Total Dose ≥1x106rad(Si)
Transient Dose Rate Upset ≥1x109rad(Si)/s
Transient Dose Rate Survivability ≥1x1011 rad(Si)/s
Soft Error Rate <1x10-10 upsets/bit-day
Neutron Fluence ≥1x1014 N/cm2
Parameter Limits (2) Test Conditions
Total Ionizing Radiation Dose
The SRAM will meet all stated functional and electrical
specifications over the entire operating temperature range
after the specified total ionizing radiation dose. All electri-
cal and timing performance parameters will remain within
specifications after rebound at VDD = 3.6 V and T =125°C
extrapolated to ten years of operation. Total dose hard-
ness is assured by wafer level testing of process monitor
transistors and RAM product using 10 KeV X-ray and Co60
radiation sources. Transistor gate threshold shift correla-
tions have been made between 10 KeV X-rays applied at
a dose rate of 1x105 rad(Si)/min at T = 25°C and gamma
rays (Cobalt 60 source) to ensure that wafer level X-ray
testing is consistent with standard military radiation test
Transient Pulse Ionizing Radiation
The SRAM is capable of writing, reading, and retaining
stored data during and after exposure to a transient
ionizing radiation pulse, up to the specified transient
dose rate upset specification, when applied under rec-
ommended operating conditions. To ensure validity of all
specified performance parameters before, during, and
after radiation (timing degradation during transient pulse
radiation (timing degradation during transient pulse ra-
diation is ≤10%), it is suggested that stiffening capaci-
tance be placed on or near the package VDD and VSS,
with a maximum inductance between the package (chip)
and stiffening capacitance of 0.7 nH per part. If there are
no operate-through or valid stored data requirements,
typical circuit board mounted de-coupling capacitors are
(1) Device will not latch up due to any of the specified radiation exposure conditions.
(2) Operating conditions (unless otherwise specified): VDD=3.0 V to 3.6 V, TA=-55°C to 125°C.
1 MeV equivalent energy,
Unbiased, TA=25°C
TA=125°C, Adams 90%
worst case environment
Pulse width ≤50 ns, X-ray,
VDD=4.0 V, TA=25°C
Pulse width ≤1µs
The SRAM will meet any functional or electrical specifica-
tion after exposure to a radiation pulse up to the transient
dose rate survivability specification, when applied under
recommended operating conditions. Note that the current
conducted during the pulse by the RAM inputs, outputs,
and power supply may significantly exceed the normal
operating levels. The application design must accommo-
date these effects.
Neutron Radiation
The SRAM will meet any functional or timing specification
after exposure to the specified neutron fluence under
recommended operating or storage conditions. This as-
sumes an equivalent neutron energy of 1 MeV.
Soft Error Rate
The SRAM is capable of meeting the specified Soft Error
Rate (SER), under recommended operating conditions.
This hardness level is defined by the Adams 90% worst
case cosmic ray environment for geosynchronous orbits.
The SRAM will not latch up due to any of the above
radiation exposure conditions when applied under recom-
mended operating conditions. Fabrication with the
SIMOX substrate material provides oxide isolation be-
tween adjacent PMOS and NMOS transistors and elimi-
nates any potential SCR latchup structures. Sufficient
transistor body tie connections to the p- and n-channel
substrates are made to ensure no source/drain snapback