product of the audio data stream and the volume command. Examples of volume command settings follow. Volume command = 0x3580 B07 = 0011 0.101 1000 0000 1011 0000 0111 = 6.6878365 Volume command = 0x01F0 000 = 0000 0.001 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 = 0.2421875 Volume command = 0xCD6E FFE = 1100 1.101 0110 1110 1111 1111 1110 = -6.3208010 3-19 The volume control range is 0 = - to 2-23 = -138.47 dB to 24 - 2-23 = 24.08 dB. Volume control is achieved by means of a 5.23-format gain coefficient that is applied to a linear mixer. The volume gain setting realized, for a given volume gain coefficient is: Gain = 20 log (Volume_Gain_Coefficient) Several techniques of volume management for a linear volume control process are: * Precise calculations involving logarithms can be employed. * A high-resolution gain table, with entries for every 0.5-dB step, can be employed. * A more coarse gain table (entries in 3- to 6-dB steps with linear interpolation between entries) can be employed. * Or approximations involving simple calculations can be employed. As an example of using approximations, equations for increasing a linear 5.23 gain setting X by 0.5 dB that involve only simple binary shift and add operations and the accuracy of these equations follow. 20 log10X + 0.5 dB X + 2-4X gives 0.52657877-dB steps 20 log10X + 0.5 dB X + 2-4X - 2-8X gives 0.49458651-dB steps 20 log10X + 0.5 dB X + 2-4X - 2-8X + 2-11X gives 0.49859199-dB steps 20 log10X + 0.5 dB X[1 + 2-4 - 2-8 + 2-11 + 2-12 - 2-13 + 2-14 - 2-16 + 2-18] gives 0.4999997332 dB-steps Approximations can also be found for decreasing a linear 5.23 gain setting X by 0.5 dB that involve using only simple binary shift and add operations, but the equations differ slightly from those used to increase the gain in 0.5-dB steps. The approximations to decrease the volume by 0.5 dB and the accuracy of these approximations follow. 20 log10X - 0.5 dB X - 2-4X gives -0.56057447 dB-steps 20 log10X - 0.5 dB X - 2-4X + 2-7X gives -0.48849199-dB steps 20 log10X - 0.5 dB X - 2-4X + 2-7X - 2-10X gives -0.49746965-dB steps 20 log10X - 0.5 dB X[1 - 2-4 + 2-7 - 2-10 - 2-12 - 2-15 - 2-21] gives -0.5000006792 dB-steps Repeated use of a set of the preceding approximations results in an accumulation of the errors in the approximations. For example, if an application started at 0-dB volume, and repeatedly used the approximations to increase and decrease the volume, the exact reference point of 0 dB would be lost. If an application does require the maintenance of accurate reference points, it is necessary for the application to establish a set of exact gain reference settings and command these exact settings in place of a computed gain setting whenever the current gain setting and the next computed gain setting straddle an exact gain setting. Table 3-4 lists the I2C coefficient settings to adjust volume from 24 dB to -136 dB in 0.5-dB steps. For each volume setting, the gain in dB is presented in one column, the same gain in a floating point number float + 10 Gain is dB 20 presented in the adjacent column, and the same gain formatted in the 32-bit hexadecimal gain coefficient format required to enter the value into the TAS3103A via the I2C bus is presented in a third column. 3-20 Table 3-4. Volume Adjustment Gain Coefficients GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) 24 15.84893192 07EC A9CD 2 1.25892541 00A1 2477 23.5 14.96235656 077B 2E7F 1.5 1.18850223 0098 20D7 23 14.12537545 0710 0C4D 1 1.12201845 008F 9E4C 22.5 13.33521432 06AA E84D 0.5 1.05925373 0087 95A0 22 12.58925412 064B 6CAD 0 1 0080 0000 21.5 11.88502227 05F1 4868 -0.5 0.94406088 0078 D6FC 21 11.22018454 059C 2F01 -1 0.89125094 0072 1482 20.5 10.59253725 054B D842 -1.5 0.84139514 006B B2D6 20 10 0500 0000 -2 0.79432823 0065 AC8C 19.5 9.44060876 04B8 65DE -2.5 0.74989421 005F FC88 19 8.91250938 0474 CD1B -3 0.70794578 005A 9DF7 18.5 8.41395142 0434 FC5C -3.5 0.66834392 0055 8C4B 18 7.94328235 03F8 BD79 -4 0.63095734 0050 C335 17.5 7.49894209 03BF DD55 -4.5 0.59566214 004C 3EA8 0047 FACC 17 7.07945784 038A 2BAC -5 0.56234133 16.5 6.68343918 0357 7AEF -5.5 0.53088444 0043 F405 16 6.30957344 0327 A01A -6 0.50118723 0040 26E7 15.5 5.95662144 02FA 7292 -6.5 0.47315126 003C 9038 15 5.62341325 02CF CC01 -7 0.44668359 0039 2CED 14.5 5.30884444 02A7 8836 -7.5 0.42169650 0035 FA26 14 5.01187234 0281 8508 -8 0.39810717 0032 F52C 13.5 4.73151259 025D A234 -8.5 0.37583740 0030 1B70 13 4.46683592 023B C147 -9 0.35481339 002D 6A86 12.5 4.21696503 021B C582 -9.5 0.33496544 002A E025 12 3.98107171 01FD 93C1 -10 0.31622777 0028 7A26 11.5 3.75837404 01E1 1266 -10.5 0.29853826 0026 3680 11 3.54813389 01C6 2940 -11 0.28183829 0024 1346 10.5 3.34965439 01AC C179 -11.5 0.26607251 0022 0EA9 10 3.16227766 0194 C583 -12 0.25118864 0020 26F3 9.5 2.98538262 017E 2104 -12.5 0.23713737 001E 5A84 9 2.81838293 0168 C0C5 -13 0.22387211 001C A7D7 8.5 2.66072506 0154 92A3 -13.5 0.21134890 001B 0D7B 8 2.51188643 0141 857E -14 0.19952623 0019 8A13 7.5 2.37137371 012F 892C -14.5 0.18836491 0018 1C57 7 2.23872114 011E 8E6A -15 0.17782794 0016 C310 6.5 2.11348904 010E 86CF -15.5 0.16788040 0015 7D1A 6 1.99526231 00FF 64C1 -16 0.15848932 0014 4960 5.5 1.88364909 00F1 1B69 -16.5 0.14962357 0013 26DD 5 1.77827941 00E3 9EA8 -17 0.14125375 0012 149A 4.5 1.67880402 00D6 E30C -17.5 0.13335214 0011 11AE 4 1.58489319 00CA DDC7 -18 0.12589254 0010 1D3F 3.5 1.49623566 00BF 84A6 -18.5 0.11885022 000F 367B 3 1.41253754 00B4 CE07 -19 0.11220185 000E 5CA1 2.5 1.33352143 00AA B0D4 -19.5 0.10592537 000D 8EF6 3-21 Table 3-4. Volume Adjust Gain Coefficient (Continued) 3-22 GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) -20 0.1 000C CCCC -42 0.00794328 0001 0449 -20.5 0.09440609 000C 157F -42.5 0.00749894 0000 F5B9 -21 0.08912509 000B 6873 -43 0.00707946 0000 E7FA -21.5 0.08413951 000A C515 -43.5 0.00668344 0000 DB00 -22 0.07943282 000A 2ADA -44 0.00630957 0000 CEC0 -22.5 0.07498942 0009 9940 -44.5 0.00595662 0000 C32F -23 0.07079458 0009 0FCB -45 0.00562341 0000 B844 -23.5 0.06683439 0008 8E07 -45.5 0.00530884 0000 ADF5 -24 0.06309573 0008 1385 -46 0.00501187 0000 A43A -24.5 0.05956621 0007 9FDD -46.5 0.00473151 0000 9B0A -25 0.05623413 0007 32AE -47 0.00446684 0000 925E -25.5 0.05308844 0006 CB9A -47.5 0.00421697 0000 8A2E -26 0.05011872 0006 6A4A -48 0.00398107 0000 8273 -26.5 0.04731513 0006 0E6C -48.5 0.00375837 0000 7B27 -27 0.04466836 0005 B7B1 -49 0.00354813 0000 7443 -27.5 0.04216965 0005 65D0 -49.5 0.00334965 0000 6DC2 -28 0.03981072 0005 1884 -50 0.00316228 0000 679F -28.5 0.03758374 0004 CF8B -50.5 0.00298538 0000 61D3 -29 0.03548134 0004 8AA7 -51 0.00281838 0000 5C5A -29.5 0.03349654 0004 499D -51.5 0.00266073 0000 572F -30 0.03162278 0004 0C37 -52 0.00251189 0000 524F -30.5 0.02985383 0003 D240 -52.5 0.00237137 0000 4DB4 -31 0.02818383 0003 9B87 -53 0.00223872 0000 495B -31.5 0.02660725 0003 67DD -53.5 0.00211349 0000 4541 -32 0.02511886 0003 3718 -54 0.00199526 0000 4161 -32.5 0.02371374 0003 090D -54.5 0.00188365 0000 3DB9 -33 0.02238721 0002 DD95 -55 0.00177828 0000 3A45 -33.5 0.02113489 0002 B48C -55.5 0.00167880 0000 3702 -34 0.01995262 0002 8DCE -56 0.00158489 0000 33EF -34.5 0.01883649 0002 693B -56.5 0.00149624 0000 3107 -35 0.01778279 0002 46B4 -57 0.00141254 0000 2E49 -35.5 0.01678804 0002 261C -57.5 0.00133352 0000 2BB2 -36 0.01584893 0002 0756 -58 0.00125893 0000 2940 -36.5 0.01496236 0001 EA49 -58.5 0.00118850 0000 26F1 -37 0.01412538 0001 CEDC -59 0.00112202 0000 24C4 -37.5 0.01333521 0001 B4F7 -59.5 0.00105925 0000 22B5 -38 0.01258925 0001 9C86 -60 0.001 0000 20C4 -38.5 0.01188502 0001 8572 -60.5 0.00094406 0000 1EEF -39 0.01122018 0001 6FA9 -61 0.00089125 0000 1D34 -39.5 0.01059254 0001 5B18 -61.5 0.00084140 0000 1B92 -40 0.01 0001 47AE -62 0.00079433 0000 1A07 -40.5 0.00944061 0001 3559 -62.5 0.00074989 0000 1892 -41 0.00891251 0001 240B -63 0.00070795 0000 1732 -41.5 0.00841395 0001 13B5 -63.5 0.00066834 0000 15E6 Table 3-4. Volume Adjust Gain Coefficient (Continued) GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) -64 0.00063096 0000 14AC -86 5.01188E-05 0000 01A4 -64.5 0.00059566 0000 1384 -86.5 4.73152E-05 0000 018C -65 0.00056234 0000 126D -87 4.46684E-05 0000 0176 -65.5 0.00053088 0000 1165 -87.5 4.21696E-05 0000 0161 -66 0.00050119 0000 106C -88 3.98108E-05 0000 014D -66.5 0.00047315 0000 0F81 -88.5 3.75838E-05 0000 013B 0000 0129 -67 0.00044668 0000 0EA3 -89 3.54814E-05 -67.5 0.00042170 0000 0DD1 -89.5 3.34966E-05 0000 0118 -68 0.00039811 0000 0D0B -90 3.16228E-05 0000 0109 -68.5 0.00037584 0000 0C50 -90.5 2.98538E-05 0000 00FA -69 0.00035481 0000 0BA0 -91 2.81838E-05 0000 00EC -69.5 0.00033497 0000 0AF9 -91.5 2.66072E-05 0000 00DF -70 0.00031623 0000 0A5C -92 2.51188E-05 0000 00D2 -70.5 0.00029854 0000 09C8 -92.5 2.37138E-05 0000 00C6 -71 0.00028184 0000 093C -93 2.23872E-05 0000 00BB -71.5 0.00026607 0000 08B7 -93.5 2.11348E-05 0000 00B1 -72 0.00025119 0000 083B -94 1.99526E-05 0000 00A7 -72.5 0.00023714 0000 07C5 -94.5 1.88365E-05 0000 009E -73 0.00022387 0000 0755 -95 1.77828E-05 0000 0095 -73.5 0.00021135 0000 06EC -95.5 1.67880E-05 0000 008C -74 0.00019953 0000 0689 -96 1.58489E-05 0000 0084 -74.5 0.00018837 0000 062C -96.5 1.49624E-06 0000 007D -75 0.00017783 0000 05D3 -97 1.41254E-05 0000 0076 -75.5 0.00016788 0000 0580 -97.5 1.33352E-05 0000 006F 0000 0069 -76 0.00015849 0000 0531 -98 1.25893E-05 -76.5 0.00014962 0000 04E7 -98.5 1.18850E-05 0000 0063 -77 0.00014125 0000 04A0 -99 1.12202E-05 0000 005E -77.5 0.00013335 0000 045E -99.5 1.05925E-05 0000 0058 -78 0.00012589 0000 0420 -100 0.00001 0000 0053 -78.5 0.00011885 0000 03E4 -100.5 9.44060E-06 0000 004F -79 0.00011220 0000 03AD -101 8.91250E-06 0000 004A -79.5 0.00010593 0000 0378 -101.5 8.41396E-06 0000 0046 -80 0.0001 0000 0346 -102 7.94328E-06 0000 0042 -80.5 9.44060E-05 0000 0317 -102.5 7.49894E-06 0000 003E -81 8.91250E-05 0000 02EB -103 7.07946E-06 0000 003B -81.5 8.41396E-05 0000 02C1 -103.5 6.68344E-06 0000 0038 -82 7.94328E-05 0000 029A -104 6.30958E-06 0000 0034 -82.5 7.49894E-05 0000 0275 -104.5 5.95662E-06 0000 0031 -83 7.07946E-05 0000 0251 -105 5.62342E-06 0000 002F -83.5 6.68344E-05 0000 0230 -105.5 5.30884E-06 0000 002C -84 6.30958E-05 0000 0211 -106 5.01188E-06 0000 002A -84.5 5.95662E-05 0000 01F3 -106.5 4.73152E-06 0000 0027 -85 5.62342E-05 0000 01D7 -107 4.46684E-06 0000 0025 -85.5 5.30884E-05 0000 01BD -107.5 4.21696E-06 0000 0023 3-23 Table 3-4. Volume Adjust Gain Coefficient (Continued) GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) GAIN (dB) GAIN (FLOAT) GAIN (COEFFICIENT) -108 3.98108E-06 0000 0021 -122.5 7.49894E-07 0000 0006 -108.5 3.75838E-06 0000 001F -123 7.07946E-07 0000 0005 -109 3.54814E-06 0000 001D -123.5 6.68344E-07 0000 0005 -109.5 3.34966E-06 0000 001C -124 6.30958E-07 0000 0005 -110 3.16228E-06 0000 001A -124.5 5.95662E-07 0000 0004 -110.5 2.98538E-06 0000 0019 -125 5.62342E-07 0000 0004 -111 2.81838E-06 0000 0017 -125.5 5.30884E-07 0000 0004 -111.5 2.66072E-06 0000 0016 -126 5.01188E-07 0000 0004 -112 2.51188E-06 0000 0015 -126.5 4.73152E-07 0000 0003 -112.5 2.37138E-06 0000 0013 -127 4.46684E-07 0000 0003 -113 2.23872E-06 0000 0012 -127.5 4.21696E-07 0000 0003 -113.5 2.11348E-06 0000 0011 -128 3.98108E-07 0000 0003 -114 1.99526E-06 0000 0010 -128.5 3.75838E-07 0000 0003 -114.5 1.88365E-06 0000 000F -129 3.54814E-07 0000 0002 -115 1.77828E-06 0000 000E -129.5 3.34966E-07 0000 0002 -115.5 1.67880E-06 0000 000E -130 3.16228E-07 0000 0002 -116 1.58489E-06 0000 000D -130.5 2.98538E-07 0000 0002 -116.5 1.49624E-06 0000 000C -131 2.81838E-07 0000 0002 -117 1.41254E-06 0000 000B -131.5 2.66072E-07 0000 0002 -117.5 1.33352E-06 0000 000B -132 2.51188E-07 0000 0002 -118 1.25893E-06 0000 000A -132.5 2.37138E-07 0000 0001 -118.5 1.18850E-06 0000 0009 -133 2.23872E-07 0000 0001 -119 1.12202E-06 0000 0009 -133.5 2.11348E-07 0000 0001 -119.5 1.05925E-06 0000 0008 -134 1.99526E-07 0000 0001 -120 0.000001 0000 0008 -134.5 1.88365E-07 0000 0001 -120.5 9.44080E-07 0000 0007 -135 1.77828E-07 0000 0001 -121 8.91250E-07 0000 0007 -135.5 1.67880E-07 0000 0001 -121.5 8.41396E-07 0000 0007 -136 1.58489E-07 0000 0001 -122 7.94328E-07 0000 0006 Soft Volume Adjustment Range Limitations When the 2048 sample transition time is selected for the S-curve volume transition, the full - to 24-dB adjustment range is available. All possible values but one in the signed 28-bit (5.23-format) volume-level command range are valid volume-level selections. The one exception is the maximum negative volume-level command 0x08000000. This value is reserved and if used, could result in erratic behavior that requires a reset to the part to correct. When the 4096-sample transition time is selected, the upper two bits of the 28-bit volume command cannot be used. This means that the valid volume-level command range is reduced to a maximum positive value of 0x1FFFFFF (12 dB) and a maximum negative value of 0x0E000000 (also 12 dB, but with a 180 phase inversion of the audio signal). Values above these maximum levels could result in erratic behavior that requires a reset to the part to correct. Although the volume boost for the 4096-sample transition time is limited to 12 dB, volume boost can be realized elsewhere in the processing signal flow, such as in the input crossbar mixers, the biquad filters in the three monaural channels, or the biquad filters in the effects block. Soft Volume Transitions and Concurrent I2C Read Transactions I2C read transactions at subaddresses 0x01 through 0xD1 are not allowed during volume-level transitions, as read activity during volume-level transitions could result in erroneous data being output. If it is required to read subaddress 3-24 data that falls in the subaddress range 0x01 through 0xD1 after issuing an I2C command to change the volume level on one of the three monaural channels, the busy bit at subaddress 0xFF must be monitored to determine when the volume activity has ceased and it is safe to resume I2C read activity at subaddresses 0x01 through 0xD1. A value of 0 in the least-significant bit of the byte output on reading subaddress 0xFF signifies that all volume transition activity has completed. 3.6.2 Loudness Compensation Loudness compensation employs a single, coefficient-programmable, biquad filter and a function block f(volume_setting), whose output is only a function of the volume control setting. The biquad filter input is the channel processed audio data stream that also feeds the volume gain-control mixer. The biquad output feeds a gain-control mixer whose other input is the volume-control setting after processing by the function block f(volume setting). Loudness compensation then allows a given spectral segment of the audio data stream (as determined by the biquad filter coefficients) to be given a delta adjustment in volume as determined by the programmable function block f(volume_setting). The output of the function block f(volume_setting) can be expressed in terms of the programmable I2C coefficients as: f(volume_setting) = [(volume_setting)LG x 2LO x G] +O where: LG = logarithmic gain = 5.23-format number LO = logarithmic offset = 25.23-format number G = gain = 5.23-format number O = offset = 25.23-format number If LG = 0.5, LO = 0, G = 1.0, and O = 0, f(volume setting) becomes: f(volume_setting) = volume_setting The output of the soft volume/loudness compensation block for the preceding case would be: audioOut = [audioIn x volume_setting] + [audioIn x F(s)Biquad x volume_setting ] Figure 3-17 is a block diagram of the loudness logic. If a given monaural channel is set up as in the preceding example, a true mute is not obtained when a mute command is issued for the monaural channel. The function block f(volume_setting) approximates logarithmic arithmetic and a consequence of the mathematical approximations used is that the function block can output a nonzero value for an input volume setting of 0. For f(volume_setting) = volume_setting, a volume_setting value of 0.0 results in the function block outputting a gain coefficient that cuts the output of the biquad filter by approximately 90 dB. If true muting is required, it can be achieved by setting G = 0 after the volume control setting has softly transitioned to 0. Audio In Audio Out Biquad Loudness Soft Volume LG LO G O Figure 3-17. Loudness Compensation Block Diagram 3-25 3-26 Volume Commands I2C Bus Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack S S xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx CCC Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxx HHH Ack 321 Ack m Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b Volume Command ttransition Commanded Volume 48 28 VSC S Ack xxxxxxxx m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b a2 28 28 a1 Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx ( ) LG m 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b 48 48 48 Ack l xxxxxx s Ack b LG z-1 z-1 l xxxxxx s Ack b b2 b1 b0 l xxxxxx s Ack b l xxxxxx s Ack b a2 a1 l xxxxxx s Ack b l xxxxxx s Ack b AUDIO OUT Loudness Compensation Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack LG Is a 5.23-Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx All biquad gain coefficients 5.23 numbers. 28 28 b2 b1 28 b0 Commanded 5.23 Volume Command z-1 z-1 Biquad Coefficients CH1 = 0xA6 CH2 = 0xAB CH3 = 0xB0 m Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b m Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Slave Addr Slave Addr S CH1 = 0xA2 CH2 = 0xA7 CH3 = 0xAC O G 2LO S S S Slave Addr Slave Addr Slave Addr LOUDNESS Ack Ack Ack xxxxxxxx Subaddr Ack Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b O Is a 25.23-Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx m 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack b CH1 = 0xA5 CH2 = 0xAA CH3 = 0xAF G Is a 5.23-Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx CH1 = 0xA4 CH2 = 0xA9 CH3 = 0xAE LO Is a 25.23-Format Number Ack xxxxxxxx m 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack b CH1 = 0xA3 CH2 = 0xA8 CH3 = 0xAD m Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx b Subaddr Ack Figure 3-18. Detailed Block Diagram--Soft Volume and Loudness Compensation AUDIO IN = x16 BoostMAX Volume Command = 1/223 Cut MAX (LSB) (5.23 Precision) = Zero Output For 0x0000000 Volume Control Slave Addr CH1 = 0xF2 CH2 = 0xF3 CH3 = 0xF4 Mute Command = 1 => 0x0000000 Volume Control Ack Subaddr Ack Original Volume Note: Negative Volume Commands Result in Audio Polarity Conversion. Slave Addr SOFT VOLUME v Ack xxxxxxx s Ack xxxxxxxx Ack c 0xF1 Ack xxxxxxxx VSC = 0 ttransition = 2048/Fs VSC = 1 ttransition = 4096/Fs xxxxxxxx Mute / Unmute Command 0xF0 I2C Slave Mode I2C Master Mode Volume Commands - GPIO Terminals GPIO0 - Volume Up - CH1/CH2 GPIO1 - Volume Down - CH1/CH2 GPIO2 - Volume Up - CH3 GPIO3 - Volume Down - CH3 S 0 LSBs 0 MSBs G LO LSBs LO MSBs If G is set to 0 and O is set to 0, loudness compensation is disabled. If G is set to 0 and O is set to 1, the biquad-filtered audio is directly added to the volume-level-adjusted audio. Typically, LG and LO are used to derive the desired loudness compensation function, G is used to turn loudness compensation on and off, and O is used to enable and disable the biquad filter output when automatic volume tracking is turned off. 3.6.3 Time Alignment and Reverb Delay Processing The TAS3103A provides delay line facilities at two locations in the TAS3103A--in the 3D effects block (reverb delay), and at the output mix block (delay). There are three reverb delay blocks, one for each monaural channel, and these delay elements are typically used in implementing sound spatiality, a single-mix reverb, and other sound effects. There are also three delay blocks, again one for each monaural channel, and these delay elements are typically used for temporal channel alignment. The delay line facilities are implemented using a single 4K (4096) x 16-bit RAM resource. Each delay element implemented provides a one-sample delay (1/Fs). The size of each delay line can be programmed via the I2C bus, or set by the EEPROM download in the I2C master mode. The only restriction is that the total delay line resources programmed cannot exceed the capacity of the 4K x 16-bit memory bank. Figure 3-19 illustrates how delay line structures are established within the 4K RAM memory. As seen in Figure 3-19, each delay line immediately begins where the previously implemented delay line leaves off. The actual placement of the pointers is computed by the resident microprocessor; the user needs only to enter the delay value required. However, consider the following four points when programming the lengths of the delay lines. 1. Each delay line of length L requires L+1 memory sample spaces. 2. Reverb delay lines require three memory words (48 bits) to implement a single delay element, as the reverb delay line operates in the 48-bit word structure of the digital audio processor (DAP). 3. Delay lines require two memory words (32 bits) to implement a single delay element, as the delay lines operate on the mixer outputs after 32-bit truncation has been applied. 4. There are five words of reserved memory space that must be preserved. In Figure 3-19, the terms PCHx refer to delay-line size assignments for the delay lines. The terms PRx see the delay line size assignments for the reverb delay lines. For the example shown in Figure 3-19, the delay for channel 3 is set to 0 and the reverb delay for channel 2 is set to 0. From these zero-valued settings, it is seen that a delay of 0 requires the use of one delay element. For the case of a delay of 0, the write transaction into the single delay element takes place before the read from the single delay element, thereby achieving a net delay of 0. In making the delay-line length assignments, the only restriction is that the 4K memory resource not be exceeded. Figure 3-20 illustrates the computations required to determine the maximum delay-line length obtainable for five cases: 1. One reverb delay line 2. One delay line 3. Three equal-length reverb delay lines but no delay lines 4. Three equal-length delay lines but no reverb delay lines 5. Three equal-length delay lines and three equal-length reverb delay lines All input crossbar mixers use signed 5.23-format mixer gain coefficients, and all are programmable via the I2C bus. The 5.23 format provides a range of gain adjustment from 2-23 (-138 dB) to 24 - 1 (23.5 dB). 3-27 Start 0 Delay Memory Allocation - CH1 (CH1 Delay Assignment = PCH1) Delay CH1 Stop Start 2(PCH1 + 1) - 1 2(PCH1 + 1) Delay CH2 Delay Memory Allocation - CH2 (CH2 Delay Assignment = PCH2) Stop Start Delay Memory Allocation - CH3 (CH3 Delay Assignment = PCH3 = 0) Stop Start Delay Memory Allocation - Reserved (Reserved Delay Assignment = 0) Stop Start 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 2) - 1 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 2) 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 2) + 1 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 3) 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 3) + 1 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) II II II Delay CH3 (PCH3 = 0) Reverb CH1 Reverb Delay Memory Allocation - CH1 (CH1 Reverb Delay Assignment = PR1) Stop Start Reverb Delay Memory Allocation - CH2 (CH2 Reverb Delay Assignment = PR2 = 0) Stop Start 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + 1) - 1 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + 1) Reverb CH2 (PR2 = 0) 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + 1) + 2 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + 2) Reverb CH3 Reverb Delay Memory Allocation - CH3 (CH3 Reverb Delay Assignment = PR3) Stop Start Reverb Delay Memory Allocation - Reserved (Reserved Reverb Delay Assignment = 0) Stop 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + PR3 + 3) - 1 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + PR3 + 3) 2(PCH1 + PCH2 + 4) + 3(PR1 + PR3 + 4) - 1 Figure 3-19. Delay-Line Memory Implementation 3-28 Reserved II II II II Reserved CASE 1: Maximum Length - One Reverb Delay Line P Reverb_max_CH2 + [(4096 * 5 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3) B 3] * 1 + 1358 2 1358 3 CH1 CH2 CH3 CH1 CH3 Delay Reverb Reserved L length requires L + 1 delay elements CASE 2: Maximum Length - One Delay Line P Delay_max_CH3 + [(4096 * 5 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * 3) B 2] * 1 + 2038 CH1 CH2 CH1 CH2 CH3 Delay Reverb Reserved L length requires L + 1 delay elements CASE 3: Maximum Length - Three Equal-Length Reverb Delay Lines P Reverb_max_CH1, CH2, CH3 + |{[(4096 * 5 * 2 * 2 * 2) B 3] + 1361 2 1361} B 3| + 453 2 * 1 + 452 2 452 3 3 3 CH1 CH2 CH3 Delay Reserved L length requires L + 1 delay elements CASE 4: Maximum Length - Three Equal-Length Delay Lines P Delay_max_CH1, CH2, CH3 + |{[(4096 * 5 * 3 * 3 * 3) B 2] + 2041} B 3| * 1 + 679 1 679 3 CH1 CH2 CH3 Reverb Reserved L length requires L + 1 delay elements CASE 5: Maximum Length - Three Equal-Length Delay Lines and Three Equal-Length Reverb Delay Lines P DelayReverb_max_CH1, CH2, CH3 + (4096 * 5) + 4091 + 3[2(D ) 1)] ) 3[3(R ) 1)] Where D and R + No. delay and reverb elementsChannel 3 Channels Reserved R takes No. 16-bit words per delay element L length requires L + 1 delay elements 3 the memory D does, so there should be three D elements for every two R elements. 2 Therefore, D + 3 R 2 3 4091 + 3[2( R ) 1)] ) 3[3(R ) 1)] R + 226 4 226 2 9 D + 3 R D + 339 2 Figure 3-20. Maximum Delay-Line Lengths 3-29 Commands to reconfigure the reverb delay and delay lines should not be issued as stand-alone commands. When new delay assignments are issued, the content of the 4K memory resource used to implement the delay lines is not flushed. It takes a finite time for the memory to refill with samples in correspondence with its new assignments, and until this time has elapsed, audio samples can be output on the wrong channel. For this reason, it is recommended that all delay line assignment commands be preceded by a mute command, and followed by an unmute command. CAUTION: No error flags are issued if the delay line assignments exceed the capacity of the 4K memory resource, but undefined and erratic behavior results if the delay line capacity is exceeded. 3.7 Dynamic Range Control (DRC) DRC provides both compression and expansion capabilities over three separate and definable regions of audio signal levels. Programmable threshold levels set the boundaries of the three regions. Within each of the three regions, a distinct compression or expansion transfer function can be established and the slope of each transfer function is determined by programmable parameters. The offset (boost or cut) at the two boundaries defining the three regions can also be set by programmable offset coefficients. The DRC implements the composite transfer function by computing a 5.23-format gain coefficient from each sample output from the rms estimator. This gain coefficient is then applied to a mixer element, whose other input is the audio data stream. The mixer output is the DRC-adjusted audio data. Two distinct DRC blocks are in the TAS3103A. One DRC services two monaural channels--CH1 and CH2. This DRC computes rms estimates of the audio data streams on both CH1 and CH2. The two estimates are then compared on a sample-by-sample basis, and the larger of the two is used to compute the compression/expansion gain coefficient. The gain coefficient is then applied to both CH1 and CH2 audio. The other DRC services only monaural channel CH3. This DRC also computes an rms estimate of the signal level on CH3, and this estimate is used to compute the compression/expansion gain coefficient applied to CH3 audio. Figure 3-21 shows the positioning of the DRC block in the TAS3103A processing flow. As seen, the DRC input can come from either before or after soft volume control and loudness processing, or can be a weighted combination of both. The mixers feeding the DRC control the selection of which audio data stream or combination thereof, is input into the DRC. The mixers also provide a means of gaining or attenuating the signal level into the DRC. If the DRC setup is referenced to the 0-dB level at the TAS3103A input, the coefficient values for these mixers must be taken into account. Discussions and examples that follow further explore the role the mixers play in setting up the transfer function of the DRC. Base and Treble Bypass Soft Volume DRC Bypass Loudness From Effects Block Channel Biquad Filter Bank Base and Treble DRC-Derived Gain Coefficient DRC Input Mixer DRC Input Mixer DRC CH1/CH2 DRC Only Figure 3-21. DRC Positioning in TAS3103A Processing Flow 3-30 Figure 3-22 illustrates a typical DRC transfer function. DRC - Compensated Output Region 0 Region 1 Region 2 k2 k1 1:1 Transfer Function Implemented Transfer Fucntion k0 O2 O1 T1 T2 DRC Input Level Figure 3-22. DRC Transfer Function Structure The three regions shown in Figure 3-22 are defined by three sets of programmable coefficients: * Thresholds T1 and T2--define region boundaries. * Offsets O1 and O2--define the DRC gain coefficient settings at thresholds T1 and T2, respectively. * Slopes k0, k1, and k2--define whether compression or expansion is to be performed within a given region. The magnitudes of the slopes define the degree of compression or expansion to be performed. The three sets of parameters are all defined in logarithmic space and adhere to the following rules: * The maximum input sample into the DRC is referenced at 0 dB. All values below this maximum value then have negative values in logarithmic (dB) space. * The samples input into the DRC are 32-bit words and consist of the upper 32 bits of the 48-bit word format used by the digital audio processor (DAP). The 48-bit DAP word is derived from the 32-bit serial data received at the serial audio receive port by adding 8 bits of headroom above the 32-bit word and 8 bits of computational precision below the 32-bit word. If the audio processing steps between the SAP input and the DRC input result in no accumulative boost or cut, the DRC operates on the 8 bits of headroom and the 24 MSBs of the audio sample. Under these conditions, a 0-dB (maximum value) audio sample (0x7FFFFFFF) is seen at the DRC input as a -48-dB sample (8 bits x -6.02 dB/bit = -48 dB). * Thresholds T1 and T2 define, in dB, the boundaries of the three regions of the DRC, as referenced to the rms value of the data into the DRC. Zero-valued threshold settings reference the maximum-valued rms input into the DRC and negative-valued thresholds reference all other rms input levels. Positive-valued thresholds have no physical meaning and are not allowed. In addition, zero-valued threshold settings are not allowed. Although the DRC input is limited to 32-bit words, the DRC itself operates using the 48-bit word format of the DAP. The 32-bit samples input into the DRC are placed in the upper 32 bits of this 48-bit word space. This means that the threshold settings must be programmed as 48-bit (25.23-format) numbers. CAUTION: Zero-valued and positive-valued threshold settings are not allowed and cause unpredictable behavior if used. * Offsets O1 and O2 define, in dB, the attenuation (cut) or gain (boost) applied by the DRC-derived gain coefficient at the threshold points T1 and T2, respectively. Positive offsets are defined as cuts, and thus boost or gain selections are negative numbers. Offsets must be programmed as 48-bit (25.23-format) numbers. 3-31 * 3.7.1 Slopes k0, k1, and k2 define whether compression or expansion is to be performed within a given region, and the degree of compression or expansion to be applied. Slopes are programmed as 28-bit (5.23-format) numbers. DRC Implementation Figure 3-23 shows the three elements comprising the DRC: (1) an rms estimator, (2) a compression/expansion coefficient computation engine, and (3) an attack/decay controller. * RMS estimator--This DRC element derives an estimate of the rms value of the audio data stream into the DRC. For the DRC block shared by CH1 and CH2, two estimates are computed--an estimate of the CH1 audio data stream into the DRC, and an estimate of the CH2 audio data stream into the DRC. The outputs of the two estimators are then compared, sample-by-sample, and the larger valued sample is forwarded to the compression/expansion coefficient computation engine. Two programmable parameters, ae and (1 - ae), set the effective time window over which the rms estimate is made. For the DRC block shared by CH1 and CH2, the programmable parameters apply to both rms estimators. The time window over which the rms estimation is computed can be determined by: t window + -1 Fs n(1 * ae) * Compression/expansion coefficient computation--This DRC element converts the output of the rms estimator to a logarithmic number, determines the region where the input resides, and then computes and outputs the appropriate coefficient to the attack/decay element. Seven programmable parameters--T1, T2, O1, O2, k0, k1, and k2--define the three compression/expansion regions implemented by this element. * Attack/decay control--This DRC element controls the transition time of changes in the coefficient computed in the compression/expansion coefficient computation element. Four programmable parameters define the operation of this element. Parameters ad and (1 - ad) set the decay or release time constant to be used for volume boost (expansion). Parameters aa and (1 - aa) set the attack time constant to be used for volume cuts. The transition time constants can be determined by: ta + * -1 Fs n(1 * aa) (seconds) td + -1 Fs n(1 * ad) (seconds) In the foregoing formula, aa is a time constant. Use aa/5 for time constant T; aa + 5 1 * e -1Fs t a 3-32 (seconds) 3-33 Audio Input CH2 Audio Input CH1 or CH3 5.23 Format RMS Voltage Estimator 32 Comparator T2-MSBits T2-LSBits Ack Ack 1-ae O1 { T1 O2 T2 { CH1/CH2 = 0xB3 CH3 = 0xB8 25.23 Format K2 K1 K0 CH1/CH2 = 0xB5 CH3 = 0xBA td ta -1/[FS x ln(1-aa)] td -1/[FS x ln(1-ad)] Cut Attack / Decay Control ta l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b l Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b Volume 5.23 Format m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b 5.23 Format Figure 3-23. DRC Block Diagram tWindow -1/[FS x ln(1-ae)] Where FS = Audio Sample Frequency CH1/CH2 = 0xB4 CH3 = 0xB9 m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b m 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b NOTE: Compression / Expansion / Compression Displayed K0 K1 Compression / Expansion Coefficient Computation K2 ae and (1-ae) Set Time Window Over Which RMS Value is Computed Applies to DRC Servicing CH1/CH2 Only RMS Voltage Estimator 32 T1-LSBits Ack ae 25.23 Format m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs Ack b CH1/CH2 = 0xB1 CH3 = 0xB6 T1-MSBits Ack m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs Ack b b m l 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs Ack b b m l 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs Ack b b m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b m 00000000 Ack 00000000 Ack s xxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx b l xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxs b CH1/CH2 = 0xB2 CH3 = 0xB7 1-aa ad 1-ad Ack Ack 5.23 Format 28 aa Ack DRC-Derived Gain Coefficient O2-LSBits O2-MSBits O1-LSBits O1-MSBits Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack 3.7.2 Compression/Expansion Coefficient Computation Engine Parameters Seven programmable parameters are assigned to each DRC block: two threshold parameters, T1 and T2; two offset parameters, O1 and O2; and three slope parameters, k0, k1, and k2. The threshold parameters establish the three regions of the DRC transfer curve, the offsets anchor the transfer curve by establishing known gain settings at the threshold levels, and the slope parameters define whether a given region is a compression or an expansion region. The audio input stream into the DRC must pass through DRC-dedicated programmable input mixers. These mixers are provided to scale the 32-bit input into the DRC to account for the positioning of the audio data in the 48-bit DAP word and the net gain or attenuation in signal level between the SAP input and the DRC. The selection of threshold values must take the gain (attenuation) of these mixers into account. The DRC implementation examples that follow illustrate the effect these mixers have on establishing the threshold settings. T2 establishes the boundary between the high-volume region and the mid-volume region. T1 establishes the boundary between the mid-volume region and the low-volume region. Both thresholds are set in logarithmic space, and which region is active for any given rms estimator output sample is determined by the logarithmic value of the sample. Threshold T2 serves as the fulcrum or pivot point in the DRC transfer function. O2 defines the boost (> 0 dB) or cut (< 0 dB) implemented by the DRC-derived gain coefficient for an rms input level of T2. If O2 = 0 dB, the value of the derived gain coefficient is 1 (0x0080 0000 in 5.23 format). k2 is the slope of the DRC transfer function for rms input levels above T2, and k1 is the slope of the DRC transfer function for rms input levels below T2 (and above T1). The labeling of T2 as the fulcrum stems from the fact that there cannot be a discontinuity in the transfer function at T2. However, the user can set the DRC parameters to realize a discontinuity in the transfer function at the boundary defined by T1. If no discontinuity is desired at T1, the value for the offset term O1 must obey the following equation. O1 No Discontinuity + |T1 * T2| k1 ) O2 For ( |T1| w |T2| ) T1 and T2 are the threshold settings in dB, k1 is the slope for region 1, and O2 is the offset in dB at T2. If the user chooses to select a value of O1 that does not obey the above equation, a discontinuity at T1 is realized. Going down in volume from T2, the slope k1 remains in effect until the input level T1 is reached. If, at this input level, the offset of the transfer function curve from the 1:1 transfer curve does not equal O1, there is a discontinuity at this input level as the transfer function is snapped to the offset called for by O1. If no discontinuity is wanted, O1 and/or k1 must be adjusted so that the value of the transfer curve at the input level T1 is offset from the 1:1 transfer curve by the value O1. The examples that follow illustrate both continuous and discontinuous transfer curves at T1. Going down in volume from T1, starting at the offset level O1, the slope k0 defines the compression/expansion activity in the lower region of the DRC transfer curve. Threshold Parameter Computation For thresholds, TdB = -6.0206TINPUT = -6.0206TSUB_ADDRESS_ENTRY If, for example, it is desired to set T1 = -64 dB, then the subaddress entry required to set T1 to -64 dB is: T1 SUB_ADDRESS_ENTRY + *64 + 10.63 *6.0206 From Figure 3-23, it can be seen that T1 is entered as a 48-bit number in 25.23 format. Therefore: T1 = 10.63 = 0_1010.1010_0001_0100_0111_1010_111 = 0x00000550A3D7 in 25.23 format Offset Parameter Computation The offsets set the boost or cut applied by the DRC-derived gain coefficient at the threshold point. An equivalent statement is that offsets represent the departure of the actual transfer function from a 1:1 transfer at the threshold point. Offsets are 25.23-formatted 48-bit logarithmic numbers. They are computed by the following equation. 3-34 O INPUT + O ) 24.0824 dB DESIRED 6.0206 Gains or boosts are represented as negative numbers; cuts or attenuation are represented as positive numbers. For example, to achieve a boost of 21 dB at threshold T1, the I2C coefficient value entered for O1 must be: O1 INPUT + -21 dB ) 24.0824 dB + 0.51197555 6.0206 + 0.1000_0011_0001_1101_0100 + 0x00000041886A in 25.23 format More examples of offset computations follow. Slope Parameter Computation In developing the equations used to determine the subaddress input value required to realize a given compression or expansion within a given region of the DRC, the following convention is adopted. DRC Transfer = Input Increase : Output Increase If the DRC realizes an output increase of n dB for every dB increase in the rms value of the audio into the DRC, a 1:n expansion is being performed. If the DRC realizes a 1-dB increase in output level for every n-dB increase in the rms value of the audio into the DRC, a n:1 compression is being performed. For 1:n expansion, the slope k can be found by: k=n-1 For n:1 compression, the slope k can be found by: k + 1 n -1 In both expansion (1:n) and compression (n:1), n is implied to be greater than 1. Thus, for expansion: k = n -1 means k > 0 for n > 1. Likewise, for compression, k + 1 n -1 means -1 < k < 0 for n > 1. Thus, it appears that k must always lie in the range k > -1. The DRC imposes no such restriction, and k can be programmed to values as negative as -15.999. To determine what results when such values of k are entered, it is first helpful to note that the compression and expansion equations for k are actually the same equation. For example, a 1:2 expansion is also a 0.5:1 compression. 0.5 Compression a k + 1 -1 + 1 0.5 1 : 2 Expansion a k + 2-1 + 1 As can be seen, the same value for k is obtained either way. The ability to choose values of k less than -1 allows the DRC to implement negative-slope transfer curves within a given region. Negative-slope transfer curves are usually not associated with compression and expansion operations, but the definition of these operations can be expanded to include negative-slope transfer functions. For example, if k = -4 1 Compression equation: k + *4 + 1 n *1 a n + * 3 a *0.3333 : 1 compression Expansion equation: k + *4 + n * 1 a n + *3 a 1 : *3 expansion With k = -4, the output decreases 3 dB for every 1-dB increase in the rms value of the audio into the DRC. As the input increases in volume, the output decreases in volume. 3-35 3.7.3 DRC Compression/Expansion Implementation Examples The following four examples illustrate the steps that must be taken to calculate the DRC compression/expansion coefficients for a specified DRC transfer function. The first example is an expansion/compression/expansion implementation without discontinuities in the transfer function and represents a typical application. This first example also illustrates one of the three modes of DRC saturation--32-bit dynamic range limitation saturation. The second example is a compression/expansion/compression implementation. There is no discontinuity at T1, and 32-bit dynamic range saturation occurs at low volume levels into the DRC. Example 2 also illustrates another form of DRC saturation--maximum gain saturation. Example 3 illustrates the concept of infinite compression. Also, in Example 3, 32-bit dynamic range saturation occurs at low volume levels and the third form of DRC saturation is illustrated--minimum gain saturation. Example 4 illustrates the ability of the DRC to realize a negative slope transfer function. This example also illustrates two of the three forms of saturation--32-bit dynamic range saturation at low volume levels and minimum gain saturation. CAUTION: The examples presented all exhibit some form of DRC saturation. This is not intended to imply that all (or most) DRC transfer implementations exhibit some form of saturation. Most practical implementations do not exhibit saturation. The examples are chosen to explain by example the three types of saturation that can be encountered. But the phenomenon of saturation can also be used to advantage in that it effectively provides a means to implement more than three zones or regions of operation. If saturation is intended, the regions exhibiting the transfer characteristic set by k0, k1, and k2 provide three regions, and the regions exhibiting saturation provide the additional regions of operation. Example 1--Expansion/Compression/Expansion Transfer Function With 32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation For this example, the following transfer characteristics are chosen. * * * * * Threshold point 2: T2 = -26 dB, O2 = 30 dB Threshold point 1: T1 = -101 dB, O1 = -7.5 dB Region 0 slope: k0 = 0.05 1:1.05 Expansion Region 1 slope: k1 = -0.5 2:1 Compression Region 2 slope: k2 = 0.1 1:1.1 Expansion The thresholds T1 and T2 are typically referenced, by the user, to the 0-dB signal level into the TAS3103A. But to determine the equivalent threshold point at the DRC input, it is necessary to take into account the processing gain (or loss) between the TAS3103A SAP input and the DRC. As an example, consider the processing gain structure shown in Figure 3-24. Inputting the data below the 8-bit headroom in the 48-bit DAP word and then routing only the upper 32 bits of the 48-bit word into the DRC, results in a 48-dB (8 bits x 6 dB/bit = 48 dB) attenuation of the signal level into the DRC. Channel processing gain and use of the dedicated mixer into the DRC can revise this apparent 48-dB attenuation in signal level into the DRC. In Figure 3-24, the 24 mixer gain into the DRC, coupled with a net channel gain of 0 dB, changes the net 48-dB attenuation of the signal level into the DRC to a net attenuation of 24 dB. For slopes: 3-36 Region 0 = 1:1.05 Expansion k0 = 1.05 - 1 = 0.05 = 0 0000.0000 1100 1100 1100 1100 110 = 0x0066 666 in 5.23 format Region 1 = 2:1 Compression k1 = 1/2 - 1 = -0.5 = 1 1111.1000 0000 0000 0000 0000 000 = 0xFC00 000 in 5.23 format Region 2 = 1:1.1 Expansion k2 = 1.1 - 1 = 0.1 = 0 0000.0001 1001 1001 1001 1001 100 = 0x00CC CCC in 5.23 format 0-dB Gain CH1 Processing 48-Bit DAP Word IIIII IIIII IIIII 48-Bit DAP Word 24 47 Headroom 40 39 Headroom 1 2 8 2 0 4 B B 3 i 2 B i t i t B t i t SAP Input Port IIIII IIIII 47 44 43 1 2 8 2 0 4 B B 3 i 2 B i t i t B t i t 1 6 B i t 1 6 B i t DRC 16 IIIII IIIII IIIII Resolution Resolution 8 7 0 IIIII IIIII IIIII 8 7 24 0 CH2 Processing 0-dB Gain Figure 3-24. DRC Input Word Structure for 0-dB Channel Processing Gain The resulting DRC transfer function for the above parameters is shown in Figure 3-25. The threshold T2 is set at the DRC rms input level of -50 dB, which corresponds to a -26-dB rms signal level at the SAP input. The DRC-compensated output at T2 is cut 30 dB with respect to the 1:1 transfer function (O2 = 30 dB). The threshold T1 is set at the DRC rms input level of -125 dB, which corresponds to a -101-dB rms signal level at the SAP input. The DRC-compensated output at T1 is boosted by 7.5 dB with respect to the 1:1 transfer function (O1 = -7.5 dB). For thresholds, TdB = -6.0206TINPUT = -6.0206TSUB_ADDRESS_ENTRY. Therefore, T2 = -26 dB -24 dB = -50 dB T2INPUT = -50/-6.0206 = 8.30482 = 0 1000.0100 1110 0000 1000 1010 111 = 0x0000 0427 0457 in 25.23 format T1 = -101 dB -24 dB = -125 dB T1INPUT = -125/-6.0206 = 20.76205 = 1 0100.1100 0011 0001 0101 1011 010 = 0x0000 0A61 8ADA in 25.23 format For offsets, O INPUT Therefore, O2 INPUT + 1 O ) 24.0824 . 6.0206 dB + 1 [30 ) 24.0824] + 8.982892 6.0206 + 0 1000.1111 1011 1001 1110 1100 111 + 0x0000 047D CF67 in 25.23 format 3-37 O1 INPUT + 1 [*7.5 ) 24.0824] + 2.754277 6.0206 + 0 0010.1100 0001 0001 1000 0100 110 + 0x0000 0160 8C26 in 25.23 format For input levels above the T2 threshold, the transfer function exhibits a 1:1.1 expansion. For input levels below T2, the transfer function exhibits a 2:1 compression. Also, by definition, it is seen that there is no discontinuity in the transfer function at T2. When the 2:1 compression curve in region 1 intersects the T1 threshold level, the output level is 7.5 dB above the 1:1 transfer, an offset value identical to O1. Thus, there is no discontinuity at T1. For input levels below T1, the transfer function exhibits a 1:1.05 expansion. DRC rms input levels below -192 dB fall below the 32-bit precision of the DRC input (32 bits x -6 dB/bit = -192 dB). This means that for levels below -192 dB, the DRC sees a constant input level of 0, and thus the computed DRC gain coefficient remains fixed at the value computed when the input was at -192 dB. The transfer function then has a 1:1 slope below the -192-dB input level and is offset from the 1:1 transfer curve by the offset present at the -192-dB input level. The change from a 1:1.05 expansion to a 1:1 transfer below -192 dB is the result of 32-bit dynamic range saturation at the DRC input. This type of saturation always occurs at a DRC input level of -192 dB. However, the input level at which this type of saturation occurs depends on the channel gain. For this example, the saturation occurs at an input level of -168 dB (-192-dB DRC input + 48 dB 8-bit headroom -24-dB mixer gain into DRC). Example 2--Compression/Expansion/Compression Transfer Function With Maximum Gain Saturation and 32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation The transfer function parameters for this example are given in Table 3-5. In setting the threshold levels it is assumed that the net processing gain between the SAP input and the DRC is 0 dB. This is the same as Example 1 except that the gain of the mixer into the DRC is set to 1 instead of 24. Because of the 8-bit headroom in the 48-bit DAP word, the upper eight bits of the 32-bit DRC input word are zero, resulting in 0-dB signal levels at the SAP input being seen as -48-dB signal levels at the DRC. Figure 3-25 shows the DRC transfer function resulting from the parameters given in Table 3-5. At threshold level T2 (-70 dB), O2 specifies a boost of 30 dB. But the signed, 5.23-formatted gain coefficient only provides a 24-dB boost capability (5 integer bits = Sxxxx 24 x 6 dB/octave = 24 dB). Internally, the DRC operates in 48-bit space and thus computes a 30-dB boost. But the 5.23-formatted gain coefficient saturates or clips at 24 dB. The transfer curve thus resides 24 dB above the 1:1 transfer curve at T2. 3-38 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 1:1 Transfer Function -50 Implemented Transfer Function -60 Slope change points DRC - Compensated Output (dB) O2 = 30 dB -70 k2 = 1 : 1.1 -80 -90 -100 O1 = -7.5 dB -110 k1 = 2 : 1 -120 -130 -140 -150 -160 k0 = 1 : 1.05 -170 -180 -190 -200 -210 k = 1:1 (32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation) -220 -220 -210 -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 T1 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 T2 DRC INPUT (dB) Figure 3-25. DRC Transfer Curve--Example 1 3-39 The transfer curve remains a constant 24 dB above the 1:1 transfer curve for input levels above and below T2 until the computed DRC gain coefficient falls within the dynamic range of a 5.23-format number. For input levels above T2, k2 implements a 5:1 compression. At an input level 7.5 dB above T2 (-62.5 dB), the DRC transfer curve has risen 7.5/5 = 1.5 dB. The boost at this point is 30 dB - (7.5 dB - 1.5 dB) = 24 dB. The DRC has come out of gain saturation. For input levels above -62.5 dB, the transfer curve exhibits 5:1 compression. Table 3-5. DRC Example 2 Parameters I2C COEFFICIENT VALUE DRC PARAMETER REQUIRED (SPECIFIED) VALUE (NET GAINSAP Input-DRC = 0 dB) T1 and T2 -148.7 dBInput -172.7 dBDRC O2 -20 dB (-20 + 24.0824)/6.0206= 0.678072 = 0x0000 0056 CB0F25.23 format O1 10 dB (10 + 24.0824)/6.0206 = 5.660964 = 0x0000 02D4 9A7825.23 format k2 :1 compression k1 1:1 transfer k0 2:1 compression -172.7/-6.0206= 28.684849 = 0x0000 0E57 A91F25.23 format (1/) - 1 = -1 = 0xF800 0005.23 format (1/1) - 1 = 0 = 0x0000 0005.23 format (1/2) - 1 = -0.5 = 0xFC00 0005.23 format For input levels below T2, k1 implements a 1:2 expansion. With a 1:2 expansion in effect, the transfer curve has dropped 12 dB at an input level 6 dB below T2. The boost at this level is 30 dB - (12 dB - 6 dB) = 24 dB. The DRC gain coefficient has again come out of saturation. For input levels below -76 dB and above -150 dB, the transfer curve exhibits a 1:2 expansion. At T1 (-150 dB), the transfer curve is 50 dB below the 1:1 transfer curve. Because O1 = 50 dB, there is no discontinuity in the transfer function. For inputs below -150 dB, k0 implements a 2:1 compression. The change from a 2:1 compression to a 1:1 transfer at -192 dB is due to 32-bit dynamic range saturation at the DRC input. Example 3--1:1 Transfer/Infinite Compression With Minimum Gain Saturation, 32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation, and Equal Threshold Settings (T1 = T2) The DRC transfer function parameters for this example are given in Table 3-6. In addition to illustrating minimum gain saturation, this example also illustrates the operation of the DRC when T1 and T2 are set equal. 3-40 k = 1:1 (Gain Saturation) k2 = 5:1 - 40 -24 dB - 50 O2 = - 30 dB - 60 -24 dB -70 1:1 Transfer Function - 80 Ideal Transfer Function (Unlimited Resolution) - 90 - 100 Implemented Transfer Function k1 = 1 : 2 Slope change points - 110 DRC - Compensated Output (dB) - 120 - 130 - 140 - 150 - 160 - 170 O1 = 50 dB - 180 - 190 - 200 - 210 - 220 k0 = 2 : 1 - 230 - 240 - 250 - 260 - 192 dB - 270 - 280 - 62.5 dB - 76 dB k = 1:1 (32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation) - 290 -290 -280 -270 -260 -250 -240 -230 -220 -210 -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 T1 T2 DRC INPUT (dB) Figure 3-26. DRC Transfer Curve--Example 2 3-41 When T1 and T2 are set equal, the following questions arise: * If O1 O2, what roles do O1 and O2 have? * Which slope parameter, k0 or k1, has control of the transfer function for input levels below the common threshold point? * Does k2 control the transfer function for inputs above the common threshold point? This example addresses and answers those questions. Table 3-6. DRC Example 3 Parameters I2C COEFFICIENT VALUE DRC PARAMETER REQUIRED (SPECIFIED) VALUE (NET GAINSAP Input-DRC = 0 dB) T1 and T2 -148.7 dBInput -172.7 dBDRC O2 -20 dB (-20 + 24.0824)/6.0206= 0.678072 = 0x0000 0056 CB0F25.23 format O1 10 dB (10 + 24.0824)/6.0206 = 5.660964 = 0x0000 02D4 9A7825.23 format k2 :1 compression k1 1:1 transfer k0 2:1 compression -172.7/-6.0206= 28.684849 = 0x0000 0E57 A91F25.23 format (1/) - 1 = -1 = 0xF800 0005.23 format (1/1) - 1 = 0 = 0x0000 0005.23 format (1/2) - 1 = -0.5 = 0xFC00 0005.23 format For this example it is assumed that a net processing gain of 24 (24 dB) is realized from the SAP input and the DRC (which is identical to the net processing gain assumed for Example 1). The 24 gain results in reducing the 8-bit headroom in the 48-bit DAP word to a headroom of four bits. The 32-bit data into the DRC then resides in bits 27:0, which means that the data level into the DRC is down 24 dB with respect to the input level at the SAP. Data input into the TAS3103A (SAP) at a level of -148.7 dB is seen as a -148.7 dB - 24 dB = -172.7-dB signal at the DRC. T1 and T2 must be set to -172.7 dB to realize a common threshold point at an incoming signal level of -148.7 dB. Figure 3-27 shows the transfer function resulting from entering the I2C coefficient values given in Table 3-6. At the T1/T2 threshold, a discontinuity of 30 dB is observed. For inputs above the threshold, the transfer curve is horizontal (infinite compression), and the horizontal line starts 20 dB above the 1:1 transfer curve at the threshold point. Thus, for cases when T1 = T2, O2 governs the offset with regard to the starting point of the transfer curve above the common threshold point and k2 determines the slope of the transfer curve. For inputs below the common threshold point, the transfer curve exhibits a 2:1 compression and starts 10 dB below the 1:1 transfer curve. Thus, O1 sets the offset at the threshold point for the transfer curve at and below the common threshold point and k0 determines the slope of this curve. Slope parameter k1 plays no role when T1 = T2. The value of 0 (1:1 transfer) used in this example for k1 could be changed to any value and the resulting transfer function would not be altered. The change from a 2:1 compression to a 1:1 transfer at -192 dB is due to 32-bit dynamic range saturation at the DRC input. 3-42 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 DRC - Compensated Output (dB) 1:1 Transfer Function -50 Implemented Transfer Function -60 Slope change points -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 k = 1:1 (Minimum Gain Saturation) -130 -140 -150 O2 = -20 dB k2 = :1 -160 30 dB -170 -180 -190 -200 k = 1:1 (32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation) O1 = 10 dB k0 = 2:1 -210 -14.7 dB -192 dB -220 -220 -210 -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 T1/T2 DRC INPUT (dB) Figure 3-27. DRC Transfer Curve--Example 3 3-43 The horizontal slope of the transfer curve above the common threshold point does not remain horizontal indefinitely. At a point 158 dB above the common threshold point (-14.7-dB DRC input level), the transfer function has gone from a boost of 20 dB to a cut of 138 dB. A cut of 138 dB is the maximum cut possible for a 5.23-format gain coefficient (2-23 23 octaves x 6 dB/octave = 138 dB). Thus, at a DRC input level of -14.7 dB, minimum gain saturation has been reached. For inputs above this saturation point, the DRC-derived gain coefficient remains constant at the minimum gain value (2-23), and the transfer function exhibits a 1:1 transfer slope. Example 4--Expansion/Cut/Expansion With Gain Saturation and 32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation The three previous examples restricted the slope factor k to lie in the range k -1. This example illustrates the transfer characteristic obtained using a value of k less than -1. For this example it is assumed that the net processing gain into the DRC is 0 dB. This means that the 8-bit headroom in the 48-bit DAP processing word structure does not contain data. Because the DRC receives the upper 32 bits of this 48-bit word, data at the DRC is down 48 dB (8 bits x 6 dB/bit = 48 dB) with respect to the signal level at the SAP input (TAS3103A input). The transfer function parameters for this example are given in Table 3-7. Figure 3-28 shows the transfer function resulting from entering the I2C coefficient values given in Table 3-7. At the threshold point T2 (-70 dB), the transfer function is 100 dB below the 1:1 transfer slope (O2 = 100 dB). For input levels above T2, the transfer function exhibits a 1:1.4 expansion. For input levels below T2, the transfer function exhibits a negative slope; for every dB the input decreases, the output increases by 1 dB. At an input level 62 dB below T2 (-132 dB), the transfer curve has risen 62 dB, for a net boost of 124 dB. The transfer curve at this input level is 24 dB above the 1:1 transfer curve. This boost value puts the DRC-derived gain coefficient into gain saturation. For input levels below -132 dB, the gain coefficient remains constant at maximum gain and the transfer function exhibits a 1:1 transfer slope, parallel to the 1:1 transfer curve but 24 dB above it. At T1 (-150 dB), the transfer curve snaps back to the 1:1 transfer curve because O1 = 0 dB. The DRC gain coefficient is no longer in gain saturation and for inputs below -150 dB, the transfer function exhibits a 1:1.5 expansion. The change from a 1:1.5 expansion to a 1:1 transfer below -192 dB is the result of 32-bit dynamic range saturation. 3-44 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 DRC - Compensated Output (dB) 1:1 Transfer Function -50 Implemented Transfer Function -60 Slope change points -70 -80 -90 k = 1:1 Gain Saturation) -100 -110 O2 = 100 dB -120 k1 = 1:-1 -130 O1 = 0 dB k2 = 1:1.4 -140 -150 -160 -170 -180 k = 1:1 (32-Bit Dynamic Range Saturation) -190 -200 k0 = 1:1.5 -210 -220 -132 dB -192 dB -220 -210 -200 -190 -180 -170 -160 -150 -140 -130 -120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 T2 T1 DRC INPUT (dB) Figure 3-28. DRC Transfer Curve--Example 4 3-45 Table 3-7. DRC Example 4 Parameters DRC PARAMETER REQUIRED (SPECIFIED) VALUE (NET GAINSAP Input-DRC = 0 dB) T2 -22 dBInput -70 dBDRC T1 -102 dBInput -150 dBDRC O2 100 dB O1 0 dB k2 1:1.4 expansion k1 1:-1 transfer k0 1:1.5 expansion I2C COEFFICIENT VALUE -70/-6.0206 = 11.626748 = 0x0000 05D0 394825.23 format -150/-6.0206 = 24.91446 = 0x0000 0C75 0D0925.23 format (100 + 24.0824)/6.0206= 20.609640 = 0x0000 0A4E 08B025.23 format (0 + 24.0824)/6.0206 = 4.000000 = 0x0000 0200 000025.23 format 1.4 - 1 = 0.4 = 0x0333 3335.23 format (1/-1) - 1 = -1 -1 = -2 = 0XF0000005.23 format 1.5 - 1 = 0.5 = 0x0400 0005.23 format 3.8 Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter The TAS3103A contains an I2C bus programmable function block that can serve as either a spectrum analyzer or a volume unit (VU) meter. Figure 3-29 shows the structure of this function block and lists the I2C subaddress of the parameters that control it. The block consists of 10 biquad filters, each followed by an rms estimator and a logarithmic converter. Two nodes provide input to the block, with each node servicing five of the 10 biquad filters. Audio from input node s can either come exclusively from channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, or from a gain-weighted combination of these channels. Audio from input node t can also come exclusively from either channel 1, channel 2, or channel 3, or from a gain-weighted combination of these channels. The spectrum analyzer then can be used to divide the audio frequency band into 10 frequency bins to examine the spectrum of the audio data stream on channel 1, channel 2, channel 3, or any combination of these channels. The spectrum analyzer can also be used to divide the audio frequency band into five frequency bins to examine the spectral content of two of the channels independently. The VU meter is a special case of the spectrum analyzer that uses only the outputs from biquad 5 and biquad 6. Typically, for the VU meter, one channel would be routed to biquad 5 (node s) and a different channel would be routed to biquad 6 (node t). Each biquad filter would be assigned a band-pass transfer function that encompasses most of the audio band, or the filter could be configured as a pass-through device to see the full spectral band. The two outputs then would be a measure of the energy on the two channels. Other options for the VU meter are also available. For example, by properly setting the coefficients on biquad 5 and biquad 6, the concurrent measurement of bass and treble volume levels on a single channel could be made. Mixer and summation elements preceding the two input nodes s and t provide a means of adjusting the spectrum analyzer and VU meter outputs relative to the incoming audio data stream. The spectrum analyzer and VU meter outputs are unsigned 5.3-format, base-2 logarithmic numbers. The integer part of the number designates the most-significant bit [in the 48-bit digital audio processor(DAP) word] occupied by the magnitude of the rms estimate of the biquad filter output. A value of 31 means the magnitude of the rms estimate occupies bit 47 of the 48-bit DAP word (bit 48 is the sign bit, and using the absolute value of the biquad filter output in determining the rms estimate makes this bit always 0 in value). A value of 30 means the magnitude of the rms estimate occupies bit 46 and this pattern continues with a value of 1 signifying the magnitude of the rms estimate occupies bit 17. A value of 0 signifies that the magnitude of the rms estimate is below bit 17. The fractional digits in the 5.3-formatted number are simply the three bits below the most-significant data bit. If the rms estimate lies below bit 16 of the 48-bit DAP word, the spectrum analyzer/VU meter output is 0.0. Figure 3-27 gives examples of logarithmic outputs for different 48-bit rms estimate values. 3-46 3-47 CH3 CH2 CH1 GMix: q to r GMix: p to r GMix: o to r Node r Node q Node p GMix: p to t RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 2 Ack b2 Ack b1 Ack b0 Ack a2 Ack a1 VU Meter Output 1 (Biquad 5) VU Meter Output 1 (Biquad 6) asa and (1-asa) Set Time Window Over Which RMS Value Is Computed tWindow -1/[Fs x ln(1-asa)] Where Fs = Audio Sample Frequency Figure 3-29. Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter Block Diagram Subaddresses 0xBC (Biquad 1) - 0xC5 (Biquad 10) Biquad Filter Coefficients Subaddress Format Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack Subaddress 0xBB RMS Voltage Estimator Coefficients Subaddress Format Ack S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack Ack Subaddress 0xFE VU Meter Outputs Subaddress Format I2C Bus Ack Biquad 10 Ack Biquad 9 Ack Biquad 8 Ack Biquad 7 Ack Biquad 6 Ack Biquad 5 Ack Biquad 4 Ack Biquad 3 Ack Biquad 2 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack Ack Biquad 1 Spectrum Analyzer Outputs Subaddress Format Subaddress 0xFD m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack asa b b m l 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack 1-asa b b Log Log RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 9 RMS Voltage Estimator Log RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 8 Biquad 10 Log RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 7 Node t Log Log Biquad 6 RMS Voltage Estimator RMS Voltage Estimator Log RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 4 Biquad 5 Log RMS Voltage Estimator Log Log Biquad 3 l xxxxxxs b l xxxxxxs b l xxxxxxs b l xxxxxxs b l xxxxxxs b RMS Voltage Estimator Biquad 1 Spectrum Analyzer / VU Meter t Node s m S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b m 0000 s xxx b GMix: r to s & t GMix: o to s Node o m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack b b Mixer Gain Coefficient Subaddress Format GMix: o to r Subaddress 0x84 GMix: o to s Subaddress 0x85 GMix: p to r Subaddress 0x86 GMix: p to t Subaddress 0x87 GMix: q to r Subaddress 0x88 GMix: r to s & t Subaddress 0x89 Subaddress Decoder Spectrum Analyzer and VU Meter Output 48-Bit RMS Estimate 31 0 48 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 11111.100 28 0 48 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 11100.101 1 48 0 0 0 18 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 00001.010 0 48 0 0 0 18 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 48 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 00000.110 00000.000 Figure 3-30. Logarithmic Number Conversions--Spectrum Analyzer/VU Meter The time window over which the rms estimate is conducted is programmable via the I2C bus (subaddress 0xBB). The time window for a given set of coefficients is approximately: t Window [ * 1 Fs n(1 * asa) Where Fs is the audio sample rate and asa is a 5.23-format number. The variable asa (and 1 - asa) must be kept within the range of greater than zero and less than one. The time constant programmed applies to all 10 rms estimate blocks. CAUTION: The spectrum analyzer and VU meter functions are only accessible in the I2C slave mode. 3.9 Dither The TAS3103A provides a dither block for adding triangular or quadratic (sum of two uncorrelated triangular distributions) distributed noise to the processed audio data stream prior to routing to the output serial audio port (SAP). Each of the three monaural channels in the TAS3103A has its own dedicated dither data stream that is statistically independent from the dither data streams used by the other two monaural channels. The statistical distribution of the dither data stream, triangular or quadratic, is selectable, but the selection made applies to the dither data streams for all three monaural channels. Each monaural channel is also assigned a mixer for adjusting the level at which the dither data stream is inserted into the audio data stream. Figure 3-31 is a detailed block diagram of the dither block. Five subaddresses are used to fully configure the dither blocks and the associated channel mixers. In the I2C master mode, these dither parameters are set by the EEPROM content and cannot be subsequently changed. 3-48 3.9.1 Dither Seeds The dither circuit consists of two linear feedback shift registers--LFSR1 and LFSR2. The dither seed subaddress (0xC7) consists of a byte-wide seed for LFSR1 (bits 7:0) and a byte-wide seed for LFSR2 (bits 15:8). The seeds serve to define the starting point of each LFSR sequence, but not the feedback structure itself. Each linear feedback shift register (LFSR) is a 26-bit structure that runs off the digital audio processor (DAP) clock. For a maximum DAP clock frequency of 135.168 MHz [12.288 MHz (MCLKI) x 11 (PLL multiplier)], the 26-bit LFSR has a cycle time of 496.5 ms (226/135.168 MHz). LFSR1 and LFSR2 use the same feedback structure but different taps for outputting. As long as the seeds for the two LFSRs are not 13 counts apart (in which case the two different sets of output taps would correlate), any set of seed values for LFSR1 and LFSR2 is suitable. When two or more TAS3103As are powered by the same supply, a concern as to whether or not there is correlation between the dither data streams on different chips arises. At power turn on, a TAS3103A does not begin the dither process until reset is deactivated. If the TAS3103As are reset by the internal power-good signals from the internal regulators, the chip-to-chip variance of the logic voltage threshold point at which the power-good signal is deactivated ensures, with a high probability, that the dither data streams between chips are uncorrelated. However, when an external logic-driven reset is applied to the TAS3103As, the probability of correlation between the dither data streams on different chips after the reset is removed significantly increases. For this reason, the dither seeds have been made programmable via the I2C bus. 3-49 0x7F S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx Ack b Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx Ack b Subaddr m Ack 0000 s xxx Ack b xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx 0x80 S Slave Addr Ack 0x81 S Slave Addr Ack Dither Block 0xC6 S Slave Addr Ack m Ack 0000 s xxx Ack b m 0000 s xxx Ack b Subaddr l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b l Ack xxxxxxx s Ack b Distribution 1 Mix Distribution 2 Mix LFSR1 Mix and LFSR2 Mix Are 5.23-Format Coefficients Linear Feedback Shift Register Block p 0.5 0.25 - W 0 +W Output Sampler Dither 1 St 1 St2 L O G I C St3 Dither 2 St4 St5 Dither 3 LFSR1 LFSR2 St6 Seed Build Logic Condensed LFSR2 Seed Condensed LFSR1 Seed 0xC7 S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 00000000 Ack 00000000 m l l m Ack s xxxxxx s Ack s xxxxxx s Ack b b b b NOTE: W = 16 0x0000 0800 0000 in 25.23 Format Figure 3-31. Dither Data Block Diagram 3-50 Dither Seed When updating multiple TAS3103As with dither seeds, timing should be taken into account. The recommended seed update process is to load all TAS3103As with their seed values in less time than the minimum LFSR cycle time of 496.5 ms, and use the same set of seeds for all TAS3103As. Each TAS3103A immediately begins running, starting at the state set by the new seed, on receiving the new seed. The sequential delivery, in time, of the seeds to the multiple TAS3103As ensures that the TAS3103As do not all start with their new seeds at the same time, and the completion of the process in less than 496.5 ms ensures that previously programmed TAS3103As are not repeating the cycle at the same time that another TAS3103A is being programmed with the same seed set--causing correlation between the dither data streams of the two TAS3103As. CAUTION: The state of the digital audio processor may prevent the loading of a new I2C-commanded dither seed value. Anytime a new seed is loaded into the TAS3103A via an I2C write transaction to address 0xC7, it must be followed by an I2C read transaction to address 0xC7 to verify that the new seed value was accepted. If the new seed was not accepted, the write-read sequence must be repeated. 3.9.2 Dither Mix Options In Figure 3-31, it is seen that the two LFSRs are logically combined to produce a triangular probability distribution. This distribution is then sampled at six different points in time by the DAP processing clock to create six statistically independent data streams. Sampling the LSFR outputs at different points in time within an audio sample period (1/LRCLK) ensures that the six dither data streams are uncorrelated. The six uncorrelated dither data streams are then routed through mixers. Each pair of mixer outputs is then applied to a summation block. It is noted in Figure 3-31 that each of the three mixer pairs has the same set of coefficients (set by I2C subaddress 0xC6). If the coefficients for both mixers are set to 1, a quadratic distribution is obtained. If either coefficient is set to 0, a triangular distribution is obtained. If both coefficients are set to 0, dither is disabled. 3.9.3 Dither Gain Mixers Figure 3-31 shows the peak magnitude of the triangular distribution to be 16 in the 48-bit DAP word (25.23 format). The peak magnitude of the quadratic dither data is twice this, or 32. Figure 3-32 shows the position of this peak magnitude value in reference to the DAP 48-bit data word. Table 3-8 lists the mixer gains required to position the dither data stream at the LSB of the output data word for different data sample word sizes. Table 3-8. Mixer Gain Setting for LSB Dither Data Insertion MIXER GAIN COEFFICIENT DISTRIBUTION Triangular 32-BIT SAMPLE 2-19 24-BIT SAMPLE 2-11 20-BIT SAMPLE 2-7 18-BIT SAMPLE 2-5 16-BIT SAMPLE 2-3 Quadratic 2-20 2-12 2-8 2-6 2-4 3-51 Quadratic Distribution 48-Bit DAP Data Word 47 0.375 8-Bit Headroom 0.25 40 39 32 Bit Sample 0.0625 -2W -W 0 W 2W 24 Bit Sample 20 Bit Sample 18 Bit Sample 16 Bit Sample 16-Bit Output SAP Word Size Output 28 27 Triangular Distribution 32-Bit Output SAP Word Size 24 22 20 16 0.5 0.25 8 -W 0 W Output 0 8-Bit Resolution Band Figure 3-32. Dither Data Magnitude (Gain = 1) 3.9.4 Dither Statistics Figure 3-33 presents plots of the autocorrelation and channel-to-channel correlation properties of the dither data stream when configured as triangular distributed noise. Figure 3-33(a) is the circular autocorrelation of 16K samples of dither data collected from the TAS3103A. The audio signal level was set to zero, and the dither data stream was inserted at the LSB of the output word. The autocorrelation contains a single line of value 8000, at the point of correlation, and random noise terms of approximately 150 counts in value. The value 8000 agrees with the selection of the triangular distribution--50% of the 16K dither output samples are of value 1. Figure 3-33(b) is the circular correlation of 16K samples of dither data from CH1 and 16K samples of dither data from CH2. No points of correlation are in this plot, verifying that the two data streams are uncorrelated. The random noise terms are again approximately 150 counts in value. 3-52 (a) Auto-Correlation Plot - CH1 (b) Correlation Plot - CH1 and CH2 Figure 3-33. Triangular Dither Statistics, Case 1 Figure 3-34 presents plots of the autocorrelation and channel-to-channel correlation properties of the dither data stream when configured as quadratic distributed noise. Figure 3-34(a) is the circular autocorrelation of 16K samples of dither data collected from the TAS3103A. The audio signal level was set to zero and the dither data stream was inserted at the LSB+1 level of the output word. The autocorrelation contains a single line of value 16,000 at the point of correlation and random noise terms of approximately 300 counts in value. The value 16,000 agrees with the 3-53 selection of the quadratic distribution--50% of the 16K dither output samples are of value 1 (0.5 x 12 x16,000 = 8000) and 12.5% of the 16K dither output samples are 2 (0.125 x 22 x 16,000 = 8000). Figure 3-34(b) is the circular correlation of 16K samples of dither data from CH2 and 16K samples of dither data from CH3. No points of correlation are in this plot, verifying that the two data streams are uncorrelated. The random noise terms are approximately 300 counts in value, as the dither data pattern was inserted at the LSB+1 bit of the output word instead of the LSB bit, as was the case for triangular dither. (a) Auto-Correlation Plot - CH1 (b) Correlation Plot - CH2 and CH3 Figure 3-34. Triangular Dither Statistics, Case 2 3-54 3.10 Output Crossbar Mixers The TAS3103A has three serial output ports--SDOUT1, SDOUT2, and SDOUT3. Each serial output port is assigned two processing nodes within the TAS3103A. One of the two nodes sources the left stereo data sample, and the other node sources the right stereo data sample. Figure 3-35 shows the assignment of these internal nodes to the serial output ports. Two cases are shown in Figure 3-35--discrete mode and TDM mode. The discrete mode connections are straightforward, but the TDM connections are considerably more involved in order to support the different one-chip and two-chip TDM modes. See Input and Output Serial Audio Port (SAPs), Section 2.1, for more discussion on the TDM modes. The purpose of the output crossbar is to give each of the three monaural channels in the TAS3103A access to any of the six internal processing nodes (U, V, W, X, Y, and Z) that supply data to the three serial output ports. This flexibility in the routing of the monaural channel outputs to the serial output ports, coupled with the flexibility in the routing of the serial input ports to the monaural channels, fully decouples the input data from the output data. A given process flow and output data topology can be obtained from any ordering of data into the TAS3103A. Figure 3-36 shows the output crossbar mixer topology. Each monaural channel feeds six mixers. The six mixers, in turn, feed the six output nodes U, V, W, X, Y, and Z. A given monaural channel can thus be connected to either the left or right side of SDOUT1, SDOUT2, and SDOUT3. The mixers, although capable of performing boost (gain) and cut (attenuation) on the outgoing audio, are typically used to facilitate on/off switching (a 5.23-format coefficient value of 0x0800000 turns the mixer on and a coefficient value of 0x0000000 turns the mixer off). The audio data streams at the input to these mixers include dither, and any boost or cut in the audio at this point affects the dither levels as well. Node r in Figure 3-36 provides a means of outputting a post-processed sum of the audio on channel 1 and channel 2. This capability could be used to generate a center audio component from L and R components being processed on channels 1 and 2. This would allow channel 3 to be a subwoofer channel. Node r could also be used to create a subwoofer channel, assuming an active subwoofer with filtering capability is receiving the subwoofer output. This option would then free channel 3 for center channel processing. 3-55 SDOUT1 Internal Processing Nodes L R LRCLK Time U L V R Internal Processing Nodes SDOUT1 U Node U SDOUT2 Internal Processing Nodes L R Nodes U & V V Nodes V & W LRCLK Time W L X R Nodes V, W & X W Nodes V, W, X & Y Nodes V, W, Y & Z X Nodes W, X, Y & Z Node X SDOUT3 Internal Processing Nodes L R LRCLK Time Y L Z R Y (a) Discrete Mode - For I2S Format, Polarity of LRCLK Opposite That Shown Z (b) TDM Mode Figure 3-35. Processing Node to Serial Output Port Topology 3-56 Mixer Gain Coefficient Subaddress Format m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack b b z to U => 0x8F z to X => 0x8C z to V => 0x8E z to Y => 0x8B z to W => 0x8D z to Z => 0x8A U o z Delay Monaural CH 1 Dither Mixer Gain Coefficient Subaddress Format 0x84 m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack b b y to U => 0x95 y to X => 0x92 y to V => 0x94 y to Y => 0x91 y to W => 0x93 y to Z => 0x90 V 0x86 p Monaural CH 2 Delay y W Dither Mixer Gain Coefficient Subaddress Format m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack b b x to U => 0x9B x to X => 0x98 x to V => 0x9A x to Y => 0x97 x to W => 0x99 x to Z => 0x96 0x82 X 0x83 q Delay Monaural CH 3 x Dither Y Mixer Gain Coefficient Subaddress Format m l S Slave Addr Ack Subaddr Ack 0000 s xxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxxx Ack xxxxxxs Ack b b r to U => 0xA1 r to X => 0x9E r to V => 0xA0 r to Y => 0x9D r to W => 0x9F r to Z => 0x9C Z r Figure 3-36. Output Crossbar Mixer Topology 3-57 3-58 4 Electrical Specifications 4.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Over Operating Temperature Ranges (unless otherwise noted) Supply voltage range: VDDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.8 V A_VDDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.8 V Input voltage range, VI: 3.3-V LVCMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 V to VDDS + 0.5 V 1.8-V LVCMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 V to AVDD(1) + 0.5 V Output voltage range, VO: 3.3-V LVCMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 V to VDDS + 0.5 V 1.8-V LVCMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 V to DVDD(2) + 0.5 V 1.8-V LVCMOS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 V to AVDD(3) + 0.5 V Input clamp current, IIK (VI < 0 or VI > DVDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 mA Output clamp current, IOK (VO < 0 or VO > DVDD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 mA Operating free-air temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0C to 70C Storage temperature range, Tstg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -65C to 150C Lead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260C Stresses beyond those listed under "absolute maximum ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "recommended operating conditions" is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. NOTES: 1. AVDD is a 1.8-V supply derived from a regulator in the TAS3103A chip. Pin XTALI is the only TAS3103A input that is referenced to this 1.8-V logic supply. The absolute maximum rating listed is for reference; only a crystal should be connected to XTALI. 2. DVDD is a 1.8-V supply derived from regulators internal to the TAS3103A chip. DVDD is routed to pin 29 (DVDD_BYPASS_CAP) to provide access to external filter capacitors, but should not be used to source power to external devices. 3. Pin XTALO is the only TAS3103A output that is derived from the internal 1.8-V logic supply AVDD. The absolute maximum rating listed is for reference; only a crystal should be connected to XTALO. AVDD is also routed to pin 6 (AVDD_BYPASS_CAP) to provide access to external filter capacitors, but should not be used to source power to external devices. DISSIPATION RATING TABLE (High-k Board, 105C Junction) PACKAGE TA 25C POWER RATING DBT 1.094 W DERATING FACTOR ABOVE TA = 25C 13.68 mW/C TA = 85C POWER RATING 0.478 mW 4.2 Recommended Operating Conditions MIN NOM MAX Digital supply voltage, VDDS 3 3.3 3.6 V Analog supply voltage, A_VDDS 3 3.3 3.6 V High-level input voltage, VIH Low-level input voltage, VIL Input voltage, VI 3.3-V LVCMOS 0.7 VDDS VDDS 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALI) 0.7 AVDD AVDD 3.3-V LVCMOS 0 0.3 VDDS 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALI) 0 0.3 AVDD 3.3-V LVCMOS 0 VDDS 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALI) 0 AVDD UNITS V V V 3.3-V LVCMOS 0.8 VDDS VDDS Output voltage, VO 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALO) 0.8 AVDD AVDD Operating ambient air temperature range, TA Commercial 0 70 C Operating junction temperature range, TJ Commercial 0 105 C V 4-1 4.3 Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Conditions (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER VOH High-level output voltage VOL Low-level output voltage 3.3-V LVCMOS 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALO) 3.3-V LVCMOS IOL = 4 mA 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALO) IOL = 0.75 mA IOZ High-impedance output current Low-level input current(1) 3.3-V LVCMOS IIL High-level input current(2) 3.3-V LVCMOS IIH IDVDD Digital supply current TEST CONDITIONS IOH = -4 mA IOH = -0.55 mA Analog supply current TYP 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALI) 1.8-V LVCMOS (XTALI) MAX 0.22 VDDS V 0.22 AVDD 20 VI = VIL VI = VIL VI = VIH 20 VI = VIH DSP clock = 135 MHz, LRCLK = 96 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.228 MHz 20 20 20 A A A A A 75 DSP clock = 67.5 MHz, LRCLK = 48 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.228 MHz 44 DSP clock = 33.75 MHz, LRCLK = 24 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.228 MHz 25 mA LRCLK = 48 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.288 MHz, Power down enabled 3.5 No LRCLK, SCLK. MCLKI/XTALI = 12.288 MHz, Power down enabled 2.2 2 DSP clock = 135 MHz, LRCLK = 96 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.228 MHz 2.9 DSP clock = 67.5 MHz, LRCLK = 48 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.228 MHz 2.7 DSP clock = 33.75 MHz, LRCLK = 24 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.228 MHz 2.4 LRCLK = 48 kHz, MCLKI/XTALI = 12.288 MHz, Power down enabled 1.5 No LRCLK, SCLK, or MCLKI/XTALI, Power down enabled 1.5 NOTES: 1. Value given is for those input pins that connect to an internal pullup resistor as well as an input buffer. For inputs that have a pulldown resistor or no resistor, IIL is 1 A. 2. Value given is for those input pins that connect to an internal pulldown resistor as well as an input buffer. For inputs that have a pullup resistor or no resistor, IIH is 1 A. 4-2 UNITS V 0.8 AVDD 3.3-V LVCMOS No LRCLK, SCLK, or MCLKI/XTALI, Power down enabled IA_DVDD MIN 0.8 VDDS mA 4.4 TAS3103A Timing Characteristics 4.4.1 Master Clock Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITS f(XTALI) Frequency, XTALI (1/tc(1)) 2.8 20 MHz f(MCLKI) tw(MCLKI) Frequency, MCLKI (1/tc(2)) 2.8 25 MHz Pulse duration, MCLKI high, see Note 1 HMCLKI - 25 HMCLKI HMCLKI + 25 MCLKI jitter 2.8 ns 5 ns 25 MHz f(MCLKO) tr(MCLKO) Frequency, MCLKO (1/tc(3)) Rise time, MCLKO CL = 30 pF 9.5 ns tf(MCLKO) tw(MCLKO) Fall time, MCLKO CL = 30 pF 9.5 ns Pulse duration, MCLKO high, see Note 4 HMCLKO ns 80 ps XTALI master clock source MCLKI jitter MTALI master clock source, see Note 5 Delay time, MCLKI rising edge to MCLKO rising edge td(MI-MO) MCKLO = MCLKI See Note 2 17 ns MCLKO < MCLKI See Note 2 and Note 3 17 ns NOTES: 1. 2. 3. 4. HMCLKI = 1 / 2MCLKI Only applies when MCLKI is selected as master source clock. Also applies to MCLKO falling edge when MCLKO = MCLKI/2 or MCLKI/4 HMCLKO = 1 / 2MCLKO. MCLKO has the same duty cycle as MCLKI when MCLKO = MCLKI. When MCLKO = 0.5 MCLKI or 0.25 MCLKI, the duty cycle of MCLKO is typically 50%. 5. When MCLKO is derived from MCLKI, MCLKO jitter = MCLKI jitter XTALI tc(1) tw(MCLKI) MCLKI tc(2) tw(MCLKO) td(MI-MO) tf(MCLKO) tr(MCLKO) MCLKO tc(3) Figure 4-1. Master Clock Signals Timing Waveforms 4-3 4.4.2 Control Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions (Unless Otherwise Noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN 10 TYP MAX UNITS tw1(L) Pulse duration, RST low ns tpd1 tpd2 Propagation delay, PWRDN high to power-down state asserted See Note 1 s Propagation delay, PWRDN low to power-down state deasserted See Note 2 s NOTES: 1. The maximum worst-case value for tpd1 is given by t pd1_worst_case 80 + 4096 ) GPIOFSCOUNT ) LRCLK Microprocessor_Clock 2. tpd2 is determined by the time it takes the internal digital PLL to reach a locked condition, which, in turn, is governed by the MCLKI/ XTALI frequency and the PLL output frequency. For a 135-MHz PLL output and an MCLKI value of 24.576 MHz, tpd2 is typically 25 s. For an 11.264-MHz PLL output clock and a 1.024-MHz MCLKI/XTALI master clock, tpd2 is typically 360 s. tw1(L) RST tpd2 PWRDN tpd1 Figure 4-2. Control Signals Timing Waveforms 4-4 4.4.3 Serial Audio Port Slave-Mode Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions (unless otherwise noted) TEST CONDITIONS PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX HSCLKIN 0.75 HSCLKIN fLRCLK tw(SCLKIN) Frequency, LRCLK (Fs) Pulse duration, SCLKIN high See Note 2 0.25 HSCLKIN fSCLKIN tcyc Frequency, SCLKIN See Note 1 32 Fs 25 Cycle time, SCLKIN See Note 1 40 1/32 Fs ns 15.1 ns tpd1 8 96 UNITS Propagation delay, SCLKIN falling edge to SDOUT tsu1 th1 Setup time, LRCLK to SCLKIN rising edge tsu2 Setup time, SDIN to SCLKIN rising edge th2 Hold time, SDIN from SCLKIN rising edge tpd2 Propagation delay, SCLKIN falling edge to SCLKOUT2 falling edge Hold time, LRCLK from SCLKIN rising edge kHz ns MHz 6.6 ns 0 ns 1.15 ns 2.3 ns SCLKOUT2 = SCLKIN 12.4 ns SCLKOUT2 < SCLKIN 12.5 ns NOTES: 1. Typical duty cycle is 50/50. 2. HSCLKIN = 1/2fSCLKIN tw(SCLKIN) tcyc SCLKIN th1 tsu1 LRCLK (Input) tpd1 SDOUT1 SDOUT2 SDOUT3 th2 tsu2 SDIN1 SDIN2 SDIN3 SDIN4 tpd2 SCLKOUT2 Figure 4-3. Serial Audio Port Slave-Mode Timing Waveforms 4-5 4.4.4 Serial Audio Port Master-Mode Signals Over Recommended Operating Conditions (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP 8 MAX f(LRCLK) tr(LRCLK) Frequency LRCLK Rise time, LRCLK CL = 30 pF 11.4 ns tf(LRCLK) f(SCLKOUT) Fall time, LRCLK CL = 30 pF 11.2 ns Frequency (1/tcyc), SCLKOUT1/SCLKOUT2 See Note 1 25 MHz tr(SCLKOUT) tf(SCLKOUT) Rise time, SCLKOUT1/SCLKOUT2 CL = 30 pF 9.5 ns Fall time, SCLKOUT1/SCLKOUT2 CL = 30 pF 9.8 ns tpd1(SCLKOUT1) tpd1(SCLKOUT2) Propagation delay, SCLKOUT1 falling edge to LRCLK edge 4.1 ns Propagation delay, SCLKOUT2 falling edge to LRCLK edge 4.3 ns tpd2 tsu Propagation delay, SCLKOUT2 falling edge to SDOUT 3.4 ns th tsk Hold time, SDIN from SCLKOUT1 rising edge Setup time, SDIN to SCLKOUT1 rising edge 96 UNITS 32 Fs 18.4 ns 23 ns Skew time, SCLKOUT1 to SCLKOUT2 0.8 3 NOTES: 1. :Typical duty cycle is 50/50. tr(SCLKOUT) tf(SCLKOUT) SCLKOUT2 tr(SCLKOUT) tsk tf(SCLKOUT) SCLKOUT1 tpd1(SCLKOUT2) tpd1(SCLKOUT1) LRCLK (Output) tf(LRCLK), tr(LRCLK) SDOUT1 tpd2 SDOUT2 SDOUT3 th SDIN1 tsu SDIN2 SDIN3 SDIN4 Figure 4-4. Serial Audio Port Master-Mode Timing Waveforms 4-6 kHz ns 4.4.5 Characteristics of the SDA and SCL I/O Stages for F/S-Mode I2C-Bus Devices PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS STANDARD MODE FAST MODE MIN MAX MIN MAX 0.3 VDD -0.5 0.3 VDD N/A 0.7 VDD 0.05 VDD VIL VIH LOW-level input voltage -0.5 HIGH-level input voltage 0.7 VDD Vhys Hysteresis of inputs VOL1 LOW level output voltage (open drain or open collector) 3 mA sink current tof Output fall time from VIHmin to VILmax Bus capacitance from 10 pF to 400 pF Ii Input current, each I/O pin tSP Pulse width of spikes which must be suppressed by the input filter Ci Capacitance, each I/O pin N/A UNITS V V V 0 0.4 V 250 7 + 0.1 Cb (2) 250 ns -10 10 -10 (3) 10 (3) N/A N/A 0 0 (1) ns 10 pF 10 NOTES: 1. SCL and SDA do not have a 50-ns glitch filter. NOTES: 2. Cb = capacitance of one bus line in pF. The output fall time is faster than the standard I2C specification. NOTES: 3. The I/O pins of fast-mode devices must not obstruct the SDA and SCL lines if VDD is switched off. Caution: The TAS3103A does not have 50-ns glitch filtering on the SCL and SDA inputs. Caution: SDA does not have the standard I2C specification 300-ns internal hold time. SDA must be valid by the rising and falling edges of SCL. 4-7 4.4.6 Characteristics of the SDA and SCL I/O Stages for F/S-Mode I2C-Bus Devices, (1) STANDARD MODE PARAMETER fSCL SCL clock frequency Hold time (repeated) START condition. After this period, the tHD-STA first clock pulse is generated. tLOW tHIGH FAST MODE MIN MAX MIN MAX 0 100 0 400 UNITS kHz 4 0.6 s LOW period of the SCL clock 4.7 1.3 s HIGH period of the SCL clock 4 0.6 s 4.7 0.6 s 250 100 tSU-STA Setup time for repeated START tSU-DAT Data setup time tHD-DAT Data hold time (2)(3) 0 s 3.45 0 0.9 s 20 + 0.1 Cb (4) 20 + 0.1 Cb (4) 300 ns 300 ns tr tf Rise time of both SDA and SCL signals 1000 Fall time of both SDA and SCL signals 300 tSU-STO tBUF Setup time for STOP condition CB Capacitive load for each bus line VnL Noise margin at the LOW level for each connected device (including hysteresis) 0.1 VDD 0.1 VDD V VnH Noise margin at the HIGH level for each connected device (including hysteresis) 0.2 VDD 0.2 VDD V Bus free time between a STOP and START condition 4 0.6 4.7 1.3 s s 400 400 pF NOTES: 1. All values referred to VIHmin and VILmax levels (see Section 4.4.5). NOTES: 2. Note that SDA does not have the standard I2C specification 300-ns internal hold time. SDA must be valid by the rising and falling edges of SCL. TI recommends that a minimum 2-k pullup resistor be used to avoid potential timing issues. NOTES: 3. A fast-mode I2C-bus device can be used in a standard-mode I2C-bus system, but the requirement tSU-DAT 250 ns must then be met. This is automatically the case if the device does not stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal. If such a device does stretch the LOW period of the SCL signal, it must output the next data bit to the SDA line tr max + tSU-DAT = 1000 + 250 = 1250 ns (according to the standard-mode I2C-bus specification) before the SCL line is released. NOTES: 4. Cb = total capacitance of one bus line in pF. SDA tf tSU-DAT tHD-STA tLOW tr tr tSP tBUF tf SCL tHD-DAT tHD-STA S tSU-STA tSU-STO tHIGH Sr Figure 4-5. I2C Start and Stop Conditions Timing Waveforms 4-8 P S A-1 1 1 Mix A to b Mix A to c Mix A to d Mix A to e Mix A to f Mix B to a Mix B to b Mix B to c Mix B to d Mix B to e Mix B to f Mix C to a Mix C to b Mix C to c Mix C to d Mix C to e Mix C to f Mix D to a Mix D to b Mix D to c Mix D to d Mix D to e Mix D to f Mix E to a Mix E to b Mix E to c Mix E to d Mix E to e Mix E to f Mix F to a 0x02 0x03 0x04 0x05 0x06 0x07 0x08 0x09 0x0A 0x0B 0x0C 0x0D 0x0E 0x0F 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x13 0x14 0x15 0x16 0x17 0x18 0x19 0x1A 0x1B 0x1C 0x1D 0x1E 0x1F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mix A to a 1 Starting I2C check word NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x01 REGISTER NAME 0x00 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) A.1 I2C Subaddress Table u(31:28)F_a(27:24), F_a(23:16), F_a(15:8), F_a(7:0) u(31:28)E_f(27:24), E_f(23:16), E_f(15:8), E_f(7:0) u(31:28)E_e(27:24), E_e(23:16), E_e(15:8), E_e(7:0) u(31:28)E_d(27:24), E_d(23:16), E_d(15:8), E_d(7:0) u(31:28)E_c(27:24), E_c(23:16), E_c(15:8), E_c(7:0) u(31:28)E_b(27:24), E_b(23:16), E_b(15:8), E_b(7:0) u(31:28)E_a(27:24), E_a(23:16), E_a(15:8), E_a(7:0) u(31:28)D_f(27:24), D_f(23:16), D_f(15:8), D_f(7:0) u(31:28)D_e(27:24), D_e(23:16), D_e(15:8), D_e(7:0) u(31:28)D_d(27:24), D_d(23:16), D_d(15:8), D_d(7:0) u(31:28)D_c(27:24), D_c(23:16), D_c(15:8), D_c(7:0) u(31:28)D_b(27:24), D_b(23:16), D_b(15:8), D_b(7:0) u(31:28)D_a(27:24), D_a(23:16), D_a(15:8), D_a(7:0) u(31:28)C_f(27:24), C_f(23:16), C_f(15:8), C_f(7:0) u(31:28)C_e(27:24), C_e(23:16), C_e(15:8), C_e(7:0) u(31:28)C_d(27:24), C_d(23:16), C_d(15:8), C_d(7:0) u(31:28)C_c(27:24), C_c(23:16), C_c(15:8), C_c(7:0) u(31:28)C_b(27:24), C_b(23:16), C_b(15:8), C_b(7:0) u(31:28)C_a(27:24), C_a(23:16), C_a(15:8), C_a(7:0) u(31:28)B_f(27:24), B_f(23:16), B_f(15:8), B_f(7:0) u(31:28)B_e(27:24), B_e(23:16), B_e(15:8), B_e(7:0) u(31:28)B_d(27:24), B_d(23:16), B_d(15:8), B_d(7:0) u(31:28)B_c(27:24), B_c(23:16), B_c(15:8), B_c(7:0) u(31:28)B_b(27:24), B_b(23:16), B_b(15:8), B_b(7:0) u(31:28)B_a(27:24), B_a(23:16), B_a(15:8), B_a(7:0) u(31:28)A_f(27:24), A_f(23:16), A_f(15:8), A_f(7:0) u(31:28)A_e(27:24), A_e(23:16), A_e(15:8), A_e(7:0) u(31:28)A_d(27:24), A_d(23:16), A_d(15:8), A_d(7:0) u(31:28)A_c(27:24), A_c(23:16), A_c(15:8), A_c(7:0) u(31:28)A_b(27:24), A_b(23:16), A_b(15:8), A_b(7:0) u(31:28)A_a(27:24), A_a(23:16), A_a(15:8), A_a(7:0) SCW(31:24), SCW(23:16), SCW(15:8), SCW(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) Appendix A 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18 INITIALIZATION VALUE A-2 1 1 Mix F to d Mix F to e Mix F to f Mix a to c Mix b to c Mix a to g Mix b to h Mix a to d via BQ and Rev/D Mix a to e via BQ and Rev/D Mix b to d via BQ and Rev/D Mix b to e via BQ and Rev/D Mix g to d via BQ Mix g to e via BQ Mix h to d via BQ Mix h to e via BQ Mix c to d via BQ Mix c to e via BQ Mix f to g and h a_de path, biquad 1 a_de path, biquad 2 a_de path, biquad 3 0x22 0x23 0x24 0x25 0x26 0x27 0x28 0x29 0x2A 0x2B 0x2C 0x2D 0x2E 0x2F 0x30 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x36 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mix F to c 1 Mix F to b NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x21 REGISTER NAME 0x20 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) u(31:28)f_gh(27:24), f_gh(23:16), f_gh(15:8), f_gh(7:0) u(31:28)c_e(27:24), c_e(23:16), c_e(15:8), c_e(7:0) u(31:28)c_d(27:24), c_d(23:16), c_d(15:8), c_d(7:0) u(31:28)h_e(27:24), h_e(23:16), h_e(15:8), h_e(7:0) u(31:28)h_d(27:24), h_d(23:16), h_d(15:8), h_d(7:0) u(31:28)g_e(27:24), g_e(23:16), g_e(15:8), g_e(7:0) u(31:28)g_d(27:24), g_d(23:16), g_d(15:8), g_d(7:0) u(31:28)b_e(27:24), b_e(23:16), b_e(15:8), b_e(7:0) u(31:28)b_d(27:24), b_d(23:16), b_d(15:8), b_d(7:0) u(31:28)a_e(27:24), a_e(23:16), a_e(15:8), a_e(7:0) u(31:28)a_d(27:24), a_d(23:16), a_d(15:8), a_d(7:0) u(31:28)b_h(27:24), b_h(23:16), b_h(15:8), b_h(7:0) u(31:28)a_g(27:24), a_g(23:16), a_g(15:8), a_g(7:0) u(31:28)b_c(27:24), b_c(23:16), b_c(15:8), b_c(7:0) u(31:28)a_c(27:24), a_c(23:16), a_c(15:8), a_c(7:0) u(31:28)F_f(27:24), F_f(23:16), F_f(15:8), F_f(7:0) u(31:28)F_e(27:24), F_e(23:16), F_e(15:8), F_e(7:0) u(31:28)F_d(27:24), F_d(23:16), F_d(15:8), F_d(7:0) u(31:28)F_c(27:24), F_c(23:16), F_c(15:8), F_c(7:0) u(31:28)F_b(27:24), F_b(23:16), F_b(15:8), F_b(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-3 a_de path, biquad 4 b_de path, biquad 1 b_de path, biquad 2 b_de path, biquad 3 b_de path, biquad 4 g_de path, biquad 1 g_de path, biquad 2 0x38 0x39 0x3A 0x3B 0x3C 0x3D REGISTER NAME 0x37 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-4 g_de path, biquad 3 g_de path, biquad 4 h_de path, biquad 1 h_de path, biquad 2 h_de path, biquad 3 h_de path, biquad 4 c_de path, biquad 1 0x3F 0x40 0x41 0x42 0x43 0x44 REGISTER NAME 0x3E SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-5 c_de path, biquad 2 c_de path, biquad 3 c_de path, biquad 4 f_CH3 path, biquad 1 f_CH3 path, biquad 2 f_CH3 path, biquad 3 f_CH3 path, biquad 4 0x46 0x47 0x48 0x49 0x4A 0x4B REGISTER NAME 0x45 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-6 CH1 biquad 1 CH1 biquad 2 CH1 biquad 3 CH1 biquad 4 CH1 biquad 5 CH1 biquad 6 0x50 0x51 0x52 0x53 0x54 f_CH3 path, reverb gain Rg1 f_CH3 path, reverb gain Rg0 b_de path, reverb gain Rg1 b_de path, reverb gain Rg0 a_de path, reverb gain Rg1 a_de path, reverberation (reverb) gain Rg0 REGISTER NAME 0x4F 0x4E 0x4D 0x4C SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) u(31:28)Rg1(27:24), Rg1(23:16), Rg1(15:8), Rg1(7:0) u(31:28)Rg0(27:24), Rg0(23:16), Rg0(15:8), Rg0(7:0) u(31:28)Rg1(27:24), Rg1(23:16), Rg1(15:8), Rg1(7:0) u(31:28)Rg0(27:24), Rg0(23:16), Rg0(15:8), Rg0(7:0) u(31:28)Rg1(27:24), Rg1(23:16), Rg1(15:8), Rg1(7:0) u(31:28)Rg0(27:24), Rg0(23:16), Rg0(15:8), Rg0(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-7 CH1 biquad 7 CH1 biquad 8 CH1 biquad 9 CH1 biquad 10 CH1 biquad 11 CH1 biquad 12 CH2 biquad 1 0x56 0x57 0x58 0x59 0x5A 0x5B REGISTER NAME 0x55 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-8 CH2 biquad 2 CH2 biquad 3 CH2 biquad 4 CH2 biquad 5 CH2 biquad 6 CH2 biquad 7 CH2 biquad 8 0x5D 0x5E 0x5F 0x60 0x61 0x62 REGISTER NAME 0x5C SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-9 CH2 biquad 9 CH2 biquad 10 CH2 biquad 11 CH2 biquad 12 CH3 biquad 1 CH3 biquad 2 CH3 biquad 3 0x64 0x65 0x66 0x67 0x68 0x69 REGISTER NAME 0x63 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-10 CH3 biquad 4 CH3 biquad 5 CH3 biquad 6 CH3 biquad 7 CH3 biquad 8 CH3 biquad 9 CH3 biquad 10 0x6B 0x6C 0x6D 0x6E 0x6F 0x70 REGISTER NAME 0x6A SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-11 Bass and treble bypass 1 0x73 Mix w to m Mix j to i Mix l to k Mix n to m Mix j to o via DRC mult 0x78 0x79 0x7A 0x7B 0x7C Mix dither1 to o Mix dither2 to p Mix dither3 to q Mix delay3 to o Mix delay3 to p Mix o to r Mix o to s Mix p to r 0x80 0x81 0x82 0x83 0x84 0x85 0x86 DRC bypass 3 Mix n to q via DRC mult 0x7F 0x7E DRC bypass 2 Mix l to p via DRC mult DRC bypass 1 Mix v to k 0x77 0x7D Mix u to i Bass and treble inline 3 Bass and treble bypass 3 0x76 0x75 Bass and treble inline 2 Bass and treble bypass 2 Bass and treble inline 1 CH3 biquad 12 0x72 0x74 CH3 biquad 11 REGISTER NAME 0x71 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)p_r(27:24), p_r(23:16), p_r(15:8), p_r(7:0) u(31:28)o_s(27:24), o_s(23:16), o_s(15:8), o_s(7:0) u(31:28)o_r(27:24), o_r(23:16), o_r(15:8), o_r(7:0) u(31:28)Dth3_p(27:24), Dth3_p(23:16), Dth3_p(15:8), Dth3_p(7:0) u(31:28)Dth3_o(27:24), Dth3_o(23:16), Dth3_o(15:8), Dth3_o(7:0) u(31:28)Dth3_q(27:24), Dth3_q(23:16), Dth3_q(15:8), Dth3_q(7:0) u(31:28)Dth2_p(27:24), Dth2_p(23:16), Dth2_p(15:8), Dth2_p(7:0) u(31:28)DRCby3(27:24), DRCby3(23:16), DRCby3(15:8), DRCby3(7:0) u(31:28)Dth1_o(27:24), Dth1_o(23:16), Dth1_o(15:8), Dth1_o(7:0) u(31:28)DRCby2(27:24), DRCby2(23:16), DRCby2(15:8), DRCby2(7:0) u(31:28)n_q(27:24), n_q(23:16), n_q(15:8), n_q(7:0) u(31:28)DRCby1(27:24), DRCby1(23:16), DRCby1(15:8), DRCby1(7:0) u(31:28)l_p(27:24), l_p(23:16), l_p(15:8), l_p(7:0) u(31:28)j_o(27:24), j_o(23:16), j_o(15:8), j_o(7:0) u(31:28)n_m(27:24), n_m(23:16), n_m(15:8), n_m(7:0) u(31:28)l_k(27:24), l_k(23:16), l_k(15:8), l_k(7:0) u(31:28)j_i(27:24), j_i(23:16), j_i(15:8), j_i(7:0) u(31:28)w_m(27:24), w_m(23:16), w_m(15:8), w_m(7:0) u(31:28)v_k(27:24), v_k(23:16), v_k(15:8), v_k(7:0) u(31:28)u_i(27:24), u_i(23:16), u_i(15:8), u_i(7:0) u(31:28)BT3(27:24), BT3(23:16), BT3(15:8), BT3(7:0) u(31:28)BTby3(27:24), BTby3(23:16), BTby3(15:8), BTby3(7:0) u(31:28)BT2(27:24), BT2(23:16), BT2(15:8), BT2(7:0) u(31:28)BTby2(27:24), BTby2(23:16), BTby2(15:8), BTby2(7:0) u(31:28)BT1(27:24), BT1(23:16), BT1(15:8), BT1(7:0) 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)BTby1(27:24), BTby1(23:16), BTby1(15:8), BTby1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-12 1 1 1 1 Mix r to s and t Mix z to Z Mix z to Y Mix z to X Mix z to W Mix z to V Mix z to U Mix y to Z Mix y to Y Mix y to X Mix y to W Mix y to V Mix y to U Mix x to Z Mix x to Y Mix x to X Mix x to W Mix x to V Mix x to U Mix r to Z Mix r to Y Mix r to X Mix r to W Mix r to V Mix r to U CH1 loudness log2 G CH1 loudness log2 O CH1 loudness G CH1 loudness O 0x89 0x8A 0x8B 0x8C 0x8D 0x8E 0x8F 0x90 0x91 0x92 0x93 0x94 0x95 0x96 0x97 0x98 0x99 0x9A 0x9B 0x9C 0x9D 0x9E 0x9F 0xA0 0xA1 0xA2 0xA3 0xA4 0xA5 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mix q to r 1 Mix p to t NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x88 REGISTER NAME 0x87 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), O47:40(15:8), O39:32(7:0) O31:24(31:24), O23:16(23:16), O15:8(15:8), O7:0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 LO31:24(31:24), LO23:16(23:16), LO15:8(15:8), LO7:0(7:0) u(31:28)G(27:24), G(23:16), G(15:8), G(7:0) 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:24), u(23:16), LO47:40(15:8), LO39:32(7:0) u(31:28)LG(27:24), LG(23:16), LG(15:8), LG(7:0) u(31:28)r_U(27:24), r_U(23:16), r_U(15:8), r_U(7:0) u(31:28)r_V(27:24), r_V(23:16), r_V(15:8), r_V(7:0) u(31:28)r_W(27:24), r_W(23:16), r_W(15:8), r_W(7:0) u(31:28)r_X(27:24), r_X(23:16), r_X(15:8), r_X(7:0) u(31:28)r_Y(27:24), r_Y(23:16), r_Y(15:8), r_Y(7:0) u(31:28)r_Z(27:24), r_Z(23:16), r_Z(15:8), r_Z(7:0) u(31:28)x_U(27:24), x_U(23:16), x_U(15:8), x_U(7:0) u(31:28)x_V(27:24), x_V(23:16), x_V(15:8), x_V(7:0) u(31:28)x_W(27:24), x_W(23:16), x_W(15:8), x_W(7:0) u(31:28)x_X(27:24), x_X(23:16), x_X(15:8), x_X(7:0) u(31:28)x_Y(27:24), x_Y(23:16), x_Y(15:8), x_Y(7:0) u(31:28)x_Z(27:24), x_Z(23:16), x_Z(15:8), x_Z(7:0) u(31:28)y_U(27:24), y_U(23:16), y_U(15:8), y_U(7:0) u(31:28)y_V(27:24), y_V(23:16), y_V(15:8), y_V(7:0) u(31:28)y_W(27:24),y_W(23:16), y_W(15:8), y_W(7:0) u(31:28)y_X(27:24), y_X(23:16), y_X(15:8), y_X(7:0) u(31:28)y_Y(27:24), y_Y(23:16), y_Y(15:8), y_Y(7:0) u(31:28)y_Z(27:24), y_Z(23:16), y_Z(15:8), y_Z(7:0) u(31:28)z_U(27:24), z_U(23:16), z_U(15:8), z_U(7:0) u(31:28)z_V(27:24), z_V(23:16), z_V(15:8), z_V(7:0) u(31:28)z_W(27:24), z_W(23:16), z_W(15:8), z_W(7:0) u(31:28)z_X(27:24), z_X(23:16), z_X(15:8), z_X(7:0) u(31:28)z_Y(27:24), z_Y(23:16), z_Y(15:8), z_Y(7:0) u(31:28)z_Z(27:24), z_Z(23:16), z_Z(15:8), z_Z(7:0) u(31:28)r_st(27:24), r_st(23:16), r_st(15:8), r_st(7:0) u(31:28)q_r(27:24), q_r(23:16), q_r(15:8), q_r(7:0) u(31:28)p_t(27:24), p_t(23:16), p_t(15:8), p_t(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-13 CH2 loudness O CH2 loudness biquad CH3 loudness log2 G CH3 loudness log2 O CH3 loudness G CH3 loudness O CH3 loudness biquad CH1/CH2 DRCE ae 0xAB 0xAC 0xAD 0xAE 0xAF 0xB0 0xB1 0xB3 0xB2 1 CH2 loudness G 0xA9 0xAA 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 LO31:24(31:24), LO23:16(23:16), LO15:8(15:8), LO7:0(7:0) u(31:28)G(27:24), G(23:16), G(15:8), G(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 LO31:24(31:24), LO23:16(23:16), LO15:8(15:8), LO7:0(7:0) u(31:28)G(27:24), G(23:16), G(15:8), G(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)k2'(27:24), k2'(23:16), k2'(15:8), k2'(7:0) CH1/CH2 k2' 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 T231:24(31:24), T223:16(23:16), T215:8(15:8), T27:0(7:0) u(31:28)k0'(27:24), k0'(23:16), k0'(15:8), k0'(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 T131:24(31:24), T123:16(23:16), T115:8(15:8), T17:0(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), T247:40(15:8), T239:32(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), T147:40(15:8), T139:32(7:0) u(31:28)1-ae(27:24), 1-ae(23:16), 1-ae(15:8), 1-ae(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) u(31:28)ae(27:24), ae(23:16), ae(15:8), ae(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 O31:24(31:24), O23:16(23:16), O15:8(15:8), O7:0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), O47:40(15:8), O39:32(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), LO47:40(15:8), LO39:32(7:0) 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)LG(27:24), LG(23:16), LG(15:8), LG(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 O31:24(31:24), O23:16(23:16), O15:8(15:8), O7:0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), O47:40(15:8), O39:32(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), LO47:40(15:8), LO39:32(7:0) u(31:28)k1'(27:24), k1'(23:16), k1'(15:8), k1'(7:0) 3 4 2 5 2 1 2 1 5 2 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)LG(27:24), LG(23:16), LG(15:8), LG(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) CH1/CH2 k1' CH1/CH2 k0' CH1/CH2 DRCE T2 CH1/CH2 DRCE T1 CH1/CH2 DRCE 1-ae 2 CH2 loudness log2 O 0xA8 1 CH2 loudness log2 G 0xA7 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS CH1 loudness biquad REGISTER NAME 0xA6 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) A-14 0xBC 0xBB 0xBA 0xB9 0xB8 0xB7 0xB6 0xB5 0xB4 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) Spectrum analyzer BQ1 Spectrum analyzer 1-asa 5 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) u(31:28)1-asa(27:24), 1-asa(23:16), 1-asa(15:8), 1-asa(7:0) u(31:28)asa(27:24), asa(23:16), asa(15:8), asa(7:0) u(31:28)1-ad(27:24), 1-ad(23:16), 1-ad(15:8), 1-ad(7:0) 2 CH3 DRCE 1-ad Spectrum analyzer asa u(31:28)ad(27:24), ad(23:16), ad(15:8), ad(7:0) CH3 DRCE ad O231:24(31:24), O223:16(23:16), O215:8(15:8), O27:0(7:0) u(31:28)aa(27:24), aa(23:16), aa(15:8), aa(7:0) u(31:28)1-aa(27:24), 1-aa(23:16), 1-aa(15:8), 1-aa(7:0) 4 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 O131:24(31:24), O123:16(23:16), O115:8(15:8), O17:0(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), O247:40(15:8), O239:32(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), O147:40(15:8), O139:32(7:0) CH3 DRCE 1-aa CH3 DRCE aa CH3 DRCE O2 4 u(31:28)k2'(27:24), k2'(23:16), k2'(15:8), k2'(7:0) CH3 DRCE O1 u(31:28)k1'(27:24), k1'(23:16), k1'(15:8), k1'(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 T131:24(31:24), T123:16(23:16), T115:8(15:8), T17:0(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), T247:40(15:8), T239:32(7:0) T231:24(31:24), T223:16(23:16), T215:8(15:8), T27:0(7:0) u(31:28)k0'(27:24), k0'(23:16), k0'(15:8), k0'(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF u(31:24), u(23:16), T147:40(15:8), T139:32(7:0) CH3 k2' 3 4 u(31:28)1-ae(27:24), 1-ae(23:16), 1-ae(15:8), 1-ae(7:0) CH3 k1' CH3 k0' CH3 DRCE T2 CH3 DRCE T1 CH3 DRCE 1-ae u(31:28)ae(27:24), ae(23:16), ae(15:8), ae(7:0) u(31:28)1-ad(27:24), 1-ad(23:16), 1-ad(15:8), 1-ad(7:0) 2 CH1/CH2 DRCE 1-ad CH3 DRCE ae u(31:28)ad(27:24), ad(23:16), ad(15:8), ad(7:0) CH1/CH2 DRCE ad O231:24(31:24), O223:16(23:16), O215:8(15:8), O27:0(7:0) u(31:28)aa(27:24), aa(23:16), aa(15:8), aa(7:0) 0x01, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 O131:24(31:24), O123:16(23:16), O115:8(15:8), O17:0(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), O247:40(15:8), O239:32(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:24), u(23:16), O147:40(15:8), O139:32(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) u(31:28)1-aa(27:24), 1-aa(23:16), 1-aa(15:8), 1-aa(7:0) 4 4 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS CH1/CH2 DRCE 1-aa CH1/CH2 DRCE aa CH1/CH2 DRCE O2 CH1/CH2 DRCE O1 REGISTER NAME A-15 Spectrum analyzer BQ2 Spectrum analyzer BQ3 Spectrum analyzer BQ4 Spectrum analyzer BQ5 Spectrum analyzer BQ6 Spectrum analyzer BQ7 Spectrum analyzer BQ8 0xBE 0xBF 0xC0 0xC1 0xC2 0xC3 REGISTER NAME 0xBD SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-16 Spectrum analyzer BQ10 Dither LFSR1 mix 0xC5 0xC6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Factory test Mix G to g Mix G to f Mix G to Y Mix H to h Mix H to f Mix H to Z Mix d to aa Mix e to aa Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) 0xC9 0xCA 0xCB 0xCC 0xCD 0xCE 0xCF 0xD0 0xD1 0xD3 0xD5 0xD6 0xD8 0xD9 0xDB 0xDC 0xDD 0xDA 0xD7 0xD4 0xD2 Factory test 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Dither seed 0xC8 1 2 5 5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS 0xC7 Dither LFSR2 mix Spectrum analyzer BQ9 REGISTER NAME 0xC4 SUBADDRESS (0xSS) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:28)e_aa(27:24), e_aa(23:16), e_aa(15:8), e_aa(7:0) u(31:28)d_aa(27:24), d_aa(23:16), d_aa(15:8), d_aa(7:0) u(31:28)H_Z(27:24), H_Z(23:16), H_Z(15:8), H_Z(7:0) u(31:28)H_f(27:24), H_f(23:16), H_f(15:8), H_f(7:0) u(31:28)H_h(27:24), H_h(23:16), H_h(15:8), H_h(7:0) u(31:28)G_Y(27:24), G_Y(23:16), G_Y(15:8), G_Y(7:0) u(31:28)G_f(27:24), G_f(23:16), G_f(15:8), G_f(7:0) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 N/A u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:28)G_g(27:24), G_g(23:16), G_g(15:8), G_g(7:0) N/A N/A 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x49 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), LFSR2_SEED(15:8), LFSR1_SEED(7:0) u(31:28)LFSR2(27:24), LFSR2(23:16), LFSR2(15:8), LFSR2(7:0) 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)LFSR1(27:24), LFSR1(23:16), LFSR1(15:8), LFSR1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b2(27:24), b2(23:16), b2(15:8), b2(7:0) u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b1(27:24), b1(23:16), b1(15:8), b1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)b0(27:24), b0 (23:16), b0(15:8), b0(7:0) u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 u(31:28)a2(27:24), a2(23:16), a2(15:8), a2(7:0) INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:28)a1(27:24), a1(23:16), a1(15:8), a1(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) A-17 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Reserved (2) Watchdog timer enable Factory test (2) Factory test (2) GPIO port I/O value GPIO parameters Master mute/unmute Vol, T and B slew rates CH1 volume (5.23 precision) CH2 volume (5.23 precision) CH3 volume (5.23 precision) Bass filter set (1-5) Bass filter index Treble filter set (1-5) Treble filter index I2S command word Delay/reverb times-CH1 0xE0 0xE1 0xE3 0xE5 0xE6 0xE8 0xEA 0xEB 0xEC 0xED 0xEE 0xEF 0xF0 0xF1 0xF2 0xF3 0xF4 0xF5 0xF6 0xF7 0xF8 0xFA u(31:28)D3(27:24), D3(23:16), u(15:12)R3(11:8), R3(7:0) 1 1 Delay/reverb times-CH3 I2C M and N Ending I2C check word 0xFB 0xFC ECW(31:24), ECW(23:16), ECW(15:8), ECW(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7)M(6:3)N(2:0) u(31:28)D2(27:24), D2(23:16), u(15:12)R2(11:8), R2(7:0) u(31:28)D1(27:24), D1(23:16), u(15:12)R1(11:8), R1(7:0) MLRCLK(31:24), SCLK(23:16), DWFMT(15:8), IOM(7:0) 1 3 u(31:24), CH3Tf(23:16), CH2Tf(15:8), CH1Tf(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:19)CH3Ts(18:16), u(15:11) CH2Ts(10:8), u(7:3)CH1Ts(2:0), u(31:24), CH3Bf(23:16), CH2Bf(15:8), CH1Bf(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:19)CH3Bs(18:16), u(15:11) CH2Bs(10:8), u(7:3)CH1Bs(2:0), u(31:28)Vol3(27:24), Vol3(23:16), Vol3(15:8), Vol3(7:0) u(31:28)Vol2(27:24), Vol2(23:16), Vol2(15:8), Vol2(7:0) u(31:28)Vol1(27:24), Vol1(23:16), Vol1(15:8), Vol1(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:9)VSC(8), TBLC(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:3)CH3M_U(2)CH2M_U(1)CH1M_U(0) u(31:24), u(23:20)GPIODIR(19:16), GPIOFSCOUNT(15:8), GPIO_samp_int(7:0) 0x81, 0x42, 0x24, 0x18 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x41 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x01, 0x01, 0x09, 0x11 0x00, 0x72, 0x72, 0x72 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04 0x00, 0x72, 0x72, 0x72 0x00, 0x04, 0x04, 0x04 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x40 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 0x00, 0x0F, 0x6E, 0x6D 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0X(1) N/A u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:4)GPIO_in_out(3:0) N/A u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) N/A 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A INITIALIZATION VALUE u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:1)R1(0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) u(31:24), u(23:16), u(15:8), u(7:0) CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) Delay/reverb times-CH2 0xF9 0xE9 0xE7 0xE4 0xE2 1 1 0xDF 1 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS Reserved (2) Reserved (2) REGISTER NAME 0xDE SUBADDRESS (0xSS) A-18 SA7(7:0) SA8(7:0) SA9(7:0) SA10(7:0) Spectrum analyzer output 7 Spectrum analyzer output 8 Spectrum analyzer output 9 Spectrum analyzer output 10 Flag register VU meter output 2 (SA6) 0.25 SA6(7:0) Spectrum analyzer output 6 CONTENTS (u Indicates Unused Bits) u(7:1)VolBusy(0), 1 = busy SA6(7:0) SA5(7:0) SA5(7:0) Spectrum analyzer output 5 0.5 SA4(7:0) Spectrum analyzer output 4 VU meter output 1 (SA5) SA3(7:0) Spectrum analyzer output 3 SA1(7:0) SA2(7:0) 2.5 NUMBER OF 4-BYTE WORDS Spectrum analyzer output 2 Spectrum analyzer output 1 REGISTER NAME N/A (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) (Always data dependent) INITIALIZATION VALUE NOTE 1: GPIO ports are initialized to be read ports. The initial input values read then are dependent on what is connected to the GPIO pins. If a given GPIO pin is left unconnected, the internal pullup results in a logic 1 being read. NOTE 2: Do not write to reserved of factory-test subaddresses. 0xFF 0xFE 0xFD SUBADDRESS (0xSS) A-19 H G F E D C B A c b a f h g 4 BQ 4 BQ 4 BQ 4 BQ 4 BQ 4 BQ Rev Del Rev Del Rev Del e d A.2 TAS3103A Firmware Block Diagram 12 Bq 12 Bq aa 12 Bq BTby2 BT2 BT1 BT3 BTby3 Bass & Treble Bass & Ch3 Treble Ch2 Ch1 Bass & Treble BTby1 w v u Soft Vol m Soft Vol k i Soft Vol j Loud- ness Dynamic Range Control Loud- ness n l Dynamic Range Control Loud- ness r DRCby3 q DRCby2 DRCby1 p o Delay1 Delay3 Delay2 Dither 3 32-Bit Clip 32-Bit Clip 32-48 Xpndr 32-48 Xpndr r x y 32-48 z Xpndr Sp Analyzer + VU Meter Dither 2 t s Dither 1 32-Bit Clip ZZ Y Y X W V V U U A-20 Reset I2C Data Clocks TAS3103ADBT NOTE: 0.01-F capacitors must be placed as close as possible to the device pins. All other capacitors should be placed after the 0.01-F so that the distance between the capacitors and the device pins is minimized. A.3 TAS3103A Simplified Application Schematic Diagram 0.47 F 0.47 F/10 V System Output Stage PACKAGE OPTION ADDENDUM 12-Feb-2008 PACKAGING INFORMATION Orderable Device Status (1) Package Type Package Drawing Pins Package Eco Plan (2) Qty TAS3103ADBT ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 38 50 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR TAS3103ADBTG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 38 50 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR TAS3103ADBTR ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 38 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR TAS3103ADBTRG4 ACTIVE TSSOP DBT 38 2000 Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR Lead/Ball Finish MSL Peak Temp (3) (1) The marketing status values are defined as follows: ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs. LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect. NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design. PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available. OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device. (2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check for the latest availability information and additional product content details. TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined. Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes. Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above. Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material) (3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature. Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release. In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis. Addendum-Page 1