Technical Data 4132
Effective April 2016
Shielded power inductors
Product Specifications
Part Number5
(μH) ±30%
DCR (mΩ)
@ 20°C
DCR (mΩ)
@ 20°C K-factor4
DR1030-1R1-R 1.1 7.0 9.5 6.5 7.9 22
DR1030-1R8-R 1.9 5.9 7.4 9.1 11.0 17
DR1030-2R8-R 2.8 5.1 6.08 12.1 14.5 14
DR1030-3R9-R 4.0 4.3 5.1 16.4 20.0 12
DR1030-5R2-R 5.2 3.7 4.75 22.9 27.5 10
DR1030-6R8-R 6.8 3.5 3.9 24.9 30.0 9
DR1030-8R2-R 8.4 3.3 3.54 28.4 34.1 8
DR1030-100-R 10.4 2.8 3.18 40.2 48.0 7
DR1030-150-R 14.8 2.3 2.66 57.3 68.8 6
DR1030-220-R 22.8 1.8 2.19 95.5 115 5
DR1030-330-R 32.4 1.6 1.81 114 136 4
DR1030-470-R 47.9 1.3 1.52 167 200 3.4
DR1030-680-R 67 1.1 1.24 253 304 2.9
DR1030-820-R 82 1.0 1.14 332 382 2.6
DR1030-101-R 100 0.86 1.05 375 450 2.4
DR1030-121-R 119 0.80 0.95 523 602 1.9
DR1030-151-R 155 0.68 0.86 590 700 1.4
1. Open Circuit Inductance (OCL) Test Parameters: 100 kHz, 0.1 Vrms, 0.0 Adc, +25 °C
2. Irms: DC current for an approximate temperature rise of 40 °C without core loss. Derating is necessary for AC currents.
PCB layout, trace thickness and width, air-flow, and proximity of other heat generating components will affect the
temperature rise. It is recommended that the temperature of the part not exceed 125 °C under worst case operating
conditions verified in the end application.
3. Isat: Peak current for approximately 35% rolloff @ +25 °C
4. K-factor: K-factor: Used to determine Bp-p for core loss (see graph). Bp-p = K * L * ΔI. Bp-p: (mT), K:
(K-factor from table), L: (Inductance in μH), ΔI (Peak to peak ripple current in Amps)..
5. Part Number Definition: DR1030-xxx-R
DR1030 = Product code and size
-xxx= inductance value in μH, R= decimal point,
If no R is present then last character equals number of zeros
-R suffix = RoHS compliant
Part marking: inductance value in uH. R = decimal point. If no R is present then last character equals number of zeroes.
wwlly = date code, R = revision level
Do not route traces or vias underneath the inductor
Dimensions (mm)