Programmable 360º Magnetic Angle Encoder with Buffered SINE &
COSINE Output Signals Revision 1.4 1 - 2
Product Brief
1 General Description
The AS5215 is a redundant, contactless rotary encoder sensor for
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360º and over an
extended ambient temperature range of -40ºC…+150ºC.
Based on an integrated Hall element array, the angular position of a
simple two-pole magnet is translated into analog output voltages.
The angle information is provided by means of buffered sine and
cosine voltages. This approach gives maximum flexibility in system
design, as it can be directly integrated into existing architectures and
optimized for various applications in terms of speed and accuracy.
With two independent dies in one package, the device offers true
redundancy. Usually the bottom die, which is exposed to slightly less
magnetic field is employed for plausibility check.
An SSI Interface is implemented for signal path configuration as well
as a one time programmable register block (OTP), which allows the
customer to adjust the signal path gain to adjust for different
mechanical constraints and magnetic field.
Figure 1. AS5215 Block Diagram
2 Key Features
Contactless angular position encoding
High precision analog output
Buffered Sine and Cosine signals
SSI Interface
Low power mode
Two programmable output modes: Differential or Single ended
Wide magnetic field input range: 20 – 80 mT
Wide temperature range: -40ºC to +150ºC
Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 0
Thin punched 32-pin QFN (7x7mm) package
3 Applications
The AS5215 is ideal for Electronic Power Steering systems and
general purpose for automotive or industrial applications in
microcontroller-based systems.
Hall Array
OTP Register
Digital Part
SSI Interface
Note: This Block Diagram presents only one die. Revision 1.4 2 - 2
Product Brief - Ordering Information
4 Ordering Information
The devices are available as the standard products shown in Table 1.
Note: All products are RoHS compliant and Pb-free.
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current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Applications requiring extended temperature range,
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Contact Information
austriamicrosystems AG
Tobelbaderstrasse 30
A-8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria
Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0
Fax: +43 (0) 3136 525 01
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Table 1. Ordering Information
Ordering Code Description Delivery Form Package
AS5215-HQFT Sine and cosine analog output magnetic rotary encoder Tape & Reel 32-pin QFN (7x7mm)