Cartridge and Axial Lead Fuses TR5(R) > Time Lag > 374 Series RoHS Pb 374 Series (R) Description 5IF53(R) 4FSJFTBSFUJNFoMBH7SBUFEGVTFT UIBUBSFEFTJHOFEJOBDDPSEBODFUP6-o5IFTF GVTFTBSFJOUFOEFEGPSBSBOHFPGBQQMJDBUJPOT TVDIBT QSPUFDUJPOPGFMFDUSJDBQQMJBODFT FMFDUSPOJDFRVJQNFOU BOEDPNQPOFOUQBSUT OPSNBMMZJOUFOEFEGPSJOEPPSVTF This series replaces the 665 LT-5 Series Fuses. Features Agency Approvals Agency (R) Agency File Number t -FBEoGSFF t 7JCSBUJPOSFTJTUBOU t 3FEVDFE1$#TQBDF SFRVJSFNFOUT t )BMPHFOoGSFF t %JSFDUTPMEFSBCMFPS QMVHoJOWFSTJPOT Ampere Range t *OUFSOBUJPOBMMZBQQSPWFE File number: E 67006 50mA - 6.3A Certification: 51378 50mA - 6.3A t 4IPDLTBGFDBTJOH File number: E 67006 8A - 10A Applications t -PXJOUFSOBMSFTJTUBODF t %FTJHOFEUP6-o GPS5JNFoMBHGVTFT t 3P)4DPNQMJBOUBOE -FBEoGSFF t"WBJMBCMFGSPNN" to 10A t 5FMFDPNFRVJQNFOU t 1PXFSTVQQMJFT t %BUBQSPDFTTJOH FRVJQNFOU t )PVTFIPMEBQQMJDBODFT t .FEJDBMFRVJQNFOU t *OQVUPVUQVUNPEVMFT Electrical Characteristics (c)2008 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. % of Ampere Rating Opening Time 100% )PVST Min. 4FDPOET Max. 53 Revised: July 18, 2008 374 Series Cartridge and Axial Lead Fuses TR5(R) > Time Lag > 374 Series Electrical Characteristics Rated Current Amp Code Voltage Rating 50mA 63mA 80mA 100mA N" 160mA N" N" 315mA N" 500mA 630mA 800mA 1.00A " 1.60A " " 3.15A " 5.00A 6.30A 8.00A1 10.00A1 0050 0063 0080 0100 0160 0315 0500 0630 0800 1100 1160 1315 1500 1630 1800 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Breaking Capacity Voltage Drop 1.0 x IN max. (mV) Power Dissipation 1.5 x IN max. (mV) 900 800 700 600 550 390 350 300 160 155 130 110 100 95 90 80 90 50 55 60 70 80 80 90 95 100 110 135 130 155 185 300 350 570 1000 "7"$)[ DPTJ = 1.0 Melting Integral 10 x IN Min. (As) 0.0056 0.009 0.058 0.1 0.17 0.6 0.75 0.98 7.5 36 59 110 150 Agency Approvals (R) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x /PUFNFBOTUIFOVNCFSPOFXJUIUXPEFDJNBMQMBDFT NFBOTUIFOVNCFSPOFUIPVTBOE TIME LAG DE-RATING CURVE 1.60A 2.00A 2.50A 3.15A 4.00A 5.00A 6.30A 8.00A 10.00A 0.250A 0.315A 0.400A 0.500A 0.630A 0.800A 1.00A 1.25A Average Time Current Curves 0.050A 0.063A 0.080A 0.100A 0.125A 0.160A 0.200A Temperature Derating Curve 100000 140 10000 100 1000 80 60 TIME IN SECONDS PERCENT OF RATING 120 23C 40 20 0 -40C -104F -20C -68F -0C -32F 20C 68F 40C 104F 60C 140F 80C 176F 100 10 1 AMBIENT TEMPERATURE 0.100 0.010 0.001 0.02 0.100 1 10 100 CURRENT IN AMPERES 374 Series 54 Revised: July 18, 2008 (c)2008 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. Cartridge and Axial Lead Fuses TR5(R) > Time Lag > 374 Series Soldering Parameters Recommended Process Parameters: 280 260 Wave Parameter 240 Lead-Free Recommendation Preheat: 220 200 180 160 140 120 %FQFOETPO'MVY"DUJWBUJPO5FNQFSBUVSF 5ZQJDBM*OEVTUSZ3FDPNNFOEBUJPO 5FNQFSBUVSF.JOJNVN 100 C 5FNQFSBUVSF.BYJNVN 1SFIFBU5JNF 150 C TFDPOET Solder Pot Temperature: $.BYJNVN Solder Dwell Time: TFDPOET 100 80 60 40 Recommended Hand-Solder Parameters: 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 90 100 80 70 60 50 40 20 0 0 30 20 10 Temperature (C) - Measured on bottom side of board 300 Time (Seconds) 4PMEFS*SPO5FNQFSBUVSF$ $ )FBUJOH5JNFTFDPOETNBY Cooling Time Preheat Time Dwell Time Note: These devices are not recommended for IR or Convection Reflow process. Product Characteristics Materials #BTF$BQ#SPXO5IFSNPQMBTUJD 1PMZBNJEF1" 6-7 3PVOE1JOT$PQQFS 5JOQMBUFE Lead Pull Strength / &/ Solderability $ o4FD 8BWF $ o4FD 4PMEFSJOHJSPO Soldering Heat Resistance $ 4FD *&$ Operating Temperature $UP $ DPOTJEFSEFSBUJOH Climatic Category $ $EBZT &/ $UP $ 3)oZFBSMZBWFSBHF XJUIPVU EFX NBYJNVNWBMVFGPSEBZT 95% DZDMFTBUNJOFBDI &/ )[BUNNBNQMJUVEF )[BU(TBDDFMFSBUJPO Stock Conditions Vibration Resistance Part Numbering System Dimensions 8.5 374 0050 max. 8 -POH-FBET -NN 4IPSU-FBET -NN Packaging Code 000 Tape/Ammopack (1,000 pcs.) 041 Short Leads - Bulk (1,000 pcs.) Amp. Code (See Electrical Characteristics Chart) Series 1 +0.1 L 5.08 0.5 min )PMFTJO1$# 0.6 000 Packaging Packaging Code Packing Option Quantity 000 5BQF"NNPQBDL 4IPSU-FBET (c)2008 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Please refer to for current information. 55 Revised: July 18, 2008 374 Series