For more information www.linear.com/LT8584
This reduces errors due to input offset in the measure-
ment circuitry connected to the OUT pin. It also allows
the use of low-value resistors, and thus, yields greater
overall efficiency.
For accuracy, the VIN pin should be tied to the VSNS pin to
include both the LT8584 bias current and the internal NPN
base drive current. Tying the VIN pin to the VSNS pin changes
the overall gain to 20x. Tying the VIN pin to the VCELL measures
transformer current only and the overall gain remains 19x.
The VSNS amplifier has a –30mV to 70mV dynamic input
range. Internal filtering and circuit architecture allows ac-
curate measurements even when the input current contains
negative components. The VSNS amplifier requires that the
average input current remain positive. VVIN – VOUT is not
allowed to exceed 1V during VSNS measurement to guarantee
that both VFAULT and VSW,ERR are deterministic. This sets the
maximum average input range, VVCELL – VVSNS, to 50mV.
Die Temperature Output
The user can also monitor the die temperature by se-
lecting either MODE 3 (discharger enabled) or MODE 4
(discharger disabled). The voltage VVCELL – VOUT, VTEMP,
is proportional to the absolute temperature in degrees
Kelvin. Thus, the user needs to take two measurements
to calculate the die temperature. Temperature data gives
the user a second means to verify if the discharger is on
as well as to monitor environmental conditions. VTEMP is
not allowed to exceed 1V (equivalent to 180°C)1 to make
both VFAULT and VSW,ERR deterministic.
The following equation is used to determine the internal
die temperature in degrees Celsius:
TJ(°C) =
where VTEMP = VVCELL – VOUT and expressed in volts.
Although the absolute die temperature can deviate from
the above equation by ±25°C, the relationship between
VTEMP and the change in die temperature is well defined.
The offset error can be calibrated out using an accurate
system temperature monitor like that in the LTC680x family
of parts. There is also a small VVCELL dependence on VTEMP
which can be corrected using the following expression:
TJ,CORR (°C) = TJ,CAL + (4.2V – VCELL) • 2°C
where TJ,CORR is the corrected die temperature and TJ,CAL
is die temperature calculated from the previous equation.
Serial Mode Differential Measurements
All parameters including handshake voltages, VSNS, and
VTEMP are extracted differentially by taking two sequential
measurements and doing a subtraction. Figure 7 shows
the method for extracting a given parameter, VPAR, from
the highlighted LT8584. The LT8584 directly below the
LT8584 under measurement must be forced to select
VCELL (MODE 0) and becomes the negative reference for
both sequential measurements.
Table 2. MODE Selection During Differential Measurements
Handshake Voltage MODE 0
During Decode
VTEMP, Balancer Enabled MODE 1 MODE 3
VTEMP, Balancer Disabled MODE 0 MODE 4
Selecting VCELL for the first measurement is performed
by entering either MODE 0 (balancer disabled) or MODE 1
(balancer enabled). Use Table 2 to determine which VCELL
to reference for a given parameter. All measurements
are taken after the decode window has expired, unless
otherwise noted.
VPAR = 1st Measurement – (2nd Measurement)
The LTC6803’s channel above the channel under measure-
ment will have a voltage higher than a standard cell, VCELL
+ VPAR, see Figure 7. The LT8584 was architected to protect
the LTC6803’s ADC inputs and to guarantee that they well
never be stressed beyond their absolute maximum rating.
DCHRG Output
The DCHRG pin allows the LT8584 to operate several dis-
chargers in parallel. The DCHRG pin goes high when the
switch enable latch is set. The DCHRG pin can be used to
directly drive the DCHRG pin of another LT8584 configured
in simple mode (MODE pin connected to VIN) or to directly
drive the shutdown pin of another power converter. It has
the ability to sink or source currents up to 300µA.
1 Not verified during production testing.