Vccsw output goes low when VOUT switches to
VCC turning on a customer supplied P-Channel
MOSFET (see Figure 3). The Motorola
MTD20P06HDL is recommended. This MOSFET
in turn con nects VOUT to a sep arate supply when
the current requirement is greater than IOUT1 (see
Table 7). This output may also b e used simply to
indicate the status of the internal battery switcho-
ver comparator, which controls t he source (VCC or
battery) of the VOUT output.
The M48T212A continuously monitors VCC. When
VCC falls to t he power f ail detect t rip point, t he RST
pulls low (open drain) and rem ains low on power-
up for 40 to 200ms after VCC passes VPFD. The
RST pin i s an open d rain output and an appropri-
ate pull-up resistor to VCC should be chosen to
control rise time.
Note: If the RST output is fed back into either of
the RSTIN inputs (for a microprocessor with a bi-
directional reset ) then a 1kΩ (max) pull-up res istor
is recommended.
Reset Inputs (RSTIN1 & RSTIN2)
The M48T212A provides two independent inputs
which can generate an out put reset. The duration
and function of these resets is identical to a reset
generated by a power cycle. Table 14 and Fi gure
12 illustrate the AC reset characteristics of this
function. During the time RST is enabled (tR1HRH
& tR2HRH), the Reset Inputs are ignored.
Note: RSTIN1 and RSTIN2 are each internally
pulled up to VCC through a 100KΩ resistor.
Calibrating the Clo ck
The M48T212A is dr iven by a quartz controlled os-
cillator with a nominal frequency of 32,768 Hz. The
devices are tested not to exceed ±35 ppm (parts
per million) oscillator frequency error at 25°C,
which equates t o about ±1. 53 m inutes per mo nth.
When the Calibration circuit is prope rly employed,
accuracy improves to better than +1/–2 ppm at
The oscillation rate of crystals chang es with tem-
perature. The M48T 212A design employ s per iodic
counter correction. The calibration circuit adds or
subtracts counts from the o scillator divider circuit
at the divide by 256 stage, as shown in Figure 11.
The number of times pulses which are blanked
(subtracted, negative calibration) or split (added,
positive calibration) depends upon the value load-
ed into the five Calibration bits found in the Control
Register. Adding counts speeds the cl ock up, sub-
tracting counts slows the clock down.
The Calibration bits occupy the five lower order
bits (D4-D0) in t he Control Regi ster 8h. These bits
can be set to represent a ny value betw een 0 and
31 in binary form. Bit D5 is a Sign bit; ’1’ indicates
positive calibration, ’0’ indicates negative calibra-
tion. Calibration occurs within a 64 minute cycle.
The first 62 minutes in the cycle may, once per
minute, have one second eit her short ened by 128
or lengthened by 256 os cill ator cycl es.
If a binary ’1' is loaded into the register, only the
first 2 minutes in the 64 minute cycle will be modi-
fied; if a binary 6 is loaded, the first 12 will be af-
fected, and so on.
Therefore, e ach calibration step ha s the effect of
adding 512 or subtracting 256 osc illator cycles for
every 125,829,120 actual oscillator cycles, that is
+4.068 or –2.034 ppm of adjustment per calibra-
tion step i n t he cal ibrat ion registe r. Ass um ing that
the oscillator is running at exactly 32,768 Hz, each
of the 31 increm ents in the Calibration byte wo uld
represent +10.7 or –5.35 seconds per month
which corresponds to a total range of +5. 5 or –2.75
minutes per month.
Two methods are available for ascertaining how
much calibration a gi ven M48T212 A may require.
The first involves setting the clock, l ett i ng it run for
a month and comparing it to a known accurat e ref-
erence and r ecor ding dev iation over a fixed period
of time. Calibration values, including t he number of
seconds lost or gained in a given period, can be
found in Application Note AN934: TIMEKEEPER
This allows the designer to g ive the end user the
ability to cali brate the clock as the environment re-
quires, even if the final product is packaged in a
non-user serviceable enclosure. The designer
could provide a simple utility that accesses the
Calibration byte.
The second approach is better suited to a manu-
facturing envi ronment, and involves the use of the
IRQ/FT pin. The pin will toggle at 512Hz, when the
Stop bit (ST, D7 of 9h) is ’0’, the Frequency T est
bit (FT, D6 of Ch) is ’1’ , the Alarm Flag E nabl e bit
(AFE, D7 of 6h) is ’0’, and the Wat chdog S teering
bit (WDS, D7 of 7h) is ’1’ or the Watchdog Regis ter
(7h = 0) is reset.
Any deviation from 512 Hz indicates the degree
and direction of oscillator frequency shift at the test
temperature. For example, a reading of
512.010124 Hz would indicate a +20 ppm oscilla-
tor frequency error, requiring a –10 (WR001010)
to be loaded into the Calibration Byte for correc-
tion. Note that setting or cha nging the Calibrat ion
Byte does not affect the Fr equency test output f re-
The IRQ/FT pin is an open d rain out put which re-
quires a pull-up resistor to VCC for proper opera-
tion. A 500-10kΩ resistor is recommended in order
to control the rise time. The FT bit is cleared on