DDR SDRAMDDR SDRAM 128Mb E-die (x4, x8, x16)
Rev. 1.3 September. 2003
DDR SDRAM Spec Items & Test Conditions
Conditions Symbol
Operating current - One bank Active-Precharge;
tRC=tRCmin; tCK=7.5ns for DDR266, 6ns for DDR333;
DQ,DM and DQS inputs changing once per clock cycle;
address and control inputs changing once every two clock cycles.
Operating current - One bank operation ; One bank open, BL=4, Reads
- Refer to the following page for detailed test cond ition IDD1
Percharge power-down standby current; All banks idle; power - down mode;
CKE = <VIL(max); tCK=7.5ns for DDR266, 6ns for DDR333; Vin = Vref for DQ,DQS and DM. IDD2P
Precharge Floating st andby current; CS# > =VIH(min);All banks idle; CKE > = VIH(min); tCK=7.5ns for DDR266,
6ns for DDR333; Address and other control inputs changing once per clock cycle;
Vin = Vref for DQ,DQS and DM IDD2F
Precharge Quiet standby current; CS# > = VIH(min); All banks idle;
CKE > = VIH(min); tCK=7.5ns for DDR266, 6ns for DDR333; Address and other control inputs stable at >=
VIH(min) or =<VIL(max); Vin = Vref for DQ ,DQS and DM IDD2Q
Active power - down standby current ; one bank active; power-down mode;
CKE=< VIL (max); tCK=7.5ns for DDR266, 6ns for DDR333; Vin = Vref for DQ,DQS and DM IDD3P
Active standby current; CS# >= VIH(min); CKE>=VIH(min);
one bank active; active - precharge; tRC=tRASmax; tCK=7.5ns for DDR266, 6ns for DDR333;
DQ, DQS and DM inputs changing twice per clock cycle; address and other control inputs changing once per clock
Operating current - burst read; Burst length = 2; reads; continguous burst; One bank active; address and control
inputs changing once per clock cycle; CL=2 at 7.5ns for DDR266(A2), CL=2.5 at 7.5ns for DDR266(B0), 6ns for
DDR333; 50% of data changing on every transfer; lout = 0 m A IDD4R
Operating current - burst write; Burst length = 2; writes; continuous burst;
One bank active address and control inputs changing once per clock cycle; CL=2 at tCK=7.5ns for DDR266(A2),
CL=2.5 at tCK=7.5ns for DDR266(B0), 6ns for DDR333; DQ, DM and DQS inputs changing twice per clock cycle,
50% of input data changing at every burst
Auto refresh current; tRC = tRFC(min) - 10*tCK for DDR266 at tCK=7.5ns; 12*tCK for DDR333 at tCK=6ns; dis-
tributed refresh IDD5
Self refresh current; CKE =< 0.2V; External clock on; tCK = 7.5ns for DDR266, 6ns for DDR333. IDD6
Orerating current - Four bank operation ; Four bank interleaving with BL=4
-Refer to the following page for detailed test condition IDD7A
Input/Output Capacitance (VDD=2.5, VDDQ=2.5V, TA= 25°C, f=1MHz)
Parameter Symbol Min Max Delta Unit Note
Input capacitance
(A0 ~ A11, BA0 ~ BA1, CKE, CS, RAS,CAS, WE)CIN1 2 3 0.5 pF 4
Input capacitance( CK, CK ) CIN2 2 3 0.25 pF 4
Data & DQS input/output capacitance COUT 4 5 0.5 pF 1,2,3,4
Input capacitance(DM for x4/8, UDM/LDM for x16) CIN3 4 5 pF 1,2,3,4
1.These values are guaranteed by design and are tested on a sample basis only.
2. Although DM is an input -only pin, the i nput cap acitance of this pin must model the input capacit ance of the DQ and DQS pins.
This is required to match signal propagation times of DQ, DQS, and DM in the system.
3. Unused pins are tied to ground.
4. This parameteer is sampled. VDDQ = +2.5V +0.2V, VDD = +3.3V +0.3V or +2.5V+0.2V, f=100MHz, tA=25°C, Vout(dc) =
VDDQ/2, Vout(peak to peak) = 0.2V. DM inputs are grouped with I/O pins - reflecting the fact that they are matched in loa ding
(to facilitate trace matching at the board level).
Note :