VITROHM Series PF Power Metal film resistors Flame retardant Specifications Type PF0207 PF0410 PF0516 PF0818 Style 0207 0410 0516 0818 1 2 3 4 Nominal Power rating P70 W Resistance range 0R1 ... 10M (1% tol. From 1R) E-series E24 ; E96 Tolerances Temperature coefficient % 10 -6 5% ; 1% *K -1 100 ( 50 for tol. 1% on request) Max. cont. working voltage VRMS 350 500 750 750 Insulation voltage (1min.) VRMS 500 500 500 500 Insulation resistance > 10 Derating linear C 70 ...250 (0W) 55 / 200 / 56 Climatic category C Temperature range Thermal resistance Failure Rate (Total max, 60% conf. lev.) 4 KW -1 -9 h 10 -1 - 55 ... 200 - 55 ... 230 - 55 ... 240 - 55 ... 250 130 80 55 50 <1 Endurance (P70, @ 70C, 1000h intem.) [R/R] % 2 Damp heat, steady state (40C, 93% r.h., 56d) [R/R] % 2 Climatic sequence [R/R] % 2 Terminal Strength [R/R] % 0,2 N 30 [R/R] % 0,25 + R05 S 2,5 Flowtime, solderglobule test, IEC 60068-2-20-T Terminal tensile Strength Resistance to soldering heat (350C, 3s.) Solderability Marking Colour code 4 bands (1% tol.: 5 bands) Page: 1 / 4 Revision 201112 VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est. Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL Tel:+ 351 214 457 700 - Fax:351 214 457 755 - Germany Sales Tel:+ 0049 4121 870 103 - - VITROHM Series PF S O d OD Dimensions in mm: L A 1 61 61 Type L D d A S PF0207 6,3 0,5 2,4 0,2 0,6 52,4 5 PF0410 9,0 0,5 3,9 0,3 0,6 52,4 5 PF0516 15,5 1,0 5,0 0,5 0,8 73,0 10 PF0818 17,0 1,0 7,5 0,5 0,8 73,0 10 Packaging: Type PF0207 PF0410 PF0516 PF0818 Packaging taped / Ammopack Pieces 5000 Pack. Code T * taped / reel taped / Ammopack 5000 1000 R T * taped / reel taped / Ammopack 2500 1000 R T * taped / reel 1000 R taped / Ammopack 250 T * on request Ordering example: PF0207 Type 5 Tolerance T Pack.-Code 15R R- value Page: 2 / 4 Revision 201112 VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est. Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL Tel:+ 351 214 457 700 - Fax:351 214 457 755 - Germany Sales Tel:+ 0049 4121 870 103 - - VITROHM Series PF PULSE RATING Single Pulse P = 0 104 Pmax (W ) 103 102 PF 0818 10 P F 0516 P F 0410 P F 0207 1 10-1 10-5 10 -4 10-3 10-2 10 -1 ti (s) 1 C ontinuous P ulse P P 70 104 Pmax (W) 103 102 10 PF PF PF PF 1 10 -1 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10 -1 ti (s) 0818 0516 0410 0207 1 Page: 3 / 4 Revision 201112 VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est. Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL Tel:+ 351 214 457 700 - Fax:351 214 457 755 - Germany Sales Tel:+ 0049 4121 870 103 - - VITROHM Series PF PULSE RATING 3000 Vmax (V) 2000 P F 0818 PF 0516 PF 0410 PF 0207 1000 0 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 ti (s) 1 Pulse on a regular basis; maximum permissible peak voltage (V-max) as a function of pulse duration (ti) for typical resistor Page: 4 / 4 Revision 201112 VITROHM PORTUGUESA, Lda. - Est. Nacional 249-4, Trajouce - 2765-653 S. Domingos de Rana - PORTUGAL Tel:+ 351 214 457 700 - Fax:351 214 457 755 - Germany Sales Tel:+ 0049 4121 870 103 - -