HALL EFFECT CURRENT SENSORS CTL- MODEL RECTANGULAR WINDOW (BUS BAR) MODELS CURRENT RANGE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 500A 1000A 1000A 1500A 1500A 2000A 2000A 2000A 2500A 2500A 3000A 3000A 4000A 5000A MODEL NUMBER TYPICAL OUTPUT CTL-202H/500 CTL-202H/1000 CTL-202ZZS/1000 * CTL-202H/1500 CTL-202ZZS/1500 * CTL-202H/2000 CTL-202ZZS/2000 * CTL-502H/2000 CTL-302ZZS/2500 * CTL-502H/2500 CTL-302ZZS/3000 * CTL-502H/3000 CTL-502H/4000 CTL-502H/5000 50mV 100mV 100mV 150mV 150mV 200mV 200mV 60mV 125mV 75mV 150mV 90mV 120mV 150mV SENSOR SIZE Z Z ZZ Z ZZ Z ZZ Z ZZ Z ZZ Z Z Z Measuring Equipment 7N93 * * SPECIFICATIONS * Accuracy and Linearity .......................................... +1% F.S. Excitation Current ....................................................... 200mA Temperature Range Standard .................................................... -10OC to +40OC Extended .................................................... -40OC to +65OC ............................................ Add suffix "T" to part number. Temperature Effects ................................................ +1% F.S. Input Resistance (Ohms) ................................... 23 Ohms +5 Output Resistance (Ohms) ............................... 25 Ohms +15 Options Split-core models .............. Add suffix "S" to model number. Extended temperature range (-40OC to +65OC) ....................................... Add suffix "T" to model number. * * Window Size *Sensor size ZZ available in split-core only. Z Typical output range is +30% 1 1/4" X 4 1/2" Current range is listed in dc/peak ac. ZZ Specifications are for uni-directional operation. 2 7/16" X 4 1/2" For bi-directional operation, consult factory. Insulation .......................................... 600Vac Dielectric Test. ............................................... (conductor through window/output) ... 2200Vac ORDERING INFORMATION Example: 2000 Amp dc, Split-Core Current Sensor with Extended Temperature Range. 5 YEA R NT Y WARRA CTL-202HTS/2000 Order in combination with appropriate CTA Signal Conditioner found on page 33 CASE DIMENSIONS Z, ZZ F M P K E J B C D K N R N SENS SIZE Z ZZ A A 7 3/16 7 3/16 B 3 3/4 5 1/2 C 1 1/8 1 1/8 N G H G CABLE LENGTHS All units are supplied with detachable 8 foot cable. See page 33 for cable connections. SENSOR DIMENSIONS D E F G H J 11/4 X 41/2 2 1/16 3 1/2 1 5 1 7/8 2 7/16 X 4 1/2 2 1/2 3 1/2 1 5 1 7/8 K 5/16 5/16 M 3/8 3/8 N 1/4 1/4 P 3/16 3/16 R 1/4 1/4 WT. LBS. 2.8 3.5 All dimensions in inches OHIO SEMITRONICS, INC. Page 1 of 4 4242 REYNOLDS DRIVE * HILLIARD, OHIO * 43026-1264 PHONE: (614) 777-1005 * FAX: (614) 777-4511 WWW.OHIOSEMITRONICS.COM * 1-800-537-6732 Rev-B 071405 CTA SIGNAL CONDITIONERS MODELS CTL/CTA DESCRIPTION The CTA Signal Conditioner provides the excitation current (instrument power) that the CTL Hall effect sensor requires as well as amplifying the low level (mV) signal into a more typical signal. The CTA is calibrated to the output of the specific CTL selected for the application. Each CTA model has a specific input range (mV) which corresponds to the output of the CTL. The CTA family has two different types, Direct and RMS. Direct models provide an isolated output that is directly proportional to the amplitude and frequency of the input signal. If the input signal is ac, then the output signal is ac. If the input signal is dc, then the output signal is dc. The RMS output models provide an output which is directly proportional to the RMS of the input signal. The output is dc regardless of whether the input is ac or dc. Each type has four output options: 1mA, 4-20mA, 10V or 5V. DC instrument power options are available from 12 to 48Vdc, see specifications. To select the proper CTA model you will need to refer to the chart on the following page. Locate the CTL model previously selected and move to the right selecting either Direct or RMS and the appropriate output signal. Caution: Connect CTL to terminals 1, 2, 3 & 4 before applying instrument power to terminals 7 & 8. SPECIFICATIONS INPUT Standard .................................................................... 0-50mV Option "R" ............ 0-35mV Option "N" .............. 0-120mV Option "H" ............ 0-75mV Option "K" .............. 0-150mV Option "P" ........... 0-100mV Option "L" .............. 0-200mV Frequency Range ...............................................dc - 5000 Hz Instrument Power ........................... 115Vac, 50 - 400Hz, 2VA Option "-22" ....................... 230Vac, 50/60Hz, +15% DC Instrument Power Option "-12" ................................................. 9-18Vdc Option "-24" ............................................... 18-36Vdc Option "-48" ............................................... 36-60Vdc OUTPUT Linearity .............................................................. 0.1% F.S. Output Ripple ....................................... Less than 0.25% F.S. Field Adjustable Gain ...................................................... 25% Output Loading (Ohms) 1mA .............................................................. 0 - 10K 10V, 5V ......................................................... 2K min. 4 - 20mA ........................................................ 0 - 500 Response time (to 90%) Direct models ................................ 40 microseconds RMS models .................................. 200 milliseconds Temperature Effect ........ (0OC to +70O C) ............ 0.005%/C CONNECTIONS OUTPUT CABLE DESIGNATIONS CTL MODELS WITH ONE CABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 - + 7 SENSOR SIZE E, EE, F, G, H, HH PINS COLOR SIGNAL A WHITE OUTPUT (-) B GREEN OUTPUT (+) C BLACK EXCITATION (-) D RED EXCITATION (+) E SHIELD SHIELD Red dot side of CTL must face positive supply. SENSOR SIZE C, D, Z, & ZZ PINS COLOR SIGNAL 1 WHITE OUTPUT (-) 2 GREEN OUTPUT (+) 6 BLACK EXCITATION (-) 8 RED EXCITATION (+) Red dot side of CTL must face positive supply. 8 CTA W G B R * OUTPUT INST POWER L1 (+) LINE LOAD CTL L2 (-) White ............. sensor output signal (-) Green ........... sensor output signal (+) Black .................. sensor excitation (-) Red .................... sensor excitation (+) *DC Inst. Pwr. positive on Term. 8 All shields tied to terminal 3 CTL MODELS WITH TWO CABLES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CASE DIMENSIONS 8 4.75 CTA B R B R * - GRAY BLK + OUTPUT INST POWER ZERO CAL 2.50 1.50 L1 (+) LINE CTL 0.25 0.25 LOAD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 DIA 0.38 (2 PLCS) L2 (-) GRAY CABLE Black ..... sensor output signal (-) Red ...... sensor output signal (+) *DC Inst. Pwr. positive on Term. 8 BLACK CABLE Black .......... sensor excitation (-) Red ........... sensor excitation (+) All shields tied to terminal 3 OHIO SEMITRONICS, INC. Page 2 of 4 CASE HEIGHT 4.38" 1.4 LBS DIA 0.19 (4 PLCS) All dimensions in inches 4242 REYNOLDS DRIVE * HILLIARD, OHIO * 43026-1264 PHONE: (614) 777-1005 * FAX: (614) 777-4511 WWW.OHIOSEMITRONICS.COM * 1-800-537-6732 Rev-B 071405 HALL EFFECT CURRENT SENSORS MODELS CTL/CTA CTL & CTA COMBINATIONS CURRENT RANGE MODEL CTL CURRENT TRANSDUCER 0-35A 0-50A 0-50A 0-75A 0-100A 0-150A 0-200A 0-300A 0-400A 0-500A 0-500A 0-600A 0-800A 0-1000A 0-1000A 0-1000A 0-1000A 0-1500A 0-1500A 0-2000A 0-2000A 0-2000A 0-2000A 0-2000A 0-2500A 0-2500A 0-2500A 0-3000A 0-3000A 0-3000A 0-3000A 0-4000A 0-4000A 0-5000A 0-5000A 0-5000A 0-6000A 0-7000A 0-8000A 0-9000A 0-10000A 0-12000A 0-15000A 0-18000A 0-20000A 0-25000A 0-30000A 0-35000A 0-40000A CTL-51/35 CTL-51/50 CTL-101/50 CTL-101/75 CTL-101/100 CTL-201/150 CTL-201/200 CTL-401/300 CTL-401/400 CTL-601/500 CTL-202H/500 CTL-601/600 CTL-202/800 CTL-202/1000 CTL-202H/1000 CTL-202EES/1000 CTL-202ZZS/1000 CTL-202/1500 CTL-202EES/1500 CTL-202/2000 CTL-202H/2000 CTL-502H/2000 CTL-202ZZS/2000 CTL-202EES/2000 CTL-502H/2500 CTL-302EES/2500 CTL-502/2500 CTL-502H/3000 CTL-302ZZS/3000 CTL-302EES/3000 CTL-502/3000 CTL-502H/4000 CTL-502/4000 CTL-502H/5000 CTL-502/5000 CTL-103/5000 CTL-103/6000 CTL-103/7000 CTL-103/8000 CTL-103/9000 CTL-103/10000 CTL-203/12000 CTL-203/15000 CTL-203/18000 CTL-203/20000 CTL-303/25000 CTL-303/30000 CTL-403/35000 CTL-403/40000 ACC. % of F.S. + 0.5 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.5 + 1 + 0.5 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 0.5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + DC MODELS - OUTPUT RMS MODELS - DC OUTPUT PROPORTIONAL TO DC OR AC INPUT PROPORTIONAL TO RMS OR DC INPUT WINDOW Sen. STANDARD OUTPUT MODEL CTASTANDARD OUTPUT MODEL CTADIA. IN. Dwg. + 5V + 10V 4-20mA + 1mA +5Vdc +10Vdc 4-20mA +1mAdc A 3/8 212R 201RX5 201R 201RA 213RX5 213R 215R 214R 3/8 A 201 212 201X5 201A 213X5 213 215 214 C 3/4 201 212 201X5 201A 213X5 213 215 214 3/4 C 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 3/4 C 201PX5 201P 212P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 1 1/8 D 212H 201HX5 201H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 1 1/8 D 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 1 1/8 D 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 1 1/8 D 201PX5 201P 212P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 2 or 2 1/4 201 E/F 201X5 212 201A 213X5 213 215 214 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 201 Z 212 201X5 201A 213X5 213 215 214 2 or 2 1/4 201 E/F 212 201X5 201A 213X5 213 215 214 2 or 2 1/4 201 E/F 201X5 212 201A 213X5 213 215 214 2 or 2 1/4 201 E/F 201X5 212 201A 213X5 213 215 214 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z 201PX5 201P 212P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 4 1/4 EE 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 4 1/2 x 2 2/5 ZZ 201PX5 201P 212P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 2 or 2 1/4 E/F 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 4 1/4 EE 212K 201KX5 201K 201KA 213KX5 213K 215K 214K 2 or 2 1/4 E/F 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z 201LX5 201L 212L 201LA NA NA NA NA NA 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z NA NA NA 213X5 213 215 214 4 1/2 x 2 2/5 ZZ 212L 201LX5 201L 201LA NA NA NA NA 4 1/4 EE 212L 201LX5 201L 201LA NA NA NA NA 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 4 1/4 EE 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA NA NA NA NA 3 x 6 1/2 G 212H 201HX5 201H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 4 1/2 x 2 2/5 ZZ 212K 201KX5 201K 201KA NA NA NA NA 4 1/4 EE 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA NA NA NA NA 3 x 6 1/2 G 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z 212N 201NX5 201N 201NA NA NA NA NA 3 x 6 1/2 G 212N 201NX5 201N 201NA NA NA NA NA 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 Z 212K 201KX5 201K 201KA NA NA NA NA 3 x 6 1/2 G 212K 201KX5 201K 201KA NA NA NA NA 5 1/2 x 8 H 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 5 1/2 x 8 H 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA 213PX5 213P 215P 214P 5 1/2 x 8 H 212H 201HX5 201H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 5 1/2 x 8 H 212H 201HX5 201H 201HA 213HX5 213H 215H 214H 5 1/2 x 8 H 201PX5 201P 212P 201PA NA NA NA NA 5 1/2 x 8 H 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA NA NA NA NA 5 1/2 x 8 H 201 201X5 212 201A 213X5 213 215 214 5 1/2 x 8 H 212H 201HX5 201H 201HA NA NA NA NA 5 1/2 x 8 H 201PX5 201P 212P 201PA NA NA NA NA 5 1/2 x 8 H 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA NA NA NA NA 13 x 13 HH 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA NA NA NA NA 13 x 13 HH 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA NA NA NA NA 13 x 13 HH 201HX5 201H 212H 201HA NA NA NA NA 13 x 13 HH 212P 201PX5 201P 201PA NA NA NA NA The above table provides a selection of CTL current transducers and CTA signal conditioners which are setup to provide a selection of outputs for the current ranges shown. Each CTL and CTA are calibrated as a set. Standard temperature range ............................. 0OC to +40OC Option "S" ....................... Split-Core (except Model 51 series) DC Instrument Power ............... Option "-12" ............ 9-18Vdc ................................................. Option "-24" .......... 18-36Vdc ................................................. Option "-48" .......... 36-60Vdc CTA212 Option "Y42" ................................. 4-12-20mA output OHIO SEMITRONICS, INC. Page 3 of 4 ORDERING INFORMATION Example: 0-2000Amp dc, 2" Window, 4-20mAdc Output, +0.5% Accuracy and Linearity, Split-Core CTL-202S/2000 and CTA212P 4242 REYNOLDS DRIVE * HILLIARD, OHIO * 43026-1264 PHONE: (614) 777-1005 * FAX: (614) 777-4511 WWW.OHIOSEMITRONICS.COM * 1-800-537-6732 Rev-B 071405 HALL EFFECT CURRENT SENSORS MODELS CTL- INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Installation should be performed by qualified electricians only! 2. Make sure electrical service is disconnected before making any electrical connections. 3. Branch circuit protection is required to be provided in accordance with the National and Local codes of the inspection authority. 4. Route wires as required and secure to terminals per connection diagram on this sheet and on the unit. 5. Transducers are suitable for installation on 600Vac lines. 6. To prevent contact with live circuits, when installed on a bare bus bar, the transducer is required to be mounted in an enclosure that requires the use of a tool for access. When installed on an insulated cable this second enclosure is not required. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 1. This unit is intended for indoor use at altitudes up to 2000 meters. 2. Transient overvoltages according to Installation Category (overvoltage category)II, pollution Degree 2. 3. If cleaning of the exterior surface is necessary, de-energize all services of supply (both measuring and instrument power circuits) and brush with a soft brush or blow off with low pressure air. Use appropriate eye protection. Not suitable for hose-down cleaning. 4. Maximum relative humidity 80 percent for temperatures up to 31 C decreasing linearly to 50 percent relative humidity at 40 C. 5. Maximum operating temperature range is -20C to 60C. ~ UL approved for USA and Canada Both Direct (dc) and Alternating (ac) current WARRANTY STATEMENT Ohio Semitronics, warrants this unit to be free of defects in material and workmanship for a period of five years from date of shipment. This unit must not be used in any manner other than as specified in this document. OHIO SEMITRONICS, INC. Page 4 of 4 4242 REYNOLDS DRIVE * HILLIARD, OHIO * 43026-1264 PHONE: (614) 777-1005 * FAX: (614) 777-4511 WWW.OHIOSEMITRONICS.COM * 1-800-537-6732 Rev-B 071405