1.888.KEITHLEY (U.S. only)
A Greater Measure of Confidence
Keithley’s Series 2400 Source Measure Unit (SMU) Instruments
are designed specifically for test applications that demand tightly
coupled sourcing and measurement. All SourceMeter models pro-
vide precision voltage and current sourcing as well as measure-
ment capabilities. Each SourceMeter SMU instrument is both
a highly stable DC power source and a true instrument-grade
6½-digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include
low noise, precision, and readback. The multimeter capabilities
include high repeatability and low noise. The result is a compact,
single-channel, DC parametric tester. In operation, these instru-
ments can act as a voltage source, a current source, a voltage
meter, a current meter, and an ohmmeter. Manufacturers of
components and modules for the communications, semiconduc-
tor, computer, automotive, and medical industries will find the
SourceMeter SMU instruments invaluable for a wide range of
characterization and production test applications.
Advantages of a Tightly Integrated Instrument
By linking source and measurement circuitry in a single unit,
these instruments offer a variety of advantages over systems
configured with separate source and measurement instruments.
For example, they minimize the time required for test station
development, setup, and maintenance, while lowering the overall
cost of system ownership. They simplify the test process itself
by eliminating many of the complex synchronization and connection issues associated with using
multiple instruments. And, their compact half-rack size conserves precious “real estate” in the test
rack or bench.
Power of Five Instruments in One (IV Source, IVR Measure)
The tightly coupled nature of a SourceMeter SMU instrument provides many advantages over solu-
tions configured from separate instruments, such as a precision power supply and a digital multime-
ter. For example, it provides faster test times by reducing GPIB traffic and simplifies the remote pro-
gramming interface. It also protects the device under test from damage due to accidental overloads,
thermal runaway, etc. Both the current and voltage source are programmable with readback to help
maximize device measurement integrity. If the readback reaches a programmed compliance limit,
then the source is clamped at the limit, providing fault protection.
•Five instruments in one
(IV Source, IVR Measure)
•Seven models: 20–100W DC,
1000W pulsed, 1100V to 1µV,
10A to 10pA
•Source and sink (4-quadrant)
•0.012% basic measure accuracy
with 6½-digit resolution
•2-, 4-, and 6-wire remote
V-source and measure sensing
•1700 readings/second at
4½ digits via GPIB
•Pass/Fail comparator for fast
•Available high speed sense lead
contact check function
•Programmable DIO port for
control (except Model 2401)
•Standard SCPI GPIB, RS-232 and
Keithley Trigger Link interfaces
•Keithley LabTracer 2.0 I-V curve
tracing application software
1754 2-Wire Universal 10-Piece Test Lead Kit
5804 Kelvin (4-Wire) Universal 10-Piece Test Lead Kit
5805 Kelvin (4-Wire) Spring-Loaded Probes
5808 Low Cost Single-pin Kelvin Probe Set
5809 Low Cost Kelvin Clip Lead Set
8607 2-Wire, 1000V Banana Cables, 1m (3.3 ft)
CA-18-1 Shielded Dual Banana Cable, 1.2m (4 ft)
7001 Two-Slot Switch System
7002 Ten-Slot Switch System
7019-C 6-Wire Ohms Switch Card
7053 High-Current Switch Card
7007-1 Shielded GPIB Cable, 1m (3.3 ft)
7007-2 Shielded GPIB Cable, 2m (6.6 ft)
7009-5 RS-232 Cable
8620 Shorting Plug
KPCI-488LPA IEEE-488 Interface/Controller for the PCI Bus
KUSB-488B IEEE-488 USB-to-GPIB Interface Adapter
2499-DIGIO Digital I/O Expander Assembly
(not for Model 2401)
8501-1 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-DIN, 1m (3.3 ft)
8501-2 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-DIN, 2m (6.6 ft)
8502 Trigger Link to BNC Breakout Box
8503 Trigger Link Cable, DIN-to-Dual BNC, 1m (3.3 ft)
8505 Male to 2-Female Y-DIN Cable for Trigger Link
4288-1 Single Fixed Rack Mount Kit
4288-2 Dual Fixed Rack Mount Kit
4288-4 Dual Fixed Rack Mount Kit
4288-5 Shelf Type Side by Side Rack Mounting Kit
4288-9 Dual Fixed Rack Mounting Kit
LabTracer 2.0 Curve Tracing Software (downloadable)
Series 2400
SourceMeter® SMU Instruments
Tightly coupled precision sourcing and measurement
Tightly coupled precision sourcing and measurement