TOSHIBA TPC8004 TOSHIBA FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR SILICON N CHANNEL MOS TYPE (z-MOSVI) TPC8004 LITHIUM ION BATTERY APPLICATIONS INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Unit in mm NOTE BOOK PC, PORTABLE EQUIPMENTS APPLICATIONS SOP-8 8 5 @ Low Drain-Source ON Resistance : Rpg (ON) = 37 mQ. (Typ.) @ High Forward Transfer Admittance: |Ys,| = 6S (Typ.) @ Low Leakage Current: Ipgg = 10 A (Max.) (Vpg = 30 V) @ Enhancement-Model :; Vth = 0.8~2.0V (Vpg = 10V, Ip = 1 mA) 5.5MAX MAXIMUM RATINGS (Ta = 25C) rn ne CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL | RATING | UNIT (oo a ~ Drain-Source Voltage Vpss 30 Vv 3 Drain-Gate Voltage (Rag = 20kQ) | Vpar 30 V glo 08202 Gate-Source Voltage Vass +20 Vv i 2,3 cae I A Drain Current DC D S >, 6, 7, 8 DRAIN Pulse Ipp 20 A JEDEC _ Drain Power Dissipation*** (Ta = 25C) Pp 2.4 Ww EIAJ Single Pulse Avalanche Energy** Eas 32.5 mJ TOSHIBA 2-6J1A Avalanche Current IAR 5 A Weight : 0.08 Repetitive Avalanche Energy* EAR 0.24 md CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION Channel Temperature Tech 150 C 3 7 6 5 Storage Temperature Range Tstg 55~150 C poo olde THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL |MAX.| UNIT Thermal Resistance, Channel to Ambient*** | Rth (ch-a) | 52.1 [C/W ke kb Note ; ,~? * Repetitive rating ; Pulse Width Limited by Max. See : 1 2 3 4 Junction temperature. ** Vpp = 24V, Teh = 25C (initial), L = 1.0mH, I~R = 5.0A, Rq = 25 0 *** Drive operation ; Mount on glass epoxy board [linch? x 0.8t] (t = 10s) This transistor is an electrostatic sensitive device. Please handle with caution. 961001EAA1 @ TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and the reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to observe standards of safety, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a TOSHIBA product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property. In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook. @ The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others. @ The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. 2000-01-25 1/5TOSHIBA TPC8004 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN. | TYP. | MAX. | UNIT Gate Leakage Current Iqgss Vag = 16V, Vpg =0V _ | +10] 4A Drain Cut-Off Current Ipss Vps = 30V, Vas =0V 10 | A Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage V (BR) DSS| ID = 10 mA, Vag =0V 30 Vv Gate Threshold Voltage Vth Vps = 10V,Ip=1mA 0.8 2.0 Vv . . Vas =4V,Ip =2.5A _ 58 80 - R mQ Drain-Source ON Resistance DS (ON) Vag =10V, Ip=25A = 37 50 Forward Transfer Admittance lYs] Vps = 10V, Ip =2.5A 3 6] s Input Capacitance Ciss _ _ 475 Reverse Transfer Capacitance Crsg 7s Mtr, V, Vas = OV, 85 | pF Output Capacitance Coss - 2 | 270] Rise Time tr 10 Fy Ip =2.5A _ 10 | VGs OV VOUT Turn-On Time | t, RL = 16} Switching on G 60 ns Time sti Fall Time te 13 Vpp = 15 V . VIN : ty, te << Sns Turn-Off Time toff Duty = 1%, tw = 10 us _ 70 | Total Gate Charge (Gate- Q _ 16 _ Source Plus Gate-Drain) 8 Vpp = 24V, Vag = 10V Gate-Source Charge Qes Ip=5A 11 nC Gate-Drain (Miller) Charge Qed 5 SOURCE-DRAIN DIODE RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS (Ta = 25C) CHARACTERISTIC SYMBOL TEST CONDITION MIN. | TYP. | MAX. | UNIT Continuous Drain Reverse Current IDR i i i 5) A Pulse Drain Reverse Current IpRP 20| A Diode Forward Voltage VpsFr |Ipr =5A, Vas =0V |-1.2 Vv MARKING ooo x Lot Number + TYPE TPC8004 [}- Month (Starting from Alphabet A) e Oy a Year (Last Number of the Christian Era) 2000-01-25 2/5TOSHIBA TPC8004 Ip - Vps Ip VDSs COMMON COMMON SOURCE SOURCE Te = 25C Te = 25C Z Z 1 a 8 & & A A Be te fe fe 5 5 2 o Zz g a = a a Vi 0 0.2 04 06 08 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE Vpg (V) DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE Vpg (V) Ip - Vas Vps Vas 12 COMMON SOURCE > COMMON SOURCE Vpg = 10V a Te = 25C ~ 10 w a $ > a = ka g E B fg nt mS 6 om ~ : Z 4 2 < % A 2 Te = 55C a S aad Ta = 25C NN a Z 0.8 uu po NUN 3 10 4 : N = Es * SINGLE N 2 0.1 NONREPETITIVE PULSE Ss Ta = 25C ~*~ 0 00.5 Curves must be derated 25 50 15 100 125 150 00.3 linearly with increase in temperature. Vpss MAX. CHANNEL TEMPERATURE (INITIAL) Te, CC) 0.01 0.01 0.03 O01 0.3 1 3 10 30 100 DRAIN-SOURCE VOLTAGE Vps (V) BYDSS 15V IAR Jl N -15V | /\\ ee ee TEST CIRCUIT WAVE FORM Peak IAR = 5A, Ra = 252 i . BVDSs Eag=> -L-E- ) Vpp = 24V, L=1.0mH AS= 9 Bypss VoD 2000-01-25 5/5